Omkar Kouls Dictionary of Proverbs

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A © The Author

Dictionary All rights reserved. No part of this book protected by this copyright
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Kashmiri First Edition 1992

Second Revised Edition 2006

Proverbs Published by:

Indian Institute of Language Studies
C-13, Greenview
33, Sector 9 Rohini, Delhi 110085

Omkar N. Koul ISBN 81-86323-21-X

Printed at:
Radha Press
2465 Main Road, Kailash Nagar,
Delhi- 110031

Indian Institute of Language Studies


Ø Proverbs are like butterflies, some are caught others fly


Proverbs in a language do reflect the socio-cultural milieu and wide

Preface range of experience of the people who use them in a particular society. They
do not have to be always true. Folk wisdom is sometimes contradictory. For
For the purpose of this dictionary, a proverb is defined as a statement that example, the following two proverbs regarding a couple or two friends are
may contain an advice, a warning, a prediction or simply an observation. contradictory:
Idiomatic expressions and similies which are the part of the language are not
included in this dictionary. 1. halen ba:nan vuk1r’ tha:n, hivis hiviy samkha:n
Proverbs are of different types. Some proverbs are simple folk say- ‘The twisted pots have twisted lids.’
ings (for example, p@tshis potsh khara:n ‘One guest does not like the other’). One meets the people of his/her own interests.
Such proverbs have their literary meaning quite prominent. Some proverbs (‘Birds of the same feather flock together.’)
are philosophical which aspire to deal with great mysteries and complexities 2. naras khar t1 kharas nar
of life (for example, bech1nas n1 mandchun t1 bast1 khakhra:yi k’a:? ‘One A human being gets a donkey (as a companion) and a
who is not ashamed of begging, why should he be ashamed of the sound of donkey gets a human being. ( ‘One gets a partner just
his begging bag?’). Others are metaphorical in which the literal meaning is opposite to his/her expectations.’)
merely redundant (for example, g@:v n’a:y bo:za:n s@:ri:, dã :d1 n’a:y n1
kã:h ‘Everyone listens to the dispute of the cow and no one listens to the Proverbs may or may not be regarded as a source of accumulated
dispute of the bull.’ This means that women earn sympathy more readily wisdom. They are seen as a collection of tags that enable thoughts to be
than men). In this dictionary, all the three types of proverbs are listed. communicated and exchanged.
A large number of proverbs listed in this collection have been Proverbs in any language have their own characteristics and style.
handed down orally from generation to generation. Slight variations in their They are short memorable statements. It is said, ‘A proverb is shorter than
wordings are inevitable. Such proverbs have been listed in their most famil- a bird’s beak.’ Proverbs are generally used and quoted extensively in con-
iar form. Some common variants are also mentioned. versations and literary texts.
The origins of the proverbs are obscure in most of the cases. Proverbs in Kashmiri are of different styles. Prominent types are as
Some of these are directly related to certain religious, cultural, historical follows:
and literary texts. A large number of them are quotes taken from the
literary (especially poetic) compositions of famous saint poets like 1. A simple statement
Lalleshwari and Sheikh Noor-ul-Din. They have become part of the folk tsu~:this vuchith tsu~: th rang rata:n
wisdom. A number of proverbs are borrowed from Sanskrit and Perso- ‘An apple gets its colour from another apple.’
Arabicsources. The sources of proverbs have not been indicated. 2. Conjoined phrases
A wide range of beliefs prevail regarding the wisdom of a:yi v@:nis t1 g@yi dris kã :
proverbs.Most common beliefs are as follows: ‘(She) came to visit the shopkeeper but went to visit a baker
Ø A good proverb is never out of season. 3. Question-answer style
Ø Hold fast to the words of ancestors. “m@:j, vohava:n chumn1 k ã:h.”
Ø Proverbs are the condensed good sense of nations. “potr1 vati peth beh.”
Ø Wise men make proverbs and fools repeat them. ‘Mother, no one abuses me.’
Ø A proverb is the wit of one and the wisdom of many. ‘Son, go and sit on the road.’
Ø Time passes away but sayings remain. Besides the use of terms of address, the question-answer style is also

used with the help of a narrator. Consider the conversation between a Vowels Front Unrounded Central Back Rounded
mother-in-law and daughter-in-law: High i i: 1 1: u u:
Mid e e: \ \: o o:
noshey kuth khas, dopnas a:m1ts k’a: karni chas. Low a a: O O:
‘(My) daughter-in-law, go to your bedroom.’ Consonants Bil. Dent. Retro. Pal. Vel. Glo.
(She) replied, ‘What else I have come here for?’ Stops:
vl. unasp p t tà k
Here the term dopnas ‘she/he told her/him’ is used to indicate addressee vl. asp ph th tàh kh
and addresser. vd. Unasp. b d dà g
Proverbs have been collected from both primary and secondary Affricates:
sources. A large number of proverbs have been collected from the people vl. unasp. ts c
who use them natively in day-to-day conversations. Detailed notes were vl. asp. tsh ch
maintained of such proverbs. Among the secondary sources some earlier vd. unasp. j
collections, Kashmiri language dictionaries and various texts have been Nasals: m n
consulted. It is important to mention here that A dictionary of Kashmiri Fricatives:
proverbs and sayings by Rev. J. Hinton Knowles (1885 Indian reprint 1985) vl. s š h
is the first attempt in compiling the proverbs and sayings in Kashmiri. A vd. z
large number of proverbs listed in the above dictionary are either obsolete Lateral: l
or merely translations of the Persian proverbs. The obsolete proverbs and Trill: r
those which are merely literal translations of Persian proverbs have not Semi-vowels v y
been listed in the present work. Among the native scholars, Ghulam Nabi
Nazir has compiled a collection of Kashmiri proverbs entitled k@:shir’ d@p1t’ The nasalisation of vowels is indicated by the nasal sign /~/
(Kashmiri sayings,1988) with their meanings in Kashmiri. This caters to the above the concerned vowels. The colon sigh /:/ after the vowels indicates
interest of native speakers of Kashmiri only who can read and write Kashmiri. the length of the vowels. The palatalization of consonants is indicated by
The above two prominent works are useful reference materials on proverbs the sign of apostrophe /’/ after the concerned consonant. Abbreviations
and sayings. Omkar Koul has edited k@:shir’ d@p1t’ dikshanri: (A dictio- used above are: Vl. (Voiceless), Vd. (Voiced), unasp. (Unaspirated), Asp.
nary of Kashmiri Proverbs, 2000) which provides explanation of Kashmiri (Aspirated), Bil. (Bilabial), Den. (Dental), Alv. (Alveolar), Ret. (Retroflex),
proverbs in Kashmiri. In the present volume, a large number of proverbs Pal.(Palatal), Vel. (Velar), Glo. (Glottal).
have been collected from various literary texts and dictionaries. Kashmiri proverbs in Devanagari and Roman transcription are im-
Proverbs are listed in the alphabetical order used in the linguistic mediately followed by literal translations. Literal translations present simple
texts in Kashmiri beginning with vowels and followed by consonants. The renderings of the Kashmiri proverbs in English and are not merely word-for-
usual order is as follows: 1, 1:, @, @:, a, a:, i, i:, e, e:, u, u:, o, o:, O, k, kh, g, c, ch, word translations. Sometimes literal translations make the meanings clear.
j, ts, tsh, t, th, d , t, th, d, n, p, ph, b, m, y, r, l, v, š, s, z, h. For understanding Whenever necessary, their metaphorical (hidden or extended idiomatic mean-
the transcription of the proverbs it is important to mention the phonetic ings) are explained. Whenever possible, an attempt has been made to pro-
values of these signs. Speech sounds in Kashmiri are presented below: vide English equivalents or near equivalents after their literal translations or
simple explanations. It is to be noted that the translations do not claim to be
equal in style. Translating Kashmiri proverbs into English has been a diffi-
cult job. I am grateful to my friend Mr. R.K. Bharati for going through an
earlier draft of the manuscript and for offering constructive suggestions for
its improvement. I would also like to thank Prof. Peter Edwin Hook, Prof.

Anjani K. Sinha, Dr. Dick Smith and Dr. H. Kumar Kaul for going through
parts of the manuscript and for offering their suggestions.
The first edition of this dictionary was first published in 1992 which
is out of print now. Mr Sunil Fotedar volunteered to put selected proverbs
from this dictionary on the web. This generated a lot of interest among
scholars and general readers. I would like to thank Mr Fotedar for encourag-
ing me to bring out the second edition of it. I am grateful to Mr. M. K. Raina
for transcribing the original Kashmiri proverbs from Roman into the
Devanagari script. It can be used by those who are familiar with the
Devanagari script.
I would be happy to receive comments from the readers which
would help me to revise it.

Omkar N Koul

Dç@ @ Dç@s Jçæ s ò lçò iççMçò já m ç~

@ch vatsh1 t1 ga:š1 rus
Dç@kçw ³ çd ] ® ç@ì mçá c ç lçò mççmç içJç kçw J ççÆ u ç~ May your eyes be opened but see nothing. (A curse)
To turn a blind eye to something.
@k’ ts@tà sum t1 sa:s gov kOli.
One man cut the bund/barrage, and a thousand people fell into the river.
Dç@s ná b o cJççÆ v çHçÀçô u ç Dççmçá v ç~
@ch hund mOniphol a:sun
Dç@kçw ³ çd æ s çW [ oá ç Æ v ç³çç lçò yçô ç Æ ³ ç Dç@kçw ³ çd ³ççÇ c ççvç~ To be the pupil of one’s eye. To be liked or loved a lot.
oá ç Æ v ç³çç lçò ³ççÇ c ççvç çÆ s vçò Üvçò J ç³ç DççÆ L ç çÆ ³ çJççvç~ To be an apple of someone’s eye.
@k’ tshõ:d duniya: t1 beyi @k’ yi:ma:n;
duniya: t1 yi:ma:n chin1 dOn1vay athi yiva:n. Dç@svç HççÆ ® ç Hçw ³ çá j içæ s á v ç~
One man sought the world, and another sought for faith. The world and @chan paci ph’ur gatshun
faith both do not go hand in hand. To turn one’s eyes away from someone.
To forget someone’s help.
Dç@kçw ³ çd mçá b o kç@ÀçÆ m ç³ççvçò , yçô ç Æ ³ ç mçá b o içò ] p çç~
@k’sund k@siya:n1 beyi sund g1za: Dç@sj JççuçJç mçó l ³çd kçB À [îç kçÀ[ò v ³çd ~
One person’s vomit is another’s food. @charva:lav s1:t’ k@nd’ kad1n’
Someone lives on the leftovers of others. To remove thorns from someone with one’s eyelashes.
To love someone deeply. To take good care of someone.
Dç@kçw ³ çd mçá b o o] p ççvç Dççyç, lçò yçô ç Æ ³ ç mçá b o vçò o] p ççvç lççÇ u ç~
@k’ sund daza:n a:b, t1 beyi sund n1 doza:n ti:l
One man can burn water, whereas another cannot even burn oil. A matter
Dç@sJç DçB o jò v³çá v ç mJçjcçò kç@ÀçÆ [ Lç~
of luck. @chav @ndr1 n’un sOrm1 k@dith
To take the antimony out of someone’s eyes without letting her/him know.
An act of a very cunning person.
Dç@çÆ k çÀmç o] p ççvç oç@j lçò y³ççKç sá m ç Jçá M çò v ççJççvç DçLçò ~
@kis daza:n d@:r t1 b’a:kh chus vuš1na:va:n ath1
One man’s beard is on fire, and another man warms his hands on it. To
Dç@[îç o@Ðç ³çô æ ç Æ s lçò Dç@[îç o@Ðç jô æ ç Æ s ~
take advantage of someone’s misery. @d’ d@d’ yetshi t1 @d’ d@d’ retshi
Half (the people) are burnt with their choice, and half are burnt by being
driven into it (not out of choice).
Dç@s kçÀç@v³çd pççvç lçò JçLç kçÀç@v³çd vçò ~ Half the people deserve their fate and the other half do not.
@ch k@:n’ ja:n t1 vath k@:n’ n1
It is better that the eye be blind than that the way is blind. Dç@[îç uççj lçò Dç@[îç oçj~
@d’ la:r t1 @d’ da:r.
Dç@s H³çþ vçò cç@s ] p çò j Jçò v ³çd ~ Half at Lar and half at Dar. Unmanaged/scattered property or assets. Scat-
@ch petà h n1 m@ch z1rv1n’ tered relations.
Not to bear a fly on someone’s eye.
To take good care of someone.
Dç@[ò ³ ç Gcçò j lçò yç@[ò ³ ç yçuçç³ç~
@d1y um1r t1 b@d1y bala:y.
(Have) half a life and (live it in) great misery. A curse.

Dç@l³çd oô Ð ç yçá ç Æ s vç³ç c³çççÆ v ç Dç@s cçò Jçá ç Æ s vç³ç~ Dç@çÆ v çmç cçá M ç nçJçò v ³çd , vç sá iJçvççn vç mçJççyç~
@:ti: d@:d’ buchinay m’a:ni @ch m1 v1chinay. @nis muš ha:v1n’, na chu gOna:h na sava:b
May diseases sting you right there, and 1 be unable to see it. A curse. To show one’s fist. to a blind man, is neither a sin nor a virtue. Advice is lost
on stupid people.
Dç@lççÇ Mççn lçò Dç@lççÇ içoçn~
@ti: ša:h t1 @ti: gada:h. Dç@çÆ v çmç jçLç çÆ l ç Ün çÆ n JççÇ ~
A king for a moment and a beggar soon after. @nis ra:th t1 dOh hivi:
One’s fortune can change very fast. Night and day are the same to the blind man.

Dç@L³çd yççvçmç K³ççô v ç lçò Dç@L³çd yççvçmç s©vç~ Dç@çÆ v çmç nçJççvç mçç@jçÇ JçLç, yçí k çÀuçmç vçò kçÀçb n ~
@th’ ba:nas kh’on t1 @th’ ba:nas charun @nis ha:va:n s@:ri: vath be:klas n1 kã:h.
To eat out of a vessel and then defile it. Everyone can show the way to a blind man, no body can show the way to a
To receive someone’s hospitality and then slander him/her. stupid person. It is not possible to guide a stupid person.

Dç@oò j ] p ç@ì ¿çÓ n DçiçççÆ o içæ s á v ç~ DçB o ò ³ ç& DçB o ò ³ ç& ] ® çB o ò j iççí c ç (Jççlçá v ç)~
@d1r z@tà h’uh aga:di gatshun. @nd1r’ @nd1r’ ts@nd1rgo:m (va:tun).
To stick (to something) like a wet cloth.To be very adamant. To keep on To reach Tsandargam (Moon town) village inwardly.
insisting. To pester someone. When a person is actually in great distress, but doesn’t show it.

Dç@v³çd sçô j uçcçmç lçuç lçò kçÀçB ç Æ m ç Jçá s vçò ~ DçB o ò j ò æ s ò ç Æ v çnmç LJçKç lçò vçô y çjò oçô H çá v ç içá c çò Dçç³çcç~
@n’ chor lamas tal t1 k@~:si vuch n1. @ndr1 tshunihas thOkh t1 nebr1 dopun gum1 a:yam.
A blind man sat down to shit on a slope, and thought that nobody could see Inside, they spat on him. On coming out he said, “It is perspiration”. To hide
him. one’s humiliation.

Dç@v³çd mçò b ] p ç kçw J çuç³ç KJçoç³çmç nJççuçò ~ DçB o jò o] p ççvç Hççvçò lçò vçô y çjò oç] p ççvç uçÓ K ç~
@n’ s1nz kOlay khOda:yas hava:l1. @ndr1 daza:n pa:n1 t1 nebr1 daza:n lu:kh.
A blind man’s wife is God’s keeping. One burns from within, and outwardly other people do so.
A person may shiver in severe cold, but pretend as if he doesn’t. To show
Dç@çÆ v çcç mJç³ç, Jç@Jçò c ç mJç³ç, uç@çÆ p çcç mJç³ç Hççvçò m çò ³ ç~ off and make others envious.
@nim sOy, v@v1m sOy, l@jim sOy pa:n1s1y.
I brought the nettle, sowed the nettle, and then the nettle stung me. To be DçB o jcçvç ûçb o kçÀjò v ³çd ~
affected by one’s own deeds. Ingratitude. @ndraman grand kar1n’
To count (someone’s) intestines. To know all secrets.
Dç@çÆ v çmç DççÆ v ç iççÆ ì oó H çÀ kçw ³ çç kçÀçÆ j ?
@nis anigatài d1:ph k’a: kari? DçB o çÆ j cç Mççn Dçb o j lçò vçô y ççÆ j cç Mççn v³çyçj içæ s á v ç~
How will a lamp help a blind person in the dark? . @ndrim ša:h andar t1 nebrim ša:h nebar gatshun.
A lamp is of no use to a blind man in the dark. Inner breath inside and outer breath outside: i.e. to have one’s breath taken
away (choked) by some astonishing event.To be wonder struck. To be as-

Dç@çÆ H çmç o@v³çd cçá M ççÆ k çÀuç Kçô v ³çd ~ Dçç@þ iç@çÆ ³ ç Mçí þ iç@çÆ ³ ç, çÆ ³ çcç Hççb s H³çþò iç@çÆ ³ ç~
@pis d@n’ muškil khen’. @:tàh g@yi še:th g@yi, yim pã:tsh petàh1 g@yi
A loose-lipped person finds it hard to eat a morsel of meat (without brag- Eight gone, (and) sixty gone. In addition to these, five more have gone.
ging about it). A shallow person cannot conceal a secret advantage. Some What is a little more trouble to a man already overwhelmed by it. To throw
people ruin an advantage by revealing it to everyone else. good money after bad.

Dç@c³çd ³ççjò y çuçvç çÆ s kçÀó l ³ççn vç@ìîç Hçá À ìò j ç@çÆ J çcçò l ³çd ~ Dçç@þvç Jç@çÆ j ³çvç Hç@®ç kçw J çuç lçò Mçí þ vç Jç@çÆ j ³çvç Hççô k çÀ ñç@n~
@m’ ya:r1balan chi k1:t’a:h n@tà’ phutà1r@:vim1t’. @:tàhan v@riyan p@c kOl t1 še:tàhan v@riyan pok sr@h.
Many a water pitcher has this bank of the river broken. The river flowed for eight years, and the river bed stayed damp for sixty
A source of destruction. A hazard. A dangerous person. years. Men die but their deeds live on.

Dç@³ç& DçççÆ ³ ç mçç@jçÇ lçò Dççô j içJç vçò kçÀçb n ~ Dçç@yç Hçvçá v ç cççMççí K ç~
@r’ a:yi s@:ri: t1 or gav n1 kã:h. @:b panun ma:šo:kh.
All people came (were born) in good health, but none left (died) healthy. A man 1oves his own shortcomings.

Dç@çÆ j mç Hççvçmç êò K ç~ Dçç@yçJç Hçô ç Æ ³ ç³çJç içç@yçò ® ç yçuçç³ç, cçb o ò s Hçlçò s³ç KçpççuçLç~
@ris pa:nas dr1kh. @:bav peyiyav g@:b1c bala:y,
Fall sick and be treated with leeches! mand1ch pat1 chay khaja:lath.
Leaches on a healthy body! (A curse). O sin/misdeed let Heaven’s misfortune fall upon you!May there be shame
after shame! Be sure, your sin will find you out. (It is used for an unscrupu-
Dç@çÆ u çHçÀ uçç@uç Jçvçò v ³çd ~ lous shameless person.)
@liph l@:l van1n’.
To narrate the whole story (from the beginning to the end) of Alif Laila. To Dçç@çÆ c çmç Üomç mçó l ³çd oyçò o yç~
explain things in unnecessary detail. @:mis dOdas s1:t’ dab1dab.
To wrestle with raw milk. (raw = before it is made into yoghurt) To pick a
Dç@çÆ u çHçÀò H³çþò ³ç³çmç lççcç~ quarrel with the weak and immature.
@liph1 petàh1 ye:yas ta:m.
From the letter @lif to ye (the first and the last letters of the Kashmiri alpha- Dçç@çÆ c çmç Hçvçmç ojò ojò ~
bet). From the beginning to the end. From A to Z. @:mis panas dar1 dar1.
To pull on raw thread. To fight with a weak fellow.
Dç@çÆ u çcç sá mçcçb o j~
@lim chu samandar. Dçç@çÆ u ç cçb ] p ç jd J çb i ç~
Knowledge is an ocean. @:li manz rO~g.
A clove among cardamoms. A different kind of person.
Dç@çÆ u çcç yçí - Dçcçuç iççí ³ çç çÆ k çÀ Dç@v³çd mçò b ç Æ o mç DçLçmç cçMççuç~ One who tries to do something unusual (and difficult, too).
@lim be-amal goya: ki @n’s1ndis athas maša:l.
Unused knowledge is like a torch in the hands of a blind man. The knowl- Dçç@çÆ M çvççJç içJç Hççí ç Æ M çvççJç~
edge should be used for the betterment of others. @:šina:v gav po:šina:v.
A relative remains a relative, as long as relations are maintained. You should

not take relatives for granted. Dç a

Dçç@mçò yçyç vçí j ò v ³çd ~ DççÆ k çÀ kçÀvçò yççí ] p çá v ç lçò yçô ç Æ ³ ç kçÀvçò $ççJçá v ç~
@:s1 bab ne:r1n’ . aki kan1 bo:zun t1 beyi kan1 tra:vun.
The coming out of the feeding breast (or bottle) from the mouth. To lose To let it in by one ear, and let it out from the other.
support. To hear but not to act. Not to pay heed.

Dçç@mçò c ç kçw J çuçò ³ çç, cççí m çÓ c ç scç~ DççÆ k çÀ uççÆ ì KççÆ m ç vçò içá ç Æ j mç, yçô ç Æ ³ ç uççÆ ì HççÆ k çÀ vçò HçÌ o uç~
@:s1m kOl1ya: mo:su:m cham. aki latài khasi n1 guris, beyi latài paki n1 paydal.
I have a wife but she is innocent (incapable, delicate). At one time, he would not ride a horse, at another time he would not walk on
A wife who cannot do much or take care of the household. foot. To be inconsistent or unstable.

Dçç@mçmç kçÓ À ìçn ] ® çç@çÆ ³ ç³ççí , Dçç@nçÇ JççKççn êçJçò ³ ççí ~ DççÆ k çÀ JçKlçò Òççvçò kçá À pç lçò yçô ç Æ ³ ç JçKlçò Òççvçò Ðçuç~
@:sas ku:tàa:h tsa:yiyo:, @:hi: va:kha:h dra:v1yo: aki vakht1 pra:n1 kuj, t1 beyi vakht1 pra:n1 d’al.
When food entered the mouth, blessings came out for the host. Feed some- At one time the garlic-plant, and at another the garlic-skin.
one well and you will get blessings in return. There are good times and bad times.

Dçç@mçmç içæ ç Æ s Hçá À uç³ç Dççmçò v ³çd , Dçoò iç@çÆ ³ ç Hçá À uç³ç Jçá s ò v ³çd ~ Dçkçá À ³ç Dççô y çá j lçò cççiç ] p çvç, kçá À vçá ³ ç HçÀçkçÀò lçò êçiç ] p çvç~
@:sas gatshi phulay a:s1n’, ad1 g@yi phulay vuch1n’. akuy obur t1 ma:g zan, kunuy pha:k1 t1 dra:g zan.
One’s mouth must blossom, before one goes to see the flowers blossom. A single cloud, and it is like the month of Magh (January-February); a single
One must be happy at heart in order to enjoy the beauty outside. fast, and it is like a famine.
A person with very little endurance.
Dçç@mçmç cç] p çò lçò ³ç@[ o] p çò o] p çò ~
@:sas maz1 t1 y@d daz1 daz1. DçKç Dçmçá v ç içJç cçoò Jçmçá v ç, y³ççKç Dçmçá v ç içJç Kçjmç Kçmçá v ç~
Delicious to the tongue; fire to the stomach. akh asun gav mad1 vasun,
Hot food tastes good but is harmful for the stomach. b’a:kh asun gav kharas khasun.
One kind of laugh is to dismount from horse, and another to ride an ass. One
Dçç@mçmç cçb ] p çò ³ ç DçLçò LçJçá v ç~ kind of laugh makes one feel great, and another makes one miserable. There
@:sas manz1y ath1 thavun. is a limit to the decency of laughter.
To keep one’s hand in one’s mouth.
To keep on eating continuously. DçKç kçÀjçvç lçsò yçsò , y³ççKç çÆ o Jççvç Jçsò Jçsò ~
akh kara:n tach1 bach1, b’a:kh diva:n vach1 vach1.
Dçç@mçmç cçb ] p ç kçÀLç çÆ M çþò v ³çd ~ One person earns his living after working very hard, and another beats his
@:sas manz kath šitàh1n’. chest. When a person does not appreciate the efforts of others, and is
Drying up of words in one’s mouth. jealous.
Not to utter a single word in fear.
DçKç kçÓ À ì lçò yçô ç Æ ³ ç kçÓ À çÆ ì mç içjò J çò v ³çd ~
akh ku:t t1 beyi ku:tis gar1v1n’.
First, one is asked to face the gallows, and is asked to pay for making the

gallows. DçKç ] p çvççvçò s³ç oçÌ u çLç, lçò y³ççKç ] p çuçLç~

akh zana:n chay davlath, t1 b’a:kh zalath.
DçKç Kççô l ç n@çÆ m lçmç lçò y³ççKç Kççô l ç ÜçÆ m ç~ One woman is wealth (prosperity) to you, and another is destruction. A
akh khot h@s’tis t1 b’a:kh khot dOsi. good wife is a blessing, and a bad one is a curse.
One person rode an elephant, another mounted a wall.
Monkey see, monkey do. A stupid imitation. DçKç ] p çvççvçò s³ç nLç uçb ç Æ p ç yçÓ v ³çç, y³ççKç s³ç yçjò lççuçò ® ç nÓ v ³çç~
akh zana:n chay hath lanji bu:n’a:, b’a:kh chay bar1 tal1c hu:n’a:.
AK #vajasa mçó% ya batò #yaao n a bao y aa isainasa ku n a Aqaò nyau n a One woman is (like) a hundred branched maple tree to you, another is like a
akh khOjas s1:t’ bat1 kh’on, beya: sinis kun ath1 n’un. bitch at the door.
When one is dining with a great man or boss, will he dare to touch the meat There is a difference between a good and a bad wife.
in the plate?
DçKç lçò DçKç iç@çÆ ³ ç kçÀçn~
DçKç iç@yç vççÇ ç Æ j n, DçKç Kççj kçá À çÆ s , Hçô ç Æ ] ® ç iççmçò , JçHçÀç@³ççÇ vçò kçô b À n~ akh t1 akh g@yi ka:h.
akh g@b ni:rih, akh kha:r kuchi, petsi ga:s1, vaph@:yi: n1 ke~h. One plus one make eleven. In unity there is strength.
One sheep in a meadow, one kharwar (about 80 kilograms of grain) in the Two heads are better than one.
storehouse, and the bulrush do not last for long. Meager means do not
suffice or last. DçKç v³çá J ç ³çcçvç, lçò y³ççKç K³çJç yç´ c çvç~
akh n’uv yeman, t1 b’a:kh kh’av braman.
DçKç iççJç pçççÆ v ç ³ççj, y³ççKç içJç vçççÆ v ç ³ççj~ One was taken away by death, and the other by delusion.
akh guv ja:ni ya:r, b’a:kh gav na:ni ya:r.
One is a true friend, another is a friend for (sharing) bread (i.e. selfish). DçKç yçjççÆ ³ ç KJçoç lçò yçô ç Æ ³ ç n@çÆ m ççÆ l çmç Kç@çÆ m çLç~
(Persian: ya:r-i-ja:n o ya:r-i-na:n.) akh bara:yi khOda:h t1 beyi h@sitis kh@sith.
One must differentiate between a true and a selfish friend. One person begs, and that too riding on an elephant.
To exhibit false craze.
DçKç içJç yçí s á v ç yçô ç Æ ³ ç n@m³çd ç Æ l çmç Kç@çÆ m çLç~
akh gav be:chun beyi h@s’tis kh@sith. DçKç yç@®çlçvç, mççmçç cç@³ç& l çvç~
One is to beg, and that too riding an elephant. To ask for alms and also to akh b@ctan sa:sa: m@r’tan.
maintain status. Trying to be a dignified beggar. Let one person live and thousand die.
Save my life even if it costs a thousand lives.
DçKç iççí c çá l ç ³ççÇ j ò lçò JççÇ ç Æ j cçb i ççvç ìb i ç~
akh go:mut yi:r1 t1 vi:ri manga:n tang. DçKç yçá [ ò lçò cçí ç Æ þ , y³ççKç yçá ç Æ [ lçò ìô ç Æ þ ~
A drowning man asks for pears from the willow tree. akh bud 1 t1 me th1, b’a:kh bud 1 t1 te th1.
A confused person. One who doesn’t know what is good for him. One man is old and sweet, another is old and bitter.
Some people age gracefully others go sour.
DçKç çÆ s J³ççí J ç cçmçò , y³ççKç nçkçÀò jmçò ~
akh chiv’o:v mas1, b’a:kh ha:k1 ras1. DçKç u³çJççvç ûçìmç, y³ççKç u³çJççvç ûçìò Jçç@u³çd mçò b ç Æ ] p ç ] ® çkçÀçÆ p ç~
One person is intoxicated with wine, another with the gravy of swede (a akh leva:n gratàas, b’a:kh leva:n gratà1v@:l’ s1nzi tsakji.
green vegetable). Stupid imitation. One person licks the mill-stone, the other licks the miller’s ass. One gets
benefit from his efforts, the other wastes it.

DçKç Jçá k çá À j lçò yçô ç Æ ³ ç $çkçá À j~ A person who has been tried is (as good as) prostrated (won over).
akh vukur t1 beyi trakur.
First, one is deformed, and second, proud too. Dç[îçvç DçMç lçò Dç[îçvç KçMç~
One problem over the other. A pimple has grown on the ulcer. ad’an aš t1 ad’an khaš.
Happiness to some and misery to others.
DçKç Jççí v ççvç Jçiçá J ç, lçò y³ççKç sá m ç çÆ H çuçò v ççJççvç H³ç] ® ç~ Some get favours other are penalised.
akh vo:na:n vaguv, t1 b’a:kh chus pil1na:va:n pets.
One person weaves the mat, and the other holds out the reed to him. Unnec- Dç[îçJç K³çJç ®ççÇ v çò , Dç[îçJç K³çJç ìççÆ k çÀ~
essary waste of time. ad’av kha’v ci:n1, ad’av kh’avtàa:ki.
Half (the people) ate in special eating bowls, and the other half in earthen
DçKçlççyç yççuçmç H³çþ Jççlçá v ç~ plates. A badly arranged party. A mismanaged party or feast.
akhta:b ba:las petàh va:tun.
The sun about to set. To become old. Dusk of life. Dç[uç lçò Jç[uç ] p çvççvçò s HçMçmç ] p ç[uç æ s d ³ ç³ç~
adal t1 vadal zana:n cha pašas zadal tshey.
Dçiçj ] ® çí j kçÀçÆ j pçuo çÆ ³ ççÆ ³ ç, Dçiçj pçuoçÇ kçÀçÆ j ] ® ççÇ ³ ç& çÆ ³ ççÆ ³ ç~ A snobbish and ill tempered woman is like badly thatched grass on the roof.
agar tse:r kari jal1d yiyi, agar jaldi: kari tsi:r’ yiyi. (The badly thatched grass on a roof does not prevent rain from pouring
If one delays, he will come quickly, but if one hastens, he will be late. Haste through it). A snobbish and ill tempered woman is a curse in the family.
makes waste. More haste, worse speed.
DçlçÓ u ç K³ççí c çá l ç nçHçlçJç~
Dçiçj m³ççô o kçÀLç DçççÆ m ç, nçô o yçlçò sá v çò yççí ] p çvç³ç çÆ ³ çJççvç~ atu:l kh’o:mut ha:ptav.
agar s’od kath a:si, hod bat1 chun1 bo:znay yiva:n. Unmeasured items are eaten by bears.
If one uses soft words, even plain rice (served) tastes good. One must eat within limits.
It is not the quality of food which is appreciated. but the manner in which it
is served. DçLç kçá À çÆ u çmç ] p çò ³ ç c³çJçò ~
ath kulis z1 y me:v1.
DççÆ p ç Dç@s iççMç Dççmçá v ç~ This tree has only two kinds of fruit.
aji @ch ga:š a:sun. A woman can give birth either to a boy or a girl.
To have eye sight in half an eye. To have only one child.
DçLç MçÓ ç Æ y ç ] p çá J ç kçÀçí l ççn uçÓ ç Æ y ç~
Dç] p ç iççJç yçô i ççn, JJçv³çd çÆ ³ ç Hçiççn~ ath šu:bi zuv ko:ta:h lu:bi.
az gav bega:h, vOn’ yi paga:h. Whose heart will not rejoice on such a grace’?
Today is not the (appropriate) time. Now, come tomorrow. Delaying tactics. (Said when a person is disgusted with someone’s behaviour). I am not
Dç] p ç vçlçò Dçoò kçÀj~
az nat1 ad1 kar. DçLçò ¬çÀò n ò v ³çd lçò yçá ç Æ L ç mçHçí À o~
If not today, when? Tomorrow may be too late. ath1 kr1h1n’ t1 buthi saphe:d.
Hands are black, and the face is white. A deceptive personality. One who
Dç] p çcççí J çcçá l ç içJç HçLçj Hççí J çcçá l ç~ looks very innocent, but performs unpleasant deeds.
azmo:vmut gav pathar po:vmut.

DçLçò sçô u ç lçò cçô $ çá L ç ] ® ççô u ç~ ul-Din Wali - A Kashmiri saint poet of 14 th century).
ath1 chol t1 metruth tsol.
As soon as the hands are washed (after taking meals) the friendship van- Dçvç cçvçç kçÀj HçÀvççn, jsávç sá³ç yççô[ iJçvççn~
ishes. His heart is in his stomach. an mana: kar phana:h, rachun chuy bod gOna:h.
A selfish friend. Bring a mound and finish it. It is a great sin to save.
A spendthrift. One who does not think about tomorrow.
DçLçò æ s çô ì lçò ] p çô ç Æ J ç ] p ³çÓ þ ~ Eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow you may die.
ath1 tshotà t1 zevi z’u:tàh.
With short hands and long tongue. Dçvçònç³ç&vç Dçjòcççvç, kç@À³ç&cçòl³çd HçMçícççvç~
One who merely talks, but doesn’t work. an1h@:ren ar1ma:n, k@r’m1t’ paše:ma:n.
The bachelors crave to get married, and the married ones regret it. Marry in
DçLçò çÆ o lçcç lçò yç´ ç W þ ò çÆ ³ çlçcç~ haste and repent at leisure.
ath1 ditam t1 brõ:tàh1 yitam.
Lend me your hand, and come in front of me (to my rescue). To seek a DçvçòJçòçÆvç ]pçívçòJçòçÆvç, jçÆvç nòbçÆo cçovççí
helping hand and support. Lç@kçw³çdcçòçÆlç uçÓçÆmçcçòçÆlç, cçççÆpç nòbçÆo iççôyçjçí
an1v1ni ze:n1v1ni, rani h1ndi madno:
DçLçò oç©vç içJç Hççvç kçÀò v çá v ç~ th@k’m1ti lu:sim1ti, ma:ji h1ndi gobro:
ath1 da:run gav pa:n k1nun. One is dear to one’s wife as long as one earns and brings it home, but when
To spread one’s hand in front of someone is to sell oneself (tohim/her). To one is tired and weary, one is dear to one’s mother only.
beg is to degrade oneself.
DççÆvçcçò vçò ÞçHççvç lçò vççÇpçvç iççôiçpçvç Dçç@mç oçjçvç~
DçLçò H³çJç lçò yç´ ç @³ç& K³çJç~ anim1 n1 šrapa:n t1 ni:jan gOgjan @:s da:ra:n.
ath1 pev t1 br@:r’ kh’av. One who cannot digest even rice water, opens one’s mouth for uncooked
It just fell down from the hand, and was eaten up by a cat. turnips.
No sooner something is dropped, and someone else grabs it. To be over ambitious without knowing one’s worth.

DçLçò ® çvç HççB ® çvç DççW i çpçvç Dçb o j çÆ k çÀmç uJçkçÀò ì , cççô n j s cçí u ççvç çÆ k çÀçÆ m ç³ç ~ Dçvçb l çvççiçò Kçô ç Æ ³ ç Tb ì vç kçÀHçmç lçò Jçjcçá ç Æ u ç ] ® ç@ìò K ç oÓ ç Æ v çmç vçmç~
ath1can pã:tsan õgjan andar kis lOk1t, mohar cha me:la:n kisiy. anatna:g1 kheyi u:tàan kapas t1 varmuli ts@tà1kh du:nis nas.
The little finger is the smallest of the five fingers in hand, and yet that is A camel grazed cotton at Anantnag, and the nose of a carder was chopped
where the signet ring is worn. off at Bararnulla. One commits an offense, and someone else gets punished
Small things have their own value. for it.

DçLçò J ççmç sá cççô n jò mççmç~ Dçvçlçcç lçò nçJçò v ç³ç~

ath1va:s chu mohr1 sa:s. antam t1 ha:v1nay
Unity is equal to a thousand golden coins. Bring him to me and I will show him to you.

Dçvç HççíçÆMç lçôçÆuç ³çôçÆuç Jçvç HççíçÆMç~ DçHçá ] p ç sá lçá u çò k çÀ³çá j lçò Hççô ] p ç sá DçKçlççyç~
an po:ši teli yeli van po:ši. apuz chu tul1katur t1 poz chu akhta:b.
Food will last as long as the forests. (It is a quote attributed to Sheikh Noor- The lie is like ice, and the truth is like sun.

A lie is short lived like frozen water, and remains only as long as truth is Dçuçò kçá À çÆ u çmç ®ççí y ç lçá u çò kçá À çÆ u çmç lçcyçò ~
hidden. al1 kulis cob tul1 kulis tamb1.
To beat a pumpkin plant (and) to frighten a mulberry tree.
DçHççÆ ] p çmç kçÀçô þ îç kçÀçÆ l ç~ To express anger on someone actually meant for someone else.
apzis kotàh’ kati.
The lie doesn’t have knees to stand on. Dçuçò ©JççÆ v ç Jççb i çvç kçÀ[ò v ³çd ~
A lie doesn’t last for long. al1 ruv1ni vã:gan kad1n’.
To sow pumpkins, and get brinjals.
Dçyç çÆ l ç ìçí þ lçò yçyç çÆ l ç ìçí þ ~ To obtain unexpected results.
ab ti tào:tàh t1 bab ti to:tàh.
He loves only himself and his father. Dçuçò kçá À çÆ u çmç lçá u çò kçá À uç yçvççJçá v ç~
A selfish person doesn’t think beyond himself. al1kulis tul1kul bana:vun.
To make a mulberry tree out of a pumpkin plant.
Dçcççvçlçmç Kç³ççvçLç~ To make a mountain out of a mole hill.
ama:natas khaya:nath
To embezzle a deposit. To defile a trust/pledge. Breach of trust. Dçuçò yçç@uçmç vç Dçkçw u ç lçò vç cççí L ç~
al1b@:las na ak1l t1 na mo:th.
DçcççÇ ] p çô ç Æ J ç kç@ÀçÆ u çcçò lçò DçcççÇ ] p çô ç Æ J ç jçcç jçcç~ A yoked-bull (an odd person) has neither brains, nor does he die.
ami: zevi k@lim1 t1 ami: zevi ra:m ra:m
Recitation of qalma (prayer of Muslims) and of Ram Ram (prayer of Hindus) Dçuçvç HçÀuç lçò v³çb o vç oççÆ v ç~
by the same tongue. alan phal t1 nendan da:ni.
To change one’s words at a fast pace. He tells you what you want to hear. The plough bears fruit, pruning brings more paddy.
It pays to work hard.
DçcççÇ Hçw J çkçÀò sá o] p ççvç ] ® ççW i ç, lçò DçcççÇ Hçw J çkçÀò sá içæ s çvç æ s d ³ çlçò ~
ami: phOk1 chu daza:n tsõ:g, t1 ami: phOk1 chu gatsha:n tshet1. Dçuçvç nò b ç Æ o oççÆ o Jççb i çò v çvç mçiç~
With a puff of breath the lamp is lighted, and with the same puff it is put out. alan h1ndi da:di vã:gnan sag.
Blessing or curse from the same mouth. When pumpkins are watered, brinjals also get watered.
He blesses as easily as he curses. Some small people are often benefited when the benefit is given to the big
Dç³ç ] p çj çÆ ³ ç KJçMç çÆ ³ ççÆ ³ ç³ç çÆ l ç kçÀj~
ay zar yi khOš yiyiy ti kar. DçuççÇ kçÀçkçÀò v ³çd oçb o ò nçí j , DçKç vçò Dç] ® ççvç içjò , lçò y³ççKç vçò vçí j çvç yçjò ~
O money, do whatever you want to do. ali: ka:k1n’ dã:d1 havar, akh n1 atsa:n gar1, t1 b’a:kh n1 ne:ra:n bar1.
One can do whatever one wants to do if one has money. Ali’s yoke of oxen: one won’t come in, and the other won’t go out. A poor
Money makes the mare go. Money is power. man’s unmanageable family. Opposite nature.

Dçuç kçÀMcççÇ j cJçjoò Hçmçb o ~ DçMçjHçÀ içJç mçá ³ ç ³çmç DçMçjHçÀò Dççmçvç~
al kašmi:r mOrd1 pasand. ašraph gav suy yas ašraph1 a:san.
The Kashmiris are fond of the dead. The man with gold is a gentleman.
Never speak evil of the dead. The rich person is considered noble. Money is power.

The rich can do no wrong. Dççb ® ççj vççô ì Dç@çÆ k çÀmç Kççô l ç lçò yçô ç Æ ³ çmç nçô l ç~
ã:ca:r notà @kis khotà t1 beyis hot.
Dçmçuççcç DçuçÌ k çá À cç, iççmçò i³ç@[ç çÆ o ³çlçJç~ One person’s pot of pickles turns good, and another’s rottens. The same job
asla:m alaikum, ga:s1 g’@da: diytav. may turn out profitable for one, but unprofitable for another. One man’s
Aslam-Alaikum (Greetings, to you), give me a bundle of grass. To be very meat is another man’s poison.
selfish. To greet someone only for a favour.
Dççocç yççÆ m lç Dçb o j sá çÆ m çj~
DçmçJç vçlçò uçmçJç çÆ k çÀLçò Hçç@þîç? a:dam basti: andar chu sir.
asav nat1 lasav kith1 p@:tàh’? A secret is (concealed) under the skin of a person. Only humans can keep a
If we don’t laugh, how can we live? secret. Man is a mysterious creation.
He who laughs lives longer.
Dççyçò lçuçò ÞççKç~
Dçmçcççvçmç mçó l ³çd yçá ] p ³çd yçá ] p ³çd içç[ò Kçô ç Æ v ç~ a:b1 tal1 šra:kh.
asma:nas s1:th’ buz’ buz’ ga:d1 kheni. A dagger hidden in the water. A traitor in the group.
To roast fish on sky and to eat them. Dççyçò vç@çÆ ì mç cçb ] p ç HçÀìá v ç~
To talk big. To think too much of oneself. a:b1 n@tàis manz phatàun.
To be drowned in a pitcher of water.
DççKç n³ç lçò Dççô v çLçcç kçw ³ çç? çÆ ³ çcçò n ³ç lçò K³ççJçò n ç@cç kçw ³ çç? To get engrossed in trifles.
a:kh hay t1 ontham k’a:? yim1hay t1 kh’a:v1h@:m k’a:?
You have come what have you brought for me, and what will you give me if Dççyçmç Dçb o j ¬çB À [~
I visit you? To be very selfish. a:bas andar kr@nd.
A basket in the water. (A basket remains filled with water as long as it is in
Dççiçò kçÀjçvç vçí L çò j lçò Hçjpçá v ç vçò cççvççvç~ the stream. It is empty the moment it is taken out).
a:g1 kara:n ne:th1r t1 parzun n1 ma:na:n. To thrive under patronage.
The master gets married, but the servant does not accept it.
How does it matter if reality is ignored? Dççcçmç mçó l ³çd nj iç@çÆ ³ ç, Kççcçmç mçó l ³çd içjò kçÀ©vç~
a:mas s1:t’ har g@yi, kha:mas s1:t’ gar1 karun.
Dççiçò yççô [ Hç@njmç, vççí k çÀj yççô [ Jç@njmç~ To quarrel with a commoner is to live with an inexperienced person. It is
a:g1 bod p@hras, no:kar bod v@hras. foolish to pick up a quarrel with someone lower in status.
The master is great for a while, but the servant is great for the whole year.
The bosses come and go; the subordinates stay on. Dççc³çvç ìçkçw ³ çvç lççÇ u ç çÆ H çÀ©vç~
a:men tàa:ken ti:l phirun.
Dççiçj Kççvç ] ® çç³ççJç içiçj JçççÆ p ç, lççÆ l ç cçí p çmç vçò kçÀçô c ç ³çççÆ p ç~ To pour oil in raw clay pots. To waste one’s efforts on a naive person.
a:gar kha:n tsa:ya:v gagar va:ji, tati me:jas n1 kom ya:ji.
Agar Khan entered into a rat hole, but he didn’t get even bran cakes there. Dççcçò v ³çá k çÀ ìçô ì ~
A rich person may not get everything on asking everywhere. Even the rich a:m1n’uk tàotà.
cannot get everything everywhere. A pony of Amun.
The story is about a horse which belonged to the village Amun. It is said
that whenever a person would ride it, it would run towards a steep slope.

Afraid of the fall, the rider would jump off the horseback and let the horse If it comes, it is golden; if it doesn’t, it was made of grass. Welcome an
free. One day a professional rider was called. He rode the horse and the opportunity as it comes; call it a trifle if it doesn’t. Neutral attitude.
horse took him to the same slope as usual. The rider did not jump off the
horse. Instead lashed it hard. The horse stopped and did not jump on the ’Dçç“ uççÆ J ç Hçb ] ® ççn lçò ’vçç“ uççÆ J ç uçs~
slope. From that day onwards, the horse did not play this trick.) “a:” lavi pantsa:h, t1 “na” lavi lach.
One who makes false excuses. A shirker. ‘Yes’ is worth Rs.50/- and ‘no’ is worth a lakh. Sometimes ‘no’ or refusal of
some person is more valid than ‘yes’. Someone’s refusal is more valuable
Dçç³çmç vçò Dçç³çá m ç, Mçô ç Æ ³ ç jô l ³çd H³çç³çmç, $çô jd ³ çLç Dç@çÆ v çcç çÆ k çÀHçÀç³çLç~ than acceptance. Better ‘no’ than “yes’.
Jçá ç Æ s Jç yçç uçÓ k çÀJç Mçcç& o çj êç³çmç, lççí ç Æ l ç çÆ s cç kçÀjçvç çÆ M çkçÀç³çLç~
a:yas n1 a:yus, šeyi ret’ p’a:yas, tre reth @nim kipha:yath. vuchiv ba: lu:kav DççJçuçvçmç cçb ] p ç ¿çvçò ³çá v ç~
šar1mda:r dra:yas, to:ti chim kara:n šika:yath. a:vlanas manz hen1 yun.
I came (to my in-laws), gave birth to a child just six months after my marriage, To be caught in a whirlpool. To be surrounded by worries all around.
and, saved three months. Listen to me, how nice 1 proved to be, even then
my in-laws complain against me! To be adamant, and justify one’s misdeeds. Dççmçá v ç içJç Dçç@jKç, yçá ç Æ L ç H³çþ³ç sá vçvççvç~
a:sun gav @:rakh, buthi pe thay chu nana:n.
DçççÆ ³ ç Jçç@çÆ v çmç lçò iç@çÆ ³ ç kçÀçb o çÆ j mç~ If one possesses something or is equipped with certain qualities, it is re-
a:yi v@:nis t1 g@yi kã:dris. flected from his face just like perspiration on the face. The face is the index
Came to visit a shopkeeper, but went to a baker’s shop (instead).(The story of mind.
is about Lal Ded, a Kashmiri saint, who wanted to bless a shopkeeper, but
blessed a baker instead). Dççmçá v ç sá nô ç Æ s vççJççvç, vç Dççmçá v ç sá cçb o ò s çJççvç~
To give benefit to someone in place of someone else. a:sun chu hechina:va:n, na a:sun chu mand1cha:va:n.
Prosperity teaches one, and poverty puts one to shame.
Dççjò c ³çd kç@À[ vçò cçá p ç lçò Hç@ÀkçÀçÇ j vç oçí © mç nuçcç~ Prosperity improves one’s personality, adversity cripples it.
a:r1m’ k@d n1 muj t1 pheki:ran do:rus halam.
The gardener had not yet dug out the radish, when the beggar held the Dççmçcççvçò H³çJç lçò ] p ç@cççÇ ç Æ v ç uççô i çá m ç oyç~
alms-bowl in front of him. To ask for the chicken before it is hatched. a:sma:n1 pev t1 z@mi:ni logus dab.
One who fell down from the sky, came crashing on the earth. The higher the
DçççÆ u ç çÆ o ] ® ççí J ç lçççÆ u ç i³çJç, ] p ççô ç Æ J ç kçÀçô © mç u³çJç lçò u³çJç~ fall the greater the crash. Out of the frying pan into the fire.
a:li ditso:v ta:li g’av, zOvi korus 1’av t1 1’av.
Ali greased her head with ghee (clarified butter), but the lice licked it up. A Dççmçcççvçò Jç@æ s yçuçç³ç lçò Kççvçò iç@jçÇ y ç kçá À pçmlç~
futile exercise. Money in the hands of a spendthrift. a:sma:n1 v@tsh bala:y t1 kha:n1 g@ri:b kujast
Misfortune descended from the heavens and sought a poor man’s hut. Poor
DççJç lçò pççJç sá yçjçyçj~ people suffer even in natural calamaties.
a:v t1 ja:v chu bara:bar.
When coming or going are alike. A carefree person who bothers neither for Dççb ® ççj vççô ì , Dç@çÆ k çÀmç Kççô l ç lçò yçô ç Æ ³ çmç nçô l ç~
gain nor loss. ã:ca:r notà @kis khot t1 beyis hot.
A pitcher of pickle turns out good for one, and rotten for the other. One
DççJç lçò mJçvçò m çá b o lçò içJç lçò iççmçá J ç~ person loses and another gains in the same business.
a:v t1 sOn1sund t1 gav t1 ga:suv.
21 22

Dççncç n³ç Dççô v çLçcç kçw ³ çç, çÆ ³ çcç³ç n³ç çÆ o ncç kçw ³ çç? A banglow (is constructed) upon an inch of ground. A baseless matter
a:ham hay ontham k’a:, yimay hay dih@:m k’a:? which does not last for long. To build castles in the air.
Since you have come, what have you brought for me? If 1 visit your place,
what would you give me? A selfish person. Dççí K çá v ç mçç@yç yçç@içjçJççvç ] ® ççìò Mçá ³ ç& v ç nò b ] p çò ] ® JççÆ ® ç~
o:khun s@:b b@:gra:va:n tsa:tà1 šuren h1nz1 tsOci.
G u The Mulla is distributing the loves of bread brought by his students. To be
generous at someone else’s cost.
GlççÆ v ç yçuçççÆ ³ ç lçá l ç~
ut1ni bala:yi tut.
Dççí j cçò içæ s lçò ³çÓ ³ ç& Jjçuçò ~
One innocent person is punished in place of someone else. o:r m1 gatsh, t1 yu:r’ vOl1.
One pays for someone else’s fault. Justice miscarried. Don’t go there, and come over here. A mother’s bowl yearns towards her
own child. To be selfish.
Dççô o
kçÀ k
Dççô v ç kçw ³ çç ] p çççÆ v ç Òççí v ç yçlçò ~
on k’a: za:ni pron bat1.
çÆ k çÀçÆ p ç H³çþ kçÀçpçJçþ, çÆ J ççÆ u çb ç Æ p ç H³çþ JJçKçá u ç~
A blind person doesn’t know what the white rice looks like. k1ji petàh ka:j1vatàh, vilinji petàh vOkhul.
A blind man is no judge of colours. A stupid person doesn’t know what is A pestle upon a peg, and a mortar upon a clothes line.
good or bad. Unorganized system. Impossible things.

Dççô v ç Kççí ç Æ ] ® ç vçò DççÆ v ç iççÆ ì , kçÀçÆ v ç HçÀçÆ ì vçò J³çojò ] p ççb n ~ kçÀò ] ® ³ççí c çá l ç nÓ v ç ªo o@çÆ j ³ççJçmç cçb ] p ç yJççÆ [ Hççvçò ,
nÓ ç Æ v çmç Dç@çÆ [ pç jçí ç Æ ì vçò nçÆ ì , vççÇ k çÀçÇ kç@ÀçÆ j Lç jççÆ J ç vçò ] p ççb n ~ Kççô l ç yççô þ lçò yç@çÆ j vç uçÓ K ç~
on kho:tsi n1 anigatài, kani phatài n1 vedr1 zã:h. k1ts’o:mut hu:n ru:d d@riya:vas manz bOdi pa:n1,
hu:nis @d?ij ro:tài n1 hatài, ni:ki: k@rith ra:vi n1 zã:h. khot botàh t1 b@rin lu:kh.
A blind man will not fear the darkness. A stone will never be broken by ice. If a wet dog remains in river it will drown. If it comes out on the bank, it will
A bone will not stick in a dog’s throat. A good deed will never be lost. fling water on the people. A person who doesn’t do good either for himself
or for others.
Dççô v ç oçb o jçJçò j çJççvç mççmçvç oçb o vç JçLç~
on dã:d ra:v1ra:va:n sa:san dã:dan vath. ’kçÀó ç Æ j mç mçó l ³çd içjò çÆ k çÀLçò k ç@Àv³çd kçÀçô © Lç?“
One blind ox will lead a thousand oxen astray. One fool misleads many ’çÆ ³ ç³ç lç@c³çd oçô H çò v çcç çÆ l ç³ç kçÀçô © cç“~
people. “k1:ris s1:t’ gar1 kith1k1n’ koruth ?”
“yiy t@m’ dopnum tiy korum.”
“How did you get along with a crooked person?”
Dççô j ] p çá J ç oçô j kçÀçô þ iç@çÆ ³ ç yç@[ oçÌ u çLç~
“Whatever he said, I did.”
or zuv dor kotàh g@yi b@d davlath.
The only way to live peacefully with a sullen person, is to do as he wants
Health is wealth.
you to do.
Dççô b i çò u ççmç H³çþ yçB i çuçò ~ kçÀ@cççÇ v çmç Kç@ocçLç çÆ s ] p ç@cççÇ v çmç ®ççí y ç~
õglas petàh b@ngl1.
k@mi:nas kh1dmath chi z@mi:nas co:b.

To serve a mean person, is to beat the earth. To serve a mean person is an The work is like a bitch, command it to go away, and it will.
unprofitable task. Strong self-determination results in the accomplishment of a job. The work
cannot be accomplished if the worker is scolded.
kçÀ@u³çd mçá b o yççí u ç yççí M ç ] p ççvççvç kç@Àu³çd mçò b Ð çd cççí u ç cçç@pç~ A workman is afraid to take up a job in the presence of the master, who is
k@l’ sund bo:lbo:š za:nan k@l’ s1nd’ mo:1 m@:j. likely to nag him.
Only parents understand a dumb person’s speech.
’kçÀç@çÆ n uççí , ] ® ççB ç Æ i çmç çÆ o Hçw J çKç“~
kçÀ@çÆ u çmç cçB ç Æ [ mç KJçoç jç@] p ³çd ~ ’Dç@s ìá ç Æ J çJç, ] ® ççW i ç içæ ç Æ s æ s d ³ çlçò Hççvç³ç“~
k@lis m@ndis khOda: r@:z’. “k@hilo: ts@~:gis di phOkh.”
God is pleased with the dumb and the simpleton. God helps a simple hearted “@ch tàuviv, tsõ:g gatshi tshet1 pa:nay.”
person. “O lazy fellow, put off the lamp.”
“Close your eyes, the lamp will be extinguished of its own.” Laziness is a
kçÀ@MççÇ ç Æ j kçÀnç³ç içjò ~ curse.
k@ši:ri kaha:y gar1.
There are only eleven households in Kashmir. A limited option. kçÀlçjò kçÀlçjò sá o@çÆ j ³ççJç mçcççvç~
katr1 katr1 chu d@riya:v sama:n.
kçÀ@MççÇ ç Æ j cçl³ççí J ç ÐçJç, Jçá þ ] p çò lçò ] p ³çJç~ The river is made up drop by drop. One can save enough, by saving little by
k@ši:ri matà’o:v dev, vutàh z1 t1 zev. little regularly. Light gains make a heavy purse.
A demon in the form of two lips and a tongue have attacked Kashmir. Ru-
mors cause instability (in Kashmir). Gossip is a dominant pastime in Kash- kçÀLç s³ç Dçç@mçmç cçb ] p ç uççuç, v³çyçj êççÆ ³ ç lçò iç@çÆ ³ ç LJçKç~
mir. kath chay @:sas manz la:l, nebar dra:yi t1 g@yi thOkh.
The word is a diamond in one’s mouth, the moment it comes out, it becomes
kçÀç@çÆ ] p çmç lçò uççb æ s mç c³çá u ç kçw ³ çç? spittle. Think before you speak. Keep a secret.
k@:zis t1 lã:tshas m’ul k’a:?
A qazi (a judge who performs marriages) and an eunuch have nothing in kiqa kao C , vait pkò v aò n ya
common. An uneven association. kathi kotsh, vati pak1v1n’.
Bribe for a word, and road toll for the walking. Corruption and maladminis-
kçÀç@v³çd Dç@s Jçá ç Æ ] p ç kçw ³ çç vçô b o çÆ j ~ tration.
k@:n’ @ch vuzi k’a: nendri.
How can a blind eye awake from the sleep? A futile exercise. What cannot kçÀçÆ L ç mçó l ³çd nçB ç Æ þ Üo Jççuçá v ç~
be cured must be endured. kathi s1:th’ h@~:tàhi dOd va:lun.
To cause milk to flow from the breasts of a barren woman by a word. The
kçÀçB ç Æ m ç sç yçá ç Æ L çmç H³çþ kçÀçv³çJç oHççvç~ power of a word at the command of a cunning person. To achieve something
k@:nis cha: buthis petàh ka:n’av dapa:n? impossible merely by the magic of words.
Does anyone call a cipher ‘a cipher’ at his face? A stupid person is not
called a stupid at his/her face. kçÀçÆ v ç kçÀHçmç kçÀ[ò v ³çd ~
kani kapas kad1n’.
kçÀç@cç iç@çÆ ³ ç nÓ v ³çd , ’oò j ò “ kçÀ©mç lçò iç@çÆ ³ ç~ To obtain cotton from the stone. An impossible task.
k@:m g@yi hu:n’, “d1r1” karus t1 g@yi.

kçÀvçmç yçlçò uçoá v ç~ kçÀcçmç sá kçÀcççuç lçò ] p ç@çÆ j mç sá ] p çJççuç~

kanas bat1 ladun. kamas chu kama:l, t1 ts@ris chu zava:l.
To stuff the ear with food. To overfeed someone. Advice to a stupid person The less is good, and the more has a fall.
is wasted. Better to be content with less than to aspire for more.

kçÀçÆ v ç içjò yç©vç yç©vç pççvç lçò Jççb i çò p ç içjò vçò ~ kçÀuçò Hçô þ îç mçç@uççyç~
kani gar1 barun ja:n t1 vã:g1j gar1 n1. kal1 peth’ s@:la:b.
Better to fill one’s house with stones than to let it out. Tenants do not take A flood over one’s head. Deep in trouble.
care of the house.
kçÀuçmç çÆ l ç j] p ç lçò vçuçmç çÆ l ç j] p ç~
kçÀçÆ v ç vçKçò kç@Àv³çd lçò cçô vçKçò vçò kçÀçb n ~ kalas ti raz t1 nalas ti raz.
kani nakh1 k@n’, t1 me nakh1 n1 kã:h A rope for the head, and a rope for the legs.
One stone lies close to another, but there is nobody near to me. To be lonely. A strict watch over someone. Helplessness.

kçÀçÆ v ç HçÀçô u ç lçò vçÓ v çò HçÀçô u ç içJç o@çÆ j ³ççJçmç~ kçÀçÆ v ç Hç@Àu³çd oçô H ç, ’yçò iççô u çá m ç“~ kçÀuçmç H³çþ içç@j Hçá À ìjç@çÆ J çLç Kçô v ³çd ~
vçÓ v çò Hç@Àu³çd Jççô v ç, ’³çá m çá ³ ç iççô u ç lçò mçá ³ ç iççô u ç“~ kalas pe th g@:r’ phu t1r@:vith khen’.
kani phol t1 nu:n1 phol gav d@rya:vas. kani ph@l’ dop, “b1 golus”. nu:n1 Breaking water nuts on someone’s head and eating them.
ph@l’ von, “yusuy gol t1 suy gol”. To make living with difficulty.
“ A pebble and a piece of salt fell into the river. The pebble said, “I am To keep the wolf off the door with difficulty.
dissolving”. The piece of salt replied; “The one which has (actually) dis-
solved has perished.” False complaints. kçÀçÆ u ç vçÓ v ç çÆ ] p ç vçÓ v çá ³ ç, kçÀçÆ u ç m³ççô v ç çÆ ] p ç m³ççô v çá ³ ç~
No use to complain as long as others are worse off. kali nu:n zi nu:nuy, kali s’on zi s’onuy.
“O dumb one, is it salted?” “Yes it is.”
kçÀçÆ v ç uçi³çç vççj çÆ ] p ç ] p çç@çÆ v çmç çÆ ³ ççÆ ³ ç Dççj~ “O dumb one, is it not salted?” “No, it isn’t.”
kani lag’a: na:r, zi z@:ni.s yiyi a:r. When no distinction is made.
Will the stone burn that the acquaintance should have mercy? Save me from
my friends. kçÀçnvç içjçvç kçá À çÆ v ç³ç lçç@Jç~
ka:han garan kuniy t@:v.
kçÀb o mç lçò cçá ç Æ p ç kçá À vçá ³ ç mJçço~ Eleven households share one frying pan.
kandas t1 muji kunuy sO:d. Acute scarcity. Hard times.
The sugar-candy and the raddish taste alike.
Sometimes good and bad persons are not distinguished. kçÀçkçá À vç nçHçá l ç, cçô $ççJ³ççJç, lç@c³çd $ççí J çá m ç vçò ~
ka:kun ha:put me tra:ya:v t@m’ tro:vus n1.
kçÀcç içæ ç Æ s K³ççô v ç lçò içcç içæ ç Æ s vçò ¿ççô v ç~ Father’s bear. I left him but he did not let me free. To pick up a quarrel with
kam gatshi kh’on t1 gam gatshi n1 kh’on. someone and not be able to come out of it.
Better to eat less than to worry. Comtentment is bliss.
kçÀççÆ v ç Dç@s mJçjcçò lçò uçb ç Æ p ç ] p çb ç Æ i ç Hçç@pççcçò ~
ka:ni @ch sOrm1 t1 lanji zangi p@:ja:m1.
Antimony for the blind eye and trousers for the lame leg.

kçÀççÆ v ç kçÀçí ç Æ j kçÀçô © Kç ªvç, lçò Mççô b i çvçmç kçw ³ çá l ç iççí m ç kçá À þ kçÀçcçò v ³çd ~ kçÀçJçvç nô s d ³ ççJç kçÀkçÀò J ³çd mçá b o Hçkçá À vç, Hçvçò v çá ³ ç Hçkçá À vç cççô þ á m ç~
ka:ni ko:ri korukh ru:n, t1 šõgnas k’uth go:s kutàh ka:m1n’ ka:van hecha:v kak1v’ sund pakun, pan1nuy pakun motàhus.
The one eyed girl was married, but she could not get a room to sleep in (with A crow learnt to walk like a partridge and forgot its own style of walking.
her husband). Misfortune doesn’t go away easily. Solve a problem and Useless imitation.
others are born.
kçÀçb n vçò kçÀç@cç lçò kçw J çuçò i ççí c ç~
kçÀç³çá j vççj lçò Hç©o ³ççj, çÆ ³ çcç ÜMçò J ç³ç çÆ s vçò JJçHçÀçoçj~ kã:h n1 k@:m t1 kOl1go:m.
ka:yur na:r t1 parud ya:r, yim dOš1vay chin1 vOpha:da:r. No work in hand still a visit to Kulgam (a town).
A pinewood fire and a strange-friend, these two do not last for long. To while away the time.

kçÀççÆ j KJçoç ] p çççÆ v ç Kjçoç~ kçÀçnvç kçÀçn Jçlçò ~

ka:ri khOda:h za:ni khOda:h. ka:han ka:h vat1.
Only God knows His own deeds. Eleven persons take eleven paths.
Pulling in diverse directions. Disunity.
kçÀçuç sá v çò kçÀ[çvç Hç= æ s d ³ ç Hç= æ s d ³ ç Òççvç~
ka:l chun1 kada:n pr1tsh’ pr1tsh’ pra:n. kçÀçnvç kçá À vçá ³ ç Mçí l ççvç~
The death doesn’t kill after seeking permission. ka:han kunuy še:ta:n.
Death keeps no calendar. One wicked person is enough for eleven persons.
One evil person can spoil many people.
kçÀçJç spççí K ç mççÆ l ç mççyççÆ v ç, lçmç ] ® ççô u ç vçò Hçvçá v ç ¬çÀô n v³ççj~
ka:v chajo:k sati sa:bni tas tsol n1 panun krehn’a:r kçÀçnvç içjvç kçá À çÆ v ç³ç lçç@Jç, ¿çcçLç jç@Jç lçò JçvçJç kçÀmç~
A crow was washed with soap several times, but its own black colour did ka:han garan kuni: t@:v, hemath r@:v t1 vanav kas?
not go. It is no use to provide advice to a stupid person. Eleven households share one frying pan. When courage is lost, to whom
should one complain to? Time of great disorder and distress.
kçÀçJç sá iççìá u ç lçò Hçvçò v ççÇ lççW ç Æ l ç mçó l ³çd K³çJççvç içò m ç~
ka:v chu ga:tàul t1 pan1ni: tõ:ti s1:t’ kheva:n g1s. kçÀçnvç iççJç jç@Jçcçò ] ® ç~
The crow is wise, but it eats shit with its own beak. ka:han ga:v r@:vm1ts.
A wise person also commits errors. Eleven persons have lost their cow. Too many masters cannot manage a
simple thing. Disunity in a household. Too many cooks spoil the broth.
kçÀçJçò kçÀçJçò kçÀçJçò nLç~
ka:v1 ka:v1 ka:v1 hath. kçÀçnvç oçÇ k çÀ®çvç mç³ç, Dç@çÆ k çÀmç vçò æ s á v ççvç Jç³ç~
Crow by crow, a hundred crows gather. When there is a quarrel between two ka:han di:kcan say, @kis n1 tshuna:n vay.
persons, people gather in no time. One promises to cook eleven pots, but does not put rice even in one. Great
promises but little deeds.
kçÀçJçò ³çô ç Æ v çJççí u ç~
ka:v1 yenivo:l. kçÀçnvç cçç@u³çd Hç@$çvç kçá À vçá ³ ç Þççvçò Hçþ~
A crows wedding party. A bad wedding arrangement. Noise. ka:han m@:l’p@tran kunuy šra:n1patàh.
One loin cloth for eleven members of a family. Utter distress and poverty.

kçÀW ç Æ k çÀ sá oçvç kçÀç@çÆ v ççÆ ³ ç H³çþ, $çô cçvç jvççvç lçò Mçô cçvç L³çkçÀçvç~ kçÀá v çá ³ ç ìb i ç Hççô H ç pççvç, HçÀçô l ç yç@çÆ j Lç Kççcç vçò ~
ke~:ki chu da:n k@:niyi petàh, tre man rana:n, t1 še man theka:n. içjò Dçb o jò ® ç mJçvç pççvç, iççcçò DçB o jò ® ç ] p ççcç vçò ~
Kehki has her hearth at the top floor; she cooks three kilograms and boasts JJçHçjò mçò b ] p ç u³çKç pççvç, çÆ H çlçò ³ ç& mçò b ] p ç Hççcç vçò ~
of six. One who shows off. kunuy tàang pop ja:n, phot b@rith kha:m n1.
gar1 @ndr1c sOn ja:n, ga:m1 @ndr1c za:m n1.
kçÀô b n cçlçò çÆ o lçcç, kçÀvçò lçuçò çÆ v çlçcç~ vOpr1 s1nz lekh ja:n, pit1r’ s1nz pa:m n1.
ke~h mat1 ditam kan1 tal1 nitam. A single ripe pear is better than a basket-full of unripe ones. A co-wife in the
Don’t give me anything, but lend me your ear. house is better than a husband’s sister living in the same village. A stranger’s
One desires that someone should listen to him/her. abuse is better than a cousin’s reproach.

kçÀW k çÀò uççÆ ® ç sá H³çJççvç [ççÆ ³ ç iç@³ç& ³çço~ kçÀá j kçá À j kç@ÀçÆ j vç Hçvçò ç Æ v ç iççÆ j , lçò þÓ u ç $çç@çÆ J çvç uçÓ k çÀò nò b ç Æ o iççÆ j ~
ke~:klaci chu peva:n da:yi gari ya:d. kur kur k@rin pan1ni gari, t1 tàhu:l tr@:vin lu:k1 h1ndi gari.
A lizard remembers an hour afterwards. Crying ‘kur kur’ (crowing) in one’s own house, and laying eggs in stranger’s
One who misses an opportunity. A forgetful person. house. One who helps others and not his own relations.

kçÀá v ³çd n@j svçò iççÆ p ç çÆ l ç o] p ççvç~ kçÀá ç Æ u çmç Kçç@çÆ j Lç iJç[ò jyç~
kun’ h@r chan1 gaji ti daza:n. kulis kh@:rith gOd1 rab.
A single log of wood does not burn even in an oven (fireplace). A single To make someone climb a tree and smear mud on the trunk to make it slip-
person cannot do much. It is curs to be alone. pery. To engage someone for some task and then back out.

kçÀá ç Æ v ç iççÆ y ç cçá þ îç uçô p ç~ kçÀá u ç cçá u ç sá MçÓ y ççvç uçb i çJç uçb p çJç mççvç~
kuni gabi mutàh’ lej. Dççocç sá MçÓ y ççvç Mçá ³ ç& J ç cçá ³ ç& J ç mççvç~
A vessel full of soyabeans for a single sheep. Too much to eat for a single kulmul chu šu:ba:n langav lanjav sa:n
person. One who does not share his resources with others. A pampered a:dam chu šu:ba:n šurev mur’av sa:n.
child. A tree looks good with its branches and foliage, and a man looks good with
his family.
kçÀá ç Æ v ç³ç iççÆ y ç Mççuç~
kuniy gabi ša:l. kçÓ À j iç@çÆ ³ ç uççí ç Æ j jçô m ç H³ççoò ~
A lone sheep is always taken away (or killed) by a jackal. ku:r g@yi lo:ri ros p’a:d1.
A single person is always in trouble. A daughter is like a runner (herald) without a stick.
The runners make demands while showing stick. A daughter makes de-
kçÀá ç Æ v çmç Hççí M ççvç mçç@jçÇ , kçá À vç vçò Hççí M ççvç kçÀçB ç Æ m ç~ mands with no stick in hand.
kunis po:ša:n s@:ri:, kun n1 po:ša:n k@~:si.
Everyone takes an advantage of a single person, but the single person kçÓ À j s Dççmçvçmç sô v çò j çJççvç lçò vç Dççmçvçmç cçb o ò s çJççvç~
cannot face anyone. ku:r cha a:snas chen1ra:va:n t1 na a:snas mand1cha:va:n.
A daughter decreases the wealth of the rich, and is a cause of shame to the

kçÓ À j yç[vçmç lçò ] ® çí j HçHçvçmç sá v çò kçô À n çÆ l ç uçiççvç~ Where a mountain is the police officer, and the pine tree the regional head.
ku:r badnas t1 tse:r pap1nas chun1 ke~h ti laga:n. Maladministration or misrule.
It doesn’t take much time in the growing up of a girl and ripening of an
apricot. kçÀçí ç Æ j u³çKç iç@çÆ ³ ç lççí ç Æ j oyç~
kçÓ À jçÇ Jççô v çò c ç³ç, vççô M ççÇ ] ® çò yççí ] p ç~ ko:ri lekh g@yi to:ri dab.
ku:ri: von1may, noši: ts1 bo:z. An abuse to one’s daughter is like a blow from an adz.
O daughter, I’m telling you. O daughter-in-law, listen to it. It hurls a lot when one’s daughter is abused.
To communicate indirectly. Message communicated to one is meant for
someone else. kçÀçí ç Æ j ná b o yçlçò içJç içç@Jç ná b o içá n ~
ko:ri hund bat1 gav g@:v hund guh.
’kçÀçô [ çÆ j mç mçó l ³çd Ün çÆ k çÀLçò kçÀçô [ á L ç“~ The food eaten at one’s daughter’s place, is like eating cow dung.
’çÆ ³ ç³ç oçô H çvçcç çÆ l ç³ç kçÀçô © cç“~
“kodris s1:t’ dOh kith1 koduth” kçw J çkçÀò j kçÀçÆ j ní vçç cççvç cçiçj HçÓ l ³çvç kçw ³ ççn kçÀçÆ j ~
“yiy dopnam tiy korum.” kOk1r karihe: na: ma:n, magar pu:ten k’a: kari?
“How did you manage to spend the day with the odd person?” The hen would have competed, but would she do to her chicken. One is
“Whatever he told me to do, I did.” pulled down by one’s own obligations and compulsions.

kçÀçô l çá ³ ç içæ s Kç çÆ i ççÆ u ç³çí ? yçí ç Æ j yçí ç Æ j Kççn~ kçw J çkçÀò j lçsçvç lçò HçÓ l ³çd nô s çvç~
kçÀô n í kçÀjçÆ v ç çÆ i ççÆ u ç³çí ? þÓ u çvç çÆ o çÆ v ç HçÀçn~ kOk1r tacha:n t1 pu:t’ hecha:n.
The hen scratches and the chicken learn. The young ones imitate elders.
kçÀç@l³ççn çÆ s ³ç çÆ i ççÆ u ç³çí ? kçÀçn çÆ k çÀvçò yççn~
DçKççn çÆ o lçò çÆ i ççÆ u ç³çí , Hççô $ çò cçç] p ç n³ç kçÀçb n ~ kçw J çkçÀò j oHççvç cçô kçw ³ çç jçn, yçlçKç þÓ u çvç Ðçá l çá c ç HçÀçn~
kçÀô n í iççí K ç çÆ i ççÆ u ç³çí ? KJçoç³çvç uççô o á K ç jçn~ kOk1r dapa:n me k’a: ra:h, batakh tàhu:lan d’utum pha:h.
kotuy gatshakh giliye:? be:ri be:ri kha:h. The hen asks,”What is my fault I have just hatched duck’s eggs?” Some-
kehe:y karni giliye:? tàhu:lan dini pha:h. times one suffers by doing good to others.
k@:t’a: chiy giliye:? ka:h kin1 ba:h.
akha: dit1 giliye:, pOtr1 ma:z hay kã:h. kçw J ç kçÀLç vç³ç lçò kç@Àv³çd kçÀLç kçw ³ ççn?
kehe:y go:kh giliye:? khOda:yan lodukh ra:h. kOkath nay t1 k@n’ kath k’a:?
Where are you going,O water fowl? Along the path to the field. If it is not a gossip, why to say it in someone’s ear (or whisper)? Secrets are
What are you going for, O water fowl? To hatch on my eggs. not narrated loudly.
How many have you, O water fowl? Eleven or twelve.
Give one to me, O water fowl. By my son’s life, I have none.
What happened to them, O water fowl? God has held them guilty
kçw J çkçÀjvç cJçKlçò skçá À vç~
kOkran mOkht1 chakun.
To scatter pearls for the cocks. To waste good advice on the foolish.
kçÀçô ç Æ y çmç uçLç oJççn~
kobis lath dava:.
A kick works as a treatment to a hunch backed person.
kçw J çkçÀjmç kçá À çÆ v ç³ç ] p çb i ç~
kOkras kuni: zang.
There is only one leg to the cock. An adamant person.
kçÀçô n kçÀçí l çJççuç lçò ³çç@j mççí y çò o çj~
koh ko:tva:l, t1 y@:r so:b1 da:r.

kçw J çkçÀá j içæ s d ³ çç yççn $çKç~ kçw J ççÆ u ç æ s ò v çá v ç sá Dççmççvç, lçò Kçç©vç cçá ç Æ M kçÀuç~
kOkur gatsh’a: ba:h trakh? kOli tshunun chu a:sa:n, t1 kha:run muškil.
Will a cock ever weigh sixty kilograms? Can a mean person ever become It is easy to throw anything into the river, but difficult to take it out again. It
great? Impossible things. is easier to lose relationships than to build them.

kçw J çkçá À j ³çÓ l ç J³çþçvç sá , l³çÓ l ç sá kçÀjçvç çÆ v ç®ç jd ³ çKç~ ¬çb À pççÆ u ç ¬çb À pççÆ u ç Hççí v ³çd mçç©vç~
kOkur yu:t vetàha:n chu, t’u:t chu kara:n nic rekh. kranjili kranjili po:n’ sa:run.
The more a cock fattens, the size of its droppings become smaller. One who To carry water in baskets. A futile exercise. To waste energy.
gets richer, becomes more miser.
¬çÀçcç sç Hççcç çÆ ] p ç ] ® çKç çÆ ³ ççÆ ³ ç~
kçw J çkçá À j n³ç Kçô ç Æ ³ ç Kççj, lççí ç Æ l ç mçHççÆ o vçò Kççj~ kra:m cha: pa:m zi tsakh yiyi.
kOkur hay kheyi kha:r, to:ti sapdi n1 kha:r. Is surname a reproach that one should get annoyed?
If a cock eats a kharwar (about eighty kilograms), it would not become a
kharwar in weight. A person doesn’t become great just by eating a lot. ¬çÀçuçò m çò ³ ç sá Kççô b [ yççvçò Dççmççvç~
kra:l1s1y chu khõd ba:n1 a:sa:n.
kçw J çkçá À j n³ç Lçç@J³ç] p ³çvç cJçKlçò [í j mç, lççÆ l ç çÆ l ç nô ç Æ ³ ç lçsá v ç~ A potter has a broken vessel for his own use. An unusual thing.
kOkur hay th@:vizen mOkht1 de:ras, tati ti heyi tachun.
If a cock is kept on a heap of pearls, it will start scratching there also. One ¬çÀá n á v ç Dççô y çá j içjò içjò kçÀjí , sçô l ç Dççô y çá j ojí vçò ] p ççb n ~
does not give up one’s habit so easily. kruhun obur gar1 gar1 kare:, chot obur dare: n1 zã:h.
The black cloud will only thunder, the white cloud will never stop raining.
kçw J çkçÀçÆ j nò b ç Æ ] p ç uççÆ l ç çÆ s vçò HçÓ l ³çd cçjçvç~ The black clouds do not bring rain.
kOkri h1nzi lati chin1 pu:t’ mara:n.
Chickens do not die by the hen’s kick. Children don’t die by the mother’s ¬çÀá n á v ç yçìò , sçô l ç [Ó c ç, lçò JJç] p çá u ç cçá m çuçcççvç~
curses. Mother’s curse is a blessing. kruhun batà1, chot du:m, t1 vOzul musalma:n.
A black complexioned Hindu, a fair complexioned cobbler, and a brown
kçw J ççÆ u ç kçÀçpçJçþ KççÆ m ç vçò nçô K ç~ Muslim are deceitful characters.
kOli ka:jvatàh khasi n1 hokh.
The pestle will not come dry out of the river. Kç kh

kçw J ççÆ u ç Kççô l çò kçw J çuç mço& ~ Kçò o cçLç s Dç] p çcçLç~
kOli khOt1 kOl sard1y. kh1dmath cha azmath.
Rivers are colder one after the other. One who attains bad experiences one Service is greatness.
after the other.
KçB o îç uçomç Kççô b o Hçlç³ç~
kçw J çuççÇ ûç] p ççvç kçÀJç³ç sKç? Dççiçá j Jçá ç Æ s Lç~ kh@~d’ ladas khõd patay.
kOli: graza:n kavay chakh? a:gur vuchith. A hurt person is hurt over and over again. The misfortunes do not come
“O river, why are you roaring? “On seeing my source.” alone.
The importance of background.

Kç@çÆ j mç jçpç [ç³çvç iç³ç& v ç~ Kçj K³çvç³ç Kçj KççJç~

kh@ris ra:j da:yen garen. khar khenay khar kha:v.
A wicked man’s reign lasts for an hour. One is called an ass eater, without having eaten ass flesh.
A false charge or blame. A false accusation.
Kçç@jò vçò yççí i ç lçò Mçjò ~
kh@:r1 n1 bo:g t1 šar1. Kçj HçÓ ç Æ l çmç içá ³ ç& HçÓ l ç Hçô þ îç Jçç@v³çd ~
No share in the good, but in the evil. A good friend. khar pu:tis gur’ pu:t petàh’v@:n’.
Asking a colt as a gift for buying a foal.
Kçç@jmç lçç@çÆ p çuç lçò v³çç³çmç lçç@lççÇ u ç~
kh@:ras t@:jil t1 n’a:yas t@:ti:l. Kçjò yJço ] ® ç@çÆ u çvç³ç lçò JççÇ o ò yJço uç@çÆ i çvç³ç~
Be quick to do good, but slow to quarrel. khar1 bOd ts@linay, t1 ve:d1 bOd l@ginay.
May bad knowledge (an ass’s understanding) flee from you, and the Vedic
Kçç@jçlçmç sá yçpçj~ knowledge (good knowledge) come to you! A blessing for the child about
kh@:ra:tas chu bajar. to start education.
The greatness is in giving away alms (or helping the poor).
Kçjmç vççj lçò vçjmç Kçj~
Kçç@©kçÀ iççí c ç lçmçuççÇ n ®çççÆ v ç, Mçjò çÆ v ççÆ M ç jslçcç KJçoççÆ ³ ç~ kharas nar t1 naras khar.
kh@:ruk go:m tasleh ca:ni, šar1 niši rachtam khOda:yi. An ass for a human being and a human being for an ass.
I do not ask for blessings or good, but O God! save me from wickedness. An uneven couple. Marriage of inconvenience.

Kçç@çÆ M ç ] p çvç H³çþò kçÀçÆ v ç, Kçç@çÆ M ç cço& mçj iço& v ç~ Kçjmç Kçmçvçò vçò cçb o sçvç, Kçjmç Kçj Kçj kçÀjvçmç cçb o sçvç~
kh@:ši zan petàh1kani, kh@:ši mar1d sar garden. kharas khasn1 n1 mandchun, kharas khar khar karn1 mandchun.
A woman’s relations are respected, but not of a man’s. Not to feel ashamed of riding a donkey, and to feel ashamed in scratching it.
Not to feel shy in using a particular item, but to feel shy in maintaing it.
KççÆ c ç ní içá j lçò Kçcççvç s içá v çò ~
khamihe: gur t1 khama:n cha gun1. Kçjmç Kç@çÆ m çLç lçò yçá L ç HçLç kçá À vç kç@ÀçÆ j Lç,
It could be genuine for horses to complaint, but (instead of horses) com- kçÀçuçò ® çvç cççô b i çò v çKç Kçjò n @vç HçÀçÇ ç Æ j Lç~
plaints are made by the load sacks (or saddle bags). kharas kh@sith t1 buth path kun k@rith,
ka:lcan mongnakh khar1han phi:rith.
Kçj kçw ³ ççn ] p çççÆ v ç ] p ççHçÀjçvçò ® ç kçÀoò j ~ One rides the ass with his face towards the tail. And in the evening asks for
khar k’a: za:ni za:phra:n1c kad1r? an ass from them. A shameless fellow.
An ass does not know the importance of saffron. A stupid person does not
know the importance of quality. Kçjmç Kçjò Kçj~ò
kharas khar1 khar1.
Kçj çÆ k çÀjççÆ ³ ç Dçç@Mçvçç³ççÇ kçw ³ ççn? A comb for the donkey. To honour or praise one not worthy of.
khar kira:yi @:š1n@:yi: k’a:?
While paying the hiring charges of an ass, one’s relations should not come Kçjmç iççí j DççHç©vç~
in. One shouldn’t be hesitant in claiming labour charges for work done for kharas go:r a:prun.
relations or somebody else for that matter. To feed jaggery to an ass. To give advice to a stupid person.

Kçjmç iççí j ³çççÆ p ç~ it.

kharas go:r ya:ji.
A jaggery-bread for the donkey. A good advice to a stupid. K³çvçò K³çJççvç lçò J³çvçò [ç@u³çd [ç@u³çd ~
khen1 kheva:n t1 ven1 d@:l’ d@:l’.
Kççvçò c çç@çÆ u çmç vçò kçÀçí p ç lçò Hçj] p çvçmç çÆ c çcçá ] p ç~ Someone is eating his meals, as though picking vena (a kind of green) plant.
kha:n1m@:lis n1 ko:j t1 parzanas mimuz. To pretend disinterest while eating.
No breakfast for the dear son, but a luncheon for the stranger. To show superficial disinterest in getting favours.

Kççvçò cççpçvç lççvçò yççiç³ç~ Kçô v ³çd c³ç@ì, vçç@u³çd ] p ç@ì iç@çÆ ³ ç yç@[ oçÌ u çLç~
kha:n1 ma:jen ta:n1 ba:gay. khen’ metà, n@:l’ z@tà, g@yi b@d davlath.
A pampered girl (who is brought up with a lot of care and affection), may not Something to eat and something to wear is a big wealth.
get a husband of her choice.
K³çvçò cçb ] p çò JJçkçá À mç~
Kççvçò cççu³çvç s Dççvçò cççvç³ç içæ s çvç~ khen1 manz vOkus.
kha:n1 ma:len cha a:n1 ma:nay gatsha:n. Unnecessary conflict in eating (together). An unnecessary quarrel in the
The children brought up with a lot of care and affection, (often) face acute family.
K³çvçò Jççí u çá ³ ç Kçô ç Æ ³ ç lçò K³çççÆ J ç~
Kççvçò cççu³çvç vçò kçÀçí p ç lçò HçjÐçvç mççuç~ vç K³çvçò Jççí u ç kçw ³ çç Kçô ç Æ ³ ç lçò K³çççÆ J ç?
kha:n1 ma:len n1 ko:j t1 parden sa:l. khen1vo:luy kheyi t1 kh’a:vi.
There is not enough food for one’s own children, outsiders are invited over na khen1vo:l k’a: kheyi t1 kh’a:vi?
a feast. One who knows how to eat, will eat and also feed others. The one who
doesn’t know how to eat, will neither eat himself nor can feed others.
Kççvçò o çj içJç Lççvçò o çj~
kha:n1da:r gav tha:n1da:r. K³çvçò c³çÓ þ lçò nçí © vç ìîççô þ ~
The head of the family is like a police officer. khen1 m’u:tàh t1 ho:run tà’otàh.
It is the responsibility of the head of the family to take care of everyone. Sweet to the taste, but bitter to pay for.

K³ççJçá v ç sá v çò jçJççvç~ K³çcçmç Kççj lçò nçí j mç vçò nçj~

kh’a:vun chun1 ra:va:n. khemas kha:r t1 ho:ras n1 ha:r.
Feeding someone does not go waste. I will usurp his kharwar and will not pay a penny.
A selfish person.
K³çlçç cçuçç kçW À æ s ç, DççT] p ç çÆ y çuçç.
çÆ o lçç cçuçç kçW À æ s ç, vççT] p ç çÆ y çuçç~ Kçí Kçí iççí c çá l ç içç@m³çd , cççí l çò ® ç smç vçò Kçyçj~
kheta: mala: ke~:tsha:, a:u:z bila:. khey khey go:mut g@:s, mo:t1c chas n1 khabar.
dita: mala: ke~:tsha:, nau:z bila:. One who has become lustful only by keeping on eating, and is not aware
“O Mulla, eat something.” “Let me pray to God.’ about the death.
“O Mulla, give me something.” “God defend us.”
A selfish person who is ready to accept hospitality, but hesitant in offering

Kçô içç@Jç iççmçò , ojcçò ç Æ k çÀ Hççmçò ~ “Who are you afraid of?”’My mohalladar (head of the mohalla or locality).”
khey g@:v ga:s1, darm1ki pa:s1. One is afraid of one’s own people.
O cow, eat grass for the sake of dharma.
KJçpçò sá Kçá M ççÇ kçÀjçvç çÆ ] p ç vçô ® çá J ç sá c ç iççìá u ç~
K³çJççvç Hççvçmç lçò L³çkçÀçvç pçnçvçmç~ vçô ® çá J ç sá m ç Hççcçò çÆ o Jççvç çÆ ] p ç cççí u ç sá c ç yçí k çÀò u ç~
kheva:n pa:nas t1 theka:n jaha:nas. khOj1 chu khoši: kara:n zi necuv chum ga:tàul.
Eating to oneself, and boasting to the world. necuv chus pa:m1 divan zi mo:l chum be:k1l.
A selfish person. The khwaja is happy thinking that his son is wise. And the son reproaches
his father for the latter’s foolishness.
Kçá ç Æ j mç JçççÆ l ç cççô n v³çá J ç lçò Mçá ç Æ j mç vçò ~
khuris va:ti m@hn’uv t1 šuris n1. KJçpçò sá HçLçò ³ ç, lçò ìçJç Jççô L ç yç´ ç W þ á ³ ç~
One can solve a knotty problem, but not the problems of a child. It is not khOj1 chu path1y, t1 tàa:v voth brõ:tàhuy.
easy to handle a child. The khwaja is much behind, but the news of his arrival has reached ahead.
News about highly placed persons travels fast. News beforehand.
KçÓ b ç Æ l çmç H³çþ KçÓ b l ç~
khu:tis petàh khu:t. KJçpçç ] ® çò çÆ l ç çÆ ³ çKç vçò , yçò çÆ l ç mçcçKç³ç vçò ] p ççb n ~
Injury after an injury. Misfortunes never come alone. khOja: ts1 ti yikhn1, b1 ti samkhay n1 zã:h.
O khwaja, neither you will come, nor shall I see you again.
K³ççô v ç içæ ç Æ s l³çá l çá ³ ç ³çá L ç yçô ç Æ ³ çmç KJçMç çÆ ³ ççÆ ³ ç~ To part company once for all.
kh’on gatshi t’utuy yuth beyis khOš yiyi.
One must eat only as much as is pleasing to others. KJçpçò çÆ l ç cçÓ o , lçò ] ® ççmç çÆ l ç yçuçí ç Æ ³ ç~
khOji ti mu:d, t1 tsa:s ti bale:yi.
K³ççô v ç ®ççô v ç sá Hççvçmç Hççvçmç, Hççcç s yçç@iççÆ j Lç~ The khwaja died, and his cough was cured. Death puts an end to all the
kh’on con chu pa:nas pa:nas, pa:m cha b@:grith. ailments. Death ends all the ailments.
When it comes to eating, everyone is separate and when it is to share a
blame, all become partners. KJçpçò y³çÓ þ Jççvç lçò uçô p çJç mççvç~
People eat as individuals and unite in sharing blames. khOj1 b’u:tàh va:n t1 lejav sa:n
The khwala (shopkeeper) opened a shop along with all his earthen vessels.
K³ççô v ç Ðçá v ç HJçuççJç, lçò DçLçò suçá v ç içç@Jç cçò L çò j ~ A bad business.
kh’on d’un pola:v, t1 ath1 chalun g@:v m1thr1.
Giving pula:v (a special dish) to eat, and offering cow urine for washing KJçpçò cJçcçò v ³çd þÓ u ç, kçÀçn nô v ³çd lçò yççn kçÀò v çò v ³çd ~
hands. To wash away the good done by an abuse or a misdeed. khOj1 mOm1n’ tàhu:l, ka:h hen’ t1 ba:h k1n1n’.
Khwaja Mohammad’s eggs, buying at the rate of cleven and selling at the
Kççô j n³ç DçççÆ m ç çÆ y çuçkçá À uç mççHçÀ, lççí ç Æ l ç Dççmçvçmç nLç Hçw ³ çHçÀj~ rate of twelve. A business at loss. A bad business.
khor hay a:si bilkul sa:ph, to:ti a:snas hath phephar.
If a scabby head is clean, still there will be hundred pimples. ’KJçpçò mçç@yçç, iççcç v³çÓ n çí ³ ç“~ ’DççÆ m ç $ççí J ç Hççvç³ç“~
“khOj1 s@:ba:, ga:m n’uho:v.” “asi tro:v pa:nay.”
’Kççí H çÀ kç@Àc³çd mçá b o sá ³ ç?“ ’Hçvçò ç Æ v çmç cç@nuçò o çjò mçá b o “~ “O khwaja, your village has been taken away from you.”
“kho:ph k@m’ sund chuy?” “pan1nis mohl1da:r1 sund.” “I have given it up on my own.” To reconcile with the loss.

’KJçpçç çÆ o mçç@ yçlçò “ ~ mçá lçá u ççvç Hççvçò Hç@Lçjò ~ The cow has said, “Give me by the throat (feed me), and I’ll give you by the
“khOja: dis@: bat1.” su tula:n pa:n1 p@thr1. tail (i.e. I will supply milk).”
“O khwaja, give me food.” He himself picks it up from the ground. To ask for Feed a cow well, and it will give you milk. The more you feed a cow the more
help from someone who needs it himself. To seek help from a helpless per- milk you will get.
içç@Jç cççj yççí ] p ççvç mçç@jçÇ , oçb o ò cççj vçò yççí ] p ççvç kçÀçb n ~
KJçoç sá þÓ u çmç ] p çá J ç çÆ o Jççvç~ g@:v ma:r bo:za:n s@:ri:, dã:d1 ma:r n1 boza:n kã:h.
khOda: chu tàhu:las zuv diva:n. Strike a cow and everyone will sympathize with it, but strike an ox and
God puts life in an egg. God gives life to a lifeless thing. nobody will say a word.
A woman gets sympathy more easily than a man.
KJçoççÆ ³ ç mçò b ] p ç Kç@j lçò vçç@çÆ ³ çoò mçò b ] p ç ] ® ³çHçÀ~
khOda:yi s1nz kh@r t1 n@:yd1 s1nz tseph. iççB þ kçw ³ çç ] p çççÆ v ç Hçç@] p çò mçá b o çÆ M çkçÀçj~
God has given the scab, and the barber causes a wound (in it). One misery g@~:tàh k’a: za:ni p@:z1 sund šika:r.
followed by another. Calamity followed by catastrophe. Misfortunes never What does a kite know of the prey of a hawk?
come alone.
iççB þ kçw ³ çç ] p çççÆ v ç yç®çò oçí o , lçò nçB þ kçw ³ çç ] p çççÆ v ç HJç$çò oçí o ~
KJçjvç vçò ¸ççJç lçò Hçocççvç vççJç~ g@~:tàh k’a: za:ni baci do:d, t1 h@~:tàh k’a: za:ni pOtr1 do:d.
khOran n1 khra:v t1 padma:n na:v. What does a kite know about the pain of its prey (i.e. chicken)? What does
Not even wooden shoes to wear for her feet, yet she is called Padmani (a a barren woman know the pangs of child’s birth?
queen). A false prestige.
iççB þ vçò kçá À çÆ v ç lçò iççB ç Æ ì Dççí u ç~
iç g g@~:tàh n1 kuni t1 g@~:tà1 o:l.
The kite is nowhere, but there is a kite’s nest.
Building a stable, before obtaining a horse.
içç@v³çd yçá ç Æ [ lçò ³çB o ò j kçÀçÆ l ç~
g@:n’ budi t1 yend1r kati.
When a prostitute becomes old, she spins the wheel.
içiçá j Kççí ] ® ççvç yç´ ç @çÆ j mç, yç´ ç í j Kççí ] ® ççvç nÓ ç Æ v çmç~
An appropriate profession at an appropriate time. gagur kho:tsa:n br@:ris, bro:r kho:tsa:n hu:nis.
A mouse is afraid of a cat, and a cat is afraid of a dog.
No one is fearless. Everyone has someone superior above him.
içç{ s o@çÆ j ³ççJçmç Dçb o j $çí ç Æ M ç yççHçLç cçjçvç~
g@:d cha d@rya:vas andar tre:ši ba:path mara:n.
The fish dies of thirst in the water.
içiçá j sá kçÀjçvç yç´ ç @çÆ j mç uççj~
gagur chu kara:n br@:ris la:r.
The mouse is chasing away the cat. Something unusual.
içç@Jç ] p ççJç Jççô æ s , mçá ³ ç cçô iççô æ s ~
g@:v za:v votsh, suy me gotsh.
The cow bore a calf, which I would like to have.
içiçá j ] ® ççJç uç@kçÀçÆ j yççÆ v ç, ¿çLç kçw ³ çç ] ® ççJç çÆ ] p ç K³çLç êçJç~
To be greedy. gagur tsa:v l@kri bani, heth k’a: tsa:v zi kheth dra:v.
A rat entered a pile of wood. What did it take with it, and what did it eat and
came out with? Nothing. An attempt in futility.
içç@Jç sá Jççô v çcçá l ç, nçÆ ì çÆ k çÀv³çd çÆ o lçcç lçò uççÆ ì çÆ k çÀv³çd çÆ o cç³ç~
g@:v chu vonmutà hatài kin’ ditam t1 latài kin’ dimay.

içiçá j Jççô L ç yç´ ç @çÆ j mç Kçô ç Æ v ç~ To run a household demands continuous hard work.
gagur voth br@:ris kheni.
A mouse attacks a cat. When a weak person attacks a strong one. A knight içjò içá b [ ò ~
attacked by a wreck. gar1 gu~d1.
The bully in the house. One who cannot achieve much out of his house. A
içá ³ ç& v ç vçò Hççí M ççvç, u³ç@] p ç yçv³çvç ®ççí y ç~ boastful person.
gur’an n1 po:ša:n, l’@z banen co:b.
One who is not able to restrain horses, beats the dunghill. içj] p ç cçb o sá oí J ççvçò ~
One who cannot argue with the strong persons, shows anger on the weaker garzmand chu de:va:n1.
ones. A selfish person is mad.

içiçá j nô ç Æ k çÀ vçò DççÆ ] ® çLç Hçvçò ç Æ v ç JçççÆ p ç, Hçlçò ¿çLç cçççÆ p ç~ içjò Jçb o ³ç içjò mççmçç, yçjò v³çyçj vçí j ³ç vçò ] p ççb n ~
gagur heki n1 @tsith pan1ni va:ji, pat1 heth ma:ji. gar1 vanday gar1 sa:sa: , bar1 nebar ne:ray n1 zã:h.
The rat cannot itself enter into its hole, still it takes its mother along with. O home, I would sacrifice a thousand houses on you, and would never step
Hardly enough for one, and yet two or more want to share it. out of the door.
No place like home. East or West, home is the best.
içiçjç³çvç sá v çò ªo~
gagra:yan chun1 ru:d. içjmç cçb ] p ç içb i çç~
The thundering does not cause rain. garas manz gangs:.
Barking dogs seldom bite. Empty vessels make much noise. Ganges in one’s own house.
Everything available at home.
iççÆ p ç mçÓ j kçÀçô [ á c ç, HççÆ p ç mçÓ j uççô o á c ç lçò $ççí J çá c ç, iç@³çcç $çô kçÀççÆ c ç~
uççuçò Jçá ] p çò v ççí J çá c ç, Üoò oçcç ®ççí J çá c ç lçò Hçlçò yçô ç Æ ³ ç mççí J çá c ç, iç@³çcç Mçô kçÀççÆ c ç~ iççÆ j içìò lçò cç@MççÇ ç Æ o ] ® ççW i ç~
gaji su:r kodum, paji su:r lodum t1 tro:vum, g@yam tre ka:mi. gari gatà1 t1 m@ši:di tsõ:g.
la:l1 vuz1no:vum, dOd1 da:m co:vum t1 pat1 beyi so:vum, g@yam še ka:mi. Darkness in the home, but a light in the mosque.
I took out ashes from the fireplace, put them in a basket, and then threw Darkness in the hearth and light in the church.
them away: I have done three things. I woke up the baby, gave him a little
milk, and then put him to sleep again. I have performed six jobs. iççÆ j Ðçá v ç lçò ] p çç@çÆ c çvç vçò Dç] ® çá v ç~
To pretend to be busy. As busy as a hen with one chicken. gari d’un t1 z@:min n1 atsun.
It is better to give something from one’s own than to stand surety to any-
iççÆ y ç yçá ç Æ L ç jçcçò nÓ v ç~
gabi buthi ra:m1 hu:n. iççÆ j Hçô þ îç ] p ççcçlçá j , yçjò H³çþò nÓ v ç~
A sheep in appearance, but a wolf at heart. gari petàh1 za:mtur, bar1 petàh1 hu:n.
A wolf in sheep’s clothing. A son-in-law who lives with his in-laws is like a dog at the door.

içjò içJç ] ® çkçÀò vççJç, okçÀò çÆ o ³ç çÆ o ³ç HçkçÀò v ççJç~ iççÆ j vçÓ v ç lççÇ u ç Dççmçá v ç~
gar1 gav tsak1 na:v dak1 diy diy pak1na:v. gari nu:n ti:l a:sun.
The home is like a turf-boat, which is driven ahead by constant roving and To have salt and oil at home.
pushing. Availability of bare necessities at home.

iççÆ j JççÆ j oiççÆ v ç~ I should not have come out of my house.

gari vari dagni. When one doesn’t get better food at other’s place.
To pound spices in the house.
A coward. One who is afraid to come out of the house. içjò Jçb o ³ç içjò mççmçç, yçjò vçí j ³ç vçò ] p ççb n ~
vçlçò kçÀj³ç [á y çò [çmçç, HçÀçÇ ç Æ j Lç çÆ ³ çcç³ç vçò ] p ççb n ~
i³çJç K³çJççvç lçò içjoçÆ v ç kçá À vç DçLçò uççiççvç~ gar1 vanday gar1 sa:sa:, bar1 ne:ray n1 zã:h.
g’av kheva:n t1 gardani kun ath1 la:ga:n. nat1 karay dub1 da:sa:, phi:rith yimay n1 zã:h
While eating ghee, feeling the neck with hand (to see if he is getting fat). My home! 1 may sacrifice a thousand homes on you, and would not come
One who is very impatient to know the effect of the treatment which has just out of your door. Or, I would destroy you totally, and would never retum to
begun. you.
Two extremes of the like and dislike for the home..
i³çJçò nç lçò i³çJç K³çJç yç´ ç @³ç& ~ The home is sweet as long as it provides comfort.
g’av1 ha: t1 g’av khyev br@:r’.
I would sing but the cat has eaten my ghee.
(The word g’av means ‘to sing’ as well as ‘clarified butter’.) To make a lame i³çJç K³çvç³ç svçò içjovç cJçìçvç~
excuse for one’s incompetence. g’av khenay chan1 gardan mOtàa:n.
A bad worksman quarrels with his tools. One’s neck doesn’t get fat without eating ghee (clarified butter). A person
who takes bribes.
iççìò sç vççìò , yçç] p çjò nô ç q ] p ç cç@u³çd ~
ga:tà1 cha: na:tà1, ba:zr1 hezi m@l’. içççÆ v ç jçí J ç ªvç, kçÀçÆ c ç Mççn©kçÀ~
The wisdom is not like mutton, which can be bought from the market. Wis- ga:ni ro:v ru:n, kami ša:hruk.
dom cannot be purchased. A prostitute lost her husband. Who knows of which city?
When whereabouts are not easily traced.
içççÆ [ sá Dççyçò cçb ] p çò ³ ç $çí ç Æ M ç ná b o lçcççn~
ga:di chu a:b1 manz1y tre:ši hund tama:h. iççJç çÆ l ç ®ççJçá v ç lçò Jççô æ s çÆ l ç jb ] p çò v ççJçá v ç~
A fish craves for water in the river itself. ga:v ti ca:vun t1 votsh ti ranz1na:vun.
Milk the cow, and also keep the calf satisfied.
iççcç sá Kççcç~ To enjoy and let others also enjoy.
ga:m chu kha:m.
The village is raw (not a place to get all what one would like to have). Rural iççJç çÆ o çÆ ³ ç vçò lçò Jççô æ s ®çô ç Æ ³ ç vçò ~
life is full of hardships. ga:v diyin1 t1 votsh ceyi n1.
The cow will not give (milk), and the calf will not suck it.
iç@jçÇ y çmç iççô y çá j ] p ççJç, Dççô v çá v ç kçÀçÆ l ç~
g@ri:bas gobur za:v. onun kati?
A son was born to a poor man. People asked, “Where from did he bring
içá j yççÆ [ mççí v ç, oçvçò Kçô ç Æ ³ ç ®ççí v ç~
him.” A poor man’s happiness in not relished. gur badi so:n, da:n1 kheyi co:n.
A pauper’s prosperity puzzles all. Our horse will grow big, and will eat your grain.
To derive benefit at other’s cost.
iççÆ j çÆ l ç nçKç, HççÆ j çÆ l ç nçKç, vççnkçÀ³ç ] p çá J çò iççÆ j êçKç~
gari ti ha:kh, pari ti ha:kh, na:hkay zuva: gari: dra:kh. içá ³ ç& v ç vçò Hççí M ççvç, u³ç] p ç yçv³çvç ®ççí y ç~
The same swede (a green vegetable) at my own house, the same in another’s. guren n1 po:ša:n lez banen co:b.

When one cannot control the horses, one beats the dung hill. To take the brought for it) behind one’s back.
revenge of the strong from the weak. Someone who is shy in asking for a favour.

içá j Kç@çÆ m çLç, ] ® ççoj cçB ç Æ [ Lç lçò iççJç Òç@çÆ m çLç~ içá ³ ç& sá oçô H çcçá l ç, Kçmçò J çò ç Æ v çmç KççjLç, Jçmçò J çò ç Æ v çmç Jççuçlçcç~
gur kh@sith, tsa:dar m@~di th, t1 ga:v pr@sith. gur’ chu dopmutà khasv1nis kha:rath, vas1v1nis va:ltam.
The horse can be assessed after riding it, the quality of the blanket can be The horse has said, “I will help you to go up the steep, but you lead me
assessed after shrinking it by washing, and the cow can be assessed after it down the slope”.
has given birth to a calf. It is easier for the horse to climb uphill than to go downhill.
Gold is tested in fire; man’s courage is tested in misery; and horse is tested
by riding. içá ³ ç& v ç uçç@çÆ i çKç vççuç lçò Kçj iç@çÆ ³ ç Hç[j oç@çÆ j Lç~
guren l@:gikh na:l t1 khar g@yi padar d@:rith.
içá j sá v çò K³çJççvç Hçô ] ® ç, ³çô ç Æ u ç smç yJççÆ s uçiççvç, lçô ç Æ u ç sá K³çJççvç cçô ] ® ç~ Iron shoes were fixed on horses, and donkeys also lifted their hoofs for it.
gur chun1 kheva:n pets, yeli chas bOchi laga:n, teli chu kheva:n mets. When a weak person considers himself/herself at par with strong person.
The horse does not eat the bulrush, but at the time of hunger it will eat clay.
The hunger doesn’t wait for tasty food. Hungry stomach needs no dainties. içÓ j oH³çç çÆ ] p ç c³ççí v ç Üo sá ] ® ççô k çÀ~
gu:r dap’a: zi m’o:n dOd chu tsok.
içá j , ] p çvççvçò lçò MçcçMççÇ j , çÆ ³ çcç $çô v çò J ç³ç çÆ s yçí J çHçÀç~ Will the milkman ever say that his milk is sour?
gur, zana:n t1 šamši:r, yim tren1vay chi bevapha: Everyone speaks high of himself. Self praise is no recommendation.
A horse, a woman, and a sword, all the three are not loyal.
içÓ ³ ç& iççÆ j sç Jççô æ s jçJççvç~
içá j J³çþçvç ®ççí v ç, oçvçò K³çJççvç c³ççí v ç~ gu:r’ gari cha: votsh ra:va:n?
gur vetàha:n co:n, da:n1 kheva:n m’o:n. Is a calf ever lost in a milk vendor’s house?
Your horse is becoming fat by eating my grain. To live on other’s expense.
içÓ ³ ç& Jççô n Jçvçò sç Jççô æ s cçjçvç~
içá ç Æ j mçJçç@³ç& lçò Kçj®çò Dçlçò i çLç~ gu:r’ vohvn1 cha: votsh mara:n?
guri sav@:r’ t1 kha:rci at1gath. Does a calf die as a result of milk vendor’s curse.
Mare for riding, useless run for the foal. (Mare is used for a ride and unnec-
essary expenses are to be incurred on the foal). The foal runs along with the iççô ì vç³ç DçççÆ m ç, iççMç kçÀmç yçççÆ m ç~
mare for nothing. gotà nay a:si, ga:š kas ba:si.
If there is no darkness, how will one feel the light?
içá ç Æ j mç vçò Hç@l³çd , cJçkçÀocçmç vçò yç´ Ó b þ îç, lçò mçò ] ® çmç vçò o@çÆ s v³çd ~
guris n1 p@t’, mOkdamas n1 bru:tàh’, t1 s1tsas n1 d@chin’. ûçó m ³çd sá Jççô v çcçá l ç, cçô iç@æ s d ³ ç Dççmçò v ³çd ] p çò KJçoç, Dç@çÆ k çÀmç Jçvçò n ç@ Hççô ] p ç lçò
No one should go behind the horse (it might kick him), in front of the village yçô ç Æ ³ çmç DçHçá ] p ç~
headman (who might ask him to do some work for him), and on the right gr1:s’ chu vonmutà me g@tsh’ a:s1n’ z1 khOda:,
hand side of a tailor (whose needle may prick him). @kis van1h@: poz, t1 beyis apuz.
The peasant has said, “I wish I had two Gods, so that I would tell truth to
içá j mçmç cçç@uç, ] ® ççô [ ¿çLç Hçlçò kçÀçÆ v ç~ one, and lie to other.”
gursas m@:l, tsod heth pat1 kani.
One wants to have buttermilk, but has hidden the pot (which has been

iJç[ò içJç Hççvçmç, Hçlçò içç@j ] p ççvçmç~ iççô y çj sç uJçyçj çÆ ] p ç iç@çÆ ³ ç içÓ ç Æ j mç çÆ v ççÆ M ç lçò Dç@v³çd ~
gOd1 gav pa:nas, pat1 g@:rza:nas. gObar cha: lObar zi g@yi gu:ris niši t1 @n’.
First for self, then for the stranger. Charity begins at home. Sons are not (like) cow dung cakes, which can be brought from the cowherd.
Sons are not so easily obtained. Sons are precious.
iJç[ò uççí ç Æ j nô v ç, Hçlçò kçÀçí ç Æ j nô v ç~
gOd1 lo:riha:n t1 pat1 ko:riha:n. ûçó m ³çd kçÀçj içJç çÆ p çvçò kçÀçj~
First one asks for your walking stick, and then asks for your daughter. To gr1:s’ ka:r gav jin1 ka:r.
make new demands after the old ones are met. A peasant’s work is like devil’s work.
A peasant’s profession is very difficult.
iJç[ò ³ç[ Dçoò Lçj~
gOd1 yad ad1 thar. ûçó m ³çd sô çÆ o ] ® çcçò ] ® ç Mçí l ççvçmç yçç@] p ³çd ~
First food for the stomach, and then clothes for the body. gr1:s’ cha ditsm1ts še:ta:nas b@:z’.
A peasant has deceived even the satan.
iJç[ò ç Æ v ç®ç kçw J çuç³ç s³ç jó v ³çd cç@] ® çò ³ ç, oçô ç Æ ³ çcç kçw J çuç³ç s³ç lççí ç Æ l ç kçW À æ s ç, $çô ç Æ ³ çcç A peasant is very cunning.
kçw J çuç³ç s³ç lçççÆ u ç cçkçÀ] ® çò ³ ç~
gOd1nic kOlay chay r1:n’ m@ts1y, doyim kOlay chay to:ti ke~:tsha:, treyim ûçó m ³çd ç Æ l çmç vç³ç HçÀçjmççÇ lççô i ç, cçç©vç Jççí l ç vçò ~
kOlay chay ta:li makts1y. gr1:s’tis nay pha:rsi: tog, ma:run vo:t n1.
The first wife is mad for her husband. The second wife, has something good If a peasant doesn’t know Persian, he is not liable to be killed for it. Every-
in her, but the third wife is like an axe on the head. one has his limitations.
Perfection is an attribution to God alone.
iJç[çÆ v ç®ç kçw J çuç³ç s³ç nçÇ lç³ç ] p ççÇ , oçô ç Æ ³ çcç kçw J çuç³ç s³ç iççÆ j iççÆ j êò ³ ç,
$çô ç Æ ³ çcç kçw J çuç³ç ] ® çìçvç mçá c çò lçò kç@Àoò u ç, ] ® çÓ ç Æ j çÆ c ç yçouç uççÆ i ç vçò kçÀçb n ~ ®ç c
gOd1nic kOlay chay hi: tay zi:, doyim kOlay chay gari gari dr1y. treyim
kOlay tsatàa:n sum1 t1 kad1l, tsu:rimi badal lagi n1 kã:h. ®çç@çÆ v çmç nçkçÀmç sá v çò HççKç çÆ o vçá k çÀ nçpçLç~
The first wife is a jasmine and income. The second wife swears often by c@:nis ha:kas chun1 pa:kh dinuk ha:jath.
your name. The third wife cuts bridges and bunds. There is no match for the There is no need to cook your swedes. A perfect worker.
fourth wife (she is a real disaster).
®çç³ç kçÀcç ³çç ] p ³ççoò , cçiçj lç@] ® ç~
iJç[ò ç Æ v ç®ç uççvçLç, oçô ç Æ ³ çcç v³ççcçLç s³ç yçjçyçj~ ca:y kam ya: z’a:d1 , magar t@ts.
gOd1nic la:nath doyim n’a:math chay bara:bar. It doesn’t matter whether tea is less or more, but it must be hot.
The first curse and the second blessing are alike. The first wife is valued
more than the second. The devil we know is better than the devil we do not ®çççÆ ³ ç lçò uçççÆ ³ ç içæ ç Æ s Dççô i çá v ç Dççmçá v ç~
know. ca:yi t1 la:yi gatshi ogun a:sun.
Flame is necessary for preparing tea and for cornflakes.
iJç[ò v ³çá k çÀ mççí o ç içæ ç Æ s vçò jçJçò © vç~
gOd1n’uk soda: gatshi n1 ra:v1run. ®ççí v ç vçò mçò L çò j lçò c³çç@v³çd vçò kçÀlçò J çò v ³çd ~
One must not lose the first deal. Never refuse the first offer. co:n n1 s1th1r, t1 me:n’ n1 kat1v1n’.
Neither you have got cotton, nor do I get the charges for spinning it.

®ççí v ç cJçb i çò $çKç, mççí v ç m³çá v ç DçKç~ sçvçò çÆ k çÀpç~

co:n mong1 trakh, so:n s’un akh. cha:n1 k1j.
Your five kilograms of green gram is consumed in our single meal. The The carpenter’s wooden wedge.
consumption is more, when a family is large. It is believed that a carpenter keeps some lacuna or a fault (say a missing nail
here and there) in the construction of a house etc., so that he is recalled to
s ch do the job and earn his livelihood. To keep some lacuna in the work.

s@l³çd lçò ¬çÀò n ò v ³çd ] ® ççjò v ³çd ~ sçvçò þá K ç sá v çò yççÆ m lç jçí ] p ççvç~
ch@t’ t1 kr1h1n’ tsa:r1n’. cha:n1 tàhOkh chun1 basti ro:za:n.
To look for black and white. To look for false excuses. The sound of the (tools of) carpenter does not remain a secret. Truth cannot
be hidden.
s@v³çd cç@ì sô Jç] p ççvç~
ch@n’ m@tà cha vaza:n. sçvçò þá k çÀmç sá jmç lç³ççj~
Empty vessels make much noise. cha:n1 tàOkas chu ras taya:r.
Soup is ready at the sound of the carpenter. A skilled worker is honoured
s@u³çd s@u³çd ] p ³çá v ç ] p ççuçá v ç~ always. A skilled worker does not die of hunger.
ch@l’ ch@l’ z’un za:lun.
To burn wood after washing it. To be over careful. sçvçmç lççí ç Æ j sHçÀ Hççvçmç kçá À vç~
cha:nas to:ri chaph pa:nas kun.
s@çÆ u çLç Lç@çÆ J çnÓ v ç lçò Jç@çÆ u çLç çÆ v çcççí v ç~ The showings of timber cut by the carpenter with his adz go towards him. It
ch@l’th th@vihu:n t1 v@lith nimo:n. is natural for every one to think in terms of one’s own benefit. Man is selfish
Keep her bathed, and we will take her wrapped (in clothes). by nature.
Where no dowry is demanded.
sçvçmç vçò ®ççW ® çò , Kççjmç vçò ¬çÀçô æ s ~
scç çÆ s þ lçò s cçç kçÀçB ç Æ m ç~ cha:nas n1 cõ:c1, kha:ras n1 krotsh
cham chitàh t1 cha ma: k@:si. A carpenter does not have a (wooden) ladle (for his own use), and a black-
I have a printed cloth, which no one else has. smith doesn’t have a poker (used for taking out burning charcoals from the
To show off. A dandy. A snob. fireplace).
There is a scarcity of items which should have been readily available with
persons who make them.
suçvçò cçuç sç Dç] ® ççvç çÆ k çÀvçò vçí j çvç~
chaln1 mal cha: atsa:n kin1 ne:ra:n?
Does the washing make clothes dirty or clean?
sçvçmç, yçç@] p ³çiççjmç lçò MççnmçJççjmç s Dç@[ò ³ ç Jçá c çò j ~
It helps to discuss the problems for reaching a solution. cha:nas, b@:z’ garas, t1 sha:hsava:ras cha @d1y um1r.
Discussion resolves the matter. A carpenter, juggler and a horse rider live only half their lives. A risky job.

suçvçò cçuç sá vçí j çvçò ³ ç, Dç] ® ççvç sá v çò ~ sçJç çÆ ³ çLç yçlçò lçò oçJç çÆ ³ çLç kçÀLçò ~
chaln1 mal chu ne:ra:n1y, atsa:n chun1. cha:v yith bat1, t1 da:v yith kath1.
The washing removes the dirt and does not make it more dirty. It helps to Rice tastes good when it is properly cooked, and talking is good when
discuss problems in order to find solutions. opportunity is ripe. Strike when the iron is hot.

sá c ç lçò kçÀjmç kçw ³ çç? pçcççLç iç@çÆ ³ ç kçÀjçcçLç~

chum t1 karas k’a:? jama:th g@yi kara:ma:th.
I have (enough) what should I do to it? Unity among people is as good as a miracle.
To show off one’s wealth. Too much of everything is bad. Many things are accomplished by unity.

sd J çkçÀmç vçÓ v ç $ççJçá v ç~ pçJççvçmç vçò jçí ] p çiççj, uJçkçÀçÆ ì mç cçç@pç cçjò v ³çd , lçò yçá [ mç DççMçô v ³çd cçjò v ³çd ,
chOkas nu:n tra:vun. çÆ ³ çcçò $çô v çò J ç³ç kçÀLçò sô cçá m ççÇ y çLç~
To rub salt on the wound. To hurt a person who is already hurt. To add insult java:nas n1 ro:zga:r, lOktàis m@:j mar1n’, t1 budas ašen’ mar1n’, yim1
to injury. tren1vay kath1 cha musi:bath.
Unemployment for a young man, death of the mother for a kid, and death of
sd J çv³çç ìd J çv³çç kçÀ©vç~ the wife for an old man, are the three terrible misfortunes.
chOn’a: tàOn’a: karun.
To enjoy at any cost. To spend lavishly and not to think about future. pççvç kçá À mç sá ? Hçvçá v ç Hççvç~
ja:n kus chu? panun pa:n.
pç j Who is good? your own self.
If one is good, one will find everybody else good.
pçççÆ n uç yçìvç sá þçí k çá À j ] ® çuçò v ççí J çcçá l ç~
j@:hil batàan chu tàho:kur tsal1no:vmut. pççvç içJç mçá ³çá m ç pççvç kçÀçÆ j ~
An irate Hindu has chased away an idol of god from his house. Anger is ja:n gav su, yus ja:n kari.
harmful. Good is one, who does good to others.

pçì Hçþ çÆ ] p ç KJçoççÆ ³ ç jþ~ pççvç sá Hçvçá v ç Hççvç~

jatà patàh zi khOda:yi ratàh. ja:n chu panun pa:n.
Act quickly and leave (the result) to God. Good is one’s own self.
Those who do not bother about the consequences. One who is good, will find everyone good.

pçb i çmç cçb ] p ç s³ç þçÇ u ³çd çÆ l ç lçò içÓ u ³çd çÆ l ç~ pççvçò çÆ o lçò omçlççj, Hççvçò jçí ] p çlçò JJç[ò vççô v ç~
jangas manz chay tàhi:l’ ti t1 gu:l’ ti. ja:n1 dit1 dasta:r, pa:n1 ro:zt1 vOd1non.
In war one may get a purse, or a bullet. My friend, give me your turban, and remain bareheaded yourself. To be
One may win or lose a battle. In a battle there are losses and gains. very selfish.

pçb o ò v çò ³ ç sô ] p JçJçò Dççmççvç~ çÆ p çiçjò ³ ç sá kçÀjçvç kçÀçj~

jand1n1y cha zOv1 a:sa:n. jigr1y chu kara:n ka:r.
Lice flourish in rags. It is the heart (courage), which helps to achieve (and not the wealth). The
brave deserve the fair.
pçb o mç Hçç@³ç& ³çLç kç@À³ç& ç Æ ] p ç Jçb o mç jçnLç~
jandas p@:r’ yath k@rizi vandas ra:hath.
Blessed be the ragged garments, which provide warmth during winter.

]®ç ts ®ççÆ j sá kçB À [îç LççÆ j H³çþ jçnlç~

tsari chu k@nd’ thari petàh ra:hat.
] ® çò oHçÀ ’yçô ç Æ v ç“, yçò oHç³ç ’yçççÆ ³ ç’, Hçvçò v ³çd kçÀLç s³ç Hçvçò ç Æ v ç pçççÆ ³ ç~ The sparrow feels comfortable upon the thorn bush.
ts1 daph “beni”, b1 dapay “ba:yi”, pan1n’ kath cha pan1ni: ja:yi. Everyone feels comfortable at his or her own place, no matter how small or
You call me ‘sister’, and I will call you ‘brother’. The real fact (of our relation- bad it is.
ship) will remain a secret with us.
The relationship is mutual understanding and not a public matter. ] ® ççÆ j ná b o Jççb þ ò ³ ç kçw ³ çç sá ?
tsari hund vã:tàh1y k’a: chu?
How big could be the heart of a sparrow?
] ® ç@çÆ ì Lç ¿çb o ò J ³çb o , lçò ] ® çò ç Æ n Lç mççí o ç~ A little person cannot be very bold.
ts@tàith hend1vend, t1 ts1hith so:da:.
Watermelon (should be purchased) after cutting it, and groceries after tast-
ing (sucking).
] ® çuçò J çò v ³çvç Hçlçò , lçò uççjò J çò v ³çvç yç´ ç ô b n ~
tsal1v1nen pat1, t1 la:r1v1nen brõh.
Following the people who are running away, and in front of the people,
] ® ç@j sô DççÆ k çÀ HçÀçÆ u ç yççHçLç nç@jçvç~ who are chasing.
ts@r cha aki phali ba.path h@:ra:n. A clever person, who takes benefit in every situation.
A sparrow is wandering for a single grain.
Everyone is in need of something no matter how little it is.
] ® çuçò J çò v ³çvç yç´ ç ô b n lçò uççjò J çò v ³çvç Hçlçò ~
tsal1v1nen brõh t1 la:r1v1nen pat1.
] ® ç@çÆ j mç iççìmç sá ] ® ççô j Kçá j ~ Leading those who are running away, but the last of those who pursue. A
ts@ris ga:tàas chu tsor khur. coward.
The wiser the man, the more in trouble.
çÆ ] ® çLçò j n³ç ÜçÆ M ç, Jç@njmç Hççí ç Æ M ç,
] ® ççB ç Æ i çmç lçuç sô içìò ~
ts@~:gis tal cha gatà1.
Jç@njç@] ® ç n³ç ÜçÆ M ç, lçò Hç@njmç Hççí ç Æ M ç vçò ~
There is darkness under the lamp. tsith1r hay dOši, v@hras po:ši,
Nearer the church farther from God. v@hr@:ts hay dOši, t1 p@hras po:ši n1.
Should it rains in Chet (March-April), there will be enough water for the
whole year, but if it rains in the rainy season (July-August), it would not
] ® çcç lçò vçcç Jç@çÆ m çLç jd J çKmçLç~ last even for a few hours.
tsam t1 nam v@sith rOkhsath.
After wearing out (losing) one’s skin and nails in hard work, one is dis-
missed (from service).
] ® çô çÆ n çÆ M ç iççÆ y ç sç v³çÓ j Kçmççvç?
tse hiši gabi cha: n’u:r khasa:n?
Can ewes like you, climb a meadow?
] ® ççÆ j kçÀMçvçò sá jLç çÆ ³ çJççvç~ Contempt for other’s weakness. To belittle someone.
tsari kašn1 chu rath yiva:n.
Blood comes out from excessive scratching.
A miser creates more miseries for himself.
] ® çÓ j iç@çÆ ³ ç vçb i çò , nb i çò lçò cçb i çò ~
A meticulous person often comes to harm. tsu:r g@yi nang1, hang1 t1 mang1.
Someone’s theft (or bad deed) is revealed all of a sudden.
Bad deeds do not remain hidden for long.

Every secret shall be told. ] ® çÓ j mç Hçá À ì KJçj lçò HççÇ j mç cççí © Kç cçá j çÇ o ~
tsu:ras phutà khOr t1 pi:ras mo:rukh muri:d.
] ® çÓ j sô HçÀKç~ A thief broke his foot, and the priest’s disciple was killed (for it). The inno-
tsu:r cha phakh. cent is punished and the guilty is acquitted.
Theft is like a bad odour (which cannot be hidden).
] ® çÓ j Jç çÆ v ççÆ ³ ç ] p çvççvçò , lçò þiçJç K³çJç cJçKlçò nçj~
] ® çÓ j sá yçí v çÓ j ~ tsu:rav niyi zana:n, t1 tàhagav khev mOkht1 ha:r.
tsu:r chu be:nu:r. Thieves took away the woman, and the robbers took away the necklace.
The thief is without grace (unattractive person). When thieves are also robbed.

] ® çÓ j cçò kçÀj lçò kçÀçB ç Æ m ç cçò Kççí ] ® ç~ ] ® çÓ b þ sá ] ® çÓ b ç Æ þ mç Jçá ç Æ s Lç jb i ç jìçvç~

tsu:r m1 kar t1 k@:si m1 kho:ts. tsu:tàh chu tsu:tàhis vuchith rang ratàa:n.
Don’t steal, and be afraid of none. An apple gets colour on seeing another apple.
One who does not commit a bad deed should not be afraid of anyone. A person is influenced by the company he/she keeps.

] ® çÓ j ò kçw J çkçá À j~ ] ® ççô ì iç@çÆ ³ ç kçw J ççÆ u ç lçò jççÆ n Kjçoç~

tsu:r1 kOkur. tsotà g@yi kO1i t1 ra:hi khOda:.
A stolen cock. A forbidden work. The bread fell into the river, and he said ‘for the sake of God.’ When lost
things are given in charity.
] ® çÓ j mç sô yJçK®çmç kçá À vçá ³ ç kçÀuç~
tsu:ras cha bOkhcas kunuy kal. ] ® ççô ì sô yçvççvç ܳçJç DçLçJç~
The thief always thinks about his luggage (or booty). tsotà cha bana:n dOyav athav.
A bread is made by two hands.
] ® çÓ j mç ] ® çÓ j HçÀjçvç~ Unity is strength. It takes two to make a row.
tsu:ras tsu:r phara:n.
Thieves steal things owned by thieves. ] ® ççô j Dç³ççuç sá yççô [ pçb p ççuç~
Ill begotten money does not last long. tsor aya:l chu bod janja:l.
A large family is a complex problem.
] ® çÓ j mç lçò jç@çÆ s mç yçç@pçJçþ~
tsu:ras t1 r@:chis b@:jvatàh. ] ® ççô j içJç çÆ ] p ç Kççô j içJç~
A partnership between the thief and the watchman. tsor gav zi khor gav.
Where everyone is dishonest. Too much is not liked by anyone.
Too much of everything is bad.
] ® çÓ j mç vç³ç cçÓ j DçççÆ m ç, mçvç çÆ k çÀLçò Hçç@þîç ÞçH³çmç~
tsu:ras nay mu:r a:si, san kith1 p@:tàh’ šrapes? ] ® JççÆ ® ç JççÆ j DçB o jò vçí ³ çç& DçB p ç~
If the thief is not beaten with stick, how would he digest the proceeds of tsOci vari @ndr1 ne:r’a: @z?
theft? Would a goose come out of a cake?
A thief is accustomed to thrashing. (A typical reply given by a bakeman when he was told that a lice was found
in a cake made by him).

Small things can hide smaller items. æ s çô H çá ³ ç içá H çá v ç içá o ç@c³çd KççJç~
tshopuy gupun gud@:m’ kha:v.
s tsh The silent animal eats its tether.
One must be afraid of the person, who keeps quiet all the time.
s@jò ³ ç cç@ì sô Jç] p ççvç~
tsh@r1y m@tà cha vaza:n. æ s çô j DçLçò sá v çò Dç] ® ççvç Dçç@mçmç çÆ l ç~
Empty vessels make much noise. tshor ath1 chun1 atsa:n @:sas ti.
An empty hand does not even enter the mouth.
æ s @u³çd vçlçò yç@u³çd , H³çþò vçlçò lç@u³çd ~ Poverty is a curse.
tsh@l’ nat1 b@l’, petàh1 nat1 t@l’.
Either with deceit or by force; either from the top, or from the bottom. By æ s d J çHçò s³ç jd J çHçò mçò b ] p ç~
hook or crook. tshOp1 chay rOp1 s1nz.
The silence is silvery (as good as silver).
æ s uçmç lçuç sá nçô m ç çÆ l ç yçb o ~
tshalas tal chu hos ti band. pç z
Even an elephant is caught in the trap.
Anyone can be trapped. pçò içç[ò svçò DçLçmç cçb ] p ç çÆ ³ çJççvç~
z1 ga:d1 chan1 athas manz yiva:n.
æ s ò v ç Hçç@pççcçò Kçmç uççÆ j H³çþ, æ s ò v ç Hçç@] p ççjò lçò kçÀj þmç þmç~ It is not possible to hold two fish in one hand.
tshun p@:ja:m1 khas lari petàh, tshun p@:za:r1 t1 kar tàhas tàhas. To take up two jobs at the same time. To ride on two horses at the same time.
Put on trousers, and climb the roof of the house. Put on the shoes, and tap
the floor. A person who shows off. Said for a snob. ] p çò lçò ] p çò iç@çÆ ³ ç ] ® ççí j ~
z1 t1 z1 g@yi tso:r.
æ s d ³ ççô ì n³ç K³çcçò , kçÀçÆ c ç uçÓ y çò ? Two and two make four.
tsh’otà hay khem1, kami lu:b1?
If I eat the leftovers (remnants) of food, there should be some attraction. ] p çò Lç] p çò lçò içç[ò o] p çò ~
One can do anything for some profit. z1 thaz1 t1 ga:d1 daz1.
When both women (working in the kitchen) consider themselves superior
æ s çô ì á ³ ç sá cççô ì ~ to each other, the fish are burnt (as no one would attend to the job).
tshotàuy chu motà. If a job is to be done, somebody must bend. Mutual understanding is needed
A little is good. Small is beautiful. in a joint venture.

æ s çô H ç iççJç sô içá o ç@c³çd KççJç~ ] p ç@cççÇ v ç s³ç o@i³çd o@i³çd mJçvç~

tshop ga:v cha gud@:m’ kha:v. z@mi:n chay d@g’ d@g’ sOn.
A quiet (looking) cow eats the tether. Land is like beaten gold. Land is precious.
A calm and quiet person could be very dangerous.
Dumb dogs and deep waters are dangerous. ] p ç@³ç& yçè p ç yççÆ n Jçò n ò ³ ç& çÆ ] p ç yç[Mççn cçÓ o ~
z@r’ bu:z bahi v1h1r’ zi badša:h mu:d.
A deaf person heard after twelve years that Badshah was dead. (Badshah

was a famous king of Kashmir during the fifteenth century.) A man who is ] p çvçççÆ v ç
ná b o Hççô æ s , iççÆ j iççÆ j iççô æ s ,
not aware about what is going on around him. cçjoò mçá b o Hççô æ s uçç@i³çd l ççí m ç ¬çÀçô æ s ~
zana:ni hund potsh gari gari gotsh,
] p çç@çÆ v çLç lçò cçç@çÆ v çLç kçÀ©vç~ mard1 sund potsh l@:g’to:s krotsh.
z@:nith t1 m@:nith karun. The guest who is related to one’s wife is always welcome, and the one
To do something knowingly and on purpose. related to the husband is not liked at all (by the wife).

] p çç@çÆ j mç Jççô v çá K ç, ’cçç@pç nç cJççÆ ³ ç³ç“, oçô H çò v çKç, ’³çHçç@³ç& Dç@v³çlççí v ç“~ ] p çvçççÆ v ç ná b o ³ççJçá v ç içb [ á v ç lçò sçJçá v ç, Jçô ç Æ L ç ná b o ³ççJçá v ç JJçyçò u ççJçá v ç,
z@:ris vonukh, “m@:j ha: mOyiy.” dopnakh, “yap@:r’ @n’to:n.” JççÇ ç Æ j ná b o ³ççJçá v ç ìKç ÐççJçá v ç, cço& ò mçá b o ³ççJçá v ç ovçò ~
A gambler was told, “your mother has died.” He replied. “Bring her (dead zana:ni hund ya:vun gan dun t1 cha:vun,
body) towards this direction.” vethi hund ya:vun vObla:vun.
A gambler does not bother about anything except gambling. vi:ri hund ya:vun tàakh d’a:vun,
mard1 sund ya:vun dan1.
] p çç@çÆ u çcçò mçá b o ] p çç@çÆ u çcç sá KJçoç³ç~ A woman’s beauty is her dress and jewelry, the Vitasta derives its beauty
z@:lim1 sund z@:lim chu khOda:y. from the waves, the willow gets its beauty from getting its branches cut, and
God shows cruelty on the cruel person. God punishes the cruel. the man’s beauty is his wealth.

] p çKcçvç vçÓ v ç skçá À vç~ ] p ³çJç sô MçcçMççÇ j ~

zakhman nu:n chakun. za’v cha šamši:r.
To sprinkle salt on wounds. To add fuel to fire. The tongue is a sword. One has to be careful in talking.

] p ç®çvç HççÆ ® ç Hçw ³ çá j ~ ] p ³ççoò Dçmçá v ç içJç Kçjmç Kçmçá v ç~

zacan paci ph’ur. z’a:d1 asun gav kharas khasun.
To turn and mend old clothes. To economize expenditure. To laugh immoderately, is like riding a donkey.
An immoderate laugh ends in a sigh.
] p çvççvçò sô Òçmçvçò çÆ J ççÆ ] p ç lççí y çò kçÀjçvç, Òç@çÆ m çLç sô yçô ç Æ ³ ç Jççlççvç lççô l çá ³ ç~
zana:n cha prasn1 vizi to:ba kara:n, pr@sith cha beyi va:ta:n totuy. ] p ³ççoò kçÀLçvç vçò mçÓ o ~
A woman repents in the hour of travail, but after she has delivered, she z’a:d1 kathan n1 su:d.
arrives at the same state. It does not pay to talk a lot. Brevity is the soul of wit.

] p çvçççÆ v ç
Dç@çÆ k çÀmç Òçá æ s á K ç, ’jò ] ® çj sá ³ çç“? ] p ³ççoò kçÀMçvçmç sá ] p ³ççoò jLç çÆ ³ çJççvç~
Oçô H çvçK~ ’kçÀô b n vçò , Mçá ç Æ j mç Dççcç kçÀçô þ “~ z’a:d1 kašnas chu z’a:d1 rath yiva:n.
za:na:ni @kis pr1tshuk, “r1tsar chuya:?” Too much scratching draws more blood.
dopnakh, “ke~h n1, šuris a:m kotàh.” Too many precautions cause more problems.
A woman was asked, “Are you OK?” She replied,”No, not at all. My child
has started to walk.” ] p ³ççoò içiçjç³çvç vçò ªo lçò æ s ³ç& v ç kçÀLçvç vçò mçÓ o ~
z’a:d1 gagra:yan n1 ru:d t1 tsharen kathan n1 su:d.
The loud thunder does not cause rain, and there is no profit in talking much.

] p ççí j sá mç@nuççyç~ ] p ççÇ sô nçÇ ~

zo:r chu s@hla:b. zi: cha hi:.
Power is like a flood. A powerful person can achieve anything. The income is like jasmine. Money makes the mare go.

] p ³ççoò ] p çvççvçvç Hççí v ³çd kçÀçcçò v ³çd , lçò ] ® ç³ç& v ç cçjovç yçlçò kçÀçcçò v ³çd ~ ] p ³çJç çÆ H çÀjò v ³çd sç kçÀçô n çÆ H çÀ©vç?
z’a:d1 zana:nan po:n’ ka:m1n’, t1 tsaren mardan bat1 ka:m1n’. zev phir1n’ cha: koh phir1n’?
Where there are many women, there is scarcity of water, and where there are To change one’s statement is not (as difficult as) turning mountains.
many men, there is scarcity of food. (As per tradition, it is women in the
house, who bring water from the river, and it is men who earn livelihood i.e. ] p çô ç Æ J ç sç Dç@çÆ [ pç~
food for the family). zevi cha: @dij.
A tongue has no a bone. One can twist one’s tongue or change the state-
] p ³ççoò lçcçò n mç ] p ³ççoò yçuçç³ç~ ment anytime very easily.
z’a:d1 tam1has z’a:d1 bala:y.
The more greedy one is, the more problems one will face. ] p çí þ îçvç vç³ç& v ç cço~
Greed leads to disaster. ze:then naren mad.
Respect is showered on the long sleeves.
] p ççcç n³ç DçççÆ m ç iççcç, lççÆ l ç³ç H³çþò uççÆ o Hççcç~ Where a dress or outfit is more valued than the person.
za:may a:si ga:m, tatiy petàh1 ladi pa:m.
If the sister-in-law (husband’s sister) is in a village, she will send reproaches ] p çí v çá v ç içæ ç Æ s Kçjò mçò b Ð ç Hçç@þîç, lçò K³ççô v ç içæ ç Æ s vçjò mçò b Ð ç Hçç@þîç~
from there. ze:nun gatshi khar1 s1nd’ p@:th’, t1 kh’on gatshi nar1 s1nd’
] p ççvç sô pçnçvç~ One must earn (or work hard) like an ass, but eat his meals like a man. Work
za:n cha jaha:n. like a coolie and enjoy like a prince.
Acquaintance is the world. Good connections pay.
] p çá J ç Dççô j lçò pçnçvç Dççô j ~
] p ççcçlçá j n³ç nb i çmç cçb ] p ç jsçí v ç lççí ç Æ l ç cçb o sççÆ J ç jb i çmç cçb ] p ç~ zuv or t1 jaha:n or.
za:mtur hay hangas manz racho:n to:ti mandcha:vi rangas manz. If one is healthy, the world is healthy. Health is wealth.
If a son-in-law is treated in the best possible way, still he will put you to
shame in the assembly. ] p ³çÓ þ içJç ¬çÓ À þ~
z’u:th gav kru:th.
] p ççcçlçá j içJç Hççcçlçá j ~ If a matter is prolonged, it becomes complicated.
za:mtur gav pa:mtur.
A son-in-law is (best known as) giver of reproaches. ] p JçJçò ç Æ u ç ná b o içæ ç Æ s K³ççô v ç lçò ] p çô ç Æ J ççÆ u ç ná b o vçò ~
zOvli hund gatshi kh’on t1 zevili hund n1.
çÆ ] p çb o ò vçò mçÓ j lçò cç@çÆ j Lç Dç@lçuççmç~ It is better to eat food served by a woman with a lot of lice on her head, rather
zind1 n1 su:r t1 m@rith @tla:s. than by a talkative woman.
While alive not even ashes were given, but when dead, satin is provided to
cover the body. ] p JççÆ J ç nò b ç Æ ] p ç ìd J ççÆ H ç sç ] p ç@ì vççuçò kçÀ[çvç~
zOvi h1nzi tOpi cha: z@ t na:l1 kada:n.

One does not put off one’s clothes on being bitten by a louse. Minor inci- [b i çò mçò n ~
dents should not cause worry. dang1 s1h.
A tiger tied in the stable. A tyrant in the house.
ì t
[îçkçÀmç H³çþ [Ó v ³çd Hçá À ìjçJçò v ³çd ~
ìô ç Æ þ mç uçç@jmç kçÀuçò ] ® çìá v ç~ dekas peth du:n’ phutra:v1n’.
tethis l@:ras kal1 tsatun. To break walnuts on someone’s forehead.
To cut someone’s head like cutting the bitter end of the cucumber. The head To browbeat someone.
of a bitter cucumber is cut off.
[í ç Æ [ lçuçò ³ ç ®çjò m ç o] p ççvç~
ìÓ H ³çd içæ ç Æ s $ççJçò v ³çd lçmç KJçjvç lçuç ³çá m ç vçò $ççJçvçò çÆ o çÆ ³ ç~ de:di tal1y caras daza:n.
tu:p’ gatshi tra:v1n’ tas khOran tal yus n1 tra:vn1 diyi. The marijuana is smoked at the king’s gate.
One should bow in front-of someone, who does not let one to do it. One A situation of misrule and shame.
should respect the person who also respects you. One may beseech a con-
siderate person. [W ç Æ p ç lç@u³çd Hçvç lçò Hçvçò lç@u³çd [îçÓ b i ç~
de:~ ji t@l’ pan t1 pan1 t@l’ d’u:g.
ìçí þ cç@çÆ j Lç kçÓ À ì lç³ççj~ The thread under the role of thread, and the role of the thread, under the
to:th m@rith, ku:t taya:r. thread. To provide a poor justification for one’s deeds. Justifications which
The dear one dies, and the gallows are ready. are not convincing.

þ th lç t

þÓ u çò ] ® çÓ j ò ³ ç sá yçvççvç cçÓ u çò ] ® çÓ j ~ lç@çÆ l çmçò ³ ç kçÀuçmç JççÆ m ç cçò m çuçò ~

thu:l1 tsu:ruy chu bana:n mu:l1 tsu:r. t@t’s1y kalas vasi m1sl1.
One who starts off by stealing eggs ends up as a professional thief. Evil The skin comes off from the warm head (of a sheep).
means have evil ends. Everything has a proper time. Strike while the iron is hot.

þÓ u çò yç@çÆ k çÀmç yçouçò ] p çò u çò yççô k çÀ~ lç] ® çj sá cç] ® çj~

thu:l1 b@kis badl1 z1l1 bok. tatsar chu matsar.
To receive scratches in return of (a gift of) eggs. Anger is madness. It is not proper to be angry.
Not a fear deal. To get hate in return of love.
lç@n@j kçÀò c çJç Kçô ç Æ ³ ç? HçjÐçJç nç? cçô oçô H ç Hçvçò v ³çJç cçç!
[ d t@har k1mav kheyi? pard’ava:? me dop pan1nev ma:.
Who has eaten the yellow rice? The strangers? I thought lest it be our own
[B ç Æ y çv³çvç kçw J çb i ç~ people!
d@mbinen kO~g. One who is happy in entertaining strangers and not one’s own kith and kin.
To put saffron in cooking sheep’s paunch.
A wastage of resources or talent.

lçb o Ó j mç vçKçò kçw J çb [ uç~ ing is too small to be neglected.

tandu:ras nakh1 kO~dal.
A little earthen pot by the side of the oven. lçí M çuç iç@çÆ ³ çKç³ç HçMçí c ççvç, c³ççv³çJç Dç@sJç [W M çí c ççvç~
A little man in the company of the great. te:šal g@ykhay paše:ma:n, m’a:nev @chav de~:šema:n.
You proud woman, you will regret and my eyes will see it.
lçuçJçççÆ j nò b ç Æ ] p ç oççÆ j H³çþ Hçkçá À vç~ A curse for one who is proud. Pride has a fall.
tal1va:ri h1nzi da:ri peth pakun.
To walk on the edge of the sword. lçá u ç Kçô v ³çd nçí v ³çvç mçó l ³çd ~
To be very careful. To take a great risk. tul khen’ ho:n’an s1:t’.
To eat mulberries in the company of dogs. T
lççyçmç sá uççyç~ o do nothing useful.
ta:bas chu la:b.
The patience pays. Slow and steady wins the race. lçá u ç HçuçJç Jççô L ç ] ® çuçJç~
tul palav vOth tsalav.
lççuçJçmç o@n uççí ç Æ j lçò pçb i çò çÆ J ççÆ ] p ç vçò DçkçÀ çÆ l ç~ Pick up (your) clothes and let us run away.
ta:lvas d@h lo:ri, t1 jang1 vizi n1 akh ti. A wandering life.
There are ten sticks in the roof, but not a single one is available at the time
of fighting. lççô l ç K³çvçò sá i³çiçò ³ ç o] p ççvç~
Not to get right things at the right time. tot khen1 chu geg1y daza:n.
One burns one’s throat by eating hot food.
çÆ l çcçò iççí ç Æ j iç@çÆ ³ ç Üo kçÀò ç Æ v çLç~ One should not hurry. Work done in hurry is harmful.
tim1 go:ri g@yi dOd k1nith.
Those milkmaids sold their milk and went away. lççô c çuçò mçí j mç ³çô ç Æ u ç çÆ M çkçÀcçmç Dçb o j yçlçò Þçô ç Æ H ç, kçÀLç Jçô ç Æ H ç vçç?
The easy days have passed. toml1 se:ras yeli šikmas andar bat1 šrepi, kath vepi na:?
When a ser (about a kilogram ) of cooked rice is digested in the stomach,
lçô ç Æ u ç lççí M ç ³çô ç Æ u ç vJçMç içjò JçççÆ l ç~ why doesn’t a matter (secret) remain? One must contain the secret.
teli to:š yeli nOš gar1 va:ti.
Be glad only when the bride reaches home. lJçnmç Üiç çÆ o v³çd lçò Hççí v ³çd cçb o á v ç~
There is a slip between the cup and the lip. tOhas dOg din’ t1 po:n’ mandun.
Don’t count your chicken before they are hatched. To pound chaff (husk) and churn water.
Futile efforts. Much ado about nothing.
lçí u ç HçÀçô u ç sá K³ççí c çá l ç mçlçJç yççjò v ³çJç~
te:l phol chu kh’o:mut satav ba:rnev. $çò n çÆ ] p ç mçò n , ] ® çlçpççÇ çÆ ] p ç HçlçpççÇ , Mçí þ çÆ ] p ç yç´ í þ ~
Seven brothers have shared a sesame seed. It is possible to share small tr1h zi s1h, tsatji: zi patji:, še:th zi br@:th.
things. A person at thirty is like a lion, at forty like a grass mat, and at sixty a stupid.

lçí u çò DçB o jò sá lççÇ u ç vçí j çvç~ $çò n içJç çÆ ] p ç mçò n içJç~

te:l1 @ndr1 chu ti:l ne:ra:n. tr1h gav zi s1h gav.
Oil is obtained from the sesame seed. Small things too are significant. Noth- At the age of thirty, one is just like a lion (full in strength).

$çç@Jçcçò ] ® ç LJçKç v³çb i çò u ççJçò v ³çd ~ o d

tr@:vm1ts thOkh neng1la:v1n’ .
To swallow one’s spittle. o@çÆ s çÆ v ç DçLçò K³ççô v ç lçò Kççí J ççÆ j DçLçò Jçiçá J ç ] ® çìá v ç~
Taking back a divorced spouse or dismissed servant. d@chini ath1 kh’on t1 kho:vri ath1 vaguv tsatun.
To eat (at someone’s place) with right hand, and to slash his mat with the left
$ççcçò Hç@çÆ ì mç H³çþ uççÇ ç Æ K çLç Ðçá v ç~ hand. To be ungrateful.
tra:m1 p@tis peth li:khith d’un.
To give in writing on the copper plate. o@sá v ç DçLçò sá suççvç Kççí J çò ç Æ j mç, lçò Kççí J çá j DçLçò sá suççvç o@çÆ s çÆ v çmç~
To provide a firm bond or assurance. d@chun ath1 chu chala:n kho:vris, t1 kho:vur ath1 chu chala:n d@chinis.
The right hand washes the left one, and the left hand washes the right one.
$ççcçò J ³çvç yççvçvç ] ® ççô k çÀ ³çá v ç~ Interdependence. Give and take in mutual relations.
tra:m1ven ba:nan tsok yun.
The copper vessels with worn out bottoms. Misery all over. o@sá v ç DçLçò sá Hçuç] p ççvç Kççí J çò ç Æ j mç DçLçmç~
d@chun ath1 chu palza:n kho:vris athas.
$çô ®ççÇ ] p ç çÆ s vçò ³ç@] ® çkçÀçuç lççv³çd kçÀç@çÆ ³ çcç jçí ] p ççvç: Dç@çÆ u çcç yçí yçnmç, The right hand helps the left one. Mutual cooperation.
cççuç yçí çÆ l çpççjLç lçò cçá u çò K ç yçí çÆ m ç³ççmçLç~
tre ci:z chin1 yetska:l ta:n’ k@:yim ro:za:n: @lim be bahas, o@n iç] p ç ¿ççô j kçw ³ çç lçò o@n iç] p ç yJçvç kçw ³ çç?
ma:l be:tija:rath t1 mulukh be siya:sath. d@h gaz h’or k’a: t1 d@h gaz bOn k’a:?
Three things do not last for long: Knowledge without argument (or discus- There is no difference; whether it is ten yards up or ten yards down. (The
sion), wealth without business, and a country without politics. story of saving a person by taking him out of the well using a ten yard rope,
and killing another by pulling him down from the tree using the same rope).
$çá ç Æ k çÀmç kçÀLçç, cçÓ [ mç uççí ç Æ j nLçç~ Not understanding a crucial difference.
trukis katha:, mu:das lo:ri hatha:.
A word to a wise, and hundred lashes to the stupid (or dull). o@n ®çb o mç, o@n Jçb o mç, o@n Mççb o mç~
d@h candas, d@h v@ndas, d@h šã:das.
Lç th Ten in the pocket, ten in heart, and ten in the pillow.
When it is difficult to find out the exact opinion of someone.
A disorganised person or event.
LççÆ j Hççí M ç çÆ s vçò JççÆ j içæ s çvç~
thari po:š chin1 vari gatsha:n.
All the buds upon the bush do not blossom.
o@n yçç@] ® ç kçÀçÆ n ] p çç@] ® ç~
Do not count your chicken before they are hatched. d@h b@:ts kahi z@:ts.
Ten members of a family and (who are) of eleven different types. Where
tastes and interests do not match.
LJçkçÀò vçô ® çá J ç cJçkçÀocç~
thOk1 necuv mOkdam.
A stammering son (becomes) a (village) headman.
o@nvç LçJççvç mç³ç lçò Dç@çÆ k çÀmç vçò æ s ò v ççvç Jç³ç~
A person not fit for the position he holds. d@han thava:n say, t1 @kis n1 tshuna:n vay.
To give promises to ten, and not to cook food for one.

o@nvç o@n cçvçò ì îç içæ s vç vçò , lçò kçá À çÆ v çmç cçvçá ì Hççí ç Æ M ç vçò ~ olçò ³ ç& kçá À çÆ u çmç mçiç Ðçá v ç~
d@han d@h man1 t’ gatshan n1, t1 kunis manut po:ši n1. dat1r’ kulis sag d’un.
Ten manut (a manut is equal to three pounds) are not required for ten To water a plant of thorn-apple.
persons, but one manut is not sufficient for a single person. One or two To help a person who is harmful.
more in a large family does not make any difference in the over all expenses.
ob o çvç cJç³ççí J ç, lçò oçô H çá K ç Dçmççvç sá ~
oçÆ n Jçò n ò ³ ç& oMçò n çj~ danda:n mOyo:v, t1 dopukh asa:n chu.
d@hi v1h1r’ daš1ha:r. A man with buck teeth was about to die, and the people thought that he was
(The festival of) Dashhar after ten years. laughing. A deceptive look. Appearances are deceptive.
Long awaited happiness in a family. Once in a blue moon.
oHçò n @mç³ç Dççyçmç içæ s , içæ ç Æ s KJçMçkçÀmç~
oçÆ i ç jçô m ç oçí o içJç yçí cççvçí ~ oHçò n @mç³ç KJçMçkçÀmç içæ s , içæ ç Æ s Dççyçmç~
dagi ru:s do:d gav be:ma:ne:. dap1hasay a:bas gatsh, gatshi khOškas.
A disease without pain is meaningless. dap1hasay khOškas gatsh, gatshi a:bas.
A disease is always accompanied by pain. If he is told to go to the water, he will go to the land.
If he is told to go to the land, he will go to the water.
os kçÀò c çJç Kçô ç Æ ³ ç? HçjÐçJç nç? cçô oçô H ç Hçvçò v ³çJç cçç! A person who works contrary to the instructions.
dach k1mav kheyi? pardeva:? me dop pan1nev ma:! A person with negative attitude.
Who ate the grapes? Strangers? O, I thought it were our own people!
One who doesn’t help his own relations, and is all for helping strangers. oyç sá v çò kçÀçB ç Æ m ç ná b o yçyç~
dab chun1 k@~:si hund bab.
os n³ç Kçô ç Æ ] p ç lçò DçHç³çcççvç, kçÀs n³ç Kçô ç Æ ] p ç lçò ] p ³çá j ~ The fall (or a slip) is nobody’s father.
dach hay khezi t1 apayma:n, kach hay khezi t1 z’ur. Anyone can fall or slip at any moment.
If one has to eat grapes, he should eat without count (and of good quality),
and if one has to eat grass, he should eat cumin seed. oyç uççô i ç jçÆ y ç H³çþ, çÆ o uç uççô i ç çÆ n çÆ u ç H³çþ~
dab log rabi peth  , dil log hili peth.
o] p çò J çò ç Æ v ç vççjò iççÆ p ç n³ç çÆ o ] p ³çvç oç@çÆ j Lç, lççÆ l ç çÆ l ç çÆ ³ ççÆ ³ ç Hççô l ç HçÀçÇ ç Æ j Lç~ One may tumble into the mud, ones’ heart may set upon (be attracted to)
daz1v1ni na:r1 gaji hay dizen d@:rith, tati ti yiyi pot phi:rith. water-weeds.
If he is pushed into the burning fireplce, he will return from there too. A There is no control either on falling in mud, or falling in love. A person may
faithful servant or a good worker. fall in love with an ugly person.

o] p çvçmç oçí o ~ oyç nç uççô i çá ³ ç~ Hççb æ s kçÀocç DçççÆ ³ ç vçHçÀò n ò ³ ç~

daznas do:d “dab ha: loguy. “pã:tsh kadam a:yi naph1h1y.”
There is pain if burnt. It is painful to lose anything. “O you had a fall.” “I have saved five steps.”
To console oneself in misery.
oçÆ ] p ç Jçç] p çmç lçò Jçá ç Æ ] ® ç Jçç] p çmç~
dazi va:zas t1 vutsi va:zas. ocçmç mçó l ³çd sá vçcçmçkçÀçj~
If it (food) burns or goes rot it is the responsibility of the cook. Where the dams s1:t’ chu namaska:r.
responsibility is laid on someone else. To shirk responsibility. As long as one is rich, one commands.

“Good day” to rich (or honourable) person. omçlççj çÆ s içb [ çvç ³ç] p çlçò Kçç@lçjò , Jçá M çò v çí j ò Kçç@lçjò vçò ~
dasta:r chi ganda:n yazt1 kh@:tr1, vuš1ne:r1 kh@:tr1 n1.
oçÆ ³ ç mçá b o HççJçá j , ³çô c ³çd ³çô ç Æ l ç DççJçá j ~ Men put on turbans for the sake of honour not for warmth.
dayi sund pa:vur, yem’ yeti a:vur.
Wherever is the place of God and whosoever takes its possession, is the omçlççj uççìò uççìò Jçuçá v ç~
owner. dasta:r la:t1 la:t1 va:lun.
Posessions of house and land are sacred. To remove (someone’s) turban wrap by wrap.
To cause gross insult.
o³ç n³ç çÆ o çÆ ³ ç, yçjò vçí j ò J çá v çá ³ ç~
o³ç vç³ç çÆ o çÆ ³ ç, ¬çá À n yç@Ðç ] ® ç@çÆ ì Lç kçw ³ çç? omçlççjò yçouçò smç kçÀuçmç H³çþ j] p ç~
day hay diyi bar1 ne:r1vunuy. dasta:r1 badl1 chas kalas peth raz.
day nay diyi, kruh b@d’ tsh@tith k’a: ? One who has a rope in place of turban on his head. A person with no
If God gives, one can get it at one’s own doorstep. reputation.
If God doesn’t give, no use of running around scores of miles for it.
omçlççjvç sá v çò cJçuç, ojyççjvç sá ~
oo& sô iço& ~ dasta:ran chu n1 mOl, darba:ran chu.
dard cha gar1d. No value is attached to turbans, but to high professions.
Pain (or love) is like dust (i.e. it cannot be hidden). Not what a person looks but what he actually is.

ojyççj iççÆ j n³ç lççÇ u ç cçí ç Æ u ç, lçò nuçcç içæ ç Æ s oç©vç~ oçvçò y³ççô v ç lçò Hççvçò y³ççô v ç~
darba:r gari hay ti:l me:li, t1 halam gatshi da:run. da:n1 b’on t1 pa:n1 b’on.
If oil is given from the master’s house, one must hold up the cloth for Once the kitchen is separate, the inmates are separate.
receiving it.
One must be humble in receiving help or charity from one’s superiors. oçvçç oá M cçvç sá vççoçvç oçí m lçò mçò b ç Æ o KJçlçò pççvç~
da:na: dušman chu na:da:n do:st1 s1ndi khOt1 ja:n.
o@çÆ j ³ççJçò k çw ³ çd cçuçKç içB ] p çjò v ³çd ~ A wise enemy is better than a foolish friend.
darya:v1k’ malakh g@nzr1n’.
To count the waves of the river. To attempt an impossible task. To waste oçb o vç Kçô ç Æ ³ ç Hçlçò p ç, Hçvçò v ³çd Kçô ³ çvç cçb o ò p ç~
time in futile pursuits. dã:dan kheyi pat1j, pan1n’ kheyan mand1j.
The ox who ate the matting, ate its rump (and got beating for it).
oçÌ u çLç pçcçç kçÀjò v ³çd sô ] p çuçLç~ nç@j nÓ v ³çd sç kçÀçB ç Æ m ç nò b ] p ç?
davlath jama: kar1n’ cha zalath. h@:r hu:n’ cha: k@:si h1nz? oçb o ç HçÓ b À kçÀçvç kçw ³ ççô n çí ç Æ ] p ç sá K ç? ’cço sá c ç“~
Amassing riches is humiliation. It is like a piebald bitch, which is not faithful
to anyone. Money doesn’t last for ever.
sçí j kçw ³ ççô n çí ç Æ ] p ç sá ³ ç? ’Kççí H çÀ sá c ç“~
“dã:da: phu:ka:n kiho:zi chukh?” “mad chum.”
“cho:r kiho:zi chuy?” “kho:ph chum.”
omçlççj Kççvçò ® ç Dç@çÆ [ pç Dç] ® çò v ³çd ~ “O bull, why are you bellowing?” “I am proud .”
dastar kha:n1c @dij ats1n’. “O bull, why have you diarrhea?” “I am afraid.”
To get a taste of the bone of the feasts. To be fond of feasts A coward.

oçb o mç sç ¿çb i ç iJçyççvç? Present is more important than the past. What one possesses now is impor-
dã:das cha: heng gOba:n? tant.
Are the horns too heavy for the bullock?
Horns do not weigh heavy on a bull. onçvçmç içá u ççyç Dççmçò v ³çd ~
No matter how large the family is, the parents would not part with any of da:hnas gula:b a:s1n’ .
their children. To have roses to one’s mouth. When auspicious remarks are made or some-
thing good is said.
oçb o mç uççí J ç lçò Jç@çÆ æ s mç i³ç@[~
dã:das lo:v, t1 v@tshis g’@d. çq o Kç vçç lçò Hçç@] p ççj K³çLç~
A sheaf of grass for the bullock, but six sheaves for the calf. Injustice. dikh na: t1 p@:za:r kheth.
Unjust distribution. You will give, I know, but after getting a shoe beating.
One who yields only after being thrashed or scolded.
Ðççjò Jççí u ç sá v çò yççô [ , yçlçò Jççí u ç sá yççô [ ~
d’a:r1vo:l chun1 bod bat1vo:l chu bod. çÆ o Kç vçç lçò cçvçò ì îç oyç K³çLç~
It is not the rich man who is great but the man who gives food. dikh na: t1 man1 t’ dab kheth.
Won’t you give? (Of course, you will) after getting good thrashing.
oççÆ j çÆ k çÀv³çd vçí © vç lçò yçjò çÆ k çÀv³çd Dç] ® çá v ç~
da:ri kin’ ne:run t1 bar1 kin’ atsun. çÆ o çÆ ] p ç yçí ç Æ j ³çô l ³çLç Hçí À çÆ j ~
To come out of the window, and to enter (again) from the door. When a dizi be:ri yeteth phe:ri.
person, though dishonoured, refuses to give up. One should plant a tree at the edge of the field, where it will grow. Proper
planning is necessary.
oçuç cççÇ þ yçìmç, cçá þ c³çÓ þ kçÀìmç, vçô b o ò j cççÇ þ çÆ M çkçÀmç kçÀìmç ~
da:l mi:th batas, muth m’u:th katas, ne~d1r mi:th šikas katas. çÆ o lçá L ç vçç cçiçj ] p çb i çò Hçá À ìjç@çÆ J çLç~
Lentils are dear to the Hindu, soyabeans are dear to sheep, and sleep is dear dituth na: magar zang1 phut1r@:vith.
to the lazy person. You have given (to me, I know) but only after breaking (my) legs. (You have
given only after I made many visits to your place.) Not to lend money or give
oçuç svçò ] p ççb n mççÇ k çÀmç Kçmççvç~ favor easily.
da:l chan1 zã:h si:kas khasa:n.
Lentils (a liquid) never stands straight on a rod. çÆ o LçHçÀ lçò çÆ v ç omçlççj~
A weak person cannot do a big deed. di thaph t1 ni dasta:r.
Catch him, and take his turban.
oçJççoçjmç kçÓ À jç ] p çççÆ ³ ç, cçá o ³çoçjmç yççiçò v ³çd DçççÆ ³ ç~
da:va:da:ras ku:ra: za:yi. mudayda:ras ba:g1n’ a:yi. çÆ o vçò Jççí u çá ³ ç çÆ o çÆ ³ ç, vç çÆ o vçò Jççí u ç kçw ³ çç çÆ o çÆ ³ ç?
A daughter was born to a plaintiff, and was married to a defendant. An din1 vo:luy diyi, dinal (na din1 vo:1) k’a: diyi?
unlikely coincidence. Only the generous person will give, the one who is not generous will not.

oçMçlçcç oçMçlçcç sá v çò yçkçÀçj, oçjcç oçjcç sá yçkçÀçj~ çÆ o uç sá MççÇ M çò , ³çá L ç Jçá s ò n mç l³çá L ç Jçá ç Æ s ³ç~
da:štam da:štam chun1 baka:r, da:ram da:ram chu baka:r. dil chu ši:š1 yuth vuch1has t’uth vuchiy.
What I had is not required, but what I have is important. The heart is just like a mirror, the way you look at it, it will reflect the same

image. Do well and have well. çÆ o Jçlççnvç çÆ l ç çÆ s jç#çmç ] p ³çJççvç~

devta:han ti chi ra:khes zeva:n.
çÆ o uç Hçá À ìá v ç sá kçá À uç Hçá À ìá v ç~ Demons are born to gods as well.
dil phutun chu kul phutun. A bad child born to well reputed parents.
To break one’s heart is just like breaking a tree.
oí i ç s lçí i ç~
çÆ o uçò vçlçò çÆ k çÀuçò çÆ o ³ç çÆ o ³ç~ de:g cha te:g.
dil1 nat1 kil1 diy diy. The (cooking) pot is (like) a sword (i.e. cuts down one’s income).
Not willingly, but by force.
No work can be done nicely, if it is done by force and not by interest. oá ] p ççô b i ç Kçmççvç ] ® çá ] p ççô b ç Æ i çmç~
duzõg khasa:n tsuz@~gis.
çÆ o uçmç içæ ç Æ s Dççmçò v ³çd Hçá À uç³ç, kçá À çÆ u ç®ç Hçá À uç³ç kçw ³ çç çÆ ³ ççÆ ³ ç yçkçÀçj~ A two-legged (human being) mounting a four legged (animal).
dilas gatshi a:s1n’ phulay, kulic phulay k’a: yiyi baka:r.
The heart must blossom, the blossoming of the trees is of no use. oá ç Æ v ç³çç sá v çò DççÆ k çÀ³ç [b ç Æ p ç jçí ] p ççvç, Hççb æ s Ün mJçKç lçò Hççb æ s Ün ÜKç~
duniya: chun1 akiy danji ro:za:n, pã:tsh doh sOkh t1 pã:tsh dOh dOkh.
Ðço çÆ l ç iç@çÆ ³ ç yçpçççÆ ³ ç Jçç@çÆ u ço³ç~ The world doesn’t continue in the same manner, there are five day of happi-
ded ti g@yi baja:yi v@:liday. ness, and five days of sorrow.
The ded (the term for mother) is also as good as v@:lid1 (other term for
oá ç Æ v ç³çç lçò Ðççj~
When two descriptions/things are similar. duniya: t1 d’a:r.
The world and wealth (go together).
oô o çÇ kçw ³ çççÆ ] p ç çÆ o ] ® çLçmç vççoçvçmç? lççÆ c ç KJçlçò çÆ o çÆ ] p çnô c ç Jçç] p çò iççvçmç,
oá M cçvç l³ç³ç DçççÆ m ç kçÀvç içæ s d ³ çmç LççJçá v ç~
DççÆ v çnô c ç [içò [içò K³çcçò n ç@ Hççvçmç, [á u çiçB [ îç çÆ o cçò n ç@ cçb ] p ç cçç@oçvçmç~ dušman tey a:si kan gatshes tha:vun.
dedi: k’a:zi ditsthas na:da:nas? Lend your ears even to your enemy. Listen to everyone.
tami khOt1 dizihe:m va:z1 ga:nas
anihe:m dag1 dag1 khem1h@: pa:nas
dul1g@nd’ dim1h@: manz m@:da:nas.
oá M cçvç vç³ç sá ³ ç, çÆ H çlçá j çÆ l ç sá ³ ç vçç?
O mother, why did you marry me off to a foolish man? It would have been dušman nay chuy pitur ti chuyna:.
better if I were married to a prostitute’s cook. He would have brought me If you don’t have an enemy, don’t you have a cousin?
food. I would have eaten and would have rolled the whole day in a ground. The cousin is the first enemy.
It is a big curse to be married to a stupid person.
oá M cçvçò mçò b ç Æ o uççÆ i ç vçò kçÀçÆ v ç ] ® çb ç Æ p ç, oçí m lçò mçò b ç Æ o uççÆ i ç Hççí M çò ] ® çb ç Æ p ç~
dušman1 s1ndi lagi n1 kani tsanji, do:st1 s1ndi lagi po:š1 tsanji.
ÐçJçmç lçò lçmç©HçÀmç çÆ o çÆ ] p ç lççÇ u ç lçò lç@n@j, Dççoò c ³çd mçò b ç Æ ] p ç yço vç] p ççÆ j vçò kçÀô b n ~ The hard blow from an enemy’s stone will not hurt but mere touch even with
devas t1 tasruphas dizi ti:l t1 t@h@r, a:d1m’ s1nzi bad nazri n1 ke~h. a flower from an angry friend will hurt.
Oil and yellow rice can be given to (appease the anger of) demons and
ghosts, but nothing can save us from the evil eye of a human being.
oÓ ç Æ j oÓ ç Æ j sá cç] ® ç& cçí þ çvç, vçKçò vçKçò sá vççyço ìîçþçvç~
du:ri du:ri chu mar1ts me:tha:n, nakh1 nakh1 chu na:bad te tha:n.
From a distance, even black pepper becomes sweet, near at hand sugar

becomes bitter. Distance lends enchantment, and familiarity breeds con- It takes two to make a quarrel.
Üvç yçç@] ® çvç nò b ] p ç nj iç@çÆ ³ ç Jç@njç@] ® ç ná b o ªo~
oçô i ç çÆ o Lç çÆ l ç yççjJç, oçô i ç ¿çLç çÆ l ç yççjJç~ dOn b@:tsan h1nz har g@yi v@hr@:ts hund ru:d.
dog dith ti ba:rav, dog heth ti ba:rav. The quarrel between a husband and a wife is like the monsoon rain (which
Whether he strikes another, or is himself struck; he cries. does not last long).
Not to be contended.
Üvç mçuççn, $çô v ç JççnJçí u çç~
oçô H ç Mçá ç Æ j mç lçò Kççô l ç içá ç Æ j mç~ dOn sala:h tren va:hvela:.
dop šuris t1 khot guris. Agreement with two people, lamentation with three.
Tell a child and he mounts the horse. To be very impatient. Two are a company, and three are not.
Two make a company, three make a row.
oçô y ³çd mçá b o suçá v ç vççÆ v ç ³ççÇ ] p ç Ün~
dob’ sund chalun nani yi:z doh. ÜçÆ ³ ç DçLçò sô ] ® ç@j Jç] p ççvç~
The (quality of) washerman’s washing can be seen on the day of Id. The dOyi ath1 cha ts@r vaza:n.
result of work is known at appropriate time. Clapping of hands is possible with two hands.
It takes two to make a quarrel.
oçô u ç o] p çá v ç~
dol dazun. Ümçò Jçæ s ³ç lçò yçjv³çvç lçç@³ç& ~
The burning of the border of the garment. dOs1 vatshay t1 barnen t@:r’.
Extreme jealousy. The walls are open (or have fallen) and the gates are bolted.

Ün sá çÆ o Jççvç æ s d J çn, Ün sá K³ççJççvç iJçn~ Ün uçÓ ç Æ m çLç oççÆ v ç lççHçmç~

dOh chu diva:n tshOh, dOh chu kh’a:va:n gOh. dOh lu:sith da:ni ta:pas.
One day brightens (provides happiness) and another day feeds dung. All To keep paddy for drying (in sun) after the sun set.
days are not same. Fortune keeps on changing. To take action after the opportunity is lost.

ÜnçÆ u ç Kççí ] ® ççvç lçò jçí l ççÆ u ç cçb o sçvç~ êçB l ³çd vççìò ~
dOhli kho:tsa:n t1 ro:tali mandcha:n. dr@:t’ na:t1.
Fearing by day and being ashamed during night. Cutting meat with a sickle. A stupid worker.

Üomç kçB À [îç ] ® ççjò v ³çd ~ êçiç ] ® ççÆ u ç lçò oçiç ] ® ççÆ u ç vçò ~
dOdas k@~d’ tsa:r1n’. dra:g tsali t1 da:g tsali n1.
Searching thorns in the milk. The famine will disappear, but not the stigma.
To criticize without justification.
êçuçò »vçj sô y³ççKçò ³ ç~
Üvç Dççô b i çpçvç sá vçí j çvç ìçmç~ dra:l1 hOnar cha b’a:kh1y.
dOn õgjan chu ne:ra:n ta:s. An agent’s (middleman’s) art is of different kind/nature.
One snaps with two fingers (not with one).

vç n vçç@j çÆ ] p ççÆ v ç lçò vçoá j çÆ m ççÆ v ç yçouçò ~

n@:r zini t1 nadur sini badl1.
vç@ìîç çÆ s Hçá À ìçvç lçò ³ççjyçuç jçí ] p ççvç Dç@l³çd ~ Reed in place of firewood, and the lotus root in place of vegetable (or meat).
n@t’ chi phu ta:n t1 ya:r1bal ro:za:n @th’. A bad arrangement.
The water pails are broken, and the river banks stay for ever. People come
and go, but their dwelling places remain in tact. vçç@u³çd iççí c ç lçò vççuç Jççô u çvçcç~
n@:l’ go:m t1 na:l volnam.
vç@çÆ v çmç lçó j ] ® çççÆ ³ ç lçò êççÆ ³ ç, Dç@cççÇ j mç lçó j Jçuçvçò DçççÆ ³ ç~ The person coiled round me like a serpent.
n@nis t1:r tsa:yi t1 dra:yi, @mi:ras t1:r valn1 a:yi. A troublesome encounter.
To the naked, cold comes and goes, but to the rich (well dressed person) it
gets stuck in. vçç@u³çd vçò ] p ç@ì lçò cçç@u³çd vççJç~
n@:l’ n1 z@ t t1 m@:l’ na:v.
vç@çÆ v çmç oçô y ç kçw ³ çç sçÆ u ç? Not a rag over the body, yet her name is ‘Mal’ (which means wealth).
n@nis dob k’a: chali?
What shall the washerman wash for the naked man? vç kçÀjvçmç $çô kçÀjò v ³çd ~
na karnas tre kar1n’.
vç@çÆ v çmç Jçá © vç sá mççô o á j Hçá © vç~ Not doing a thing means to do several things uselessly.
n@nis vurun chu sodur purun. An idle person ends up in doing several useless tasks.
To provide clothes to a naked person is like trying to fill the ocean.
vç Kçj jç@] p ³çd lçò vç Kçj Jççí u ç~
vç@Jç kçÀLç sô vçJçvç Ünvç~ na khar r@:z’ t1 na khar1vo:l.
n@v kath cha navan dOhan. Neither the donkey is satisfied, nor is the owner of the donkey. Neither the
A new matter lasts only for nine days. employer is happy nor the employee.
Things are forgotten fast.
vç Kçç@j lçò vç yçjkçÀLç~
vç@mççÇ y çò sá nçHçá l ç~ na kh@:r t1 na barkath.
n@si:b1 chu ha:put. Neither well-being, nor blessings.
The fortune is (like) a bear.
Impossible tasks are accomplished by good luck. vç içæ s d ³ çcç cççs lçò vç içæ s d ³ çcç ìd J çHçÀ~
na gatshem ma:ch t1 na gatshem tOph.
vç@mççÇ y çò ³çô ç Æ u ç [çÆ u ç, Dççcçò ] ® ç kçw J çkçÀò j sô Hç@l³çd içæ s çvç~ Neither I want honey, nor the sting (of the bee).
n@si:b yeli dali, a:m1ts kOk1r cha p@t’ gatsha:n. A person who does not want to get married for fear of shouldering a respon-
In misfortune, the hen about to lay eggs becomes barren. In misfortune the sibility.
work which is about to be accomplished is aborted.
vç sô iç@jçÇ y ççÇ jçí ] p ççvç Ün³ç, vç sô jçí ] p ççvç Dç@cççÇ j çÇ Ün³ç~
vç@mççÇ y çò Jçç@çÆ u çmç sá Hçvçá v ç vç@mççÇ y çò mçó l ³çd mçó l ³çd Dççmççvç~ na cha g@ri:bi: ro:za:n dOhay, na cha ro:za:n @mi:ri dOhay.
n@si:b1 v@:lis chu panun n@si:b1 s1:t’ s1:t’ a:sa:n. Neither the poverty remains for ever, nor the prosperity (or riches).
One’s fortune is always with one. (Wherever he goes, his fortune travels
with him).

vç sá jçí ] p ççvç Ün³ç mJçKç, vç sá jçí ] p ççvç Ün³ç ÜKç~ vçvçò J ççí j Hçkçá À vç pççvç, Hçç@] p ççj vçò lçb i ç~
na chu ro:za:n dOhay sOkh, na chu ro:za:n dOhay dOkh. nan1vo:r pakun ja:n, p@:za:r n1 tang.
Neither the happiness nor the sorrows stay of ever. Better to go bare footed than to wear shoes that are too tight.

vç] ® çò nç@ lçò Dççb i çá v ç sá c ç æ s çô ì ~ vçb i çmç vçô b o ò j Òçb i çmç H³çþ, mçç@çÆ J çmç vçô b o ò j Hçç@çÆ J çmç H³çþ~
i³çJçò nç@ lçò i³çJç K³çJç yç´ ç ³ç& J ç~ nangas nend1r prangas peth, s@:vis nend1r p@:vis peth.
Jçvçò nç@ lçò Jçvç sá c ç oÓ ç Æ j ~ The poor man sleeps upon a bed (without worry), but the rich man sleeps on
nats1h@: t1 ã:gun chum tshot. the stairs (for fear of thieves).
g’ av1h@: t1 g’av kh’av bra:rev.
van1h@: t1 van chum du:ri. vççÆ ì ®ç çÆ o cç³ç vçò $çí M ç, nìîçá k çÀ Jçb o ³ç jLç~
I would dance, but the courtyard is small. natic dimay n1 tre:š, hat’uk vanday rath.
I would sing, but the ghee has been eaten by the cats. I will not give you drinking water from the pitcher (to quench your thirst),
I would speak, but the jungle is far away. (The terms g’av ‘sing’ and g’av but will offer my throat’s blood.
‘ghee’ are homophonus but unrelated, so are the terms van ‘say’ and van ‘a False promises.
To make lame excuses. vçHçÀò ] ® ç sá mçvç ÐççJççvç, lçò ] ® çÓ j ò kçÀjò v ççJççvç~
naph1ts chu san d’a:va:n, t1 tsu:r1 kar1na:va:n.
vç] ® ççvç çÆ l ç Hççvç³ç lçò Jçç³ççvç çÆ l ç Hççvç³ç~ The stomach causes a person to break into a house and steal.
natsa:n ti pa:nay t1 va:ya:n ti pa:nay.
He himself dances and plays his own instrument. vçcçvç cçô ] ® ç kçÀcçvç çÆ k çÀ] ® ç~
A person who laughs at his own remarks. naman mets kaman kitsh.
For whom is there dirt in the nails? (Said about a person who saves money
vçlçò kçÀmç sá v çò Hç³ç, Þççvçò H çìmç lçuç kçw ³ çç sá ? or works hard and doesn’t have a family)
nat1 kas chun1 pay, šra:n1patas tal k’a: chu?
Who doesn’t know what is (hidden) under the loin cloth? vçcçí oçvçcç sá ³ ç jçnçÆ l ç-pççvçcç~
When the facts are well known, and an attempt is made to hide them. An name: da:nam chuy r@hti-ja:nam.
open secret. Ignorance is the peace of life.

vç $çô v ç cçb ] p ç, vç $çá J çò n çvç cçb ] p ç~ vçcçªomç ¿çÓ ocç çÆ o Jççvç~

na tren manz, na truv1ha:n manz. namru:das h’uh dam di:va:n.
Neither in three, nor in the thirteen. To boast like Namrud.
One who doesn’t have any importance.
vçcç n³ç JJççÆ L ç lçò cçç] p çmç oiç, cçç] p ç n³ç JJççÆ L ç lçò vçcçmç oiç~
vç ] p çç³çmç vç H³çç³çmç, vççnkçÀ³ç j@ìò m ç ná ³ ç& jç] p çvç~ nam hay vOthi, t1 ma:zas dag, ma:z hay vOthi, t1 namas dag.
na za:yas na p’a:yas, na:hkay r@t1s hur’ ra:zan. If the nail comes out, there is pain in the flesh. If the flesh is cut, there is pain
Neither I was born, nor gave birth to someone, but I was wrongly caught by to the nail. The flesh and nail are inseparable things.(Close friends are re-
the curse of births. ferred as nail and flesh.)
To be unnecessarily involved in problems.

vçuçò jç] p çá v ç HçuçJç~ A child without a grandmother, is like paddy without water.
nal1 ra:zun palav.
The king Nala’s piece of cloth. vççHç@Àncç içJç mçá ³ ç ³çmç vççHç@Àncçmç mçó l ³çd kçÀç@cç içæ ç Æ s ~
The climax of distress. na:ph@ham gav suy, yas na:ph@hmas s1:t’ k@:m gatshi.
The unintelligent is one, who keeps the company of an unintelligent per-
vççÆ J ç nò b Ð ç çÆ i çb o çvç oá m çò oMçvç, ÒçççÆ v ç nò b Ð ç HçMççvç HçMçvç lçuç~ son.
navi h1nd’ ginda:n dus1 dašan, pra:ni h1nd’ paša:n pašan tal.
The children of the new (wife) are playing with the frill of (their father’s) vççj sç LçJççvç mççj~
shawl, while the children of the old (wife) are full of sorrow under the roof. na:r cha: thava:n sa:r.
The new one is loved and the old one forgotten. When there is fire, one loses one’s wits.

vççiçò içç[ò , Jçá s çÆ v ç nuççuç lçò Kçô ç Æ v ç njçcç~ vççj sá cççj~

na:g1 ga:d1 , vuchini hala:l, t1 kheni hara:m. na:r chu ma:r.
The fish in the spring, are lawful to look at, but unlawful to eat. One can look The fire is destruction. (If one’s property is burnt in fire, it is very difficult
at the beauty at a distance but cannot enjoy it. to make up the loss).

vççìò içB ] p ççÆ j Lç lçò jmç cççÇ ç Æ v çLç~ vççjò êçJç mJçvç ¿çá n ~
na:t1 g@nzrith t1 ras mi:nith. na:r1 dra:v sOn h’uh.
The pieces of mutton are counted, and the soup is measured. Where there is Like gold which has come out of the fire.
no scope for flexibility. Well tested proposition.

vçççÆ ì HçÀçô u ç sá vçHçÀ] ® çá k çÀ yçí c çò ~ vççjò çÆ J ççÆ ] p ç ¬çÓ À j Kçvçá v ç~

na:t1phol chu naphtsuk be:m1. na:r1 vizi kru:r khanun.
A piece of meat is the brother-in-law of one’s stomach. To dig a well at the time of fire.
The mutton is considered very dear to the stomach. To make a futile effort at the eleventh hour.
One relishes to eat mutton.
vççjò ³ ç sá pçvçLç lçò vççjò ³ ç sá pçnvçcç~
vççoçvç n³ç ] p çççÆ v ç çÆ ] p ç vççoçvç sá m ç, Dçoò sá v çò vççoçvç~ na:r1y chu janath t1 na:r1y chu ja:hnam.
na:da:n hay za:ni zi na:da:n chus, ad1 chun1 na:da:n. The fire is heaven, and the fire is hell. The fire provides warmth in cold, and
If the ignorant person realizes that he is ignorant, then he is not ignorant it is unbearable in summer.
any more.
vççJç sá jçí ] p ççvç lçò yççJç sá v çò jçí ] p ççvç~
vççoçvçmç vç@mççÇ ³ çLç kçÀjò v ³çd iççí ³ çç çÆ k çÀ Hçb ] p ³çvç vçÓ v ç Ðçá v ç~ na:v chu ro:za:n, t1 ba:v chun1 ro:za:n.
na:da:nas n@siyath kar1n’ go:ya: ki panzen nu:n d’un. The name remains (or lasts), but not the price.
Giving advice to a stupid person, is like feeding salt to monkeys. Good If one helps someone during the period of distress, his name is remem-
advice is lost on stupid persons. bered.
The hard times and high prices do not last for ever.
vçççÆ v ç jçô m ç Mçá j içJç HçççÆ v ç jçô m ç oççÆ v ç~
na:ni rus šur, gav pa:ni rus da:ni.

vççJç Lççô o lçò vççÆ m lç ] p ççô o ~ vçô y çjò vçá b o ò y ççí v ç lçò DçB o jò æ s d J ç] ® çò k çÀçí v ç~
na:v thod t1 nasti zod. nebr1 nund1bo:n t1 @ndr1 tshOts1ko:n.
The name is high, but the person has a hole in the nose. Outwardly one may be beautifully dressed, but from within one may be like
The weakness of someone who is considered great. an empty walnut. A deceptive personality.

vççJç uçiçá v ç içJç vççj uçiçá v ç~ vçô y çò ³ ç& JJçMç lçò DçB o ò ³ ç& KJçMç~
na:v lagun gav na:r lagun. neb1r’ vOš, t1 @nd1r’ khOš.
To earn a name is just like to be on fire. Crying outwardly, but happy within. One may pretend grief outwardly, but
actually rejoices at heart.
çÆ v çvçò Jçç@çÆ u çmç Dçkçá À ³ç iJçvççn, jçJçvç Jçç@çÆ u çmç mççmç iJçvççn~
nin1v@:lis akuy gOna:h, ra:vanv@:lis sa:s gOna:h. vçí k çÀvç sá KJçoç KJçMç~
The thief commits only one sin, but the person whose things are stolen ne:kan chu khOda:h khOš.
commits thousand sins (by suspecting different people). God is pleased with honest people.
Honesty pays in the ling run.
çÆ v ç³çlçmç cçÓ p çá y ç çÆ o çÆ ³ ç lçmç KJçoç~
niytas mu:ju:b diyi tas khOda:h. vçí k çÀçí vççÇ k çÀçÇ kçÀj, yço uççÆ y ç Hççvç³ç~
God will gives a person according to his intentions. ne:ko: ni:ki: kar, bad labi pa:nay.
O good man, do good; the wicked will receive his own due.
vççÇ c ç n@kçÀçÇ c ç Kçlçj³ç pççvç~ Be good and do good.
ni:m h@ki:m khatray ja:n.
A semiskilled doctor is a danger to life. vçí k çÀvçç@cççÇ sô yç@[ oçÌ u çLç~
A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. ne:kn@:mi: cha b@d davlath.
A good name is great wealth.
vçô ® çá J çç Jççb i çvçmç mçá c yç, ³ç[ smç Dççb i çvçmç mçá c yç~
necuva: vã:gnas sumb, yad chas ã:gnas sumb. vçí k çÀvççcç sá içæ s çvç ³ç@] ® çkçÀç@u³çd , lçò yçovççcç sá içæ s çvç pçuo~
A son is about the size of a brinjal, but has a stomach of the size of a ne:kna:m chu gatsha:n y@tsk@:l’, t1 badna:m chu gatsha:n jal1d.
courtyard. A glutton. A good name comes after a long while, but a bad name is obtained quickly.

v³çLçò v ççÆ v ç yçç³çJç, JJççÆ [ vç@v³çd yçô ç Æ v ç uç@çÆ p ç³çJç~ vçí k çÀ çÆ v ç³çLç sô yç@[ oçÌ u çLç~
neth1nani ba:yav vOd1n@n’ beni l@jiyav. ne:kh niyath cha b@d davlath.
O naked brother, may (your) bareheaded sister sacrifice herself on you. To Honesty is great wealth.
extend a helping hand by someone who is as miserable as the person con-
cerned. Useless sympathy. v³çá k çÀ sá Dççmççvç $çá k çÀ~
n’uk chu a:sa:n truk.
vçô b o ò j s³ç cççí l çò v ³çd yçô ç Æ v ç~ A slim (lean) person is always clever.
nend1r chay mo:t1n’ beni.
The sleep is the sister of the death. vçá v çò vçççÆ v ç ná b o ] ® çò ç Æ v ç Dçç@MçvççJç~
One is totally unaware of what happens during sleep. nun1 na:ni hund ts1ni @:šna:v.
A distant (supposed to be) grandmother’s charcoal relation.

A very distant relation. An unwelcome relative. A daughter-in-law is not worth a penny, and kill a ram over her feet (to ward
off evil). To waste the sacrifice of a ram for the good of a worthless daugh-
vçÓ v çmç cçÓ v ç~ ter-in-law.
nu:nas mu:n. To waste money on a worthless person/matter.
Money is not wasted when it is invested.
vJçMç yççÆ v ç vçò kçÓ À j, nMç yççÆ v ç vçò cçç@pç~
vçÓ v ç vççyço, lççÇ u ç Hç@ÀçÆ u çuçò , ] p ³çá v ç ] ® çb o á v ç, lçò yçlçò cJçKlçò ~ nOš bani n1 ku:r, haš bani n1 m@:j.
nu:n na:bad, ti:l ph@lil1, z’un tsandun, t1 bat1 mOkht1. The daughter-in-law will never become a daughter, and the mother-in-law
Salt is (as scarce as) sugar, and oil is (as scarce as) scent, and firewood is (as will never become a mother.
scarce as) sandalwood, and food is (as scarce as) pearls. Scarcity. Hard There is a difference between a daughter-in-law and a daughter; as there is
times. difference between a mother-in-law and a mother. Blood is thicker than wa-
vçÓ j ò yçá ç Æ L çmç sá içæ s çvç mçÓ j ò yçá L ç ³çlççÇ c çmç~
nu:r1 buthis chu gatsha:n su:r1 buth yati:mas. ’vJçMççÇ çÆ o ] ® çcç³ç Hçá À nò j “~ ’nMççÇ çÆ o cç³ç yçá ç Æ [ Lç“~
The bright face becomes ashen when a child becomes an orphan. May God “nOši: ditsmay phuh1r”. “haši: dimay budith.”
protect the orphan! “O daughter-in-law, I’ve given you a burnt crest of cooked rice (to eat).” “I’ll
(also) give it to you, when you’ll grow old.”
vçÓ j ò ®çççÆ v ç lçó j ] ® çuççvç~ Everyone has his or her day. As you sow, so shall you reap.
nu:r1 ca:ni t1:r tsala:n
(At the very sight of) your graceful face, cold runs away. vJççÆ M ç oçô H ç nçÆ M ç kçá À vç, ’Jçmçlç³ç yJçvç“~
(Cited in praise of God or a pious person). HçÀçÇ ç Æ j Lç oçô H çvçmç, ’] p çvç çÆ s ncç mJçvç“~
nOši dop haši kun, “vastay bon.”
vççô ì lçò ncççcç~ phirith dopnas,”zan chiham sOn”.
not t1 hama:m. The daughter-in-law said to her mother-in-law, “(Please) come down”. The
Just a water-pot (pitcher) and a bath. mother-in-law replied, “As if you are my co-wife.”
Nothing left in the house. To misinterpret even very simple things.

vççô J ç vççô ì ¿çá n ~ vJçMççÇ uççpççí L ç ’cççu³çá v ç cççu³çá v ç“, cççu³çá v ç ®ççí v ç n³ç [îçÓ b þ ~
nov not h’uh. Dçoò uççpççí L ç ’Dççí ì Dççí ì “, yçmlç³ç Hç@ÀçÆ ì Lç yççÇ þ îç~
Like a new (earthen) pitcher. New and fresh. Evergreen. nOši la:jo:th “ma:l’un ma:l’un, ma:l’un co:n hay d’u:th.
@d1 la:jo:th “o:t o:t”, bastay phatith bi:th’”.
vJçMç DçççÆ ³ ç jô l ³çd ,] p çvç Dçç@mç ³çô l ³çd ~ “O daughter-in-law, you boasted of your parental house, and we have seen
nOš a:yi ret’, zan @:s yeth’. it. Then you said about bringing flour, but (it appears) that the skin-sacks
The daughter-in-law came (from her father’s house) after a month; and as if (of flour) have burst.”
she was here (all the time). Boasting and false promises do not lead anywhere.
When someone’s absence is not felt at all.
vJççÆ M ç nò b Ð ç çÆ l ç Ün HççB æ s , lçò nçÆ M ç nò b Ð ç çÆ l ç Ün HççB æ s ~
vJçMç uççÆ J ç vçò nçj, lçò KJçjmç H³çþ cçç@³ç& l ççí m ç nçô b [ ~ nOši h1nd’ ti dOh pã:tsh, t1 haši h1nd’ ti dOh pã:tsh.
nOš lavi n1 ha:r, t1 khOras peth m@:r’to:s hond. The daughter-in-law has a few days, and the mother-in-law also has a few.

Things keep on changing and nothing is constant. passed, one day has passed as if (surmounting) a mountain. A fortnight has
passed and (the debt) is forgotten, and the month passed the amount of
Hç p debt is digested (the amount is totally forgotten).

Hç@æ s d ³ ç K³çJç kçw J çkçá À j, Hçvçò ç Æ v ç K³ççí v ç cç³ç& á k çÀ~ HççB m çò içJç Hçç©o lçò c³çkçÀjç] p ç, ³çLç H³çþ Lç@çÆ J ç] p ³çvç lçLç ] ® ççÆ ì ~
p@tsh’ khev kOkur, pan1ni kh’o:n mar’uk. p@~:s1 gav pa:rud t1 mekra:z, yath peth th@vizen tath tsati.
The guest ate a chicken which actually belonged to him. Money ‘is like quicksilver and (a pair of) scissors, place it upon anything
and it will cut it (do its work).
Hç@çÆ æ s mç Kçjçvç Hççô æ s , Kççvçò o çjmç ÜMçJç³ç, lçò Kççvçò o ççÆ j çÆ v ç $çô M çJç³ç~
p@tshis khara:n potsh, kha:nda:ras dOšvay, t1 kha:nda:rni trešvay. HççB m çò çÆ v ççÆ M ç sá HççB m çò HçÀìçvç~
A guest does not like another guest (in the same family), the host detests p@~:s1 niši chu p@~:s1 phata:n.
both of them, and the hostess does not like all the three (two guests and her Money makes more money (or money begets money).
husband, who invites the guests).
HççB m ç³ç Lç@çÆ J ççÆ ] p ç cJçjomç H³çþ, mçá çÆ l ç içæ ç Æ s Lççô o Jç@çÆ L çLç~
Hç@] p ç kçÀLç sô cçççÆ p ç u³çKç~ p@~:say th@vizi mOrdas peth, su ti gatshi thod v@thith.
p@z kath cha ma:ji lekh. If money is placed upon a dead body, it will rise up.
The truth is an abuse. Truth is bitter. Money may bring back the dead person to life.

Hç@çÆ l çcç iç@j sô mçKç~ Hçkçá À vçç Hçç@] p ç, içb [ á v çç iççô m ççí v ³çd , K³çvçç yçá u çyçá u ç~
p@tim g@r cha sakh. pakuna: p@:z, gãduna: goso:n’ , khena: bulbul.
The last hour is a hard time (be it the last hour of child birth, or of life, or of In walking like a hawk, in clothing like a Sadhu, and in eating like a nightin-
any work). gale. A desire to have a servant who would work fast, put on scanty clothes,
Death’s day is doom’s day. and eat very little.

Hç@çÆ o mç lçuç l³ççô b i çá u ç~ HçkçÀò v çmç içæ ç Æ s Dççmçá v ç ìkçá À vç~

p@dis tal tengul. paknas gatshi a:sun takun.
A live charcoal under the sole. For walking it is important to have something to eat.
Experience of hardship and pain in some endeavour. Those who eat well (and are healthy) can take up physical work.

Hçlçò yç@çÆ [ mç sô vç] p çj yç@[~

HçB ç Æ ] p çmç oH³çç y³ççKç Hççô b ] p ç çÆ ] p ç ] ® çkçÀò p ç s³ç JJç] p çò p ç? pat1 b@dis cha nazar b@d.
p@nzis dap’a: b’a:kh ponz zi tsak1j chay vOz1j? The one whose family background is good, has a broad vision.
Will a monkey tell another monkey that his buttocks are red? Those who live
in glass houses should not throw stones at others.
Hçvçò mççvç Kçô ç Æ ³ ç yçÓ v ³çd lçò pç@] ® ç mççvç Kçô ç Æ ³ ç nÓ v ³ç~
pan1 sa:n kheyi bu:n’ t1 j@ts sa:n kheyi hu:n’.
Hç@nj içJç, Jç@nj içJç; Ün içJç, kçÀçô n içJç; He/she will swallow a maple tree together with its leaves, and will eat the
Hçs içJç, Jçs içJç; jd ³ çLç içJç, K³çLç içJç~ dog along with its fur. One who eats a lot indiscrimnately. A glutton.
p@har gav, v@har gav; dOh gav, kOh gav;
pach gav, vach gav; reth gav, kheth gav.
About three hours have passed, as if a whole year is

Hçvçò v ³çd DçLçò çÆ s Hçuç] p ççvç~ Hçvçò ç Æ v ç yççÆ s n³ç DççÆ v çcçò DçççÆ m ç, kçÀç@] ® ççn cççÆ s içæ s vç Hçç@oò ~
pan1n’ ath1 chi palza:n. pan1ni bachi hay anim1 a:si, k@:tsa:h machi gatshan p@:d1.
One’s own hands help one. One who has done good to others is always If there is rice-water glued to one’s fire-place, many flies will appear. A rich
helped by them. person doesn’t have dearth of friends.
In prosperity many friends make their appearance.
Hçvçò v ³çd kçw J çkçÀò j vç³ç yço DçççÆ m ç, uçÓ k çÀò nò b ç Æ o iççÆ j kçw ³ çççÆ ] p ç $çççÆ J ç þÓ u ç~
pan1n’ kOk1r nay bad a:si, luk1h1ndi gari k’a:zi tra:vi thu:l. Hçvçò ç Æ v ç yçô ç Æ y ç cçá M kçÀ ¿ççô v ç~
If one’s own hen is not bad, why should it lay her eggs in other’s house. pan1ni bebi mush1k h’on.
Ungrateful offspring. Foolish people who help others at the cost of them- To smell one’s own bosom. To find out one’s own faults. Self introspection.
Hçvçò ç Æ v ç nçÆ ® ç yççn $ççÆ ® ç~
Hçvçò v ³çd Hççcç yçô ç Æ ³ çmç çÆ o v³çd ~ pan1ni haci ba:h treci.
pan1n’ pa:m beyis din’. One’s own husk (harvest of paddy mixed with husk) is as good as a good
To pass on one’s reproach to another. To pass on the buck. produce. One must be satisfied with what one has.

Hçvçò v ³çd vçcç çÆ s Hçvçò v ³çd Lç@j kçÀMççvç~ Hçvçò ç Æ v ç nççÆ ] ® ç cJçkçÀuçJç, Hçj nççÆ ] ® ç vçò ~
pan1n’ nam chi pan1ni th@r kaša:n. pan1ni ha:tsi mOklav, par ha:tsi n1.
One’s own nails scratch one’s own back. Self reliance. One may be saved from one’s blame, but cannot be from another’s (blame).

Hçvçò v ³çd Jçoò v ççJçò v ³ç lçò Hçjò Ð ç Dçmçò v ççJçò v ³çd ~ Hçvçò ç Æ v çmç oyçmç Kçyçjoçj~
pan1n’ vad1na:v1n’ t1 par1d’ as1na:v1n’. pan1nis dabas khabarda:r.
To make one’s own (friends, relatives etc.) weep, and make strangers laugh. To be aware or alert about one’s profit or loss. To be selfish.
Not to help one’s own people.
Hçvçò ç Æ v ç JJççÆ [ sá v çò kçÀçB ç Æ m ç cçmç kçÀçí m çcçá l ç~
Hçvçò ç Æ v ç DçLçò jçJçò j çJçá v ç lçò yçô ç Æ ³ ç mçò b ç Æ o j@æ s ©vç sá yçjçyçj~ pan1ni vOdi chun1 k@~:si mas ko:smut.
pan1ni ath1 ra:v1run t1 beyi s1ndi r@tshrun chu bara:bar. No one has shaved off his own head himself. Sometimes it is not possible to
To lose anything by one’s own hand is as good as to save anything through solve one’s own problems (though the person may be able to solve others’
another. problems).

Hçvçò ç Æ v ç iççÆ j nçKç Jçá i çjò , yçô ç Æ ³ ç mçò b ç Æ o iççÆ j HJçuççJç~ Hçvçò v ³çJç KJçlçò çÆ s HçjoçÇ pççvç~
pan1ni gari ha:kh vugr1, beyi s1ndi gari pOla:v. pan1nev khOt1 chi pardi: ja:n.
Simple vegetables and rice at one’s own home is as good as a delicious dish The outsiders (or strangers) are better than the close relatives.
at someone else’s place.
Hçvçò v ³çJç sá v çò HçÌ i çcyçj cççí v çcçá l ç~
Hçvçò ç Æ v ç Hçvçò ç Æ v ç pçççÆ ³ ç çÆ s mçç@jçÇ KJçpç³ç~ pan1nev chun1 paygambar mo:nmut.
pan1ni pan1ni ja:yi chi s@:ri: khOjay. A Prophet was not acceptable to one’s own people.
Everyone is a khwaja in his own place. Recognition doesn’t come easily from one’s close relations.
Every cock fights well at its dung hill.

Hçvçò v çá ³ ç ] p ççiççvç kçá À uçHçÀmç lçò lçç@çÆ j mç, Hçvçò v çá ³ ç kçá À mçlççv³çd mçvç ¿çLç êçJç~ If one’s own (relation or a friend) kills, he will leave (the body) at a cool
pan1nuy za:ga:n kulphas t1 t@:ris, pan1nuy kusta:n’ san heth dra:v. place, but if a stranger kills, he will kill and go away.
One’s own relation lies in wait for lock and bolt. It is one’s relation who
steals. In the money matters not even own relations can be trusted. Hçb ] ç Æ ] p ç ná b o HçÓ l ç, ³çá m çá ³ ç ìçí þ sá m ç Dççmççvç, lç@m³çd sô ] p ççí j ò Jçsmç lçuç jìçvç,
mçá ³ ç sá cçjçvç~
Hçvçò v çá ³ ç Hççô v ç sá Hç@çÆ v çmç HçÀçìò v ççJççvç~ panzi hund pu:t, yusuy to:th chus a:sa:n, t@s’ cha zo:r1
pan1nuy pon chu p@nis pha:t1na:va:n. vachas tal rata:n, suy chu mara:n.
A log is broken with the wedge of its own make. One should be afraid of The young monkey is so dear to its mother that she keeps it always pressed
one’s own people. to her breast (even while climbing the trees etc.), and it is the one who dies.
A favourite child is often spoiled.
Hçvçò v çá ³ ç jLç Hççvçò m çò ³ ç cçLç~
pan1nuy rath pa:n1s1y math. Hçj içiçá j ] ® ççvççvç içj içiçjmç uççj~
To rub one’s own blood on oneself. To do any work for the benefit of one’s par gagur tsa:na:n gar gagras la:r.
own self. The alien mouse chases away the native one. An outsider or a foreigner
chases away or scares away the native (or original resident).
Hçvçá v ç K³çJççvç Hççb ] p çá J ç lçò yçô ç Æ ³ ç mçá b o kçÀjçvç ouçJççb ] p çá J ç~
panun kheva:n pã:zuv t1 beyi sund kara:n dalvã:zu:. Hçjmç oçí o HçççÆ v ç KJçlçò Mçá n á u ç~
Eating one’s own food, and yet interfering in other’s matters. To poke one’s paras do:d pa:ni khOt1 šuhul.
nose in other’s matters. The pain of another person is more soothing than the water.
To derive pleasure from the suffering of others.
Hçvçá v ç Hçç@] p ççj, yçyçò mçá b o oá m çò ~
panun p@:za:r, bab1 sund dus1. HçuçJçvç sá Jççô v çcçá l ç, lççn kçÀ©cç lçò Mççn kçÀjLç~
One’s own shoes and father’s shawl. (A story about a person who cleaned palvan chu vonmut, “ta:h karum, t1 ša:h karath”.
the shoes bought by him from his own earnings, with the shawl bought by A garment has said. “Keep me well folded, and I will make you look like a
his father.) One attaches more importance to one’s own earnings than the king”. Clothes must be kept in good trim.
earnings of others.
H³çJç vçò H³çJç çÆ ] p ç ³çcçvç K³çJç~
Hçvçá v ç cçá ç Æ n cç sá nçJççvç Hççvç³ç JçLç~ pa’v n1 p’av, zi yaman khev.
panun muhim chu ha:va:n pa:nay vath. Immediately after he fell (ill), he was eaten up by the angel of death. A quick
Each problem is solved in its own way. Whenever there is a problem there is or sudden death.
a way out.
HçMçò H³çþò MççÇ v ç $ççJçá v ç~
Hçvçá v ç ³ç] p çLç sá Hççvçmç DççÆ L ç~ paš1 peth1 ši:n tra:vun.
panun yazath chu pa:nas athi. To clear snow off the roof (quickly).
One’s honour is in one’s own hand. One can oneself earn and maintain Any work done in haste and carelesly.
one’s respect.
HçMçcççÇ v çmç sô vçjcççÇ ~
Hçvçá v ç n³ç cçççÆ j MççÇ n çÆ u çmç $çççÆ J ç, Hç©o n³ç cçççÆ j lçò cçç@çÆ j Lçò ³ ç içæ ç Æ s ~ pašmi:nas cha narmi:
panun hay ma:ri ši:hlis tra:vi, parud hay ma:ri t1 m@:rith1y gatshi. The pashmina is soft. Good people are gentle.

HççKçò ³ ç sá HççKç~ If there are no cousins, wouldn’t even the dogs bark?
pa:kh1y chu pa:kh. All people have enemies in one form or the other.
Only the pure one (God) is pure.
çÆ H çlçjô v ³çd iç@çÆ ³ ç cçj] ® çò çÆ H ççÆ H çv³çd , vç] ® çvçò yçiçç@j jçí ç Æ ] p ç vçò ~
HççoMççnmç Hççmçyçç@vççÇ ~ çÆ H çlçá j içJç çÆ c ç] ® çò ³ ç& kçÀçô b [ , Dç] ® çvçò yçiçç@j HççÆ ] ® ç vçò ~
pa:dša:has pa:sb@:ni:. pitren’ g@yi marts1 pipan’, natsn1 bag@:r patsi n1.
To 1eave the work of the watch and ward to the king. pitur gav mits1r’kond, atsn1 bag@:r patsi n1.
A (female) cousin is like a top (a dancing doll), it would keep on spinning (at
HççoMççn mçç@yçò ç Æ v çmç oí J ççvç Kççvçmç, lççÇ u çò J ³çd ] ® ççB i ³çd o] p ççvç çÆ s ~ your cost). A (male) cousin is like a bramble, which may always run into you.
A cousin is considered unsympathetic.
mçç@jçÇ içæ s çvç Hççvçmç Hççvçmç, kçá À vçá ³ ç ] p ççô v çç jçí ] p ççvç sá ~
pa:dša:h s@:bnis de:va:n kha:nas, ti:l1v’ ts@:g’ daza:n chi.
s@:ri: gatsha:n pa:nas pa:nas, kunuy zona: ro:za:n chu.
çÆ H çu³çJç vçò lçò ] ® ççô k çÀçÇ içç@mç~
In the king’s palace; oil lamps are illuminated. All will leave for their own pilev na t1 tsoki: g@:s.
places, only one person remains. One couldn’t reach the fruit, and, therefore he said that they were sour. The
A riddle. The answer of it is sun and moon. grapes are sour.

Hççvçmç Kçô ³ çlçvç cçiçj oçvçmç Hçô J ³çd l çvç~ çÆ H çMç kç@À³ç& iJçvççn, JçiççÆ J çmç ®ççí y ç~
pa:nas kheytan magar da:nas pev’tan. piš k@r’ gOna:h, vagvis co:b.
Let him eat himself, but let him keep his fire place aglow. The flea sinned, but the reed-mat got the beating.
A blessing. One person commits a crime, and another gets punishment for it.

Hççb o ò sd J çKç, vJçMçvç mJçKç lçò kçÀçí ³ ç& v ç ÜKç~ HççÇ j vçò yççô [ , ³çkçÀçÇ v ç yççô [ ~
pa:nd1 chOkh, nOšan sOkh t1 ko:ren dOkh. pi:r n1 bod yaki:n bod.
Pandachokh – a place of comfort for the daughter-in-laws, but trouble for The pir (a saint) is not great, faith is great.
the daughters. (It is a curse uttered by a saint called Sheikh Noor-ul-Din Faith moves the mountains.
about the village Pandachnkh located in the outskirts of Srinagar.
HççÇj JJçmlçço~
pi:r vOsta:d.
H³ççJçuç ] p ³çJç~ To call a saint a teacher.
p’a:val z’av. To impose one relationship on the other.
An inventive (or imaginative) tongue.
HççÇ j Jç cçç³ççx J ç oçb o , cçô kçw ³ çç jçJ³ççí J ç çÆ ] p ç yçò Jçvçò kçÀçB ç Æ m ç~
Hççb ] ® ççuçmç jçí ] p ³çç Ün³ç JççJç~ pi:rav ma:r’o:v dã:d. me k’a: ra:v’o:v zi b1 van1 k@:si.
pã:tsa:las ro:z’a: dOhay va:v. The Pirs killed an ox. What have I lost that I should tell anyone? To report a
The wind storm on Pir Panjal will not last for ever. matter and deny it. No business of mine.
The bad days certainly pass. Adversity passes away sooner or later.
Hçô þ îç cçvçá ì içæ s á v ç~
çÆ H çlçò ³ ç& vç³ç Dççmçvç lçò nÓ v ³çd çÆ l ç Jççí j çvç vçç? peth’ manut gatshun.
pit1r’ nay a:san t1 hu:n’ ti vo:ran na:? To get more than one’s expectations.

Hçá ç Æ p çmç Òçá æ s á K ç, ’Dç@çÆ [ pç kçÀçí v çò Hç@çÆ ® ç³ç Dç] p ç“? Hççô ] p ç Jçvçá v ç sá Dç@s kçÀ[ò v ³çd ~
oçô H çvçKç, ’Hçvçá v ç Dççcç vçò kçÀçb n “~ poz vanun chu @ch kad1n’.
pujis prutshukh, “@dij ko:n1 p@ciy az?” To tell a truth is just like to gouge out someone’s eye.
dopnakh, “panun a:m n1 kã:h”.
A butcher was asked “Why couldn’t you sell bones today?” He replied, Hççô ì cçB ç Æ [ Lç, ìçô ì Kç@çÆ m çLç, iççJç Òç@çÆ m çLç, kçÀçô ì Hç@çÆ j Lç,
“None of my relations/friends came (to buy meat today).” ¿çb o ò J çb o ò ] ® ç@çÆ ì Lç lçò çÆ ³ çvçmççvç Hçá À çÆ ì Lç~
It is easier to deceive one’s own elatives or trusted friends. pot m@~dith, tot kh@sith, ga:v pr@sith, kot p@rith,
hend1vend1 ts@tith, t1 yinsa:n phutith.
HçÓ l ç, mJçHçÓ l ç, lçò kçw J çHçÓ l ç~ The right time for testing the woolen cloth is after shrinking it by washing,
pu:t, sOpu:t, t1 kOpu:t. pony after riding it, cow after it has given birth to a calf, son after schooling,
A son like his father, a son better than his father, and a son not as good as a watermelon after slicing it„ and a human being after he is broken (i.e. after
his father. Three kinds of sons. sufferings).

HçÓ ç Æ j mç sá HçÓ ³ ç& j , sd J çv³çj içJç Dçv³çj~ Hççô $ çò oççÆ o cçá ³ ç& cççb i ç³ç~
pu:ris chu pu:rer, chOner gav aner. potr1 da:di mur’ mã:gay.
The full weight (or completeness) lasts, the less weight (or incompleteness) To hold one’s arms to beg for a son.
is like blindness ( i.e. it cannot be helped).
Hççô $ çò yJççÆ s , nÓ v ç kçw J ççÆ s ~
HçÓ M çá K ç çÆ l ç vç³ç ] ® ççô u çá K ç çÆ l ç vçç? potr1 bOchi, hu:n kOchi.
pu:šukh ti nay tsolukh ti na:? To crave for a child, and to hold a dog to one’s lap.
If you couldn’t win, why didn’t you run away (or escape)?
If one cannot face a situation, one should give it up. ’Hççô $ çç Kçj nç ] ® ççô u ç“~ ’yçyçç, Hççvçò jìá v ç lçò Kç@çÆ m çLç Dçvçá v ç“~
“potra: khar ha: tsol”. “ba:ba: pa:n1 ratun t1 kh@sith anun”.
Hççô æ s sá MçÓ y ççvç $çô v ç Ünvç~ “O son, the ass has run away,” “Father, catch him yourself, and ride him
potsh chu šu:ba:n tren dOhan. back.” Disobedience. An advice to one’s father.
The guest looks good only for three days.
The guest who overstays loses hospitality. Hççô b ] p ç n³ç Hçô ç Æ ³ ç Mçí ç Æ þ iç] p çò , lççí ç Æ l ç çÆ s Hççô b ] p çá ³ ç~
An unwelcome guest. ponz hay peyi še:thi gaz1, to:ti chu ponzuy.
If a monkey falls from sixty yards, still it remains a monkey. Change of a
Hççô ] p ç sá ìîççô þ ~ position doesn’t change a person.
poz chu t’oth.
Truth is bitter. Hççô j cçá l ç sá iççô j cçá l ç~
pormut chu gormut.
Hççô ] p ç Jçvçò v çò Hççvç ] p çvç vçìçvç, DçHç] á p ç Jçvçò v çò uçiççvç jmç~ An educated person is (like) a nicely cut (stone).
poz van1n1 pa:n zan nata:n, apuz van1n1 laga:n ras. An educated person is well groomed.
While telling the truth, the body trembles, and while telling a lie, one feels
good. It is hard to tell the truth. Hççô n çô u ç sá oHççvç uçÓ k çÀvç, ’DçKç K³çJç mçò n vç, y³ççKç K³çJç Mççuçvç“~
pohol chu dapa:n lu:kan, “akh khev s1han, b’a:kh khev ša:lan”.
The shepherd tells people, “One (sheep) was eaten by the lion, and another

by a jackal.” False excuses. Something beyond one’s reach.

Òç³ççiçò ® ç yçÓ v ³çd , vç Lçoçvç lçò vç yç[çvç~ HçÀuç kçá À uçá ³ ç sá vçô ç Æ c çLç~
praya:g1c bu:n’ , na thada:n t1 na bada:n. phal kuluy chu nemith.
The chinar of Prayag, neither does it become tall nor big. The tree laden with fruit always bows low.
A child who doesn’t grow. A great person is always polite.

HçÀ ph HçÀçlçò sç@v³çd , içjç ®çç@v³çd lçò içjç c³çç@v³çd ~

pha:t1 ch@:n’ gara: c@:n’ t1 gara: me:n’ .
Hç@ÀçÆ u çmç ¿ççô u ç lçò nô ç Æ u çmç Kççj çÆ o çÆ ³ çvç³ç KJçoç~ Fata, the carpenter’s wife, is sometimes with you and sometimes with me.
ph@lis h’ol t1 helis kha:r diyinay khOda: An unfaithful woman. A turn coat.
May God turn your every seed into a sheaf; and every sheaf to a kharwar
(bushel, about 80 kilograms). A blessing to a farmer. çq H çÀçÆ j Lç Hçw ³ çjvç æ s ò v çá v ç~
phirith pheran tshunun.
HçÀ@kçÀçÇ j ] ® ççJç Dççb i çvç lçò nÓ ç Æ v çmç Jççô L ç oçí o ~ To put on a pheran (A Kashmiri loose dress) inside out.
phaki:r tsa:v ã:gan t1 hu:nis voth do:d. To blame someone else for one’s own fault.
A beggar entered the courtyard, and the dog felt restless. The guilty blaming the accuser.
An old servant detests the new one.
Hçw J çkçÀò Dççmçá v ç iç@çÆ ³ ç DçKç kçÀLç, ìd J çkçÀò Dççmçá v ç iç@çÆ ³ ç y³ççKç~
HçÀìá v ç pççvç lçò nìá v ç vçò pççvç~ phOk1 a:sun g@yi akh kath, tOk1 a:sun g@yi b’a:kh.
phatun ja:n t1 hatun n1 ja:n. It is one thing to be inflated with but quite another to be strongly built.
Better to burst (by overeating) than io give up.
Someone who overeats. Sarcasm on gluttony. yç b

HçÀçÆ j ] ® çÓ j mç sá oççÆ j kçÀçô b [ uççí j ~ yç@[ Ðço iç@çÆ ³ ç mJç, ³Jçmçò yç@[ uJçKçò j K³çççÆ J ç~
phari tsu:ras chu da:ri kond lo:r. b@d ded g@yi sO yOs b@d lOkh1r kh’a:vi.
A thorn is stuck in the beard of one who stole a dried fish. The grandma is one who gives grandly to eat.
A thief carries marks of detection along with him. The one who does a favour is considered great.
A thief has guilty conscience.
yç@çÆ [ mç KJçjmç lçuç cç©vç pççvç, lçò uJçkçÀçÆ ì mç vçò Mççb o mç H³çþ~
HçÀçÆ j nçB ] p çvç yçá ] p çí ç Æ ³ ç cçç@pç, uçÓ k çÀJç oçô H çá m ç içç[ò sá yçá ] p ççvç~ b@dis khOras tal marun ja:n, t1 lOktis n1 šã:das peth.
phari h@~:zan buza:yi m@:j, lu:kav dopus, ga:d1 chu buza:n. It is better to die near the foot of a grand person, than near the head of a
A dry fish vendor roasted his mother; and the people thought, that he was person of small stature.
roasting fish.
Blemishes of a profession stick. yç@çÆ [ mç sô yç@[ò ³ ç vç] p çj~
b@dis cha b@d1y nazar.
HçÀçÆ j nçB ] p ç sç içá ç Æ j mç Kçmççvç? A great person can see great. A great person has great foresight.
phari h@~:z cha: guris khasa:n?
Does a dry fish vendor ride a horse?

yçç@] ® çvç çÆ ³ ç] p çç lçò HJçlçu³çvç HçÓ ] p çç~ yççÆ p ç kçÀçÆ v ç lçuçò ³ ç sô uJçkçÀò ì kç@Àv³çd J³çHççvç~
b@:tsan yi:za: t1 pOtlen pu:za: baji kani tal1y cha lOk1 t k@n’ vepa:n.
The members of the family are in distress, but the idols are worshipped. To A small stone can be hidden under a big one.
ignore one’s family and to worship stone idols.
yççÆ p ç kçÀçí ç Æ j nò b ] p ç æ s d J çHç³ç sô Dççb k çÀçj~
yçç@] p ³çd çÆ l ç kç@ÀçÆ j Jç, ] p çá J ç çÆ l ç yç®çç@çÆ J çJç~ baji ko:ri h1nz tshOpay cha ã:ka:r.
b@:z’ ti k@riv zuv ti bac@:viv. A grown up girl’s silence means her willingness.
Play tricks but save yourself. Face the ordeal but safeguard yourself as well.
To play safe. yççÆ p ç cç@MççÇ ç Æ o ] ® çu³çç kçÓ b À pç vççÇ ç Æ j Lç~
baji m@ši:di tsal’a: ku:j ni:rith.
yçç@] p ³çd içjmç sô yçç@] p ³çd içjmç~ Will the corner stone of the big mosque slip out?
b@:z’ garas cha b@:z’ garas. It makes no difference.
One who deceives others is deceived himself. One who digs a pit for others
falls himself into it. yçìò çÆ c çmçkçÀçÇ v ç, vç oá ç Æ v ç³çç lçò vç oçÇ v ç~
bat1 miski:n, na duniya: t1 na di:n.
yççB ç Æ i çmç sô yççb i ç çÆ o v³çd ~ The destitute Pandit (Hindu) has neither the world nor the religion.
b@~:gis chi bã:g din’.
It is the duty of the Mulla to call people for prayers. A Mulla can only give
a call for prayers, but he cannot force them to pray. We can take a horse to
’yççÆ p ç cç@MççÇ ç Æ o nò b Ð çJç LçcçJç, ³ççô l ç çÆ k çÀLçJç Hçç@þîç Jçç@çÆ l çJçò “ ?
water but cannot make it drink. ’Hçvçò ç Æ v ç m³ç] p çjò “ ~
“baji m@ši:di h1nda’v thamav, yot kithav p@:th’ v@:tiv1?”
yç®çò oçí o çÆ s uççÆ s oçí o ~ “pan1ni sezr1.”
bac1 do:d chu lachi do:d. “O pillalrs of the big mosque, how did you get here?”
The distress of one’s child is felt hundred thousand fold more. “Due to our being straight.”
One reaches a top position due to one’s qualities.
çÆ y ççÆ s mç Òçò æ s á K ç, ’Jçb o mç kçÀçí v çò sá K ç v³çyçj vçí j çvç“?
yçìò içJç ûçìò ~
oçô H çvçKç, ’jd ³ çlçò k çÀççÆ u ç kçw ³ çç kçÀçô © cç nç@çÆ m çuç“~ bat1 gav grat1.
bichis pr1tshukh, “vandas ko:n1 chukh nebar ne:ra:n?” The (Kashmiri) Pandit is a quern.
dopnakh, “ret1ka:li k’a: korum h@:sil.” A Kashmiri Pandit works hard like a mill.
A scorpion was asked, “Why don’t you come out in the winter?” It replied,
“What did I achieve in the summer?” All the seasons are of equal curse to
me. To be miserable in every situation.
yçìò cçÓ o MçW ç Æ k çÀ~
bat1 mu:d še~:ki.
The Pandit dies of superstition. Hindus are superstitious or cynics.
yççÆ p ç kçÀçÆ v ç sô uJçkçÀò ì kç@Àv³çd [Kç~
baji kani cha 1Ok1t k@n’ dakh.
The small stone supports the big one. The big ones too depend on the yçìò ³çô ç Æ u ç yçá ç Æ [ lçò cçí þ çvç, cçá m çuçcççvç yçá ç Æ [ lçò ìîçþçvç~
small. bat1 yeli budi t1 me:tha:n, musalma:n budi t1 tetha:n.
An old age brings sweetness to a Pandit but bitterness to a Muslim.

yçìmç ] ® ³ç[, cçá m çuçcççvçmç ³ç[, lçò jç@çÆ H çÀ] p çmç »[~ yçlçò uçô ç Æ u çmç çÆ s H³çþ³ç kçÀçÆ v ç Jçá s çvç~
batas tsed, musalma:nas yad, t1 r@:phizas hOd. bat1 lelis chi pethay kani vucha:n.
Endurance to the Hindu, stomach to the Muslim and cry to a Shia. A Hindu One tests the cooked rice at the top of it (in order to find out if the rice is
endures, a Muslim fills the belly and a Shia mourns or resists. properly cooked or not). People are judged by their appearance. Face is the
index of mind.
yçìmç yççô [ Ün lçò HçÀçkçÀò , cçá m çuçcççvçmç yççô [ Ün lçò ÞççkçÀò ,
jç@çÆ H çw p çmç yççô [ Ün lçò yççkçÀò ~ yçlçò HçççÆ J ç lçuç sô Dççyçò Kççj J³çHççvç~
batas bod dOh t1 pha:k1. musalma:nas bod dOh t1 šra:k1. bat1 pa:vi tal cha @:b1 kha:r vepa:n.
r@:fizas bod, dOh t1 ba:k1. A lot of bad deeds can be hidden under little food. One’s bad deeds can be
A Hindu fasts on his auspicious day. A Muslim feasts on his auspicious covered by feeding someone who matters.
day. A Shia weeps on his auspicious day.
yçlç³ç DçççÆ m ç lçò kçÀç@l³çç içjò içæ s vç Hçç@oò ~
yçlçò iço& v ç iç@çÆ ³ ç yç@[ iço& v ç~ batay a:si t1 k@:t’a: gar1 gatshan p@:d1.
bat1 gardan g@yi b@d gardan. If one has food (to eat), so many households will come up. In prosperity,
To oblige someone by feeding him with food is a great investment. The path there is no dearth of friends.
to heart lies through one’s stomach.
yçlçmç cçb ] p ç ìçí þ kçw ³ çç? lç@nj~
yçlçò vçí © vç içJç jlçò vçí © vç~ Dçç@çÆ M çvççJçvç cçb ] p ç ìçí þ kçw ³ çç? n@nj~
bat1 ne:run gav rat1 ne:run. batas manz to:th k’a:? t@har.
To be separated from the common kitchen is to be separated in blood also. @:šina:van manz to:th k’a:? h@har.
Which is the favourite among the dishes? Cooked yellow rice. Who is the
yçlçò vçlçò yçlççmç, çÆ s þ vçlçò Dçlçuççmç~ favourite among the relatives? Wife’s brother.
bat1 nat1 bata:s, chith’ nat1 atla:s.
No food in the house and desire for sugar lumps; not even the print cloth to yçyç Dçç@m³çd l çvç, jo Dçç@m³çd l çvç, çÆ ³ çvçmççvç kçÀçÆ l ç yççÆ v ç~
wear but desire for satin. A poor man with rich desires. If wishes were bad @:s’tan, rad @:s’tan, yinsa:n kati bani.
horses beggars would ride. Whether bad or quallelsome, human life is precious. Human life is of utmost
yçlçò yç[îççí m ç ®çççÆ v ç, lçò içjò ] p ççvç³ç vçò JçLç~
bat1 bad’o:s ca:ni, t1 gar1 za:nay n1 vath. yço yçoçÇ , KJço çÆ i ççÆ j HçÀlçç@jçÇ ~
I have grown up eating your food but I don’t know the way to your house. bad badi: khOd giripht@:ri:
When a person pretends not to know someone with whom he has been very If one wishes evil for others, one oneself suffers. One who digs a pit for
intimate. others, falls himself into it.

’yçlçò yçlçò “ lçò H³ççoò Hçlçò ~ yçomç çÆ m çj yççJçá v ç sá yçô ç Æ y ç Dçb o j mç©HçÀ jsá v ç~
“bat1 bat1” t1 p’a:d1 pat1. badas sir ba:vun chu, bebi andar saruph rachun.
Having no food to eat, but having a peon to attend. A person who doesn’t To divulge a secret to a wicked person is to rare a snake in one’s own bosom.
have enough resources, but pretends to be rich. It also means that someone
does not have even food to eat, still he is chased by peons (for tax collec- yçb ç Æ i ç cçb ] p ç vç] ® çá v ç~
tion). Starvation and official oppression. bangi manz natsun.

To dance in hemp. To do something which is of no use to anyone. To yçmlçò æ s ò ç Æ v çLç vçç@u³çd KçKçjççÆ ³ ç cçb o sá v ç~
engage in a useless persuit. bast1 tshunith n@:l’ khakhra:yi mandchun.
To wear a sheep-skin and be ashamed of its rustling.
yçb o ò sá yçMçj~
band1 chu bašar. yççÆ m lç cçb ] p ç kçÀçpçJçþ~
To err is human. basti manz ka:jvath.
A stone in a sheep-skin. To cause trouble to someone without letting him
yçb o ³ç sá yçí m çyçò j ~ know.
band1y chu be:sab1r.
A human being is quite impatient. yçççÆ i ç yççí i ç lçò vçççÆ v ç ìçí k çÀ~
ba:gi bo:g t1 na:ni to:k.
yçb o ò yçb o mç cçb ç Æ i ç, Dççiçò yçô o çj lçò vççí k çÀj éçb ç Æ i ç~ After eating to his full, he asks for a dish for his grand mother too.
band1 bandas mangi, a:g1 beda:r t1 no:kar šõgi.
To ask a favour from someone, is as if a master is awake whilst the servant is yççvçò nlçmç çÆ o çÆ ] p ç þçvçò nLç, lçò Dçç@mçò nlçmç kçw ³ ççn kç@ÀçÆ j çÆ ] p ç~
asleep. ba:n1 hatas dizi tha:n1 hath, t1 @:s1 hatas k’a: k@rizi.
A hundred lids for a hundred vessels, but nothing can cover a hundred
yçb o ò vç³ç iJçvççn kçÀçÆ j , KJçoçn kçw ³ çç yçKMçmç~ mouths. There is no way to stop gossip.
band1 nay gOna:h kari khOda:h k’a: bakhšes.
If a human being doesn’t commit sin, what will God have to pardon him? A yççb o Jç kçá À mç? ] p çò ®çb o ò ~
human being commits sins, and God forgives. To err is human, to forgive ba:ndav kus? z1 cand1.
divine. Who is your kin? (Your) two pockets. Money is a good friend.

yçyçò vçí L çò j , lçò DçLçmç H³çþ~ yççyçò Dççocçmç Dçç@m³çd ] p çò içyçj, Dç@kçw ³ çd j@ì DççJçjô v ³çd Dç@kçw ³ çd kçÀyçj~
bab1 ne:th1r, t1 athas peth. ba:b1 a:dmas @:s’ z1 gabar, @k’ r@ t a:vren’ @k’ kabar.
Father, I want to get married, here and now! Impatience. Father Adam had two sons. One chose a pyre and the other grave (i.e. one
became Hindu and another became a Muslim or a Christian).
yçyçò yçá [ lçcç lçò Kç@ocçLçç kçÀjlçcç~
bab1 budtam t1 kh1dmatha: kartam. yççyçò cçl³ççí J ç lçò Ðço çÆ l ç~
O father, grow old and serve me. When youngsters expect their elders to ba:b1 mat’o:v t1 ded ti.
serve them. The father was mad with anger and so was the mother.
When everyone in the house is angry.
yçj çÆ o Lç Kçj vç] ® ççvç~
bar dith khar natsa:n. yççuçò v çò ³ ç çÆ s uççuç vçí j çvç~
The ass dances with doors shut. A riddle meaning a quern. ba:l1n1y chi la:l ne:ra:n.
The. diamonds are found in mountains. Good things are often found in
yçuçç³ç oÓ j lçò Kçç@j kçÀçô y çÓ u ç~ worst possible places. Some good persons are born to ordinary parents.
bala:y du:r t1 kh@:r kobu:l.
May the misfortunes be warded off and good prevail. A blessing. yççn HçB ] p ³çd çÆ l ç iç@çÆ ³ ç Mçí þ ò ³ ç~
ba:h p@~z’ ti g@yi še:th1y.

Twelve fives are also equal to sixty. An object can be described in different ram did not become fat as it was afraid that it would be killed with it any
ways. moment. Another version of the story is that instead of a sword kept hang-
ing nearby, a lion was shown to the ram daily and the ram did not become fat
çÆ y ççÆ n Lç Jççô v ³çd Hççí v ³çd lççí u ³çç? for fear of its life.) One cannot relax or enjoy, when one is kept under
bihit vo:n’ po:n’ to:l’a:? constant threat.
Will an idle grocer weigh water? One who has to earn a living must not sit
idle. yççÇ ç Æ þ mç iççmçò Ðççj~
bi:th  is ga:s1 d’a:r.
yççÇ K ç cçb i ççvç lçò Hççô ì jb i ççvç~ Money paid to an idle person for (cutting) grass. To pay wages for no useful
bi:kh manga:n t1 pot ranga:n. work.
Begging for alms while dying the woolens.
y³çkçÀçj içJç y³çcççj~
beka:r gav bema:r.
yççÇ c çò jçô m ç Mçá j içJç uççkçÀçÆ c ç jçô m ç içá j ~ An unemployed or idle person is as good as a sick person. Idleness causes
bi:m1 ros šur gav la:kmi ros gur. sickness. Rest is rust.
The child who is not afraid of anyone is like a horse without a bridle. An
uncontrolled child can go stray like a horse who is not controlled. Spare the y³çkçÀçjmç çÆ s $çô kçÀçj~
rod and spoil the child. beka:ras chi tre ka:r.
An idle person has three tasks: (sleeping, eating and quarreling).
yççÇ j yçuçò ç Æ v ç kçÀçí ç Æ j Òçá æ s DçkçÀyçj HççoMççnvç, ’kçw ³ çç cççô n v³çá J ç sç Òçmççvç“?
Oçô H çò v çmç, ’oçb o sç Üo çÆ o Jççvç“? yçí s çvç lçò içá ç Æ j mç Kç@çÆ m çLç~
bi:rbalni ko:ri prutsh akbar pa:dša:han, “k’a: mohn’uv cha: becha:n t1 guris kh@sith.
prasa:n?”dopnas. “dã:d cha: dOd diva:n?” One is begging while riding a horse. One who doesn’t give up pride even in
The king Akbar asked Birbal’s daughter, “Does a man give birth to a child ? distress or poverty.
She replied, “Does an ox give milk’?” To answer a funny question with a
similar one. Tit for tat. yçí s ò yçlçmç lçò Hçç@³ç& ] p ççvç çÆ k çÀæ s ?
bechi batas t1 p@:r’za:n kitsh?
yççÇ j yçuçmç Òçá æ s DçkçÀyçjmç, ’pçb i çò çÆ J ççÆ ] p ç kçw ³ çç çÆ m çuççn“? One who has to beg for food, doesn’t need an acquaintance.
oçô H çò v çmç, ’çÆ ³ ç yç´ ç W þ ò çÆ ³ ççÆ ³ ç“~
bi:rbalan prutsh akbars,” jang1 vizi k’a: sila:h? yççô ç Æ s mç nÓ v ³çd cçç] p ç nuçnçuç~
dopnas,”yi brõ:th  1 yiyi” bochis hu:n’ ma:z halha:l.
Birbal asked Akbar, “Which is the best weapon in a war?” It is lawful for a hungry person to eat the flesh of a dog.
He replied, “Anything that comes handy.”
yçí s ò v çmç yççvçò kçÀçcçò v ³çd ~
yççÇ j yçuçá v ç kçÀþ~ bech1nas ba:n1 ka:m1n’.
bi:rbalun kath  . A beggar doesn’t even have a begging bowel. To be in absolute distress.
Birbal’s ram. (It is said that a ram was tied to a peg and fed well, but a sword
was kept hanging close by. On seeing the sword continuously hanging, the

yçô ç Æ y ç Dçb o j HçÀçB m ³çd lçò DçLçmç kçw ³ çLç lçmçyççÇ ~ yçô m ççô c ç sá oHççvç cçô mççô c ç sá v çò kçÀçb n ~
bebi andar ph@:s’ t1 athas keth tasbi: besom chu dapa:n me som chu n1 kã:h.
The noose under the arm, and the rosary in the hand. A serpent under the A crooked (or ugly) person believes that there is no other person as straight
flower. forward (or beautiful) as he is. A person full of flaws thinks that he is flaw-
less and on one excels him.
yçí l ççyçmç DççÆ v ççÆ ì mç kçw ³ çLç, lççyçoçjmç Lççuçmç kçw ³ çLç~
be:ta:bas aniti s keth, ta:bda:ras tha:las keth. yçí n ³ççnmç çÆ s mçLç yçá L ³çd ®çb o mç~
An impatient person gets meals in an earthen lid, and the one who has behaya:has chi sath buth’ candas.
patience gets it in a proper plate. One who is impatient doesn’t get a proper A shameless person has seven faces in his pocket. A shameless person
treatment. changes colours.

yçí c çç@uçmç Dçç@uçò ~ yçô n Jççuçò mçò b ] p ç kçÀLç kçÀçÆ j oí J ççjmç $ççmç~
bem@:las @:l1. behva:l s1nz kath kari de:va:ras tra:s.
To offer cardamoms to a person who is not hungry. A person who is not An idle person’s words can crack even a wall. An idle person often turns out
hungry does not relish even rich food. to be a notorious talkative. An idle person excels in his arguments.

’y³çcççjJç Dçç@mç kçw ³ çá L ç sá ³ ç“? ’vç ] ® ççô k çÀ lçò vç cççô o á j “~ yçí k çÀò u ç vçò kçÀçb n , lçò içjò Hçlçò kçÀçn~
“bema:rav @:s k’uth chuy?” “na tsok t1 na modur.” be:k1l n1 kã:h, t1 gar1 pat1 ka:h.
“0 sick person, how is your mouth?” “Neither sour nor sweet.” Is there no stupid person? There are eleven in every family.
A sick person cannot distinguish the taste of food. The world is full of stupid people.

yçô ç Æ l ç mçò b ] p ç ³çá m ç KççÆ v ç içb i ç, Hçvçò v ³çd mçô Ð çmç ] p çb i ç~ yçí H ççÇ j mç içìò k çÀçj, yççHççÇ j sá iççMçò o çj~
beyi s1nz yus khani gang, pan1n’ sedes zang. be:pi:ras gat1ka:r, ba:pi:r chu ga:š1da:r.
One who digs a pit for others, himself falls into it. One without a guide is in the dark.The one who has a guide can see things
yçô ç Æ ³ ç mçá b o DçcççvçLç sá Kççjò Jççvçá k çÀ vççjò l³ççô b i çá u ç ¿çá n ~
beyi sund ama:nath chu kha:r1 va:nuk na:r1 tehgul h’uh.
yçí c çò n@njJç sá mçò n cççí j cçá l ç~
Any other person’s belongings in your charge are like the live charcoal from be:m1 h@hrav chu s1h mo:rmut.
the blacksmith’s furnace. One must guard other’s trust with more care and Two brothers-in-law (sister’s husband and wife’s brother) have killed a lion
responsibility. together. Union is strength.

yçô ç Æ ³ ç mçá b o oçí o sá ³ ç yçí c ççvçí ~ ³çmç Dç@çÆ k çÀmç yç@çÆ v çLç DççJç mçá ³ ç ] p çççÆ v ç~ yçí ³ççÇ c ççvçmç kçw ³ çç çÆ v ççÆ ³ ç Mçí l ççvç?
beyi sund do:d chuy be:ma:ne:, yas @kis b@nith a:v suy za:ni. be:yi:ma:nas k’a: niyi še:ta:n?
Another’s pain is meaningless. He only knows who suffers. Only the wearer The satan cannot take away anything from the dishonest person. Shame is
knows where the shoe pinches. far from a shameless person.

yçô j yçoò mçJççò y ç KJçlçò içJç Mç@kçÀçÇ u ç iJçvçò n ò ³ ç yçô n lçj~ yçá ç Æ p ç içJç ] ® çò n , lçmç DççJç nçÇ L ç~
berabd1 sava:b1 khOt1 gav šaki:l gOn1h1y behtar. buji gav ts1h, tas a:v hi:th.
A beautiful sin is better than an awkward good deed. An old woman tumbled down and she got an excuse. A peraon who is on

the look out for excuses. To pick holes in another’s garment. “What made you old?” “The work”. An experienced person.

yçá ç Æ p ç lçò yç´ ç çÆ j ] ® çá J ³çççÆ ³ ç nj lçò Jçvçò k çw ³ çvç nçHçlçvç ] ® çççÆ ³ ç Lçj~ yçá [ ò çÆ l ç cçÓ o lçò ] ® ççmç çÆ l ç yçuçí ç Æ ³ ç~
buji t1 bra:ri tsuv’a:yi har t1 van1ken ha:ptan tsa:yi thar. bud1 ti mu:d t1 tsa:s ti bale:yi.
An old woman and a cat quarreled, and the bears of the jungle were scared. The old man died and his cough also was cured. The final solution to a
misery comes by death.
yçá ç Æ p ç v³çÓ K ç yçj, mJç iç@çÆ ³ ç cç@MççÇ ç Æ o ~
buji n’u:kh bar, sO g@yi m@ši:di. yçá [ ò lçò Mçá j çÆ s yçjçyçj~
The door of the house of an old woman was stolen; she went to the mosque bud1 t1 šur chi bara:bar.
(to steal its door). An old person and a child are alike.

yçá ç Æ p ç yçá ç Æ L çmç kçÀvçò JçççÆ p ç~ yçá [ vç lçò uJçkçÀìîçvç nò b ] p ç Kç@ocçLç içæ ç Æ s vçò kçÀjò v ³çd ~
buji buthis kan1va:ji. yçá [ ò sá cçjçvç lçò uJçkçÀò ç Æ ì mç sá v çò ³çço jçí ] p ççvç~
Ear rings adoring the face of an old woman. Something not appropriate. budan t1 lOkten h1nz kh1dmath gatshi n1 kar1n’.
Square peg in a round hole. bud1 chu mara:n, t1 lOktis chun1 ya:d ro:za:n.
Do not serve either the old or the young. The old man/woman dies soon,
and the young one does not remember when he grows up.
yçá ç Æ p ç uçy³ççí J ç kçá À çÆ p ç lçuç ] ® çÓ b þ , Hçlçò iç@³çççÆ ³ ç mJç Hç@pç ¿çLç~
buji lab’o:v kuji tal tsu:th, pat1 g@ya:yi sO p@j heth. yçá [ á v ç lçò Jçoá v ç, yçá [ á v ç lçò cçMçá v ç, yçá [ á v ç lçò cç©vç~
An old woman found an apple under the tree and afterwards she went (to budun t1 vadun, budun t1 mašun, budun t1 marun.
the tree) with a basket (for collecting apples). Give once, they always expect To become old and to cry; to become old and to forget; to become old and
more. to die (All are quite natural things).

yçá ] p çá v ç yç´ ç í j kçÀçcçò v ³çd ~ yçá L ç Jçá ç Æ s Lç yççí i ç lçò ] ® çkçÀò p ç Jçá ç Æ s Lç ] ® ççB ç Æ i çpç~
buzun bro:r ka:m1n’ . buth vuchith bo:g t1 tsak1j vuchith ts@:gij.
Not even a cat available for roasting. Acute scarcity. Hard times. Food is served according to one’s face, and the matting is laid according to
the ass. To provide hospitality appropriate to one’s status.
yçá ] p ³ç yçá ] p ³ç içç[ò Kçô ç Æ v ç~
buz’ buz’ ga:d1 kheni asma:nas s1:t’. yçÓ ç Æ ] p çLç ] p ççô j lçò [çb Ç ç Æ M çLç Dççô v ç~
To roast fish in the sun and cat them. To be very proud and not to listen to bu:zith zor t1 di:šith on.
anyone. To pretend to be deaf on hearing, and blind on seeing. Hear no evil, see no
yçá [ ò DççMçKç cççô n çÆ j cçá M çá K ç~
bud1 a:šakh mOhri mušukh.
An old man’s love is worth a pinch of guinea (a golden coin). An old man’s
yççô s içæ ç Æ s vçò v³çá v ç Jçç] p çò J ççvç, lçò vççô v ç içæ ç Æ s vçò v³çá v ç yç] p çççÆ ] p ç Jççvç~
love is valued. boch gatshi n1 n’un va:z1va:n, t1 non gatshi n1 n’un baza:zi va:n.
The hungry should not be taken to a feast, and a naked person should not
be taken to a cloth shop. It is difficult to control desire of someone who is in
’yçá [ ò kç@Àc³çd kçÀçô © Kç“? ’kçÀçjvç“~ great need.
“bud1 k@m’ korukh ?” “ka:ran”.

’yççô [ kç@Àc³çd kçÀçô © Kç“? ’cççí l çJç“~ yççô ³ ç içJç kç@Àv³çd , yçô ç Æ v ç iç@çÆ ³ ç Lç@v³çd ~
“bod k@m’ korukh ?” “mo:tav.” bo:y gav k@n’, beni g@yi th@n’.
“Who made you elderly ?” “The deaths”. One who becomes head of the A brother is (as hard as) a stone, and a sister is (as soft as) butter. A brother
household as a result of the death of other elders in the family. The term bod, is considered a stone hearted person, and a sister is considered very com-
also means ‘rich’. Thus, “Who made you rich?” “The deaths.” One who passionate.
becomes rich as a result of the inheritance of property of the dead.
yççí j sá pçnvçcçá k çÀ Hççí j ~
yççô [ içJç mçá ³ ç ³çmç yç@[ yJço DçççÆ m ç~ bo:r chu jahnamuk po:r.
bod, gav suy, yas b@d, bOd a:si. A burden is a storey of the house of hell.
The big is he who has big brains (or who can think big).
yJççÆ s HçÀçô ç Æ j lçò vçô b o çÆ j Hç@Lçò j ~
yççô [ yççÆ [ lçò pçç@iççÇ j kçÀçÆ [ , Dççô H ç yççÆ [ lçò ìçô H ç kçÀçÆ [ ~ bOchi phohri t1 nendri p@th1r.
bod badi t1 j@:gir kadi, op badi t1 top kadi. The burnt rice for the hungry, and the bare ground for the sleepy. Appetite
If a good person becomes great, he distributes pensions in land to the is the best food, and sleepiness the best bed.
people, but if an ignoble person becomes great, he pulls out the hair of their
heads. yç´ ç @³ç& çÆ v ççÆ ³ ç cçç] p ç o@pç, ] ® çô lçò cçô nj ] ® ç@pç~
br@:r’ niyi ma:z d@j, tse t1 me har ts@j.
yççô [ c³ççô b [ içæ ç Æ s K³ççô v ç, lçò Dç@[ kçÀç@cç içæ ç Æ s vçò kçÀjò v ³çd ~ The cat took away the pouch full of mutton, and the quarrel between you
bod m’ond gatshi kh’on, t1 @d k@:m gatshi n1 kar1n’. and me is thus over. The bone of contention is removed.
You should eat a big mouthful, but shouldn’t do much work. One who only
eats and doesn’t work at all. yç´ ç @³ç& mçò b ç Æ o i³çJç K³çvçò sá v çò uçiççvç l³çá L ç, ³çá L ç lç@c³çd m çò b ç Æ o uç@ì çÆ i çuçvççJçvçò ~
br@:r’ s1ndi g’av khen1 chun1 laga:n t’uth, yuth t@m’s1ndi l@t gilna:vn1.
yççô [ n³ç DçççÆ m ç Dççô [ á ³ ç, lççí ç Æ l ç sá yççô [ á ³ ç~ One. is not so angry at the cat having eaten ghee (clarified butter), as one is
bod hay a:si oduy to:ti chu boduy. for its wagging its tail (after eating it).
Even if a great man is half in stature (weak or crippled) still he is great. The
greatness of a person cannot be underestimated by the physical character- yç´ ç @çÆ j mç vçò çÆ y çMçlçò , lçò nÓ ç Æ v çmç vçò oò j ò , l³çá L ç sá vçí k çÀ~
istics. br@:ris n1 bišt1, t1 hu:nis n1 d1r1, t’uth chu ne:kh.
One is so good that he does not even say bišt1 to the cat or d1r1 to the dog.
yJçvç kçá À vç Jçá ç Æ s Lç, ] ® Jçvç kçá À vç vç] p çj~ (These terms are used for driving away cats and dogs respectively). A
bOn kun vuchith, tsOn kun nazar. pious and a harmless person.
While looking to the ground, (actually) seeing in every dirrection. A careful
person keeps his eyes always open.
yç´ ç @çÆ j mç n³ç HçKçò çÆ ³ çn@vç, mçjvç jçí ç Æ ] p çní vçò Hç@çÆ s vç~
br@:ris hay pakh1 yih@:n saran rozihe n1 p@chin.
yççô n içvçmç çÆ s yççn iJçvç~ If the cats grew wings, the water fowls would not live in ponds. Nature
bohgnas chi ba:h gOn. prevents a cruel person from doing harm.
The bohgun (a vessel) has twelve attributes. (It has many uses). (The term
bohgon also means one with many qualities.)

yç´ i çmç oçô H çá K ç, ’lççW L ç s³ç n@pç“~ ordinary person would not appreciate the sacrifice made by someone in
oçô H çvçKç, ’vçlçò kçw ³ çç sá c ç m³ççô o “? love.
bragas dopukh “tõ:th chay h@j”,
dopnakh, “nat1 k’a: chum so’d?” c³ç@] ® ç n³ç lçá u çKç, yççÆ [ yçvçò ~
They said to the heron, “Your bill is crooked.” It replied, “Which of my other m’@ts hay tulakh, badi ban1.
organs is straight?” A person full of deformities or flaws. If you want to take clay, take it from a big mound. If one wants to serve, one
must serve at a big place.
yç´ ç @³ç& ] p çÓ v ç~
bra:ri zu:n. c³ç@] ® ç n³ç lçá u çKç, mJçvç iç@æ ç Æ s vç³ç~
The cat’s moon. (It is believed that a cat is excited in the moonlight and does m’@ts hay tulakh, sOn g@tshinay!
not sleep properly.) When a person wakes up early in the morning, it is said If you pick up clay, may it turn into gold (for you)! A blessing.
that he has experienced the ‘cat’s moon’.
cç@oò j c³çkçÀjç] p ç~
yç´ ç í j cçç©vç~ m@d1r mekra:z.
bro:r ma:run. Sweet scissors. (One who appears very sweet outwardly, may prove very
To kill a cat. (It is said that a bridegroom was advised to kill a cat on the first harmful in reality.)
day of his marriage in the presence of his bride, so that the bride remains
scared of him throughout her life.) To exhibit one’s strength or anger. cç@çÆ j Lç cçjlçyçò ~
m@rith martab1.
yç´ ç í j Jçá ç Æ s Lç içæ ç Æ s çÆ y çMçlçò HçÀçí © vç~ The dead are (always) praised.
bro:r vuchith gatshi bišt1 pho:run.
On seeing a cat, one should be able to utter bišt1 (for driving it away). One cç@u³çd ¿çLç kçw J ççÆ u ç æ s ò v çá v ç~
must be courageous enough to show displeasure in the presence of the m@l’ heth kOli tshunun.
person concerned, and not in his absence. After buying a thing, to throw it into water. To waste something precious.

yç´ ç W þ ò scyç lçò Hçlçò uççj~ cçç@pç kç@ÀçÆ j vç ’Mçá ç Æ j Mçá ç Æ j “, Mçá j cçò kç@ÀçÆ j vç ’cçç@pç cçç@pç“~
brõ:th1 chamb t1 pat1 la:r. m@:j k@rin “šuri šuri”, šur m1 k@rin “m@:j m@:j.”
A mountain ahead to cross and someone chasing from behind. A person Let a mother cry for a child, but may a child not cry for the mother! A child
caught in a difficult situation. Between the devil and the deep sea. shouldn’t lose one’s mother. A motherless child is more miserable than a
childless mother.
yJçs³ç sô cççÇ þ ~
bOchay cha mi:th. cçç@pç kçÀjçvç ’kçÓ À ³ç& kçÓ À ³ç& “ , kçÓ À j kçÀjçvç ’jç@çÆ v ç jç@çÆ v ç“~
The hunger itself is sweet. When one is hungry the food tastes good. m@:j kara:n “ku:r’ ku:r’”’, ku:r kara:n “r@:ni r@:ni”.
The mother keeps on caring for her daughter, while the daughter keeps on
cç m craving for her husband. A mother is always anxious about her daughter
even after the daughter’s marriage, and the daughter is not as anxious for
cç@s kçw ³ çç ] p çççÆ v ç Hççí c Hçjò mçò b ] p ç içLç~ her mother as she is for her husband.
m@ch k’a: za:ni po:mpr1 s1nz gath.
The fly would not understand the moth’s dancing around the light. An

cçç@pç ] ® çò LçJçá c ç kçÀçb i çò j Hçá À çÆ k çÀLç, yçò çÆ ³ çcç³ç JJçmçlçmç Ün þá ç Æ k çÀLç~ cçpçuçÓ v çmç oH³ççí K ç, ’uçç@ u ç s³ç kç= À nò v ³çd “ ~ oçô H çvçKç, ’c³ççv³çJç Dç@ s Jç Jçá s lççí v ç“~
m@:j ts1 thavum kã:g1r phukith, b1 yimay vOstas dOh thukith. majlu:nas dap’o:kh, “l@:l chay kr1h1n’,”
O rnother, blow the (charcoal in ) ka:ngri: (a typical Kashmiri fire pot used dopnakh, “m’a:nev @chav vuchto:n.”
to keep one warm) and keep it ready for me. I’ll come after reporting to the Majnu was told, “Laila has black complexion.” He replied, “See her through
master for the day. One who doesn’t work in the office for long and rests at my eyes.” Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder.
home at the cost of office time. A shirker’s daily chore.
cç] p ççj yçuç lççcç n] p ççj yçuçççÆ ³ ç~
cçç@pç çÆ l ç yç[í ç Æ ³ ç, Lçç@u³çd çÆ l ç yç[í ç Æ ³ ç~ maza:r bal ta:m haza:r bala:yi.
m@:j bade:yi, th@:l’ ti bade:yi. There are thousands of hardships unto the time of death. Hardships are part
The mother grew bigger, so did the pots. Increase in expenses with the of life.
growth of the family.
cçl³çvç ná b o oçô H ç sá ³ ç yçuçç³çvç Lççô H ç~
’cçç@pç cççcç n³ç DççJç“~ ’Hççô $ çò c³ççí v ç içJç yççí ³ ç“~ maten hund dop chuy bala:yan thop.
“m@:j, ma:m hay a:v”. “potr1 m’o:n gav bo:y”. A divine’s speech averts misfortune.
“O mother, my uncle has come.” “O son, he is my brother.”
To tell someone about something which he/she already knows better.
cçl³çJç Dç@v³çd vJçMç, mJç çÆ l ç êççÆ ³ ç cç@] ® çò ³ ç~
’cçç@pç Jççô n Jççvç sá c ç vçò kçÀçb n “~ ’Hççô $ çò JççÆ l ç H³çþ yçô n “~ matev @n’ nOš sOti dra:yi m@tsly.
“m@:j, vohva:n chum n1 kã:h. “potr1 vati peth beh.” The family of madmen brought a daughter-in-law, she also turned out to be
“O mother, no one abuses me.” “Go and sit on the roadside son (and you mad. People of the same category come together. Birds of the same feather
will get abuses in abundance).” Ask for problems and you will get them. flock together.

’cçç@pççÇ , JJç©o kçw ³ çá L ç“? ’yçí s vçò KJçlçò m³çþçn ©lç“~ cçlçò v çmç cçMkçÀò ~
“m@:ji, vOrud k’uth? ““bechn1 khOt1 setha: rut.” mat1nas mašk1.
“O mother, how do you like your second husband?” Practising madness.
“It is much better than begging.”
cçlçuçyç sá ] ® çìçvç Hççô l ç uçyç~
cçç@çÆ u çmç jçpç lçò cJçnlççpç, yçç@çÆ ³ çmç jçpç lçò cJçnlççpç, jó ç Æ v çmç jçpç lçò Mçí ç Æ j matlab chu tsata :n potlab.
lççpç~ The selfishness breaks the back wall of the house.
m@:lis ra:j t1 mOhta:j, b@:yis ra:j t1 mOhta:j,r1:nis ra:j t1 še:ri ta:j. One stoops too low to accomplish one’s purpose.
If my father has a crown, I’d be in need, if my brother has it, I’d be in need,
and if my husbard has a crown, I’ll wear it. One has more right over the cçb i çò J çá v ç n³ç Lç@J³çd ] p çvç ìb i çò J ççÆ v ç Dçb o j, lççÆ l ç çÆ l ç kçÀçÆ j cçb i ç cçb i ç~
earnings of one’s husband than that offather’s or brother’s. mang1vun hay th@v’zen tangvani andar tati ti kari mang mang.
If a beggar is placed in the midst of a grove of pear trees, he will beg there
cçkçÀò cçí ç Æ u ç cçiçj vçKçò cçí ç Æ u ç vçò ~ too. It is hard to give up one’s habits.
mak1 me:li magar nakh1 me:li n1.
One can meet in Mecca, but not in the neighbourhood. One who cannot be cçb i çá v ç içJç cç©vç~
easily seen in neighbourhood but at a distant place. mangun gav marun.
To ask (a favour) is to die. To beg is to die. It is not easy for all to ask for a

favour. cç] p ç& iççÆ u ç Jçç@oò J ççvç, DççoLç kçÀçÆ l ç iççÆ u ç~

mar1z gali v@:d1va:n, a:dath kati gali?
cçb ] p ç Dç] ® çá v ç sá kçb À ] p ç Dç] ® çá v ç~ The disease will be cured at the doctor’s clinic, but where can the habit be
manz atsun chu kanz atsun. cured? Habits die very hard.
To go in between (or to act as a surety or a go between) is to put one’s head
into a mortar. A great risk. cçjò n ç cçiçj iççÆ j kçá À mç LçJçvç?
mar1ha: magar gari kus tha:van?
cçb ] p ç iççcçò pçMvç, n@m³çd uççô b i ç nç iççÆ j ~ I would like to die but whom would I entrust with my home? A wishful
manzga:m1 jaš1n, h@s’ long ha: gari. thinking of a person who is alone to shoulder the responsibility of the
There is a carnival celebration at Manzgam, and Hasa Long is still at home. family.
(A story about one person called Hassan who was lame but wouldn’t miss
any carnival wherever it was held.) It is cited for a person, though physically cçuçò iç@³ççJç kçw J ççÆ u ç, lççÆ l ç $ççí J çá v ç Hçuçò $Jç³çvç DçLçò ~
crippled, who is always seen on his toes and moving all over. mal1 g@ya:v kOli, tati tro:vun pal1 trOyen ath1.
A Mulla fell into a river, he put his hands between crevices (for catching
cçvççÆ ì çÆ v ç uçô ç Æ p ç Hççb ] p çá J ç~ fish). A greedy person.
manti ni leji pã:zuv.
To cook six pounds (of rice) in a pot which has capacity for three Misman- cçuçò içJç Hçuçò H³çþò Hççí v ³çd [ç@çÆ u çLç~
agement. mal1 gav pal1 peth1 po:n’ d@:lith.
The Mulla is like water which trickles down the rock. A Mulla cannot be
cçb ] p çu³çá k çÀ sç cçb ] p çuççÇ jçí ] p ççvç~ trusted for long.
manzl’uk cha: manzli: ro:za:n?
A child in a cradle doesn’t always remain in the cradle. Children grow very cçuçò nj iç@çÆ ³ ç Hçuçò nj~
fast. Small things/problems grow big with the passage of time. mal1 har g@yi pal1 har.
A Mulla’s fight is a fight of boulders (which is useless). One must not enter
cçb o ò s @nvç uççB æ s , çÆ l çcç K³çJççvç vç@] ® ³çd vç@] ® ³çd ~ into an argument with a Mulla.
mand1cha:n l@?:tsh, tim kheva:n n@ts’ n@ts’.
The eunuchs ought to be ashamed of themselves, but they dance and eat. A cçuçmç ìò K ç cç@MççÇ ç Æ o lççcç~
shameless person. malas t1kh m@ši:di ta:m.
A Mulla can run only up to the mosque. (A Mulla’s province is up to the
cçb Ð çv³çvç Mççcç içæ s á v ç~ mosque.) Everyone has his own limitations.
mandn’an šam gatshun.
To turn the afternoon into an evening. To be caught in a complex problem. A cçuçò [îçÓ b þ á c ç Dçcçuç kçÀjçvç, nçkçÀmç oHççvç kçÀs,
hard blow. iççcçò ® ç K³çJççvç Dçuçç³ç yçuçç³ç, cçá m çççÆ H çÀjmç oHççvç cç@MççÇ ç Æ o sá ³ ç ³çs~
mal1 d’u:thum amal kara:n, ha:kas dapa:n kach.
cç³ç çÆ l ç ³çô l ççÇ lçò cç³çKççvçò çÆ l ç ³çô l ççÇ ~ ga:m1c kheva:n ala:ybala:y, mus@:phiras dapa:n m@ši:di chuy yach.
may ti yeti: t1 maykha:n1 ti yeti:. I saw a Mulla (Muslim priest) performing his duty and saying the swede was
Wine is here and the bar (wine shop) is also here. Everything is at hand. grass; eating all kinds of food in the village and telling a traveler that there
is a goblin in the mosque (so that he may not sleep there). A selfish and
cunning person.

cçmç H³çJç cçmç yççvçò , ³çmç H³çJç mçá ³ ç ] p çççÆ v ç~ cçççÆ p ç çÆ v ççÆ M ç iç@çÆ ³ ç kçÓ À jò ³ ç yç@[~
mas p’av mas ba:n1, yas p’av suy za:ni. ma:ji niši g@yi ku:r1y b@d.
The wine has spilled from the vessel (containing wine). Only that person The daughter is bigger than her mother. Sometimes a daughter has more
knows who has lost it. authority than her mother.

cççnjç] p çò mçò b Ð ç çÆ l ç Ün lççjò , cççnçÆ j çÆ v ç nò b Ð ç çÆ l ç Ün lççjò ~ cçççÆ p ç, cçççÆ m ç, kçÀçí ç Æ j kçá À mç kçÀççÆ m ç?
ma:hra:z1 s1nd’ ti dOh ta:r1, ma:hrini h1nd’ ti dOh ta:r1. ma:ji, ma:si, ko:ri kus ka:si?
The bridegroom has his own few days, and the bride too has a few days (of If a particular habit has been a part of mother or her sister, how can the
supremacy). New things do not last long. daughter escape it? One inbibes certain habits from elders.

cççiçò MççÇ v ç kçÀò v çá v ç~ cçççÆ p ç u³çKç, yçô ç Æ v ç u³çKç, kçÀçí ç Æ j u³çKç, lçò kçw J çuçò ç Æ ³ ç vçò u³çKç~
ma:g1 ši:n k1nun. ma:ji lekh, beni lekh, ko:ri lekh, t1 kOl1yi n1 lekh.
To sell snow in the month of Magh (January-February). A business out of Abuse his mother, abuse his sister, or abuse his daughter, but don’t abuse
season. his wife. Someone who considers his wife dearer than other relatives.

cçççÆ p ç kç@Àj ob o ò lçá p ç lçò Mçá ³ ç& K³çJç iççmçò ná j ~ cçççÆ p ç ná b o Üo ³çço H³ççô v ç~
ma:ji k@r dand1 t1j t1 šur’ kh’av ga:s1hur. ma:ji hund dOd ya:d p’on.
The mother used a tooth pick, but the child ate a bundle of grass. One who To remember the milk of one’s mother. To be in real trouble.
imitates foolishly.
cçççÆ p ç ná b o vçò yççí ³ ç, kçÀçí ç Æ j ná b o cççcç~
cçççÆ p ç KJçlçò kçÓ À j yç@[~ ma:ji hund n1 bo:y, ko:ri hund ma:m.
If one is not mother’s brother, how can he be the daughter’s (maternal)
ma:ji khOt1 ku:r b@d.
uncle? Relations are to be maintained and not just imposed. Strained rela-
The daughter is bigger than the mother. When the case becomes bigger
than the original quarrel.
cççvç ³çç vçò cççvç, yçò sá m ç³ç ®ççí v ç cçô n cççvç~
cçççÆ p ç vçò cçç] p ççvç, kçÀçí ç Æ j içJç cççlççcççuç~
ma:n ya: n1 ma:n, b1 chusay co:n mehma:n.
ma:ji n1 ma:za:n, ko:ri gav ma:ta:ma:l.
Whether you agree or not, I am your guest. To impose oneself on someone.
The mother is not respected in her parent’s house, and her daughter treats
An uninvited guest.
that house as her maternal house. Relations are to be maintained.

cçççÆ p ç vçò uçkçÀ®çò lçò mçí l ççjmç çÆ i çuççHçÀ~ cççcç LççÆ J ç³ç ³ç] p çLç lçò iççcç çÆ l ç LççÆ J ç³ç ³ç] p çLç~
ma:ji n1 lakc1, t1 se:ta:ras gila:ph. ma:m thaviy yezath t1 ga:m ti thaviy yazath.
The mother hasn’t a piece of (proper)cloth to put on, but the sitar has a If an (maternal) uncle honours you, the whole village will honour you. One
covering. Inappropriate expenditure. who is respected by one’s own people, is respected by others.

cçççÆ p ç vç³ç yçlçò cçb i çJç, mJç çÆ l ç çÆ o çÆ ³ ç vçò Hççvç³ç~ cççuç çÆ H çÀlçvçò ³çç DççÌ u çço çÆ H çÀlçvçò ~
ma:ji nay bat1 mangav, sO ti diyi n1 pa:nay. ma:l phitn1 ya: avla:d phitn1.
If we won’t demand food from mother, she wouldn’t give it of her own. One Either trouble about one’s money or trouble about one’s children. There are
must ask for one’s needs. two prominent reasons for a dispute, one is money, the other is children.

cççuç cçmç lçò nçuç cçmç mçò b ç Æ o KJçlçò sá ³ ç vçb i çò cçmç yçí HçjJççn~ cçá [ vç nò b ] p çò cçççÆ p ç vç³ç Òçmçvç, $çá k çw ³ çvç nò b Ð ç içjò çÆ k çÀLçò Kçmçvç~
ma:l mas t1 ha:l mas s1ndi khOt1 chuy nang1 mas be:parva:h. mudan h1nz1 ma:ji nay prasan, truken h1nd’ gar1 kith1 khasan.
A naked man is more carefree than a wealthy man or a high placed person. If the mothers of the stupid (illiterate) people do not give birth to children,
Much coin, much care; little goods, little care. how will the clever or cunning people become prosperous? A cunning per-
son makes a living at the cost of the stupid people.
cççuç Jçá ç Æ s Lç ] p çkçÀçLç~
ma:l vuchith zaka:th. cçÓ [ mç uççí ç Æ j nLç lçò $çá ç Æ k çÀmç kçá À v³çd kçÀLç~
Give alms keeping in view the property. mu:das lo:ri hath, t1 trukis kun’ kath.
A hundred lashes to a stupid, but a word to a wise man. A word to the wise.
cççuçmç sá cJçuç~
ma:las chu mOl. cçá H çÀlçá k çÀ Mçjçyç sá kçÀç] p ³çJç ®ççí c çá l ç~
Price is according the quality of goods. Good item, good price. muphtuk šara:b chu ka:zev co:mut.
The free liquor has been taken even by religious judges. Free things, good
cçççÆ u ç cçá H çá À lç lçò çÆ o çÆ u ç yçí j@ncç~ or bad, are accepted by all.
ma:li muphut t1 dili be:r@ham.
Property by gift and a heart without mercy. One does not value items re- ’cçá © vç n³ç lçò cçç©vç kçw ³ ççn“? ’jLç n³ç ®ççô v ç lçò JJçþ çÆ o v³çd kçw ³ ççn“?
ceived free or in gift. “murun hay t1 ma:run k’a: ? “rath hay con t1 vOth din’ k’a:?”
“If you can crush, why to kill?” “If you can suck blood, why do you jump?”
(A dialogue between a flea and a human being. It is observed that a flea after
cççmçlçò ç Æ j içç@Jç ná b o çÆ H çlçá j uççô ì ~ sucking someone’s blood jumps and is caught by the person concerned,
ma:st1ri g@:v hund pitur lot. who often crushes and kills it.)
A distant cow’s cousin tail. A distant relative.
cçá m çuçcççvç cççÆ j êçiçò , yçìò cççÆ j cççiçò ~
cççnjô ç Æ v ç cçççÆ p ç Hçlçò kçÀçÆ v ç çÆ H çlçá j yççí ³ ç~ musalma:n mari dra:g1, bat1 mari ma:g1.
ma:hreni ma:ji pat1 kani pitur bo:y. A Muslim will die of famine, the Hindu will die of (the cold of) Magh. (A
Behind the bride is her cousin. religious Hindu fasts during the whole month of Magh, and takes bath in
There is always an enemy present wherever you are. The walls have ears. the cold water, which could be the cause of his death.)
There is a thorn with a rose.
c³çÓ þ iççcçmç lçò kçÀªþ Hçvçò ç Æ v çmç Hççvçmç~
cççÇ þ Hççô b o lçò ] p ççÇ þ Gcçò j ~ m’u:th ga:mas t1 kru:th pan1nis pa:nas.
mi:th pond t1 zi:th um1r. Sweet to the village, but rough (hard) to oneself. One who does good to
A pleasant sneeze and long life. (When a youngster sneezes, an elder per- others at his own cost.
son gives his/her blessings.)
cçÓ [ mç %ççvç içJç Kçjmç iççí j Ðçá v ç~
’cçô $ ççí Mç@Lçò j cçÓ o á ³ ç“~ ’cçô $ çmç çÆ l ç sá cç©vç“~ mu:das g’a:n gav kharas go:r d’un.
“metro: š@th1r mu:duy.” “metras ti chu marun.” To teach a stupid person is to feed sugar to an ass.
“O friend, your enemy is dead.” “The friend will also die.”
An enemy or a friend do not last for ever. Man is mortal. cçÓ u ççvç êçí l ç lçò Hç@$çvç mçiç~
mu:lan dro:t t1 p@tran sag.

A sickle for the roots, and water for the leaves. To cause harm and be polite On seeing a Mughal, one should be able to speak in Persian. One should be
outwardly. able to do things in the presence of an expert.

cççô l ç ] ® ççô u ç Hççô l ç oççÆ j , kçw J çuç³ç ¿çLç Dçìò y çççÆ j ~ cJçb ç Æ p ç ÞçççÆ k çÀ KçMç kçÀ©vç~
mot tsol pot da:ri, kOlay heth at1ba:ri. mOnji šra:ki khaš karun.
The madman ran away from the back window carrying his wife on his back. To kill someone with a blunt knife. To make someone’s life quite painful or
miserable. To torture someone.
cççí l çmç lçò kçÀyççÆ j sá çÆ n mççyç~
mo:tas t1 kabri chu hisa:b. cJçb [ vç çÆ v çMç sç jó v ³çd cççb i ç³ç kçÀjçvç~
The account is to be settled between the corpse and the grave. mO?dan niš cha: r1:n’ mã:gay kara:n.
One doesn’t go to widows asking for their husbands.
cççô o á j oç@vç ] ® JççÆ k çÀ vçò , lçò ] ® ççô k çÀ oç@vç cç@oçÆ j vçò ~
modur d@:n tsOki n1, t1 tsok d@:n m@dri n1. cJçjomç çÆ s Jçoçvç çÆ y ççÆ n Lç, yçlçmç çÆ s Jçoçvç JJçoò v ççÇ ~
A sweet pomegranate will not become sour, and a sour one will not become mOrdas chi vada:n bihith, batas chi vada:n vOdni:.
sweet. One’s nature cannot change. People cry for the dead while sitting down, but they cry for food standing
up. (People have to struggle hard to get food to eat.)
c³ççí v ç Dçç@çÆ m çLç ®ççí v ç içJç~
m’o:n @:sith co:n gav. cJçjomç sá cç@çÆ j Lç cçjlçyçò Kçmççvç~
It was mine, and became yours. To lend something to someone, and to give mOrdas chu m@rith martab1 khasa:n.
up the hope of getting it back. After death a person is honoured. A person is respected after death. (No
one talks evil about the dead.)
cççí u ç cçç@pç içJç kçÀç@] p ³çd , Dç@çÆ k çÀmç jç@] p ³çd lçò yçô ç Æ ³ çmç yçç@] p ³çd ~
mo:l m@:j gav k@:z’,, @kis r@:z’ t1 beyis b@:z’. ³ç y
Parents are like judges; they are pleased with one (child), and deceive the
other. ³ç@[ sá v çò Jçá s çvç kçÀçb n , lçò lççÆ v ç sá Jçá s çvç ÒçLç kçÀçb n ~
y@d chun1 vucha:n kã:h, t1 tani chu vucha:n prath kã:h.
cççí u ç iççô æ s á c ç Jççí j ò , cçç@pç iç@æ s ò c ç mçKç~ K³çcçò n mç $çKç, kçÀç@cç kçÀjò n mç vçò DçKç~ No one sees (what is inside) the stomach, but everybody sees (what is put
mo:l gotshum vo:r1, m@:j g@tsh1m sakh. on) the body. Dress is more important than what you eat.
khem1has trakh, k@:m kar1has n1 akh.
I would like to have a step father, but my own mother. (So that) I could eat ³ç@[ oiç sô yç@[ oiç~
a lot, and would not do any work. One can count on one’s own mother for y@d dag cha b@d dag.
comforts, and not on one’s father. The stomach pain is a great pain. The pain of hunger is most severe.

cJçkçÀò o cç içJç lçò Hçw J çkçÀò o cç DççJç~ ³ç@[ çÆ v ççÆ M ç sá kçÀçô þ oÓ © ³ç~
mOkdam gav t1 phOk1dam a:v. y@d niši chu koth du:r1y.
One cruel person is replaced by another cruel one. The knee is far from the belly. A distant relative is far from the close one. One
makes a distinction between the close and distant relative in obliging or
cJçiçá u ç [çÇ ç Æ M çLç içæ ç Æ s HçÀçjmççÇ Kçmçá v ç~ giving favors. Blood is thicker than water.
mOgul di:šith gatshi pha:rsi: khasun.

³ç@[ mçó l ³çd ] ® ççô H ç ¿ççô v ç~ ³çLç iççcçmç vçò içæ s á v ç DçççÆ m ç, lççÆ c ç iççcçá k çÀ vççJçò ³ ç kçw ³ çç ¿ççô v ç?
y@ d s1:th’ tsop h’on. yath ga:mas n1 gatshun a:si, tami ga:muk na:v1y k’a: h’on?
To bite someone with belly. To put someone in trouble without letting him It is useless to ask the name of the village, where one doesn’t have to go. To
know. Crafty person. make useless enquiries.

³ç@[uç sá yçí ³ççÇ c ççvç~ ³çLç vçcç DççÆ ] ® ç, lçLç Mç@mlçò j kçw ³ çç uççiçá v ç?
y@dal chu be:yima:n. yath nam atsi, tath š@st1r k’a: la:gun?
A glutton is dishonest. One who eats a lot, gets it by dishonest means. That which can be pierced by a finger nail, there is no need to use iron.
When a work can be done easily, it is useless to cry for it?
³çô m ³çd uççô i ç oyç, lç@m³çd uçççÆ j jyç~
y@s’ log dab t@s’ la: ri rab. ³çLç uçsmç çÆ l ç ®çjmçò ³ ç~
The mud is stuck to the person who falls down (and to no one else). yath lachas ti cars1y.
The blame lies on one who commits something wrong. Let us have hashish for this Lakh as well. A spendthrift does not have a
second thought while spending money.
³çkçá À j cçç@çÆ j Lç DçLçvç HçÀKç~
yakur m@:rith athan phakh. ³çcçò çÆ ³ çlçcç lçò çÆ v çlçcç~
After killing a yakur (a kind of bird), hands will stink. A bad deed leaves a yam1 yitam t1 nitam.
bad taste. O angel of death, come and take me. A person in distress craving for death.

³ç] p çLç sá Hçvçò ç Æ v çmç Dçç@mçmç Dçb o j~ ³çmç kçÀçí ç Æ j vçí L çò j , mJç kçÓ À j uJçyçjvç~
yazath chu pan1nis @:sas andar. yas ko:ri neth1r sO ku:r lObran.
Honour is inside your mouth. Think before you speak. The girt who is to be married has gone to collect cow dung cakes. A person
who is not doing right thing at the right time.
³ç] p çlçò ® ç nçj lçò yçí ³ç] p çlçò ® ç Kççj sô yçjçyçj~
yazt1c ha:r t1 be:yezt1c kha:r cha bara:bar. ³çmç KJçoç çÆ o çÆ ³ ç, lçmç kçá À mç çÆ v ççÆ ³ ç?
A penny earned with honour and a kharwar (bushel, about 80 kilograms of yas khOda: diyi tas kus niyi?
grain) obtained with dishonour are equal in value. Honesty brings respect. If God gives to one, none can take it away from him.

³çlççÇ c ç cçÓ o ò ³ ççí KJçoç³ççí , ncçmçççÆ ³ ç Jçb o ò ³ ççí içjçí ~ ³çmç Ðçá v ç lççÆ i ç, lçmç lççÆ i ç ¿ççô v ç çÆ l ç~
yati:m mu:d1yo: khOda:yo:, hamsa:yi vand1yo: garo: yas d’un tagi, tas tagi h’on ti.
O God! an orphan has died. May I sacrifice my neighbour on my home! The man who can give knows how to take it back.
A selfish person. One who doesn’t care about neighbours.
³çmç vçò Jç@æ s vç@j, lçmç iç@çÆ ³ ç içjò m çò ³ ç Dçb o j Hç@Àj~
³çLç kçÀuçmç vçò içç@jLç, mJç iç@çÆ ³ ç Dçuç~ yasn1 v@tsh n@r tas g@yi gar1s1y andar ph@r.
yath kalas n1 g@:rath, sO g@yi al. One whose arm is not raised (in work) he is just like a dried fish in his home.
The head which has no courage, is like a pumpkin.
A coward is a useless person. ³çmç cç@nçÆ v ççÆ J çmç yçô ç Æ ³ çmçá b o yço çÆ ³ ççÆ ³ ç, lçmç içæ ç Æ s Hçvçá v ç kçÀçcçò v ³çd ~
yas m@hnivis beyi sund bad yiyi, tas gatshi panun ka:m1n’.

He who wishes ill of others, will suffer himself. Either flee or suffer.
He who digs a pit for others, falls himself into it.
³çç HçÓ j vçlçò oÓ j ~
³çmç çÆ ³ ç kçÀ©vç mçá çÆ l ç kçÀjçvç, vççnkçÀ³ç cççjçvç Jçá k çá À j Hççvç~ ya: pu:r nat1 du:r.
yas yi karun su ti kara:n, na:hkay ma:ra:n vukur pa:n. Either (to get) complete or maintain a distance.Either whole or nothing.
Whatever one wants to do, one does. The lethargic or stupid is unnecessar-
ily killing himself (or beating his breast). ³çç cççuç çÆ H çÀlçvçò ³çç DççÌ u çço çÆ H çÀlçvçò ~
ya: ma:l phitn1 ya: avla:d phitn1.
³çmç uççô i ç kçÀjò kçÀjò , mçá kçÀçÆ j , ³çmç uççô i ç cçjò cçjò , mçá cççÆ j ~ Either the dispute over wealth or over children. Two prominent reasons for
yas log kar1 kar1 su kari, yas log mar1 mar1 su mari. dispute.
He who says, “I’ll do’”, will do. He who says, “I’ll die”, shall die. Where
there is will, there is a way. ³ççj kçw ³ çç uççÆ J ç? ] p çò ] ® ççÆ j yç®çò ~
ya:r k’a: layi? z1 tsari bac1.
³çmç Jç@æ s vç@j, lç@c³çd Kçô ç Æ ³ ç uçÓ k çÀò nò b ] p ç uç@j~ What is a friend worth? Just two chicks of sparrows?
yas v@tsh n@r, t@m’ kheyi lu:k1h1nz l@r. When a minor request is refused by a friend.
One who lifts an arm, does grab someone else’s house.
³ççj ] p ççiççvç æ s uçmç, lçcçç@kçw ³ çd çÆ ® ççÆ u çcç ®çô ç Æ ³ ç lçò ] ® çu³çmç~
³çmç JçLç jççÆ J ç, lçmç nçJççvç o@n, ³çmç kçÀLç jççÆ J ç, lçmç nççÆ J ç vçò kçÀçb n ~ ya:r za:ga:n tshalas, tam@:k’ cilim ceyi t1 tsales.
yas vath ra:vi, tas ha:va:n d@h; yas kath ra:vi, tas ha:vi n1 kã:h. The friend looks out for deceit, after smoking the hubble-bubble (the pipe),
One who loses his way, ten persons may guide him.One who loses his word, he will escape. A selfish friend.
none can help him. One must be careful in the choice of words in speaking.
Think before you speak. ³ççjmç cçç@pç cJççÆ ³ ç lçò uçá k çÀò mççmçç, ³ççj cçÓ o lçò kçá À çÆ v ç vçò kçÀçb n ~
ya:ras m@:j mOyi t1 luk1 sa:sa:, ya:r mu:d t1 kuni n1 kã:h.
³çç kçÀ©vç vçlçò cç©vç~ If a friend’s mother dies, a thousand people gather to mourn, but if the friend
ya: karun nat1 marun. is dead, there is nobody around.
Either do or die.
çÆ ³ ç sá y³çá s , ³çÓ l ç j@s] p ³çvç l³çÓ l ç çÆ o çÆ ³ ç ìd J çHçÀ~
³çç içæ ç Æ s yçvçá v ç, vçlçò kçw ³ çç Jçvçá v ç? yi chu b’uch yu:t r@chzen t’u:t diyi tOph.
ya: gatshi banun, nat1 k’a: vanun? This is a scorpion, the more you fondle it, the more it will sting. An ungrate-
Either one should get (what one wants), otherwise it is useless talking about ful person.
çÆ ³ ç sá nÓ v ³çd Jçá M çkçÀò , ³ççí j vçò JçJççvç, lçÓ ³ ç& yJçJççvç~
³çç içæ ç Æ s J³çHçá v ç, vçlçò kçw ³ çç oHçá v ç? yi chu hu:n’ v1šk1 yo:r n1 vava:n tu:r’ bOva:n.
ya: gatshi vepun, nat1 k’a: dapun? This is like dog-barley, it grows at the places where it is not sown. A useless
Either the person should listen to your advice, otherwise what is the use of crop.
giving it. Give advice to one who listens to it.
çÆ ³ ç sá cçç@çÆ M ç içá n , vç uçiççvç çÆ u çJçvçmç lçò vç ] p ççuçvçmç~
³çç ] ® çuçá v ç vçlçò ] ® ççuçá v ç~ yi chu m@:ši guh, na laga:n livnas t1 na za:lnas.
ya: tsalun nat1 tsa:lun. It is like buffalo dung, which can neither be used for mopping the floor or for

fuel. A worthless item or fellow. çÆ ³ çvçmççvçmç lçò çÆ ³ çvçmççvçmç sô lççÇ ] ® ç lçHçÀçJçlç, ³ççÇ ] ® ç KJçoç³çmç lçò yçb o mç sô ~
yinsa:nas t1 yinsa:nas cha ti:ts tapha:vat, yi:ts khOda:yas t1 bandas cha.
çÆ ³ ç ] ® çô sá ³ ç JJçb o mç, çÆ l ç sá ³ ç vçò ®çb o mç~ There is so much a difference between man and man, as there is between
yi tse chuy vOndas, ti chuy n1 candas. God and man. No two persons are alike.
Whatever is in your heart, it is not in your pocket.
One may be generous at heart, but may not afford it. çÆ ³ çvçmççvç vç³ç DçççÆ m ç, Ümçvç mçó l ³çd içæ ç Æ s cçMçJçjò kçÀ©vç~
yinsa:n nay a:si dOsan s1:t’ gatshi mašvar1 karun.
çÆ ³ ç ] p ççuç Jçá s çvç sá , çÆ l ç³ç nçB ] p çJç Jçá s ~ If there is no human being around, one must consult walls.
yi za:l vucha:n chu, tiy h@~:zav vuch. It is important to take advice from others in important matters.
Whatever a net sees (catches), that is seen by the fishermen.
çÆ ³ çcçvç iççô y çj, çÆ l çcçvç vçò yçlçò , çÆ ³ çcçvç yçlçò çÆ l çcçvç vçò iççô y çj~
çÆ ³ ç ] p çô ç Æ J ç ] p çô ç Æ J ç kç@À³ç& ç Æ ] p ç, çÆ l ç kçÀçí v çò kç@À³ç& ç Æ ] p ç ] p çb ç Æ i ç ] p çb ç Æ i ç? yiman gobar timan n1 bat1, yiman bat1 timan n1 gobar.
yi zevi zevi k@r’zi ti ko:n1 k@rizi zangi zangi. Those who have children have no food to eat; those who don’t have chil-
What you do with your tongue, why not do it with your legs? It is better to dren, have everything in plenty.
work than merely to talk about it.
çÆ ³ ç cçuçò JççÆ v ç çÆ l ç içæ ç Æ s kçÀ©vç~ çÆ ³ ç cçuçò kçÀçÆ j çÆ l ç içæ ç Æ s vçò kçÀ©vç~
çÆ ³ ç cçô sá c ç kçÀ©vç çÆ l ç yçò kçÀjò , ] ® çò Jçvçlçcç yçò kçw ³ çç kçÀjò ? yi mal1 vani ti gatshi karun. yi ma1 kari ti gatshi n1 karun.
yi me chum karun ti b1 kar1, ts1 vantam b1 k’a: kar1? What the Mulla (a Muslim priest) says, one must do. What the Mulla him-
Whatever I have to do, I shall do. Tell me what should I do? Where one does self does, one must not do.
what one wants to do, but asks for an advice of others just for the sake of it. çÆ ³ çjò ò J çò v ³çd vççJç~
yir1v1n’ na:v
çÆ ³ çLçá ³ ç HççÇ j , çÆ l çLçá ³ ç cçá j çÇ o ~ A boat adrift. Disaster all around.
yithuy pi:r tithuy muri:d.
Like saint, like disciple. çÆ ³ ç uççÇ ç Æ K çLç içJç çÆ l ç nçô ç Æ K çLç içJç~
yi li:khith gav ti hOkhith gav.
çÆ ³ ç vçò yççvçmç uçççÆ j , çÆ l ç uçç³çç& Hççvçmç~ Whatever is written (in ink) is dried up. Written agreements last. One’s fate
yin1 ba:nas la:ri, ti la:r’a: pa:nas. cannot be changed.
What doesn’t stick to the pot, won’t stick to the body.
When a thin soup or watery dish is served. çÆ ³ çJçò J çò v ³çd oçÌ u çLç, H³çJçò J çá v ç MççÇ v ç, ] ® çuçò J çò v ³çd oçÌ u çLç, içuçò J çá v ç MççÇ v ç~
yiv1v1n’ davlath, pev1vun ši:n; tsal1v1n’ davlath, gal1vun ši:n.
çÆ ³ çvçmççvç sá Hççí M çò KJçlçò Dçç@J³çá u ç, lçò kçÀçÆ v ç KJçlçò mçKç~ Wealth comes like the falling snow (i.e. slowly), wealth goes away like the
yinsa:n chu po:š1 khOt1 @:v’ul t1 kani khOt1 sakh. melting snow (i.e. quickly).
A human being is more delicate than a flower, and yet harder than a stone.
çÆ ³ ç Jççô L ç nçÆ ì çÆ l ç Kççô l ç cççÆ ì ~
çÆ ³ çvçmççvçmç içæ ç Æ s Dççmçò v ³çd KJç³ç, Hççí M çmç içæ ç Æ s Dççmçò v ³çd yJç³ç~ yi voth hati ti khot mati.
yinsa:nas gatshi a:s1n’ khOy, po:šas gatshi a:s1n’ bOy. What has gone down the throat, has become one’s liability. One has to
Politeness is necessary for a human being, and sweet fragrance is neces- abide by one’s belief/faith.
sary for a flower.

çÆ ³ ç Mçnjò ® ç mçç@Jçô v ³çd Kçô ç Æ ³ ç, çÆ l ç Kçô ç Æ ³ ç iççcçò ® ç içç@Jç~ cooked rice) do? Where fools rush in angels fear to tread.
yi ša:hrlc s@:ven’ (@mi:r zana:n) kheyi, ti kheyi ga:m1c ga:v.
What a rich urban woman does eat, is eaten by a rural cow. ³çô ç Æ l ç Hç@nçÆ u çmç K³ççô u ç, lççÆ l ç mçò n mç iJçHçÀ~
yeti p@hlis kh’ol, tati s1has gOph.
çÆ ³ ç n@kçÀçÇ c çmç çÆ o çÆ ] p ç, çÆ l ç kçÀçí v çò çÆ o çÆ ] p ç y³çcççjmç? Where there is a shepherd’s flock, there is the leopard’s cave. Wherever
there is a rich man, there is a thief.
yi h@ki:mas dizi, ti ko:n1 dizi bema:ras?
Why can’t that (amount) be given to the sick, which is to be given to the
doctor? It would be better to spend money on the good or nutritious food ³çô ç Æ l ç n³ç DçççÆ m ç c³çb i çá v ç, mçá çÆ l ç nô ç Æ ³ ç ] ® ³çb i çá v ç~
for the sick, and not on the doctor. yeti hay a:si mengun, su ti heyi tsengun.
If there were a small boy (lit. sheep’s or goat’s ordure, which is very small),
he also would be dancing (with mirth). Everyone, no matter how small he is,
çÆ ³ çná b o á ³ ç jLç çÆ ³ çcçvçò ³ ç cçLç~ has a say.
yihunduy rath yimn1y math.
Rub their own blood upon their bodies. Give unto Caesar what is Caesar’s.
³çô c ³çd kçÀçô j Dççj, mçá içJç Kççj~
yem’ kor a:r su gav kha:r.
³ççÇ l ³çd ] ® ççB i ³çd l³çÓ l ç iççMç~ The one who showed compassion was ruined.
yi:t’ ts@~:g’ t’u:t ga:š.
As many lamps, as much illumination. The more the merrier.
³çô c ³çd kçÀçô j uçJçò nLç mçá çÆ l ç lççô l çá ³ ç, ³çô c ³çd ] p ççí u ç uçJçò nLç mçá çÆ l ç lççô l çá ³ ç~
³çô v ³çd vçò kçá À çÆ v ç, Jççí v çá v ç vçò kçá À çÆ v ç, lçò kç@À] ® ç iç] p ç ³çí j Jç~ yem’ kor lav1 hath su ti totuy, yem’ zo:l 1av1 hath su ti totuy.
He who made a hundred bundles of hay, got the same treatment as the one
yi:n’ n1 kuni, vo:nun n1 kuni, t1 k@ts gaz ye:rav?
who burnt the hundred bundles of hay. When the gain or loss is not valued.
Neither warp nor the woof is available, and (we are planning) how many
When merit is not recognized.
yards shall we weave? A good job but not all requisites for fulfilling it.

³ç@] ® ç içJç çÆ ] p ç c³ç@] ® ç içJç~ ³çô c ³çd Kç@v³çd içb i ç, lçmç iç@çÆ ³ ç lç@L³çd Dçb o j Hçvçò v ³çd ] p çb i ç~
yem’ kh@n’ gang, tas g@yi t@th’ andar pan1n’ zang.
yets gav zi mets gav.
He who dug a pit (for others) got his own leg into it. He who digs a pit for
More than enough is like clay (which is of no value). Everything is valued to
others himself falls into it.
a certain limit.

³çô ç Æ l ç lççHçÀ lççÆ l ç Mçá n á u ç~ ³çô c ³çd jçô s Hççvç, lç@c³çd jçô s pçnçvç~
yem’ roch pa:n, t@m’ roch jaha:n.
yeti ta:ph tati šuhul.
He who protects himself, can protect the world. Self protection is the best
Where there is sunshine, there is shade too.
³çô L ³çd kçÀçô j lççí y çò , çÆ l ç³ç DççJç jçí y çò ~
³çô c ³çd uçÓ k çÀò nò b ] p çvç cçô ® çvç lçò ìá k çÀjvç H³çþ vç] p çj Lç@Jç, mçá içJç Jçç@jçvç~
yeth’ kor to:b1, tiy a:v ro:b1.
h1nzan mecan t1 tukran peth nazar th@v, su gav v@:ra:n.
Whatever one didn’t want to do, one is forced to do the same.
One who keeps one’s eyes on the crumbs of others gets ruined (ultimately).
One must live on his/her own earnings.
³çô ç Æ l ç vçò yçuçò J ççÇ j , lççÆ l ç Jçá i çjò ìçÇ j ~
yeti n1 bal1vi:r, tati vugr1 ti:r.
Where the brave cannot succeed, what will a weakling (lit. handful of half

³çô c ³çd Jçá s vç@çÆ j mç lçò o@çÆ u çmç mçá içJç Kççj~ ³çô c ³çá k çÀ oçj lçò lççÆ c çkçá À ³ç Hççô v ç~
³çô c ³çd æ s á v ç Dç@çÆ k çÀmç KJçjmç Hçá u çò n çí j , yçô ç Æ ³ çmç Hçç@] p ççj, mçá sá yçjKçá j oçj~ yem’uk da:r t1 tamikuy pon.
yem’ vuch n@ris t1 d@lis su gav kha:r. The wedge and the timber log are made of the same tree.
yem’ tshun @kis khOras pul1ho:r, beyis p@:za:r, su chu barkhurda:r. Chips of the same block.
He who bothers much about the sleevc and the border (of his garments) is
ruined.One who wears a grass shoe on one foot, and a leather shoe on the ³çuçççÆ p ç KJçlçò sá Hçjní ] p çò ³ ç pççvç~
other, is faithful. One who wants to succeed must not bother about small yela:ji khOt1 chu parhe:z1y ja:n.
details. Simplicity pays. Prevention is better than cure.

³çô c ³çd Jççô v ç Hççô ] p ç, lçmç kç@À[ò K ç Dç@s~ ³çô ç Æ u ç Dççí m çá c ç uJçkçÀò ® ççj, lçô ç Æ u ç Dççí m çá c ç vçò cJçkçÀò p ççj~
yem’ von poz, tas k@d1kh @ch. yeli o:sum lOkca:r, teli o:sum n1 mOkja:r.
He who spoke the truth, his eye was gouged out. When I was a young, I had no leisure. When there is opportunity to enjoy,
Truth is bitter. one has no time for it.

³çô c ³çd Mççuçvç çÆ s Jçá s cçò l ³çd ³ççÇ l ³çd kçÀç@l³çç ªo~ ³çô ç Æ u ç ] ® çò DççmçKç HççoMççn, lçô ç Æ u ç Dççmçò yçò Jç@] p ççÇ j ~
yem’ ša:lan chi vuchim1t’ yi:t’ k@:t’a: ru:d. yeli ts1 a:sakh pa:dša:h, teli a:s1 b1 v@zi:r.
This jackal has seen plenty of rainfalls like this. When you become the king, I shall be the minister. I will grow when you
An experienced person. grow.

³çô c ³çd mçççÆ n yçvç Dçç@mç çÆ o lçá m ç, mçá çÆ o ³çmç vçç Kççí m ç çÆ l ç K³ççô v ç kçw ³ çá l ç? ³çô ç Æ u ç o³ç çÆ o Jççvç, lçô ç Æ u ç kçÀìmç vçÓ v ç ] p çvç~ ³ çô ç Æ u ç o³ç çÆ v çJççvç, lçô ç Æ u ç kçÀìmç cçÓ v ç
yem’ sa:hiban @:s ditus, su diyas na: kho:s ti kh’on k’uth?
God who gave a mouth (to him) will provide a pot (full of food) to eat. A
] p çvç~
person who is born, will get something to eat. yeli day diva:n, teli katas nu:n zan,
yeli day niva:n, teli katas mu:n zan.
When God gives, it is like salt for the sheep; when God takes away, it is like
³çô c ³çd ¿ççô l ç, mçá nçô l ç~ taking away of wool from the sheep. Prosperity and poverty are at the will of
yem’ h’ot su hot. God.
The one who worries a lot, rottens. If you weep, your troubles heap.
³çô ç Æ u ç HççÇ j vç çÆ n mççyç cçb i çvç, kçÀò ì ò HççÇ j vç vçþ DççÆ ] ® ç ] p çb i çvç~
³çô c ³çd nçí J ç lç@c³çd v³ççí J ç, ³çô c ³çd Kççô ì lç@c³çd jçô ì ~ yeli pi:ran hisa:b mangan, kut1 pi:ran nath atsi zangan.
yemi ho:v, t@m’ n’o:v; yem’ khot, t@m’ rot. When the pirs (Muslim priests) will be asked to give account (of their deeds),
He who showed the thing, it was taken away from him; one who concealed quacks will be (all) in trouble. A test for good and bad. A test reveals the
it, preserved it. truth.

³çô ç Æ c çmç vçvçò J çç@³ç& vççJç êçJç, lçmç ] ® ççÆ u ç vçò ] p ççb n ~ ³çô ç Æ u ç [uç ojJçç] p çò Jççô L ç sá içæ s çvç, lçô ç Æ u ç sá v çò kçÀçB ç Æ m ç ná b o yççí ] p ççvç~
yemis nan1v@:r’ na:v dra:v tas tsali n1 zã:h. yeli dal darva:z1 voth chu gatsha:n teli chun1 k@~:si hund bo:za:n.
If a person got nick named as “bare-footed”, the name will stick to him for When the flood gates of the Dal lake open, they do not listen to anyone.
ever. (Even if he is not bare footed anymore.) A bad name cannot be wished When a clamity or misfortune comes, it cannot be wished away.

³çô ç Æ u ç çÆ ³ ç MçÓ ç Æ y ç, lçô ç Æ u ç çÆ l ç kçÀj~ ³çá m ç vçò Hçvçò ç Æ v çmç ] p çá J çmç Kççí ç Æ ] ® ç, mçá kçÀçÆ l ç Kççí ç Æ ] ® ç yçô ç Æ ³ ç mçò b ç Æ o mç ] p çá J çmç~
yeli yi šu:bi teli ti kar. yus n1 pan1nis zuvas kho:tsi, su kati kho:tsi beyi s1ndis zuvas.
Do whatever is proper. There is appropriate time for everything.Look before One, who does not care for his own life, will not care for the life of others.
you leap; think before you speak.
³çá m ç ³çmç ] p çççÆ v ç mçá ³ ç lçmç cçççÆ v ç~
³çô ç Æ u ç mJçvç lçô ç Æ u ç vçò kçÀvç, ³çô ç Æ u ç kçÀvç lçô ç Æ u ç vçò mJçvç~ yus yas za:ni, suy tas ma:ni.
yeli sOn teli n1 kan, yeli kan teli n1 sOn. One obeys the person, one is familiar with.
When there is gold (for the ear ring), there is no ear, and when there is an ear,
there is no gold. ³çá m ç ³çmç oççÆ j , mçá ³ ç lçmç nçí ç Æ j ~
yus yas da:ri, su tas ho:ri.
³çá L ç Jçá s ò n cç, l³çá L ç Jçá s ³ç~ The one who owes (to someone), will have to pay it back.
yuth vuch1ham, t’uth vuchay.
As you treat me, so will I reciprocate. A good turn deserves another. ³çá m ç çÆ ³ çná b o içjò ] ® ççJç, mçá lçnB ç Æ ] p ç cçççÆ p ç ] p ççJç
yus yihund gar1 tsa:v, su tehnzi ma:ji za:v.
³çá L ç JJçmçlçço, l³çá L ç ] ® ççþ~ A person who lives in someone’s family, must consider himself as the one
yuth vOsta:d t’uth tsa:th. born to their mother.
As is the teacher, so will be his student (disciple).
³çá m ç ³çá L ç DçççÆ m ç, lçmç l³çá L ç yçççÆ m ç~
³çá ç Æ H çmç Mçá H ç [Kçò ~ yus yuth, tas t’uth ba:si.
yupis šup dakh1. Everything appears of the same type as one would like it to be. If you are
Trying to stop the water of the flood with a winnowing basket. Large ex- good, everyone else is good; if you are bad, everyone else will be bad.
penses and limited income. A futile attempt to face a challenge.
³çá m ç ³çá L ç kçÀçÆ j , mçá l³çá L ç mJççÆ j ~
³çá m ç Kçô ç Æ ³ ç m³ççô v ç J³ççô v ç, mçá ³ ç yççÆ v ç mçí ç Æ j ] ® ³çÓ v ç; yus yuth kari, su t’uth sOri.
³çá m ç Kçô ç Æ ³ ç kç@Àm³çd kç@Àm³çd , mçá ³ ç Hçô ç Æ ³ ç Jç@m³çd Jç@m³çd ~ As one does, so will one receive. As you sow so shall you you reap.
yus kheyi s’on v’on, suy bani se:ri ts’u:n;
yus kheyi k@s’ k@s’, suy peyi v@s’ v@ s’. ³çá m ç ³çá L ç JççÆ J ç, mçá l³çá L ç uççí ç Æ v ç~
One who cats without salt (simple food), becomes as strong as a pillar. One yus yuth vavi, su t’uth lo:ni.
who eats fried (rich)food, will lose his vigour/health. As you sow, so shall you reap.

³çá m ç HçÀçô u ç mçá HçÀçô u ç iJç[³ç~ ³çá m ç mçHç& v ç yçá s , mçá sá iççmçò lçá u ³çvç/j] p çvç çÆ l ç Kççí ] ® ççvç~
yus phol su phol gOday. yus sarpan buch, su chu ga:s1 tul’an/razan ti kho:tsa:n.
Whatever has bloomed, has bloomed from the very bud. One who has been bitten by a snake, is afraid of even straws of grass/ropes.
Those who succeed from the very beginning. A burnt child dreads tile fire.

³çá m ç cç] p çò osò Hç@ÀçÆ u çmç, mçá ³ ç cç] p çò osò içá ç Æ j mç~ ³çá m ç noò [çô u ç, mçSá jçí J ç~
yus maz1 dach1 ph@lis, suy maz1 dach1 guris. yus had1 dol, suy ro:v.
A single grape tastes as good as a bunch of grapes. A sample is good The person who has crossed the limits is lost.

³çá m çá ³ ç Kçô ç Æ ³ ç mçí j , mçá ³ ç mçHççÆ o mçí j ~ Where there is flame, the pot is placed over there. Money attracts every-
yusuy kheyi se:r, suy sapdi se:r. thing. To take advantage of an opportunity.
One who eats a ser (i.e. about 2 lb.) will be satisfied. One who is fed well,
remains satisfied. The person who makes money is satisfied with his job. ³ççô l ç lççHçÀ lççô l ç Mçá n á u ç~
yot ta:ph tot šuhul.
³çá m çá ³ ç ] p çnj Kçô ç Æ ³ ç, mçá ³ ç cççÆ j ~ Wherever there is sunshine, there is shade. Things do not remain the same
vusuy zahar kheyi, suy mari. for ever. There are ups and sdowns in life.
The one who consumes poison, will die. One who commits an offense is
penalized. ³ççô l ç lççv³çd æ s çô ì çÆ H çuçvç kçÀçÆ j , lççô l ç lççv³çd ] p ³çÓ þ ³ç[ yççÆ j ~
yot ta:n’ tshot pilan kari, tot ta:n’ z’u:th yad bari.
³çá m çá ³ ç ] p çí ç Æ v ç mçá ³ ç nççÆ j , ³çá m çá ³ ç nççÆ j mçá ³ ç ] p çí ç Æ v ç~ Till the dwarf tries to reach the fruit, the tall person fills his stomach.
yusuy ze:ni suy ha:ri, yusuy ha:ri suy ze:ni.
One who earns will lose. One who loses will win. ³ççô l ç lççv³çd ] p ³çÓ þ pçç³ç æ s çb ç Æ [ , lççô l ç lççv³çd æ s çô ì vçô b o ò j kçÀçÆ j ~
yot ta:n’ z’u:th ja:y tshã:di, tot ta:n’ tshot nend1r kari.
³çá m çá ³ ç jçô s á c ç lç@m³çd çÆ v çMç jslçcç KJçoç³ççí ~ While the tall person looks for a place for rest, the dwarf gets sleep.
yusuy rochum t@s’ niš rachtam khOda:yo:
May God save me from the one, whom I saved (or brought up).
³ççô l ç lççcç ocç, lççô l ç lççcç içcç~
yot ta:m dam, tot to:m gam.
³çÓ k çá À vç uçÓ K ç, lçÓ k çá À vç KJçoç³ç~ Worries last as long as life lasts. Life is not free from worries.
yu:kun lu:kh, tu:kun khOda:y.
The God sides with the people. Voice of people is the voice of God.
³ççô l ç lççcç Hççô ] p ç HççÆ ] p ç, lççô l ç lççcç Dççuçcç oçÆ ] p ç~
yot ta:m poz pazi, tot ta:m a:lam dazi.
³çÓ l ç kçÀçô j lç@c³çd cçô , l³çÓ l ç kçÀjmç yçò çÆ l ç~ Until the truth is known, the world will have burnt.
yu:t kor t@m’ me, t’u:t karas b1 ti.
As he did to me, so shall I do to him. Tit for tat.
³ççí j ò cJçv³çd , Dççí j ò kç@Àv³çd ~
yo:r1 mOn’, o:r1 k@n’.
³çÓ l ç vçò yç´ ç @³ç& mçò b ç Æ o i³çJç K³çvçò içæ s çvç sá , l³çÓ l ç sá içæ s çvç lç@c³çd mçò b ç Æ o uççô ì To show affection to someone by kissing, and to be hit by a stone in return.
çÆ i çuçò v ççJçvçò ~
yu:t n1 br@:r’ s1ndi gev khen1 gatsha:n chu, t’u:t chu gatsha:n t@m’s1ndi ³Jçmçò iççJç Üo çÆ o çÆ ³ ç, lç@c³çd mçò b ] p ç uçLç lçá u çò v ³çd içæ ç Æ s ] ® ççuçò v ³çd ~
lot gil1na:vn1. yOs ga:v dOd diyi, t@m’s1nz lath tul1n’ gatshi tsa:l1n’.
One does not get as much annoyed by the eating of ghee (clarified butter) One must bear the kick of the cow, that gives milk.
by a cat, as one gets hurt by the wagging of its tail (on eating it).
j r
³çÓ l ç JççÇ ç Æ j ìKç çÆ o Kç, l³çÓ l ç sá m ç ³ççJçá v ç çÆ ³ çJççvç~
yu:t vi:ri takh dikh, t’u:t chus ya:vun yiva:n.
The more a willow tree is chopped, the more stronger it grows.
j@noçj içá ç Æ j mç çÆ s Hçvçò v ççÇ kçÀçô þ îç Hçá À ìçvç~
r@hda:r guris chi pan1ni: koth’ phuta:n.
The horse who runs fast, breaks its own knees. The person who works fast
³çÓ ³ ç& kçá À vç jô n , lçÓ ³ ç& kçá À vç ìîçkçÀò j ~ has to suffer sometimes.
yu:r’ kun reh, tu:r’ kun tek1r.

jç@çÆ s mç Ün lçò ] ® çÓ j mç iç@j~ Hold my kangri (a Kashmiri fire-pot), and watch my run. To exhibit one’s
r@:chis dOh t1 tsu:ras g@r. readiness.
The watchman has to watch all the day, but just a moment is enough for a
thief to steal. jJçò ] p ç@ì LçJçò kçÀçÆ l ç?
rav1 z@t thav1 kati?
jç@] ® ç Jççlççvç içb i çò y çuç, Hçiççn vçò ³ççjò y çuç~ Where shall I keep the torn rag? A poor person (who doesn’t have even
r@:ts va:ta:n gang1bal, t1 paga:h n1 ya:r1bal. place to keep his/her rags).
At night one reaches (in thoughts) Gangabal, but the next day he doesn’t
even get to the river bank side (near to his house). One who only plans, but jmç cççÇ ç Æ v çLç lçò vççìò içB ] p ççÆ j Lç~
does not act. ras mi:nith t1 na:t1 g@nzrith.
When the soup is measured, and the pieces of mutton are counted. Every-
jç@v³çç Kçç@çÆ l çj sá ³ ç, yçô ç Æ v ç s³ç jçB ì mç, j@v³çd s³ç çÆ n ³ç ~ thing within limit.
r@:n’a: kh@:tir chuy, beni chay rã:tas, r@n’ chay hiy.
O husband ! you will command respect (as long as you consider) your sister jmç uç@çÆ i çvçcç lçò omç ] ® ç@çÆ u çvçcç~
as an ogre, and your wife as jasmine. ras l@ginam t1 das ts@linam.
May I enjoy (the work), and be free from laziness. A self-blessing.
j] p ç o@] p ç lçò Jçá þ ò v ³çd smç Dç@lççÇ ~
raz d@z t1 vuth1ni chas @ti: jmçò já m ç yçlçò içJç þmçò já m ç sçvç~
The rope is burnt but the twists are still there. A crook remains a crook. ras1 rus bat1 gav thas1 rus cha:n.
Habits die very hard. Rice without gravy (soup), is like a carpenter without (making a) sound.
Something unbelievable.
jLç Jçb o ³ç lçò Hçá p ç Jççvçá k çÀ~
rath vanday t1 puj va:nuk. jçlçmç Jççô v çò v çmç uçç@ u ç cç@ p çvçÓ v ç, lçò Hçiççn Òçá æ s vçmç, ’uçç@ u ç kçw ³ çç JçççÆ l ç cçpçvçÓ v çmç“?
I will offer you the blood but of the butcher’s shop. To be kind at another’s ra:tas von1nas l@:l m@jnu:n, t1 paga:h prutsh1nas, “l@:l k’a: va:ti
expense. majnu:nas?”
The story of Laila - Majnu was narrated for the whole night, and the next day
jb i çò ³ ç& Jççvçá k çÀ Kçá c ç, Dç@çÆ k çÀmç Kççô l ç lçò yçô ç Æ ³ çmç Jççô L ç~ he asked, “What relation Laila was of Majnu?” A forgetful or unattentive
rang1r’ va:nuk khum, @kis khot t1 beyis hot. person.
The dyer’s trough (of colour combination) was a success to one, and a
failure to another. Someone’s efforts bear fruit and other’s do not. jd ³ çlçò kçÀççÆ u ç iççô æ s á c ç Hççí æ s lçò Jçb o mç iççô æ s á c ç uççí s ~
ret1ka:li gotshum po:tsh t1 vandas gotshum lo:ch.
jb i çò ³ ç& JJçmç& ò ~ In summer I need a potsh (a loose cotton garment), and in winter I need a
rang1r’ vOrs1. woolen pheran (a loose garment). Everything appropriate to season.
A dyers’ festival.
A false excuse which the dyers’ tend to make if they are not able to dye the jô ç Æ ³ ç sá Mçyçvçcç lçÓ H çÀçvç~
clothes in time or properly. reyi chu šabnam tu:pha:n.
The dew is like a flood to an ant.
jþ c³çç@v³çd kçÀçb i çò j lçò Jçá s c³çç@v³çd oJç~
rath me:n’ kã:g1r t1 vuch me:n’ t1kh.

jçí ] p çò J çá v ç sá lçmçá b o vççJç~ A Rishi went to another country with the hope of getting rid of his name
ro:z1vun chu tasund na:v. ‘Rishi’, but he ran into more problems. O Rishi, you left your home for
Nothing lasts for ever save the name of God. nothing.

jçí J çcçá l ç içá j sá Mçí þ cççô n jò ~ jd J çHççÆ ³ ç nlçmç kçÀçb i çò j yçb o ~

ro:vmut gur chu še:th mOhr1. rOpyi hatas kã:g1r band.
A lost horse is valued at 60 golden coins. Anything lost is valued high. A kangri is kept as a security for Rs.100/-. A negligible surety for debt.

jÓ o vç³ç Hçô ç Æ ³ ç lçò jyç kçÀçÆ l ç JJççÆ L ç? uç l

ru:d nay peyi t1 rab kati vOthi?
If it doesn’t rain, where will the mud come from? There is a reason behind all uç@j uçÓ ç Æ j Lç lçò kçá À þ~
that happens. l@r lu:rith t1 kuth.
To pull down a house for a room.
jÓ o H³çvç³ç sç jyç JJçLççvç?
ru:d penay cha: rab vOtha:n? uçç@³ç& çÆ k çÀv³çd uççí n Ó j ~
There is no mud, unless it has rained. There is always a reason behind every l@:r’ kin’ lo:hu:r.
dispute. No fire, no smoke. To go to Lahore via Lor. To adopt an indirect and complex approach.

jÓ o Hçô ç Æ ³ ç kçÀHçmç yJççÆ J ç, Jççí j ò cçççÆ p ç kçÀjò kçÀçí j ò Hççí æ s ~ uçç@j kçÀò c çJç Kçô ç Æ ³ ç? HçjÐçJç; cçô oçô H ç Hçvçò v ³çJç cçç!
ru:d peyi kapas bOvi, vo:r1 ma:ji kar1 ko:r1 po:tsh. l@:r k1mav kheyi? par1dev; me dop pan1nev ma:?
If it rains, and cotton grows. I shall make a new cotton dress for my step- Who has eaten cucumbers? Outsiders. I thought lest it was by our own
mother. A conditional promise. people. One who favors strangers and not his own relatives.

jÓ þ ò c çá l ç cçvçç@çÆ J ç] p ³çvç vçò ] p ççb n , kç@Àçv³çd içæ s d ³ çmç kçÀçþ, Hççvç³ç kçÀçÆ j Dçç@nçÇ Hççþ~ uçç@j K³çJççvç Hççvçmç lçò [çkçá À j $ççJççvç yçô ç Æ ³ çmç~
ru:th1mut man@:vizen n1 zã:h, k@:n’ gatshes ka:th, pa:nay kari @:hi pa:th. l@:r kheva:n pa:nas t1 da:kar tra:va:n beyis.
Do not calm down an angry person (one who is annoyed). In a little while, he One cats cucumber (himself), and belches at the face of the other person. A
will be tired stiff, and give (you) blessings. An angry person cannot keep selfish person.
his anger for ever.
uçç@Jç yJço iç@çÆ ³ ç mçç@Jç~
jçô s cçKççí uççÆ s lçò ] ® ççô ì cçKççí kçÀçÆ s ~ l@:v bOd g@yi s@:v.
rochmakho: lachi t1 tsotmakho: kachi. A young intellect is fertile.
I brought you up (or trained you) at an expense of a lakh of rupees, but
moved you down like grass. Loosing a good servant or an employee over uçlçvç ná b o cçç] p ç Jçlçvç uçç©vç~
some trifle or lame excuse. latan hund ma:z vatan la:run.
To stick the flesh of one’s feet to roads. To wander around and to work very
jd ³ ççô M ç iç@³ççí J ç Hçjoí m ç ÐçJçò ] ® çu³çcç jô M ç vççJç, lççÆ l ç kçá À þîççí m ç lççÆ c ç çÆ v ççÆ M ç~ hard.
vççnkçÀ³ç jô ç Æ M ç iççÆ j êçKç~
r’oš g@yo:v parde:s dev1 tsalem reš na:v, tati kuth’o:s tami niši. na:hkay uçoò J çò v ³çd Jçá c çò j Jçoò J çò v ³çd içæ s ò v ³çd ~
reši gari: dra:kh. lad1v1n’ vum1r vad1v1n’ gatsh1n’.

The growing age becoming tiresome for someone. When the life becomes uçÓ k çÀò ná b o kç@ÀçÆ l çLç v³çLçò v ççô v ç Hççvç, uçÓ k çÀò nò b Ð ç j@çÆ s Lç v³çHççô l çá j Hççvç~
unbearable or full of miseries. luk1 hund k@tith neth1non pa:n, luk1 h1nd’ r@chith, nepotur pa:n.
He who spins for others, remains naked. One who brings up other’s chil-
uç³ç& v ç yçç@] ® ç lçò yçç@] ® çvç uççÆ j ~ dren, remains childless himself.
laren b@:ts t1 b@:tsan lari.
A family (is needed) for the house, and food (is needed) for the family. An uçÓ k çÀò nò b ç Æ ] p ç cçç@pççÇ Hççô $ çò oiç Hçô ç Æ ³ ç³çí ~
empty house, and poverty stricken family is not good. lu:k1 h1nzi m@:ji: pOtr1 dag peyiye.
O mother of strangers! May you see the death of your children. To wish
uççHçÀ iç@æ s d ³ çvçcç cççHçÀ~ others bad.
la:ph g@tsh’nam ma:ph.
May God forgive my boasting. uçÓ ç Æ m çcçò ç Æ l çmç uçç³çá v ç~
lu:sim1tis la:yun.
uççuç çÆ M çvççmçò ³ ç ] p çççÆ v ç uççuçò ® ç kçÀoò j ~ To beat a tired person.
la:l šina:s1y za:ni la:l1c kad1r.
Only a ruby dealer (expert) knows the worth of a ruby. uççô i ç vçlçò pççô i ç DççJç Hççô l ç HçÀçÇ ç Æ j Lç~
log nat1 jog a:v pot phi:rith.
uççuçvç cJçuçò ³ ç cJçuç~ The stupid fellow could not do the work and returned empty handed.
la:lan mOl1y mOl.
Rubies are always expensive. Precius items are always expensive. uççí ç Æ j kçÓ À çÆ ì mç omçlççj içb [ á v ç~
lo:ri ku:tis dasta:r ga?dun.
uççB æ s mç cççuç nçÆ ì lçò vççuç~ To adorn a stick with a turban. To respect a worthless fellow.
l@~:tshas ma:l hati t1 na:l.
An eunuch’s property is what he wears round his neck, and his embroidered uççí ç Æ j Hçô þ îç mç©HçÀ çÆ H çuçò J çá v ç/çÆ H çuçò v ççJçá v ç~
piece of garment. lo:ri peth’ saruph pil1vun/pil1na:vun.
To pass a snake (towards someone) over a stick. A mean trick played by a
uçô p ç çÆ l ç ] ® çÓ j ò ³ ç lçò iç@pç çÆ l ç ] ® çÓ j ò ³ ç~ friend. To cause damage through someone.
lej ti tsu:r1y t1 g@j ti tsu:r1y.
Where even the cooking pot is a thief, and the fireplace also is a thief. uççW ç Æ ® ç uçcçá v ç~
Where everyone from top to bottom is dishonest. lõ:ci lamun.
To pull the edge of the garment. To beseech someone for a favour.
uçô ç Æ p ç vçò Jç³ç, Hçjiçvçmç mç³ç~
leji n1 vay, parganas say. uJçkçá À ì vç³ç DçççÆ m ç, yççô [ kçÀçÆ l ç içæ ç Æ s Hçç@oò ~
One doesn’t have enough rice to put in the pot (for cooking) for one self, lOkut nay a:si bod kati gatshi p@:d1.
but invites the whole community to feast. To spend money beyond one’s If there were no children, how would the old people appear? Child is the
means. father of man.

uçô ç Æ p ç çÆ c çuçò J çvç~ uJçkçÀò ® ççj sá ³ ç Dçb o kçÀçj~

leji mil1van. 1Okca:r chuy and1ka:r.
Sharing of the cooking pot. Close friendship. Childhood is darkness. Youth is blind.

uJçkçÀò ® ççj sá ³ ç cJçkçÀò p ççj~ Jç@njmç Jççb i çò p ç, Hç@njmç Hççô æ s ~

1Okca:r chuy mOk1ja:r. v@hras vã:g1j, p@hras potsh.
Childhood is freedom. A person is a guest if he stays for a short period. He is a tenant if he stays
for a year (a longer duration). A guest is respected for a short period only.
ukçÀçÆ ® ç nçÆ v ç³ç yç@[ nvç yçvççvç~
1Okci haniy b@d han bana:n. Jçç@v³çd ®çJç Mçjçyç lçò mçá içJç Mçjcçb o ò , çÆ l çuçò J çç@v³çd ®çJç kçÀçB ] p ç lçò lçmç uççô i ç cço~
Big matters are born out of the little ones. Mountains are made of mole hills. v@:n’ cav šara:b t1 su gav šarmand1, til1v@:n’ cav k@~:z t1 tas log mad.
A pimple grows in an ulcer. A shopkeeper drank liquor and was ashamed. The oilman drank some rice
water, and he became intoxicated with pride.
uJççÆ l ç KJçlçò uççô l ç sá ³ ç vçvçò J ççí © ³ç~
1Oti khOt1 lot chu nan1vo:ruy. Jçç@çÆ v çmç çÆ s ûççKç JççÆ v ç~
The lightest is to be bare footed. One doesn’t have worries, if one doesn’t v@:nis chi gra:kh vani.
have possessions.No property, no worries. The customers are known to the shopkeeper.

Jç v JççB ç Æ ì mç [Ó ç Æ v çmç Kçô ç Æ ] p ç kçÀô b n , lçò æ s çô ç Æ ] ® çmç kçw ³ çç Kçô ç Æ ] p ç?

v@~:tis du:nis khezi ke~:h, t1 tshotsis k’a: khezi?
Jç@æ ç Æ s mç uçç@çÆ i çLç Hç@æ ç Æ s mç~ One can get something from the walnut with a hard shell (where the kernel is
v@tshis l@:gith p@tshis. taken out with difficulty), but what can one get from a walnut which doesn’t
A message communicated to a calf, is actually meant for the guest. An have a kernel. One may be benefited from a person who is intelligent but stiff
indirect way of communication. necked, but what can one get from the person who has nothing (to offer)?

Jç@æ ç Æ s mç i³ç@[ lçò oçb o mç uççí J ç, çÆ ³ çvçmççHçÀ jçí J ç lçò JçvçJç kçÀmç? JçKlçmç vçò J³ç] ® ççvç cJççÆ s , lçò JçKlçmç vçò J³ç] ® ççvç kçw J ççÆ s ~
vakhtas n1 vetsa:n mOchi, t1 vakhtas n1 vetsa:n kOchi.
kçÀçnvç içjvç kçá À çÆ v ç³ç lçç@Jç, ¿çcçLç jç@Jç lçò JçvçJç kçÀmç? Sometimes it is not contained in hand, and sometimes it is not contained in
v@tshis g’@d t1 dã:das lo:v, (y)insa:ph ro:v t1 vanav ka.s? bosom. The fickle mindedness of a person.
ka:han garan kuni: t@:v, hemath r@:v t1 vanav kas?
Six wisps of grass to the calf, and only one to the ox. There is no justice, to
JçKlçá k çÀ kçÀçj içJç lçKlçá k çÀ HççoMççn~
whom should we complain? There is only one frying dp an for eleven house-
vakhtuk ka:r gav takhtuk pa:dša:h.
holds. The courage is lost, and to whom shall we complain? The administra- Work done at the proper time is like a king’s throne.
tion of injustice. Miscarriage of justice.
Jçsmç n³ç kçá À uçá H çÀ DçççÆ m ç, uçsmç HççÆ k çÀ okçÀò çÆ o Lç~
Jç@çÆ L çJç kçw J çþîçJç çÆ y ççÆ n Jç kçw J çþîçJç, Kçô ç Æ ³ çJç çÆ M çkçÀçj cçç] p ç~ vachas hay kuluph a:si, lachas paki dak1 dith.
Jç@çÆ L çJç vç³ç çÆ y ççÆ n Jç vç³ç, lçò Kçô ç Æ ³ çJç Hçvçá v ç cçç] p ç~ If a woman is strong in character, she can brush aside lakhs of men without
v@thiv kOthev bihiv kOthev, kheyiv šika:r ma:z. being harmed.
v@thiv nay bihiv nay, t1 kheyiv panun ma:z.
O knees! Get up and sit down, and eat the flesh of the prey. Jçlçvç ná b o cçç] p ç uçlçvç, lçò uçlçvç ná b o cçç] p ç Jçlçvç~
If you won’t move, you will have to eat your own flesh. vatan hund ma:z latan, t1 latan hund ma:z vatan.
Work is health and life. Trust your own deeds. Rest is rust. The flesh of the road to the feet, and the flesh of the feet to the road. A
person who works very hard to earn his livelihood.

JççÆ l ç JççÆ l ç sá Dççyç HçkçÀçvç~ If there were no ax for the twisted log (it would not break), if there were not
vati vati chu a:b paka:n. a mother-in-law and a sister-in-law for a daughter-in-law (she wouldn’t care
The water flows straight in its regular course. for anyone), if there were no officer to control a village headman, he would
It is natural to favour one’s own people. uproot the whole village before the sun sets.

Jçovçmç KJçMç, lçò Dçmçvçmç JJçMç~ Jçlçò Jçç@jçvç lçò pççí j ò pçá o ç@³ç~
vadnas khOš, t1 asnas vOš. vat1 v@:ra:n t1 jo:r1 jud@:y.
One who expresses happiness on someone’s cry, and sighs on someone’s Be misled and separated from your spouse. A curse.
laughter. A very jealous person.
JçJç yçç JçJç, lçò uççí v ç yçç uççí v ç~
Jçvçvç JçççÆ u ç ] ® çô vç³ç s³ç Dçkçw u ç, lçò yççí ] p çvç JçççÆ u ç ] ® çô çÆ l ç s³ç vçç? vav ba: vav, t1 lo:n ba: lo:n.
vananva:li tse nay chay ak1l, t1 bo:zanva:li tse ti chay na:? As you sow, so shall you reap.
O speaker, if you don’t have wisdom, o listener, haven’t you either? Never
listen to useless talk. Jçç] p ç içJç uçÓ k çÀvç kçw ³ çá L ç~
va:z gav lu:kan k’uth.
Jçvçò Jçç@çÆ u çLç Jçô ç Æ L ç, Jç@njmç j@çÆ s Lç, Jççuçò v çò çÆ J ççÆ ] p ç oyç~ Religious sermons are meant for other people (not for oneself). One who
van1 v@:lith vethi, v@hras r@chith, va:l1n1 vizi dab. only preaches and does not act.
After bringing it (timber) from the forest through the river, preserving it for
a year, and fnally knocking it on the ground. To obtain something after hard Jççlçuç yçìò J ççj~
work and to lose it all of a sudden. va:tal bat1va:r.
A cobbler’s Saturday. (It is believed that a cobbler does not keep a promise.)
Jçvçò ® çvç ³çç³ç& v ç KJçoççÆ ³ ç mçá b o mçiç~ . When the date of promise is not kept.
van1can ya:ren khOda:yi sund sag.
God waters the pines of the jungle. Jççlçuçmç çÆ o ] ® ççí K ç [ç³çvç iç³ç& v ç jçpç, lç@c³çd kçÀçô [ oçuçá J ç ] p çyç& ~
God takes care of the people who need it. va:tlas ditso:kh da:yan garen ra:j, t@m’ kod, da:luv zar1b.
A cobbler was given a kingdom for an hour (short period of time), he issued
Jçb o mç sá pçb o mç Hççn~ the leather currency.
vandas chu jandas pa:h.
In winter, an old patched up garment provides warmth. Jççv³çç cçìmç vç³ç sá ³ ç lçò Jçá þ mç çÆ l ç sá ³ ç vçç?
va:n’a: matas nay chuy t1 vuthas ti chuy na:?
Jçvçò v çò ³ ç ³ççí l ç lçò jvççvç vçò kçô b À n~ O shopkeeper, if you have nothing in your pot (to offer), don’t you even
van1n1y yo:t t1 rana:n n1 k?h. have it on your lips (can’t you show courtesy by using soft words). When
Keeps on saying only, but doesn’t cook. a person does not help, and does not even express sympathy.
One who only talks and doesn’t act.
JçççÆ p ç mççvç DçLçò LçJçá v ç~
Jçj nçÆ j cJçb [ çÆ j Hçj vç³ç DçççÆ m ç, vJççÆ M ç vç³ç DçççÆ m ç nMç lçò ] p ççcç, va:ji sa:n ath1 thavun.
cJçkçÀò o cçmç Hçlçò vç³ç Hçw J çkçÀò o cç DçççÆ m ç, iççcçmç lçá ç Æ u ç Mççcçmç lççcç~ To place a hand wearing a ring, upon another’s shoulder.
var hari mO~dri par nay a:si, nOši nay a:si haš t1 za:m, To oblige someone without doing anything.
mOkdamas pat1 nay phOk1dam a:si, ga:mas tuli ša:mas ta:m.

JçççÆ j çÆ v ç çÆ v ççÆ M ç Mçá j LçJçá v ç Kç@çÆ ì Lç~ It is one’s background which makes one boast.
va:rini niši šur thavun kh@tith.
To hide the child from the midwife. Jçô ç Æ L ç vççyço HçÀçô u ç~
When it is impossible to keep a secret. vethi na:bad phol.
A sugar candy for the river Vitasta.
JççJç Jçá ç Æ s Lç içæ ç Æ s vççJç $ççJçò v ³çd ~ A little income and large expenses.
va:v vuchith gatshi na:v tra:v1n’.
One should float the boat (in water) after seeing the direction of the wind. Jçá ç Æ s Lç Dççô v ç lçò yçÓ ç Æ ] p çLç ] p ççô j ~
Think before you act. vuchith on t1 bu:zith zor.
To feign blind on seeing and to pretend to be a deaf on hearing. See all, hear
JççJçmç vççJçò mçç@uç~ all, but say nothing.
va:vas na:v1 s@:1.
To go out boating when a strong wind is blowing. Jçá s á v ç içJç DçKç lçò yççí ] p çá v ç içJç y³ççKç~
An unsuitable time for any work. vuchun gav akh t1 bo:zun gav b’a:kh.
It is one thing to see (with one’s own eyes), and quite another to listen to
’Jççb i çò p çJç içjò nçí oçô o á ³ ç“~ ’Jçiçá J ç sá m ç Jçìçvç“~ others. Trust your own eyes.
“vã:g1jav gar1 ho: doduy”. “vaguv chus vata:n”.
“O tenant, the house is on fire.” “I’m packing my mat.” Jçá æ s mç ] ® çí j , ] ® çí j mç Jçá æ s ~
To be selfish. vutshas tse:r, tse:ras vutsh.
If you hurry, you will be late; and if you are late, you will hurry. Haste makes
çÆ J ççÆ u çb ç Æ p ç H³çþ JJçKçá u ç~ waste.
vilinji peth vOkhul.
A mortar upon the clothes line. An impossible task. Jçá H çÀò J çò v ³çd jìò v ³çd ~
vuph1v1n’ rat1n’
To catch things (or birds) while they fly.
J³çLç æ s ô v ³çç çÆ ] p ç Hçvçá v ç æ s ô ç Æ v ç~ Not to be practical.
veth tshen’a: zi panun tsheni.
Will the Vitasta (name of a river) break apart, that one’s own relation sepa- Jçá © vç Jçá ç Æ s Lçò ³ ç içæ s vç KJçj JççnjçJçò v ³çd ~
rates. Blood is thicker than water. vurun vuchith1y gatshan khOr va:hra:v1n’.
One should spread one’s legs according to the capacity or length of the
J³çLç Hççí ç Æ M ç vçò DçLçò suçvçmç~ quilt. Spend according to one’s income. Cut your coat according to your
veth po:ši n1 ath1 chalnas. cloth.
The water of Vitasta would not be enough for washing one’s hands. An
extravagant person. Jçá ç Æ M çv³çd yçô v ççÇ , ³çÓ ³ ç& Jçuçò ; lçò j ò v ³çd yçô v ççÇ , T³ç& içæ s ~
vušin’ beni:, yu:r’ val1; t1r1n’ beni:, u:r’ gatsh.
’Jçô L ççÇ kçÀçÆ l ç sKç ûç] p ççvç“? ’Dççiçj³ç“~ O warm (affectionate or rich) sister come over here. O cold (unaffectionate
“vethi: kati chakh graza:n?” “a:gray.” or poor) sister, go over there. Rich or affectionate relations are always wel-
“O Vitasta, at what place do you roar?” come, and poor or unaffectionate ones are repelled.
“At the very source.”

JçÓ b ì ò vç] ® çá v ç lçò Kçj Dççnb i ç çÆ s cç@nMçÓ j ~ “Get-up youngster and eat meals.” “Where is my big bowl.”
vu:t1 natsun t1 khar a:hang chi mašu:r.
A camel’s dance, and an ass’s braying are well known. ’JJçLç vççô M ç kçá À þ Kçmç“~ ’Dççcçò ] ® ç kçw ³ çç kçÀjçÆ v ç smç“?
A work which is out of tune, and out of place. “vOth noš kuth khas.” “a:m1ts k’a: karni chas?”
“Get up, o daughter-in-law and go to your bed room.
JçÓ b þ yçá [ îççí J ç lçò cçò L çò j kçÀ©vç nô s á v ç vçò ~ “What else have I come for?”
vu:th bud’o:v t1 muthur karun hechun n1. Everyone has his or her duty to perform.
The camel grew old, and it did not learn how to urinate.
Even at an advanced age someone behaves like a fool/child. JJç] p çò u ³çd çÆ k çÀv³çd ] ® ççô H ç kçÀ[á v ç~
Habits die very hard. vOz1l’kin’ tsop kadun.
To take a bite on the red side (of an apple). To take the giant share in
Jççí v ³çd içJç mçá ³ ç ³çá m ç Hçç@çÆ v çmç yççí ç Æ ] p ç çÆ n mççyç~ partnership. Heads I win tails you lose.
vo:n’ gav suy yus p@:nis bo:zi hisa:b.
The shopkeeper is one, who keeps an account even of water. A person who JJçHçj cç@nuçá k çÀ içJç kçw J çkçÀj ] ® çÓ j ~
is very careful in keeping accurate accounts. vOpar m@hluk gav kOkar tsu:r.
A man of another dwelling is a thief of chicken. A stranger is always doubted.
Jççí v ³çd içJç mçá ³ ç ³çá m ç cç@s ] ® çò ç Æ n ~
vo:n’ gav suy yus m@ch ts1hi. Mç š
The shopkeeper is one who will suck a fly (if it falls in his cup of tea or milk).
A miser who doesn’t let any thing go waste. Mç@ðçmç sá Mç@ðçò ³ ç ] ® çìçvç~
š@staras chu šaštar1y tsata:n.
Jççí v ³çd sá ³ ç Hççí v ³çd kçÀô m ççÆ j lçuçò , nççÆ j n@çÆ m lçmç ¿çJççvç cç@u³çd ~ The iron is cut only by iron. Diamond cuts diamond.
vo:n’ chuy po:n’ kesri tal1, ha:ri h@s’tis heva:n m@l’.
The shopkeeper is like water under the husk. He buys an elephant for a Mçç@u³çd lççjKç nçJçò v ³çd ~
penny. A shopkeeper know the tricks of the trade. š@:l’ta:rakh ha:v1n’.
To show (colourful) stars to someone. Try to tell palpable stories and give
Jççí j ò iççô y çj çÆ s mççí j ò K³ççô u ç, Jççí j ò cçç@çÆ u çmç lççí ç Æ j oyç ] p çb ç Æ i ç, Jççí j ò cçç@çÆ u çmç false hopes.
Kççí j ò jçô ì ~
vo:r1 gobar chi so:r1 kh’ol, vo:r1 m@:lis to:ri dab zangi, vo:r1 m@:lis MçkçÀj n³ç sá ³ ç c³ç@] ® ç iç@æ s d ³ çvç³ç, c³ç@] ® ç n³ç s³ç MçkçÀj iç@æ s d ³ çvç³ç~
kho:r1 rot. šakar hay chuy mets g@tsh’nay, mets hay chay šakar g@tsh’nay.
Step-sons are like a herd of swine; a stroke of chisel on the leg of the step- If you have sugar then may it turn into clay for you. It you have clay, may it
father; a chain for the feet of the step-father. The step-children are not turn into sugar for you. (Cited to a person who lies in order to escape to give
considered faithful. something.)

’JJçLç çÆ v çkçÀò kçÀç@cç kçÀj“~ ’çÆ v çkçÀò sá m ç lçò kçÀjò kçw ³ çç“? MççÆ k çw u ç sç u³çJç Ðçá v ç, Dçkçw u ç içæ ç Æ s Dççmçò v ³çd ~
’JJçLç çÆ v çkçÀò yçlçò Kçô “ ~ ’[á u ç c³ççí v ç kçÀçÆ l ç sá “ ? šakli cha: lev d’un, ak1l gatshi a:s1n’.
“vOth nik1 k@:m kar.” “nik1 chus t1 kar1 k’a:?” Does one lick the beauty of a person; it is only the wisdom which matters.
“vOth nik1 bat1 khe.” “dul m’o:n kati chu?” Wisdom is more valued than beauty.
“Get-up youngster and work.” “I am weak and I can’t.”

çÆ M ç³çmç mçó l ³çd çÆ M ççÆ ³ ç, lçò çÆ c ç³çmç mçó l ³çd çÆ c ççÆ ³ ç~ ša:h b’u:th vuškari, yas yi khOš kari su ti kari.
šiyas s1:th’ šiyi, t1 miyas (s1:t’) miy1. The king settled in Wushkar, and everyone is free to do whatever he wants.
Shia with a Shia, and Miya with a Miya. When the cat is away, the mice will play.
Birds of the same feather flock together.
Mççnmç HçLç sô içç@yçLç~
Mçb k çÀjò v ³çd cçkçÀò ] ® ç, vç HçÀuççvç lçò vç içuççvç~ ša:has path cha g@:bath.
šankar1n’ mak1ts, na phala:n t1 na gala:n. People talk ill of the king behind his back.
Shanker’s ax, neither wears away, nor does it melt. To be very adamant.
çÆ M çkçÀmçò ç Æ v ç JççJçò çÆ s JJçKçuç Hçá À ìçvç~
Mçjò n mç Mçjcçò ³ ç kçw ³ çç? šiks1ni va:v1 chi vOkhal phuta:n.
šar1has šarm1y k’a:? Even the mortars are broken by the evil winds. Misfortune creates a lot of
There is no shame in law. There is no escape from law. problems. Misfortune never comes alone.

Mççcçò ] ® ççô l çá j , lçò cçb ç Æ o v³çd y³çnJççuç~ MççÇ v çò Mçlç& ~

ša:m1 tsotur, t1 mandin’ behva:l. ši:n1 šarat.
Sharp in the evening, but lazy at noon. One who is alert in the evening A bet on snow. A childish game.
(doing nothing), but very lazy at work.
MççÇ v çò H³çlççí H³çlççí , yçççÆ ³ ç çÆ ³ çlççí çÆ ³ çlççí ~
Mççuç içJç kçw J ççÆ u ç çÆ ] p ç Dççuçcç içJç kçw J ççÆ u ç~ ši:n1 peto: peto:, ba:yi yito: yito:.
ša:l gav kOli zi a:lam gav kOli. I wish snow falls! I wish my brother arrives. During the snowfall, one re-
A jackal fell into the river, as if the whole world fell into the river. One person joices the company of one’s close relatives.
who has died, for him the whole world has died. Death’s day is doom’s day.
Mçô , $çô , vçJç lçò kçÀçn~
Mççuç ] ® ç@çÆ u çLç yçþîçvç ®ççí y ç~ še, tre, nav t1 ka:h.
ša:l ts@lith bath’an co:b. Six, three, nine and eleven. To narrate unrelated events or stories.
To beat hedges after the jackal has run away. Crying over spilt milk.
Mççuç Mççuç y³ççô v ç y³ççô v ç, ìá b ç Æ i ç çÆ J ççÆ ] p ç kçá À çÆ v ç³ç~ Mçô j kçÀçlçò ® ç uçô p ç çÆ s Kçí c çò ] ® ç nçí v ³çJç~
ša:l ša:l b’on b’on, tungi vizi kuniy. šerka:t1c lej cha khem1ts ho:n’av.
The jackals live separately, but at the time of howling they unite. The pot of meals cooked in partnership is eaten by dogs.
In the partnerships, no one feels totally responsible.
Mççuçmç ³çô ç Æ u ç cççí L ç sá çÆ ³ çJççvç, mçá sá ] ® çuççvç iççcçmç kçá À vç~
ša:las yeli mo:th chu yiva:n, su chu tsala:n ga:mas kun.
Mçô ³ çJç HççÇ j Jç KJçlçò sá yçí HççÇ j ò ³ ç pççvç~
When a jackal is to die, it runs towards a village. šeyav pi:rav khOt1 chu be:pi:r1y ja:n.
Better to follow no saint than to follow six saints.
A person cannot serve many masters at the same time.
Mççuçò mçò b ] p ç ìá b i ç~
šal1 s1nz tung.
The howling of a jackal. To make unnecessary noise.
Mçô ð çò mçó l ³çd sá Mçô ð ç HçÀìçvç~
šeštar1 s1:th’ chu šešt1r phata:n.
Iron is cut by iron. Diamond cuts diamond.
Mççn y³çÓ þ Jçá M çkçÀçÆ j , ³çmç çÆ ³ ç KJçMç kçÀçÆ j mçá çÆ l ç kçÀçÆ j ~

Mçí K çò jd J ççÆ ³ ç Mçí l ççvç~ Mçá ³ ç& sçô j kçÀçô ç Æ þ mç, Mçá j cççjçí v çç çÆ k çÀvçò kçÀçô þ ] ® çìçí v ç?
še:kh1 rOyi še:ta:n. šur’ chor kothis, šur ma:ro:na: kin1 koth tsato:n?
A Sheikh (a saint) in appearance, but a devil in truth. Deceptive appearance. The child wetted the knee. Should the child be killed or the knee be cut off?
Wolf under the lamb’s clothing. Extreme choices can be avoided.

Mçí þ içJç lçò yç´ í þ içJç~ Mçá j v³çá J ç Hçç@] p çvç lçò Mçô ð ç K³çJç içiçjvç~
še:th gav t1 br@:th gav. šur n’uv pa:zan t1 š@št1r kh’av gagran.
A person becomes stupid at the age of sixty. Age has its effect. The hawk took away the child and iron was eaten by rats. (A story about
two friends, in which before proceeding on a business tour, one friend kept
Mçí þ ò Jçá n á j kçÀçJç lçò MççÇ l çò Jçá n á j kçÀçJçò HçÓ l ç~ a huge shaft of iron with a friend. On his return, he was told that the iron was
še:th1 vuhur ka:v t1 ši:t1 vuhur ka:v1pu:t. eaten by rats. Annoyed on it, he decides to teach him a lesson. He asked his
A crow is sixty years old, and its young crow (the off-spring) is of eighty friend to send his son with him to his house, so that he could send some
years (in wisdom). A matter of wisdom and not the age.Foolish father, wise presents to him, which he had brought for him from the business tour. After
son. hiding his son in his house, he informed him that his son had been taken
away by a hawk.)
Mçí l ççvç mçò b Ð ç kçÀvç ] p ç@³ç& ~ Impossible things to happen. Tit for tat.
še:ta:n s1nd’ kan z@r’.
The ears of a satan are deaf. A stupid does not listen to good advice. It is Mçá ³ ç& Jççí u ç Kçô ³ çç Hçvçá v ç çÆ n ³ç& J ççí u ç~
also said to avoid evil eye. šur’vo:l kheya: panun hir’vo:l.
Will a person with children, eat his own throat?
Mçá k çá À j ] p çççÆ l ç HççkçÀç, vç Dçç³çcç ³ç[ lçò vç uççô i çá c ç HçÀçkçÀò ~ A person has to feed his family and kids first.
šukur za:ti pa:ka:, na a:yam yad t1 na logum pha:k1.
Thanks, my lord ! Neither was my stomach filled, nor had I to starve. To live MçÓ M çmç çÆ l ç Hçá M çò ~
from hand to mouth. šušas ti puš1.
Not enough even for a lung. Limited resources. A little income.
Mçá H ³çd kçÀççÆ v ç Jçsmç ] p ç@jçÇ vçç@u³çd ~
šupi ka:ni vachas, z@ri: n@:l’. Mççô b ç Æ i çLç yççb i ç çÆ o v³çd ~
A golden bordered garment over a bony breast. A thin and lean person šõ gith bã:g din’.
wrapped in beautiful garments. To call for prayers while asleep or lying down. A lazy person.

Mçá j kçÀçÆ l ç, Mçá j kçÀçÆ l ç? cçççÆ p ç vçKçmç H³çþ~ MJçb i çá v ç içæ ç Æ s ] ® ççb ç Æ i ç, JJçLçá v ç içæ ç Æ s yççb ç Æ i ç~
šur kati, šur kati? ma:ji nakhas peth. šõgun gatshi tsã:gi, vOthun gatshi bã:gi.
Where is the child? On the shoulder of the mother. To look out for things One should sleep early (when the lamps are lit), and get up early (when the
which are very close to you. call for prayers is sounded). Early to bed and early to rise.

Mçá j içJç yç´ ç í j , JJçuçò JJçuçò kçÀ©mç lçò çÆ ³ ççÆ ³ ç~ Mçjçkç@À] ® ç nò b ] p ç oí i ç sô Kçí c çò ] ® ç nçí v ³çJç~
šur gav bro:r, vOl1 vOl1 karus t1 yiyi. šara:k@ts h1nz de:g cha khem1ts ho:n’av.
A child is (like) a cat, call it to you, and it will come. Children are fond of The dogs have eaten the food cooked in partnership. Nobody takes the
affection. responsibility in partnership.

mç s mçb l ç iç@çÆ ³ ç çÆ l çcç, çÆ ³ çcç HçççÆ v ç mçó l ³çd $ççcçmç yçvççJçvç mJçvç~
sant g@yi tim, yim pa:ni s1:t’ tra:mas bana:van sOn.
mçò ] ® çvç oHççvç Hçvçò oççÆ J ç, ’mçç@jçÇ çÆ s içç@cçò l ³çd DçkçÀçÇ vçççÆ J ç“~ Real saints are those, who can turn copper into gold by water.
s1tsan dapa:n pan1da:vi, “s@:ri: chi g@:m1t’ aki: na:vi”.
The needle tells a piece of thread, “We are all in the same boat.” (We are mçb l ççí M çò y³çççÆ u ç yççÆ J ç Dççvçb o HçÀuç~
fastened together.) To be in the same boat. santo:š1 b’a:li bavi a:nand phal.
A harvest of peace is produced from the seed of contentment. Contentment
mçò ] ® çò ç Æ v ç Hçç@J³çd Dç] ® çá v ç, n@m³çd yçjçÆ v ç vçí © vç~ is happiness.
s1ts1ni p@:v’ atsun h@s’ barni ne:run.
Entering by the eye of a needle, and coming out by the elephant’s stable mçHçÀj sá kçÀçHçÀj~
door. Humble at first and proud later. saphar chu ka:phar.
The journey (or travel) is like an infidel. A journey is always hard and trouble-
mçB ç Æ o çÆ p ç çÆ o Jççvç ] p çç@u³çd lçò ¿çb o ò J ³çb o ] ® çuççvç vççÇ ç Æ j Lç~ some.
s@ndiji diva:n z@:l’ t1 hend1vend1 tsala:n ni:rith.
Saving mustard seeds in hand, and a watermelon escapes. mçyçò j sá ³ ç mJçvçò mçá b o ìÓ j ~
A great loss a miser may undergo.A penny wise and pound foolish. sab1r chuy sOn1 sund tu:r
Patience is like a dish of gold. One who patiently bears hardships is like a
mç@nuç ®ççÇ ] p çmç H³çþ pçnçuç~ bowl of gold.
s@hal ci:zas peth jaha:l.
To be angry on a small thing. mçcçLç iç@çÆ ³ ç ¿çcçLç~
samath g@yi hemath.
mçç@jçÇ v³çç³ç çÆ s mç@nuç, uçç@v³çd v³çç³ç sá cçnçuç~ The unity (among people) is courage. The unity is strength.
s@:ri: n’a:y chi s@hal, l@:n’ n’a:y chu maha:l.
All disputes are easier in comparison to the dispute of one’s fate. mçcçb o j sá mççô v ç, uççuç pçJçç@çÆ n j çÆ s mç J³çHççvç~
samandar chu son, la:l jav@:hir chis vepa:n.
mçç@uççyç sá Dççô v ç~ The sea is deep, therefore, diamonds and pearls are contained in it. One
s@:la:b chu on. must not be shallow minded person. One who has depth (of thought etc.) is
The flood is blind. precious.

mçlçò l ³çd mçò b ] p ç ¿ç[j ³çì~ mçcçb o jmç cçb ] p ç ³ççÇ j ò iç@çÆ æ s Lç iççmçò lçá u ³çvç LçHçÀ kçÀjò v ³çd ~
sat1t’ s1nz hedar y@t. samandaras manz yi:r1 gatshith ga:s1 tul’an thaph kar1n’.
The hoops’ basket full of mushrooms. The accumulation of wealth as a To catch the pieces of straw, while having fallen into the sea. To seek help
result of hard work. from any kind of source while in distress.
A drowning man catches at a straw.
mçLç yçá L ³çd ®çb o mç cçb ] p ç~
sath buth’ candas manz.
mçjçHçÀ içB ] p çjçvç Ðççj, lçò DçlçjçHçÀ jçJçò j çJççvç Ün~
To have seven faces in one’s pocket. One who is not consistent, and changes sara:ph g@nzra:n d’a:r, t1 atra:ph ra:v1ra:va:n doh.
a lot. Deceptive appearance. The banker or money lender counts his money, and the idle man wastes his
day (in watching him). One works and another just watches him.

mçjmç mçjHççí M ç~ mçççÆ n yç sá kçÀçÆ v ç lçuçò çÆ k çÀmç kçÀô ç Æ c çmç lçò ¬çÀó u çmç jçÇ ç Æ ] p çKç Jççlçò v ççJççvç~
saras sarpo:š. sa:hib chu kanital1kis kemis t1 kr1:las ri:zikh va:t1na:va:n.
A basket cover for a pond. More demand than available resources. God provides food even for the worms and insects living under the stone.

mç©HçÀ sá HçkçÀçvç nçô u ç nçô u ç, JçççÆ p ç lçuç Jçç@çÆ l çLç m³ççô o ~ mçççÆ n yç sá yçKMçvçnçj~
saruph chu paka:n hol hol, v@:j tal v@:tith s’od. sa:hib chu bakšanha:r.
The snake moves in a zigzag motion, but it gets straight on reaching its hole. God forgives.
A person who behaves indifferently out of doors in dealing with people, but
is very careful in doing his work at his own place. A selfish or careful çÆ m çj iççJç HçÀçMç, kçÀçÆ L ç êçJç JççMç~
person. sir gav pha:š, kathi dra:v va:š.
The secret is revealed, and the (complex) matter is straightened (resolved).
mçHç& ò mçò b ] p çò mçLç ] p ³çJçò ~ To find solution to a problem with the revelation of a secret.
sarp1 s1nz1 sath zev1.
Seven tongues of a snake. A person who says different things at the same mççÇ j ò mççvç HççÇ j ò cçnjç] p çò DççJç~
time. A deceitful person. si:r1 sa:n pi:r1 mahra:z1 a.v.
A bridegroom of pirs (saints) came gracefully and secretly. Knowledgeable
mççHçÀò KJçlçò mççHçÀ kçw ³ çç? [îçkçÀò ~ people do not believe in pomp and show.
] p çç@çÆ J ççÆ u ç KJçlçò ] p çç@J³çá u ç kçw ³ çç? yçuçç³ç~
sa:ph1 khOt1 sa:ph k’a: ? dek1. mçô ç Æ k çÀ lççÇ u ç, lçò J³çLçò j çÆ v ç mççyçvç~
z@:vili khOt1 z@:v’ul k’a:? bala:y. seki ti:l, t1 veth1rani sa:ban.
What is cleaner than the clean? The forehead/fortune. Oil to the sand, and soap to the grass-sack. Waste of labour. Futile efforts.
What is finer than the fine? Misfortune.
mçô ç Æ ] p ç Dççô b i ççÆ p ç sá v çò i³çJç Kçmççvç~
mçjç [îçÓ b þ á c ç mçjç [îçÓ b þ á c ç, mçjvç KJçlçò çÆ l ç yççô [ , lçí u ç HçÀçô u ç Jççl³çmç vçò Dççô [ ~ sezi õgji chun1 g’av khasa:n.
sara: d’u:thum, sara: d’u:thum, sarav khOt1 ti bod, te:l phol va:tes n1 od. The ghee (clarified butter) cannot be taken out (of a pot) with a straight
I saw a pool, larger than other pools, but it would not contain half of the finger. Certain things cannot be achieved unless force is used. Crookedness
sesame seed. A fat man with no brain. (A riddle. The answer of which is a also pays sometimes.
nipple or an udder).
mçí j içJç mççÇ j oçvç, Dç[mçí j içJç içá ] p çjçvç, HççJç çÆ s HççJççvç~
mççmçvç [çmç lçò JçLç©vç vçò Jçiçá J ç~ se:r gav si:rdan, adse:r gav guzra:n, pa:v chi pa:va:n.
sa:san da:s t1 vathrun n1 vaguv. One ser (about a kilogram) is enough, half a ser is sufficient for a person’s
To spend thousands (on useless things), and not to have even a straw mat subsistence, but a quarter of a ser throws a person down.
to spread. A spendthrift does not plan his expenditure. One who doesn’t get minimum necessities prostrates easily.

mççmçvç mJçvç çÆ H çìçjmç, ] ® ççB ç Æ i çmç vçò lççÇ u ç jçlçmç~ mçá o çcçá v ç mççô l ç HçÀçô u ç~
sa:san sOn pita:ras, ts@~:gis n1 ti:l ra:tas. suda:mun sot phol.
Gold worth thousands of rupees stored in chiffonier (at home), and no oil in Sudhama’s handful of ground rice. A little from a poor is as good as thou-
the lamp for the night. A rich miser, who doesn’t spend money even on bare sands from a rich person.

mçá y çnò ® ç cççnjô v ³çd , çÆ o içjò ® ç uççí m çò , lççí ç Æ l ç iççí m ç iççí m çò , ] ® ççÇ ³ ç& H³çç³çmç~ mççí H çÓ ³ ç& cçç] p çjLç~
sub1h1c ma:hren’, digr1c lo:s; to:ti go:s go:s1, tsi:r’ p’a:yas. so:pu:r’ ma:zrath.
A bride of the morning becomes a mother in the afternoon. Still she has Hospitality of a person who belongs to Sopore. (It is believed that a person
complains that she has given birth to a child very late. To be very impatient belonging to Sopore is not a good host. He extends invitation outwardly
in getting the result of the efforts made. and does not prove to be a good host.) Inhospitality.

mçá J çá v ç lçò i³çJçá v ç lççÆ i ç ÒçLç kçÀçB ç Æ m ç, cçiçj mçá J çá v ç sá mçá J çò v çá ³ ç, lçò i³çJçá v ç sá mççí j ò mçò b ç Æ ] p ç JJççÆ [ cççí j ò mçá b o lççpç~
i³çJçò v çá ³ ç~ so:r1 s1nzi vOdi mo:r1 sund ta:j.
suvun t1 gevun tagi prath k@:si, magar suvun chu suv1nuy, t1 gevun chu A peacock’s crown on a pig’s head. An improper appearance or an uneven
gev1nuy. companionship.
Everybody can sew and sing, but sewing and and singing are the arts in
which everyone cannot be perfect. One must make a right choice in select- mççí j ò jiç cçí ç Æ u ç lçò Jççí j ò jiç cçí ç Æ u ç vçò ~
ing a tailor and a singer. so:r1 rag me:li t1 vo:r1 rag me:li n1.
There may be a vein of affection in a pig, but not in a step-child. (There may
mçÓ j cç@çÆ u çLç ] ® çÓ j ò pçcççLç~ be an identity in the veins of pigs but not in that of a step child.) There
su:r m@lith tsu:r1 jama:th. cannot be an affection for a step-child.
A gang of thieves in the garb of saints (who rub ashes over their body). A
fake saint. A quack. mççí j á ³ ç sá oÓ j , lçò cç©vç sá vç@] p çoçÇ K ç~
so:ruy chu du:r, t1 marun chu nazdi:kh.
mçÓ j ò HçÀçÆ u ç yçuçç³ç oÓ j ~ All things are far off, but death is at hand.
su:r1 phali bala:y du:r.
The misfortune goes away by a speck of ashes. mççí © ³ç sá cç@u³çd , kçÀLç sô cçá H çá À lç~
An ordinary medicine may cure a severe disease. so:ruy chu m@l’, kath cha muphuth.
Everything is at a price, except the talk. It is easy to talk as it does not cost
mçÓ j ò yççÆ v ç Jççô L ç vçò kçÀçJç~ anything, everything else has a price.
su:r1 bani voth n1 ka:v.
Even a crow didn’t rise from the heap of ashes. When no one bothers at all. mççW l çò mçá ç Æ u ç lçò njoò yç´ ç W n ~
sõ:t1 suli t1 hard1 brõ:h.
m³ççô o mççoò sá cççnjç] p çò ~ Before spring, and earlier to autumn.(To sow seeds before spring and reap
s’od sa:d1 chu ma:hra:z1. before the harvest.) Not to follow an appropriate time.
A plain and simple person is (like) a bridegroom/prince. Simplicity has its
own value. mJçkçÀçj kçw J çkçÀçj Hççvçmç yçkçÀçj~
sOka:r kOka:r pa:nas baka:r.
mççô ç Æ c çmç mççô c ç v³ççcçLç, yçô m ççô c ç kçÀ³ççcçLç~ One is paid for one’s good or bad deeds. Do unto others as you would like
somis som n’a:math, besom kaya:math. others to do for you.
The association among equals is good and the associaton among unequals
is a misery/curse. ’mJç] ® çuç kç@Àc³çd j@v³çd “ ? ’DççÆ c ç ®çççÆ v ç ÒçççÆ v ç“~
’cç@oò j sô içç@cçò ] ® ç“~ ’DççÆ c ç KçuççÆ v ç c³çççÆ v ç“~
“sOtsal k@m’ r@n’? “ami ca:ni pra:ni”.

“m@d1r cha g@:m1ts”. “ami khalni m’a:ni.” dead. A decisive fight.

“Who has cooked the vegetable?” “Your old wife.”
“It tastes sweet (or good).” “Because I stirred it.” mçÏ ç ô i ç sá êçô i ç lçò êçô i ç sá mçÏ ç ô i ç~
To thrust blame on others, and take credit for good things. srog chu drog t1 droguy chu srog
The cheap items become expensive, and the expensive ones become cheap.
mJç] p çvç yççí ç Æ ] p ç FMççjò mçó ç Æ l ç³ç, kçw J ç] p çvç yççí ç Æ ] p ç ocçççÆ u ç mçó ç Æ l ç³ç~ The cheap things do not last for long, whereas expensive ones do.
sOzan bo:zi iša:r1 s1:tiy, kOzan bo:zi dama:1i s1:tiy.
A hint to a wise person, and shouting for a stupid is necessary. A word to n h
n@kçÀçÇ c çmç lçò nç@çÆ k çÀcçmç çÆ v ççÆ M ç jslçcç KJçoç³ççí ~
mJçvçò mçò b ] p ç ÞççKç, vç Jççj LçJçvçmç lçò vç Jççj $ççJçvçmç~ h@ki:mas t1 h@:kimas niši rachtam khOda:yo:.
sOn1 s1nz šra:kh, na va:r thavnas t1 na va:r tra:vnas. O God, save me from the doctor and the ruler/officer.
A golden dagger can neither be kept, nor be thrown away.
n@çÆ ì mç KçMç lçò »b i ççÆ v ç cççÇ þ îç~
mJçvçmç iç@³çcç mçlç& u ç, kçÀvçmç smç vçò yçlçò uçoçvç~ h@ tis khaš t1 hOngni mi:th’.
sOnas g@yam sartal, kanas chas n1 bat1 lada:n. Cutting the throat and kissing the chin. A traitor. A hidden enemy.
My gold has become brass. I do not stuff my ears with food. I have under-
gone a loss. I am not a stupid that I don’t understand it. The position has n@çÆ ì mç ] ® çò ç Æ v ç jò K ç kç@ÀçÆ j Lç vçí © vç~
changed, and I am aware about it. h@tis ts1ni r1kh k@rith ne:run.
To set off after encircling the throat with a charcoal line.
mJçvçmç cJçuç kçÀvçmç lçuç~ To take a great risk.
sOnas mOl kanas tal.
The gold (an ornament made of gold) is precious when it is worn in the ear. n@j Hçá À çÆ ì cçiçj i³ç@[ vçò ~
h@r phuti magar g’@d n1.
mJçvçá j vç³ç mJçvçò ] ® çÓ j kçÀçÆ j , lçò kçÀç@] ® ç içæ s d ³ çmç~ One log of wood can easily break, but not the bundle of logs put together.
sOnur nay sOn1 tsu:r kari, t1 k@:ts gatshes. (A single piece can break easily but not. a bundle of pieces put together.)
If a goldsmith does not steal gold (i.e. mix some other metal with gold), he Unity is strength.
would die from inside (or run a great loss). A goldsmith is not considered
honest in his deal. n@çÆ u çmç kç@ÀçÆ u çmç KJçoç jç@] p ³çd ~
h@lis k@lis khOda: r@:z’..
mJçjvç³ç içæ ç Æ s JçççÆ ³ çv³çd , iç@u³çd içæ s vç vçò Kççjò v ³çd ~ The simple minded persons are liked by God (if not by people). Simplicity is
sOrnay gatshi va:yin’ g@l’ gatshan n1 kha:r1n’. a blessing.
One should play on a flute, but one’s cheeks need not be blown out. Do
good, but do not show off. n@m³çd ojí ç Æ ³ ç vçò JççJçmç, lçò yçá ç Æ p ç kç@À[ kçÀHçmç~
h@s’ dare:yi n1 va:vas, t1 buji k@d kapas.
mçÏ b [ ò mçÏ b [ ò ] ® çá J ççvç nj, ³ççô l ççv³çd vçò DçKç sá cçjçvç, lççô l ççv³çd çÆ s vçò HçLç jçí ] p ççvç~ The elephants couldn’t stand the storm, but the old wornan gathered cot-
srand1 srand1 tsuva:n har, yota:n’ n1 akh chu mara:n, tota:n’ chin1 path ton from the plants. A poor or weak person can sometimes accomplish a
ro:za:n. task, which a rich or brave person fails to do.
If two bulls quarrel among themselves, the fight continues till one of them is

n@m³çd ³ç@[ iççmçò i³ç@[~ nçB ] p çmç ³çô ç Æ u ç sá o@³çç& J çmç Dçb o j JççJç çÆ ³ çJççvç, HçLç vçcçò sá yç´ ç ô b n vçcç kçÀjçvç lçò
h@s’ y@d ga:s1 g’@d. yç´ ç ô b n vçcçò sá HçLç vçcç kçÀjçvç~
A bundle of grass for an elephant’s stomach. Not adequate food for one h@~:zas yeli chu d@rya:vas andar va:v yiva:n, path nam1 chu brõh nam
who is very hungry or a glutton kara:n, t1 brõh nam1 chu path nam kara:n.
When the boatmam is caught in a storm, he rushes from the for-part to the
nç@çÆ ] p çjmç yççí i ç, vçç@çÆ ] p çjmç ®ççí y ç~ hinder-part of the boat, and from the hinder-part to the for-part. A man in
h@:ziras bo:g, n@:ziras co:b. trouble is confused, and does not know what to do.
The share of food to one who is present but a beating for the cook.
nyçò M ççn ìd J çv³çd , lçô ç Æ u ç vçò JJçv³çd ~
nç@uç içæ s ò v ³çd sô Hçç@uç içæ s ò v ³çd ~ hab1ša:h tOn’, teli n1 vOn’.
h@:l gatsh1n’ cha p@:l gatsh1n’. O Habba Shah, (you have) a cyst. It was then (long back) and not now (the
To form habits is to invite pain. Habit formation is like pus formation. appropriate time for removing it). Not proper time to remove physical defor-
nç@j K³çJççvç içò m ç cçiçj kçÀç@j Lç@] p ç kç@ÀçÆ j Lç~
h@:r kheva:n g1s, magar k@:r th@z k@rith. nKç vçò HççLççvç, lçò ³çvççcçò ~
The starling eats shit but keeping its neck upright (in style). hakh n1 pa:tha:n, t1 yena:m1.
A person who shows off even in great distress. One doesn’t get one’s due, and (not to speak of) a reward. Where rights are
nçB ] p çJç nô s ] p ççuç lçò içç[Jç nô ç Æ s JJçìò ~
h@:zav hech za:1 t1 ga:dav hechi vOt1. nçÆ ® ççÆ J çmç içá ç Æ j mç ] p ççÆ ® çJç ] p ççÇ v ç~ lçmç kçá À mç KççÆ m ç? cç@nçÇ o çÇ v ç~
The fishermen. learnt to use the net (for catching fish), and the fish learnt hacivis guris zacuv zi:n, tas kus khasi? m@hi:di:n.
how to jump out (of them). A saddle of rags on a wooden horse. Who will mount it? Mohi-ul-Din. Only
a fool can do foolish things.
nçB þ iç@çÆ ³ ç yçjmç iççB ì çÆ o Lç~
h@~:th g@yi baras g@~:t dith. nçÆ p ç kçÀçÆ p ç [îçkçÀò yççÆ p ç~
The barren woman bolted her door and left. One who does not leave a heir haji kaji dek1 baji.
to look after the property. The simple minded women are fortunate (they get all the comforts).

nçB ç Æ þ ] p çç³ççí J ç iççô y çá j , çÆ M çlçuçò yçá ç Æ p ç oçí © mç Dçç@mç~ nìîçá k çÀ Jçb o ³ç jLç, vççÆ ì ®ç çÆ o cç³ç vçò $çí M ç~
h@~:thi za:yo:v gobur, šit1l’ buji do:rus @:s. ha tuk vanday rath, natic dimay n1 tre:š.
A barren woman had a son, and the (goddess of) small pox opened its I will offer the blood of my throat to you, (but) will not give you the water
mouth. To lose the only precious thing. from my pitcher (to drink). A lip service.

nçB ] p çmç iJçyçí ç Æ ³ ç uJççÆ u ç, çÆ o ] ® çò v ç oç@çÆ j Lç kçw J ççÆ u ç~ nlçmç kçÀLçmç kçá À vççÇ kçÀLç~
h@~:zas gObe:yi 1Oli, dits1n d@:rith kO1i. hatas kathas kuni: kath.
The boatman felt the weight (of his daughter) in his lap, and threw her into One word for hundred words. To give a brief and firm decision after hearing
the river. To marry off one’s daughter at a very young age. To get rid of the a lot.
burden in a very simple way.

nçÆ ì KçMç lçò »b i ççÆ v ç cççÇ þ îç~ njçcçá k çÀ cççuç njçcççÆ ® ç JççÆ l ç~
hati khaš t1 hO~gni mi:th’. hara:muk ma:l hara:mci vati.
To cut someone’s throat and kiss his/her chin. III begotten wealth is wasted.
To show affection outwardly and to harm when an opportunity arises.
no& ò içá © mç cçô $ çmç, lçò mççW l çò içá © mç Mçô $ çmç~
nb i çò vçò lçò jb i çò vçò , ] p çb i çò ] p çí ç Æ s nçÆ M ç³çí , hard1 gurus metras, t1 sõ:t1 gurus šetras.
oçí o vçò oiç vçò , kçÀJçò çÆ ³ ç³çcç Dççô ç Æ M ç³çí ~ Give buttermilk in autumn to a friend, and that of spring to the enemy. The
hang1 n1 t1 rang1 n1, zang1 ze:chi hašiye:, buttermilk is good for health during autumn and not during spring.
do:d n1 dag n1, kav1 yiyem ošiye:.
O lmy long legged mother-in-law, I’m independent of you. There is neither njHçÀmç içJççn lçò cçô b ç Æ [ mç Mç@jçÇ K ç~
pain nor agony to me, why should I cry? harphas gava:h, me~dis š@ri:kh.
One who doesn’t have any regard for an elder person. Witness to every word, and partner to every morsel of food. To be very
close to friends or partners. To watch somebody constantly.
nvç nvç iç@çÆ p ç³ççí , Hçvçò v ³çd nçvç vç ] ® ç@çÆ p ç³ççí ~
han han g@jiyo:, pan1n’ ha:n na ts@jiyo:. nuçnçuçmç çÆ n mççyç lçò njçcçmç Dç] p ççyç~
Though one has reduced to nothing, but the habits have not changed at all. hal1ha:las hisa:b t1 hara:mas aza:b.
An adamant person. An account for things which are lawful, and punishment for things illegal/
ncççcç kçÀçÆ j jç] p çò lçò lççJ³çmç iç@jçÇ y ç~
yçá K çç@³ç& kçÀçÆ j iç@jçÇ y ç lçò lççJ³çmç jç] p çò ~ nçÆ u ç içb [ ò v ³çd uçç³çKç ] p ³çJç Dççmçò v ³ç~
hama:m kari ra:z1, t1 ta:ves g@ri:b. hali gand1n’ la:yakh zev a:s1n’.
bukh@:r’ kari g@ri:b, t1 ta:ves ra:z1. To have long tongue which can be tied around waist.
A rich man will build a hama:m (a kind of hot bath), and a poor man will make To be very talkative and cunning person. Gift of gab.
it hot. A poor man will build a fireplace, and a rich man will light it.
nu³çvç yççvçvç Jçá k çÀò ³ ç& þçvçò , çÆ n J³çvç çÆ n çÆ J ç³ç mçcçKççvç~
ncçmçççÆ ³ ç Jçb o ò ³ ççí içjçí ~ halen ba:nan vuk1r’ tha:n, hiven hiviy samkha:n.
hamsa:yi vand1yo: garo:. Twisted (or dented) covers for twisted (or dented) vessels.
I would sacrifice my neighbour for my home. One may do anything in keep- Like minded persons meet the like minded ones. Likes cross each other’s
ing one’s house. path.

nj kçÀj nj kçÀj, nçÆ j çÆ J ççÆ ] p ç mJçj kçÀj~ njçcçá k çÀ cççuç njçcççÆ ® ç JççÆ l ç, vç Kçô ç Æ ³ ç Hççvçmç lçò vç çÆ o çÆ ³ ç kçÀçB ç Æ m ç~
har kar, har kar , hari vizi sOr kar. hara:muk ma:l hara:mci vati, na kheyi pa:nas t1 na diyi k@:si.
One should remain in his wits at the time of quarreling with someone. Don’t Ill gotten wealth is wasted. The one who gets it neither uses it himself nor
lose your wits at the time of a quarrel. gives it to anyone. Ill got ill spent.

njçcçmç Dççjçcç kçÀçÆ l ç? njkçÀLç kçÀj lçò yçjkçÀLç kçÀçÆ j ³ç~

hara:mas a:ra:m kati? harkath kar t1 barkath kariy.
Ill begotten wealth doesn’t provide any comfort. Be up and doing, and God will help you.

nJçç@çÆ u ç³çLç n³ç DçççÆ m ç, Jçvçò k çw ³ çd nçHçLç çÆ l ç oçjvç~ What is the need to give a name to a multicoloured cow (which already has
nJçç@çÆ u ç³çLç vç³ç DçççÆ m ç, içjò k çw ³ çd yçç@] ® ç çÆ l ç jçJçvç~ one)?
hav@:liyath hay a:si van1k’ ha:path ti da:ran.
hav@:liyath nay a:si, gar1k’ b@:ts ti ra:van. nççÆ j ìb i ç lçò ] p çò u çvç³ç, cççô n çÆ j ] ® çÓ b þ lçò ] p çò ç Æ u çLç~
If you are fortunate, even the bears of the forest will help you. If you are not ha:ri tang t1 z1lnay, mohri tsu:th t1 z1lith.
fortunate, even the members of your own family run away from you. If the pear costs only a penny, it should not be peeled before eating, but if
the apple costs a gold coin, it should be peeled before eating.
nMç çÆ l ç Lç@] p çò ³ ç, vJçMç çÆ l ç Lç@] p çò ³ ç; oí i ç o@] p çò ³ ç JçççÆ u ç kçá À mç~
haš ti th@z1y, nOš ti th@z1y; deg d@z1y va:li kus? nççÆ j mççí o ç lçò yçç] p çjmç Kçuçyç@u³çd ~
The mother-in-law is great so is the daughter-in-law. The pot burns on the ha:ri so:da: t1 ba:zras khalb@l’.
fire-place, who will bring it down from it? One has only a penny to spend, but makes the whole market stir. A person
When no one takes the responsibility (of work). who creates noise for nothing.
Great cry little wool.
nMç iç@çÆ ³ ç lçò vJççÆ M ç kçÀçô j Dççjçcç~
haš g@yi t1 nOši kor a:ra:m. nççÆ j n³ç JçÓ b þ kçÀò v çá v ç DçççÆ m ç, lçò nçj vç³ç DçççÆ m ç lçò kç@ÀçÆ j çÆ ] p ç kçw ³ çç?
The mother-in-law died and the daughter-in-law relaxed. ha:ri hay vu:th k1nun a:si, t1 ha:r nay a:si t1 k@rizi k’a:?
If a camel is sold for a penny, and if you don’t have the penny, what can one
nçkçÀò ] ® çÓ j mç iççÆ u ç ®çHççLç~ do? Money makes the mare go.
ha:k1 tsu:ras gali capa:th.
A slap on the cheek of a thief of swedes. Wrong doings are punished. nçuçJç içuçvç vçç lçò oçv³çmç oçn kç@ÀçÆ j Lç~
ha:lav galan na: t1 da:nes da:h k@rith.
nçHçlçmç n³ç Dççí ì DçççÆ m çní , lçò mçá kçÀçÆ j ní vçç ] ® JççÆ ® ç~ The locusts will certainly die (or.go away) but after destroying the paddy.
ha:ptas hay o:t a:sihe:, t1 su karihe: na: tsOci.
If the bear had flour, he would also make loaves of bread. Availability of çÆ n mççyç nççÆ j lçò yçKçMççÇ M ç Kçç@jJççoò ~
resources is the condition for living comfortably. A. poor man with extrava- hisa:b ha:ri t1 bakhši:š kh@:rva:d1.
gant ideas. Account for a penny, but to give away money by quintals.
Penny wise and pound foolish.
nçHçLç ³ççjò p ç~
ha:path ya:r@z. nô HççB æ ® ç lçò çÆ o HççB æ ® ç yçjçyçj~
A bear’s friendship. A stupid friend who causes more harm than good. he pã:ts t1 di pã:ts bara:bar.
To take five or give five all the same for one. A person who can beat others
nçjò ® ç iJçiçò p ç lçò uççjò ® ç içá v çmç çÆ s yçjçyçj~ can also be beaten.
ha:r1c gOg1j t1 la:r1c gunas chi bara:bar.
A turnip of the month of Ashad (June-July), and a serpent (gunas refers to nô s á v ç sá Dççmççvç kçÀyççÆ j Jçmçvçmç lççcç~
a short thick round headed serpent which is poisonous) of Lar are alike. hechun chu a:sa:n kabri vasnas ta:m.
Turnips taste bitter during the month of Ashad. One has to learn till one enters one’s grave (i.e. till one is dead). Learning is
a life long process. Learning continues from birth to death.
nççÆ j içç@Jç lçò vççJçò ³ ç kçw ³ çç?
ha:ri g@:v t1 na:v1y k’a:?

¿ç[á v ç içí u çá v ç Hççvçmç cçí u çá v ç~ nÓ v ç Dçç@çÆ m çvç lçò kçÓ b À mç cçò Dçç@çÆ m çvç~
hedun ge:lun pa:nas me:lun. hu:n @:sin t1 ku:s m1 @:sin.
If one taunts or ridicules someone, he may also get taunts and ridicule (by May one be a dog, but not a younger one. The elders lord it over the
someone else). younger ones in a family.

¿çvçò Dççmç y³çvçò jçn, lçkçÀoçÇ j mç kçÀjò kçw ³ çç? nÓ v ç kçá À mç vçô ç Æ l ç lçò kçÓ À j kçá À mç cçB ç Æ i çLç çÆ v ççÆ ³ ç~
hen1 a:s ben1 ra:h, takdi:ras kar1 k’a:? hu:n kus neti t1 ku:r kus m@ngith niyi?
I am caught in a tangle, it is not my fault. What can I do against my fate? Who will spear a dog, and who will adopt a girl?
Leaving everything to fate when one is caught is a complex problem. No profitable proposition.

¿çb i ç Dçç³çcç vçò lçò Jçæ s jò ³ ç smç~ nÓ v ³çd çÆ v ççÆ ³ ç yççÆ m lç Kçuçò j ~
heng a:yam n1 t1 vatshr1y chas. hu:n’ niyi bast1 khal1r.
I do not have horns, so I am still a calf. To consider oneself younger than The dog took away the piece of fleece (while the men were quarreling over
one’s actual age. A stupid person at a mature age. it).

nô ç Æ c ç kçw ³ ççô c ç~ nÓ v ³çd cçç] p çmç Jççlçuç Jçç] p çò ~

hemi k’om. hu:n’ ma:zas va:tal va:z1.
Like an insect to the pod (so is sin to a man). Sin brings punishment with it. The cobblers are the cooks of dog’s flesh.
A lowly man for a lowly work.
nô ç Æ j Jç@æ s ò m ç DççÆ v çiççÆ ì , yçá L ç sçô u çá c ç yç@çÆ j Lç vççÆ ì ~ ³çLç içjmç çÆ ³ ç³ç JççÆ ì ~
heri v@tsh1s anigati, buth cholum b@rith nati. nÓ v ³çd uççô ì n³ç Lç@çÆ J ç] p ³çvç kçB À çÆ o uçmç Dçb o j, lççÆ l ç çÆ l ç vçí ç Æ j nÓ v ³çd uççô ì á ³ ç~
yath garas yiy vati. hu:n’ lot hay th@vizen k@ndi:las andar tati ti ne:ri hu:n’ lotuy.
I came down the stairs in dark, and washed my face from a pitcher filled with If a dog’s tail is set in a special kind of box, it will still remain a dog’s tail when
water. This is what suits this house. brought out.
Do at Rome as Romans do.
nÓ v ³çd Jçá M çkçÀò , ³çÓ ³ ç& vçò JçJççvç, lçÓ ³ ç& yçJççvç~
ná k çÀçÆ c ç nç@çÆ k çÀcç sá cçjçÆ i ç cçHçÀçpççLç~ hu:n’ v1šk1, yu:r’ n1 vava:n tu:r’ bava:n.
hukmi h@:kim chu margi mapha:ja:th. The dog-barley, it grows there where it is not sown.
The ruler’s and the doctor’s orders are like sudden death warrants (they Any complex problem from which it is difficult to come out. A person who
must be carried out quickly). doesn’t listen and does his own things.

ná v ³çd cç@MççÇ ç Æ o ná b o çÆ p çvç~ nÓ v ³çd Jççí j çvç lçò kçÀçjKççvçò HçkçÀçvç~

hun’m@ši:di hund jin. hu:n’ vo:ra:n t1 ka:rkha:n1 paka:n.
The ghost of the deserted mosque. A lonely fellow in the house. The dogs bark but the workshops go on. The (good) work must continue,
no matter what people say.
ná b o á j K³çKç vçò lçò Jçá ç Æ M ççÆ v çmç ÒççjKç vçò ~
hundur khekh n1 t1 vušinis pra:rakh n1. nÓ v ³çd mçá b o ¿çá n mçyçò j ~
You will not eat cold/stale food and will not wait for the hot food (till it is hu:n’ sund h’uh sab1r.
cooked). A false excuse for not giving someone food to eat. Patience like that of a dog. (A dog is considered to be very patient).

nÓ v ³çd nÓ v ³çd nj kçÀjçvç, lçò Mççuçò mçò b ç Æ ] p ç ìÓ b ç Æ i ç çÆ J ççÆ ] p ç kçá À vççÇ ~ nçô u ç içB ç Æ [ Lç nj kçÀjò v ³çd ~
hu:n’ hu:n’ har kara:n, t1 ša:l1 s1nzi tungi vizi kuni: hol g@~dith har kar1n’.
Dogs fight among themselves, but at the cry of a jackal, they stand united. To tighten one’s belt and fight.
Enemies unite against a common foe.
nçô u ç kçw ³ çç kçÀçÆ j mçô ç Æ o mç?
nÓ ç Æ v çmç DççÆ L ç Dççí ì cççb [ ò v ççJçá v ç~ hol k’a: kari sedis?
hu:nis athi o:t  mã:d 1na:vun. What shall a crooked person do to a straight person?
To get flour kneaded by a dog. Mismanagement. A simple and straight forward person wins ultimately.

nÓ ç Æ v çmç ®ççí y ç çÆ o vçò vçí ç Æ j içò m çò ³ ç ³ççí l ç~ nçô ì Jçá s ò v ç³ç KçMç kçÀ©vç~
hu:nis co:b din1 ne:ri g1s1y yo:t. hot vuch1nay khaš karun.
By hitting a dog, only its shit will come out. No use to hit someone from To slash someone’s throat without looking at the proper spot. To be
whom nothing can be achieved. very cruel.

nÓ ç Æ v çmç cJçKlçò nçj~ ¿ççô l ç kç@Àc³çd lçò Ðçá l ç kç@Àc³çd ?

hu:nis mOkht1 ha:r. h’ot k@m’ t1 d’ut k@m’?
A garland of pearls for a dog. Who took it, and who gave it ?
Where there is no evidence of borrowing or lending.
nÓ ç Æ v çmç H³çJç mç@yççÇ j ç vççJç, mçá ³ ç ] p çççÆ v ç ³çmç Jç@çÆ L çLç DççJç~
hu:nis p’av sabi:ra: na:v, suy za:ni yas v@thith a:v. ¿ççô v ç vçò Dççmçá v ç, Ðçá v ç vçò Dççmçá v ç~
The dog is called ‘patient’. But the person, who is bitten by it, knows (the h’on n1 a:sun, d’un n1 a:sun.
best) how patient it is. A good looking person may also cause harm. Decep- Neither to have to give nor to take. Having no concern at all.
tive appearances.
¿ççô j vç³ç çÆ H çuç³ç, ] p çb i ç³ç ] p çò u ç³ç~
nçô b [ cçç@çÆ j vç çÆ k çÀvçò kçÀþ, uççÆ u ç vçuçò J çþ ] ® ççÆ u ç vçò ] p ççb n ~ h’or nay pilay, zangay z1lay.
hond m@:rin kin1 kath, lali nal1vath tsali n1 zã:h. Even if I don’t reach your height, I will scratch your legs.
Whether they kill a big ram or a small one, it is all the same for Laleshwri. She To cause as much harm as one can.
has always a stone in her bowl of food. (It is believed that Laleshwri, a
famous saint poetess of the 14th century was always illtreated by her in- nçí J ç nçí J ç içJç v³ççí J ç v³ççí J ç~
laws. She was not given enough food to eat. Her mother-in-law would put a ho:v ho:v gav n’o:v n’o:v.
big stone in her bowl and would cover it with a little cooked rice. The bowl Exhibiting anything repeatedly, may result in losing it from one’s posses-
would appear full of food, actually she could not get full meals to eat.) sion.
Illtreatment to one in spite of prosperity.
»Lç æ s ò v ç yçuçç³ç, ³çLç æ s ò v ç ®ççW ® çç~
nçô u ç içB ç Æ [ Lç yçlçò ® ç vç] ® çò v ³çd ~ hOth tsh1n bala:y, yath tsh1n cõ:ca:.
hol g@~dith bat1c nats1n’. Leave that thing aside, put a ladle full in my pot.
The duck dances, tightening her girdle. A woman who is always ready to To be selfish and not to worry about others.

Professor Omkar N Koul was born at Bugam, Kashmir on January 7, 1941.

His educational qualifications are: M.A. (Hindi), M.A. (Linguistics), Ph.D.,
and Certificate in Administration of In-service Teacher Education. He has
studied at the University of Jammu and Kashmir, Srinagar (1961-3); K.M.
Insritute of Hindi Studies and Linguistics, Agra University (1964-8); the
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA (1969-71), and the Interna-
tional Training Institute, Sydney, Australia (1979). His areas of interest are:
Linguistics, Language Education, Communication Management, and Com-
parative Literature.
He is Chairman, Indian Institute of Language Studies (2001-), and
has held the following positions in Government of India earlier: Director,
Central Institute of Indian Languages, Mysore (1999-2000), Professor–cum-
Dy Director, Central Institute of Indian Languages, Mysore (1994-99), Pro-
fessor, LBS National Academy of Administration, Mussoorie (1987-1994),
and Principal, Northern Regional Language Centre (CIIL), Patiala (1971-1987).
He has authored and edited about 55 books and written about 175
research papers. Some of his books and papers are published abroad. His
books related to Kashmiri are: Linguistic Studies of Kashmiri (1977),
Kashmiri: A Sociolinguistic Survey (co-author 1983), Aspects of Kashmiri
Linguistics (co-editor1984), An Intensive Course in Kashmiri (1985), Spo-
ken Kashmiri:A Language Course (1987), An Intermediate Course in
Kashmiri (1994), Kashmiri: A Cognitive-Descriptive Grammar (co-author
1997), Kashmiri Language, Linguistics and Culture: An Annotated Bibli-
ography (2000), Topics in Kashmiri Linguistics (co-editor 2002), Studies in
Kashmiri (2005) Modern Kashmiri Grammar (co-author 2005), Kashmiri: A
Study in Comparative Indo-Aryan (co-author forthcoming), etc.

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