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PLEASE USE THE ANSWERS MARKED IN GREEN {agile and Design Thinking are same Design Thinking is building the right things and Agile is about finding the right things prints must be 30 days always [Product Owner unilaterally decides the duration of Sprint [There is no rule on Sprint duration [Scrum Master Accredited Certificate (SMAC) [SAFe Agilist (SA) [lest Driven Development [pair Programming [Continuous Integration IRefactoring lHas no control over the prioritization of Product Backlog Items Idevelopers have the final say [creates the Product Backlog Items but leaves prioritization to Business Analyst INo need to do anything as he can continue to be the Project Manager |Wait till his current customer adopts Agile [More practices from Extreme Programming |Apply waterfall and have the Product Owner sign-off on the requirements [The Scrum Master manages the people so they can complete the work [The Product Owner manages the work [The Delivery Manager manages the work [- 4.10 le 6, 12 it allows the team to take a necessary break from work. It gives management information to use in team members’ performance reviews sprint. Retrospectives are optional IProvides an opportunity for stakeholders to look at what the team is building [Feedback [Continuous Improvement iTeam members must be specialists [Reports to Product Owner | [Martinis right. Agile principles are not useful outside software development P and DevOps can help in Robotic Process Automation [The team must discuss the problems encountered in the earlier project [Team must draw up the Release Plan for the final product [Each tearm member should come prepared with their version of the plan ELEM TOOR BC UTE POPE PEM TE DATEU OY IME POTTY WITTY STE UNE STANT ltheic tasks |For last few years, there is a double digit increment in number of Agile projects (per PMS) lyear on year in 90% of executive conversations, customers bring in Agile as a topic of conversation For all new engagements. TCS mandates Agile [This is nota true statement ————————— (Correct his understanding of Scrum and accept that Scrum Master is the Team's manager Iprotest aout this at INE Earliest POSSTOTE TEaM MECTINE ANG TEC OUTerS KNOW TE TS TOE —] Iknowledseable about Serum crum Master IProduct Owner [Testers [External QA team [Planning is a continuous activity done jointly by Scrum Master and Product Owner ied planning is done upfront and not revisited | crum is one of the planning events [All get Agile Certified inventory Je do it all the time itis not a waste. Defects lover Processing | Review Review IoD [Crystal 0 Extreme Programming losom [More practices from Extreme Programming |Apply waterfall and have the Product Owner sign-off on the requirements Unit testing is not fun anyway. As a self-organized team, choose to ignore the unit testing. increase the duration of the sprint from 4 weeks to 6 weeks [Add two more temporary testers [Form a separate Testing team 5-3-3 B35 553 ffwo minutes per person [2 ms INo time box 0 30 minutes lExtend the Splint by two days so that the team can complete the work [Team Toyzon Kent Beck Alistair Cockburn, Ken Schwaber and Jeff ken Schwaber and Jeff Sutherland; Kent Beck; Alistair Cockburn lalistair Cockburn Ken Schwaber and Jeff Sutherland Kent ‘Cockburn; Kent [Customer Leadership IHR Manager Towner ci progress Ker meg IPprOvaN to ISo that the Scrum Team can reorganize for the next, stakeholders and team discuss the Sprint Backlog for next, [Allin tearm must have the same level of technical [The team should only take up tasks assigned by Product, [The team must be hierarchical with a strict chain of For large transformation projects, Design Thinking is required before ‘Agile doesn't require any pre-requisites. It works very well in all context. In this scenario: the Product Owner doesn't seem to be competent fiwo minutes per person L2hrs INo time box [30 minutes Waterfall method [beta release [Change Control Board (CCB) [The team must discuss the problems encountered in the earlier project [Team must draw up the Release Plan for the final product [Each team member should come prepared with their version of the plan frre tear rust TOOK aC Ime PrOTECK praM Preparer OY Te PrOUCT OWMeT AMT UnTTeTscanTa—| ic tacks [Full Upfront Estimates fork Breakdown Structure [Random Distribution | [Products have faster time to market but may not meet immediate customer needs [Premaces are EXTENSIVE WIEN COMPATET WIT PTOUUCTS POCUCET BY OEY APPTOCTES, TOT] tap quality [The Business Analyst helps the team until the Product Owner returns [The Sprint deliverables may not be of desired value [The Scrum Master plays the role of Product Owner [Scrum Master terminates the Sprint and waits for the Product Owner to return [Scrum Team [Scrum Master [Business Analyst [Technical Lead |Working software over comprehensive documentation [Responding to change over following a plan [The Scrum Master must assign tasks to individuals [The complex tasks must be allocated by the Scrum Master [Tasks must be allocated to team members by the Product Owner [uvnite-serTOr team TeMMErs VOTUNTEEY TOT TASKS, JUNTOTS TUS UE ASSIENEC TASKS DY TE—] Mast [More practices from Extreme Programming [Apply waterfall and have the Product Owner sign-off on the requirements crum Master and Development team IProduct Owner and Development team crum Master and Product Owner [Agile Guidelines [Agile Methods [Agile Phases [Reduced Risk [Faster time to market [Ability to respond to changing requirements improved collaboration between business and technical team Review lEvery project in TCS must follow all practices of Extreme Programming, [100% of TCS associates must be at least at Agile E3 competency [There should not be any Agile related non-compliance in the project audits 0 that the place can be named as Daily Scrum Hub [The Product Owner demands it [Rooms are hard to book and this helps in advance booking [There is no such rule | [To produce simple prototypes early, and release all only at the end of the project Jeacrraeveroper to's Wier DUSITIESS eVETY Cay, COU as THEY MUTINY UISCUSS, aT TTOVE TO] lacoduction when the businessseams ‘sed to measure utilization of the development team itis used to measure defects introduced during the Sprint itis used to measure how fast the Product Owner turns around on the queries IScrum Master as a servant leader [Cross Functional team [Rexx IMs PowerPoint [Tally [A list of activities banned by the team [The set of Can Have requirements [Board that captures the details of the entire project for audit purpose ltumber of items to be worked on by the tean lrasks move from left to right [iteit work in progress loo no documentation because it is a waste of lane [po sufficient documentation co prove you have done = good Job jbo more documentation than usual because Agile Is risky Agile Manifesto mandates zero documentation ines 1k B 1 jaterfall experience did not add value to their resume certified scrum Master (CSM) [Professional Scrum Master ii (PSM 11) project leader roject manager certified manager [None of the above love the entire ODC to Pune, India ‘Ask Agile coach to study other accounts and put together a model for Distributed Agile y Jrroduct Owner can change me sprint Backlog any day mes m 7 PENTECO = fe Rack leroduct Ouner writes lightweight, change Requests for qulek approvala lthe marketing team did not advertise the product features fr

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