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SKILLS TEST 8 Extension

1 Read the text messages. Match the parts of the sentences. There are three extra parts.

Sam Hey guys! Where are you? I am waiting outside the Hexagon Tent!
Adam Hi! Really cool! I am at the Garage Stage. What are you doing?
Sam I’m sitting down waiting for the next band! What about you?
Adam I am listening to Black Night. They are awesome singers!
Sam Where is Ruben? I have his jumper!
Adam I don’t know! Maybe at the tent.
Ruben I’m not at our tent. I’m in the Food Tent! I don’t like listening to this music! It’s too loud at the
Sam What are you eating? I don’t like eating festival food.
Ruben A really expensive hamburger! £8 ! And I’ve got bad news!
Sam What?
Ruben I can’t find my left shoe...
Adam Don’t worry. I have it! It’s in my bag with your coat.
Ruben OK. Great. See you later. At our tent.

Ruben OK. Great. See you later. At our tent.

0 Sam is waiting outside the Hexagon Tent 0 for the next band.
1 Adam thinks the singers a a tent.
2 Sam has b in his bag.
3 Adam thinks Ruben is possibly c £8.
4 In fact, Ruben is in the d Ruben’s jumper.
5 Ruben thinks the music e Garage Tent.
6 The hamburger cost f at their tent.
7 Adam has Ruben’s coat g Food Tent.
8 They are sharing h Ruben’s shoe.
i a pizza.
j are great.
k is too loud.
2 Read the text messages again. Complete the sentences with words from the list. There are five extra words.
listening hotel loud different coat alone tent quiet expensive listen
waiting cheap jumper
0 Sam is alone . 4 Ruben is eating a very
1 The three boys are in places.
5 Adam has Ruben’s shoe and .
2 Adam is to a band.
6 Ruben thinks the music is too .
3 Sam is for the next band.
7 They agree to meet at their .

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Name Class Date

SKILLS TEST 8 Extension

3 Listen to the interview with Laura. Complete the sentences with one word in each gap.

0 Laura is selling clothes .

1 She’s selling shirts, shorts and .

2 She designs them with her .

3 She is studying .

4 She goes home every .

5 They are selling a lot of .

6 The interviewer buys a .

7 It costs pounds.

4 Listen again and put the information in the correct order (1-9).

a The weather

b The price of the clothes

c Where Laura is staying.

d Who designs the clothes.

e Her studies

f When customers come

g The colour of the interviewer’s new shirt

h Why she is at the festival

i The interviewer’s introduction 1

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Name Class Date

SKILLS TEST 8 Extension

5 Write a short questionnaire for your friends to complete about their likes and dislikes. Write two questions
for each topic.
Clothes 1 2
Music 1 2
Subjects 1 2
Holidays 1 2
Hobbies 1 2

6 Work in pairs. Take turns to say what the people are doing in your picture, and what they are wearing.

7 Work in pairs. Make suggestions to go and watch the things in the photos. Use the phrases below to
help you.
How about …?

Let’s …

Why don’t we …?



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