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Financial Analysis of Lucky Cements & Attock Cements.

A Report Submitted to
Sir Raghib Zafar
Vishal-6774 Avinash-6356 Engineer Lal-5938

A Report By VISHAL & Group

Financial Analysis of Lucky Cements & Attock Cements.

Table of contents

A Report By VISHAL & Group

Financial Analysis of Lucky Cements & Attock Cements.


Raghib Zafar

First of all we would like to thank Almighty GOD who enabled me to work on this
report. Then, we would like to show gratitude to my Teacher Raghib zaidi who
guided me in every phrase and help me out to prepare this report and also want to
thank all of my friends and group members who support me to complete this report
on time.

Sir. Raghib zafar we tried our level best to fulfill the requirement of course
Introduction to Business Finance, throughout during this report we learned how
we can find out the financial position of company & also we come to know the
standard format & steps.
We hope this report fulfill the requirements of course INTRODUCTION TO

Engineer Lal-5938

A Report By VISHAL & Group

Financial Analysis of Lucky Cements & Attock Cements.

Letter of Transmittal

May 09, 2012

Introduction to Business Finance

Raghib Zaidi
KASBIT (S.M.C.H.S campus)

Dear sir Raghib Zafar,

Subject: Group project on financial analysis
We feel enormous pleasure in presenting to you, the project report which is a part
of our course. We found this report truly challenging in many aspects, indeed very
interesting in relation to the various interpretational and engrossing exercises.
Writing this report is absolute learning experience for us.
This report is based on financial ratios of two companies comparing with the
industry average in which we have elaborate it in three levels profitability liquidity
& long term Solvency.
We have tried our best to complete this report to fulfill the course requirements.
Still, any explaining is needed, we would like to indebted. Kindly accept this

A Report By VISHAL & Group

Financial Analysis of Lucky Cements & Attock Cements.

manageable effort of bringing forward our final project report and Data on the
above subject.
Yours Sincerely,
VISHAL-6774 Avinash-6356 Engineer lal-5938


Company profile:

Lucky Cement Limited has been sponsored by Yunus Brothers Group (YB Group)
which is one of the largest business groups of the Country based in Karachi and
has grown up remarkably over the last 50 years. The YB Group is engaged in
diversified manufacturing activities including Textile, Spinning, Weaving,
Processing, Finishing, Stitching and Power Generation.

A Report By VISHAL & Group

Financial Analysis of Lucky Cements & Attock Cements.

Company profile:
Attock Cement Pakistan Limited (ACPL) is a public limited company, listed on the
Karachi Stock Exchange since June 2002. Main business of the company is
manufacturing and sales of cement. ACPL, is part of the Pharaon Group, which in
addition to investment in cement industry has diversified stakes in Pakistan mainly
in the oil and gas sector, power and real estate sector.

Balance sheet of attock cement ltd

A Report By VISHAL & Group

Financial Analysis of Lucky Cements & Attock Cements.

A Report By VISHAL & Group

Financial Analysis of Lucky Cements & Attock Cements.

Common size income statement of attock cement ltd

Common-size Income Statement of Attock Cement Pakistan ltd.

A Report By VISHAL & Group

Financial Analysis of Lucky Cements & Attock Cements.

Balance sheet of attock cement ltd

A Report By VISHAL & Group

Financial Analysis of Lucky Cements & Attock Cements.

A Report By VISHAL & Group

Financial Analysis of Lucky Cements & Attock Cements.

Common size income statement of attock cement ltd

A Report By VISHAL & Group

Financial Analysis of Lucky Cements & Attock Cements.


A Report By VISHAL & Group

Financial Analysis of Lucky Cements & Attock Cements.

Common size Income statement of lucky cement ltd.

A Report By VISHAL & Group

Financial Analysis of Lucky Cements & Attock Cements.

Balance sheet of Lucky cement Ltd.

A Report By VISHAL & Group

Financial Analysis of Lucky Cements & Attock Cements.

Common Size income statement of lucky cement ltd.

A Report By VISHAL & Group

Financial Analysis of Lucky Cements & Attock Cements.



Attock Cement Pakistan Limited

RATIOS 2008 2009 2010 2011
Current Ratio 1.5 2.43 2.62 1.7
Quick Ratio 1.09 1.89 2.278 1.31

In these the current ratio show how much company’s assets can be quickly convert
in cash to pay current liability and in Quick ratio stands that if we deduct inventory
from current assets then how it can be easily can be cash to pay current liability.

Attock Cement Pakistan Limited

RATIOS 2008 2009 2010 2011
Debt-equity Ratio 66.24% 45.94% 30.83% 33.53%
Debt to Assest 39.84% 31.48% 23.53% 25.12%
Equity to Assest 60.15% 68.52% 90.47% 74.88%
Average Collection Period 3.63 1.99 2.63 2.16
Inventory Turnover 9.49 9.44 15.59 12.61
Fixed Asset Turnover 1.15 2.05 1.82 1.6

These ratios are showing how much the company is taking risk and gearing the
business, and average collection period is showing in what time company collect
its credit sale amount and inventory turnover is showing how many times company
has sold its total inventory.

A Report By VISHAL & Group

Financial Analysis of Lucky Cements & Attock Cements.



Attock Cement Pakistan Limited

RATIOS 2008 2009 2010 2011
Gross Profit Margin 22.28% 31.83% 25.53% 20.23%
Operating Profit Margin 16.57% 24.77% 19.12% 12.38%
Net Profit Margin 8.69% 17.54% 13.09% 8.00%
Return on Asset 7.41% 21.41% 12.96% 8.84%
Return on Equity 12.32% 31.25% 18.60% 11.80%

These ratios showing that if sales increase/decrease by certain percentage so how

much it affect on profits of company.

A Report By VISHAL & Group

Financial Analysis of Lucky Cements & Attock Cements.




RATIOS 2008 2009 2010 2011
Current Ratio 1.09 0.86 0.71 0.88
Quick Ratio 0.99 0.73 0.65 0.77

In these the current ratio show how much company’s assets can be quickly convert
in cash to pay current liability and in Quick ratio stands that if we deduct inventory
from current assets then how it can be easily can be cash to pay current liability.



RATIOS 2008 2009 2010 2011
Debt-equity Ratio 45.51% 39.43% 34.49% 32.61%
Debt to Assest 45.51% 39.44% 34.49% 32.61%
Equity to Assest 54.49% 60.56% 65.50% 67.39%
Average Collection Period 15.29 1.26 11.45 8.59
Inventory Turnover 17.76 13.8 27.15 13.86
Fixed Assest Turnover 0.86 0.65 0.78 0.82

These ratios are showing how much the company is taking risk and gearing the
business, and average collection period is showing in what time company collect

A Report By VISHAL & Group

Financial Analysis of Lucky Cements & Attock Cements.

its credit sale amount and inventory turnover is showing how many times company
has sold its total inventory.




RATIOS 2008 2009 2010 2011
Gross Profit Margin 25.69% 37.26% 32.56% 33.48%
Operating Profit Margin 18.14% 27.41% 17.31% 19.84%
Net Profit Margin 15.79% 17.45% 12.80% 15.26%
Return on Assest 7.82% 11.97% 8.18% 9.64%
Return on Equity 14.35% 19.77% 12.50% 14.29%

These ratios showing that if sales increase/decrease by certain percentage so how

much it affect on profits of company.

A Report By VISHAL & Group

Financial Analysis of Lucky Cements & Attock Cements.


A Report By VISHAL & Group

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