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Is the transsentientist critical path a silver

bullet for the problems of the future of work

and learning? And are we on that path?
By Peter Sølling Jørgensen
10.000 words


In this article, a new term 'transsentientism' is coined along with a metric called “Sentions”. Together, they enable
a mapping of a “transsentientist critical path” (TCP). This more utopian approach compliments the current more
dystopian focus in media, entertainment, and in the scientific field of effective altruism (EA). Further, TCP
dashboards could prove to be a silver bullet for both opening new blue ocean markets that would create the future
of work and enabling gamified learning as an alternative to the less efficient time-based learning. Such shift would
both encourage and accommodate for learning 21st century skills rather than the 20th century skills that are still
taught many places. These dashboards invite for a non-utilitarian (read voluntary) gamification of EA, that can
make it both fun and remunerated to solve the world’s biggest problems through large scale collaboration and

Keywords: Effective altruism, sentience, transsentientism, future of work, mission learning, 21st century skills,
dashboards, gamification, moon-shots.

1. Introduction perplexed about what do to make the world a better place

The rapid advancements in artificial intelligence the past for the coming generations.
couple of decades raises an important philosophical
question about the future: If the rate of innovation There are today broadly speaking five big visions for
continues or accelerates with the plethora of societal compelling futures (from now on called “the five
changes that such change would bring with it, then - as conventional futures”):
philosophical influencers such as Bostrom (2014) asks -
• Humanism (e.g. fighting poverty),
what would be our political standpoint?
• Transhumanism (evolving humanity),
Regardless of the probability of such runaway scenario • Cosmism (celebrating a sentient AI takeover),
with a telescoping of the future, considering our • Sentientism (giving animals rights according to
hypothetical standpoint may tell us something about our their sentience), and
current priorities and even help us out in our current • Environmentalism (living in harmony with
global challenges. Sagan & Druyan (1997) calls for a nature).
worthy goal for humanity when observing the world from
afar with its wars and inequalities. Similarly, Sagan & Druyan (1997) argue that believing that the
entrepreneur Elon Musk is outspoken about the Earth is at the centre of the Universe (geocentrism)
importance of a compelling vision for the future to have comes from a provincial mindset. Moreover, they argue
something to get up to in the morning. that just like with geocentrism, believing that humanity
is at the centre of the biological kingdom
We are also currently living in a society where political (anthropocentrism) also comes from a provincial
popularism, yellow journalism and dystopian mindset. In this line of thought, the five conventional
entertainment productions are paving the way for futures also come from a somewhat provincial mindset.
xenophobic conspiracy theory movements such as the This paper coins a less provincial future scenario called
QAnon and the Flat Earth society though conveying the transsentientism and presents a methodology for finding
image of a dystopian future. Furthermore, the research a path to such a future. The transsentientist path is,
focus in popular future think tanks such as Effective compared to the paths suggested in the five conventional
Altruism, the Future of Humanity Institute, and the futures can be more compelling, ambitious, and
Future of Life Institute, scientific research topics are also inclusive.
more heavily focused on dystopian futures than on
utopian futures. This discomforting feeling building up
through the stream of news across both scientific and
popular media leaves the consumer irresolute and

Could the TCP improve the future of work and 1. Unknown: The EA framework is not known to
learning? enough people
With the advancement of artificial intelligence, the 21st 2. Confusing: EA intentionally refrains from
century skills (see annex 1) for the future of work seem prioritizing between actions
to be different from the 20th century skills. The need for 3. Unclear: The EA framework does not offer any
an education reform is eminent (Subhash & Cudney, clear metric for improvement that can gamify
altruistic actions and encourage collaboration.
2018), and the future of work could very well be much
4. Discouraging: EA is focussed too much on
different from what we are used to. According to avoiding dystopian scenarios and not enough
McAfee & Brynjolfsson (2012) we are going to see more on collaborating towards utopian scenarios.
and more things that look like science fiction and fewer
and fewer things that look like jobs. While this
If these reasons are true, then could TCP dashboards
prediction has been wronged the past 200 years starting
become a new tool to the EA toolbox that could mitigate
with the luddite movement, this time it seems that our or eliminate some or all the four factors above? This
vey last stand on the job market – our intellect - is being could take place in the following four ways:
disrupted. MacAfee & Brynjolfsson predicts the
introduction of a Universal Basic Income (UBI) that will
1. EA could become more attractive to investors
free recipients from “drudgery and toil” and enable
by providing an interface with dashboards for
them to pursue more exciting adventures. Ten EA that would simplify and gamify growth and
additional outspoken UBI advocates from both the collaboration.
political, scientific, and corporate communities are: 2. EA could become more accessible to investors
Steven Hawking, Andrew Ng, Elon Musk, Andrew Yang, by more illustratively showcasing desirable
Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Besos, Bill Gates, Larry Page, futures with their respective “blue oceans” that
Ray Kurzweil, and Neil DeGrasse Tyson. would leapfrog the technology which in turn
would lead to a more sustainable growth path of
sentience on Earth.
By providing both tangible roadmaps for exciting futures
3. EA could become the go to place to reduce angst
and a gamified dashboard interface, TCP could give a
for technological dystopias, which is arguably
framework of moon-shots to expand both learning and
needed in a world where both extremist flat-
work much beyond the term “jobs” and more into the
earth-societies, Black Mirror-luddites, and
world of games, self-realisation, and altruism. And when
QAnon-movements as well as more rationalist
there is a clarity of goals and action-awareness, the flow
but disillusioned public authorities, private
state can be reached faster (Jackson & Eklund, 2002).
organisations, and NGOs fail to see desirable
and achievable paths for technological
Could the TCP improve altruism? development that would leapfrog sentience into
In consequentialism, the only thing one can take with much more sustainable growth paths than our
oneself to the afterlife is perhaps that which s/he has current path.
given away. 4. If adopted by the broader scientific community,
this tool could spur new and bold hypotheses in
Currently, there are many large threats to life and there global research.
are many barriers to the expansion of sentience into
cosmos. These threats and barriers grant us a plethora of The three hypotheses of this article is thus that TCP
ways to improve the world before we leave. For the ones gamification could provide:
interested in giving away, what is the best help they could
receive to find out what to give and to whom so that it
1. A strong foundation for the future of work
would matter the most?
2. a strong foundation for the future of learning
Throughout history, this question has given birth to (FoL),
philosophies like utilitarianism, rule-utilitarianism, and, 3. a strong foundation for the future of Altruism
most recent, effective altruism (EA). Currently, the most (FoA).
popular is perhaps EA, since the two former philosophies
have been under considerable criticism for being too
2. Theory
reductionistic and even dangerous because they too
strongly seek to dictate potentially ill-fated behaviour. The applicability of the EA framework for
Even though EA is science-aligned and has gathered a transsentientist critical path
rather large global community of active members, the
majority of investment of time, money, and political EA was first defined in the mid-2000s by the
engagement from individuals, organizations and public philosophers, William MacAskill and Toby Ord
authorities who are interested in giving away worldwide, (MacAskill, 2017). In the EA framework, a person or a
still happens without applying the EA framework. group prioritizes their investments of time, money, and
political engagement according to the very big picture of
The main reasons for this shortcoming can be argued to everything, combining high-quality evidence with
be because current EA is: careful reasoning to find the most effective altruistic
actions. Both utilitarianism and EA support

consequentialism in which a well-meaning but ill-fated interrelations of visions for the use of technologies. With
action is not counted as altruistic. EA is however more this widening comes a necessity to unite and connect
focused on the larger picture of everything, whereas rule visions in order to build a strong foundation for altruism
utilitarianism is traditionally more focussed on narrower in the society and remind ourselves of the purpose of
scenarios. One example of an effective altruistic action is collaborating and building a better future together. This
the research conducted by American agronomist is arguably the fastest route to combating illnesses, pain,
Norman Borlaug in the 1950'ies into disease-resistant instability, and paralysis. In this way, a simplification of
wheat crops. The results of this research helped bring the science input, processing, and output of EA is needed
about the ‘Green Revolution’ in e.g. India and saved to unite and gamify.
hundreds of millions of lives by finding a strong fit of the
tree pillars of effective altruism: A large, solvable, and Sentience is defined in the Cambridge Dictionary as the
neglected problem. These three parameters define the quality of being able to experience feelings. To the extent
scientific method behind EA and makes EA stand out that quality and meaning can be considered to be based
from the narrower rule utilitarianism. If an action is on experiences, a world without sentience can be
rated as high on all three of these factors, it can be considered a world without quality or meaning. Through
considered an effective altruistic action compared to this reasoning, sentience is the only thing that gives
lower rated actions. meaning to anything. I.e. a world with no experiences is
a world without meaning.
EA is naturally limited by the availability of high-quality
evidence and careful reasoning when weighing two This gives importance to preserving and growing
seemingly effective altruistic actions against each other sentience – both quantitatively and qualitatively – and
to find the most effective one of them to pursue. places such actions within the realm of altruism; perhaps
Nevertheless, it is a step in the right direction compared even exclusively.
to lesser researched charity types where emotional and
subjective factors are given more weight in the decision
processes (non-rule utilitarian) and where the scenarios In weighing two altruistic actions against each other to
are not thought through on a large scale (EA). find the most altruistic one of them, one must move
away from mental biases and discriminations, and at the
same time move towards the most effective options. One
According to MacAskill (2019), effective altruism is: must therefore 1) not exclude, (eliminate all
discrimination), and 2) include, (find the most effective
• Non-normative. Effective altruism consists of meaningful and genuinely good and kind action). These
two projects, rather than a set of normative two rules are the foundation of the TCP methodology,
claims. and are unfolded respectively below.
• Maximising. The point of these projects is to
do as much good as possible with the Why use a transsentientist critical path
resources that are dedicated towards it. methodology?
• Science-aligned. The best means to figuring
out how to do the most good is the scientific The TCP dashboard is following the basic principles in
method, broadly construed to include reliance EA, namely estimates of both the magnitude, solvability,
on careful rigorous argument and theoretical and neglectedness of problems through empirical data.
models as well as data.
• Tentatively impartial and welfarist. As a
tentative hypothesis or a first approximation, Two dimensions of effectively altruistic actions are the
doing good is about promoting wellbeing, movement of as large a field as possible at the fastest
with everyone’s wellbeing counting equally." movement possible. While transsentientism represents
a desire to source altruism from the largest possible
field, TCP dashboard is a tool to estimate the fastest
EA differs from utilitarianism in several ways, two of
them being that 1) EA in contrast to utilitarianism does possible movement. The TCP methodology therefore
not claim whether it's obligatory or merely makes for a powerful match in the search for the most
supererogatory to spend one's resources helping others; effective altruism.
and 2) EA does not claim that there are no other things
besides welfare that are of value; utilitarianism does Transsentientism and deprovinsialisation
claim this (MacAskill 2019). In EA, effort is placed on the
philosophical comparative analysis of the greater good The five great demotions, first presented in Sagan &
for the far future. Druyan (1997) illustrates five ways for the humanity to
deprovinsialize their thinking. The five demotions are:
The emergence of the scientific field of EA comes at an
opportune time in history. With the advancement of 1. The Earth is not the center of the univese:
technological research comes the opportunity to improve When Homo Sapiens were hunters and
our society in a plethora of ways. Technologies and gatherers 100.000 years ago, we lived in a
inventions are branches and fruits on the global seemingly flat earth where the stars and the sun
technology tree. The canopy of our technology tree is all rose in the east and set in the west. We used
widening fast, and with it the complexity and the stars to entertain, narrate, navigate and

mythologize. The flat ground beneath us the celestial spheres” in which he challenged the belief
seemed to stand still. This seemed an observed that Earth (and thus humans) were at the centre of the
fact and anyone who didn't agree with that must Universe. The book had a preface by a well-meaning
have seemed crazy. It therefore must have felt friend of his - Alexander – which attempted to buffer the
natural to assume that the Earth was the centre reader’s inevitable digression into his or her cultural
of the universe. This is popularly called the preconception that it was a crime to question the Earth’s
geocentric conceit. The centre of the universe centrality.
surely must be important place.
2. Homo Sapiens are neither the only ones capable The daunting and disquieting discovery of the five great
of reasoning, self-consciousness, toolmaking,
demotions remains a futile truth in many minds today.
ethics, altruism, religion, language, nor nobility
The seeming futility of this truth is a profound driver of
of character.
What other animal made use of the planets and the provincialisation of altruism and one that the here
the stars? It was only us humans. Therefore, it proposed term, transsentientism, attempts to overcome.
seemed obvious that the stars must have been
With the industrialisation new discourses were
put there for our benefit. And the sun and the
moon were practical objects. The centrality of suggested which yet again gave support for anthopo-
our position was stunning. This is popularly centrism; both the mechanistic model of the Universe
called the anthropocentric deceit. To the alien founded by Descartes, and the underlying current of
observer, this prevalence of the geocentric speciesism, first used by Ryder (1970). The mechanistic
conceit could classify Earth as the ‘Planet of the and phenomenal consciousness model states that a
idiots'. But according to Sagan (1994), this significant amount of cerebral activity and organisation
judgement is too harsh. He explains: is needed in order to create consciousness. If correct, a
“There is a resonance here between what is more anthropocentric world model is justified, but if not,
verifiably observed and our emotional hopes it is yet another provincialized anthropocentric deceit
and needs. The idea that the universe has been which fuses our hopes and needs of exclusive importance
made for us - not because of any particular and justifies discrimination and chauvinism.
merit, but just because we are here, or just
because we are human, is a weakness of ours On the far other side of the spectrum is pan-psychism
that resonates with the same psychic which supports the electrical universe model in which it
wellsprings responsible for the view that our is argued that stars, galaxies and the greater cosmos itself
nation, gender, ethnic group etc. is special and
is sentient through electromagnetic and luminal
the centre of the Universe. We have a weakness
and scientists are creatures of the culture in communication – creating a cosmic mind.
which they swim, in which they have grown
The jury is still out on which model is the truer of the two.
up, and so we also are vulnerable to this siren
However, this paper argues for the term
song which we can call chauvinism, or
geocentrism, or anthropo-centrism… …We transsentientism because of the moral obligation to act
went on - every human culture - every great in accordance with the precautionary principle and thus
philosopher - every scientist - every religious assume that the less provincial model is the truest (the
leader – thinking that we were at the centre of term provincial is elaborated in Figure 10.
the Universe. We put it in various guises in our
scriptures, declared the scriptures to be The growing sentience economy
infallible - thereby making it not just a secular, Sentience is arguably quantitative and qualitative. In the
but a religious crime to even think about the first 0.4 billion years after the big bang, the Universe
issue” - Sagan (1994). contained only gasses, and was perhaps without any life.
3. Our planet is not the only one with conditions It was a giant cosmic stage with no audience. Then,
for life around 100 million years later, the first stars started to
Currently, thousands of other planets have been form; and later 1-3 billion years later, planets. Perhaps,
observed by the Kepler telescope. life had still not begun. Stars being born and dying for
4. Our position in time is not special. The Earth is aeons. All that marvellous light for nothing. All the
a stunning 4.6 billion years old, and the
sunsets over sandy shores. All the night skies and
Universe 13.8 billion.
towering snow-covered mountain ranges. All the deep
5. The velocity of Earth do not provide a
“privileged frame of reference” as Newton and oceans, lush waterfalls, spectacular moons, colourful
other classical physicists proclaimed. The laws rainbows, and shooting stars. Or to borrow Sagan's often
of physics are the same everywhere in the used phrase, all the lonely specks of planets in the great
Universe. enveloping cosmic dock. All for nothing. If there was no
life, there was no love to be found anywhere. No hope.
The geocentric and the and anthropocentric deceit was No gratitude. No marvel or awe. No fun. No humour. No
challenged various times in various locations prior to the peace. No purpose. No freedom. No suffering, struggle,
middle ages and during the enlightenment. One of the or melancholy. No learning. There was nothing to give
more noteworthy of those times was in 1543 when Polish anything any value or meaning.
astronomer Nicolas Copernicus on his deathbed
published his earlier written book “On the revolutions of

Then, the Universe found a way to observe itself. First, Figure 1: Adding a scale of sentience brightness to the
through organisms with little sense of the world around classical feeling wheel by Gloria Wilcox.
them, and later through organisms with various senses.
While some sensed heat, others sensed tactile touch, Figure 2 introduces a depth to this feeling wheel defined
immature sight, or magnetism. If the sentience of the by the amount of sensory communication of a mind.
Universe before life was like a black closed uniform ball Here, sentience is a substance with a volume equal to
with the mass (or a real estate if you will) of 1.5×1053, it the volume of any given cylinder, containing brighter
was now a black ball with microscopic holes of dim light and darker parts of the substance.
shining through the otherwise infinitely dark cosmic ball
of sentience. These dimly shining holes were the first
glimpse of sentience and thus a first meaning with
everything and anything. They were the first (known) life
to assign value to something. With time, as the senses
and experiences got a bit deeper in the small organisms
by developing taste and smell, the universe got better and
better at observing itself. The microscopic dim light
shining through these new holes in the black cosmic ball
got a bit bigger and brighter.

Sentience is, as illustrated with this analogy of a cosmic

black ball of sentience real estate, not a binary
terminology but rather a quantitative and qualitative
variable that increases in size when the communication Figure 2 Sentience depth. Source: Own production.
between sensory cells in an organism increases. To ease
the terminologies 'quantitative' and 'qualitative', this Sentience growth
paper proposes that any sentience can brighten if If all sentience is confined to being matter and energy
feelings or sensations are interpreted by the experiencer and not dark matter or dark energy, then the sentience
as being more pleasant and happiness-inducing and can, on Earth can be reduced to reside within in the 5.972 ×
similarly, darken if they are interpreted by the 10^24 kg matter that makes up the mass of the Earth.
experiencer as more unpleasant or happiness-reducing. This potential real estate of sentience can for the sake of
Similarly, sentience can expand and/or deepen if simplicity be illustrated as a disc instead of the sentience
communication is added and shrink/or become ball described above. This disc would then have the total
shallower if communication is reduced. These terms will surface area equal to this mass. Such a disc would then
be unfolded below: have a radius of around 3000 Mt.
Sentience brightness
Figure 3 illustrates such a disc before life began on it.
Figure 1 illustrates a feeling wheel in which prevalent
human feelings are listed. For the sake of simplicity, this Figure 3: Logarithmic disc of the topography of Earth
article assumes that the spectrum of feelings be split in sentience at its birth. Here, the value of sentions/Mt is 0
two equally large parts where the one side is brighter and throughout the whole disc since there was no life on the
the other is darker. planet at its birth. The vertical axis is measured in
sentions per megaton biomass (S/Mt) which is here set
to be the measure of the depth of sentience. The depth of
sentience is the intensity of perception and feeling that a
given being experiences. Source: Own production.

In a hypothetical scenario where this disc surface was to

be completely covered by cylinders, then that would
mean that every single molecule on Earth would have
become sentient to some degree. If the entire disc were
covered by a deep cylinder, that would mean that the
whole Earth had become extremely sentient.

Sentience resilience
In Figure 4, the current topography of sentience on Earth
is illustrated. Here, only a tiny fraction (about a tenth of
a billionth of the surface is covered by cylinders (note the
logarithmic dimensions). It has a radius of 7 Mt, which
corresponds to the current biomass on Earth. Five
cylinders (or spheres of being) are depicted representing
non-brain sentience, reptiles, mammals, humans, and
AIs. There is a shadow side on all five cylinders which
represent a darker sentience than the "sunnier" sides of

the cylinders which represent a brighter sentience. current sentience since you can be more sure about the
Neither total black nor total white is depicted here fact that you yourself are sentient compared to your
because it is assumed that neither total happiness nor neighbour who you do not feel the sentience of directly.
total unhappiness are a part of the current sentience
experience on Earth currently. The vertical axis is Sentience deepening
logarithmic, meaning that the depth of any cylinder is Sentience deepening is the expansion of the information
proportionally much larger than any shallower cylinder. stream that makes up an experience of sentience. As an
example, the experience of a human being is deeper than
The substance of the five cylinders have various levels of the experience of a chimpanzee because the neocortex is
transparency. This serves to illustrate the current bigger, giving room for the emergence of rhythm,
scientific understanding of the probability of sentience. humour, abstract thinking, etc. Conversely, while the
In this way, following the transparency levels, non-brain sentience overall sentience depth of a human being is
sentience, reptiles, and AI have a relatively low level of larger than e.g. a dog, the sensorial spike of smell gives
probability of sentience compared to mammals and the dog a locally higher sentience than humans. In this
humans. Mammals and humans have similarly a lower way, sentience depth is an accumulated size of
level of probability of sentience compared to your own information stream across senses and cognition.

Figure 4: Logarithmic sentience topography of Earth 2020. Please, note that the much-defined cylinders in the illustration in reality are much more smoothed out
(making it look a bit more like a mountain). Due to the lack of graphic design skills of the author, the figure is more edgy. Source: Own production.

Figure 5: Illustration of the difference between humanism, transhumanism, and transsentientism. Source: Own production.

As explained earlier, sentience can be seen as the only in which broad scale, bright, safe, and deep sentience
thing that gives value to anything and everything. thrive.
Following this discourse, altruism must address one or
more of the following four actions. Altruism must make Transsentientism, resilience, and meaning
sentience either:
Genes seem to be the very fabric of life as we know it, and
1. grow - widening a cylinder they evolve through a "survival of the fittest" model
2. strengthen/resilify - preventing a cylinder from according the Darwin (1859). This can in other words
collapsing arguably be referred to as "resilience". According to our
3. brighten - brightening any part of a cylinder, or empirical foundation about life (confined to planet
4. deepen - increasing the depth of a cylinder. Earth), one could argue that the past 65 million years,
what has been the fittest has been the most intelligent
This plasticity is thus what gives merit to action in species. After the extinction of the large dinosaurs with
general within altruism. Consequently, altruism is here reptile brains, rodents with a limbic system and an
scoped to encompass only actions that cause the overall emerging neocortex were able to use their higher brain
capabilities to adapt to a new world with new rules (Cox
sentience (including one's own) to grow, strengthen,
& Hautier, 2015). Since then, intelligence has largely
brighten, and/or deepen. While this logic bears
controlled a species place in the food chain.
similarities with utilitarianism, TCP dashboards
distinguish themselves from utilitarianism in line with
the EA framework where actions are not considered Note: An opposing argument could be here that e.g.
microbial life is more resilient than a species like homo
obligatory in any means. No actions are assigned, and
sapiens who is dangerously able to self-destruct with
the logic is a framework for scientific understanding not nuclear bombs, designer viruses and the like. However,
an exclusive call for any specific actions. EA and TCP this paper argues that intelligent life has a greater
are only suggestions – or key performance indicators if potential to reach a very high resilience level than less
you will. intelligent life since it can find ways to deflect natural
disasters and consistently make "backups" of its species
Following this line of thought, and for the sake of on other planets. However resilient the realm of bacteria
understanding, a hypothetical future scenario could be is, there is so far no evidence in astrovirology that they
imagined in which the intensity of the sentient mass on can consistently proliferate across planets let alone solar
Earth is extremely high, creating a very deep sentience. systems. So, while humanity is currently less resilient
Figure 6 is an example of such extreme scenario and is than e.g. bacteria, homo sapiens at the same time has a
illustrated with a worldwide tree of very deep sentience. higher resilience potential than bacteria.

Such a scenario could be realised if brains are connected It can seem almost peculiar that the very thing that the
directly with future technologically mature computers. past 65 million years could have made species most
potentially resilient (intelligence) could al the same time
also seem to be the very thing that creates the largest
amount of overall sentience deepening; i.e. the thing that
makes living creatures enjoy ever higher levels of beauty
around them such as e.g. music, art, and humour. So, as
a side effect to being potentially resilient, we also happen
to become ever better at being an audience to ourselves -
the universe - thus, expanding and brightening the holes
in the cosmic black ball. In this way, sentience and
intelligence seems the past 65 million years to have
found a way to increase its likelihood of continuous
potential growth and resilience. Thus, sentience and
intelligence, exemplified by apes, humans, post-humans,
and future sentient AI agents, seems to be both the
purpose and the roadmap of evolution and meaning
which – perhaps we could even speculate – aliens could
be navigating by as well.

With this context, possible future ways of being can now

be introduced. A part of sentience is being able to sense
the world around us. Bostrom (2005) created the
illustration in Figure 7 that has been slightly modified in
this illustration. It shows the importance of removing
Figure 6: A future Earth tree of sentience. By providing discrimination of altruism. If the green field represents
enough technological building blocks for sentience the spectrum of feelings and sensations that could be
deepening, Earth could end up with a tree of sentience accessible to humans, a bigger field of feelings and senses
is probably accessible to trans-humans. An even larger

field represents senses accessible to post-humans. This modification, the artificial and post-human has been
space is lastly also not necessarily equal to the space of separated into two distinctive categories to illustrate the
all possible modes of sentience. The same can be drawn complexity of current potential sentience in AIs with the
for any other species – organic or artificial. In this much faster thinking speeds.

Figure 7 Extremely valuable ways of living, relating, and being sentient. Building upon the Bostrom (2005) by adding
the AI-modes.

Looking at sentience isolated, it seems to have a attempt, the brain surface has effectively already curled
trajectory, see Figure 8. up to accommodate for a larger surface area inside the
skull. From an evolutionary point of view for sentience,
a natural next step would thus be to expand the brain
with an additional layer of hierarchy by growing further
in size. Since the skull needs to pass through the birth
canals of women, the evolution has so far reached a
barrier of growth which might take thousands of years
of evolution to overcome. This could logically e.g. be by
evolving larger birth canals of women or by evolving a
more compact brain structure. During those thousands
Figure 8 The history of sentience. BMI stands for of years, a natural extinction event could prevent this
brain-machine interfaces. Source: Own production. evolution to continue and thus "reset" sentience to a
lower and less resilient level - which again seems to be
DNAs evolved from sentience as "thinking" from a the opposite of what DNA wants with its somewhat
reptilian brain to sentience as "thinking" as a reptilian deducible desire to be resilient.
brain with an outer layer of a limbic system. Then - as a
layer on top of that one - a neocortex. Since intelligence The outer space seems very hostile to life. Taking aside
can now be considered to be the "fittest" or having the radiation, cold, vacuum, and toxicity, the phenomenon
largest potential for long-term resilience, it seems that of entropy in the second law of thermodynamics dictates
this levelling-up of sentience is the very spearhead of that everything is becoming more and more uniform,
evolution itself. As the neural network of the brain thus consistently destroying heterogeneity in the
seems to have a hierarchical structure with no apparent Universe. But there are small upstream eddies of biology
theoretical ceiling, there is no reason to think that the that create order in this rapid torrent of entropy. Natural
evolution of intelligence should stop at the current disasters put a timer on our current evolution. It could
human level. Even if there is a physical limit as to how be next Tuesday, or it could be a million years from now.
much brain matter can fit in the confinements of a
human skull (Bostrom, 2014). As an evolutionary

possible to enjoy. Transsentientism can equally be
presented with the question “Why transcend well-being
for only humans?”.

Coining the term transsentientism here gives humanists,

transhumanists, and sentientists an opportunity to
deprovincialize their discourse and look beyond. Such
ability to look beyond can evoke a sense of tranquillity in
our current rapid technological development because it
Figure 9: The beauty of a small and insignificant eddy places a linear metric system across all sentience in the
floating vibrantly for an instant only to dissolve into the past and into the far future. This new discourse of
nothingness whence it came. This is the rapid torrent of transsentientism suggests to the reader that the real
entropy into which we have been born. Such is the importance of making the world better in any way is to
precarity of biological life in cosmos. Image source: grow sentience. It also offers an antidote to the five great
Unsplash. demotions presented by Sagan and Druyan (1997) by
reminding us that we are the same as all past and future
So, with the precarity of life, what should be sought sentiences. It is only a matter of quantity and quality.
preserved above all else? What should we strive for in Transsentientism thus offers a solution to any
the current seemingly explosive pace of innovation with discrimination between species or races, and between
designer babies, deep neural networks, and brain- organic and artificial lifeforms.
machine interfaces? And what should we strive for in
future scenarios of political instability involving This transsentientist conviction that the value of any
animals, humans, post-humans, AI agents, and/or action is its ability to expand and/or brighten sentience
aliens? What really matters above all else? This is an is derived from the overall conviction that a universe that
unavoidable question in EA, and one that can observe itself is more interesting that a universe that
transsentientism in this paper offers a suggestion for an cannot. In this line of thought, similar to utilitarianism,
answer to. if a waterfall on a planet in another solar system is never
going to be observed by any sentient being, then the
Transsentientism is in this paper defined as the active, value of that waterfall throughout all time is set to 0.
non-discriminatory, and deprovincialized contribution Similarly, the value of any invention is its ability to
to growth, strengthening, brightening and deepening of expand and/or brighten sentience. Discrimination
sentience. It builds upon the terms, transhumanism and between species or regions is from this perspective
sentientism with regards to altruism. In the 13th century obsolete. I.e. a human, a wolf, and an AI are valued
in Italy, humanism was born (Brittanica, 2021). It equally if they have the same amount and brightness of
attached prime importance to humans rather than divine sentience.
or supernatural matters. It did not suggest or give
importance to any post-human path of evolution and This conviction encourages and celebrates a
focused instead on making the humane as good as “deprovinsialisation” of altruism. The term
possible. Transhumanism was born in the 1960ies as the deprovinsialisation is adopted from Sagan (1994). While
belief or theory that humanity can evolve beyond its humanism (e.g. poverty alleviation) is altruistic, it is a
current physical and mental limitations, especially by more provincial form of altruism than the larger
means of science and technology. Sentientism is an transhumanism which aims to not only alleviate poverty
ethical philosophy born in the 1980’ies that uses but also increase sentience beyond humanism.
evidence and reason, and grants degrees of moral Transhumanism is again more provincial than trans-
consideration to all sentient beings. Sentientism extends sentience which not only aims to alleviate poverty and
humanism by showing compassion for non-human transcend humanity, but also aims to transcend all
animals as well as potential artificial and even alien sentient beings by not being discriminative towards any
intelligences. In common with humanism, sentientism two sentient beings (see Figure 10 below).
rejects supernatural beliefs in favour of critical,
evidence-based thinking.

While humanism refers to the devotion to the

contribution of well-being of humans, sentientism refers
to the devotion to contribution to well-being of all
sentient beings with the argument that their sentience
justifies the validity of contributing to their well-being.
Sentientism, however, does not give particular
importance to the further evolution of sentient being into
potentially fitter and more preferable in one way or other
modes of being like the ones illustrated in Figure 7.
Transhumanism builds upon humanism by asking: Why
stop at "well-being"? If Homo Sapiens is only one step of
a continuous evolution, then why not contribute to the
advancement of humanity beyond what is currently

augmented, virtual, and mixed reality. These sectors are
expected by many to grow rapidly the coming decades
and centuries, but since future telling is impossible,
Figure 11 includes no timeline. Moreover, this number
of exponential sectors will vary with time. Maturity is
illustrated as the continuum, which in theory can move
both up and down with the passing of time. With the
maturation comes not only higher technological
capabilities paving the way for inventions but also
technological cross-capabilities in which two given
sectors benefit from each other. This convergence creates
strong synergetic outcomes. As examples of convergence
are 1) the convergence of genetic engineering, additive
manufacturing and the internet leads to the invention of
lab-grown organs and meats, or 2) the convergence of
nanotechnology & robotics, genetic engineering and the
internet leads to the invention of the CRISPR-Cas9
Figure 10: The deprovinsialisation of altruism. technology.
Source: Own production.
In this dilation of maturity, the total green surface at any
Sentience and the technology tree given point in technological maturity is the real estate of
fertile soil for breakthrough inventions.
Technological advances have so far been some of the
most effective altruistic drivers. Fire, the wheel, the Here, any future technological invention, similar to the
printing press, and antibiotics are examples of invention of the wheel, can help advance civilization
technologies that have advanced the wellbeing of further and with it, sentience; e.g. the invention of a cure
civilization and thus expanded sentience. Figure 11 for cancer leading to longer lives and thus more
illustrates the technology and its continuum of sentience, or the invention of rockets with 3D-printing
maturation. The illustration shows the rapid growth of capabilities to print a colony base on Mars, leading to a
eight sectors in the global economy: Additive larger surface area upon which to grow many species
manufacturing (or 3D-printing), nanotechnology & which would expand the total amount of sentience in the
robotics, artificial intelligence (AI), genetic engineering, solar system.
space exploration, energy generation and storage, and

Figure 11 Logarithmic illustration of the technology tree of exponential technologies. The green area occupying
a part of the real estate of total fertile ground for breakthrough inventions in any given level of technological maturity
represents the chance of inventions being create. Source: Own production.

Each one of these technologies are in exponential growth

and thus the ring dilates and the total surface (length and
width) of the outer ring expands. With it, each
conversion between any two branches is also in
exponential growth. So, also the acceleration of green
surface area of the technology real estate is accelerating.
Hence, the logarithmic scales on the illustration.

This rapid expansion of the fertile soil of convergence

between technologies allow for a consistent acceleration
of innovation and thus a consistent acceleration in the
ability to perform altruism. Remembering the sentience
tree in Figure 6, in order for the tree to grow, it needs
water from the ground. The water of the sentience tree is
in this analogy technology. With the maturation and
dilation of technological capabilities come a faster
growth of sentience.

collect that for a current human population of around 8
billion, the current human bright sentience is the
equivalent of 4 billion Sentions. While oversimplified,
this metric system is useful in transsentientism and EA
because it offers a system of reference.

Our moral obligation to preserve

If humanity goes extinct, we have no certainty that

another equally or more intelligent species could take
over - let alone exist in the Universe. Not even that
another species out there that is less intelligent in time
could take over after an extinction event of humanity.
Therefore, through the precautionary principle,
humanity has an intrinsic responsibility to preserve,
evolve, and ideally proliferate their level of sentience that
for all we know we could be the highest level of sentience
ever created and that will ever be created in this
Multiverse. If beings more sentient than humans emerge
with a higher overall preservation value (incorporating
the projected level of future sentience), then according to
the sentience equation, striving to ensure the prosperity
of such beings is more utilitarian or effectively altruistic
than striving to ensure the prosperity of humans. Maybe,
there is a plethora of intelligent life out there that has a
much higher sentience than ours, a much higher
potential sentience, and a much higher resilience than
us. But since we don't know that for certain, the
precautionary principle in transsentientism suggests
that if we cherish sentience, then we have a responsibility
to proliferate Earth's bright sentience until we become
Figure 12: The fertilization of the soil to grow the global certain that there is a better way of preserving sentience.
sentience tree. Source: Own production.

The sentience equation

The sentience equation:

This paper suggests an equation (see Equation 1) for how

to focus our development so as to optimally create bright
Current sentience preservation value (PVc) + future
sentience by expanding, strengthening, brightening, and preservation value (PVf) = total preservation value
deepening the precarious “eddie of life” (as described in (PVt)
Figure 9) as fast as possible. Similar to utilitarianism, if
we assign this equation to our lives, then that means that PVc + PVf = PVt
we assign validity scores and thus preservation validity
to each one and each thing around us.
can arguably be reduced to:
The sentience equation has no discrimination between
species, geography, or time, including hypothetical (Probability of the amount of bright sentience (Pc) ×
ethical future complications with any emergence of AI- amount of current bright sentience (Sc) × level of
agents or even aliens in that it does not favour one current resilience (Rc) + Probability of the amount
sentient being over another with the same total validity of potential future bright sentience (Pf) × amount of
of preservation score and in that it incorporated potential future bright sentience (Sf) × level of
probability and resilience as factors for validity of
potential future resilience (Rf) = total validity of
1 "Sention" is here defined as the bright sentience of the
equivalent of a human being. For the sake of simplicity, or:
this part is set to be half of all sentience of a person.
Phrased more specifically, 1 Sention is half the amount Pc × Sc × Rc + Pf × Sf × Rf = VPt
of the phenomenon of perception or feeling at the
magnitude of the equivalent of an average human being
in present time with its internal perceptions and Equation 1: The sentience equation. Source: Own
feelings that partly build upon the external both production.
technical and non-technical stimuli. Hence, we can

Future evolution are estimated to have ever lived. If correct, then for every
living person today, there are roughly 14 dead people. If
Intelligence itself might soon have found a way to speed humanity were to live for another 1000 years, there could
for every living person today be hundreds or millions of
up its own development by adding a non-biological
people not yet born. Therefore, an extinction event is
tertiary layer to the skull which can wirelessly pass the
cosmically larger than a global catastrophic event. So, if
skull-barrier and allow for rapid growth. This is more
it will take only another hundred years before a tertiary
popularly referred to as brain-machine interfaces, or
layer is installed in a considerable number of individuals,
BMIs. The rapid speeding up is partly because such
e.g. human or Abe individuals, then that means a
tertiary layer is not confined to any skull, warehouse, or
region, and can therefore offer very high computing hundred years of a quite high risk of extinction.
power for the brain. The intelligence could grow
unprecedentedly and create more sustainable life while Bostrom (2005) illustrates the potential risks in a three-
at the same time create greater sentience with ever dimensional grid of 1) technological maturity, 2)
increasing senses and perceptions. A better audience for coordination, and 3) insight as shown below:
the Universe by the Universe, and thus a brighter cosmic
ball of sentience and, in turn, more meaning and value.
While evolution could expand the skull through
thousands of years, this new invention could do the same
thing in perhaps hundreds of years or - if things really
speed up - in decades. Such non-biological layer is being
made possible by rapid self-enforcing innovation
generated by the convergence of nanotechnology,
robotics, mixed reality, IoT, additive manufacturing,
biotechnology, and processing power.

There is a risk though. Humanity seem to be at a

developmental stage now with a relatively and
temporarily low resilience and thus high risk of
extinction, mainly by self-destruction (Bostrom, 2005).
Our current intelligence level seems to be a hurricane of
dangers since we can invent tools powerful enough to do
large scale harm. There was a lower technological Figure 13 Future risk grid. Source: Bostrom (2005).
maturity level before this point where humanity was in a
lower risk than now of self-destructing because we
simply were not technologically capable of doing it. Here, we can imagine that there are potentially
Similarly, there is perhaps a lower risk of self-destruction existential risks at higher technological levels. Going
once we reach a higher technological maturity level than beyond Bostrom (2005), we could further imagine that
now because 1) "backup" tools are in a not too much some areas within this three-dimensional space could
higher technological maturity level such as expanding to boost us even farther outwards towards our goal of
Mars, and 2) a higher emotional intelligence come with a becoming more sustainable and brightly sentient, e.g. by
higher technological maturity level, which reduces installing BMIs. Building upon Bostrom’s concept of
ignorance. existential risk, the axes could also be modified in the
following way:
Here, it is important to appreciate the difference between
a global catastrophic risk and an existential risk Insights, technological advancements, and coordination
according to Bostrom 2012, and MacAskill (2018). There are all essentially communication within and between
is a very big and important difference. Whereas global sentient agents. Communication could be described as
catastrophic risks affect all living creatures on the planet, the number of senders, receivers, pathways, and
an existential risk affects the same plus all future information travel speed. In the case of a brain or a
generations that potentially were to live out their lives. In network of brains, communication is the number of
a scenario where humanity was to colonize the whole neurons, the number of synapses (internal and external)
Milky way galaxy and thus increase the total amount of per neuron, and signal speed. Thus, Figure 13 can be
bright sentience a billionfold, then the difference translated into Figure 14. Here, white arrows have also
between a current global and existential risk is per been added to represent any hypothetical local rapid
definition at a cosmic scale. Currently there are 7.5 advancement lanes such as e.g. the invention of a sort of
billion people on the planet. In total, 107 billion people mixed reality (or BMIs) that boosts emotional and
abstract intelligence.

Figure 14: Sentience evolution. The Earth is the rocket. Source: Own production.

The extend of sentience on Earth is uncertain. Some Moreover, the resilience of a given individual or species
relatively high probability can be assigned to your also affects the likelihood of future sentience. A species
neighbour being sentient. A lower probability can be with greater resilience has through natural selection a
assigned to your mammal pet dog, and yet lower to the greater probability of proliferation and thus has a greater
reptilian gecko on your porch. Further, the sentience of number of future individuals.
fungi, insects, bacteria, the Earth, or Cosmos can be
assigned a perhaps somewhat lower probability than the A 3-dimensional space can then be imagined with the
gecko. There is always, however, the probability that preservability as the volume under a given position, see
your experience of sentience derives from a simulation in Figure 15. If an individual or a group of individuals are
which you might be the only sentient being (Bostrom, at position A and are moving to position B, then the
2003). In this way, sentience probability is all around us. preservability of those individuals is the volume of the
shell A + the volume of shell B.

Similarly, Equation 2 illustrates the applicability of "AI-

Ironically, with the same tool that made this life form
more resilient and brightly sentient - and therefore
making it score the highest in the sentience equation, a
hole other life form could be created. Not only carbon but
many other materials such as silicon can be used to
create intelligence and perhaps sentience due to
“substrate independence” (Tegmark, 2017). Artificial
intelligence was created less than 100 years ago and has
already outperformed human intelligence in many fields
(Bostrom, 2014). While humans still have a larger
general intelligence than AI agents, there is no evidence
that AI will slow down its evolution once it reaches
human level intelligence. AI agents could be something
very different from humans. They could be like aliens
landing on Earth. With the difference that we as humans
now have a window of opportunity to control how it will
be created. However, once created, it could very well be
beyond human control.

According to Müller and Bostrom (2016), the median

Figure 15 The volume of sentience. Source: Own estimate of AI experts about when AI research will
production produce an artificial general intelligence (AGI) was for a
one in two chance that high-level machine intelligence
Sentience parameters will be developed around 2040–2050, rising to a nine in
ten chance by 2075. In a smaller but more recent survey
Two examples of the applicability of Equation 1 is by Ford (2018), the average estimate from 23 top AI
illustrated below. Equation 3 illustrates the total researchers was 2099. Given this relatively short
deadline, the transsentientist would be interested in
Equation 3 The preservability of humanity applying the sentience equation to sentient AI. By doing
so, we then get Equation 2.
We assign values to humanity to be for example the
following: Equation 2 Preservation value of artificial intelligence agent
Pc: 50-100 %
Sc: 4 B Sentions
Rc: 2 We assign values to sentient AIs to be for example
Pf: 5-50 % the following:
Sf: 100 B Sentions
Rf: 6 Pc: 0-1 %
Sc: 0 Sentions
Where resilience values range from 1-10. From a Rc: 1
precautionary principle we should insert the lowest Pf: 1-50 %
value in each spectrum. Sf: 100 T (trillion) Sentions
Rf: 5
The sentience equation suggests:
Thus, we get:
Pc × Sc × Rc + Pf × Sf × Rf = VPt
0 × 0 × 1 + 0.01 × 100 T × 5 =>
Thus, we get:
0 B + 30 B = 5 T Sentions worth of preservation
With the indicative and imaginary numerical values of
0.5 × 4 B × 2 + 0.05 × 100 B × 6 => the two above calculations of "humanity" and "AI-ity",
AI-ity populations get an overall higher preservation
4 B + 30 B = 32 B Sentions worth of preservation value than humanity.

preservation value of "humanity" calculated with the

sentience equation. The assigned values are indicative 3. Methodology
and imaginary.

Results One downside with incentive prizes is, however, that it
is built on the concept of competition. To the extent that
Critical Path parameters humans are driven solely by competition, incentive
prizes can be seen as good candidates for the three Fs,
but it fails to the extent that humans are driven by other
Table 2 makes up the critical path matrix. Here, there forces such as collaboration. In incentive prizes,
are several paths to grow, strengthen, brighten, and knowledge sharing is inherently limited by the spirit of
deepen sentience. This table holds a list of 15 such competition because teams are incentivised to keep the
paths. best information for themselves in order to come up
with the better solution to a problem.
The future Sention increase can materialise through a
variety of ways. Each way can be drawn as a path which A solution to this downside could be to make a
explains what exponential technology sectors (ETSs) collaborative rather than a competitive platform. Such
need to be researched, developed, and scaled up in incentive prize could be built with TCP dashboards as a
order to fertilize the soil for sentience growth enough foundation. In such a TCP founded online game,
for the expansion to be able to happen. They each incentive prices are split out into micro-prizes in the
contribute to a certain amount of bright sentience which form of tokens that players gain when completing
is estimated in the column called “Effect”. This column quests. In this way, the game ensures that the four Fs
is measured in percentage extra Sentions produced are constantly improving contrary to the more
compared to current level. This “effect” can be thought competitive incentive prizes where all the four Fs have a
of as a volume increase in Figure 4. lower improvement in that it is less inclusive and thus a
smaller group of people will benefit from it. By using the
The potential Sention gain varies between these paths. Massive-Multiplayer-Online-Role-Playing-Game-
Some paths have a greater altruistic impact if reached platform (mmorpg), such a game on the other hand can
than others. E.g. the complete colonisation of all planets engage a wide group of players.
and moons in our solar system could arguably give a
greater Sention increase than any medicinal brightening If such platforms should be designed specifically for the
could potentially offer. Therefore, an altruistic effect achievement of compelling futures such as the five
could be assigned to each of the 15 paths should any of conventional futures or the here proposed sixth
them significantly be advanced. compelling future of transsentientism, then the series of
prizes should be designed to mirror the technology tree
The TCP Dashboard
necessary to advance towards such future. Therefore,
The outcome will be a weighted distribution of the eight apart from the kind of FoW-, FoL-, and FoA- platform
ETSs, corresponding to the crowdsourced estimate on there also needs to be a coherence of the moon-shots
how effective the altruistic effort is of contributing to that are incorporated into one cohesive mission for the
maturing a given ETS. There are globally research future of life. The competitive incentive prizes, listed in
teams working on maturing all the ETSs, both in Annex III, are scattered and sporadic.
universities and in R&D-departments of private
organisations. If the effort of progress could be In contrast, the visions presented in the online game
quantified in a global dashboard, then an award system “Evolve” do offer a somewhat cohesive long-term vision
could be set up that could celebrate and remunerate the towards transsentientism (see annex IV).
most contributing team to bright sentience. With
universities, the beginning of one such quantification 4. Comparing TCP to the five conventional futures
could be argued to exist in the Shanghai Ranking The five conventional compelling futures, humanism,
system. Here, universities worldwide are ranked based transhumanism, cosmism, sentientism, and
on the papers they publish amongst other factors. environmentalism, offer different levels of clarity of
Some current strives towards compelling their paths to their respective futures. In Figure 16, they
futures in the FoW, FoL, and FoA compared across two dimensions; how deprovincialized
One attempt of accommodating for the three Fs comes they are, and how ethical they are – meaning how
from incentive prizes. Examples of such prizes are the highly they value the importance of ethics in their
X-prizes in the USA and the horizon prizes in the EU.
Inspired by the Orteig incentive prize that in 1927
opened the blue ocean of airflight with its incentive
prize, these institutions encourage mission learning to
solve large problems that can open blue oceans for
businesses. This mission learning leans tightly against
the learning of 21st century skills. Incentive prizes also
lean closely with the future of altruism because of its
focus on moon-shots that can evoke hope and

Table 1 How clear a roadmap does the six compelling futures
provide and thus how ready are they for gamification?
Source: Own production.

Figure 16 How deprovincialized and how ethical are the

mentioned compelling futures?

The illustration shows that while cosmism is just as

deprovincialized as transsentientism – which might
give rise to confusion as to what new transsentientism
brings to the table, transsentientism distinguishes itself
by being highly ethical. In this way, it offers a stable In Table 1, the six compelling futures are rated with a
framework through which to give value to actions even traffic light rating system on how clear of a roadmap
in the case of a rapid telescoping of the future. they provide. Such roadmap would give a foundation for
gamification of a compelling future for the benefit of
A much-debated topic is the proactionary principle, both FoL, FoW, and FoA. The table shows that while
invented by transhumanist Max More as a reaction none of the futures are rated as red and thus not ready
against the more famous precautionary principle. The for gamification, only sentientism is green because it
proactionary principle suggests that innovation should can largely be accommodated for through relatively
be encouraged because it historically has provided clear defined technological progress. The remaining five
much development of civilization. While this is true, futures are rated yellow because a large mix of
Bostrom’s Urn of Invention (Bostrom, 2014) provides a technologies are needed to reach the desired future. The
solid counterargument to this proactionary principle fact that none of the six are red is the most interesting
because we can never know when we will invent thing about this table. It gives hope for bot the FoL,
something so dangerous that it poses an extinction risk FoW, and FoA to establish amble foundation for
to all living life – including machine sentience. gamification which to some extent could telescope these
Therefore, compelling-future-ideologies that build futures.
exclusively on this proactionary principle are arguably
less ethical than the once that build on the Are we on the right path towards
precautionary principle, as is the case with transsentientism?
transsentientism as stated further up in this article. Table 2 shows fifteen essential first steps towards a
transsentientist future. Each step has here been rated
from 1-3 on how significant, solvable, and neglected
they are. This is the methodology used in the scientific
field of effective altruism. The score is summed up and
compared to a general rating of the existing scientific
literature on the topic. The discrepancies are
highlighted in Figure 17. From this figure, it can be
deducted that there is a substantial overall discrepancy
and that especially in “AI creation” and in all three steps
of sentience deepening, the discrepancy is very high.

In this way, even if the rating is somewhat off, it can be

concluded that we are not currently ion the path toward
a transsentientist future.

Table 2 Ways to improve sentience with a rough estimate of importance according to the effective altruism method as well as a rough quantitative
analysis of the amount of scientific literature currently written about the sentience improvements. The sum of the EA-number is compared with the
amount of scientific literature currently written so find rough a discrepancy value. EA number Source: Own production.

Figure 17: A graphic illustration of the difference between the rough estimates of EA importance and amount of scientific literature
available. Source: Own production.

How gamifyable is transsentientism? The overall methodology for gamifying transsentientism

In scheme that can form a basis for gamification for the is illustrated in Figure 18.
benefit of both FoL, FoW, and FoA.

Table 3, a framework for gamification of the column. Then, the relation between the effect and the
transsentientist vision is drawn. Here, for each step eight categories are calculated and plotted in the last
seven exponential sectors contribute to realize each step eight columns. Now, this result can be an input for a key
to varying degrees. These degrees can be estimated performance indicator scheme that can form a basis for
along with an eighth category about the contribution of gamification for the benefit of both FoL, FoW, and FoA.
scaling up any given technology. Next, the overall effect
The overall methodology for gamifying transsentientism
of a given step on the world in terms of sentions is illustrated in Figure 18.
produced is estimated and plotted in the “Effect”-

Table 3 How much does each exponential sector feed into a given path? And how much sentience does that path provide? The
answers can be found by using the sentience equation and plotting the answers into this table. Source: Own production.

Transsentientist critical path

Technologi sector share of Technology share of relative
Type of sentience contribution Effect
relative contribution in % contribution × effect)

In % improvement compared to
Nanotechnology and robotics

Nanotechnology and robotics

Additive manufactoring

Additive manufactoring
Generic engineering

Generic engineering
Artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence
Energy and storage

Energy and storage

Sentience type

Mixed reality

Mixed reality
Exponential sector

Scaling up

Scaling up


Natural sentience creation


Solar system colonisation

Artificial sentience creation
Material abundance

Psycho-psychiatric abundance
Institutional abundance
Natural disaster prevention
Artificial disaster prevention

Climate and environmental stability

Political stability
Neural intra-connectivity

Neural inter-connectivity
Neural extra-connectivity
Sensoral augmentation

Figure 18 The TCP methdology. Source: Own production.

The TCP methodology 2. This tool indicates, advocates, and celebrates

By mapping out the desirable futures, quantifying their the fastest paths towards the growth of bright
contribution with the sentience equation, and relating it sentience.
to the exponential sector landscape, a critical path 3. Transsentientism seem to be more
emerges that can lead to a transsentientist deprovincialized than the five conventional
transformation. Thus, a methodology of finding the TCP compelling futures while at the same time
can be as follows: having a strong ethical foundation. This makes
transsentientism a strong candidate for future
1. Map research in compelling futures for the benefit of
2. Quantify the future of learning, work, and altruism.
3. Relate 4. Transsentientism could with great advantage
4. Draw be incorporated into the scientific research of
5. Gamify effective altruism to advance the technological
advantage towards a compelling future.
By following these steps, scientific discoveries can be
5. We do not currently seem to be advancing
put into a constellation of pieces that make up a path
towards the compelling future of a
towards a less provincial compelling future than what is
transsentientist utopia. There are significant
offered in the five conventional futures.
discrepancies from this path. Mostly due to the
lack of research in sentience deepening and in
5. Conclusion
artificial sentience creation.
Based on the theoretical analysis of this article, it can be
6. Transsentientism is in this article found to have
concluded that:
a “somewhat” fitness for gamification, which
could indicate that it could be a silver bullet for
FoL, FoW, and FoA. However, more research
1. The transsentientist critical path can prove to needs to be developed in order to determine
be a powerful tool in the pursuit of more conclusively to what extend it can be a
sustainability. Its ability to compare across both silver bullet.
sectors and time could make this tool stand out
as the most inclusive and even accurate tool as
of date.

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in Physical Activity: The Flow State Scale–2 and
Dispositional Flow Scale–2

6. Appendices
Annex I
21st century skills – The Glossary of Education Reform (2016)

• Critical thinking, problem solving, reasoning, analysis, interpretation, synthesizing information

• Research skills and practices, interrogative questioning
• Creativity, artistry, curiosity, imagination, innovation, personal expression
• Perseverance, self-direction, planning, self-discipline, adaptability, initiative
• Oral and written communication, public speaking and presenting, listening
• Leadership, teamwork, collaboration, cooperation, facility in using virtual workspaces
• Information and communication technology (ICT) literacy, media and internet literacy,
data interpretation and analysis, computer programming
• Civic, ethical, and social-justice literacy
• Economic and financial literacy, entrepreneurialism
• Global awareness, multicultural literacy, humanitarianism
• Scientific literacy and reasoning, the scientific method
• Environmental and conservation literacy, ecosystems understanding
• Health and wellness literacy, including nutrition, diet, exercise, and public health and safety

Annex II

Figure 19: Calculations creating the combined weighted distribution of the TCP methodology.

Questions to be crowdsourced by experts in order to fill out the preservation value of five types of sentience (excluding
alien sentience as a sixth category) for the sake of simplicity.

Pc Sc Rc Pf Sf Rf Preservation value
Sentience type
% Sentions Factor % Sentions Factor Sentions

Non-brain sentience ? ? ? ? ? ?

Reptilian sentience ? ? ? ? ? ?

Mammal sentience ? ? ? ? ? ?

Human sentience ? ? ? ? ? ?

AI sentience ? ? ? ? ? ?

Paths to transsentience
Type of sentience Technologi sector share of total contribution in % (= Technologi sector share of total contribution in % (=
Technologi sector share of relative contribution in % Effect
contribution Technology share of relative contribution × effect) Technology share of relative contribution × effect)

Additive manufactoring

Additive manufactoring

Additive manufactoring
Nanotechnology and

Nanotechnology and

Nanotechnology and
Generic engineering

Generic engineering

Generic engineering
Artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence
Energy and storage

Energy and storage

Energy and storage

In % improvement
compared to now
Exponential sector ->

Mixed reality

Mixed reality

Mixed reality
Scaling up

Scaling up

Scaling up






Trancranial neural
10 5 28 2 5 2 28 20 400 40 20 112 8 20 8 112 80 80 40 112 8 20 8 224 80 492
External neural connectivity 30 10 5 5 15 3 2 30 400 120 40 20 20 60 12 8 120 240 80 20 20 60 12 16 120 448

Artificial sentience creation 20 70 4 0 3 1 0 2 400 80 280 16 0 12 4 0 8 160 560 16 0 12 4 0 8 752

Solar system colonisation 25 10 7 7 3 7 11 30 200 50 20 14 14 6 14 22 60 100 40 14 14 6 14 44 60 232

Natural sentience creation 15 7 10 12 4 2 10 40 50 7,5 3,5 5 6 2 1 5 20 15 7 5 6 2 1 10 20 46

Artificial disaster prevention 20 15 30 2 5 3 15 10 50 10 7,5 15 1 2,5 1,5 7,5 5 20 15 15 1 2,5 1,5 15 5 70

Material abundance 3 15 12 13 2 10 15 30 40 1,2 6 4,8 5,2 0,8 4 6 12 2,4 12 4,8 5,2 0,8 4 12 12 41,2

Internal neural connectivity 5 5 5 5 5 5 60 10 30 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5 18 3 3 3 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5 36 3 48
10 30 10 10 10 0 10 20 30 3 9 3 3 3 0 3 6 6 18 3 3 3 0 6 6 39
Institutional abundance
30 20 5 5 13 5 2 20 30 9 6 1,5 1,5 3,9 1,5 0,6 6 18 12 1,5 1,5 3,9 1,5 1,2 6 39,6
and stability
Sensoral augmentation 10 20 20 10 10 0 10 20 30 3 6 6 3 3 0 3 6 6 12 6 3 3 0 6 6 36
Climate and environmental
5 5 5 7 3 15 20 40 20 1 1 1 1,4 0,6 3 4 8 2 2 1 1,4 0,6 3 8 8 18
Longevity 2 18 15 10 3 2 30 20 20 0,4 3,6 3 2 0,6 0,4 6 4 0,8 7,2 3 2 0,6 0,4 12 4 26

Natural disaster prevention 2 25 10 10 3 10 10 30 20 0,4 5 2 2 0,6 2 2 6 0,8 10 2 2 0,6 2 4 6 21,4

Political stability 15 10 13 15 5 10 2 30 20 3 2 2,6 3 1 2 0,4 6 6 4 2,6 3 1 2 0,8 6 19,4

Legend 202 265 179 113 89 75 225 352 1740 3515 4611 3115 1966 1549 1305 3915 6125 7030 9222 3115 1966 1549 1305 7830 6125 2329
Annex III

List of competitive incentive prizes A map of collaborative incentive prizes

X-prize Foundation
Suborbital Spaceflight
Progressive Insurance Automotive XPRIZE
Wendy Schmidt Oil Cleanup XCHALLENGE
Northrop Grumman Lunar Lander XCHALLENGE
The Nokia Sensing XCHALLENGE
The Wendy Schmidt Ocean Health XPRIZE
Qualcomm Tricorder XPRIZE
Google Lunar XPRIZE
Anu & Naveen Jain Women's Safety XPRIZE
Water Abundance XPRIZE
The Global Learning XPRIZE
Shell Ocean Discovery XPRIZE
Adult Literacy XPRIZE
Next-Gen Mask Challenge
Pandemic Response XPRIZE
NRG Cosia Carbon XPRIZE
Rainforest XPRIZE
Rapid Covid Testing
Gigaton Scale Carbon Removal
EU Horizon prizes
Innovative Batteries for eVehicles'
Fule from the Sun: Artificial Photosynthesis'
Early Warning for Epidemics'
Blockchain for Social Good'
Low-Cost Space Launch'

Potential scientific journals to publish this article:

Nick Bostrom’s publication journals Journal of evolution and technology (

Global Policy ( Bioethis

Rethinking moral status Review of contemporary philosophy

Technology review The philosophical uarterly

Ethics Mind

New waves in philosophy of technology Journal of value inquiry

Utilitas Journal of consciousness studies

Oxford University Press New waves in applied ethics

Death and antideath Human enhancement

Social epistemology Cognitive, Emotive and Ethical Aspects of Decision Making in Humans and in
Artificial Intelligence
Minds and machines (
The Journal of philosophy
Studies in ethics, Law and technology
Ethics of artificial intelligence
( Science and engineering ethics

Harvard review of philosophy


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