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“A Brief Note on Periodic Table”

By: Saad bin Habib (FA19-BSO-064)

To: Sir Hamid Ali




Elements are building blocks of this world. There are 118 natural occurring elements on earth.
Each with their own name and behavior. The discovery and research of these elements, echoed
the creation of the periodic table. The periodic table is the most important tool in chemistry. It
has helped and made scientist work much easier and efficient in discovering new elements and
their related phenomenon. It has made the study of chemistry systematic and much easier for
students and researchers. In this assignment, we will look at the history, structure and
importance of the periodic table.

Explanation of The Periodic Table?

What is the periodic table? To put it simply, the periodic table is a graphical representation of
elements, placed according to their increasing atomic number. It arranges all of the known
chemical elements in an informative array. The periodic table was made after enough elements
were discovered that their organization was necessary, and when a periodic relationship was
discovered among element`s properties. The purpose of the periodic table is to provide

information about the existing elements and predict the yet-to-be-discovered ones (8 th period

The current used periodic table is termed as the modern periodic table. It is shaped like a table
and contains all 118 elements, 18 groups and 7 periods. It is shaped like a table, and the
elements are represented by their own symbols. Despite some compromises, the modern
periodic table does a fine work in representing, informing and predicting the properties of
different elements.

History of Periodic Table:

During the course of 19th century, new elements were being discovered. By 1809, 47 elements
were discovered and 56 elements were discovered by 1863. Scientist were beginning to see a
pattern in their characteristics. Recognizing this pattern, Dimitri Mendeleev in Russia (1869) and
Lothar Meyer in Germany (1870), independently made their periodic table. Mendeleev was one
step ahead of Meyer, as his periodic table can predict the properties of missing elements like
gallium and germanium. By 21st century, it was clear that the periodic relationship involved
atomic numbers rather than atomic masses. This proposal was checked experimentally by
Henry Moseley (1913), using X-ray spectroscopy. After this, the elements were organized and
arranged according to their atomic numbers. After a few modifications, the current periodic
table was formed.

Principle of Modern Periodic Table:

I mentioned before that the elements in the modern periodic table are arranged according to
their increasing atomic number. But what is exactly the working principle or reason for doing
so? Well, the elements are arranged this way, based on the principle that elements repeat their
properties periodically when arranged periodically in groups and periods, according to their
atomic number. This is also known as the periodic law. Most of the characteristics and
properties of an elements (metallic character, conductivity, reactivity, etc.) is based on their
electronic configuration, which itself is based on their atomic number. This way, we are able to
arrange the elements in a way that allows us to predict their properties and chemical reactions.

Structure of Periodic Table:

Now that we have discussed the history and principle of the periodic table, let’s look at the
actual structure of the periodic table. Here we will look at the actual arrangement of the
elements in the periodic table, and it`s division into groups and periods.
Representation of element in the periodic table:
Let’s observe the representation of
elements in a periodic table. The elements
in the periodic table are represented by
their specific symbol. The symbol can be
the first letter, or the combination of its
first two or three of the element`s name.
For example, ‘Hydrogen’ is represented by
the symbol ‘H’. ‘Lithium’ is represented by
‘Li’. Some elements are also represented
by their Latin names. For example, ‘silver’
is represented by the symbol ‘Ag’ derived
from the Latin word ‘argentum’. These common system of symbols
prevents scientists of different languages in confusing the elements.
The element`s symbol also gives additional information about the
elements. The first part shows the element`s atomic number, the
next shows the symbol, and last part shows the atomic mass or
molar mass of the element.
Arrangement of elements in the periodic table:
All 118 elements of the world are arranged and organized in the best and simplest way
possible, in order to give the most information about the elements and their properties.
There are two ways by which elements are categorized in the periodic table:

1. Groups: Groups are vertical columns of the periodic table. The elements are organized
according to the number of electron present in their outer most shell. Each element of a
group has the same number of valence electrons. A group starts from the top and
extends all the way to bottom. Because most chemical properties are based on the
outer shell electrons, elements of a group repeat their chemical properties at a regular
interval, down the group. Same holds true for the different trends of the periodic table.

There are total 18

groups in the periodic
table. The traditional
US system involves
using two different
symbols ‘A’ (s and p
block elements) and ‘B’
(d and f block
elements). The first
two groups are termed
‘1A’ and ‘2A’, and the
last six groups
represents groups from
‘3A’ to ‘8A’. The middle
section uses he symbol ’B’ to group the remaining transition elements into 10 groups.
However, to avoid confusion, the IUPAC (International Union of Pure and Applied
Chemistry) decided to make the 1 to 18 labeling system the new official system. Many
periodic table shows both system side by side, as shown in the diagram present at the
first section.

The following shows an overview of the 8 main groups of the periodic table:
i. Group 1A: Elements of this group is most commonly known as Alkali metals. The
elements of this group contains one electron in their outer most shell. These
elements are mostly soft metals, which are highly reactive with water. Excluding
hydrogen from this group, the group start at atomic number 3 (Lithium) and
ends at atomic number 87 (Francium). Hydrogen is not included in this group (or
any other group), because its properties does not fit the trend of the periodic
table. Elements of this group can be checked by using flame test.
ii. Group 2A: The elements of this group are known as Alkaline earth metals. They
are also metals and are have properties similar to alkali metals. The elements of
this group contains two valence electrons. The group starts at atomic number 4
(Beryllium) and ends at atomic number 88 (Radium).

iii. Group 3A: This is the 13th group, according to the official IUPAC system. Elements
of this group start from atomic number 5 (Boron) and ends at atomic number
113 (Nihonium). The elements of this group contains three electrons in their
outermost shell.
iv. Group 4A: This is 14th group. Elements of this group start at atomic number 6
(Carbon) and ends at atomic number 114 (Flerovium). The elements of this
group contains four electrons in their outermost shell.
v. Group 5A: This is 15th group. Elements of this group start at atomic number 7
(Nitrogen) and ends at atomic number 115 (Moscovium). The elements of this
group contains four electrons in their outermost shell.
vi. Group 6A: This is 16th group. Elements of this group start at atomic number 8
(Carbon) and ends at atomic number 115 (Livermorium). The elements of this
group contains four electrons in their outermost shell.
vii. Group 7A: The elements of this group are called as Halogens. The elements of
this group contains five valence electrons. They are highly reactive poisonous
gases, which can be harmful and even lethal to organisms, if taken in sufficient
quantities. These are mainly used as disinfectants. This group starts at atomic
number 9 (fluorine) and ends at atomic number 117(Tennessine).
viii. Group 8A: The elements of this group are known as noble gases. The elements
contain a complete outer shell, with eight electrons, except Helium (which
contains two electrons). These elements are highly unreactive and stable due to
their complete electronic configuration. Due to this status, they are termed as
noble gases. This group starts at atomic number 2 (Helium) and ends at atomic
number 117 (Oganesson).

2. Periods: Periods are horizontal rows of the periodic table. Elements are organized
according to the highest unexcited electron energy level it attains in ground (unexcited
state). Each element in the same period shares that energy level, and shared the same
number of sub-shells. The
number of elements increases
in a period, moving downward,
as the number of allowed
electron in each sub-shell
increases, as atomic number
increases. As you move from
left to right in a period, the
element gains an electron and
becomes more non-metallic

and less reactive. There are total seven periods in the periodic table, which contains all
natural occurring elements.

The following shows an overview of the different periods of the periodic table:
i. Period 1: This period contains 2 elements (Hydrogen and Helium). This period
does not follow the octet rule.
ii. Period 2: This period contains 8 elements (From Li to Ne). The period starts at
atomic number 3 and ends at 10. These elements contain s – p orbitals.
iii. Period 3: This period contains 8 elements (From Na to Ar). The period starts at
atomic number 11 and ends at 18. elements.
iv. Period 4: This period contains 17 elements (From K to Kr). The period starts at
atomic number 19 and ends at 36. This is first period containing d – block
v. Period 5: This period contains 18 elements (From Rb to Xe). The period starts at
atomic number 37 and ends at 54.
vi. Period 6: This period contains 32 elements (From Cs to Rn). The period starts at
atomic number 55 and ends at 86. First period contains f – block elements. This
period also contains the Lanthanides series.
vii. Period 7: This period contains 32 elements (From Fr to Uno). The period starts at
atomic number 87 and ends at 118. All elements are radioactive and are the
heaviest metals of the periodic table. Contains the Actinides series.

Trends of The Periodic Table:

So far we have discussed the structure of the periodic table and it`s working principle. Now, we
are able to discuss in details the different trends of the periodic table, followed by the

What is a periodic
If we observe the
behavior of elements
across a period or
down a group, we can
see that their
properties repeat a
regular pattern. These
patterns are known as
periodic trends, and

they repeat themselves across their respective period. These trends unable us to predict the
chemical properties of an unknown or undiscovered element.
Key periodic trends:
The following are the main 7 trends of the periodic table:
I. Atomic radius: It is the distance of a valence electron in the outermost shell, from the
nucleus. The atomic radius of an element increase down the group from top to bottom,
due to increase in number of electronic shells. While it decreases across a period, from
left to right, due to increase in the effective nuclear charge (hold of the nucleus on the
valence electrons), which shrinks the atomic radius.
II. Valence electrons: The electrons present in the outermost shell of an atom is called its
valence electron. It increases across a period, and remains constant down a group.
III. Ionization energy: The energy required to remove an electron from the outermost shell
of an atom is called its ionization energy. It increases across a period, because of the
increase in atomic number (and the number of electron) of the atom. This causes the
nucleus to attract the valence electron more strongly, which increases the energy
required to remove it. The ionization energy decreases down a group, due to the
increase in shielding effect. The number of electronic shell increases down the group,
which decreases the hold of the nucleus on the valence electron. This decreases the
energy required to remove it from the atom.
IV. Electronegativity: The ability of an atom to attract the outmost electron, during
chemical bond formation, is called its electronegativity. Generally, it increases across
the group, due to increase in effective nuclear charge. While it decreases down a group,
due to increases in the number of electronic shells. Fluorine is believed to be the most
electronegative element, due to its small size.
V. Electron affinity: It is the measure of the energy released when an atom forms a
negative ion. Electron affinity increases across a period. The reason being that the
atomic radius decreases across a period, which increases the hold of a nucleus on the
valence electron. So the incoming electron is bounded more strongly, and releases more
energy. While on the other hand, the electron affinity decreases don a group, du rot
increase in atomic side. Chlorine is said to have more electron affinity than fluorine, due
to the repulsion generated in the structure of fluorine.
VI. Chemical reactivity: Chemical reactivity is the measure of how much vigorously an
element reacts with another element, during a chemical reaction. While the concept of
chemical reactivity varies from element to element, a rough idea can still be obtained
from the periodic table. Reactivity generally increases down the group and decreases
across a period.

VII. Metallic and non-metallic character: It is the ability of an atom to lose their valence
electrons and form free ions. This trends also governs the electric conductivity of an
element. The more metallic an element, the more it will be able to conduct electricity.
Metallic character increases down a group, and decreases across a period. While non-
metallic character decreases down a group, and increases across a period.

Importance of Periodic Table:

If we look at the history of the periodic table, we can see that it has gone many changes and
different iterations over the course of time. But, the importance of the periodic table has not
been changed or diminished since when it was first design by Dimitri Mendeleev.
In the end, I want to close this assignment by highlighting the importance of the periodic table.

When the periodic table was first conceived, its two main functions were to predict the
element and organize them in a concise and meaningful way. Before the natural occurring
elements were discovered, the periodic table was able to predict the properties of the
elements, through the gaps left in the table. This made scientist work much easier and efficient.
After their discovery, the elements were able fill in the gaps in the table. In order words, they
were able to organize themselves automatically and follow the trends of the groups and
periods they were present in.
Speaking purely of information, the periodic table has made the work of memorizing and
working incredibly easier for modern students and scientist. Rather than learning every
element and their facts, we only to need to glance at the periodic table. A periodic table gives
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us information like the atomic number, atomic mass, and typical charger of an element. By
observing the position of the particular element, we can also predict it`s characteristics like
conductivity, metallic or non-metallic, soft or hard, and about its reactivity.
The periodic table also helps us in balancing chemical equations, and in predicting the behavior
of an element in a chemical reaction.

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