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➢ Time of exposure of eddies is assumed to be

constant, that is, u is constant.
& Denckwerts surface renewal theory.
➢ Assumption of constant exposure time for fluid

elements by penetration theory is not realistic and

eddies are exposed for varying lengths of time in a
random way (random distribution of periods of
FIGURE 15.5 Schematic representation of the situation at the
➢ Mass transfer between the gas phase and the fluid

elements takes place at the interface.

kc 1 DAB : ð15:39Þ ➢ As rate of mass transfer depends upon expo-

sure time, average rate for unit surface area

➢ In actual cases, must be determined by summation of individ-
ual values.
kc 1 DAB : ð15:40Þ
➢ In general, KLav ¼ ðDAB SÞ ð15:42Þ

kc 1 DnAB ; ð15:41Þ and rate of mass transfer,

where values of n are ranging from 0.5 to 2/3. p
➢ For laminar flow conditions, film theory might NAav ¼ ðCAi CAo Þ ðDAB SÞ: ð15:43Þ
represent, to an approximation, close prediction of
mass transfer coefficients. ➢ S is the surface renewal factor/fractional rate of
➢ For turbulent conditions, film theory gives results
replacement of eddies at the surface, u1.
far from realistic. ➢ Eddy is swept to the surface (e.g., gas bubble) and
& Higbie’s penetration theory. undergoes unsteady-state diffusion and then swept
➢ Time of exposure to mass transfer is short, so away to the interface and so on (Figure 15.7).
concentration gradient of film theory, characteris- & Film–penetration theory.
tic of steady state would not have time to develop. ➢ Principles of both film and penetration theories are
➢ For example, rising gas bubble in a liquid (Fig-
ure 15.6): Particle of liquid, initially at top of ➢ Whole of resistance to mass transfer is assumed to
bubble, is in contact with gas for time u required be lying within a laminar film at the interface as in
for the bubble to rise a distance equal to diameter two-film theory. But mass transfer is considered as
of the bubble. an unsteady-state process.
➢ It is assumed that fresh surface is formed at

intervals from the fluid that is brought from bulk

FIGURE 15.6 Rising gas bubble in liquid. FIGURE 15.7 Gas–liquid contacting.

of the fluid to the interface by the action of eddy Mg ¼ ðds=dTÞð1=haÞLDT: ð15:46Þ

➢ Mass transfer takes place as in penetration theory, S ¼ surface tension; N=m: ð15:47Þ
except resistance is confined to the finite film.
➢ Dobbins gives the following equation that repre- L is the characteristic length, m, a is the thermal
sents combination of the film and penetration diffusivity, m2/s, h is the dynamic viscosity, kg/(s m),
theories: and DT is the temperature difference, C.
p p . What is Rayleigh number and Rayleigh convection?
➢ KLav ¼ ½ð DAB SÞcoth½ ðSz2b =DAB Þ; ð15:44Þ
& Rayleigh number is defined as the product of the

where zb is the depth of penetration. Grashof number, which describes the relationship
. Define enhancement factor as proposed by Denckwerts between buoyancy and viscosity within a fluid, and
for gas–liquid mass transfer with chemical reaction. the Prandtl number, which describes the relationship
between momentum diffusivity and thermal
& Enhancement factor, I. diffusivity.
& For free convection near a vertical wall, this number

I ¼ NA with reaction =NA without reaction is

p p
¼ f ½DAB ðr þ SÞ= ðDAB SÞ½1 þ r=S1=2 :
Rax ¼ Gr Pr ¼ ðgb=yaÞðTs T1 Þx3 ; ð15:48Þ
& r represents reaction rate. where Rax is the Rayleigh number, Grx is the Grashof
. What is Marangoni effect? Explain. number, Pr is the Prandtl number, g is the acceler-
& The phenomenon that liquid flows along a gas–liquid
ation due to gravity, x is the characteristic length (in
or a liquid–liquid interface from areas having low this case, the distance from the leading edge), Ts is the
surface tension to areas having higher surface tension surface temperature (temperature of the wall), T1 is
is named the Marangoni effect. the Quiescent temperature (fluid temperature far
& Solutal Marangoni convection is flow caused by
from the surface of the object), n is the kinematic
viscosity, a is the thermal diffusivity, and b is the
surface tension gradients originating from concen-
thermal expansion coefficient.
tration gradients, while thermocapillarity is flow
& Buoyancy, or Rayleigh convection, can occur at the
caused by surface tension gradients originating from
temperature gradients. same time as Marangoni convection.
& The same concentration and temperature gradients
& The Marangoni convection increases the mass trans-

fer coefficient with respect to pure diffusive mass that are responsible for surface tension gradients, also
transfer. Furthermore, the Marangoni effect can also create density gradients. The intensity of the density
influence the shape and size of the mass transfer driven convection is characterized by the Rayleigh
interfacial area. number.
& Usually, the Rayleigh effect dominates the flow in
& Enhancement of Marangoni convection is largest for

systems in which the liquid-phase mass transfer liquid layers with dimensions larger than 1 cm. The
resistance is approximately equal to the gas-phase Marangoni effect usually dominates when the char-
mass transfer resistance, that is, the Biot number is acteristic dimension is smaller than 1 mm.
close to 1. . What are the causes for interfacial resistance for mass
& Large interfacial gradients may result in rapid mo-
& Interfacial turbulence is attributed to hydrodynamic
tion of liquid at the interface, creating interfacial
turbulence, called Marangoni effect. For example, instability caused by fluctuations in interfacial
Ether–water system involve large interfacial tension associated with mass transfer across the
gradients. interface.
& Surface active agents concentrated at interface may
. What is Marangoni number?
& Marangoni number (Mg) is a dimensionless number.
➢ partially block interface for solute transfer;

& Marangoni number may be regarded as proportional

➢ make interfacial liquid layers more rigid;

to (thermal) surface tension forces divided by viscous ➢ interact with solute.

forces. It is, for example, applicable to bubble and & Net effect is reduction of mass transfer rates. For

foam research and propellant behavior calculations example, addition of hexadecanol to open ponds of
in spacecraft tanks. water substantially reduce evaporation rates.

15.7 MASS TRANSFER WITH CHEMICAL for the design of gas absorbers and many mass
REACTION transfer devices.
& The general equation of mass transfer when accom-
. Name some important areas of application of mass panied by a chemical reaction is an unsteady-state
transfer with chemical reaction. mass transport equation, that incorporates not only
& Gas–Liquid Systems: diffusion but also convective mass transport and
➢ Gas absorption and stripping for the removal chemical reaction contributions.
gaseous components from a mixture of gases. ➢ The general equation can be written as

Examples include CO, CO2, H2S, Cl2, SO2, SO3,

HCl, and so on. qCi =qt þ yrCi ¼ Di r2 Ci þ Ri ; ð15:49Þ
➢ Manufacture of products such as H2SO4, HNO3,

nitrates, phosphates, and so on. where y is the fluid velocity vector, y!Ci is the
➢ Carrying out liquid-phase reactions such as oxi- convective mass transport contribution, Di!2Ci is
dation, halogenation, polymerization, sulfonation, the molecular diffusion contribution, Ri is the
hydrogenation, and so on. chemical reaction contribution, and Di is the dif-
➢ Water pollution control processes such as aerobic fusion coefficient of i in the liquid.
fermentation of sludges, biological waste treat- ➢ For steady state,
ment, and so on.
& Liquid–Liquid Systems: Chemical reactions are used
Di r2 Ci ¼ 0: ð15:50Þ
in liquid–liquid systems to achieve the following
➢ If the medium is stationary,
➢ Nitration and sulfonation of aromatics, alkyl-

ation and hydrolysis of esters, oxidation of

y ¼ 0: ð15:51Þ
cyclohexane, extraction of metals, and so on,
in which chemical reaction is may be part of a
process. ➢ The mechanism of steady-state diffusion with
➢ Removal of acidic solutes from hydrocarbon sys-
reaction distributed homogenously throughout
the material is often adopted in the analysis of
tems in which chemical reactions are introduced
cases of mass transfer and chemical reaction.
➢ There are, however, some reactions for which
➢ Yields and rates of formation of many single-phase
the distinction between homogenous and het-
reactions are increased by the controlled addition
erogeneous systems is not sharp as in the cases
of an immiscible extractive phase to extract a
product from the reactive liquid-phase extractive
- enzyme–substrate reactions
& Gas–Liquid–Solid Systems:
- very rapid chemical reactions
➢ The solid may be reactive as in the cases of
& In multiphase systems, chemical reactions affect the
mass transfer rate in two distinct ways:
absorption of CO2 in limestone and thermal coal
liquefaction. ➢ At low reaction rate, it serves to change the bulk
➢ The solid functions as a catalyst, for example, concentration of the transferring solute, thus in-
when gases like hydrogen, water, ammonia, creasing the driving force.
or oxygen are involved resulting in the hydro- ➢ On the other hand for reasonably fast reactions the

genation, hydration, amination, or oxygenation. concentration gradient near the interface is affect-
. What are the advantages and attributes to be incorpo- ed leading to an enhancement of the mass transfer
rated in equations for mass transfer with chemical rate.
reaction? & It is convenient to represent the effect of the chemical
reaction on mass transfer in terms of an enhancement
& The main objective of coupling mass transfer and
chemical reaction is to enhance overall mass transfer
rates. Chemical reactions enhance the mass transfer & The enhancement factor can be defined as the ratio of
rate, because they take out the diffusing solute in the the average rates of mass transfer in presence of
region of the interface producing a steeper concen- reaction to the average rate without reaction and is
tration gradient. This has very important implications given by the equation:

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