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Use of English > 30 minutes 8 Read the text in exercise 10 quickly and answer the following questions. 1 Does the waiter think space travel isa good idea? Why? / Why not? 2 What does he think about the cost connected with space shuttles? I it expensive or cheap to run them? 3 Which organisation in the USA is responsible forthe financing of space travel? 4 What does the writer suggest the organisation should do? 9 How many different words can you form from the following prompts? point (n) expense (n) science (n) maintain (v) < fly (v) C astronomy (n) difficult (adj) effect (n) What parts of speech (verb, noun, adjective, adverb, etc.) are the words that you have formed? (eee 15 mira 10 Read the following text about space travel. Fill in each gap 1-8 with a word formed from the prompts given in brackets. ‘Many people think that itis ‘___ (POINT) to send people into space. It is dangerous and also very’ (EXPENSE), and some would say that ifs not even (SCIENCE) useful. ‘The costs of the ‘____ (MAINTAIN) of the space shuttles which are used for manned *___ (ALY), and of the Intemational Space Station, are simply “__ (ASTRONOMY). [NASA ~ the National Aeronautics and Space Administration ~ consequently faces huge financial ’____ (DIFFICULT). Perhaps they should forget the manned programme and. ook for more" (EFFECT) missions. EXAM TIP. Understanding what the text is about wil help you ‘when you are trying to fill inthe gaps. Look for clues that help you decide what part of speech the missing ‘word is. When you have finished, read through the ‘whole text again to check that the words fit in logically as well as grammatically 120 SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Writing > 65 minutes Writing a student magazine article 11 Read the instructions for exercise 13 on page 121 carefully. Then look at this mind map. Collect your ideas for each category. Can you think of more categories to add? home summer job school oe) eeitsnrg transport sport If you're working with a partner, show each other your mind maps. Discuss your ideas, and try to add more to your mind maps. 12 Read this part of a letter written by an imaginary student in the year 2050, Choose words from the list to fill the gaps. full + without + this were » there again * say * tell » know it’s different for me and for my parents. ‘They ‘they can remember a world __. the Internet. There was, they "me, a Dullding called a library where you could go. ‘These buildings contained many books and. there were people *___ who could give you advice. Well, ‘all sounds very strange to me! Perhaps one day in the future, the wheel will tun *__ circle and we will start to build libraries ‘__, as if they “___ anew invention! smart answer key on page 196

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