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Developing Creativity

What is creativity?
Creativity is all about finding new ways of solving problems and approaching situation.
Describe a time when you had to think creatively and how did you go about it?
I have to think creatively when I had to think outside of the box to solve a
problem, and when I have a project both business and non-business that requires.
making a new innovation. I did it with brainstorming, or do some research about
the problems.
In what ways have you encouraged your team or even yourself to be more
creative? How can creativity help you in everyday life?
To be more creatively, I used to read more about what happens these day, what is
currently in the spotlight in various fields. Creatively help me to solve the
problem wisely.

Listen to part of a radio program. Peter Jones works for Art and Business, a company that develops
creative partnerships between business and the arts. He is being interviewed on the program.

Listen and decide whether these sentences are true or false.

1. Reading a good book can animate your creativity. T

2. Art and Business are working alone on the project. F
3. When business men were asked to name a book which had influenced them, less than half chose a
nonfiction book. F
4. Creative processes occur in the right side of the brain. T
5. When we analyze the relationship between characters in a book, we are training ourselves to
understand emotional matters. T
6. Marks & Spencer organizes separate reading groups for managers and


Answer the questions below.

1. What determine the success of a company in the 21st century?

The company success depends on its people and on the creativity of its people. It makes sense that
the way to increase productivity is to stimulate creativity
2. How can books improve creativity?
A good book can stimulate the imagination and the intellect, get you thinking along lines you
might not have thought of before, open up new worlds.
3. What kinds of book do most people choose to read?
Most people chose a work of fiction, a novel, a play or even poetry.
4. What skills do the readers need to combine when they are using creativity?
Readers combine imaginative skills with critical and analytical skills.
5. What are the uses of left and right sides of the brain mentioned by Peter
Our logical left side of the brain interprets the language of a book. The
creative right side looks at the forms of expression. The left side analyses the
plot while the right side is more interested in the relationships between
characters-the emotional aspects.
6. What is the benefit of shared reading experiences?
Shared reading experience improve communication and morale at work.
7. Why do the employees at WH Smith have stuck poems and quotations above their
For the inspiration
8. What does a project called “Talk Books at Work” reveal?
They discovered that encouraging employees to read helped them to
develop their linguistic and interpersonal skills. Marks and Spencer has set up
reading groups at work. The groups cut across the usual
hierarchies and working  relationships have improved greatly.

Write the synonym of these following words.

1. Established = created

2. Logical = make sense

3. Encourage/trigger = stimulate
4. Thought = idea
5. Mental power = intelect
6. Workers = employees
7. Literature = work of fiction
8. Effect = influence
9. Mix = combine
10. Arrange/plan = set up
11. System = scheme
12. Insight = imagination
13. Break something equally = divide
14. Rank of a group = hierarchy
15. Significantly = greatly

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