Block Works Method Statement: Revision History

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Contract No.: CA-680-CNP-082020 Doc. No.

: CEC-CP-1
Rev. No.: a Date Issued: 28 OCT ,2020

Block works

Rev. No. Revision Information
Rev. 0 First Issue

Action by Name Designation Signature

Prepared Site Team

Reviewed QA/QC Manager

Approved Project Manager

Contract No.: CA-680-CNP-082020 Doc. No.: CEC-CP-1
Rev. No.: a Date Issued: 28 OCT ,2020

TABLE OF CONTENT ………….............................................................................................................2
1. OBJECTIVE...................................................................................................................................3
2. MATERIALS...................................................................................................................................3
3. RESPONSIBILITIES......................................................................................................................3
4. HANDLING AND STORAGE.........................................................................................................4
5. SAMPLING ...................................................................................................................................4
6. TOLERANCE IN BLOCK WORK..................................................................................................4
7. PREPARATORY WORK................................................................................................................4
8. LAYING BLOCK MASONRY.........................................................................................................5
9. MORTAR OF CONSTRUCTION....................................................................................................3
10. JOINING OF DISSMILAR MATERIALS........................................................................................3
11. JOINTS..........................................................................................................................................3
12. LINTELS........................................................................................................................................4
13. PRECAUTION TO BE TAKEN .....................................................................................................4
6. TOLERANCE IN BLOCK WORK..................................................................................................4
7. PREPARATORY WORK................................................................................................................4

1. Objective
This Method Statement defines the sequence and describes the control procedures to be followed for  Architectural
Finishes – Plastering Work for NON PROCESS FACILITY PROJECT -NPF, The purpose of this Method Statement is
to establish the rules to complete blockworks, and related items such as stiffners and lentels. This method statement
covers:ScopeThis work procedure covers Concrete Block masonry work to be executed in the substructures/super
structures of different buildings as specified in the approved drawings.
2. Materials

Contract No.: CA-680-CNP-082020 Doc. No.: CEC-CP-1
Rev. No.: a Date Issued: 28 OCT ,2020

3.1 Concrete Blocks (Including Hollow Block, Solid Block and Insulated Block all sizes): Blocks shall be regular in
size & shape and shall be of specified strength & quality conforming as per approved specs.
3.2 The texture of the blocks shall be such that plaster will adhere to it. They shall be sound, free from cracks,
honeycombing, broken edges and other flaws. They shall have plane rectangular faces with parallel sides and sharp
straight angled edges. They shall have a fine, compact, uniform texture and thoroughly dried.
3.3 Cement: as per approved specifications.
3.4 Sand: as per approved specifications.
3.5 Water: Water used for masonry shall be clean and free from injurious amount of deleterious materials.
3.6 Jointing Mortar: Mortar application as per manufacturer recommendation.
3.7 Dimensions and Mix Proportions: As per the approved specifications.

1. The site Engineer shall be responsible for the overall implementation of the Company safety &
Quality Plan and ensure efficient execution of work following Project specifications.

2. QA/QC team shall oversee all the activities, whether all are executed as per the Project Quality
Plan and Specifications.

3. The construction manager shall be responsible to give correct instructions to Supervisor

Implementing the project quality and safety plan.

4. The supervisor shall monitor the execution of all works, Foreman shall lead the workforce and
workmanship during the execution of the work.

5. QC Supervisor shall ensure that all works are carried out as per IFC with Project QC Inspector
for inspection.

6. QC Inspector shall ensure that all works are carried out as per IFC drawings, project
specifications, and standards.

7. Helpers /Laborers: Perform tasks involving physical labor at building, assist the skilled workers,
remove the trash, and residual building debris.

4. Handling and Storage

4.1 Transporting Concrete blocks in such a manner that the units are adequately protected during transportation.
The units shall be handled in a manner, which will prevent soiling, chipping or damage of any kind. Broken, chipped
or otherwise damaged units will be rejected and shall not be used in the work.
4.2 The blocks shall be stored in a place, which shall not be disturbed or damage by construction activities.

Contract No.: CA-680-CNP-082020 Doc. No.: CEC-CP-1
Rev. No.: a Date Issued: 28 OCT ,2020

5. Sampling
5.1 A sample of blocks shall be taken from every consignment of 30000 blocks of the same size, batch and
manufacturer for conducting tests for Quality Department.
5.2 All blocks shall be checked for dimension and inspected for visual defects, and to send it for laboratory for
testing the compressive strength.
6. Tolerances in Block work
As per approved specifications.

7. Preparatory Work
a- Mark on the surface to establish the wall lines to attain proper layout of block work & maintain mark till the first
course is fully laid.
b- Scrub & clean with proper tool, Hack the concrete surface where new block work is to be done.
c- Before commence block work, check reference point such as bench mark, damp proof course level, lintel level,
bed block level, cross beam level etc. & be sure where to terminate the top most block course, after the same is
studied in detail as stated above.
d- Mix quantity of mortar, which will be consumed in next 2 hours only. Mixing shall be done with proper
measurement of ingredients. Mixing platform must be clean.
e- These blocks need not be wetted before or during the laying in the walls; in case the climatic condition so
required, the top and the sides of the blocks may be slightly moistened so as to prevent absorption of water from
the mortar and ensure the development of the required bond with the mortar.

8. Laying Block Masonry

a- Proper hacking shall be done for all concrete surfaces before starting of the job.
b- Each block shall be set with bedding joints and vertical joints filled thoroughly.
c- The wall shall be taken up truly plumb. All courses shall be laid truly horizontal and vertical joints truly vertical.
d- Vertical joints in alternate courses shall come directly over the other. Thickness of the block courses shall be kept
e- The base layer of the block work shall be done with cement mortar of approved mix to align the undulations & to

Contract No.: CA-680-CNP-082020 Doc. No.: CEC-CP-1
Rev. No.: a Date Issued: 28 OCT ,2020

maintain the top-level uniform.

f- From the second layer, the joint thickness in between blocks and above layers shall be around 3mm with
approved make adhesive.
g- Excess mortar coming out on the edge to be taken by trowel & buttered to the cross directional joint or head joint
surface of the next block being laid.
h- Use straight edge & sprit levels on the top of the blocks laid & check the top level. Make sure that the spirit level
is in working condition & read the bubble carefully.
i- Repeat the above points for building more courses. After every two courses of block work laid, check the
verticality & level by plumb bob and level tube, sight down the wall.
j- Blocks can be easy cut/sawn, drilled, nailed and routed at site using recommended tools. Cutting of blocks can
be done by using suitable cutting machine.
k- Necessary tools comprising of wooden straight edge, mason's spirit level, square, foot rule, plumb line and pins
etc. shall be frequently and fully used by the masons to ensure that the walls are taken up true to plumb line and
levels. All the connecting block masonry work shall be carried out at nearly one level and no portion of work shall
be raised more than 1m above the rest of work. Any dislodged block shall be removed and reset in fresh
l- The construction of walls may be started either at the corners first, or started from one end and proceeding in the
other direction. If the corners of the walls are built first, they shall be built four or fine courses higher than the
centre of the walls.
m- As each course is pre-laid at the corner, it shall be checked for alignment, level and for being plumb to ensure
truly straight and vertical walls.
n- Each course in building shall be stepped back by half block and the horizontal spacing of the block shall be
checked by placing a mason's level diagonally across the corners of the block, the mason's line shall be
stretched from corner to corner for each course and the top outside edge of each block shall be laid to this line.
Handling or gripping the block shall be such as to position the block properly with minimum adjustment.
9. Mortar for Construction
The recommended mortar mix for construction, mortar shall not be spread so much ahead of the actual laying of the
blocks as it tends to stiffen and lose its plasticity there by resulting poor adhesion and bond. Mortar consistency to be
maintained at the time of laying block masonry.

10. Joining of Dissimilar Materials

All the contact surfaces should preferably be separated from those of dissimilar materials like concrete or steel, by

Contract No.: CA-680-CNP-082020 Doc. No.: CEC-CP-1
Rev. No.: a Date Issued: 28 OCT ,2020

filling with a resilient material along the contact area and edges filled with sealant. Provide chicken/ synthetic mesh firmly
over all dissimilar joints of concrete/block masonry prior to plastering. For external wall joints need to be grouted or properly
treated to avoid water ingress and crack formation.

11. Joints
a- Horizontal (bedding) joints: Adhesive shall be spread over the entire top surface of the block including front and
rear shall as well as the webs to a uniform layer of around 3mm thickness.
b- When filling in the wall between the corners Vertical (cross) joints for vertical joints, adhesive shall be applied on
the vertical edges of the front and rear shall the blocks.
c- The adhesive shall be applied on the edges of the succeeding unit when it is standing vertically and then placing
it horizontally well pressed against the previously laid unit so as to provide well compacted vertical joints.
d- The thickness of both horizontal and vertical joint shall be around 3 mm. Ranking & pointing is not required.
e- The face of concrete block masonry shall be kept cleaned and all adhesive droppings removed promptly.
f- All block work shall be plumb, square and properly bonded. The thickness of the courses shall be uniform with
courses horizontal.
g- All connected work shall be carried out at nearly one level and no portion of the work shall be left more than one
course lower than the adjacent work.

12. Lintels
Precast or cast –in-situ concrete shall be used in block masonry, over all openings as per approved specs.

13. Precautions to be taken for laying of Concrete Block Masonry:

 Do not store the blocks on un-levelled surface
 Do not use wet blocks for masonry construction
 Do not make the holes on block masonry for scaffolding supports
 Do not soak the blocks before use
 Do not hammer the block masonry for service lines, chases etc.

Contract No.: CA-680-CNP-082020 Doc. No.: CEC-CP-1
Rev. No.: a Date Issued: 28 OCT ,2020

 Do not completely wet the block masonry before plastering works.

9. Pre-Start Safety Briefing Arrangements

All workers Involved shall be equipped with adequate PPE as stated below:
1- Safety Helmet with Company Logo.
2- Safety Boots.
3- High Visibility Vest.
4- Safety Goggles.
5- Hand Gloves.
6- Coveralls.
7- Information to Personnel.
8- Safety Induction.
9- Job training.
10- Superintendents Notices/Memos.
11- Toolbox talks.
12- START Card.
13- Site-specific Risk Assessment shall be briefed to all personnel prior the commencement
of concrete works.
14- Special Safety Requirements: All necessary personal/protective equipment (PPE), as
well as the harness, be provided.
15- Banksman, wearing distinctive vests, shall be assigned to help operators maneuver their
16- The equipment operators shall possess the required licenses and certificates.
17- Generated dust (By end or equipment operations), shall be controlled by periodic water
18- The project safety officer is responsible along with the project zone site engineer for
ensuring that all operations are carried out with due regard to the safety of all project
personnel & property.
19- All working activity shall comply with Client Safety Procedure.
20- First Aid Material.
21- General management of protection/operation hazards is to be observed.
22- Emergency Procedures.
23- The Flowchart below shows the emergency contact number during work.

Contract No.: CA-680-CNP-082020 Doc. No.: CEC-CP-1
Rev. No.: a Date Issued: 28 OCT ,2020

24- Emergency Contact Numbers.

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