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Asignatura: Programación I

Facultad: Ingeniería de Sistemas.

Presentado por: Julieth Vidal Silva

Profesora: Johana García



Programming has been the cause that technology has been able to advance to how we
find it today, allowing inventions to be developed that make life easier for all people.
On the Software Crafters blog they try to teach people to code using a Python tutorial to
learn how to code. The advantage of this programming language is that it supports object
orientation and is designed for all types of platforms.
How has programming helped?
Only in recent years, programming has been responsible for the majority of technological
ideas have been able to see the light, facilitating the daily work of thousands of people.
It is true that, during the first years, ideas appeared slowly and it was difficult to develop
them, until industrial machines made their appearance, allowing this sector to generate
millions of euros in profits, thus increasing production and that to this day Today
companies continue to be interested in them.
Little by little, technology was increasing its boom and every day that passes it is more
developed, with the aim that man could carry out his work with the least possible difficulty,
without affecting efficiency.

Programming today
We can say, without fear of being wrong, that programming is the basis of the future, the
one in charge of technology continuing to develop and new inventions appearing.

Today we see the calculator as a simple product, which can help us with our work, but
when it first appeared, man had a great reaction to see how such a small object could
perform mathematical operations in a matter of seconds, something that a normal man
would take several minutes.

The evolution of programming allows us to enjoy improved calculators (like a computer),

but thousands of new inventions that leave our mouths open every time they are seen. An
example is artificial intelligence, which is carried out through the code language used in

Millions of computer scientists around the world continue to study and work to improve
artificial intelligence. To do this, they unveil new prototypes of all kinds of devices, such as
kitchen robots or machines that seem to have a life of their own.

Programming in the industry

Programming can be found in all types of industries, from entertainment to music, without
leaving aside those that develop software. Knowing how to use a program well allows you
to give your photographs a professional touch or have a robot take care of your work.

The largest companies worldwide use it daily in the logistics sector or to offer their
products and / or services through different methods, becoming one of the great sources
of income.
Programming has changed the way the world is viewed. Not only does it promote the
creativity of the people who use it, but it is of great interest to the entire population.
Through computer programming, an application or software can be created to develop a
concept or project, and to carry out this functionality, a computer language is needed to be
able to define the functionalities that you want to develop.

As examples of this type of development we can find from a mobile application, web
pages, Internet services, management programming and a long etcetera, we can say that
programming can develop almost any functionality.
The first industrial revolutions meant a change from mainly manual and artisanal
production to automatic production, which considerably increased our supply capacity and,
consequently, the demand for all types of merchandise. Slowly we were also transforming
intellectual work, calculations, plans, writing, research, etc. integrating them into
technological processes that would shorten the time required to complete them.

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