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Name: Muhammad Danial Shad

STD ID: 20192-25005

Sales Management Assignment

The Role and Competencies of Medical Sale Representatives

Similar to any other business in the industry, sales are an integral part for an entity’s growth. The role of
a medical sales representative in a pharmaceutical industry is that of a core vehicle who tends to roll in
the numbers for the entity through customer engagement and need identification for the product on
offer. The generation of a reasonable sales number requires a medical sales representative to perform
certain roles, which in turn converts his or her efforts into sale numbers.

A medical sale representative must ensure that proper relationship is maintained with the target
audience in order to ensure that the product and services on offer are tailored as per the needs and
wants of the customer. These involves gathering proper knowledge of the sales territory designated to
him and the proper knowledge of the customer to whom the product is offered. A medical sales
representative must be aware of the nature of the medical product which he is offering and the nature
of the doctors, physicians and retail outlets to whom the offering is being made. Incentives must be
offered to physicians to ensure that the prescription has the name of the medicine offered by the
medical sale representative and a healthy relationship is maintained with the doctor, retailer and the

Once the sales process is complete it is important for a medical sales representative to ensure that the
availability of the product in the retail market and to submit management information reports regarding
the overall progress on the sales performance and the availability of the product. In addition to that,
proper marketing strategies must be implemented regarding the product, along with relevant customer
education initiatives.

In addition to the above mentioned roles, a medical sale representative must be enthusiastic about his
work. With a good, presentable physical appearance, he should exhibit high levels of integrity and good
communication skills with an approach focused on achieving the best results for the entity. This is only
possible when the medical sale representative is well equipped with the knowledge of the product on
offer, knowledge of the customer and the knowledge of the competitor operating in the market, with
the relevant product on offer. The medical sales representative must be a good negotiator to find the
deal which is feasible for both the customer and the company. Must possess good listening skills with a
fighting attitude.

Sources of Sales Personnel Recruitment and Evaluation of their effectiveness

The sources of recruitment of sales personnel varies on the basis of the nature of the company itself and
the product this is planning to offer in the market. In the given case, the company under discussion is a
pharmaceutical, whereby offering medicines and other goods relating to medical sciences. Therefore, it
would require to recruit personnel who are equipped with the knowledge of medicine and the use of
the medicinal products.

Following are the sources which can be used for the sources of sales personnel recruitment:
Most companies have a career tab on their website, companies can place a vacancy on their website for
the recruitment of the sales personnel. Placing a vacancy on the website can help in gaining credible
resumes for the position.

Campus Recruitment Visits

The on-campus recruitment drives are best suited for entry level positions and for the identification of
candidates who wish to make a career in marketing and sales.

Recruitment Consultants
The recruitment consultants have a database of candidates having different competencies and
educational credentials. Hiring a recruitment consultant can help in the entire process being streamlined
from resume screening to clear dissemination of information of job role, job description, skill
requirement, competency etc.

Employee Referrals
In a specialized industry like a pharmaceutical, hiring professional sales personnel is an uphill task.
Employee referral is an important tool to recruit potential sales personnel, as employee refers an
individual whom he deems has the required skill set to meet the sales requirement of this entity.

Recruiting Sales Persons from Other Companies

Finding the best profile in terms of sales personnel in a specialized industry like a pharmaceutical can be
difficult. Therefore, hiring an experienced candidate from another company can help in answering the
questions surrounding the importance of the recruitment of sales candidates.

Internal Recruitments
Being a medical sales representative requires an in depth knowledge of the medicine and the effects
that it has on the user. The professionals who are involved in the manufacturing of the product have an
in depth knowledge of the product on offer. Internal transfers can be a good option for the company to
capitalize on recruiting sales personnel sufficing the need of customer and product knowledge.

Benefits of Sales Training and Processes in Pharmaceutical Selling

The training is one of the most important aspects of selling. Training a sales force involves equipping the
sales team with the proper knowledge of the company, the product on offer and the customer base.
Having this knowledge will provide the confidence to the sales personnel to pitch his idea and product to
the customer, which will help in building better customer relationship which will translate into better
sale numbers and a higher job satisfaction which will motivate the sales person to walk an extra mile to
achieve results for his company. Following are the processes that are required to followed when it
comes to the development of processed in pharmaceutical selling:

- Identify the need for training and assess the type of training required to be conducted. Whether
the sales personnel require the understanding of the product, market or the customer to whom
the product is required to be offered;
- Develop the training program, in order to convey the specific message to the target audience.
Once the training program is developed, convey the training program. It is important to note the
intrinsic and extrinsic cost of conducting the program to ensure proper results.
- Assessment of the results of the training is as important as the training itself. Assess the results
in terms of numbers and participant’s performance to note the effectiveness of the conducted

Evaluation of Sales Performance

The evaluation of the sales performance of sales personnel can be carried out on the basis of his output
goals or input goals. Output goals refer to the measurement of the performance of the sales personnel
in terms of his sales revenue or sales targets achieved during the period. While input goals refers to the
performance of the internal job responsibilities in the form of formation of reports, presentations,
addition to business, which pertains to the more on the role aspect of the job.

The use of output goals as an evaluation criterion is very simple and straightforward, as the performance
in terms of numbers is easily measurable by the appraiser, however the complete dependence on
output goals as a criterion can lead to the sales personnel engaging in malpractices to reach numbers,
which can result in a great loss of clientele for the company in the long run.

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