Vernance Ayer, The Knight Forgo En: O Verview of Vernance

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Vernance Ayer, The Knight Forgo en

Overview of Vernance
● Agenda: Gather worthy candidates
to join her paladins. (so that she finds
a savior)
● M.O.: She employs the few of her
paladins to wreak havoc.
● Feeling: Solitude
● Motifs: Knights of old, heavy plate,
zealotry, “back in my day…”
● Front-liners: Paladin candidates
● Stronghold: The abandoned island of
Storm of Chaos

Vernance Ayer’s Timeline in a Nutshell

Many centuries have dissipated and
disintegrated the stories and magics of old,
Vernance is no exception to this. The details
of her story are lost to the ages, and she was
forgo en long ago by everyone, even the
knights of her own chapter.
Before the Rapture
● Vernance Ayer is the chapter master
of the Custodes, a paladin chapter
whose mission is to safeguard an
ancient relic and keep order as
dictated by their religion
● To keep protecting the tenets and
interests of the Custodes, she
succeeds in casting a spell that
prolongs her life at the cost of living
● In time, the spell glitched out and
left a fatal, crippling injury on her
body. This begins Vernance’s demise
● She uses the relic to keep the wound
from growing worse, and the
thousands of lives she’s absorbed
keep her alive
● The Custodes fall without a
competent leader, and the order
ceases to exist all-together
Storm of Chaos

Decades Ago
● Several individuals arrive to
Vernance’s domain to either look for
treasure or treat the both physically
and mentally sick paladin. Instead,
Vernance uses her power to break
them, sharing upon them her own
solitude and zealotry.
● These individuals, now Paladins of
the Scar, wreak havoc around
Greylan wishing to fulfill their own
mission with magical zeal.
● The Paladins’ plans come to fruition
and they resurface, seeking worthy

A Remnant of the Past

Vernance Ayer was one of the most
virtuous of paladins, instituting many of the
old paladin orders that now feature as tales
of myth and legend. She participated in
many ba les and took part of one too many
quests to preserve order and justice.
She was an icon in the ancient Vostroyan
War against the orcish enemies of humanity,
a hero in the defense of Viszla, (Now the
Technocratic Republic of Viszla) and the
Storm ofof
Technocratic Republic Chaos
Viszla) and the
slayer of the last dragon, whom tried to
enslave everyone. She changed many
peoples and cultures by introducing the
religion of Ilmater to the lands she fought in,
founding many sanctuaries, churches and a
convoluted assortment of knightly orders,
all following or inspired by Vernance’s
These orders would later evolve and
change completely as time went on,
becoming completely different or vanishing.
Historians theorize that some a couple of
countries and some churches, customs and
organizations were defined by these orders,
but none really remember Vernance’s role in
the ma er, and thus her legacy evaporated.

Protecting the Future

One of Vernance’s quests let her to the
discovery of an ancient temple, as if crashed
and buried beneath the earth. There she
found a relic she called “Star Hand”, a holy
vambrace that gave her a vision of things to
come: A fracture in the night sky, a draconic
monster of unmatched size, black and white,
and eyes as deep as the endless void of
space whom came down from the heavens
to destroy the soil of Saga.
Vernance studied the 3
temple and se led
Storm of Chaos
Vernance studied the temple and se led
her headquarters in the island. She then
founded her last Holy Enclave, in which she
would be the Chapter Master, the Custodes.
Their mission was to protect the temple, the
Star Hand, and the world from the danger
that never came.
The knight trained many others to serve
as the stout and righteous protectors of the
planet from this apocalyptic fate, but
nothing happened. Many of the previous
orders Vernance had founded cut
connections with the Custodes under the
assumption that Ayer was searching for
ghosts and had fallen prey to a mad dream
of an Armageddon. Vernance didn’t care,
for her mission was too great to care for the
opinions of others.
Eventually, inaction made Vernance
anxious. She became increasingly paranoic
and volatile. She loved dearly but hated
vigorously. The danger she foresaw could
come from any angle, even the mortals in
Saga. She became suspicious of every being
of obvious draconic ancestry, of orcs whom
she had considered evil all of her life, of
elves and their heathen beliefs and even
other humans, who damaged the planet
other humans, who damaged
Storm of Chaos the planet

even before the danger came to pass.

The Point of No Return
The wait was too torturous, and Vernance
had only so many years left before ending
her duty forevermore. She decided that, for
the greater good, she would have to find
into ways of prolonging her own life. She
found what she looked for; a spell that could
grant her years of life by substracting them
from others.
The death of a few were a just price to pay
to save the whole world. As such, Vernance
directed many of her Custodes and quests
into searching for the needed reagents and
able sacrifices. This led Vernance to a darker
path, which she kept secret to many of her
own paladins. Unbeknowst to most, she
helped Aaron Blarne in the burning of
Clarinholm to collect sacrifices.
Vernances’ spell worked all too well. She
sacrificed many and gave upon herself
thousands of years drained from hundreds
of “wrong-doers, necessary deaths and
collateral damage.” However, when the
world was stripped of magic, Vernance’s
spell failed to maintain itself, leaving her
crippled. She uses the Star Hand to keep her
crippled. She uses theofStar
Hand to keep her
wounded body from collapsing.
Vernance kept herself in her island
domain after the Rapture, with the
Custodes protecting her from any threat.
She became immortal, but fate decided that
she had to spent her immortality in pain. In
time, her Custodes fractured, not being able
to follow or protect a leader who was dead
in life. Vernance was forgo en by the same
paladins she trusted and left to rot by the
world that she vowed to protect.
Colonizers, organizations, industries,
sailors and pirates avoid the Custodes
Island, saying that it is cursed by the specter
of the Duchess of the Deep. In reality,
Vernance still remains on her island, seeking
anyone who docks in it with the hope of one
day finding the person that will cure her
magical malady, but all of them fall victim to
the primordial effect Vernance inflicts upon
them using the Star Hand, which is a
powerful Tranz.

The Knights of the Vault

Realizing that she can’t really find a cure
on her own in this modern world, Vernance
decided that she must use others to one day
a ract the one that might save her to the
a ract the one that of Chaos
might save her to the
island. As such, she managed to use the
powers granted by her Tranz to influence
some unfortunate travelers who arrived to
the premises of her domain. These
“paladins” are:
● Miranda Blarne, an animator and
cartoonist who has gained the Tranz
of a beholder. She seeks to bring
magic back to the world as she
believes that is what her father
wanted. To do so, she has
exaggerated the supernatural
phenomena regarding tranz-users,
producing more tranz-punks as a
● Damian “DDD” Reed-Seter, the
District Deputy A orney,
nicknamed DDD by the media
(District Deputy Damian), wants to
keep law and order in Greylan. To
do so, he uses the law as a deadly
and merciless weapon. When he
can’t, he uses a group of vigilantes
superpowered by his Tranz; that of a
behir that makes this infamous
prosecutor a metaphorical and literal

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