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Name: Koroi Laubili

ID: S11204429

Campus: Laucala

Mode: Print

Foreigners arrived in Fiji in the early eighteen hundred the English Wesleyan Missionaries had the
most influence on the Fijian, this essay will outline the arrival of missionaries and how the people of
Viwa reacted to the European contact and the idea of change, aligned for module two Foreign
Control and Island reaction.

Long before European contact, Viwa island was simply an isolated island on the east coast of main
land Fiji. The social structure and land are ruled by only the conquerors of the land. The people
practice cannibalism as victory feast and for this war like disposition, Other Island such as Tonga
feared them. In addition, Viwa island is also a close and true ally of the chiefly island of Bau.

The missionaries arrived at a time when a seven-year war fare had just past its crises point. With
motives of converting the Itaukei people to Christianity, they lived for years among the Itaukei
people who welcome the foreigners with motives of hospitality, curiosity and the desire to using and
experiencing lifestyle and goods. Namosimalua the chief of Viwa accept and convert to Christianity
when reverend John Hunt and few missionaries came to the island.

Furthermore, after converting to Christianity, Namosimalua build a large chapel in his island and his
people joined him in this new form of worship first the villagers were at doubt because of the chief
of Bau who denied the missionaries when they first came but later the villagers joined him in this
new form of worship. Namosimalua also help the missionaries in converting Rt Tanoa the chief of Fiji
to become a Christian

Moreover, the European missionaries’ influences did impact the people in some ways. When the i-
taukei grew tame and converted to Christianity because many of them saw conversion as the way
out of their destructing wars that ends in cannibal feast. The structural frame work of the “vanua’’
changed or affected as much as the social aspect, conflict developed amongst the people when one
member of the society or the villagers return to the village with new religious ideology. However,
the European managed to restrained the practice of cannibalism and all villagers converted to

All in all, after writing down this essay the European influence can be more advantage to the history
of Fijian and especially to the village of Viwa island this is through connecting the isolated islands to
the western world, accepting the Itaukei to access to the western goods. Most importantly the
encouragement of the restraining of cannibalism. The European also helps in keeping the structural
frame work of the “vanua”. Thus, European contact to Viwa island and the implement of their new
idea does affect their way of living and it does help to both the island and especially Fiji.


Bakoso, Inoke, interview by Koroi Laubili. 2021. (17 April).

Brantlinger, Pattrick. 2011. Taming Cannibals : Race and the Victorian. New York: Cornell University

Brown, Ilisoni. 2021. (17 April).

Ralago, Sailosi, interview by Koroi Laubili. 2021. (17 April).

Ratuvou, Ilaitia, interview by Koroi Laubili. 2021. (17 April).

Rowe, George Stringer. 2007. The Life of John Hunt. Hamilton: Oxford University Adams and
Company 1860.

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