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1. A. hummock B. struggle C. industry D. subsidy
2. A. thesis B. ethane C. author D. feather
3. A. government B. prohibit C. applicant D. habitat
4. A. sympathetic B. participant C. curriculum D. discriminate
Choose the correct answer:
5. Daniel doesn’t do well in school …………… his inability to concentrate on any one
thing for longer than a minute or two.
A. as B. due to C. because D. incase
6. Even though she was much younger than the other children, Laura demanded ………..
in the game the were playing.
A. including B. being included C. to include D. to be included
7. Many people lost their homes in the earthquake. The government needs to establish
more shelters to care for those ………….. have homes.
A. who doesn’t B. who don’t C. which doesn’t D. which don’t
8. You …………… be rich to be a success. Some of the most successful people I know
haven’t got a penny to their name.
A. don’t have to B. can’t C. shouldn’t D. mustn’t
9. I know you feel bad now, Tommy, but try to put it out of your mind. By the time you’re
an adult, you …………. All about it.
A. forget B. will have forgotten C. will be forgetting D. are forgetting
10. The equator is an ………… line that divides the earth into two.
A. imaginary B. imaginative C. imaginable D. imagination
11. The government is going to ……………. The old building and build a new one.
A. extinguish B. dissolve C. demolish D. excavate
12. The boy did a good……………….. by helping the blind man cross the road.
A. show B. deed C. display D. feat
13. The principle wants to see you in his office ………….. as he has something urgent to
discuss with you.
A. quickly B. suddenly C. abruptly D. immediately
14. The guest speaker gave a ………………… speech just before the seminar began.
A. swift B. limited C. brief D. prompt
15. I had to ……………… my trip because something urgent had come up.
A. blow up B. pull in C. leave out D. call off
16. The students were told that the date for the next test had been …………
A. brought forward B. brought over C. brought up D. brought off
Mark the letter A,B,C or D to indicate the correct response to each of the following
17. – Quang: “ What are you going to major in?”
_ Vinh: “…………….”
A. I’m going to take my final exam at the end of July.
B. My parents want me to become a doctor or a pharmacist
C. My favorite subjects are maths, physics and English.
D. I haven’t decided, but I’m learning towards biology.
18. – waiter: Hello, I’ll be your waiter today. Can I start you off with something to drink?
- Linh: …………..
A. I’d like spaghetti or pasta B. Yes. I’ll have iced, please.
C. Maybe I should get some ice-cream. D. Can I pay by my credit card, please?
Mark the letter A,B,C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in the meaning to the
underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
19. His precise explanation of the report pleased the broad of director.
A. timely B. exact C. prompt D. ready
20. Bullying can hurt people in many different ways, emotionally and physically.
Therefore, all the students in my class keep away from the bully.
A. notice B. defend C. annoy D. avoid
Mark the letter A,B,C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in the meaning to the
underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
21. Cholera is rare in less developed countries due to poor water and sanitation conditions.
It is estimated that 11 million cholera cases occur every year among children under 5 years
of age.
A. common B. ordinary C. general D. normal
22. We waited for our grandmother at the departure hall of the airport for 5 hours as her
flight was delayed.
A. release B. appearance C. arrival D. transfer
Mark the letter A,B,C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correcting in
each of the following questions.
23. He can’t hardly remember the accident because he was only a four-year-old boy when
it occurred.
24. My uncle is in Nha Trang on vacation, but I wish he is here so that he could help me
repair my bicycle.
25. A child needs to learn how to get along with another people and how to spend his or
her time wisely.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A,B, C or D to indicate the correct word or
phrase that best fits…..
The Internet is a great place to look up information . The same information may be found
in libraries, but the Internet makes the information ( 26)……….. 24hours a days.
Furthermore, information on the Internet may be more up –to- date, and some would never
be found in a library. The Internet is not a replacement for libraries, ( 27)………….. it is
an extremely valuable supplement.
When you are ( 28) ……….. to the Internet, you are ready to start searching. The basic
step for finding what you are looking for in a fast and easy way is : Find a search engine.
A search engine is a useful ( 29)……………….. for looking up information on the
Internet. Basically, it is an Internet site that will do the searching on the Internet for you.
There are many different search engines and web sites for you to use. They are divided up
(30)………………. Several different categories for your convenience. This will allow you
to select a site that will be better for searching different topics.
26. A. capable B. available C. manageable D. observable
27. A. so B. and C. though D. but
28. A. facilitated B. connected C. attached D. purchased
29. A. room B. machine C. tool D. pilot
30. A. into B. for C. between D. with
Read the following passage and mark the letter A,B, C or D to indicate the correct
word or phrase that best fits…..
Curling is an event in the Winter Olympics that is played on an ice rink. This event
requires a high level of skill and dexterity. The equipment includes stones with handles
and brushes to sweep the ice.
Two teams of four complete to get a stone as close as possible to the center of a series of
concentric circles. Hitting the target is more complicated than it seems. The two teams
alternate to throw their stones. It is possible to remove a stone from a play area by hitting
it with another stone or to use a stone to protect another stone. To assist in the progress of
the stone across the ice, the others players will use their brushes to sweep the path in front
of the stone so as to influence the direction and distance it can travel.
In sixteen century Scotland, stones were taken from the bottom of ponds. In North
America, the metal-rimmed hubcaps of carriages with handles attached were used. In
eighteen century Canada, there were iron “stones” that weighed more than thirty
kilograms. The game would have required more strength in the past than today.
Curling was first introduced as a break from the drudgery of work and a way of
alleviating the monotony of the long winters. Curling is catching on today. There is a
increase in the number of countries taking part in the Winter Olympics for this event. Ever
since the beginning, this game has been enjoyed by both the young and the old.
31. Curling is not for those who ……………..
A. like winter sports B. like to play team sports
C. are not good with their hands D. have never been to the Winter Olympics
32. What does “ the target” in the passage refer to?
A. the concentric circles B. the centre of the circles
C. a stone that is blocking the player’s path D. a stone that is used to guard another
33. Which of the following was never used in curling?
A. wheels B. stones C. iron “stones” D. hubcaps
34. How has curling changed over the years?
A. It is not played in winter now B. Players today do not have to be as strong
as before
C. It is a game enjoyed by those of different ages
D. More than one country is playing the game now.
35. What does the writer tell the readers in this passage?
A. The strategies to use to win a game. B. The different sports in the Winter Olympics
C. The importance of curling in the world today D. How curling began
36. The word “ influence” in the passage is closest to …………
A. follow B. affect C. attract D. remain
37. According to the passage, which of the following statement is NOT true?
A. Players need stones with handles and brushes to play curling.
B. Players are not allowed to touch the stone to influence its direction.
C. The two teams throw their stones at the same time when playing curling.
D. There are more and more countries participating in curling in Winter Olympics.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A,B, C or D to indicate the correct
word or phrase that best fits…..
Bees are flying insects that feed on nectar and pollen. They are usually yellow and black
and covered in fuzzy hair that makes collecting pollen easier. A bee’s body is similar to
that of other insects – for instance, an ant- with three major sections: the head, the middle
section called the thorax, and the last section called the abdomen. The head of a bee has
five eyes for seeing and two antennae for touching and smelling. Two sets of wings and
three sets of legs can be found on a bee’s thorax. Many types of bees have stingers. The
bee stinger is the most feared part a bee, and for good reason. Filled with poison, the
stinger is a bee’s protection from danger. The stingers are around 12 millimeters long.
There are over 20,000 known bee species in the world. The best known is probably the
honey bee.
Honey bees live in beehives, which have a distinct order that helps things run smoothly. At
the bottom of the totem pole are the workers. Workers are young female bees. Some of
their main duties include going out to find food ( nectar and pollen), building the hive, and
keeping it clean. Honeybees will travel up to eight miles if necessary to find nectar and
pollen to bring back to the hive. Workers bees are actually the only bees that ever do any
stinging. When this does happen, it is usually because they are trying to protect their hive
from harm. A bee rarely stings when it is away from the hive, but it might sting if it senses
danger. Te lifespan of a worker bee is anywhere from 4 to 9 months.
The queen honeybee is the biggest bee in the hive. There is usually only one per hive, and
her job is to grow the family by laying eggs that will become the next generation of
honeybees. She lays over thousand eggs per day and can live anywhere from 3 to 5 years.
When the time comes for a new queen to take over, some larvae are placed in special
chambers to grow queen bees. There larvae are fattened up with royal jelly, a nutritious
substance that worker bees secrete. It usually takes about two weeks for a female larvae to
grow into a queen bee. The first female bee to become a queen bee kills the other potential
queen bees.
( Source: http://
38. What is a bee?
A. an insect that live near water and eat fish B. a read –and-back insect that live under the
C. a flying insect that collects nectar and pollen D. a crawling insect with two sets of
legs and no wings
39. What does this passage describe?
A. wings, legs, mouths, and trees. B. totem poles and winter weather
C. poison and measurement D. different honeybees in a beehive.
40. The word “ that” in the passage refers to…………
A. the air B. the head C. the body D. the thorax
41.Different bees in a hive have different duties. What evidence from the passage
supports this statement?
A. Workers bees gather food; the queen bee lays eggs.
B. Bee stingers are about 12millimeters long
C. Bees have two sets of wings and three sets of legs.
D. The honeybee is probably the best known bee species.
42. Which of the following does not describe a bee?
A. two antennae B. five eyes C. three sets of legs D. two wings
43. What is the passage mainly about?
A. honeybees B. the body of bees C. different types of insects
D. the antennae and wings of bees
44. What does the word “ species” in the passage mean?
A. colors or shades B. orders or levels C. kinds or types D. duties or jobs
45. Which of the following statements in NOT true according to the passage?
A. The abdomen is one of the three sections of a bee’s body
B. The main duty of worker bees is to protect their hive from harm.
C. The lifespan of the queen honeybee is from three to five years.
D. The royal jelly is a nutritious substance produced by worker bees.
Mark the letter A,B,C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each
of the following questions
46. I have been repairing the bicycle for half an hour.
A. The bicycle will have been repaired for half an hour
B. Half an hour has needed for repairing the bicycle.
C. For half an hour the bicycle is being repaired by me.
D. The bicycle has been repaired for half an hour.
47. As soon as I arrived home, someone knocked at the door.
A. I had to arrive home as someone knocked at the door.
B. Had someone knocked the door, I would have arrived home.
C. No sooner had I arrived home than someone knocked at the door.
D. I hardly knew someone knocked at the door as I just arrived home.
48. It’s not a good idea to borrow a lot of money from a bank.
A. It’s better to avoid borrowing a lot of money from a bank.
B. It’s a good time now to borrow a lot of money from a bank.
C. It doesn’t matter when borrowing a lot of money from a bank.
D. It sounds nice to try to borrow a lot of money from a bank.
Mark the letter A,B,C, or D to indicate the sentence that is different in meaning to
each of the following questions
49. I shouldn’t bother to clean the windows today as it’s going to rain.
A. It is not worth cleaning the windows today as it is going to rain.
B. There is no point in cleaning the windows today as it is going to rain.
C. It is no good cleaning the windows today as it is going to rain.
D. There is no trouble in cleaning the windows today as it’s going to rain.
50. I think Julia is so young that she can’t look after her sister.
A. I think Julia is not old enough to look after her sister.
B. I think Julia is too old to take care of her sister.
C. I think Julia is such a young girl that she can’t look after her sister.
D. I think Julia is too young to take care of her sister.

1. C 2. D 3. B 4. A 5. B 6. D 7. B 8. A 9. B 10. A
11. C 12. B 13. D 14. C 15. D 16. A 17. D 18. B 19. B 20. D
21. A 22. C 23. A 24. C 25. C 26. B 27. D 28. B 29. C 30. A
31. D 32. B 33. A 34. B 35. D 36. B 37. C 38. C 39. D 40. C
41. A 42. D 43. A 44. C 45. B 46. D 47. C 48. A 49. D 50.B

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