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 Faith—A Spiritual Principle! 

"Where is boasting then? It is excluded. By what law? of works? Nay: but by the
law of faith" (Romans 3:27).

F aith is the spiritual principle by which we live in the Kingdom of God. It’s a law
that nullifies or exclude boasting. In other words, when it comes to the things of
God, you can’t pride yourself in your human qualifications. You mustn’t think you’d be
successful in God or experience His best because you’re good, kind and have a wonderful
behaviour. Someone may say, “Well, I believe God is pleased with me because I’m
morally upright.” The Bible says such boasting is excluded by the law of faith.
When it comes to walking by faith, your self-righteousness doesn’t count. It has nothing
to do with how good and nice you are, or how well you behave. Understand something:
bad things do happen to good people who aren’t walking by faith!
People who receive the short end of the stick in life are often well behaved, very good
and religious folks. Many of them experience hard times in their finances, marriage,
academics, job, or business. I would to God they would realize that faith is the victory!
That’s the principle by which you must live in order to experience the wonderful blessings
God has ordained for you in life. For example, it’s God’s greatest desire for you to
prosper and live in divine health. But you’re not going to experience divine health or
financial prosperity just because you’re morally upright. It will take believing and acting
on God’s Word for it to happen.
You must exercise absolute trust and confidence in God’s Word. That’s faith! It is
believing and accepting that whatever God says is, is! It’s accepting that you’re whatever
He says you are and you have whatever He says is yours, and acting like it’s true! It is
the principle by which we live in the New Testament. I’ve written a book titled “How To
Make Your Faith Work!” I recommend that you get a copy; it will help you further
understand how to operate by the principle of faith.


F U RT H E R S T U DY : G A L AT I A N S 3:11; P H I L I P PIANS 3:7-9

 89  Faith

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