Exploring Digital Marketing

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Gohar Ghaffar F2019274004

Submitted To: Mr. Salman Zaheer

Exploring Digital Marketing

Dr. Yasir Rashid
Brief Intro :
 Bachelors/Masters/PHD in Marketing from Australia and New-Zealand
 Specialization in Digital and Social Media Marketing from MIT University
 He is an Entrepreneur and had a tech company in 2004 in Australia
 His Vision is to increase free lancers and Home entrepreneur in Pakistan,he wants
people to start their on business with the help of digital marketing instead of Job

Digital Marketing
According to him digital marketing is based on practice and theory and it consists of 6
steps :
1. Setting the Base :
 What is Marketing ?
 What is Digital Marketing ?
 Power of Digital Marketing?

2. Mindset Development :
 Thinking like a digital marketer
 Digital Marketing Language
 What projects clients can give us relating to digital marketing

3. Projects :
(Available on free lancing website)
 How to acquire them?
 How to win ?
 How to negotiate with clients?

4. Skills :
It involves software and platform learning
Platforms like Facebook,Instagram,Twitter and LinkedIn

 Digital Display Advertisements

 Search Advertisements
 Google Platforms : basically how we can use google and do marketing through
this platform

 Blogs
 How to make blogs ?
 How to do marketing through blogs?

 Online Lead
 Sales generation
 How posts are made on different groups
5. Advance Skills :
Things to learn in this step :
 E-Commerce Store
 Digital Marketing Plan
 Native Advertisements
 Email Marketing
 Data Analytics

6. Theory of Digital Marketing

Involves Practice and Theory

Process of Marketing :
 Creating
 Communicating
 Delivering
 Exchanging
 Offering (products and services company is making and in return getting value
from customers)

Marketing is the process in which a company know what customer want and by
thinking of that they create that product.Communication should be effective
Delivering is getting the product to the premises of the customer which is basically
Exchanging is actual selling in which company gets Value of financial resources and
customer get the product.
Main objective is to satisfy the customer so that he can come again and again and also
promote the product with others.

What is Digital Media?

Digital media refers to audio,video,photo or textual content that has been encoded
using a computer and can be transmitted digitally to people
Example :
 of a digital ad during any youtube video like khaadi or Coke
 of mobile message like providing facilities of A/C repair etc
 of Facebook advertisements like any educational institution promoting itself.
It has three features
 Mass reach ( Huge number of audience)
 Interactivity (Customer providing feedback on spot)
 Social Networking (community forums and blogs)
 Social media platforms (FB,Insta,Twitter etc)
 Websites (Company advertisements)
 Blogs
 Emails and SMS
What is Digital Marketing ?
All marketing activities done on modern digital channels using computers.
Their are huge number of jobs available for Digital Marketing.
Example :
Traditional Marketers which includes traditional selling
Modern Marketers which includes free lancing

 Paid Advertisements
Example of Youtube while watching a live match their are ads on right or left of a
video which are know as paid advertisements

 Social Media Marketing

Example of Facebook

 Emails & SMS & Whats-App

 Search Engine Optimization

Google search : Company name,web address

 Mobile Marketing
Different applications on mobile

 Marketing Research
Company’s pay money and assign task to get data from market related to the given
topic and make a report on it

Power of Digital Marketing

Their are 7.5 billion people in the world with 3.7 billion people attached with the
internet technology and 2.8 billion people daily on social media platforms.

Positives of Digital Marketing include :

 Global Reach
 Personalized Marketing (Depending on the taste of user)
 Customer Engagement (Building connection and relationship)
 Content Variety (Different content everyday)
 Sales Conversion
 Cost Reduction

Tools of Digital Marketing

 Facebook Insights
It Measures the reach of post and tell us whether the post became popular or not.it
also tell on what bases people liked the specific post.
It also tells customer demographics (age,community,place)

 Linkediin
Company finds employee on this platform basically it is the Facebook of professional
 Instagram (based on pictures)
 Twitter (Text oriented)
 You-tube Studio (post to earn money on YouTube)

 Google AdWords
To show advertisements on different websites
 Google AdSense
Google shows ads on your websites.

 Blogger.com
To create blogs for clients

 Taboola.com
Website for native advertising (Ad which does not look of any company’s normal ad)

 Mailchimp

Ad Creation Projects

 Display Ads (Ads on websites)

Type of Display Ads :
 Static Ads (In the form of a picture)
 Text Ads (Ads without pics)
 Popup Ads
 Flash Ads (Video Ads)

 Social Media Ads (FB/Insta/Youtube/Twitter)

 Search Engine Ads (Ads on google)

 Re-targeting Ads
When we go on any company’s website.Then that company save their information on
our PC’s or Laptop in the form of Cookies.

Tips to make your ad powerful

Use Variety (Content should be creative)
Adaptation (depending on the situation or festivals)

Social Media Community Management

 Community Management :
 Brands have a family and they keep it on social media platforms like
Facebook,Twitter etc
 The interaction of the brand with the customers on such platforms in known as
community management

 Engagement (Company’s engagement with the followers through Q/A)

 Growth (how to increase followers,likes on company’s post and page)
 Listening (getting feedback)
 Enriching (Understanding customers problems and giving them value)

To become a Community Manager

 Prioritize Active Time (See the active time of Customers)
 Mention best users (share the most loyal customer by giving them rewards)
 Say Sorry
 FAQs (know about Frequently asked questions)
 Product Knowledge (Grip on Company’s overall process)
 Personal Email & Chat (Create a personal bond with customer)
 Allow Cross talk :
1. Users Communicate with each other
2. Collect Data

Customer Journey Mapping

It is a step by step process
 Until Conversion (Purchase or Content reading which have been done)
 Digital Touch-points( (Key points of the journey

Three Most important things in Customer Journey Mapping :

1. Expectations (Customers Expectations)

2. Experience
3. Reflection (Whats the feedback of the Customer after going through the
expectation and experience process)

 Complexities
 Different Customer
 Different Context

Why it is important?
 It gives you a very Focused Approach to all the strategies which we are making.
 Personalization (know the Liking of the customer)
Example of Samsung and Apple website
 Improve Experience

How to do it?
 Create Digital Data points (Google Analytics,how the customer came)
 Carry out Research
 Map Extensive and Change Optimal (Detailed Mapping)

What is Website UXD and Type of Projects ?

 Website UXD
 Web Development
 UXD(User Experience Design)
 Frameworks and Dynamics of website or E-commerce store setup
 Are the website Useful ?
 Are the Website Useable ?
 Are the Website Desirable ?
 Are the Website Find-able and Accessible ?
 Credibility

 Freelancing Jobs of E-Commerce Store

 Creating a similar content
 Maintaining Content (Posting or Updating)
 Tweaking the Website (Changes with the help of website development)

What is Digital Marketing Plan and how to use it ?

 Document
1. Goals and Objectives
2. Research
 Customer Research
 Competitor Research
 Market Research
3. Strategies and Tactics
 Blogs
 Social Media Marketing
4. Control & Implementation
 Mechanism
 Review

Why use it?

 Direction
 Knowledge
 Customer
 Competition
 Streamline Value Proposition
 Integrated effort
 Budget
 Optimization

Optimized Display Ads for Google Ad words

 Size of display ad ?
 Pixel
 Width and Height
 Square and Rectangle ( 240 x 400, 300 x 250 etc)
 Sky scraper ads (300 x 1050, 300 x 600 etc ) (Height increase and width less )
 Leaderboard (468 x 60 , 970 x 250, 728 x 90 etc) (Top and bottom ads,banners)

 Mobile phone ads

 Content based sizes
Best Performing Sizes
 Medium Rectangle (300 x 250)
 Large Rectangle ( 336 x 280)
 Half Page Ads (300 x 600 )
 Large Mobile Banner ( 320 x 100)

Google Adwords and How to use it ?

 Platform of Google

Two types of advertisement on Google Adwords ?

 Search ads
 Display Ads

 Keywords are important

 Bidding Concept

Benefits of Google Adwords

 Perfect Timing
 Customer Targeting
 Scalable (Run same campaign for any other company)
 Measurable
 Pay only for result (If their is click on any ad they you will pay)
 Enormous Network

Google Adwords is the best for creating lead (Increase Traffic on your website)

Types of Freelancing Blogging Project and Income

Jobs Available on Freelancing Websites

 Writing and Maintaining Blogs
 Topic Selection and Writing (Area / Industry like Mobile Gaming)
 Experience oriented blogs
 Product services blogs (Reviews,Focused Groups)
 Travel Blogs
 Comment Writing
 Topics
 SEO Optimization (keywords oriented)
 Blog Commenting (Link sharing on different relevant blogs on a particular topic
to increase traffic)
 Content Writing (Articles)

What is Online lead Generation and Type of Projects ? (Sales)

 Lead Generation
As a freelancer you find people for clients that potentially can purchase the product or
service of that client
 See online on Facebook or different platforms
 Collect information and give to company’s or clients

Projects :
 Develop a List Project ( Potential people to target )
Name / Email Address / Mobile Number / Gender
 Find Relevant People (Information forward to company)
You will only get money of that lead which will convert into sales

 Sales leads for E-Commerce (Increase the leads of your company’s online store)

 Call the leads (Convince people to buy product to increase sales)

 Facebook Lead Generation (Interact with people to generate lead and interest)

Sources of Online Leads

 Google Ad Words
 Facebook
 LinkedIn (School Oriented Groups,College Oriented Groups,Job Company
Oriented Groups)
 Affiliate Marketing ( Websites selling your products like Amazon)
 Quora (Platform for finding answers of different questions)

Techniques used on these Sources

 Quizzes
 Re Targeting (Based on cookies / Search History)
 Free Trails (Offers)
 Content

What is Native Advertising ?

 It is a form of Paid media where the ad experience follows the natural form and
function of the user experience in which it is placed
 Basically Ads appearing in between website content but user doesn’t consider it
as an advertisement because the content is same

Example of Cnet.com (Largest website of products review) and Taboola

Benefits of Native Advertisement :

 High engagement because of content similarity
 Greater Trust Development of the user
 Recalling Rate of Idea
 More Content Options

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