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Aura Yuliana Silva Guzman

Sena Tecnico en cocina

▪ Handwashing
▪ Always when we are at work, many times due to stress we forget to perform this
important action. If we wash our hands, we can prevent the spread of diseases such as
the transmission of it to our colleagues.
▪ Be ordered
▪ It is one of the most important factors when we talk about occupational hygiene. We
have to avoid leaving the items in our office on the floor and picking them up to
promote a healthy habit, as well as preventing our colleagues from tripping over them.
▪ Clean equipment
▪ We must try to be clean in our workspace. Although many times companies have hiring
cleaning professionals, it is worth being able to be organized with our things and keep
them in good condition. In the long run we will appreciate it.
▪ Clean clothing
▪ We must try to make us hygienic by dressing. An image says more than a thousand
words, and the image that we show to our colleagues is important to be able to show an
occupational hygiene and a better appearance.
▪ Changes of clothes as many times as necessary.

▪ Light colors in the chosen model.

▪ Comfortable, non-slip footwear, easy to clean and


▪ Hats to collect hair.

▪ Masks in environments with sanitary hygiene risk.

▪ Gloves on specific occasions and not

recommended for working with food, especially
▪ The clothing can vary considerably
according to place or company and in
some countries the usual uniform is usually
something like:
▪ White long-sleeved shirt.
▪ Bow tie or bowtie.
▪ Black pleated trousers.
▪ Black socks.
▪ Black shoes (dress).
▪ Neat, shaved, neat hair, short nails and
clean hands.
▪ You must carry an identification plate.
▪ No accessories
▪ Sleeveless black jacket.
They usually carry basic tools like a corkscrew or
opener and pen with them. In certain places, extra
elements can be added such as a stone, a
commander or a POS as well as an apron or a
bracelet indicating being head of section. Some
establishments make use of cash payment by the
waiter for the drinks requested from the barman:
customers pay the waiter for the drinks in cash, the
waiter returns the change to the customer on the
spot and each new order of drinks requested from
the barman, must pay them before leaving with
them to serve them to clients, forcing themselves to
carry a money fund for payment operations with the
client. At the end of the day, the waiter delivers the
fund to the bartender or bar manager.
▪ This group includes the set of instruments,
furniture and special equipment found within a
restaurant, which are available to the staff
working in the restaurant to carry out their tasks.
▪ In turn, it is made up of 6 large groups:
▪ 1. Furniture
▪ 2. Lingerie
▪ 3. Cutlery
▪ 4. Glassware
▪ 5. Earthenware
▪ 6. Miscellaneous accessories
It is the set of furniture found inside the
restaurant, which fulfills two main
functions: Comfort for the client, and *
Help the dining room staff.
The furniture is subdivided into four large
TABLES: Which in turn are subdivided into
Tables for clients and tables for service.
▪ It is the set of pieces made with different
types of fabrics and of various sizes and
colors, which are used to provide the service
within the restaurant
▪ } The lingerie of a restaurant consists of:
▪ } Fleeces
▪ } Tablecloths
▪ } Table covers
▪ } Napkins
▪ } Lito (service cloths)
▪ } Skirts and Lace
▪ It is the set of pieces made of
different materials, shapes and
sizes that are used in the
restaurant for the consumption
of the different dishes that are
offered. Silver and stainless
steel are the most used
materials in the elaboration of
these utensils.
▪ It is the set of pieces made with
different types of materials (ceramic,
porcelain, clay, etc.), and of various
shapes and sizes used in a restaurant to
serve food. The USNA 008 standard,
requires that the restaurant tableware
must be in perfect condition (without
breaks or scratches).
▪ In this group you will find the necessary
material for the service of drinks in the
dining room and in the bar. Its design and
style obey the classic characteristics
according to the different drinks, of varied
shapes and sizes.
▪ In our language there is a difference
between glass and crystal. A good crystal
has a sonorous timbre. The glass sounds
opaque. The difference between glass and
crystal can be seen because glass is more
transparent and does not have bubbles.

▪ This is divided into three main groups:

▪ Cups
▪ Glasses
▪ Jugs

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