Week 3 Lecture SOS-301

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Moral Foundation of Education

Week 3 Date: 2-04-2020

Logical Reasoning of Wisdom:

Why we get Education?
Why morality is important?

Basic Purpose of education is not to have a degree. Fundamental and real purpose is

 To explore oneself
 To explore creator
 To understand society
 To understand universe

Exploring oneself means to understand structure, formation and functioning of your body. Latest
scientific research has reported more than 36 trillion cells in human body. Story of human body
is quite interesting, including organs, bones muscles etc. Structural length of your DNA can
cover the distance of going to Neptune and coming back to Earth. This is only for a single human
being. Similarly there are 1000 billion cells in neurons. So there is a lot of interesting things in
human body. If you just study the eye of a single human, you will see that there is volley of
pixels available in market. 10 MP camera is quite considered as a very good, but it is nothing in
front of human eye. As human eye pixels goes up to 1000 MP. This is the beauty of your eye. So
as you go on thinking about your body parts, cells and DNA’s so on, you may explore a lot of

Purpose of education of all subjects is to explore oneself. So if I do not explore myself,

how can I understand the fundamental of my subject field? I need to explore myself to
understand the application of subject. This exploration is based on keen observation. If you are
doctor, you need to understand organ of your body. If you are an economist, you need to study
market structure. All discipline passes through these 4 things. These 4 things are also
complementing each other. Exploring oneself means making status in a Society. How much you
are different from Others’, so you need to be convinced that you are unique and your uniqueness
has been explained in different ways. Even the best speaker when talks to the audience, talks
about his /her unique attributes, so all of you are unique in all aspects. As a human you can
distinguish yourself from the Creation. You need to think! What can you do or cannot do? What
is your status in Society? What is your relationship to the Creator? Does your presence in the
whole universe matter? If you take a big picture of Universe and put yourself what will be your
status? Obviously negligible! Apparently it seems that your presence in the Universe is
negligible and do remember that this Universe in expanding. On the other hand as weight and

volume are concerned, they’re very high and within yourself you are unique having Soul, Brain
and Heart that is your distinction among all Creations.

You also need to make your relationship with society. So all sciences, diplomatic
relationships revolve around society and need to be understand. One who has not explored
himself cannot explore society and creator as well. So one need to explore himself in many ways.
On avenge you live for 70-80 years in the earth. Is this blessed life only for eating and drinking
and fun or there is purpose to live? Everyone has to go one day. It is universal truth that push us
to think and explore. Observation and thinking is liked by the Creator. You can only understand
your respective field after exploring yourself. All science revolve around exploring yourself.
Once you will explore yourself, then you will explore the Creator and there are also other ways
to help you to understand and explore. For example, all of you have certain qualities.

Similarly the creator has also qualities but His all qualities are infinite,

e. g (∞∞ ) = ALLAH;

The Creator = ∞∞

Human being = 1∞, 2∞……..Unique in any one with unlimited potential, However it’s also a
composite of unique characteristics, I have already mentioned above and Ultimately it becomes
CROWN OF CREATION. This tells us the supreme power, obviously the creator! Whose
masterpiece is this ‘Human being’?

Now very importantly, question arises here, i-e

How can you enjoy power given by Creator?
It is possible without doing anything and without exploring oneself? Certainly, No.
So it mean, you have to use the power given by him, consequently you will explore Him, taking
start from yourself by activating your faculties of observation and thinking.
The other question is?
What is the residence of Creator?
‘Heart’ is the resident of Allah. He will show His presence in your Heart.
It your Heart is full of hatred and negativity, would He show us His presence there?
So it all depend on the Hearts spiritual filtration.
These things will convince you to think and explore.
Society where we live, all human beings are different. Yes in terms of uniqueness, everyone is
important. So when you will consider all this divine structure, you would be a good Engineer,
Scientist or Businessman etc.

Any businessman who understands society, gets higher profit and tip to maximize profit is to
value customers, and respect them. Quality of service is more important than quantity and only a
businessman who understands society, can only do it well. Only those doctors, engineers, or
businessmen, are really successful who understand it. This needs to be understand well.

In every field where you are, you can create knowledge as you know that fundamental
goal is to think innovatively and Create Knowledge. If society is not developed, no political
system can be established. So the first order or necessary condition is to explore yourself. It
means you have started knowing the fundamentals of getting education and purpose of your life.
This way you will create a knowledge that will be truly added up into an intellectual stream and
would never ever be wasted. When I will start thinking and exploring, I would be able to enjoy
the beauty of Universe that very a few would have experienced. Without exploring yourself, you
are a burden on the Society. All you know Wright brothers explored Universe with their keen
observation and invented aero plane. Education system cannot be developed and strengthened
ignoring this very important aspect. There is purpose of Education. Those who have not started
self-exploration, are having odds inside and live with jealousy , hatred and criticizing others and
same kind of different ordinary things and practices that no longer benefit them. They will spend
their lives thinking that problem exists outside not inside me. Scientific and intellectual progress
cannot be achieved, if your path is not clear that you attain by exploring and thinking
innovatively. Those who only give priority to grades and do not acquire wisdom, are deviated
from the education. So as an individual and as a nation, if you want to be distinct, this is the only
way. Even for a ‘Moral Foundation Educationist’, self-exploration is very important. As an
individual and Nation, you need to stop traditional cramming based education style. Your worthy
knowledge is important rather than a mere degree or hollow grades. This process need to be
followed by individual and collective (National) success. Traditionally, Learners of all sciences
starts coming to University for degrees and jobs after that. This is wrong fundamental, when real
purpose is given priority, your complementary subjects and whole life would depict your unique
and wisdom based contribution in your subject area and dealing contemporary world challenges.
Having this unique attribute, a greater value will be added to your personality, without this key
attribute, your 4/4 GPA is useless. This unique idea will never work if you are fearful and

Logical Reasoning of Wisdom:

Sources of Knowledge
1) Primary Sources of Knowledge:
 Revealed Knowledge/Divine wisdom
 Demonstrated Knowledge
2) Secondary Sources of Knowledge:
 Consensus building
 Thinking /Observation

Primary Sources of Knowledge:

This has been primary source of knowledge since Adam. Why there was need of it?
Human being were not capable to understand each and everything. So there was need to give a
complete Charter and it always came in the form of revelation. Sometime it was written and
sometime unwritten. Some time it was given to Prophets directly and sometime by giving
knowledge to birds, these human beings were taught e.g burring in grave. Sometime this
knowledge was transferred directly and in other time indirectly. Point to think here is, that the
original source of knowledge in this world has always been in the form of revelation. You can
see in a Market, when a new product is being launched there is always given a brochure with it
for the details of that particular product. So for unique human being that particular brochure or
charter was revealed in the form of divine Holy books. Whatever knowledge you see in the
world, its origin came from ‘Revealed knowledge’. That revealed knowledge you can say was
‘Theory’. Its applied version was necessary and its application for a human being was required.
That is why applied knowledge came in the form of demonstration by the Prophets to their

Today when a foreign technology is imported, an expert comes with that to demonstrate, how to
operate it. Similarly a language of revealed knowledge couldn’t be understand directly and its
demonstration was needed. This demonstration was given by Prophets, some of them are clearly
mentioned Qur’an. Now, no more brochure is required as Quran is the final comprehensive book
of divine knowledge and is a complete code of life for all the times to come. Qur’an is the highly
rated book in reading, all over the world, not only by Muslims, but Non-Muslims too. In fact
non-Muslims study it deeper with high concentration to understand the meaning of text for
research and innovation. Some read full text while others study in portions. Most of the top
people in the world who explore themselves, study revealed knowledge (any of the Holy book).
And created success stories and their journey raises their quest and thirst for more knowledge.
Qur’an is running knowledge and complete code of life. Life is not only for a specific period of

time, but it continues beyond this temporal world of time and space. The physical and meta-
physical worlds are connected to it and it is eternal/endless.

Running knowledge gives different unique meaning in every time period and is fully backed by
the Divine Laws. It is said, we do not have complete knowledge of (‫) حروف مقطعات‬but there is a
personality in the History who started its interpretation after Isha prayer and it could not
completed till Fajar and that personality is Hazrat Ali R.A. Some events are told directly and
clearly in Qur’an otherwise clues are given. These clues are sufficient till the doomsday. So
Quran repeatedly says ‘Think and explore’. By doing so, divine wisdom can be achieved.

Secondary sources of knowledge:

Keeping in view the primary sources of knowledge, consensus building was made. It is to
meet current challenges. So the rationality comes from consensus building. In fact all the text
books you study are derived from consensus building. So it has been changed with the passage of
time and a new knowledge is being added up into the main stream of every filed/branch.
Theories of today might not be appropriate for tomorrow, even for the same time period may not
be best geographically. We are signatory of international organizations. It is basically a form of
consensus building. Analogy (‫اس‬T‫ )قی‬is to think of and explore yourself, creator, society and
universe. Consensus is collective while analogy is individual and they’re combined to form
secondary knowledge. Consensus building that is based on revealed and demonstrated
knowledge is only sustainable. Observation and thinking creates knowledge. So today for a large
set of population and their socio-economic needs, your individual thinking and observation are
required. All the inventions, solar energy etc came from a thinking process. Now a question
arise, is atom or any nuclear weapon clearly mentioned in the Qur’an or a formulae is given? No,
clues are given. When a thinking process stat working, Jet engines, E= me 2 , Newton’s and
Einstein’s laws (physics) are discovered. This all starts from self-exploration when you starts
thinking and Observing. Now you can clearly understand your internal body organs, cells and the
outer environment; Universe so far, and this is a result of your thinking exercise. Is it possible
to invent something or make a movie without thinking process? Your faith in this regard needs to
be developed on logical grounds. You would keenly observe the World’s happenings. Even a
secular person believes on some original knowledge/power and that is divine actually so a
secular person accept that divine power directly or indirectly indeed. Whatsoever they call that
power or creator, but are agree on it. So it all comes from a thinking process and observation.
This observation and thinking process gives you knowledge. Moulana Moududi started thinking
and gave (‫رآن‬TT‫ ) تفہیم الق‬a master piece. Every product is a result of thinking and observation
process. Revealed knowledge tells you to think and observe. Once it gets started, it never stops
then and is considered a prayer. It should only be performed in the direction of revealed
knowledge and not on the path of Satan. Anything good comes in your mind is from Allah and
knocks and mobilizes your analogy, it will give you positive results. If you will not do it now and
make superficial arrangements and just acquire apparent knowledge), it would destroy then. So
Good thoughts come from Allah while bad thoughts come from Satan. Thinkers can only be

OF KNOWLEDGE (topper in understanding and are well equipped to conquer the miseries of
world). They fly with the wings of intellect and moral strength that goes side by side. Moral
installation can only make their intellectual flight possible.

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