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Module 4

Linear Data Structures

 Stack Definition, Operations

 Implementation of Stacks(Array and Linked list)

 Applications-Evaluation of postfix expression, Balancing of

 Queue: Definition, Operations

 Implementation of simple queue (Array and Linked list)

 Applications of queue-BFS

 Types of queues: Circular, Double ended, Priority

 Implementation using linked list

 Types of Linked List: Singly, Doubly and Circular Linked list


 Operations (Insert, delete, traverse, count, search )

 Applications of Linked List: Polynomial Addition and

 A stack is an ordered collection of items into which new items
may inserted and item may be deleted at one end called TOP of
the stack.
 A stack is a homogeneous collection of items of any one type.
 Data can be added or removed from only the top.

 Last In, First Out (LIFO).

 A stack is a data structure that stores data in such a way that
the last piece of data stored, is the first one retrieved
 also called last-in, first-out
 Only access to the stack is the top element
 consider trays in a cafeteria
 to get the bottom tray out, you must first remove all of the elements
1. Push :Place an item onto the stack. If there is no place for
new item, stack is in overflow state.

2. Pop :Return the item at the top of the stack and then remove
it. If pop is called when stack is empty, it is in an
underflow state.

3. Top: Access the item at the top of the stack, but do not
remove it.

4. isfull: Tells if the stack is full or not.

5. isEmpty : Tells if the stack is empty or not.
6. Count: The number of items in the stack.
 Stacks may be implemented easily with an array or a linked-list as the

underlying data structures

 Data stored in one dimensional array.

 Top is an integer value, which contains the array index for the top of
the stack.

 Each time data is pushed, top is incremented.

 Each time data is popped, top is decremented.

 An empty stack is indicated by setting top

to be equal to -1.
 Create stack of size 5.
 Draw stack and calculate top after performing each of following
1. Push 40 10. Push 21
2. Pop 11. Push 35
3. Push 98 12. Top
4. Push 32 13. Pop
5. Push 64 14. Pop
6. Pop 15. Push 99
7. Isempty? 16. Pop
8. Push 22
9. Isfull?
 Algorithm :push( S, TOP, X ): This algorithm insert element x to the
top of the stack which is represented by array S containing N elements
with pointer TOP denoting the top most element in the stack.
1. [ check for stack overflow]
if TOP = =N-1
write[ stack overflow]
2. [ Increment TOP ]
3. [ Insert element ]
4. [finished]
 Algorithm :pop( S, TOP ): This algorithm remove top most
element from top of the stack which is represented by array S
containing N elements with pointer TOP denoting the top most
element in the stack.
1. [ check for stack underflow]
if TOP = -1
write[ stack underflow on POP]
2. [ Decrement TOP Pointer ]
3. [ return top element from stack ]
 Algorithm :Top( S, TOP ): This algorithm returns the
value of ith element of the stack which is represented by
array S containing N elements with pointer TOP denoting
the top most element in the stack. The element is not deleted
by this function.
1. [ check for stack underflow ]
if TOP-i+1 < 0
write[ stack underflow on Peep]
2. [ return ith element from stack ]
 Algorithm :Top( S, TOP ): This algorithm returns the
value of top most element from stack. Stack S containing N
elements with pointer TOP denoting the top most element in
the stack. The element is not deleted by this function.
1. [ check for stack underflow ]
if TOP < 0
write[ stack underflow on TOP]
2. [ return top most element from stack ]
 Algorithm :change( S, TOP,X i ): This algorithm change the
value of ith element from the top of the stack with x . stack S
containing N elements with pointer TOP denoting the top most
element in the stack.
1. [ check for stack underflow ]
if TOP-i+1 < 0
write[ stack underflow on change]
2. [ change the return ith element from top of the stack ]
return(S[TOP-i+1] = X
3. [ finish ]
Full stack
 Algorithm :isfull( S, TOP, N ): This algorithm check
whether stack is full . stack S containing N elements with
pointer TOP denoting the top most element in the stack.
1. [ check for stack overflow]
if TOP = =N-1
write[ stack full]
Empty stack
 Algorithm :isempty l( S, TOP, N ): This algorithm check
whether stack is full . stack S containing N elements with
pointer TOP denoting the top most element in the stack.
1. [ check for stack overflow]
if TOP ==-1
write[ stack empty]
 Algorithm :count( S, TOP ): This algorithm count
number of elements present in stack which is represented by
array S containing N elements with pointer TOP denoting
the top most element in the stack.
1. [check for empty stack ]
if TOP==-1
return count
2. For i=0 to top
3. Return count
Application of stack
Stack Applications
 Expression evaluation
 Convert infix expression into postfix form
 Evaluate postfix expression
 Reversing data
 Read series of numbers and pushes them on stack.
 Pop the stack and prints number in reverse order.
 Backtracking
 Making decision between two or more paths.
 Parsing data
 Match the braces in a source program
int factorial(int n)
if (n==1) //termination condition
return 1;
return (n*factorial(n-1)); //Recursive call
void main()
{ int num,result;
cout<<"\nEnter number:";
result = factorial(num);
cout<<“\nFactorial of a number “<<result;
factorial(1) = 1 //termination condition

factorial(n) = n * factorial(n-1)

= 5 * factorial(4)
= 5 * (4 * factorial(3))
= 5 * (4 * (3 * factorial(2)))
= 5 * (4 * (3 * (2 * factorial(1))))
= 5 * (4 * (3 * (2 * 1)))
= 5 * (4 * (3 * 2))
= 5 * (4 * 6)
= 5 * 24
= 120
int factorial(5) int factorial(4) int factorial(3) int factorial(2) int factorial(1)
{ { { { {

5*factorial (4) 4*factorial (3) 3*factorial (2) 2*factorial (1) return 1

return address to 5 return address to 4 return address to 3 return address to 2 }

} } } }

return address to 2
return address to 3
return address to 4
return address to 5
return address to main 5*24=120
 In recursive function,
1. Save parameters, local variables, and return address on
2. If the base criteria(termination condition) has been
reached, perform computation and go to step 3.
Otherwise perform partial computation and go to step
3. Restore most recently saved parameters, local variables,
and return address from stack. Go to this return
Infix to postfix conversion
 While no error occurs and end of infix expression has not been reached, do:

a) Get next input Token (constant, variable, arithmetic operator, left and
right parenthesis) from the infix expression.

b) If Token is
 A left parenthesis: Push onto stack

 A right parenthesis: Pop and display stack elements until a left

parenthesis is popped, but do not display left parenthesis.
 An operator: If stack is empty or Token has higher priority than stack top,
push Token onto stack. Else, repeatedly pop and display stack top which
has same or higher precedence than Token and at the end push token on
stack. Left parenthesis has lower priority than any operators.
 An operand: Display it.

c) On end of infix expression, pop and display stack item until stack is empty.
Operator precedence

operator precedence evaluation

^ (Power) Higher Right to left

* / . Left to right

+ - Lower Left to right

A*B +(C+(D-E))
TOKEN Stack Display
* * A
B * AB
+ + AB*
( +( AB*
C +( AB*C
+ +(+ AB*C
( +(+( AB*C
D +(+( AB*CD
- +(+(- AB*CD
E +(+(- AB*CDE
) +(+ AB*CDE-
) + AB*CDE-+
Change following infix expressions to postfix
expressions using stack:
 D-B+C
 A*B+C*D
 (A+B)*C-D*E+F
 (A-2*(B+C)-D*E)*F
D-B+C : DB-C+

 A*B+C*D : AB* CD* +

 (A+B)*C-D*E+F : AB+C*DE*-F+

 (A-2*(B+C)-D*E)*F : A2BC+*-DE*-F*
 Create an empty stack that will contain operands.
 Take one by one token from the left to right.
 If token is an operand push it onto the stack.
 If token is an operator op
 Pop the top item from the stack as operand2.
 Pop again the top item from the stack as operand1.
 Perform operation operand1 op operand2.
 Push result back to stack.
 When all tokens in input expression are processed stack
should contain a single item, which is the value of expression.
Evaluate: 7 5 - 4 *

Token Action Taken Stack Content After

Processing the Token
Evaluate 7 5 - 4 *

Token Action Taken Stack Content After

Processing the Token

7 Push 7 7
5 Push 5 75
- Pop 5 as second operand, pop 2
7 as first operand, 7-5 is 2.
Push 2.
4 Push 4 24
* Pop 4 as second operand, pop 8
2 as first operand, 2*4 is 8.
Push 8.
Determine value of following postfix expressions
when A =2, B=3, C=4, D=5, E=6, F=7

 AB*C-D+
 ABC+*D-
 AB+C*DE*-F+

1. 7
2. 9
Initial State

Final State

 Only one disk can be moved at a time, from one peg to

another, such that it is never placed on a disk of smaller
 Move the top N-1 disks from Src to Aux (using Dst as an
intermediary peg)
 Move the bottom disk from Src to Dst
 Move N-1 disks from Aux to Dst (using Src as an
intermediary peg)

1. if (n=1)
1. writeln('Move the plate from ', source, ' to ', dest)
2. else
1. Hanoi(n-1, source, aux, dest)
2. Hanoi(1, source, dest, aux)
3. Hanoi(n-1, aux, dest, source)
Implementing Stacks: Array
 Advantages
 best performance
 Disadvantage
 fixed size
 Basic implementation
 initially empty array
 field to record where the next data gets placed into
 if array is full, push() returns false
 otherwise adds it into the correct spot
 if array is empty, pop() returns null
 otherwise removes the next item in the stack
 Questions:

1. Define Stack. Explain the basic operations performed on a

stack: push(),pop(),full(),empty()

2. Define and explain the working of stack data structure.Give

algorithms for the Push,Pop,Stack full,,Peek and stck empty

3. Define stack. Explain any two stack applications with example.

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