David D Dugan Rule 8-4 Misconduct

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Fax Cover Sheet

To: ……………………………………………………………………………………………….

Alphonso Nicholas Faggiolo

From: …………………………………………………………………………………………….
BAR Grievance, Mail Fraud Report, and WARNING TO CEASE AND DESIST!
Re: ……………………………………………………………………………………………….

484-690-9301 25 Including the Cover Sheet

Fax: ………………………………….. Pages: ……………………………………………

Phone Number: ………………….. 4/29/2021
Date: ……………………………………………...
Alphonso-Nicholas Faggiolo
713 Lamp Post Lane
Aston, Pennsylvania 19014


In The Matter Of: Alphonso Nicholas Faggiolo and his Estate:


David D. Dugan
2700 Horizon Drive, Suite 100
King of Prussia,
Pennsylvania, 19406

Dear David D. Dugan:

I, Alphonso Nicholas Faggiolo, am making a Claim against you for the amount of $272,657.00,
for your role and actions in compromising my Property known as 505 Johnson Avenue, Ridley
Park, Pennsylvania; for the crimes that you have committed against I, a man; for being
non-compliant with the Constitutions and Laws that bind you; for depriving me of my God given
constitutionally secured rights by acting under the Color of Law, and for the harm damages that
your role and actions in this matter have caused and are continuing to cause, I, a man, Alphonso
Nicholas Faggiolo and my Property.

You, David D. Dugan, are to immediately CEASE AND DESIST in all matters concerning I, a
man, Alphonso Nicholas Faggiolo and my Property, known as 505 Johnson Avenue, Ridley Park,
Pennsylvania 19014. I’ve already filed the included BAR Grievance against you and the included
Mail Fraud Report against you. If you do not immediately CEASE AND DESIST in all matters,
within 24 hours I will file a Securities Fraud Complaint against you with the SEC and will file
the noted State and Federal Criminal Complaints against you. Then I will walk you into Federal
District Court and sue you and PORTNOFF LAW ASSOCIATES LTD for the Deprivation of
Rights while acting under the Color of Law and for Simulating Legal Process. You people have
NO rights or authority to be involved in any matter concerning I, a man, and my Property!

Responsible Party and Holder In Due Course
Alphonso-Nicholas Faggiolo
713 Lamp Post Lane
Aston, Pennsylvania


I, Alphonso-Nicholas Faggiolo, a man, am over the age of consent, am a creation of

God-Almighty and a follower of God’s laws first and foremost, and the laws of man
when they are not in conflict (Leviticus 18:3,4). Pursuant to Matthew 5:33-37 and James
5:12, let my yea be yea, and my nay be nay, as supported by Federal Public Law
97-280, 96 Stat. 1211 - ​“Whereas the Bible, the Word of God, has made a unique
contribution in shaping the United States as a distinctive and blessed nation and
people”​ and ​“Whereas Biblical teachings inspired concepts of civil government that are
contained in our Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States”
and ​“Whereas..the Bible is "the rock on which our Republic rests"”​. I have personal
knowledge of the matters stated herein and hereby asseverate, understanding both the
spiritual and legal liabilities of, “Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor”.

1. I am a man, and one of the People of these United States of America, being a
creation of God and domiciled in one of the several States.

2. I am, a living, breathing, sentient being on the land, a Natural creation of God
and therefore am not and cannot be any ARTIFICIAL PERSON and, therefore,
am exempt from any and all identifications, treatments, and requirements as
such, pursuant to any process, law, code, or statute, or any color thereof.

3. In these United States of America, the authority of any and all governments
resides in the People of the land, for government is a fiction of the mind and can
only be created by the People, affected by the People, overseen by the People,
for the benefit of the People, and to secure the individual God-given rights of the

4. I reserve, claim all, and waive none of my God-given, secured and guaranteed
Rights, pursuant to the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the
United States of America as ratified in 1791 with the Articles of the Amendments.

5. Pursuant to the Constitution of the United States of America as ratified in 1791

with the Articles of the Amendments, Article VI paragraph 2, ​“This Constitution

and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof;
and all Treaties made, under the authority of the United State, shall be the
supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby,
any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary

6. As a matter of their lawful compliance to the referenced Constitution, any of the

People, while functioning in any Public capacity, in return for the trust of the
People, are granted limited delegated authority by the People, with specific
duties delineated in accordance thereof, shall only do so pursuant to a lawfully
designated, sworn and subscribed Oath of Office and any and all bonds required

7. The only court authorized by the referenced Constitution to hear matters of a

man and the People, is a court that conforms to and functions in accordance with
Article III Section 2 of the referenced Constitution in which all Officers of the court
abide by their sworn and subscribed oaths of office and support and defend the
Rights of the People, and are heard only in “Trial by jury”, in accordance with all
aspects of due process of law.

8. Pursuant to the supreme Law of the Land and the God-given Rights secured and
guaranteed therein, this Constitution is established to ensure the dominion
granted by God to all People, on this land, shall endure, and ensure forever that
the People on this land be free from any and all slavery, indenturement, tyranny,
and oppression under the color of any law, statute, code, policy, procedure, or of
any other type.

9. Pursuant to this Constitution, I cannot be compelled, manipulated, extorted,

tricked, threatened, placed under duress, or coerced or so affected, under the
color of law by any Natural Person, who individually, or in any capacity as, or
under, any Artificial Person, agency, entity, officer, or party, into waiving of any of
my Rights or to act in contradiction thereof, or to act in opposite of the moral
conscience and dominion granted to me by God, nor can I be deprived of any of
these Rights, privileges, and immunities except by lawful process in accordance
with the Law, without that Natural and/or Artificial Person, in whatever capacity.
Anyone using any process, not in accordance with the Constitution, causing
injury to me, thereby commits numerous crimes, requiring lawful punishment

10. I am not a citizen, resident, subject, taxpayer, et al., of the municipal corporations
and private corporations doing business as the COUNTY OF DELAWARE,
municipal corporation; nor does my physical location or the physical location of
my Private Property, create duties, obligations, and Responsibilities upon me to
the foregoing municipal and private corporations, which factually are Fictions of
Law that exist only on paper, and cannot make claims against I - a man, and my
Private Property.

11. I am the sole responsible party and holder in due course for the 4 Private
Properties known as 713 Lamp Post Lane, Aston, Pennsylvania; 505 Johnson
Avenue, Ridley Park, Pennsylvania; 215 Kane Avenue, Ridley Park,
Pennsylvania and the land parcel adjacent to 215 Kane Avenue. There is no
other party with a secured interest, authority, or rights in my Private Property.

12. The “persons” doing business as the municipal corporations and private
corporations known as the COUNTY OF DELAWARE, BOROUGH OF RIDLEY
PENN-DELCO SCHOOL DISTRICT, possess no Jurisdiction over my Private
Property, possess no interest in my Private Property, possess no authority to
make claims against my Private Property; and possess no authority or rights,
whatsoever, over I - a man, and all that I declare my Private Property.

13. I am not an expert in the law however I do know right from wrong. If there is any
man damaged by any statements herein, if he will inform me by facts I will
sincerely make every effort to amend my ways. I hereby and herein reserve the
right to amend and make amendments to this document as necessary, in order
that the truth may be ascertained and proceedings justly determined. If the
parties given notice by means of this document have information that would
controvert and overcome this Affidavit, please advise me IN WRITTEN
AFFIDAVIT FORM within ten (10) days from receipt hereof, providing me with
your counter-affidavit, proving with particularity by stating all requisite actual
evidentiary fact and all requisite actual law, and not merely the ultimate facts or
conclusions of law, that this Affidavit Statement is substantially and materially
false sufficiently to change materially my status and factual declarations. Your
silence stands as consent to, tacit approval of, and acquiescence of, the factual
declarations herein, being established as fact, as a matter of law. May the will of
our Heavenly Father, through the power and authority of the blood of his son, be
done on Earth as it is in Heaven.

ReservingALL my Natural God-Given Unalienable Rights, Waiving None, Ever.

Pursuant to 28 USC§ 1746(1)

any matter is required or permittedto be supported, evidenced, established, or

proved by the sworn declaration, verification, certificate, statement,oath, or affidavit, in

writing of the person making the same, such matter may, with like force and effect, be
supported, evidenced, established, or proved by the unsworn declaration, certificate,
verification, or statement, in writing of such person which is subscribed by him, as true
under penalty of perjury, and dated, in substantial/ythe followingform:"

I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States of America
that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on this the 7th day, of the 11th
month, in the year of our Lord and two thousand twenty.

(lifj1£!;1vw ß,7/,
. .

Alph&:-Nicholas Faggiolo, Affiant and vyf' t--tí'}:J

ResponsibleParty and Holder in Due Course

Notary used without prejudice to my rights:

BE IT REMEMBERED,That this J.3+11 day of

on Novernbef
in the year of our LORD, two thousand and twenty, personally appeared
before me, the Subscriber, a Notary Public for the State of Pennsylvania,
Alphonso-NicholasFaggiolo, party to this Document, known to me
personallyto be such, and he acknowledgedthis Document to be his act
and deed. Given under my hand and seal of office, the day and year

ld: YYlôYd11JCL
c__J.an and
Notary Public Sitting in, for, The State of Pennsylvania

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania• Notary Seal

Ja net Montella, Notary Public
Delaware County
My com mission expires October 16, 2024
Commission number 1382260
Member, Pennsylvania Asaoclatlon of Notarias 4

Enclosed is a Complaint Form for your use in filing a formal complaint against an attorney. Also
enclosed is the Expectations sheet.


Complaints may be filed on the Disciplinary Board’s website at www.padboard.org or on paper

using the enclosed form. Be certain to thoroughly complete all sections of the form. You will
receive acknowledgment of the receipt of your complaint from the Office of Disciplinary
Counsel and appropriate steps will be taken to determine if a violation of the Rules of
Professional Conduct and/or the Rules of Disciplinary Enforcement has occurred.

All paper complaints should be sent to the

District Office in which the attorney
maintains an office.

District I District II District III District IV

1601 Market St. 820 Adams Ave. 601 Commonwealth Ave. 437 Grant St.
Suite 3320 Suite 170 Suite 5800 Suite 1300
Philadelphia, PA 19103 Trooper, PA 19403 P.O. Box 62675 Pittsburgh, PA 15219
(215) 560-6296 (610) 650-8210 Harrisburg, PA 17106-2675 (412) 565-3173
(717) 772-8572


You should provide copies of ALL documents to support your Statement of Complaint, which
may include:
- Fee or Retainer Agreement and any payments made to the attorney
- Bank statements, if appropriate
- Correspondence, including letters, emails, and/or text messages
- Notes of conversations
- Court filings, including docket number and the court of jurisdiction

If you are unable to provide copies, please send original documents with a request to have the
originals returned.
Form DB-2
Rev. 12/13/2017



(Please Type or Print) 4/28/2021

Date: ___________________________

Faggiolo Alphonso
Name: Miss/Ms. Last: _____________________________ First: _______________________ MI: ______ Suffix: ______
713 Lamp Post Lane City: _____________________
Address: Street: _______________________________ Pa. ZIP: ___________
State: _______ 19014
Telephone: _______________________________ alfadogmusic@gmail.com
Email: ___________________________________________________


Dugan David D
Name: Last: __________________________________ First: __________________________ MI: ______ Suffix: ______
King of Prussia Pa.
2700 Horizon Drive, #100 City: _____________________ State: _____ ZIP: ___________
Office Address: Street: ___________________________ 19406
866-211-9466 Delaware
Telephone: ________________________________ County: _________________________________________________

If the attorney complained of represented or represents you in litigation (civil or criminal) please provide the caption, court,
and docket number of the case.




Have you previously filed a complaint concerning this matter or this attorney with the Disciplinary Board, a Bar Association
or its Fee Dispute Committee, any District Justice, Court, District Attorney, or any other agency or office?

YES _______ NO _______.■ If so, please identify the agency and specify the date and nature of your complaint and the
action taken by the agency:



A written and signed statement of the facts must be filed with the Disciplinary Board before your complaint can be
considered. Therefore, under Statement of Complaint, please fully and completely set forth the facts and circumstances of
your complaint, including relevant dates, contacts you made with the attorney, the fee arrangement, dates and amounts paid
to the attorney, services to be performed, the names and addresses of other individuals involved in the legal matter, exactly
what conduct you believe is unethical or illegal, etc.

Please attach copies of all correspondence and/or documents relating to your case. If you send original documents and
wish them returned to you, check here _______. If you have not attached any documentation, please explain why:



STATEMENT OF COMPLAINT: (Note: Attach as many additional pages as necessary to fully set forth all of the relevant
facts and circumstances surrounding your complaint.)



Staff of the Office of Disciplinary Counsel (ODC) and the Board are required to maintain the confidentiality of complaints
and related investigations and proceedings unless and until one of the exceptions to confidentiality, as set forth in
Enforcement Rule 402, applies. ODC staff may interview the respondent-attorney or other persons who may have
information that is relevant to your complaint, and may disclose information when disclosure is permitted or required by
Court or Board Rules.

Enforcement Rule 209(a) provides that any person who communicates with Disciplinary Counsel or the Board relating to
misconduct by a respondent-attorney or gives testimony before a hearing committee or special master in a proceeding
conducted pursuant to the Enforcement Rules, shall be immune from civil suit based upon such communication or testimony.

________________________ _____________________________________________
(Date) (Your Signature)

What should you expect?

• An acknowledgment of receipt of the complaint and assignment of a file number for
future reference;
• A fair and impartial investigation performed by the Office of Disciplinary Counsel
(ODC), wherein staff may communicate with you, the attorney, and in some cases, other
parties, to obtain information;
• An efficient disposition of your complaint, being mindful of the complexity of the
matter, cooperation of all parties, and availability of documents, among other things,
which may affect the duration of the investigation; and,
• To receive official notification of the disposition of your complaint.

What should you NOT expect?

• Assistance or advice from the Disciplinary Board or ODC with respect to your legal
• Direction from the Disciplinary Board or ODC to your attorney to take or refrain from
a particular action;
• Representation by the Disciplinary Board or ODC with respect to your legal matter;
• A referral by the Disciplinary Board or ODC to a new lawyer to handle your matter; or,
• Reimbursement or other monetary compensation through the process.*

Fee Disputes
Fee disputes are not normally handled within the attorney disciplinary process.
Individuals should pursue fee disputes with the Bar association in the county where the
attorney practices.

* If you sustained a financial loss as a result of your attorney’s dishonest conduct, you may file a claim
with the Pennsylvania Lawyers Fund for Client Security (PaLFCS). Claim forms and additional
information may be found on the PaLFCS website at www.palawfund.com.
Alphonso-Nicholas Faggiolo
713 Lamp Post Lane
Aston, Pennsylvania 19014


NAME: DAVID D. DUGAN, BAR #312395 (hereinafter "Dugan")
ADDRESS: 2700 Horizon Drive Suite 100, King of Prussia, Pennsylvania 19406


David D. Dugan: Committed numerous Crimes and Knowingly Forged a Lien

against my Property.

David D. Dugan violated Rule 8.4 Misconduct:

It is professional misconduct for a lawyer to:
(b) commit a criminal act that reflects adversely on the lawyer's
honesty, trustworthiness or fitness as a lawyer in other respects;

On or about the the 8th of January 2021, Dugan committed criminal acts that reflect
adversely on his honesty, trustworthiness and fitness to be a lawyer, Dugan violated the
Pennsylvania Rules of Professional Conduct ("PRPC") as follows:

1. On 1/8/2021 Dugan Forged a lien against my Property known as 505 Johnson

Avenue, Ridley Park, Pennsylvania, hereinafter known as Property.

2. On 1/8/2021 Dugan filed his Forged lien with the DELAWARE COUNTY COURT
OF COMMON PLEAS, PENNSYLVANIA, known as Case CV-2021-060113.

3. On 1/8/2021 Dugan filed his Forged lien in the name of a “FICTITIOUS

PLAINTIFF” doing business as the BOROUGH OF RIDLEY PARK, against my
Property; which constituted criminal fraud as the BOROUGH OF RIDLEY PARK,
a corporate fiction, cannot be a litigant in an alleged “IN REM” proceeding
against my Property, as the BOROUGH OF RIDLEY PARK [corporate fiction] has
no rights in my Property to enforce.

4. On 1/8/2021 Dugan filed his Forged lien against 2 (two) deceased people,
Alphonso P. Faggiolo and Margaret J. Faggiolo, which he deemed in his pleading
as the adversaries against his alleged client, a corporate fiction doing business

5. Dugan ignored the fact that the PERSONS doing business as the BOROUGH OF
RIDLEY PARK are already in commercial Default on a Notice of Claim totaling
$400,000 supported by Affidavits, served to them on August 24, 2020 at 11:50
am, via certified mail # [7017 0660 0000 8870 4499] by I, a man, Alphonso
Nicholas Faggiolo.

6. Dugan ignored the fact that the PERSONS doing business as the BOROUGH OF
RIDLEY PARK are already in commercial Default on a Notice of Claim totaling
$750,000 supported by Affidavits, served to them on December 4, 2020 at 1:00
pm, via certified mail # [7019 2970 0001 5734 0050] by I, a man, Alphonso
Nicholas Faggiolo.

7. Dugan ignored the fact that the failure of the PERSONS doing business as the
BOROUGH OF RIDLEY PARK to rebut the foregoing Affidavits referenced in
paragraph 5 and 6, had Estopped them from making any Claims against I, a
man, Alphonso Nicholas Faggiolo, and my Property, known as 505 Johnson
Avenue, Ridley Park, Pennsylvania.

8. I, a man, verify under penalty of perjury that there is NO debt owed to the
PERSONS doing business as the BOROUGH OF RIDLEY PARK. There is no res
judicata case determined in a Trial by Jury, where it was determined that any
claimed debt exists. Dugan violated both State and Federal Constitutions and
simulated legal process by both judging that a debt exists and imposing his
judgement upon my Property, therefore imposing it upon I, a man, Alphonso
Nicholas Faggiolo, and infringing upon my God given constitutionally secured

9. Dugan and PERSONS doing business as PORTNOFF LAW ASSOCIATES, LTD.

knowingly and intentionally Trespassed and Administered my Property without

10. Dugan and PERSONS doing business as PORTNOFF LAW ASSOCIATES, LTD.
knowingly and intentionally Uttered forged documents against my Property.

11. Dugan had no authority to decide, of his own accord, that certain laws, statutes,
codes, and ordinances [written instruments], apply to I, a man, and my Property
without first adjudicating any such claims in a Trial by Jury. This constitutes a
simulation of the legal process and violates Article 1, Sections 6 and 11 of the
Pennsylvania Constitution.
12. Dugan had no authority to impose, of his own accord, any laws, statutes, codes,
or ordinances [written instruments], upon I, a man, and my Property without first
adjudicating any such claims in a Trial by Jury. This constitutes a simulation of
legal process and violates Article 1, Sections 6 and 11 of the Pennsylvania

13. Dugan had no authority to “judge”, of his own accord, that a written instrument
known as the “Pennsylvania Rules of Civil Procedure” applied to I, a man, and
my Property, and granted him rights to Administer my Property. This constitutes a
simulation of legal process and violates Article 1, Sections 6 and 11 of the
Pennsylvania Constitution.

14. Dugan had no authority to “impose”, of his own accord, a written instrument
known as the “Pennsylvania Rules of Civil Procedure” upon I, a man, and my
Property. This constitutes a simulation of legal process and violates Article 1,
Sections 6 and 11 of the Pennsylvania Constitution.

15. Dugan, of his own accord, determined that the BOROUGH OF RIDLEY PARK, a
corporate fiction, which is an IT, has rights in my Property. I, a man, Alphonso
Nicholas Faggiolo, am not a tax payer of IT, am not owned by IT, am not a
subject of IT, am not a resident of IT, am not a citizen of IT, have no contracts
with IT, have no obligations with IT, and do not reside in IT.

16. 505 Johnson Avenue, Ridley Park, Pennsylvania, is my Property. Dugan, of his
own accord, determined that my Property resides in a corporate fiction doing
business as the BOROUGH OF RIDLEY PARK. My Property does not reside in
the corporate fiction doing business as the BOROUGH OF RIDLEY PARK.

17. Dugan, and the PERSONS doing business as PORTNOFF LAW ASSOCIATES
and the BOROUGH OF RIDLEY PARK have no right, no interest, no jurisdiction,
no authority, and no standing, to do anything with my Property. Any claims that
Dugan and the foregoing entities had needed to first be adjudicated in a Trial by
Jury. This violated Article 1, Sections 6 and 11 of the Pennsylvania Constitution.

18. I, a man, Alphonso Nicholas Faggiolo, have not relinquished rights to Dugan and
the PERSONS doing business as PORTNOFF LAW ASSOCIATES and the

19. I, a man, Alphonso Nicholas Faggiolo, have no contract or obligation to

acknowledge or adhere to ordinances, codes, et. al, authored by PERSONS
doing business as BOROUGH OF RIDLEY PARK. Any such claims that Dugan
and the PERSONS doing business as PORTNOFF LAW ASSOCIATES and the
BOROUGH OF RIDLEY PARK had, needed to first be adjudicated in a Trial by
Jury. This violated Article 1, Sections 6 and 11 of the Pennsylvania Constitution.

20. Dugan committed “Forgery” under Pennsylvania Title 18 § 4101 by creating and
filing an unverified and unadjudicated lien against my Property, of his own
accord. No law, statute, code, or ordinance granted, or ever could grant, Dugan
jurisdiction and authority to create an unadjudicated lien against my Property.

21. Dugan engaged in “Official oppression” under Pennsylvania Title 18 § 5301.

Dugan liened my Property and my unalienable rights to Trial by Jury, Due
Process of Law, Freedom from unreasonable searches and seizures, and my
rights to acquire, possess and protect property and reputation, and of pursuing
my own happiness. Dugan violated Article 1, Sections 6, 11, 8, and 1 of the
Pennsylvania Constitution.

22. Dugan engaged in “Barratry” under Pennsylvania Title 18 § 5109 by vexing I, a

man, with a vexatious suit; as neither Dugan, the PERSONS doing business as
possesses jurisdiction, authority, or standing, to take any actions against I, a
man, and my Property without first adjudicating any such claims in a Trial by Jury.

23. Dugan engaged in “Defrauding secured creditors” under Pennsylvania Title 18 §

4110. I, a man, Alphonso Nicholas Faggiolo, am the sole responsible party and
holder in due course and the sole secured creditor of 505 Johnson Avenue,
Ridley Park, Pennsylvania, and Dugan defrauded me by making vexatious claims
against my Property.

24. Dugan engaged in “Deceptive or fraudulent business practices” under

Pennsylvania Title 18 § 4107, by making or inducing others to rely on false and
misleading written statements for the purpose of obtaining my Property and

25. Dugan engaged in “Securing execution of documents by deception” under
Pennsylvania Title 18 § 4114. Dugan, using deception caused another to execute
an instrument affecting or purporting to affect or likely to affect I, a man’s,
pecuniary interest.

26. Dugan engaged in “Identity theft” under Pennsylvania Title 18 § 4120. Dugan
committed the offense of identity theft against Alphonso P. Faggiolo (deceased),
Margaret J. Faggiolo (deceased), and Alphonso Nicholas Faggiolo, by
possessing and using, through any means, identifying information of the
foregoing without their consent, to further his unlawful forged lien against my

27. Dugan engaged in Federal mail fraud pursuant to 18 U.S. Code § 1341 - Frauds
and swindles; 18 U.S. Code § 1342 - Fictitious name or address; and 18 U.S.
Code § 876 - Mailing threatening communications; which has already been
reported, see attached Mail Fraud Report.

28. Dugan engaged in the following Federal Crimes: 18 U.S. Code § 241 -
Conspiracy against rights; 18 U.S. Code § 242 - Deprivation of rights under color
of law; 18 U.S. Code § 1341 - Frauds and swindle; 18 U.S. Code § 2071 -
Concealment, removal, or mutilation generally ; 18 U.S. Code § 2073 - False
entries and reports of moneys or securities; 18 U.S. Code § 513 - Securities of
the States and private entities; 18 U.S. Code § 514 - Fictitious obligations
18 U.S. Code § 876 - Mailing threatening communications; and 18 U.S. Code §
1001 - Statements or Entries Generally.

Pursuant to 28 USC § 1746(1)

I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States of America
that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on this the 27th day, of the 4th
month, in the year of our Lord and Savior, two thousand twenty-one.

Alphonso Nicholas Faggiolo: man

1 2

3 11


7 8 9

Alphonso-Nicholas Faggiolo
713 Lamp Post Lane
Aston, Pennsylvania 19014


1. I, a man, Alphonso Nicholas Faggiolo, have no contract with David D. Dugan or

the PERSONS doing business as PORTNOFF LAW ASSOCIATES, LTD. David
D. Dugan and the PERSONS doing business as PORTNOFF LAW
ASSOCIATES, LTD. are Trespassing and Administering my Property [505
Johnson Avenue, Ridley Park, Pennsylvania] without right and are uttering
Forged documents against my Property.

2. David D. Dugan listed a FICTITIOUS PLAINTIFF, not a real adversary with

Standing, and therefore the alleged plaintiff is not a valid litigant. David D. Dugan
is fraudulently claiming to speak and act for a corporate fiction [BOROUGH OF
RIDLEY PARK] that exists only on paper, while attempting to move a False Claim
against my Property, which is not only a sanctionable offense, it constitutes
criminal Fraud. A CORPORATE FICTION can’t make a claim against a man and
can’t move a claim against a man, only another man or woman with standing can
make such a claim. David D. Dugan is the sole responsible party moving this
false claim of his own accord. David D. Dugan has no standing to make and file
an IN REM claim, nor does any PERSON doing business as the BOROUGH OF
RIDLEY PARK have Standing to make and file an IN REM claim, as they retain
NO rights in my property to enforce.

3. The BOROUGH OF RIDLEY PARK is a Fictitious Plaintiff, it’s an IT not a WHO,

and IT cannot make Claims, IT has no rights, IT has no standing, IT cannot be
harmed or damaged, IT cannot testify, IT cannot contract, and IT cannot be a
witness to any alleged matter. Listing a Fictitious litigant against a man or woman
is Fraud.

4. David D. Dugan has made a False claim against two (2) deceased people,
Margaret J. Faggiolo and Alphonso P. Faggiolo, which evidences his
incompetence in this alleged matter, and also constitutes criminal Fraud, as he is
attempting to extort money from my Property by attempting to move a false claim
against (2) deceased people. David D. Dugan has no jurisdiction, no standing,
and obviously no personal knowledge of any matter involving my Property to file
this vexatious suit.

5. IN REM: “In the strict sense of the term, a proceeding "In rem" is one which is
taken directly against property or one which is brought to enforce a right in
the thing itself”. David D. Dugan and the PERSONS doing business as the
BOROUGH OF RIDLEY PARK have NO right in my Property [505 Johnson
Avenue, Ridley Park, Pennsylvania] to enforce, therefore he cannot bring an IN
REM proceeding against IT. No laws, statutes, codes, or ordinances [written
instruments], granted, or could grant, rights in my Property to David D. Dugan
and the PERSONS doing business as the BOROUGH OF RIDLEY PARK. The
Authors of the foregoing written instruments never possessed rights in my
Property from the start, to grant any rights to others. Not only does this violate
due process of law, it’s an intentional attempt to defraud I, a man, Alphonso
Nicholas Faggiolo, and violate my rights of “acquiring, possessing and protecting
property and reputation, and of pursuing my own happiness”.

6. The BOROUGH OF RIDLEY PARK is a corporate FICTION, existing only on

paper, and it did not file a lien, David D. Dugan is the sole responsible party that
filed the lien, which constitutes criminal Fraud. I don’t have a contract with David
D. Dugan, or the PERSONS doing business as PORTNOFF LAW ASSOCIATES
and the BOROUGH OF RIDLEY PARK, nor am I a taxpayer, subject, resident,
member, et. al, of the corporate fiction doing business as the BOROUGH OF
RIDLEY PARK, nor does the corporate fiction’s ordinances apply to I, a man, and
my Property. Neither I, nor my Property, are the Property of the The PERSONS
doing business as the BOROUGH OF RIDLEY PARK; nor do I have a contract
with the PERSONS doing business as the BOROUGH OF RIDLEY PARK
granting rights to Administer my property. David D. Dugan had no jurisdiction,no
standing, and no personal knowledge of any matter to claim I am a “debtor” to
any one! I am the sole responsible party and holder in due course, I am the sole
secured Creditor, and the only Beneficiary of the property known as 505 Johnson
Avenue, Ridley Park, Pennsylvania.

7. The “Owner Name” and “Last Known Mailing Address” are incorrect. I have no
duty and obligation to update records that David D. Dugan relied on to forge his
documents. David D. Dugan had no authority to access my private information
and attempt to use my information to extort money from me. I have no contract
with this pettifogger shyster David D. Dugan, doing business as an Attorney! Just
because the PERSONS doing business as the BOROUGH OF RIDLEY PARK
may have hired David D. Dugan, it did not grant him rights to search and use my
information, to Trespass and Administer my property without right, and to utter
forged documents against my Property and against my deceased Mother and

8. The PERSONS doing business as BOROUGH OF RIDLEY PARK were
instructed to remove the Property known as 505 Johnson Avenue, Ridley Park,
Pennsylvania from their tax roll and their system, numerous times now! The
PERSONS doing business as BOROUGH OF RIDLEY PARK are factually in
commercial Default on 2 (two) sets of Affidavits served to them on August 24,
2020 at 11:50 am via certified [7017 0660 0000 8870 4499] and on December 4,
2020 at 1:00 pm via certified mail [7019 2970 0001 5734 0050]. Their Default
acts as their tacit agreement and acquiesce that all stated facts in my Affidavits
are true. Upon the 2 (two) Defaults the PERSONS doing business as the
BOROUGH OF RIDLEY PARK were Estopped from making any claims as a
matter of fact and a matter of law. An unrebutted Affidavits stand as Truth. In
addition, in a direct related matter, the PERSONS doing business as PORTNOFF
LAW ASSOCIATES, LTD. were also served a Notice of Claim for $10,000
supported by my Affidavit of Fact, via certified mail on September 28, 2020 at
10:19 am [7019 2970 0001 5737 9173], which they also Defaulted on. David D.
Dugan has now created a controversy solely of his own accord, where no
controversy existed. Unless David D. Dugan would like to rebut the Affidavits
served upon the PERSONS doing business as the BOROUGH OF RIDLEY
PARK, this matter has long been settled.

9. The claimed figure of $2,290.96 has no basis in fact or law, as David D. Dugan
has no personal knowledge of any amount he’s claiming is owed, nor has any
PERSON doing business as the BOROUGH OF RIDLEY PARK verified David D.
Dugan’s alleged claim. Everything David D. Dugan has submitted in this alleged
matter is complete Hearsay, in addition to constituting Forgery, as there has
never been a debt that has been adjudicated in a Trial by Jury. The PERSONS
doing business as the BOROUGH OF RIDLEY PARK are in commercial Default
on a $400,000 claim [7017 0660 0000 8870 4499] and on a $750,000 claim
[7019 2970 0001 5734 0050]; and PORTNOFF LAW ASSOCIATES, LTD. is in
commercial Default on a $10,000 Claim.

10. I, a man, Alphonso Nicholas Faggiolo, have no contract with PERSONS doing
business as PORTNOFF LAW ASSOCIATES, LTD, to Administer my Property,
nor do they or any other entity they are claiming to represent, possess any rights
in my property to enforce. David D. Dugan’s Title of Esquire is completely
meaningless! “ESQUIRE: A title applied by courtesy to officers of almost every
description, to members of the bar, and others. No one is entitled to it by law,
and, therefore, it confers, no distinction in law”.

11. David D. Dugan knowingly and intentionally filed suit in an Improper Venue as
“Every court of Pennsylvania shall be a court of record with all the qualities
and incidents of a court of record at common law. (42 Pa.C.S.A. § 321)”. The
factually is not a Court of Record and factually is NOT a court of Pennsylvania,
as it lacks the “qualities and incidents” of a Court of Record at Common Law;
therefore it is a foreign Jurisdiction to I, a man. I’m not a part of any corporate
Administration [see included Affidavit of Status] and have no duty or obligation to
respond to Hearsay allegations that were factually initiated through Forged
documents created by David D. Dugan. The one exception to not responding is
responding to hold David D. Dugan accountable for the crimes he has committed
[State crimes are now being filed now], and holding Michelle Portnoff
accountable for facilitating David D. Dugan’s crimes. David D. Dugan’s filing is
void ab initio as neither he nor anyone he claims to represent possess rights in
my property [505 Johnson Avenue, Ridley Park, Pennsylvania], therefore the
filing requires no response!

Qualities and Incidents of a Court of Record”

● A judicial tribunal having attributes and exercising functions independently

of the person of the magistrate designated generally to hold it.
● Proceeds according to the course of common law (not statutes).
● Its acts and proceedings are enrolled for a perpetual memorial.
● Has power to fine or imprison for contempt.
● No fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise reexamined (no appeals) in any
court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law,
● Has a seal.

Bill of Rights Amendment VII

“In suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty
dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury,
shall be otherwise reexamined in any court of the United States, than according
to the rules of the common law”.

12. I, a man, Alphonso Nicholas Faggiolo, have no contract with the PERSONS
doing business as the BOROUGH OF RIDLEY PARK, they possess no rights in
my Property known as 505 Johnson Avenue, Ridley Park, Pennsylvania, and
their Fee Schedule is nullity to me! No law, statute, code, or ordinance can grant
a corporation rights over a man’s Property and grant rights for a corporate fiction
to impose a Fee Schedule upon a man, who is one of the People.

Pursuant to 28 USC § 1746(1)
I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States of America that
the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on this the 27th day, of the 4th month, in the
year of our Lord and Savior, two thousand twenty-one.

Alphonso Nicholas Faggiolo: man

U.S. Postal Inspection Service
Mail Fraud Report
Subject of Complaint
Company Name First Name Last Name
Portnoff Law associates David Dugan
2700 Horizon Drive, Suite 100
City State ZIP+4® Country
King of Prussia Pennsylvania 19406 Delaware
Cell Phone (Include Area Code) Work Phone (Include Area Code) Home Phone (Include Area Code) Email Address
Fax Phone (Include Area Code) Website Address
Your Information
First Name Last Name Age Range: Veteran Status:
12–17 20–29 40–54 65 or
Alphonso Faggiolo 18–19 30–39 55–64 older Yes No
713 Lamp Post Lane
City State ZIP+4® Country
Aston Pa. 19014 Delaware
Cell Phone (Include Area Code) Work Phone (Include Area Code) Home Phone (Include Area Code) Email A ddress
610-818-7167 alfadogmusic@gmail.com
How Were You Contacted?
U.S. Mail™
Telephone __________________ Internet ISP __________________ Website __________________ Email _____________________
Other _____________________________________________________ Phone App

On what date were you contacted? If by mail, do you have the envelope it was mailed in? Does the envelope have a permit number?
1 / 13 / 2021 Yes No Permit Number See attached
Does the envelope have a postage meter number? Yes No Permit City See attached
Postage Meter Number
See attached Permit State See attached
How Did You Respond to this Offer?
Check one of the following:
U.S. Mail
Telephone __________________ Internet ISP __________________ Website __________________ Email _____________________
Other ______________________________________________________
I filed Pennsylvania State Criminal Complaints, and a Securities Fraud Complaint with the Securities Exchange Commission (See Attached).
David D. Dugan, 2700 Horizon Drive, Suite 100, King of Prussia, Pa. 19406
To what name and address did you mail your response? _________________________________________________________________________
Do you have a tracking number? Yes Tracking Number
What did you receive? Threats and an Extortion demand for money in Forged and Falsified documents.
How did it differ from what you expected? I expected nothing, I have no contract with David D. Dugan.
How much did the company ask you to pay? Do you have the item? How was it delivered? U.S. Mail™ Private Courier
$2,290.96 Yes No In Person Other _____________________________
Have you contacted the company or person about the complaint? Yes No
If yes, date of last contact 4 / 24 / 2021If no, why? Address Unavailable Addressee Not at Address
Disconnected Telephone Unlisted Telephone Unanswered Telephone
Legitimate businesses appreciate feedback. Check the offer for the delivery time frame, usually six to eight weeks, then contact the company. Please wait two weeks after
contacting them before sending us this form. When a delivery time is not specified, a Federal Trade Commission rule mandates fulfillment within 30 days, unless you applied
for first-time credit with the company.
Did You Lose Money?
No Yes Yes IfIfYes,
so, how much (in U.S. dollars)? ________________ Date of Last Payment / /
How did you pay? (check one)
Cash Postal Money Order (Provide Postal Money Order Number) _____________________________________________
Money Transfer Service (Provide Transfer Service Name & Number) _____________________________________________ Transfer Number _______________________________

Pay Pal Debit Card/Credit Card Check Other Money Order Virtual Currency
Other (explain)
PS Form 8165, August 2019, (Page 1 of 2) See page 2 for privacy Act Statement
Type of Mail Fraud Complaint
Find the general category below that describes your area of concern, and check the specific item. (Check one only.)
Advance Payment Fiduciary Medical Quackery
Credit Card (Perpetrated by person in position of Medical Cure
Credit Repair, Debt Consolidation trust, financial advisor, attorney, etc.) Sexual Aid
Loans Bribery, Kickbacks, Embezzlements Weight Loss
Medical Services Estate
Financial Planning
Chain Letter Will Merchandise or Services
Failure to Pay
Charity Fraud Failure to Provide
(Merchandise ordered in your name
Internet Auction
without your consent.)
Contest, Prize, or Sweepstakes Misrepresentation of Product or Service
Insurance Mortgage Fraud
Educational Fraud Health Care-Related Foreclosure Rescue
Certification Life Insurance Related Mortgage Modification
Degree Property Insurance Related Reverse Mortgage
International Fraud
Employment Personal
Distributorship, Multilevel Marketing Impostor Dating Service
Overseas Job (e.g., IRS, Social Security, False Divorce Decree
Postal Service Job grandchild, grandparent) Mail Order Bride
Secret Shopper
Work at Home Investment Real Estate
Franchise Land Sales
False Bill or Notice Gems, Coins, Precious Metals Timeshare
Classified Ad Securities, Stocks Vacation or Travel
Collection Agency Notice
Directory Solicitation Lottery Sexually Oriented Advertisement
Office Supplies (You pay to play.)
Subscription/Periodical Domestic
Taxes Foreign Other ______________________

Additional Information
Provide any additional information you feel is important regarding this complaint in the space below:
David D. Dugan created forged and falsified documents he used to threaten I,a man, in an
attempt to Extort money from me in violation of, 18 U.S. Codes: 1342 - Fictitious name or
address, 1341 – Frauds and swindles, 876 - Mailing threatening communications.
Thank you for completing this form. Please mail to the address below all copies (not originals) of bills, receipts, advertisements, canceled checks (front and
back), or correspondence related to your report. The U.S. Postal Inspection Service is a federal law enforcement agency, and Postal Inspectors gather
facts and evidence to determine whether a violation has occurred under the Mail Fraud or False Representation Statutes. While we can’t guarantee you will
recover money lost to fraud, your information can help alert Inspectors about new fraud schemes and prevent others from being victimized. Postal Inspectors
base mail fraud investigations on the number, substance, and pattern of complaints received from the public; therefore, we ask you to keep all original
documents relating to your complaint, including the solicitation, any mailing envelopes, and canceled checks. Under our Consumer Protection Program,
Postal Inspectors may contact individuals or businesses on your behalf to request that complaints be resolved. We will contact you if more information is
needed. Postal Inspectors caution that, once you have been targeted in a fraud scheme, your name may be passed along to other con artists, so beware
of future solicitations. If you know of others who believe they were victimized by fraud, we recommend they submit a Mail Fraud Report. Postal Inspectors
suggest that, before completing a business transaction, contact the Chamber of Commerce, Better Business Bureau, or county or state Office of Consumer
Affairs where the firm is located to get information on the company. Visit the Better Business Bureau at bbb.org, the state National Association of Attorneys
General at naag.org, and the Postal Inspection Service at postalinspectors.uspis.gov for more information on fraud involving use of the mail. Remember: If a
deal sounds too good to be true, it probably is!

Return this form to your postmaster, or mail to:

CHICAGO IL 60699-3255
Privacy Act Statement. Your information will be used to submit a mail fraud report and to support investigations of criminal (civil or administrative) matters.
Collection is authorized by 39 U.S.C. 401 and 404; and 18 U.S.C. 3061.
Supplying the information is voluntary, but if not provided, we may not be able to investigate your mail fraud complaint. We do not disclose your information
to third parties without your consent, except to act on your behalf or request, or as legally required. This includes the following limited circumstances: to a
congressional office on your behalf; to a U.S. Postal Service auditor; for law enforcement purposes, to labor organizations as required by applicable law; incident
to legal proceedings involving the Postal Service; to government agencies in connection with decisions as necessary; to agents or contractors when necessary
to fulfill a business function or provide products and services to customers; to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission when requested in connection
with the investigation of a formal complaint; to the Merit Systems Protection Board or Office of Special Counsel for the purpose of litigation; to the public, news
media, trade associations, or organized groups to provide information of interest to the public; to a federal, state, local or foreign prison, probation, parole,
or pardon authority or to any other agency involved with the maintenance, transportation, or release of a person held in custody; and to a foreign country as
authorized by an international treaty, convention, or executive agreement or to the extent necessary to assist such country in apprehending or returning a fugitive
to its jurisdiction. For more information on our privacy policies visit www.usps.com/privacypolicy.

Name and Signature Date 4/28/2021

PS Form 8165, August 2019, (Page 2 of 2)

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