GYM Training

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09/03/2021 (8) Which is the best gym in Basaveshwaranagar, Bangalore that is easy on the budget?

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Which is the best gym in Basaveshwaranagar, Bangalore that

is easy on the budget?
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10 Answers
Devi Biswal, Fitness Enthusiast
Answered October 10, 2018
Dheeru's Gym in Basaveshwarnagar is easy on your pockets and has imported
equipments along with facilities for Zumba Yoga Functional Training etc.
They usually have good festive offers running throughout the year.
You can reach them on their Facebook Page (Dheeru's Gym ) or Call them:
Dheeru's Gym | Home | Dheerus Gym (@dheerusgym) • Instagram photos and videos
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Promoted by TechniTrader
What are some fantastic reasons to invest right now in the stock market
despite the long bull run?
Martha Stokes, CEO & Co-Founder at TechniTrader (1998-present)
Updated February 10
The Bull Ended in February 2020. See the chart below of the Dow 30. All that happened
in April and May were speculative buyers as the big banks acted as market makers
keeping prices of component stocks from fall further and risking
a retail group
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Akash Sehrawat, lives in New Delhi
Answered July 22, 2017
Should I get a personal trainer?
Hiring a personal trainer can be an expensive proposition. Personal trainers charge by
the hour and can range between $25 to $75 (or more..)
In India, you can get a decent personal trainer for INR 7000–10,000 for 12 sessions a
This is a huge investment considering most trainers don't know what they are doing.
Majority of trainers are simply armchair experts who get their information by reading
magazines and articles on popular bodybuilding sites. Essentially whatever they tell you
can be found on internet for Free if you look in the right places.
Being a personal trainer for many years and having owned a health club for 6 years and
managing a team of few dozen trainers I have these recommendation for anyone looking
to hire a personal trainer: 1/10
09/03/2021 (8) Which is the best gym in Basaveshwaranagar, Bangalore that is easy on the budget? - Quora
Always trust your instincts. Trainer A may not have a great8 physique asSearch Quora Add Question
Trainer B but if your gut is telling you A is better than B for you, then he
probably is.
Having a great physique does not signify superior knowledge. Just
because a trainer has a ripped physique does not mean he knows how to
manupilate important training variables and design workouts according to your
needs, abilities and goals. Having said that, if a trainer has a bigger belly than
you, well I guess its better to move on.
Take few trial sessions before you commit to anything. Say you listened to
gut and choose Trainer A. Don't pay yet. Take few trial sessions to test the
waters. Ask questions. Youʼll get more clarity this way.
Any commercial gym employs good sales people who are good at
convincing you to pay. Don't make rash decisions and never ever sign up for
anything more than 3 months until you are absolutely certain of things.
Ask for references. Word of mouth is still the best way to find a trainer. Ask
around. Take out time to call the previous clients of the trainer, youʼll learn a lot
about the trainer you are planning to hire.
Sign up for group session first: If you are new to the gym and don't know
what to do, simply sign up for their group sessions. Youʼll make friends this
way, youʼll have an idea what needs to be done. Maybe after a week youʼll
realize you don't even need a personal trainer as the variety of group classes
offered are a great fit for you:)
Partner up: Most personal trainers offer couple/group training. Convince a
friend, a co-worker or even your spouse to workout with you. This will add
more accountability and fun element to your personal training sessions and will
obviously reduce your cost.
Speciality: What does the trainer specialize in—Pre natal/post natal yoga? Fat
loss, muscle building, senior clients, functional training and so forth. This will
entail knowing what you are training for!
Certifications: They are a must. NASM, ACSM, ACE are some of the best
Final Note
“If you can't explain it simply enough, you don't understand it”
Albert Einstein
A not so confident trainer will use big scientific words to impress you. Heʼs simply hiding
his insecurities.
Whereas a confident trainer will explain any of your doubts or questions in an easy to
understand manner.
There are some good trainers out there who will be worth every penny, whereas there
are lot of bad trainers who are not worth your time and money. So make sure you go
through the points that I have discussed above and try and not to make hasty decisions.
All the best,
9 Things to Consider Before Committing to a Gym
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Marcus D Russell, 20 + yrs of coaching in comm. Gyms
Answered October 4, 2018
Are personal trainers worth the money? I go to a large gym and it seems more
like a scam, but I don't have much knowledge and want to prevent injury, how
can I tell if my personal trainer is knowledgeable?
For most people I would say no.. Not only is the information freely available and easy to
understand…most trainers are bad because most clients don't care about actual
results.. They just Want to reaffirm what they already believe. 2/10
09/03/2021 (8) Which is the best gym in Basaveshwaranagar, Bangalore that is easy on the budget? - Quora
If you are a serious gym athlete, know your shit, and want to step8 it up a notch…it might
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be worth the money.
If you are a serious gym athlete, and you just had a baby and want to lose the
pregnancy weight relatively quickly…it might be worth it.
If you are a former athlete and you want to get back into hard training.. It might be
worth it.
Otherwise it's a waste of money. Most of the progressions i see trainers using make
people sweat and breath hard.. But don't do shit for actual strength gains or fat
Here's what is told to clients that's 100% bullshit:
. You should warm up for 10 mins on treadmill before you start training…walking
or running on a treadmill has fuck all to do with resistance training…
. “You need to focus on your core strength first” - yeah because adipose tissue
won't metabolize if you have an unstable core… oh and if your trainer does
anything with a BOSU ball you are getting scammed.
. Any accessory work (arms/calfs/forearms) when your goal is weight loss..
. Any use of machines… all machines have instruction cards…. What, exactly, is a
trainer showing you?
. Telling you to do cardio. Cardio is almost completely ineffective at metabolizing
fat…we've known this in the industry for more than a decade.
. Burpees/jumpsquats/ lunge-curl/lunge press combinations…you'll sweat like
crazy… won't grow any muscle.
. Using weights on the treadmill… here's a tip.. If you don't have to put the
weight down in less than 15 seconds…it's too light to make your muscles grow.
. Excessive use of cables…cables are a finisher…you have to be extremely
fatigued to get anything from them.
. TRX workouts… TRX is used to maintain muscle, not build muscle. Often times
it's used to make people hurt not because they are weak… but because they
aren't used to training in an unstable environment…this is a big red flag…esp.
For women.
. Focusing too much on diet…you have to make the diet happen so they
shouldn't obsess over it too much. YOu are paying to be trained.. Not talk food
for more than a few minutes.
A good trainer will talk about your goals and not how often you can train. A good trainer
will never begin by discussing training rates. A Good trainer will show you how to do a
basic movement - for free - and not try to convert you into a client. A good trainer will
not change your goal to make you trainer for a longer period of time (i know you want to
get lean…but first we need to make sure you have a strong core). Lastly, a good trainer
will be very upfront about if you can achieve what you want in say…3-6 months.
9.1K views · View 12 upvotes · Answer requested by Timothy Yano
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Which is better: yoga or gym?
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Which gym should I join if I am a beginner, expensive or cheap? 3/10
09/03/2021 (8) Which is the best gym in Basaveshwaranagar, Bangalore that is easy on the budget? - Quora
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Niranjan Sakthivel, Senior system Engineer at Cognizant (2017-present)
Answered November 29
Which gym should I join if I am a beginner, expensive or cheap?
Thank you for the question:
“If I only had an hour to chop down a tree, I would spend the first 45 minutes
sharpening my axe.” – Abraham Lincoln.
The answer for your question is within yourself !
I would like youself to Explore &
Self Analyse
(Both physically & mentally ) before getting into any type of Gym environment.
You can do it just by spending 40 minutes.
You can plan like
. 20 minutes - Walking
. 10minutes (5+5) - 5 min Push-ups(Flat,Inclined,Declined) + 5 min pull-
ups.Beginners can start with minimum reps & make sure of proper position
. 4minutes -(Multiple floor exercises for Abdomen i.e crunches,Mountain
climbers,Leg rise,Plank) N:B- As a beginner you can plan this workout for 1
minute each.Have a normal in & out breathing during this workout.
. 1minute skipping for initially.
. 5minutes- Meditation (Observe your breathing)
. Total 20+10+4+1+5=40minutes
. You can include squats (without weights) to concentration on the lower body.
N:B- The above Points are for beginners you can customise the workout and
increase the phase gradually.
Benefits of following the above routines:
-By following the above points at least for 28 days you can get to know your stronger
and weaker areas.
-This Analysation is the predominant part of your future fitness routine.
-You will get an clarity of how your body behaves and adopts this includes both
(workout routine & food intake)
-Stabilises your metabolism
-Draft a tracking calendar & set short term goal like increasing the reps,variations.
-Reward yourself for each accomplishments.
Key :
. Kindly monitor your rhythm during the workout it should be slow and
. Prepare your own workout checklist.
. Watch,feel each and every move of your body,there comes the muscle
mind connection.
. Have regular intervals during the workout.
. Make sure you have an clean & Balanced diet.
. Have a relaxed Sleep of 7-8hrs because sleep plays a vital role in your
. Customise your daily intake by preparing your own diet chart.
. To avoid dehydration drink water once 20 minutes to compensate the
water excreted via sweat.
. Last&Foremost point Make sure of warm up&warm down Which includes
basic stretches,hamstring stretches.
. And finally have a clarity of what you do to yourself. 4/10
09/03/2021 (8) Which is the best gym in Basaveshwaranagar, Bangalore that is easy on the budget? - Quora
Here I'm not offending or against the Gym Workout or with a8personal trainer.I
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agree that Gym play a vital role in the development.
But though your trainer trains you,only to certain extent he can feed you.
Rest of the progression completely relays on your interest&dedication.
Here's my fitness journey.
I'm improvising,learning myself each and every day.
No junk food & preservatives
No gym environment only Calisthenics 5/10
09/03/2021 (8) Which is the best gym in Basaveshwaranagar, Bangalore that is easy on the budget? - Quora
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I also started learning the most famous and valuable Thirukural ( ற ) [ atleast 2
kural daily] which teaches us various genres of life in two sentences. 6/10
09/03/2021 (8) Which is the best gym in Basaveshwaranagar, Bangalore that is easy on the budget? - Quora
Pictures:From my phone gallery 8
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The above physique may not be perfect but I'm giving my best in a slow and steady
manner each day.
I hope the above are suitable & comfortable to beginners as well to all kind of
I trust These strategies will aid in building the foundation of your workout routine
& make it a long run.
"Fitness is not a destination, it's a journey "
You're building the most powerful machine in the universe.
In your fitness journey a friend will help you in achieving your goals that's none other
than your mental stability and optimism.
Go forth and conquer
Thank you 😄
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Related Answer
Maniesha Bhatotia
Updated August 6, 2019
Is Gold's gym worthy of 25k ? Do they include a personal trainer in the
membership pay?
Originally Answered: Is Gold's gym worthy of 25k ? Do they include a personal trainer in the
membership pay ?
Not at all. Its not worth 10K also. It's just like any other branded and overrated gym. As
far as I know in Bangalore they have 17.5K annual membership fees excluding personal
training. PT will cost you minimum 5K per month. If you want to go for senior trainers
you wil have to pay 10K or 15K depending on the category of the PT. Its a waste. Forget
about PT, their membership itself is a waste. Instead of wasting 25K in Gold's gym you
go for any other gym where you have reasonable fees and good crowed. And spend the
money which you will save on your diet. I am with Gold's Gym from the past one year
and in one year they increased the fees twice. So this time I am not going to renew it
and waste my money. They will tell you 100 things when you join but once you take the
membership you are screwed.
Good luck.
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2 comments from Piyush Kumar Merwal and more

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8Ashish Lal, Doing Yoga6 & Meditation regularly since 2000
Answered October 30, 2014
Why do people opt for the gym instead of yoga?
I've been doing Yoga for last 14 years and gym for last 5 years. Who said Yoga is better
for long term fitness and gym is not? Let us not belittle different forms without knowing
much about it. They're different and have different positive effects on the body. You can
stay fit in the long term as well as the short term by doing only Yoga, you can stay fit by
doing weight training at the gym (if done properly under the guidance of trained
professionals) and you can stay fit by doing both or by doing any other proven method
to stay fit.
Now to answer your question why more people opt for gym:
Firstly it is the environment - western music, modern amenities, group classes, seeing
so many people workout, people having awesome physique and they showing it off and
all this attracts the youth more than a simple yoga.
Secondly, for men, it is very difficult to become muscular or have six packs or that kind
of sexy body with all the cuts by doing Yoga - you'll have to go for other ways if with 7/10
09/03/2021 (8) Which is the best gym in Basaveshwaranagar, Bangalore that is easy on the budget? - Quora
fitness you want to look like models. Gym helps you not just be 8fit but also look sexyQuora
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the modern sense of the word. For girls, only Yoga might be enough to get the fitness
level as well as the new age sexy tag - probably that's why there are several top
heroines with a hot bod who only do Yoga but there's hardly any male actor who's
tagged as having a hot bod who only does Yoga.
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5Adam Lumbley, Bodybuilder, Fitness Consultant
Answered December 31, 2015
Should I invest in a personal trainer?
PT's are closet-salesmen and glorified form-teachers. I should know, I used to be one.
The day I realized being a personal trainer wasn't for me was the day my boss told me:
"The key to success in this business is your clients failure. You want them to fail so they
keep coming back to you. Once they succeed, they won't need you anymore".
I was disgusted with him, my gym and the industry as a whole.
I didn't heed his advice. I got my clients in, trained them for just enough sessions to
teach them the basics and got them out. I didn't want their money. I wanted to be part
of the process of their success.
Later I was fired for this (and the fact that I refused to sell my gyms overpriced
supplements, when I knew other retailers were both cheaper and had higher quality,
even though I was on commision for my gyms supps).
Which is why I started my own business where I can really do some good. Not sell
services/products I don't believe in.
I create workout and diet plans (only $25 each) for my clients online. More importantly
with each plan I write a written report that outlines bodybuilding/fitness pilars that teach
you how to write your own plan(s) in the future, so you'll never need me or anyone else
I don't want your money. Money is only a neccesary evil that unfortunately, one's time
What I really want is for you to become succesful.
Message me if $25-$50 is worth a 12 week plan for you.
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1 Collon
Answered February 12, 2020
Which is best, an expensive gym or a cheap gym?
Well, if you are confused about whether to choose the best, expensive or cheap hub for
your gymnastics requirements because of unaware of the differences between these
three, then here it is. Today, with all my experiences, I am going to explain some of the
basic differences between these three terms for the gyms in Ajman. 8/10
09/03/2021 (8) Which is the best gym in Basaveshwaranagar, Bangalore that is easy on the budget? - Quora
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Differences between best, expensive and cheap gym

Firstly, I am going to explain the terms of the expensive and the cheap gym. Let's start
with the expensive one,
An expensive gym is referred to where all the gym trainers are paid highly because of
their innumerable state or country based records; equipment, and machines are
imported; the interior is highly decorated with lights and other costly decorative items;
and many more. They also offer various spa and healthcare services to different age
group people. In short, they don't limit themselves in any specific service. Such gyms
usually start their charges from 10000 per month, and this price may get higher with
your requirements.
On the other hand, the cheap gyms are referred to as those that have all the basic
requirements a person wants in terms of the gym. These gyms have trainers who,
although experienced, but don't possess any certificate of special records in the field.
They are very specific in offering only the gymnastics requirements to the people
enrolled themselves for the hub.
Now the best gym,
The best gym in Ajman is termed to those gyms that have all the facilities with them
in superior levels. They possess all the latest and advanced gym equipment, trainers
who have specialized techniques to give training to the trainees, and much more. The
most important thing with them is they have special recognition in the country for their
outstanding delivery of services. They also offer various other healthcare services to all
the age group people around. They charge very reasonable amounts that can be
affordable for anyone who wants to opt for the gym.
So, choosing the gym that is "best" in nature is a worthy deal for anyone. One can get
all the luxury of healthcare at a very reasonable price in the best gym. Start your
workout now!
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