Answers To End-Of-Chapter Questions: Radiation Symbol Type of Particle or Electromagnetic Radiation Mass Charge

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Answers to end-of-chapter questions

Chapter 23
1 Type of particle or
Radiation Symbol Mass Charge
electromagnetic radiation
alpha α 2 protons + 2 neutrons (He nucleus) 1 +2
beta β electron small −1
gamma γ electromagnetic radiation 0 0

2 radiation in the environment background

detectors of ionising radiation Geiger counter, photographic film
three types of ionising radiation from radioactive alpha, beta, gamma

3 a it has negative charge

b charged; Fleming’s left-hand rule
c it is uncharged
Radiation Penetration Absorption Absorbed by
alpha least penetrating most easily absorbed thin paper, a few cm of air
beta in between in between thin metal foil
gamma most penetrating least easily absorbed thick lead or concrete

5 a (average) time, half, decay

b See Figure 23.10a.
Use … because …
Finding the age of an object radioactive substances decay at a known rate.
Seeing through solid objects radiation can penetrate matter.
Sterilising medical equipment radiation can destroy living cells.
Tracing the movement of hazardous small amounts of radiation can be detected.

© Cambridge University Press 2014 IGCSE Physics Answers to end-of-chapter questions: Chapter 23 1
7 β is more penetrating than α. [1] 11 a i background [1]
Detect using Geiger counter. [1] or any of the following:
Place thin paper over sources − α does contaminated surfaces
not pass through. [1] other radioactive material nearby
Place thin aluminium foil over radiation from rocks/soil
sources − neither passes through. [1] cosmic rays/radiation from space
radon gas from ground
8 a 15 [1]
counts per minute [1] ii count rate = 136 [1]
b 65 − 15 [1] = 34 counts/min [1]
= 50 counts per minute [1]
b i alpha or α [1]
c 65
ii 876 [1]
counts per minute

− 34
Count rate /

40 [1]
= 185 counts/min [1]

15 12 a i proton [1]
0 ii proton and neutron [1]
0 half- 2 4 6 8
life Time / hours b number of protons = 47 [1]
number of neutrons = 107 − 47 = 60 [1]
correct graph drawn [1]
After one half-life, the measured c i 8 h ± 0.25 h [1]
count rate will be down to 25 + 15 = 40 [1] ii Choose two points on the graph; for
Reading across from 40 on the graph, each, halve the value and add 8 h to
and then down, half-life = 1.3 h the time. [2]
approximately. [1]
9 a The formation of an ion [1]
by the removal of one or more
electrons from an atom. [1]
b X-rays [1]
10 a (for example) A patient with cancer is
exposed to γ-radiation. [1]
This damages the cancerous cells, [1]
which then die. [1]
b (for example) During the manufacture
of cardboard, β-radiation is passed
through the card. [1]
If the card is too thick (too thin),
the amount of radiation detected will be
too low (too high). [1]
The machinery is automatically
adjusted to give the correct thickness. [1]

© Cambridge University Press 2014 IGCSE Physics Answers to end-of-chapter questions: Chapter 23 2

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