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Pre Listening Activities

What do you need to start a new business and make it succeed?
I need the mentality of an entrepreneur such as never give up to reach the goal, brave to take a
risk, etc. I also need managerial ability like ability to analyze market opportunity, creative, etc.
Besides those characters, I also need support system from my family. And of course I need
money capital.
Many people would answer that what you need is a great ideas, others would say money. Of
course money and ideas are important. Unfortunately, when people think about starting a new
business they often ignore the single most important factor in successive in any company: people.
Only people can make those great ideas happens. So, in order to start a successful business, you
need to start with the right people. But how do you identify the right people? That seems like a
difficult question to answer, because every business is different. Never the last, if you want to
build a good team, there are some characteristics of the right people, no matter the business.
We’re going to focus on some of those characteristics and how to identify people who have
would to takes to help make a new business success. First of all, your new business will need
the people who understand your vision and share your commitment to it. In other word, you
need to build the team that truly understand what your goals with the business are. Your new
business will also need people who are creative, independent thinkers. You can build the
successful business based on your ideas along. You want your business to be applies where
people learn from each other and inspire each other to do their best work. Lastly, your new
business will need people who are willing to work hard. You need to find people who are ready
to put in the long hours. And all work hard would takes to build a successful business. Now,
starting a new business is not easy, perhaps you have a good business ideas, perhaps you have the
money you need, but that’s not enough to guaranty success. It’s the people you hired that matter
most. Remember that if you are going identify success, you need people who are creative,
hardworking, and committed to seeing your dream become reality.

Read the instruction to each presentation. Cross the option that best describes the main
idea of each presentation.
1. For most people, business meetings are boring, but they don’t have to be that way. Today I’m
going to give you a few tips on how to run an effective business meeting. Although every tip
might not work for you, meetings don’t have to put everyone in the room to sleep.
a. Business meetings are often boring because they’re too long and waste too much time.
b. Business meetings are often boring, but there are always to make them worthwhile.
c. Business meetings are often boring, so we should find ways to eliminate them.
2. Hiring the right employees can be a real challenge. Many managers add a new person to their
staff who is not a good choice. Let’s consider some techniques to evaluate potential employees
and explore ways to successfully pick the best people to hire.
a. Many people hire employees for the wrong reasons. Soon they regret their hiring
b. It is important that managers learn to recognize that someone is not a good hiring choice.
c. Hiring employees can be difficult, but this presentation will teach skills for choosing
the best possible employees.

3. There are many job finding tools available online. For instance, some websites tell job
searchers about positions that are available, while others give tips on writing a resume or
answering questions in a job interview. Today, I’d like to focus on how to make the best use of
these online tools. Online job resources are valuable, but they won’t help us much if we don’t
know the best ways to use them.
a. Job searchers should learn how to answer interview questions and write
b. Job searchers should learn how to use online job finding tools effectively.
c. Job searchers should go online to find out about available jobs.
Listening to Main Idea
Listen to a short presentation. As you listen, take notes in the chart.
Topic 3 characteristic of the right people in starting a new business

Most important The most important factor is people. Because with people, great ideas
factor will happens.

First Understand the vision or truly understand the business goals. and
characteristic share your commitment to it

Second Creative, independent thinkers.


Last Willing to work hard


Listening to Detail
Listen again then answer the questions.
1. What do people think about what is necessary to start a business?
Many people would think that what you need in starting a business is a great ideas, others
would say money.
2. What do most people ignore when they start a business?
The single most important factor in successive in any company: people.
3. Why do we need people to start our business?
Because only people can make those great ideas happens. So, in order to start a successful
business, you need to start with the right people.
4. Is it easy to identify the right people because they are different?
It is not easy, because every business is different
5. Can a business be successful since there are brilliant ideas from the business owner?
It is possible, but it is more possible if the owner of the business have the right people
to help achieve the goals of the business.
6. Is it true that finding people who are ready to work in the long hours and commit to
develop individual success is essential?
It is true to finding people who are ready to work in the long hours and commit is
essential but, it is not true that the purpose of the people who ready to work in the long
hours and commit to develop individual success is essential, because all the work hard
must takes to build a successful business, not individual.
7. What are the criteria of good people to support your success in Business?
The people who understand our vision and understand what our goals are, the people who
have creative brain, ready to work in the long hours and commit to develop the business
with their best.

Vocabulary building
Find the synonym of the following words in the presentation.
1. Essential = Important
2. Recognize = Identify
3. Thought = Idea
4. Sovereign = independent
5. Insight = Vision
6. Comprehed = understand
7. Motivate = inspire
8. Assure = Guaranty
9. Devoted = Commitment
10. Employ = Hire

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