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'Rem 1

HA(1) = "Choose the best answer." & vbCrLf & _

"While the men were diving in the ocean, they saw various amazing...........on the
TA(1, 1) = "cattle"
TA(1, 2) = "poultry"
TA(1, 3) = "creatures"
TA(1, 4) = "plans"
SA(1) = 4
DA(1) = 3
DiemA(1) = 1

'Rem 2
HA(2) = "The missing boy when found in a dark cave by rescuers was wandering in the
............ . He burst into tear when the first helper gave him a hand."
TA(2, 1) = "excitement "
TA(2, 2) = "happiness "
TA(2, 3) = "eagerness"
TA(2, 4) = "wilderness"
SA(2) = 4
DA(2) = 4
DiemA(2) = 1

'Rem 3
HA(3) = "Voyages are not my favourite. The dizziness and discomfort are common
symptoms that .......... brings back to the voyagers."
TA(3, 1) = "carsick"
TA(3, 2) = "seasick"
TA(3, 3) = "morning sick "
TA(3, 4) = "sick leave"
SA(3) = 4
DA(3) = 2
DiemA(3) = 1

'Rem 4
HA(4) = "I cannot imagine how we could survive without televisions or radios? What
would the modern world be like without such .......... means?"
TA(4, 1) = "relaxation"
TA(4, 2) = "telecommunication"
TA(4, 3) = "communication"
TA(4, 4) = "transport"
SA(4) = 4
DA(4) = 3
DiemA(4) = 1

'Rem 5
HA(5) = "Doctors advise that everyone should increase their .......... of fruits
and vegetables in their daily diet."
TA(5, 1) = "assumption"
TA(5, 2) = "suggestion"
TA(5, 3) = "nutrition "
TA(5, 4) = "consumption "
SA(5) = 4
DA(5) = 4
DiemA(5) = 1

'Rem 6
HA(6) = "Hamburger patties made from insect powder (mainly from worms or from house
cricket) and additional ingredients are the .......... of that Italian restaurant.
It is ordered by most diners and brings back the biggest part of its profit."
TA(6, 1) = "market leader "
TA(6, 2) = "best seller "
TA(6, 3) = "pioneer"
TA(6, 4) = "conquerer"
SA(6) = 4
DA(6) = 2
DiemA(6) = 1

'Rem 7
HA(7) = "Certain meats and vegetables can be .......... in an oven where food is
surrounded by hot air that gradually cooks from all sides. "
TA(7, 1) = "baked"
TA(7, 2) = "boiled "
TA(7, 3) = "stewed "
TA(7, 4) = "roasted"
SA(7) = 4
DA(7) = 4
DiemA(7) = 1

'Rem 8
HA(8) = "If you're .......... food at a high temperature, be careful. It's easy to
burn if you cook the food for too long."
TA(8, 1) = "baking "
TA(8, 2) = "grilling "
TA(8, 3) = "stewing"
TA(8, 4) = "boiling"
SA(8) = 4
DA(8) = 2
DiemA(8) = 1

'Rem 9
HA(9) = "Regularly playing sports allows you to .........the satisfaction of
developing your fitness and skills. "
TA(9, 1) = "gain"
TA(9, 2) = "look for "
TA(9, 3) = "remove"
TA(9, 4) = "release "
SA(9) = 4
DA(9) = 1
DiemA(9) = 1

'Rem 10
HA(10) = "One of the documents officially needed to get a passport for under 16 -
year - olds is the .......... because they are not old enough to have their own
identity card. "
TA(10, 1) = "birth certificate "
TA(10, 2) = "death certificate "
TA(10, 3) = "heath certificate "
TA(10, 4) = "achievement certificate"
SA(10) = 4
DA(10) = 1
DiemA(10) = 1

'Rem 11
HA(11) = "Thanks to the rapid technological development, precious medicines have
been successfully developed to cure such serious .......... as cancer. "
TA(11, 1) = "diseases "
TA(11, 2) = "treatments "
TA(11, 3) = "symptoms "
TA(11, 4) = "causes"
SA(11) = 4
DA(11) = 1
DiemA(11) = 1

'Rem 12
HA(12) = "Professor Morris is giving a the theatre lecture at 2p.m."
TA(12, 1) = "movie"
TA(12, 2) = "presentation "
TA(12, 3) = "play "
TA(12, 4) = "study"
SA(12) = 4
DA(12) = 2
DiemA(12) = 1

'Rem 13
HA(13) = "I need to apply for my course. Is this the .......... desk?"
TA(13, 1) = "reception"
TA(13, 2) = "information "
TA(13, 3) = "registration"
TA(13, 4) = "working"
SA(13) = 4
DA(13) = 3
DiemA(13) = 1

'Rem 14
HA(14) = "Any audience cannot help feeling moved when seeing the film in which a
hundred- year old actor made his great effort to play his final .......... ."
TA(14, 1) = "role"
TA(14, 2) = "part "
TA(14, 3) = "scene"
TA(14, 4) = "play"
SA(14) = 4
DA(14) = 1
DiemA(14) = 1

'Rem 15
HA(15) = "Diana knew that she was right and was determined to .......... up for
TA(15, 1) = "stay"
TA(15, 2) = "shout "
TA(15, 3) = "stand "
TA(15, 4) = "support "
SA(15) = 4
DA(15) = 3
DiemA(15) = 1

'Rem 16
HA(16) = "Our agents have informed us that............. of the containers were
damaged in " & vbCrLf & _
"transit. " & vbCrLf & _
TA(16, 1) = "much "
TA(16, 2) = "any "
TA(16, 3) = "one "
TA(16, 4) = "several"
SA(16) = 4
DA(16) = 4
DiemA(16) = 1

'Rem 17
HA(17) = "The ............ time for me to study is at night when my children go to
TA(17, 1) = "better "
TA(17, 2) = "more good "
TA(17, 3) = "good "
TA(17, 4) = "best"
SA(17) = 4
DA(17) = 4
DiemA(17) = 1

'Rem 18
HA(18) = "If your car is not fixed by the weekend, you can borrow pick up
your mother. "
TA(18, 1) = "mine"
TA(18, 2) = "any "
TA(18, 3) = "other"
TA(18, 4) = "some "
SA(18) = 4
DA(18) = 1
DiemA(18) = 1

'Rem 19
HA(19) = "We're studying English hard ......we want to pass the entrance exams to a
" & vbCrLf & _
"prestigious high school." & vbCrLf & _
TA(19, 1) = "so as to "
TA(19, 2) = "because of "
TA(19, 3) = "because "
TA(19, 4) = "so"
SA(19) = 4
DA(19) = 3
DiemA(19) = 1

'Rem 20
HA(20) = "You will be healthier if you ...a variety of food which is good for you,
such as fruits and vegetables."
TA(20, 1) = "eat "
TA(20, 2) = "ate "
TA(20, 3) = "had eaten "
TA(20, 4) = "eats"
SA(20) = 4
DA(20) = 1
DiemA(20) = 1

'Rem 21
HA(21) = "Keeping your brain active and trying do something new or be
creative will make you happier. "
TA(21, 1) = "learn"
TA(21, 2) = "to learn "
TA(21, 3) = "learning "
TA(21, 4) = "learnt"
SA(21) = 4
DA(21) = 2
DiemA(21) = 1
'Rem 22
HA(22) = "My friend, Lily, is addicted to too games. She can play for
hours every day."
TA(22, 1) = "much"
TA(22, 2) = "many "
TA(22, 3) = "enough "
TA(22, 4) = "little"
SA(22) = 4
DA(22) = 1
DiemA(22) = 1

'Rem 23
HA(23) = "We never thought the meeting would be so long and boring. Next time
let's make it shorter and more ............ ."
TA(23, 1) = "interested"
TA(23, 2) = "interest"
TA(23, 3) = "interesting "
TA(23, 4) = "interestingly"
SA(23) = 4
DA(23) = 3
DiemA(23) = 1

'Rem 24
HA(24) = "The person submitted your request is no longer in
charge of this section."
TA(24, 1) = "whom"
TA(24, 2) = "who "
TA(24, 3) = "where"
TA(24, 4) = "which"
SA(24) = 4
DA(24) = 1
DiemA(24) = 1

'Rem 25
HA(25) = "I left the coffee for a minute to cool because it
TA(25, 1) = "too hot "
TA(25, 2) = "hot too "
TA(25, 3) = "enough hot "
TA(25, 4) = "hot enough"
SA(25) = 4
DA(25) = 1
DiemA(25) = 1

'Rem 26
HA(26) = "Do you have .......information to help me with the problem? I find it too
difficult to do alone."
TA(26, 1) = "many"
TA(26, 2) = "too"
TA(26, 3) = "few "
TA(26, 4) = "enough"
SA(26) = 4
DA(26) = 4
DiemA(26) = 1

'Rem 27
HA(27) = "When I saw that Mike was having trouble, I .................him, which he
found really appreciated."
TA(27, 1) = "was helping "
TA(27, 2) = "were helping "
TA(27, 3) = "helped "
TA(27, 4) = "help"
SA(27) = 4
DA(27) = 3
DiemA(27) = 1

'Rem 28
HA(28) = "The car was easy to recognize, ...... it wasn't difficult for the police
to catch the thieves."
TA(28, 1) = "because"
TA(28, 2) = "that "
TA(28, 3) = "so "
TA(28, 4) = "but"
SA(28) = 4
DA(28) = 3
DiemA(28) = 1

'Rem 29
HA(29) = "Antonio Gaudi, the architect of Barcelona's Holy Family Church,
died before seeing ............ of the structure."
TA(29, 1) = "a completion"
TA(29, 2) = "the completion "
TA(29, 3) = "completion "
TA(29, 4) = "an completion "
SA(29) = 4
DA(29) = 2
DiemA(29) = 1

'Rem 30
HA(30) = "I bought this house in 1999, so I ............ here for more than fifteen
TA(30, 1) = "live "
TA(30, 2) = "was living "
TA(30, 3) = "lived"
TA(30, 4) = "have lived"
SA(30) = 4
DA(30) = 4
DiemA(30) = 1

HB(1) = "Reading passage 1: Choose the best answer" & vbCrLf & _
"Steven Panjani was robbing a bank, but he needed a bag for the money. He emptied
his sports bag and put the money in it. Unfortunately, he left several things in
the bank, including his wallet, a bank statement from the same bank, an
electric bill and his house keys. He left these on the floor of the bank and
was arrested twenty minutes later." & vbCrLf & _
"A woman in Sri Lanka went to a company and said she wanted to invest some money in
it. Then she gave them a fake $1 million credit card. These don't exist! The
manager called the police. Child robbed a sweet shop. He got a bag full of coins,
but he dropped them. He spent five minutes trying to pick them up and finished at
the same time as the police arrived." & vbCrLf & _
"A customer at a restaurant gave the waiter his coat, but left his wallet in it.
Later the waiter, Emilio Delgado, was found with $400 in cash from the wallet. When
arrested, Delgado said, 'It's a tip from a customer! I earned it this afternoon!'"
& vbCrLf & _
"Willy Finn booked into a US hotel and paid by cheque. That night he robbed the
reception. The police looked at his registration, saw his name and
address, went to his house and arrested him." & vbCrLf & _
"1. What is the main idea of the extract?" & vbCrLf & _
TB(1, 1) = "Some people who stole money made big mistakes."
TB(1, 2) = "Robbers often made mistakes."
TB(1, 3) = "Money takers always failed."
TB(1, 4) = "Robbers often failed to take money."
SB(1) = 4
DB(1) = 1
DiemB(1) = 1

'Rem 2
HB(2) = "Which of the followings is FALSE according to the extract? "
TB(2, 1) = "Emilio Delgado was a waiter."
TB(2, 2) = "Steven Panjani left two things in the bank he robbed."
TB(2, 3) = "The child who robbed a sweet shop was arrested after five minutes."
TB(2, 4) = "Willy Finn robbed the reception."
SB(2) = 4
DB(2) = 2
DiemB(2) = 1

'Rem 3
HB(3) = "What can be inferred from the extract?"
TB(3, 1) = "Money takers' mistakes may lead them to big troubles. "
TB(3, 2) = "Money takers never fail if they are smart."
TB(3, 3) = "Money takers may have problems with their family."
TB(3, 4) = "Money takers can be arrested if they spend that money."
SB(3) = 4
DB(3) = 1
DiemB(3) = 1

'Rem 4
HB(4) = "Reading passage 2: Choose the best answer" & vbCrLf & _
"Are you bored with your life or your job? Do you do the same things every day?
Perhaps it's time to look for something new. Every year, thousands of people dream
about changing their lives. Many want to give up their jobs and start a new career,
or move house or learn a new skill. Lots of people say they'd like to do something
different, like travel around the world, or move to a new country. But only a few
people actually follow their dreams. Around holiday time, a quarter of the
people in the UK think about changing jobs, but when the holiday
finishes, they just go back to work as normal. Others wait for an opportunity their
whole lives, but it never comes." & vbCrLf & _
"What is the main idea of the extract?" & vbCrLf & _
TB(4, 1) = "Many people get tired of their present job."
TB(4, 2) = "Many people can't follow their dreams."
TB(4, 3) = "Many people want to change their lives."
TB(4, 4) = "Many people want to move house."
SB(4) = 4
DB(4) = 3
DiemB(4) = 1

'Rem 5
HB(5) = "Which information is NOT GIVEN in the extract?"
TB(5, 1) = "Thousands of people dream about changing their lives."
TB(5, 2) = "Only a few people actually follow their dreams."
TB(5, 3) = "Some people wait for an opportunity in their whole lives, but it never
TB(5, 4) = "Some people felt sorry after they gave up their jobs. "
SB(5) = 4
DB(5) = 4
DiemB(5) = 1

'Rem 6
HB(6) = "Reading passage 3: Choose the best answer" & vbCrLf & _
"""Read 1,000 books and walk 1,000 miles"" is a Chinese saying about education. And
this is exactly what students from the People's Republic of China are doing.
Thousands of Chinese students have joined students from Europe, India, the USA,
Saudi Arabia and other countries to study at UK universities. So, how do they feel
about coming to the UK? 'It's difficult at first' says Yi Lina, a student at
Bristol University. 'Everything is very different: the food, the people. But it
gets easier. You open a bank account, get a mobile phone contract, and start
talking to people. It has been a great experience.'" & vbCrLf & _
"" & vbCrLf & _
"How many books do Chinese students read according to the extract?" & vbCrLf & _
TB(6, 1) = "A thousand"
TB(6, 2) = "A hundred"
TB(6, 3) = "A million"
TB(6, 4) = "A billion"
SB(6) = 4
DB(6) = 1
DiemB(6) = 1

'Rem 7
HB(7) = "Reading passage 3: Choose the best answer" & vbCrLf & _
"""Read 1,000 books and walk 1,000 miles"" is a Chinese saying about education. And
this is exactly what students from the People's Republic of China are doing.
Thousands of Chinese students have joined students from Europe, India, the USA,
Saudi Arabia and other countries to study at UK universities. So, how do they feel
about coming to the UK? 'It's difficult at first' says Yi Lina, a student at
Bristol University. 'Everything is very different: the food, the people. But it
gets easier. You open a bank account, get a mobile phone contract, and start
talking to people. It has been a great experience.'" & vbCrLf & _
"" & vbCrLf & _
"What is Yi Lina's initial opinion of coming to the UK? "
TB(7, 1) = "It's not different. "
TB(7, 2) = "It's not difficult."
TB(7, 3) = "It's not easy."
TB(7, 4) = "It's strange."
SB(7) = 4
DB(7) = 3
DiemB(7) = 1

'Rem 8
HB(8) = "Reading passage 2: Choose the best answer" & vbCrLf & _
"Tea had a reputation for being both safe and almost always beneficial. However,
scientists are now suggesting that tea may not be as safe as we had previously
believed. Tea contains caffeine, and caffeine has been linked to sleeplessness and
to the unpleasant jumpy feeling some people get when stressed. More seriously,
there is a link between miscarriages, and pregnant women are advised to reduce
their intake of tea until after their baby is born. Due to its critical side-
effects, some people who like tea choose to be safer and drink a beverage from
which the caffeine has been removed, decaffeinated tea, but many claim that it
simply doesn't taste right. The reasonable thing to do is probably moderation;
continue to enjoy a cup of tea, but don't have too many!" & vbCrLf & _
"" & vbCrLf & _
"As it is pointed out in the passage, tea used to be considered to
be................" & vbCrLf & _
TB(8, 1) = "having no damaging effect on people's health."
TB(8, 2) = "more dangerous than alcohol."
TB(8, 3) = "causing jumpy feeling if drunk excessively."
TB(8, 4) = "the only drink which people enjoyed in the morning."
SB(8) = 4
DB(8) = 1
DiemB(8) = 1

'Rem 9
HB(9) = "Reading passage 2: Choose the best answer" & vbCrLf & _
"Tea had a reputation for being both safe and almost always beneficial. However,
scientists are now suggesting that tea may not be as safe as we had previously
believed. Tea contains caffeine, and caffeine has been linked to sleeplessness and
to the unpleasant jumpy feeling some people get when stressed. More seriously,
there is a link between miscarriages, and pregnant women are advised to reduce
their intake of tea until after their baby is born. Due to its critical side-
effects, some people who like tea choose to be safer and drink a beverage from
which the caffeine has been removed, decaffeinated tea, but many claim that it
simply doesn't taste right. The reasonable thing to do is probably moderation;
continue to enjoy a cup of tea, but don't have too many!" & vbCrLf & _
"" & vbCrLf & _
"According to the passage, tea can be dangerous because it ................"
TB(9, 1) = "causes people to suffer from stress more than ever. "
TB(9, 2) = "reduces miscarriages if it is drunk too much by a pregnant woman."
TB(9, 3) = "may bring about many illnesses that cannot be cured easily."
TB(9, 4) = "may cause losing your baby before he/she is born."
SB(9) = 4
DB(9) = 4
DiemB(9) = 1

'Rem 10
HB(10) = "Reading passage 2: Choose the best answer" & vbCrLf & _
"Tea had a reputation for being both safe and almost always beneficial. However,
scientists are now suggesting that tea may not be as safe as we had previously
believed. Tea contains caffeine, and caffeine has been linked to sleeplessness and
to the unpleasant jumpy feeling some people get when stressed. More seriously,
there is a link between miscarriages, and pregnant women are advised to reduce
their intake of tea until after their baby is born. Due to its critical side-
effects, some people who like tea choose to be safer and drink a beverage from
which the caffeine has been removed, decaffeinated tea, but many claim that it
simply doesn't taste right. The reasonable thing to do is probably moderation;
continue to enjoy a cup of tea, but don't have too many!" & vbCrLf & _
"" & vbCrLf & _
"The writer points out that the best solution is to drink ................"
TB(10, 1) = "decaffeinated tea. "
TB(10, 2) = "instant coffee."
TB(10, 3) = "tea in moderation. "
TB(10, 4) = "other beverages like hot chocolate."
SB(10) = 4
DB(10) = 3
DiemB(10) = 1

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