Sales Management Assignment 2 20192 25005

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Name: Muhammad Danial Shad

STD ID: 20192-25005

Subject: Sales Management
Instructor: Sir Mansoor Kabani

Q#1: Why do you think selling cars has changed in the ways it has? Cite factors that could have been
behind these changes?

Ans.: With the passage of time, the usage of cars has transformed from just being a mode of
transportation into a sign of social status and luxury. Due to this, the cost associated with purchasing a
motor vehicle has increased too as people are more and more conscious about after sale services
attached with purchasing a car. Following are a few factors that have changed the ways of car selling:

- Brand Value:
The cost of purchasing a motor vehicle has increased significantly. With brand value associated
with car manufacturers, the brand name also has an important role to play. The salesperson has
to justify how the brand name of the car with fulfil the social need of the purchaser and the
prestige the purchaser would feel after making that purchase. An example of it is Rolls Royce
and Bentley, where these two brands have established themselves to an extent that they are
now synonymous to royalty and grandeur.

- After Sales Services

With the amount of resources spent on purchasing a car, a purchaser now expects the company
to provide them with efficient after sales services. The sellers have to now go an extra mile to
ensure that they are able to provide the top of line after sale services to their purchasers so that
the brand loyalty of the purchaser increases.

- Social Media Engagement

With the evolution of the digital age, the gap between a consumer and a seller has minimized
with the introduction of social media. The customer having a clear voice to raise his concerns
through social media, a seller has to make all the necessary efforts to satisfy a customer, in
order to make his sale, so that no negative reviews and comments are invited on the company’s

Q#2: Obtain promotional literature from an automobile dealer in your town. On what selling features
does the literature focus? Is customer service emphasized.

Ans.: An interview with a salesperson representing Suzuki Khalil Motors in Gulistan-e-Jauhar Al Hilal
Society, revealed that Suzuki places a very high emphasis on their customer services, after sale services
in particular. The promotions involved the provision of extra discounts on labor charges and part
charges for customers who purchased their Suzuki car from their dealership.

Furthermore, the salesperson was also willing to make an extra effort in order to provide certain
complementary accessories with the car, in the form of floor mats, seat covers, car interior freshener
etc. in order to ensure that customer service is the top priority and the purchasing decision of the
customer is well fulfilled.

Q#3: Besides automobile sales, what are some other types of selling that have been criticized for the
unethical behavior of salesperson?

Ans.: The unethical behavior of salesperson is mostly witnessed in sales of anything involving
technology. Misrepresentations are made in terms of the extent of need and the purposes that it can
fulfil. Salespersons tend to overstate the need, luring the customer to purchase an item which is way out
of the usage bucket and making an expensive buying decision. In addition to that, warranty terms are
not well defined and communicated, which results in the discrepancies in terms of after sale services.

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