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1) If A and B are any two sets, then A U ( A ∩ B ) is equal to

a) A b) AC c) B d) BC
Sol: Option: (A)
2) What is the Cartesian product of A = { 1 , 2 } and B = { a , b } ?
a) { (1,a) (1,b) (2,a) (b,b) } c) { (1,a) (2,a) (1,b) (2,b) }
b) { (1,1) (2,2) (a,a) (b,b) } d) { (1,1) (a,a) (2,a) (1,b) }
Sol: Option: (C)
A subset R of the Cartesian product A X B is a relation from the set A to the set B
Therefore, { (1,a) (2,a) (1,b) (2,b) }
3) The number of elements in power set P ( S ) of the set S = { [Φ],1,[2,3] }
a) 2 b) 4 c) 8 d) None of the above
Sol: Option: (C)

Number of elements in power set = 2n

= 23 ( Given cardinality of S = 3 )

= 8
4) Which of the following is true ?
a) ( A – B ) ∩ ( A ∩ B ) = A c) ( A – B ) ∩ ( A ∩ B ) = B
b) ( A – B ) ∩ ( A ∩ B ) = Φ d) ( A – B ) ∩ ( A ∩ B ) = A – B
Sol: Option: (B)
By Venn diagram:


5) Let P ( S ) denotes the power set of the set S , the dual of the lattice ( P(S), ⊆ ) is
a) Doesn’t exist b) ( P(S), ⊆ ) c) ( P(S), ⊇ ) d) ( S,⊇)
Sol: Option: (C)
Dual of lattice can be obtained by interchanging V ¢ Л and ⊆ with ⊇
6) In a room containing 35 people, there are 15 people who speak Hindi, 19 people who
speak Telugu and 22 people who speak Kannada , 10 persons who speak Hindi & Telugu,
11 persons speak both Telugu and Kannada whereas 15 persons speak both Kannada and
English. How many people speak all the three languages ?
a) 6 b) 9 c) 12 d) 15
Sol: Option: (D)
Given, to find n ( H ∩ T ∩ K )
n ( H U T U K ) = n( H ) + n( T ) + n( K ) – n( H ∩ T ) – n( T ∩ K ) – n( K ∩ H ) + n ( H ∩ T ∩ K )
n ( H ∩ T ∩ K ) = n ( H U T U K ) – { n( H ) + n( T ) + n( K ) – n( H ∩ T ) – n( T ∩ K ) – n( K ∩ H ) }
= 35 – { 15+19+22-10-11-15 }
= 35- { 56-36 }
= 15

7) If A,B,C are subsets of universal set U then ( A ∩ B ∩ C ) U ( AI ∩ B ∩ C ) U BI U CI is ?

a) BI U CI b) A U BI U CI c) AI U BI U CI d) U

Sol: Option: (D)

Venn diagram:



A∩B∩C AI ∩ B ∩ C




Union of these sets is Universal set

8) Let A = { a,b,c,d } which of the following is not true ?

a) R1 = { (a,a) (c,c) } is Symmetric, Anti-Symmetric and Transitive on A

b) R2 = { (a,b) (b,a) (a,c) (c,a) (c,d) } is Symmetric and Anti-Symmetric

c) R3 = { (b,c) (c,b) (d,d) } is Symmetric but not Anti-Symmetric

d) R4 = { (a,b) (b,c) (c,c) } is Anti-Symmetric but not Symmetric


A: R1 = { (a,a) (c,c) }
It fails only when if element of type (a,b) is present and (b,a) doesn’t
present. Other than this remaining all are Symmetric, So it is Symmetric.
It fails when elements of type (a,b) & (b,a) are present. So it is Anti-
It fails when elements of type (a,b) (b,c) present & (a,c) is not present.
Given (a,a) (c,c) is transitive.

B: R2 = { (a,b) (b,a) (a,c) (c,a) (c,d) }

It is not symmetric because there is no symmetry for (c,d)
It is not anti-symmetric because symmetry elements are present i.e., (a,b) (b,a)
& (a,c) (c,a)

C: R3 = { (b,c) (c,b) (d,d) }

It is symmetry because we have symmetry for (b,c) as (c,b) and (d,d) is
It is not anti-symmetry because we have symmetry elements.

D: R4 = { (a,b) (b,c) (c,c) }

It is anti-symmetry because we don’t have symmetric elements
It is not symmetric because there is no symmetric pair for (a,b}

9) Let A = { a,b,c } and a relation on set A is defined as S = { (a,b) (b,c) (a,c) (c,c) (a,a) (b,a)
} which of the following is true ?
a) R Is equivalence relation
b) R is Irreflexive relation ( or ) Anti-symmetric
c) R is Symmetric ( or ) Asymmetric relation
d) R is Transitive
Given S = { (a,b) (b,c) (a,c) (c,c) (a,a) (b,a) }
A: It is not reflexive because we don’t have (b,b) in S. So it is not equivalence.
B: It is not irreflexive because we have (a,a) (c,c) in S and it not anti-symmetric
because we have symmetry for (q,b) as (b,a).
C: It is not symmetric because we don’t have symmetry for (a,c) and it is not
asymmetry because we have (a,a) (c,c).
D: It is transitive because set S satisfies transitive property.
10) Let A = {7,11,2} , R = { (7,7) (7,11) (11,11) (2,2) (11,2) (11,7) } the relation R is ?
a) Equivalence
b) Reflexive, not symmetric and not transitive
c) Reflexive, not symmetric and transitive
d) None of these
Sol: Option: (B)
R = { (7,7) (7,11) (11,11) (2,2) (11,2) (11,7) }
It is reflexive because set R contains all (x,x) ∈ A
It is not transitive because it doesn’t have (7,2) for (7,11) and (11,2)
It is not symmetric because we don’t have symmetry for (11,2)

11) Let P is a relation on R X R defined as P = { (a,b) ∈ R2 / ( a2 + b2 ) = 1 } then which of the

following is true ?
a) P is equivalence relation
b) P forms a lattice
c) P is a partial order relation
d) P is not an equivalence relation
Sol: Suppose if we consider (1,0) & (0,1), it satisfies given relation P

[Since, 12 + 0 2= 1,

02 + 12 = 1]

But for (1,1) it doesn’t satisfy the given relation P

∴ Transitivity doesn’t hold.

12) If a binary relation R on set S is reflexive, Anti-symmetric and transitive then R is,
a) Equivalence relation c) Totally ordered
b) Partially ordered d) None of these
Sol: Option: (B)
By definition of partial order
13) A Boolean algebra is only a
a) Complemented group c) Distributive poset
b) Complemented & distributive set d) Complemented & distributive lattice
Sol: Option: (D)
In order to be Boolean Algebra it should be complemented and distributive lattice.
14) Let a relation R be defined on the set of all real numbers by a R b <=> 1 + ab > 0 thus R
is ?
a) Reflexive. Transitive but not Symmetric
b) Reflexive. Symmetric but not Transitive
c) Symmetric, Transitive but not Reflexive
d) An equivalence relation
Sol: Option: (B)
1: 1 + ab > 0

1 + (0)(a) = 1+ a2 > 0

∴ (a,a) ∈ R
R is reflexive
2: Let (a,b) € R => 1 + ab > 0

=> 1 + ba > 0 => (b,a) ∈ R

∴R is symmetric

3: Let (a,b)€R => 1+ ab>0 and

(b,c)€R=> 1+bc>0 then

(a,c)€R=> 1+ac is not always greater than zero(over R) , so fails

in transitive.

Case: a is negative and c is positive or a is positive and c is negative but b

should be 0

In the above case, the transitivity always fails.


Let (-1,0)€R=> 1+(-1)*0=1 > 0 and

(0,1)€R => 1+ 0*1=1 > 0 then

(-1,1)€R=> 1+ (-1)*1= 0 Is not greater than zero.

So transitivity fails.
15)The Poset [ { 2,3,6,9,18,24 } ] is
a) Join semi but not meet semi lattice
b) Meet semi lattice but not join
c) A lattice
d) Neither a join nor meet semi lattice
Sol: Option: (D)
POSET Diagram:
18 24

6 9

2 3
From above poset diagram, we are having 2 minimal elements & 2 maximal
Since for 2 minimal elements they will not be GLB & for 2 maximal elements they
will not be LUB
16)The poset diagram of a poset P= { a,b,c,d,e,f } is shown below
d e

b c

Which of the following is not true ?
a) P is a lattice
b) The subset { b,c,e,d } of P is a lattice
c) The poset { a,b,e,f } of P is a lattice
d) The subset { a,b,c,e } of P is a lattice.
Sol: Option: (B)
A: From the poset diagram , we are having one LUB & GLB value.

∴P is a lattice

B: { b,c,d,e }

d e

b c
From the above poset diagram, we are having 2 maximal value & 2 minimal
So for 2 maximal value & 2 minimal value we don’t have Greatest Lower Bound
(GLB) & Least Upper Bound (LUB) values.

∴P is not a lattice

C: { a,b,e,f }

b e
From the above poset diagram f has Least Upper Bound (LUB) value & a has
Greatest Lower Bound (GLB) value.

∴P is a lattice

D: { a,b,c,e }

b c
From the above poset diagram we are having 1 (GLB) value ‘a’ & 1 LUB value
‘f’. So given subset of P is a lattice.
17) Which of the following is not a distributive lattice ?
a) [ P(A); ⊆ ] where A = { a,b,c,d,e }

b) [ D27 ; 1 ]

c) [ R ; ≤ ] R is a set of real numbers

d) [ { 1,2,3,5,30 } ; 1]
Sol: Option: (D)
Explanation: If we have to test whether the lattice is distributive (or) we need to

check L1*, L2* are not sub lattices of given lattice.

A: [ P(A); ⊆ ] A = { a,b,c,d,e }
P(A) is power set of 4. We know that “ Join “ of 2 elements is nothing but “
Union “ & “ Meet “ of 2 elements is “ Intersection “
We know that on a set of all sets “ Union is distributive over Intersection “ and
“ Intersection is distributive over Union “ since this distributive property holds good on
set of any sets.

∴ [ P(A); ⊆ ] is distributive lattice

B: [ D27 ; 1 ]
D27 means set of all divisions of 27. { 1,3,9,27 }

Poset diagram:
Here 1 divides 3, 3 divides 9, 9 divides 27. It is a total order. We know that every total
order is distributive.
IMP Property:

For any [ Dn ; 1 ] where n is +ve integer, Dn is distributive lattice.

C: [ R ; ≤ ]
R is a set of all real numbers. It is also total order contains all integers we
know total order is distributive lattice..


e) D: [ { 1,2,3,5,30 } ; 1] Hasse diagram is below


2 3 5

This is nothing but L1*. Because 2 is having 3 and 5 as complement, 3 & 5

having 2 complements. Since they are having more than 1 complement it is not
distributive lattice.
18) For the lattice given below. How many compliments does the element B have ?
a) 0 b) 1 c) 2 d) 3
e f

b c

Sol: Option: (B)

Explanation: For the given poset diagram

GLB = a

LUB = g

Element ‘ b ‘ doesn’t have ‘ g ‘ as complement because they join at “g” but do not
meet “a” as their meet (b,g) Is “b”. similarly b doesn’t have d, e,c & a as complement.

For (b,f) they meet at “a” & join of b and f is g. so f is complement of b.

∴ We have 1 complements

19) Which of the following is a Boolean algebra ?

a) [ D49 ; 1 ] b) [ D70 ; 1 ] c) [ D84 ; 1 ] d) [ D16 ; 1 ]

Sol: Option: (B)


A: [ D49 ; 1 ]

D49 contains set of all divisors of 49. i.e., { 1,7,49 }

This is not Boolean algebra because one of divisions 49 is perfect square,

B: [ D70 ; 1 ] => D70 = { 1,2,5,7,10,14,35,70 }

This set of divisions in D70 is Boolean algebra because it doesn’t contain

perfect square.

C: [ D84 ; 1 ] => D84 = { 1,2,4,6,7,12,14,21,28,42,84 }

This is not Boolean algebra because 4 has perfect square,

D: [ D16 ; 1 ] => D84 = { 1,2,4,8,16 }

This is not Boolean algebra because 4 & 16 has perfect squares.

20) Consider the following Hasse diagrams

i) ii) iii) iv)

Which of the above represent a lattice ?

a) (I) and (iv) only c) (iii) only

b) (ii) and (iii) only d) (i), (ii) and (iv) only

Sol: Option: (A)

Explanation: In a poset the Least Upper Bound (or) Greatest Lower Bound of any
two elements if exists is unique

For option(ii) we have 2 maximal elements and 2 minimal elements. So

they are not lattice.

But in the option (iii) the elements b and c have two maximal elements ( d
,e) and the elements d and e have two minimal elements(b,c). So the option (iii) is not
an poset. So it is not a lattice.

Option (iv)

A poset [A;R] is called a lattice ,If LUB and GLB for every pair of elements in A.
clearly from option (iv) figure given is [D12;/] .So it is lattice.
21) Find out the maximal and minimal elements of poset

10 81

4 5

a) Maximal : 10,81 ; Minimal : 9 c) Maximal : 10,81 ; Minimal : 1,3

b) Maximal : none ; Minimal : none d) Maximal : 10,81 ; Minimal : 1

Sol: Option: (C)

Maximal elements of poset is one that is not smaller than any other element.

∴ Maximal elements are 10 & 81

Minimal elements are not greater than any other element.

∴ Minimal elements are 1 & 3

22) Consider the Hasse diagram of a poset given below. Then GLB ( c,d,e ) is

f g

c d

a b

a) b b) a c) d d) undefined

Sol: Option: (B)

Explanation: Greatest lower bound of ( c,d,e ) is a because a is the element

lower than element c,d and where they meet.

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