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Assessment Criterion 2.

Analyze the forces shaping the HR agenda

Introduction to business and HR context:

Our organization is a recycling company. It is a private based sector with almost 150 employees
working in our organization. Our organization recycle different kind of materials that includes
plastic, scrap metals, steel, paper, aluminum. We buy materials from suppliers recycle them and
export them out, locally and globally to different parts of the world. Hierarchical structure of our
organization consists of CEO, managers, sales officers, foreman, supervisors and workers. HR
team consist of HR manager and two HR executives. The work which they do is related to day-
to-day work, recruitment process, interviews, process payroll, update policies, and maintain
employee record and trainings. HR work is limited in this organization.

Michigan Model:

Michigan model focuses on business strategy and perceives employees as a resource to help
the organization achieve its goals. It is a five-step model. Selection, performance and appraisal,
reward, and development. To achieve goals set by organization right selection of employees
plays a big role. Our aim as a HR is to select employees that can meet the requirement of jobs
that are needed at the organization like selecting drivers to transfer materials, Workers to do
various jobs. selecting those employees that can help increase overall performance of the
organization. At the end of each individual probation period HR team reviews performance of all
the selected employees through a performance appraisal form that is distrusted to the
supervisors to fill it accordingly how they rank their performance. According to that HR decide
whether employee deserve a reward or needed furthermore development to progress.
Incentives are given to the deserve ones so they can work hard that can lead to increase in
production which can help organization, and if the individual is not up to the mark, he goes
through development process. If employee has to go through development process somehow it
indicates selection process has to be reviewed. By this model we can assure that the
performance of the individuals meets the company requirement and that lead in achieving goals
set by organization.


1- Organizational Culture: Basically, organizational culture is how things are carried out
within a business like how employee communicate, there shared values, belief, and
habit within an organization and how things can be done in business. No matter what
type of culture it is HR has to adjust positively to it. Knowing the culture make easy for
HR to formulate HR policies and strategies. HR agenda is impacted by organizational
culture.HR plays a role in forming organizational culture to make business more
productive. HR do have a demanding role to play in organization culture as it is the
employees who work for organization, who improve a particular culture of the
organization. Organizational culture has a direct impact on HR exercises like
recruitment, selection and training.

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