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Question Bank

Organisational Behaviour
BCA 203 N
Anshika Tiwari
Unit 1
Long questions
1. What is organisational behaviour? Explain its concept.
2. "Organisational behaviour is interdisciplinary in nature ". Explain.
3. What is the nature and scope of Organizational Behaviour
4. Explain models of Organizational Behavior
5. What are the objectives of Organisational Behaviour
6. Hawthorne studies and their significance.
7. Principles of scientific management.
8. Contingency theory of management.
9. Do you think the knowledge of OB is required by a manager? Justify with examples.
10. What is the effect of culture on an organization?
11. Why one person is more effective in one organization as compared to an other organization?
12. How has globalization affected organisations and what is the impact on behavior of
13. "Organisational behaviour has its roots in various disciplines". Explain.
14. The demography of the employees is changing nowadays. What is its effect on
organisational behaviour?
15. Compare the autocratic model with the supportive model.

Short questions
1. MBO
2. Custodial model
3. Globalization
4. Administrative management
5. Cultural diversity

Unit 2
Long questions
1. What is the concept of perception? How is it formed?
2. Does perception about a person affect his/ her behaviour towards that individual? How?
3. Can anyone control the way they perceive others? If yes, suggest the ways to make it
4. Describe the determinants of perception.
5. "Perception affects the working style and behaviour of an employee ". Comment.
6. What is stereotyping? How does it affect the perception about an employee?
7. What is attitude? Explain its components.
8. Describe the theory of cognitive dissonance.
9. What are values? Differentiate between personal and organisational values.
10. Explain why motivating employees has become more challenging in recent years?
11. Discuss the different types of motivation.
12. "Motivation is an instinct or an inner urge to respond to a situation." Explain.
13. Explain Maslow's theory of motivation. How can this theory help managers in motivating
14. "Motivation is the core of management". Comment.
15. Distinguish between theory X and theory Y of motivation.
16. Compare and contrast Maslow's theory of motivation with Herzberg's two factor theory.
17. Is money the only incentive behind human motivation? What are the other incentives?
18. What is job satisfaction? Briefly outline the factors affecting it.
19. What are the consequences of satisfaction and dissatisfaction at workplace?
20. What is the significance of job satisfaction at the workplace?

Short questions
1. Halo effect
2. Stereotyping
3. Importance of perception
4. Selective perception
5. Negative motivation

Unit 3
Long questions
1. What is personality? Describe factors affecting it.
2. What are the determinants of personality?
3. Discuss the Big 5 trait theory.
4. Describe the Psychoanalytic theory.
5. "People believe that biological factors are important in determining the personality of a
person ". Comment.
6. Myers Briggs Type Indicator is a tool to assess personality. How does it work?
7. Distinguish between Type A and Type B personality.
8. Besides the Big 5, what other personality traits are relevant to OB?
9. Under what conditions do you think extraverts make more effective leaders than introverts?
What unique abilities of introverts make them more effective in some situations?
10. What is Johari window? How can we assess personality using it?
11. What is locus of control?
12. Differentiate between internal and external locus of control.
13. Discuss the pros and cons of internal and external locus of control.
14. What kind of locus of control should an employee ideally have? Discuss.
15. Does the locus of control determine the personality of a person. Discuss.

Short questions
1. Id
2. Extraversion
4. Traits
5. Locus of control

Unit 4
Long questions
1. What is stress? What are its types?
2. What are stressors? Explain their types.
3. What are the symptoms of stress?
4. What can an organisation do to help its employees overcome stress?
5. What are the various ways to manage stress?
6. Can stress be beneficial for an employee? Support your answer with appropriate examples.
7. What are the consequences of stress?
8. How can an organisation ensure a stress free environment for its employees?
9. What can be the possible reasons of stress for individual employees?
10. What is employee counselling? What are its objectives? How can it help in reducing stress?

Short questions
1. Burnout
2. Fatigue
3. Organisational stressors
4. Eustress v/s Distress
5. Role ambiguity and role conflict

Unit 5
Long questions
1. What is a group? Give its characteristics.
2. Explain various types of groups.
3. Describe the phases of group development.
4. What are the reasons for forming a group?
5. Differentiate between a group and team.
6. What are formal groups? Differentiate between formal and informal groups.
7. What is group dynamics?
8. The outcome of a group is greater than the sum of individual effort. Comment.
9. What are the characteristics of an effective team?
10. If you were to get a project completed, would you form a group or team? State reasons.
11. What is leadership? What are its elements?
12. What are the various styles of leadership?
13. What are the characteristics of an effective leader.
14. Distinguish between a leader and manager.
15. What are the styles of leadership according to Renesis Likert?
16. Are the traits of leadership innate or acquired? Justify your answer.
17. Differentiate between transactional and transformational leadership.
18. "Leadership is situational". Comment on this statement.
19. Is a leader born or made? Justify your views with contemporary examples.
20. Write Short Note on:
a. Free-Rein Leadership b. Task group

Short questions
1. Group cohesiveness
2. Group norms
3. Charismatic leadership
4. Team building
5. Reference group

Unit 6
Long questions
1. What is conflict?
2. What are the sources of conflict?
3. "Conflict is inevitable ". Justify the statement.
4. Are there any levels of conflict? Explain.
5. Describe the process of conflict.
6. What are the characteristics of conflict?
7. Differentiate between functional and dysfunctional conflict.
8. What can be the consequences of conflict on an organisation?
9. What are the intentions of conflict?
10. What strategies can be utilized to resolve conflict?
11. What is a grievance? Give its types.
12. What are the causes of grievance?
13. Distinguish between dissatisfaction, complaint and grievance.
14. How can grievance affect an organisation and its employees?
15. Describe the process of handling grievance.

Short questions
1. Intergroup conflict
2. Collaborating v/s compromising
3. Arbitration
4. Positive outcomes of conflict
5. Group grievance

Last modified: 01:13





1. “Since Behavior is generally predictable, there is no need to formally study OB”.

2. What are the three levels of analysis in OB Model? Are they related? If so, how?
3. Define OB and explain the history and developments in the field of OB?
4. Discuss the various cognitive functions like intelligence, creativity and problem solving.
5. What do you understand by Learning? Explain the process of learning with example.
6. Explain the importance of organizational behavior in the field of management.
7. Explain the theories of learning with an example.


1. Most People believe that biological factors are important in determining the personality
of a person” Comment on this statement by taking various biological factors relevant for
personality and their impact.
2. How does perception affect the organizational processes? What role does perception play
in the field of OB?
3. What do you understand by attitude? Discuss the various components of attitude with
4. Differentiate between attitude, behavior, values and perception.
5. Discuss the various factors affecting the perception of employees in an organization.
6. Explain the various theories of personality with their implications in the field of


1. Motivation is a product of values one seeks and ones estimation of the probability that a
certain action will lead to these values. Discuss the idea contained in the statement.
2. What can the management do to satisfy the various levels of workers as shown in
Maslow’s Model?
3. “Expectancy theory is one of the most complex intricate and logical theories of
motivation” Examine the truth in this statement.
4. Compare and contrast Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs theory with Herzbergs two factor
5. Write short note on:
a) Theories of Motivation
b) Importance of Motivation.
6. Does Motivation come from within a person or is it a result of the situation? Explain.
7. Why people behave differently? What role a motivation plays in an organization?


1. “Leadership is the process by which an executive directs, guides and influence the work
of other” Explain. Also discuss the significance of leadership in management.
2. “A good leader is not necessarily a good manager” Discuss this statement and compare
leadership with management.
3. “Leader effectiveness is contingent upon whether the style used in appropriate to the
demands of the situation.” Critically examine the leadership theory that advocates this
4. “Most effective leaders show great concern for both the task and people” Comment on
the validity of the statement providing a theoretical framework
5. What is the managerial grid? Contrast its approach to leadership with the approaches of
the Ohio State and Michigan Groups.
6. Develop an example in which you operationalize the path-goal theory.
7. Write Short Note on:
a. Free-Rein Leadership
b. Managerial Grid
c. Behavioral approach to leadership.
8. Is leader a born or made? Justify your views with contemporary examples.
9. Explain the contingency theories of leadership with example.
10. Discuss the role and functions of a leader in an organization.
1. The focus of OD is on Organizations and making them functions better, that is, on total
system change’. Elaborate the comment. 2. What are the goals of an OD program? 3.
Organizational Development is all about change. Explain how OD practices help in
bringing about change in the Organization.
2. Discuss the approaches and implementation process of organizational development.
3. What are the basic functions of organization culture? Describe the basic element and
determinants of organization culture?
4. What is OD Intervention? Discuss any two types of Intervention and there significance to
the organization.
5. How does organization culture create its impact on workforce? Suggest measures for
developing organization culture?
6. How does a strong culture affect an organizations efforts to improve diversity?
7. How to create and sustained a good organization culture?
8. What do you mean by organization Culture? Why culture is important in an organization?
9. How employees learn culture? What are the factors affecting organizational culture?
10. What do you understand by organizational politics? Discuss the causes of politics in an
organization with example.
11. Write a short note on Impression Management and Defensive Behavior.


1. “People resist change for the sake of resistance” Comment

2. “Change is highly important to the success of an organization but many people have the
tendency covertly to resist it” Explain this statement and point out the reasons for
resistance to change.
3. “Resistance to change is an irrational response” Do you agree or disagree? Explain.
4. Discuss the change and its effect on employees and organization? Discuss how a manager
manages change effectively?
5. “Even organizations which we consider to be ideal ones are not free from conflicts” Can
you apply your theoretical knowledge to explain how conflicts arise in any organization”.
6. Are conflicts functional or dysfunctional? Is elimination of all conflicts possible? Why?
7. Explain the nature and sources of conflict in the organization?
8. “Both too low and too high levels of conflict have deleterious effects on organization
performance” Discuss.
9. Discuss conflict resolution techniques? What are the strengths and weaknesses of each?
10. Discuss the current applications and future trends in OB.
B.V. Patel Institute of Business Management, Computer & Information
Technology, Uka Tarsadia University
Question Bank 030030401: Organizational Behaviour – Interpersonal Aspects

Unit -1 Group Dynamics

Answer the following. (1 mark)
1. What is a group?
2. State any two characteristics of group.
3. List any two reasons for group formation.
4. Give Robbin’s definition of group.
5. List major types of groups in an organization.
6. Describe the concept of ‘empowerment’ in the context of group.
7. Explain formal group.
8. Give any two examples of formal group.
9. Explain the decision making function of groups in an organization.
10. Write the name of that group where two or more individuals join together as a group due
to the official job structure and relationship in the organisation.
11. Write the name of that group which is created to accomplish a short-term task and then
12. Write two characteristics of members of a task group working together.
13. What is a task force?
14. What is meant by project group?
15. What role is played by committee members?
16. Write one example each of a committee in a manufacturing organization and your college.
17. What kind of authority is enjoyed by committee members?
18. State two classifications of formal group.
19. What are the different types of task group?
20. Give two examples of a command group.
21. Name that group which gets formed out of social alliances. Also, state one important
characteristic of such group.
22. List different types of informal group.
23. List classification of cliques.
24. What is meant by vertical cliques?
25. What is the hierarchical level of members of a vertical clique?
26. Give any two examples of a friendship group.

B.V. Patel Institute of Business Management, Computer & Information
Technology, Uka Tarsadia University
Question Bank 030030401: Organizational Behaviour – Interpersonal Aspects

27. List some of the common characteristics of individuals who form a friendship group.
28. How interest groups are formed?
29. Give an example of interest group.
30. What is a reference group?
31. List advantages of formal groups.
32. State group formation stages.
33. Why is it said that groups are effective problem solving tools?
34. Which stage of group development is characterized by orientation and acquaintance?
35. Which stage of group formation is characterized by uncertainty and confusion about the
group’s purpose, structure and leadership?
During which stage of group formation social behaviour are a mixture of hostility and
strong feelings?
36. State two causes of conflict during the forming stage of group formation.
37. What is emphasized during the ‘adjournment’ stage of group formation process?
38. Which kinds of group do not adjourn?

Briefly answer the following. (2 marks)

1. Define group?
2. What are the functions of group in an organization?
3. Why is it said that one of the reasons for joining a group is the feeling of security to its
4. How groups provide recognition and status to its members?
5. How groups prove useful towards goal accomplishment in an organization?
6. Write any four characteristics of informal groups.
7. What are the different types of informal groups? Explain any one form of a clique?
8. What are the characteristics of the members of a horizontal clique?
9. What is meant by group cohesiveness?
10. State three important functions performed by groups in an organization.
11. How groups prove useful in socialization of new employees?
12. How groups facilitate task accomplishment?

B.V. Patel Institute of Business Management, Computer & Information
Technology, Uka Tarsadia University
Question Bank 030030401: Organizational Behaviour – Interpersonal Aspects

13. Explain permanent and temporary group.

14. What is a task group?
15. Distinguish between a task force, a committee and a project group.
16. Explain the meaning and concept of command group.
17. Explain the concept of informal group.
18. Explain horizontal cliques with an example.
19. Explain vertical cliques with an example.
20. Explain random cliques.
21. How random or mixed cliques are formed?
22. List ways in which formal groups act as a useful tool to the organization.
23. Explain the concept of friendship group and reference group.
24. Explain the differences between formal and informal groups on any of the following
Their objectives and source of creation
Structure and emphasis
Influence and leadership
Control, communication and interpersonal relations
25. Explain group stages and their main characteristics.
26. How does a formal group facilitate individual development?
27. Write important features of forming stage of a group.
28. What characterizes the norming stage of group formation?
29. What happens to be the main focus of members during the performing stage of group
30. List any four important features of the storming stage of group formation.
31. State the salient features of:
a. Norming stage of group formation
b. Performing stage of group formation
32. Explain the term ‘adjournment’ in the context of group formation stage.
33. Name different stages of group formation and write the characteristics of every stage.

B.V. Patel Institute of Business Management, Computer & Information
Technology, Uka Tarsadia University
Question Bank 030030401: Organizational Behaviour – Interpersonal Aspects

Answer the following (limit 250 words). (5 marks)

1. ‘Groups are essential mechanisms of socialization and a primary source of social order’ –
2. Write a short note on formal group.
3. Write a short note on different types of informal groups.
4. Why do people join group? Differentiate formal and informal groups?
5. Highlight the advantages of formal and informal groups in organizational context?
6. Explain the process of groups formation in an organization.
7. How formal group differs from an informal group? Throw light on the advantages of
informal group in an organization.

Answer the following (limit 500 words). (10 marks)

1. Discuss how a formal group differs from an informal group. Also highlight the merits of
formal and informal group in an organisation.

B.V. Patel Institute of Business Management, Computer & Information
Technology, Uka Tarsadia University
Question Bank 030030401: Organizational Behaviour – Interpersonal Aspects

Unit 2 – Team Building

Answer the following. (1 mark)
1. List any one characteristic of an effective team.
2. List two important behaviors of individuals composing a team.
3. What elements constitute support from the organization that fosters team work?
4. What behavior or actions of team members demonstrate the existence of a climate of inter
personal trust in a team?
5. State two important forms of rewards that stimulates effectiveness in a team.
6. Write two important/significance interpersonal skills of the members of an effective team.
7. How do team members ability to complete each other task determine effective /success of
a team?
8. What is meant by member preferences in high performing teams?
9. What does different alphabet TEAM signify?
10. List/state any two process variables relating to team effectiveness.
11. List any one important factor which contributes significantly to contextual influence
according to Robbins?
12. What should be the size of ideal team?
13. List any one ‘C’ and its meaning that characterizes the best team.
14. List any one potential team role and its meaning.
15. State distinguishing features of teams.
16. List any one personality attribute of members of an effective team.
17. What is the significance of high interdependence in an effective team?
18. What is the significance of work-flow grouping in an effective team?
19. What is the significance of differentiated skills and abilities in an effective team?
20. What is meant by ‘member preferences’ in high performing teams?
21. List any one process variable relating to team effectiveness.
22. State different areas of team work that require continuous evaluation and monitoring.

B.V. Patel Institute of Business Management, Computer & Information
Technology, Uka Tarsadia University
Question Bank 030030401: Organizational Behaviour – Interpersonal Aspects

Briefly answer the following. (2 marks)

1. Throw light on leadership and structural aspect of a productive team.
2. List any two characteristics possessed by an individual team member in a team as told by
3. What is meant by cohesive function in a team?
4. What are the characteristics of an empowered team?
5. Define team.
6. Write two examples of behavior of team members that demonstrate existence of cohesion
among them.
7. How does the right mix of ability of member determine the effectiveness of team?
8. How does role allocation determine the effectiveness of team?
9. Why do members of effective team respond voluntarily to the demands of the job and do
not wait for someone to give orders.
10. What are the drawback of large team?
11. Explain the term collective responsibility in the context of a productive team.
12. List any four characteristics of team.
13. What is influence?
14. List process variables relating to team effectiveness.
15. ‘In effective teams the spirit of we-ness exists’- explain.
16. List any four characteristic of productive team.
17. List any four potential team roles.
18. How the right mixes abilities of members determines the effectiveness of a team?
19. How role allocation determines the effectiveness of a team?
20. List nine potential team role of team members and write functions of any two roles.

Answer the following (limit 250 words). (5 marks)

1. Define team. What kinds of individuals compose an effective team? Also, highlight
distinguishing features of a team.
2. What factors characterized effective teams? Explain any one of them.
3. Write a short note on measure to build effective team.
4. Team building requires good communication skills- verbal, listening and others- explain.

B.V. Patel Institute of Business Management, Computer & Information
Technology, Uka Tarsadia University
Question Bank 030030401: Organizational Behaviour – Interpersonal Aspects

5. What measures are required to build an effective team?

6. ‘Team building requires good communication skills- verbal, listening and other’- Explain.
7. How does team differ from work group?
8. Explain the role of team leader in an organization.
Explain the significance of team leaders in effective teams.

B.V. Patel Institute of Business Management, Computer & Information
Technology, Uka Tarsadia University
Question Bank 030030401: Organizational Behaviour – Interpersonal Aspects

Unit 3 – Conflict Management

Answer the following. (1 mark)
1. Name any one type of conflict.
2. Name any one type of conflict handling intention.
3. List any one circumstances when conflict is constructive and functional.
4. List any one circumstances when conflict is constructive and dysfunctional.
5. What is win-win conflict outcome?
6. What is win-lose conflict outcome?
7. What is lose-lose conflict outcome?
8. What is lose- win conflict outcome?
9. On what basis conflict is called either functional or dysfunctional.
10. At what level of conflict maximum organizational performance occurs.
11. In reality what do most organizations do in case of a conflict?

Briefly answer the following. (2 marks)

1. Define conflict in your own word.
2. What is meant by conflict?
3. List any two circumstances leading to conflict in an organization.
4. List any two causes of conflict in work situation.
5. What is task conflict?
6. What is process conflict?
7. What is relationship conflict?
8. List the stages of process of development of conflict.
9. Give an example which shows that there is a close relationship between conflict and
organizational performance.
10. Draw the diagram showing the relationship between conflict intensity and outcomes.
11. Write any two advantages due to which conflict is called functional.

B.V. Patel Institute of Business Management, Computer & Information
Technology, Uka Tarsadia University
Question Bank 030030401: Organizational Behaviour – Interpersonal Aspects

Answer the following (limit 250 words). (5 marks)

1. List the five stages of process of development of conflict. Explain the intention stage
along with any other stage of your choice.
2. Distinguish between functional and dysfunctional conflict.
3. A minimum level of conflict is good for an organization- Illustrate.
4. Discuss the outcomes of conflict.
5. Briefly discuss the process of development of conflict.
6. What causes conflict in works situation? Explain task conflict, process conflict and
relationship conflict.
7. ‘There is a close relationship between conflicts and organizational performance’-
8. Why do most experts today view conflict as a potentially useful aspect of an

B.V. Patel Institute of Business Management, Computer & Information
Technology, Uka Tarsadia University
Question Bank 030030401: Organizational Behaviour – Interpersonal Aspects

Chapter: 4 Conflict Resolutions

Answer the following. (1 mark)
1. What barriers cause conflict from frustration?
2. What kind of behaviour is demonstrated by a person experiencing conflict from
3. Write an example of approach-approach conflict.
4. Where does the inconstancy occur in intra sender conflict?
5. When does an overload role conflict occur?
6. Name the level of conflict when the conflict is within an individual.
7. Name the level of conflict when the conflict is between individuals.
8. Name the level of conflict when the conflict is within the group.
9. Name the level of conflict when the conflict is between groups.
10. Why does inter role conflict arise?
11. What causes a person role conflict?
12. Write the other name intergroup conflict.
13. Name/State two types of intra group conflict.
14. Why do intra group conflicts take place?
15. What is the basis of substantive type of intra group conflict?
16. What is the basis of affective type of intra group conflict?
17. What is meant by intra personal conflict?
18. What are the three different types of intrapersonal conflict?
19. State the types of conflict that should be encouraged and diffused by a manager.

Briefly answer the following. (2 marks)

1. Name any two forms of intra individual conflict.
2. Explain conflict from frustration.
3. Explain - approach-approach conflict.
4. Explain - avoidance – avoidance conflict.
5. Explain - approach – avoidance conflict.
6. When does role conflict arise?
7. Write any two effects of role conflict.

B.V. Patel Institute of Business Management, Computer & Information
Technology, Uka Tarsadia University
Question Bank 030030401: Organizational Behaviour – Interpersonal Aspects

8. How interpersonal conflict occurs?

9. What causes intergroup conflict?
10. What is meant by intergroup conflict?
11. What level of intergroup conflict is considered constructive? Why?
12. Write an example of intra sender role conflict.
13. Write an example of inter sender role conflict.
14. Write an example of inter role conflict.
15. Write an example of person role conflict.
16. What should be done by a manager to remove an employee’s conflict due to
17. How can role conflict be resolved?
18. Herbert has enlisted five type of role conflict name any one of them.
19. Write an example of overload role conflict.
20. What type of conflict should be encouraged

Answer the following (limit 250 words). (5 marks)

1. Write a short note on role conflict.
2. Distinguish between intra group conflict and intergroup conflict.
3. What strategies should be adopted to resolve intra personal conflict?
4. Briefly explain different strategies that can be useful in resolving interpersonal
5. Briefly explain different strategies that can be useful in resolving intra personal
6. Briefly explain different strategies that can be useful in resolving inter group conflict.

Answer the following (limit 500 words). (10 marks)

1. Explain the five conflict management style. Also, highlight situations where each
style useful.
2. Discuss the managerial implication of existence of conflict in an organization.


Q1. “OrganisationalBehaviour represents interactions among indiviuals, groups and the

organization.” Elicidate this statement.”
Q2. “Since OrganisationalBehaviour is common sense, there is no need to study it formally”.

Q3. State the principles of “Supportive Relationship” given by RensisLikert and give the features of
supportive model.

Q4. Explain the concept of Personality and how they shape the behavior of children.
Q5. “Job related attitudes are significant for understanding organisational behavior.” Explain
Q6. Explain the concept of Cognitive Dissonance. What factors determine an indiviuals desire to
reduce dissonance.
Q7. What is Job satisfaction? What factors determine Job Satisfaction?
Q8. “Reinforcement theory of learning is at the root of behaviour modification,” Examine this
Q9. Explain with examples the concepts of cognitive and social learning. What is the relevance of
social learning in modern organization.
Q10. How does selectivity affect perception? Give an example how selectivity can create perceptual
Q11. What is Emotional Intelligence and why is it important in an organization.
Q12. Distinguish between Maslow’s Need Hierarchy theory and Herzberg’s two factor theory.
Q13. What is free rein leadership? Distinguish between Autocratic and democratic leadership.
Q14. “Effective leadership is a function of three factors: the leader, the led and the situation” Discuss

Q15. Discuss the nature and significance of organizational climate. Describe the relationship
between organizational culture and organizational climate.
Q16. Define Planned change. Explain the steps involved in the process of planned change.

Q17. “People sometimes resist change for the sake of resistance.” Comment
Q18. Describe Managerial Grid. How can it be used for imparting training in leadership.

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