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MCQs. Subject South Asian Literature, BS English Semester 07.

Instructor Pro: Faisal Jahangeer

1. Which major British literary prize did the novel win in 1997?
  a. Nobel Prize for Literature
b. Whitbread Book of the Year
c. Booker Prize
d.  Orange Prize for Fiction

2. Where in India is most of the story set?

b.  Kerala
c.  Rajasthan
d. Kashmir

3. How were the main characters Estha and Rahel related?

 a. They were married
b.  They were not related, but they were friends
 c. They were cousins
 d. They were twins

4. Who was Baby Kochamma?

a.  Estha and Rahel's cousin from England
b. Estha and Rahel's grandmother
c. Estha and Rahel's great aunt
d. Estha and Rahel's mother

5. Why was Estha 'Returned' to his father after Sophie Mol's death?

a.  His mother said he needed a father

b.  Baby Kochamma and Mammachi refused to accept him in the family any
c. He was blamed for Sophie Mol's death
d. All of these reasons

6. What political party features in the novel?

a.  Democratic Party
 b. Socialist Party
c.  Communist Party
d.  Indian Congress Party

7. Chacko was Estha and Rahel's uncle. Which of these statements is

not true about his life?
 a. He was a member of the Communist Party
b. He blamed himself for Sophie Mol's death
c. He married an Englishwoman, Margaret
d. He went to university in England and became a champion rower

8. The novel centres around the tragic death of Sophie Mol, and its
consequences. How does she die?
a. She drowns by accident while the children are running away from home
b. She drowns when Estha pushes her out of the boat they are playing in
c. She is murdered
d.  She is attacked by an elephant

9. Why is Velutha beaten to death by the police?

a. He was blamed for Sophie Mol's death
b. Because of his caste and his politics
c. All of these reasons
d. He has been having an affair with the children's mother

10. What movie do Estha and Rahel enjoy seeing for the second time
in Abilash?

a. Mary Poppins
b. The Sound of Music
c. Bambi
d.  ET

11. -interviews baby kochamma on teh night velutha dies

a. Baby Kochamma
b. Inspector Thomas Mathew
c. orangedrink lemondrink man
d. Kochu Maria
12. Rahed and Estha's uncle, Mammachi's son now a communist took over paradise
pickles & preserves father of Sophie Mol
i. Father Mulligan
ii. Arundati Roy
iii. Ammu
iv. Chacko
13. -Estha and Rahel's father alcoholic never appears in novel
i. Mammachi
ii. Kuttappen
iii. Rahel
iv. babu
14. -Estha's twin 7 and 31
i. Estha
ii. Rahel
iii. Kuttappen
iv. babu
15. crazy homeless man
i. Murlidharan
ii. Kochu Maria
iii. Vellya Paapen
iv. Baby Kochamma
16. . More than anything, this is a novel about
a. Family
b. Friendships
c. Women
d. Marriage
17.  The characters are constantly coming up against the forces of
a. Satan
b. God
c. Nature
d. Society
18. . What is not linear?
a. Space
b. Time
c. Society
d. The future
19. . Asking the question, "Who am I?", is which theme?

a. Fear
b. Love
c. Identity
d. Mortality
20. . At the beginning, who is going to die?

a. Rahel
b. Esthappen
c. Ammu
d. Sophie Mol

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