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Towards a Competitive and Prosperous County



A wealthy county with happy, healthy and secure people.

To create and sustain an environment that unlocks potential of the people of Nyeri to achieve
progressive socio-economic growth by running an open government.

 Improve productivity in agriculture and overall food and nutrition security.
 Promote shared economic growth and job creation.
 Enhance good governance and active citizenry.
 Enhance basic infrastructure for effective service delivery.
 Promote sustainable use of natural resources.
 Improve financial sustainability and resilience.
 Provide accessible and quality health care services.
 Scale up institutional development, transformation and innovation.

 Patriotism - Our devotion to the county and its aspirations will be manifested in what we
say and what we do.
 Innovativeness – We nurture and support creativity and the development of new ideas,
products and processes in delivery of services.
 Teamwork We deliberately work together, collaboratively and across sectors to deliver
services to the citizens of Nyeri and win their approval.
 Integrity - We are open, honest and trustworthy in dealing with all our stakeholders and
especially the citizenry at all times.
 Accountability – We honor our commitments to our stakeholders by doing what we say
we will do.

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COUNTY VISION AND MISSION....................................................................................................................... 2
COUNTY VISION .......................................................................................................................................... 2
COUNTY MISSION............................................................................................................................................... 2
CORE VALUES ..................................................................................................................................................... 2
LIST OF TABLES .......................................................................................................................................... 8
ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ................................................................................................................ 9
GLOSSARY OF COMMONLY USED TERMS ................................................................................................ 11
FOREWORD ........................................................................................................................................................ 13
ACKNOWLEGDEMENT .................................................................................................................................... 15
CHAPTER ONE ................................................................................................................................................... 20
COUNTY GENERAL INFORMATION ............................................................................................................. 20
1.0 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................................... 21
1.1. COUNTY OVERVIEW ..................................................................................................................... 21
1.2 POSITION AND SIZE ....................................................................................................................... 21
1.3 PHYSIOGRAPHIC AND NATURAL CONDITIONS .............................................................................. 22
1.3.1 Physical and Topographic Features .................................................................................................. 22
1.3.2 Ecological Conditions ....................................................................................................................... 23
1.3.3 Climatic Conditions........................................................................................................................... 23
1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE UNITS ............................................................................................................... 23
1.4.1 Administrative Subdivisions ............................................................................................................... 23
1.5 POLITICAL UNITS .......................................................................................................................... 25
1.5.1 Eligible and Registered Voters by Constituency ................................................................................. 25
1.6 DEMOGRAPHIC FEATURES............................................................................................................ 26
1.6.1 Population Size and Composition ...................................................................................................... 26
1.6.2 Urban Population.............................................................................................................................. 27
1.6.3 Population Density and Distribution ................................................................................................. 28
1.6.4 Population of persons with disabilities .............................................................................................. 29
1.6.5 Demographic Dividend ..................................................................................................................... 29
1.7 HUMAN DEVELOPMENT APPROACH ............................................................................................. 30
1.7.1 Human Development Index................................................................................................................ 30
1.8 INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT ............................................................................................... 31
1.8.1 Road, Rail Network, Airports and Airstrips ....................................................................................... 31
1.8.2 Information Communications and Technology................................................................................... 31
1.8.3 Energy access .................................................................................................................................... 32
1.8.4 Housing ............................................................................................................................................. 32
1.9 LAND AND LAND USE..................................................................................................................... 32
1.9.1 Land ownership categories/ classifications ........................................................................................ 32
1.9.2 Mean holding size ............................................................................................................................. 32
1.9.3 Percentage of Land with Title Deeds ................................................................................................. 32
1.9.4 Incidences of Landlessness ................................................................................................................ 33
1.9.5 Settlement Patterns ............................................................................................................................ 33
1.9.6 Type and Size of Land........................................................................................................................ 33
1.10 EMPLOYMENT ............................................................................................................................... 33

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1.10.1 Wage earners ................................................................................................................................ 33
1.10.2 Self-employed................................................................................................................................ 33
1.10.3 Labour force ................................................................................................................................. 33
1.10.4 Unemployment levels .................................................................................................................... 33
1.11 IRRIGATION INFRASTRUCTURE AND SCHEMES.............................................................................. 34
1.11.1 Irrigation potential ........................................................................................................................ 34
1.11.2 Irrigation schemes......................................................................................................................... 34
1.12 CROP, LIVESTOCK, FISH PRODUCTION AND VALUE ADDITION .................................................... 34
1.12.1 Main crops produced .................................................................................................................... 34
1.12.2 Acreage under food and cash crops ............................................................................................... 34
1.12.3 Average farm sizes ........................................................................................................................ 34
1.12.4 Main storage facilities................................................................................................................... 35
1.12.5 Agriculture extension, training, research and information services ............................................... 35
1.12.6 Main livestock breeds and facilities ............................................................................................... 35
1.12.7 Main fishing activities, types of fish produced, landing sites .......................................................... 35
1.12.8 Apiculture (bee keeping) ............................................................................................................... 36
1.13 OIL AND OTHER MINERAL RESOURCES ....................................................................................... 36
1.13.1 Mineral potential .......................................................................................................................... 36
1.13.2 Ongoing mining and extraction activities ...................................................................................... 36
1.14 TOURISM AND WILDLIFE .............................................................................................................. 36
1.14.1 Main tourist attractions and activities ........................................................................................... 36
1.14.2 Classified / Major Hotels .............................................................................................................. 36
1.14.3 Main wildlife ................................................................................................................................. 37
1.14.4 Wildlife conservation areas ........................................................................................................... 37
1.14.5 Total number of tourists ................................................................................................................ 37
1.15 INDUSTRY AND TRADE .................................................................................................................. 37
1.15.1 Markets ......................................................................................................................................... 37
1.15.2 Industrial parks ............................................................................................................................. 37
1.15.3 Major industries ............................................................................................................................ 37
1.15.4 Types and number of registered businesses ................................................................................... 37
1.15.5 Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise (MSME) .............................................................................. 38
1.16 FORESTRY, AGRO FORESTRY AND VALUE ADDITION ................................................................... 38
1.16.1 Main Forest types and size of forests ............................................................................................. 38
1.16.2 Main Forest products .................................................................................................................... 38
1.16.3 Agro-forestry................................................................................................................................. 38
1.16.4 Value chain development of forestry products ............................................................................... 39
1.17 FINANCIAL SERVICES .................................................................................................................... 39
1.17.1 Finance institutions ....................................................................................................................... 39
1.17.2 Distribution of financial services by sub-county ............................................................................ 39
1.18 ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE ....................................................................................... 39
1.18.1 Environmental degradation ........................................................................................................... 40
1.18.2 Environmental threats ................................................................................................................... 40
1.18.3 High spatial and temporal variability of rainfall ........................................................................... 42
1.18.4 Change in water levels or glacier .................................................................................................. 42
1.18.5 Solid waste management facilities ................................................................................................. 42
1.19 WATER AND SANITATION ............................................................................................................. 42
1.19.1 Water resources ............................................................................................................................ 42
1.19.2 Water supply schemes ................................................................................................................... 43
1.19.3 Water sources and access .............................................................................................................. 43

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1.19.4 Water management ....................................................................................................................... 43
1.19.5 Sanitation...................................................................................................................................... 43
1.20 HEALTH ACCESS AND NUTRITION ................................................................................................ 44
1.20.1 Health Access................................................................................................................................ 44
1.20.2 Morbidity ...................................................................................................................................... 44
1.20.3 Nutritional status .......................................................................................................................... 45
1.20.4 Immunization coverage ................................................................................................................. 45
1.20.5 Maternal health care ..................................................................................................................... 45
1.20.6 Access to family planning services/Contraceptive prevalence ........................................................ 45
1.20.7 HIV/Aids prevalence rates and related services ............................................................................. 45
1.21 EDUCATION, SKILLS, LITERACY AND INFRASTRUCTURE.............................................................. 45
1.21.1 Early Childhood Development Education ...................................................................................... 45
1.21.2 Primary Education ........................................................................................................................ 45
1.21.3 Non formal Education ................................................................................................................... 45
1.21.4 Youth polytechnics ........................................................................................................................ 46
1.21.5 Secondary Education .................................................................................................................... 46
1.21.6 Tertiary Education ........................................................................................................................ 46
1.21.7 Adult and continuing Education .................................................................................................... 46
1.21.8 Technical, Vocational Education and Training.............................................................................. 46
1.22 SPORTS, CULTURE AND CREATIVE ARTS...................................................................................... 46
1.22.1 Museums, Heritage and Cultural sites ........................................................................................... 46
1.22.2 Talent Academies .......................................................................................................................... 46
1.22.3 Sports facilities ............................................................................................................................. 47
1.22.4 Information and Documentation Centres/ Citizen Service centres ................................................. 47
1.22.5 Registered traditional herbalists and medicinemen ....................................................................... 47
1.23 COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS/NON-STATE ACTORS ................................................................... 47
1.23.1 Cooperative Societies .................................................................................................................... 47
1.23.2 Public Benefits Organizations (PBOs) ........................................................................................... 48
1.23.3 Development partners ................................................................................................................... 48
1.24 SECURITY, LAW AND ORDER ........................................................................................................ 48
1.24.1 Number of police stations and posts by Sub County ....................................................................... 48
1.24.2 Types, trends and crime prone areas ............................................................................................. 48
1.24.3 Types and number of courts........................................................................................................... 49
1.24.4 Prisons and probation services ..................................................................................................... 49
1.24.5 Number of public prosecution offices ............................................................................................ 49
1.24.6 Number of prosecutions ................................................................................................................ 49
1.24.7 Immigration facilities .................................................................................................................... 49
1.25 SOCIAL PROTECTION .................................................................................................................... 49
1.25.1 Orphans and Vulnerable children (OVCs) ..................................................................................... 50
1.25.2 Cases of Street children................................................................................................................. 50
1.25.3 Child care facilities and Institutions by sub-county ....................................................................... 50
1.25.4 Social net programmes .................................................................................................................. 50
LINKAGE WITH VISION 2030 AND OTHER PLANS .................................................................................... 51
2.0 OVERVIEW .................................................................................................................................... 52
2.1 LINKAGE OF THE CIDP WITH THE KENYA VISION 2030 .............................................................. 52
2.2 LINKAGE OF THE CIDP WITH THE MEDIUM TERM PLANS ........................................................... 52

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CHAPTER THREE: ............................................................................................................................................ 58
REVIEW OF IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PREVIOUS CIDP .................................................................... 58
3.0 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................. 59
3.1 STATUS OF IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PREVIOUS CIDP .............................................................. 59
3.1.1 Analysis of the County Revenue Streams ............................................................................................ 59
3.1.2 County Expenditure Analysis ............................................................................................................. 61
3.2 SUMMARY OF KEY ACHIEVEMENTS VERSUS PLANNED TARGETS .................................................. 62
3.3 CHALLENGES IN THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PLAN ................................................................ 64
3.4 LESSONS LEARNT ......................................................................................................................... 65
CHAPTER FOUR ................................................................................................................................................ 67
COUNTY DEVELOPMENT PRIORITIES AND STRATEGIES ..................................................................... 67
4.0 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................. 68
4.1 SPATIAL DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK ........................................................................................ 68
4.2 NATURAL RESOURCE ASSESSMENT .............................................................................................. 69
4.3 DEVELOPMENT PRIORITIES AND STRATEGIES.............................................................................. 70
4.3.1 Office of the Governor ....................................................................................................................... 70
4.3.2 Finance and Economic Planning ....................................................................................................... 72
4.3.3 Lands, Physical Planning, Housing and Urbanization ....................................................................... 74
4.3.4 Health and Sanitation........................................................................................................................ 75
4.3.5 Gender and Social Services ............................................................................................................... 79
4.3.6 County Public Service, Administration and Youth Affairs .................................................................. 81
4.3.7 Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries Development ............................................................................ 82
4.3.8 Trade, Culture, Tourism and Cooperative Development .................................................................... 84
4.3.9 Education, Science and Technology................................................................................................... 87
4.3.10 Water, Environment and Natural Resources .................................................................................. 88
4.3.11 County Public Service Board ........................................................................................................ 90
4.3.12 Transport, Public Works, Infrastructure and Communication........................................................ 91
4.3.13 County Assembly of Nyeri ............................................................................................................. 92
4.4 COUNTY FLAGSHIP PROJECTS ...................................................................................................... 94
CHAPTER FIVE .................................................................................................................................................. 96
IMPLEMENTATION FRAMEWORK .............................................................................................................. 96
5.0 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................. 97
5.1 INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK ...................................................................................................... 97
5.1.1 County Government functions............................................................................................................ 97
5.1.2 County structure ................................................................................................................................ 98
5.2 STAKEHOLDERS IN THE COUNTY ................................................................................................ 100
5.3 RESOURCE REQUIREMENT BY SECTOR ...................................................................................... 100
5.4 RESOURCE MOBILIZATION FRAMEWORK .................................................................................. 101
5.4.1 Source of Revenues.......................................................................................................................... 102
5.4.2 County Government Expenditure ..................................................................................................... 102
5.4.3 Assets and Financial Management .................................................................................................. 102
5.4.4 Debt management............................................................................................................................ 103
5.4.5 Capital Financing and Accountability. ............................................................................................ 103
5.5 RESOURCE GAP AND MEASURES TO ADDRESS ........................................................................... 104
CHAPTER SIX ................................................................................................................................................... 105

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MONITORING AND EVALUATION FRAMEWORK .................................................................................. 105
6.0 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................. 106
6.2 DATA COLLECTION, ANALYSIS AND REPORTING ....................................................................... 106
6.4 MONITORING AND EVALUATION OUTCOME INDICATORS .......................................................... 107
ANNEX 1 ............................................................................................................................................................ 111
SECTOR PROJECTS DERIVED FROM PROGRAMMES ........................................................................... 111
7.1 OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR ........................................................................................................ 112
7.1.1 Ongoing projects ............................................................................................................................. 112
7.1.2 New project proposals ..................................................................................................................... 112
7.2 COUNTY ASSEMBLY .................................................................................................................... 112
7.3.1 Ongoing projects ............................................................................................................................. 112
7.3.2 New project proposals ..................................................................................................................... 112
7.4 FINANCE AND ECONOMIC PLANNING ......................................................................................... 113
7.4.1 On-going projects............................................................................................................................ 113
7.4.2 New Project Proposals .................................................................................................................... 113
7.5 LANDS, HOUSING, PHYSICAL PLANNING AND URBANISATION.................................................... 113
7.5.1 On-going projects............................................................................................................................ 113
7.5.2 NEW PROJECT PROPOSALS ......................................................................................................... 113
7.6 HEALTH AND SANITATION .......................................................................................................... 115
7.6.1 On-going Projects ........................................................................................................................... 115
7.6.2 New project proposals ..................................................................................................................... 115
7.6.3 Stalled projects ................................................................................................................................ 123
7.7 GENDER, SOCIAL SERVICES AND SPORTS ................................................................................... 124
7.7.1 On-going projects............................................................................................................................ 124
7.7.2 New Project Proposals .................................................................................................................... 124
7.7.3 Stalled Projects ............................................................................................................................... 128
7.8 COUNTY PUBLIC SERVICE, ADMINISTRATION AND YOUTH AFFAIRS ......................................... 129
7.8.1 On-going Projects ........................................................................................................................... 129
7.8.2 New Project Proposals .................................................................................................................... 129
7.9 AGRICULTURE LIVESTOCK AND FISHERIES DEVELOPMENT ...................................................... 130
7.9.1 On- going Projects .......................................................................................................................... 130
7.9.2 New Project Proposals .................................................................................................................... 131
7.9.3 Stalled Projects ............................................................................................................................... 137
7.10 TRADE, CULTURE, TOURISM AND COOPERATIVE DEVELOPMENT ............................................. 137
7.10.1 On-going projects ....................................................................................................................... 137
7.10.2 New project proposals ................................................................................................................. 137
7.10.3 Stalled Projects ........................................................................................................................... 142
7.11 EDUCATION, SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY.................................................................................. 142
7.11.1 On-going projects ....................................................................................................................... 142
7.11.2 New Project Proposals ................................................................................................................ 143
7.11.3 Stalled Projects ........................................................................................................................... 154
7.12 WATER, ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES ................................................................. 154
7.12.1 On-going projects ....................................................................................................................... 154
7.12.2 New Project Proposals ................................................................................................................ 162
7.13 COUNTY PUBLIC SERVICE BOARD .............................................................................................. 173

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7.13.1 New Project Proposals ................................................................................................................ 173
7.14 TRANSPORT, PUBLIC WORKS, INFRASTRUCTURE AND COMMUNICATION .................................. 173
7.14.1 New project proposals ................................................................................................................. 173

Table 1: Area of the County by Administrative Sub-Counties ................................................................................. 24
Table 2: County Electoral Wards by Constituency .................................................................................................. 25
Table 3: Registered Vs. Eligible Voters by Constituency ........................................................................................ 25
Table 4 : Population Projections by Age Cohort ..................................................................................................... 26
Table 5: Population Projection for Selected Age Group .......................................................................................... 26
Table 6: Population Projections by Urban Centre .................................................................................................... 27
Table 7: Population Distribution and Density by Sub- Counties .............................................................................. 28
Table 8: Population Projections by Sub County ...................................................................................................... 28
Table 9: People living with disabilities by type, sex and age. .................................................................................. 29
Table 10: County Demographic Dividend Potential ................................................................................................ 29
Table 11: Kenya’s HDI trends based on consistent time series data......................................................................... 30
Table 12: Category of Road Surface by Type.......................................................................................................... 31
Table 13: Electricity connectivity within the county ............................................................................................... 32
Table 14: Sources of county revenue and their performance ................................................................................... 59
Table 15: Budget allocation and expenditure 2013-2017 ......................................................................................... 61
Table 16: County Spatial Development Strategies by Thematic Areas .................................................................... 68
Table 17: Natural Resource Assessment ................................................................................................................. 70
Table 18: Summary of Proposed Budget by Sector ............................................................................................... 100
Table 19: Revenue Projections.............................................................................................................................. 103
Table 20: Summary of Monitoring and Evaluation................................................................................................ 107

Figure 1: Location of the County in Kenya ............................................................................................................. 21
Figure 2: Nyeri County Administrative Boundaries ................................................................................................ 24

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ABT Alternative Building Technologies

AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
ANS Age Not Stated
ATC Agricultural Training Centre
BPO Business Process Outsourcing
CCTV Closed Circuit Television
CFCs Chlorofluorocarbons
CH4 Methane
CRH County Referral Hospital
CIDP County Integrated Development Plan
CIMES County Integrated Monitoring and Evaluation System
CO2 Carbon Dioxide
CRA County Revenue Allocation
DDP Demographic Dividend Potential
DHIS District Health Information Software
DRM Disaster Risk Management
ECDE Early Childhood Development Education
EDE Ending Drought Emergencies
EIA Environment Impact Assessment
ESBP Electronic Single Business permit
FBO Faith Based Organizations
FOSA Front Office Services Activities
GHG Greenhouse Gases
GII Gender Inequality Index
GIS Geographic Information Systems
GNI Gross National Income
HDI Human Development Index
HDR Human Development Report
HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus
HMS Health Management System
ICIPE International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology
ICT Information Communications and Technology
IEBC Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission
INGOs International Non-Governmental Organization
IP Irrigation Potential
ISUDP Integrated Strategic Urban Development Plan
KARLO Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization
KCC Kenya Cooperative Creameries

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KDHS Kenya Demographic Household Survey
KEFRI Kenya Forestry Research Institute
KEMRI Kenya Medical Research Institute
KMA Kenya Maritime Authority
KNATCOM Kenya National Commission for UNESCO
KNBS Kenya National Bureau of Statistics
KTBH Kenya Top Bar Hive
LAN Local Area Network
M&E Monitoring and Evaluation
MSME Micro Small and Medium Enterprise
MTEF Medium Term Expenditure Framework
MTP Medium Term Plan
MOU Memorandum of Understanding
N2O Nitrous Oxide
NMK National Museum of Kenya
NCPB National Cereals and Produce Board
NEMA National Environment Management Authority
NHIF National Health Insurance Fund
NGO Non-Governmental Organization
OVC Orphans and Vulnerable Children
PFM Public Finance Management
PHC Primary Health care
PPP Public Private Partnership
PPP Purchasing Power Parity
RHSP Rural Housing Stability Assistance Programme
SACCO Savings and Credit Cooperative Organization
SDGs Sustainable Development Goals
SO2 Sulphur Dioxide
TWSB Tana Water Services Board
UNDP United Nations Development Programme
UNESCO United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization
UTNaRP Upper Tana Natural Resources Project
VTC Vocational Training Centres
WASREB Water Services and Regulatory Board
WRUA Water Resource Users Association
YP Youth Polytechnic

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County Integrated Development Plan (CIDP): The County Government’s five-year master plan
for the county’s economic, social, environmental, legal and spatial development to meet the service
and infrastructural needs and its own targets for the benefit of all local communities.
Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting Framework: The policy and operational context and
process of ensuring policy priorities and intentions are delivered and/or are being delivered as
intended, as measured against clearly defined performance indicators.
Programme: A grouping of similar projects and/or services performed by a Ministry or
Department to achieve a specific objective; The Programmes must be mapped to strategic
Project: A project is a set of coordinated activities implemented to meet specific objectives within
defined time, cost and performance parameters. Projects aimed at achieving a common goal form
a programme.
Public Participation/Consultation: is a democratic process of engaging people in thinking,
deciding, planning, and playing an active part in the development and operation of services that
affect their lives.
Flagship/Transformative Projects: These are projects with high impact in terms of employment
creation, increasing county competitiveness, revenue generation among others. They be derived
from the Vision 2030 or may be from County Specific Transformative Agenda
Demographic Dividend: The accelerated economic growth that is achieved through a reduction
in the population growth rate coupled with strategic investments in the health, education, and
economic opportunities for the population.
Output: The products, capital goods and services which results from an organization/ institution/
agency operation
Monitoring: A continuing function that uses the systematic collection of data on specified
indicators to inform management and the main stakeholders of an ongoing organization operation
of the extent of progress and achievement of results in the use of allocated funds.
Indicator: Quantitative and qualitative factor or variable that provides a simple and reliable means
to measure achievement or to reflect the changes connected to an organization’s operations.
Evaluation: The systematic and objective assessment of an on-going or completed operation,
programme or policy, its design, implementation and results. The main objective is to determine
the relevance and fulfillment of objectives, as well as efficiency, effectiveness, impact and
Green Economy: The green economy is defined as an economy that aims at reducing
environmental risks and ecological scarcities, and that aims for sustainable development without
degrading the environment.

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Impact: Positive and negative, intended or unintended long-term results produced by an
organization operation, either directly or indirectly. Relates to the goal level of the log frame
Stakeholders: Agencies, organizations, groups or individuals who have a direct or indirect interest
in the operation, or its evaluation.
Sustainability: The continuation of benefits from an intervention after major assistance has been
Outcome: The medium-term results of an operation’s output. Relates to the purpose level of the
log frame hierarchy

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Chapter eleven of the Constitution of Kenya, 2010, provides for

devolvement of key government functions to the county level. In
particular, the fourth Schedule of the constitution, clearly sets out
the distribution of functions between the National Government and
the County Governments. Article 220 (2) (a) of the constitution
places a key responsibility on the National Government in terms of
prescription of the structure of the county development plans and
budget. Amongst the enabling pieces of legislation contemplated in
article 220(2) (a) is the County Government Act. 2012 where in Section 108 envisions a five-year
County Integrated Development Plan with clear goals and objectives; an implementation plan with
clear outcomes; provisions for monitoring and evaluation; and clear reporting mechanisms. It’s
against this backdrop that my Government presents the second generation County Integrated
development plan for the plan period 2018-2022.

The second Nyeri County Integrated Development Plan (CIDP) 2018-2022, was prepared to guide
planning and budgeting at county level. It is also the key component of the County Performance
Management Framework (CPMF) that incorporates the development priorities that my Government
will pursue in the next 5 years.

The CIDP provides an integrated development planning framework to enhance linkage between
policy, planning and budgeting. The CIDP is expected to contribute to the realization of aspirations
of Kenya Vision 2030 and its Medium Term Plans and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at
the county level. The second CIDP will build on the achievements of the first CIDP which was
implemented in the period 2013 to 2017.

This CIDP articulates my government’s priorities and outlines the policies, programmes and projects
which the county government intends to implement during the five years from 2018 to 2022 in order
to improve health care provision, food security, road network and the living standards of the residents
of the County as well as job creation, especially for the youth. It has also internalized President
Kenyatta’s Big Four agenda of his Government’s second term which is anchored on enhancing and
accelerating food security, manufacturing, universal health care and affordable housing. The main
objective of CIDP 2018-2022 is to transform lives of the county residents by harnessing the diverse
socio-economic opportunities available for exploitation.

The CIDP was prepared through an inclusive and wide consultative process in conformity with the
Constitution of Kenya and other guiding legislations. The programmes and projects contained in the
CIDP and priorities were set out in consultation with all stakeholders to address the development
challenges faced by the community. The Nyeri CIDP, during it’s preparation was aligned to national
plans notably the Kenya Vision 2030, Medium Term Plan III, of Vision, 2030 and the National Spatial
Plan. The CIDP has, in addition, been aligned to international commitments and specifically the

The implementation of this plan requires the support of all: the political leadership including the
County Assembly of Nyeri, the residents of Nyeri County, development partners, the private sector
and all stakeholders. Its implementation will improve service delivery and generate economic growth
necessary for job creation and the improvement of living standards of our people.

I would like to thank all stakeholders led by the people of Nyeri County for their contribution in the
development of this Plan. I particularly commend the Executive and the Honorable Members of the
County Assembly of Nyeri County for their continued dedication and commitment to providing
quality services to the people.

I call upon all the stakeholders to join hands in the implementation of this Plan and work hard to
realise our aspirations as the residents of Nyeri County. Finally, it is my humble appeal to all friends
of Nyeri County to support these initiatives to uplift the livelihoods and wellbeing of our people.

H.E. Edward Mutahi Kahiga

The Governor,
County Government of Nyeri


The development of this plan was realized through concerted efforts

and an all-inclusive consultative process bringing on board all
stakeholders within and outside the County. Among the players who
have shaped this plan are; county government institutions, national
government entities, Members of the County Assembly, members of
the public from all the thirty electoral wards, development partners
working in the county and the business community. The preparation
and completion of this plan would not have been realized without support and leadership provided
by H.E the Governor Edward Mutahi Kahiga. We enormously benefited from his invaluable input
and transformative vision for the county.

The contribution and tireless guidance and insights offered by Executive Committee Members
namely; Dr. Kwai Wanjaria (Lands and Physical Planning), Dr. Racheal Kamau (Health), Muthui
Kariuki (Roads and Infrustructure), Kendi Tarichia (Trade, Cooperatives and Tourism), Fredrick
Kinyua (Water, Sanitation and Environment), Margaret Macharia (Education and ICT), Henry
Kinyua (Agriculture and Livestock Development) and Beth Karimi (Public Service Management) is
highly appreciated. Special recognition goes to the County Chief Officer for Economic Planning,
Budgeting, Monitoring and Evaluation, Francis Kirira, for tirelessly leading the process. I am
indebted to the County Secretary, Benjamin Gachichio, Chief of Staff, Paul Wambugu and the Head
of Performance management, Mr. Samuel Nyingi for their immeasurable support and guidance
through-out the process.

I cannot forget the entire staff of my Department of Finance and Economic Planning for their
commitment and dedication throughout the entire process. Special thanks goes to the Chief Officer
for Finance and Accounting, John Ngugi and the technical officers in the Economic Plannining Unit,
namely Chris Gathogo, Gibson Mwangi and Dennis Kariuki for their technical expertise in socio-
economic analysis, coordination and report writing skills which were significant in having a quality

My appreciation, further, goes to the County Chief Officers and technical Directors in various
departments for their provision of the information/data required and in development of the county
strategic priorities and in designing programmes and projects for the period 2018-2022. I am also

grateful to the State Department of Planning and the Council of Governors (COG) for preparing the
guidelines that were instrumental in the preparation of this Plan and the support in editing final draft.
To our development partner namely, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) your
technical and financial support is highly appreciated.

I am thankful for the role played by the Speaker, Hon. John Kaguchia, the Clerk, Mr. Jenard Muiggeh
and all the Members of the County Assembly in making the approval and the public participation
process a great success. I also thank the people of Nyeri whom without their insatiable desire for
quality, efficient and effective service delivery this plan would not have been realized.

Finally, to all those who were involved and have not been mentioned by name, I salute you as we
acknowledge that the greater challenge lies in the actual implementation of this Plan. I call on you to
continue with the same support as we deliver the programs and projects documented herein, aimed at
improving the quality of life for our county residents.

Mr. Robert Thuo Mwangi

County Executive Committee Member,
Finance and Economic Planning.


The CIDP 2018-2022 is the second CIDP for Nyeri County, following the successful implementation
of the first CIDP (2013-2017). This CIDP incorporates lessons learned during the implementation of
the first CIDP. It is also linked to the national and international development agenda. The CIDP is a
product of broad-based consultation among diverse stakeholders beginning with national and county
government entities, NGOs, the corporate sector, professional bodies, and farmers’ groups among
others. Stakeholders brought up diverse views and expertise which was an integral in coming-up with
priority programmes and projects for the period 2018-2022.

The CIDP 2018-2022 is divided into 6 chapters: - Chapter one gives the background information on
the socio-economic and infrastructural information that has a bearing on the development of the
county. The chapter provides a description of the county in terms of the location, size, physiographic
and natural conditions, demographic profiles as well as the administrative and political units. In
addition, it provides information on demographic features, Road network; information and
communication technology; energy access; housing; land and land use; employment ;irrigation
infrastructure and schemes; crops, livestock, fish production and value addition; mineral potential;
tourism and wildlife; industry and trade; main forest products; Financial services; environment and
climate change; water and sanitation; Health access and nutrition;, education, skills, literacy and
infrastructure museums, heritage and cultural sites; community organizations/non-state actors;
corporative societies; security and law and order and social protection.

The County is located in the central region of the country and covers an area of 3,337.2 Km 2. It is
situated between longitudes 36038” east and 37020” east and between the equator and latitude 0 0 380
south. It borders Laikipia County to the north, Kirinyaga County to the east, Murang’a County to the
south, Nyandarua County to the west and Meru County to the northeast.

The County is divided into 6 Constituencies, 8 admnistrative subcounties and 30 wards. Further, the
county has 21 divisions, 69 locations and 256 sub locations constituting the administrative sub-units
of the National Government.

The county population during the Kenya Population and Housing Census of 2009 stood at 693,558,
but is currently (2018) projected to be 845,863 comprising of 414,329 males and 431,535 female
representing a ratio of almost 1:1. The population is projected to increase to 923,819 by 2022.

Majority of the people in Nyeri County are from the Kikuyu Community most of whom are
predominantly farmers growing tea and coffee as cash crops alongside food crops such as maize,
beans, assorted vegetables and sweet potatoes. Further, the County lies between Mount Kenya and
the Aberdare ranges with agriculture as the main economic activity. It is also renowned for
horticultural farming. Other agricultural activities which act as a source of income include dairy
farming and aquaculture. There are also a number of light industries, tea and coffee factories
providing a market and employment to the residents.

Chapter Two Provides the linkage of the CIDP with other development plans and legislations such
as the Kenya Vision 2030, the Medium Term Plans, National spatial plan, Sustainable Development
Goals (SDGs), the Constitution of Kenya, 2010, Integrated Green Economy implementation
programme, African Agenda 2063 among others. The CIDP 2018- 2022 has taken cognizance of
vision 2030 and MTP 3 provisions in coming up with proposals, strategies and intervention for
accelerated socio-economic development. Further the CIDP 2018- 2022 rides on major national
flagship projects as well as other national policy implementation within the Country in order to
benefit from positive externalities. The CIDP also take into consideration the national spatial plan
framework which aims to harmonize development in the Country.

Chapter three presents a review of the implementation of the previous CIDP (2013-2017). It gives a
summary of key achievements and challenges per sector and lessons learned. Some of the Key lessons
learnt were: need for increased funding to implement the programmes and projects as outlined in the
county development plan; this calls for increased mobilization of resources; Need for enhanced
Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) to ensure effective tracking of programme implementation and
the need to leverage on technology.

Chapter Four outlines the County Development Priority Programs that are envisaged to be
implemented over a period of five years. Some of the identified priority programmes are:
Development of a county spatial plan, equipping health facilities, improving agriculture by upscaling
input subsidy, acquisition of more agricultural farm machinery and equipment, Value addition of
agricultural outputs and improving market access, improved animal genetics and vaccine
administration, constructing new roads, maintaining and upgrading existing ones across the county,
water resource management, Construction of dams, water pans and drilling boreholes, Improve
sewerage and sanitation systems ,Construction and rehabilitation of early child development centers,
technical and vocational training centers, promoting and developing sporting activities across the
county, Tourism promotion and marketing ,promoting our rich cultural heritage and art,

mainstreaming gender and youth affairs in socio –economic development ,support for SMEs among

Chapter Five Gives an overview on the CIDP implementation framework. The chapter also discusses
the framework which includes institutions responsible for the actualization of the plan, resource
requirements and how they will be mobilization.

Chapter six outlines the implementation, monitoring and evaluation framework for all the projects. It
provides details, in a matrix format, of the implementation plans, measurable performance indicators
and monitoring and evaluation strategies.



This chapter gives the background information on the socio-economic and infrastructural aspects that
has a bearing on the development of the county. The chapter provides a description of the county in
terms of the location, size, physiographic and natural conditions, demographic profiles as well as the
administrative and political units. In addition, it provides information on human development
approach;infrastructural development; land and land use;employment; irrigation infrastructure and
schemes; crop, livestock, fish production and value addition; mineral resources; tourism and wildlife;
industry and trade; financial services; forestry, agro-forestry and value addition; environment and
climate change; water and sanitation; health access and nutrition; education skills, literacy and
infrastructure;sports, culture and creative arts; community organizations/non-state actors; security,
law and order.

1.1. County Overview

Nyeri County has a population of 845,863 (male - 49% and female - 51%), according to the
projections by KNBS, 2018. Majority of the people living in Nyeri County are from the Kikuyu
Community most of whom are predominantly farmers growing tea and coffee as cash crops alongside
food crops such as maize, beans, assorted vegetables and sweet potatoes. Nyeri County plays host to
all Kenyan communities who are mostly engaged in own businesses or employed by the government.

The County lies between Mount Kenya and the Aberdare ranges with agriculture as the main
economic activity. The County is also renowned for horticultural farming. Other agricultural
activities which act as a source of income include dairy farming and fish keeping. There are also a
number of light industries, tea and coffee factories providing a market and employment to the

The county is easily accessible by road from Nairobi and other neighbouring towns. It also has three
airstrips namely Mweiga on the Nyeri-Nyahururu highway, Nyaribo on the Nanyuki-Nairobi
highway about 15km from Nyeri town and the Nanyuki near Nanyuki Town. The County
headquarters is located in Nyeri Town which is easily accessible from all the eight sub counties.

1.2 Position and Size

Nyeri County is one of the 47 counties in Kenya and is located in the central region of the country. It
covers an area of 3,337.2 Km2 and is situated between longitudes 36038” east and 37020”east and
between the equator and latitude 00 380 south. It borders Laikipia County to the north, Kirinyaga
County to the east, Murang’a County to the south, Nyandarua County to the west and Meru County
to the northeast.

Figure 1: Location of the County in Kenya

1.3 Physiographic and Natural Conditions
1.3.1 Physical and Topographic Features
The main physical features of the county are Mount Kenya (5,199m) to the east and the Aberdare
ranges (3,999m) to the west. The western part of the county is flat, whereas further southwards, the
topography is characterized by steep ridges and valleys, with a few hills such as Karima, Nyeri and
Tumutumu. These hills affect the pattern of rainfall, thus influencing the mode of agricultural
production in some areas.

The major rivers found in the county are Sagana, Ragati, Chania, Gura and Nairobi. If well tapped,
these rivers and the numerous streams will make the county self-sufficient in surface and sub-surface
water resources for domestic, agriculture and industrial development.

1.3.2 Ecological Conditions
The county has two forest eco-systems, namely Aberdare and Mt. Kenya. The county also has other
isolated forested hills under the management of County Government such as Karima and Tumutumu.
Apart from being a source of traditional forest products such as timber, fuel, fodder, herbal medicine
among others, these forests play vital roles which include; maintenance of water cycle, wildlife
habitat and are also repository of a wide range of biodiversity. Since soil conditions in the county are
almost similar, agricultural productivity is influenced by rainfall intensity and temperature conditions.

1.3.3 Climatic Conditions

The county experiences equatorial rainfall due to its location within the highland zone of Kenya. The
long rains occur from March to May while the short rains are experienced in October to December,
but occasionally this pattern is disrupted by abrupt and adverse changes in climatic conditions.

The annual rainfall ranges between 1,200mm-1,600mm during the long rains and 500mm-1,500mm
during the short rains. In terms of altitude, the county lies between 3,076 meters and 5,199 meters
above sea level and registers monthly mean temperature ranging from 12.8ºC to 20.8ºC.

1.4 Administrative Units

Nyeri County is divided into various administrative units. The administrative units are crucial for the
management and service delivery to the public.

1.4.1 Administrative Subdivisions

Nyeri County is divided into various administrative units. These units are the sub-counties, divisions,
locations and sub-locations. This is illustrated by figure 2 and the table 1.

Figure 2: Nyeri County Administrative Boundaries

Source: Kenya National Bureau of Statistics, 2010

The county is divided into eight administrative sub counties namely; Kieni East, Kieni West, Mathira
East, Mathira West, Nyeri Central, Mukurweini, Tetu and Nyeri South.

Table 1 shows the area of the county by sub-counties. The county is further subdivided into 21
divisions, 69 locations and 256 sub-locations

Table 1: Area of the County by Administrative Sub-Counties

Sub County Area (Km2) Divisions Locations Sub-locations
Mathira East 131 4 13 44
Mathira West 165.6 3 8 31
Kieni West 623.3 2 6 26
Kieni East 817.1 2 12 33
Tetu 217.5 2 8 35
Mukurwe-ini 178.6 4 7 32
Nyeri Town 167.8 1 4 26
Othaya 174.5 3 11 29
TOTAL *2,475.5 21 69 256
Source: County Commissioner’s Office, Nyeri, 2017

*The total area excludes Mt. Kenya and Aberdare Forests (861.7Km2)

Kieni East Sub County is the largest with a land size of 817.1 Km 2 while Mathira East is the smallest
with an area of 131 Km2. Mathira East has got the highest number of locations and sub locations
while Nyeri Town has got the least.

1.5 Political units
The Political units are represented by elected persons at the national and county level. Table 2 shows
political units in the county divided into constituencies and electoral wards. It further shows the
distribution of electoral wards by constituency.

Table 2: County Electoral Wards by Constituency

Constituency Electoral Administrative Ward Names
wards Sub county
Mathira 6 Mathira West Ruguru, Kirimukuyu
Mathira East Iriaini, Karatina, Magutu, Konyu
Kieni 8 Kieni East Gakawa, Naromoru/ Kiamathaga, Thegu River
Kieni West Gatarakwa, Mugunda, Endarasha/Mwiyogo, Mweiga
Tetu 3 Tetu Aguthi/Gaaki, Dedan Kimathi, Wamagana
Mukurwe-ini 4 Mukurwe-ini Rugi, Gikondi, Mukurwe-ini Central, Mukurwe-ini West
Nyeri town 5 Nyeri town Kamakwa/Mukaro, Kiganjo/Mathari, Rware, Ruringu, Gatitu/Muruguru
Othaya 4 Othaya Chinga, Mahiga, Iriaini, Karima
Total 30
Source: Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission, 2017

Kieni with eight wards has the highest number while Tetu with three has the lowest. This is majory
attributed to the fact that Kieni is vast compared to other constituencies in the county.

1.5.1 Eligible and Registered Voters by Constituency

Table 3 shows the number of eligible and registered voters for the six constituencies in the county. It
provides the figures as per the 2009 population and housing census and the projection for the year
2012 and 2017.

Table 3: Registered Vs. Eligible Voters by Constituency

Constituency Eligible Eligible Eligible Number of registered Proportion of registered voters
voters (2009) voters 2012 voters 2017 voters(2017) to the eligible (2017) (%)
Nyeri Town 55,605 78,857 94,053 82,860 88.1
Tetu 36,513 49,281 58,777 51,716 88.0
Othaya 40,734 53,898 64,284 58,566 91.1
Mukurwe-ini 39,129 51,084 60,928 55,310 90.8
Mathira 69,392 94,565 112,788 99,496 88.2
Kieni 81,963 104,016 124,060 109,001 87.9
County 323,336 431,701 514,890 456,949 88.7
Source: Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission, 2017

There are a total of 514,890 eligible voters in the county out of whom only 456,949 are registered
representing 88.7 per cent. Kieni and Tetu have the highest and the lowest number of registered voters
respectively. There is need to intensify civic education to ensure all the eligible voters are registered
to enable them to actively participate in the democratic process.

1.6 Demographic Features
1.6.1 Population Size and Composition
Table 4 provides information on the county population projections by age cohorts with 2009 as the
base year. The figures are given at the interval of two years for ease of analysis and planning purposes.

Table 4 : Population Projections by Age Cohort

Age 2009 (Census) 2018 (Projections) 2020(Projections) 2022 (projections)
Cohort M F T M F T M F T M F T
0-4 39174 37164 76338 47,777 45,325 93,102 49,931 47,369 97,300 52,180 49,502 101,682
5-9 39807 38908 78715 48,549 47,452 96,001 50,738 49,592 100,330 53,023 51,825 104,848
10- 14 39815 39395 79210 48,558 48,046 96,605 50,748 50,213 100,961 53,034 52,474 105,508
15- 19 34581 32312 66893 42,175 39,408 81,583 44,077 41,185 85,262 46,062 43,040 89,101
20-24 29966 30840 60806 36,547 37,612 74,159 38,195 39,309 77,503 39,915 41,079 80,994
25-29 27677 30205 57882 33,755 36,838 70,593 35,277 38,499 73,776 36,866 40,233 77,099
30-34 24971 26275 51246 30,455 32,045 62,500 31,828 33,490 65,318 33,261 34,998 68,260
35-39 21965 23473 45438 26,789 28,628 55,416 27,997 29,919 57,915 29,257 31,266 60,523
40-44 17890 19926 37816 21,819 24,302 46,120 22,803 25,398 48,200 23,829 26,541 50,371
45-49 16287 17451 33738 19,864 21,283 41,147 20,759 22,243 43,002 21,694 23,245 44,939
50-54 10343 12069 22412 12,614 14,719 27,334 13,183 15,383 28,566 13,777 16,076 29,853
55-59 9029 10054 19083 11,012 12,262 23,274 11,508 12,815 24,323 12,027 13,392 25,419
60-64 9054 9817 18871 11,042 11,973 23,015 11,540 12,513 24,053 12,060 13,076 25,136
65-69 5987 7526 13513 7,302 9,179 16,480 7,631 9,593 17,224 7,975 10,025 17,999
70-74 4961 6077 11038 6,050 7,412 13,462 6,323 7,746 14,069 6,608 8,095 14,703
75-79 3048 4043 7091 3,717 4,931 8,648 3,885 5,153 9,038 4,060 5,385 9,445
80+ 5064 8200 13264 6,176 10,001 16,177 6,455 10,452 16,906 6,745 10,922 17,668
ANS 106 98 204 129 120 249 135 125 260 141 131 272
TOTAL 339725 353833 693558 414,329 431,535 845,863 433,013 450,996 884,009 452,514 471,306 923,819
Source: Kenya National Bureau of Statistics, 2017
The population growth rate in the county is estimated at 2.2 per cent against the national average of
2.6 per cent. The county is estimated to have a population of 845,863 persons comprising of 414,329
males and 431,535 females in 2018 as projected from the 2009 population and housing census.

The highest and the lowest population for 2018 are the age cohort of 10-14 and 75-79 respectively.
Ages 10-14 represent 11.4 per cent, while 75-79 comprise of just one per cent of the total population.
Over 60 per cent of the population is below 30 years, portraying a youthful population which is more
productive and thus the need to consider them in development activities.

Table 5 shows the population projection for selected age groups; under one year, under five years, 6-
13 years, 14-17 years, 15-29 years, 15-49 years and 15-64 years.

Table 5: Population Projection for Selected Age Group

Age Group 2009 2018 2020 2022
Under 1 7,881 7,587 15,468 9,612 9,253 18,865 10,045 9,670 19,716 10,497 10,106 20,603
Under 5 47,408 45,149 92,557 57,819 55,064 112,883 60,426 57,547 117,973 63,147 60,138 123,286
6- 13 63,834 63,003 126,837 77,852 76,838 154,690 81,363 80,304 161,666 85,027 83,920 168,947
14-17 28,695 27,593 56,288 34,996 33,652 68,649 36,575 35,170 71,745 38,222 36,754 74,976
15-29 92,224 93,357 185,581 112,476 113,858 226,335 117,549 118,993 236,542 122,842 124,352 247,194
15-49 0 180,482 180,482 0 220,116 220,116 0 230,042 230,042 0 240,402 240,402
15-64 201,763 212,422 414,185 246,070 259,070 505,140 257,167 270,753 527,920 268,748 282,946 551,694
Above 65 19,060 25,846 44,906 23,246 31,522 54,767 24,294 32,943 57,237 25,388 34,427 59,815

Source: Kenya National Bureau of Statistics, 2017

Under 1: The population below the age of one will be growing at a very low rate increasing
insignificantly from 18,865 in 2018 to 20,603 by 2022, thus pressure on the county to provide for this
age group will be minimal.

Age group 6 – 13: This is the primary school going age. This group is projected to increase to 154,690
by 2018 and is expected to rise to 168,947 by 2022. This means that the number of pupils enrolled
in primary school will increase and thus there is need to create conducive environment for learners.

Age group 14 – 17: This is the secondary school going age. A total population of 68,649 is estimated
to be attending secondary school in 2018 out of which 48.8 per cent are female and 51.2 per cent are
male. This number is expected to rise gradually to about 74,976 in 2022. There is need to provide
conducive learning environment in terms of well-equipped libraries, laboratories and other critical

Age group 15 – 49: This group comprises of the female reproductive age which is considered as
critical for planning in the county. The total population of 180,482 in 2009 is projected to rise to
220,116 by 2018 and to 240,402 by 2022. With a total fertility rate of 3.8, which is lower than the
national average of five, implies there is good uptake of family planning services in the county.

Age group 15 – 64 (Labour force): This is the productive population of the county. There is a
projected total labour force of 505,140 persons comprising of 48.8 per cent males and 51.2 per cent
females of the total population in 2018. This number is expected to rise to 551,694 in 2022. There are
more female than male in this category. There is need for affirmative action in employment and also
increased availability of credit facility and financial literacy for women and youth to establish small
and micro enterprises.

A large proportion of this population mainly between 15 – 24 years consisting of 30.9 per cent of the
labour force is either in secondary schools or at the tertiary level. The bulk of the labour force is either
unskilled or semi – skilled and is mainly engaged in agricultural activities and there is need to equip
and employ instructors for the youth polytechnics and other training institutes to impart the youth
with necessary and marketable skills.

1.6.2 Urban Population

There is only one town in the county and five major urban centers. Table 6 shows the population
distribution by urban centers as projected from the 2009 census report.

Table 6: Population Projections by Urban Centre

2009 2018 2020 2022
Urban Centre Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
Nyeri Town 31,885 31,741 63,626 38,887 38,711 77,598 40,641 40,457 81,098 42,471 42,279 84,750

Karatina 3,594 4,634 8,228 4,383 5,652 10,035 4,581 5,906 10,487 4,787 6,172 10,960

Naromoru 2,965 2,840 5,805 3,616 3,464 7,080 3,779 3,620 7,399 3,949 3,783 7,732

Endarasha 1,429 1,620 3,049 1,743 1,976 3,719 1,821 2,065 3,886 1,903 2,158 4,061

Mweiga 1,698 1,885 3,583 2,071 2,299 4,370 2,164 2,403 4,567 2,262 2,511 4,773

Othaya 2,385 2,752 5,137 2,909 3,356 6,265 3,040 3,508 6,548 3,177 3,666 6,842

TOTAL 43,956 45,472 89,428 53,609 55,458 109,066 56,026 57,959 113,985 58,549 60,569 119,118

Source: Kenya National Bureau of Statistics, 2017.

Nyeri Town has the highest population while Endarasha has the lowest. Karatina urban center has a
higher number of people during the day because of people moving in for business activities; and is
expected to have a projected population of 10,960 persons by the year 2022. There is need for
involvement of the department of physical planning in planning of urban centres and enhancement of
service delivery especially solid waste management, provision of water and sewer services.
Establishment of farm produce processing plants and cottage industries in other urban centers will
curb migration to Nyeri Town and other major urban areas.

1.6.3 Population Density and Distribution

Generally, there are two types of settlements in the county; clustered and scattered. Clustered
settlement patterns are mainly found around urban centres and horticulture producing areas. Scattered
settlement patterns are mainly found in Kieni Sub County which is semi-arid. This is mainly due to
ecological factors since most people usually settle in fertile lands with adequate and reliable rainfall.

Table 7 shows population distribution and density by sub- County. It provides the data for 2009
census and projections up to the year 2022. The density is largely determined by the type of settlement
in a particular sub county.

Table 7: Population Distribution and Density by Sub- Counties

2009 2018 2020 2022
Sub- County Pop Density pop Density Pop Density Pop Density (per
(per Km2) (per Km2) (per Km2) Km2)
Tetu 78320 360 95,519 439 99,827 459 104,322 480
Kieni 175812 122 214,420 149 224,090 156 234,182 163
Mathira 148847 502 181,534 612 189,720 640 198,264 668
Mukurwe-ini 83932 470 102,363 573 106,980 599 111,797 626
Nyeri Town 119273 711 145,465 867 152,025 906 158,872 947
Othaya 87374 501 106,561 611 111,367 638 116,382 667
County 693558 280 845,863 342 884,009 357 923,819 373
Source: Kenya National Bureau of Statistics, 2017

As indicated in Table 7, majority of the population is found in the high potential areas of Mathira,
Othaya, Nyeri Town and parts of Mukurwe-ini. This calls for massive investment in the social and
physical infrastructure to support the high population in these areas. The low land areas of Kieni with
low rainfall have lower population densities; the focus here will be on irrigated agriculture to support
food security in the region. The population density for Nyeri County was 280 in 2009 and is projected
to reach 342 in 2018 rising up to 373 by the year 2022. Table 8 shows the population projections by

Table 8: Population Projections by Sub County

Sub County 2009 2018 2020 2022
Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total

Tetu 37,773 40,547 78,320 46,068 49,451 95,519 48,145 51,681 99,827 50,314 54,009 104,322
Kieni 88,270 87,542 175,812 107,654 106,766 214,420 112,509 111,581 224,090 117,576 116,606 234,182
Mathira 71,851 76,996 148,847 87,629 93,904 181,534 91,581 98,139 189,720 95,706 102,559 198,264
Mukurwe-ini 40,382 43,550 83,932 49,250 53,114 102,363 51,471 55,509 106,980 53,789 58,009 111,797
Nyeri Town 59,753 59,520 119,273 72,875 72,591 145,465 76,161 75,864 152,025 79,591 79,281 158,872
Othaya 41,696 45,678 87,374 50,852 55,709 106,561 53,146 58,221 111,367 55,539 60,843 116,382
Total 339,725 353,833 693,558 414,329 431,535 845,863 433,013 450,996 884,009 452,514 471,306 923,819
Source: Kenya National Bureau of Statistics, 2017

Kieni Sub County has the highest population, followed by Mathira Sub County. The Sub County with
the lowest population is Tetu according to 2009 census. In 2022, the expected population for Kieni is
projected to be 234,182 and for Tetu will be 104,322. Across the sub counties, the numbers of females
are marginally higher than males. It is projected that the total population will be 923,819 by 2022.

1.6.4 Population of persons with disabilities

Table 9: People living with disabilities by type, sex and age.
Particulars 0-14 15-24 25-34 35-54 55+
Type M F M F M F M F M F
Hearing 2 2 2 - 3 1 1 1 4 1
Speech 2 1 - - 1 - - - 1 -
Visual 1 16 2 3 1 2
Mental 141 75 34 18
Physical 272 138
Source: Kenya National Survey Report for persons with Disability (2008)

1.6.5 Demographic Dividend

Demographic dividend refers to the temporary opportunity to achieve a sustained faster economic
development resulting from a decline in the fertility levels, a huge population of young persons, and
strategic investments in health, education, economic, and governance sectors. This means that for a
county to achieve a demographic dividend, the dependency ratio must decline over time while the
number of workers increases. With the increasing number of workers who are healthy, educated,
skilled, and have adequate income and employment opportunities, then Nyeri County has the
opportunity to increase its wealth and improve the quality of life for its citizens.

Table 10: County Demographic Dividend Potential

Category 2009* 2017(KNBS) 2018 2022 2030
Population Size 693,558 814,205 845,863 923,819 1,006,605
Population below 15 (%) 33.8% 33.8% 33.8% 33.8% 33.8%
Population 15-64 (%) 53.4% 53.4% 53.4% 53.4% 53.4%
Population above 65 (%) 3.5% 3.5% 3.5% 3.5% 3.5%
Dependency ratio 100:51 100:51 100:51 100:51 100:51
Fertility rate 3.8% 3.8% 3.8% 3.8% 3.8%

1.7 Human Development Approach

The Human Development Approach focuses on human development for every one now and in future.
It starts with an account of the hopes and challenges of today’s world, envisioning where humanity
wants to go.Human development progress over the past 25 years has been impressive on many fronts.
But the gains have not been universal. There are imbalances across countries; socioeconomic, ethnic
and racial groups; urban and rural areas; and women and men. Millions of people are unable to reach
their full potential in life because they suffer deprivations in multiple dimensions of human

The approach identifies the national policies and key strategies to ensure that every human being
achieves at least basic human development and to sustain and protect the gains. It addresses the
structural challenges of global institutions and presents options for reform. These policies and key
strategies are compiled into a workable document known as Human Development Report (HDR).
The latest HDR is of 2016 and introduces two experimental dashboards on life course on gender gap
and on sustainable development. The County and other development stakeholders are encouraged to
explore the issues raised in the HDR with the most relevant and appropriate data from national and
international sources.

1.7.1 Human Development Index

The HDI is a summary measure for assessing progress in three basic dimensions of human
development: a long and healthy life, access to knowledge and a decent standard of living.

Kenya’s HDI value for 2015 was 0.555—which put the country in the medium human development
category—positioning it at 146 out of 188 countries and territories. Between 1990 and 2015, Kenya’s
HDI value increased from 0.473 to 0.555, an increase of 17.3 percent. Table 9 below reviews Kenya’s
progress in each of the HDI indicators. Between 1990 and 2015, Kenya’s life expectancy at birth
increased by 3.4 years, mean years of schooling increased by 2.6 years and expected years of
schooling increased by 2.0 years. Kenya’s GNI per capita increased by about 26.0 percent between
1990 and 2015.

Table 11: Kenya’s HDI trends based on consistent time series data

Year Life expectancy at Expected years of Mean years of GNI per capita(2011 HDI value
birth schooling schooling PPP$)
1990 58.8 9.1 3.7 2,287 0.473
1995 54.5 8.7 4.5 2,130 0.459
2000 50.8 8.4 5.3 2,138 0.447
2005 53.6 9.7 5.8 2,267 0.483
2010 58.8 11.1 6.1 2,529 0.53
2011 59.6 11.1 6.2 2,623 0.536
2012 60.3 11.1 6.2 2,662 0.541
2013 61 11.1 6.3 2,733 0.546
2014 61.6 11.1 6.3 2,800 0.55
2015 62.2 11.1 6.3 2,881 0.555

The HDI emphasizes that people and their capabilities should be the ultimate criteria for assessing
the development of a country and not economic growth alone since two countries/regions with the
same level of GNI per capita can end up with such different human development outcomes.
Improving equity in gender issues and reducing gender disparities will benefit all sectors and thus
contribute to sustainable economic growth, poverty reduction and social injustices.

1.8 Infrastructure Development

1.8.1 Road, Rail Network, Airports and Airstrips
The county has 3,092.73 Km of classified roads with 478.25 Km of bitumen, 2,492.85 Km gravel
and 121.63 Km earth surface. The table below shows the categories of various roads by surface type
since 2013 to date.

Table 12: Category of Road Surface by Type

Category of Road Surface by Type 2013(Km) 2014(Km) 2015(Km) 2016(Km) 2017(Km)
Bitumen 450 450 450 450 478.25
Gravel/Murram 1,390.59 1,619.97 1,871.95 2,332.20 2,492.85
Earth 1,252.14 1,022.76 770.78 310.53 121.63
TOTAL 3,092.73 3,092.73 3,092.73 3,092.73 3092.73
Source: County department of Transport, Public works, Infrastructure and Communication, 2017

In order for the roads to be fully utilized, bridges and culverts have been constructed at various
crossing points. The county has three airstrips i.e Mweiga, Nyaribo and Nanyuki. There are three
railway stations which are not functional at Karatina, Kiganjo and Narumoro.

1.8.2 Information Communications and Technology

The county is fairly developed as a result of the advent of mobile telephony and internet hubs in the
urban centers. The mobile phone coverage stands at 91 per cent and there are 384 cyber cafes. This
has greatly revolutionized the way people communicate and improved efficiency in service delivery.
There exist six Post Offices, 19 sub-post offices and 25 licensed stamp vendors. However, Post office
faces stiff competition from 30 private courier services mainly G4S, Wells Fargo, 2NK Sacco, 4NTE

Both Private institutions and Government departments have embraced the use of modern methods of
communication through E-Government services by use of E-Mail and mobile phone technology. The

county is expected to grow fast after connection of a fibre optic cable, which will greatly revolutionize
communication and information sharing.

1.8.3 Energy access

The county has a total of 208 trading centers and 214 secondary schools connected with electricity.
There are also 150 health facilities connected with electricity. The table below shows the electricity
connectivity within the county.

Table 13: Electricity connectivity within the county

Category 2013 2015 2017
No. trading centres connected with electricity 112 208 208
No. of Health facilities connected with electricity 51 141 150
No. of secondary schools connected with electricity 170 214 214
No. of Primary schools connected with electricity 371 371
No. of Kilometers of street lighting 12 42 57
No. of High mast lighting 15 55 55
No. of households connected with electricity 52,263 86,000
Source: County Department of Energy, 2017

1.8.4 Housing
The main types of houses in the county are permanent or semi-permanent which are individual,
national and county government-owned. The cost of construction is very prohibitive leading to the
presence of informal settlements among the low income earners in the county. There is need to
sensitize the public and investors on alternative and cheap building materials to address the challenges
of housing in the county.

1.9 Land and Land use

1.9.1 Land ownership categories/ classifications
Most of the land in the county is owned by individuals as freehold and mainly where subsistence
farming practiced. The gazetted forest cover 26 percent of the county land surface while the county
and national governments own few tracks of land where offices and social facilities and infrastructure
are located.

1.9.2 Mean holding size

The county has a total area of 987.5 Km2 and 758.5 Km2 of arable and non-arable land respectively.
The larger part of the arable land is used for food crop while the rest is used for cash crop farming,
livestock rearing and farm forestry. The mean holding size is one hectare for majority of the small

1.9.3 Percentage of Land with Title Deeds

Over 85 per cent of farmers have title deeds as adjudication started early after independence. The
main reason for lack of the title deeds by some farmers is domestic wrangles while other landowners
in settlement schemes have never been issued with title deeds. There are many colonial villages where
the government will continue to plan and issue titles deeds.

1.9.4 Incidences of Landlessness
From the year 2013, the county has embarked on planning of colonial villages. Thunguma, Rititi,
Kiamwathi, Miiri, Ihwagi, Gitero, Gikomo / (mweiga), Gitathini, Chorongi, Kiarihiu and Kariki
Villages have been surveyed and the exercise will extend to other areas. The county has also issued
269 title deeds for Gatitu, Gitero, Riamukurwe, Muruguru, Kihuyo and Ithenguri villages to create
ownership and reduce cases of landlessness.

1.9.5 Settlement Patterns

There are two types of settlements in the county; clustered and scattered. Clustered settlement patterns
are mainlyfound around towns and horticulture producing areas. Scattered settlement patterns are
mainly found in Kieni which is semi-arid and were formally colonial settlement area. Apart from the
major towns the county has witnessed ribbon type of development along the major highways which
possess a challenge in service delivery especially in waste management as the centres are poorly
planned. Such urban centres include Kiawara, Chaka, and Nairutia among many others.

1.9.6 Type and Size of Land

The type of land in the County is either freehold in rural areas or lease holding in major urban centres.
The small size land holding size is approximately one hectare, who are the majority, while the large
is about four hectares. The county has a total area of 987.5 Km 2 and 758.5 Km2 of arable and non-
arable land respectively. The larger part of the arable land is used for food crop while the rest is used
for cash crop farming, livestock rearing and farm forestry.

1.10 Employment
1.10.1 Wage earners
In the county, 92,205 persons are wage earners thus contributing 24 per cent of the household income.
They are mainly employed by the national and county governments, learning institutions and the
business community.

1.10.2 Self-employed
Rural self-employed persons in the county are 15,368 contributing 4 per cent of household income
while urban self-employed persons are 4,444 and contribute 13 per cent of the household income.
The county will need to provide affordable credit for the establishment of micro enterprises to create
more self-employment opportunities.

1.10.3 Labour force

By the end of 2018 the population aged between 15 and 64 years in the county is estimated at 505,141
comprising of 259,070 females and 246,072 males. This represents 59.7 per cent of the county

1.10.4 Unemployment levels

The unemployment level in the county is 17.5 per cent since out of the potential labor force of 421,298
persons, only 347,502 are employed. The dependency rate in the county therefore stands at 51 per

cent of the total population. Apart from affordable credit, there is need of establishing cottage
industries to add value on farm produce and hence create more employment.

1.11 Irrigation infrastructure and schemes

1.11.1 Irrigation potential

The current land under irrigation has challenges of water rationing and therefore agricultural
production potential is not realized. To address this, there is a compressive plan to harness run off
water experienced during rainy seasons either by excavating water pans, constructing dams or
abstracting water from aquaways. Efficient water utilization technologies should be promoted and
more land be put under irrigation.

Total area under irrigation in the county is estimated at 2600 Ha and the total no. of households
practicing irrigation is 10,400. The irrigation potential in the county is 20,620 Ha from 87 irrigation
schemes which will benefit 80,600 households.

1.11.2 Irrigation schemes

There are 22 No. complete irrigation schemes namely GuraUgaciku, Kamoko, Kiruma Minor,
Kiandego, Gaithuri, Kiirungi, ThihaSagana, Gikondi, Thiha Micro, ThihaKiruka, Njengu, Ereri
Kiremia, Lamuria, Watuka, Endarasha, NdiritiAguthi, Nairobi, Sagana, Muteithia, Kariithi, Kihuri
and NdathiMbiriri.

The county has been implementing small holder irrigation schemes that are farmer managed, operated
and owned.

1.12 Crop, Livestock, Fish Production and Value addition

1.12.1 Main crops produced
The main food crops grown in the county are maize, beans, irish potatoes and vegetables whereas the
major cash crops are coffee, tea and horticulture. Tea is grown in the upper zone next to Aberdare’s
and the Mt. Kenya forest while coffee is grown in the lower region. Cut flowers are mainly grown in
Kieni sub county where there are large land holding sizes.

1.12.2 Acreage under food and cash crops

Total area under food crop is 80,943 hectares while 18,521 hectares are under cash crop production.
Food crops are mainly produced on small scale, which is due to the smallholding sizes as a result of
population pressure. The area under cash crops is limited since economical production requires large
parcels of land.

1.12.3 Average farm sizes

The average farm size is 0.7 hectares for small-scale farmers and 4 hectares for large-scale farmers.
This is due to high population density though the farms are intensively utilized. Large-scale farms
are mainly found in Kieni.

1.12.4 Main storage facilities
In the county, the main food storage facilities include; National Cereals and Produce Board in Kiganjo
with a storage capacity of 100,000 metric tons; on farm storage granaries and in the farmers houses.
Most farmers store their produce in their houses due to low production as a result of small parcels of

1.12.5 Agriculture extension, training, research and information services

The County has continued to offer extension services using different approaches such as farmer field
schools, field days, group trainings, individual farm visits etc. Capacity building of both farmers and
staff has been a priority and this has been done through residential courses and exchange tours. To
enhance this the department has collaborated with research institutions such as KARLO Embu and
ICIPE on farm trials for best agricultural husbandry practices. Demonstration plots have also been
established for different technologies such as green house and drip irrigation. To enhance availability
of clean planting materials, such as different types of fodders, sweet potato vines have been
established in Kieni East, Kieni West, Mathira West and Wambugu ATC.

1.12.6 Main livestock breeds and facilities

The main livestock enterprise is dairy cattle. Other enterprises include poultry, pigs, goats, sheep and
donkeys. The land carrying capacity (Livestock per hectare) is five. Bee keeping and other small
stock such as rabbits; guinea pigs and quails are also on the increase.
Livestock Breed
Dairy cattle Friesian (53%) Ayrshire (32%), Guernsey (4%), Jersey (1%) and cross-breed 10%
Pigs Large White and Landrace
Sheep Choriadles, Dorper, Small African red Maasai, Merino breeds and Hampshire dawn
Goats Germany alpine, crosses of Saneen and Toggenburg
Poultry Indigenous upgraded Rainbow rooster, Sasso, Kenbro and Kroiler

Livestock facilities
Sub County Livestock Holding Cattle dips Spray Disease Agro/ Hides Poultry Artificial Slaughter
markets grounds (operating/ races control veterinary and hatcheries insemination slab/house
Total crush shops skins bull station (operational/
pens bandas total)
Nyeri central 0 0 1/19 1 45 51 7 3 0 4
Tetu 0 0 6/37 0 42 32 6 0 0 12
Mathira East 1 0 2/26 0 56 48 4 0 0 10
Mathira West 0 1 7/22 1 60 22 3 0 0 6
Mukurweini 2 (1 for 0 0/39 0 39 38 3 0 0 7
Othaya 0 0 3/36 0 48 53 2 0 0 6
Kieni west 0 0 6/35 0 75 45 12 0 1 (Funded by 11
Kieni East 0 3 10/22 1 75 65 11 0 0 19
TOTAL 3 4 35/236 3 440 354 48 3 1 75/88
Source: Department of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries Development, 2017

1.12.7 Main fishing activities, types of fish produced, landing sites

The main fishing activities in the county are fish pond farming, dam and river line fisheries. There
were a total of 2,343 households involved in the fishing activities with 2,488 fishponds, by the end
of year 2016, spread across the county. The main fish species include tilapia, catfish, and trout.

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
No of farmers 2477 2513 2255 2343 1466
No of ponds 3011 2762 2519 2488 1531

1.12.8 Apiculture (bee keeping)

Bee hives in the county are categorized as shown in the table below.
Type of hive No. of hives No of farmers/groups
KTBH 9,360 5,067 farmers
Langstroth 3,076 1,956 farmers and 32 groups
Log hives 6,580 105 farmers
Others 226 7,128 farmer and 59 groups

1.13 Oil and Other Mineral Resources

1.13.1 Mineral potential
The county has not fully exploited its mining potential. There is a small ceramic processing plant in
Mukurwe-ini sub-county which can be upgraded for optimum exploitation of the Kaoline deposits
found at Rutune. The county should encourage investors to setup a factories to exploit the deposit

1.13.2 Ongoing mining and extraction activities

The main mining activities are; clay,sand, aggregate, gravel and natural building stones mining in
Mukurwe-ini ,Nyeri Town, Kieni East, Kieni West, and Mathira West Sub Counties. Gravel is the
highest with 2.3 million tonnes mined per year and employing about 1,431 persons. Clay mining is
the lowest at 2,555 tonnes employing 756 people.

1.14 Tourism and Wildlife

1.14.1 Main tourist attractions and activities
Nyeri County is a “hub of natural beauty’’and a key player in the Central Tourism Circuit. The
county is also endowed with the rich kikuyu culture. The County has increasingly become a popular
destination for tourists to experience; cultural, adventure, agro, sport, education, business, leisure and
religious tourism.

Mt. Kenya and the Aberdares ecosystems have rich historical heritage and diversity in flora and fauna.
Mt. Kenya has perfect topography and magnificent scenic views of inter-locking spurs ideal for film
and photography. Heritage sites in the County include: Paxtu cottage at the Outspan Hotel which also
houses a scout museum, Baden Powell graves and historical gardens, Kimathi trench at Kahigaini,
Mau Mau caves in Naromoru, Italian war memorial church, Dedan Kimathi tree post office among
other attractions.

1.14.2 Classified / Major Hotels

There are three 4-star, four 3-star and one 2-star tourist class hotels. Nyeri County also has wide range
of high quality and affordable hotels, lodges, guest houses, homestays and Restaurants.The county is
also the home to the treetops lodge (where the world famous Queen Elizabeth II ascended the

aberdares as a Princess on 6th February, 1952 and descended as a Queen upon the death of her father
King George IV).

1.14.3 Main wildlife

Aberdares National park and Mt. Kenya has the following animal species; african elephant, rare black
leopard, spotted hyena, olive baboon, and black and white colombus monkey, sykes monkey, the cape
buffalos, warthogs, common zebra, bushback, reedback and lions among others.

1.14.4 Wildlife conservation areas

The County has two National parks which are Mt. Kenya and the Aberdares. Mt. Kenya holds Mt.
Kenya orphanage and Mt. Kenya game reserve. There is only one Wildlife conservancy managed by
Dedan Kimathi University with 9 species of grazing mammals that include; wildbeest, warthogs,
grant’s gazelles, impallas, burchell’s zebras, andean llamas among other flora and fauna.

1.14.5 Total number of tourists

In the year 2013, the county received a total of 79,118 tourists; 20,767 foreigners and 58,351
domestic. This however reduced in 2014 to 59,216; 51,083 foreigners and 8,133 domestic.

1.15 Industry and Trade

1.15.1 Markets
The County has a total of 52 fresh produce markets where 35 were improved during the previous
planning period. Eight (8) markets were developed under the Economic Stimulus Programme. The
flagship markets are Chaka Wholesale Hub, Karatina market and Nyeri open air markets which are
under construction and Kamukunji which is the biggest second-hand clothes market in the county.

1.15.2 Industrial parks

Nyeri county has one Industrial park at Karatina and eight(8) Constituency Industrial Development
Centres six(6) of which are complete at Gakindu, Kiawaithanji, Kariko, Othaya, Endarasha, Karatina
KIE site, Karatina light industries and two(2) Juakali shed (Mihuti and Mweiga) which have not been

1.15.3 Major industries

The major industries in the county are flour milling, soft drink processing and milk processing. These
includes; Maisha Flour Mills, Cocacola, Highland, KCC, and Anchor Millers.

1.15.4 Types and number of registered businesses

According to department of trade, tourism and cooperative development, the county has the following
types and number of businesses
Type of Business No. of Businesses
Supermarkets 14
Large traders 976
Medium traders 7,326
Small traders 20,687

Kiosks 708
Wholesalers 76
Hawkers 2,542
Transport companies 125
Independent transport operator 70
Petrol stations 130
Storage facilities 109
Communication companies 345
Agricultural dealers 1,624
Large hotels 730
Medium hotels 396
Small hotels 3,137
Other catering & accommodation facilities 33
Butcheries 1,042
Bars 1,402
Professional services 700
Education - private facilities 484
Health - private facilities 780
Industrial plants 22
Workshops 1,033

1.15.5 Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise (MSME)

There are over 100,000 MSMEs in the County, with only a few registered under the registrar of
companies and others have business names. There are 20 registered juakali associations with a
membership of 2000. Other MSMEs are registered as self-help groups, SACCOs while others belong
to merry-go rounds that are not registered.

1.16 Forestry, Agro Forestry and Value addition

1.16.1 Main Forest types and size of forests
The county has 2 gazetted forests (Aberdare ranges and Mt. Kenya) mainly of indigenous and
plantation trees with a size of 861.7 Km 2.The ungazetted forests are nine (9) namely; Karima
Hill,Tumutumu Hill,Gachirichiri, Wagere, Karundu, Karindi, Thangathi, Ngamwa Hilltop and

1.16.2 Main Forest products

The main forest products are timber; poles and firewood found within the gazetted and non-gazetted
forests. The firewood is mainly used as a source of energy while other materials are used in the
building and construction industry. Forests are also important sources of herbal medicine and as home
for wildlife.

Huge potential exist in the County in form of non-extractable forest products. They include bark,
roots, tubers, corms, leaves, flowers, seeds, fruits, sap, resins, honey, and fungi. Forests also have
important intangible services which include; Water easements, recreational activities and climate

1.16.3 Agro-forestry
Inappropriate tree species namely eucalyptus has been planted along the riparian area and has
contributed to drying up of most catchments. Further, inappropriate irrigation methods have also

contributed to declining surface water resources. To promote agro-forestry the county is doing the
following: encouraging farmers to plant eco-friendly trees such as grevilliae robusta (mukima) within
the farms; distribution of tree seedlings to farmers and schools; promotion of tree nurseries through
distribution of certified seeds; promotion of planting water friendly species like bamboo and
indigenous trees in riparian reserves and wetlands.

1.16.4 Value chain development of forestry products

a) Provision of Wood Fuel and Generation of Energy for Industries
It is important to note that the six tea factories in the county rely on wood fuel as a source of energy
for processing.They are a major source of firewood market for the farmers who grow trees as source
of income. The farmers also practice bee keeping in their plantations.

b) Growing of Fruit Trees for both Nutrition Improvement and economic empowerment.
The county has taken an initiative to encourage farmers to plant fruit trees in their farms i.e
macadamia, mango grafted avocados, grapes, tree tomatoes, oranges etc. which are sold in local
markets especially in Karatina while the surplus is sold to other markets. The county government has
identified an area to set a processing factory to encourage more farmers to engage in the fruits

c) The county is promoting croton megalocarpus (mukinduri) growing. Through Public private
partnership, the county will establish a facility to produce cheap fuel from the product.

d) The county in collaboration with KEFRI to promote growing of Giant Bamboo along the
riparian and wetland areas and through Public private partnership establish a factory to
process Bamboo products.

1.17 Financial services

1.17.1 Finance institutions
The county has fairly distributed financial institutions which includes; 10 commercial banks, nine
micro-finance institutions and 10 insurance companies with their branches across the county.

1.17.2 Distribution of financial services by sub-county

The county has various banks and Saccos distributed as follows;
Sub-County Banks SACCO (FOSA)
Nyeri Central 14 4
Mathira 7 2
Othaya 5 1
Mukurweini 2 1
Tetu 1 0
Kieni 5 0

1.18 Environment and Climate Change

1.18.1 Environmental degradation
The major cause of environmental degradation is cultivation on fragile areas such as steep slopes,
wetlands, riparian reserves and quarrying activities. This has led to landslides and soil erosion hence
reduced productivity.

The other causes are inadequate solid and liquid waste management facilities particularly in the urban
and peri urban areas. This has led to blockage of drainage systems in urban centers causing flooding
and destruction of property.

The county is prone to landslides in the hilly areas of Mukurwe-ini, Othaya and Tetu Sub Counties
due to poor farming methods where riparian areas have been destroyed and rivers banks left bare.
The county continues to put measures to reclaim all the riparian areas and plant indigenous trees to
protect further soil erosion. The following areas are very much degraded due to unsustainable
quarrying and this is posing a great danger to the environment.
Area Ward Remarks
Witemere Rware Very steep grounds and no forest or grass cover
Kiawara Rware Very steep grounds and no forest or grass cover
Chania river banks Rware Very steep grounds and no forest or grass cover.
Farmers encroaching and destroying the riparian areas
Mweiga Mweiga Quarrying
Maragima Thegu river Quarrying
Chaka Thegu river Quarrying
Nyaribo Kiganjo/Mathari Quarrying
kabiruini Kiganjo/Mathari Quarrying
Thunguma Gatitu/ Muruguru Quarrying
Karicheni Thegu river Quarrying
Tagwa Thegu river Quarrying
Mureru Naromoru/Kiamathaga Quarrying
Mwicuiri Naromoru/Kiamathaga Quarrying
Gathugu Konyu Quarrying
Milimani Thigu River Quarrying

Effects of Environmental Degradation

There has been general reduction of the natural resources ability to support the population e.g.
reduced farm productivity due to soil erosion, over cultivation of the land, increased scarcity of
resources such as water, grazing lands and arable area.

Climate Change Mitigation Measures and Adaption Strategies

Climate change mitigation measures include; conservation of existing natural forests, planting of trees
to increase forest cover which act as carbon sink and adopting green economy and sustainable
management of waste.

1.18.2 Environmental threats

Uncontrolled logging is causing loss of biodiversity in our forests and threatening flora and fauna.
Loss of tree cover is also affecting the rainfall patterns giving rise to unpredictable seasons. Due to
lack of tree and grass cover floods are prevalent because of unchecked flow of surface runoff which

also reduces the retention periodic table. Drought leads to loss of biodiversity, drying up of water
bodies, water pollution, human wildlife conflict, increased trekking distance to water points and
community conflicts.

The following are threats to the environment; industrial waste from coffee and tea factories,
agricultural activities causing soil erosion, fertilizer and pesticide residue flow into the water bodies,
solid and liquid waste from markets and urban centers, quarrying, oils and grease from garages and
car wash.

Areas Prone to Landslide and Flooding

Area Ward Remarks
Kigathi Rugi Landslide due the topography of the area
Kiirungi Gikondi Landslide due the topography of the area
Giathugu Rugi Landslide due the topography of the area
Igutha Gikondi Landslide due the topography of the area
Gatumbiro Hill forest Thegenge Deforestation due illegal logging - Reafforestaion in progress
Karima Hill forest karima Deforestation due illegal logging - Reafforestaion in progress
Tumutumu Hill forest Kirimukuyu Deforestation due illegal logging- Reafforestaion in progress
Gachirichiri forest Mahiga Illegal quarrying
Nyana Hill Ruguru Landslide due the topography of the area
Kiamucheru Hill Karatina Landslide due the topography of the area
Karungai Thigu river Landslide due the topography of the area
Endarasha Endarasha/Mwiyogo Landslide due the topography of the area
Mweiga Mweiga Flooding poor drainage system
Mutonga Gikondi Flooding poor drainage system
Kabuta Rugi Flooding poor drainage system
Kiuu Mukurweini Central Flooding poor drainage system
Ichagachumi Mukurweini West Flooding poor drainage system
Naromoru Town Naromoru/Kiamathaga Flooding poor drainage system
Rutune Rugi Flooding poor drainage system
Nduiye river Mahiga Flooding poor drainage system
Chinga Dam Chinga Flooding due to topography of the area.
Gatumbiro Dedan /Kimathi Flooding due to topography of the area.
Kagati Ruguru Flooding poor drainage system
Kihuro Karatina Flooding poor drainage system

Areas Affected by Drought

Githungo, Karicheni, Maragima, Mathina, Thungari, Gatei Thegu river
Kabati Naromoru/Kiamathaga
Mureru Gakawa
Karemenu Mugunda
Lamuria, Kienjero Gataragwa
Labura Mweiga
Nyaribo, Kirichu, Ndurutu Kiganjo /Mathari
Marua, Thunguma Gatitu /Muruguru
Iruri, Chieni, Gatung’ang’a, Ngorano, Hiriga Ruguru
Thaithi, Wariruta kirimukuyu
Gatina, Kiamabara, Gathugu Konyu
Bondeni, Karicheni, Kiuu, Ujamaa Mukurweini Central
Gumba, Ngamwa, Rutune Rugi
Karaba, Mutonga, Kibutio, Kaharo Gikondi
Witima Karima

1.18.3 High spatial and temporal variability of rainfall
Agricultural and livestock productivity is worsened by limited, unreliable and poorly distributed
rainfall pattern. In recent years the rains have become erratic and unpredictable hence making it
difficult to plan on farming.

1.18.4 Change in water levels or glacier

The major challenge is the high seasonal fluctuations between low and high river flows due to
inadequate conservation and protection of water catchment areas especially in Mt. Kenya and the
Aberdare ranges. The high temperatures caused by accumulation of Greenhouse gases (GHGs): CO2,
CH4, N2O, CFCs, and SO2, between tropospheric and stratospheric layers in the atmosphere have
caused glazier on our mountains to melt which has brought about low flows in our rivers during the
dry spell. Over-abstraction in our existing rivers has also become a challenge as seen in the Nairobi,
Gura, Chania and Ragati rivers to name but a few. Intervention by the Water Resource Users
Association (WRUA) should be urgently enhanced to minimize conflicts

The county has a huge potential for irrigation but depleting water resources has hampered its
development. Harnessing of flood waters by construction of dams and exploitation of underground
water sources are opportunities for unlocking the great agricultural potential.

1.18.5 Solid waste management facilities

The county has a temporary dumpsite at the Asian Quarters in Nyeri town which poses a danger to
the immediate estate. Plans are underway to purchase suitable land to relocate the dumpsite to an
acceptable site. There are two (2) dumpsite in Karatina and Othaya. However, the unit relies on hired
plant equipment for dumpsite management. Medium market centers rely on the limited fleet of
vehicles. This occasionally delays collection of solid waste. The ban on use of polythene papers by
the National government in October 2017 has significantly improved on solid waste management
including clogging of drainage systems. Most of the solid waste is expected to be biodegradable
essentially promoting clean environment.

The county is exploring modes of solid waste management such as landfills and recycling of waste

1.19 Water and Sanitation

1.19.1 Water resources
The county’s water resource comprises of both ground and surface water. Surface water consists of
permanent rivers such as Nanyuki, Burguret, Naromoru, Thegu, UwasoNyiro, Karemeno, Rwarai,
Gikira, Thuti, Kururu, Muthira, Sagana, Nairobi, Chania, Gura, Honi and Ragati among others.

The main catchment areas for these rivers are the two water towers i.e Aberdare Ranges and Mount
Kenya. There are 49 permanent rivers, 77 water dams/ Pans, 72 boreholes and other sources including
roof catchment, Shallow wells and springs. The quality of the water is good and suitable for domestic,
Wildlife, livestock and irrigation purposes.

1.19.2 Water supply schemes
There are five major supplies of water service providers and four small ones in the county namely;
Nyeri Water and Sewerage Company, Tetu-Aberdare water and sanitation company, Mathira water
and sanitation company, Othaya-Mukurwe-ini water services company, Narumoru water and
sanitation company, Mutitu water and sanitation company, Mwiyogo water users association, Zaina
Muhoya water users association and Kinaini water users association There are also other
Communities based projects and Individual water projects under the department of water and
irrigation. A total of 124,886 households have access to piped water.

Growth or Trends in provision of piped water

Year No. of Households with access to piped Water No. of Households with access to Portable water
2013 98,125 78,520
2014 105,400 85,100
2015 111004 90,152
2016 115,852 96,732
2017 124,886 103,312
Source: Department of Water, Environment and Natural Resources, Nyeri County

1.19.3 Water sources and access

The county is adequately served with surface and underground water. The average distance to the
nearest water point as per Ward is as tabulated below:
S/NO WARDS Kilometers S/NO WARDS Kilometers
1 Ruguru 0.6 16 Aguthi Gaaki 0.3
2 Kirimukuyu 0.7 17 Dedan kimathi 1.0
3 Konyu 1.0 18 Kamakwa Mukaro 0.0
4 Iriani 0.3 19 Rware 0.0
5 Magutu 0.2 20 Ruringu 0.0
6 Karatina 0.6 21 Gatitu Muruguru 0.1
7 Chinga 0.3 22 Mathari-Kiganjo 0.5
8 Karima 0.5 23 Thego river 0.65
9 Mahiga 0.4 24 Kabaru 0.35
10 Iriaini (Othaya) 0.2 25 Narumoru Kiamathaga 0.45
11 Rugi 1.0 26 Gakawa 0.55
12 Gikondi 1.2 27 Mugunda 1.5
13 Mukurweini central 0.5 28 Gatarakwa 1.0
14 Mukurweini West 1.0 29 Endarasha Mwiyogo 0.7
15 Wamagana 0.5 30 Mweiga 0.5

1.19.4 Water management

Water service providers are managed by Board of Directors while the community water based
projects are managed by elected committee members. Water service providers are guided through
water service regulation rules while community based water projects are guided by their constitutions
and by-laws. Water service providers are monitored by WASREB, TWSB and County Department
of water while the community water projects are monitored by County Department of Social service.

1.19.5 Sanitation
The County has only three water and sewerage companies namely; Nyeri Water and Sewerage
Company, Mathira Water and Sanitation Company and Othaya-Mukurwe-ini Water Services

Company. Human waste is well disposed with 97.68 per cent of the county population using covered
pit latrines while 2.32 per cent use conventional waste disposal methods.

The peri-urban centers; Karatina, Mukurwe-ini, Chaka, Mweiga and NaroMoru have inadequate
sewerage treatment facilities. This is a major challenge due to inadequate funding for construction of
treatment plants. This has led to release of effluents into the environment causing pollution of water

1.20 Health Access and Nutrition

1.20.1 Health Access
The distribution of health facilities in six (6) of the sub counties is reasonably fair according to World
Health Organization standards. Most of the facilities in the six (6) sub counties are within a radius of
1-5 kilometers. However in Kieni East and West sub counties which are post-colonial settlements,
health facilities are far apart ranging between 5-15 kms. The two sub counties are not served by any
public level IV hospital except for Kieni west which is served by one FBO hospital (Mary
immaculate) located approximately 15km from Nyeri town and may not be convenient for most of
the residents in the two sub counties. Establishment of a level IV facility in Kieni East and West sub
counties therefore remains a key priority for the county government.

Health services in Nyeri County are organized across five (5) levels of service delivery that includes
118 public health facilities, including a beyond zero mobile clinic and a hospice for care of the
terminally ill distributed as follows: one (1) county referral hospital (level V); four (4) county
hospitals (level IV); 25 health centers (level III); 88 dispensaries (level II); 251community units
(level I).

The county also hosts several private health facilities providing a wide range of health services and
distributed as follows; four (4) private level IV hospitals; one (1) nursing home; three (3) faith based
organization hospitals; 16 FBO health centre’s and dispensaries; and 224 private clinics.

Health personnel and their distribution by Station

Work Station No. of Staffs Salaries per annum Amount in %
County Health Office 57 71,852,352 3.2
Hospitals 924 1,252,925,460 56.1
Sub Counties MOH Facilities 645 738,361,644 33.1
Unskilled Casuals 736 83,906,722 3.8
Skilled Casuals( HCW) 124 47,616,000 2.1
Defunct Municipal Council Staffs 85 36,820,260 1.7
Nyeri Health Department 2,571 2,231,482,438 100

1.20.2 Morbidity
The five most common diseases in order of prevalence are as follows;
S/ No Under 5yrs S/ No Over 5yrs
1 Diseases of Respiratory System 1 Diseases of Respiratory System
2 Diseases of the skin 2 Diseases of the skin
3 Diarrhea 3 Arthritis , Joint pains
4 Tonsillitis 4 Road traffic injuries and other injuries

5 Pneumonia 5 UTI (Urinary Tract Infection)

1.20.3 Nutritional status

According to KDHS 2014, Nyeri County nutrition status were as follows; stunting (15.1%),
underweight (2.5 %) and wasting (2.4 %).

1.20.4 Immunization coverage

In 2017, immunization coverage was at 88.4% with 127 health facilities providing immunization

1.20.5 Maternal health care

Currently skilled deliveries stand at 88% with maternal mortality reported at 110 per 100,000 live
births with 36 health facilities providing delivery services in the county.

1.20.6 Access to family planning services/Contraceptive prevalence

Access to family planning services/contraceptive uptake is at 73% (KDHS 2014) with 211,878
women in the reproductive age group.

1.20.7 HIV/Aids prevalence rates and related services

The county HIV and AIDS prevalence rates stands at 4.3% (KAIS 2012) with 21,391 persons living
with HIV and more than 1300 new HIV infections being reported annually.

1.21 Education, Skills, Literacy and Infrastructure

1.21.1 Early Childhood Development Education
The gross enrolment rate in public Early Childhood Development Education centers for the county
stands at 59.2 per cent, indicating that there is a large number of children who are not in school despite
having a total of 758 centers.

1.21.2 Primary Education

The county has a total enrolment of 141,243 comprising of 72,227 boys and 69,016 girls. Although
the net enrolment rate is high at 99 per cent, the county will require additional investment for
infrastructural improvement. The completion rate stands at 89.4 per cent while retention and
transition stands at 91 and 85 per cent respectively.

1.21.3 Non formal Education

Non-formal education has not been formally rolled out in Nyeri. However, there is great need for the
adoption of the same in order to provide education for children who miss out school despite attaining
the school going age. These include the children in the streets, children with disabilities among others.
The objective of non-formal education is to develop literacy, numeracy, creativity and
communication skills. This would also prepare them for joining tertiary education.

1.21.4 Youth polytechnics
There are 49 youth polytechnics with a total population of 3882 trainees. Plans are being put in place
towards revitalizing and staffing of the polytechnics across the county and this is expected to enhance
enrolment and offer quality courses in the institutions. There is need to introduce new training
curriculum to youth polytechnics that are competitive in the job market. This includes entrepreneurial,
agri-business, ICT courses among others.

1.21.5 Secondary Education

The county has a secondary school gross enrolment of 31,242 boys and 31,959 girls. The net
enrolment rate stands at 95 per cent and it is noted that there is a negligible variance between boys
and girls enrolment. The completion rate stands at 86.2 per cent while retention rate is 89 per cent.

1.21.6 Tertiary Education

There are two public universities, one private university campus, three public university campuses,
one national polytechnic, one science and technology institute, nine other public colleges, one private
accredited college and six private non-accredited colleges.

1.21.7 Adult and continuing Education

The county has high literacy levels at 91.8 per cent. There are 303 adult education classes with a gross
enrolment of 1,885 males and 1,811 females.

1.21.8 Technical, Vocational Education and Training

The Technical, Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in Nyeri County consists of public and
private institutions. The public TVET institutions are; one national polytechnic i.e. the Nyeri
polytechnic and two technical training institutes namely Mathenge and Mukurweini. The national
Government is setting up three new institutions at Mathira, Tetu, and Kieni Constituences. The county
hosts a number of private/faith-based TVET institutins such as the Consolata Training Institute and
Little Flowers Training Institute among others.

1.22 Sports, Culture and Creative Arts

1.22.1 Museums, Heritage and Cultural sites
Nyeri County has several museums, heritage and cultural sites which are unmapped. The gazetted
sites include Kariba caves, Mau Mau flag site, and Dedan Kimathi trench and Maumau mass graves.
Therefore, there is need to develop and promote these sites as a source of revenue and income and
the preservation of the Mau Mau history.

1.22.2 Talent Academies

The department of trade, tourism and co-operative development is planning to establish an academy
to nurture and harness the talents within the county.

1.22.3 Sports facilities
There are 15 sports facilities across the county. However the county does not have standard outdoor
sports facilities. Therefore the county endevours to ensure that sports facilities are in usable
conditions and measure up to the required standards. The county has partinered with Sports Kenya to
renovate Ruring’u stadium to international standard.
Sub-County Sports Facility
Kieni East Naromoru Stadium
Kieni West Mweiga stadium
Tetu Ihururu,Kinunga, Wamagana and Gichira stadiums
Othaya Othaya stadium
Mukurweini Kiriti, Karatina and Gikumbo stadiums
Mathira West Kaiyaba stadium
Nyeri Central Ruringu stadium; Dedan Kimathi Leisure,Kabiruini and Asian Quarters grounds

1.22.4 Information and Documentation Centres/ Citizen Service centres

The County plans to establish and promote libraries /information documentation centres/ citizen
service centres so as to encourage reading culture in the county and ease in dissemination of

1.22.5 Registered traditional herbalists and medicinemen

There are 36 registered traditional medical practitioners in the country. However, the county, in liason
with the Ministry of sports, culture and the arts plans to register, promote and regulate the industry.

1.23 Community Organizations/Non-State Actors

1.23.1 Cooperative Societies
The county has 143 active and 37 dormant cooperative societies with a total of 420,702 registered
members. The major types of societies in the county are: marketing (coffee and dairy); Savings and
credit (SACCOs) which are further categorized as urban, rural and transport; housing/investment.
The societies have the potential for value addition through vertical integration, enhancing quality and
productivity, market development, trade financing, promotion to local and regional markets,
establishment of horticulture and aquiculture cooperatives.

The distribution of the societies in the sub counties is as shown below;

Type Mathira Nyeri Kieni Kieni Mathira Tetu Mukurwei Nyeri County
East central east west west ni south Total
Coffee 6 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 6 0 4 0 1 0 23 0
Dairy 1 1 2 0 9 5 6 1 0 1 2 0 1 0 1 0 22 8
Rural Saccos 9 3 5 0 4 1 2 1 0 0 2 1 4 0 7 2 33 8
Urban Saccos 4 0 11 1 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 19 1
Transport Saccos 8 5 15 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 3 0 28 11
Housing/inv 2 1 5 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 4 1 4 0 16 3
Union 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
Fish 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
Horticulture 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2
Pig 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1
Pyrethrum 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1
Jua Kali 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1
Stone \Cutters 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

Multipurpose 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
Total 30 10 42 10 13 6 10 2 4 1 13 1 16 1 16 6 143 37
NB: A’ stands for active and ‘D’ for dormant.

1.23.2 Public Benefits Organizations (PBOs)

There are six main Non-Governmental Organizations which cut across the county namely; Caritas
Nyeri, World Vision, Green Belt Movement, Child Fund Kenya, Kenya Red Cross and Farm Concern
International. These NGOs are mainly involved in social and economic activities including provision
of water in dry areas, promotion of planting of trees and support for the OVCs.
The county has 14,391 social development groups out of which 4,489 are women groups, 8,564 are
self-help groups and 1,338 youth groups. The county has 80 and 3,795 persons benefiting from the
Cash Transfer Programmes for the persons with severe disability and aged respectively.

1.23.3 Development partners

The county government has received meaningful support from World Bank, UNDP and Danida in its
activities including; health services, capacity building on civic education, PFM, monitoring and
evaluation, among others. The county will continue engaging and collaborating with development
partners, donors and other players in achieving the government agenda.

1.24 Security, Law and Order

1.24.1 Number of police stations and posts by Sub County
Sub- County Police Station Police/AP Posts
Mathira West 2 12
Othaya 1 12
Mathira East 1 10
Tetu 0 7
Kieni East 1 21
Kieni West 1 15
Nyeri Town 1 15
Mukurwe-ini 1 19

1.24.2 Types, trends and crime prone areas

Type of Crime Trends(2017) Crime Prone Areas
Breaking 33 case reported Kiawarigi,Wariruta,Giagatika,Kiangoma,Karurumo, Mutathini, Kaiguri, Ihururu,
Kiawathanji, Wamagana,Kamuyu village,Kangemi,Kamakwa
Assaults 10 case reported Kiawarigi,Wariruta,Giagatika,Kiangoma
Rape 3 case reported Kiawarigi,Wariruta,Giagatika,Kiangoma
General stealing 19 case reported Kiawarigi, Wariruta, Giagatika, Kiangoma, Gatumbiro, Mutathini, Skuta, Game rock,
Possession of 19 case reported Kiawarigi,Wariruta,Giagatika,Kiangoma,Mungaria,Kiagi,Gichira, Mukarara,
dangerous drug Kariguini, Ihururu, Wamagana
Creating disturbances 56 case reported Kiawarigi,Wariruta,Giagatika,Kiangoma
Robbery with 3 case reported Kiawarigi,Wariruta,Giagatika,Kiangoma,Karatina town,Karindundu,Mutathini,
violence Wamagana,Skuta, Ngaagariithi estate, Pembe tatu estate
Burglary 4 case reported Kahuru, Itundu
House Breaking 2 case reported Karindundu, Kiamambara
Drug abuse 6 case reported Karindundu, Posta
Mugging Occasional Karatina town stage,Nyeri town Manjengo slum, Kiawara slum, Witemere slum, PGH
Theft of motor vehicle Occasional Karatina town,Giakanja,Ihururu, Ithekahuno, Muthinga
Theft of stock Past mid-night Ihururu, Kaiguri,Mutathiini,Gatumbiro,Gatuanyaga, Birisha

Type of Crime Trends(2017) Crime Prone Areas
Offences against Occasional Kaiguri,Mutathiini, Ihururu, Kagwathi
Illegal road blocks Occasional Tagwa junctuin on Chaka Kiamariga Kabaru road,Burguret on Nyeri Nanyuki
highway, Solio ranch strench along Nyeri Nyahururu high way
Armed robbery and Occasional Ichuga
Illicit brew Occasional Kangemi/Chania river, Muringato river Game rock
Poaching Occasional Solio ranch

1.24.3 Types and number of courts

Sub- County Type of court Number
Mathira West Nil Nil
Othaya Senior Residence Magistrate 1
Mathira East Residence Magistrate 1
Tetu Nil Nil
Kieni East Nil Nil
Kieni West Nil Nil
Nyeri Town Court of Appeal 1
High Court 1
Principal Magistrate Court 1
Chief Magistrate Court 1
Mukurwe-ini Residence Magistrate 19

1.24.4 Prisons and probation services

Sub- County Prison/Probation office Number
Mathira West Nil Nil
Othaya Probation office 1
Approved / Rehabilitation School 1
Mathira East Probation office 1
Tetu Nil Nil
Kieni East Nil Nil
Kieni West Nil Nil
Nyeri Town Probation office 1
Prison 1
Juvenile Remand home 1

1.24.5 Number of public prosecution offices

There are four public prosecution offices in Nyeri Town, Othaya, Mukurweini and Mathira Sub-

1.24.6 Number of prosecutions

Sub- County Number of Public Prosecutions (2017)
Mathira West 116
Othaya 50
Mathira East 100
Tetu 93
Kieni East 83
Kieni West 150
Nyeri Town 50

1.24.7 Immigration facilities

The County has only one immigration office located in Nyeri town sub-county.

1.25 Social Protection

1.25.1 Orphans and Vulnerable children (OVCs)
There are 1500 known Orphans and Vulnerable Children in the county according to the department
of Gender and social services.

1.25.2 Cases of Street children

There are 500 registered street children in the county

1.25.3 Child care facilities and Institutions by sub-county

The County has several child care facilities and institution distributed per sub-county as follows:
Kieni West (3), Kieni East (3), Othaya (3), Mathira East (2), Mathira West (2), Tetu (3), Mukurwe-
ini (3) and Nyeri Town (6).

1.25.4 Social net programmes

There are four major social net programmes in the county namely; Youth enterprise fund, Uwezo
fund, Jiinue fund and Bima Afya.




2.0 Overview
This chapter discusses the County Integrated Development Plan linkages with the Kenya Vision 2030,
Sustainable Development Goals and other long term planning and policy documents. Further, the
linkage between the Big Four and county development agenda has been expounded.

2.1 Linkage of the CIDP with the Kenya Vision 2030

The Kenya Vision 2030 is the National Policy Economic Blueprint that entrenches Kenya Vision
2030 as the long term development strategy. The Vision aims to transform Kenya into a modern,
globally competitive, middle income country providing a high quality of life to all its citizens. The
Vision is anchored on three key pillars:

Economic Pillar
The key sectors in economic pillar include: tourism, agriculture and livestock, manufacturing,
wholesale and retail trade, Business Process Outsourcing (BPO), financial services, oil and mineral
resources. The county will work towards ensuring a double digit national economic growth by:
Improving value chain in the agricultural sector; Promotion and diversification of tourism products
that leads to increased tourist arrival and spending; Revitalization of industrial zones; Capacity
building on BPO’s to create jobs to the youth; Promote fair trade practice and increase
competitiveness of its industrial crops such tea and coffee.

Social Pillar
The main sectors under the social pillar include education and training, health, water and irrigation,
environment, housing and urbanization, gender, sports, youth and culture. In ensuring a just and
cohesive society, the county will: Improve health care by introduction of “Bima Afya”to cushion the
vulnerable against health costs, establishment of a cancer centre and improve diagnostic services
health centres to reduce referrals Increase awareness, advocacy and early detection to reduce the
incidence of non-communicable diseases; Advocate for full mainstreaming of ECDE and YPs;
Optimal exploitation of surface and ground water to ensure food security; Development of
appropriate building materials and technologies to reduce the cost of construction and provide better
standards of houses for the community; Developing youth talent in sports.

Political Pillar
Political Pillar aims at realizing a democratic political system founded on issue based politics that
respect the rule of law, and protects the fundamental rights and freedoms of every individual in the
Kenyan society. In attainment of its agenda, the county administration will ensure that the two levels
of government coexist in cooperation and consultation on all development matters. The county
government will promote and ensure adherence to the rule of law in its operations. It will also
endeavor to ensure peaceful coexistence among the residing communities in the county.

2.2 Linkage of the CIDP with the Medium Term Plans

The Kenya Vision 2030 is implemented through successive five year Medium Term Plans. The
national government has developed the third medium term plan (2018 – 2022) to which county
governments must align their Integrated Development Plans in order to realize the aspiration of Kenya
Vision 2030. The MTP III prioritizes the development of infrastructure and creation of an enabling
environment to ensure realization of the goals of the three pillars of Vision 2030.

The County Government of Nyeri has ensured that all its development priorities are aligned to the
National Development Agenda. Therefore, the County Integrated Development Plan is aligned to the
MTP III. It is therefore imperative that within a context of competing priorities, all resources are
geared towards achieving core priorities that will have broad based benefits for all.

2.3 Integration of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into the CIDP
On 25 September 2015, the Member States of the United Nations agreed on the 17 Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs) of the Post-2015 Development Agenda. The SDGs build on the
Millennium Development Goals, the global agenda that was pursued from 2000 to 2015, and will
guide global action on sustainable development until 2030. All of the SDGs have targets that are
directly or indirectly related to the daily work of county governments. County governments are
catalysts of change and are best-placed to link the global goals with local communities. Further, the
county governments are the basic local governance units that can support localization, mainstreaming
and implementation of Sustainable Development Goals.
The sustainable development goals agenda is a plan of action for people, planet, peace, prosperity
and partnership. The 17 sustainable development goals and 169 targets seek to build on the
millennium development goals, and complete what these did not achieve. They are integrated in the
three dimensions of sustainable development; the economic, social and environmental. The goals and
targets will stimulate action over the next fifteen years (up to 2030) in areas of critical importance for
humanity and the planet:
• People: ending poverty and hunger, in all their forms and dimensions;
• Planet: protecting the planet from degradation, including through sustainable consumption and
• Prosperity: ensuring that all human beings can enjoy prosperous and fulfilling lives;
• Peace: fostering peaceful, just and inclusive societies which are free from fear and violence;
• Partnership: mobilizing the means required to implement this agenda through a revitalized global
partnership for sustainable development.

The following are the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s);

Goal 1: End poverty in all its forms everywhere

The County will identify people living in poverty at the grass-root level and to target resources and
services to help them overcome deprivation and dehumanizing poverty. It will ensure that all men
and women, particularly the poor and the vulnerable, have equal rights to economic resources, as well
as accessto basic services, ownership, and control over land and other forms of property, inheritance,
natural resources, appropriate new technology, and financial services including microfinance.

As a result, this will build the resilience of the poor and those in vulnerable situations, and reduce
their exposure and vulnerability to climate-related extreme events and other economic, social and
environmental shocks and disasters.

Goal 2: End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable
The county will continue to support agricultural production and local economic growth by
strengthening extension service to farmers and by providing basic transport infrastructure and
markets to promote good exchange in local food chains. Further through use of health care services
and Early Childhood Centers (ECDs), to identify and tackle child malnutrition, the county will ensure
that everyone can enjoy a safe and nutritious diet all year round.

Goal 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
The county endeavors to ensure realization of universal health coverage through allocation of
adequate resources towards health promotion. Further, immunization and vaccination coverage is
being up scaled to combat the infections of non-communicable diseases from the current 85% to
100%. In addition measures have been put in place to curb drug and substance abuse to ensure a
productive workforce. Notably, combating water borne diseases remains a top county priority through
provision of affordable, accessible and safe water for drinking and use.

Goal 4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning
opportunities for all
The county is responsible for early childhood development (ECD) that form the basic foundation for
education. As such, it will continue to identify and tackle the barriers to school attendance. It will
also integrate technical and vocational training programmes into local economic development
strategies, making sure training is valuable to labor market opportunities. The county will further
reach out to vulnerable and marginalized individuals and communities and to ensure they have access
to education and training that meet their needs.
Goal 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
The county will continue to advocate for gender equality and empowerment of women through; non-
discriminatory service provision to citizens, fair employment practices and mainstreaming of gender
equality across all sectors.

Goal 6: Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all
The county is committed to ensuring access to clean water and sanitation through effective local
governance, natural resource management and local planning. Integrated water resources
management will be enhanced through cooperation, in planning and environmental policy, between
the County and National Government.

Goal 7: Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all
The county plans to identify gaps in access to affordable energy among vulnerable groups in the
communities and address them. The county will further invest in energy efficient infrastructure,
alternative and green energy sources.
Goal 8: Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive
employment and decent work for all
The county remains the main tourist hub in the central region. This is due to existence of two major
tourist attraction sites coupled with rich kikuyu culture which are major sources of employment. The
county has a feasible regulatory framework aiming at promoting sustainable tourism and promotion
of local culture. It will also use bottom up approach to generate growth and employment through
local economic development strategies that harness the unique resources and local opportunities.

Goal 9: Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and
foster innovation
The county has continued to put more efforts in developing and maintaining infrastructure to serve
local communities and link them up with their surrounding areas. This includes the promotion of
small-scale industry and start-ups in their local economic development strategies, taking into account
local resources, needs and markets based on the local competitive advantage.

Goal 10: Reduce inequality within and among countries

The county will build local capacities and tackle poverty and exclusion through political inclusion at
local levels. In addition, the county will cascade affirmative action in all its planning endeavors.

Goal 11: Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.
The county is in the process of developing strategic urban plans to prevent growth of new slums, and
work with slum-dwellers to improve their living conditions and provide basic services where slums
already exist.

Goal 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.

The county will support short supply chains in marketing, thereby reducing transport costs. This will
be done through land management, infrastructure development, urban planning, education and
training, and improvement of public markets. Further, feasible regulatory framework has been put in
place to ensure proper waste disposal mechanism. The county continues to put in place measures
towards promoting recycling and re-use of bio-degradable wastes.

Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.
The county government will strengthen its capacity to deal with climate related hazards and natural
disasters through integration of climate change adaptation and mitigation into local planning to reduce
the emissions of urban areas and increase their resilience to environmental shocks.

Goal 14: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable
Urban sanitation and solid waste management are essential to reducing pollution in water bodies.
There is therefore need for collaboration between County Government and relevant National
Government Ministries, departments and agencies.

Goal 15: Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably
manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt
biodiversity loss.
The county governments' role as service providers (especially of water, sanitation, and solid waste
management), coupled with our ability to intiate behavioral change in our communities, puts us in a
unique position to protect natural resources and habitats.

Goal 16: Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access
to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels.
The county government will lead the way in promoting participatory decision making, such as
participatory planning and budgeting. The county will expand its efforts and be more responsive to
community needs while ensuring transparency, accountability and inclusivity.

Goal 17: Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for
sustainable development.
The county will continue to work with development partiners to ensure sustainable development.

It is therefore important that SDGs are mainstreamed into the County Integrated Development Plans
to ensure adequate budget allocation. It is at the local level that coherent policies can be developed
to address the multiple challenges of poverty reduction and sustainable development.
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) in Nyeri County are being addressed within their
respective sectors through different interventions as indicated in the development priorities and

Summary of County Function and the SDGs

Agriculture Goal 1 and 2
County Health Services Goals 3
Control of air pollution , noise pollution other public nuisance Goal 3, 6 and 14
Cultural activities, public entertainment and public amenities Goals 4 and 11
County transport Goal 9 and 11
Animal control and welfare Goal 2
Trade development and regulation Goals 2,3,8,10 and 17
County planning and development All
Pre-primary education, village polytechnics , home craft centres and childcare facilities Goal 4
Implantation of specific national government policies and natural resources and environmental Goals 1, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12 13 and
conservation 17
County public works and services Goals 9 and 11
Firefighting services and disaster management Goals 1, 2, 11 and 13
Control of drugs and pornography Goal 3
Ensuring and coordinating the participation of communities and locations in governance at the All
local level and assisting communities and locations to develop the administrative capacity for the
effective exercise of the functions and powers and participation in governance at the local level

2.4 Linkage of the CIDP and the ‘Big Four’ Plan for Economic Development
"The Big four" plan for Kenya, is a print out of what the government plans to achieve for the next
five years arising from the development needs of the people of Kenya. The government recognizes
the fact that a jobless Kenyan is a desperate Kenyan; a hungry Kenyan is a negative Kenyan; a sick
Kenyan is a weak Kenyan; and a homeless Kenyan is a person without hope.

Simply put, the Big Four are food security, affordable housing, manufacturing and affordable
healthcare for all. "The Big Four are expected to create jobs, which will enable our people to meet
their basic needs that will transform their lives to a new status of greater comfort and wellbeing.

Under manufacturing,the government will focus on boosting four manufacturing sub sectors namely
the Blue Economy, Agro-Processing, Leather and Textiles. The fishing industry is expected to grow
seven fold and a ready market of leather products will be guaranteed from government departments
notably the armed forces and other agencies. Further, our tea, coffee, meat, fruits and vegetables will
be processed locally to obtain more value from our produce, and create more jobs and wealth for
Kenyans. The government will also make arrangements with expatriates in manufacturing to ensure
Kenyans receive proper training and safeguard protection of intellectual property rights.

The government targets to ensure that half a million Kenyans will be able to own affordable and
decent homes by 2022 by reducing mortgage and construction costs. Universal health care will be
realized by policy and administrative reforms in the medical sector. The government will enforce
collaboration between National Hospital Insurance Fund (NHIF) and private medical insurance
providers so as to ensure wider coverage. On food security all idle arable land will be put to use where
the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation will publish terms which commercial farmers can lease
agricultural land owned by the government.
The County government will provide incentives, such as land, for establishment of processing
factories for our farm produce. Further, tea and coffee factories will be supported to process their
products for value addition. The county milk, collected through the cooperative societies, will be
processed through the Green Lands Dairy Union that the government has been building over the

Through the department of Transport, Public Works, Infrastructure and Communication the general
public and investors will be trained on manufacturing and use of low cost materials for construction
of affordable houses. This will enable individuals to construct decent low cost houses. The county
has an irrigation potential of 20,620 Ha and only 2,600 ha have been exploited and thus more funding
need to be directed to this venture so as to move away from rain fed agriculture.




3.0 Introduction
This section provides a brief review on implementation of the previous County Integrated
Development Plan for the period 2013-2017. It outlines the achievements for the various sectors in
attaining the ultimate objectives.

3.1Status of Implementation of the Previous CIDP

The CIDP of the period 2013-2017 has been the guiding blue print for development in the county.
Despite the achievements made, the county encountered some challenges in implementation of its

3.1.1 Analysis of the County Revenue Streams

The county budget has been increasing annually in tandem with increased demand for improved
services. The local revenue constitutes about 10 per cent of the county budget and much more needs
to be done to enhance its mobilization so as to avail more resources for development. Table 14 shows
the main sources of county revenue and their performance during the plan period.

Table 14: Sources of county revenue and their performance

2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017
Revenue Sources Budget Actual Budget Actual Budget Actual Budget Actual
and Expenditure Amount Amount Amount Amount Amount Amount Amount Amount
(Kshs.) (Kshs.) (Kshs.) (Kshs.) (Kshs.) (Kshs.) (Kshs.) (Kshs.)
Balance B/F 130,000,000 289,224,084 54,209,031 5,664,988 693,000,176 693,000,176
Other transfers 305,060,819 0
Advance by National 300,000,000
Refunds from the 200,000,000 200,000,000
national Government
Other refunds 162,507,905
CILOR 54,754,000 0
Equitable Share 3,636,303,976 2,697,434,462 3,882,059,730 3,582,449,453 4,449,219,647 4,449,219,647 4,800,764,767 4,800,764,767
Level V Hospital 197,575,455 197,575,455 368,620,571 368,620,571 388,439,306 388,439,306
Free Maternity 82,091,800 63,295,000 69,215,585 60,515,000
User fee foregone 16,166,813 16,166,813 14,347,664 14,347,664
Compensation for 104,874,000 141,861,000
payment of nurses
from Ministry of
Danida grant-Health 20,550,000 20,550,000 22,930,000 22,930,000 11,465,000 11,465,000
Road maintenance 46,439,630 56,519,885 56,519,885 73,762,719 73,763,719
fuel levy fund
Coffee Cess 13,438,245 13,438,245
Tea Cess 17,994,512 18,290,322
Local Revenue 424,296,914 432,229,360 1,344,316,527 680,700,067 1,082,000,000 709,554,435 1,095,101,000 643,139,153
Total Revenue 4,550,415,709 3,418,887,906 5,444,501,712 5,044,431,541 6,277,548,716 5,891,971,339 7,282,402,974 6,859,024,352

Over the CIDP implementation period 2013- 2017, the county experienced a sustained increase in
revenue collection and receipts. This can be attributed significantly to the equitable share which
maintained an upward trajectory throughout the period. The total actual revenue in the county grew
by 50.15% between 2013/14 and 2016/17 financial years i.e. from Kshs. 3,418,887,906 to Kshs.

Trends of Local revenue and equitable share from 2013 to 2017









2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17

Equitable Share Local Revenue Total Revenue

From the above, in the financial year 2013/14, own revenue collection contributed 12.6 % of the total
county’s revenue. During the same period, equitable share contributed 78.9% of the budget. The
difference was balance brought forward from the previous financial year. This however changed as
equitable share outstripped local revenue in 2015/16. In the financial year 2016/2017, equitable share
constituted 70% of the total actual revenue raised.

Key Revenue Streams

The key revenue streams in the county are parking fees, land rates, single business permits, liquor
licenses, hospital services, market entrance/stalls/shop rents and cess. These were the dominant
drivers of the local revenue, constituting 72.08%, 77.76%, 79.22% and 83.22% of county local
revenue in financial years 2013/14, 2014/15, 2015/16 and 2016/17 respectively. The single largest
contributor to local revenue in the period under review was hospital services.

Performance of key local revenue streams 2013-2017

2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017
Revenue Stream Target Actual Target Actual Target Actual Target Actual
Liquor License 0 15,942,000 75,000,000 7,721,640 47,889,046 35,391,800 47,889,046 35,525,227
Business Permits 83,985,200 81,618,575 100,000,000 91,089,689 161,954,610 94,132,281 121,984,610 91,749,565
Hospital Services 330,600,000 208,849,349 278,859,938 205,117,487 308,859,938 198,329,811
Parking Fees 92,195,000 107,002,937 150,000,000 101,689,700 143,436,072 94,386,627 156,451,092 91,102,080
Land Rates 76,116,143 49,596,920 173,471,049 55,915,332 87,721,637 72,805,582 127,771,637 53,467,317
Market Entrance/
36,689,100 34,711,274 10,000,000 37,195,141 87,721,130 35,805,344 57,721,130 33,191,634
Stalls/Shop Rents
Quarry Cess 21,461,668 22,695,125 30,000,000 26,871,880 37,269,376 24,484,833 37,269,376 31,862,380

On average, the key revenue streams accounted for more than 70% of the total local revenue in the
first four years of CIDP implementation. There is need for more investment to strengthen the revenue
streams in order to increase the amount of local revenue.

Percentage contribution of Key Revenue Streams to total Local Revenues 2013-2017

above, hospital services contributed more than 25% of the total local revenue over the implementation
period. In the first 3 years all the streams performed slightly lower but increased in the final year of
the plan period.

3.1.2 County Expenditure Analysis

Table 15: Budget allocation and expenditure 2013-2017

FY Recurrent Development Total Budget Absorpti Absorpt Absorpt
Budget Budget on of ion of ion of
Total Recurre Develop
Budget nt ment
(%) Budget Budget
(%) (%)
2013/2014 Approved Original Budget 2,357,619,374 2,192,796,335 4,550,415,709 74.7 78.9 65.6
Supplementary Budget 3,098,116,988 1,452,298,721 4,550,415,709
Actual Expenditure 2,444,183,180 952,843,894 3,397,027,074
2014/2015 Approved Original Budget 3,809,115,053 1,635,386,659 5,444,501,712 91.1 101.9 64.6
Supplementary Budget 3,866,948,836 1,577,552,876 5,444,501,712
Actual Expenditure 3,940,142,995 1,019,696,611 4,959,839,606
2015/2016 Approved Original Budget 4,286,753,693 1,997,456,347 6,284,210,040 79.1 86.0 62.5
Supplementary Budget 4,419,610,949 1,857,937,767 6,277,548,716
Actual Expenditure 3,801,475,552 1,161,269,008 4,962,744,560
2016/2017 Approved Original Budget 4,640,955,030 1,823,606,011 6,464,561,041 78.0 90.0 52.2
Supplementary Budget 4,977,493,117 2,304,909,857 7,282,402,974
Actual Expenditure 4,478,534,101 1,203,846,247 5,682,380,348

During the plan period under review, the total approved budget amounted to Kshs. 22,743,688,502.
However this was revised through supplementary budgets to Kshs 23,554,869,111. The actual
expenditure by end of the plan period amounted to Kshs. 19,001,991,588 where Kshs 14,664,335,828
was for recurrent expenditure representing 77.2%, and Kshs. 4,337,655,760 was for development

expenditure representing 22.8%. The average absorption rate was 75% over the plan period with a
high of 91% and a low of 74%. The absorption rate on recurrent budget was higher than on
development budget due to high expenditures on personal emoluments thereby hampering the rate of
implementing development projects in the county.

Budget allocation and Absorption (2013-2017)

3.2 Summary of key achievements versus planned targets

The county government in the plan period 2013-2017 made achievements in various sectors as listed

Agriculture, fisheries and livestock development

To improve on dairy production, the department of agriculture engaged a task force that came up with
recommendations on how to commercialize the industry. In implementation of these
recommendations, the department provided free AI services to farmers, facilitated federation of
various milk cooperative societies to a dairy union (Green land), vaccinated livestock against
notifiable diseases like foot and mouth, provided bulk milk coolers to enhance value addition of the
commodity, and rehabilitated 35 dips along the livestock routes.

To reduce the cost of production, mainly in coffee, the department provided subsidized fertilizers as a
flagship project during the implementation period. To enhance food security farmers, were provided
with certified seeds. In addition, monosex fingerlings were provided to fish farmers to enhance fish
production and diversify income generation at the farm level. Further, to impart knowledge on modern
farming methods, green houses have been constructed in all the 30 wards.

Through establishment of the County Enterprise Development Fund (EDF), the entrepreneurs and
business persons have been able to access affordable credit.

Roads and infrastructure

The county government has graded and graveled over 2,000km of roads, installed culvert and
constructed various bridges across the county so as to improve access in rural areas. This was
implemented through 8Km Programme and affirmative action for Kieni.

During the period under review, the county lit major towns and trading centers through installation of
high flood mast and street lights. This has enhanced security within the county and economic activities
can now extend for longer hours.

The county government planned expansion of water coverage through community based projects in
the rural areas by 65% and 70% in urban areas through water service providers to benefit 22,510
households. In collaboration with communities, 200km of pipelines were constructed benefitting
25,960 households. Construction of two water treatment plants for Tewasco and Naruwasco to
improve quality of drinking water is still on-going.

There exists small dams and pans distributed within the county with a total capacity of 2,962,000m 3.
The department in collaboration with other actors managed to rehabilitate 36 dams/pans with a total
capacity of 700,000m3.

The water department planned to drill 10 new boreholes and rehabilitate four (4). In collaboration
with other actors the county managed to drill nine (9) new boreholes and rehabilitated five (5).

Lands, housing and physical planning

The County Government in collaboration with the Ministry of lands, Kenya Informal Settlement
Program (KISIP) and the National land commission have managed to plan and survey the following
colonial villages; Kiamwathi, Miiri, Ihwagi, Gitero, Gikomo (mweiga), Gitathini, Chorongi, Kiarihiu
and Kariki. This has enabled the resettlement of colonial villagers across the county.

Gender and social services

During the period under review, the county government provided NHIF insurance cover to the
elderly, orphans and vulnerable, dubbed ‘Bima Afya’, where 5,977 citizens have benefited.

The county government rolled out a bursary fund, dubbed ‘Elimu Fund’, to assist financially needy
and bright students’ access education and training. Over 25,000 students benefitted from Kshs. 190
million allocated in the financial years’ 2015/16 and 2016/17.

Education has also received major improvement through construction, equipping and staffing of
ECDE and Vocation Training Centers. The sector identified and upgraded eight (8) YP’s as centers
of excellence to offer specialized courses.

On the health front the county government has increased the number of health facilities from 98 to
120. This has improved access especially in the hard-to-reach areas. General renovation and
maintenance of 85 rural health facilities was carried out. During the period specialized services were
started at county referral hospital which includes renal dialysis, MRI, ICU and HDU. Theatre and
diagnostic services were improved in two county hospital under the managed equipment services

The county government operationalized 251 community health units enabling Nyeri resident to
access basic health services at community level i.e., screening for Non-comminucable diseases
(NCDs)condition and health promotion. A total of eight (8) community ambulances were procured
in 2015 to assist in timely referral to health facilities from rural areas. Further, through the Beyond
Zero campaign program, the county has carried out regular outreaches in hard-to-reach areas, this
includes screening for cervical cancers and other malignancies.

3.3 Challenges in the Implementation of the Plan

Late and inadequate disbursements of funds
Late disbursement of funds by the National Treasury has been a challenge to the county. This greatly
affected the implementation of projects and programmes.
Local revenue collection
During the plan period the county was unable to meet the local revenue targets. The following factors
affected local revenue collection;
a. Cash-less system underperforming
Revenue collection services were partially automated through introduction of the cash-less system.
However the performance was not as expected due to inadequate capacity of the staff, frequent
network problems and avoidance of use of the system by the members of the public.
b. Weak inter-departmental support in revenue mobilization/collection
Inter departmental synergies that could have enhanced revenue collection were not exploited.

c. Court injunctions, legal challenges and objections

Since the enactment of the Revenue Administration Act, 2014, the county faced various legal hurdles
which hampered operations and also revenue collection. These challenges were mainly on land rates,
parking and single business permits.

Inadequate human and physical resources

The county faces the challenge of inadequate vehicles, tools and equipments, lack of enforcement
unit and inadequate personnel.

Inadequate and/or inaccurate data
Inadequate and data inhibited informed decision making in policy development.

Unplanned settlement areas

Most county activities in the informal areas experienced huge insecurity challenges. Some activities
such as disease surveillance and campaigns, vaccination, firefighting services were mostly affected.
Inadition vandalism is also common in these areas hindering thus negating county government
development effort.

Inadequate facilities
Most of county departments operate from rented offices which is very costly. The rented offices are
scattered across the county thus making it tedious for members of the public moving from one office
block to another to get services.

Delay in processing of legal documents from collaborating institutions.

Various collaborating institutions have a lot of bureaucracy and take a lot of time to process the legal
documents thus affecting implementation of projects

Lack of county physical and spatial plans

The county is yet to complete the process of preparation of these plans. Valuation roll has also not
been done hindering the enhancement of revenue collection.

Ownership of quarries
Most quarries in the county are privately owned and owners were uncooperative towards

3.4Lessons Learnt
 There is need for the government to continue building the capacity of the staff while enlisting the
support of the national institutions in assessing the risk areas in project implementation.
 The county should fully automate the revenue collection system.
 Timely disbursement of funds to projects is essential for timely completion of projects. The
National treasury should release funds in time to help the counties manage its cash flows properly.
 There is need for continued collaboration between the county government and development
partiners. The county should also embrace Public Private Partinership to spur growth and
 Citizens’ engagement and public participation shoud be improved to accelerate good working
relations and minimize conflicts in county taxation and revenue collection, legislation and




4.0 Introduction
The chapter discusses the spatial development framework, key county development priorities,
strategies and programmes, and projects as identified by stakeholders in the county.

4.1 Spatial Development Framework

The Spatial Development Framework (SDF) is a schematic plan that indicates the broad spatial
intentions of the county. It seeks to serve the following purposes; promoting economic vibrancy
within the county; forming a basis for provision of strategic infrastructure and services as well as
social support facilities; facilitating the integration of social, economic, institutional and physical
aspects of land development; optimizing use of existing resources; encouraging environmental
sustainability, preserve ecosystems and promote bio diversity; emerging spatial development
challenges and opportunities in the county

Potential growth areas in the county:-

i. Two major water towers namely; Aberdares and Mt. Kenya thus water supply in most parts of the
county is consistent presenting an opportunity for support of human settlement, agricultural and
industrial activities.
ii. Forests which can be utilized to plant more trees to spur development through availability of
construction materials.
iii. Hard working farmers who have embraced agro forestry.
iv. Availability of minerals
The opportunities available includes: High agricultural potential; Proximity to the capital city;
Linkage to other counties; Existing railway line; Production of raw materials; Rich cultural heritage;
Availability of land; Entrepreneurship acumen and Adequate water supply.

Ongoing activities to address the priority thematic areas:

 The county is transforming from over reliance of rain fed agriculture to irrigated agriculture and
efficient water use through drip irrigation technology.
 The county is putting in place mechanisms to protect and conserve the catchment areas by planting
indigenous and fruit trees.
 The county is developing new water infrastructure, rehabilitating and managing existing water
supply systems, to ensure efficient, reliable, adequate, accessible, safe, sustainable and
environmentally friendly supply, through use of green energy technology.
 The county is developing water systems to enhance industrialization

Table 16: County Spatial Development Strategies by Thematic Areas

Thematic Overview/ Current Policy Strategy Potential Lead Agencies/
Area Status Geographical Departments
Environmental  River banks and  Plant indigenous trees and  Along all the Department of water,
protection riparian have been bamboo along the river rivers in the Environment and Natural
degraded and line county Resources; KFS; NEMA;
encroached by the  Encourage reforestation  All forests WARMA; WRUA; Public
farmers and agro forestry; (gazzetted and Health.; Agriculture; Lands;

Thematic Overview/ Current Policy Strategy Potential Lead Agencies/
Area Status Geographical Departments
 County forests have  Enhance regulation of ungazetted) and Public administration;
been deforested; solid and liquid waste farms Ministry of interior and
 Poor waste disposal;  All major coordination; Department of
management; Towns and social services.
Water Supply  Rural water supply  Promote water Kieni East/Kieni Department of water,
stands at 65% but pipe conservation through West, Environment and Natural
system network is at metering devices. Mukurweini, Resources; Tana and Athi
85% the challenge is  Construction of dam/pans Mathira West and River Development
lack of water in the and promoting roof Mathira East Authority; National Drought
systems. harvesting at household Karatina Town Management Authority;
 We have several level Physical planning;
Boreholes but not  Revitalize the Boreholes Department of health;
functional due high by enhancing green Nation Government;
operational costs. economy. Development partners
 Lack of storm water  Separate the storm water
drainage system and and sewerage system
interfering with the
sewerage system
Irrigation and Irrigation coverage stands  Water harvesting Kieni East and Department of water,
modernizing at 11%. There is low conservation strategies West, Mathira East Environment and Natural
agriculture. uptake of modern  Construction of dams/pans and West, Othaya, Resources; National
technology in irrigation  Use of modern irrigation Mukurweini, Tetu Irrigation Board; Tana and
and there is therefore need technology i.e. drip and Nyeri Central. Athi River Development
to upscale. irrigation and green house Authority; Upper Tana
technology Resource Management
 Roof catchment Authority; National
 Water Pans at household Government
Enahancing Agriculture is the main  Value chain development Kieni East and NEMA; WARMA; WRUA;
county economic activity widely  Specialize on key product West, Mathira East Department Of Agriculture,
Competitivenes practiced across the (coffee, tea, dairy) to and West, Othaya, KARLO, KARI,
s county. increase its Mukurweini, Tetu Department of water,
Cash crops like coffee and competitiveness. and Nyeri Central. Environment and Natural
tea are grown giving the  Coming up with relevant Resources;
county competitive edge. policies where necessary
There is also horticulture to address the agricultural
and dairy farming. issues
Diversifying The county has potential  Mapping, development Tetu, Mukurweini, Department of Tourism,
tourism for cultural, adventure, and promotion of tourism Nyeri Town, Department of water,
agro, Sport, education, sites. Kieni, Othaya, Environment and Natural
business, leisure and  Coming up with incentives Mathira Resources; Tourism board.
religious tourism that can to promote leisure
be exploited and facilities.
diversified.  Identify, preserve and
There is also a rich promote cultural heritage.
cultural heritage.

4.2 Natural Resource Assessment

Table 17: Natural Resource Assessment
Name of Dependent Status, Level of Opportunities Constraints to Sustainable Management
Natural Sectors Utilization & for optimal optimal strategies
Resource Scenarios for future utilization utilization
Murram Water, Housing, Very high demand It is at its In accessible roads Refilling of the mines
Roads and and limited deposits optimum stage and caving of Coming up with a legislative
infrastructure, areas requirement for refiling
Kaolin Trade, Minimum Setting up a Lack of awareness Market research.
industrialization exploitation, there is factory within among
and tourism potential for the vicinity oentrepreneurs.
Building Water, Housing, Very high. Miners to form The quarries are Coming up with appropriate
stones Roads, and cooperatives to owned by building technologies.
infrastructure, avoid individual farmers Coming up with a legislative
exploitation by making it difficult requirement for refiling
middle men to control
Forests Water, Housing, Medium utilization, Potential for Land Sensitization to the public
roads and growing trees in fragmentation and institutions;
infrastructure, privately Encourage farmers to plant
owned farms more trees
Surface and Water, Health, Surface water highly Can support Geological studies Protection of catchment
Ground Agriculture, exploited more food and reports are not areas, river banks and water
water Ground water production available. conservation measures like
requires more through High cost of metering, water harvesting
exploitation for irrigation implementation. and modern irrigation
optimal utilization technology. Equip
Boreholes with solar power
Wetlands Water, Kenya Degraded and Reclaiming and Encroachment, Sensitization of the
wildlife service, encroached. conservation of lack of surrounding community
Agriculture and the wetlands. enforcement of
fisheries applicable laws

4.3 Development Priorities and Strategies

4.3.1 Office of the Governor

The Governors’ Office is responsible for setting the county’s development agenda (policy and
strategic direction) and ensuring that the agenda is clearly understood and owned by stakeholders
(especially the citizenry) and implemented in an efficient, effective and responsive manner.

A well run and people centred county government

Create and Sustain governance arrangements that creates an enabling environment for economic
growth and job creation, provides assistance to those who need it most, aid delivery of quality services
to all residents and, most prominently provide services to citizens in a well governed and corruption
free administration.

Strategic Direction
1. Agenda setting in both the legislative and executive functions

2. Effective and efficient management and administration of county affairs
3. Coordination of engagement with citizenry, including public communications and
decentralization agenda.
4. Disaster risks management ( identification, mitigation, control and response)
5. Intergovernmental liaison and people representation at national and international levels.
6. Intra-governmental liaison ( Relations between the two arms of the county government and
sectors coordination)
7. Coordination of service delivery improvement agenda
8. Compliant service delivery agenda - Ensuring compliance with all legal requirements in its pursuit
of progressive and sustainable service delivery.
Sector Programmes
Sub Programme Key Outcome Baseline Key performance Planned Targets
Indicators 2017/ 2018/ 2019/ 2020/ 2021/ Total
18 19 20 21 22 Budget
Programme Name: Administration and Coordination
Objective: To enhance coordination of County Executive Services
Outcome: Enhanced Coordination in Service Delivery
Improvement of Improved working N/A % of staff in Governors 100% 500 M
Physical environment and CS office housed
Infrastructure for under one roof
Coordinated Number of residential 1 1 200 M
Governance houses constructed for
state officers
Coordination of Improved N/A % of County Executive 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 20 M
County implementation of Committee decisions
Executive County Executive implemented
Committee Committee Decisions
(Cabinet Office)
Intergovernment Improved relationship N/A Number of MoUs signed 100% 100% 100% 100% 150 M
al Relations between the County and implemented
Government, National
Government, other
County Governments
and other Nations
Intra- Enhanced intra- N/A No of joint forums 4 4 4 4 4 30 M
governmental governmental between the county
relations relations assembly and county
executive held
County Enhanced County N/A Established Governors 1 10 M
Government Government Visibility Press Services Unit
Brand Visibility Number of media 12 12 12 12 12 30 M
briefings by the governor
Number of county 4 4 4 4 4 30 M
bulletins developed and
County service Efficient and effective N/A % of departments with 100 100 100 100 100 10 M
delivery service delivery performance contracts
signed and cascaded
% of Reporting units 100 100 100 100 100 20 M
submitting performance
reports on time
% Level of 60% 70% 20 M
satisfactionwith service
delivery (citizens
satisfaction survey)

Sub Programme Key Outcome Baseline Key performance Planned Targets
Indicators 2017/ 2018/ 2019/ 2020/ 2021/ Total
18 19 20 21 22 Budget
Legal Strengthened N/A % of compliance matters 100% 100% 45 M
Compliance Compliance with raised in audit reports
Legal requirements in that are resolved
Service Delivery % of bills drafted as per 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 45 M
requests by county
departments timely and
processed to completion
% of cases resolved 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 225 M
Number of legal 1 - 1 - 1 10 M
compliance audits
Community Enhanced Community N/A Functional countywide 1 1 100 M
mobilization and mobilization and grassroots mobilization
sensitization sensitization mechanism
Annual governors forum 1 1 1 1 1 20 M
County Policing Enhanced N/A % reduction in crime 20% 40% 60% 80% 95% 7M
coordination on levels countywide
security matters
between national and
county government

4.3.2 Finance and Economic Planning

The department consists of the following directorates: Finance and Accounting; Economic Planning,
Budgeting, Monitoring and Evaluation; Internal Audit; Revenue; and Procurement
A leading department in the monitoring, evaluating and overseeing the management of public
finances and economic affairs of the county.
To provide overall leadership and policy direction in resource mobilization, management and
accountability for quality public service delivery.

Department’s mandate
1. Developing and implementing financial and economic policies in the county.
2. Coordinating implementation of the county budget.
3. Mobilizing resources for funding budgetary requirements.
4. Putting in place mechanisms to raise revenue and resources.
5. Public debt management.
6. Consolidating annual appropriation accounts and other financial statements.
7. Custodian of county government assets.
8. Ensuring prudent management and control of finances.
9. Promoting efficient and effective use of county budgetary resources.
10. Monitoring county government entities for compliance and effective management of funds.
11. Developing capacity for efficient, effective and transparent financial management.
12. Monitoring, evaluating and reporting on implementation of county projects and programmes.
Development Priorities and Strategies
1. Automation of local revenue collection system.

2. Expansion of office space.
3. Decentralization of operations at the county treasury.
4. Automation of internal audit services.
5. Establish and equip information and documentation centres.
6. Formation and actualization of County Budget and Economic Forum and Audit Committee.
7. Increase staff capacity in terms of skills and numbers.
8. Broadening the revenue base.
9. Putting in place monitoring and evaluation framework.
Sector Programmes
Sub Programme Key Outcome Baseline Key performance Planned Targets
Indicators 2017/ 2018/1 2019/ 2020/ 2021/ Total
18 9 20 21 22 Budget
Programme Name: Revenue mobilization and administration
Objective: To improve efficiency in revenue collection
Outcome: Increased revenue collection
Broadening the Increased revenue 643M Actual revenue 1B 1.05 B 1.1 B 1.15 B 1.2 B 60 M
revenue base collection (2016/17) collected
Programme Name: Financial management
Objective : Promote prudency in utilization of public funds
Outcome : Improved service delivery
Financial Improved 78.1% % absorption 100% 100% 100% 100% 100 10M
management and management of (End of year %
utilization public funds report)
Supply chain Compliance to 76% (Report 100% compliance 100% 100% 100% 100% 100 10M
management procurement by PPOA) %
Auditing services Improved efficiency 4 Number of Audit 4 4 4 4 4 20M
in resource reports produced
utilization and disseminated
Programme Name: Economic planning and management
Objective Effective allocation of resources
Outcome: Improved development planning, tracking and reporting.
Participatory Increased ownership 4 Citizen 6 5 5 5 6 100M
planning and of projects and participation
budgeting programmes by forums held
Monitoring and Improved tracking 4 Number of M&E 4 4 4 4 4 10M
evaluation and reporting reports

Cross-sectoral impacts
Programme Name Departments Cross-sector Impact Measures to Harness or
Mitigate the Impact
Synergies Adverse impact
Revenue mobilization and All departments Ensure optimal revenue Automation of revenue collection
administration mobilization and system in all revenue streams.
Financial management All departments Ensure efficient and Ensure adherence to PFM
effective utilization of principles
Economic planning and All departments Availability of up-to-date Ensure fully operational county
management data for decision making M& E system.

4.3.3 Lands, Physical Planning, Housing and Urbanization
The activities in this department affect the lives and livelihoods of the community by how they utilize
the land as a resource to realize their social-economic goals. The directorates include land and survey,
housing, physical planning and urbanization.

Functional human settlements that support economic prosperity and sustainable optimal land use

To promote efficient and optimal land use, through planning and sustainable development.

Departmental development priorities and strategies

1. Advancement of affordable and suitable housing.
2. Controlled and sustainable land use.
3. Develop a GIS data based system.
4. Secure land tenure for public utilities.
5. Urban areas development program.

Sector Programmes
Sub Programme Key Outcome Baseline Key Planned Targets
performance 2017/ 2018/ 2019/ 2020/ 2021/ Total
Indicators 18 19 20 21 22 Budget
Programme Name : Advancement of affordable and suitable housing
Objective: To provide affordable housing
Outcome: Affordable and decent housing
State officers housing Improved welfare 0 No.of state 3 6 8 11 13 100 M
scheme for state officers in officers housed.
the county
Alternative Building ABTs adopted 1 No of 0 2 4 2 2 50 M
Technologies (ABT) technologies
Management of County Improved living 2 No. of 0 50 50 50 50 100M
Housing conditions of refurbished
tenants houses
Redevelopment of Modern residential 0 No. of estates 0 1 1 1 1 10 B
county government houses redeveloped.
housing estates
Programme Name : Controlled and sustainable land use
Objective: To ensure optimum utilization of land
Outcome: Orderly land use and sustainable developments
Town planning Orderly 0 Number of town 11 10 11 10 10 350 M
developments and planned
land use.
GIS data base system. Efficient service 0 Number of maps 20 50 200 200 200 100 M
delivery and plans
Surveying Well defined 30 Number of 10 10 10 15 15 450 M
boundaries and Settleme settlements
security of tenure nts surveyed
Programme Name : Urban development
Objective: To improve the town infrastructure
Outcome: Improved urban infrastructure

Sub Programme Key Outcome Baseline Key Planned Targets
performance 2017/ 2018/ 2019/ 2020/ 2021/ Total
Indicators 18 19 20 21 22 Budget
Urban development Improved urban No. of kms of 20 20 20 20 20 944M
infrastructure street lights
No. of kms of 10 10 10 10 10
drainage line
No. of kms of 5 5 5 5 5
roads tamarced
Cross- sectoral impacts
Programme Department Cross-sector Impact Measures to Harness or
Name Mitigate the Impact
Synergies Adverse impact
Advancement of Youth Provision of skills and jobs Low uptake Intensive sensitization
affordable and for the youth
suitable housing Environment , Trade Creation of employment Resistance from the Public participation; EIA
opportunities affected tenants and
environmental issues
Controlled and Water and Identification of Cross sectoral approach -
Sustainable environment, Health physical boundaries for Interdepartmental technical
Land Use and sanitation, various project sites. committees to address issues
Infrastructure touching on their relevant areas.
Urban Gender, Youth, Creation of Collaboration with roads
development Environment; Roads employment; improved department Public participation
sanitation services; and engagement.
Improving the condition
of roads

4.3.4 Health and Sanitation

The department of health Services and Sanitation is mandated to oversee and coordinate the overall
health service delivery systems. The Department is focused on attaining the goal of “Health for all,
by all” working with both the duty bearers and rights holders alike through a Primary Health Care
(PHC) approach. This approach embraces curative and rehabilitative care concurrently with
preventive and promotive care, a continuum of care through the populations’ life-cycle and a tiered
and integrated people-centered health care system from households.

The broad mandate of the health department is articulated in Chapter 4 of the Constitution of Kenya
under the Bill of Rights, which states that “Every person has the right to the highest attainable
standards of health, which includes the right to health care services including reproductive health.”

An efficient and high quality health care system that is accessible, equitable and affordable for all.

To promote and provide quality integrated preventive, promotive, curative, rehabilitative and
palliative services to all Nyeri county residents.

Sector Development Needs and Priorities

The department of health will focus at strengthening service delivery in the next five (5) years with
an emphasis to quality improvement and adherence to standards. To achieve this, medical equipment

maintenance and repairs will be given top priority. Procurement of new equipment will be done after
needs assessment and justification for the same. Specialized services such as cancer treatment, renal
and dialysis, urology and orthopedic surgery have been identified as transformative services that
require increased investment in relevant equipment given the epidemiologic transition leading to
increased prevalence of non-communicable disease in the county.

The Department will endeavor to build a critical mass of adequate, motivated and skilled health work
force for optimal service provision. Limited infrastructural works will be undertaken in high impact
areas as well as completion of stalled projects. The following are the department’s priorities in the
next five (5) years.
1. Patient safety, customer care and quality improvement program.
2. Recruite, retain and capacity build health workforce including training in specialized services
(urology, oncology, critical care, neuro-surgery, emergency medicine).
3. Improve diagnostic services in 30 health centres to improve access and reduce referrals.
4. Strengthen health management information systems through automation and connectivity of all
county health facilities.
5. Rehabilitate, refurbish and expand existing hospital facilities to meet demand.
6. Strengthen ambulance, emergency and referral services.
7. Increase awareness, advocacy and early detection to reduce the incidence of non-communicable
8. Improve health care and health financing through public private partnership (PPP).

Sector Programmes
Sub- Outcome Baseline Key Performance indicators Planned Targets
2017/1 2018/1 2019/2 2020/2 2021/2 Total
8 9 0 1 2 Budget
Programme 1: Health systems Planning and Support services
Objective: To Strengthen health systems, general logistical and other support for efficient service delivery
Outcome: Efficient and effective health system
Heath Effficient and 3 (RHSP, No. of planning document 6 4 4 4 4 10M
systems effective dditi CASP, prepared (CIDP,
planning, care system M&E) CHSS&IP,ADP,AWP,PBB,Pro
financing and curement plan
support 1(2013/1 County health accounts 1 5M
services 4-14/15 prepared
250 Amount FIF revenue collected( 270M 300M 320M 340M 360M 10M
million in ksh million)
3 % of medical equipment with 35 40 45 50 55 30M
active service contract
8 No of strategic hospital 10 12 15 18 20 50M
department with clean power
for medical equipment surge
50 % of facilties with updated 60 70 80 90 100 1M
asset register maintained.
80 % of MOU’s signed and 100 100 100 100 100 1M
executed with implementing

Sub- Outcome Baseline Key Performance indicators Planned Targets
2017/1 2018/1 2019/2 2020/2 2021/2 Total
8 9 0 1 2 Budget
90 % of health facilities with 100 100 100 100 100 5M
functional health committee/
hospital boards
Human Improved 40 Level of Client/service 40 50 60 70 70 5M
Resource & client/provider provider satisfaction index
Capacity satisfaction beyond 70%
Development Improved 1:7610/1; Doctors /nurse population ratio 1:7580 1:7500 1:7300 1:7200 1:7000 300M
doctors and 834 / / 1:800 / / / 1:650
nurses 1:834 1:750 1:700
Increased 0 No. of functional specialized 1 2 3 3 3 200M
access to units(Oncology, Renal,
specialized ICU,HDU,)
services 30 No. of trained specialists 50 50 50 50 50 100M
Quality Evidence based 100 % of facilties submitting timely 100 100 100 100 100 20M
assurance, decision & Complete reports every
monitoring making month
and 6 No Data Quality Audits(QDA) 8 10 12 14 16 30M
evaluation conducted
Improved 1 No of facilties certified star 1 2 3 4 5 30M
quality of care three and above on service
Programme: Preventive and Promotive Health Services
Objective: Reduce incidence of preventable diseases and mortality in Nyeri County
Outcome: Healthy population with increased life span
Communicab Reduced 52 Under five Mortality rate per 50 40 35 35 30 235M
le Disease prevalence of 1000
Prevention communicable 39 Infant mortality rate per 1000 35 33 30 28 25
and Control diseases 110 Matenal mortality rate per 100 90 85 80 70
89.40 TB Cure rate 90 92 92 92 92
1300 HIV incidence rate 1000 900 800 700 650
85 Immunization coverage 87 88 92 93 95
Reproductive Reduced 88 % of skilled deliveries 90 91 92 93 95 121M
Health and maternal conducted in our health
Family mortality facilities
planning 73 Family Planning Uptake 75 78 79 80 80
Services 61 % of pregnant women 65 70 73 75 75
attending atleast 4 ANC visit
30 % of health facilities providing 40 50 60 65 70
delivery services
Non- Reduced 24 % of facilities screening for 30 45 60 70 80 116M
communicabl burden of ill NCD’s
e disease health 5.70 Facility mortality rate 5.60 5.50 5.20 5 4.7
Control and associated with 55000 No. of population screened for 60,000 70,000 80,000 90,000 100,00
Prevention NCD’s NCD 0
Environment Improved 98 % of Villages declared ODF 99 99.50 99.70 100 100 44M
al Health environmental 20 % of hospital with access to 40 40 60 80 100
Services health safe health care waste
8 % of food premises certified 90 92 95 98 100
Solid waste Sustainable 0 No. of well managed dumpsites 1 3 3 5 5 219M
management development in 0 3 3 3 5 5

Sub- Outcome Baseline Key Performance indicators Planned Targets
2017/1 2018/1 2019/2 2020/2 2021/2 Total
8 9 0 1 2 Budget
solid waste No. of urban areas with
management efficient waste transportation
and disposal system.
0 No. of PPP on solid waste 1 1 1 1 1
Community Improved 251 % of functional community 251 251 251 251 251
Health and health cares units 305M
Outreach services at TBD Incidence of diarrhea disease
Services community TBD % of community dialogue days
level held.
TBD No. of planned community
household visits conducted.
12 Incidence of under 5 mal- 10 8 7 6 5

Programme 3: Curative and Rehabilitative services

Objective: Provide equitable clinical services emergency and referrals.
Outcome: Improved quality of care and health services
Clinical Improved See list of performance
Services & quality of care indicators in health
Emergency Improved 50 % of fully functional 70 80 90 100 100 173M
and Referral response to ambulances
Services medical 40 % of hospitals with functional 60 80 80 100 100
emergencies emergency response teams
0 No. of functional isolation unit 0 1 1 - -
Clinical Increased 10 % of healthcare facility with 8 6 5 4 2 11.3B
Support access to stock out of essential drugs and
Services clinical supplies
services 50 % of healthcare facilities with 60 65 70 75 80
laboratory services
40 % of hospitals with specialized 50 60 70 80 100
Patient safety Reduction in 10 % of facilities on Infection 20 40 50 60 80 50M
and quality health care prevention and control program
improvement associated
reduction of
medical harm
Laboratory 20% % of hospitals with a 30 60 70 80 100
dditionalon for functional quality improvement
improved and patient safety program
quality of care TBD Incidence of surgical site 5
0 No. of hospital labs accredited 0 1 2 2 5 40M

Cross sectional Programmes and Impacts

Programme Sector Cross-sector Impact Measures to Harness or Mitigate the
Name Impact
Synergies Adverse impact
Preventive and Education Increase immunization and deworming Up scaling the immunization,
Promotive Health programmes improves the health of deworming and promotion of balanced
Services learners hence avoiding disruption of diet programmes in public schools
Balanced diet reduces the cases of
malnutrition among school children.

Water and Maintenance of sanitation standard will If sanitation is not well Law enforcement on public health and
Sanitation ensure clean and safe water, clean managed, it can lead sanitation standards.
environment reducing health related to disease outbreak.
risks Unsafe and
contaminated water
leading to outbreak of
All Sectors Increasing workforce productivity Stigma Provision of IEC materials on HIV
Increasing budgetary allocation for prevention to all County departments
HIV prevention Dissemination of the HIV & AIDS
Advocacy on HIV/ AIDS plan(2015/16-18/19)
Availability of stocked Condom
dispensers in the various departments
Curative and Labor A health labor force will increase the Bad health practices Sensitization and advocacy on good
Rehabilitative productivity can affect labor health practices
services productivity
NACADA Coming together to carry out Stigma Increase advocacy on rehabilitative
sensitization on dangers of drugs and services to reduce stigma
substance abuse

4.3.5 Gender and Social Services

The department has the following directorates: Gender; Social services and Sports

The leading County in promotion of gender equality, equity, provision of efficient social services and
sports for high quality of life
To formulate, co-ordinate and implement responsive policies and plans on gender, sports and social
services for sustainable social economic development.

Department’s priorities and strategies

 Promote and enhance social initiatives, gender empowerment and mainstreaming through
involvement of development partners to fund these initiatives.
 Improve recreation services and promote sporting activities for the sportsmen/women, sport
managers and staff in the county and advancement of infrastructure and sporting skills through
 Enhancing child care and facilities including upgrading the children homes
 Enhance youth skills through innovative initiatives like talent academies to nature sprouting
talents, entrepreneurial and youth empowerment expertise.
 Ensure rapid response to disaster and calamities through improvement of disaster response
infrastructure and equipment.

Sector Programmes
Sub Key Outcome Key performance Planned Targets
Programme Indicators 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 Total
Programme Name: Social Welfare
Objective: To provide assistance to the vulnerable members of the community

Sub Key Outcome Key performance Planned Targets
Programme Indicators 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22Total
Outcome: Increased number of vulnerable people accessing medical care and girls retained in schools through social welfare
Social Reduced No of people covered 6000 7200 8700 10500 12,500 250M
protection for dependence of the through Bima Afya
the Elderly, vulnerable groups programme
PWDs and High transition rate No of girls supplied with 10,000 12,500 13,200 13,400 13,800
Orphans for girls in primary sanitary towels
schools No. of sanitary towels
procured and distributed 50,000 62,500 66,000 67,000 69,000 15M
Programme Name: Community Empowerment
Objective: To empower the community embrace gender inclusion for social economic sustainability
Outcome: Enhanced gender responsive in planning and development.
Gender Inclusivity in No of gender based 16 30 30 30 38 195M
mainstreaming decision making trainings/sensitizations
No of people 3200 6000 6000 6000 7600
No of gender policies 1 2M
Disability Inclusivity in No. of sensitization 16 30 30 30 38 10M
mainstreaming decision making sessions held.
Ease of mobility No. of wheelchairs 12 20 30 35 45 15M
procured and issued
Programme Name: Disaster Response
Objective: To reduce harmful effects of hazards including disasters
Outcome: Reduced disaster related impacts
Disaster Improved % of incidences attended 100 100 100 100 100 250M
Awareness, preparedness, to
preparedness response, recovery
and and lessened
Management impacts of disasters
Programme Name: Sports Development
Objective: To harness sports talent and improve sports infrastructure
Outcome: Increased competiveness in sports and recreational activities
County-wide Improved No of competitions held 6 8 8 9 9 150M
competitions competitiveness No of teams that 30 32 35 38 40
No of disciplines involved 5 6 6 8 10
Talent Increased No of youth whose talent - - 100 150 200 350M
academy competiveness in has been identified and
recreational nurtured.
Capacity Improved sports No of coaches , referees, 100 120 130 142 150 12M
building for coordination and team manager and umpires
sports officials managements. trained
Sports Improved/upgrade No. of stadia upgraded 2 2 2 3 3 200M
infrastructure d stadia

Cross-sectoral impacts
Programme Name Sector Cross-sector Impact Measures to Harness
or Mitigate the
Synergies Adverse impact
Social Welfare (Bima Gender, Social Health, Double registration in similar schemes, Thorough verification
Afya Programme Services and Agriculture, resulting in wastage and denying the needy the of the beneficiaries
(NHIF) Sports the NHIF chance to benefit

4.3.6 County Public Service, Administration and Youth Affairs
The department consists of the following directorates: Public Administration, Enforcement, Human
Resource Management, Alcoholic Drinks Control and Management and Youth Affairs

A secure, just, cohesive, democratic, accountable, transparent and conducive environment for a
prosperous County

To ensure effective and accountable leadership, promote a just, democratic environment and establish
strong governance institutions to empower citizens for the achievement of socio- economic and
political development.

Strategic objectives
 To coordinate the provision of responsive and effective services to the public
 To prevent and control alcohol, drugs and substance abuse
 To ensure public participation as provided for in the Constitution of Kenya 2010
 To improve security and policing services under the County Policing Authority
 To ensure effective and efficient Public Service Management.
 To promote ethics and integrity in public service delivery.
 To coordinate the civic education activities.
 To ensure good working relationship between national and county government.
Sector Programmes
Sub Programme Key Outcome Key performance Planned Targets
Indicators 2017/ 2018 2019/ 2020/2 2021/ Total
18 /19 20 1 22 Budget
Programme Name: Public administration and management.
Objective: To coordinate the provision of responsive and effective services to the public
Outcome: Improved Service Delivery.
Citizen engagement Increased participation in Number of public forums 60 60 60 60 60 100M
and education local governance conducted
Increase in enlightened Number of TOTs and 33 33 33 33 33 50M
citizenry. citizen workshops
Capacity building Improved performance and No of staff trainined 200 200 200 200 200 30M
service delivery.
Public Timely and satisfactory Number of offices 7 7 7 7 7 350M
administration service delivery. constructed
Infrastructure Number of motor 6 8 8 8 8 190M
development vehicles purchased
Alcoholic drinks Improved Regulation of Percentage of licensed 75 80 85 90 97 74.5M
control and manufacture, sale and operating premises.
management consumption of alcoholic
County Policing Secure and cohesive society. Percentage reduction of 75 80 85 90 97 15M
Authority. crime rate in the County
Enforcement on To ensure compliance of the Reduction in the number 80 85 90 95 97 32.4M
compliance of existing County laws. of defaulters/offenders
County laws
Programme Name : County public service management

Sub Programme Key Outcome Key performance Planned Targets
Indicators 2017/ 2018 2019/ 2020/2 2021/ Total
18 /19 20 1 22 Budget
Objective: To ensure effective and efficient Public Service Management.
Outcome: Improved employee performance and productivity.
County Public Skilled, committed and Number of HR related 2 3 3 3 3 70M
service management motivated workforce. policies/regulations

4.3.7 Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries Development

The department consists of the following directorates; Agriculture, Livestock production, Veterinary
services, Fisheries and two institutions (i.e.Wambugu Agricultural Training Centre and Agriculture
Mechanization Services (AMS-Narumoru)

To be food and nutrition secure county.

To improve agricultural productivity through promotion of innovative competitive and sustainable
agriculture, livestock and fisheries production systems

 To develop appropriate policy and legal framework to create enabling environment for the sector
 To increase agricultural production and productivity.
 To improve market access and value addition.
 To enhance access to affordable credit and inputs.

Key strategies
 Increase agricultural productivity through multi-sectoral approach and enhancing extension
 Embracing PublicPrivate Partnerships (PPP) to enhance implementation of projects.
 Strengthen research extension farmer linkage to ensure that researchable issues are demand
 Mainstream gender in agricultural activities.

Sector Development needs, Priorities and Strategies

 Upscaling and outscaling of artificial insemination
 Improvement of soil health
 Improvement of supply of cold chain
 Equipping AMS
 Construction of common user facility at Wambugu ATC
 Restocking of ponds and dams
 Increase of tree cover through provision of fruit tree seedlings
 Bee keeping demonstrations

 Increases in storage facilities
 Enhancement of control of livestock and crops diseases through vaccinations

Sector Programmes Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries

Sub Program Key Outcome Baseline Key performance indicator Planned Targets
2017/1 2018/1 2019/ 2020/2 2021/ Total
8 9 20 1 22 Budget
ProgrammeName : Agriculture Management
Objective : Create enabling environment for improved and efficient service delivery
Outcome: Increased agricultural production and productivity
County Agriculture, Increased 42% house holds % of farmers reached 47 55 65 70 74 2.5B
Livestock and productivity
Fisheries extension
Program (CALFEP)
Enhancement of Crop Improved crop 20M kgs of coffee % Increase in cherry 2 2 2 2 2 1.2B
development productivity cherry; 55M kgs of production
tea leaves; 190 000 % increase in tea production 3 3 3 3 3
MTs rish potatoes % Increase in Irish potatoes 10 10 10 10 10
Fish production Improved fish 7700 kgs % change in fish production 10 4 2 2 2 110M
management productivity in ponds
2200kgs % Increase in fish 1 1 1 1 1
production in dams
ProgrammeName : Agricultural training services
Objective: To impart knowledge and skills for improved productivity
Outcome: Improved farmers knowledge and skills
Farm development and Improved No. of farmers trained 800 1,200 1,500 1,700 2000 120M
Training capacity for
service delivery
ProgrammeName : Livestock production Management
Objective: To increase livestock production by 25% for increased income
Outcome: Increased livestock productivity
Livestock Development Improved 8.7 lts of milk per No. of litres per cow per day 9 9.8 10.6 11.4 12 1.5B
Livestock cow per day
ProgrammeName :Veterinary services
Objective: To Manage and control pests and diseases in animals to safeguard human and animal health
Outcome: Reduced infections of livestock diseases
Breeding, Disease Increased 20% % Increase in AI coverage 5 5 5 5 5 314M
surveillance and coverage of 4000 % increase in germ plasm 6 6 6 6 6
control surveillance and multiplication
disease control 25 outbreaks % decrease in notifiable 4 4 4 4 4
disease outbreak
ProgrammeName : Agriculture Mechanization services
Objective: To offer mechanization services to the Agricultural Sector.
Outcome: Improved farm productivity
Development of Increased 318,000 Amount of revenue collect 0.8M 1.5M 2.2M 3M 3.5M 150M
Agricultural land, revenue No of farmers benefiting
water harvesting and collection from the AMS services
conservation for crop
and livestock

Cross-sectoral impacts
Programme Sector Cross-sector Impact Measures to Harness or Mitigate
Name the Impact
Synergies Adverse impact
Agricultural Health,Trade Incorporation of Improper use of Training farmers on use oganic pest
Management and stakeholders; Increased agrochemicals will have control measures; Enhance value

industrialisation agricultural production harmful effects on human addition by establishment of more
, Environment will provide regular health; Use of fertilizer on industries; Routine soil testing to
available materials for untested soil may lead to soil determine PH; Elaborate solid waste
industrial use degredation; Pollution of the management plan to be developed and
environment through the executed
disposal of fish factory
Livestock Trade, Water, Embracing PPP concept Emergence of unscrupulous Develop a policy to regulate actors in
production infrastructure actors in the value chain; Milk the dairy value chain; Enhance value
Management glut in the market addition initiatives
Veterinary Health, Embrace the PPP concept; Emergence of unscrupulous Develop a policy to regulate actors in
services Environment Use of early warning actors within the sector; the sector; Training on safe and
systems misuse of effective use of chemicals and drugs
agricultural chemicals and

4.3.8 Trade, Culture, Tourism and Cooperative Development

The department comprises of four (4) directorates; Trade, Tourism, Culture and Cooperative

A globally competitive economy with sustainable and equitable socio-economic development where
citizens operate freely

To promote, coordinate and implement integrated socio-economic policies and programmes for a
rapidly industrializing economy.

Sector Development Priorities and Strategies

Sub-sector Development priorities Strategies
Trade Development of Markets Construction/Renovation/Upgrade of existing markets
Management of market for Payments of Market electricity and water bills and other services/utilities
efficient operations
Industrialization Revitalization of industrial Promote establishment of industries; Infrastructure development; Support
zones; Establishment of research and innovation; Capacity building; Establish institutional policy and
financing schemes; Improve regulatory framework
micro enterprise regulatory
Investments To enhance investment -Resource mapping, profiling of investment sites, investments leads,
promotions investments actualized, and investment after care/retention.
Branding, marketing and public -Building on the county image, creation and enhancing the County identity,
relations programme positive image promotion, survey on the county image, marketing materials.
Investment conferences, trade Increase investment leads, promote investors’ confidence local and regional
fairs and exhibitions engagements and lobbying.
Establishment of County economic and social council, Formulate County
investors guide
Fair Trade Improve the environment of -Promotion of fair trade practices in the county
Practices doing business -Accurate verification equipment.
-Establishment of a laboratory and a workshop for verification of weights and
calibration of equipment
Enterprise Develop entrepreneurship Training on business management, technical skills, internship and business
Developments skills, establishment
Increased number of sustainable Increased access to affordable credit through Enterprise Development Fund and
businesses for the county Joint loans board
Tourism Promote and develop tourism Establish legal and regulatory framework, Develop Community sensitization
sector in the county programme, Develop new tourist products

Culture Promotion of Cultural heritage Construction and equipping of recreational and talent development centers.
Cooperative To strengthen cooperative Development of legal frame work and policies for efficient operations of
Developments movement to enhance cooperative, Trainings of societies management committees ,Organizing forums
governance and exhibitions for cooperatives, Establish Unions and development of
cooperative chain and product link

Sector Programmes
Sub Programme Key Outcome Basel Key performance Planned Targets
ine Indicators 2017/1 2018/1 2019/ 2020/2 2021/2 Total
8 9 20 1 2 Budget
Programme Name: Trade Development
Objective: To Spur economic growth
Outcome: Conducive trading environment for improved livelihood
Markets Conducive No. of markets structures 10 10 10 10 10 407M
development and organized trading developed
management environment 0 Number of laws, regulations 1 10M
and policies developed
0 Number of trainings 2 2 2 2 2 35M
Programme name: Fair Trade practice
Objective: To Promote fair trade
Outcome: Fair Trading environment and consumer protection.
Promotion of fair Increased 0 Percentage of equipment 100 100 100 100 100 115M
Trade practices customer inspected,
and consumer protection,
Programme name: Investment promotion
Objective: To increase investment and employment within the county
Outcome : Increased investment for increased employment
Investment New investment 0 No of investment forum 1 1 1 1 440M
promotion attracted held
0 Number of Producer 1 1 1 1 15M
Business Groups (PBGs)
formed and trained,
Programme Name: Regional economic integration
Objective : To improve competitiveness
Outcome : Improved competitive advantage
Mt Kenya and Increased regional Number of projects 1 1 1 1 1 150M
Abardares development, implemented under the
Economic block Economic block
Programme Name: Industrial and Enterprise Development
Objectives : To Improve value addition and manufacturing
Outcome : Wealth creation for sustainable development
Industrial and Improved Number of industrial and 0 0 1 1 1 430M
special zones livelihood special zones established
County Improved Number of training on 0 1 1 1 1 300M
entrepreneurship livelihood entrepreneurship
Developments development
Number of entrepreneur 0 50 50 50 50 50M
benefiting with EDF
Programme Name: Tourism promotions and diversification
Objective: To promote and develop tourism for increased economic growth.
Outcome: Increased tourist arrival and spending
Tourism Increased tourism Number of law, regulations 1 1 1 5M
promotion arrivals and and Local tourism policies
spending developed/ amended.
Number of tourism 2 2 2 2 2 50M
marketing channel
developed and used.

Sub Programme Key Outcome Basel Key performance Planned Targets
ine Indicators 2017/1 2018/1 2019/ 2020/2 2021/2 Total
8 9 20 1 2 Budget
Tourism Increased tourist Number of new tourism 2 2 2 289M
diversification attractions and products developed
products Number of tourism site 2 2 1
mapped and gazetted
Capacity Building Increased income Number of trainings to 2 2 2 2 2 10M
within the tourism for tourism players tourist stakeholders
Sector and better
tourism enterprise
Programme Name: Cultural development
Objective: To Promote Cultural heritage
Outcome: Enhanced growth in creative culture and heritage
Cultural Increased Number of law, regulations 1 1 1 1 1 5M
development awareness and governing culture
exploitation of developed
culture Number of trainings on 2 2 2 2 2 18M
culture preservation
Number of cultural/ talent 2 2 2 1 250M
centres developed
Programme Name: Cooperatives development and management
Objective: To strengthen the cooperative movements
Outcome: Strong and active cooperative movements
Cooperative Effective No of laws developed or 1 1 1 1 1 10M
management cooperative amended, number of by-
movement with laws, regulations and
good governance policies developed.
Numbers of societies trained 2 2 2 2 2 10M
Cooperative Increased and Number of value chains and 3 3 3 3 3 60M
development active cooperative market linkages created
societies Percentage of cooperative 100 100 100 100 100 10M
societies audited and

Cross-sectoral impacts
Programme Name Sector Cross-sector Impact Measures to Harness or Mitigate the
Synergies Adverse impact
Trade Development Agriculture Establishment of agrochemical Build capacity of suppliers to supply
outlets will bring services closer quality and standard products.
to farmers; ready market for
agricultural products
Regional economic Transport; Enhance mobility Strengthen the intercounty relations;
integration Agriculture; conducting EIA.
Industrial and Environment; Promotion of trade activities will Gas emission will Training youth and women on
Enterprise Gender create job opportunities for youth pollute the enterprenuership skills; Law enforcement
Development and women environment; Poor and regular inspections; Proper waste
Wastes disposals Management/Disposal

Cultural Health; Provision of alternative medical Emergence of quack Training and certifying traditional medical
development services dditional medical practitioners; establishment of proper
practitioners regulatory framework

4.3.9 Education, Science and Technology
The department consists of Youth Polytechnics (Yps) also known as Vocational Training Centres
(VTCs), Early Childhood Development and Education (ECDE), and Information Communications
and Technology (ICT) subsectors. The county recognizes the role played by the sector in promoting
development and hence will continue to invest in it.

A globally competitive sector in provision of quality education, training, ICT, research and innovation
services for sustainable development.

To provide, promote and coordinate quality education and training, adoption and application of ICT
and integration of science and technology for sustainable socio-economic development.

Sector development strategies

i. Provision of education physical infrastructure and equipment.
ii. Quality assurance and standards in YP’s and ECDEs.
iii. Strengthening the programmes in youth polytechnics and capacity-build the instructors.
iv. Strengthen partnership and communication with stakeholders such as NITA, TVETA, FBOs,
CBOs, NGO’s and national government to create awareness in the community on importance of
ECDE and Yps.
v. Ensuring retention and transition of learners in schools.
vi. Conducting training on ICT for employees across sectors to enhance adoption of technology
vii. Identifying and implementing ICT systems to enhance effective public service delivery.

Sector Programmes
Sub Programme Key Outcome Baseline Key performance Planned Targets
Indicators 2017/1 2018/19 2019/2 2020/2 2021/2 Total
8 0 1 2 Budget
Programme Name: Vocational training development
Objective: To provide quality vocational training in a conducive learning environment.
Outcome: Increased enrolment, retention and completion rates in vocational training centers
Infrastructural Conducive learning 9 Yps No. of functional 8 8 8 8 8 973M
development environment VTCs.
Human Resource Availability of 85 No. of staff 32 32 32 32 32 125M
Development adequate and skilled employed
Yps Sustainability Sustainable Yps 0 No. Yps with 9 18 27 36 49 170M
Mechanisms Sustainable IGAs
Programme Name: Early childhood development and education management
Objective: To provide quality early childhood education in a conducive learning environment.
Outcome: Increased enrolment, retention and transition rates in ECDEs.
Infrastructural Conducive learning 31 No. of functional 482 482 482 482 482 970M
development environment ECDEs.
Human Resource Improved quality of 800 No. of staff 151 151 151 151 151 980M
Development ECDE. employed

Sub Programme Key Outcome Baseline Key performance Planned Targets
Indicators 2017/1 2018/19 2019/2 2020/2 2021/2 Total
8 0 1 2 Budget
Feeding Increased 120 No. of ECDEs with 758 758 758 240M
Programme enrolment, retention school feeding
and transition programme

Programme Name: Elimu fund

Objective: To improve education access and availability.
Outcome: Increased enrolment, retention and transition rates in schools.
Elimu fund Improved retention 13,000 No. of beneficiaries 13,000 14,000 15,000 16,000 17,000 720M
in schools
Programme Name: ICT development
Objective: To ensure integration of ICT in public service delivery and job creation.
Outcome: Increased access to ICT services
ICT infrastructure Increased efficiency 10 Percentage level of 20 40 60 80 90 150M
development in service delivery internet connectivity
ICT Capacity Increased ICT 10 Percentage of staff 20 40 60 80 95 5M
building knowledge and trained

Cross-Sectoral Implementation Considerations

Programme Sector Cross-sector Impact Measures to Harness or Mitigate the Impact
Synergies Adverse impact
Vocational Trade and Training of more youths create a Encourage industries to employ the locals;
training industry pool of skills for use in the creating linkages between Yps and industries to
development industries create intership programmes.
ICT development All sectors Increased efficiency and Ensure full automation of county services
effectiveness in service delivery

4.3.10 Water, Environment and Natural Resources

The department is composed of three subsectors namely; Water, Irrigation and Environment and
Natural Resources

Sustainable access to clean, safe and adequate water in a clean and secure environment.

To promote, conserve, protect the environment and improve access to water for sustainable

Sector Goals:
 Increasing forest cover
 Conservation of water catchment areas and flood flows.
 Increasing water supply and storage capacity.
 Reduction of Non Revenue Water
 Inclusion of modern farming methods in the design for irrigation projects

Sectors development needs, priorities and strategies

 Addressing liquid waste management.
 Increasing tree cover by 2% in the entire county.
 Rehabilitation of degraded land areas.
 Expanding the water coverage for rural and urban areas.
 Ensuring provision of affordable, safe and clean water.
 Increasing area under irrigation.
 Promoting usage of alternative sources of energy in cooking and water pumping.

Sector Programmes
Sub Key Outcome Baselin Key performance Planned Targets
Program e Indicators 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 Total
me Budget
Programme Name: Water supply and management
Objective: Extension of water services for domestic and irrigation purposes
Outcome: Increased adequate, affordable, safe and clean water.
Water Increased 124,886 No. of households 130,000 138,000 144,000 150,000 160,000 2.5B
supply access to water connected to piped water
1 Average distance to 0.8 0.5 0.3 0.2 0.1 350M
nearest water point
Improved water 2 No. of water treatment 1 1 1 1 75M
quality plants
Increased 3 No. of sewage treatment 2 2 2 2 1.2B
sewerage plants
Irrigation Increased area 2,600 No of Hectares under 2,880 3,200 3,520 4,020 4,370 8.01B
services under irrigation irrigation
Programme Name: Environment & Natural Resources
Objective: Enhance county greening and protection of water catchment areas
Outcome: Improved environmental conservation
Environm Increased tree 38.3 Percentage of tree cover 38.6 39.1 40.1 40.2 40.3 53.5M
ental cover
conservati Clean and 5 No. of towns beautified 10 10 10 10 10 2.5M
on beautiful towns
Increased river 5 No. of Km conserved 10 10 10 10 10 2M
volumes along river banks
Reduced wood No of energy saving 30 30 30 30 30 20M
fuel usage 0 jikos issued in
Rehabilitated 0 No of rehabilitated 1 1 5M
quarries quarries

Cross sectoral Implementation considerations

Name of Sector Cross –sector impact Measures to Harness or mitigate
program the Impact
Synergies Adverse impact
Environm WRMA; Work with WRUAs to map out riparian area Clear the Sensitize the riparian farmers and
ent and WRUA; NEMA; in collaboration with agriculture and lands riparian areas of plant water friendly indigenous trees
Natural Ministry of departments; WRMA to assist in water all trees which and bamboos; Sensitize the farmers,
Resources Interior and allocation and abstraction points; Look for are not water teachers and students on the need to
National co- market for baboo products; Provide schools friendly and plant trees; Sensitize the traders on
ordination.; KFS; with enough space for tree planting and uprooting of the need to protect and maintain the
NDMA; NEMA; maintenance; Incurcate the culture of tree arrowroots; flower beds; Increase advocacy on
all county planting in our children; Assist farmers in Reduced water use of alternative sources of energy
deparments Agroforestry; Promotion of energy saving flows due to high

Name of Sector Cross –sector impact Measures to Harness or mitigate
program the Impact
Synergies Adverse impact
jikos; Assist in prosecution of noise and air evapotranspiratio
pollution offenders. n rates of exotic
Water KFS; NDMA; Issuance of easements; Supply adequate Loss of Reforestation; Provide roads
supply and NEMA; WRMA; water to support hotel industry; Our children biodiversity at development plans in advance and
managem WRUA; all will have more time to concentrate on intakes, pipelines also mapping out road extents
ent county education than fetching water; Farmers have and dams; encourage roof catchment;
departments ample time to work on the farms; Provision Loading of Arrangements can be made well in
of data on areas prone to water borne sewerage advance to assist within house
diseases; Management of storm water; treatments treatment methods; Policy on
Improved transportation of food product to works; Increased mandatory construction of drains;
markets; Issuance of licenses for the water conflicts Community mobilization
irrigation works; Work with WRUA and Regulation of flows; Capacity
WRMA to assist in water allocation and building on irrigation water
abstraction points; Value addition; Look for management; Monitoring of
market for agricultural products; adherence to projects by-laws
Registration of irrigation water users

4.3.11 County Public Service Board

The function of the County Public Service Board is to establish and abolish offices in the county
public service and appoint persons to hold or act in those offices.

To be a trend setting, ethical and dynamic institution that enables delivery of quality public service.

To support and enable Nyeri County Government deliver professional, ethical and efficient services
through a transformed public service.

Board’s mandate

 To establish and abolish offices in the county public service.

 Appoint persons to hold or act in offices of the county public service including in the boards of
cities and urban areas within the county and to confirm appointments.
 Exercise disciplinary control over, and remove, persons holding or acting in those offices.
 Prepare regular reports for submission to the county assembly on the execution of the functions
of the Board.
 Promote in the county public service the values and principles referred to in Articles 10 and 232
of the Constitution of Kenya.
 Evaluate and report to the county assembly on the extent to which the values and principles
referred to in Articles 10 and 232 are complied within the county public service.
 Facilitate the development of coherent, integrated human resource planning and budgeting for
personnel emoluments in the county.
 Advise the county government on human resource management and development.

 Advice the county government on implementation and monitoring of the national performance
management system in the county.
 Make recommendations to the Salaries and Remuneration Commission, on behalf of the county
government, on the remuneration, pensions and gratuities for county public service employees.
Sector Programmes
Sub Key Outcome Baseline Key performance Planned Targets
Programme Indicators 2017/ 2018 2019 2020 202 Total
18 /19 /20 /21 1/22 Budget
Programme Name: Public service management
Objective: To promote effective and efficient public service
Outcome: Improve service delivery
Public Improved service 100 Percentage of recruitment 100 100 100 100 100 100M
service delivery requests acted upon
management Transformed No. of staff trained 600 600 600 600 600 138M
public service

4.3.12 Transport, Public Works, Infrastructure and Communication

The department consists of the following directorates; Roads, Transport, Public Works, Energy and

A world class provider of cost-effective physical infrastructural facilities and services.

To provide efficient, affordable and reliable infrastructure through design, construction, maintenance
and effective management of roads, public works and energy for sustainable economic growth and
development of Nyeri.

Sector development strategies

 Maintenancing and developing roads network.

 Ensuring standard designing and construction of buildings.
 Developing transport policies, regulations and guidelines to ensure smooth flow of traffic.
 Achieving connectivity and smooth flow of motorized and non- motorized traffic.
 Enhancing electricity connectivity to public institutions and lighting of all urban areas.
 Researching, exploiting and promoting use of alternative and renewable sources of energy.

Sector Programmes
Sub programme Key outcome Baseline Key performance Planned Targets
2017 2018/ 2019 2020/ 2021/ Total
/18 19 /20 21 22 Budget
Programme : County access and feeder roads
Objective : To improve roads network
Outcome: Improved accessibility and mobility

Sub programme Key outcome Baseline Key performance Planned Targets
2017 2018/ 2019 2020/ 2021/ Total
/18 19 /20 21 22 Budget
Roads maintenance All weather standard 2492.85 No. of new Km graded 320 320 320 320 320 4B
and development roads and graveled
478.25 No. of new Km 90 90 90 90 90 18B
Programme : Transport management and safety
Objective : To ensure order and safety in transport industry
Outcome: Smooth flow of traffic
Transport Controlled traffic flow 0 No. of bus parks 2 4 6 8 10 500M
management and constructed
safety 6 No. of footbridges 23 40 57 74 91 100M
0 No. of traffic marshals 100 120 140 160 180 150M
Programme: Building and construction services
Objective : To reduce incidences of sprouting of sub-standard buidings and bridges
Outcome : Reduces incidences of collapsing buildings and bridges
Bridges Construction Improved connectivity 0 No. of bridges 10 20 30 40 50 500M
Transport constructed
Building standards Standard buildings Percentage of 100 100 100 100 100 5M
maintenance buildings approved
Electronic building Efficient approval of 0 No. of systems 1 20M
plans approval system building plans
Programme: Lighting, power supply and management
Objective : To increase access to power
Outcome : Increased power connectivity
Rural electrification Increased power 16 No. of transformers 53 90 127 164 201 370M
connectivity installed
No. of public 5 9 13 17 21 40M
institutions connected
Street Lighting Improved security and 1750 No. of street light 1816 1882 1948 2014 2080 33M
increased hours of poles installed
doing business 61 No of highmast 81 101 121 141 161 320M
floodlights installed
Programme: Renewable Energy promotion
Objective : To increase use of alternative sources of energy
Outcome : Increased adoption of alternative sources of energy
Renewable energy Improved security and No of solar street light 33 66 99 132 165 42M
promotion increased hours of poles installed
doing business
Efficient use of No of renewable 1 2 3 4 5 5M
renewable energy energy projects

4.3.13 County Assembly of Nyeri

The County Assembly is the legislative branch of the county government and is a replica of the
National Parliament complete with the chambers; a Speaker, the Clerk, Members of the County
Assembly, Sergeants- at- arms, a mace and the table clerks. The sittings of the County Assembly take
place every Tuesday afternoon, Wednesday morning and afternoon and Thursday afternoon.

To be an effective, efficient & transformative Assembly


To provide efficient and effective oversight, representation, and law making functions for the welfare
of the people of Nyeri County

Priorities and strategies

 Representation where the Members of the County Assembly (MCAs) provide a linkage between
the county assembly and the electorate on public service delivery.
 Legislation by making laws and policies that are necessary for the effective performance of the
functions and exercise of the powers of the county government.
 Oversight over the County Executive Committee and any other county executive organ while
respecting the principle of the separation of powers
 Provide a secure and conducive working environment (Speakers residence, chamber, offices,
committee rooms and other facilities).

Sector Programmes
Sub Programme Key Outcome Key performance Planned Targets
Indicators 2017/ 2018/ 2019/ 2020/ 2021/ Total
18 19 20 21 22 Budget
Programme Name: Physical infrastructure development
Objective: To provide a good and secure working environment
Outcome: Increased efficiency in service delivery
Infrastructure Adequate housing facilities for No of housing facilities for 1 3 0 0 0 200M
Development the speaker the speaker (House, Fence,
sentry and SQs)
Adequate and secure offices, No of offices, committee 0 10 10 10 14 200M
committee rooms and rooms and chamber
chambers for the members
Programme Name: Capacity Development
Objective: To empower the staff and MCAs to effectively deliver County Assembly’s mandate
Outcome: Improved legislation, representation and oversight
Education and Effective delivery of the C.A No. of staff and MCAs 10 10 20 20 20 40M
Training mandate trained
Research and Data and information available No. of reports available 5 5 5 5 5 1M
information for decision making

Cross sectoral Implementation considerations

Name of Sector Cross –sector impact Measures to Harness
programme or mitigate the Impact
Synergies Adverse impact
Physical Water Environment and Natural Provide water and sewer Affect the environment Undertake EIA
infrastructure Resources services during construction
development Lands, physical planning and Provide land and necessary Local density affected Plan effectively on
Urban Development approvals available space
Transport, Public Works, Supervise the construction to Incompetent contractors Due diligence during
Infrastructure and Communication ensure standards are adhered procurement process
Capacity National Training Institutions Provide relevant training Affecting the calendar Plan effectively
Development and business of the House
National Assembly Collaboration on Affecting the calendar Plan effectively
parliamentary procedures and business of the House

4.4 County Flagship Projects
Project Name Location Objective Output Performance Timefra Implementing Agencies Cost
/Outcome indicators me (Ksh.)

Finance and Economic Planning

Revenue County wide To enhance Increase local Percentage 2018- County Treasury and 50M
Automation revenue revenue for change in 2022 all departments
collection improved revenue
service delivery collected;
Number of
revenue streams
Lands, Physical Planning, Housing and Urbanization
County Nyeri town Achieve better Improved No. of 2018- Department of Land, 10 B
Housing utilization of livelihoods redeveloped 2022 Housing, Physical
Estates land in the housing estates Planning and
dilapidated Urbanization and State
settlements Department of Housing
Urban Nyeri town To improve the Improved urban No. of towns 2018- Department of Land, 944M
development town infrastructure developed 2022 Housing, Physical
infrastructure Planning and
Health, Public Health and Sanitation
Cancer Dedan To Improve Reduced deaths Hospital 2018- Belgium/ GOK 2B
Hospital Kimathi cancer diagnosis and disability completed and 2022
University and due to cancer, operational
Gender and Social services
Nyeri County Kieni To tap and Improved youth No of youths 2018- C.G.N 300M
Talent Centre nurture young talents trained in the 2022
Academy talent generation centre
Agriculture, livestock and Fisheries Development
Establishment Kieni To enhance milk Increase No. of processing 2018- Department of 20M
of milk value chain farmers income plants established 2022 Agriculture, Livestock
processing and and Fisheries
Wambugu Serves county To provide Improved No. of farmers 2018- Department of 100M
ATC Centre of wide quality farmers’ trained 2022 Agriculture, Livestock
Excellence agricultural knowledge and and Fisheries
training Services skills
and facilities
Trade, Culture, Tourism and Cooperative Development
Nyeri Nyeri town To develop a Improved Complete 2018- CGN/GOK/ 70M
Convention high capacity county Convention 2022 Development partners
Centre conference competitiveness Centre
Water, Environment and Natural Resources
Karemenu Endarasha/M Water harvesting Increase area No of acres under 2017- National 13B
Mega dam wiyogo,Gatara and storage under irrigation irrigation 2022 Government
gwa and
Naromoru Naromoru- Water harvesting Increase area No of acres under 2017- National 17B
Mega dam Kiamathaga and storage under irrigation irrigation 2022 Government
and Gakawa
Othaya Othaya and Provision of Reduced water Healthy citizens 2017- CGN/National 303M
/Mukurweini Mukurweini clean portable borne diseseas and reduction on 2022 Government
water and sub-counties water and hospital visits

Project Name Location Objective Output Performance Timefra Implementing Agencies Cost
/Outcome indicators me (Ksh.)

sanitation sanitation
company services
Mathira water Mathira West Provision of Reduced water Healthy citizens 2017- CGN/National 1.6B
and sanitation and East sub- clean portable borne diseseas and reduction on 2022 Government
company counties water and hospital visits



5.0 Introduction
This chapter discusses the implementation framework which include, institutions responsible for the
actualization of the plan, and resource requirement and mobilization.

5.1 Institutional Framework

5.1.1 County Government functions

The county draws its roles and mandate from the Fourth Schedule of the Kenya Constitution, 2010
which states that county governments are responsible for:

a) Agriculture, including: crop and animal husbandry; livestock sale yards; county abattoirs; plant
and animal disease control; and fisheries;
b) County health services, including, in particular— county health facilities and pharmacies;
ambulance services; promotion of primary health care; licensing and control of undertakings that
sell food to the public; veterinary services (excluding regulation of the profession); cemeteries,
funeral parlors and crematoria; and refuse removal, refuse dumps and solid waste disposal;
c) Control of air pollution, noise pollution, other public nuisances and outdoor advertising;
d) Cultural activities, public entertainment and public amenities, including; betting, casinos and
other forms of gambling; racing; liquor licensing; cinemas; video shows and hiring; libraries;
museums; sports and cultural activities and facilities; and county parks, beaches and recreation
e) County transport, including: county roads; street lighting; traffic and parking; public road
transport; and ferries and harbors, excluding the regulation of international and national shipping
and matters related thereto;
f) Animal control and welfare, including: licensing of dogs; and facilities for the accommodation,
care and burial of animals;
g) Trade development and regulation, including: markets; trade licenses (excluding regulation of
professions); fair trading practices; local tourism; and cooperative societies;
h) County planning and development, including: statistics; land survey and mapping; boundaries
and fencing; housing; and electricity and gas reticulation and energy regulation;
i) Pre-primary education, village polytechnics, homecraft centres and childcare facilities;
j) Implementation of specific national government policies on natural resources and environmental
conservation, including: soil and water conservation; and forestry;
k) County public works and services, including: storm water management systems in built-up areas;
and water and sanitation services;
l) Firefighting services and disaster management;
m) Control of drugs and pornography;
n) Ensuring and coordinating the participation of communities and locations in governance at the
local level and assisting communities and locations to develop the administrative capacity for
the effective exercise of the functions and powers and participation in governance at the local

5.1.2 County structure
Governor: The Governor is the chief executive of the county and will provide overall leadership in
the county’s economic, social and political governance and development; provide leadership to the
county executive committee and administration based on the county policies and plans; promote
democracy, good governance, unity and cohesion; promote peace and order; promote the
competitiveness of the county; is accountable for the management and use of the county resources
while promoting and facilitating citizen participation in the development of policies and plans, and
delivery of services.

Deputy Governor: The Deputy Governor is the deputy chief executive of the county and shall
deputize the governor in the execution of the executive functions. The deputy Governor may be
assigned any other responsibility by the Governor as a member of the county executive committee.

County Secretary: The County Secretary is the head of the county public service; responsible for
arranging the business, and keeping the minutes of the county executive committee subject to the
directions of the executive committee; convey the decisions of the county executive committee to the
appropriate persons.

County Executive Committee: The Executive Committee is responsible for supervising the
administration and delivery of services in all decentralized units and agencies in the county. It is
comprised of 10 members appointed by the Governor and approved by the County Assembly. Each
executive member is responsible of the respective departments which are Finance and Economic
Planning; Agriculture, Livestock Development and Fisheries; Health, Public Health and Sanitation
Services; County Public Service, Administration and Youth Affairs; Water, Environment and Natural
Resources; Trade, Culture, Tourism and Cooperative Development; Transport, Public Works,
Infrastructure and Communication; Education, Science and Technology; Lands, Physical Planning,
Housing and Urbanization; Gender and Social Services

County Chief Officer: The Chief Officer will be the Accounting and Authorized Officer for the
department assigned and will be responsible to the respective County Executive Member for the
following: General administration and coordination of respective county department; Initiation,
development and implementation of policies and sector plans; Development and implementation of
strategic plans; Promotion of national values and principles of governance in the county public
service; Overseeing implementation and monitoring of performance management systems.

Directors: They will be responsible for heading technical departments in the implementation of CIDP
and all other plans.

Sub-County Administrators: The Sub-County Administrator will be responsible for: Coordinating,

managing and supervising the general administrative functions in the Sub County unit; Ensuring
effective service delivery; Coordinating developmental activities to empower the community and;
Facilitating and coordinating citizen participation in the development of policies and delivery of

Town Administrator: The Town Administrator will be responsible for implementing the decisions
of the Town Management Committee; Coordinating, managing and supervising the general
administrative functions of the town; Overseeing the affairs of the town; Developing policies, plans,
strategies and programmes for better management of the town; Maintaining a comprehensive data
base and information system of the town administration and providing public access to the same;
Facilitating and coordinating citizens’ participation in development of policies plans and delivery of
services; Ensuring preparation and submission to the County Treasury for consideration and
submission to the County Assembly for approval as part of the Annual County Appropriation Bill;
Establishing, implementing, and monitoring performance management systems.

Ward Administrator: The Ward Administrator shall be responsible for: Coordinating, managing
and supervising the general administrative functions in the ward unit; Ensuring effective Service
delivery; Coordinating developmental activities to empower the community; Facilitating and
coordinating citizen participation in the development of policies and delivery of services at the ward

Village Administrator: A village administrator shall coordinate, manage and supervise the general
administrative functions in the village including: Ensuring and coordinating the participation of the
village unit in governance; Assisting the village unit to develop the administrative capacity for the
effective exercise of the functions and powers; Participation in governance at the local.

Village Council: A village council shall be responsible for: Ensuring and coordinating the
participation of the village unit in governance; Assisting the village unit to develop the administrative
capacity for the effective exercise of the functions and powers; Participation in governance at the
local level; Monitoring the implementation of policies at the village unit; Advising the ward
administrator and sub-county administrator on matters pertaining to the village.

County Assembly: The County Assembly is the legislative arm of the county government and is
responsible for making laws that are necessary for the effective performance of the county functions
in the fourth schedule of Kenya Constitution 2010. County assembly will also exercise oversight over
the county executive committee and any other county executive organ. County assembly will receive
and approve development plans, policies, financial bill, and enact county appropriations, approve
budget estimates and county government borrowing. The county assembly is organized in different
standing committees.

County Public Service Board (CPSB): The functions of the County Public Service Board shall be,
on behalf of the county government: to establish and abolish offices; appoint persons to hold or act
in offices; confirm appointments; exercise disciplinary control over, and remove, persons holding or
acting in those offices as provided for under County Government Act, 2012; It also advise county
government on implementation and monitoring of the national performance management system in
counties; make recommendations to the Salaries and Remuneration Commission, on behalf of the
county government, on the remuneration, pensions and gratuities for county public service

5.2 Stakeholders in the County
Stakeholder Role

County Executive Committee. Policy formulation and implementation of the CIDP.

Management Committees of Devolved Complementing funding various projects.
Funds.(Elimu Fund, Emergency Fund,
Enterprise Development Fund etc.)
FBOs (Roman Catholic, PCEA, ACK, Participate and contribute in development activities of the county.
SUPKEM, etc)
Civil Society Organizations Participate and contribute in development activities of the county advocacy and
awareness creation.
Community Provision of skilled/ unskilled labour; Participate in decision making on issues affecting
them; Community policing, collaboration with security agents; Active participation in
prioritization of projects, implementation and provide information and utilization of
infrastructural facilities.
Development Committees Provide leadership in development and mainstreaming cross cutting issues in projects
and programmes.
Donors Inject new resources in form of credit, grants material support and capacity buildings.
Farmers’ Organizations Promote marketing of farm produce.
Finance Institutions Avail credit, create awareness and train community on financial management.
Regulatory Boards Regulation of processing and marketing of the produce
Kenya National Bureau of Statistics Collection and dissemination of consumable data for planning purposes
National Aids Control Council (NACC) Provide policy guidance on halting and the reversing the spread of HIV/AIDS; Support
OVC’s and People Living with HIV/AIDS.
National Council for Persons with Enhance capacity of disabled person’s organizations, institutions and individuals;
Disability Support educational institutions for physically challenged
NEMA Enforcement of EMCA.
Legislature (National and County Deliberation and approve sector laws & policies and provision of conducive legal
Assemblies) environment.
Private Sector Partners in service provision; Employment creation; Promotion of private enterprises
and competition and supplement government effort through PPP. Contribute to revenue
Red Cross Support disaster response and implementation of development projects; capacity
building on disaster management; Research on development.
Research Institution Carrying out research and development.
Trade Unions Promotion of labour relations and welfare of workers.
The National Government Ministries Policy guidance, formulation of conducive laws and training on management skills,
enforcement of laws, dispensation of justice, conducting of elections.
Tourists (domestic and international) Contribute to revenue generation.
Transport Service Providers Provide public transport services to all stakeholders
Enhance economic growth by provision of access to markets by people and goods.
Commissions (SRC, CRA, JSC, CAJ Constitutional mandate implementation
County public service Human resource management.

5.3 Resource Requirement by Sector

The following table shows the proposed budget for each sector as derived from the sector

Table 18: Summary of Proposed Budget by Sector

Amount per Total amount % of
Sector Programme programme per sector Total
(Kshs.) Budget
Office of the Governor Administration and Coordination 1,472,000,000 1,472,000,000 1.86
Finance and Economic Revenue mobilization and administration 60,000,000 210,000,000 0.27
Planning Financial management 40,000,000
Economic planning and management 110,000,000

Amount per Total amount % of
Sector Programme programme per sector Total
(Kshs.) Budget
Lands, Physical Planning, Advancement of affordable and suitable housing 10,250,000,000 12,094,000,000 15.29
Housing and Urbanization Controlled and sustainable land use 900,000,000
Urban development 944,000,000
Health, Public Health and Health systems Planning and Support services 797,000,000 13,103,000,000 16.56
Sanitation Services Preventive and Promotive Health Services 1,040,000,000
Curative and Rehabilitative services 11,266,000,000
Gender and Social Services Social Welfare 265,000,000 1,449,000,000 1.83
Community Empowerment 222,000,000
Disaster Response 250,000,000
Sports Development 712,000,000
County Public Service, Public administration and management. 841,900,000 911,900,000 1.15
Administration and Youth County public service management 70,000,000
Agriculture, Livestock and Agriculture Management 3,810,000,000 5,894,000,000 75.24
Fisheries Development Agricultural training services 120,000,000
Livestock production Management 1,500,000,000
Veterinary services 314,000,000
Agriculture Mechanization services 150,000,000
Trade, Culture, Tourism and Trade Development 452,000,000 2,669,000,000 3.37
Cooperative Development Fair Trade practice 115,000,000
Investment promotion 455,000,000
Regional economic integration 150,000,000
Industrial and Enterprise Development 780,000,000
Tourism promotions and diversification 354,000,000
Cultural development 273,000,000
Cooperatives development and management 90,000,000
Education, Science and Vocational training development 1,268,000,000 4,333,000,000 5.48
Technology Early childhood development and education 2,190,000,000
Elimu fund 720,000,000
ICT development 155,000,000
Water, Environment and Water supply and management 12,135,000,000 12,216,500,000 15.44
Natural Resources Environment & Natural Resources 81,500,000
County Assembly Physical infrastructure development 400,000,000 441,000,000 0.56
Capacity Development 41,000,000
County Public Service Public service management 238,000,000 238,000,000 0.30
Transport, Public Works, County access and feeder roads 22,000,000,000 24,085,000,000 30.44
Infrastructure and Transport management and safety 750,000,000
Communication Building and construction services 525,000,000
Lighting, power supply and management 763,000,000
Renewable Energy promotion 47,000,000
Total 79,116,400,000 79,116,400,000 100.00

5.4 Resource Mobilization Framework

5.4.1 Source of Revenues

Equitable share
This is from the shared national revenue as provided for in Article 202 and 203 of the constitution.
The county receives part of the constitutionally approved share from the consolidated fund as
proposed in the Budget Policy Statement, recommended by CRA and approved by The National

Additional resources
In addition to the equitable share of revenue, the County Government is also expected to get
additional resources from the following sources:
 Conditional and unconditional allocations from share of the national government as
contemplated under Article 202(2) of the Constitution.
 Own revenues from specific county revenue raising measures through imposition of property
taxes, entertainment taxes, as well as any other tax and user fees and charges as authorized to
 Borrowing provided national government guarantee is obtained as well as the approval of the
County Assembly. This will only occur if the funds will be applied to development activities.
 Grants and donations from development partners in accordance with section 138 and 139 of
the Public Finance Management Act, 2012 and Public Finance Management Act (County
Government) Regulations, 2015. There are other grants not channeled through the county
revenue funds but helps the county to achieve it development objectives through
collaborations e.g. Upper Tana Natural Resource Management Project.

5.4.2 County Government Expenditure

The county government is expected to spend its money for recurrent expenditure and development
projects. The development activities are constrained, however the county government will work in
collaboration with development partners to cushion the strained development kitty.

5.4.3 Assets and Financial Management

The county treasury is the custodian of all county government assets and liabilities. The county will
therefore take stock of all the assets and update the register. The County Treasury will also monitor,
evaluate and oversee the management of public finances and economic affairs of the county
government including developing and implementing financial and economic policies, preparing the
annual budget, coordinating the implementation of the budget and mobilizing resources for funding.
The county is fully accountable to the public on the expenditure and utilization of all funds received
by or on behalf of the county government. This is done through quarterly budget implementation and
project and program status report as required under section 166(4) of the PFM Act, 2012. All financial
management systems are required to comply with the requirements of all national and county

The process of financial management will be as follows: The county treasury shall prepare annual
budget estimates and seek approval from the county executive committee and the county assembly.
The controller of budget will authorize withdrawals from the county revenue funds. The accounting
officer is accountable to the county assembly for ensuring that the funds of the entity for which the
officer is designated are used in a way that is lawful and authorized. The accounts of the county will
be audited by the auditor-General and submit audit reports to the relevant county assembly
committees. Internal audits will also be done continuously as a control measure.

5.4.4 Debt management

The main sources of debt to the county government are categorized into two namely;
 Pending bills.
 Inherited debt from defunct local authorities
Each year the county treasury will prepare the Medium Term Debt Management Strategy Paper in
accordance with section 123 of PFM Act, 2012 which outlines: The total stock of debt as at the date
of the statement; The sources of loans made to the county government; The principal risks associated
with those loans; The assumptions underlying the debt management strategy; and an analysis of the
sustainability of the amount of debt, both actual and potential.
The county will put more emphasis in ensuring the sustainability of the current debt and establishment
of necessary structures to facilitate future borrowing. However, it does not envisage any borrowing
to finance the budget and will therefore focus on servicing of existing debt. With the current level of
debt, the county government may not be able to accommodate additional borrowing to finance its

5.4.5 Capital Financing and Accountability.

Capital projects as contained in this plan will be funded through budgetary allocation from the county
government revenue fund, grants and loans from development partners. Over the medium term it is
expected that the county will spend not less than 30 percent of its revenue on development as required
under section 107(2)(b) of the PFM Act, 2012.

Table 19: Revenue Projections

Type of Revenue 2017/2018 2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 Total
a) Local Revenue 1,000,000,000 1,050,000,000 1,100,000,000 1,150,000,000 1,200,000,000 5,500,000,000
b) Equitable share 4,952,800,000 5,200,440,000 5,460,462,000 5,733,485,100 6,020,159,355 27,367,346,455
c) Conditional grants 729,038,193 1,074,393,922 1,200,153,010 1,344,775,962 1,511,092,356 5,859,453,443
d) Equalization fund
e) Other sources
Total 6,681,838,193 7,324,833,922 7,760,615,010 8,228,261,062 8,731,251,711 38,726,799,898

5.5 Resource Gap and Measures to Address
The resource requirement for implementation of this plan is Kshs. 79.1 Billion against projected
budget estimates of Kshs. 38. 7 Billion, creating a resource gap of Kshs. 40.4 Billion. In an attempt
to bridge the resource gap by attracting potential investors, the county government will review its
policies to significantly reduce the time and cost of doing business, thus improving the overall
business environment.

In the health sector, the county will work closely with the national government to tap more funds
from the national basket to finance its activities and programmes. In addition, the county will look
for donors such as USAID, World Bank, DANIDA among others to provide funds for projects and
programmes (preventive, promotive, curative, rehabilitative and palliative) in form of grants
supplementing the county sources.

In the infrastructural front, the county will explore Public-Private Partnership (PPP) arrangement as
well as engage the donors to cover the existing funding gap in road improvement and maintenance;
Construction of intakes, reservoir dams/ pans and distribution lines; Construction of affordable
housing in county estates and the management of solid waste. Donor support will also be required to
bridge the gap in ICT infrastructure and improvement of vocational training centers. To finance its
ICT infrastructure, the county government will also collaborate with the national government
agencies e.g. the ICT authority to fund various activities such as development of wide area network.

In agriculture, the county government will explore PPP in value addition of agricultural produce
focusing on the agro processing industry that will brand our tea, coffee, cut flowers, and horticulture,
dairy and fruit products. Donor support will be enlisted in improving the agricultural training centers
and extension programmes to ensure food security. The above interventions will be considered in
seeking to finance market chains and cooperative programmes to ease on the county’s resource needs.
The county will therefore explore all possible resource mobilization strategies to ensure the
programmes in this blueprint are executed as planned.




This chapter outlines the rationale for a robust county monitoring and evaluation system, as well as
highlighting the key outcomes for the various sectors programs and the desired targets for the plan
period. The county monitoring and evaluation framework acknowledges the fact that the county’s
policies, procedures and systems associated with the inter-related areas of performance management
have been progressively changing. The main changes have been attributed to: the county
government’s imperative to deliver essential services and commitments made to various stakeholders;
the need for accurate and up to date data, and tracking and reporting of results to support continuous
and improved service delivery; the need for meaningful engagement with stakeholders regarding
results; need to comply with legislative and regulatory requirements; and the need to respond to
changes in county government’s delivery model.
The county government will ensure that there is clear linkage between this CIDP and other plans for
effective tracking of progress towards achievement of projects and programmes. The targets set in
this plan will be cascaded to departmental level and further to individual work plans annually.
Therefore, the focus of county departments’ indicators and targets will be alignment to the county’s
long term direction. Monitoring and evaluation forms part of the Performance Management
Framework, which encompasses setting performance indicators, measuring them over time,
evaluating them periodically and finally, making course corrections as needed.

6.1 Rationale for County Monitoring and Evaluation Framework

The county monitoring and evaluation framework will facilitate the county government to assess if
the policies, programs and projects are implemented according to the planed timelines and targets.
The M&E results will be helpful in providing feedback to citizens and resource allocation. Through
the monitoring and evaluation system, the county aims to establish: a countywide understanding of
monitoring and evaluation issues; create harmony in understanding expectations on results from
various actors; enhance culture of focusing on results; clarify roles and responsibilities and also
advance the institutionalization of monitoring and evaluation in service delivery. The county
government will ensure that this framework will be translated into M&E practices that support public
participation, planning, budgeting, delivery, policy development, oversight, reporting and other
governance related processes. Further, the transparency and accountability agenda will be advanced
through the generation of sound information – to be used in reporting, communication and the
improvement of service delivery.

6.2 Data Collection, Analysis and Reporting

The county has a monitoring and evaluation unit that is responsible for data collection, analysis and
reporting on projects and programmes implementation. The unit will be strengthened through staffing
and continuous training to execute its mandate. There will be a designated officer in every department
responsible for monitoring and evaluation in every department. The data collected at the departmental
level will be submitted to the county monitoring and evaluation unit for analysis, compilation and

presentation. The county monitoring and evaluation unit will conduct regular surveys to ensure the
available data is accurate, authentic and up to date. The data will then be analyzed to inform decision
making in planning and budgeting.
There will be establishment of a County Monitoring and Evaluation Committee (CM&EC) that will
spearhead monitoring and evaluation activities at the county level. At the county level, the monitoring
committee will continue to build the capacity of departments and agencies on monitoring and
evaluation. This will ensure that monitoring and evaluation activities are carried out on a continuous
basis and the reports are accurate and reliable.

6.3 Legal basis for the County Monitoring and Evaluation framework
The Constitution of Kenya 2010 requires that governments use monitoring and evaluation
mechanisms as an integral part of developing and executing government policies, programmes and
projects and in resource allocation and management at the two levels of governments.
The County Government Act 2012 requires the county executive committee to design performance
management plan (with objective, measurable and time bound performance indicators)to evaluate
performance of the county public service and the implementation of county policies. It also requires
that the County Integrated Development Plan should have key performance indicators and that the
annual county budget be informed by the performance targets of the county. The CIDP should provide
clear input, output and outcome performance indicators including but not limited to: the percentage
of households with access to basic services Article 43 of the Bill of Rights of the constitution; the
percentage of a county’s capital budget actually spent on capital projects identified for a particular
financial year in terms of the county’s integrated development plan; the number of jobs created
through any local economic development initiatives including capital projects; and financial viability
of the integrated development plan in accordance with nationally applicable ratios.
These requirements are in line with those of the Public Financial Management Act 2012 that requires
county governments to prepare annual development plans that detail programs to be delivered
including measurable indicators of performance where feasible; and the Public Service (values and
principles) Act 2015 that requires every public institution develop mechanisms for monitoring and
evaluating the effectiveness of public service delivery.

6.4 Monitoring and Evaluation Outcome Indicators

The following table summarises the outcome indicators based on sector priorities and programs. It
also highlights the targets at midterm and end of term of the County Integrated Development Plan.
Table 20: Summary of Monitoring and Evaluation
Sector Programme Outcome indicators Baseline Source of Reporting Responsibility Mid- End-
Data term term
Target Target
(2020) (2022)
Office of the Administration % departments with 20 Monthly Head of performance 100 100
Governor and Performance Contracts reports
Coordination Signed, Implemented
and Evaluated
Finance and Revenue % change in revenue -9.4 Annual report Director of revenue 20 50
Economic mobilization and collected
Planning administration

Sector Programme Outcome indicators Baseline Source of Reporting Responsibility Mid- End-
Data term term
Target Target
(2020) (2022)
Financial % absorption rate 61.5 Annual budget CECM Finance and 80 90
management implementation Economic planning
Reduction in number of 9 Audit reports CECM Finance and 4 3
audit queries Economic planning
Economic % of department 80 M&E reports Chief Officers in all 100 100
planning and submitting M&E departments
management reports to CMEU
Number of M&E 4 M&E reports Chief Officers in all 4 4
reports departments
Lands, Advancement of % of county officers 5 Annual reports Director of housing 8 10
Physical affordable and housed
Planning, suitable housing
Housing and Controlled and % compliance to spatial - Annual reports Director of physical 100 100
Urbanization sustainable land plan planning
Urban Km of drainage Annual project Director of Physical 25 50
Development constructed reports Planning
No of Km of street Annual project Director of Physical 50 100
lighting reports Planning
Number of Km of roads Annual project Director of Physical 12.5 25
tarmacked reports Planning
Health, Public Health systems Percentage level of 40 Health report CECM, Health Services 60 70
Health and Planning and clients satisfaction
Sanitation Support services Nurse patient ratio 1:834 Health report CECM, Health Services 1:750 1:650
Services Doctor patient ratio 1:7610 Health report CECM, Health Services 1:7,300 1:7,000
Preventive and Under Five Mortality 52 Health report CECM, Health Services 40/1,000 30/1,00
Promotive rate 0
Health Services Infant mortality rate 39 Health report CECM, Health Services 30/1000 25/1000
Maternal mortality ratio 110/100, Health report CECM, Health Services 85/100,0 70/100,
000 00 000
Facility mortality rate 5.7 Health report CECM, Health Services 5 4.7
Curative and % of healthcare 10% Health report CECM, Health Services 5 2
Rehabilitative facilities reporting
services stock out of essential
drugs and supplies
% of hospitals with 40 Health report CECM, Health Services 70 100
specialized services
Gender and Social Welfare Average number of Gender and CECM, Gender and social
Social days in a month girls social services services
Services attend school reports
3077 Department CECM Gender and Social 8700 12500
reports Services
Department CECM Gender and Social 62 142
reports Services
Community Percentage of either Department CECM Gender and Social 30 35
Empowerment gender attending public reports Services
Disaster % of disaster incidences Department CECM Gender and Social 100 100
Response reported and responded reports Services
No of deaths, missing Department CECM Gender and Social 0 0
person and directly reports Services
affected person per 100
Sports Number of ward based Department CECM Gender and Social 22 40
Development multidisciplinary sports reports Services
tournaments held

Sector Programme Outcome indicators Baseline Source of Reporting Responsibility Mid- End-
Data term term
Target Target
(2020) (2022)
Number of inter-county Department CECM Gender and Social 10 10
sports tournaments reports Services
participated in
County Public Public Level of customer Department CECM County Public 40 70
Service, administration satisfaction reports service, Administration and
Administratio and youth affairs
n and Youth management.
Affairs County public % of department Department CECM County Public 100 101
service performance score reports service, Administration and
management youth affairs
Agriculture, Agriculture Percentage change in Department Agriculture, Livestock and 3 5
Livestock and Management agricultural output report fisheries
Fisheries Amount of crop Department Agriculture, Livestock and
Development production per hectare report fisheries
Agricultural Percentage of farmers Department Agriculture, Livestock and 30 50
training services adopting modern report fisheries
farming technologies
Livestock Percentage change in Department Agriculture, Livestock and 3 5
production livestock production report fisheries
Veterinary Percentage decrease in Department Agriculture, Livestock and 12% 20%
services notifiable diseases report fisheries
Agriculture Percentage of farmers Department Agriculture, Livestock and 30 50
Mechanization practicing agricultural report fisheries
services mechanization
Trade, Trade Number of markets Department CECM Trade, Culture 30 50
Culture, Development developed/rehabilitated/ report Tourism and Cooperatives
Tourism and renovated
Cooperative Fair Trade Percentage of Department CECM Trade, Culture
Development practice equipment inspected report Tourism and Cooperatives
and verified
Investment Number of Producer Department CECM Trade, Culture 3 5
promotion Business Groups report Tourism and Cooperatives
established and linked
to market
Regional Number of joint Department CECM Trade, Culture 3 5
economic projects report Tourism and Cooperatives
Industrial and Number of new jobs Department CECM Trade, Culture 2,000 5,000
Enterprise created in the industries report Tourism and Cooperatives
Tourism Number of tourist 73,000 Department CECM Trade, Culture 100,000 120,000
promotions and arrivals recorded report Tourism and Cooperatives
Cultural Number of groups that 10 Department CECM Trade, Culture 20 40
development are actively involved report Tourism and Cooperatives
Cultural activities
Cooperatives % of active 79 Department CECM Trade, Culture 85 95
development cooperatives societies report Tourism and Cooperatives
Education, Vocational Enrollment rate Department CECM, Education, Science 95 100
Science and training report and Technology
Technology development Completion rate Department CECM, Education, Science 95 100
report and Technology
Retention rate Department CECM, Education, Science 95 100
report and Technology

Sector Programme Outcome indicators Baseline Source of Reporting Responsibility Mid- End-
Data term term
Target Target
(2020) (2022)
Early childhood Enrollment rate Department CECM, Education, Science 95 100
development report and Technology
and education Transition rate to Department CECM, Education, Science 95 100
management primary report and Technology
Elimu fund Retention rate Department CECM, Education, Science 100 100
report and Technology
ICT Percentage level of 10 Department CECM, Education, Science 60 90
development internet connectivity report and Technology
Water, Water supply Percentage of HH with 62 Department CECM, Water, 70 85
Environment and access to affordable report Environment and Natural
and Natural management clean and safe water Resources
Resources Acreage under 2600Ha Department CECM Water Environment 3520 4370
irrigation report and Natural Resources
Environment & % area under tree cover 38.30% Department CECM Water Environment 40.10 40.30
Natural report and Natural Resources
Resources Percentage change in 5 Department CECM Water Environment 35 55
river volume and level report and Natural Resources
% reduction in Department CECM Water Environment 15 20
Unaccounted for Water report and Natural Resources
reported by Water
Service Providers
County Physical Number of legislators Department Clerk of the County 140 140
Assembly infrastructure and officers housed report Assembly
Capacity Percentage of bills Department Clerk of the County 100 100
Development received and approved report Assembly
County Public Public service Percentage of staff Department Secretary to the CPSB 100 100
Service Board management requested and recruited report
Transport, County access Percentage of 15 Department CECM, Transport, Public 16 17
Public Works, and feeder tarmacked road report Works, Infrastructure and
Infrastructure roads Communication
and Percentage of graveled 77 Department CECM, Transport, Public 80 95
Communicati road network report Works, Infrastructure and
on Communication
Transport Number of bus parks Department CECM, Transport, Public 3 5
management constructed report Works, Infrastructure and
and safety Communication
Building and Number of reported Department CECM, Transport, Public 0 0
construction incidence of collapsed report Works, Infrastructure and
services building and bridges Communication
Lighting, power Number of street light 1750 Department CECM, Transport, Public 1948 2080
supply and poles installed report Works, Infrastructure and
management Communication
Percentage of Department CECM, Transport, Public
households connected report Works, Infrastructure and
to electricity Communication
Renewable Number of alternative 0 Department CECM, Transport, Public 3 5
Energy energy projects report Works, Infrastructure and
promotion initiated/supported Communication




7.1 Office of the Governor
7.1.1 Ongoing projects
The projects are funded by County Government of Nyeri and implemented by the County Secretary’s office.
Project Name/ Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities (Key Green Cost Source Time
Outputs) Economy (Kshs.) of frame
considerations funding
Electronic Performance Improved Performance 1 Design, installation, testing and 24 CGN 2018-
Management System and Management in implementation of an electronic million 2019
Automated Dashboard Service Delivery performance management system based
Main and security gates Enhanced security of 1 Completed and operational security gate 0.5M CGN 2018-
to the County the Governors office 2020

7.1.2 New project proposals

The projects will be funded by County Government of Nyeri and implemented by the County Secretary’s
Project Name/ Objectives Targets Description of Activities Green Economy Cost Source of Time
Location (Key Outputs) considerations (Kshs.) funding frame
Construction of County Improved working Office block constructed Designing, construction 500 M CGN 2018-
office block Wide conditions and commissioning 2022
Construction of County Improved working Governor’s residence Designing, construction 200 M CGN 2018-
Governors residence Wide conditions constructed and commissioning 2022

7.2 County Assembly

7.3.1 Ongoing projects
The projects are funded by County Government of Nyeri and implemented by the County Assembly.
Project Name/ Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities (Key Green Economy Cost Time
Outputs) considerations (Kshs.) frame
Refurbishment of the Improve the welfare of 1 Refurbish the Canteen to modern Natural Lighting 8M June 2018
Assembly Canteen Members and staff status.
Main Gate to the County Enhanced security of 1 Completed and operational security 4M June 2018
Assembly the Assembly gate

7.3.2 New project proposals

The projects will be funded by County Government of Nyeri and implemented by the County Assembly.
Project Name/ Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Green Economy Cost Time
(Key Outputs) considerations (Kshs.) frame
Refurbishment of Assembly Improved working 3 Face-lifting of Assembly Reduce environment risk 30M 2018-
offices and Chamber condition building 2019
Refurbishment of pathways Improved working condition 6 Face lifting of pathways Reduce environment risk 5M 2018-
Construction of parking bay Protect the vehicles 80 Improving the parking lot Designing, construction and 20 M 2018-
canopy commissioning 2022
Construction of office block Improved working condition 1 Office block constructed Designing, construction and 200 M 2018-
commissioning 2022
Construction of Speaker’s and Accommodation of the 2 Speaker’s and Clerk’s Designing, construction and 50 M 2018-
Clerk’s residence officers residence constructed commissioning 2022
Construction of Police post and Improve security and 1 Completed and operational Designing, construction and 50 M 2018-
housing units working conditions police post commissioning 2022
Construction of new Chamber Improvement of record 1 Completed and operational Designing, construction and 300 M 2018-
and Library keeping and research work library and Chamber commissioning 2022
Hansard and broadcasting To enhance production and 1 Operational systems in place Installation of equipment and 20M 2018-
systems security of hansard reports system Training of personnel 2022
Installation of CCTV Camera To enhance security 1 Operational system in place Installation of equipment and 5M 2018-
system Training of personnel 2022
Installation of biometric register To enhance accountability 1 Operational system in place Installation of equipment and 5M 2018-
system Training of personnel 2022

7.4 Finance and Economic Planning
7.4.1 On-going projects
This project is getting funding from County Government and implementation by the department of Finance
and Economic Planning.
Project Name/ Objectives Targets Description of Activities (Key Green Economy Cost Timeframe
Location Outputs) considerations (Kshs.)
Refurbishment of Improve working Treasury office Partitioning and painting Natural lighting 20 M 2017/2019
treasury offices conditions refurbished

6.4.2 New Project Proposals

These projects will get funding from County Government and implementation by the department of Finance
and Economic Planning.
Project Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost (Kshs.) Timeframe
Revenue automation County Wide To enhance revenue System in place and Procurement and Installation 50 M 2018-2022
collection use of a revenue system and
Decentralization of County Wide Improved service delivery IFMIS decentralises Installation of equipment and 10 M 2018-2022
IFMIS in 13 departments system Training of personnel
Automation of County Wide Compliance with all laid Internal audit system Procurement and Installation 20 M 2018-2022
internal audit down financial regulations in place and use of an Audit system and
Asset management County Wide Identification of county 100% Asset tagging and valuation; 10M 2018-2022
assets Asset register
Construction of County Wide Improvement of working Office block built Construction of offices 20 M 2018-2022
revenue offices conditions
Institutional capacity County Wide Improved sservice delivery Offices trained Training of staff 50 M 2018-2022

7.5 Lands, Housing, Physical Planning and Urbanisation

7.5.1 On-going projects
Project Objectives Targets Description of Cost Source of Timefr Impleme
Name/ Activities (Key (Ksh) funding ame nting
Location Outputs) Agency
Planning To ensure KISIP Participatory 123 M County 12 CGN/
and security of Ngorano – Mathira West SC Ruruguti – Othaya SC, planning, Government months KISIP
survey of Tenure to Giakaibii – Mathira West SC; Njoguini – Tetu SC; Development of of Nyeri and
colonial the Kanjora, - Tetu SC the local physical Kenya
villages residents County Government development Informal
Kihome- Othaya SC, Warazo jet – Kieni East SC; Githiru plan(LPDP),Surve settlements
– Nyeri town SC; Ngaini – Mathira West SC; Chieni – ying,Validation, Improvement
Mathira West SC; Gikoe – Othaya SC; Njigari – Othaya Approval of the Project
SC; Thunguma – Nyeri Town SC; Uasonyiro – Kieni West LPDP and survey (KISIP),
SC; Witima – Othaya SC; Karundu- Mukurweini SC plan

7.5.2 New Project Proposals

The projects will be implemented by the department of Lands, Housing, Physical Planning and Urbanisation.
Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Source of Timef
(Kshs.) funding rame
Planning & survey Iriaini ward To provide security (Kiamwangi, Planning & survey & issuance 50M GoK/ 2018-
(Mathira) of tenure Kahuru, of title deeds CGN 2022
Itundu, Mbari ya
Njagi- Thengeini,
Iria-ini Land Survey and Iria-ini Ward To provide security Survey and mapping 5M GoK/ 2018-
Mapping (Othaya) of tenure CGN 2022
Refurbishment of 200 County Wide To provide modern Blue Valley, Designing; Tendering; 100 M CGN 2018-
No. county government affordable and Karatina, Mweiga, Implementation; Commission 2022
residential houses decent housing. NaroMoru,

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Source of Timef
(Kshs.) funding rame
Ruringu, Kimathi
and Ringroad
Development of a County Wide To provide a legal An Act on Drafting stage; Public 1M CGN 2018-
housing bill and policy framework for Housing Participation; Legislation 2022
administration of
county government
of Nyeri houses
Training of youth groups County Wide To establish ToTs Two groups per Identifying the groups; Training 10M CGN 2018-
on Appropriate Building on ABTs sub county 2022
Feasibility study County Wide To guide on project Blue Valley, Develop TORs; Procurement; 30M CGN 2018-
viability Karatina, Mweiga, Report implementation 2022
Ruringu, Kimathi
and Ringroad
Establishment of a G.I.S County Wide Provide a modern -Land records and Purchasing of G.I.S equipment 100 M CGN 2018-
laboratory facility for plans. and softwares; Training of Staff 2022
analysing spatial
Survey and processing of County Wide To provide security All unsurveyed Tendering; Participatory 250 M CGN 2018-
ownership documents for of tenure public land. planning; Development of the 2022
all commercial centres in local physical development
the county plan (LPDP); Surveying,
Approval of LPDP and Survey
Preparation of a County Wide Provide basis for All rateable areas Develop TORs; Procurement; 200 M CGN 2018-
valuation roll charging land rates in the county Report implementation 2022
Development of a county County Wide Provide basis for countywide Develop TORs; Procurement; 250M CGN 2018-
spatial plan optimal land use. Report implementation 2022
Demarcation of public Dedan Kimathi Security of tenure All public land, Surveying and demarcating 20 M GoK / 2018-
land Ward Markets, Schools, CGN 2022
Churches, Villages
Kiamutiga Public Land Wamagana Security of tenure 1 Village Surveying and Planning 10 M GoK / 2018-
Ward CGN 2022
Ewasonyiro trading Endarasha Security of tenure 1 Centre Surveying and planning 10 M GoK/ 2018-
centre Mwiyogo CGN 2022
Demarcation of public Dedan Kimathi Security of tenure All public land, Surveying and demarcating 10 M GoK / 2018-
land Ward Markets, Schools, CGN 2022
Churches, Villages
Kiamutiga Public Land Wamagana Security of tenure 1 Village Surveying and Planning 10 M GoK / 2018-
Ward CGN 2022
Ewasonyiro trading Endarasha Security of tenure 1 Centre Surveying and planning 10 M GoK/ 2018-
centre Mwiyogo CGN 2022
Pura Trading Centre Endarasha Security of tenure 1 Centre Surveying and planning 10 M GoK/ 2018-
Mwiyogo CGN 2022
Kanyagia Trading Centre Endarasha Security of tenure 1 Centre Surveying and planning 10 M GoK/ 2018-
Mwiyogo CGN 2022
Mwihoko Trading Endarasha Security of tenure 1 Centre Surveying and planning 10 M GoK/ 2018-
Centre Mwiyogo CGN 2022
Wendiga Exwilly’s Endarasha Security of tenure 1 Centre Surveying and planning 10 M GoK/ 2018-
Mwiyogo CGN 2022
Gatarakwa Public Land Gatarakwa Security of tenure 10acres Procurement of land for public 10 M GoK/ 2018-
Ward utilities CGN 2022
Mweiga Town Planning Mweiga Ward Security of tenure 1 town Planning and Surveying of 10 M GoK/ 2018-
and Survey Town CGN 2022
Mweiga County Estate Mweiga Ward Security of tenure 1 estate Rehabilitation of County 10 M GoK/ 2018-
Owned houses and Estates CGN 2022
Samaki Village Mweiga Ward Security of tenure 1 village Surveying and Issuance of Title 10 M GoK/ 2018-
Allocation Project deeds CGN 2022
Njeng’u Dam, Kiguru Mweiga Ward Security of tenure 1 village Surveying and demarcation 10 M GoK/ 2018-
Dam, Bondeni Dam CGN 2022
Gikoe colonial villages Mahiga Ward Security of tenure 2 village Demarcation and issuance of 10 M GoK/ 2018-
title deeds CGN 2022

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Source of Timef
(Kshs.) funding rame
Kamakwa/ Mukaro Kamakwa/ Security of tenure 10acres Acquisition for Youth and 10 M GOK/ 2018-
Public Land Mukaro Ward Sport CGN 2022
Chinga Dam Surveying Chinga Ward Security of tenure 1 Dam Surveying 10 M GOK/ 2018-
CGN 2022
Ngaru plot/ Shopping Chinga Ward Security of tenure 1 Town Surveying 10 M GOK/ 2018-
Centre Survey CGN 2022
Nyarugumu Kiganjo Security of tenure 1 Centre Surveying and planning 10 M GoK/ 2018-
Mathari CGN 2022

7.6Health and Sanitation

7.6.1 On-going Projects
These projects are to be funded and implemented by the County Government of Nyeri in collaboration with
the National Government
Project Name/Location Objectives Targets Description of Green economy Cost Time
Activities(Key Outputs) Considerations Kshs frame
Upgrading of Othaya Upgrade the hospital to fully- A fully-fledged level 4 Completion of Phase 1. Solar water 2018
Level-4 hospital-Phase 1. fledged level 4, tier 3 county hospital Outpatients, wards, maternity, heating system to 100M
hospital with all facilities Theatre, departments. be provided.
Muthangira Dispensary Improve Access to health care 12 room OPD block Completion Of outpatient Use of natural 1M 2019
block lighting and solar
Ruruguti Dispensary Improve Access to health care One maternity Wing Complete One maternity Use of natural 8.5M 2018
Wing with 12 beds lighting and solar
Karaba Health Centre Improve Access to health care one of X-ray unit Install an x-ray unit Use of natural 4M 2018
lighting and solar
Ichamara Dispensary Improve Access to health care One maternity Wing Complete One maternity Use of natural 7.5M 2018
Wing with 12 beds lighting and solar
Wamagana Health Improve Access to health care 12 room OPD block Completion Of outpatient Use of natural 7.5M 2017
Centre block lighting and solar
Kinyaiti Dispensary Improve Access to health care 12 room OPD block Completion Of outpatient Use of natural 0.5M 2018
block lighting and solar
Kiambogo Dispensary Improve Access to health care 12 room OPD block Operationalization Use of natural 1M 2018
lighting and solar
Ihwagi,Ragati,Kiawara Improve Access to health care 4 mobile health facilities Construction of mobile clinics Use of natural 0.2M 2018
and Maragima colonial in selected sites lighting and solar
Community health To enhance household health 251 Community health Training ,equipping and none 2018
services and dissemination of health units stipends 350M to
information 2022
Capacity Development To upscale the level of skills 40 health workers per In-service Training of health None 15M 2018-
on specialized health year workers on critical skills. 2022
Solid waste Management Upscale refuse collection 35,000 tonnes of waste Sweeping, collection, disposal Controlled 175M 2018-
Solid wastes in Nyeri county and dumpsite management. tipping 2022
management 20 acres land Procurement and development Controlled 30M 2018
of land for dumpsite tipping
3 cemeteries. Procurement of cemetery 20M 2018
5 dump sites in the urban Rehabilitation of 5 dumpsites 30M 2018

7.6.2 New project proposals

The projets are to be funded and implemented through collaboration between County Government of Nyeri,
National Government and Partners.
Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities(Key Cost Time frame
Outputs) Kshs
Upgrading of Othaya Othaya Upgrade the hospital to fully- A fully-fledged level Construction of Radiology, 500M 2018-2022
Level -4 hospital. fledged level 4, tier 3 county 4 hospital kitchen /Laundry / Mtce unit,
Phase2 hospital with all facilities Admin block and mortuary.
Upgrading of Othaya Othaya Upgrade the hospital to fully- A fully-fledged level Construction of am Medical 400M 2018-2022
Level -4 hospital. fledged level 4, tier 3 county 4 hospital with a college.
Phase3 hospital with all facilities training facility

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities(Key Cost Time frame
Outputs) Kshs
Installation of ICT County wide Improve medical records data l One(1)Electronic Installation of electronic 20M 2018-2022
infrastructure to capture and Financial medical records medical records system
support EMR in all Management (HMIS) system
County health
facilities, County &
Installation of CCTV County wide Improve transparency and Functional CCTV 4 functional CCTV systems 20M 2018-2022
systems in our level accountability system
IV hospitals
Renovation and Nyeri Town Improve service delivery PGH hospital Renovation of entire PGH 500M 2018-2022
refurbishment of PGH hospital
Hospital and a car park
Nyeri CRH Hospital Nyeri Town Improve Mortuary services 1 Mortuary Refurbishment and renovation 20M 2018-2022
Mortuary Mortuary
Nyeri CRH twin Nyeri Town Reduce congestion A twin orthopedic 20M 2018-2022
orthopedic ward ward
Nyeri CRH palliative Nyeri Town Improve access to health A palliative care 20M 2018-2022
care unit service unit
Mukurweini Hospital Mukurweini Improve access to health An outpatient and Construction of outpatient and 50 M 2018-2022
service admistration block admistration block
Mukurweini Hospital Mukurweini Improve maternal and A maternity with a Construction of a maternity 100M 2018-2022
neonatal outcomes born unit including new born unit
Karatina Hospital New Karatina Improved neonatal outcomes 1 New born unit Construction of 1(one) 15M 2018-2022
born unit newborn unit (6 rooms)
Karatina Hospital Karatina Reduce child mortality 1 pediatric ward Construction of 1(one) 20M 2018-2022
paediatric unit pediatric consisting of 6 rooms
Karatina Hospital Karatina Improve supply chain 1 general store Construction of 1 general store 10M 2018-2022
General Store management
Karatina radiology Karatina Improve radiology services I radiology unit Construction and equipping a 10M 2018-2022
Unit radiology unit
Karatina Hospital Karatina Improve Mortuary services 1 Mortuary Refurbishment and renovation 20M 2018-2022
Mortuary Mortuary
Mt Kenya Hospital Nyeri Town Improve management of Outpatient block Expansion of Outpatient block 12M 2018-2022
Outpatient outpatient services to level 4 standards with at
least 10 rooms
Mt Kenya Hospital Nyeri Town Improve management of Inpatient block Expansion of inpatient block to 100M 2018-2022
Inpatient inpatient services level 4 standards with at least
144 beds
Mt Kenya radiology Nyeri Town Improve radiology services I radiology unit Construction and equipping a 10M 2018-2022
Unit radiology unit
Mt Kenya Hospital Nyeri Town Improve maternal Health 1 maternity ward Construction of 1(one) 50M 2018-2022
Maternity unit maternity ward consisting of
40 beds
Mt Kenya Hospital Nyeri Town Improve supply management 1 general store and Construction of 1 general store 15M 2018-2022
General Store and laundry and laundry
County Isolation ward Nyeri Town Prevent disease spread in A specialized Construction of a specialized 20M 2018-2022
at Mt. Kenya Hospital health care settings isolation unit isolation unit
Mukurweini Hospital Mukurweinin Improve on health Service Outpatient,Casusalty Construction of 100M 2018-2022
Outpatient casualty delivery and Administration outpatient,Casusalty and
and Admin Block. Block Administration Block
Mukurweini Hospital Mukurweinin Improve maternal Health 1 maternity with Construction of 1(one) 50M 2018-2022
Maternity with new born unit maternity with new born unit
newborn unit
Mukurweini Hospital Mukurweinin Improve supply management 1 general store Construction of 1 general store 10M 2018-2022
General Store
Solid waste County Wide Upscale refuse collection 1 truck,1pickup and Procurement of refuse vehicles 20M 2018-2022
Management 30 motorcycles
Mt Kenya Hospital. Nyeri Town Reduction of hospital An Isolation ward Construction of standard 13M 2018-2022
acquired infection. and OPD block isolation ward
Ambulance services County Wide Improvement of referral 2 Hospital Procure basic life support 20M 2018-2022
services ambulances ambulance
Mt. Kenya - Laundry Nyeri Town Improvement of support 2 laundry Machines Procure 2 laundry Machines 35M 2018-2022
Machines and dryers services in the hospitals and 3 dryers and 3 dryers

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities(Key Cost Time frame
Outputs) Kshs
Nyeri Referal Nyeri Town Provision of alternate power 2 generators 200 kva and 350 kva 20M 2018-2022
Hospital-Power supply generators for power supply at
Generators PGH hospital.
Medical waste County Wide Improvement of medical 1 microwave shade Construction of microwave 15M 2018-2022
Microwave shade waste management. shade at PGH
Laboratory upgrading County Wide Improved and timely Acredited Certification of Hospital Labs 40M 2018-2022
and Accreditation diagnosis Laboratories for acredition
Cancer hospital-Dedan Kiganjo Mathari To Improve cancer diagnosis Hospital completed Construction of a cancer 2B 2018-2022
Kimathi University and management and operational.. hospital
Patient safety and County Wide To improve quality of care Health facilities with Implementation of a quality 40M 2018-2022
quality improvement inorder to minimize harm to a functional quality improvement program
program the patient including improvement
reducing incidences of health program
care associated infections
Non-communicable County Wide To reduce the incidence of Screening services Screening services 50 M 2018-2022
disease surveillance non-communicable disease increased by 50%
and education through education and early
Building Level IV Kiawara Town NarumorImprove access to Hospital completed Construction of hospital IB 2018-2022
Hospital- Kieni West health care and operational facilities
Building Level IV Narumoro Town Improve access to health care Hospital completed Construction of hospital IB 2018-2022
Hospital Kieni East and operational facilities
Building Level IV Gichira (Gaki Improve access to health care Hospital completed Construction of hospital IB 2018-2022
Hospital- Tetu Aguthi) and operational facilities
Building Level IV Mathira West Improve access to health care Hospital completed Construction of hospital IB 2018-2022
Hospital- Mathira west and operational facilities
Expansion of Nyeri Nyeri Town Improve access to health care Hospital completed Specialized clinics IB 2018-2022
county referral and operational
Upgrade 30 Heath County Wide Improve access to health care 30 laboratories Construction of laboratories 52 M 2018-2022
centre laboratories & constructed and in
operationalize 14 use
closed rural Labs
Bondeni Dispensary Mweiga Ward To Improve Health Access 1 Dispensary Construction and Equipping 3M 2018-2022
Njeng’u Dispensary Mweiga Ward To Improve Health Access 1 Dispensary Construction and Equipping 3M 2018-2022
Kamatongu Mweiga Ward To Improve Health Access 1 Dispensary Construction and Equipping 3M 2018-2022
Mweiga Health Centre Mweiga Ward To Improve Health Access 1Health Centre Equipping and Construction of 7M 2018-2022
Adult Wards
Amboni Dispensary Mweiga Ward To Improve Health Access 1 Dispensary Construction of toilets and 3M 2018-2022
Equipping of Laboratory
Chaka market Thegu River Ward To Improve Health Access 1 no. sewerage Construction of sewerage 8M 2018-2022
sewerage system system system
New center (Thirigitu) Thegu River Ward To Improve Health Access 1 No. Dispensary Construction and equipping 3M 2018-2022
Tagwa (Maragima) Thegu River Ward To Improve Health Access 1 No. Dispensary Construction and equipping 3M 2018-2022
Lusoi Dispensary Thegu River Ward To Improve Health Access 1 No. Dispensary Construction and equipping 3M 2018-2022
Thungari (Nyange) Thegu River Ward To Improve Health Access 1 No. Dispensary Equipping and installation of 3M 2018-2022
Dispensary electricity
Gatuamba Dispensary Thegu River Ward To Improve Health Access 1 No. Dispensary Construction and equipping 3M 2018-2022
Rongai Dispensary Thegu River Ward To Improve Health Access 1 No. Dispensary Construction and equipping 3M 2018-2022
Naromoru health Naromoru/ To Improve Health Access 1 No. Health Center Upgrading to Level IV and 8M 2018-2022
centre Kiamathaga Ward staffing; construct
physiotherapy wards and
waiting area
Naromoru sewerage Naromoru/ To Improve Health Access 1 No. Chamber Construction of collection 5M 2018-2022
Kiamathaga Ward chambers
Kamburaini Naromoru/ To Improve Health Access 1 No. Laboratory Construction and equipping of 3M 2018-2022
dispensary Kiamathaga Ward a laboratory
Kiamathaga Naromoru/ To Improve Health Access 1 No. Laboratory Construction and equipping of 3M 2018-2022
Dispensary Kiamathaga Ward a laboratory
Naromoru Town Naromoru/ To Improve Health Access 1 No. exhauster Purchase of an exhauster 8M 2018-2022
sewerage Kiamathaga Ward
Naromoru Town Naromoru/ To Improve Health Access 20acres Purchase of a dumpsite 20M 2018-2022
dumping site Kiamathaga Ward

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities(Key Cost Time frame
Outputs) Kshs
Mere dispensary Kabaru Ward To Improve Health Access 1 No. Laboratory Construction and equipping of 3M 2018-2022
a laboratory
Warazo Jet Dispensary Kabaru Ward To Improve Health Access 1 No. Laboratory Construction and equipping of 3M 2018-2022
a laboratory
Huhoini dispensary Kabaru Ward To Improve Health Access 1 No. dispensary Construction and equipping 3M 2018-2022
Mbiriri dispensary Kabaru Ward To Improve Health Access 1 No. dispensary Construction and equipping 3M 2018-2022
Ndathi dispensary Kabaru Ward To Improve Health Access 1 No. Laboratory Construction and equipping of 3M 2018-2022
a laboratory
Munyu Health Center Kabaru Ward To Improve Health Access 1 No. Mortuary Construction and equipping of 5M 2018-2022
a mortuary
Gakawa Dispensary Gakawa Ward To Improve Health Access 1 No. dispensary Equipping the maternity ward; 3M 2018-2022
installation of electricity and
water; ablution block;
paediatric ward and equipping
of laboratory
Mureru dispensary Gakawa Ward To Improve Health Access 1 No. Laboratory; 1 Construction and equipping 3M 2018-2022
No. maternity ward
Ragati Health center Gakawa Ward To Improve Health Access 1 No. dispensary Construction and equipping 5M 2018-2022
Kamoko Health centre Mahiga Ward To Improve Health Access 1 No. dispensary Completion and renovation of 5M 2018-2022
staff houses; fencing
Kagonye dispensary Mahiga Ward To Improve Health Access 1 No. dispensary Installation of seats and 3M 2018-2022
electricity at the waiting bay;
construction of water tank and
drug store.
Kihome dispensary Mahiga Ward To Improve Health Access 1 No. dispensary Construction of staff houses 3M 2018-2022
Kihome dumpsite Mahiga Ward To Improve Health Access 10acres Purchase of land 10M 2018-2022
Kihome public toilet Mahiga Ward To Improve Health Access 1 No. Toilet Construction of a public toilet 2.5M 2018-2022
at Kihome shopping centre
Kagere dispensary Mahiga Ward To Improve Health Access 1 No. dispensary Construction of 2 toilets, 3M 2018-2022
waiting bay, card store,
laboratory ceiling and
connection to water
Munyange Dispensary Mahiga Ward To Improve Health Access 1 No. laboratory Construction and equipping of 3M 2018-2022
a laboratory
Gikoe Dispensary Mahiga Ward To Improve Health Access 1 No. laboratory Construction and equipping of 3M 2018-2022
a laboratory
Munyange public Mahiga Ward To Improve Health Access 1 No. ablution block Construction of a public toilet 2M 2018-2022
toilet at Munyange shopping center
Gaturuturu dispensary Mahiga Ward To Improve Health Access 1 No. dispensary Convert gaturuturu polytechnic 2M 2018-2022
into a dispensary
Njigari Health center Mahiga Ward To Improve Health Access 1 No. dispensary Construction and equipping 5M 2018-2022
Gituiga Health center Mahiga Ward To Improve Health Access 1 No. dispensary Construction and equipping 5M 2018-2022
Gitugi dispensary Mahiga Ward To Improve Health Access 1 No. dispensary Construction of staff quarters 3M 2018-2022
and staffing
Rukira dispensary Mahiga Ward To Improve Health Access 1 No. dispensary Construction of ablution block, 3M 2018-2022
staff quarters, fencing,
equipping and staffing
Rukira public toilet Mahiga Ward To Improve Health Access 1 No. ablution block Construction of a public toilet 2.5M 2018-2022
at Rukira cattle dip
Witima Health centre Karima ward To Improve Health Access 1 No. dispensary Purchase of generator; 5M 2018-2022
construction of staff houses;
Thuti dispensary Karima ward To Improve Health Access 1 No. dispensary Construction and equipping 3M 2018-2022
Gatugi dump site Karima ward To Improve Health Access 10 acres Excavation and equipping for 10M 2018-2022
Ambulance Services Countywide To Improve Health Access 8 No. ambulances Procurement of ambulances 7M 2018-2022
Karatina Hospital Karatina Ward To Improve Health Access One ICU Construction and equipping 10M 2018-2022
Karatina Hospital Karatina Ward To Improve Health Access One laboratory Purchase of equipments 10M 2018-2022
Itiati Dispensary Karatina Ward To Improve Health Access One house Renovation of one staff house 10M 2018-2022
and upgrading to a health
Mathaithi Health Karatina Ward To Improve Health Access One laboratory Construction and equipping 5M 2018-2022
Ruguru Health Centre Ruguru Ward To Improve Health Access One maternity ward Completion of maternity wing 5M 2018-2022
Thaithi Health Centre Kirimukuyu Ward To Improve Health Access One laboratory Completion; Laboratory 5M 2018-2022

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities(Key Cost Time frame
Outputs) Kshs
Gatiko dispensary Kirimukuyu Ward To Improve Health Access One laboratory Completion; Laboratory 3M 2018-2022
Kianjogu dispensary Kirimukuyu Ward To Improve Health Access One laboratory Completion; Laboratory 3M 2018-2022
Wakamata dispensary Kirimukuyu Ward To Improve Health Access One laboratory Completion; Laboratory 3M 2018-2022
Ngurumo Dispensary Kirimukuyu Ward To Improve Health Access 1 laboratory Construction of a laboratory; 3M 2018-2022
Supply of Drugs
Karogoto Dispensary Kirimukuyu Ward To Improve Health Access 1 Dispensary Completion 3M 2018-2022
Ruthagati Dispensary Kirimukuyu Ward To Improve Health Access 1 Dispensary Completion and Equipping 3M 2018-2022
Kaiyaba Health Center Kirimukuyu Ward To Improve Health Access 1 Dispensary Completion and Equipping & 7M 2018-2022
Ndimaini maternity Konyu Ward To Improve Health Access One maternity ward Purchase of incubators; 3M 2018-2022
Constructing and equipping of
Gatina Dispensary Konyu Ward To Improve Health Access One Laboratory Construction and equipping 3M 2018-2022
Gathugu dispensary Konyu Ward To Improve Health Access One dispensary Renovation and equipping 3M 2018-2022
Karindundu Konyu Ward To Improve Health Access One dispensary Construction and equiping of 3M 2018-2022
dispensary laboratory
Blue Valley Health Rware Ward To Improve Health Access One dispensary Construction 3M 2018-2022
Kiawara Health Centre Rware Ward To Improve Health Access One dispensary Construction 3M 2018-2022
Majengo Health Rware Ward To Improve Health Access One dispensary Construction 3M 2018-2022
Lower Bus Stage Rware Ward To Improve Health Access One Toilet Rennovation 2M 2018-2022
Kingongo Dispensary Rware Ward To Improve Health Access One dispensary Construction 3M 2018-2022
Kahiga Dispensary Kiganjo/Mathari To Improve Health Access One dispensary Construction of laboratory and 3M 2018-2022
Project Ward equipping,Construction of
Doctor’s house,Construction of
Kihuyu Dispensary Kiganjo/Mathari To Improve Health Access One dispensary Construction of laboratory and 3M 2018-2022
Ward equipping,Construction of
Doctor’s house,Construction of
maternity; Construction of a
Nyaribo Dispensary Kiganjo/Mathari To Improve Health Access One dispensary Upgrade of facility to Health 3M 2018-2022
Ward Centre with a maternity wing
Thungari Dispensary Iriaini Ward To Improve Health Access One dispensary Construction of 3M 2018-2022
(Othaya) Toilets,Purchase on an
Kihuri Dispensary Iriaini Ward To Improve Health Access One dispensary Purchase of Laboratory 3M 2018-2022
(Othaya) Equipments,Construction of
staff Houses
Gatuyaini Shopping Iriaini Ward To Improve Health Access One dispensary Construction of a dispensary 3M 2018-2022
Centre (Othaya)
Mweru dispensary Rugi Ward To Improve Health Access One dispensary Upgrading to Health 3M 2018-2022
Centre;Construction and
equiping of Laboratory
Mihuti Dispensary Rugi Ward To Improve Health Access One dispensary Upgrading to Health 3M 2018-2022
Centre;Construction and
equiping of Laboratory
Karundu Dispensary Rugi Ward To Improve Health Access One dispensary Rehabilitation 3M 2018-2022
Gumba Dispensary Rugi Ward To Improve Health Access One dispensary Rehabilitation & laboratory 3M 2018-2022
Kangurwe Rugi Ward To Improve Health Access One dispensary Rehabilitation & laboratory 3M 2018-2022
Dispensary construction
Kanjuri Health Centre Magutu Ward To Improve Health Access 1 Maternity Wing Completion of maternity wing 5M 2018-2022
and equipping
Gitimaini Dispensary Magutu Ward To Improve Health Access 1 dispensary Construction 3M 2018-2022
Gikumbo Dispensary Magutu Ward To Improve Health Access 1 dispensary Construction 3M 2018-2022
Gaikuyu Dispensary Magutu Ward To Improve Health Access 1 dispensary Equipping 3M 2018-2022
Ndumanu Dispensary Magutu Ward To Improve Health Access 1 dispensary New construction 3M 2018-2022
Gitunduti Dispensary Magutu Ward To Improve Health Access 1 dispensary New construction 3M 2018-2022
Karura Dispensary Magutu Ward To Improve Health Access 1 dispensary New construction 3M 2018-2022

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities(Key Cost Time frame
Outputs) Kshs
Gitunduti Public Magutu Ward To Improve Health Access 1 public toilet New construction 2M 2018-2022
Kagochi Public Toilet Magutu Ward To Improve Health Access 1 public toilet New construction 2M 2018-2022
Gitimaini Public Magutu Ward To Improve Health Access 1 public toilet New construction 2M 2018-2022
Miiri Health Centre Iria-ini Ward To Improve Health Access 1 Health Centre Construction 5M 2018-2022
Gathaithi Health Iria-ini Ward To Improve Health Access 1 Health Centre Construction 5M 2018-2022
Centre (Mathira)
Ihwagi Health Centre Iria-ini Ward To Improve Health Access 1 Health Centre Construction 5M 2018-2022
Kahuru Health Centre Iria-ini Ward To Improve Health Access 1 Health Centre Upgrading staff houses and 5M 2018-2022
(Mathira) maternity unit
Kangocho Dispensary Iria-ini Ward To Improve Health Access 1 Dispensary Construction of staff houses 3M 2018-2022
Ndaro-ini Dispensary Iria-ini Ward To Improve Health Access 1 Dispensary Construction and equipping 3M 2018-2022
Kiaritha-ini Iria-ini Ward To Improve Health Access 1 Dispensary Construction and equipping 3M 2018-2022
Dispensary (Mathira)
Gatondo Health Centre Iria-ini Ward To Improve Health Access 2 staff houses Upgrading staff houses 5M 2018-2022
Zaina Dispensary Dedan Kimathi To Improve Health Access 1 Dispensary Completion and Equipping 3M 2018-2022
Githakwa Dispensary Dedan Kimathi To Improve Health Access 1 Dispensary Completion and Equipping 3M 2018-2022
Njogu-ini Dispensary Dedan Kimathi To Improve Health Access 1 Dispensary Upgrading and Equipping 3M 2018-2022
Kiandere Dispensary Dedan Kimathi To Improve Health Access 1 Dispensary Upgrading and Equipping 3M 2018-2022
Ichagachiru Dedan Kimathi To Improve Health Access 1 Dispensary Upgrading and Equipping 3M 2018-2022
Dispensary Ward
Ihururu Health Centre Dedan Kimathi To Improve Health Access 1 Health Centre Upgrading and Equipping 5M 2018-2022
Kirurumi Dispensary Dedan Kimathi To Improve Health Access 1 Dispensary Upgrading and Equipping 3M 2018-2022
Kiriti/ Kagogi Dedan Kimathi To Improve Health Access 1 Dispensary Upgrading and Equipping 3M 2018-2022
Dispensary Ward
Kigogo-ini Dispensary Dedan Kimathi To Improve Health Access 1 Dispensary Construction and Equipping 3M 2018-2022
Githerere Public Toilet Wamagana Ward To Improve Health Access 1 Toilet Construction of a public toilet 2M 2018-2022
Mathakwa-ini Wamagana Ward To Improve Health Access 1 Dispensary Construction and Equipping 3M 2018-2022
Wamagana Health Wamagana Ward To Improve Health Access 1 Health Centre Upgrading to Level IV 5M 2018-2022
Centre Hospital
Gathuthi Dispensary Wamagana Ward To Improve Health Access 1 Dispensary Construction and Equipping 3M 2018-2022
Giakanja Drainage Wamagana Ward To Improve Health Access 1 Drainage System Construction of Drainage 5M 2018-2022
System System
Kariguini Dispensary Wamagana Ward To Improve Health Access 1 Dispensary Construction and Equipping 3M 2018-2022
Wandumbi Dispensary Wamagana Ward To Improve Health Access 1 Dispensary Equipping 3M 2018-2022
Unjiru Health Centre Wamagana Ward To Improve Health Access 1 Health Centre Improvement and Equipping 5M 2018-2022
Gachatha Public Toilet Wamagana Ward To Improve Health Access 1 Toilet Construction of a public toilet 2M 2018-2022
Kihora Dispensary Wamagana Ward To Improve Health Access 1 Dispensary construction 3M 2018-2022
Gichira Health Centre Aguthi/ To Improve Health Access 1 Health Centre Up-grading to Level IV 5M 2018-2022
Gathaithi Dispensary Aguthi/ To Improve Health Access 1 Toilet Block Toilet Completion 3M 2018-2022
Thage-ini Dispensary Aguthi/ To Improve Health Access 1 Laboratory Construction and equipping of 3M 2018-2022
GaakiWard a laboratry
Githunguri Dispensary Endarasha To Improve Health Access 1 Dispensary Completion, staffing and 3M 2018-2022
Mwiyogo equipping
Endarasha Health Endarasha To Improve Health Access 1 Health Centre Completion, stafffing and 5M 2018-2022
Centre Mwiyogo equipping
Ewasongiro Endarasha To Improve Health Access 1 Dispensary Completion, staffing and 3M 2018-2022
Dispensary Mwiyogo equipping
Kanyagia Clinic Endarasha To Improve Health Access 1 Clinic Construction of container 0.5M 2018-2022
Mwiyogo concrete platform

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities(Key Cost Time frame
Outputs) Kshs
Kiawara Sewerage Mugunda Ward To Improve Health Access I System Construction of a sewerage 5M 2018-2022
System System
Nairutia Sewerage Mugunda Ward To Improve Health Access I Sewerage System Construction of a sewerage 5M 2018-2022
System System
Kiawara Level IV Mugunda Ward To Improve Health Access 1 Level IV Construction and equipping 15M 2018-2022
Mbiritui Dispensary Mugunda Ward To Improve Health Access 1 Dispensary Construction and equipping 3M 2018-2022
Kimuri Dispensary Mugunda Ward To Improve Health Access 1 Dispensary Construction and equipping 3M 2018-2022
Lamuria Dispensary Mugunda Ward To Improve Health Access 1 Dispensary Expansion of the dispensary 3M 2018-2022
Kabati Dispensary Gatarakwa Ward To Improve Health Access 1 Dispensary Completion and equipping 3M 2018-2022
Watuka Dispensary Gatarakwa Ward To Improve Health Access 1 Health Centre Upgrading to a Health Centre 3M 2018-2022
Gitegi Dispensary Gatarakwa Ward To Improve Health Access 1 Dispensary Construction and quipping 3M 2018-2022
Gatarakwa Laboratory Gatarakwa Ward To Improve Health Access All Health Facilities Construction and equipping 3M 2018-2022
Charity Dispensary Gatarakwa Ward To Improve Health Access 1 Dispensary Construction and quipping 3M 2018-2022
Kimunyuru Gatarakwa Ward To Improve Health Access 1 Dispensary Construction and quipping 3M 2018-2022
Embaringo Dispensary Gatarakwa Ward To Improve Health Access 1 Health Centre Upgrading to a Health Centre 3M 2018-2022
Watuka Town Gatarakwa Ward To Improve Health Access 1 Ablution block Construction of an ablution 1.5M 2018-2022
Ablution Block block
Njokiini Health Centre Mukurweini west To Improve Health Access 1 Dispensary Expansion of Njokiini Health 5M 2018-2022
Ward Centre
Tambaya dispensary Mukurweini west To Improve Health Access 1 Dispensary Repair and rehabilitation of the 3M 2018-2022
Ward dispensary
Ningaini dispensary Mukurweini west To Improve Health Access 1 Dispensary Repair and rehabilitation of the 3M 2018-2022
Ward dispensary
Kaheti dispensary Mukurweini west To Improve Health Access 1 Dispensary Construction of a dispensary 3M 2018-2022
Tambaya Public Toilet Mukurweini west To Improve Health Access 1 Toilet Construction of Public Toilet 2M 2018-2022
Gatura Public Toilet Mukurweini west To Improve Health Access 1 Toilet Construction of Public Toilet 2M 2018-2022
Kanunga Public Toilet Mukurweini west To Improve Health Access One Toilet Construction of Public Toilet 2M 2018-2022
Gaikundo Public Mukurweini west To Improve Health Access One Toilet Construction of Public Toilet 2M 2018-2022
Toilet Ward
Kaheti Public Toilet Mukurweini west To Improve Health Access One Toilet Construction of Public Toilet 2M 2018-2022
Gakindu Public Toilet Mukurweini west To Improve Health Access One Toilet Construction of Public Toilet 2M 2018-2022
Matiraiini Public Mukurweini west To Improve Health Access One Toilet Construction of Public Toilet 2M 2018-2022
Toilet Ward
Kiawamururu Public Mukurweini west To Improve Health Access One Toilet Construction of Public Toilet 2M 2018-2022
Toilet Ward
Gakindu Mukurweini west To Improve Health Access 1 center Construction of a 5M 2018-2022
Rehabilitation Centre Ward Rehabilitation centre
Gatura dispensary Mukurweini west To Improve Health Access 1 Dispensary Rehabilitation 3M 2018-2022
Kiirungi Dispensary Gikondi Ward To Improve Health Access 1 Dispensary Construction of Dispensary 3M 2018-2022
Nduma health centre Gikondi Ward To Improve Health Access 1 Dispensary Construction of a Health centre 5M 2018-2022
Thimu Community Gikondi Ward To Improve Health Access 1 Dispensary Construction of a Health centre 5M 2018-2022
health centre
Muthuthi Dispensary Gikondi Ward To Improve Health Access 1 Dispensary Upgrading, construction of 3M 2018-2022
staff houses and other
infrastructure development
Nyakahuho Gikondi Ward To Improve Health Access One maternity ward Construction of maternity and 3M 2018-2022
Dispensary upgrading
Ngurweini Dispensary Gikondi Ward To Improve Health Access 1 Dispensary Construction and staffing 3M 2018-2022
Kaharo Dispensary Gikondi Ward To Improve Health Access 1 Dispensary Up grading to a Health centre 3M 2018-2022
Kibutio Health centre Gikondi Ward To Improve Health Access 1 Dispensary Rehabilitation, and upgrading 5M 2018-2022
Karaba Health Cenre Gikondi Ward To Improve Health Access 1 Dispensary Rehabilitation, Equipment and 5M 2018-2022
construction of X-ray unit
Mwenga Dispensry Gikondi Ward To Improve Health Access 1 Dispensary Construction and Equipment 3M 2018-2022
Kiharo Public Toilet Gikondi Ward To Improve Health Access 1 Dispensary Construction 2M 2018-2022
Wangera Health Gikondi Ward To Improve Health Access 1 Dispensary Construction and Equipment 5M 2018-2022

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities(Key Cost Time frame
Outputs) Kshs
Muthuthiini Gikondi Ward To Improve Health Access 1 Dispensary Rehabilitation, Purchase of 3M 2018-2022
Dispenasry maternity equipment and
improvement of sewage system
Mutonga Dispensary Gikondi Ward To Improve Health Access 1 Dispensary Construction and Equipment 3M 2018-2022
Kanjuri Health Centre Magutu Ward To Improve Health Access 1 Maternity Wing Completion and equipping of 5M 2018-2022
maternity wing.
Gitimaini Dispensary Magutu Ward To Improve Health Access 1 dispensary Construction 3M 2018-2022
Gikumbo Dispensary Magutu Ward To Improve Health Access 1 dispensary Construction 3M 2018-2022
Gaikuyu Dispensary Magutu Ward To Improve Health Access 1 dispensary Equipping 3M 2018-2022
Ndumanu Dispensary Magutu Ward To Improve Health Access 1 dispensary New construction 3M 2018-2022
Gitunduti Dispensary Magutu Ward To Improve Health Access 1 dispensary New construction 3M 2018-2022
Karura Dispensary Magutu Ward To Improve Health Access 1 dispensary New construction 3M 2018-2022
Giatunduti Public Magutu Ward To Improve Health Access 1 public toilet New construction 2M 2018-2022
Kagochi Public Toilet Magutu Ward To Improve Health Access 1 public toilet New construction 2M 2018-2022
Kinunga Dispensary Kamakwa/ To Improve Health Access 1 Dispensary Equipping and staffing 3M 2018-2022
Mukaro Ward
Gitero Dispensary Kamakwa/ To Improve Health Access 1 Dispensary Equipping, Staffing, 3M 2018-2022
Mukaro Ward Construction of a laboratory,
Kamuyu Dispensary Kamakwa/ To Improve Health Access 1 Dispensary Equipping and staffing 3M 2018-2022
Mukaro Ward
Gitathini Dispensary Kamakwa/ To Improve Health Access 1 Dispensary Construction 3M 2018-2022
Mukaro Ward
Gatitu Dispensary Gatitu/ Muruguru To Improve Health Access 1 dispensary Upgrade to a Health Centre 3M 2018-2022
Thunguma Dispensary Gatitu/ Muruguru To Improve Health Access 1 dispensary Fencing, Laboratory 3M 2018-2022
Ward construction and Medical
Riamukurwe Gatitu/ Muruguru To Improve Health Access 1 dispensary Construction 3M 2018-2022
Dispensary Ward
Karuthi Health Centre Chinga Ward To Improve Health Access 1 Dispensary Equipping and staffing 5M 2018-2022
Gichiche Health Chinga Ward To Improve Health Access 1 Dispensary Landscaping, Rehabilitation 5M 2018-2022
Centre and staffing
Ngaru Health Centre Chinga Ward To Improve Health Access 1 Dispensary Landscaping, Rehabilitation, 5M 2018-2022
staffing and construction of
staff houses
Kiaguthu Health Chinga Ward To Improve Health Access 1 Dispensary Landscaping, Rehabilitation 5M 2018-2022
Centre and staffing
Kiamuya Health Chinga Ward To Improve Health Access 1 Dispensary Landscaping, Rehabilitation 5M 2018-2022
Centre and staffing
Kariko Dispensary Chinga Ward To Improve Health Access 1 Dispensary Rehabilitation, Landscaping, 3M 2018-2022
upgrading and staffing
Mucharage Dispensary Chinga Ward To Improve Health Access 1 Dispensary Rehabilitation and extension 3M 2018-2022
Community Health Chinga Ward To Improve Health Access All Community Equipping 3M 2018-2022
Volunteer’s Support Health Volunteers
Health Centres Chinga Ward To Improve Health Access All Health Centres Construction of Laboratories 5M 2018-2022
Mutwewathi Mukurwe-ini To Improve Health Access 1 Dispensary Construction 3M 2018-2022
Dispensary Central
Ichamara Dispensary Mukurwe-ini To Improve Health Access 1 Dispensary Equipping 3M 2018-2022
Thangathi Health Mukurwe-ini To Improve Health Access 1 Health Centre Fencing 5M 2018-2022
Centre Central
Kiuu Dispensary Mukurwe-ini To Improve Health Access 1 Dispensary Water Connection 3M 2018-2022
Preventive and All Kieni Wards To Improve Health Access All healthy facilities Procurement and distribution 9.3 M 2018-2022
Promotive Health Care of Nutritional supplement.
Program Management of malnourished
children and pregnant and
lactating women; Conduct
Rapid Nutritional Assessment
& Integrated out reaches
Monitoring of school
health/diet; Up scaling of High
Impact Nutrition Interventions

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities(Key Cost Time frame
Outputs) Kshs
Muthuthi Public Toilet Gikondi Ward To improve sanitation 1 No. Toilet Construction of Public Toilet 3M 2018-2022
Muruguru dispensary Gatitu/ Muruguru To promote health services 1 No. Equipping (laboratory 2M 2018-2022
Ward equipments)
Gatitu public toilet Gatitu Muruguru To promote health services 1 Construction of a public toilet 1M 2018-2022
Gatitu Muruguru Gatitu Muruguru To promote health services 5 No. Fencing of all dispensaries 0.5M 2018-2022
dispensaries Ward
Kiganjo health center Kiganjo/Mathari To promote health services 1 Laboratory equipments 1.5M 2018-2022
Kirichu dispensary Kiganjo/Mathari To promote health services 1 Rehabilitation & equipping 2M 2018-2022
Kihuyo dispensary Kiganjo/Mathari To promote health services 1 Rehabilitation & equipping 2M 2018-2022
Gatuamba Dispensary Thegu River Ward To promote health services 1 Dispensary Completion and Equipping 3M 2018-2022
Karangia Public Toilet Wamagana Ward To enhance sanitation 1 Toilet Construction 1M 2018-2022
Wamagana Shopping Wamagana Ward To enhance sanitation 1 Toilet Construction 1M 2018-2022
Centre Public Toilet services
Wandumbi Public Wamagana Ward To enhance sanitation 1 Toilet Construction 1M 2018-2022
Toilet services
Ihururu, Kigogoini and Dedan Kimathi To enhance sanitation 4 Public Toilets Construction 1M 2018-2022
Githakwa Public Ward services
Endarasha Town Endarasha/Mwiyo To enhance sanitation 1 Block Construction and Equipping 1M 2018-2022
Ablution Block go Ward services
Karangia Dispensary Wamagana Ward To Improve Health Access 1 Dispensary Construction and Equipping 3M 2018-2022
Burguret Dispensary Gakawa Ward To Improve Health Access 1 Dispensary Construction of maternity and 3M 2018-2022
Kinyaiti Dispensary Endarasha/Mwiyo To Improve Health Access 1 Dispensary Equipping 3M 2018-2022
go Ward
Kiariua Dispensary Aguthi Gaaki To Improve Health Access 1 Dispensary Renovation and Equipping 3M 2018-2022
Kairuthi Dispensary Iria-ini Ward To Improve Health Access 1 Dispensary Renovation, Upgrading and 3M 2018-2022
(Othaya) equipping
Waihara/ Ihuririo Iria-ini Ward To Improve Health Access 1 Dispensary Renovation, Upgrading and 3M 2018-2022
Dispensary (Othaya) equipping
Iriaini Dispensary Iria-ini Ward To Improve Health Access 1 Dispensary Renovation, Upgrading and 3M 2018-2022
(Othaya) equipping
Nyamari Dispensary Iria-ini Ward To Improve Health Access 1 Dispensary Renovation, Upgrading and 3M 2018-2022
(Othaya) equipping
Gitimaini Chief’s Magutu Ward To enhance sanitation 1 Public Toilet Construction of Public Toilet 1.5m 2018/2022
Camp Public Toilet services
Kanjuri Health Centre Magutu Ward To Improve Health Access 1 No. Construction and Equiping 3M 2018/2022
Sagana Dispensary Ruguru Ward To Improve Health Access 1 Dispensary Construction and equipping 3M 2018-2022
Ngorano Health Ruguru Ward To Improve Health Access 1 Health centre Construction and equipping, 4M 2018-2022
Centre Installation of generator
Chieni Health Centre Ruguru Ward To Improve Health Access 1 Health centre Construction and equipping 3M 2018-2022
Kiamariga Health Ruguru Ward To Improve Health Access 1 Health centre Construction and equipping 3M 2018-2022
Ruguru Health Centre Ruguru Ward To Improve Health Access 1 Health centre Construction and equipping 3M 2018-2022
Mitero Dispensary Kabaru Ward To promote health access 1 Dispensary Construction and Equipping 3M 2018/2022
Kimahuri Public Kabaru Ward To enhance sanitation 1 Block Public Construction of Public Toilet 1M 2018/2022
Toilet services Toilet
Kagere Public Toilet Mahiga Ward To enhance sanitation 1 Block Public Construction of Public Toilet 1M 2018/2022
services Toilet
Karia Health center Ruringu ward To enhance health access 1 No. Equipping 3M 2018-2022
Belevue Health Centre Mugunda Ward To Improve Health Access 1 Health Centre Construction and Equipping 3M 2018-2022
Karemeno Health Mugunda Ward To Improve Health Access 1 Health Centre Construction and Equipping 3M 2018-2022
Belevue Cemetery Mugunda Ward To Improve Health Access 1 Cemetery Fencing 0.5M 2018-2022

7.6.3 Stalled projects

Project Name Location Description of Activities Reasons for stalling
Mere Dispensary Kieni East Completion of maternity block with 12 beds Lack Of Funding
Gakawa Dispensary Kieni East Completion of maternity block with 12 beds Lack Of Funding

Project Name Location Description of Activities Reasons for stalling
Gatei Dispensary Mathira East Equipping and Completed but septic tank Lack Of Funding
Ruguru Health Mathira West Construct one Septic Tank to serve 12 bed maternity and 16 beds Lack Of Funding
Ragati Dispensary Kieni East Construction of a 12 rooms dispensary Lack Of Funding
Gatiko Dispensary Mathira West Completion of outpatient block with 12 rooms Lack Of Funding
Karatina Outpatient and emergency unit Karatina Hospital Construction of New OPD and emergency unit. Lack Of Funding
Zaina Dispensary Tetu – Dedan Kimathi Completion of outpatient block Lack of funding

7.7Gender, Social services and Sports

7.7.1 On-going projects
The projects are to be funded and implemented in collaboration with National Government.
Project Name/ Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Source of Time frame
Location (Key Outputs) (Ksh) funding
Ruring’u Stadium To promote sports activities 1 No Stadium Building of standard stadium 2.5B G.O.K / 2018-2022
and physical fitness C.G.N
Provision of N.H.I.F Provide NHIF Cover to PWDS, orphans and the Provision of finances to cater 250M C.G.N 2018-2022
Cover Bima Afya vulnerable members of society elder vulnerable persons for the NHIF cards
Issuance of Sanitary Ensure retention of std 8 girls Std 8 girls in all primary Procurement and distribution 15 M C.G.N 2018-2022
towels in school the whole year schools of sanitary towels

7.7.2 New Project Proposals

These projects will be funded by County Government of Nyeri, National Government and Partners.
Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Time
(Kshs) frame
Ihwagi Social Hall Iriaini ward Provide conducive meeting 1 construction of social hall 2M 2018-
(Mathira) conference facility 2022
Kiamwangi Social Hall Iriaini ward Provide conducive meeting 1 construction of social hall 2M 2018-
(Mathira) conference facility 2022
Dump Chambers (Ihwagi, Iriaini ward Provide conducive meeting 7 construction of social hall 3.5M 2018-
Itundu, Kangocho, Gatondo, (Mathira) conference facility 2022
Ndaroini, Kiarithaini, Miiri)
Kirimukuyu Youth Kirimukuyu Ward Provide conducive meeting 1 Construction/Renovation, 5M 2018-
Incubation/resource Centre conference facility facilities and equipment’s 2022
and trainers
Thamaru women empowerment Kirimukuyu Ward Equipping and enhancement of 1 Construction/Renovation, 2m 2018-
center skills & innovation, facilities and equipment’s 2022
entrepreneurship and job and trainers
creation among women
Kahiga sports ground Kiganjo/Mathari To promote sports activities and 1 Grading & Levelling 2M 2018-
physical fitness 2022
Kangocho Social Hall Iriaini ward Provide conducive meeting 1 upgrading 1.5M 2018-
(Mathira) conference facility 2022
Kahuru playground Iriaini ward To promote sports activities and 1 upgrading 2M 2018-
(Mathira) physical fitness 2022
Provide conducive meeting 2018-
Karaba Social Hall Gikondi Ward 1 No. Building & Equipping 1.5M
conference facility 2022
Mararia Community To promote sports activities and Reclaiming the Public 2018-
Gikondi Ward 1 No. 2M
playground physical fitness Land, fencing & Leveling 2022
Rehabilitation, fencing, 2018-
Karindi High attitude Training To promote sports activities and
Gikondi Ward 1 No. installation of power/water, 5M 2022
Camp physical fitness
levelling of play ground
Levelling, tartan installation 2018-
To promote sports activities and
Karindi playground Gikondi Ward 1 No. of power/water, perimeter 5M 2022
physical fitness
To support the destitute 1 No. 2018-
Kiirungi Children’s home Gikondi Ward Expansion and equipping 10M
children 2022
Kabiruini Primary Special Ruguru Ward To support the destitute I Unit Construction and equipping 2018-
Needs Unit children 2022
Kiamariga Social Hall and Ruguru Ward Provide conducive meeting 1 No. Construction and Equipping 5M 2018-
Recreation facilities conference facility 2022
Kamoko Community LIbrary Mahiga Ward To promote a learning culture 1 No. Library Equipping 2M 2018-

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Time
(Kshs) frame
Witima Play Ground Karima Ward To promote sports activities and 1 Play Ground Construction of Play 2M 2018-
physical fitness Ground 2022
Mukurwe-ini Central Youth Mukurwe-ini To enhance productivity 1 Centre Construction and Equipping 5M 2018-
Incubation Centre Central Ward 2022
Gitundu Community Library Iria-ini Ward To provide conducive learning Construction and Equipping 5M 2018-
(Othaya) environment 2022
Juakali and Ihururu Social Dedan Kimathi Provide conducive meeting 2 No. Construction and Equipping 8M 2018-
Halls Ward conference facility 2022
Kinunga Stadium Dedan Kimathi To promote sports activities and 1No. Construction and Equipping 4M 2018-
Ward physical fitness 2022
Kanjora Dedan Kimathi Improve access to information 1 Community Construction And equipping 1M 2018-
Ward hall 2022
Huhoini Dedan Kimathi Improve access to information 1 Resource Construction And equipping 1M 2018-
Ward Center 2022
Ngooru Dedan Kimathi Improve access to information 1 Resource Construction And equipping 1M 2018-
Ward Center 2022
Maragima Social Hall Thegu River Ward Provide conducive meeting 1 Social Hall Construction and Equipping 1.5M 2018-
conference facility 2022
Ngonde Social Hall Thegu River Ward Provide conducive meeting 1 Social Hall Construction and Equipping 1.5M 2018-
conference facility 2022
Chaka Social Hall Thegu River Ward Provide conducive meeting 1 Social Hall Construction and Equipping 1.5M 2018-
conference facility 2022
Lusoi Market Social Hall Thegu River Ward Provide conducive meeting 1 Social Hall Construction and Equipping 1.5M 2018-
conference facility 2022
Ams Dam Site Social Hall Thegu River Ward Provide conducive meeting 1 Social Hall Construction and Equipping 1.5M 2018-
conference facility 2022
Wamagana Playing Ground Wamagana Ward To promote sports activities and 1 Field Rehabilitation and 4M 2018-
physical fitness equipping 2022
Othaya Stadium Iria-ini Ward To promote sports activities and One Stadium Fencing, Drainage, Upgrade 25M 2018-
(Othaya) physical fitness of track, Gate, 2022
washroom/changing room
and goal posts
Kieni Stadium (Naromoru) Naromoru/ To promote sports activities and One Stadium Fencing, Drainage, Upgrade 20M 2018-
Kiamathaga Ward physical fitness of track, Gate, 2022
washroom/changing room
and goal posts
Mweiga Stadium Mweiga Ward To promote sports activities and One Stadium Levelling, drainage & 12M 2018-
physical fitness washrooms 2022
Mweiga town Mweiga Ward To promote sports activities and 1 social hall Construction and equipping 15 M 2018-
physical fitness 2022
Ihururu Stadium(Tetu) Dedan Kimathi To promote sports activities and One Stadium Gate, changing room, 2018-
Ward physical fitness murraming of track & 2022
Kaiyaba Stadium(Mathira Kirimukuyu Ward To promote sports activities and One Stadium Levelling, drainage, upgrade 20M 2018-
West) physical fitness track/football pitch & 2022
Gikumbo Stadium (Mathira Magutu ward To promote sports activities and 1 sports center construction 2M 2018-
East) physical fitness 2022
Gatei sports centre Magutu ward To promote sports activities and One Stadium construction 3M 2018-
physical fitness 2022
Youth incubation and women Magutu ward Youth and women 1 2M 2018-
empowerment programmes empowerment 2022
Play-ground Renovation County wide To promote sports activities and 7 Play grounds Levelling, goal post, 28M 2018-
physical fitness volleyball posts and netball 2022
Sports Competition County wide To promote sports activities and 40 competi Organize tournaments 150M 2018-
Programmes County wide physical fitness tions throughout the County 2022
Sports Personnel Training County wide To promote sports activities and 30 clinics Training seminars, clinics 20M 2018-
physical fitness 2022
Awards to sportsmen and County wide To improve standard of 100 people Rewarding performance- eg 12.5M 2018-
women sporting activities cross country, marathon , 2022
Talents Academy County wide To establish a holistic talent 1 No. To acquire land, construct, 300M 2018-
academy purchase equipment, 2022
provide training for talented
youth and payment for

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Time
(Kshs) frame
Sports Equipment County wide To provide sportsmen/women County wide Procurement process, 20M 2018-
with the necessary equipment sports Teams issuing of equipment to 2022
Jiinue Fund County wide Provide funds for business Youth, Women Disbursement of finance for 500M 2018-
enterprises to Improve the and PWDS - investment and capacity 2022
social economic welfare of the 5,000 people building
Karatina children’s’ home County wide Replace the small wooden 1 kitchen and Construction and Equipping 8M 2018-
Kitchen kitchen and dining hall to fully dining hall 2022
cater for the increasing number
of children
Karatina Children’s home Staff County wide Provide housing for staff for Four units Construction and equip 8M 2018-
houses easy monitoring of children. 2022
Karatina Children’Home County wide To provide easy means of One vehicle Purchase of motor vehicle 3M 2018-
Vehicle transport 2022
Municipal social hall at the County wide Provide conducive meeting 1 hall Rehabilitate offices, library, 100M 2018-
whispers park conference facility and increase sanitation block and hall; 2022
departmental revenue base Perimeter wall, Gate sitting
terraces, WI-FI
Disability mainstreaming County wide Ease of mobility Procurement of wheelchairs 20M 2018-
Fire engines County wide Fire risk reduction Six fire engines Procurement process to 300M 2018-
purchase the engines 2022
Fire sub-stations County wide Fire risk reduction and reduce Six Sub- Buying of land and 60M 2018-
the response time counties construction of offices, 2022
staffing and equipment
Refurbishment of existing fire County wide Provide conducive and Two stations Renovation of building and 12M 2018-
stations habitable environment perimeter wall 2022
Water points in fire stations County wide Refilling fire engines with Eight stations Extend water main to fire 6M 2018-
water stations 2022
Fire hydrants County wide Enhance water available Big town and Extend water service line to 10M 2018-
high rocketing fire prone areas 2022
Safety Awareness Campaign County wide Risk reduction Members of Sensitize the community on 5M 2018-
public and safety awareness 2022
Communication and digital County wide To enhance distress call to the Eight stations Register with 1.7M 2018-
camera fire station and for pictorial communication centre of 2022
evidence Kenya for toll free line and
procure for camera
Naromoru town social hall Naromoru/ Provide conducive meeting 1 No. Hall Rehabilitation of drainage 1M 2018-
Kiamathaga Ward conference facility system 2022
Mere Social Hall Kabaru Ward Provide conducive meeting 1 No. Hall Renovation of a hall 1M 2018-
conference facility 2022
Warazo Jet Social Hall Kabaru Ward Provide conducive meeting 1 No. Hall Construction of a hall 1M 2018-
conference facility 2022
Mbiriri Community play Kabaru Ward To promote sports activities and 1 No. Play Levelling and fencing 1M 2018-
ground physical fitness Ground 2022
Munyu Community play Kabaru Ward To promote sports activities and 1 No. Play Levelling and fencing 1M 2018-
ground physical fitness Ground 2022
Huhoini Community play Kabaru Ward To promote sports activities and 1 No. Play Purchase of Land, Levelling 1M 2018-
ground physical fitness Ground and fencing 2022
Kagonye Community play Mahiga Ward To promote sports activities and 1 No. Play Levelling and fencing 1M 2018-
ground physical fitness Ground 2022
Gatugi community play ground Karima ward To promote sports activities and 1 play Ground Levelling ; construction of 1M 2018-
physical fitness an ablution block and VIP 2022
Kiandifoni community play Karima ward To promote sports activities and 1 play Ground Levelling ; construction of 1M 2018-
ground physical fitness an ablution block and VIP 2022
Thuti community hall Karima ward Provide conducive meeting 1 Social Hall Construction and equipping 1M 2018-
conference facility 2022
Men/Women/Youth Fund Countywide To empower to the society 100,000 People Support to Women, Youth 100M 2018-
Programes and Disabled 2022
BIMA AFYA Countywide To prove health services to the Disabled and NHIF 200M 2018-
elderly and disabled elderly 2022

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Time
(Kshs) frame
Ragati Youth Empowerment Karatina Ward Provide conducive meeting One Center Purchase of equipments 2.5M 2018-
Centre conference facility 2022
Ragati Youth Centre Karatina Ward Provide conducive meeting One Center Equiping 3M 2018-
conference facility 2022
Karatina Stadium Karatina Ward To promote sports activities and One Stadium Upgrading-Social Hall 3M 2018-
physical fitness construction and equipping 2022
Mathaithi Stadium Karatina Ward To promote sports activities and One Stadium Upgrading 3M 2018-
physical fitness 2022
Gathumbi Social hall Karatina Ward Provide conducive meeting 1 Social Hall Construction / equipping 1M 2018-
conference facility 2022
Kianjogu Community Ground Kirimukuyu Ward To promote sports activities and 1 play Ground Rennovation and conversion 1M 2018-
physical fitness into a social hall. 2022
Konyu Youth empowerment Konyu Ward Provide conducive meeting Youth Rennovation of playing 2M 2018-
programme conference facility grounds; Construction and 2022
equipping of talent centres
Sungura Park Project Rware Ward Provide conducive social One park Rennovation 2.5M 2018-
environment 2022
Whispers Park Project Rware Ward Provide conducive social One park Rennovation 2.5M 2018-
environment 2022
Total/Temple Road Park Rware Ward Provide conducive social One park Rennovation 2.5M 2018-
environment 2022
Kihuyo Social Hall Kiganjo/Mathari Provide conducive meeting 1 Social Hall Construction 1M 2018-
Ward conference facility 2022
Giathugu Shopping Centre Rugi Ward Provide conducive meeting 1 Social Hall Construction of Library and 2.5M 2018-
conference facility Social Hall 2022
Ngamwa Shopping Centre Rugi Ward Provide conducive meeting 1 Social Hall Construction of Social Hall 1M 2018-
conference facility 2022
Kabuta Shopping centre Rugi Ward To promote sports activities and One Stadium Construction of a stadium 2M 2018-
physical fitness 2022
Muchatha Shopping centre Rugi Ward To promote sports activities and One Stadium Construction of a stadium 2M 2018-
physical fitness 2022
Giat shopping centre Rugi Ward To promote sports activities and One Stadium Construction of a stadium 2M 2018-
physical fitness 2022
Gikumbo Talent Centre Magutu Ward To promote sports activities and 1 talent centre Establish a talent centre (Art 2M 2018-
physical fitness and Sports) 2022
Kiaritha-ini Play Ground Iria-ini Ward To promote sports activities and 1 play Ground Upgrading 1M 2018-
(Mathira) physical fitness 2022
Kahuru – Kariki Social Hall Iria-ini Ward Provide conducive meeting 1 Social Hall Completion 2M 2018-
(Mathira) conference facility 2022
Ihururu Play Ground Wamagana Ward To promote sports activities and 1 Playing Levelling and Upgrading 1M 2018-
physical fitness Ground 2022
Kinunga Play Ground Dedan Kimathi To promote sports activities and 1 Playing Levelling and Upgrading 1M 2018-
Ward physical fitness Ground 2022
Kigogo-ini Play Ground Dedan Kimathi To promote sports activities and 1 Playing Levelling and Upgrading 1M 2018-
Ward physical fitness Ground 2022
Wamagana Disability Office Wamagana Ward Promote access to services 1 Office Construction of an Office 2M 2018-
Wamagana Playing Field Wamagana Ward Provide conducive meeting 1 Playing Fencing 1M 2018-
conference facility Ground 2022
Hubuini Social Hall Wamagana Ward Provide conducive meeting 1 Social Hall Construction and Equiping 1M 2018-
conference facility 2022
Wandumbi Special School Wamagana Ward 1 Laundry Procurement of Laundry and 2M 2018-
Machine; School Van 2022
1School Van
Gichira Stadium Aguthi/GaakiWar Provide conducive meeting 1Stadium Completion 4M 2018-
d conference facility 2022
Mweiga Stadium Mweiga Ward Provide conducive meeting 1 Stadium Rehabilitation and drainage 3M 2018-
conference facility 2022
Mweiga Youth Empowerment Mweiga Ward Empower the youth talents 1 Rehabilitation, Construction 2.5M 2018-
Centre Empowerment and Equipping 2022
Mweiga Town Library Mweiga Ward Promote reading culture 1 Library Construction and Equipping 2M 2018-
Mweiga Ward Tournaments Mweiga Ward To promote sports activities and All teams Training of Coaches 2M 2018-
physical fitness 2022
Mweiga Fire Station Mweiga Ward |Enhance response to fire 1 Fire Station Construction and Equipping 2M 2018-
incidences 2022

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Time
(Kshs) frame
Satima Playground Endarasha/Mwiyo To promote sports activities and 1 Playground Fencing, levelling and goal 1M 2018-
go physical fitness posts 2022
Endarasha Stadium Endarasha/Mwiyo To promote sports activities and 1 Stadium Fencing, levelling and goal 3M 2018-
go physical fitness posts 2022
Kiawara Stadium Mugunda Ward To promote sports activities and 1 Stadium Construction 3M 2018-
physical fitness 2022
Kiwara Library Mugunda Ward Promote reading culture 1 Library Construction and equiping 3million 2018-
Gatarakwa Ward Tournaments Gatarakwa Ward To promote sports activities and 18 teams Equiping and training 2M 2018-
physical fitness 2022
Charity Library Gatarakwa Ward Promote reading culture 1 Library Construnction and 1.5M 2018-
equipping 2022
Kabati Social Hall Gatarakwa Ward Provide conducive meeting 1 Social Hall Construction 1M 2018-
conference facility 2022
Gakindu Talent centre Mukurweini west To establish a holistic talent One talent Organisation of Football and 2.5M 2018-
Ward academy center Volleyball Tornaments 2022
Kiawamururu Talent centre Mukurweini west To establish a holistic talent One talent Organisation of Football and 2.5M 2018-
Ward academy center Volleyball Tornaments 2022
Ndiani Playground Mukurweini west To promote sports activities and One Play Upgrading of playground 1M 2018-
Ward physical fitness ground 2022
Kiawamururu Playground Mukurweini west To promote sports activities and One Play Upgrading of playground 1M 2018-
Ward physical fitness ground 2022
Tambaya Playground Mukurweini west To promote sports activities and One Play Upgrading of playground 1M 2018-
Ward physical fitness ground 2022
Kaheti Playground Mukurweini west To promote sports activities and One Play Upgrading of playground 1M 2018-
Ward physical fitness ground 2022
Karindi play ground Gikondi Ward To promote sports activities and One Play Fencing and rehabilitation 1M 2018-
physical fitness ground 2022
Mutitu Play Ground Gikondi Ward To promote sports activities and One Play Fencing and rehabilitation 1M 2018-
physical fitness ground 2022
Irathimiro Play ground Gikondi Ward To promote sports activities and One Play Grading and levelling 1M 2018-
physical fitness ground 2022
Kaharo Sport Field Gikondi Ward To promote sports activities and One Play Grading and levelling 1M 2018-
physical fitness ground 2022
Gikumbo Talent Centre Magutu Ward To establish a holistic talent 1 talent centre Establish a talent centre (Art 2.5M 2018-
academy and Sports) 2022
Munungaini Talent Centre Kamakwa/ To establish a holistic talent One talent Construction and equipping 2.5M 2018-
Mukaro Ward academy center of Youth, Sports, ICT 2022
Centre and a Social Hall at
Tetu Nursery
Marua Social Hall Gatitu/ Muruguru Provide conducive meeting 1 Social Hall Construction of a Social 1M 2018-
Ward conference facility Hall. 2022
Muruguru Social Hall Gatitu/ Muruguru Provide conducive meeting 1 Social Hall Construction of a Social 1M 2018-
Ward conference facility Hall. 2022
Thunguma Vocational Centre Gatitu/ Muruguru To establish a holistic talent 1 Centre Construction 1.5M 2018-
Ward academy 2022
Gichiche Library Chinga Ward Promote reading culture 1 Library Rehabilitation and 2M 2018-
equipping 2022
Chinga South West Library Chinga Ward Promote reading culture 1 Library Construction 2M 2018-
Chinga Community Library Chinga Ward Promote reading culture 1 Library Upgrading 2 2018-
million 2022
Chinga Community Hall Chinga Ward Provide conducive meeting 1 Hall Upgrading 1 2018-
conference facility Million 2022
Kiriti Stadium Mukurwe-ini To promote sports activities and One Stadium Rehabilitation, Drainage 3 2018-
Central physical fitness improvement. million 2022
Ichamara Social Hall Mukurwe-ini Provide conducive meeting 1 Social Hall Construction 1 2018-
Central conference facility Million 2022
Githungungu Social Hall Mukurwe-ini Provide conducive meeting 1 Social Hall Rehabilitation and 1 2018-
Central conference facility equipping Million 2022
Old Municipal Hall Rware Ward Provide conducive meeting 1 hall Rennovation 1M 2018 -
conference facility 2022

7.7.3 Stalled Projects

Project Name Location Description of activities Reasons for stalling Proposed measures
Gichira Stadium Tetu Perimeter wall No-funds from G.O.K County Government to fund

Karatina Stadium Mathira East Perimeter Wall, Pavillion,Gate, washrooms and changing rooms No funds from G.O.K County Government to fund
Kiriti Stadium Mukurwe-ini Fencing, Pavillion, upgrade track and football pitch No-funds from G.O.K County Government to fund

7.8County Public Service, Administration and Youth Affairs

7.8.1 On-going Projects
The projects are to be funded by the County Government of Nyeri and implemented by the department
Project Name/ objectives Targets Description of activities (key Cost Time
location output) (Kshs.) frame
Contracted Assess employee level of job satisfaction; County workforce; Working Employee satisfaction survey; 6,752,846 2017-19
Professional Ascertain conduciveness of working stations; County clients/ Work environment survey;
Services environment; Level of service delivery customers Customer satisfaction survey
Construction of Efficient and effective service delivery Construct 6 Wards and Sub Construction of buildings 21M 2017-19
Buildings County offices

7.8.2 New Project Proposals

The projects are to be funded by the County Government of Nyeri and implemented by the department
Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timeframe
36 sub county and ward County wide Improve Service delivery. 36 office blocks Construction and equipping 350M 2018-2022
Construction of 38 notice County wide Disseminate information to 38 notice boards Construction of the notice boards 1.9M 2018-2022
boards citizens.
Capacity building County wide Improve staff performance. 200 Staff Training staff and performance 30M 2018-2022
improvement programs.
Pre-Feasibility, feasibility County wide Improve regulation of 8 Sub Counties. Conducting research on effects of 10M 2018-2022
and appraisal on alcohol manufacturing, sale and alcohol on the populace.
consumption of alcohol.
Licensing County wide Improve regulation of 1700 alcoholic Licensing of alcoholic drinks 25M 2018-2022
manufacturing, sale and premises. premises,
consumption of alcohol.
Digitisation of alcoholic County wide Improve regulation of 1 database Creating a database of all licensed 7M 2018-2022
drinks control and manufacturing, sale and premises.
management records consumption of alcohol.
Digitization of H.R records County wide Improve records 3,070 employees Procurement of hardware, software 7M 2018-2022
management and
Human Resource Plan County wide Provide staffing levels in 1 validated HR Collection and analysis of 3M 2018-2022
relation to strategic Plan information on employees and
objectives of the county posts; Workload analysis; Analysis
of CIDP vis a vis its human
resource requirements
Surveys County wide Establish levels of job 3,070 employees. Conduct employee and work 6M 2018-2022
satisfaction among environment survey; Conduct
employees and customer customer satisfaction survey.
Staff welfare County wide Improve employee safety and 200 staff ; 3,070 Purchase of staff uniform; 5M; 2018-2022
work performance; Improve staff Availing loan facilities for car and 1
staff morale and mortgage to staff at subsidised billion
development. rate.
Civic Education County wide Enlightened citizenry. 30 wards. Conducting workshops, TOT 50M 2018-2022
Public Participation County wide Increase participation in local 30 Wards Mobilisation of citizens, 100M 2018-2022
Purchase of enforcement County wide Reduction on compliance of 6 vehicles Purchase of motor vehicles 30M 2018-2022
vehicle county laws
Purchase of riot gear County wide Reduction on non- 80 riot gears Purchase of riot gears-helmets, 2.4M 2018-2022
compliance of county laws
Staff motivation County wide Enhance staff morale and 3,070 staff Team building, County staff sports 20M 2018-2022
productivity day,End of year parties
Wamagana Ward Offices Wamagana Improve Service delivery. 1 Office block Construction and Equipping 7M 2018-2022
Ward office Mukurweini Enhance service delivery 1 No. Office construction and refurbishment 3M 2018-2022
(Kiawamururu) west Ward
Mahiga Ward Office Mahiga Ward To enhance service delivery I Ward Office Construction and Equipping 7M 2018/2022

7.9Agriculture Livestock and Fisheries Development
7.9.1 On- going Projects
These projects are being implemented by the Department of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries Deveopment.
Project Name/ objectives Targets Description of activities (key output) Cost Source of Time
location (Kshs.) funding frame
County Agriculture, Livestock To Increase By 5% Capacity building of farmers through demos, 1.92B CGN/ SIVAP/ 2018-
and Fisheries extension/county agricultural field days FFS etc.; Recruitment of staff; ASDSP/ 2022
wide production and Linking farmers to market organization via KCSAP/
productivity proposal writing; Procurement of motor cycles UTaNRMP
and vehicles; Enhancing research; Exhibiting
in ASK Show; Organizing and facilitating of
World food day
Improvement of working To improve working six sub- Procurement and implementation of building 420M CGN 2018-
environment environment county works 2022
Transport of staff To improve staff 16 Procurement of 7 motor cycles and 16 vehicles 150M CGN/ 2018-
mobility KVA/GoK 2022
Dairy farming improvement To improve milk 7% Procurement and distribution of milk coolers 60M CGN 2018-
/Countywide quality 2022
Clean fodder/pastures planting To bulk and provide 1 acre per Procurement and distribution of clean planting 25M CGN/ 2018-
materials/ Countywide farmers with clean sub county materials from research stations, ATC, ADC NDMA 2022
planting materials and existing sites
Bee keeping To improve apiary 5% Capacity building of youth 10M CGN 2018-
production and Procurement of hives and accessories 2022
Breeding /Countywide To improve livestock 5% for the Procurement of semen and A.I. equipment; 90M CGN/ SIVAP 2018-
breeds period provision of the AI Services 2022
Disease and pest control in To reduce disease and 25 % over Procurement and administering of vaccines to 150M CGN/ 2018-
livestock / Countywide pest infestation of the period livestock; Disease surveillance in livestock; KVA/GoK/N 2022
livestock Capacity building of both staff and farmers DMA
Disease and pest control in To reduce disease and 30 % over Capacity building of staff and farmers; 10M CGN/GoK 2018-
crops / Countywide pest infestation of the period demonstrations; surveillance in both crops 2022
Coffee value chain / Tetu, To increase coffee 8kgs per Capacity building of staff and farmers; Top 30M CGN 2018-
Othaya, Nyeri central, production and bush working of coffee trees 2022
Mukurweini and Mathira East productivity
and West
Horticulture crops / Kieni East To reduce post-harvest By 2% per Construction of storage accessories for farm 14M CGN/ 2018-
and West losses year produce, produce collection centers and other SIVAP 2022
storage facilities
Bulking of clean crop planting To provide farmers 1.5 acre Procurement and distribution of clean planting 50M CGN 2018-
materials / Countywide with clean planting per sub materials from research stations, ATC, ADC 2022
materials county and existing sites
Soil Health / Countywide To increase crop 15% Procurement and distribution of lime 500M CGN 2018-
production and 2022
Fruit trees / Countywide To improve food 5% Capacity building of farmer- Procurement and 250M CGN 2018-
security distribution of fruit tree seedlings 2022
Wamagana Processing plant To improve on fish 100 tons Maintenance of the plant; Collection of fish 10M CGN 2018-
/Tetu keeping quality per year from sub county freezers; Marketing 2022
Ponds and dams /Countywide To increase fish By 30% Rehabilitation of dams and pods; Restocking 90M CGN 2018-
production and of dams and ponds 2022
Wambugu ATC/Nyeri Central To provide quality By 20% Completion of hostel; Construction of a 100M CGN 2018-
agricultural training modern gate; Construction of a cottage 2022
Services and facilities industry; Expansion of the irrigated area
AMS Naromoru To offer 4M in Procurement of plant and equipment 150 M CGN 2018-
/Kieni East mechanization revenue 2022
services to the
Agricultural Sector

7.9.2 New Project Proposals
The projects are to be funded by the County Government of Nyeri, National Government and development
Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Source of Time
(Kshs.) funding frame
Gakindu dairy milk Mukurweini To improve quality of One of 3000 Purchase of cooler, 4M CGN/ GoK 2018-2022
west Ward milk liters subsidised vaccination, AI
Services and clinic facility
Kagarii coffee collection Mukurweini To reduce post harvest One of 3000 Building of a coffee 6M CGN/ GoK 2018-2022
Centre west Ward losses liters collection centre
Kagunyu dam Mukurweini To improve fish One of 3000 Dredging, Fencing and 10 M CGN/ GoK 2018-2022
west Ward productivity liters purchase of fingerlings
Kaheho dam Mukurweini To improve fish One of 3000 Dredging, Fencing and 10 M CGN/ GoK 2018-2022
west Ward productivity liters purchase of fingerlings
Kahigaini cattle watering Gikondi Ward To improve livestock One of 3000 Construction of cattle 0.2M CGN/ GoK 2018-2022
point nutrition liters watering point
Wakararu cattle watering Gikondi Ward To improve livestock One of 3000 Construction of cattle 0.2M CGN/ GoK 2018-2022
point nutrition liters watering point
NgumaKahinga cattle Gikondi Ward To improve livestock One of 3000 Construction of cattle 0.2M CGN/ GoK 2018-2022
watering point nutrition liters watering point
WanjikuMutahi cattle Gikondi Ward To improve livestock One of 3000 Construction of cattle 0.2M CGN/ GoK 2018-2022
watering point nutrition liters watering point
KirurumokiaNyange Gikondi Ward To improve livestock One of 3000 Construction of cattle 0.2M CGN/ GoK 2018-2022
cattle watering point nutrition liters watering point
Kibutio milk cooling Gikondi Ward To improve milk One of 3000 Construction and 4M CGN/ GoK 2018-2022
plant quality liters Equipment
Karaba Milk cooling Gikondi Ward To improve milk One of 3000 Construction, Equipment 4M CGN/ GoK 2018-2022
Plant quality liters and installation
Kiharo Milk Cooling Gikondi Ward To improve milk One of 3000 Construction, Equipment 4M CGN/ GoK 2018-2022
Plant quality liters and installation
Gikondi Milk cooling Gikondi Ward To improve milk One of 3000 Construction, Equipment 4M CGN/ GoK 2018-2022
Plant quality liters and installation
Endarasha dairy Endarasha/ To formulate quality 1 Procurement and 1M CGN 2018-2022
Cooperative Society Mwiyogo feeds for farmers installation of the mixture
Feed mixture
Endarasha dairy Endarasha/ To ensure accuracy in 10 Procurement and 1.2M CGN 2018-2022
Cooperative Society Mwiyogo weighing milk distribution of the machines
Digital weighing
Endarasha dairy Endarasha/ To mitigate against 1 Procurement and 1M CGN 2018-2022
Cooperative Society Mwiyogo power blackout installation
Standby generator
Endarasha dairy Endarasha/ To reduce AI cost 5 Procurement and 1M CGN 2018-2022
Cooperative Society Mwiyogo services installation
Nitrogen containers
Endarasha dairy Endarasha/ To increase shelf life 1 Procurement and 1.5M CGN 2018-2022
Cooperative Society Mwiyogo of milk installation
Milk Chiller
Ndimaini, Kieni, Konyu Ward To control diseases 5 rehabilitation 1M GOK/CGN 2018-2022
Gathugu, Karindundu, outbreak
Gatwe Cattle dips
Kiganjo slaughter house Kiganjo/ To improve food 1 rehabilitation 0.2M GOK/CGN 2018-2022
Mathari Ward security
Kirimukuyu Green Kirimukuyu To promote marketing 20 Construction & equipping 8M GoK/ CGN 2018-2022
houses Ward
Gaikundu agricultural Mukurwe-ini To enhance 1 Centre Construction and Equipping 5M CGN/ GOK 2018-2022
research centre West Ward productivity
Mutitu Factory Selection Mukurwe-ini To enhance 1 Factory Construction and Equipping 0.8M CGN/ GoK 2018-2022
Sheds Central Ward productivity Sheds block
Kanyagia Onion Store Endarasha/M To promote 1 Store Construction and Equipping 3M CGN/ GoK 2018-2022
wiyogo Ward productivity
Gura River Fish pond Wamagana To promote 20 Fish ponds Construction and equipping 2M CGN/ GoK 2018-2022
projects Ward productivity
Kagumo River Fish Wamagana To promote 20 Fish ponds Construction and equipping 2M CGN/ GoK 2018-2022
ponds Ward productivity
Ruirie Cattle Dip Mugunda To control diseases 1 Cattle Dip Construction and Equipping 0.2M CGN/ GoK 2018-2022
Ward outbreak

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Source of Time
(Kshs.) funding frame
Thungari Dam Thegu River To improve food 1 Dam Disilting and Restocking of 0.5M CGN/ GoK 2018-2022
Ward security dams with fish fingerings
Kamiru Dam Thegu River To improve food 1 Dam Disilting and Restocking of 0.5M CGN/ GoK 2018-2022
Ward security dams with fish fingerings
Mirera Dam Thegu River To improve food 1 Dam Disilting and Restocking of 0.5M CGN/ GoK 2018-2022
Ward security dams with fish fingerings
Karicheni Dam Thegu River To improve food 1 Dam Disilting and Restocking of 0.5M CGN/ GoK 2018-2022
Ward security dams with fish fingerings
Lusoi Dam Thegu River To improve food 1 Dam Disilting and Restocking of 0.5M CGN/ GoK 2018-2022
Ward security dams with fish fingerings
Ams Dam Thegu River To improve food 1 Dam Disilting and Restocking of 0.5M CGN/ GoK 2018-2022
Ward security dams with fish fingerings
Kamuhiuria dam Thegu River To improve food 1 Dam Disilting and Restocking of 0.5M CGN/ GoK 2018-2022
Ward security dams with fish fingerings
Richardson Dam Thegu River To improve food 1 Dam Disilting and Restocking of 0.5M CGN/ GoK 2018-2022
Ward security dams with fish fingerings
Gathathi-ini Dam Thegu River To improve food 1 Dam Disilting and Restocking of 0.5M CGN/ GoK 2018-2022
Ward security dams with fish fingerings
Wamagana Milk Coolers Wamagana To promote marketing 10 Milk Installation and equipping 8M CGN/ GoK 2018-2022
Ward Coolers
Muthuaini Milk Cooler Kamakwa/ To promote marketing 10 Milk Installation and equipping 8M CGN/ GoK 2018-2022
Mukaro Coolers
Lamuria Dairy Cooling Mugunda To promote marketing 1 Cooler Installation and Equipping 0.8M CGN/ GoK 2018-2022
Plant Ward
Karicheni Cattle Dip Thegu River To control diseases 1 Cattle Dip Rehabilitation and 0.2M CGN/ GoK 2018-2022
Ward outbreak equipping
Lusoi Catte Dip Thegu River To control diseases 1 Cattle Dip Rehabilitation and 0.2M CGN/ GoK 2018-2022
Ward outbreak equipping
Thung’ari Cattle Dip Thegu River To control diseases 1 Cattle Dip Rehabilitation and 0.2M CGN/ GoK 2018-2022
Ward outbreak equipping
Tagwa Cattle Dip Thegu River To control diseases 1 Cattle Dip Rehabilitation and 0.2M CGN/ GoK 2018-2022
Ward outbreak equipping
Maragima Cattle Dip Thegu River To control diseases 1 Cattle Dip Rehabilitation and 0.2M CGN/ GoK 2018-2022
Ward outbreak equipping
Kagai Cattle Dip Ruguru Ward To control diseases 1 Cattle Dip Renovation works and 0.2M GoK/ CGN 2018-
outbreak equipping 2022s
Iruri Cattle Dip Ruguru Ward To control diseases 1 Cattle Dip Renovation and equipping 0.2M GoK/ CGN 2018-2022
Ruguru Dairy Ruguru Ward To control diseases 1 Dairy Co- Completion and installation 2M GoK/ CGN 2018-2022
Cooperatives outbreak operatives of milk coolers
Kureru Cattle Dip Ruguru Ward To control diseases 1 Cattle Dip Renovation and equipping 0.2M GoK/ CGN 2018-2022
Hiriga Cattle Dip Ruguru Ward To control diseases 1 Cattle Dip Renovation and equipping 0.2M GoK/ CGN 2018-2022
Kari-ini demostration Gikondi Ward To educate farmers on 3 Acres Hiring under contract 0.6M CGN/GoK 2018-2022
farm new technologies
Mahiga Dairy Milk Mahiga Ward To improve food 1 Milk Cooler Installation of Milk Cooler 0.8M GOK/CGN 2018/2022
Cooler security
Kagere Cattle Dip Mahiga Ward To control diseases 1 Cattle Dip Renovation and equipping 0.2M GOK/CGN 2018/2022
Witima Milk Shed Karima Ward To improve food 1 Milk shed Construction of Milk Shed 0.1M GOK/CGN 2018/2022
Kiuguini Milk Shed Karima Ward To improve food 1 Milk shed Construction of Milk Shed 0.1M GOK/CGN 2018/2022
Kagumo Milk Shed Karima Ward To improve food 1 Milk shed Construction of Milk Shed 0.1M GOK/CGN 2018/2022
Kairia Milk Shed Karima Ward To improve food 1 Milk shed Construction of Milk Shed 0.1M GOK/CGN 2018/2022
KwangechuMilk Shed Karima Ward To improve food 1 Milk shed Construction of Milk Shed 0.1M GOK/CGN 2018/2022
Kwa Wamuthui Milk Karima Ward To improve food 1 Milk shed Construction of Milk Shed 0.1M GOK/CGN 2018/2022
Shed security
Gikeu Milk Shed Karima Ward To improve food 1 Milk shed Construction of Milk Shed 0.1M GOK/CGN 2018/2022
Mathitimaini Milk Shed Karima Ward To improve food 1 Milk shed Construction of Milk Shed 0.1M GOK/CGN 2018/2022

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Source of Time
(Kshs.) funding frame
Kiruga Milk Shed Karima Ward To improve food 1 Milk shed Construction of Milk Shed 0.1M GOK/CGN 2018/2022
Irindi Milk Shed Karima Ward To improve food 1 Milk shed Construction of Milk Shed 0.1M GOK/CGN 2018/2022
Kianganda Milk Shed Karima Ward To improve food 1 Milk shed Construction of Milk Shed 0.1M GOK/CGN 2018/2022
Kiangure Kamoini Milk Karima Ward To improve food 1 Milk shed Construction of Milk Shed 0.1M GOK/CGN 2018/2022
Shed security
Mutitu Milk Shed Karima Ward To improve food 1 Milk shed Construction of Milk Shed 0.1M GOK/CGN 2018/2022
Kinaiyu Milk Shed Karima Ward To improve food 1 Milk shed Construction of Milk Shed 0.1M GOK/CGN 2018/2022
Gwa Karuri Milk Shed Karima Ward To improve food 1 Milk shed Construction of Milk Shed 0.1M GOK/CGN 2018/2022
Gura Primary MIlk Shed Karima Ward To improve food 1 Milk shed Construction of Milk Shed 0.1M GOK/CGN 2018/2022
Kiamwangi milk coolers Iriaini ward To promote marketing 1 Construction & purchase of 0.8M GoK/ CGN 2018-2022
(Mathira) milk cooler
Kangocho milk coolers Iriaini ward To promote marketing 1 Construction & purchase of 0.8M GoK/ CGN 2018-2022
(Mathira) milk cooler
Iriani Ward Green Iriaini ward To promote marketing 13 Construction & Equipping 10.4M GoK/ CGN 2018-2022
houses (Mathira)
Burguret dam Gakawa Ward To improve food 1 Dam Disilting and storking with 0.5M CGN/ GoK 2018-2022
security fingerings
Gatuanyaga Dam Gakawa Ward To improve food 1 Dam Disilting and storking with 0.5M CGN/ GoK 2018-2022
security fingerings
Kiboya Dam Gakawa Ward To improve food 1 Dam Disilting and storking with 0.5M CGN/ GoK 2018-2022
security fingerings
Mukumbune Dam Gakawa Ward To improve food 1 Dam Disilting and storking with 0.5M CGN/ GoK 2018-2022
security fingerings
Mbogoini, Kamatu, Kirimukuyu To control diseases 16 Rehabilitation of Cattle dips 3.2M GoK/ CGN 2018-2022
Ngandu, Kanyama, Ward outbreak
Kaiyaba, Hohwe, Rititi,
Karingaini, Ruthagati,
Gatiko, Kahiga, Karia,
Thaithi, Giaituu, Ngaini,
Wakareri (Wariruta)
Dedan Kimathi Milk Dedan To promote marketing 4 Coolers Installation 3.2M CGN/ GoK 2018-2022
Coolers Kimathi Ward
Aguthi Gaaki Milk Aguthi Gaaki To promote marketing 10 Collection Construction 1M CGN/ GoK 2018-2022
Collection centres Ward Point
Muthinga Slaughter Aguthi Gaaki To improve food 1 Slaughter Fencing 0.1M CGN/ GoK 2018-2022
House Ward security house
Ihwagi livestock market Iriaini ward To promote condusive 1 fencing 1M GOK/CGN 2018-2022
(Mathira) business environments
and spur economic
Wamagana Horticulture Wamagana To improve food Three of 3000 Avocado, Apple macadamia 1M GoK / CGN 2018-2022
Project Ward secur5ty liters and Tree tomatoes
Ihithe Green House Wamagana To improve food One of 3000 Construction of green 0.3M GoK / CGN 2018-2022
Project Ward security liters houses and demonstration
Wamagana Fertilizer Wamagana 1 Depot Construction of Depot 3M GoK / CGN 2018-2022
Depot Ward
Wandumbi Dam Wamagana To improve food 1 Dam Restocking of Fish 1M GoK / CGN 2018-2022
Ward security
Karangia Dam Wamagana To improve food 1 Dam Restocking of Fish 1M GoK / CGN 2018-2022
Ward security
Kiandu Green House Wamagana To improve food 1 green house Construction of green 0.3M GoK / CGN 2018-2022
Project Ward security houses
Kaiguri Milk Cooling Wamagana To improve milk 1 Cooling Installation of a Cooling 4M GoK / CGN 2018-2022
Plant Ward quality Plant plant
Endarasha Mwiyogo EndarashaMw To improve milk 1 Plant Construction and equipping 10M GoK/ CGN 2018-2022
Milk Cooling Plant iyogo quality
Endarasha Mwiyogo EndarashaMw To improve food 1 Restocking of Fish Ponds 1M GoK/ CGN 2018-2022
Fish Project iyogo security

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Source of Time
(Kshs.) funding frame
Honi Primary Green EndarashaMw To improve food 1 Green house Construcction of green 0.3M GoK/ CGN 2018-2022
House iyogo security house
Reengineering of fish Thegu River To improve food 1 Provision of dam liners and 1M GoK/ CGN 2018-2022
farming Ward security stocking of the ponds
Rhodes grass Thegu river To improve livestock 30 acres Rhodes grass for 2M GOK/CGN 2018-2022
ward nutrition conservation
Kirima FDA Kabaru Ward To improve food 3 groups Provision of certified potato 0.6M GoK/ CGN 2018-2022
security seeds
Kabaru Apple Project Kabaru Ward To improve food 100 farmers Provision of certified 0.2M GoK/ CGN 2018-2022
security seedlings
Munyu cattle dip Kabaru Ward To control diseases 1 No. dip Rehabilitation 0.25M GoK/ CGN 2018-2022
Kirichu Milk Cooling Kiganjo/ To improve milk 10,000 litres Installation of a cooler; 17M GoK/ CGN 2018-2022
plant Mathari Ward quality capacity drilling and equipping
Nyange Cooling plant Gakawa Ward To improve milk 10,000 litres Installation of a cooler; 17M GoK/ CGN 2018-2022
quality capacity drilling and equipping
Mureru cattle dip Gakawa Ward To control disease 1 Renovation 0.25M GoK/ CGN 2018-2022
Gatuanyaga cattle dip Gakawa Ward To control disease 1 Construction 2M GoK/ CGN 2018-2022
Kamoko milk cooling Mahiga Ward To improve milk 1 Construction and equipping 4M GoK/ CGN 2018-2022
plant quality
Kagonye cattle dip Mahiga Ward To control disease 1 Rehabilitation 0.25M GoK/ CGN 2018-2022
Mugaa cattle dip Mahiga Ward To control disease 1 Rehabilitation 0.25M GoK/ CGN 2018-2022
Gura fisheries Mahiga Ward To improve food 10 Rehabilitation of fish ponds 0.5M GoK/ CGN 2018-2022
KigumoIntergrated Trout Mahiga Ward To improve food 10 Construction of ponds 0.6M GoK/ CGN 2018-2022
Fish Farming and Eco- security
tourism project
Gaturuturu fish farming Mahiga Ward To improve food 5 Construction of ponds 0.3M GoK/ CGN 2018-2022
project security
Gikoe fish farming Mahiga Ward To improve food 5 Construction of ponds 0.3M GoK/ CGN 2018-2022
project security
Munyange cattle dip Mahiga Ward To improve service 1 Construction of A.I. shed 0.02M GoK/ CGN 2018-2022
Njigari cattle dip Mahiga Ward To improve service 1 Construction of A.I. shed 0.02M GoK/ CGN 2018-2022
Kanini cattle dip Mahiga Ward To improve service 1 Construction of A.I. shed 0.02M GoK/ CGN 2018-2022
Gituiga cattle dip Mahiga Ward To improve service 1 Construction of A.I. shed 0.02M GoK/ CGN 2018-2022
Karima milk cooling Karima ward To improve milk 1 Installation of coolers 4M GoK/ CGN 2018-2022
plant quality
Witima milk collection Karima ward To improve service 1 Construction of sheds 0.03M GoK/ CGN 2018-2022
sheds delivery
Mutitu Primary School Karima Toimprove service 1 Construction of milk 0.03M GOK/CGN 2018-2022
delivery collection sheds
Ichamara Road Karima To improve service 1 Construction of milk 0.03M GOK/CGN 2018-2022
delivery collection sheds
Mutitu Cattle Dip Karima To control disease 1 Rehabilitation 0.025M GOK/CGN 2018-2022
Soil upgrading Countywide To enhance 82000 Lime distribution 50M GOK/CGN 2018-2022
programme agricultural Farmers
AI services programme Countywide To increase dairy 114,00 dairy Improvement of A.I 240M GOK/CGN 2018-2022
productivity farmers services
Farm input cost Countywide To enhance 122,000 Provision of certified seeds 240M GOK/CGN 2018-2022
reduction programme agricultural house-holds and fertilizers
Tree/Fruit seedlings Countywide To improve Food 58,410 Provision of certified seeds 30M GOK/CGN 2018-2022
programme security farmers and fertilizers
Kirimukuyu Storage Kirimukuyu To improve Food 1 storage Construction and equipping 2M GOK/CGN 2018-2022
Facility Ward security facility

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Source of Time
(Kshs.) funding frame
Othaya Zute Community Iriaini Ward To improve food 10 Provision of modern 0.2M GOK/CGN 2018-2022
Forest Association (Othaya) security beehives
Thungari Cattle Dip Iriaini Ward To control disease out 1 dip Renovations 0.25M GOK/CGN 2018-2022
(Othaya) break
Ndaya Market Iriaini Ward To improve milk 1 Construction of milk 4M GOK/CGN 2018-2022
(Othaya) quality cooling plant
Mathingira dairy Iriaini Ward To improve milk 1 Renovation and equipping ; 2M GoK/ CGN 2018-2022
(Othaya) quality installation of milk coolers
Othaya Slaughter house Iriaini Ward To improve food 1 No. Construction and equipping 0.8M GoK/ CGN 2018-2022
(Othaya) security slaughter
Ngamwa Shopping Rugi Ward To improve food 5groups Revival of Rabbit Industry 0.2M GOK/CGN 2018-2022
Centre security
Ragati pork centre Karatina Ward To improve food 1 Construction of a slaughter 0.8M GOK/CGN 2018-2022
security house and pork shop
Kagochi cattle dip Magutu Ward To control disease 1 cattle dip Construction 2M GOK/CGN 2018-2022
Giakaibe cattle dip Magutu Ward To control disease 1 cattle dip Rehabilitation 0.25M GOK/CGN 2018-2022
Kayuni cattle dip Magutu Ward To control disease 1 cattle dip Rehabilitation 0.25M GOK/CGN 2018-2022
Gitunduti cattle dip Magutu Ward To control disease 1 cattle dip Construction 0.25M GOK/CGN 2018-2022
Gathetu cattle dip Magutu Ward To control disease 1 cattle dip Rehabilitation 0.25M GOK/CGN 2018-2022
Gitimaini cattle dip Magutu Ward To control disease 1 cattle dip Rehabilitaion 0.25M GOK/CGN 2018-2022
Ihwagi Milk Cooler Iria-ini Ward To improve quality of 1 Milk Cooler Installation of a Milk 4M GOK/CGN 2018-2022
(Mathira) milk Cooler
Iriani Fish Farming Iria-ini Ward To improve food 130 Ponds Restocking 2M GOK/CGN 2018-2022
(Mathira) security
Value addition Konyu Ward To improve quality of 1 factory Construction of coffee 2M GOK/CGN 2018-2022
programme coffee drying tables
Ngangarithi Cattle Dip Kamakwa/ To control disease 1 Cattle Dip Construction 1.5M GOK/CGN 2018-2022
Mukaro Ward outbreak
Gitero Cattle Dip Kamakwa/ To reduce disease 1 Cattle Dip Construction 2M GOK/CGN 2018-2022
Mukaro Ward outbreak
Kinunga Cattle Dip Kamakwa/ To reduce disease 1 Cattle Dip Construction 2M GOK/CGN 2018-2022
Mukaro Ward outbreak
Aguthi Gaaki Milk Aguthi/Gaaki To improve milk 3 Milk Cooler Installation of Milk Coolers 7M GoK/ CGN 2018-2022
Coolers Ward quality
Aguthi Gaaki Fish Ponds Aguthi/Gaaki To improve food 10 pond Restocking of Fish Ponds 0.2M GoK/ CGN 2018-2022
Ward security
Mweiga Slaughter House Mweiga Ward To improve food 1 Slaughter Rehabilitation 2M GoK/ CGN 2018-2022
hygiene house
KPDL/ Amboni Farmers Mweiga Ward To improve milk 1 cooler Installation of cooler 7M GoK/ CGN 2018-2022
Cooperatives quality
Kagochi cattle dip Magutu Ward To reduce disease 1 cattle dip Construction 2M GOK/CGN 2018-2022
Giakaibe cattle dip Magutu Ward To reduce disease 1 cattle dip Rehabilitation 0.25M GOK/CGN 2018-2022
Kayuni cattle dip Magutu Ward To reduce disease 1 cattle dip Rehabilitation 0.25M GOK/CGN 2018-2022
Gitunduti cattle dip Magutu Ward To reduce disease 1 cattle dip Construction 2M GOK/CGN 2018-2022
Gathetu cattle dip Magutu Ward To reduce disease 1 cattle dip Rehabilitation 0.25M GOK/CGN 2018-2022
Gitimaini cattle dip Magutu Ward To reduce disease 1 cattle dip Rehabilitaion 0.25M GOK/CGN 2018-2022
Miiri Cattle Dip Iria-ini Ward To reduce disease 1 Cattle Dip Reviving. 0.25M GOK/CGN 2018-2022
(Mathira) outbreak
Kamunyaka Cattle Dip Iria-ini Ward To reduce disease 1 Cattle Dip Reviving. 0.25M GOK/CGN 2018-2022
(Mathira) outbreak
Kahuru Cattle Dip Iria-ini Ward To reduce disease 1 Cattle Dip Reviving. 0.25M GOK/CGN 2018-2022
(Mathira) outbreak
Mwanda Cattle Dip Iria-ini Ward To reduce disease 1 Cattle Dip Reviving. 0.25M GOK/CGN 2018-2022
(Mathira) outbreak

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Source of Time
(Kshs.) funding frame
Gatondo Cattle Dip Iria-ini Ward To reduce disease 1 Cattle Dip Reviving. 0.25M GOK/CGN 2018-2022
(Mathira) outbreak
Ihwagi Cattle Dip Iria-ini Ward To reduce disease 1 Cattle Dip Reviving. 0.25M GOK/CGN 2018-2022
(Mathira) outbreak
Itundu Cattle Dip Iria-ini Ward To reduce disease 1 Cattle Dip Reviving. 0.25M GOK/CGN 2018-2022
(Mathira) outbreak
Kiawangi Cattle Dip Iria-ini Ward To reduce disease 1 Cattle Dip Reviving. 0.25M GOK/CGN 2018-2022
(Mathira) outbreak
Kiarithaini Cattle Dip Iria-ini Ward To reduce disease 1 Cattle Dip Completion and 1.5M GOK/CGN 2018-2022
(Mathira) outbreak Construction of a water
Kiaruhiu Milk Cooler Iria-ini Ward To improve milk 1 Milk Cooler Installation of a Milk 4M GOK/CGN 2018-2022
(Mathira) quality Cooler
Ihwagi Milk Cooler Iria-ini Ward To improve milk 1 Milk Cooler Installation of a Milk 4M GOK/CGN 2018-2022
(Mathira) quality Cooler
Livestock Pasture and All Kieni To improve livestock 2500 Up scaling on pasture and 1.1 M GoK/ CGN/ 2018-2022
fodder project Wards nutrition Livestock fodder production, DONOR
keepers conservation & utilization.
3 acres; Bulking of protein
rich fodder crops for animal
Food security project All Kieni To improve food 65,700 Capacity building on good 42.95M GoK/ 2018-2022
Wards security families agricultural practices; Water CGN/DON
harvesting for crop OR
production; Irrigation water
pans and tanks; Installation
of efficient irrigation water;
Recovery seeds &
Subsidized farm inputs;
Conservation agriculture
Livestock Vaccination All Kieni To reduce disease 10,000 cattle, Up scaling on preventive 3M GoK/ CGN/ 2018-2022
Programme Wards outbreak 10,000 goats vaccination against FMD, DONOR
and 40,000 CCPP and NCD in poultry
local birds
Kimathi Fresh Produce DedanKimathi To reduce post-harvest 1 Cold Store Construction of a potato and 2M GoK / CGN 2018-2022
Cold Stores Ward losses cabbage store
Kabage Agricultural DedanKimathi To enhance extension 1 Construction and Equipping 5M GoK / CGN 2018-2022
Demonstration Site Ward service delivery Demonstration
Kiawara Onion, Grain Mugunda To reduce post-harvest 3 Cold Construction and equipping 6M GoK/ CGN 2018-2022
and vegetable Cold Ward losses Storage
rooms facilities
Mugunda Agricultural Mugunda To enhance extension 1 Establishment of the demo 5M GoK/ CGN 2018-2022
Demonstration/ Ward service delivery Demonstration plot
exhibition Site Site
Watuka Fertilizer Store Gatarakwa To improve food 1 Store Construction and Equipping 2M GoK/ CGN 2018-2022
Ward security
Watuka Cooperative Gatarakwa To improve milk 1 milk cooler Installation of milk coolers 4M GoK/ CGN 2018-2022
Society Ward quality
Endarasha Cooperative Gatarakwa To improve milk 1 milk cooler Installation of milk coolers 4M GoK/ CGN 2018-2022
Society Ward quality
Kimahuri Youth Kabaru Ward To improve food 100 Youths Equipping 2M GoK/ CGN 2018-2022
Hatcharies and Fisheries security
Amboni Farmers co Mweiga Ward To improve milk 1 cooler Installation of cooler 7M GoK/ CGN 2018-2022
operative quality
Marua fish pond Gatitu/Murug improve aquaculture Fish Pond Restocking 4M CGN/ GoK 2018-2022
muruguru/githiru uru Ward
Micha Fish Pond Gatitu/Murug improve aquaculture Fish Pond Restocking 4M CGN/ GoK 2018-2022
uru Ward
Water pans for Irrigation Magutu ward Improve access to Construction Construction of Water Pans 2M CGN 2018-2022
irrigation Water of water pans
Upgrading of all tea Magutu ward Renovation of Upgrading of all tea buying 3M GoK/CGN 2018-2022
buying Centres Tea Buying Centres
Othaya Farmers Coffee Mahiga Ward Construction of a Construction of a Modern 20M GoK/ CGN 2018-2022
Milling Factory Modern Ware House ware house for value

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Source of Time
(Kshs.) funding frame
Coffee revolving fund County wide Establishment of a Coffee revolving fund 50M GoK/ CGN 2018-2022
Coffee revolving fund
Irrigation Water Rugi Ward increase water for Construction of intake and 50M GoK/ CGN 2018 -
irrigation piping 2022
Artificial Inseminations Kiganjo/Math Increase Production 10M GoK/ CGN 2018 -
Of Cows ari Ward 2022
Milk Cooler for Kiganjo/Math To improve milk Construction Construction of Milk 10M GoK/ CGN 2018 -
Mathari,Kihuyo,Mwenji, ari Ward quality of Milk Coolers 2022
Njegu and Nyarugumu Coolers

7.9.3 Stalled Projects

Project Name Location Description of activities Reasons for stalling
Naromoru abattoir Narumoru-Kieni East Completion of the slaughter house No funds allocated and it was inherited from national government- Ksh 8.0 m

7.10 Trade, Culture, Tourism and Cooperative Development

7.10.1 On-going projects
The projects are being implemented by the department with the objective of spuring economic growth
Project Name/ Targets Description of Activities (Key Outputs) Green Economy considerations Cost Source of Time
Location (Kshs.) funding frame

Chaka Phase 1 Construction of the phase 1, landscaping, fencing Use of solar energy, value 60M GoK/CGN/ 2019
wholesale Hub addition to reduce waste, proper developme
drainage, waste recycling nt partners
Karatina One market Redesign, Construction, partatitioning, fencing, Recycling, roof water harvesting, 10M GoK/CGN 2019
Wholesale lighting, plumbing and drainage management drainage management
Nyeri Open air One market Redesigning, construction, roofing, electrical works, Storm water management, waste 14M CGN 2018
market storm water management, waste management management
Othaya One market Roof extension, minor repairs, electrical works and Waste management 7M CGN 2018
Retailing additional gate/exit installation
New Mudavadi One market Roof extension Waste management 15.72M CGN 2018
Munyu market One market Fencing and construction of ablusion block Waste management 3.1M CGN 2018
Mihuti market One market Fencing, gravelling of the whole market Waste management 2.7M CGN 2018
Giakanja market One market Construction of ablusion block, fencing Waste management 2M CGN 2018
Kamakwa One market Murraming Waste management 1M CGN 2018
Karatina One market Murraming Waste management 1M CGN 2018
Marigiti Market

7.10.2 New project proposals

These projects will be funded by the County Government of Nyeri and National Government. The
department will be the implementing Agency.
Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timefra
(Kshs.) me
Kahiga market Kiganjo/Mathari To promote condusive business 1 construction 4.5M 2018-
environments and spur economic growth 2022
Nyaribo market Kiganjo/Mathari To promote condusive business 1 construction 4.5M 2018-
environments and spur economic growth 2022
Marua market Gatitu Muruguru To promote condusive business 1 Construction of a public toilet 4.5M 2018-
environments and spur economic growth 2022
Ihwagi market Iriaini ward To promote condusive business 1 Construction of stalls, fencing, 4.5M 2018-
(Mathira) environments and spur economic growth gravelling & toilets 2022
Kangocho market Iriaini ward To promote condusive business 1 Construction of stalls, fencing, 4.5M 2018-
(Mathira) environments and spur economic growth gravelling & toilets 2022
Miiri market Iriaini ward To promote condusive business 1 Construction of stalls, fencing, 4.5M 2018-
(Mathira) environments and spur economic growth gravelling & toilets 2022
Kahuru market Iriaini ward To promote condusive business 1 Construction of stalls, fencing, 4.5M 2018-
(Mathira) environments and spur economic growth gravelling & toilets 2022

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timefra
(Kshs.) me
Kiarithaini Iriaini ward To promote condusive business 1 Construction of stalls, fencing, 4.5M 2018-
market (Mathira) environments and spur economic growth gravelling & toilets 2022
Kirichu market Kiganjo/Mathari To promote condusive business 1 Construction/ rehabilitation 4.5M 2018-
Ward environments and spur economic growth 2022
Gakanga market Gatarakwa ward To promote condusive business Construction/ renovation 4.5M 2018-
environments and spur economic growth 2022
Kahuru Iriaini ward Promote tourism in the county 1 Development of tourism sites 3M 2018-
Ndoboche sites (Mathira) 2022
Caves along Iriaini ward Promote tourism in the county 1 Development of tourism sites 3M 2018-
Muhuhi river (Mathira) 2022
Mau Mau trench Iriaini ward Promote tourism in the county 1 Development of tourism sites 3M 2018-
(Karandi/Cheche) (Mathira) 2022
Ndunyu Market Mahiga Ward To promote condusive business 1 market Construction of collection 15M 2018-
environments and spur economic growth chambers, ablution block and 2022
drainage system; water
Mugaa market Mahiga Ward To promote condusive business 1 market Installation of high mast flood 5M 2018-
environments and spur economic growth light, construction of sheds 2022
and fencing
Kihome market Mahiga Ward To promote condusive business 1 market Construction of market sheds 15M 2018-
environments and spur economic growth and fencing 2022
Gitugi market Mahiga Ward To promote condusive business 1 market Construction of market sheds 15M 2018-
environments and spur economic growth and fencing 2022
Gathundia market Karima ward To promote condusive business 1 market Construction of market sheds 15M 2018-
environments and spur economic growth and fencing 2022
Witima Market Karima ward To promote condusive business 1 market Construction of market sheds 15M 2018-
environments and spur economic growth and fencing 2022
Kagumo Market Karima ward To promote condusive business 1 market Construction of market sheds 15M 2018-
environments and spur economic growth and fencing 2022
Kamoini Market Karima ward To promote condusive business 1 market Construction of market sheds 15M 2018-
environments and spur economic growth and fencing 2022
Gatugi market Karima ward To promote condusive business 1 market Construction of market sheds 15M 2018-
environments and spur economic growth and fencing 2022
Kiamariga market Ruguru Ward To promote condusive business 1 Market Rehabilitation 15M 2018-
environments and spur economic growth 2022
Kiamuthanga Kirimukuyu To promote condusive business 1 Market Construction 15M 2018-
Markert Ward environments and spur economic growth 2022
Kiangoma Kirimukuyu To promote condusive business 1 Market Construction 15M 2018-
Market Ward environments and spur economic growth 2022
Karogoto Market Kirimukuyu To promote condusive business 1 Market Construction 15M 2018-
Ward environments and spur economic growth 2022
Ruthagati Market Kirimukuyu To promote condusive business 1 Market Construction 15M 2018-
Ward environments and spur economic growth 2022
Soko Mjinga Rware Ward To promote condusive business 1 Market Construction of shades 5M 2018-
Market environments and spur economic growth 2022
Kanyago Market Rware Ward To promote condusive business 1 Market Construction of shades 5M 2018-
environments and spur economic growth 2022
Muthurwa Rware Ward To promote condusive business 1 Market Construction of shades 5M 2018-
Market environments and spur economic growth 2022
Ruringu Open Ruringu Ward To promote condusive business 1 Market Construction of Stalls 5M 2018-
Air Market environments and spur economic growth 2022
Skuta Market Ruringu Ward To promote condusive business 1 Market Construction of Stalls 5M 2018-
environments and spur economic growth 2022
Meeting Point Ruringu Ward To promote condusive business 1 Market Construction of Stalls 5M 2018-
Market environments and spur economic growth 2022
Waka Market Ruringu Ward To promote condusive business 1 Market Construction of Stalls 5M 2018-
environments and spur economic growth 2022
St Jude Market Ruringu Ward To promote condusive business 1 Market Construction of Stalls 5M 2018-
environments and spur economic growth 2022
Spring Market Ruringu Ward To promote condusive business 1 Market Construction of Stalls 5M 2018-
environments and spur economic growth 2022
Kamuchuni Gikondi Ward To promote condusive business 1 Market Fencing, Grading and 10M 2018-
Market environments and spur economic growth construction 2022
Kiharo Market Gikondi Ward To promote condusive business 1 Market Rehabilitation and upgrading 7M 2018-
environments and spur economic growth 2022
Karindi Market Gikondi Ward To promote condusive business 1 Market Rehabilitation of Market 7M 2018-
environments and spur economic growth 2022

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timefra
(Kshs.) me
Wamachatha Gikondi Ward To promote condusive business 1 Market Rehabilitation of Market 7M 2018-
market environments and spur economic growth 2022
Mutitu Market Gikondi Ward To promote condusive business 1 Market Rehabilitation of Market 7M 2018-
environments and spur economic growth 2022
Karaba Market Gikondi Ward To promote condusive business 1 Market Rehabilitation and Murraming 7M 2018-
environments and spur economic growth 2022
Kamakwa Kamakwa/ To promote condusive business 1 Market Renovation ;Construction of 8M 2018-
Markets Mukaro Ward environments and spur economic growth stalls all round the market 2022
Kandara Culture Kamakwa/ To promote youth talents 1 center Renovation and equipping 8M 2018-
center Mukaro Ward 2022
Gatitu Market Gatitu/ To promote condusive business 1 Market Construction of a Modern 7M 2018-
Muruguru Ward environments and spur economic growth Market 2022
Thunguma Gatitu/ To promote condusive business 1 Market Construction and fencing 10M 2018-
Market Muruguru Ward environments and spur economic growth 2022
Micha Market Gatitu/ To promote condusive business 1 Market Construction 10M 2018-
Muruguru Ward environments and spur economic growth 2022
Riamukurwe Gatitu/ To promote condusive business 1 Market Rehabilitation 5M 2018-
Market Muruguru Ward environments and spur economic growth 2022
Kariko Market Chinga Ward To promote condusive business 1 Market Fencing. 2M 2018-
environments and spur economic growth 2022
Kiandumba Tea Chinga Ward To promote condusive business 1 Centre Establishing 2M 2018-
Buying Centre environments and spur economic growth 2022
Ichamara Market Mukurwe-ini To promote condusive business 1 Market Installation of a Water Tank; 3M 2018-
Central environments and spur economic growth Roofing Stalls 2022
Thangathi Market Mukurwe-ini To promote condusive business 1 Market Completion (Grading and 2M 2018-
Central environments and spur economic growth Gravelling) 2022
Kimondo Market Mukurwe-ini To promote condusive business 1 Market Fencing 2M 2018-
Central environments and spur economic growth 2022
Mukarara Wamagana To promote condusive business 1 Livestock Renovation of Market 2M 2018-
Livestock Market Ward environments and spur economic growth Market 2022
Kariguini Market Wamagana To promote condusive business 1 Market Construction of Market 15M 2018-
Ward environments and spur economic growth 2022
Gichira Market Aguthi/Gaaki To promote condusive business 1 Market Construction and equipping 15M 2018-
Ward environments and spur economic growth 2022
Kabiru(Gathaithi) Aguthi/Gaaki To promote condusive business 1 Market Construction and equipping 15M 2018-
Market Ward environments and spur economic growth 2022
Mitumba Open Mweiga Ward To promote condusive business 1 Market, 1 Grading and Gravelling 15M 2018-
Market environments and spur economic growth Toilet Block 2022
Amboni Town Mweiga Ward To promote condusive business 1 Market, 1 Construction and Equipping, 15M 2018-
Open Air Market environments and spur economic growth Toilet Block Construction of Toilets 2022
Endarasha Endarasha/ To promote condusive business 1 Market Completion, drainage and 7M 2018-
Market Mwiyogo environments and spur economic growth equipping 2022
Kanyagia Market Endarasha/ To promote condusive business 1 Market Construction and equipping 15M 2018-
Mwiyogo environments and spur economic growth 2022
Nairutia Market Mugunda Ward To promote condusive business 1 Market Construction of markets and 15M 2018-
environments and spur economic growth sheds 2022
New City Market Mugunda Ward To promote condusive business 1 Market Construction of markets and 15M 2018-
environments and spur economic growth sheds 2022
Bellevue market Mugunda Ward To promote condusive business 1 Market Construction of markets stalls 15M 2018-
environments and spur economic growth 2022
Ruirii Livestock Mugunda Ward To promote condusive business 1 Livestock Construction of Market 15M 2018-
Market environments and spur economic growth market 2022
Gitegi Market Gatarakwa Ward To promote condusive business 1 Market with its Completion and construction 15M 2018-
environments and spur economic growth facilities of toilet 2022
Watuka Market Gatarakwa Ward To promote condusive business 1 Market with its Completion and construction 15M 2018-
environments and spur economic growth facilities of toilet 2022
Embaringo Gatarakwa Ward To promote condusive business 1 Market with its Completion and construction 15M 2018-
Market environments and spur economic growth facilities of toilet 2022
Kimunyuru Gatarakwa Ward To promote condusive business 1 Market with its Completion and construction 15M 2018-
Market environments and spur economic growth facilities of toilet 2022
Kigogoini Market Dedan Kimathi To promote condusive business 1 Market Construction and equipping 15M 2018-
Ward environments and spur economic growth 2022
Githakwa Dedan Kimathi To promote condusive business 1 Market Construction and equipping 15M 2018-
Shopping Centre Ward environments and spur economic growth 2022
Gatumbiro Dedan Kimathi To promote condusive business 1 Market Construction and equipping 15M 2018-
Shopping Centre Ward environments and spur economic growth 2022

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timefra
(Kshs.) me
Ngaaru Chinga Ward To promote condusive business 1 Centre Fencing and Stalls 2M 2018-
environments and spur economic growth 2022
Kiiru Chinga Ward To promote condusive business 1 Centre Fencing and Stalls 2M 2018-
environments and spur economic growth 2022
Miiri Boda boda Iriaini ward To promote condusive business Boda boda shed Construction 0.2M 2018-
sheds (Mathira) environments and spur economic growth 2022
Mwanda Boda Iriaini ward To promote condusive business Boda boda shed Construction 0.2M 2018-
boda sheds (Mathira) environments and spur economic growth 2022
Gakindu Boda Mukurwe-ini To promote condusive business Boda boda shed Construction 0.2M 2018-
boda shed West Ward environments and spur economic growth 2022
Gaikundo Boda Mukurwe-ini To promote condusive business Boda boda shed Construction 0.2M 2018-
boda shed West Ward environments and spur economic growth 2022
Gatura Boda Mukurwe-ini To promote condusive business Boda boda shed Construction 0.2M 2018-
boda shed West Ward environments and spur economic growth 2022
Kaheti Boda boda Mukurwe-ini To promote condusive business Boda boda shed Construction 0.2M 2018-
shed West Ward environments and spur economic growth 2022
Kiawamuraru Mukurwe-ini To promote condusive business Boda boda shed Construction 0.2M 2018-
Gathumbi Boda West Ward environments and spur economic growth 2022
Gakindu Mukurwe-ini To promote condusive business Boda boda shed Construction 0.2M 2018-
Karigono Boda West Ward environments and spur economic growth 2022
boda shed
Chaka Town shoe Thegu River To promote condusive business Shoe shiner Construction of shoe shiners 0.2M 2018-
shiner shed Ward environments and spur economic growth sheds 2022
Gachatha Market Wamagana To promote condusive business Stores Construction of store 2018-
Ward environments and spur economic growth 2022
Ngangarithi Kwa Rware Ward To promote condusive business 1 Market Construction 10M 2018-
Mwaura market environments and spur economic growth 2022
Muthurwa Rware Ward To promote condusive business 1 Market Construction of ablution block 5M 2018-
Markets environments and spur economic growth 2022
Gate to the DC's Rware Ward To promote condusive business 1 Construction of ablution block 5M 2018-
Office Trading environments and spur economic growth 2022
Parklane Trading Rware Ward To promote condusive business 1 Construction of ablution block 5M 2018-
Area environments and spur economic growth 2022
New market Rware Ward To promote condusive business 1 Market Renovation,roofing and 5M 2018-
environments and spur economic growth installation of gates 2022
King'ong'o Rware Ward To promote condusive business 1 Market Construction 10M 2018-
Market environments and spur economic growth 2022
Boda boda Sheds Rware Ward To promote condusive business 1 Construction 0.2M 2018-
environments and spur economic growth 2022
Shoe Shiners Rware Ward To promote condusive business 1 Construction 0.2M 2018-
Sheds environments and spur economic growth 2022
Maize Roasters Rware Ward To promote condusive business 1 Construction 0.2M 2018-
Sheds environments and spur economic growth 2022
Food vendors Rware Ward To promote condusive business 1 Construction 1M 2018-
sheds environments and spur economic growth 2022
Kiawamuru Mukurwe-ini To promote condusive business 1 Market Renovation of Market 3M 2018-
Market West Ward environments and spur economic growth 2022
Gaikundo Market Mukurwe-ini To promote condusive business 1 Market Renovation of Market 3M 2018-
West Ward environments and spur economic growth 2022
Gatura Market Mukurwe-ini To promote condusive business 1 Market Renovation of Market 4M 2018-
West Ward environments and spur economic growth 2022
Kagochi Market Magutu ward improve Security 1 Market Fencing 2018-
1.5M 2022
Giakaibei Market Magutu ward improve Security 1 Market Fencing 2018-
1.5 M 2022
Gitunduti Market Magutu ward improve Security 1 Market Fencing 2018-
1.5M 2022
Gathehu Market Magutu ward improve Security 1 Market Fencing 2018-
1.5M 2022
Gitimaini Market Magutu ward improve Security 1 Market Fencing 2018-
1.5M 2022
Gitunduti Magutu ward 1 center insulator burner 2018-
Shopping Centre 1.5M 2022
Gathehu Market Magutu ward improve Security 1 Market Fencing 2018-
1.5M 2022

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timefra
(Kshs.) me
Kabuta Market Rugi Ward Improve security and increase hours of 1 Market Renovation 2018 -
doing business 2M 2022
Karundu Market Rugi Ward Improve security and increase hours of 1 Market Market Construction 2018 -
doing business 5M 2022
KainiMarket Rugi Ward Improve security and increase hours of 1 Market Market Construction 2018 -
doing business 5M 2022
Karundu Market Rugi Ward Improve security and increase hours of 1 Market Market Construction 2018 -
doing business 5M 2022
Karundu Market Rugi Ward Improve security and increase hours of 1 Market Market Construction 2018 -
doing business 5M 2022
Nyaribo, Kiganjo, Kiganjo/Mathari To promote condusive business 4 Markets Renovation of Market 12M 2018-
and Kirichu Ward environments and spur economic growth 2022
Kiganjo Ward Kiganjo/Mathari To promote condusive business Boda boda shed Construction 0.2M 2018-
Boda Boda Sheds Ward environments and spur economic growth 2022
Legal,regulatory, County wide Establish the county cooperatives Act,and laws/regulations Ammendment of the Act and 10M 2018-
institution and consequent amendment of society bylaws that governs the subsidiary legislations 2022
policy framework societies
Capacity County wide Educate members on new policys and 2 trainings per Education on membership 10M 2018-
building/member society operations year roles in cooperatives 2022
Capacity County wide Educate elected committee members on 2 trainings per Organise committee education 5M 2018-
building/manage their role on cooperative management and year days 2022
ment committee good governance
Capacity County wide Allign staff to cooperatives management 2 trainings per Plan for education days 5M 2018-
building/coopreat year 2022
ives staff
Establish County wide Create value chains to cooperatives 10 forums Establishing of marketing 10M 2018-
marketing products unions, create marketing 2022
forums/informati linkages and disseminate
on centre market information
Marketing unions County wide promote and encourage access to markets 5 marketing Follow up and monitoring as 30M 2018-
and burgaining power union well as giving technical advice 2022
to the unions
Establish County wide Promote and enhance marketing 5 value chains Gathering marketing 30M 2018-
marketing value information and networks,and processing information and produce 2022
chains pants channels and conducting
ASK/Internationa County wide Enhance awareness on cooperatives 5 events Educate the generalpublic on 5M 2018-
l cooperative cooperatives education 2022
alliance day
Muchatha Market Rugi Ward To promote condusive business One Market Completion 10M 2018 -
environments 2022
Mihuti Markeyt Rugi Ward To promote condusive business One Market Completion 10M 2018 -
environments 2022
Kabuta Market Rugi Ward To promote condusive business One Market Completion 10M 2018 -
environments 2022
Kangemi Market Rware Ward To promote condusive business 1 Market Construction 5M 2018 -
Project environments 2022
Boda Boda Sheds Iria-ini Ward To promote youths in business 30 Sheds Construction 15M 2018-
(Othaya) 2022
Othaya Market Iria-ini Ward To promote condusive business 1 Market Renovation and Equipping 3M 2018-
(Othaya) environments and spur economic growth 2022
Ruruguti Market Iria-ini Ward To promote condusive business 1 Market Renovation and Equipping 3M 2018-
(Othaya) environments and spur economic growth 2022
Gathumbi Market Iria-ini Ward To promote condusive business 1 Market Renovation and Equipping 3M 2018-
(Othaya) environments and spur economic growth 2022
Ihuririo Market Iria-ini Ward To promote condusive business 1 Market Renovation and Equipping 3M 2018-
(Othaya) environments and spur economic growth 2022
Kabebero Market Iria-ini Ward To promote condusive business 1 Market Renovation and Equipping 3M 2018-
(Othaya) environments and spur economic growth 2022
Kiawaithanji Aguthi Gaaki To promote marketing 1 Juakali Sheds Completion and Equiping 2M 2018-
Juakali Sheds Ward 2022
Kaheti Market Mukurwe-ini To promote marketing 1 Market Completion and equipping 3M 2018-
West Ward 2022

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timefra
(Kshs.) me
Gakindu Market Mukurwe-ini To promote marketing 1 Market Completion/ Renovation and 3M 2018-
West Ward equipping 2022
Kahigaini Mau Dedan Kimathi To promote tourism and marketing 1 Monument Construction 2M 2018-
mau Monument Ward 2022
Tambaya Market Mukurwe-ini To promote trade and marketing 1 Market Construction and Equipping 3M 2018-
West Ward 2022
Kiahungu Green Mukurwe-ini To promote condusive business 1 Market Construction equipping and 3M 2018-
Market Central Ward environments and spur economic growth fencing 2022
Kiahungu Green Mukurwe-ini To promote condusive business 1 Market Construction equipping and 3M 2018-
Market Central Ward environments and spur economic growth fencing 2022
Ithekahuno, Aguthi Gaaki To promote condusive business 4 Kiosks Construction of kiosks, paving 5M 2018-
Kangaita, Ward environments and spur economic growth and equipping 2022
Muthinga and
Gichira markets
Thung’ari Market Thegu River To promote condusive business 1 Market Construction of market stall 3M 2018-
Ward environments and spur economic growth 2022
Lusoi Market Thegu River To promote condusive business 1 Market Construction of market stall 3M 2018-
Ward environments and spur economic growth 2022
Kakuret Market Thegu River To promote condusive business 1 Market Construction of market stall 3M 2018-
Ward environments and spur economic growth 2022
New Centre Thegu River To promote condusive business 1 Market Construction of market stall 3M 2018-
Market Ward environments and spur economic growth 2022
Nyange Market Thegu River To promote condusive business 1 Market Construction of market stall 3M 2018-
Ward environments and spur economic growth 2022
Kwa Jei Thegu River To promote condusive business 1 Market Construction of market stall 3M 2018-
Vegetable Ward environments and spur economic growth 2022
Holding Sheds
Zaina Falls Dedan Kimathi To promote tourism and marketing 1 Site Development 8M 2018-
Tourism Sites Ward 2022
Wamagana Wamagana To promote condusive business 1 Market Renovation and equipping 3M 2018-
Market Ward environments and spur economic growth 2022
Giakanja Market Wamagana To promote condusive business 1 Market Renovation and equipping 3M 2018-
Ward environments and spur economic growth 2022
Kiandu Market Wamagana To promote condusive business 1 Market Renovation, drainage and 3M 2018-
Ward environments and spur economic growth equipping 2022
Ngorano Market Ruguru Ward To promote condusive business 1 Market Completion and equipping 3M 2018-
environments and spur economic growth 2022
Kaburi ka Mau Gikondi Ward Provide conducive meeting conference 1 No. Construction and equipping 5M 2018-
Multipurpose hall facility 2022
and Monument
Giathenge Market Karima Ward Increase enrolment, provide conducive 1No. Construction of Market sheds 3M 2018-
learning environment and Ablution Facilities 2022
Nyeri Convention Nyeri town To develop a high capacity conference 1 No. Construction and equipping 70M 2018-
Centre facility 2022
7.10.3 Stalled Projects
Project Name Location Description of activities Reasons for stalling Proposed measures

Constituency industrial Kiawaithanji- Completion of Building works, water connection, Lack of funding from the Completion of the project as the
Development centres Tetu CIDC plumbing, ablution block construction, electrical National government who had beneficiaries are struggling for
works and electricity connection, access road, initiated the project space in small shops that are not
landscaping and drainange fit for industrial activities
Bird Aviary Rware Ward Construction Lack of a consensus between Fresh award to be done for the
the County Government of project to be completed
Nyeri and the Contractor

7.11 Education, Science and Technology

7.11.1 On-going projects
These are the projects being implemented by the Department.
Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Source of Time
(Kshs.) funding frame
Develop ICT Headquarter Smooth implementation 1 Development of a county ICT strategic Plan 1.25 M GoK/ CGN 2018
Strategic Plan of ICT projects for 2018-2022

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Source of Time
(Kshs.) funding frame
Develop ICT Headquarter Seamless implementation 1 Develop a County ICT policy to address 0.6 M GoK/ CGN 2018
Policy of shared infrastructure ICT strategic challenge area
Develop ICT Headquarter Legal backing for 1 Develop a legal framework for guiding the 1.1M GoK/ CGN 2018
legal Framework automation development of policies and bills to ensure
compatibility with ICT in general and
especially in support of automation.
ICT Human Headquarter Enhance ICT capacity 1 Placement of more staff with ICT skills and 8.5M GoK/ CGN 2018-
Resource training to ensure skills are up to date with 2022
Development demands of CGN.
Expand Network CGN Provide connectivity, 14 sites Install a computer, telephony and CCTV 70M GoK/ CGN 2018-
infrastructure Headquarters telephony services and network in all departmental headquarter 2022
Offices enhance security offices and the governor’s office/town hall.
Expand Network All Sub Provide connectivity, 7 sites Install a computer, telephony and CCTV 35M GoK/ CGN 2018-
infrastructure county telephony services and network in all sub county offices. 2022
offices enhance security
Expand Network All Provide connectivity, 120 sites Install a computer, telephony and CCTV 300M GoK/ CGN 2018-
infrastructure Institutions telephony services and network in all health facilities, Wambugu 2022
enhance security farm and wamagana fish factory.
S/W systems Headquarters Improve communication 4 systems Redesign of County website, and emails, 10M GoK/ CGN 2018-
/ Town Hall & service delivery to the establish a call centre, and manage the 2022
public departmental social media accounts
Revenue All Revenue Improve revenue 1 or 2 Install and configure a revenue management 50 M GoK/ CGN 2018-
management offices collection and RMS system for automation of revenue channels 2022
system (RMS) management
Health CRH and all Improve Health 5 HMS Installation & configuration of a Health 100M GoK/ CGN 2018-
Management Level 4 management accounts management system and a website and 2022
Systems (HMS) Health social media account for CRH, Karatina,
Facilities Mukurweini, Othaya and Mt. Kenya
Geospatial County Improve access to County 1 GIS Installation and Configuration of 100M GoK/ CGN 2018-
Information Headquarters geographical data and system geographical information systems for use in 2022
System ease geospatial analysis Lands, housing, physical planning,
infrastructure, revenue, agriculture and
Countywide County Improve operational 7 systems Install and configure a requisitions, 18M GoK/ CGN 2018-
systems for Headquarters efficiency applications and disbursement systems 2022
Operational (Elimu Fund, EDF ec), Asset management
efficiency systems, fleet management system, HR
management system, Agriculture extension
services Systems, internal Audit System, ,
E-Learning system for YPs
Develop ICT as All wards Improve earnings of the 30 wards Carry out a survey on growth areas, develop 2.9 M GoK/ CGN 2018-
an industry County residents a programme for collaborating with 2022
stakeholders, Train the youth for uptake of
online jobs, organize exhibitions for
innovation/ hackathons ,
Develop a model All sub Provide workspaces and iHub Construct and equip an innovations hub for 20M GoK/ CGN 2018-
innovation hub counties market spaces for use in developing and incubating 2022
innovations done in the innovations as well as providing workspace
County and internet for online jobs

7.11.2 New Project Proposals

The projects will be implemented by the department of education, science and technology. The
funding will be by the county government of Nyeri in collaboration with the national government and
other development partiners.
Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timef
(Kshs.) rame
Youth Polytechnics – County wide Increase enrolment, provide 48 Yps Preparation of BQs, Constructions, 510M 2018-
Construction of conducive learning environment payment and commissioning 2022
r laboratories/Fields

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timef
(Kshs.) rame
Rehabilitation of Yoth County wide Increase enrolment, provide 48 Yps Preparation of BQs, Constructions, 255M 2018-
Polytechnics conducive learning environment payment and commissioning 2022
Provision of training County wide Increase enrolment, provide 48 Yps Identifcation of Requirements & 100M 2018-
tools and equipment to conducive learning environment Specifications, Preparation of Tender 2022
youth Polyetchnics documents, purchase, payment and
countywide distribution
Provision of Co- County wide To promote talents in Youth 48 Yps Identifcation of Requirements & 68M 2018-
curricula materials and Polyechnics Specifications, Preparation of Tender 2022
equipment for Youth documents, purchase, payment and
Polytechnics distribution
Employment of Sub County wide Increase enrolment, provide 48 Yps Preparation of Indents, advertise and 110M 2018-
County Youth Training conducive learning environment recruitment, induction, deployment 2022
Officers, Managers and and supervision
Capacity Building for County wide Equip the managers and 48 Yps Traing needs assessment, Develop 10M 2018-
the Officers, BOMs, stakeholders with effective training programme, Identify 2022
Managers and Instructors management skills participants, Conduct Training/
of youth Polyetechnics Workshop and evaluate effectiveness
Stakeholders County wide Promote Ownership and 48 Yps Identify capacity gaps, develop 5M 2018-
sensitization Empower the stakeholders sensitization programme, Identify 2022
meetings/workshops participants, Conduct Training/
Workshop and evaluate effectiveness
Establish Production County wide Promote Sustainability of the 48 Yps Develop and evaluate proposals, 170M 2018-
Units/Income Generating Youth Polytechnics capacity building, procure 2022
Activities for the Youth requirements, distribute and
Polytechnics commissioning
Establish Home craft County wide Preserve and disseminate 48 Yps Preparation of BQs, Constructions, 40 M 2018-
centres in the sub traditional skills and promote payment and commissioning 2022
Counties Home based craft Enterprises
ICT as an industry County wide Job creation to the youth Trainings 649M 2018-
Capacity building on All sub-counties Provide jobs especially to the 8 No. Training people on how to do online 65M 2018 -
BPO youth jobs 2022
Gatumbiro Polytechnic Dedan Kimathi Increase enrolment, provide 1 Completion and Expansion 6M 2018-
Ward conducive learning environment Polytechnic 2022
Githima Polytechnic Dedan Kimathi Increase enrolment, provide 1 Upgrading and Equipping 6M 2018-
Ward conducive learning environment Polytechnic 2022
Kahiga-ini ECDE Dedan Kimathi Increase enrolment, provide 1 ECDE Construction and Equipping 0.5M 2018-
Ward conducive learning environment 2022
Karuna-ini ECDE Dedan Kimathi Increase enrolment, provide 1 ECDE Construction and Equipping 0.5M 2018-
Ward conducive learning environment 2022
Kanyinya ECDE Dedan Kimathi Increase enrolment, provide 1 ECDE Construction and Equipping 0.5M 2018-
Ward conducive learning environment 2022
Kiamathambo ECDE Dedan Kimathi Increase enrolment, provide 1 ECDE Construction and Equipping 0.5M 2018-
Ward conducive learning environment 2022
Njogu-ini ECDE Dedan Kimathi Increase enrolment, provide 1 ECDE Construction and Equipping 0.5M 2018-
Ward conducive learning environment 2022
Nyamakuyu ECDE Dedan Kimathi Increase enrolment, provide 1 ECDE Construction and Equipping 0.5M 2018-
Ward conducive learning environment 2022
Kiriti ECDE Dedan Kimathi Increase enrolment, provide 1 ECDE Construction of Toilet 0.5M 2018-
Ward conducive learning environment 2022
Ngooru ECDE Dedan Kimathi Increase enrolment, provide 1 ECDE Construction and Equipping 0.5M 2018-
Ward conducive learning environment 2022
Kigogo-ini ECDE Dedan Kimathi Increase enrolment, provide 1 ECDE Construction of Toilet 0.5M 2018-
Ward conducive learning environment 2022
Githakwa ECDE Dedan Kimathi Increase enrolment, provide 1 ECDE Construction and Equipping 0.5M 2018-
Ward conducive learning environment 2022
Ihururu ECDE Dedan Kimathi Increase enrolment, provide 1 ECDE Renovation of Classroom 0.5M 2018-
Ward conducive learning environment 2022
Gathathi-ini ECDE Dedan Kimathi Increase enrolment, provide 1 ECDE Renovation of Classroom 0.5M 2018-
Ward conducive learning environment 2022
Mweiga ECDE Mweiga Ward Increase enrolment, provide 1 Toilet Construction and Equipping 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment block 2022
Ikumari ECDE Mweiga Ward Increase enrolment, provide 1 Toilet Construction and Equipping 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment block 2022

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timef
(Kshs.) rame
Kiguru ECDE Mweiga Ward Increase enrolment, provide 1 Toilet Construction and Equipping 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment block 2022
Amboni ECDE Mweiga Ward Increase enrolment, provide 1 Toilet Construction and Equipping 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment block 2022
Expages ECDE Mweiga Ward Increase enrolment, provide 1 Toilet Construction and Equipping 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment block 2022
Njeng’u ECDE Mweiga Ward Increase enrolment, provide 1 Toilet Construction and Equipping 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment block 2022
Kabiruini ECDE Mweiga Ward Increase enrolment, provide 1 Construction and Equipping 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment Classroom 2022
Kamenju ECDE Mweiga Ward Increase enrolment, provide 1 Construction and Equipping 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment Classroom 2022
Rurera-ini ECDE Mweiga Ward Increase enrolment, provide 1 Construction and Equipping 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment Classroom 2022
Mwireri ECDE Mweiga Ward Increase enrolment, provide 1 Construction and Equipping 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment Classroom 2022
Thathua ECDE Mweiga Ward Increase enrolment, provide 1 Construction and Equipping 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment Classroom 2022
Amboni Youth Mweiga Ward Increase enrolment, provide 1 Youth Construction and Equipping 1.5M 2018-
Polytechnic conducive learning environment Polytechnic 2022
Mathaithi ECDE Karatina Ward Increase enrolment, provide 1 Construction and Equipping 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment Classroom 2022
Kirigu ECDE Karatina Ward Increase enrolment, provide 1 Construction and Equipping 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment Classroom 2022
Ragati ECDE Karatina Ward Increase enrolment, provide 1 Construction and Equipping 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment Classroom 2022
Unjiru ECDE Karatina Ward Increase enrolment, provide 1 Construction and Equipping 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment Classroom 2022
Ichuga ECDE Karatina Ward Increase enrolment, provide 1 Construction and Equipping 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment Classroom 2022
Kiangurwe ECDE Karatina Ward Increase enrolment, provide 1 Construction and Equipping 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment Classroom 2022
Gathuini ECDE Karatina Ward Increase enrolment, provide 1 Construction and Equipping 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment Classroom 2022
Kianjeneni ECDE Karatina Ward Increase enrolment, provide 1 Construction and Equipping 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment Classroom 2022
Itiati ECDE Karatina Ward Increase enrolment, provide 1 Construction and Equipping 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment Classroom 2022
Karatina DEB ECDE Karatina Ward Increase enrolment, provide 1 Construction and Equipping 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment Classroom 2022
Karatina Urban ECDE Karatina Ward Increase enrolment, provide 1 Construction and Equipping 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment Classroom 2022
Githagara ECDE Mukurweini west Increase enrolment, provide One ECDE Repair and rehabilitation of building 0.5M 2018-
Ward conducive learning environment and employment of teachers 2022
Ndiani ECDE Mukurweini west Increase enrolment, provide One ECDE Repair and rehabilitation of building 0.5M 2018-
Ward conducive learning environment and employment of teachers 2022
Ichagachumi ECDE Mukurweini west Increase enrolment, provide One ECDE Repair and rehabilitation of building 0.5M 2018-
Ward conducive learning environment and employment of teachers 2022
Kianyaga ECDE Mukurweini west Increase enrolment, provide One ECDE Repair and rehabilitation of building 0.5M 2018-
Ward conducive learning environment and employment of teachers 2022
Kagarii ECDE Mukurweini west Increase enrolment, provide One ECDE Repair and rehabilitation of building 0.5M 2018-
Ward conducive learning environment and employment of teachers 2022
Wanjithi ECDE Mukurweini west Increase enrolment, provide One ECDE Repair and rehabilitation of building 0.5M 2018-
Ward conducive learning environment and employment of teachers 2022
Kanunga ECDE Mukurweini west Increase enrolment, provide One ECDE Repair and rehabilitation of building 0.5M 2018-
Ward conducive learning environment and employment of teachers 2022
Gaikunda ECDE Mukurweini west Increase enrolment, provide One ECDE Repair and rehabilitation of building 0.5M 2018-
Ward conducive learning environment and employment of teachers 2022
Kiawamururu ECDE Mukurweini west Increase enrolment, provide One ECDE Repair and rehabilitation of building 0.5M 2018-
Ward conducive learning environment and employment of teachers 2022
Tambaya ECDE Mukurweini west Increase enrolment, provide One ECDE Repair and rehabilitation of building 0.5M 2018-
Ward conducive learning environment and employment of teachers 2022
Ningaini ECDE Mukurweini west Increase enrolment, provide One ECDE Repair and rehabilitation of building 0.5M 2018-
Ward conducive learning environment and employment of teachers 2022
Kiwaita ECDE Mukurweini west Increase enrolment, provide One ECDE Repair and rehabilitation of building 0.5M 2018-
Ward conducive learning environment and employment of teachers 2022

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timef
(Kshs.) rame
Gatira ECDE Mukurweini west Increase enrolment, provide One ECDE Repair and rehabilitation of building 0.5M 2018-
Ward conducive learning environment and employment of teachers 2022
Matiraini ECDE Mukurweini west Increase enrolment, provide One ECDE Repair and rehabilitation of building 0.5M 2018-
Ward conducive learning environment and employment of teachers 2022
Kaheti ECDE Mukurweini west Increase enrolment, provide One ECDE Repair and rehabilitation of building 0.5M 2018-
Ward conducive learning environment and employment of teachers 2022
Gaithumbi ECDE Mukurweini west Increase enrolment, provide One ECDE Repair and rehabilitation of building 0.5M 2018-
Ward conducive learning environment and employment of teachers 2022
Tambaya ICT Hub Mukurweini west Increase enrolment, provide One ICT Construction of an ICT Hub 1.5M 2018-
Ward conducive learning environment Hub 2022
Kaheti ICT Hub Mukurweini west Increase enrolment, provide One ICT Construction of an ICT Hub 1.5M 2018-
Ward conducive learning environment Hub 2022
Kiawamururu ICT Hub Mukurweini west Increase enrolment, provide One ICT Construction of an ICT Hub 1.5M 2018-
Ward conducive learning environment Hub 2022
Gaikundo ICT Hub Mukurweini west Increase enrolment, provide One ICT Construction of an ICT Hub 1.5M 2018-
Ward conducive learning environment Hub 2022
Kanunga ICT Hub Mukurweini west Increase enrolment, provide One ICT Construction of an ICT Hub 1.5M 2018-
Ward conducive learning environment Hub 2022
Gatura ICT Hub Mukurweini west Increase enrolment, provide One ICT Construction of an ICT Hub 1.5M 2018-
Ward conducive learning environment Hub 2022
Gatei ECDE Thegu River Ward Increase enrolment, provide 2 No. Construction and equipping 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment Classes 2022
Ngatha ECDE Thegu River Ward Increase enrolment, provide 2 No. Construction and equipping 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment Classes 2022
Karundas ECDE Thegu River Ward Increase enrolment, provide 2 No. Construction and equipping 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment Classes 2022
Tagwa ECDE Thegu River Ward Increase enrolment, provide 2 No. Construction and equipping 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment Classes 2022
Milimani ECDE Thegu River Ward Increase enrolment, provide 2 No. Construction and equipping 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment Classes 2022
Karicheni ECDE Thegu River Ward Increase enrolment, provide 2 No. Construction and equipping 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment Classes 2022
Nyange ECDE Thegu River Ward Increase enrolment, provide 2 No. Construction and equipping 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment Classes 2022
Ndiriti ECDE Thegu River Ward Increase enrolment, provide 2 No. Construction and equipping 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment Classes 2022
Gatuamba ECDE Thegu River Ward Increase enrolment, provide 2 No. Construction and equipping 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment Classes 2022
Rongai ECDE Thegu River Ward Increase enrolment, provide 2 No. Construction and equipping 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment Classes 2022
Kirinyaga ECDE Thegu River Ward Increase enrolment, provide 2 No. Construction and equipping 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment Classes 2022
Lusoi ECDE Thegu River Ward Increase enrolment, provide 2 No. Construction and equipping 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment Classes 2022
Kakuret ECDE Thegu River Ward Increase enrolment, provide 2 No. Construction and equipping 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment Classes 2022
Kandune ECDE Thegu River Ward Increase enrolment, provide 2 No. Construction and equipping 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment Classes 2022
Githungo ECDE Thegu River Ward Increase enrolment, provide 2 No. Construction and equipping 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment Classes 2022
Maragima ECDE Thegu River Ward Increase enrolment, provide 2 No. Construction and equipping 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment Classes 2022
Karundas Youth Thegu River Ward Increase enrolment, provide 2 No. Construction and equipping 1.5M 2018-
Polytechnic conducive learning environment classrooms 2022
Nyange Youth Thegu River Ward Increase enrolment, provide One Rehabilitation and equipping 1.5M 2018-
Polytechnic conducive learning environment Polytechnic 2022
Thungari Youth Thegu River Ward Increase enrolment, provide One Construction and equipping 1.5M 2018-
polytechnic conducive learning environment Polytechnic 2022
Naromoru ECDE Naromoru/ Increase enrolment, provide 2 No. Construction and equipping 0.5M 2018-
Kiamathaga Ward conducive learning environment classrooms 2022
Naromoru polytechnic Naromoru/ Increase enrolment, provide One Construction and equipping 1.5M 2018-
Kiamathaga Ward conducive learning environment Polytechnic 2022
Kiamathaga Youth Naromoru/ Increase enrolment, provide One Construction of hostels 1.5M 2018-
Polytechnic Kiamathaga Ward conducive learning environment Polytechnic 2022
Camel Hill ECDE Naromoru/ Increase enrolment, provide One ECDE Construction and equipping 0.5M 2018-
Kiamathaga Ward conducive learning environment 2022

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timef
(Kshs.) rame
Kaguongo ECDE Naromoru/ Increase enrolment, provide One ECDE Construction and equipping 0.5M 2018-
Kiamathaga Ward conducive learning environment 2022
Murichu ECDE Naromoru/ Increase enrolment, provide One ECDE Construction and equipping 0.5M 2018-
Kiamathaga Ward conducive learning environment 2022
Kandara ECDE Naromoru/ Increase enrolment, provide One ECDE Equipping 0.5M 2018-
Kiamathaga Ward conducive learning environment 2022
Mere ECDE Kabaru Ward Increase enrolment, provide One ECDE Construction of classrooms 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment 2022
Warazo Jet ECDE Kabaru Ward Increase enrolment, provide One ECDE Completion of classrooms 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment 2022
Kimahuri ECDE Kabaru Ward Increase enrolment, provide One ECDE Renovation and equipping 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment 2022
Kandune ECDE Kabaru Ward Increase enrolment, provide One ECDE Construction of classroom and 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment kitchen, renovations, installation of 2022
water and fencing
Equator Youth Gakawa Ward Increase enrolment, provide One Construction and equipping 1.5M 2018-
Polytechnic conducive learning environment Polytechnic 2022
CCM ECDE Gakawa Ward Increase enrolment, provide One ECDE Completion and equipping 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment 2022
Wathituga ECDE Gakawa Ward Increase enrolment, provide One ECDE Renovation and equipping 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment 2022
Mureru ECDE Gakawa Ward Increase enrolment, provide One ECDE Construction and equipping 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment 2022
Gatuanyaga ECDE Gakawa Ward Increase enrolment, provide One ECDE Construction and equipping 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment 2022
Kiririchua ECDE Gakawa Ward Increase enrolment, provide One ECDE Construction and equipping 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment 2022
Guara B ECDE Gakawa Ward Increase enrolment, provide One ECDE Renovation and equipping 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment 2022
Airstrip ECDE Gakawa Ward Increase enrolment, provide One ECDE Renovation and equipping 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment 2022
Kaaga ECDE Gakawa Ward Increase enrolment, provide One ECDE Construction and equipping 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment 2022
Ngerima ECDE Gakawa Ward Increase enrolment, provide One ECDE Construction and equipping 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment 2022
Katheri ECDE Gakawa Ward Increase enrolment, provide One ECDE Construction and equipping 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment 2022
Mlima Kenya ECDE Gakawa Ward Increase enrolment, provide One ECDE Construction and equipping 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment 2022
Toll ECDE Gakawa Ward Increase enrolment, provide One ECDE Construction and equipping 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment 2022
Umbui ECDE Mahiga Ward Increase enrolment, provide 1 No. Construction of a kitchen and water 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment kitchen connection 2022
Wagura ECDE Mahiga Ward Increase enrolment, provide 1 No. toilet Construction of a toilet block 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment block 2022
Kagonye youth Mahiga Ward Increase enrolment, provide One Construction of an office and 1.5M 2018-
polytechnic conducive learning environment Polytechnic ablution blocks 2022
Kagonye ECDE Mahiga Ward Increase enrolment, provide One ECDE Renovations of classes; Construction 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment of a kitchen, toilet, tank and fencing 2022
of the compound
Kihome youth Mahiga Ward Increase enrolment, provide One Construction of classrooms and 1.5M 2018-
polytechnic conducive learning environment Polytechnic office block 2022
Kamanda ECDE Mahiga Ward Increase enrolment, provide One ECDE Renovations of classes 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment 2022
Kagere ECDE Mahiga Ward Increase enrolment, provide One ECDE Renovation of classes and toilets 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment 2022
Kirai ECDE Mahiga Ward Increase enrolment, provide One ECDE Renovation of classes and toilets 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment 2022
Muhito ECDE Mahiga Ward Increase enrolment, provide One ECDE Construction of classrooms and 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment office block 2022
Gikoe ECDE Mahiga Ward Increase enrolment, provide One ECDE Connection to water supply and 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment renovation of the kitchen 2022
Gikoe Youth Polytechnic Mahiga Ward Increase enrolment, provide One Equipping and construction of 1.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment Polytechnic administration block 2022
Kina ECDE Mahiga Ward Increase enrolment, provide 1 No. Construction of a classroom Staffing 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment Classroom 2022

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timef
(Kshs.) rame
Gitugi ECDE Mahiga Ward Increase enrolment, provide One ECDE Construction and equipping 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment 2022
Gitugi Youth Mahiga Ward Increase enrolment, provide One Center Construction and equipping 2M 2018-
Empowerment Centre conducive learning environment 2022
Rukira Youth Mahiga Ward Increase enrolment, provide 1 No. Construction of a dormitory 1.5M 2018-
Polytechnic conducive learning environment dormitory 2022
Witima ECDE Karima ward Increase enrolment, provide One ECDE Construction and equipping 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment 2022
Kiyu ECDE Karima ward Increase enrolment, provide One ECDE Construction and equipping 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment 2022
Kagumo ECDE Karima ward Increase enrolment, provide One ECDE Construction and equipping 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment 2022
Unjiru Youth Karima ward Increase enrolment, provide One Construction and equipping 1.5M 2018-
Polytechnic conducive learning environment Polytechnic 2022
Thuti Youth Polytechnic Karima ward Increase enrolment, provide One Construction and equipping 1.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment Polytechnic 2022
Thuti ECDE Karima ward Increase enrolment, provide 1 No. Construction of a kitchen and 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment kitchen staffing 2022
Gatugi ECDE Karima ward Increase enrolment, provide 1 No. Construction of a kitchen and 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment kitchen staffing 2022
Karima Youth Karima ward Increase enrolment, provide One Renovation and equipping 1.5M 2018-
Polytechnic conducive learning environment Polytechnic 2022
ECDE School feeding Countywide Increase enrolment, provide All ECDEs Provision Porridge 600M 2018-
program conducive learning environment 2022
Ndondoini Village Ruguru Ward Increase enrolment, provide One Completion 1.5M 2018-
Polytechnic conducive learning environment Polytechnic 2022
Kiamariga Nursery Ruguru Ward Increase enrolment, provide One ECDE Rehabilitation and fencing 0.5M 2018-
School conducive learning environment 2022
Kagati Nursery School Ruguru Ward Increase enrolment, provide One ECDE Rehabilitation 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment 2022
Kirimukuyu ECDE Kirimukuyu Ward Increase enrolment, provide All ECDEs School feeding programme 50M 2018-
feeding programme conducive learning environment 2022
Mung’aria Youth Kirimukuyu Ward Increase enrolment, provide One Purchase of various training 1.5M 2018-
Polytechnics conducive learning environment Polytechnic equipments 2022
Thamaru Polytechnic Kirimukuyu Ward Increase enrolment, provide 1 Renovation 1.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment Polytechnic 2022
Kirimukuyu ECDEs Kirimukuyu Ward Increase enrolment, provide All ECDEs Renovation 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment 2022
Rathithi Polytechnic Kirimukuyu Ward Increase enrolment, provide 1 Operationalize 1.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment Polytechnic 2022
Ndimaini ECDE Konyu Ward Increase enrolment, provide One ECDE Rennovation and equiping 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment 2022
Gatina ECDE Konyu Ward Increase enrolment, provide One ECDE Rennovation and equiping 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment 2022
Gathugu ECDE Konyu Ward Increase enrolment, provide One ECDE Rennovation and equiping 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment 2022
Kieni ECDE Konyu Ward Increase enrolment, provide One ECDE Rennovation and equiping 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment 2022
Kiamabara ECDE Konyu Ward Increase enrolment, provide One ECDE Rennovation and equiping 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment 2022
Ngorano Village Konyu Ward Increase enrolment, provide One Rennovation and equiping 1.5M 2018-
Polytechnic conducive learning environment Polytechnic 2022
Blue Valley ECDE Rware Ward Increase enrolment, provide One ECDE Construction 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment 2022
Kiawara ECDE Rware Ward Increase enrolment, provide One ECDE Construction 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment 2022
Kahiga ECDE Kiganjo/Mathari Increase enrolment, provide One ECDE Renovation,Purchase of ECDE 0.5M 2018-
Ward conducive learning environment learning materials 2022
Embassy ECDE Project Kiganjo/Mathari Increase enrolment, provide One ECDE Construction and equipping 0.5M 2018-
Ward conducive learning environment 2022
Kihuyu Polytechnic Kiganjo/Mathari Increase enrolment, provide One Purchase of equipments 1.5M 2018-
Ward conducive learning environment Polytechnic 2022
Chorongi ECDE Ruringu Ward Increase enrolment, provide One ECDE Construction and equiping 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment 2022
Kiamwathi ECDE Ruringu Ward Increase enrolment, provide One ECDE Construction and equiping 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment 2022

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timef
(Kshs.) rame
Ithenguri ECDE Ruringu Ward Increase enrolment, provide One ECDE Construction and equiping 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment 2022
Skuta ECDE Ruringu Ward Increase enrolment, provide One ECDE Construction and equiping 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment 2022
Waka ECDE Ruringu Ward Increase enrolment, provide One ECDE Construction and equiping 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment 2022
Gatuyaini ECDE Iriaini Ward Increase enrolment, provide One ECDE Rennovation,Construction of 0.5M 2018-
(Othaya) conducive learning environment Kitchen and toilets ,Levelling of 2022
Play ground,Fencing
Kahigaini ECDE Iriaini Ward Increase enrolment, provide One ECDE Construction and equipping 0.5M 2018-
(Othaya) conducive learning environment 2022
Kiriini ECDE Iriaini Ward Increase enrolment, provide One ECDE Construction and equipping 0.5M 2018-
(Othaya) conducive learning environment 2022
Thungari ECDE Iriaini Ward Increase enrolment, provide One ECDE Equiping the facility with Learning 0.5M 2018-
(Othaya) conducive learning environment and Teaching Materials 2022
Othaya Youth Iriaini Ward Increase enrolment, provide 1 No. Construction and equipping of a 1.5M 2018-
Polytechnic (Othaya) conducive learning environment dormitory dormitory 2022
Giathugu Youth Rugi Ward Increase enrolment, provide One Construction of Kitchen, Dining Hall 1.5M 2018-
Polytechnic conducive learning environment Polytechnic and Toilets;Installation of ICT 2022
Rutune Youth Rugi Ward Increase enrolment, provide One Construction of Kitchen, Dining Hall 1.5M 2018-
Polytechnic conducive learning environment Polytechnic and Toilets 2022
Witemere ECDE Rware Ward Increase enrolment, provide One ECDE Construction 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment 2022
Karura ECDE Magutu Ward Increase enrolment, provide One ECDE Renovation. 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment 2022
Ndumanu/ Kangiri Magutu Ward Increase enrolment, provide One ECDE Construction of new building 0.5M 2018-
ECDE conducive learning environment 2022
Gikumbo ECDE Magutu Ward Increase enrolment, provide One ECDE Renovation 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment 2022
Gitimaini ECDE Magutu Ward Increase enrolment, provide One ECDE New construction 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment 2022
Kiamigwi ECDE Magutu Ward Increase enrolment, provide One ECDE Renovation, equipping and 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment employment of staff. 2022
Kiamunyuini Magutu Ward Increase enrolment, provide One Renovation and staffing. 1.5M 2018-
polytechnic conducive learning environment Polytechnic 2022
Mbaa-ini Polytechnic Wamagana Ward Increase enrolment, provide 1 Equipping 1.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment Polytechnic 2022
Gathuthi Polytechnics Wamagana Ward Increase enrolment, provide 1 Construction and Equipping 1.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment Polytechnic 2022
Kiandu/ Karundu Wamagana Ward Increase enrolment, provide 1 Construction and Equipping 1.5M 2018-
Polytechnic conducive learning environment Polytechnic 2022
Mbaa-ini ECDE Wamagana Ward Increase enrolment, provide 1 ECDE Renovation and Equipping 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment 2022
Kaiguri ECDE Wamagana Ward Increase enrolment, provide 1 ECDE Construction and Equipping 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment 2022
Kiharo ECDE Aguthi/ Gaaki Increase enrolment, provide 1 ECDE Equipping and Furnishing 0.5M 2018-
Ward conducive learning environment 2022
Mutathi-ini ECDE Aguthi/ Gaaki Increase enrolment, provide 1 ECDE Equipping and Furnishing 0.5M 2018-
Ward conducive learning environment 2022
Karo ECDE Aguthi/ Gaaki Increase enrolment, provide 1 ECDE Equipping and Furnishing 0.5M 2018-
Ward conducive learning environment 2022
Kiaigi ECDE Aguthi/ Gaaki Increase enrolment, provide 1 ECDE Renovation and Equipping 0.5M 2018-
Ward conducive learning environment 2022
Thage-ini ECDE Aguthi/ Gaaki Increase enrolment, provide 1 ECDE Renovation and Equipping 0.5M 2018-
Ward conducive learning environment 2022
Nyaithee ECDE Aguthi/ Gaaki Increase enrolment, provide 1 ECDE Renovation and Equipping 0.5M 2018-
Ward conducive learning environment 2022
Kiawaithanji ECDE Aguthi/ Gaaki Increase enrolment, provide 1 ECDE Renovation and Equipping 0.5M 2018-
Ward conducive learning environment 2022
Gondo ECDE Aguthi/ Gaaki Increase enrolment, provide 1 ECDE Renovation and Equipping 0.5M 2018-
Ward conducive learning environment 2022
Kiaraho ECDE Aguthi/ Gaaki Increase enrolment, provide 1 ECDE Renovation and Equipping 1.5M 2018-
Ward conducive learning environment 2022
Gichira Youth Aguthi/ Gaaki Increase enrolment, provide 1 Youth Equipping and Staffing 1.5M 2018-
Polytechnic Ward conducive learning environment Polytechnic 2022

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timef
(Kshs.) rame
Gathaithi Youth Aguthi/ Gaaki Increase enrolment, provide 1 Youth Equipping and Staffing 1.5M 2018-
Polytechnic Ward conducive learning environment Polytechnic 2022
Ithekahuno Youth Aguthi/ Gaaki Increase enrolment, provide 1 Youth Equipping and Staffing 1.5M 2018-
Polytechnic Ward conducive learning environment Polytechnic 2022
Mahiga Youth Endarasha Increase enrolment, provide 1 Youth Construction and Equipping 1.5M 2018-
Polytechnic Mwiyogo ward conducive learning environment polytechnic 2022
Endarasha Youth Endarasha Increase enrolment, provide 1 Youth Construction and Equipping 1.5M 2018-
Polytechnic Mwiyogo ward conducive learning environment polytechnic 2022
Ewaso Nyiro Youth Endarasha Increase enrolment, provide 1 Youth Construction and Equipping 1.5M 2018-
Polytechnic Mwiyogo ward conducive learning environment polytechnic 2022
Kinyaiti ECDE Endarasha Increase enrolment, provide 1 ECDE Construction and Equipping 0.5M 2018-
Mwiyogo ward conducive learning environment 2022
Kihuhiro ECDE Endarasha Increase enrolment, provide 1 ECDE Construction and Equipping 0.5M 2018-
Mwiyogo ward conducive learning environment 2022
Mwihoko ECDE Endarasha Increase enrolment, provide 1 ECDE Construction and Equipping 0.5M 2018-
Mwiyogo ward conducive learning environment 2022
Wendiga ECDE Endarasha Increase enrolment, provide 1 ECDE Construction and Equipping 0.5M 2018-
Mwiyogo ward conducive learning environment 2022
Nairutia Youth Mugunda Ward Increase enrolment, provide 1 Youth Completion of twin labs and 1.5M 2018-
Polytechnic conducive learning environment Polytechnic equipping 2022
Rodama Youth Mugunda Ward Increase enrolment, provide 1 Youth Construction and equipping 1.5M 2018-
Polytechnic(New) conducive learning environment Polytechnic 2022
Lamuria Youth Mugunda Ward Increase enrolment, provide 1 Youth Construction and equipping 1.5M 2018-
Polytechnic(New) conducive learning environment Polytechnic 2022
Bellevue Youth Mugunda Ward Increase enrolment, provide 1 Youth Construction and equipping 1.5M 2018-
Polytechnic(New) conducive learning environment Polytechnic 2022
Mugunda ECDE Project Mugunda Ward Increase enrolment, provide All Public Renovation, Construction 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment ECDEs 2022
Kimunyuru ECDE Gatarakwa Ward Increase enrolment, provide 1 ECDE Construnction and equipping 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment 2022
Kiria ECDE Gatarakwa Ward Increase enrolment, provide 1 ECDE Construnction and equipping 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment 2022
Kamianda ECDE Gatarakwa Ward Increase enrolment, provide 1 ECDE Construnction and equipping 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment 2022
Gakanga ECDE Gatarakwa Ward Increase enrolment, provide 1 ECDE Construnction and equipping 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment 2022
Embaringo ECDE Gatarakwa Ward Increase enrolment, provide 1 ECDE Construnction and equipping 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment 2022
Kimunge ECDE Gatarakwa Ward Increase enrolment, provide 1 ECDE Construnction and equipping 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment 2022
Ndiiri ECDE Gatarakwa Ward Increase enrolment, provide 1 ECDE Construnction and equipping 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment 2022
Charity ECDE Gatarakwa Ward Increase enrolment, provide 1 ECDE Renovation and Equipping 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment 2022
Watuka Youth Gatarakwa Ward Increase enrolment, provide 1 Youth Upgrading and Equipping 1.5M 2018-
Polytechnic conducive learning environment Polytechnic 2022
Wachatha Nuersery Gikondi Ward Increase enrolment, provide One ECDE Completion of building 0.5M 2018-
school conducive learning environment 2022
Nyakahuho Nursery Gikondi Ward Increase enrolment, provide One ECDE Completion of building 0.5M 2018-
School conducive learning environment 2022
Karindi Nuersery school Gikondi Ward Increase enrolment, provide One ECDE Completion of building 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment 2022
Ngurweini Nursery Gikondi Ward Increase enrolment, provide One ECDE Completion of building 0.5M 2018-
school conducive learning environment 2022
Igoka Village Gikondi Ward Increase enrolment, provide One Construction and equipment 1.5M 2018-
Polytechnic conducive learning environment Polytechnic 2022
Irathimiro youth Gikondi Ward Increase enrolment, provide One Construction and equipment 1.5M 2018-
polytechnic conducive learning environment Polytechnic 2022
Kibutio Nursery school Gikondi Ward Increase enrolment, provide One ECDE Construction and equipment 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment 2022
Karura ECDE Magutu Ward Increase enrolment, provide One ECDE Renovation. 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment 2022
Ndumanu/ Kangiri Magutu Ward Increase enrolment, provide One ECDE Construction of new building 0.5M 2018-
ECDE conducive learning environment 2022
Gikumbo ECDE Magutu Ward Increase enrolment, provide One ECDE Renovation 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment 2022

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timef
(Kshs.) rame
Gitimaini ECDE Magutu Ward Increase enrolment, provide One ECDE New construction 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment 2022
Kiamigwi ECDE Magutu Ward Increase enrolment, provide One ECDE Renovation, equipping and 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment employment of staff. 2022
Kiamunyuini Magutu Ward Increase enrolment, provide One Renovation and staffing. 1.5M 2018-
polytechnic conducive learning environment Polytechnic 2022
Kiandwiga Village Iria-ini Ward Increase enrolment, provide One Equipping and installation of Water 1.5M 2018-
polytechnic (Mathira) conducive learning environment Polytechnic Tank. 2022
Kiaruhui Village Iria-ini Ward Increase enrolment, provide One Equipping and installation of Water 1.5M 2018-
polytechnic (Mathira) conducive learning environment Polytechnic Tank. 2022
Gikororo Village Iria-ini Ward Increase enrolment, provide One Equipping and installation of Water 1.5M 2018-
polytechnic (Mathira) conducive learning environment Polytechnic Tank. 2022
Iria-ini Ward ECDEs Iria-ini Ward Increase enrolment, provide All ECDEs Equipping, Piping and Water 20M 2018-
(Mathira) conducive learning environment Storage 2022
Gitero polytechnic Kamakwa/ Increase enrolment, provide One Equipping. 1.5M 2018-
Mukaro Ward conducive learning environment Polytechnic 2022
Kinunga Polytechnic Kamakwa/ Increase enrolment, provide One Equipping 1.5M 2018-
Mukaro Ward conducive learning environment Polytechnic 2022
Kamakwa/Mukaro Kamakwa/ Increase enrolment, provide 10 ECDEs Renovation; Equipping; Staffing; 5M 2018-
ECDEs Mukaro Ward conducive learning environment Feeding Programme. 2022
Gatitu/ Muruguru Gatitu/ Muruguru Increase enrolment, provide All ECDEs Renovation and staffing. 0.5M 2018-
ECDEs Ward conducive learning environment 2022
Githiru Polytechnic Gatitu/ Muruguru Increase enrolment, provide One Equipping, staffing and Fencing 1.5M 2018-
Ward conducive learning environment Polytechnic 2022
Gachika Youth Kiganjo/ Mathari Increase enrolment, provide One Equipping. 1.5M 2018-
Polytechnic Ward conducive learning environment Polytechnic 2022
Chinga ECDEs Chinga Ward Increase enrolment, provide All ECDEs Rehabilitation and equipping 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment 2022
Kiaguthu Primary Chinga Ward Increase enrolment, provide 1 ECDE Construction and equipping 0.5M 2018-
School ECDE conducive learning environment 2022
Muirungi Youth Chinga Ward Increase enrolment, provide One Construction and equipping 1.5M 2018-
Polytechnic conducive learning environment Polytechnic 2022
Mumbu-ini Youth Chinga Ward Increase enrolment, provide One Construction and equipping 1.5M 2018-
Polytechnic conducive learning environment Polytechnic 2022
Kiaguthu Youth Chinga Ward Increase enrolment, provide One Construction and equipping 1.5M 2018-
Polytechnic conducive learning environment Polytechnic 2022
Kangongo Youth Chinga Ward Increase enrolment, provide One Construction and equipping 1.5M 2018-
Polytechnic conducive learning environment Polytechnic 2022
Mucharage Youth Chinga Ward Increase enrolment, provide One Construction and equipping 1.5M 2018-
Polytechnic conducive learning environment Polytechnic 2022
Chinga South West Chinga Ward Increase enrolment, provide One Construction and equipping 1.5M 2018-
Youth Polytechnic conducive learning environment Polytechnic 2022
Gichiche Youth Chinga Ward Increase enrolment, provide One Construction and equipping 1.5M 2018-
Polytechnic conducive learning environment Polytechnic 2022
Thangathi Polytechnic Mukurwe-ini Increase enrolment, provide One Upgrading and equipping 1.5M 2018-
Central conducive learning environment Polytechnic 2022
Muhito Digital Centre Mukurwe-ini Increase enrolment, provide One Center Upgrading 3M 2018-
Central conducive learning environment 2022
Kihuti ECDE Mukurwe-ini Increase enrolment, provide One ECDE Equipping. 0.5M 2018-
Central conducive learning environment 2022
Mbugua ECDE Mukurwe-ini Increase enrolment, provide One ECDE Equipping. 0.5M 2018-
Central conducive learning environment 2022
Githi ECDE Mukurwe-ini Increase enrolment, provide One ECDE Equipping. 0.5M 2018-
Central conducive learning environment 2022
Kimondo ECDE Mukurwe-ini Increase enrolment, provide One ECDE Construction 0.5M 2018-
Central conducive learning environment 2022
Githungungu ECDE Mukurwe-ini Increase enrolment, provide One ECDE Rehabilitation and equipping 0.5M 2018-
Central conducive learning environment 2022
Ngoru ECDE Mukurwe-ini Increase enrolment, provide One ECDE Rehabilitation and equipping 0.5M 2018-
Central conducive learning environment 2022
Gachiriro ECDE Mukurwe-ini Increase enrolment, provide One ECDE Rehabilitation and equipping 0.5M 2018-
Central conducive learning environment 2022
Muhito ECDE Mukurwe-ini Increase enrolment, provide One ECDE Rehabilitation and equipping 0.5M 2018-
Central conducive learning environment 2022
Gathitu ECDE Mukurwe-ini Increase enrolment, provide One ECDE Rehabilitation and equipping 0.5M 2018-
Central conducive learning environment 2022

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timef
(Kshs.) rame
Maganjo ECDE Mukurwe-ini Increase enrolment, provide One ECDE Rehabilitation and equipping 0.5M 2018-
Central conducive learning environment 2022
Mutwewathe ECDE Mukurwe-ini Increase enrolment, provide One ECDE Rehabilitation and equipping 0.5M 2018-
Central conducive learning environment 2022
Wamutitu ECDE Mukurwe-ini Increase enrolment, provide One ECDE Rehabilitation and equipping 0.5M 2018-
Central conducive learning environment 2022
Gathukumudu ECDE Mukurwe-ini Increase enrolment, provide One ECDE Rehabilitation and equipping 0.5M 2018-
Central conducive learning environment 2022
Gitero ECDE Naromoru/Kiamat Increase enrolment, provide 1 Construction 0.5M 2018-
haga Ward conducive learning environment 2022
Nyaribo primary ECDE Kiganjo/Mathari Increase enrolment, provide 1 Construction 0.5M 2018-
Ward conducive learning environment 2022
Kihuyo Pry ECDE Kiganjo/Mathari Increase enrolment, provide 1 Construction 0.5M 2018-
Ward conducive learning environment 2022
Ruringu youth Ruringu ward Increase enrolment, provide 1 Construction & equipping 1M 2018-
polytechnic conducive learning environment 2022
Gathaithi ECDE Iriaini ward Increase enrolment, provide Construction & equipping 0.5M 2018-
(Mathira) conducive learning environment 2022
Watuka ECDE Gatarakwa Ward Increase enrolment, provide 1 Construction & equipping 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment 2022
Kiahuria ECDE Gatarakwa Ward Increase enrolment, provide 1 Construction & equipping 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment 2022
Gitaro ECDE Gatarakwa Ward Increase enrolment, provide 1 Construction & equipping 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment 2022
Kwa Murage ECDE Gatarakwa Ward Increase enrolment, provide 1 Construction & equipping 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment 2022
Ngano - ini ECDE Gatarakwa Ward Increase enrolment, provide 1 Construction & equipping 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment 2022
Gachika polytechnic Kiganjo/Mathari Increase enrolment, provide 1 Construction & equipping 1M 2018-
Ward conducive learning environment 2022
Chania primary ECDE Kiganjo/Mathari Increase enrolment, provide 1 Construction & equipping 0.5M 2018-
Ward conducive learning environment 2022
Nyarugumu Pry ECDE Kiganjo/Mathari Increase enrolment, provide 1 Equipping 0.5M 2018-
Ward conducive learning environment 2022
Kiarithaini polytechnic Iriaini ward Increase enrolment, provide 1 Expansion, equipping, installation of 1M 2018-
(Mathira) conducive learning environment water tank 2022
Chinga ECDEs Chinga Ward Increase enrolment, provide 20 Rehabilitation& construction of 10M 2018-
conducive learning environment ECDE classses 2022
Itundu ECDE Iriaini ward Increase enrolment, provide 1 Upgrading 0.5M 2018-
(Mathira) conducive learning environment 2022
Kiamwangi ECDE Iriaini ward Increase enrolment, provide 1 Upgrading 0.5M 2018-
(Mathira) conducive learning environment 2022
Cheche ECDE Iriaini ward Increase enrolment, provide 1 Upgrading 0.5M 2018-
(Mathira) conducive learning environment 2022
Ihwagi ECDE Iriaini ward Increase enrolment, provide 1 Upgrading 0.5M 2018-
(Mathira) conducive learning environment 2022
Kiarithaini ECDE Iriaini ward Increase enrolment, provide 1 Upgrading 0.5M 2018-
(Mathira) conducive learning environment 2022
Gikororo ECDE Iriaini ward Increase enrolment, provide 1 Upgrading 0.5M 2018-
(Mathira) conducive learning environment 2022
Miiri ECDE Iriaini ward Increase enrolment, provide 1 Upgrading 0.5M 2018-
(Mathira) conducive learning environment 2022
Thenge- ini ECDE Iriaini ward Increase enrolment, provide 1 Upgrading 0.5M 2018-
(Mathira) conducive learning environment 2022
Gatundu ECDE Iriaini ward Increase enrolment, provide 1 Upgrading 0.5M 2018-
(Mathira) conducive learning environment 2022
Gatondo ECDE Iriaini ward Increase enrolment, provide 1 Upgrading 0.5M 2018-
(Mathira) conducive learning environment 2022
Kahuru ECDE Iriaini ward Increase enrolment, provide 1 Upgrading 0.5M 2018-
(Mathira) conducive learning environment 2022
Ithanji ECDE Mukurwe-ini Increase enrolment, provide 1 ECDE Construction and Equipping 0.5M 2018-
Central Ward conducive learning environment 2022
Gakawa Vocation Gakawa Ward Increase enrolment, provide 1 Youth Construction and Equipping 3M 2018-
Training Centre conducive learning environment polytechnic 2022
Endarasha ECDE Endarasha Increase enrolment, provide 1 ECDE Construction and Equipping 0.5M 2018-
Mwiyogo Ward conducive learning environment 2022

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timef
(Kshs.) rame
Mitero ECDE Endarasha Increase enrolment, provide 1 ECDE Construction and Equipping 0.5M 2018-
Mwiyogo Ward conducive learning environment 2022
Tarau ECDE Endarasha Increase enrolment, provide 1 ECDE Construction and Equipping 0.5M 2018-
Mwiyogo Ward conducive learning environment 2022
Mathakwaini Wamagana Ward Increase enrolment, provide 1 Construction and Equipping 1M 2018-
Polytechnic conducive learning environment Polytechnic 2022
Nairobi ECDE Thegu River Ward Increase enrolment, provide 1 ECDE Construction and Equipping 0.5M 2018-
(Karicheni) conducive learning environment 2022
Kaheti Polytechnic Mukurwe-ini Increase enrolment, provide 1 YP Renovation and equipping 1M 2018-
West Ward conducive learning environment 2022
Kiawamururu Youth Mukurwe-ini Increase enrolment, provide 1 YP Renovation and equipping 1M 2018-
Polytechnic West Ward conducive learning environment 2022
Gathungururu Youth Mukurwe-ini Increase enrolment, provide 1 YP Renovation and equipping 1M 2018-
Polytechnic West Ward conducive learning environment 2022
Iria-ini ECDEs Iria-ini Ward Increase enrolment, provide 15 ECDEs Renovation and Equipping 7.5M 2018-
(Othaya) conducive learning environment 2022
Gakanga polytechnic Gatarakwa ward Increase enrolment, provide 1 Rehabilitation 1M 2018-
conducive learning environment 2022
Gaturuturu Youth Mahiga Ward Increase enrolment, provide 1 Youth Renovation and equipping 1M 2018/2
Polytechnic conducive learning environment Polytechnic 022
Mahiga ICT Hub Mahiga Ward To promote use of technology 1 ICT Hub Construction and equipping 3M 2018/2
Mbiririri ECDE Kabaru Ward Increase enrolment, provide 1 Construction and equipping 0.5M 2018/2
conducive learning environment Classroom 022
Kimahuri Youth Kabaru Ward Increase enrolment, provide One Y.P Renovation 1M 2018-
Polytechnic conducive learning environment 2022
Amboni Youth Mweiga Ward Increase enrolment, provide 1 Toilet Construction 1.5M 2018-
Polytechnic conducive learning environment 2022
Mutonga Nursery Gikondi Ward Increase enrolment, provide One ECDE Construction 1M 2018-
ECDE conducive learning environment Centre 2022
Kabebero Youth Iriaini Ward Increase enrolment, provide 1 Fencing 3M GoK/
Polytecnic (Othaya) conducive learning environment polytecnic CGN
Othaya Polytechnic Iria-ini Ward Increase enrolment, provide 1 Construction of dormitories 3M 2018-
(Othaya) conducive learning environment polytecnic 2022
Irigithathi ECDE Naromoru/ Increase enrolment, provide 1 classroom Construction 1M 2018-
Kiamathaga Ward conducive learning environment 2022
Gatune ECDE Naromoru/ Increase enrolment, provide 1 classroom Construction 1M 2018-
Kiamathaga Ward conducive learning environment 2022
Mugunyu ECDE Naromoru/ Increase enrolment, provide 1 classroom Construction 1M 2018-
Kiamathaga Ward conducive learning environment 2022
Gitima ECD Magutu ward Increase enrolment, provide 1 ECD Construction of ECD Classes 2M 2018-
conducive learning environment 2022
Ndunduini ECD Rugi Ward Increase enrolment, provide 1 ECD Construction of class room 2M 2018
conducive learning environment - 2022
Construction of ECDE Kiganjo/Mathari Increase enrolment, provide 12 Toilets Construction of Toilets 5M 2018
Toilets Ward conducive learning environment - 2022
Construction of ECDE Kiganjo/Mathari Increase enrolment, provide 5 Classes Construction of Classes 5M 2018
Classes Ward conducive learning environment - 2022
provision ECDE Desks Kiganjo/Mathari Increase enrolment, provide 13 ECDE Construction of desks 2M 2018
Ward conducive learning environment Classes - 2022
Purchase of Sports Kiganjo/Mathari Increase enrolment, provide 13 ECDE Construction of desks 2M 2018
Materials Ward conducive learning environment Classes - 2022
ECDE Sports Funds Kiganjo/Mathari Increase enrolment, provide 13 ECDE ECDE Sports Fund 2M 2018
Ward conducive learning environment Classes - 2022
Mathari Polytechnic Kiganjo/Mathari Increase enrolment, provide 1 Equiping 2M 2018
/Youth Centre Ward conducive learning environment Polytechnic - 2022
Maganjo ECDE Ruguru Ward Increase enrolment, provide 1 ECDE Staffing and equipping 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment 2022
Wangera ECDE Gikondi Ward Increase enrolment, provide 1 No. Playing & learning Materials 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment 2022
Gathiriti ECDE Gikondi Ward Increase enrolment, provide 1 No. Water tank 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment 2022
Wanguru ECDE Gikondi Ward Increase enrolment, provide 1 No. Playing & learning Materials 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment 2022
Muthuthi-ini ECDE Gikondi Ward Increase enrolment, provide 1 No. Needs Floor & Painting 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment 2022

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timef
(Kshs.) rame
Wahari ECDE Gikondi Ward Increase enrolment, provide 1 No. Playing & learning Materials 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment 2022
Ngura ECDE Gikondi Ward Increase enrolment, provide 1 No. Playing & learning Materials 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment 2022
Karaba ECDE Gikondi Ward Increase enrolment, provide 1 No. Cementing the floor 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment 2022
Kibutio ECDE Gikondi Ward Increase enrolment, provide 1 No. Floor, Painting & Furniture 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment 2022
Kaharo ECDE Gikondi Ward Increase enrolment, provide 1 No. Completion of Buildings 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment 2022
Gakira ECDE Gikondi Ward Increase enrolment, provide 1 No. Completion of Buildings 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment 2022
Mukui ECDE Gikondi Ward Increase enrolment, provide 1 No. Finishing the Classrooms 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment 2022
Kamuchuni ECDE Gikondi Ward Increase enrolment, provide 1 No. Cementing, water, Toilets, Fencing 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment 2022
Gikondi ECDE Gikondi Ward Increase enrolment, provide 1 No. Playing & learning Materials 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment 2022
Gathugu ECDE Gikondi Ward Increase enrolment, provide 1 No. Completion of Buildings 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment 2022
Kiamurathe ECDE Gikondi Ward Increase enrolment, provide 1 No. Building toilets 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment 2022
Wamuchatha ECDE Gikondi Ward Increase enrolment, provide 1 No. Building Toilets 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment 2022
Nyakahuho ECDE Gikondi Ward Increase enrolment, provide 1 No. Building Toilets 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment 2022
Karindi ECDE Gikondi Ward Increase enrolment, provide 1 No. Completion of Buildings 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment 2022
Githama ECDE Gikondi Ward Increase enrolment, provide 1 No. Construction of floor, kitchen 0.5M 2018-
conducive learning environment 2022
Irathaniro Youth Gikondi Ward Increase enrolment, provide 1 No. Completion and equipping 1M 2018-
Polytechnic conducive learning environment 2022
Mutonga Polytechinc Gikondi Ward Increase enrolment, provide 1 No. Construction and equipping 1M 2018-
conducive learning environment 2022
Gitero ECDE Naromoru/Kiamat Increase enrolment, provide 1 No. Renovation and equipping 0.5M 2018-
haga Ward conducive learning environment 2022
Karichuta ECDE Naromoru/Kiamat Increase enrolment, provide 1 No. Construction of a classroom 0.5M 2018-
haga Ward conducive learning environment 2018
Tigithi ECDE Naromoru/Kiamat Increase enrolment, provide 1 No. Construction of a classroom 0.5M 2018-
haga Ward conducive learning environment 2019
Gitinga ECDE Naromoru/Kiamat Increase enrolment, provide 1 No. Construction of a classroom 0.5M 2018-
haga Ward conducive learning environment 2020
Manyatta ECDE Naromoru/Kiamat Increase enrolment, provide 1 No. Construction of a classroom 0.5M 2018-
haga Ward conducive learning environment 2021
Kimbo ECDE Naromoru/Kiamat Increase enrolment, provide 1 No. Construction of a classroom 0.5M 2018-
haga Ward conducive learning environment 2022
Kieni School’s Feeding All Kieni Wards Increase enrolment, provide All ECDEs Upscale of school meal programmes 20 M 2018-
Program conducive learning environment 2022

7.11.3 Stalled Projects

Project Name Location Description Reasons for stalling Proposed measures
of activities
Workshop - Kianduiga YP Iriaini Construction Waiting the next Phase of National Collaboation between County and National
(Mathira) Government Funding Govt for completion
Workshop and Hostel - Karatina town Construction Waiting the next Phase of KIDDP Funding Collaboation between County and KIDDP
Karatina YP for completion

7.12 Water, Environment and Natural Resources

7.12.1 On-going projects
These are projects being implemented by the department of Water, environment and natural resources.

Project Name/ Objectives Targets Description of Green Economy considerations Cost Source of Timef
Location Activities (Key (Kshs) funding rame
Iruri Irrigation To increase area 500HH Laying of distribution Spur Economic growth through 25m CGNComm 2018-
Project under irrigation. lines and infield systems. irrigation and agricultural development; unity 2019
Ruguru Ward Create employment for women and
youth empowerment.
Sagana Irrigation To increase area 500HH Construction of 2No. Sustainable food security; Intensification
Project under irrigation. 225m3 masonry storage of land through use of safe farm inputs
Ruguru Ward tank. and chemicals; Introduction of drip 8m CGN 2018-
irrigation for efficient use and water Community 2019
Kariithi Irrigation To increase area 500HH Construction of 2No. Intensification of land use through better
Project under irrigation. 225m3 masonry storage land and water management.
Karatina/Kirimukuy tank; Procurement of 15m CGN 2018-
u wards pipes & installation of Community 2019
distribution lines.
Muthira Water To provide water 8000 Construction of Social Economics improvement; Poverty 20m CGN 2018-
Project for domestic use HH intake,tank& distribution reduction; Environmental improvement Community 2020
Ruguru Ward Pipeline will be realized; Health standard will be
improved; Time used to fetch water will
be reduced
Lower Magutu -To increase area 1000 Construction of intake & The project will improve the livelihood 60m CGN/GOK 2018-
Irrigation Project under irrigation. HH Pipeline of the community through:-Social Community 2021
Karatina Ward interactions; Economical improvement; Donors
Environmental improvement will be
Kaguyu/ Kienja-ini -To increase area 800 HH Pipes for 13km main line Intensification of land through use of 40m CGN/GOK 2018-
Irrigation Project under irrigation. & for 30km distribution safe farm inputs and chemicals Community 2021
Iria-ini Ward lines. Donors
Kanjuri water To provide water 300 HH Construction of Intake Social Economics improvement; Poverty 15m CGN 2017-
Project for domestic use. (common intake for 3 reduction; Environmental improvement Community 2018
Magutu Ward W/Ps) hydraulics will be realized; Health standard will be
features installations and improved; Time used to fetch water will
L/V/Cs be reduced
Kagochi/Kahurathi To provide water 130 HH Construction of Social Economics improvement; Poverty 8m CGN 2017-
Magutu Ward for domestic use intake(common Intake reduction; Environmental improvement Community 2018
for 3 intakes) & tank, will be realized; Health standard will be
hydraulic fixtures improved; Time used to fetch water will
installation and L/V/Cs be reduced
Ihwagi/Kahachu To provide water 250 HH Laying of main pipeline, Social Economics improvement; Poverty 10m CGN 2017-
Magutu/Iriaini for domestic use distributions and intake reduction; Environmental improvement Community 2020
construction will be realized; Health standard will be
improved; Time used to fetch water will
be reduced
Karembu To provide water 150 HH Construction of Pump Social Economics improvement; Poverty 7M CGN 2017-
Konyu Ward for domestic use House, Procure and reduction; Environmental improvement Community 2018
install solar system, will be realized; Health standard will be
Tank rehabilitation, improved; Time used to fetch water will
replacement & repair of be reduced
sand filter media &
Scooping of the Intake
Chehe water project To provide water 1500 Desilting of Intake, Social Economics improvement; Poverty 27M CGN 2017-
Iriaini Ward for domestic use HH Trenching &Laying of reduction; Environmental improvement Community 2022
(Mathira) pipeline and construction will be realized; Health standard will be
of 150m3 masonry tank improved; Time used to fetch water will
be reduced
West Magutu To provide water 500 HH Construction of Intake Social Economics improvement; Poverty 5m CGN 2017-
Magutu ward for domestic use &150m3 masonry tank reduction; Environmental improvement Community 2022
and minor Trenching &Laying of will be realized; Health standard will be
Irrigation. pipeline improved; Time used to fetch water will
be reduced
Iria-ini Water To provide water 400HH Construction of 150m3 Social Economics improvement; Poverty 2.5m CGN 2017-
Project for domestic use masonry tank reduction; Environmental improvement Community 2020
Iria-ini Ward and minor will be realized; Health standard will be
(Mathira) Irrigation. improved; Time used to fetch water will
be reduced
Kairia Water Project To provide water 600HH Construction of 150m3 Social Economics improvement; Poverty 2.5m CGN 2017-
Iria-ini Ward for domestic use masonry tank reduction; Environmental improvement Community 2018
(Mathira) will be realized; Health standard will be

Project Name/ Objectives Targets Description of Green Economy considerations Cost Source of Timef
Location Activities (Key (Kshs) funding rame
and minor improved; Time used to fetch water will
Irrigation. be reduced
Kanjuri Water To provide water 800HH Construction of 150m3 Social Economics improvement; Poverty 2.5m CGN 2017-
Project for domestic use masonry tank reduction; Environmental improvement Community 2018
Iria-ini Ward and minor will be realized; Health standard will be
(Mathira) Irrigation. improved; Time used to fetch water will
be reduced
Mukore water To improve & 5 km Piping Social Economics improvement; Poverty 7m CGN 2018-
project Konyu ward increase water reduction; Environmental improvement 2022
access will be realized; Health standard will be
improved; Time used to fetch water will
be reduced
Mbogoini springs To improve & 5 Rehabilitation of springs Social Economics improvement; Poverty 2.5m CGN 2018-
project increase water springs at Giathathu, Iraguma, reduction; Environmental improvement 2022
Kirimukuyu Ward access Kiangero, Giakibura and will be realized; Health standard will be
Gaburiri improved; Time used to fetch water will
be reduced
Mathira Water & To improve water 2000 Procurement of pipes & Social Economics improvement; Poverty 1.6B CGN 2018-
Sanitation Company & Sewerage HH installation of reduction; Environmental improvement GOK 2022
services distribution lines. will be realized; Health standard will be Company
Rehabilitation of improved; Time used to fetch water will Donors
distribution lines & be reduced
existing storage Tanks.
Expansion of existing
pipe lines, storage
facilities, sewerage
treatment plant &
Construction of full
treatment plants.
Procurement of district
master & Consumer
Othaya Mukurweini To improve water 4000 Rehabilitation of Othaya Health standard will be improved 303M CGN 2018-
Water Services & Sewerage HH town reticulation system Social Economics improvement. GOK 2022
Company Ltd services Construction of Poverty reduction Company
treatment works, new Environmental improvement will be Donor
intake at Gatango, realized.
Sludge drying beds, Time used to fetch water will be reduced
Masonarytank at
Nduma& Pipeline.
Replacement &
relocation of pipeline.
Decentralised sanitation
facilities in various
Sewer lines extension for
Procurement of district
master & Consumer
Naromoru township To provide water 2200 Construction of The project will improve the livelihood 628m CGN 2018-
water project for domestic use, HH pipeline , storage tanks, of the community through. GOK 2022
improve water Sewerage system, -Social impact. Company
Naromoru/Kiamatha quality and Completion of -Economical improvement Donors
ga ward Sanitation. Treatment Works, -Environmental improvement will be
Drilling & equipping realized.
Procurement of district
master & Consumer
Kaing’ore Hydram To Increase area 100HH. Construction of 1no Promote food production and wealthy 0.65M CGN 2018-
project under irrigation reinforced Hydram creation as per vision 2030 Community 2019
(Kirurumo by 12.5 acres and platform and extension
Kianyange) increase food of 0.5km pipeline system
Gikondi Ward production.

Project Name/ Objectives Targets Description of Green Economy considerations Cost Source of Timef
Location Activities (Key (Kshs) funding rame
Thiha Sagana To Increase area 150HH Rehabilitation of intake Promote food production and wealthy 8m CGN 2017-
Irrigation project in under irrigation works, fitting and creation as per vision 2030 Community 2019
Rugi ward by 75 acres and extension of piping
increase food system to about 20Km
Thiha Micro To Increase area 100HH Rehabilitation of Promote food production and wealthy 10m CGN 2017-
Irrigation project in under irrigation intake ,fitting and creation as per vision 2030 Community 2020
Rugi ward by 50 acres and extension of piping
increase food system to about 25Km.
Mukurwe-ini Rural To provide water 100HH Construction of 100m3 Social Economics improvement. 2m CGN 2017-
Water Project for domestic use masonry tank Poverty reduction Community 2018
(Gathugu) and minor Environmental improvement will be
Rugi Ward Irrigation. realized.
Health standard will be improved
Time used to fetch water will be reduced
Kamoko/ Increase area 250 HH Laying of pipeline for Water use efficiency strategies to 11 M TARDA 2017-
Mahiga Irrigation under irrigation 12kms increase water utilization in irrigation CGN 2019
Project, phase 2 – Sustainable crop production for food CDF
Mahiga Ward security; Intensification of land use Community
through better land and water
management eg Use of soil and water
conservation measures in irrigated land
to reduce land degradation
Changachicha Increase area 800acre Construction of intake Create employment for women and 125M CGN 2016-
/Kagongo irrigation under irrigation s laying of pipeline for youth in green economy Gok 2022
project-Chinga (3200 120km of mainline and Sustainable food security and empower Community
Ward HH) distribution network the resident economically and socially. Donors
Intensification of land use
Kahuro-Kianjoro Increase area 30acres laying of pipeline for the Spur Economic growth through 10m CGN 2016-
irrigation project- under irrigation (120 mainline and distribution irrigation and development Community 2020
Karima ward HH) network Create employment for women and
Installation of Hydrum youth in green economy
and 100CM storage tank Sustainable food security
Intensification of land through use of
safe farm inputs and chemicals
Introduction of drip irrigation for
efficient use of water
Ichagethi irrigation Increase area 260HH laying of pipeline for the Sustainable food security 10m CGN 2018-
project- under irrigation mainline, distribution Intensification of land use Community 2021
Iria-ini ward, network and Introduction of drip irrigation for
Othaya Construction of the efficient use of water
Ihwa irrigation Increase area 35 ha Construction of pipelines It will improve the livelihood of the 15m CGN 2018-
project under irrigation Ranging from 225-32 community through:- Social impact; Community 2022
Kamakwa/ Mukaro mm Ø upvc pipes total Economical improvement;
distance 10km Environmental improvement will be
construction of 2 No realized; Technological improvement
BPT and river crossings within the community.
Wangi Kanuna Increase area 70 ha Construction of pipelines It will improve the livelihood of the 15m IFAD 2018
irrigation project under irrigation Ranging from 355-32 community through:- Social impact; CGN
Mathari Kiganjo mm Ø upvc pipes total Economical improvement; Community
distance 33km & Environmental improvement will be
(UTaNRMP, IFAD) Rehabilitation of 1 No. realized; Technological improvement
(Donor) Tank. within the community.
Kihuyo irrigation Increase area 40 ha Construction of pipelines It will improve the livelihood of the 30m CGN 2018-
project under irrigation Ranging from 225-32 community through:- Social impact; Community 2022
Mathari Kiganjo mm Ø upvc pipes total Economical improvement; Donor
distance 20km & Environmental improvement will be
Construction of 1 No realized; Technological improvement
225 m3 masonry tank within the community.
Njengu irrigation Increase area 225 Construction of pipelines It will improve the livelihood of the 87m CGN 2018-
project under irrigation acres ranging from 225- community through:- Social impact; GOK 2022
Mathari Kiganjo 32mmØ upvc and GI Economical improvement; Community
pipes total distance about Environmental improvement will be Donors
25 km & construction of realized; Technological improvement
2 No 225m3 tanks within the community.

Project Name/ Objectives Targets Description of Green Economy considerations Cost Source of Timef
Location Activities (Key (Kshs) funding rame
Riamukurwe Increase area 700 Construction of pipelines It will improve the livelihood of the 90 m NIB 2018-
irrigation project under irrigation acres ranging from 355-20 mm community through:- Social impact; CGN 2022
Gatitu / Muruguru dia with total distance of Economical improvement; Community
52 km & 3No major road Environmental improvement will be
crossings realized; Technological improvement
within the community.
Mwiyogo water To provide water 3000 Construction of the new It will improve the livelihood of the 50m CGN 2017-
project for domestic use. HH Intakes, main pipeline community through:- Social impact; GOK 2022
Endarasha/ and construction of tanks Economical improvement; Community
Mwiyogo ward Environmental improvement will be Donors
realized; Technological improvement NDMA
within the community.
Endarasha self-help To provide water 2700 Extension of pipeline It will improve the livelihood of the 30m CGN 2017-
water project for domestic use. HH and construction of community through:- Social impact; GOK 2019
Endarasha ward tanks. Economical improvement; Community
Environmental improvement will be NDMA
realized; Technological improvement Donors
within the community.
Nganyuthe Water To provide water 1000 Construction of the new It will improve the livelihood of the 35m CGN 2017-
project for domestic use. HH Intakes, main pipeline community through:- Social impact; GOK 2022
and construction of Economical improvement; Community
tanks. Environmental improvement will be Donors
realized; Technological improvement NDMA
within the community.
Gatarakwa Water To provide water 3600 Construction of tanks It will improve the livelihood of the 50m CGN 2017-
Project for domestic use. HH and distribution network. community through:- Social impact; GOK 2019
Mugunda Ward Economical improvement; Community
Environmental improvement will be Donors
realized; Technological improvement NDMA
within the community.
Mutitu B Water To provide water 1100 Construction of Water It will improve the livelihood of the 25m CGN 2018-
project for domestic use. HH Storage tanks and 2nd community through:- Social impact; GOK 2022
Mugunda Ward phase pipeline. Economical improvement; Community
Environmental improvement will be Donors
realized; Technological improvement NDMA
within the community.
Simbara-Bondeni To provide water 1100 Trenching, pipe laying It will improve the livelihood of the 25m CGN 2018-
Irrigation Project for domestic use. HH and construction of community through:- Social impact; GOK 2022
Mweiga Ward 135m3 storage tanks. Economical improvement; Community
Environmental improvement will be Donors
realized; Technological improvement NDMA
within the community.
Simbara Amboni To provide water 3000 Construction of storage It will improve the livelihood of the 30m CGN 2018-
Water Project for domestic use. HH tank, new intake and community through:- Social impact; GOK 2022
Mweiga Ward pipeline. Economical improvement; Community
Environmental improvement will be Donors
realized; Technological improvement NDMA
within the community.
Simbara Kamatongu To provide water 1500 Construction of water It will improve the livelihood of the 25m CGN 2018-
Water Project for domestic use. HH storage tanks, extension community through:- Social impact; GOK 2022
Mweiga Ward of distribution lines. Economical improvement; Community
Environmental improvement will be Donors
realized; Technological improvement NDMA
within the community.
Bamboo Hill Water To provide water 700HH Construction of storage It will improve the livelihood of the 15m CGN 2017-
project for domestic use. tank, new intake and community through:- Social impact; Community 2019
Gataragwa ward pipeline. Economical improvement; NDMA
Environmental improvement will be
realized; Technological improvement
within the community.
Treffos/ Kiburuti To provide water 2600 Rehabilitation of the It will improve the livelihood of the 20m CGN 2018-
Water Project for domestic use. HH Intake, upgrading of the community through:- Social impact; GOK 2022
Endarasha/Mwiyog main pipeline and Economical improvement; Community
o ward construction of water Environmental improvement will be Donors
storage tanks. realized; Technological improvement NDMA
within the community.

Project Name/ Objectives Targets Description of Green Economy considerations Cost Source of Timef
Location Activities (Key (Kshs) funding rame
Kirinyaga Nyange To provide water 550HH Construction of water It will improve the livelihood of the 27m CGN 2018-
Water Project for domestic use. storage tanks 3No.of community through:- Social impact; GOK 2022
Kabaru ward 225m3 and 9km pipeline. Economical improvement; Community
Rehabilitation to allow Environmental improvement will be Donors
for re-routing gravity realized; Technological improvement NDMA
main. within the community.
Kihoto Water To provide water 680HH Rehabilitation of intake, It will improve the livelihood of the 25m CGN 2018-
project for domestic use. Kambura-ini 7-acre dam community through:- Social impact; GOK 2022
(Kambura-ini & Borehole. Economical improvement; Community
splinter group) Construction of water Environmental improvement will be Donors
Narumoru/ storage tanks 2No.of realized; Technological improvement NDMA
Kiamathaga 225m3 and 9km pipeline within the community.
Kirika Water project To provide water 750HH Rehabilitation of intake It will improve the livelihood of the 19m CGN 2018-
(Kambura-ini for domestic use. & Borehole. community through:- Social impact; GOK 2022
splinter group) Construction of water Economical improvement; Community
Narumoru/ storage tanks 2No.of Environmental improvement will be Donors
Kiamathaga Ward 225m3 and 7km pipeline. realized; Technological improvement NDMA
within the community.
Huku Water project To provide water 1220 Rehabilitation of intake, It will improve the livelihood of the 14m CGN 2018-
Gakawa Ward for domestic use. HH Equipping new community through:- Social impact; Community 2022
Borehole. Economical improvement; NDMA
Construction of water Environmental improvement will be
storage tank 225m3 and 9 realized; Technological improvement
km pipeline. within the community.
Warazo jet water To provide water 3000 Construction of water It will improve the livelihood of the 4m CGN 2017-
project for domestic use. HH storage tank 225m3 community through:- Social impact; 2018
Kabaru Ward Economical improvement;
Environmental improvement will be
realized; Technological improvement
within the community.
Mwea B Water To provide water 450HH Completion of water It will improve the livelihood of the 1.5m CGN 2017-
Project (Mlima for domestic use. storage tank 225m3 community through:- Social impact; 2018
Kenya) Economical improvement;
Gakawa Ward Environmental improvement will be
realized; Technological improvement
within the community.
Ngongithi Water To provide water 250HH Construction of water It will improve the livelihood of the 2.5m CGN 2017-
Project for domestic use. storage tank 150m3 community through:- Social impact; 2018
Thegu Ward Economical improvement;
Environmental improvement will be
realized; Technological improvement
within the community.
Guraga Water To provide water 600HH Rehabilitation & It will improve the livelihood of the 38m CGN 2018-
project for domestic use. Equipping Guara community through:- Social impact; GOK 2022
(Kaga splinter Borehole. Economical improvement; Community
group) Construction of Environmental improvement will be Donors
Gakawa Ward Intake,water storage realized; Technological improvement NDMA
tanks 3No.of 225m3 and within the community.
18 km pipeline.
Maka Green Water To provide water 560HH Rehabilitation of intake. It will improve the livelihood of the 13m CGN
project for domestic use. Construction of 10.5km community through:- Social impact; Community 2018-
Gakawa Ward pipeline & 1No. 225m3 Economical improvement; NDMA 2022
storage tanks. Environmental improvement will be
Drilling new borehole. realized; Technological improvement
within the community.
Mureru water To provide water 870HH Rehabilitation of intake. It will improve the livelihood of the 47m CGN 2018-
project for domestic use. Construction of 36km community through:- Social impact; GOK 2022
Gakawa Ward pipeline & 3No. 225m3 Economical improvement; Community
storage tanks. Environmental improvement will be Donors
Drilling new borehole. realized; Technological improvement NDMA
within the community.
Njogu-ini-Gitero- To provide water 600HH Rehabilitation of intake. It will improve the livelihood of the 31m CGN 2018-
Kabati (NGK) for domestic use. Construction of 12.6km community through:- Social impact; GOK 2022
Kiamathaga ward pipeline & 3No. 225m3 Economical improvement; Community
storage tanks. Environmental improvement will be Donors
realized; Technological improvement NDMA
within the community.

Project Name/ Objectives Targets Description of Green Economy considerations Cost Source of Timef
Location Activities (Key (Kshs) funding rame
Thung’are water To provide water 500HH Construction of intake. It will improve the livelihood of the 60m CGN 2018-
project (Honi for domestic use. Construction of 32km community through:- Social impact; GOK 2022
intake) pipeline & 3No. 225m3 Economical improvement; Community
Thegu River ward storage tanks. Environmental improvement will be Donors
Drilling new borehole realized; Technological improvement NDMA
within the community.
Lower Kakuret To provide water 310HH Rehabilitation of intake It will improve the livelihood of the 14m CGN 2018-
water project for domestic use. & Borehole. community through:- Social impact; Community 2022
Thegu River ward Construction of water Economical improvement; NDMA
storage tanks 1No.of Environmental improvement will be
225m3 and 9 km realized; Technological improvement
pipeline. within the community.
Giakagu Irrigation Increase area 160HH Laying of pipeline for Create employment for women and 5M CGN 2018
Wamagana Ward under irrigation the mainline and youth in green economy Community –
distribution network & Sustainable food security and empower 2022
Construction of the the resident economically and socially.
Intake Intensification of land use
Kimathi Muhoya Increase area 1000 Laying of pipeline for Proper land use for agricultural 10M CGN 2018
Irrigation under irrigation HH the mainline and productivity. Community –
Dedan Kimathi distribution network Create employment for women and 2022
Ward youth in green economy
Sustainable food security and empower
the resident economically and socially.
Gaithuri Irrigation Increase area 60HH Laying of pipeline for Create employment for women and 1.5M CGN 2018
Dedan Kimathi under irrigation the mainline and youth in green economy Community –
Ward distribution network Sustainable food security and empower 2019
the resident economically and socially
Aberslopes Increase area 80HH Laying of pipeline for Create employment for women and 5.5M CGN 2018
Irrigation under irrigation to the mainline, distribution youth in green economy Community –
cover with network & storage tank Sustainable food security and empower 2019
irrigation water (150m3) the resident.
Kaigonji Aguthi Increase area 2700 Laying of pipeline for Proper land use for agricultural 40M CGN 2018
Gaaki Irrigation under irrigation HH the mainline , productivity. GOK –
GaakiAguthi Ward distribution network & Create employment for women and Community 2022
Construction of 225 m3 youth in green economy Donors
and 90 day storage Sustainable food security and empower
facility the resident economically and socially.
Kinaini water To increase water 1000 Construction of a Proper land use for agricultural 30m CGN 2018
project supply. Househ treatment plant, 2no. productivity. GOK –
Dedan Kimathi olds storage tanks, expansion Create employment for women and Community 2022
of intake and 7km youth in green economy Donors
pipeline. Sustainable food security and empower
the resident economically and socially.
Titie – Tetu & To increase water 3000 Completion Titie Proper land use for agricultural 30m CGN 2018
Thegenge water supply. Househ treatment works and productivity. GOK –
project. olds Rehabilitation of Create employment for women and Community 2022
Wamagana T/Works. youth in green economy Donors
Sustainable food security and empower
the resident economically and socially.
Kienjero dam Increase water 15000 Rehabilitation and The project will improve the livelihood 3M CGN 2018
Mugunda Ward supply coverage m3 fencing. of the community through. –
area. Social impact. NDMA 2022
Economical improvement
Environmental improvement will be
Mugaka Dam Increase water 40000 Rehabilitation and The project will improve the livelihood 6M CGN 2018
Mugunda Ward supply coverage m3 fencing. of the community through. –
area. Social impact. NDMA 2022
Economical improvement
Environmental improvement will be
Bondeni Dam Increase water 20000 Rehabilitation and The project will improve the livelihood 3M CGN 2018
Mweiga Ward supply coverage m3 fencing. of the community through. NDMA –
area. Social impact. 2022
Economical improvement

Project Name/ Objectives Targets Description of Green Economy considerations Cost Source of Timef
Location Activities (Key (Kshs) funding rame
Environmental improvement will be
Githima Dam Increase water 60000 Rehabilitation and The project will improve the livelihood 4.5M CGN 2018
Gakawa ward supply coverage m3 fencing. of the community through. NDMA –
area. Social impact. 2022
Economical improvement
Environmental improvement will be
Guara II Dam Increase water 60000 Rehabilitation and The project will improve the livelihood 5M CGN 2018
Gakawa ward supply coverage m3 fencing. of the community through. NDMA –
area. Social impact. 2022
Economical improvement
Environmental improvement will be
Kaheho Dam Increase water 14000m Rehabilitation and The project will improve the livelihood 3M CGN 2018
Rugi Ward supply coverage 3
fencing. of the community through. NDMA –
area. Social impact. 2022
Economical improvement
Environmental improvement will be
Muturanguru Increase water 30000 Rehabilitation and The project will improve the livelihood 5M CGN 2018
Mwiyogo Ward supply coverage m3 fencing. of the community through. NDMA –
area. Social impact. 2022
Economical improvement
Environmental improvement will be
Hiriga Dam Increase water 60000 Rehabilitation and The project will improve the livelihood 4.5M CGN 2018
Ruguru Ward supply coverage m3 fencing of the community through. NDMA –
area. Social impact. 2022
Economical improvement
Environmental improvement will be
Waraza Lusoi Dam Increase water 108000 Rehabilitation and The project will improve the livelihood 22M CGN 2018
Kabaru Ward supply coverage m3 fencing of the community through. GOK –
area. Social impact. 2022
Economical improvement Donors
Environmental improvement will be NDMA
Ruthagati Increase water 250000 Rehabilitation and The project will improve the livelihood 10M CGN 2018
Ruguru supply coverage m3 fencing of the community through. GOK –
area. Social impact. Community 2022
Economical improvement Donors
Environmental improvement will be NDMA
Nganyuthe Dam Increase water 25000 Rehabilitation and The project will improve the livelihood 4M CGN 2018
Gataragwa Ward supply coverage m3 fencing of the community through. –
area. Social impact. NDMA 2022
Economical improvement
Environmental improvement will be
Nyeri Water and Iprove sewerage 2,500 Construction of Health standard will be improved 865 m CGN 2018-
Sewerage Company services and H/H reticulation and GOK 2022
Limited feacal sludge expansion of Kangemi Company
management sewerage treatment plant Donors
Tetu Aberdare To provide water 16,000 Construction of water The project will improve the livelihood 527 m CGN 2018-
Water and for domestic use, H/H conservation of the community through. GOK 2022
Sanitation Company improve water reserviour ,Full -Social impact. Company
quality and Treatment Works,Bulk -Economical improvement Donors
Sanitation. trunk mains,New -Environmental improvement will be
distribution realized.
of Existing
system,Storage tanks,
4No modern public
toilets in majoe market
centres,procurement of
zonal and customer

Project Name/ Objectives Targets Description of Green Economy considerations Cost Source of Timef
Location Activities (Key (Kshs) funding rame
meters and water
catchment preservation
and protection
County school Increase area 200,000 Procuring and planting The project will improve the livelihood 9m CGN 2018-
greening programs under forest cover tree of tree and fruit of the community through. NDMA 2022
Mukurweini seedling seedlings. -Social impact.
s -Economical improvement
20,000 -Environmental improvement will be
fruit realized.
County greening Increase area 123,600 Procuring and planting The project will improve the livelihood 44.5m CGN 2018-
(Agro forestry) under forest fruit of tree seedlings. of the community through. 2022
household level. seedling -Social impact.
s and -Economical improvement
680,000 -Environmental improvement will be
Grevilli realized.
Protection of Increase River 10km Procuring and planting The project will improve the livelihood 2.0 m CGN 2018-
riparian area and flows of tree seedlings. of the community through. 2022
river bank -Social impact.
stabilization. -Economical improvement
County wide -Environmental improvement will be
County towns and Clean and Town Procuring and planting The project will improve the livelihood 2.5 m CGN 2018-
GOK offices beautiful towns streets of tree seedlings. of the community through. 2022
beautification and -Social impact.
office -Economical improvement
compou -Environmental improvement will be
nd realized.
Climate change Reduced 150 Procuring energy saving 20milli CGN/ 2018-
mitigation woodfuel usage instituti Jikos on NDMA 2022
ons Donors
Karemenu Mega Endarasha/Mwiy 200Ha Excavation and piping 13B National 2017-
dam ogo,Gataragwa Government 2022
and Mugunda
Naromoru Mega Naromoru- 200Ha Excavation and piping 17B National 2017-
dam Kiamathaga and Government 2022
Gakawa wards
Othaya Othaya and 1000H Provision of clean 303M CGN/Natio 2017-
/Mukurweini water Mukurweini sub- H portable water and nal 2022
and sanitation counties improved sanitation Government
company services
Mathira water and Mathira West and 1000H Provision of clean 1.6B CGN/Natio 2017-
sanitation company East sub-counties H portable water and nal 2022
improved sanitation Government
County Water County Hqs 5 No. Provision of clean 30M National 2017-
Boozers portable water Government 2022

7.12.2 New Project Proposals

These projects will be implemented by the department of Water, environment and natural resources. They will
be funded by Count Government of Nyeri in collaboration with the national government.
Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timefram
(Kshs) e
Thungari Dam Thegu River Ward Increase water storage 1 no. dam Rehabilitation 5M 2018-2022
Nyeri Water & Kirimukuyu Land acquisition for water storage tanks
Sewerage Company (Ruthagati, sites; Way leave acquisition for the
project Kiangoma, pipelines and other installations; Laying of
Karogoto, the transmission main from Ngangarithi to

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timefram
(Kshs) e
Ngorano, the pumping station near Hohwe dam;
Ngurumo, Thaithi, Construction of the pumping station and
Kiawarigi. Tumu water tanks; Laying of the rising main
Tumu and Rititi)
from the pumping station to the tumutumu
tank; Laying of the gravity and
distribution mains to; Laying of the
service lines
Thirigitu Dam Thegu River Ward Increase water storage 1 no. dam Construction 10M 2018-2022
Lusio Dam Thegu River Ward Increase water storage 1 no. dam Rehabilitation 5M 2018-2022
Mugi Dam Thegu River Ward Increase water storage 1 no. dam Rehabilitation 5M 2018-2022
Ndambuki Dam Thegu River Ward Increase water storage 1 no. dam Rehabilitation 15M 2018-2022
Upper Rongai Borehole Thegu River Ward Increase access to water 1 No. borehole Drilling and equipping 5M 2018-2022
Lower Rongai Borehole Thegu River Ward Increase access to water 1 No. borehole Drilling and equipping 5M 2018-2022
Karicheni Boreholes Thegu River Ward Increase access to water 2 No. borehole Drilling and equipping 10M 2018-2022
Warazo-Lusoi Water Thegu River Ward Increase access to water 3.3km Laying of 150pipes-6inches; 200 pipes-4 2M 2018-2022
Project inches; 100 pipes- 3inches and 100pipes-
2 inches.
Ngonde – Gatei Water Thegu River Ward Increase access to water 8.1km,1No. Laying of 400pipes-3inches; 800 pipes-2 12M 2018-2022
Project intake &1No. inches; 150pipes -½" inches;
Dam rehabilitation of intake and Rukurwe
valley dam
Maragima Water Project Thegu River Ward Increase access to water 1 No. intake Construction of intake at Gakurwa 8M 2018-2022
Bio Gas Project(All Gakawa Ward To enhance access to safe 16,000 homes construction of Biogas project 8M 2018-2022
Homes) environment
Lower Muthu-ini Dam Endarasha Increase water storage 1 Dam Desilting 4M 2018-2022
Mwiyogo Water Project Endarasha Increase water supply 1 Project Purchase of water pipes 5M 2018-2022
Marua Irrigation Project Gatitu/Muruguru To enhance access to Water supply Water supply 6M 2018-2022
Ward clean and safe water
Thunguma Irrigation Gatitu/Muruguru To enhance access to Water supply Water supply 8M 2018-2022
Project Ward clean and safe water
Githiru Irrigation Project Gatitu/Muruguru To enhance access to 1 storage Construction of a storage tank 3M 2018-2022
Ward clean and safe water Tank
Riagamuru Irrigation Gatitu/Muruguru To enhance access to I storage Construction of a storage tank 5M 2018-2022
Project Ward clean and safe water Tank
Muruguru Water Project Gatitu/Muruguru To enhance access to 1 Dam Construction of a Water Dam 2M 2018-2022
Ward clean and safe water
Thunguma Water Gatitu/Muruguru To enhance access to Water supply Water supply 2M 2018-2022
Project Ward clean and safe water
Nyeri Primary ECD Rware Ward Increase access to water Water supply 1 tank 5M 2018-2022
Mount Kenya Salvation Rware Ward Increase access to water Water supply 1 tank 5M 2018-2022
ECD Centre
Gaikundo Gikira Water Mukurweini west Increase access to water One Water Water harvesting from rivers 1M 2018-2022
Irrigation Project Ward project
Githagara Hdro Water Mukurweini west Increase access to water One Water Water harvesting from rivers 1M 2018-2022
Irrigation Project Ward project
Gaikundo Iganjo Water Mukurweini west Increase access to water One Water Water harvesting from rivers 1M 2018-2022
Irrigation project Ward project
Ningaini Ngurunga Mukurweini west Increase access to water One Water Water harvesting from rivers 1M 2018-2022
Water Irrigation Project Ward project
Gathanji Go Green Mukurweini west Increase access to water One Water Water harvesting from rivers 1M 2018-2022
Water Irrigation Project Ward project
Thunguri Kabuku Water Mukurweini west Increase access to water One Water Water harvesting from rivers 1M 2018-2022
Irrigation Project Ward project
Gikumbo Water Tank Magutu ward Improve access to Clean Construction Construction of Water Tank 1M 2018-2022
water of Water Tank
Gitunduti Water Tank Magutu ward Improve access to Clean Construction of Water tank 1M 2018-2022
Bush Clearing Magutu ward Improve access Security Employment of Permanent Work Force 2018-2022
Water Conservation Magutu ward Improve access to Clean Rehabilitation of Dams 2M 2018-2022
Forest Conservation Magutu ward Improve access to Clean Planting of Forest Conservation 2M 2018-2022
water Trees

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timefram
(Kshs) e
Naromoru water Naromoru/ Increase water storage 1No. Construction of storage tanks 4M 2018-2022
treatment plant Kiamathaga Ward
Mugunyu Water Project Naromoru/ Increase access to water 3km Laying of distribution pipes 2M 2018-2022
Kiamathaga Ward
Gitero Boreholes Naromoru/ Increase access to water 2 No. Rehabilitation and equipping; Solar 6M 2018-2022
Kiamathaga Ward boreholes installation
Gatune Borehole Naromoru/ Increase access to water 1 No. Construction, equipping and storage tank 5M 2018-2022
Kiamathaga Ward Borehole
Warazo Jet water project Kabaru Ward Increase water storage 1 No. tank & Construction of water tank ; sub-surface 5M 2018-2022
1No. Intake water weir
Charati Water Project Kabaru Ward Increase access to water 3km & 1 No. Laying of distribution pipes; drilling and 8M 2018-2022
borehole equipping of borehole;
Mwema Water Project Kabaru Ward Increase access to water 3km and 1No. Rehabilitation of existing pipeline; 5M 2018-2022
tank construction of storage tank
Migwi’s land borehole Kabaru Ward Increase access to water 1 No. borehole Drilling and equipping of borehole 5M 2018-2022
Muthigani’s water tank Kabaru Ward Increase water storage 1 No. storage Construction of tank 4M 2018-2022
Cherati water project Kabaru Ward Increase water storage 1 No. intake Renovation of intake 2M 2018-2022
Warazo /Lusoi/Jet water Kabaru Ward Increase access to water 3km Laying of distribution lines(120-6’’; 180- 1.5M 2018-2022
project 4’’; 80-3’’ pipes)
Kandune water project Kabaru Ward Increase access to water 2km Laying of distribution lines(160-2’’; 130- 0.5M 2018-2022
1 ½ ’’ pipes)
Kabaru Mega Intake Kabaru Ward Increase access to water 1 no. Intake Clustering of all water projects along 50M 2018-2022
Irrigation Water Project and reduce conflicts. 2 No. storage Thegu river, construction water tanks and
tanks 5Km intake; laying of pipes
Mawasco water project Kirimukuyu ward Increase water Construction of intakes, Reservoir tanks, 2M 2018-2022
(Ngandu, Kaiyaba, distribution and access distribution pumping and piping
Kanyama, (Domestic)
Mbogoini ,
Gathogorero areas)
Nyewasco Water project Kirimukuyu ward Increase water Construction of intakes, Reservoir tanks, 2M 2018-2022
(Thaithi, Rititi, distribution and access distribution pumping and piping
Kiangoma, (Domestic)
,Gathagana - Thiu
Caliba Springs and Kirimukuyu Ward Fencing and tree planting Fencing 2M 2018-2022
Nyaruguma Water Kiganjo/Mathari Construction of Water One water Construction 1M 2018-2022
Project Storage Tank Ward Tank Project
Tanks for 10 ECDE Kiganjo/Mathari Purchase of 10, 000 10 Water Purchase of Water Tanks 3M 2018-2022
Centres Ward Litres for 10 ECDE Storage Tanks
Gikanga Water Project Kabaru Ward Increase access to water 3km, 1No. Expansion of pipeline, construction of 15M 2018-2022
tank & 1No. storage tank and a water pan
Nairobi river Irrigation Kabaru Ward Improved food security 1 No. storage Construction of water tank and laying of 4M 2018-2022
Water Project tank 1 No. pipeline
office block Construction of an office
Ruai Water Project Gakawa Ward Increase access to water 1 No. borehole Drilling and equipping borehole; laying 10M 2018-2022
of 6’’ pipes-4km
Kamangura borehole Gakawa Ward Increase access to water 1 No. borehole Rehabilitation and installation of solar 3M 2018-2022
Kibururti borehole Gakawa Ward Increase access to water 1 No. borehole Rehabilitation and installation of solar 3M 2018-2022
Mikambune dam Gakawa Ward Increase water storage 1 No. dam Rehabilitation 5M 2018-2022
Kaaga water project Gakawa Ward Increase water storage 1No. tank Construction of a storage tank 4M 2018-2022
Mwea B water project Gakawa Ward Increase access to water 2No. Drilling and equipping of boreholes 5M 2018-2022
Gakawa agricultural Gakawa Ward Improved food security 2No. drip kits Provision of drip irrigation kits and 2M 2018-2022
farmers SHG & 1No. pan excavation of water pans

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timefram
(Kshs) e
Gura/ Ugachiku water Mahiga Ward Increase access to water Newly Rehabilitation of pipeline 5M 2018-2022
project completed by
Kahuro / Kirai water Mahiga Ward Increase access to water wash out Construction of wash out chambers 10M 2018-2022
project chambers
Mbafu water spot Mahiga Ward Increase access to water 600HHs Rehabilitation of the community water 5M 2018-2022
Miiri-ini water project Mahiga Ward Improved food security 3km Laying of pipes for irrigation water 5M 2018-2022
Kamumu water project Mahiga Ward Improved food security 3km Laying of pipes for irrigation water 5M 2018-2022
Njigari irrigation Mahiga Ward Improved food security 800HHs Excavation of a dam (njigari forest); 10M 2018-2022
project Construction of intake and piping
Rukira irrigation project Mahiga Ward Improved food security 3km Construction of intake and Laying of 25M 2018-2022
Kahuro irrigation project Karima ward Improved food security 3km Laying of pipes 2M 2018-2022
Unjiru dam Karima ward Increase water storage 1No. Dam Levelling of the dam 1M 2018-2022
Karathi irrigation project Karima ward Improved food security 3km Laying of pipes 2M 2018-2022
Kiandegu water project Karima ward Improved food security 1 No. intake Construction of an intake 1M 2018-2022
Gikeu water project Karima ward Improved food security 1 No. hydram Construction of a hydram 1.5M 2018-2022
Kinaiyu water project Karima ward Improved food security 1 No. hydram Construction of a hydram 1.5M 2018-2022
Kagongo water project Karima ward Improved food security 1 No. hydram Construction of a hydram 1.5M 2018-2022
Mbari ya Ngai water Karima ward Improved food security 1 No. hydram Construction of a hydram 1.5M 2018-2022
Gura River Irrigation Karima Improved food security 1300HHs Construction of intake and piping 5M 2018-2022
Thuti River Irrigation Karima Improved food security 1300HHs Construction of intake and piping 5M 2018-2022
Karu Water Project Ruguru Ward Improved food security 1300HHs Completion 5M 2018-2022
Ruguru Water Project Ruguru Ward Improved food security 1300HHs Completion 100M 2018-2022
Kianyange Dam Ruguru ward Increase water storage 1300HHs Rehabilitation 8M 2018-2022
Kanyata Water Pan Kirimukuyu Ward Increase water storage 1300HHs Rehabilitation 3M 2018-2022
Rimai Water Pan Kirimukuyu Ward Increase water storage 1300HHs Rehabilitation 3M 2018-2022
Kianjogu water project Kirimukuyu Ward Increase water storage 1300HHs Construction of water tank; Purchase of 5M 2018-2022
Gatamuki water Pan Kirimukuyu Ward Increase water storage 1 No. Water Rehabilitation 3M 2018-2022
Galiba water pan Kirimukuyu Ward Increase water storage 1 No. Water Rehabilitation 3M 2018-2022
Giakabura Water Pan Kirimukuyu Ward Increase water storage 1 No. Water Rehabilitation 3M 2018-2022
Rwanda Water Pan Kirimukuyu Ward Increase water storage 1 No. Water Rehabilitation 3M 2018-2022
Kirimukuyu Kirimukuyu Ward Increase water storage 1500HHs Completion 50M 2018-2022
Tumutumu Water Kirimukuyu Ward Increase water storage 1 No. Water Construction of intake. 5M 2018-2022
Project intake
Njima Dam Kirimukuyu Ward Increase water storage 1 Dam Renovation (Digging and Fencing) 4M 2018-2022
Tumutumu Hill Kirimukuyu Ward Increase water storage 10km Fencing and Guarding 3M 2018-2022
Githima Water Project Kirimukuyu Ward Increase access to water 1300HHs Purchase of Water Tank; Piping 2.5M 2018-2022
Ruthagati Water Project Kirimukuyu Ward Increase access to water 1300HHs Purchase of Water Tank; Piping 2.5M 2018-2022
Kiangi Water Project Kirimukuyu Ward Increase access to water 1300HHs Purchase of Water Tank; Piping 2.5M 2018-2022
Konyu boreholes Konyu Ward Increase access to water Four Drilling of boreholes 20M 2018-2022
Gathugu/mukore water Konyu Ward Increase access to water One water Completion 4M 2018-2022
project project
Karembu water project Konyu Ward Increase access to water One water Completion 4M 2018-2022
Peter chira water project Konyu Ward Increase access to water One water Completion 4M 2018-2022
Mutui water project Konyu Ward Increase access to water One water Completion 4M 2018-2022
Kahara water project Konyu Ward Increase access to water One water Completion 5M 2018-2022
Chania Tropical Rae Rware Ward Increase access to water 3km Piping 5M 2018-2022
water supply
Kiunyu Dam Ruringu Ward Increase water storage 1500 HHs Rehabilitation and Fencing/ Fish farming 5M 2018-2022
Ithenguri Dam Ruringu Ward Increase water storage 1500 HHs Rehabilitation and Fencing/ Fish farming 3M 2018-2022

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timefram
(Kshs) e
Kanoga Dam Ruringu Ward Increase water storage 1500 HHs Tree Nurseries/Fish farming 0.1M 2018-2022
Othaya Polytechnic Iriaini Ward Increase access to water 1500 HHs Supply of reliable water 5M 2018-2022
water supply (Othaya)
Gitundu Primary Iriaini Ward Increase access to water 1 No. Drilling of borehole 5M 2018-2022
(Othaya) Borehole
Munaini Primary Iriaini Ward Increase access to water 1 No. Drilling of borehole 5M 2018-2022
(Othaya) Borehole
Kiandukia Water Project Iriaini Ward Increase access to water 1500 HHs Purchase of pipes 8M 2018-2022
Gikurwe water project Konyu Ward Increase access to water One water Completion 5M 2018-2022
Iriaini water project Konyu Ward Increase access to water One water Completion 5M 2018-2022
Nguka water project Konyu Ward Increase access to water One water Completion 5M 2018-2022
West Magutu Water Magutu Ward Increase access to water 2500HHs Rehabilitation and completion of 20M 2018-2022
Project projects, Building dams, Building of
water pans and boreholes
Uppper Magutu Water Magutu Ward Increase access to water 2000HHs Purchase of more pipes, Construction of 5M 2018-2022
Project intake.
Kanoga Dam Kamakwa/ Increase water storage 1500HHs Operationalize and Fencing 2M 2018-2022
Mukaro Ward
Kamakwa-Mukaro / Kamakwa/ Increase access to water 2500HHs Rehabilitation and equipping 20M 2018-2022
Huhoini Irrigation Mukaro Ward
Chinga roof water Chinga Ward Increase water storage 24 schools Construction of storage tanks and gutters 96M 2018-2022
Chinga Boreholes Chinga Ward Increase access to water 24 schools Drilling Boreholes 120M 2018-2022
Gichami Water Project Chinga Ward Increase access to water 2km Procurement and Laying of Pipes 1M 2018-2022
Kianda-ini Water Chinga Ward Increase access to water 2.5km Procurement and Laying of Pipes 8M 2018-2022
Chinga Dam Chinga Ward Increase water storage 1 Dam Fencing 5M 2018-2022
Ichamara Orthodox Mukurwe-ini Increase water storage 1 No. Tank Rehabilitation of the Tank 1M 2018-2022
Community Tank Central
Ngimaini Dam Mukurwe-ini Increase water storage 3km Piping water, pumping, fish pond & tree 2M 2018-2022
Central nursery
Ichamara Market Mukurwe-ini Increase access to water 1 Borehole Drilling. 5M 2018-2022
Borehole Central
Rwaarai River Irrigation Mukurwe-ini Improved food security Construction and piping 40M 2018-2022
Project Central
Gaturiri /Thung’ari Thegu River ward Increase access to water 2 No. Equipping of Boreholes 4M 2018-2022
boreholes boreholes
Naromoru/Kimathaga/ Naromoru/Kimath Increase access to water 3 No. Drilling & equipping of borehole 6M 2018-2022
Gakawa boreholes aga/ Gakawa boreholes
Water Trucking project All Kieni East Increase access to water 600 HHs Provision of water to institutions with 0.9 M 2018-2022
Wards empty tanks
Water harvesting project All Kieni East Increase water storage 600 HHs Provision of water tanks to all institutions 0.65M 2018-2022
Wards with gutted roof
Kieni East dams Gakawa/Thegu Increase water storage 1200 HHs De-silting of Dams & Pans 80M 2018-2022
u wards
Kieni East Water All Kieni East Increase access to water 3000 HHs Extension of Pipelines to water stressed 8.0M 2018-2022
Projects Wards areas
Gatogo water project Gataragwa ward Increase water storage 800 HHs Construction Of 225m3 masonry tank 2.6 M 2018-2022
Hospital and Schools All Kieni Wards Increase water storage 5000 people Installation of Rain water harvesting 5.5 M 2018-2022
Roof water harvesting 800 HHs systems(Gutters); No.10 M³ Plastic water
project tanks and construction of tank platforms;
Assist operational Boreholes with Fuel
Kamuhiuria/ Gatuamba Thegu River ward Increase access to water 2 No. Repair of Boreholes 1.0M 2018-2022
boreholes boreholes
Zamua Irrigation Project Dedan Kimathi Improved food security 1500HHs Reservoir tank and distribution pipes 8M 2018-2022
Kahiga-ini/Kanjora Dedan Kimathi Improved food security 1500HHs Reservoir tank and distribution pipes 4M 2018-2022
Water Project Ward

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timefram
(Kshs) e
Kiandongoro/ Dedan Kimathi Improved food security 1500HHs Reservoir tank and distribution pipes 4M 2018-2022
Gatumbiro Water Ward
Zaina Forest Project Dedan Kimathi Increase tree cover 1500HHs Planting of tree seedlings 0.5M 2018-2022
Kindongoro Forest Dedan Kimathi Increase tree cover 1500HHs Planting of tree seedlings 0.5M 2018-2022
project Ward
Kabage Forest project Dedan Kimathi Increase tree cover 1500HHs Planting of tree seedlings 0.5M 2018-2022
Ihithe Irigation Project Wamagana Ward Improved food security 1500HHs Intake, piping and reservoir tanks 8M 2018-2022
Tucha Irrigation Project Wamagana Ward Improved food security 1500HHs Intake, piping and reservoir tanks 8M 2018-2022
Gura Irrigation Project Wamagana Ward Improved food security 1500HHs Intake, piping and reservoir tanks 8M 2018-2022
Gathuthi (Thiriku) Wamagana Ward Improved food security 1500HHs Intake, piping and reservoir tanks 8M 2018-2022
Water Project
Water harvesting Project Mweiga Ward Increase water storage 1500HHs Construction of Micro Dams 20M 2018-2022
Kamatongu-Simbara Mweiga Ward Improved food security 1500HHs Construction of tank and distribution 25M 2018-2022
Water Project pipes
Samaki Borehole Mweiga Ward Increase access to water 1500HHs Construction and electrification of a 5M 2018-2022
(Kamatongu) borehole
Expanges Borehole Mweiga Ward Increase access to water 1500HHs Construction and drilling of a borehole 5M 2018-2022
Mweiga Water Project Mweiga Ward Increase access to water 1500HHs Construction of a water reservoir, 5M 2018-2022
Distribution to Mweiga Primary and
Secondary Sch
Amboni Water Projects Mweiga Ward Increase access to water 1500HHs Distribution Pipes 30M 2018-2022
Bondeni Riru Water Mweiga Ward Increase access to water 1500HHs Construction of tank 8M 2018-2022
Simbara-Bondeni Water Mweiga Ward Increase access to water 1500HHs Completion of Intake and distribution 25M 2018-2022
Project pipes supply
Karega Friends Water Endarasha Increase access to water 3.5 Km 2" Piping and reservoir tank 3M 2018-2022
Project Mwiyogo Ward pipes and
100m3 Tank
Nganyuthe Water Endarasha Increase access to water 2000HHs Sinking boreholes 5M 2018-2022
Project Mwiyogo Ward
Karaguriro Water Endarasha Increase access to water 1500HHs Piping and reservoir tank 4M 2018-2022
Project Mwiyogo Ward
Wendiga water Project Endarasha Increase access to water 3.5 Km 4" Piping and reservoir tank 4M 2018-2022
Mwiyogo Ward Pipes and
100m3 Tank
Wasongiro Water Pan Endarasha Increase water storage 1 Water pan Desilting 4M 2018-2022
Mwiyogo Ward
Karaguriro Dam Endarasha Increase water storage 1 Dam Desilting and embankments enforcement 4M 2018-2022
Mwiyogo Ward
Muthu-ini Dam Endarasha Increase water storage 1 Dam Desilting 4M 2018-2022
Mwiyogo Ward
Kiburuti Dam Endarasha Increase water storage 1 Dam Desilting 4M 2018-2022
Mwiyogo Ward
Kagiri Dam Endarasha Increase water storage 1 Dam Desilting 4M 2018-2022
Mwiyogo Ward
Kiburuti Endarasha Increase access to water 1 Bore hole Drilling of Borehole and Piping 5M 2018-2022
Borehole(Muthu-ini) Mwiyogo Ward
Kiburuti Water Project Endarasha Increase access to water 1500HHs Piping and Water tank Construction 7M 2018-2022
Mwiyogo Ward
Kanyiriri Water Project Endarasha Increase access to water 1 Bore hole Drilling of Borehole and Piping 5M 2018-2022
Mwiyogo Ward
Mahiga Cattle dip Endarasha Increase access to water 1 Bore hole Drilling of Borehole and Piping 5M 2018-2022
Borehole Mwiyogo Ward
Githunguri Borehole Endarasha Increase access to water 1 Bore hole Rehabilitation, Sub-mersive pump and 3M 2018-2022
Mwiyogo Ward solar panels installation
Karera Area Endarasha Increase access to water 1200HHs Construction of reservior tank and piping 1M 2018-2022
Mwiyogo Ward
Kamune Borehole Endarasha Increase access to water 1 Bore hole Rehabilitation, Sub-mersive pump and 5M 2018-2022
Mwiyogo Ward solar panels installation
Thuruthuru River Endarasha Increase access to water 2000HHs Intake construction and piping 3M 2018-2022
Mwiyogo Ward
Kiburuti Borehole Endarasha Increase water storage 2000HHs Rehabilitation and Construction of 3M 2018-2022
Mwiyogo Ward 100m3 reservior tak

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timefram
(Kshs) e
Mwihoko Water Project Endarasha Increase access to water 2000HHs Piping and 100m3 Tank reservoir tank 5M 2018-2022
Mwiyogo Ward
Karima Water Tank Endarasha Increase access to water 2000HHs Pipes for Service Line 4M 2018-2022
Mwiyogo Ward
Honi Assistant Chief Endarasha Increase access to water 1 No. Drilling of Borehole and Piping 5M 2018-2022
Borehole Mwiyogo Ward borehole
Mburu Dam Endarasha Increase water storage 1 Dam Rehabilitation 4M 2018-2022
Mwiyogo Ward
Labura Twin Dam Endarasha Increase water storage 1 Dam Desilting 4M 2018-2022
Mwiyogo Ward
Rurii Dam Endarasha Increase water storage 1 Dam Desilting 4M 2018-2022
Mwiyogo Ward
Kimita Dam Endarasha Increase water storage 1 Dam Desilting 4M 2018-2022
Mwiyogo Ward
Mutongu Dam Endarasha Increase water storage 1 Dam Desilting 4M 2018-2022
Mwiyogo Ward
Kiburuti (Gitegi) Water Gatarakwa Ward Increase access to water 2000HHs Piping and Reservior tank 7M 2018-2022
Kaaga Gitegi Water Gatarakwa Ward Increase access to water 2000HHs Drilling of borehole, Distribution pipes 5M 2018-2022
projects and reservoir tanks
Kabati –Gitegi Water Gatarakwa Ward Increase water storage 2000HHs Construction of reservoir tanks 6M 2018-2022
Kiria Water Project Gatarakwa Ward Increase access to water 2000HHs Drilling of borehole, Distribution pipes 5M 2018-2022
and reservoir tanks
Kimunyuru Water Gatarakwa Ward Increase access to water 800pipes -6”; Drilling of borehole, Distribution pipes 5M 2018-2022
Project 800 pipes – 3” and reservoir tanks
Endarasha Water Project Gatarakwa Ward Improved food security 400pieces 4” Distribution pipes and reservoir tanks 15M 2018-2022
Charity Water Project Gatarakwa Ward Improved food security 300 pieces 3” Distribution pipes and reservoir tanks 0.7M 2018-2022
(Kamochu) Pipes
Embaringo Water Gatarakwa Ward Improved food security 700 pieces 6” Distribution pipes and reservoir tanks 4M 2018-2022
Project pipes
Treffos Kiburuti Water Gatarakwa Ward Improved food security Distribution pipes and reservoir tanks 20M 2018-2022
Kimunyuru Kwa Gatarakwa Ward Increase water storage Reservior Reservoir Tank- 225cc 8M 2018-2022
Wamuriithi Water Tanks - 2 ;
Project (Embaringo) 1500pipes -6”;
400 pipes – 2”
Gituchu –Gakanga Gatarakwa Ward Increase access to water 1.5km; 2 No. Distribution pipes and reservoir tanks 5M 2018-2022
Bamboo Water Project Gatarakwa Ward Increase access to water 1350 pipes – Distribution pipes and reservoir tanks 5M 2018-2022
4” ; 2 No.
Watuka Water Project Gatarakwa Ward Increase access to water 2250 pipes – Distribution pipes and reservoir tanks 8M 2018-2022
4”; 1500 pipes
– 3”; 5 No.
Mwiyogo Water Project Gatarakwa Ward Increase access to water 4 No. tanks Distribution pipes and reservoir tanks 10M 2018-2022
Gatarakwa Water Gatarakwa Ward Increase water storage 2000HHs Water harvesting dams, waterpans, 20M 2018-2022
Harvesting reservoir tanks and liners
Wasonyiro River Gatarakwa Ward Riparian conservation 800HHs Planting of bamboo trees 0.5M 2018-2022
Conservation Project
Mutitu B Water Project Mugunda Ward Increase access to water 1000HHs Construction of intake and piping 25M 2018-2022
Lamuria Water Project Mugunda Ward Improved food security 1200HHs Relocation of Intake 2.5M 2018-2022
Muthangira/ Garumu Mugunda Ward Increase water storage 3000HHs Storage tank construction 4M 2018-2022
Water Project (Tanyai,
Ndiritui, Birisha)
Kabendera Borehole Mugunda Ward Increase access to water One Borehole Drilling of borehole 5M 2018-2022
Gachuma Borehole Mugunda Ward Increase access to water One Borehole Drilling of borehole 5M 2018-2022
Kienjero Borehole Mugunda Ward Increase access to water One Borehole Drilling of borehole 5M 2018-2022
Ruai Borehole Project Mugunda Ward Increase access to water One Borehole Drilling of borehole 5M 2018-2022
Muthangira Borehole Mugunda Ward Increase access to water One Borehole Drilling of borehole 5M 2018-2022

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timefram
(Kshs) e
Mugunda Water Dam/ Mugunda Ward Increase water storage 2000HHs Rehabilitation of Lamuria, Karemeno, 25M 2018-2022
Pans Project Ruai, Birisha Water Dams/ Pans
Muringa CFA (Berevue) Mugunda Ward Increase forest cover 2500HHs Establishing tree nurseries 0.5M 2018-2022
Tree Planting Project
Gura Irrigation Project Mukurweini west Improved food security 2800HHs Purchase of pump,Construction of water 15M 2018-2022
Ward tank and purchase of pipes
Gatura Irrigation Project Mukurweini west Increase access to water 1 No. Drilling & equipping of borehole; piping 3M 2018-2022
Ward borehole
Gakindu Irrigation Mukurweini west Increase access to water 1 No. borehole Drilling & equipping of borehole; piping 5M 2018-2022
Project Ward
Wanjithi Irrigation Mukurweini west Increase access to water 1 No. borehole Drilling & equipping of borehole; piping 5M 2018-2022
Project Ward
Mbiyuini Irrigation Mukurweini west Increase access to water 1 No. borehole Drilling & equipping of borehole; piping 5M 2018-2022
Project Ward
Ruthanji Irrigation Mukurweini west Increase access to water 1 No. borehole Drilling & equipping of borehole; piping 5M 2018-2022
Project Ward
Njiruini Irrigation Mukurweini west Increase access to water 1 No. borehole Drilling & equipping of borehole; piping 5M 2018-2022
Project e Ward
Munyu(Kaheti) Mukurweini west Increase access to water 1 No. borehole Drilling & equipping of borehole; piping 5M 2018-2022
Irrigation Project Ward
Mutitu Borehole Gikondi Ward Increase access to water 1 No. borehole Drilling and equipping 5M 2018-2022
Mukui water Tank Gikondi Ward Increase access to water 1 No. Tank Construction and Piping 8M 2018-2022
Mbari ya Ituu dam Gikondi Ward Increase area under 1 Dam Rehabilitation, construction and 2M 2018-2022
irrigation extension of pipes
Kabi Dam Gikondi Ward Increase area under 1 Dam Rehabilatation to provide water for 2M 2018-2022
irrigation irrigation
Kiirungi irrigation Gikondi Ward Increase area under 1000 HHs Design, survey and Piping 3M 2018-2022
scheme irrigation
Ithemoigi dam Gikondi Ward Increase area under 1000 HHs Fencing and construction of water pump 2M 2018-2022
irrigation station
KirumokiaNyange Gikondi Ward Increase area under 800 HHs Upgrading, Design, survey and Piping 5M 2018-2022
irrigation Scheme irrigation
Kanyiriri water project Gikondi Ward Increase area under 1200 HHs Up grading and piping 5M 2018-2022
Kaguju Water Project Gikondi Ward Increase area under 700 HHs Up grading and piping 5M 2018-2022
Rukira Irrigation Project Mahiga Ward Increase area under 1100 HHs Laying of pipeline for 55kms 66 M 2018-2022
irrigation &Construction of intake
Mutoigo Irrigation Wamagana Ward Increase area under 800 Ha(1000 Laying of pipeline for the mainline, 120M 2018-2022
irrigation Hh) distribution network &Construction of
Huhoini-Mukaro Dedan Kimathi Increase area under 300 Ha(2500 Laying of pipeline for the 10Km 100M 2018-2022
Irrigation Ward irrigation Hh) mainline, distribution network
&Construction of intake
KahigainiKanjora Dedan Kimathi Increase area under 50ha(400Hhs) Laying of pipeline for the 50Km 30M 2018-2022
Irrigation Ward irrigation mainline, distribution network &
Construction of intake
Lamuria Dam Mugunda Ward Increase water supply 60,000m3 Prefeasibility studies, design & 35m 2018-2022
coverage & area under construction.
West Magutu Water Magutu Ward To enhance access to 1500HHs Construction of Intake and laying of 5M 2018/2022
Project clean and safe water Pipes
Upper Magutu Water Magutu Ward To enhance access to 1500HHs Construction of Intake and laying of 5M 2018/2022
Project clean and safe water Pipes
Muthira Gathirathiru Magutu Ward To enhance access to 1500HHs Construction of Intake and laying of 5M 2018/2022
Water Project clean and safe water Pipes
Kihuri Water Project Magutu Ward To enhance access to 1500HHs Construction of Intake and laying of 5M 2018/2022
clean and safe water Pipes
Kagochi Kahurathi Magutu Ward To enhance access to 1500HHs Construction of Intake and laying of 5M 2018/2022
Water Project clean and safe water Pipes
Tumutumu hill Kirimukuyu Ward To conserve the 1 hill Aforestation program 1M 2018-2022
Kaguyu/Kienjaini water Iriaini ward To enhance access to 2000HHs completion 5M 2018-2022
project (Mathira) clean and safe water
Wangi Kanuna water Kiganjo/Mathari To enhance access to 2000HHs completion 5M 2018-2022
project Ward clean and safe water

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timefram
(Kshs) e
Kairia five water project Iriaini ward To enhance access to 1 tank Completion of tank, piping network 5M 2018-2022
(Mathira) clean and safe water
Kiria dam Gatarakwa Ward To enhance access to 1 construction 4M 2018-2022
clean and safe water
Cheche water project Iriaini ward To enhance access to 2000HHs Construction of a water reservoir network 4M 2018-2022
(Mathira) clean and safe water
Gatundu Water project Iriaini ward To enhance access to 2000HHs Construction of tanks 4M 2018-2022
(Mathira) clean and safe water
Ereri Kirumia Water Kiganjo/Mathari To enhance access to 2000HHs Construction of Water Reservoir 4M 2018-2022
Project Ward clean and safe water
Cheru dam Iriaini ward To enhance access to 1 dam Desilting of dam 4M 2018-2022
(Mathira) clean and safe water
Gitero – Kabati Water Naromoru/Kiamat To enhance access to 1500HHs Distribution pipes 6M 2018-2022
project haga Ward clean and safe water
Karage Bara Minor Gatarakwa ward To enhance access to 1500HHs Distribution pipes (1000 pipes 4” 150 6M 2018-2022
water project clean and safe water pipes 3”), 3 reservoir tanks
Mutoigu water project Ruringu ward To enhance access to 1500HHs Distribution pipes, reservoir tank etc 6M 2018-2022
clean and safe water
Mukaro water project Ruringu ward To enhance access to 1500HHs Distribution pipes, reservoir tank etc 6M 2018-2022
clean and safe water
Kabuda water project Naromoru/Kiamat To enhance access to 1 Drilling of borehole & equipping 3M 2018-2022
haga Ward clean and safe water
Gitwe water project Naromoru/Kiamat To enhance access to 1 Drilling of borehole & equipping 3M 2018-2022
haga Ward clean and safe water
Kandara water project Naromoru/Kiamat To enhance access to 1000HHs Equipping with solar panel 3M 2018-2022
haga Ward clean and safe water
Kiawaiguru water Iriaini ward To enhance access to 1000HHs Intake & piping network 6M 2018-2022
project (Mathira) clean and safe water
Kiawaiguru water Iriaini ward To enhance access to 1000HHs Intake and pipes 6M 2018-2022
project (Ihwagi (Mathira) clean and safe water
Kihuyo/ Nyarugumu Kiganjo/Mathari To enhance access to 1000HHs Pipes & construction of storage tank 6M 2018-2022
water project Ward clean and safe water
Njengu – Nyaribo water Kiganjo/Mathari To enhance access to 1000HHs Pipes & construction of storage tank 6M 2018-2022
project Ward clean and safe water
Kamburaini borehole Naromoru/Kiamat To enhance access to 1 Rehabilitation 1M 2018-2022
haga Ward clean and safe water
Kiamwangi, Miiri & Iriaini ward To enhance access to 3 Sinking of boreholes 9M 2018-2022
Kahuru (Mathira) clean and safe water
Chorongi factory Ruringu ward To enhance access to 1 borehole Drilling and equiping 3M 2018-2022
wetmill clean and safe water
Kigwandi factory Ruringu ward To enhance access to 1 borehole Drilling and equiping 3M 2018-2022
wetmill clean and safe water
Riagamuru water project Gatitu/Muruguru To enhance access to 2000HHs completion 5M 2018-2022
Ward clean and safe water
Aguthi Gaaki Irrigation Aguthi Gaaki To enhance access to 2500HHs Completion, Distribution pipes and 5M 2018-2022
Project Ward clean and safe water reservoir tanks
Ihwa Irrigation Project Kamakwa/ To enhance access to 2500HHs Completion/ Distribution pipes 5M 2018-2022
Mukaro Ward clean and safe water
Githiru irrigation project Gatitu/Muruguru To enhance access to 2500HHs Construction of a water reservoir 5M 2018-2022
Ward clean and safe water
Lower Kakuret Water Thegu River Ward To enhance access to 2000HHs Construction, distribution pipes and 5M 2018-2022
Project clean and safe water equiping
Thegenge Irrigation Wamagana Ward To enhance access to 2000HHs Construction, distribution pipes and 5M 2018-2022
Water Project clean and safe water equipping
Kaigonji Water Project Wamagana Ward To enhance access to 2000HHs Construction, distribution pipes and 5M 2018-2022
clean and safe water equipping
Wandwethi Water Iria-ini Ward To enhance access to 2000HHs Distribution Pipes 5M 2018-2022
Project (Othaya) clean and safe water
Gatei Village Bore Hole Thegu River Ward To enhance access to 1 Borehole Drilling, distribution pipes and equiping 3M 2018-2022
clean and safe water
Karicheni Borehole Thegu River Ward To enhance access to 1 Borehole Drilling, distribution pipes and equiping 3M 2018-2022
clean and safe water
Coffee Factories Aguthi Gaaki To enhance access to 6 Boreholes Drilling, Distribution pipes and reservoir 3M 2018-2022
Borehole Projects Ward clean and safe water tanks
Gachatha Borehole Wamagana Ward To enhance access to 1 Borehole Drilling, piping and equipping 3M 2018-2022
clean and safe water

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timefram
(Kshs) e
Kaiguri Factory Wamagana Ward To enhance access to 1 Borehole Drilling, piping and equipping 3M 2018-2022
Borehole clean and safe water
Kiandu Coffee Factory Wamagana Ward To enhance access to 1 Borehole Drilling, piping and equipping 3M 2018-2022
Borehole clean and safe water
Giakanja Coffee Factory Wamagana Ward To enhance access to 1 Borehole Drilling, piping and equipping 3M 2018-2022
Borehole clean and safe water
Thiriku Coffee Factory Wamagana Ward To enhance access to 1 Borehole Drilling, piping and equipping 3M 2018-2022
Borehole clean and safe water
Gura River Fish pond Wamagana Ward To enhance food security 20 Fish ponds Drilling, piping and equipping 3M 2018-2022
Kamuyu factory Kamakwa/ To enhance access to 1 Borehole Drilling, Piping and Equipping 3M 2018-2022
borehole Mukaro Ward clean and safe water
Muthua-ini Factory bore Kamakwa/ To enhance access to 1 Borehole Drilling, Piping and Equipping 3M 2018-2022
Mukaro Ward clean and safe water
Rurichu Borehole Mugunda Ward To enhance access to 1 Borehole Drilling, Piping and Equipping 3M 2018-2022
clean and safe water
Wangata Borehole Mugunda Ward To enhance access to 1 Borehole Drilling, Piping and Equipping 3M 2018-2022
clean and safe water
New city Borehole Mugunda Ward To enhance access to 1 Borehole Drilling, Piping and Equipping 3M 2018-2022
clean and safe water
Karogoto river Kirimukuyu Ward To enhance access to 1500HHS land acquisition Hydrum pump 4M 2018-2022
community water clean and safe water Reservoir, Piping & Distribution
Gathagana Gaiti Kirimukuyu Ward To enhance access to 1500HHS land acquisition Hydrump pump 4M 2018-2022
community water clean and safe water Reservoir, Piping & Distribution
Hohwe dam community Kirimukuyu Ward To enhance access to 1500HHS Pumping, Reservoir tank, Piping & 4M 2018-2022
water project clean and safe water Distribution
Sindoro Forest Thegu River Ward To enhance food security 1 Forest Rehabilitation and tree planting 2M 2018-2022
Tree Nurseries Project Mugunda Ward To enhance food security 3 Areas Rehabilitation and tree planting 2M 2018-2022
(Birisha, Belevue and
Hohwe dam Kirimukuyu Ward To enhance food security 2 Areas rehabilitation, tree planting & nursery, 2M 2018-2022
fish pods
Muteithia water project Kirimukuyu Ward To enhance food security 2 Areas Reservoir tank, Piping & Distribution 5M 2018-2022
Iria-ini Tree planting Iria-ini Ward To enhance food security 3 Areas Tree planting 0.5M 2018-2022
and greening Project (Othaya)
Tree Planting and Thegu River Ward To enhance food security 3 Rivers Tree planting Project and river 0.5M 2018-2022
rehabilitation (River rehabilitation
Rongai, Gathogo
Othaya Sewerage Iria-ini Ward To promote cleanileness 1 System Upgrade 10M 2018-2022
Project (Othaya) in towns
Giakagiria Borehole Magutu Ward To enhance access to I borehole Drilling and equipping 3M 2018-2022
clean and safe water
Gitunduti Bore hole Magutu Ward To enhance access to 1 Borehole Drilling and equipping 3M 2018-2022
clean and safe water
Kagodii Borehole Magutu Ward To enhance access to 1 Borehole Drilling and equipping 3M 2018-2022
clean and safe water
Iruri Water Project Ruguru Ward To enhance access to 1 Project Completion, piping and reservoir tank 5M 2018-2022
clean and safe water
Nyana Water Project Ruguru Ward To enhance access to 1 Project Completion, piping and reservoir tank 5M 2018-2022
clean and safe water
Sagana Irigation and Ruguru Ward To enhance access to 1 Project Completion, piping and reservoir tanks 5M 2018-2022
water Project clean and safe water
Ruturu Water Project Ruguru Ward To enhance access to 1 Project Completion, piping and reservoir tanks 5M 2018-2022
clean and safe water
Kiamariga Town Water Ruguru Ward To enhance access to 1 Project Distribution 5M 2018-2022
project clean and safe water
Hika Water Project Ruguru Ward To enhance access to 1 Project Completion, piping and reservoir tanks 5M 2018-2022
clean and safe water
Hiriga secondary Ruguru Ward To enhance access to 1 Project Drilling and Equipping 3M 2018-2022
borehole project clean and safe water
Kiangenina- Ruguru Ward To enhance access to 1 Project Completion, piping and reservoir tanks 5M 2018-2022
Gatung’ang’a water clean and safe water

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timefram
(Kshs) e
Karurumo- Kiahia Ruguru Ward To enhance access to 1 Project Completion, piping and reservoir tanks 5M 2018-2022
clean and safe water
Gitugi Kiwa Irrigation Mahiga Ward To enhance access to 1300HHs Distribution pipes and Reservoir Tanks 5M 2018/2022
Water Project clean and safe water
Kihome Irrigation Mahiga Ward To enhance access to 1300HHs Distribution pipes and Reservoir Tanks 5M 2018/2022
Scheme clean and safe water
Kagonye Irrigation Mahiga Ward To enhance access to 1300HHs Distribution pipes and Reservoir Tanks 5M 2018/2022
Water Project clean and safe water
Rukira Irrigation Water Mahiga Ward To enhance access to 1300HHs Distribution pipes and Reservoir Tanks 5M 2018/2022
Project clean and safe water
Mbari ya Ngai Irrigation Karima Ward To enhance access to 1500HHs Distribution pipes and Reservoir Tanks 5M 2018/2022
Water Project clean and safe water
Kihugiru Irrigation Karima Ward To enhance access to 1500HHs Distribution pipes and Reservoir Tanks 5M 2018/2022
Water Project clean and safe water
Gura Irrigation Water Karima Ward To enhance access to 1500HHs Distribution pipes and Reservoir Tanks 5M 2018/2022
Project clean and safe water
Wachira Gituru Water Karima Ward To enhance access to 1500HHs Distribution pipes and Reservoir Tanks 5M 2018/2022
Project clean and safe water
Gataro hydrum Pumps Mukurwe-ini To enhance access to 1 Hydrum Construction and Equipping 3M 2018-2022
Central Ward clean and safe water
Githi hydrum Pumps Mukurwe-ini To enhance access to 1 Hydrum Construction and Equipping 3M 2018-2022
Central Ward clean and safe water
Githung’ung’u hydrum Mukurwe-ini To enhance access to 1 Hydrum Construction and Equipping 3M 2018-2022
Pumps Central Ward clean and safe water
Naromoru Water and Gakawa Ward To enhance access to 1 treatment Construction of water treatment plant 8M 2018-2022
Sewerage Company clean and safe water plant
Gakawa water project Gakawa Ward To enhance access to 1 treatment Construction of water treatment plant 8M 2018-2022
clean and safe water plant
Burguret/ Gathiuru Gakawa Ward To enhance access to 1 treatment Construction of water treatment plant 8M 2018-2022
Water project clean and safe water plant
Mukurweini Water and Mukurwe-ini To enhance access to 15 Villages Distribution pipes 7M 2018-2022
Sewerage Company Central Ward clean and safe water
Burguret Centre Gakawa Ward To enhance access to 1 Borehole Drilling and Equipping 3M 2018-2022
Borehole clean and safe water
Waruru Borehole Gakawa Ward To enhance access to 1 Borehole Drilling and Equipping 3M 2018-2022
clean and safe water
Kamangura Water Gakawa Ward To enhance access to 2 Boreholes Drilling and Equipping 6M 2018-2022
Project clean and safe water
Mikumbere Water Gakawa Ward To enhance access to 2 Boreholes Drilling and Equipping 6M 2018-2022
Project clean and safe water
Ragati Water Project Gakawa Ward To enhance access to 3 Boreholes Drilling and Equipping 9M 2018-2022
clean and safe water
Muriru Water Project Gakawa Ward To enhance access to 2 Boreholes Drilling and Equipping 6M 2018-2022
clean and safe water
KWahuku Water Project Gakawa Ward To enhance access to 2 Boreholes Drilling and Piping 6M 2018-2022
clean and safe water
Mlima kenya water Gakawa Ward To enhance access to 2 Boreholes Drilling and Piping and Reservoir tank 6M 2018-2022
project clean and safe water
Ruai Water Project Gakawa Ward To enhance access to 2 Boreholes Drilling and Piping and Reservoir tank 6M 2018-2022
clean and safe water
Equator Village Gakawa Ward To enhance access to 1 Boreholes Drilling and Piping and Reservoir tank 3M 2018-2022
Borehole clean and safe water
Burguret Water Project Gakawa Ward To enhance access to 1000HHs Reservoir tank and piping 3M 2018-2022
clean and safe water
Naromoru Township Naromoru/Kiamat To enhance access to 1 Boreholes Drilling and Piping and Reservoir tank 3M 2018-2022
Borehole haga Ward clean and safe water
Ithemuigi dam Gikondi Ward To enhance access to 1 dam De-silting & piping 2M 2018-2022
clean and safe water
Karindi Borehole Gikondi Ward To enhance access to 1 borehole Drilling and pipe installation 3M 2018-2022
clean and safe water
Igutha/Kamuthanga/Mii Gikondi Ward To enhance access to 800HHs Piping 3M 2018-2022
gwa/Well/Gakira water clean and safe water
Kirurumo Kia Nyange Gikondi Ward To enhance access to 800HHs Construction and equipping 3M 2018-2022
Hydrum Water clean and safe water

7.13 County Public Service Board
7.13.1 New Project Proposals
These are the projects that will be implemented by the board. They will be funded by the county government
of Nyeri, KDSP and Donor agencies.
Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities (Key Outputs) Cost Timef
(Kshs.) rame
Rationalization of County To establish optimal County wide 500 staff Targeted Voluntary Early Retirement, 0.8B Two
staff (CARPS) wide staffing levels (payment of incentive) years
Development of County To align HR Approved County HR Plan Desk review, Comprehensive collection and 2M 1 year
County HR Plan wide requirements to county analysis of data on employees and posts;
strategic objectives Comprehensive work analysis;
Stakeholders meetings, drafting of report;
Validation meetings/conference
Formulation/ County To entrench National All policies issued by PSC Policies review and customization 5M Two
Domestication of wide norms and standards & new ones years
policies and guidelines
Training,Development County Improve productivity To fill identified gaps Training needs analysis report 300M 5
and retooling wide and service delivery years
Change management County Institutional capacity Optimal approved staff Review structures; Streamline processes to 0.5M 5
wide building establishment make them more efficient and effective years
Promotion of values & County Sensitization of staff No of Staff sensitized Baseline Survey on compliance of values 15M 5
principle wide on regulations, policies and principle years
Establish CPSB County provision of adequate Establish Board offices- Create BQ ; Tender the work, construct 10M 5 year
Offices wide office space 2000 sq metres office block/refurbish
Nyeri County School County Development of Annual Training of all the Feasibility study; Signed MOU with KSG 10M 5
of Government wide transformative staff in the County to drive & other training institutions; Development years
leadership change management. of training
Strengtherning CPSB County Ensuring independence Development of CPSB Act Drafting of the Act & regulations; Tabling 3M
wide and succession & enabling regulations of the same in the County Assembly;
management Debating & subsequent passing of the
same; Signing of the Act by H.E the
Governor; Operationalization of the Act
Internship programme County To impart skills and 1,500 interns Advertise, shortlist, interview and recruit 270M 5
wide capacity build on years

7.14 Transport, Public works, Infrastructure and Communication

7.14.1 New project proposals
These are the projects to be funded by the County Government, National Government /Partners and
implemented by the department.
Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timeframe
County waste bio-digest County To improve waste Management Clean and Construction 300 M 2018-2022
safe towns
Kabaru Ward roads Kabaru Ward Improve communication 100 Km Grading and gravelling and 1500M 2018-2022
culvert installation
Thunguma Shopping Gatitu/ Improve security and increase 1 High Mast Installation of High Mast 3.2M 2018-2022
Centre Muruguru Ward hours of doing business Floodlight Floodlights
Micha Shopping Centre Gatitu/ Improve security and increase 1 High Mast Installation of High Mast 3.2M 2018-2022
Electrification Muruguru Ward hours of doing business Floodlight Floodlights
Riamukurwe Shopping Gatitu/ Improve security and increase 1 High Mast Installation of High Mast 3.2M 2018-2022
Centre Electrification Muruguru Ward hours of doing business Floodlight Floodlights
Thuti Primary Street Karima To promote access and 1km Installation of Street lights 0.8M 2018-2022
Lights connectivity
Mbari ya Aturi Road Karima To improve access and open up 2km Grading and Gravelling 3M 2018-2022
new areas Installation of culverts
Maina Muturo Road Karima To improve access and open up 2km Grading and Gravelling 3M 2018-2022
new areas Installation of culverts
Kinoko Road Karima To improve access and open up 2km Grading and Gravelling 3M 2018-2022
new areas Installation of culverts
Kihuro Road Karima To improve access and open up 2km Grading and Gravelling 3M 2018-2022
new areas Installation of culverts

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timeframe
Gichuki Mwaniki Road Karima To improve access and open up 2km Grading and Gravelling 3M 2018-2022
new areas Installation of culverts
Gathambara Kiganjo Karima To improve access and open up 2km Grading and Gravelling 3M 2018-2022
Road new areas Installation of culverts
Kihuru Road Gatitu/Muruguru To enhance access and 1.5km widening 2.3M 2018-2022
Ward connectivity
Micha-Gichagi road Gatitu/Muruguru To enhance access and 2km Grading and Gravelling; 3M 2018-2022
Ward connectivity Installation of culverts
Kwa power (kengen road) Gatitu/Muruguru Improve security and increase 2km Installation of street lights 3M 2018-2022
Ward hours of doing business
Kiamuiru(Muruguru Gatitu/Muruguru Improve security and increase 1km Installation of street lights 1.5M 2018-2022
Ward hours of doing business
Huruma road Iriaini Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading and Gravelling; 3M 2018-2022
(Othaya) new areas Installation of culverts
Munai-ini-Kanyange road Iriaini Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading and Gravelling; 3M 2018-2022
(Othaya) new areas Installation of culverts
Munai-ini road adjacent Iriaini Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading and Gravelling; 3M 2018-2022
to ACK (Othaya) new areas Installation of culverts
Githunguri-Kanyange Iriaini Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading and Gravelling; 3M 2018-2022
road (Othaya) new areas Installation of culverts
Kanyange-Othaya Police Iriaini Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading and Gravelling; 3M 2018-2022
Station Rad (Othaya) new areas Installation of culverts
Silent Mugumo-ini Road Iriaini Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading and Gravelling; 3M 2018-2022
(Othaya) new areas Installation of culverts
Wakulina Market Road Iriaini Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading and Gravelling; 3M 2018-2022
(Othaya) new areas Installation of culverts
Mugikuyu-Tene Road Iriaini Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading and Gravelling; 3M 2018-2022
(Othaya) new areas Installation of culverts
Githanguni-Gatuyai-ini Iriaini Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading and Gravelling; 3M 2018-2022
Road via Ndiara Bridge (Othaya) new areas Installation of culverts
Museveni-Ihuti Bridge Iriaini Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading and Gravelling; 3M 2018-2022
Road (Othaya) new areas Installation of culverts
Ruruguti Catholic Iriaini Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading and Gravelling; 3M 2018-2022
Church-Sub Chief Office (Othaya) new areas Installation of culverts
Gathumbi Secondary Iriaini Ward To improve access and open up 1km Grading and Gravelling; 1.5M 2018-2022
School Road (Othaya) new areas Installation of culverts
Road behind Gathumbi Iriaini Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading and Gravelling; 3M 2018-2022
secondary School (Othaya) new areas Installation of culverts
Othaya Bus Park Iriaini Ward To improve access and open up 2km Maintenance and; Installation 3M 2018-2022
(Othaya) new areas of culverts
Gathumbi gwa Gitiki Iriaini Ward To improve access and open up 1km Grading and Gravelling; 1.5M 2018-2022
Road (Othaya) new areas Installation of culverts
Kirini Tea buying Centre Iriaini Ward To improve access and open up 1km Grading and Gravelling; 1.5M 2018-2022
- Karega Road (Othaya) new areas Installation of culverts
Kirini Primary-Gatuya-ini Iriaini Ward To improve access and open up 1km Grading and Gravelling; 1.5M 2018-2022
shopping centre (passing (Othaya) new areas Installation of culverts
behind coffe factory)
Bishop Kagunda Kihuri- Iriaini Ward To improve access and open up 1km Grading and Gravelling; 1.5M 2018-2022
gwa Muthungu Land (Othaya) new areas Installation of culverts
Near D.O Bus park Iriaini Ward To reduce congestion in town 3 No. bus Opening up of 3 new bus 10M 2018-2022
(Othaya) parks parks
Kanyange - Kanyange Iriaini Ward Improve security and increase 3km Street lighting 1.5M 2018-2022
bridge Road (Othaya) hours of doing business
Behind Ruguruti Primary Iriaini Ward Improve security and increase Installation of Transformer 1M 2018-2022
School – Gikurwe (Othaya) hours of doing business a transformer
Gathumbi Polytechnic Iriaini Ward Improve security and increase Installation of Electrification 0.5M 2018-2022
(Othaya) hours of doing business electricity
Kabebero Polytechnic Iriaini Ward Improve security and increase Installation of Electrification 0.5M 2018-2022
(Othaya) hours of doing business electricity
Kiambuthi Ithiriro Road Naromoru/ To improve access and open up 2km Grading, gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
Kiamathaga new areas culvert installation
Kandara Naromoru/ To improve access and open up 6km Grading, gravelling and 9M 2018-2022
M'bigwe,Karioko Road Kiamathaga new areas culvert installation

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timeframe
Gathurungai Kariithi Naromoru/ To improve access and open up 2km Grading, gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
Coke Road Kiamathaga new areas culvert installation
Kimbo Kibere Road Naromoru/ To improve access and open up 2km Grading, gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
Kiamathaga new areas culvert installation
Mdizi Aguthi Primary Naromoru/ To improve access and open up 2km Grading, gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
upto Blueline Kiamathaga new areas culvert installation
Naromoru Market Naromoru/ To improve access and open up 2km Grading, gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
Kiamathaga new areas culvert installation
Dam along Kibaki upto Naromoru/ To improve access and open up 3km Grading, gravelling and 4.5M 2018-2022
Blueline Kiamathaga new areas culvert installation
Muchemi to Michael Naromoru/ To improve access and open up 0.5km Grading, gravelling and 0.8M 2018-2022
Road Kiamathaga new areas culvert installation
Nduru/Rosemary to Naromoru/ To improve access and open up 1km Grading, gravelling and 1.5M 2018-2022
Ngumi Bosko Road Kiamathaga new areas culvert installation
Kimbo Juda and forest Naromoru/ To improve access and open up 1km Grading, gravelling and 1.5M 2018-2022
Road Kiamathaga new areas culvert installation
Kabati ECDE Naromoru/ Increase enrolment, provide Installation of Power Supply 1M 2018-2022
Kiamathaga conducive learning environment electricity
Kandara ECDE Naromoru/ Increase enrolment, provide Installation of Power Supply 1M 2018-2022
Kiamathaga conducive learning environment electricity
Kimbo ECDE Naromoru/ Increase enrolment, provide Installation of Power Supply 1M 2018-2022
Kiamathaga conducive learning environment electricity
Kaguongo ECDE Naromoru/ Increase enrolment, provide Installation of Power Supply 1M 2018-2022
Kiamathaga conducive learning environment electricity
Kamburaini ECDE Naromoru/ Increase enrolment, provide Installation of Power Supply 1M 2018-2022
Kiamathaga conducive learning environment electricity
Camal Hall ECDE Naromoru/ Increase enrolment, provide Installation of Power Supply 1M 2018-2022
Kiamathaga conducive learning environment electricity
Manyatta ECDE Naromoru/ Increase enrolment, provide Installation of Power Supply 1M 2018-2022
Kiamathaga conducive learning environment electricity
PGH Kangemi Road Rware Ward To enhance access and 1km Tarmacking 31M 2018-2022
St. Mary Mortuary Road Rware Ward To enhance access and 1km Tarmacking 31M 2018-2022
Dominion Kandara Road Rware Ward To enhance access and 1km Tarmacking 31M 2018-2022
Chaka town Thegu River To improve security and increase 3km Installation of street lights 1.5M 2018-2022
Ward hours of doing business
Kakuret Village Thegu River To improve access and open up 2.5km Grading and Gravelling 3.8M 2018-2022
Ward new areas
Chaka Town Bus Park Thegu River To reduce congestion in town Bus Parks lorries parking bay and taxi 10M 2018-2022
Ward parking bay
Kiandu – Gwa Kibiru- Wamagana Ward To improve access and open up 1 Bridge Construction of Bridge 3M 2018-2022
Thandii Bridge new areas
Mathakwa-ini -Kianjogu Wamagana Ward To improve access and open up 1.5 Km Grading and gravelling 2.5M 2018-2022
Road- Machako tarmac new areas
Karangia-Mutitu Wamagana Ward To improve access and open up 1.5 Km Grading and gravelling 2.5M 2018-2022
Gathaithi Road new areas
Gachatha –Makutano Wamagana Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading and gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
Road –Muthinga new areas Tarmac
Wamagana DC Road Wamagana Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading and Murraming 3M 2018-2022
new areas

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timeframe
Kamoni to Primary Wamagana Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading and gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
School Road(Kaiguri) new areas Tarmac
Karicheni Wagura Road Wamagana Ward To improve access and open up 1Km Grading and gravelling, 1.5M 2018-2022
new areas Tarmacking
Giagaita Karicheni Road Wamagana Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading and gravelling, 3M 2018-2022
new areas Tarmacking
Classic Kiandu Karima Wamagana Ward To improve access and open up 0.5Km ,bump installation 0.8M 2018-2022
Road new areas
Giakanja High HighMast Wamagana Ward Improve security and increase 1 Flood light Installation of a high mast 3.2M 2018-2022
Flood Light hours of doing business flood light
Karangia - Kahuria Wamagana Ward To promote access and One bridge Construction of bridge 3M 2018-2022
Bridge connectivity
Karangia - Wagathecha Wamagana Ward To promote access and One bridge Construction of bridge 3M 2018-2022
bridge connectivity
Gachatha –Kihuro Road Wamagana Ward To promote access and 6Km Culvert, Grading and 9M 2018-2022
Makutano connectivity gravelling
Kingongo Riverroad Rware Ward To improve access and open up 2km Road maintenance 3M 2018-2022
new areas
Wazee Hukumbuka Rware Ward To improve access and open up 2km Road maintenance 3M 2018-2022
new areas
Feeder Road behind Rware Ward To improve access and open up 2km Road maintenance 3M 2018-2022
White Rhino Hotel new areas
Itara Hotel Road Rware Ward To improve access and open up 2km Upgrading and murraming 3M 2018-2022
new areas
PCEA-Primary Road Rware Ward To improve access and open up 2km Upgrading and murraming 3M 2018-2022
Pembe Tatu new areas
Kamumwa Hotel Street Rware Ward To improve access and open up 2km Road maintenance 3M 2018-2022
Road new areas
Mumbi Estate Road Rware Ward To improve access and open up 2km Construction and maintenance 3M 2018-2022
new areas
Kimathi Estate Road Rware Ward To improve access and open up 2km Construction and maintenance 3M 2018-2022
new areas
Mumbi Site and Service Rware Ward To improve access and open up 2km Construction and maintenance 3M 2018-2022
Scheme new areas
King'ong'o ECD Centre Rware Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading and flattening 3M 2018-2022
Ground new areas
Githwariga ECD Ground Rware Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading and flattening 3M 2018-2022
new areas
Mount Kenya Salvation Rware Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading and flattening 3M 2018-2022
Road new areas
King'ong'o River Road Rware Ward Improve security and increase 3km Installation of streetlights 1.5M 2018-2022
Street lighting hours of doing business
Wazee Hukumbuka Rware Ward Improve security and increase 3km Installation of streetlights 1.5M 2018-2022
streetlighting hours of doing business
Itara Hotel Road Rware Ward Improve security and increase 3km Installation of streetlights 1.5M 2018-2022
Streetlighting hours of doing business
New Market Rware Ward Improve security and increase 3km Installation of streetlights 1.5M 2018-2022
streetlighting hours of doing business
Police line Rware Ward Improve security and increase 3km Installation of streetlights 1.5M 2018-2022
lane(kamukunji) hours of doing business
Kamumwa Hotel street Rware Ward Improve security and increase 3km Installation of streetlights 1.5M 2018-2022
road streetlighting hours of doing business
Kiamiri-Kahuroini Tanu Mukurwe-ini To promote access and 1.5Km Culvert, Grading and 1.5M 2018-2022
Road West Ward connectivity gravelling
Gaitang'a Road Mukurweini west To improve access and open up 2km 3M 2018-2022
Ward new areas
Kajulu Circuit Ruringu Ward Improve security and increase 3km Installation of streetlights 1.5M 2018-2022
hours of doing business
Chania River to Chinga Ward To enhance access and 2km Grading, Gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
Kiangware Junction connectivity culverts
Kiangware/Wabacha road Chinga Ward To enhance access and 2km Grading, Gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
connectivity culverts
Munene Kairu(Kiinu) Chinga Ward To enhance access and 1.5km Tarmacking 23M 2018-2022
Kariko road connectivity
Karembu bridge Chinga Ward To improve access and open up 1 Bridge Construction of a Bridge 3M 2018-2022
new areas

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timeframe
Matiraini - Gikira Road Chinga Ward To improve access and open up 1.8km Grading and Gravelling. 2.7M 2018-2022
new areas
Kariko primary - Iganjo Chinga Ward To improve access and open up 1.8km Grading and Gravelling. 2.7M 2018-2022
Road new areas
Kariko Tarmac – Chinga Ward To improve access and open up 1.8km Grading and Gravelling. 2.7M 2018-2022
Kiamutuandu new areas
Jimna - Kangorui Road Chinga Ward To improve access and open up 1km Grading and Gravelling. 1.5M 2018-2022
new areas
Githima Road (Kahiga - Dedan Kimathi To improve access and open up 2km Grading and Gravelling 3M 2018-2022
ini) Ward new areas
Kiamathambo village Dedan Kimathi Improve security and increase 3.2km Installation of streetlights 1.5M 2018-2022
Ward hours of doing business
Kwa Wanja - Karaguriro Endarasha To improve access and open up 3.5 KM Culvert, Grading and 1.5M 2018-2022
Road Mwiyogo new areas Gravelling
Sikai Junction - Ndiiri Endarasha To improve access and open up 4 KM Culvert, Grading and 1.5M 2018-2022
Road Mwiyogo new areas Gravelling
Nganyuthe - Endarasha Endarasha To improve access and open up 4 KM Culvert, Grading and 1.5M 2018-2022
Center Road Mwiyogo new areas Gravelling
Kihuhiro-Kiambogo Endarasha To improve access and open up 1.5km Culvert, Grading and 2.5M 2018-2022
Road Mwiyogo new areas Gravelling and purchase of
Mahiga – AIPCA- Rhino Endarasha To improve access and open up 8 KM Grading and Gravelling 3M 2018-2022
Hill Milk Point Road Mwiyogo new areas
E-Circle Sangare Gate Endarasha To improve access and open up 7 KM Grading and Gravelling 3M 2018-2022
Road Mwiyogo new areas
Sangare Pump –Solio Endarasha To improve access and open up 3 KM Grading and Gravelling 3M 2018-2022
Junction Road Mwiyogo new areas
Kamune Junction –Solio Endarasha To improve access and open up 4 KM Grading and Gravelling 3M 2018-2022
Mwiyogo new areas
Kiriungi-Mihuranguru Endarasha To improve access and open up 3 KM Grading and Gravelling 3M 2018-2022
Road Mwiyogo new areas
Kimita Dam- Laikipia Endarasha To improve access and open up 3 KM Grading and Gravelling 3M 2018-2022
Junction Mwiyogo new areas
Waiti-ini Junction- Endarasha To improve access and open up 3 KM Grading and Gravelling 3M 2018-2022
Sammy Ground Road Mwiyogo new areas
Honi River Gatogo Road Endarasha To improve access and open up 3 KM Grading and Gravelling 3M 2018-2022
Mwiyogo new areas
Mburu Milk Point- Endarasha To improve access and open up 5 KM Grading and Gravelling 3M 2018-2022
Kimata Junction-Equity Mwiyogo new areas
Labura Primary- Endarasha To improve access and open up 0.5 KM Grading and Gravelling 4.5M 2018-2022
Secondary Road Mwiyogo new areas
Honi Primary Service Endarasha To improve access and open up 0.5 KM Grading and Gravelling 4.5M 2018-2022
Road Mwiyogo new areas
Ndegwa Can-Ndono Endarasha To improve access and open up 1 KM Grading and Gravelling 4.5M 2018-2022
Junction Mwiyogo new areas
Mahiga Junction- Endarasha To improve access and open up 2 KM Grading and Gravelling 4.5M 2018-2022
Children Home Road Mwiyogo new areas
Makutano Junction- Endarasha To improve access and open up 1.5 KM Grading and Gravelling 4.5M 2018-2022
Geoffrey Garden Road Mwiyogo new areas
Gatinu Forest Road Endarasha To improve access and open up 3km Grading and Gravelling 4.5M 2018-2022
Mwiyogo new areas
Honi Assistant Chief Endarasha Improve security and increase fitting solar panel 5M 2018-2022
Borehole Mwiyogo hours of doing business
Gathiuru ForestElectric Gakawa Ward Improve security and reduce 21 KM Electric fence 46M 2018-2022
Fence animal/human conflict
Nanyuki - Naro Moru Gakawa Ward To promote access and 14 KM Installation of streetlights 10M 2018-2022
Road connectivity
Kiawara Village Roads Mweiga Ward To improve access and open up 1.5km Drainage ,grading,murraming 2.5M 2018-2022
new areas and culverts
Gikomo Village Roads Mweiga Ward To improve access and open up 1.5km Drainage ,grading,murraming 2.5M 2018-2022
new areas and culverts
Kiguru Dam Road Mweiga Ward To improve access and open up 1.5km Construction of Bridge, 2.5M 2018-2022
new areas Grading and Murraming
Bondeni - Riiru Road Mweiga Ward To improve access and open up 1.5km Construction of Bridge, 2.5M 2018-2022
new areas Grading and Murraming

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timeframe
Ikumari - Naftaly Kiboi Mweiga Ward To improve access and open up 1km Culverts, Grading and 1.5M 2018-2022
Road new areas Gravelling
Mweiga slaughter House Mweiga Ward To improve access and open up 1.5km Culverts, Grading and 2.5M 2018-2022
- Mweiga PCEA new areas Gravelling
Airstrip - Samaki Village Mweiga Ward To improve access and open up 1.5km Culverts, Grading and 2.5M 2018-2022
Road new areas Gravelling
Samaki Dam A $ B Road Mweiga Ward To improve access and open up 1.5km Construction of Bridge, 2.5M 2018-2022
new areas Grading and Murraming
Rurera - ini - Nyamiru Mweiga Ward To improve access and open up 1.5km Construction of Bridge, 2.5M 2018-2022
River new areas Grading and Murraming
Mutathiini catholic – Aguthi/Gaaki To improve access and open up 1Km Grading and Gravelling 3.5M 2018-2022
coffee center new areas
Ragati road Forest Magutu ward Improve access and open up new 2km upgrading of the Shopping 2M 2018-2022
areas centers
Drainage and Culverts Magutu ward Improve access and open up new Drainage opening and 2M 2018-2022
areas installation of Culverts
Shauri Moyo - Kiamigwi Magutu ward Improve access and open up new One foot Construction of Foot Bridge 2M 2018-2022
Foot Bridge areas Bridge
Gitunduti Ngathini Magutu ward Improve access and open up new One foot Construction of Foot Bridge 2M 2018-2022
Bridge areas Bridge
Kamatu catholic to Kirimukuyu To improve access and open up 3.5 km Grading and Gravelling 5M 2018-2022
gwakabuiko road Ward new areas Installation of culverts
Ngurumo Kinyeru Road Kirimukuyu To improve access and open up 1KM Grading and Gravelling 2M 2018-2022
Ward new areas Installation of culverts
Kiagumba road Kirimukuyu Improve access and open up new 2 KM Grading and Gravelling 3M 2018-2022
Ward areas Installation of culverts
Kamatu catholic to Kirimukuyu To improve access and open up 1km Grading and Gravelling 2m 2018-2022
gwagichere Ward new areas Installation of culverts
Kirurumo River Bridge Kirimukuyu Improve access and open up new 1 Bridge Construction of a new Bridge 10M 2018-2022
Ward areas
Hohwe Dam Kirimukuyu Recreation Centre 5M 2018-2022
Tumutumu Hill Kirimukuyu prevent Soil erosion and Construction gabions 2M 2018-2022
construction of gabions Ward destructionof roads
Karibi Gichoho road Mahiga Ward Improve access and open up new 2.5km Grading and Gravelling 4M 2018-2022
areas Installation of culverts
Mwathi wa mutana Magu Mahiga Ward Improve access and open up new 2km Grading and Gravelling 3M 2018-2022
Road areas Installation of culverts
Transformer Mutana Mahiga Ward Improve access and open up new Upgrading. 75M 2018-2022
Road areas
Kigathi Road Rugi Ward Improve access and open up new 2km Grading and Gravelling 3M 2018-2022
areas Installation of culverts
Thukuma road Rugi Ward Improve access and open up new 1.5km Grading and Gravelling 2M 2018-2022
areas Installation of culverts
Thunguri Road Rugi Ward Improve access and open up new 3km Grading and Gravelling 3M 2018-2022
areas Installation of culverts
Mbari ya njiri Rugi Ward Improve access and open up new 3km Grading and Gravelling 3M 2018-2022
areas Installation of culverts
Gitumbi road Rugi Ward Improve access and open up new 3km Grading and Gravelling 3M 2018-2022
areas Installation of culverts
Ndoroini road Rugi Ward Improve access and open up new 2km Grading and Gravelling 2M 2018-2022
areas Installation of culverts
Bondeni road Rugi Ward Improve access and open up new 3km Grading and Gravelling 50M 2018-2022
areas Installation of culverts
Njoguiini road Rugi Ward Improve access and open up new 3km Grading and Gravelling 3M 2018-2022
areas Installation of culverts
Kamuchuni road Rugi Ward Improve access and open up new 2km Grading and Gravelling 2M 2018-2022
areas Installation of culverts
Manyara road Rugi Ward Improve access and open up new 3km Grading and Gravelling 3M 2018-2022
areas Installation of culverts
Nguyoini Thiha road Rugi Ward Improve access and open up new 2km Grading and Gravelling 2M 2018-2022
areas Installation of culverts
Kahungu road Rugi Ward Improve access and open up new 2km Grading and Gravelling 2M 2018-2022
areas Installation of culverts
PCEA Karemenu- Tanyai Mugunda Ward Improve access and open up new 4.5km Grading and Gravelling 4.5M 2018-2022
Forest road areas Installation of culverts

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timeframe
Kareminu parish - Mugunda Ward Improve access and open up new 4km Grading and Gravelling 4M 2018-2022
nTanyai forest road areas Installation of culverts
Ruai Karai road Mugunda Ward Improve access and open up new 2.5km Grading and Gravelling 2.5M 2018-2022
areas Installation of culverts
Tanyai mithaa- Tanyai Mugunda Ward Improve access and open up new 3km Grading and Gravelling 3M 2018-2022
Forest road areas Installation of culverts
Maheniu Juction Ruiri Mugunda Ward Improve access and open up new 4 km Grading and Gravelling 4M 2018-2022
tarmac- Through Ruiiri areas Installation of culverts
hill road
Mbirithi juction - Mugunda Ward Improve access and open up new 6km Grading and Gravelling 6M 2018-2022
kariminu Despensary via areas Installation of culverts
Tanyai river Side road
Ruiiri Cattle Dip road Mugunda Ward Improve access and open up new 4 km Grading and Gravelling 4M 2018-2022
areas Installation of culverts
Rundama Catholic- Mugunda Ward Improve access and open up new 3km Grading and Gravelling 3M 2018-2022
Muthigani road areas Installation of culverts
Mahenia Juction- Mugunda Ward Improve access and open up new 4km Grading and Gravelling 4M 2018-2022
Rodama road areas Installation of culverts
Tanjiri hill- insoector Mugunda Ward Improve access and open up new 4 km Grading and Gravelling 4M 2018-2022
Mbirithi road areas Installation of culverts
Nairutia town road Mugunda Ward Improve access and open up new 0.7km Grading and Gravelling 0.7M 2018-2022
areas Installation of culverts
Nairutia town - Mugunda Mugunda Ward Improve access and open up new 1.5km Grading and Gravelling 1.5M 2018-2022
Parish road areas Installation of culverts
Nderi Academy Road Mugunda Ward Improve access and open up new 3km Grading and Gravelling 3M 2018-2022
areas Installation of culverts
Street lights from Kahiga Kiganjo/Mathari Improve security and increase 5 Km Installation of Street Lights 4M 2018-2022
Ward hours of doing business
Street Lights Kamweja Kiganjo/Mathari Improve security and increase 5 Km Installation of Street Lights 4M 2018-2022
Junction to Nyarugumu Ward hours of doing business
Street Light Kihuyo Kiganjo/Mathari Improve security and increase 5 Km Installation of Street Lights 4M 2018-2022
Primary Juction Via Ward hours of doing business
Major Seminary- Kimathi
Street Lights From Gitegi Kiganjo/Mathari Improve security and increase 5 Km Installation of Street Lights 4M 2018-2022
To Divine Mercy Church Ward hours of doing business
Kabiruini-Gitegi Kiganjo/Mathari Improve security and increase 5 Km Installation of Street Lights 4M 2018-2022
Shopping Centre Ward hours of doing business
Street Lights along Kiganjo/Mathari Improve security and increase 50 Km Installation of Street Lights 50M 2018-2022
Feeder Roads Ward hours of doing business
6 Market Mlika Mwizi Kiganjo/Mathari Improve security and increase 5 Km Installation of High Mast 20M 2018-2022
Ward hours of doing business Floodlights
Kihuyo, Mwenji, Kiganjo/Kiganjo/ Improve access and open up new 30 km Grading and Gravelling 32M 2018-2022
Gathunika Mathari feeder Mathari Ward areas Installation of culverts
Kiganjo Mathari Ward Kiganjo/Mathari Improve access and open up new 10 Foot Installation of foot Bridges GoK/ 2018-2022
Foot Bridges Ward areas Bridges CGN
Mwai Junction- Mweiga Ward To improve access and open up 1km Culvert, Grading and 1.5M 2018-2022
Wamuchiri Road new areas Gravelling
Chepkwon- Jessee Road Mweiga Ward To improve access and open up 1km Culvert, Grading and 1.5M 2018-2022
new areas Gravelling
Rurera-ini Road(Tree top Mweiga Ward To improve access and open up 1km Culvert, Grading and 1.5M 2018-2022
Junction) new areas Gravelling
Wang’ondu Tree Top Mweiga Ward To improve access and open up 1km Culvert, Grading and 1.5M 2018-2022
Junction new areas Gravelling
John Unit-Mutonga’s Mweiga Ward To improve access and open up 1km Culvert, Grading and 1.5M 2018-2022
Road new areas Gravelling
Riru Endarasha Road Mweiga Ward To improve access and open up 1km Culvert, Grading and 1.5M 2018-2022
new areas Gravelling
Kimata Father Wambugu Endarasha To improve access and open up 1km Culvert, Grading and 1.5M 2018-2022
Farm Road Mwiyogo new areas Gravelling
Muthu-ini Primary Endarasha To improve access and open up 2km Culvert, Grading and 3M 2018-2022
Service Road Mwiyogo new areas Gravelling
Kigali Solio Junction Endarasha To improve access and open up 1.5km Culvert, Grading and 2.5M 2018-2022
Road Mwiyogo new areas Gravelling
PCEA Imani General Endarasha To improve access and open up 1km Culvert, Grading and 1.5M 2018-2022
Kamau Farm Road Mwiyogo new areas Gravelling

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timeframe
St. Jude Primary Service Endarasha To improve access and open up 2km Culvert, Grading and 3M 2018-2022
Road Mwiyogo new areas Gravelling
Njuki –Mwaura-Ireri Endarasha To improve access and open up 1.5km Culvert, Grading and 2.5M 2018-2022
Junction Road Mwiyogo new areas Gravelling
Kimita Dam Service Road Endarasha To improve access and open up 1km Culvert, Grading and 1.5M 2018-2022
Mwiyogo new areas Gravelling
Gatebe Junction-Mahiga Endarasha To improve access and open up 2km Culvert, Grading and 3M 2018-2022
Cattle Dip Road Mwiyogo new areas Gravelling
Waititu Junction-Maina Endarasha To improve access and open up 1.5km Culvert, Grading and 2.5M 2018-2022
Lucy Junction Mwiyogo new areas Gravelling
Gatheru Kamau General Endarasha To improve access and open up 1km Culvert, Grading and 1.5M 2018-2022
Road Mwiyogo new areas Gravelling
Karimi-Western Junction Endarasha To improve access and open up 2km Culvert, Grading and 3M 2018-2022
Road Mwiyogo new areas Gravelling
Sangare Farm Honi Ass Endarasha To improve access and open up 1.5km Culvert, Grading and 2.5M 2018-2022
Chief Office Road Mwiyogo new areas Gravelling
Wamahinda Gathare hill Endarasha To improve access and open up 1km Culvert, Grading and 1.5M 2018-2022
Road Mwiyogo new areas Gravelling
Muthu-ini-Thuruthuru- Endarasha To improve access and open up 2km Culvert, Grading and 3M 2018-2022
Muthoga Road Mwiyogo new areas Gravelling
Onyonka- Babito Road Endarasha To improve access and open up 1.5km Culvert, Grading and 2.5M 2018-2022
Mwiyogo new areas Gravelling
Kwa Otto-William Road Endarasha To improve access and open up 1km Culvert, Grading and 1.5M 2018-2022
Mwiyogo new areas Gravelling
Chuma – Kiambogo Road Endarasha To improve access and open up 2km Culvert, Grading and 3M 2018-2022
Mwiyogo new areas Gravelling
Kihuhiro-Kiambogo Road Endarasha To improve access and open up 1.5km Culvert, Grading and 2.5M 2018-2022
Mwiyogo new areas Gravelling
Sikai-Munene Kairu Road Endarasha To improve access and open up 1km Culvert, Grading and 1.5M 2018-2022
Mwiyogo new areas Gravelling
Ewasonyiro Trading Endarasha To improve access and open up 1km Culvert, Grading and 1.5M 2018-2022
Center roads Mwiyogo new areas Gravelling
Pura Trading Center roads Endarasha To improve access and open up 1km Culvert, Grading and 1.5M 2018-2022
Mwiyogo new areas Gravelling
Kanyagia Trading Centre Endarasha To improve access and open up 1km Culvert, Grading and 1.5M 2018-2022
roads Mwiyogo new areas Gravelling
Mwihoko Trading Centre Endarasha To improve access and open up 1km Culvert, Grading and 1.5M 2018-2022
roads Mwiyogo new areas Gravelling
Amboni - Honi Road Mweiga Ward To improve access and open up 1km Culverts, Grading and 1.5M 2018-2022
new areas Gravelling
Kiguru Roads Mweiga Ward To improve access and open up 1km Culverts, Grading and 1.5M 2018-2022
new areas Gravelling
Amboni- Karia-ini Road Mweiga Ward To improve access and open up 1km Culverts, Grading and 1.5M 2018-2022
new areas Gravelling
Kimenju-Cattle Dip - Mweiga Ward To improve access and open up 1km Culverts, Grading and 1.5M 2018-2022
Timos new areas Gravelling
Embassy-Karangi’s Road Mweiga Ward To improve access and open up 1km Culverts, Grading and 1.5M 2018-2022
new areas Gravelling
Major Magondu – Mweiga Ward To improve access and open up 1km Culverts, Grading and 1.5M 2018-2022
Kinuthia Road new areas Gravelling
Good Hope Wagura Road Mweiga Ward To improve access and open up 1km Culverts, Grading and 1.5M 2018-2022
new areas Gravelling
PCEA Church- Mwireri Mweiga Ward To improve access and open up 1km Culverts, Grading and 1.5M 2018-2022
Shopping Centre new areas Gravelling
Jersy –Samaki Road Mweiga Ward To improve access and open up 1km Culverts, Grading and 1.5M 2018-2022
new areas Gravelling
Ngoro Theru-Muriu’s Mweiga Ward To improve access and open up 1.5km Culverts, Grading and 2.5M 2018-2022
new areas Gravelling
Wandonga Road Mweiga Ward To improve access and open up 1.5km Culverts, Grading and 2.5M 2018-2022
new areas Gravelling
Gikomo-Kiawara Raod Mweiga Ward To improve access and open up 1.5km Drainage, Grading and 2.5M 2018-2022
new areas Gravelling
Chinga Ward Roads Chinga Ward To reduce vehicle-human contact 10km Erect Guard Rails 15M 2018 -
to minimise accidents 2022
Kariki Area Road Chinga Ward To minimise road accidents Two No. Erect Road Bumps; Rumble- 5M 2018 -
bumps and strips; Sign Board. 2022

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timeframe
Kagongo Primary School Chinga Ward To minimise road accidents Two No. Erect Road Bumps; Rumble- 5M 2018 -
Area Road bumps and strips; Sign Board. 2022
Gichiche Primary School Chinga Ward To minimise road accidents Two No. Erect Road Bumps; Rumble- 5M 2018 -
and Police Station Area bumps and strips; Sign Board. 2022
Road signs
Chinga Boys Area Road Chinga Ward To minimise road accidents Two No. Erect Road Bumps; Rumble- 5M 2018 -
bumps and strips; Sign Board. 2022
Ruirie TBC Area Road Chinga Ward To minimise road accidents Two No. Erect Road Bumps; Rumble- 5M 2018 -
bumps and strips; Sign Board. 2022
Miiri-ini TBC Area Road Chinga Ward To minimise road accidents Two No. Erect Road Bumps; Rumble- 5M 2018 -
bumps and strips; Sign Board. 2022
Kariko Primary School Chinga Ward To minimise road accidents Two No. Erect Road Bumps; Rumble- 5M 2018 -
Area Road bumps and strips; Sign Board. 2022
Matira-ini TBC Area Chinga Ward To minimise road accidents Two No. Erect Road Bumps; Rumble- 5M 2018 -
Road bumps and strips; Sign Board. 2022
Mucharage Primary Chinga Ward To minimise road accidents Two No. Erect Road Bumps; Rumble- 5M 2018 -
School Area Road bumps and strips; Sign Board. 2022
Gichami Primary School Chinga Ward To minimise road accidents Two No. Erect Road Bumps; Rumble- 5M 2018 -
Area Road bumps and strips; Sign Board. 2022
Mucharage Secondary Chinga Ward To minimise road accidents Two No. Erect Road Bumps; Rumble- 5M 2018 -
School Area Road bumps and strips; Sign Board. 2022
Muirungi Secondary and Chinga Ward To minimise road accidents Two No. Erect Road Bumps; Rumble- 5M 2018 -
Muirungi Primary School bumps and strips; Sign Board. 2022
Area Roads signs
Muirungi Shopping Chinga Ward To minimise road accidents Two No. Erect Road Bumps; Rumble- 5M 2018 -
Centre Road bumps and strips; Sign Board. 2022
Kiangumba Primary Chinga Ward To minimise road accidents Two No. Erect Road Bumps; Rumble- 5M 2018 -
School Area Road bumps and strips; Sign Board. 2022
Gathera Secondary Chinga Ward To minimise road accidents Two No. Erect Road Bumps; Rumble- 5M 2018 -
School Area Road bumps and strips; Sign Board. 2022
Kagicha Shopping Centre Chinga Ward To minimise road accidents Two No. Erect Road Bumps; Rumble- 5M 2018 -
Roads bumps and strips; Sign Board. 2022
Mumbi-ini Shopping Chinga Ward To minimise road accidents Two No. Erect Road Bumps; Rumble- 5M 2018 -
Centre Roads bumps and strips; Sign Board. 2022
Chinga Girls Road Chinga Ward To minimise road accidents Two No. Erect Road Bumps; Rumble- 5M 2018 -
bumps and strips; Sign Board. 2022
St. Ambrose Primary Chinga Ward To minimise road accidents Two No. Erect Road Bumps; Rumble- 5M 2018 -
School Area Road bumps and strips; Sign Board. 2022
Mumbu-ini TBC Road Chinga Ward To minimise road accidents Two No. Erect Road Bumps; Rumble- 5M 2018 -
bumps and strips; Sign Board. 2022
Kimathi Road –PGH Rware Ward To minimise road accidents Two No. Erection of bumps 5M 2018 -
Road bumps 2022
Kiaruga (Wanyiri Kihoro Gatitu/ To improve access and open up 2km Expansion 3M 2018 -
Road) Muruguru Ward new areas 2022
Thoronjo – Githima Road Gatitu/ To improve access and open up 2km Expansion 3M 2018 -
Muruguru Ward new areas 2022
Kigera Githiru Shopping Gatitu/ To improve access and open up 2km Expansion 3M 2018 -
Centre Road Muruguru Ward new areas 2022
Githiru Forest – Chania Gatitu/ To improve access and open up 2km Expansion 3M 2018 -
River (Gitaagati) Road Muruguru Ward new areas 2022

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timeframe
Maina Daktari – Githima Gatitu/ To improve access and open up 2km Expansion 3M 2018 -
Water Pan Road Muruguru Ward new areas 2022
Githiru Primary School Gatitu/ To improve access and open up 4km Expansion of Roads 6M 2018 -
Roads Muruguru Ward new areas surrounding the School 2022
Githugoya – kariara Road Mukurwe-ini To improve access and open up 2km Grading 3M 2018 -
Central new areas 2022
Kiuu – Kinyamara Road Mukurwe-ini To improve access and open up 2.5km Grading 3.5M 2018 -
Central new areas 2022
Kianjiru – Soniu - Mukurwe-ini To improve access and open up 2km Grading 3M 2018 -
Kinyota Road Central new areas 2022
Kangwaci – K.A.G Mukurwe-ini To improve access and open up 1.5km Grading 2.5M 2018 -
Church Road Central new areas 2022
Kihoko-ini – Githugune Mukurwe-ini To improve access and open up 1.5km Grading 2.5M 2018 -
Road Central new areas 2022
Masemo – Nderi-ini Road Mukurwe-ini To improve access and open up 2km Grading 3M 2018 -
Central new areas 2022
Matharu Area – Lucky Karatina Ward To improve access and open up 1KM Grading / gravelling 1.5M 2018 -
Villa road new areas 2022
Kwa muthuma – saw mill Karatina Ward To improve access and open up 1KM Grading / gravelling 1.5M 2018 -
– rural road new areas 2022
Highland – Machumaini Karatina Ward To improve access and open up 1KM Grading / gravelling 1.5M 2018 -
road new areas 2022
Gwa China – Kiriko road Karatina Ward To improve access and open up 1KM Grading / gravelling 1.5M 2018 -
new areas 2022
Ha Kajoe – Kianjeneri Karatina Ward To improve access and open up 2Km Grading / gravelling 3M 2018 -
Primary – Gathuini road new areas 2022
Kanyariti – road – bridge Karatina Ward To improve access and open up 200M Grading / gravelling + bridge 0.3M 2018 -
– Kiamwangi Shopping new areas 2022
Centre road
Kiandigi road Karatina Ward To improve access and open up 1 KM Grading / gravelling 1.5M 2018 -
new areas 2022
Kiamamunyo – Grand Karatina Ward To improve access and open up 1.2KM Grading / gravelling 1.8M 2018 -
Kago new areas 2022
K. Kubwa – factory road Karatina Ward To improve access and open up 1KM Grading / gravelling 1.5M 2018 -
new areas 2022
Rao road Karatina Ward To improve access and open up 800M Grading / gravelling 1.2M 2018 -
new areas 2022
Kiawanduha road Karatina Ward To improve access and open up 800M Grading / gravelling 1.2M 2018 -
new areas 2022
Giathiga road Karatina Ward To improve access and open up 800M Grading / gravelling 1.2M 2018 -
new areas 2022
Kairia – Kairia dam road Karatina Ward To improve access and open up 1KM Grading / gravelling 1.5M 2018 -
new areas 2022
Karega road Karatina Ward To improve access and open up 500M Grading / gravelling 0.8M 2018 -
new areas 2022
Icuga – Njoguini – Karatina Ward To improve access and open up 2KM Grading / gravelling 3M 2018 -
Mathare road new areas 2022
Gwa Kamuyu – Karura Karatina Ward To improve access and open up 2.5KM Grading / gravelling 3.5M 2018 -
road new areas 2022
Githima – Gaturiri road Karatina Ward To improve access and open up 500M Grading / gravelling 0.8M 2018 -
new areas 2022
Githima – Kangari road Karatina Ward To improve access and open up 300M Grading / gravelling 0.5M 2018 -
new areas 2022
Githima behind P.C.E.A Karatina Ward To improve access and open up 300M Grading / gravelling 0.5M 2018 -
road new areas 2022
Kangari – Ngunguru road Karatina Ward To improve access and open up 300M Grading / gravelling 0.5M 2018 -
new areas 2022
Kihuro – gwa Kiboi – Karatina Ward To improve access and open up 500M Grading / gravelling 0.8M 2018 -
Gaterendu road new areas 2022
Rural – Kihuro Primary Karatina Ward To improve access and open up 1KM Grading / gravelling 1.5M 2018 -
School road new areas 2022
Kiawarigi – Ngibuini Karatina Ward To improve access and open up 2KM Grading / gravelling 3M 2018 -
road new areas 2022
Kiamachimbi main – Karatina Ward To improve access and open up 1.5KM Grading / gravelling 2.5M 2018 -
Thaithini road new areas 2022
Kiangurwe – Ruthagati Karatina Ward To improve access and open up 1KM Grading / gravelling 1.5M 2018 -
road new areas 2022

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timeframe
Gachugu Academy road Karatina Ward To improve access and open up 1.5KM Grading / gravelling 2.5M 2018 -
new areas 2022
Ngari Junior road Karatina Ward To improve access and open up 300M Grading / gravelling 0.8M 2018 -
new areas 2022
Ragati – gwa Kanjura Karatina Ward To improve access and open up 500M Grading / gravelling 0.8M 2018 -
new areas 2022
Post office – Jamaica Karatina Ward To improve access and open up 1Km Grading / gravelling 1.5M 2018 -
road new areas 2022
Kenyatta road Karatina Ward To improve access and open up 1KM Grading / gravelling 1.5M 2018 -
new areas 2022
Unjiru Primary school – Karatina Ward To improve access and open up 1KM Grading / gravelling 1.5M 2018 -
DC road new areas 2022
Itiati – gwa gichuru road Karatina Ward To improve access and open up 1KM Grading / gravelling 1.5M 2018 -
new areas 2022
Itiati – gwa Kahoro road Karatina Ward To improve access and open up 1.5KM Grading / gravelling 2.5M 2018 -
new areas 2022
Gachai – Gichuru road Karatina Ward To improve access and open up 200M Grading / gravelling 0.3M 2018 -
new areas 2022
Kiangurwe – ha Ririani Karatina Ward To improve access and open up 200M Grading / gravelling 0.3M 2018 -
road new areas 2022
Kiawarigi – Kananda Karatina Ward To improve access and open up 500M Grading / gravelling 0.8M 2018 -
Kimani road new areas 2022
Kiangurwe – Jamaica Karatina Ward To improve access and open up I KM Grading / gravelling / bridge 1.5M 2018 -
Road + Bridge new areas 2022
Waigwa Kimata - Gura Karima To improve access and open up I KM Grading and Gravelling 1.5M 2018 -
River Road new areas 2022
Karuri Thanji Road Karima To improve access and open up I KM Grading and Gravelling 1.5M 2018 -
new areas 2022
Luckvilla – Muthithi- Karatina Ward To improve access and open up I KM Grading and gravelling 1.5M 2018 -
omega hotel Road new areas 2022
Gichuru Road Karatina Ward To improve access and open up I KM Grading and gravelling 1.5M 2018 -
new areas 2022
Gathiururuko Road Karatina Ward To improve access and open up I KM Grading and gravelling 1.5M 2018 -
new areas 2022
Kiawarigi – Kananda Karatina Ward To improve access and open up I KM Grading and gravelling 1.5M 2018 -
Kimani Road new areas 2022
Mukonye Road Karatina Ward To improve access and open up I KM Grading and gravelling 1.5M 2018 -
new areas 2022
Easter Kabui – Kianjagi Karatina Ward To improve access and open up I KM Grading and gravelling 1.5M 2018 -
Road new areas 2022
Itiati – DC- Kwa Ngure Karatina Ward To improve access and open up I KM Grading and gravelling 1.5M 2018 -
Road new areas 2022
Rising star – Outreach Karatina Ward To improve access and open up I KM Grading and gravelling 1.5M 2018 -
Church Road new areas 2022
Rural office – new Karatina Ward To improve access and open up I KM Grading and gravelling 1.5M 2018 -
testament road new areas 2022
Karatina Polytechnic – Karatina Ward To improve access and open up I KM Grading and gravelling 1.5M 2018 -
kiangoyo Road new areas 2022
10 KM road network Karatina Ward To improve access and open up I KM Grading and gravelling 1.5M 2018 -
new areas 2022
Ragati –Ichuga Road Karatina Ward To improve access and open up I KM Grading and gravelling 1.5M 2018 -
new areas 2022
KIE –Kwa gunda Road Karatina Ward To improve access and open up I KM Grading and gravelling 1.5M 2018 -
new areas 2022
Gatomboya – Mbara Karatina Ward To improve access and open up I KM Grading and gravelling 1.5M 2018 -
Road new areas 2022
Ruguru ward feeder roads Ruguru Ward To improve access and open up I KM Grading and gravelling 1.5M 2018 -
new areas 2022
Kiamariga Secondary Ruguru Ward To improve access and open up I KM Grading and gravelling 1.5M 2018 -
School – Kiamagochi new areas 2022
Kamani Kagati Road Ruguru Ward To improve access and open up I KM Grading and gravelling 1.5M 2018 -
new areas 2022
Hiriga Secondary School Ruguru Ward To improve access and open up I KM Grading and gravelling 1.5M 2018 -
Road new areas 2022
Kirimukuyu road Kirimukuyu To improve access and open up 50 KM Grading and gravelling 75M 2018 -
network Ward new areas 2022

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timeframe
Gathuhu –Giathika Road Kirimukuyu To improve access and open up 3 km Grading and gravelling 4.5M 2018 -
Ward new areas 2022
Gathihu – Mahinge Road Kirimukuyu To improve access and open up 1 Km Grading and gravelling 1.5M 2018 -
Ward new areas 2022
Gaiteu Karagua Road Kirimukuyu To improve access and open up 1.5 Km Grading and gravelling 2.5M 2018 -
Ward new areas 2022
Kiriko – Gatharuki Road Kirimukuyu To improve access and open up 1.5 K.m. Grading and gravelling 2.5M 2018 -
Ward new areas 2022
Gitugi – Kanyama Road Kirimukuyu To improve access and open up 0.5 Grading and gravelling 0.8M 2018 -
Ward new areas 2022
Kanyama - - Ngandu Kirimukuyu To improve access and open up 3 km Grading and gravelling 4.5M 2018 -
Road Ward new areas 2022
Kaigi – Macharia Road Kirimukuyu To improve access and open up 0.1 Km. Grading and gravelling 0.2M 2018 -
Ward new areas 2022
New testament Road Kirimukuyu To improve access and open up 0.2 Km. Grading and gravelling 0.3M 2018 -
Ward new areas 2022
Mbote – Muchagi Road Kirimukuyu To improve access and open up 1 Km. Grading and gravelling 1.5M 2018 -
Ward new areas 2022
Mbari ya Kiritu – kianjata Kirimukuyu To improve access and open up 0.5 Km. Grading and gravelling 0.8M 2018 -
Road Ward new areas 2022
Gaichera – Kianderi Road Kirimukuyu To improve access and open up 0.5 Grading and gravelling 0.8M 2018 -
Ward new areas 2022
Gathoni – Kaguta Road Kirimukuyu To improve access and open up 0.2 Km. Grading and gravelling 0.3M 2018 -
Ward new areas 2022
Rititi – Kathuthi Road Kirimukuyu To improve access and open up 2 Km. Grading and gravelling 0.3M 2018 -
Ward new areas 2022
Babu – Riutha Road Kirimukuyu To improve access and open up 1 Km Grading and gravelling 1.5M 2018 -
Ward new areas 2022
Rititi CCM – Gituku Kirimukuyu To improve access and open up 0.5km Grading and gravelling 0.8M 2018 -
Road Ward new areas 2022
Cheru – Rititi bridge Kirimukuyu To improve access and open up 0.5km Grading and gravelling 0.8M 2018 -
Ward new areas 2022
Gathiruini Road Kirimukuyu To improve access and open up 0.6 Km. Grading and gravelling 0.9M 2018 -
Ward new areas 2022
PCEA – Dos residence Kirimukuyu To improve access and open up 0.5km Grading and gravelling 0.8M 2018 -
Ward new areas 2022
Catholic – Rukwaro Kirimukuyu To improve access and open up 0.5km Grading and gravelling 0.8M 2018 -
mwireri shopping centre Ward new areas 2022
Mwehunjia – Mutharaba Kirimukuyu To improve access and open up 3km Grading and gravelling 4.5M 2018 -
– Kwa Ben Road Ward new areas 2022
Wairegi – Ngunyi Kirimukuyu To improve access and open up 1km Grading and gravelling 1.5M 2018 -
Ward new areas 2022
Wariruta Karurumo Road Kirimukuyu To improve access and open up 2.5km Grading and gravelling 3.5M 2018 -
Ward new areas 2022
Kwa Judge – Nderi Road Kirimukuyu To improve access and open up 1.8km Grading and gravelling 2.4M 2018 -
Ward new areas 2022
Kwa Muchemi Road - Kirimukuyu To improve access and open up 1km Grading and gravelling 1.5M 2018 -
Tarmac Ward new areas 2022
Thaithi Dispensary Road Kirimukuyu To improve access and open up 1km Grading and gravelling 1.5M 2018 -
Ward new areas 2022
Laban – Ngaini Road – Kirimukuyu To improve access and open up 1.2km Grading and gravelling 1.5M 2018 -
Tarmac Ward new areas 2022
Factory Dispensary Road Kirimukuyu To improve access and open up 1.2km Grading and gravelling 1.5M 2018 -
Ward new areas 2022
Karumba Road Kirimukuyu To improve access and open up 1.2km Grading and gravelling 1.5M 2018 -
Ward new areas 2022
Kianjathi – Kiawambiro Kirimukuyu To improve access and open up 3km Grading and gravelling 4.5M 2018 -
Road Ward new areas 2022
Kiaruhiu -Kianyakura Kirimukuyu To improve access and open up 2.5 Km Grading and gravelling 3.5M 2018 -
Road Ward new areas 2022
Gakanduini Road Kirimukuyu To improve access and open up 1 Km. Grading and gravelling 1.5M 2018 -
Ward new areas 2022
Kanungu – Ikonju Road Kirimukuyu To improve access and open up 0.5 Km Grading and gravelling 0.8M 2018 -
Ward new areas 2022
Ititu Road Kirimukuyu To improve access and open up 0.5 Km. Grading and gravelling 0.8M 2018 -
Ward new areas 2022

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timeframe
Gatiko Shopping Center Kirimukuyu To improve access and open up 1.5 Km. Grading and gravelling 2M 2018 -
to King’uku road Ward new areas 2022
Giakairu road Karatina Ward To improve access and open up 1km Grading and gravelling 1.5M 2018 -
new areas 2022
Road behind commercial Iriaini Ward To improve access and open up 200m Grading and Gravelling 0.4M 2018 -
bank (Othaya) new areas 2022
Kwa Wairimu – Kanjuri Magutu Ward To improve access and open up 1.5km Grading and gravelling 2.5M 2018 -
– Giagathege - Giakagina new areas 2022
Kiamweeru – Karanga – Magutu Ward To improve access and open up 1.5km Grading and gravelling 2.5M 2018 -
Kagochi – Kamugoiri – new areas 2022
Kariani murramming
Kagochi – Ihuathi – Magutu Ward To improve access and open up 1.5km Grading and gravelling 2.5M 2018 -
Kiangesa – Gitimaini – new areas 2022
Gitunduti shopping centre
50KM road network Dedan Kimathi To improve access and open up 50 Km Grading and Gravelling 75M 2018-2022
Ward new areas
Kiriti nursery- cattle dip Dedan Kimathi To improve access and open up 4 Km Grading and Gravelling 6M 2018-2022
access roads Ward new areas
Kiriti village access roads Dedan Kimathi To improve access and open up 4 Km Grading and Gravelling 6M 2018-2022
Ward new areas
Karuna-ini PCEA- Dedan Kimathi To improve access and open up 1.5Km Grading and Gravelling 2.5M 2018-2022
Thegera-ini Ward new areas
Kanyinya Village Access Dedan Kimathi To improve access and open up 2Km Grading and Gravelling 3M 2018-2022
Roads Ward new areas
Kwa boore- Kwa Dedan Kimathi To improve access and open up 1Km Grading and Gravelling 1.5M 2018-2022
Kagumba-Maina road Ward new areas
Kwa Githaiga (Muirungi) Dedan Kimathi To improve access and open up 0.5Km Grading and Gravelling 0.8M 2018-2022
to Miagayu Ward new areas
Kwa wangome to Kwa Dedan Kimathi To improve access and open up 1.5Km Grading and Gravelling 4.5M 2018-2022
Wambugi Ward new areas
Kwa Nyina Mumbi- Gwa Dedan Kimathi To improve access and open up 2Km Grading and Gravelling 3M 2018-2022
King’ori Ward new areas
Kahiga-ini Shopping Dedan Kimathi To improve access and open up 4.3Km Grading and Gravelling 6M 2018-2022
Centre Ward new areas
Kahigaini Njogu-ini road Dedan Kimathi To improve access and open up 1.5Km Grading and Gravelling 2.5M 2018-2022
Ward new areas
Kahiga-ini Kanjora Via Dedan Kimathi To improve access and open up 2Km Grading and Gravelling 3M 2018-2022
Gatura Ward new areas
Kanjora Shopping Centre Dedan Kimathi To improve access and open up 1.5Km Grading and Gravelling 2.5M 2018-2022
Ward new areas
Kanjora Shopping Centre Dedan Kimathi To improve access and open up 1.2Km Grading and Gravelling 1.8M 2018-2022
to Kwa Dr Road Ward new areas
Njogu-ini Village/ Dedan Kimathi To improve access and open up 3Km Grading and Gravelling 4.5M 2018-2022
Shopping centre access Ward new areas
Njogu-ini village- Wahuri Dedan Kimathi To improve access and open up 2Km Grading and Gravelling 3M 2018-2022
Road Ward new areas
Nyamakuyu road to Kwa Dedan Kimathi To improve access and open up 1Km Grading and Gravelling 1.5M 2018-2022
Ng’ang’a Ward new areas
Wahuri Village Road Dedan Kimathi To improve access and open up 1Km Grading and Gravelling 1.5M 2018-2022
Ward new areas
Ihururu Shopping Centre Dedan Kimathi To improve access and open up 2Km Grading and Gravelling 3M 2018-2022
Access Roads Ward new areas
Kwa Ndege Road Dedan Kimathi To improve access and open up 1Km Grading and Gravelling 1.5M 2018-2022
Ward new areas
Rutura Village Road Dedan Kimathi To improve access and open up 2.5Km Grading and Gravelling 3.5M 2018-2022
Ward new areas
Kinai-ini Dedan Kimathi To improve access and open up 2Km Grading and Gravelling 3M 2018-2022
Ward new areas
Kiamathambo Road Dedan Kimathi To improve access and open up 1.5Km Grading and Gravelling 2.5M 2018-2022
Ward new areas
Kwa Wangu-Betheli Dedan Kimathi To improve access and open up 2.5Km Grading and Gravelling 3.5M 2018-2022
Church Roads Ward new areas
Ihururu Tea Buying Dedan Kimathi To improve access and open up 1Km Grading and Gravelling 1.5M 2018-2022
Centre- Githima road Ward new areas

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timeframe
Hatha-ini Road Dedan Kimathi To improve access and open up 1Km Grading and Gravelling 1.5M 2018-2022
Ward new areas
Ndiini road Dedan Kimathi To improve access and open up 1Km Grading and Gravelling 1.5M 2018-2022
Ward new areas
Kia Wangu – Kwa Dedan Kimathi To improve access and open up 1.5Km Grading and Gravelling 2.5M 2018-2022
Waironyi – Kwa Ward new areas
Kamuthu road
Gwa Gathuma- Githima Dedan Kimathi To improve access and open up 1Km Grading and Gravelling 1.5M 2018-2022
road Ward new areas
2.4 to Ngoru Shopping Dedan Kimathi To improve access and open up 1.5Km Grading and Gravelling 2.5M 2018-2022
Centre Road Ward new areas
Ngoru Village Accss Dedan Kimathi To improve access and open up 2Km Grading and Gravelling 3M 2018-2022
Roads Ward new areas
Gatumbiro Full Gospel Dedan Kimathi To improve access and open up 2Km Grading and Gravelling 3M 2018-2022
Road Ward new areas
Nyayo Tea Zone-Munyu- Dedan Kimathi To improve access and open up 2.5Km Grading and Gravelling 3.5M 2018-2022
ini Road Ward new areas
Gatumbiro shopping Dedan Kimathi To improve access and open up 1Km Grading and Gravelling 1.5M 2018-2022
Centre –Chiefs Camp Ward new areas
Gatumbiro Village Dedan Kimathi To improve access and open up 1.5Km Grading and Gravelling 2.5M 2018-2022
Access Ward new areas
Nyakahiti Road Dedan Kimathi To improve access and open up 1Km Grading and Gravelling 1.5M 2018-2022
Ward new areas
Githakwa Shopping Dedan Kimathi To improve access and open up 2Km Grading and Gravelling 3M 2018-2022
Centre Roads Ward new areas
Githakwa Shopping Dedan Kimathi To improve access and open up 2Km Grading and Gravelling 3M 2018-2022
Centre-Kahuro-Thiota-ini Ward new areas
Wakarura -Gaicagu Dedan Kimathi To improve access and open up 2.5Km Grading and Gravelling 3.5M 2018-2022
Ward new areas
Kigogo-ini Shopping Dedan Kimathi To improve access and open up 2Km Grading and Gravelling 3M 2018-2022
Centre Ward new areas
Kigogo-ini Mbao Land Dedan Kimathi To improve access and open up 3.5Km Grading and Gravelling 5M 2018-2022
Ward new areas
Kiandere Village Access Dedan Kimathi To improve access and open up 3Km Grading and Gravelling 4.5M 2018-2022
Roads Ward new areas
Kamuma-Huho-ini Dedan Kimathi To improve access and open up 1.5Km Grading and Gravelling 2.5M 2018-2022
Shopping Centre Ward new areas
Kwa Wangoro - Dedan Kimathi To improve access and open up 2Km Grading and Gravelling 3M 2018-2022
Secondary School Ward new areas
Kirurumi Village- Dedan Kimathi To improve access and open up 1Km Grading and Gravelling 1.5M 2018-2022
Catholic Church Ward new areas
Kwa joseph-Kanyenegwi Dedan Kimathi To improve access and open up 2Km Grading and Gravelling 3M 2018-2022
Ward new areas
Kwa Muriu –Gatawa Tea Dedan Kimathi To improve access and open up 1.5Km Grading and Gravelling 2.5M 2018-2022
Buying Centre Ward new areas
Kwa Mathu-Kwa Dedan Kimathi To improve access and open up 1Km Grading and Gravelling 1.5M 2018-2022
Kahahara Ward new areas
Muchiri Kariuki- Dedan Kimathi To improve access and open up 1.5Km Grading and Gravelling 2.5M 2018-2022
Kamunya Road Ward new areas
Muchemi Kihu- Forest Dedan Kimathi To improve access and open up 2Km Grading and Gravelling 3M 2018-2022
Edge Ward new areas
Gitugi -Muchemi Dedan Kimathi To improve access and open up 1Km Grading and Gravelling 1.5M 2018-2022
Ward new areas
Githuthi Road Dedan Kimathi To improve access and open up 1Km Grading and Gravelling 1.5M 2018-2022
Ward new areas
Gaithuri Access Roads Dedan Kimathi To improve access and open up 1.5Km Grading and Gravelling 2.5M 2018-2022
Ward new areas
Tourist Sites Roads Dedan Kimathi To improve access and open up 1.5Km Grading and Gravelling 2.5M 2018-2022
Ward new areas
50 KM road network Wamagana Ward To improve access and open up 1Km Grading and Gravelling 1.5M 2018-2022
new areas
Mbaaini Shopping Centre Wamagana Ward To improve access and open up 1Km Grading and Gravelling 1.5M 2018-2022
new areas
Githure –Kiawamiri Road Wamagana Ward To improve access and open up 1Km Grading and Gravelling 1.5M 2018-2022
new areas

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timeframe
Mbaa-ini- Kihora Wamagana Ward To improve access and open up 2Km Grading and Gravelling 3M 2018-2022
(Kanyari-Ndanyu) Road new areas
Lower Kianderi Road Wamagana Ward To improve access and open up 1.5 Km Grading and Gravelling 2.5M 2018-2022
new areas
Ihithe-Catholic – Wamagana Ward To improve access and open up 1.5Km Grading and gravelling 2.5M 2018-2022
Kamweri Road new areas
Kiromo Kahithe Road Wamagana Ward To improve access and open up 1Km Grading and gravelling 1.5M 2018-2022
new areas
Kiambugu- Karangia Wamagana Ward To improve access and open up 1.5 Km Grading and gravelling 2.5M 2018-2022
Road new areas
Mathakwa-ini Thiriku Wamagana Ward To improve access and open up 1.5 Km Grading and gravelling 2.5M 2018-2022
Road new areas
Mathakwa-ini -Kinajogu Wamagana Ward To improve access and open up 1.5 Km Grading and gravelling 2.5M 2018-2022
Road- Machako tarmac new areas
Karuiba-ini Village Road Wamagana Ward To improve access and open up 1Km Grading and gravelling 1.5M 2018-2022
new areas
Mukarara-Ihithe road Wamagana Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading and gravelling 3M 2018-2022
new areas
Kigaruho Feeder Roads Wamagana Ward To improve access and open up 5km Grading and gravelling 7.5M 2018-2022
new areas
Gura- Ruarimaini Road Wamagana Ward To improve access and open up 2Km Grading and gravelling 3M 2018-2022
new areas
Giakahuro Road Wamagana Ward To improve access and open up 0.5Km Grading and gravelling 0.8M 2018-2022
new areas
Gathuri Road Wamagana Ward To improve access and open up 0.5Km Grading and gravelling 0.8M 2018-2022
new areas
Hubuini Hospital Road Wamagana Ward To improve access and open up 0.5Km Grading and gravelling 0.8M 2018-2022
new areas
Karia Forest Road Wamagana Ward To improve access and open up 1Km Grading and gravelling 1.5M 2018-2022
new areas
Gikunyu-ini Road Wamagana Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading and gravelling 3M 2018-2022
new areas
Mununga Road Wamagana Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading and gravelling 3M 2018-2022
new areas
Karigu-ini Junction to Wamagana Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading and gravelling 3M 2018-2022
Primary School-Andrew new areas
Kwa Joseph Kanyamati Wamagana Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading and gravelling 3M 2018-2022
Road new areas
Mutoigo Road Wamagana Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading and gravelling 3M 2018-2022
new areas
Giathathi Road Wamagana Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading and gravelling 3M 2018-2022
new areas
Gaki Kamahoru Road Wamagana Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading and gravelling 3M 2018-2022
(wandumbi) new areas
Wagema Road Wamagana Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading and gravelling 3M 2018-2022
(wandumbi) new areas
Kindara Road Wamagana Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading and gravelling 3M 2018-2022
(wandumbi) new areas
50KM road network Aguthi/Gaaki To improve access and open up 2km Grading and Gravelling 3M 2018-2022
Ward new areas
Kabeche/Gakoe Aguthi/Gaaki To improve access and open up 2km Grading and Gravelling 3M 2018-2022
Ithekahuno Ward new areas
Kanuthi-Wanjuki Road Aguthi/Gaaki To improve access and open up 1.5Km Grading and Gravelling 2.5M 2018-2022
Ward new areas
Kabutu Kibati-ini Road Aguthi/Gaaki To improve access and open up 1.8Km Grading and Gravelling 2.4M 2018-2022
Ward new areas
Kibatini -Sagana Road Aguthi/Gaaki To improve access and open up 1.5Km Grading and Gravelling 2.5M 2018-2022
Ward new areas
Kabeche-Nyaithee Road Aguthi/Gaaki To improve access and open up 2.5Km Grading and Gravelling 3.5M 2018-2022
new areas
Minjire-Kamuru Road Aguthi/Gaaki To improve access and open up 1.5Km Grading and Gravelling 2.5M 2018-2022
Ward new areas
Wanjuki- Revered Road Aguthi/Gaaki To improve access and open up 0.5Km Grading and Gravelling 0.8M 2018-2022
Ward new areas
Mutuma- Nyaithee- Aguthi/Gaaki To improve access and open up 1Km Grading and Gravelling 1.5M 2018-2022
Kabue Road Ward new areas

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timeframe
Ngumo-Gachanja Road Aguthi/Gaaki To improve access and open up 1.5Km Grading and Gravelling 2.5M 2018-2022
Ward new areas
Karoki –Mukere Road Aguthi/Gaaki To improve access and open up 1.5Km Grading and Gravelling 2.5M 2018-2022
Ward new areas
Kihoni-Ranya Road Aguthi/Gaaki To improve access and open up 1Km Grading and Gravelling 1.5M 2018-2022
Ward new areas
King’ara Muhoro Road Aguthi/Gaaki To improve access and open up 1Km Grading and Gravelling 1.5M 2018-2022
Ward new areas
Gititu Kariko Road Aguthi/Gaaki To improve access and open up 1Km Grading and Gravelling 1.5M 2018-2022
Ward new areas
Gatiri-ini Kabiru Road Aguthi/Gaaki To improve access and open up 2.5Km Grading and Gravelling 3.5M 2018-2022
Ward new areas
Mungaria- Kandutura Aguthi/Gaaki To improve access and open up 5Km Grading and Gravelling 7.5M 2018-2022
Road Ward new areas
Factory to Munanda-ini Aguthi/Gaaki To improve access and open up 1Km Grading and Gravelling 1.5M 2018-2022
Road Ward new areas
Shopping Centre- Aguthi/Gaaki To improve access and open up 1Km Grading and Gravelling 1.5M 2018-2022
Mung’aria Road Ward new areas
Gakoe –Njoka Road Aguthi/Gaaki To improve access and open up 3Km Grading and Gravelling 4.5M 2018-2022
(Muikamba) Ward new areas
Muchechi-Polytechnic- Aguthi/Gaaki To improve access and open up 2.5Km Grading and Gravelling 3.5M 2018-2022
Kaminjuki new areas
Kabue Road Aguthi/Gaaki To improve access and open up 0.5Km; Grading and Gravelling 1M 2018-2022
Ward new areas 1Bridge
Kanyina Road Aguthi/Gaaki To improve access and open up 1Km Grading and Gravelling 1.5M 2018-2022
Ward new areas
Kuchi- Ngumo Road Aguthi/Gaaki To improve access and open up 1Km Grading and Gravelling 1.5M 2018-2022
Ward new areas
Njura – Makumi Road Aguthi/Gaaki To improve access and open up 0.5Km Grading and Gravelling 0.8M 2018-2022
Ward new areas
Wa Ngenye (DO) Road Aguthi/Gaaki To improve access and open up 2Km Grading and Gravelling 3M 2018-2022
Ward new areas
Muria goro-Karii-Wangai Aguthi/Gaaki To improve access and open up 1Km Grading and Gravelling 1.5M 2018-2022
Road Ward new areas
Kiangania Road Aguthi/Gaaki To improve access and open up 1Km Grading and Gravelling 1.5M 2018-2022
Ward new areas
Wachira – Kiriga- DO Aguthi/Gaaki To improve access and open up 2.5Km Grading and Gravelling 3.5M 2018-2022
Road Ward new areas
Kiriko- Police Post Aguthi/Gaaki To improve access and open up 0.5Km Grading and Gravelling 0.8M 2018-2022
Ward new areas
Muthangati Road Aguthi/Gaaki To improve access and open up 0.5Km Grading and Gravelling 0.8M 2018-2022
Ward new areas
Marika-ini Mung’aria Aguthi/Gaaki To improve access and open up 2.5Km Grading and Gravelling 3.5M 2018-2022
Road Ward new areas
Ft to Njirongo Road Aguthi/Gaaki To improve access and open up 4 Km Grading and Gravelling 6M 2018-2022
Ward new areas
Mugumoini to Kiriuu Aguthi/Gaaki To improve access and open up 4 Km Grading and Gravelling 6M 2018-2022
Ward new areas
Kiunge Road Aguthi/Gaaki To improve access and open up 3 Km Grading and Gravelling 4.5M 2018-2022
Ward new areas
Mutaita Road Aguthi/Gaaki To improve access and open up 2Km Grading and Gravelling 3M 2018-2022
Ward new areas
Wachira-Gikunju Road Aguthi/Gaaki To improve access and open up 5 Km Grading and Gravelling 7.5M 2018-2022
Ward new areas
Marugi Wanjahi- Aguthi/Gaaki To improve access and open up 4 Km Grading and Gravelling 6M 2018-2022
Gathinga Primary Road Ward new areas
Kiarugu Road Aguthi/Gaaki To improve access and open up 3 Km Grading and Gravelling 4.5M 2018-2022
Ward new areas
Kahuro Road Aguthi/Gaaki To improve access and open up 3 Km Grading and Gravelling 4.5M 2018-2022
Ward new areas
FT – Kahiga-ini Road Aguthi/Gaaki To improve access and open up 2 Km Grading and Gravelling 3M 2018-2022
Ward new areas
Gichagi Road Aguthi/Gaaki To improve access and open up 1 Km Grading and Gravelling 1.5M 2018-2022
Ward new areas
PCEA Factory To Gondo Aguthi/Gaaki To improve access and open up 1Km Grading and Gravelling 1.5M 2018-2022
Ward new areas

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timeframe
Kibara Road Aguthi/Gaaki To improve access and open up 2.5 Km Grading and Gravelling 3.5M 2018-2022
new areas
Gondo-Kangaita- Aguthi/Gaaki To improve access and open up 9 Km Grading and Gravelling 13M 2018-2022
Kiawaithanji-Mutathini- Ward new areas
Kimatitu Road Aguthi/Gaaki To improve access and open up 1.5 Km Grading and Gravelling 2.5M 2018-2022
Ward new areas
Kabiru Shopping Centre Aguthi/Gaaki To improve access and open up 0.5 Km Grading and Gravelling 0.8M 2018-2022
Ward new areas
Kangaita Factory AIPCA Aguthi/Gaaki To improve access and open up 4 Km Grading and Gravelling 6M 2018-2022
Mirichu Ward new areas
Gachima Road Aguthi/Gaaki To improve access and open up 1.5 Km Grading and Gravelling 2.5M 2018-2022
Ward new areas
Gathinga Catholic Aguthi/Gaaki To improve access and open up 1 Km Grading and Gravelling 1.5M 2018-2022
Church-PCEA Kabiru Ward new areas
Johana Kabiru Road. Aguthi/Gaaki To improve access and open up 1.5 Km Grading and Gravelling 1.5M 2018-2022
Ward new areas
Wamugi Road Aguthi/ To improve access and open up 1.5 Km Grading and Gravelling 2.5M 2018-2022
GaakiWard new areas
Mutathi-ini Shopping Aguthi/ To improve access and open up 1Km Grading and Gravelling 1.5M 2018-2022
Centre Road GaakiWard new areas
Hekaru Road Aguthi/ To improve access and open up 1 Km Grading and Gravelling 1.5M 2018-2022
GaakiWard new areas
Kariba-ini Ndiangui Road Aguthi/ To improve access and open up 1.5 Km Grading and Gravelling 2.5M 2018-2022
GaakiWard new areas
Gondo-Riangara- Aguthi/ To improve access and open up 1.5 Km Grading and Gravelling 2.5M 2018-2022
Gathaithi-Factory Raod GaakiWard new areas
Gikawa (From Wakili’s Aguthi/ To improve access and open up 3Km Grading and Gravelling 4.5M 2018-2022
home) Road GaakiWard new areas
Kirichi Road Aguthi/ To improve access and open up 3Km Grading and Gravelling 4.5M 2018-2022
GaakiWard new areas
Baptist Academy Road Aguthi/ To improve access and open up 2Km Grading and Gravelling 3M 2018-2022
GaakiWard new areas
Kiawaithanji Shopping Aguthi/ To improve access and open up 1Km Grading and Gravelling 1.5M 2018-2022
Centre Roads GaakiWard new areas
Gikawa Shopping Centre Aguthi/ To improve access and open up 1.2Km Grading and Gravelling 1.8M 2018-2022
Roads GaakiWard new areas
Gathaithi-PCEA – Aguthi/ To improve access and open up 1.5km Grading and Gravelling 2.5M 2018-2022
Fishpond Road GaakiWard new areas
Huho-ini – Kiandondo Aguthi/ To improve access and open up 1.5km Grading and Gravelling 2.5M 2018-2022
Road GaakiWard new areas
Gaaki-Kiamatitu Road Aguthi/ To improve access and open up 1.5km Grading and Gravelling 2.5M 2018-2022
GaakiWard new areas
Kiawaithanji- Gaturuturu Aguthi/ To improve access and open up 1.5km Grading and Gravelling 2.5M 2018-2022
Road GaakiWard new areas
Gititu- Kwa Dan road Aguthi/ To improve access and open up 1.5km Grading and Gravelling 2.5M 2018-2022
GaakiWard new areas
Giachera Roads Aguthi/ To improve access and open up 4km Grading and Gravelling 6M 2018-2022
GaakiWard new areas
Thage-ini Roads Aguthi/ To improve access and open up 1.5km Grading and Gravelling 2.5M 2018-2022
GaakiWard new areas
Ithekahuno- Nyaithee Aguthi/ To improve access and open up 1.5km Grading and Gravelling 2.5M 2018-2022
Primary GaakiWard new areas
Tree Top Gate to Kiguru- Mweiga Ward To improve access and open up 1.5km Grading and Gravelling 2.5M 2018-2022
Kihato Road new areas
Mary Immaculate Border Mweiga Ward To improve access and open up 1.5km Grading and Gravelling 2.5M 2018-2022
Road new areas
KAG Church to Full Mweiga Ward To improve access and open up 1.5km Grading and Gravelling 2.5M 2018-2022
Gospel new areas
Expanges-Coffee Factory Mweiga Ward To improve access and open up 1.5km Grading and Gravelling 2.5M 2018-2022
new areas
Endarasha/Mwiyogo road Endarasha To improve access and open up 100 KM Grading and Gravelling 150M 2018-2022
network Mwiyogo new areas
Mahiga – AIPCA to Endarasha To improve access and open up 2km Grading and Gravelling 3M 2018-2022
Rhino Hill Milk Point Mwiyogo new areas

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timeframe
E-Circle Sangare Gate Endarasha To improve access and open up 2km Grading and Gravelling 3M 2018-2022
Road Mwiyogo new areas
Sangare Pump –Solio Endarasha To improve access and open up 2km Grading and Gravelling 3M 2018-2022
Junction Road Mwiyogo new areas
Kamune Junction -Solio Endarasha To improve access and open up 2km Grading and Gravelling 3M 2018-2022
Mwiyogo new areas
Kriungi-Mihuranguru Endarasha To improve access and open up 2km Grading and Gravelling 3M 2018-2022
Road Mwiyogo new areas
Kagwai Junction- Endarasha To improve access and open up 2km Grading and Gravelling 3M 2018-2022
Muthondio Road Mwiyogo new areas
Kimita Dam- Laikipia Endarasha To improve access and open up 2km Grading and Gravelling 3M 2018-2022
Junction Mwiyogo new areas
Karuiyi Junction-William Endarasha To improve access and open up 2km Grading and Gravelling 3M 2018-2022
Laikipia Jucntion Road Mwiyogo new areas
Kung’u Kung’u Kaburu Endarasha To improve access and open up 2km Grading and Gravelling 3M 2018-2022
Road Mwiyogo new areas
Satima Village – Endarasha To improve access and open up 2km Grading and Gravelling 3M 2018-2022
Kanyagia-Endarasha Mwiyogo new areas
Satima – Rurii- U road Endarasha To improve access and open up 3km Grading and Gravelling 4.5M 2018-2022
Mwiyogo new areas
Waiti-ini Junction- Endarasha To improve access and open up 2km Grading and Gravelling 3M 2018-2022
Sammy Ground Road Mwiyogo new areas
Honi River Gatogo Road Endarasha To improve access and open up 2km Grading and Gravelling 3M 2018-2022
Mwiyogo new areas
Willie-Zero Zero Endarasha To improve access and open up 2km Grading and Gravelling 3M 2018-2022
Junction Road Mwiyogo new areas
Mburu Milk Point- Endarasha To improve access and open up 2km Grading and Gravelling 3M 2018-2022
Kimata Junction-Equity Mwiyogo new areas
Lower Muthu-ini-PCEA- Endarasha To improve access and open up 3km Grading and Gravelling 4.5M 2018-2022
Munene Kairu Road Mwiyogo new areas
Losika Farm –Solio-New Endarasha To improve access and open up 3km Grading and Gravelling 4.5M 2018-2022
Babito Church Junction Mwiyogo new areas
Labura Primary- Endarasha To improve access and open up 3km Grading and Gravelling 4.5M 2018-2022
Secondary Road Mwiyogo new areas
Mahiga Primary/ Endarasha To improve access and open up 3km Grading and Gravelling 4.5M 2018-2022
Secondary Service Road Mwiyogo new areas
Honi Primary Service Endarasha To improve access and open up 3km Grading and Gravelling 4.5M 2018-2022
Road Mwiyogo new areas
Karari Junction-Mburu Endarasha To improve access and open up 3km Grading and Gravelling 4.5M 2018-2022
Dam Road Mwiyogo new areas
Ndegwa Can-Ndono Endarasha To improve access and open up 3km Grading and Gravelling 4.5M 2018-2022
Junction Mwiyogo new areas
Mahiga Junction- Endarasha To improve access and open up 3km Grading and Gravelling 4.5M 2018-2022
Children Home Road Mwiyogo new areas
Makutano-Milk Point- Endarasha To improve access and open up 3km Grading and Gravelling 4.5M 2018-2022
Meru Junction Mwiyogo new areas
Makutano Junction - Endarasha To improve access and open up 3km Grading and Gravelling 4.5M 2018-2022
Mukurino Milk Point Mwiyogo new areas
Makutano Junction- Endarasha To improve access and open up 3km Grading and Gravelling 4.5M 2018-2022
Geoffrey Garden Road Mwiyogo new areas
Revered Kario Road Endarasha To improve access and open up 3km Grading and Gravelling 4.5M 2018-2022
Mwiyogo new areas
Mwaniki Kware Endarasha To improve access and open up 3km Grading and Gravelling 4.5M 2018-2022
Junction- Munyingi Mwiyogo new areas
Estate Road
Muthinji Junction-Maingi Endarasha To improve access and open up 3km Grading and Gravelling 4.5M 2018-2022
Ngenye Junction Mwiyogo new areas
Gitonga-Zero Zero Endarasha To improve access and open up 3km Grading and Gravelling 4.5M 2018-2022
Junction Road Mwiyogo new areas
Gatina Forest Road Endarasha To improve access and open up 3km Grading and Gravelling 4.5M 2018-2022
Mwiyogo new areas
Kiere-Society Road Endarasha To improve access and open up 3km Grading and Gravelling 4.5M 2018-2022
Mwiyogo new areas

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timeframe
Catholic Road through Endarasha To improve access and open up 3km Grading and Gravelling 4.5M 2018-2022
Manane Kayu Junction Mwiyogo new areas
Micah-Kagiri-Wanduta Endarasha To improve access and open up 3km Grading and Gravelling 4.5M 2018-2022
Road Mwiyogo new areas
Paul Mwangi-Mbaaria Endarasha To improve access and open up 3km Grading and Gravelling 4.5M 2018-2022
Road Mwiyogo new areas
Karuguriro Borehole- Endarasha To improve access and open up 3km Grading and Gravelling 4.5M 2018-2022
Kinyaiti Primary Road Mwiyogo new areas
PCEA- Kinyaiti Junction Endarasha To improve access and open up 3km Grading and Gravelling 4.5M 2018-2022
Road Mwiyogo new areas
Muturi –Muhihu-Kiama Endarasha To improve access and open up 3km Grading and Gravelling 4.5M 2018-2022
Karoki Road Mwiyogo new areas
Kahura-Kinyaiti Catholic Endarasha To improve access and open up 3km Grading and Gravelling 4.5M 2018-2022
Church Road Mwiyogo new areas
Wasonyiro Shopping Endarasha To improve access and open up 3km Grading and Gravelling 4.5M 2018-2022
Centre-Wasonyiro Mwiyogo new areas
Cemetery Road
Kamau Bahati-Muturi Endarasha To improve access and open up 3km Grading and Gravelling 4.5M 2018-2022
Muhihu-Sikai Road Mwiyogo new areas
Mitero Primary Dr. Endarasha To improve access and open up 3km Grading and Gravelling 4.5M 2018-2022
Mwangi Road Mwiyogo new areas
Kiogora-Jimmie Endarasha To improve access and open up 3km Grading and Gravelling 4.5M 2018-2022
Road(Wendiga) Mwiyogo new areas
Ngorosaini –Majumba Endarasha To improve access and open up 3km Grading and Gravelling 4.5M 2018-2022
Road Mwiyogo new areas
Mailo-Mama Ngima Endarasha To improve access and open up 3km Grading and Gravelling 4.5M 2018-2022
Road Mwiyogo new areas
Gichaga Road Endarasha To improve access and open up 3km Grading and Gravelling 4.5M 2018-2022
Mwiyogo new areas
Githaiga Road Endarasha To improve access and open up 3km Grading and Gravelling 4.5M 2018-2022
Mwiyogo new areas
Muturanguru – Bachia Endarasha To improve access and open up 3km Grading and Gravelling 4.5M 2018-2022
Road Mwiyogo new areas
Mwiyogo Primary-Chief Endarasha To improve access and open up 3km Grading and Gravelling 4.5M 2018-2022
Lydiah Road Mwiyogo new areas
Waweru Mwema Roads Endarasha To improve access and open up 3km Grading and Gravelling 4.5M 2018-2022
Mwiyogo new areas
Wendiga Dispensary – Endarasha To improve access and open up 3km Grading and Gravelling 4.5M 2018-2022
Mwema Road Mwiyogo new areas
Kiruhi-Wainaina Endarasha To improve access and open up 3km Grading and Gravelling 4.5M 2018-2022
Maturanguru Road Mwiyogo new areas
John weru Road Endarasha To improve access and open up 3km Grading and Gravelling 4.5M 2018-2022
Mwiyogo new areas
Mwigai – Henry Road Endarasha To improve access and open up 3km Grading and Gravelling 4.5M 2018-2022
Mwiyogo new areas
Lis Mwangi –Gasho Endarasha To improve access and open up 3km Grading and Gravelling 4.5M 2018-2022
Road Mwiyogo new areas
Kahiga – Kibiru -Road Endarasha To improve access and open up 3km Grading and Gravelling 4.5M 2018-2022
Mwiyogo new areas
Munga –Bare Road Endarasha To improve access and open up 3km Grading and Gravelling 4.5M 2018-2022
Mwiyogo new areas
Kamau Kagiri-Githanga Endarasha To improve access and open up 3km Grading and Gravelling 4.5M 2018-2022
Road Mwiyogo new areas
Wilson Ndegwa-John Endarasha To improve access and open up 3km Grading and Gravelling 4.5M 2018-2022
Waragu Road Mwiyogo new areas
Kabati- Kinyaiti PCEA Endarasha To improve access and open up 3km Grading and Gravelling 4.5M 2018-2022
Road Mwiyogo new areas
Mailo-Muchemi PCEA Endarasha To improve access and open up 3km Grading and Gravelling 4.5M 2018-2022
Road Mwiyogo new areas
Mugunda road network Mugunda Ward To improve access and open up 100 Km Grading and Gravelling 150M 2018-2022
new areas
Ruirii-Karemeno Road Mugunda Ward To improve access and open up 1.5km Grading and Gravelling 2.5M 2018-2022
new areas
ACK –Kimuri Road Mugunda Ward To improve access and open up 1.5km Grading and Gravelling 2.5M 2018-2022
new areas
Kiambogo Garu Road Mugunda Ward To improve access and open up 1.5km Grading and Gravelling 2.5M 2018-2022
new areas

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timeframe
Gacomo- Muthangira Mugunda Ward To improve access and open up 1.5km Grading and Gravelling 2.5M 2018-2022
Road new areas
Plot 10-Ihingo Inya Road Mugunda Ward To improve access and open up 1.5km Grading and Gravelling 2.5M 2018-2022
new areas
Lamuria- Primary Mugunda Ward To improve access and open up 1.5km Grading and Gravelling 2.5M 2018-2022
Muthangira Road new areas
Kimuri-Maragi Road Mugunda Ward To improve access and open up 1.5km Grading and Gravelling 2.5M 2018-2022
new areas
Laikipia- Kwanjogu- Mugunda Ward To improve access and open up 1.5km Grading and Gravelling 2.5M 2018-2022
Karima Road new areas
Ruai – Muthangira Road Mugunda Ward To improve access and open up 1.5km Grading and Gravelling 2.5M 2018-2022
new areas
Kiracha-Baraka- Mugunda Ward To improve access and open up 1.5km Grading and Gravelling 2.5M 2018-2022
Kabendera Road new areas
Githura- Karichu-ini Mugunda Ward To improve access and open up 1.5km Grading and Gravelling 2.5M 2018-2022
Road new areas
Gathenya Birisha Road Mugunda Ward To improve access and open up 1.5km Grading and Gravelling 2.5M 2018-2022
new areas
Johna – Gichora Road Mugunda Ward To improve access and open up 1.5km Grading and Gravelling 2.5M 2018-2022
new areas
Rare – Igathi Road Mugunda Ward To improve access and open up 1.5km Grading and Gravelling 2.5M 2018-2022
new areas
Kiboya-Tank Road Mugunda Ward To improve access and open up 1.5km Grading and Gravelling 2.5M 2018-2022
new areas
Karuthitu-Kienjero Road Mugunda Ward To improve access and open up 1.5km Grading and Gravelling 2.5M 2018-2022
new areas
Gatarakwa road network Gatarakwa Ward To improve access and open up 100 Km Grading and gravelling 150M 2018-2022
new areas
Gathiga Road- Mugambi Gatarakwa Ward To improve access and open up 2.5Km Grading and gravelling 3.8M 2018-2022
– John Mburu new areas
Hillside - Nganyuthe Gatarakwa Ward To improve access and open up 3.5Km Grading and gravelling 5M 2018-2022
new areas
Kaguru- Kinyua Gatarakwa Ward To improve access and open up 0.5Km Grading and gravelling 0.8M 2018-2022
Ndegwa(Gitegi) new areas
Muroha through Kamau Gatarakwa Ward To improve access and open up 2.5Km Grading and gravelling 7.5M 2018-2022
Mabengo- Muigai new areas
Parklands to Muchai Gatarakwa Ward To improve access and open up 1.5Km Grading and gravelling 2.5M 2018-2022
new areas
Mwangi Gathita- John Gatarakwa Ward To improve access and open up 0.5Km Grading and gravelling 0.8M 2018-2022
Kiarie new areas
Mwangi J Road Gatarakwa Ward To improve access and open up 1 Km Grading and gravelling 1.5M 2018-2022
new areas
Kiria- Ndiego Road Gatarakwa Ward To improve access and open up 1.5Km Grading and gravelling 1.5M 2018-2022
new areas
Mwitirithia- Njege Road Gatarakwa Ward To improve access and open up 1Km Grading and gravelling 1.5M 2018-2022
new areas
Banga- Mbuthia Road Gatarakwa Ward To improve access and open up 1Km Grading and gravelling 1.5M 2018-2022
new areas
Muiko –Ngarengiro Road Gatarakwa Ward To improve access and open up 1Km Grading and gravelling 1.5M 2018-2022
new areas
Kiambati – Kaniaru Road Gatarakwa Ward To improve access and open up 2Km Grading and gravelling 3M 2018-2022
new areas
Charity Primary- Gatarakwa Ward To improve access and open up 0.6Km Grading and gravelling 0.9M 2018-2022
Secondary School Road new areas
Gatondo Road Gatarakwa Ward To improve access and open up 1.5Km Grading and gravelling 2.5M 2018-2022
new areas
Muya Dr muturi Road Gatarakwa Ward To improve access and open up 1.5Km Grading and gravelling 2.5M 2018-2022
new areas
Kiambogo Road Gatarakwa Ward To improve access and open up 1Km Grading and gravelling 1.5M 2018-2022
new areas
Wamuicuria via forest Gatarakwa Ward To improve access and open up 3 Km Grading and gravelling 4.5M 2018-2022
Road new areas
N Ndehu via Wagwerus Gatarakwa Ward To improve access and open up 1Km Grading and gravelling 1.5M 2018-2022
Road new areas
Ngunya Road Gatarakwa Ward To improve access and open up 1Km Grading and gravelling 1.5M 2018-2022
new areas

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timeframe
Wamururi Via Wairua Gatarakwa Ward To improve access and open up 1.5Km Grading and gravelling 2.5M 2018-2022
Road new areas
Brotherhood Road via Gatarakwa Ward To improve access and open up 1Km Grading and gravelling 2.5M 2018-2022
Gakanga Sec Road new areas
Ha Waihura-Kiomboyo- Gatarakwa Ward To improve access and open up 2Km Grading and gravelling 3M 2018-2022
Gakanga PCEA new areas
Ngambi Kabati Shopping Gatarakwa Ward To improve access and open up 4Km Grading and gravelling 6M 2018-2022
Centre via Hillside Road new areas
Ngima- Hiuhu- Gathandu Gatarakwa Ward To improve access and open up 4Km Grading and gravelling 6M 2018-2022
B Nene Road new areas
Kamau Kariha- Ngondo- Gatarakwa Ward To improve access and open up 0.7Km Grading and gravelling 1.2M 2018-2022
Maria Road new areas
Kahiga-ini – Jaica Road Gatarakwa Ward To improve access and open up 0.7Km Grading and gravelling 1.2M 2018-2022
new areas
Double Culvert- Githuthu Gatarakwa Ward To improve access and open up 2.5Km Grading and gravelling 3.5M 2018-2022
Road new areas
Kiaragana Road Gatarakwa Ward To improve access and open up 2.5Km Grading and gravelling 3.5M 2018-2022
new areas
Arthur Kuria- Kagera- Gatarakwa Ward To improve access and open up 3Km Grading and gravelling 4.5M 2018-2022
Njogu Road new areas
Gachuha –Kabukuru Gatarakwa Ward To improve access and open up 2Km Grading and gravelling 3M 2018-2022
Road new areas
Ngima- Muthii Road Gatarakwa Ward To improve access and open up 3Km Grading and gravelling 4.5M 2018-2022
new areas
Gakuya – Mwaura- Gatarakwa Ward To improve access and open up 2Km Grading and gravelling 3M 2018-2022
Waiganjo Road new areas
Pennina Nyawira- Grace Gatarakwa Ward To improve access and open up 2Km Grading and gravelling 3M 2018-2022
Muthoni- Theuri to Chief new areas
Mwangi Road
Kairu Grace- Mwangi Gatarakwa Ward To improve access and open up 2Km Grading and gravelling 3M 2018-2022
Kiama-Gachungi Road new areas
Kibunga- Grace Muthoni- Gatarakwa Ward To improve access and open up 1.5Km Grading and gravelling 2.5M 2018-2022
Theuri Chief Mwangi new areas
Wakabitu – Gathogo Gatarakwa Ward To improve access and open up 0.5Km Grading and gravelling 0.8M 2018-2022
Road new areas
Gaterus- Kioi Road Gatarakwa Ward To improve access and open up 0.2Km Grading and gravelling 0.5M 2018-2022
new areas
Muhota – Kariuki Road Gatarakwa Ward To improve access and open up 0.5Km Grading and gravelling 0.8M 2018-2022
new areas
Mama Gatuma- Polycap- Gatarakwa Ward To improve access and open up 2Km Grading and gravelling 3M 2018-2022
Muti Umwe Road new areas
Linus – Merioth Road Gatarakwa Ward To improve access and open up 1.5Km Grading and gravelling 2.5M 2018-2022
new areas
Kagongo- Wthuta Road Gatarakwa Ward To improve access and open up 2.5Km Grading and gravelling 3.5M 2018-2022
new areas
Gakanga – Karandi Road Gatarakwa Ward To improve access and open up 0.5Km Grading and gravelling 0.8M 2018-2022
new areas
Wagachonde – Rukungu Gatarakwa Ward To improve access and open up 0.5Km Grading and gravelling 0.8M 2018-2022
Road new areas
R12- Ngorano-ini Road Gatarakwa Ward To improve access and open up 0.5Km Grading and gravelling 0.8M 2018-2022
new areas
Gakanga- Gatanga-ini Gatarakwa Ward To improve access and open up 0.6Km Grading and gravelling 0.9M 2018-2022
Road new areas
Gathenge –Gakanga Gatarakwa Ward To improve access and open up 0.3Km Grading and gravelling 0.5M 2018-2022
Road new areas
Robert- Gakanga Road Gatarakwa Ward To improve access and open up 0.5Km Grading and gravelling 0.8M 2018-2022
new areas
Njogu – Gakanga Road Gatarakwa Ward To improve access and open up 0.5Km Grading and gravelling 0.8M 2018-2022
new areas
Limbuko-Gakanga Road Gatarakwa Ward To improve access and open up 0.6Km Grading and gravelling 0.9M 2018-2022
new areas
Kamaru- Kagongo Road Gatarakwa Ward To improve access and open up 0.6Km Grading and gravelling 0.9M 2018-2022
new areas
Embaringo – Belevue Gatarakwa Ward To improve access and open up 0.6Km Grading and gravelling 0.9M 2018-2022
Road new areas

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timeframe
Kura Mawe- AIPCA Gatarakwa Ward To improve access and open up 0.2Km Grading and gravelling 0.5M 2018-2022
Road new areas
Kiahuria-Kiambati- Gatarakwa Ward To improve access and open up 10Km Grading and gravelling 15M 2018-2022
Kiaragana Road new areas
Karachi- Kagombe Road Gatarakwa Ward To improve access and open up 0.5Km Grading and gravelling 0.8M 2018-2022
new areas
Martin Karembu Road Gatarakwa Ward To improve access and open up 0.5Km Grading and gravelling 0.8M 2018-2022
new areas
Mwalimu –Karuri Road Gatarakwa Ward To improve access and open up 0.5Km Grading and gravelling 0.8M 2018-2022
new areas
Kahuruko- Mathenge Gatarakwa Ward To improve access and open up 0.75Km Grading and gravelling 1.2M 2018-2022
Road new areas
Iriga- Profesor via Gatarakwa Ward To improve access and open up 10Km Grading and gravelling 1.5M 2018-2022
Rachuta Road new areas
Gathui-Kanyua Road Gatarakwa Ward To improve access and open up 1.5Km Grading and gravelling 2.5M 2018-2022
new areas
Gakanga- Kiria Gatarakwa Ward To improve access and open up 2Km Grading and gravelling 3M 2018-2022
new areas
Ritho Road Gatarakwa Ward To improve access and open up 1Km Grading and gravelling 1.5M 2018-2022
new areas
Kambo- Dick Pharis Gatarakwa Ward To improve access and open up 1.5Km Grading and gravelling 1.5M 2018-2022
Road new areas
Kiilu- Mulima Road Gatarakwa Ward To improve access and open up 2Km Grading and gravelling 3M 2018-2022
new areas
Cecilia- Mwai Road Gatarakwa Ward To improve access and open up 1.5Km Grading and gravelling 2.5M 2018-2022
new areas
Gachinga- Muraya Road Gatarakwa Ward To improve access and open up 1.5Km Grading and gravelling 2.5M 2018-2022
new areas
Munga- Githendi Road Gatarakwa Ward To improve access and open up 1.5Km Grading and gravelling 2.5M 2018-2022
new areas
Moris Kahuro Road Gatarakwa Ward To improve access and open up 2Km Grading and gravelling 3M 2018-2022
new areas
Kimotho Jamreck Road Gatarakwa Ward To improve access and open up 2Km Grading and gravelling 3M 2018-2022
new areas
Kwa Wairimu – Kanjuri Magutu Ward To improve access and open up 2Km Grading and gravelling 3M 2018-2022
– Giagathege - Giakagina new areas
Kiamweeru – Karanga – Magutu Ward To improve access and open up 2Km Grading and gravelling 3M 2018-2022
Kagochi – Kamugoiri – new areas
Kariani murramming
Kagochi – Ihuathi – Magutu Ward To improve access and open up 2Km Grading and gravelling 3M 2018-2022
Kiangesa – Gitimaini – new areas
Gitunduti shopping centre
Kwa ndirangu to mwangi Kirirmukuyu To improve access and open up 1.5km Grading and Gravelling 2.5M 2018-2022
kihara(kahiga Ward new areas
Gaitau to kwa mutura Kirirmukuyu To improve access and open up 0.7km Grading and Gravelling 1.2M 2018-2022
(kiriko) Ward new areas
Gwa kabera to PCEA Kirirmukuyu To improve access and open up 1.4km Grading and Gravelling 2.5M 2018-2022
Kianjogu (gichagi road) Ward new areas
Kariba calves to Hiuhu Kirirmukuyu To improve access and open up 1.9km Grading and Gravelling 3M 2018-2022
PCEA Church Marwa- Ward new areas
Ruthagati centre to sec
sch to Ngaini junction
Route C-Kiaruhiu to Kirirmukuyu To improve access and open up 2.5km Grading and Gravelling 2.5M 2018-2022
kianyakura Ward new areas
Thaithi kwa thungu to Kirirmukuyu To improve access and open up 1.5km Grading and Gravelling 2.5M 2018-2022
ciugo to kwa muchangi Ward new areas
Ngaini shopping centre to Kirirmukuyu To improve access and open up 2km Grading and Gravelling 3M 2018-2022
ngaini sec to ngaini posta Ward new areas
Kanyama tarmac to Kirirmukuyu To improve access and open up 3.6km Grading and Gravelling 5M 2018-2022
kinaro Ward new areas
Karogoto to rwamara Kirirmukuyu To improve access and open up 2.5km Grading and Gravelling 3.5M 2018-2022
road Ward new areas
Gathigorero primary to Kirirmukuyu To improve access and open up 1km Grading and Gravelling 1.5M 2018-2022
mashimoni shopping Ward new areas

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timeframe
Kiangoma pri to kwa Kirirmukuyu To improve access and open up 1.8km Grading and Gravelling 2.7M 2018-2022
kinyua to kwa nyachoba Ward new areas
Githigi to kawagara Kirirmukuyu To improve access and open up 1.5km Grading and Gravelling 2.5M 2018-2022
(Gathiru ngurumo) Ward new areas
Giakinari road Kirirmukuyu To improve access and open up 1.2km Grading and Gravelling 1.8M 2018-2022
Ward new areas
Gathogerero nursery to Kirirmukuyu To improve access and open up 1.5km Grading and Gravelling 2.5M 2018-2022
kaharari to tarmac Ward new areas
Kiogo to kabuki Kirirmukuyu To improve access and open up 1.6km Grading and Gravelling 2.4M 2018-2022
(gachuiro) Ward new areas
Jiri kwa muhindi to Kirirmukuyu To improve access and open up 2km Grading and Gravelling 3M 2018-2022
muchongo muhindi Ward new areas
Gatiko pri to kwa rabani Kirirmukuyu To improve access and open up 1.3km Grading and Gravelling 2M 2018-2022
Ward new areas
Hachienda hotel to Kirirmukuyu To improve access and open up 3km Grading and Gravelling 4.5M 2018-2022
tumutumu road Ward new areas
Wakamata shopping Kirirmukuyu To improve access and open up 2.4km Grading and Gravelling 3.6M 2018-2022
centre to kwa muchemi to Ward new areas
kwa rukwaro to catholic
Gathihu to gathaka road Kirirmukuyu To improve access and open up 1.8km Grading and Gravelling 2.7M 2018-2022
ngandu Ward new areas
Tumutumu hospital Kirirmukuyu To improve access and open up 3.5km Grading and Gravelling 5M 2018-2022
mortuary to thaithi Ward new areas
shopping centre road
Nyeri highway to gatiko Kirirmukuyu To improve access and open up 2.5km Grading and Gravelling 3.6M 2018-2022
shopping centre to ngaini Ward new areas
Githubiiya road Kirirmukuyu To improve access and open up 1km Grading and Gravelling 1.5M 2018-2022
(gathogorero) Ward new areas
Kiangi primary to rathithi Kirirmukuyu To improve access and open up 4km Grading and Gravelling 6M 2018-2022
to Rititi shopping centre Ward new areas
Gikandu-ini road Kirirmukuyu To improve access and open up 1.2km Grading and Gravelling 2M 2018-2022
Ward new areas
Wariruta kirurumo road Kirirmukuyu To improve access and open up 1.2km Grading and Gravelling 2M 2018-2022
Ward new areas
Kwa judge to nderi road Kirirmukuyu To improve access and open up 1km Grading and Gravelling 1.5M 2018-2022
Ward new areas
Mutathini catholic to Kirirmukuyu To improve access and open up 1.8km Grading and Gravelling 2.7M 2018-2022
rukwaro-muchemi- Ward new areas
factory road
Kianjogu dispensary road Kirirmukuyu To improve access and open up 1km Grading and Gravelling 1.5M 2018-2022
Ward new areas
Gathihu to mahinge road Kirirmukuyu To improve access and open up 2km Grading and Gravelling 3M 2018-2022
Ward new areas
Gaiteu to karaigua road Kirirmukuyu To improve access and open up 1km Grading and Gravelling 1.5M 2018-2022
Ward new areas
Kiriko to gathamuki road Kirirmukuyu To improve access and open up 2km Grading and Gravelling 3M 2018-2022
Ward new areas
Gitugi to kanyama road Kirirmukuyu To improve access and open up 1.3km Grading and Gravelling 2M 2018-2022
Ward new areas
Kanyama- ngandu road Kirirmukuyu To improve access and open up 1.5km Grading and Gravelling 2.5M 2018-2022
Ward new areas
Kaigi to macharia road Kirirmukuyu To improve access and open up 1.3km Grading and Gravelling 2M 2018-2022
Ward new areas
Mbote muchangi road in Kirirmukuyu To improve access and open up Grading and Gravelling 1.5M 2018-2022
ngandu Ward new areas
Mbari ya kiritu kangata Kirirmukuyu To improve access and open up 2km Grading and Gravelling 3M 2018-2022
road Ward new areas
Gaichera kianderi road Kirirmukuyu To improve access and open up 1.8km Grading and Gravelling 2.7M 2018-2022
Ward new areas
Itutu road thaithi Kirirmukuyu To improve access and open up 2.5km Grading and Gravelling 3.5M 2018-2022
Ward new areas
Naromoru Bus park Naromoru/ To improve access and open up 1 bus park Grading and Gravelling 5M 2018-2022
Kiamathaga new areas

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timeframe
Ngaru – Kihungi – Karima To improve access and open up 1.5km Grading and Gravelling 2.5M 2018-2022
Ichamama River Road new areas Installation of culverts
Gachomo – Muchiri Karima To improve access and open up 1.5km Grading and Gravelling 2.5M 2018-2022
Mbogo – Ichamama Road new areas Installation of culverts
Mugumoini Silent Feeder Karima To improve access and open up 4km Grading and Gravelling 6M 2018-2022
Roads new areas Installation of culverts
Kianganda Kiguti Road Karima To improve access and open up 2km Grading and Gravelling 3M 2018-2022
new areas Installation of culverts
Muhumbiri -Muigu Road Karima To improve access and open up 2km Grading and Gravelling 3M 2018-2022
new areas Installation of culverts
Gwa Gatutu – Njore Karima To improve access and open up 2km Grading and Gravelling 3M 2018-2022
Road new areas Installation of culverts
Thuiti Coffee factory Karima To improve access and open up 2km Grading and Gravelling 3M 2018-2022
feeder Roads new areas Installation of culverts
Gachuiri – Karima High Karima To improve access and open up 2km Grading and Gravelling 3M 2018-2022
School Road new areas Installation of culverts
Kimunyu- joni Road – Gatarakwa Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading and gravelling & 3M 2018-2022
Ngarengiro River new areas construction of bridge
Gathuma Kiriti Dedan Kimathi To improve access and open up 2km Grading and Gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
Secondary and Bridge Ward new areas Construction of bridge
Kamuma- Ituho-ini Dedan Kimathi To improve access and open up 2km Grading and Gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
shopping centre Ward new areas Construction of bridge
Gachatha –Makutano Wamagana Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading and gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
Road -Gathinga new areas Tarmac
Kiandu – Kiawaithanji- Wamagana Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading and gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
Kagumo Road new areas Tarmac
Kiriko- Hunyu Road Wamagana Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading and gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
new areas Tarmac
Kigwandi-Gatururi Road Wamagana Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading and gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
new areas Tarmac
Kigwandi PCEA – Wamagana Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading and gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
Primary Road new areas Tarmac
Gikonyo- Thandie Road Wamagana Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading and gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
new areas Tarmac
King’oro Gitete-Ndabibi Wamagana Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading and gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
Road new areas Tarmac
Karurumo Street Road Wamagana Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading and gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
new areas Tarmac
Nyakahaha Road Wamagana Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading and gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
new areas Tarmac
Gichuki Ndanu/Warui- Wamagana Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading and gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
Kiandu Bridge new areas Tarmac
Kironda-Ndabibi Wamagana Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading and gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
Pathway(Ndung’u new areas Tarmac
Githaiga Road)
Muhururu Road Wamagana Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading and gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
new areas Tarmac
Muthinga- Gachatha Wamagana Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading and gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
Road new areas Tarmac
Kanga Muthambiri to Wamagana Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading and gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
Kihara Road new areas Tarmac
Kaiguri Gura Road Wamagana Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading and gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
through Kwa Bada new areas Tarmac
Kamoni to Primary Wamagana Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading and gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
School Road new areas Tarmac
Kaiguri nduiga Road Wamagana Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading and gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
through Phillip new areas Tarmac
Mbaa-ini Kihora Road Wamagana Ward To improve access and open up 2Km Grading and Gravelling, 3M 2018-2022
and Bridge new areas Construction of bridge
Kianjogu Mbaaini Bridge Wamagana Ward To improve access and open up 1Km Grading and Gravelling, 1.5M 2018-2022
and Road new areas Construction of bridge
Gachatha- Mathakwa-ini- Wamagana Ward To improve access and open up 1.5 Km Grading and gravelling, 2.5M 2018-2022
Karangia-Nduagamano new areas Tarmacking
Mwanda-ini Wamagana Ward To improve access and open up 1.5 Km Grading and gravelling, 2.5M 2018-2022
Mathakwaini-Kianjiru new areas Tarmacking
Giakanja Kagwathi Road Wamagana Ward To improve access and open up 2Km Grading and gravelling, 3M 2018-2022
new areas Tarmacking

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timeframe
Kambo- Former Sub- Wamagana Ward To improve access and open up 1.5Km Grading and gravelling, 2.5M 2018-2022
Chief Road/ Kamau new areas Tarmacking
Moses- Shadrack Road
Kiawambaki Road Wamagana Ward To improve access and open up 1.5 Km Grading and gravelling, 2.5M 2018-2022
new areas Tarmacking
Karichene Wagura Road Wamagana Ward To improve access and open up 1Km Grading and gravelling, 1.5M 2018-2022
new areas Tarmacking
Uithirandu-Kagumo- Wamagana Ward To improve access and open up 1Km Grading and gravelling, 1.5M 2018-2022
Gathaithi Road new areas Tarmacking
Gathanji Road Wamagana Ward To improve access and open up 1Km Grading and gravelling, 1.5M 2018-2022
new areas Tarmacking
Kiawakaihu Road Wamagana Ward To improve access and open up 1Km Grading and gravelling, 1.5M 2018-2022
new areas Tarmacking
Wamagana Fisheries- Wamagana Ward To improve access and open up 1Km Grading and gravelling, 1.5M 2018-2022
Kagumo Road new areas Tarmacking
Wamagana Wamagana Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading and gravelling, 3M 2018-2022
Primary/Catholic Road new areas Tarmacking
PCEA Wamagana Field Wamagana Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading and gravelling, 3M 2018-2022
Roads new areas Tarmacking
Gerevacio Mathenge Wamagana Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading and gravelling, 3M 2018-2022
Kiunyu Road new areas Tarmacking
Giagaita Karichene Road Wamagana Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading and gravelling, 3M 2018-2022
new areas Tarmacking
Mugo Thairu Road Wamagana Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading and gravelling, 3M 2018-2022
new areas Tarmacking
Karuiru Reuben Wamagana Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading and gravelling, 3M 2018-2022
Kabebero Road new areas Tarmacking
Wamagana Shopping Wamagana Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading and gravelling, 3M 2018-2022
centre new areas Tarmacking
Mumbuka Kibarua Road Wamagana Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading and gravelling, 3M 2018-2022
new areas Tarmacking
Githiru Shopping Centre Gatitu/ To improve access and open up 2km Grading and Gravelling. 3M 2018-2022
Muruguru Ward new areas
Mahugu Road Gatitu/ To improve access and open up 2km Grading and Gravelling. 3M 2018-2022
Muruguru Ward new areas
Kiamuiru Primary – Gatitu/ To improve access and open up 1.8km Grading and Gravelling. 2.7M 2018-2022
Catholic Church – JR Muruguru Ward new areas
Junction – Maguta
Kambora Junction
Giathaimu – Kariko Road Chinga Ward To improve access and open up 1.8km Grading and Gravelling. 2.7M 2018-2022
new areas
Iganjo – Mucharage Road Chinga Ward To improve access and open up 1.8km Grading and Gravelling. 2.7M 2018-2022
new areas
Kiriko – Wangoru – Chinga Ward To improve access and open up 1.8km Grading and Gravelling. 2.7M 2018-2022
Mucharage Road new areas
Kiamakanja – Giacumu Chinga Ward To improve access and open up 1.8km Grading and Gravelling. 2.7M 2018-2022
Road new areas
Kihuriru – Kiandogoro Chinga Ward To improve access and open up 1.8km Grading and Gravelling. 2.7M 2018-2022
Road new areas
Kiinu Shopping Centre Chinga Ward To improve access and open up 1.8km Grading and Gravelling. 2.7M 2018-2022
Perimeter Road new areas
Tarmac Road – Chinga Ward To improve access and open up 1.8km Grading and Gravelling. 2.7M 2018-2022
Kiamugumo-ini new areas
Mitiraini – Gikira Road Chinga Ward To improve access and open up 1.8km Grading and Gravelling. 2.7M 2018-2022
new areas
Karega – Gikira Road Chinga Ward To improve access and open up 1.8km Grading and Gravelling. 2.7M 2018-2022
new areas
Kiriko Shopping Centre Chinga Ward To improve access and open up 1.8km Grading and Gravelling. 2.7M 2018-2022
Perimeter Road new areas
Kichinjio – Gitati Road Chinga Ward To improve access and open up 1.8km Grading and Gravelling. 2.7M 2018-2022
new areas
Kiriko Primary – Iganjo Chinga Ward To improve access and open up 1.8km Grading and Gravelling. 2.7M 2018-2022
Road new areas
Kiriko Tarmac Road – Chinga Ward To improve access and open up 1.8km Grading and Gravelling. 2.7M 2018-2022
Kiamutuandu new areas
Kabura Road Chinga Ward To improve access and open up 1.8km Grading and Gravelling. 2.7M 2018-2022
new areas

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timeframe
Kiganjo – Kabura Road Chinga Ward To improve access and open up 1.8km Grading and Gravelling. 2.7M 2018-2022
new areas
Gichami – Kiambogo Chinga Ward To improve access and open up 1.8km Grading and Gravelling. 2.7M 2018-2022
(Kihuri) Road new areas
Kianjai – Kiangocha Chinga Ward To improve access and open up 1.8km Grading and Gravelling. 2.7M 2018-2022
Road new areas
Ichamugure Road Chinga Ward To improve access and open up 1.8km Grading and Gravelling. 2.7M 2018-2022
new areas
Mugutha TBC Road Chinga Ward To improve access and open up 1.8km Grading and Gravelling. 2.7M 2018-2022
new areas
Giagichara Road Chinga Ward To improve access and open up 1.8km Grading and Gravelling. 2.7M 2018-2022
new areas
Kiangima Road Chinga Ward To improve access and open up 1.8km Grading and Gravelling. 2.7M 2018-2022
new areas
Mugithe-Ngaru – Peter Chinga Ward To improve access and open up 1.8km Grading and Gravelling. 2.7M 2018-2022
Thiomi Road new areas
Kihaaro TBC – N’gati Chinga Ward To improve access and open up 1.8km Grading and Gravelling. 2.7M 2018-2022
Road new areas
Mucharage Shopping Chinga Ward To improve access and open up 1.8km Grading and Gravelling. 2.7M 2018-2022
Centre Perimeter Road new areas
Kiriihiga – Kiamuya Chinga Ward To improve access and open up 10 Km Grading and Gravelling. 15M 2018-2022
Access Road new areas
Thurumanda Access Chinga Ward To improve access and open up 1km Grading and Gravelling. 1.5M 2018-2022
Road new areas
Gathera – Wangombe Chinga Ward To improve access and open up 1km Grading and Gravelling. 1.5M 2018-2022
Farm Thururu River Road new areas
Minyiriri – RumathiRiver Chinga Ward To improve access and open up 1km Grading and Gravelling. 1.5M 2018-2022
Road new areas
Jimna – Kangoriu Road Chinga Ward To improve access and open up 1km Grading and Gravelling. 1.5M 2018-2022
new areas
Ngatia – Ngahu Road Chinga Ward To improve access and open up 1km Grading and Gravelling. 1.5M 2018-2022
new areas
Kwa Luka – Nyakone Chinga Ward To improve access and open up 1km Grading and Gravelling. 1.5M 2018-2022
Road new areas
Kiriti (Kwa Meja) – Chinga Ward To improve access and open up 1km Grading and Gravelling. 1.5M 2018-2022
Gikumbo Road new areas
Kiptunga – Kahiti River Chinga Ward To improve access and open up 1km Grading and Gravelling. 1.5M 2018-2022
Road new areas
Kahiagira – Kiriko Road Chinga Ward To improve access and open up 1km Grading and Gravelling. 1.5M 2018-2022
new areas
Magomano – Kwa Chinga Ward To improve access and open up 1km Grading and Gravelling. 1.5M 2018-2022
Wakirienye Road new areas
Muirungi Shopping Chinga Ward To improve access and open up 1km Grading and Gravelling. 1.5M 2018-2022
Centre Access Road new areas
Thambu- Gathabari Road Chinga Ward To improve access and open up 1km Grading and Gravelling. 1.5M 2018-2022
new areas
Kiamukura Access Road Chinga Ward To improve access and open up 1km Grading and Gravelling. 1.5M 2018-2022
(Gathera) new areas
Mumbi-ini – Gathabari Chinga Ward To improve access and open up 1km Grading and Gravelling. 1.5M 2018-2022
Road new areas
Kariki kwa Waweru Road Chinga Ward To improve access and open up 1km Grading and Gravelling. 1.5M 2018-2022
new areas
Kahehu – Waeni Road Chinga Ward To improve access and open up 1km Grading and Gravelling. 1.5M 2018-2022
new areas
Ruirie- Githaiga- Kahoro Chinga Ward To improve access and open up 1km Grading and Gravelling. 1.5M 2018-2022
Road new areas
Kiamuya Secondary and Chinga Ward To improve access and open up 1km Grading and Gravelling. 1.5M 2018-2022
Police Post Surround new areas
Kagongo Primary School Chinga Ward To improve access and open up 1km Grading and Gravelling. 1.5M 2018-2022
Surround Road new areas
Kihari- Kiangima Road Chinga Ward To improve access and open up 1km Grading and Gravelling. 1.5M 2018-2022
(Kiamuya) new areas
Chinga Coffee Factory Chinga Ward To improve access and open up 1km Grading and Gravelling. 1.5M 2018-2022
Road – Bridge – Mukira new areas

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timeframe
Gwa Kiragu - Kiria-ini Chinga Ward To improve access and open up 1km Grading and Gravelling. 1.5M 2018-2022
Othaya Tarmac Road new areas
Kagongo Primary School Chinga Ward To improve access and open up 1.2km Grading and Gravelling. 2M 2018-2022
– Matira-ini – Gikira new areas
Chief’s Camp – Gichiche Chinga Ward To improve access and open up 1.2km Grading and Gravelling. 2M 2018-2022
Hospital Road new areas
Gichiche Market Access Chinga Ward To improve access and open up 1.2km Grading and Gravelling. 2M 2018-2022
Road new areas
Chinga Boys – Gikira Chinga Ward To improve access and open up 1.2km Grading and Gravelling. 2M 2018-2022
River Road new areas
Gitugu Road – Earnest Chinga Ward To improve access and open up 1.2km Grading and Gravelling. 2M 2018-2022
Farm Road new areas
Gikumbi – Gikira –Ngoe- Chinga Ward To improve access and open up 1.2km Grading and Gravelling. 2M 2018-2022
ini Road new areas
Gichiche – Joly Boy Chinga Ward To improve access and open up 1.2km Grading and Gravelling. 2M 2018-2022
Road new areas
Ruirie Gathima-ini Chinga Ward To improve access and open up 1.2km Grading and Gravelling. 2M 2018-2022
Access Road new areas
Kagongo A.C.K Chinga Ward To improve access and open up 1.2km Grading and Gravelling. 2M 2018-2022
Surround Road new areas
Gathanji – Cattle Dip Chinga Ward To improve access and open up 1.2km Grading and Gravelling. 2M 2018-2022
Road new areas
Ndikwe – Gathigia Road Chinga Ward To improve access and open up 1.2km Grading and Gravelling. 2M 2018-2022
new areas
Makaga – Rutune Road Chinga Ward To improve access and open up 1.2km Grading and Gravelling. 2M 2018-2022
new areas
Gichiga – Mumbu-ini Chinga Ward To improve access and open up 1.2km Grading and Gravelling. 2M 2018-2022
Road new areas
Kabia Road Chinga Ward To improve access and open up 0.2km Grading and Gravelling. 0.5M 2018-2022
new areas
Gathigia - Kiangware Chinga Ward To improve access and open up 1km Grading and Gravelling. 1.5M 2018-2022
Road new areas
Kiaguthu Police Post Chinga Ward To improve access and open up 1km Grading and Gravelling. 1.5M 2018-2022
Road new areas
Karuthi Secondary – Chinga Ward To improve access and open up 1km Grading and Gravelling. 1.5M 2018-2022
Karuthi Dispensary Road new areas
Chinga schools road Chinga Ward To improve access and open up 10km Grading and Gravelling. 15M 2018-2022
programme new areas
Karuthi Dispensary – Chinga Ward To improve access and open up 1 Km Grading and Gravelling. 1.5M 2018-2022
Githunguri Road new areas
Githunguri – Njanjara Chinga Ward To improve access and open up 1 Km Grading and Gravelling. 1.5M 2018-2022
Road new areas
St. George Gichoto Road Mukurwe-ini To improve access and open up 1 Km Grading and Gravelling. 1.5M 2018-2022
Central new areas
Kiruma Bianju Muchina Mukurwe-ini To improve access and open up 1 Km Grading and Gravelling. 1.5M 2018-2022
Road Central new areas
Mukurwe-ini Town – Mukurwe-ini To improve access and open up 2 Km Grading and Gravelling. 3M 2018-2022
Drainage Systems Road Central new areas
Karesheni – Gatito- Mukurwe-ini To improve access and open up 3 Km Grading and Gravelling. 4.5M 2018-2022
Gataro Road Central new areas
ACK Mongari Mukurwe-ini To improve access and open up 200 m Grading and Gravelling. 0.5M 2018-2022
Central new areas
Ujamaa – Kiamwangi Mukurwe-ini To improve access and open up 1 Km Grading and Gravelling. 1.5M 2018-2022
Road Central new areas
Githathi-ini Kiunyu Road Mukurwe-ini To improve access and open up 700 m Grading and Gravelling. 1.1M 2018-2022
Central new areas
Kiuu – Kinyamara Mukurwe-ini To improve access and open up 2 Km Grading and Gravelling. 3M 2018-2022
Central new areas
Kiuu - Mangereche Mukurwe-ini To improve access and open up 2 Km Grading and Gravelling. 3M 2018-2022
Central new areas
Kiangurwe Road Mukurwe-ini To improve access and open up 0.7 Km Grading and Gravelling. 1.1M 2018-2022
Central new areas
Gathungururu Road Mukurwe-ini To improve access and open up 0.4 Km Grading and Gravelling. 0.6M 2018-2022
Central new areas
Kanyanga Road Mukurwe-ini To improve access and open up 0.15 Km Grading and Gravelling. 0.4M 2018-2022
Central new areas

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timeframe
Kamumu Road Mukurwe-ini To improve access and open up 0.5 Km Grading and Gravelling. 0.8M 2018-2022
Central new areas
Mbari ya Nyanga Road Mukurwe-ini To improve access and open up 1.2 Km Grading and Gravelling. 1.8M 2018-2022
Central new areas
Ngaku Road Mukurwe-ini To improve access and open up 1.5 Km Grading and Gravelling. 2.5M 2018-2022
Central new areas
Ruthanju Road Mukurwe-ini To improve access and open up 0.6 Km Grading and Gravelling. 0.9M 2018-2022
Central new areas
Kahururu Road Mukurwe-ini To improve access and open up 0.5 Km Grading and Gravelling. 0.8M 2018-2022
Central new areas
Githiringo Road Mukurwe-ini To improve access and open up 0.7 Km Grading and Gravelling. 1.1M 2018-2022
Central new areas
Kiahari Road Mukurwe-ini To improve access and open up 0.2 Km Grading and Gravelling. 0.5M 2018-2022
Central new areas
Muthanga-ini Road Mukurwe-ini To improve access and open up 1.3 Km Grading and Gravelling. 2M 2018-2022
Central new areas
Mungari – Karecheri Mukurwe-ini To improve access and open up 2km Grading and Gravelling. 3M 2018-2022
(main) Road Central new areas
Mukangu - Thengathi Mukurwe-ini To improve access and open up 2km Grading and Gravelling. 3M 2018-2022
factoryRoad Central new areas
Githuthi Road Mukurwe-ini To improve access and open up 0.5 Km Grading and Gravelling. 0.8M 2018-2022
Central new areas
Kihuti Secondary – Mukurwe-ini To improve access and open up 0.3 Km Grading and Gravelling. 0.5M 2018-2022
Kihuti Road Central new areas
Kibura Road Mukurwe-ini To improve access and open up 1 Km Grading and Gravelling. 1.5M 2018-2022
Central new areas
Kibura – Kanguyo – Mukurwe-ini To improve access and open up 0.9 Km Grading and Gravelling. 1.3M 2018-2022
Gitura Road Central new areas
Thunguri Road Mukurwe-ini To improve access and open up 0.5 Km Grading and Gravelling. 0.8M 2018-2022
Central new areas
Ndugu A Road Mukurwe-ini To improve access and open up 0.6 Km Grading and Gravelling. 0.9M 2018-2022
Central new areas
Ndugu B Road Mukurwe-ini To improve access and open up 0.8 Km Grading and Gravelling. 1.2M 2018-2022
Central new areas
Ndugu C Road Mukurwe-ini To improve access and open up 1 Km Grading and Gravelling. 1.5M 2018-2022
Central new areas
Mugumo-ini - Keni Road Mukurwe-ini To improve access and open up 0.8 Km Grading and Gravelling. 1.2M 2018-2022
Central new areas
Kiangondu Primary - Mukurwe-ini To improve access and open up 0.3 Km Grading and Gravelling. 0.5M 2018-2022
Keni Road Central new areas
Manguri-ini Road Mukurwe-ini To improve access and open up 0.7 Km Grading and Gravelling. 1.1M 2018-2022
Central new areas
Mbari ya Watinga Road Mukurwe-ini To improve access and open up 0.5 Km Grading and Gravelling. 0.8M 2018-2022
Central new areas
Kiangara Road Mukurwe-ini To improve access and open up 0.3 Km Grading and Gravelling. 0.5M 2018-2022
Central new areas
Kianyingi – Gakima Mukurwe-ini To improve access and open up 0.4 Km Grading and Gravelling. 0.6M 2018-2022
Road Central new areas
Magunga - Gakima Road Mukurwe-ini To improve access and open up 0.7 Km Grading and Gravelling. 1.1M 2018-2022
Central new areas
Githunguri – Gakima Mukurwe-ini To improve access and open up 0.4 Km Grading and Gravelling. 0.6M 2018-2022
Road Central new areas
Kanjeru – Ndiri-ini Road Mukurwe-ini To improve access and open up 0.6 Km Grading and Gravelling. 0.9M 2018-2022
Central new areas
Ngurwe-ini – Muthanga- Mukurwe-ini To improve access and open up 0.4 Km Grading and Gravelling. 0.6M 2018-2022
ini Road Central new areas
Mukungu – Thangathi Mukurwe-ini To improve access and open up 0.2 Km Grading and Gravelling. 0.3M 2018-2022
Factory Central new areas
Ngurwe-ini Road Mukurwe-ini To improve access and open up 0.2 Km Grading and Gravelling. 0.3M 2018-2022
Central new areas
Kihuti Primary Road Mukurwe-ini To improve access and open up 0.2 Km Grading and Gravelling. 0.3M 2018-2022
Central new areas
Thangathi Baptist Road Mukurwe-ini To improve access and open up 0.2 Km Grading and Gravelling. 0.3M 2018-2022
Central new areas
Githunguri Hospital – AP Mukurwe-ini To improve access and open up 0.4 Km Grading and Gravelling. 0.6M 2018-2022
line Road Central new areas

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timeframe
Kihuti – Gathaka Road Mukurwe-ini To improve access and open up 3km Grading and Gravelling. 4.5M 2018-2022
Central new areas
Gathangari – Kiangundu Mukurwe-ini To improve access and open up 2km Grading and Gravelling. 3M 2018-2022
Road Central new areas
Gakima – Kwa John Mukurwe-ini To improve access and open up 2km Grading and Gravelling. 3M 2018-2022
Road Central new areas
Ichamara Primary Road Mukurwe-ini To improve access and open up 0.1 Km Grading and Gravelling. 0.2M 2018-2022
Central new areas
Ha Manasse – Gwa Mukurwe-ini To improve access and open up 0.2 Km Grading and Gravelling. 0.3M 2018-2022
Thuku Road Central new areas
Kimondo – Mwangi Mukurwe-ini To improve access and open up 0.3 Km Grading and Gravelling. 0.5M 2018-2022
Nelson- Kimondo Central new areas
Secondary Road
Kimondo – Peter Muturi Mukurwe-ini To improve access and open up 0.1 Km Grading and Gravelling. 0.2M 2018-2022
(Mugo) Road Central new areas
Iriaini Ward road network Iriaini Ward To improve access and open up 50km Grading and Gravelling; 75M 2018-2022
(Othaya) new areas Installation of culverts
Konyu to Iruri Forest Iriaini Ward To improve access and open up 3km Grading and Gravelling; 4.5M 2018-2022
Road (Othaya) new areas Installation of culverts
Kaara - Michuki Road Iriaini Ward To improve access and open up 3km Grading and Gravelling; 4.5M 2018-2022
(Othaya) new areas Installation of culverts
Mugaaini - Gichairi Road Iriaini Ward To improve access and open up 4 Km. Grading and Gravelling; 6M 2018-2022
(Othaya) new areas Installation of culverts
Gataro – Nyamari Iriaini Ward To improve access and open up 2.5 Km Grading and Gravelling; 3.5M 2018-2022
Shopping Centre Road (Othaya) new areas Installation of culverts
Kianjara – Gitundu Road Iriaini Ward To improve access and open up 1.5 Km Grading and Gravelling; 2.5M 2018-2022
(Othaya) new areas Installation of culverts
Wakaigi - Ngoeni Road Iriaini Ward To improve access and open up 2.5 Km Grading and Gravelling; 3.5M 2018-2022
(Othaya) new areas Installation of culverts
Mathome - GatunduRoad Iriaini Ward To improve access and open up 2.5 Km Grading and Gravelling; 3.5M 2018-2022
(Othaya) new areas Installation of culverts
Munaini KanyunyeRoad Iriaini Ward To improve access and open up 2 Km Grading and Gravelling; 3M 2018-2022
(Othaya) new areas Installation of culverts
Kiangai East – josua Iriaini Ward To improve access and open up 0.5 Km Grading and Gravelling; 0.8M 2018-2022
Road (Othaya) new areas Installation of culverts
Kiangai West – Iriaini Ward To improve access and open up 0.5 Km Grading and Gravelling; 0.8M 2018-2022
kamwanjo Road (Othaya) new areas Installation of culverts
Kiriko – Ndiriti Kiboi Iriaini Ward To improve access and open up 2 Km Grading and Gravelling; 3M 2018-2022
Block road (Othaya) new areas Installation of culverts
Githuthiini – Gorrati Iriaini Ward To improve access and open up 2 Km Grading and Gravelling; 3M 2018-2022
Road (Othaya) new areas Installation of culverts
Kagundu – Wakagure Iriaini Ward To improve access and open up 0.5 Km Grading and Gravelling; 0.8M 2018-2022
Road (Othaya) new areas Installation of culverts
Kagundu – Mukoma Iriaini Ward To improve access and open up 0.5 Km Grading and Gravelling; 0.8M 2018-2022
Road (Othaya) new areas Installation of culverts
Kagunduini –PS Kinyua Iriaini Ward To improve access and open up 0.3 Km Grading and Gravelling; 0.5M 2018-2022
(Othaya) new areas Installation of culverts
Githiru – Grace Gathoni Iriaini Ward To improve access and open up 0.3 Km Grading and Gravelling; 0.5M 2018-2022
(Othaya) new areas Installation of culverts
Kiamboga – Ruoro Road Iriaini Ward To improve access and open up 1km Grading and Gravelling; 1.5M 2018-2022
(Othaya) new areas Installation of culverts
Kawaraga – TBC Kihuri Iriaini Ward To improve access and open up 2 km Grading and Gravelling; 3M 2018-2022
Road (Othaya) new areas Installation of culverts
ACK- Kihuri TBC Road Iriaini Ward To improve access and open up 1 Km Grading and Gravelling; 1.5M 2018-2022
(Othaya) new areas Installation of culverts
Kihuri Market Road Iriaini Ward To improve access and open up 200 m Grading and Gravelling; 0.3M 2018-2022
behind shopping center (Othaya) new areas Installation of culverts
Kagwa Kinga Road Iriaini Ward To improve access and open up 2Km Grading and Gravelling; 3M 2018-2022
(Othaya) new areas Installation of culverts
Ruruguti – Maruguya Iriaini Ward To improve access and open up 2Km; 200M Grading and Gravelling; 5M 2018-2022
Road (Othaya) new areas tarmac Installation of culverts
Captain - Githinji Road Iriaini Ward To improve access and open up 200 M Grading and Gravelling; 0.3M 2018-2022
(Othaya) new areas Installation of culverts
Gatundu – Wanduwethi Iriaini Ward To improve access and open up 2Km Grading and Gravelling; 3M 2018-2022
Road (Othaya) new areas Installation of culverts
Gatuyaini – Ruthiro Road Iriaini Ward To improve access and open up 2Km; 200M Grading and Gravelling; 5M 2018-2022
(Othaya) new areas tarmac Installation of culverts

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timeframe
Ngaru Road Iriaini Ward To improve access and open up 1 Km Grading and Gravelling; 1.5M 2018-2022
(Othaya) new areas Installation of culverts
Gathumbi – Iriaini Road Iriaini Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading and Gravelling; 3M 2018-2022
(Othaya) new areas Installation of culverts
Gatumbi – Gituri Road Iriaini Ward To improve access and open up 1km Grading and Gravelling; 1.5M 2018-2022
(Othaya) new areas Installation of culverts
Marios – Wanjohi Iriaini Ward To improve access and open up 1km Grading and Gravelling; 1.5M 2018-2022
Kimani Road (Othaya) new areas Installation of culverts
Mbitu – Gaitho Road Iriaini Ward To improve access and open up 1km Grading and Gravelling; 1.5M 2018-2022
(Othaya) new areas Installation of culverts
Gikurwe Primary Iriaini Ward To improve access and open up 1km Grading and Gravelling; 1.5M 2018-2022
Catholic Road (Othaya) new areas Installation of culverts
Karindundu – Gikurwe Iriaini Ward To improve access and open up 1km Grading and Gravelling; 1.5M 2018-2022
Road (Othaya) new areas Installation of culverts
Gichie – Cecelia Ndirang Iriaini Ward To improve access and open up 1km Grading and Gravelling; 1.5M 2018-2022
Road (Othaya) new areas Installation of culverts
Karega – Kigumo Iriaini Ward To improve access and open up 1km Grading and Gravelling; 1.5M 2018-2022
Primary Road (Othaya) new areas Installation of culverts
Nyakihati Road Iriaini Ward To improve access and open up 1km Grading and Gravelling; 1.5M 2018-2022
(Othaya) new areas Installation of culverts
Gathanjaini Road Iriaini Ward To improve access and open up 1km Grading and Gravelling; 1.5M 2018-2022
(Othaya) new areas Installation of culverts
Nduga – Iriaini Road Iriaini Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading and Gravelling; 3M 2018-2022
(Othaya) new areas Installation of culverts
Munaini Primary – Iriaini Ward To improve access and open up 1km Grading and Gravelling; 1.5M 2018-2022
Kanyange Road (Othaya) new areas Installation of culverts
Kabebero Road (Behind Iriaini Ward To improve access and open up 300m Grading and Gravelling; 0.5M 2018-2022
Shopping Centre (Othaya) new areas Installation of culverts
Ithanji Gitundu Road Iriaini Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading and Gravelling; 3M 2018-2022
(Othaya) new areas Installation of culverts
Kawandia – Tea Buying Iriaini Ward To improve access and open up 1km Grading and Gravelling; 1.5M 2018-2022
Centre Road (Othaya) new areas Installation of culverts
Kiamboga – Kihuri Road Iriaini Ward To improve access and open up 1km Grading and Gravelling; 1.5M 2018-2022
(Othaya) new areas Installation of culverts
Gikurwe – Ruruguti Road Iriaini Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading and Gravelling; 3M 2018-2022
(Othaya) new areas Installation of culverts
Githuthiini Road Iriaini Ward To improve access and open up 3km; 200M Grading and Gravelling; 6M 2018-2022
(Othaya) new areas tarmac Installation of culverts
Kiangari Road Iriaini Ward To improve access and open up 200m Grading and Gravelling; 0.3M 2018-2022
(Othaya) new areas Installation of culverts
Gataro – Gatundu Road Iriaini Ward To improve access and open up 1km Grading and Gravelling; 1.5M 2018-2022
(Othaya) new areas Installation of culverts
Kihuri Anglican Church Iriaini Ward To improve access and open up 1km Grading and Gravelling; 1.5M 2018-2022
road (Othaya) new areas Installation of culverts
Junees Wagathee Road Iriaini Ward To improve access and open up 1km Grading and Gravelling; 1.5M 2018-2022
(Othaya) new areas Installation of culverts
Kihuri Wakahiu Road Iriaini Ward To improve access and open up 1km Grading and Gravelling; 1.5M 2018-2022
(Othaya) new areas Installation of culverts
Kiahiti – Gatundu Road Iriaini Ward To improve access and open up 1km Grading and Gravelling; 1.5M 2018-2022
(Othaya) new areas Installation of culverts
Chiaraini Tea Buying Iriaini Ward To improve access and open up 3km Grading and Gravelling; 4.5M 2018-2022
centre-Gikurwe Road (Othaya) new areas Installation of culverts
Kabebero – Wagateni Iriaini Ward To improve access and open up 300m Grading and Gravelling; 0.5M 2018-2022
Road (Othaya) new areas Installation of culverts
Karega –Karuchua Road Iriaini Ward To improve access and open up 1km Grading and Gravelling; 1.5M 2018-2022
(Othaya) new areas Installation of culverts
Warukira – Karega Road Iriaini Ward To improve access and open up 500m Grading and Gravelling; 0.8M 2018-2022
(Othaya) new areas Installation of culverts
Capricon – Kabebero Iriaini Ward To improve access and open up 200m Grading and Gravelling; 0.3M 2018-2022
(Othaya) new areas Installation of culverts
Kizito – Kabebero PCEA Iriaini Ward To improve access and open up 300m Grading and Gravelling; 0.5M 2018-2022
(Othaya) new areas Installation of culverts
Kianjamba – Kabutha Iriaini Ward To improve access and open up 1km Grading and Gravelling; 1.5M 2018-2022
Road (Othaya) new areas Installation of culverts
Thunguri - Kiangima Iriaini Ward To improve access and open up 2. Km Grading and Gravelling; 3M 2018-2022
Road (Othaya) new areas Installation of culverts

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timeframe
Kirurui – Kianjama Road Iriaini Ward To improve access and open up 2. Km Grading and Gravelling; 3M 2018-2022
(Othaya) new areas Installation of culverts
Market Road Iriaini Ward To improve access and open up 2. Km Grading and Gravelling; 3M 2018-2022
(Othaya) new areas Installation of culverts
Museveni Road Iriaini Ward To improve access and open up 500m Grading and Gravelling; 0.8M 2018-2022
(Othaya) new areas Installation of culverts
Ruringu road network Ruringu Ward To improve access and open up 50 KM Grading and Gravelling; 75M 2018-2022
new areas Installation of culverts
Red Court -Kiamwathi Ruringu Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading and Gravelling; 3M 2018-2022
Road new areas Installation of culverts
Oilcom – Kagayu – Dr. Ruringu Ward To improve access and open up 4km Grading and Gravelling; 6M 2018-2022
Muturi to old Quarry new areas Installation of culverts
Gwa Kabiri - Ruringu Ward To improve access and open up 4km Grading and Gravelling; 6M 2018-2022
KirwaraRoad new areas Installation of culverts
Kwa Ngahu – Catholic – Ruringu Ward To improve access and open up 4 Km Grading and Gravelling; 6M 2018-2022
Kiria – Kwa John Road new areas Installation of culverts
Maguta – Gathungu Gwa Ruringu Ward To improve access and open up 4km Grading and Gravelling; 6M 2018-2022
Githua Road new areas Installation of culverts
Thuta – Giachamwenge Ruringu Ward To improve access and open up 4km Grading and Gravelling; 6M 2018-2022
Road new areas Installation of culverts
Transformer – Gwa Ruringu Ward To improve access and open up 3.6km Grading and Gravelling; 5.5M 2018-2022
Kinungi – Ithiakua Road new areas Installation of culverts
Matangiini – Kwa Karimi Ruringu Ward To improve access and open up 3 Km. Grading and Gravelling; 4.5M 2018-2022
Road new areas Installation of culverts
Kabwe – gwa Shaba Ruringu Ward To improve access and open up 2 Km Grading and Gravelling; 3M 2018-2022
Road new areas Installation of culverts
Chorongi – Kiamwathi Ruringu Ward To improve access and open up 3 KM Grading and Gravelling; 4.5M 2018-2022
Road new areas Installation of culverts
Kiamwathi Nderi Road Ruringu Ward To improve access and open up 4 Km Grading and Gravelling; 6M 2018-2022
new areas Installation of culverts
Skuta Circuit Road Ruringu Ward To improve access and open up 12 Km Grading and Gravelling; 18M 2018-2022
new areas Installation of culverts
Skuta Quarry – Gwa Ruringu Ward To improve access and open up 4 km Grading and Gravelling; 6M 2018-2022
Kimani Road new areas Installation of culverts
Chorongi Circuit Roads Ruringu Ward To improve access and open up 6 Km Grading and Gravelling; 9M 2018-2022
new areas Installation of culverts
Mutitu Road Ruringu Ward To improve access and open up 4 Km Grading and Gravelling; 6M 2018-2022
new areas Installation of culverts
Chorongi – Gichagi Road Ruringu Ward To improve access and open up 4 Km Grading and Gravelling; 6M 2018-2022
new areas Installation of culverts
Kanubi – Gatero Road Ruringu Ward To improve access and open up 4 Km Grading and Gravelling; 6M 2018-2022
new areas Installation of culverts
Cooperative union – Ruringu Ward To improve access and open up 3 Km. Grading and Gravelling; 4.5M 2018-2022
Thuta Road new areas Installation of culverts
Gwa Kabau – Thuta Road Ruringu Ward To improve access and open up 2.5 Km Grading and Gravelling; 3.5M 2018-2022
new areas Installation of culverts
Rware road network Rware Ward To improve access and open up 50 KM Grading and Gravelling; 75M 2018-2022
new areas Installation of culverts
Kangemi PGH – Rware Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading and Gravelling; 3M 2018-2022
Sewerage Road new areas Installation of culverts
Witemere –Kianda- Kwa Rware Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading and Gravelling; 3M 2018-2022
Ngombe new areas Installation of culverts
Kingongo Estate Roads Rware Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading and Gravelling; 3M 2018-2022
new areas Installation of culverts
Kwa winnie – chania Rware Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading and Gravelling; 3M 2018-2022
mahua Road new areas Installation of culverts
Methodist – Jumea Road Rware Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading and Gravelling; 3M 2018-2022
new areas Installation of culverts
Ngangarithi – Mt. Kenya Rware Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading and Gravelling; 3M 2018-2022
Road new areas Installation of culverts
Witemere Blue Valley – Rware Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading and Gravelling; 3M 2018-2022
Kiawara Road new areas Installation of culverts
Kangemi – kwa Ngurwe Rware Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading and Gravelling; 3M 2018-2022
– Mortuary Road new areas Installation of culverts
MOW –St Peters ACK Rware Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading and Gravelling; 3M 2018-2022
Church –Grogon Road new areas Installation of culverts

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timeframe
Ngangarithi Kwa Jolly Rware Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading and Gravelling; 3M 2018-2022
Road new areas Installation of culverts
Kingongo Nursery Road Rware Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading and Gravelling; 3M 2018-2022
new areas Installation of culverts
Kanyani – Jolly Road Rware Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading and Gravelling; 3M 2018-2022
new areas Installation of culverts
Mwembeini Road Rware Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading and Gravelling; 3M 2018-2022
new areas Installation of culverts
Gitwariga Road Rware Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading and Gravelling; 3M 2018-2022
new areas Installation of culverts
Kangemi AP Post – Rware Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading and Gravelling; 3M 2018-2022
Githwariga River new areas Installation of culverts
Kwa Murram Road – Rware Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading and Gravelling; 3M 2018-2022
Quarry new areas Installation of culverts
PCEA Kangemi – Chania Rware Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading and Gravelling; 3M 2018-2022
new areas Installation of culverts
Kiganjo/Mathari road Kiganjo/Mathari To improve access and open up 50 KM Grading and Gravelling; 75M 2018-2022
network Ward new areas Installation of culverts
Kiamarurui Road Kiganjo/Mathari To improve access and open up 2 Km Grading and Gravelling; 3M 2018-2022
Ward new areas Installation of culverts
Kirumia Road Kiganjo/Mathari To improve access and open up 2.5 Km. Grading and Gravelling; 3.5M 2018-2022
Ward new areas Installation of culverts
Gatara Road Kiganjo/Mathari To improve access and open up 200 Mtrs Grading and Gravelling; 0.3M 2018-2022
Ward new areas Installation of culverts
Bradegate – Kahigaini Kiganjo/Mathari To improve access and open up 2.5 Km, Grading and Gravelling; 3.5M 2018-2022
Road Ward new areas Installation of culverts
Gathoni Paul Road Kiganjo/Mathari To improve access and open up 2 Km, Grading and Gravelling; 3M 2018-2022
Ward new areas Installation of culverts
Macharia Gichibi Road Kiganjo/Mathari To improve access and open up 4 Km. Grading and Gravelling; 6M 2018-2022
Ward new areas Installation of culverts
Kahiga main Road – Kiganjo/Mathari To improve access and open up 2.5 Km Grading and Gravelling; 3.5M 2018-2022
Kahiga Dispensary Ward new areas Installation of culverts
Kahiga Street Kiganjo/Mathari To improve access and open up 0.5 Km. Grading and Gravelling; 0.8M 2018-2022
Ward new areas Installation of culverts
AIPCA Road Kiganjo/Mathari To improve access and open up 1.2km Grading and Gravelling; 1.8M 2018-2022
Ward new areas Installation of culverts
Mama Chege Road Kiganjo/Mathari To improve access and open up 1.2km Grading and Gravelling; 1.8M 2018-2022
Ward new areas Installation of culverts
Mugumoini – Game Kiganjo/Mathari To improve access and open up 1.2km Grading and Gravelling; 1.8M 2018-2022
fence Road Ward new areas Installation of culverts
Kamichugu Road Kiganjo/Mathari To improve access and open up 1.2km Grading and Gravelling; 1.8M 2018-2022
Ward new areas Installation of culverts
Muthemba Road Kiganjo/Mathari To improve access and open up 1.2km Grading and Gravelling; 1.8M 2018-2022
Ward new areas Installation of culverts
PCEA NEEMA – Kiganjo/Mathari To improve access and open up 1.2km Grading and Gravelling; 1.8M 2018-2022
Nyamiru River Road Ward new areas Installation of culverts
Mwenji Primary – Kiganjo/Mathari To improve access and open up 1.2km Grading and Gravelling; 1.8M 2018-2022
Maharo Road Ward new areas Installation of culverts
Embassy – samaki Road Kiganjo/Mathari To improve access and open up 1.2km Grading and Gravelling; 1.8M 2018-2022
Ward new areas Installation of culverts
Mbauni –Murage Road Kiganjo/Mathari To improve access and open up 1.2km Grading and Gravelling; 1.8M 2018-2022
Ward new areas Installation of culverts
Gitegi Kabiruini Road Kiganjo/Mathari To improve access and open up 1.2km Grading and Gravelling; 1.8M 2018-2022
Ward new areas Installation of culverts
Game Rock shopping Kiganjo/Mathari To improve access and open up 1.2km Grading and Gravelling; 1.8M 2018-2022
centre Road Ward new areas Installation of culverts
Chania Primary School Kiganjo/Mathari To improve access and open up 1.2km Grading and Gravelling; 1.8M 2018-2022
Road Ward new areas Installation of culverts
Waweru lare Road Kiganjo/Mathari To improve access and open up 1.2km Grading and Gravelling; 1.8M 2018-2022
Ward new areas Installation of culverts
Mzee Gachanja Lane Kiganjo/Mathari To improve access and open up 1.2km Grading and Gravelling; 1.8M 2018-2022
Ward new areas Installation of culverts
Kingori muita lane Kiganjo/Mathari To improve access and open up 1.2km Grading and Gravelling; 1.8M 2018-2022
Ward new areas Installation of culverts
Kariuki’s lane Kiganjo/Mathari To improve access and open up 1.2km Grading and Gravelling; 1.8M 2018-2022
Ward new areas Installation of culverts

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timeframe
Ndumo’s lane Kiganjo/Mathari To improve access and open up 1.2km Grading and Gravelling; 1.8M 2018-2022
Ward new areas Installation of culverts
Muita Ritho Lane Kiganjo/Mathari To improve access and open up 1.2km Grading and Gravelling; 1.8M 2018-2022
Ward new areas Installation of culverts
Mzee Gakure Lane Kiganjo/Mathari To improve access and open up 1.2km Grading and Gravelling; 1.8M 2018-2022
Ward new areas Installation of culverts
Ndathiini – Kabechu – Kiganjo/Mathari To improve access and open up 1.2km Grading and Gravelling; 1.8M 2018-2022
Karimi Road Ward new areas Installation of culverts
Kirichu – Mathenge – Ria Kiganjo/Mathari To improve access and open up 1.2km Grading and Gravelling; 1.8M 2018-2022
Thaguranjo Road Ward new areas Installation of culverts
Kagumo High School – Kiganjo/Mathari To improve access and open up 1.2km Grading and Gravelling; 1.8M 2018-2022
Waruru Road Ward new areas Installation of culverts
Kamuna Geoffrey Kiganjo/Mathari To improve access and open up 1.2km Grading and Gravelling; 1.8M 2018-2022
Muriithi – Eunice Road Ward new areas Installation of culverts
Wagachuhi – Mbogo Kiganjo/Mathari To improve access and open up 1.2km Grading and Gravelling; 1.8M 2018-2022
Road Ward new areas Installation of culverts
Ndekere – Ndefu Road Kiganjo/Mathari To improve access and open up 1.2km Grading and Gravelling; 1.8M 2018-2022
Ward new areas Installation of culverts
Mureithi Mukabi – Kiganjo/Mathari To improve access and open up 1.2km Grading and Gravelling; 1.8M 2018-2022
Gathogo Road Ward new areas Installation of culverts
Jenniffer Mureithi – Kiganjo/Mathari To improve access and open up 1.2km Grading and Gravelling; 1.8M 2018-2022
Githwe Road Ward new areas Installation of culverts
Mukoma Gichuru – Kiganjo/Mathari To improve access and open up 1.2km Grading and Gravelling; 1.8M 2018-2022
Rungurichu Road Ward new areas Installation of culverts
Wamuhiu Kinyua Road Kiganjo/Mathari To improve access and open up 1.2km Grading and Gravelling; 1.8M 2018-2022
Ward new areas Installation of culverts
Kamuma Kabira – Kiganjo/Mathari To improve access and open up 1.2km Grading and Gravelling; 1.8M 2018-2022
Wambugu Wanjiru Road Ward new areas Installation of culverts
Wangechi Kiama – Kiganjo/Mathari To improve access and open up 1.2km Grading and Gravelling; 1.8M 2018-2022
Matheri Road Ward new areas Installation of culverts
Kabira – Gituto Road Kiganjo/Mathari To improve access and open up 1.2km Grading and Gravelling; 1.8M 2018-2022
Ward new areas Installation of culverts
Kombu – Ndiritu Kiganjo/Mathari To improve access and open up 1.2km Grading and Gravelling; 1.8M 2018-2022
Wambugu Road Ward new areas Installation of culverts
Kibungo – Gachika Kiganjo/Mathari To improve access and open up 1.2km Grading and Gravelling; 1.8M 2018-2022
Roads Ward new areas Installation of culverts
Ndathini Njuki – Kiganjo/Mathari To improve access and open up 1.2km Grading and Gravelling; 1.8M 2018-2022
Marugas Road Ward new areas Installation of culverts
Maranga-Kibuthu – Kiganjo/Mathari To improve access and open up 1.2km Grading and Gravelling; 1.8M 2018-2022
Kirianin Roads Ward new areas Installation of culverts
Kirichu Ria Ngondi roads Kiganjo/Mathari To improve access and open up 1.2km Grading and Gravelling; 1.8M 2018-2022
Ward new areas Installation of culverts
Giteroini Road Rugi Ward To improve access and open up 1.5 km Grading and Gravelling; 2.5M 2018-2022
new areas Installation of culverts
Ngimaini Road Rugi Ward To improve access and open up 500m Grading and Gravelling; 0.8M 2018-2022
new areas Installation of culverts
Gikororo Road Rugi Ward To improve access and open up 1.6km Grading and Gravelling; 2.4M 2018-2022
new areas Installation of culverts
Gathangaini – Njege Rugi Ward To improve access and open up 1.6 km Grading and Gravelling; 2.4M 2018-2022
Road new areas Installation of culverts
Munore Road Rugi Ward To improve access and open up 300m Grading and Gravelling; 0.5M 2018-2022
new areas Installation of culverts
Mucharage Road Rugi Ward To improve access and open up 1km Grading and Gravelling; 1.5M 2018-2022
new areas Installation of culverts
Muthambiini B Road Rugi Ward To improve access and open up 2.5 km Grading and Gravelling; 3.5M 2018-2022
new areas Installation of culverts
Githiru A&B Road Rugi Ward To improve access and open up 2.5 km Grading and Gravelling; 3.5M 2018-2022
new areas Installation of culverts
Mutwewathi Road Rugi Ward To improve access and open up 1.5 Km Grading and Gravelling; 2.5M 2018-2022
new areas Installation of culverts
Kwa Benard – kihara Rugi Ward To improve access and open up 4 km Grading and Gravelling; 6M 2018-2022
Road new areas Installation of culverts
Wangondu Road Rugi Ward To improve access and open up 2 km Grading and Gravelling; 3M 2018-2022
new areas Installation of culverts
Giteroini Road Rugi Ward To improve access and open up 1.5km Grading and Gravelling; 2.5M 2018-2022
new areas Installation of culverts

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timeframe
Ngimaini Road Rugi Ward To improve access and open up 500m Grading and Gravelling; 0.8M 2018-2022
new areas Installation of culverts
Munore Road Rugi Ward To improve access and open up 300m Grading and Gravelling; 0.5M 2018-2022
new areas Installation of culverts
Mucharage Road Rugi Ward To improve access and open up 1.5km Grading and Gravelling; 2.5M 2018-2022
new areas Installation of culverts
Muthambi B Road Rugi Ward To improve access and open up 1.5km Grading and Gravelling; 2.5M 2018-2022
new areas Installation of culverts
Githiru A&B Road Rugi Ward To improve access and open up 1.5km Grading and Gravelling; 2.5M 2018-2022
new areas Installation of culverts
Mutwe –Watui Road Rugi Ward To improve access and open up 1.5km Grading and Gravelling; 2.5M 2018-2022
new areas Installation of culverts
Mutwe Wathi Road Rugi Ward To improve access and open up 1.5km Grading and Gravelling; 2.5M 2018-2022
new areas Installation of culverts
Wangondu Road Rugi Ward To improve access and open up 1.5km Grading and Gravelling; 2.5M 2018-2022
new areas Installation of culverts
Kiawachongi Road Rugi Ward To improve access and open up 1.5km Grading and Gravelling; 2.5M 2018-2022
new areas Installation of culverts
Mahinduini Rugi Ward To improve access and open up 1.5km Grading and Gravelling; 2.5M 2018-2022
new areas Installation of culverts
Rurangi – Ititu Road Rugi Ward To improve access and open up 1.5km Grading and Gravelling; 2.5M 2018-2022
new areas Installation of culverts
Mwea Road Rugi Ward To improve access and open up 1.5km Grading and Gravelling; 2.5M 2018-2022
new areas Installation of culverts
Kangongi Road Rugi Ward To improve access and open up 1.5km Grading and Gravelling; 2.5M 2018-2022
new areas Installation of culverts
Kiguru Wache Road Rugi Ward To improve access and open up 1.5km Grading and Gravelling; 2.5M 2018-2022
new areas Installation of culverts
Gathuthi Road Rugi Ward To improve access and open up 1.5km Grading and Gravelling; 2.5M 2018-2022
new areas Installation of culverts
Gatandi Road Rugi Ward To improve access and open up 1.5km Grading and Gravelling; 2.5M 2018-2022
new areas Installation of culverts
Ngaru Road Rugi Ward To improve access and open up 1.5km Grading and Gravelling; 2.5M 2018-2022
new areas Installation of culverts
Gituura – Kinari Road Rugi Ward To improve access and open up 1.5km Grading and Gravelling; 2.5M 2018-2022
new areas Installation of culverts
Kirimaini Road Rugi Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading and Gravelling; 3M 2018-2022
new areas Installation of culverts
Kirimaini -Bondeni Road Rugi Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading and Gravelling; 3M 2018-2022
new areas Installation of culverts
Tianjagi-Gichungu Road Rugi Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading and Gravelling; 3M 2018-2022
new areas Installation of culverts
Kiguti -Kahuroiniu Road Rugi Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading and Gravelling; 3M 2018-2022
new areas Installation of culverts
Kariko Road Rugi Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading and Gravelling; 3M 2018-2022
new areas Installation of culverts
Kanyiriri Road Rugi Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading and Gravelling; 3M 2018-2022
new areas Installation of culverts
Kimuri Road Rugi Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading and Gravelling; 3M 2018-2022
new areas Installation of culverts
Kiangurwe – Wachee Rugi Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading and Gravelling; 3M 2018-2022
Road new areas Installation of culverts
Mwea Road Rugi Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading and Gravelling; 3M 2018-2022
new areas Installation of culverts
Mahinduini Road Rugi Ward To improve access and open up 1 km Grading and Gravelling; 1.5M 2018-2022
new areas Installation of culverts
Konyu feeder roads Konyu Ward To improve access and open up 50km Grading and gravelling 75M 2018-2022
new areas
Ndegwa Kiongo Wamui Gikondi Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading Murraming and 3M 2018-2022
Kabatha Road 2km new areas installation of Culverts
Kianjue – Chehe River Iria-ini Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading, and Gravelling. 3M 2018-2022
Road (Mathira) new areas
Gathugune Road Iria-ini Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading, and Gravelling. 3M 2018-2022
(Mathira) new areas
Kiogora road Gatitu/ To improve access and open up 1 Km Grading, and Gravelling. 1.5M 2018-2022
Muruguru Ward new areas

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timeframe
Tumutumu Primary – Kirimukuyu To improve access and open up 3.2km Grading, and Gravelling. 4.8M 2018-2022
Kaharo Road Ward new areas Installation of Culverts
PCEA Ngunguru – Gatiki Kirimukuyu To improve access and open up 3km Grading, and Gravelling. 4.5M 2018-2022
Road Ward new areas Installation of Culverts
Gathogorero Nursery – Kirimukuyu To improve access and open up 1 Km Grading, and Gravelling. 1.5M 2018-2022
Muraguri Road Ward new areas Installation of Culverts
Mbogo-ini – hohwe dam Kirimukuyu To improve access and open up 2 Km Grading, and Gravelling. 3M 2018-2022
Road Ward new areas Installation of Culverts
Kiamuthanga – Kirimukuyu To improve access and open up 0.5Km Grading, and Gravelling. 0.8M 2018-2022
Mbogoini/Hohwe Road Ward new areas Installation of Culverts
Tumutumu – Kiangoma – Kirimukuyu To improve access and open up 2 Km Grading, and Gravelling. 3M 2018-2022
Kaharo Road Ward new areas Installation of Culverts
Ndemu – Kaharo Road Kirimukuyu To improve access and open up 10 Km Grading, and Gravelling. 15M 2018-2022
Ward new areas Installation of Culverts
Rwamara – Mwangi Kirimukuyu To improve access and open up 3 Km Grading, and Gravelling. 4.5M 2018-2022
Waweru Road(Karogoto) Ward new areas Installation of Culverts
Kahiga – Gatiki Road Kirimukuyu To improve access and open up 1.5 Km Grading, and Gravelling. 2.5M 2018-2022
Ward new areas Installation of Culverts
Mbogoini Catholic – Kirimukuyu To improve access and open up 1 Km Grading, and Gravelling. 1.5M 2018-2022
Kamunyo Place Road Ward new areas Installation of Culverts
Ngurumo Shopping Kirimukuyu To improve access and open up 1 Km Grading, and Gravelling. 1.5M 2018-2022
Centre – Kamuhu Road Ward new areas Installation of Culverts
Gaiti Kariuki Ngenye – Kirimukuyu To improve access and open up 2 Km Grading, and Gravelling. 3M 2018-2022
Wamwii Rukanga Road Ward new areas Installation of Culverts
Tumutumu Mortuary – Kirimukuyu To improve access and open up 2.5 Km Grading, and Gravelling. 3.5M 2018-2022
Karii Factory Road Ward new areas Installation of Culverts
Tumutumu – Ikonju – Kirimukuyu To improve access and open up 2.5 Km Grading, and Gravelling. 3.5M 2018-2022
Thaithi Road Ward new areas Installation of Culverts
Kiangoma – Kirima Road Kirimukuyu To improve access and open up 2 Km Grading, and Gravelling. 3M 2018-2022
Ward new areas Installation of Culverts
Muroha – Kinyeeru Kirimukuyu To improve access and open up 1.5 Km Grading, and Gravelling. 2.5M 2018-2022
(Gathungururu) Road Ward new areas Installation of Culverts
Gaiti – Susana Road Kirimukuyu To improve access and open up 2 Km Grading, and Gravelling. 3M 2018-2022
Ward new areas Installation of Culverts
Kiangoma – Kiria Road Kirimukuyu To improve access and open up 1.5 Km Grading, and Gravelling. 2.5M 2018-2022
Ward new areas Installation of Culverts
Kiamuthanga – Ndegwa – Kirimukuyu To improve access and open up 2.2km Grading, and Gravelling. 3.3M 2018-2022
Wamai Ngano Road Ward new areas Installation of Culverts
Kabuiiku – Kamatu Kirimukuyu To improve access and open up 2km Grading, and Gravelling. 3M 2018-2022
Catholic Road Ward new areas Installation of Culverts
Gathogorero – Kirimukuyu To improve access and open up 1 Km Grading, and Gravelling. 1.5M 2018-2022
Gwachomba – Kamondia Ward new areas Installation of Culverts
Ngurumo Karachi – Kirimukuyu To improve access and open up 1.5km Grading, and Gravelling. 2.5M 2018-2022
Gwakaraigwa Road Ward new areas Installation of Culverts
Kiangoma – Gakuyu Kirimukuyu To improve access and open up 2km Grading, and Gravelling. 3M 2018-2022
bridge Road Ward new areas Installation of Culverts
Giakinai – Rev Charlse Kirimukuyu To improve access and open up 1.5km Grading, and Gravelling. 2.5M 2018-2022
Road Ward new areas Installation of Culverts
Gacuiro Primary – Kirimukuyu To improve access and open up 2 Km Grading, and Gravelling. 3M 2018-2022
Pemuga Academy Road Ward new areas Installation of Culverts
Kabuka – Kingo-ini Kirimukuyu To improve access and open up 1.5 Km Grading, and Gravelling. 2.5M 2018-2022
Ward new areas Installation of Culverts
Karatina Road to Kirimukuyu To improve access and open up 0.5 Km Grading, and Gravelling. 0.8M 2018-2022
Thimongo Ward new areas Installation of Culverts
Githae – Njavan Road Kirimukuyu To improve access and open up 0.5 Km Grading, and Gravelling. 0.8M 2018-2022
Ward new areas Installation of Culverts
Koinange Road – Kirimukuyu To improve access and open up 0.5 Km Grading, and Gravelling. 0.8M 2018-2022
Karinga-ini Ward new areas Installation of Culverts
Kiumi – Mama Mbogo Kirimukuyu To improve access and open up 1 Km Grading, and Gravelling. 1.5M 2018-2022
Road Ward new areas Installation of Culverts
Rathithi plot - Kirimukuyu To improve access and open up 2 Km Grading, and Gravelling. 3M 2018-2022
kamuguruka Ward new areas Installation of Culverts
Kiangi – Joseph – Gicuhi Kirimukuyu To improve access and open up 2Km Grading, and Gravelling. 3M 2018-2022
Road Ward new areas Installation of Culverts
Cattle Dip – Amos and Kirimukuyu To improve access and open up 1.6km Grading, and Gravelling. 2.4M 2018-2022
Kimuhu Road Ward new areas Installation of Culverts

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timeframe
Gituru – Kibara Road Kirimukuyu To improve access and open up 2 Km Grading, and Gravelling. 3M 2018-2022
Ward new areas Installation of Culverts
Kigukiro – Mwangi Kirimukuyu To improve access and open up 2 Km Grading, and Gravelling. 3M 2018-2022
Warui Road Ward new areas Installation of Culverts
Rathagati Market – Kirimukuyu To improve access and open up 2 Km Grading, and Gravelling. 3M 2018-2022
Chaka Road Ward new areas Installation of Culverts
Ngaini Posta – Githima Kirimukuyu To improve access and open up 1 Km Grading, and Gravelling. 1.5M 2018-2022
Shopping Centre – Ward new areas Installation of Culverts
Githima Factory Road
Chiuri – Ruiruini Bridge Kirimukuyu To improve access and open up 2.5 Km Grading, and Gravelling. 3.5M 2018-2022
(Karura Road) Ward new areas Installation of Culverts
Dedan – Benson Kirimukuyu To improve access and open up 0.5 Km Grading, and Gravelling. 0.8M 2018-2022
Mathenge Road Ward new areas Installation of Culverts
Gituhu – Mwea Road Kirimukuyu To improve access and open up 2km Grading, and Gravelling. 3M 2018-2022
(Kiongima Road) Ward new areas Installation of Culverts
Nyeri – Karatina High to Kirimukuyu To improve access and open up 3.2km Grading, and Gravelling. 4.8M 2018-2022
Ngaini Village Ward new areas Installation of Culverts
Iriaini road network Iria-ini Ward To improve access and open up 50km Grading, and Gravelling. 75M 2018-2022
(Mathira) new areas Installation of Culverts
Kiamwangi – Kahuru Iria-ini Ward To improve access and open up 2.5km Grading, and Gravelling. 3.5M 2018-2022
Road (Mathira) new areas Installation of Culverts
Gikororo – Kaharu Road Iria-ini Ward To improve access and open up 2.5km Grading, and Gravelling. 3.5M 2018-2022
(Mathira) new areas Installation of Culverts
Ihwagi – Gathima Road Iria-ini Ward To improve access and open up 2.5km Grading, and Gravelling. 3.5M 2018-2022
(Mathira) new areas Installation of Culverts
Gatondo – Kangiri Road Iria-ini Ward To improve access and open up 2.5km Grading, and Gravelling. 3.5M 2018-2022
(Mathira) new areas Installation of Culverts
Mwanda – Kiunyu Road Iria-ini Ward To improve access and open up 2.5km Grading, and Gravelling. 3.5M 2018-2022
(Mathira) new areas Installation of Culverts
Karandi – Kigatha – Iria-ini Ward To improve access and open up 2.5km Grading, and Gravelling. 3.5M 2018-2022
Kiaruhiu Road (Mathira) new areas Installation of Culverts
Mwanda – Ndaro-ini – Iria-ini Ward To improve access and open up 2.5km Grading, and Gravelling. 3.5M 2018-2022
Mutui (Ndimaini) Road (Mathira) new areas Installation of Culverts
50 km road network Iria-ini Ward To improve access and open up 2.5km Grading, and Gravelling. 3.5M 2018-2022
(Mathira) new areas Installation of Culverts
50KM road network Gatitu/ To improve access and open up 2.5km Grading, and Gravelling. 3.5M 2018-2022
Muruguru Ward new areas Installation of Culverts
Ndakaini Road Gatitu/ To improve access and open up 2.5km Grading, and Gravelling. 3.5M 2018-2022
Muruguru Ward new areas Installation of Culverts
Marua Roads Gatitu/ To improve access and open up 3 Km Grading, and Gravelling. 4.5M 2018-2022
Muruguru Ward new areas Installation of Culverts
Kinguka Road Gatitu/ To improve access and open up 4 Km Grading, and Gravelling. 6M 2018-2022
Muruguru Ward new areas Installation of Culverts
Nduiga Njakaranda Wamagana Ward To improve access and open up 5 Km Grading, Gravelling 7.5M 2018-2022
new areas
Baptist –Warweria Road Wamagana Ward To improve access and open up 2Km Grading, Gravelling 3M 2018-2022
new areas
Catholic Road Wamagana Ward To improve access and open up 0.5Km Grading, Gravelling 0.8M 2018-2022
new areas
Kiandu Secondary Road Wamagana Ward To improve access and open up 1Km Grading, Gravelling 1.5M 2018-2022
new areas
Muriithi Gacheru Road Wamagana Ward To improve access and open up 0.5Km Grading, Gravelling 0.8M 2018-2022
new areas
Classic Kiandu Karima Wamagana Ward To improve access and open up 0.5Km Grading, Gravelling 0.8M 2018-2022
Road new areas
Gathurongai –Kamonjo Naromoru/ To improve access and open up 3km Grading, gravelling and 4.5M 2018-2022
road Kiamathaga new areas culvert installation
Kibaki- Demuini road Naromoru/ To improve access and open up 2km Grading, gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
Kiamathaga new areas culvert installation
Ngobia – Bagdad road Naromoru/ To improve access and open up 3km Grading, gravelling and 4.5M 2018-2022
Kiamathaga new areas culvert installation
Ithiriro –Kwa Wamithi – Naromoru/ To improve access and open up 4km Grading, gravelling and 6M 2018-2022
Karomo- Kanisani road Kiamathaga new areas culvert installation

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timeframe
Manyatta road Naromoru/ To improve access and open up 3km Grading, gravelling and 4.5M 2018-2022
Kiamathaga new areas culvert installation
Kiriaku –Kiambuthia Naromoru/ To improve access and open up 4km Grading, gravelling and 6M 2018-2022
Kiamathaga new areas culvert installation
Holy work -Naromoru Naromoru/ To improve access and open up 6km Grading, gravelling and 9M 2018-2022
Boys High school- Kiamathaga new areas culvert installation
Kanisa-Kandara road Ward
Zackaria –Kwale Road Naromoru/ To improve access and open up 5km Grading, gravelling and 7.5M 2018-2022
Kiamathaga new areas culvert installation
J-17 – Mwichuiri road Naromoru/ To improve access and open up 2km Grading, gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
Kiamathaga new areas culvert installation
Tigithi Primary school – Naromoru/ To improve access and open up 2km Grading, gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
Mbinjiwe road Kiamathaga new areas culvert installation
Chris Moris secondary Naromoru/ To improve access and open up 0.5km Grading, gravelling and 0.8M 2018-2022
school – Tripple A –Jim Kiamathaga new areas culvert installation
road Ward
Gatiriini –Ngatia Naromoru/ To improve access and open up 1.5km Grading, gravelling and 2.5M 2018-2022
Kiinyuru road Kiamathaga new areas culvert installation
John David-Kariithi- Naromoru/ To improve access and open up 4km Grading, gravelling and 6M 2018-2022
Maina Coke Kiamathaga new areas culvert installation
Aguthi primay school- Naromoru/ To improve access and open up 1km Grading, gravelling and 1.5M 2018-2022
kahuho primary school- Kiamathaga new areas culvert installation
Blue line Ward
Ha Muchiri –John Ruiru- Naromoru/ To improve access and open up 2km Grading, gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
Rongai AIPCA church - Kiamathaga new areas culvert installation
Msafiri Ward
Wambiru –Mwaniki road Kabaru Ward To improve access and open up 1.5km Grading, gravelling and 2.5M 2018-2022
new areas culvert installation
Ebenezer –Gakomo road Kabaru Ward To improve access and open up 2.5km Grading, gravelling and 3.5M 2018-2022
new areas culvert installation
Kuyai –Mwatha road Kabaru Ward To improve access and open up 1km Grading, gravelling and 1.5M 2018-2022
new areas culvert installation
Mugumoini –Karuga road Kabaru Ward To improve access and open up 1.5km Grading, gravelling and 2.5M 2018-2022
new areas culvert installation
Zawadi road Kabaru Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading, gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
new areas culvert installation
John Gikomo road Kabaru Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading, gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
new areas culvert installation
Gichere –Mambo road Kabaru Ward To improve access and open up 1.5km Grading, gravelling and 2.5M 2018-2022
new areas culvert installation
Kori –Jerioth road Kabaru Ward To improve access and open up 1.5km Grading, gravelling and 2.5M 2018-2022
new areas culvert installation
Kigundu –Karue road Kabaru Ward To improve access and open up 1km Grading, gravelling and 1.5M 2018-2022
new areas culvert installation
Mahinda road Kabaru Ward To improve access and open up 3km Grading, gravelling and 4.5M 2018-2022
new areas culvert installation
Kamama road Kabaru Ward To improve access and open up 5km Grading, gravelling and 7.5M 2018-2022
new areas culvert installation
Mere – Munjuga road Kabaru Ward To improve access and open up 1km Grading, gravelling and 1.5M 2018-2022
new areas culvert installation
Meeting point –Judea Kabaru Ward To improve access and open up 8km Grading, gravelling and 12M 2018-2022
road new areas culvert installation
Judea – forest road Kabaru Ward To improve access and open up 0.5km Grading, gravelling and 0.8M 2018-2022
new areas culvert installation
Burii –Wahiire road Kabaru Ward To improve access and open up 1km Grading, gravelling and 1.5M 2018-2022
new areas culvert installation
Kandune road Kabaru Ward To improve access and open up Grading, gravelling and 0.8M 2018-2022
new areas culvert installation
Kanene –Forest road Kabaru Ward To improve access and open up 0.5km Grading, gravelling and 0.8M 2018-2022
new areas culvert installation

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timeframe
Kanene –Kibunja road Kabaru Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading, gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
new areas culvert installation
Kieni star –Karuyi road Kabaru Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading, gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
new areas culvert installation
Miriiuki Kiiru –Forest Kabaru Ward To improve access and open up 1.5km Grading, gravelling and 2.5M 2018-2022
road new areas culvert installation
Dry junction –Kimahuri Kabaru Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading, gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
road new areas culvert installation
Mitero –Barrier road Kabaru Ward To improve access and open up 2.5km Grading, gravelling and 3.5M 2018-2022
new areas culvert installation
Mitero – Kimahuri road Kabaru Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading, gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
new areas culvert installation
Junction Villa –Kimahuri Kabaru Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading, gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
road new areas culvert installation
Kimahuri –Kairi road Kabaru Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading, gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
new areas culvert installation
Kelly Memorial – Kabaru Ward To improve access and open up 3km Grading, gravelling and 4.5M 2018-2022
Gachara Mbugua road new areas culvert installation
Kariuki Njugi-Kamanu Kabaru Ward To improve access and open up 3km Grading, gravelling and 4.5M 2018-2022
road new areas culvert installation
Gitubururu catholic Kabaru Ward To improve access and open up 1.5km Grading, gravelling and 2.5M 2018-2022
church –Kamahuri stream new areas culvert installation
Dry Junction – Kagume Kabaru Ward To improve access and open up 1.5km Grading, gravelling and 2.5M 2018-2022
Junction road new areas culvert installation
Godffrey Muchoki – Kabaru Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading, gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
Wanjiku Maringa road new areas culvert installation
Mbiriri –Gatere-Kabui Kabaru Ward To improve access and open up 4km Grading, gravelling and 6M 2018-2022
road new areas culvert installation
Rongai –Wabadi – Kabaru Ward To improve access and open up 3km Grading, gravelling and 4.5M 2018-2022
Gachugi road new areas culvert installation
Forest –Njagi –Mapema Kabaru Ward To improve access and open up 3km Grading, gravelling and 4.5M 2018-2022
road new areas culvert installation
Forest –Wakuguru road Kabaru Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading, gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
new areas culvert installation
Forest –Wakio-Gathara Kabaru Ward To improve access and open up 3km Grading, gravelling and 4.5M 2018-2022
road new areas culvert installation
Mapema –Ndathi Water Kabaru Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading, gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
Tank road new areas culvert installation
CD Junction –Muthee Kabaru Ward To improve access and open up 1km Grading, gravelling and 1.5M 2018-2022
Nyakarika road new areas culvert installation
Jane Junction –Full Kabaru Ward To improve access and open up 1km Grading, gravelling and 1.5M 2018-2022
Gospel Church- Gichuki new areas culvert installation
Ruguru –Murigu-forest Kabaru Ward To improve access and open up 1km Grading, gravelling and 1.5M 2018-2022
road new areas culvert installation
Njuki –Wanyakingei road Kabaru Ward To improve access and open up 1km Grading, gravelling and 1.5M 2018-2022
new areas culvert installation
Mbogoini A-Mititu – Kabaru Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading, gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
Kenneth road new areas culvert installation
Tarmac –Munyu Heath Kabaru Ward To improve access and open up 1km Grading, gravelling and 1.5M 2018-2022
center Road new areas culvert installation
Kiabunda –Ndarathi- Kabaru Ward To improve access and open up 0.5km Grading, gravelling and 0.8M 2018-2022
Migui road new areas culvert installation
100 KM road network Gakawa Ward To improve access and open up 10 KM Grading, gravelling and 15M 2018-2022
new areas culvert installation
Maka tank site –railway Gakawa Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading, gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
line road new areas culvert installation
Nalanya –Railway line Gakawa Ward To improve access and open up 1.5km Grading, gravelling and 2.5M 2018-2022
road new areas culvert installation
Wathituga primary Gakawa Ward To improve access and open up 4km Grading, gravelling and 6M 2018-2022
school- Maisha dam – new areas culvert installation
Equator Village Road
Delta petrol station- Full Gakawa Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading, gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
gospel church –Railway new areas culvert installation
line road

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timeframe
Nanyuki Boarding – Gakawa Ward To improve access and open up 2.5km Grading, gravelling and 3.5M 2018-2022
Ichuga sawmill – Railway new areas culvert installation
line road
Tarmac road –Queens Inn Gakawa Ward To improve access and open up 1.7km Grading, gravelling and 2.5M 2018-2022
hotel-Railway line road new areas culvert installation
Ngetha Memorial Gakawa Ward To improve access and open up 1.5km Grading, gravelling and 2.5M 2018-2022
Academy-Railway line new areas culvert installation
Tarmac road – Ichuga Gakawa Ward To improve access and open up 1km Grading, gravelling and 1.5M 2018-2022
Catholic Church – new areas culvert installation
Wathituga Primary
school road
Equator feeder roads Gakawa Ward To improve access and open up 20 km Grading, gravelling and 30M 2018-2022
new areas culvert installation
Tarmac –Cattle dip – Gakawa Ward To improve access and open up Grading, gravelling and 4.5M 2018-2022
Railway line(Nganga) new areas culvert installation
Makar gachari’s – Gakawa Ward To improve access and open up 9km Grading, gravelling and 13M 2018-2022
Transformer – Tambuzi new areas culvert installation
Ikonya- Chaka railway Gakawa Ward To improve access and open up 4km Grading, gravelling and 6M 2018-2022
line raod new areas culvert installation
Olive Shade – Kanyingi’s Gakawa Ward To improve access and open up 4km Grading, gravelling and 6M 2018-2022
road new areas culvert installation
PCEA Githima to Gakawa Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading, gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
Gachinga’s road new areas culvert installation
Kwa Njogu – Kiboya Gakawa Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading, gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
Primary School- new areas culvert installation
Wang’ombe’s road
St. Stephen –Railway line Gakawa Ward To improve access and open up 4km Grading, gravelling and 6M 2018-2022
road new areas culvert installation
Wakamanu –Nyumba Gakawa Ward To improve access and open up 3km Grading, gravelling and 4.5M 2018-2022
Ithatu road new areas culvert installation
Mucheru –Railway line Gakawa Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading, gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
road new areas culvert installation
Kang’ang’i – Dam road Gakawa Ward To improve access and open up 1km Grading, gravelling and 1.5M 2018-2022
new areas culvert installation
Bidii cattle dip –Ikonya’s Gakawa Ward To improve access and open up 6km Grading, gravelling and 9M 2018-2022
road new areas culvert installation
Mkulima – Railway line Gakawa Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading, gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
road new areas culvert installation
Reconciliation Church – Gakawa Ward To improve access and open up 6km Grading, gravelling and 9M 2018-2022
Railway line road new areas culvert installation
Timber yard transformer Gakawa Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading, gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
–Mugo Muthiri road new areas culvert installation
Ndungu Mute – Railway Gakawa Ward To improve access and open up 2.5km Grading, gravelling and 3.5M 2018-2022
line road new areas culvert installation
Victors Junior – Railway Gakawa Ward To improve access and open up 6km Grading, gravelling and 9M 2018-2022
line road new areas culvert installation
Toro –Guara primary Gakawa Ward To improve access and open up 1.5km Grading, gravelling and 2.5M 2018-2022
school- Gakawa new areas culvert installation
secondary school road
Wa Mercy –Professor SK Gakawa Ward To improve access and open up 2.5km Grading, gravelling and 3.5M 2018-2022
road new areas culvert installation
Muchangi road Gakawa Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading, gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
new areas culvert installation
Karandi –ACK –Thuya Gakawa Ward To improve access and open up 2.5km Grading, gravelling and 3.5M 2018-2022
road new areas culvert installation
Watara road Gakawa Ward To improve access and open up 0.5km Grading, gravelling and 0.8M 2018-2022
new areas culvert installation
Airstrip –Wamare road Gakawa Ward To improve access and open up 2.5km Grading, gravelling and 2018-2022
new areas culvert installation
Baba George –Airstrip Gakawa Ward To improve access and open up 1.5km Grading, gravelling and 2.5M 2018-2022
primary school road new areas culvert installation
Assistant chief –county Gakawa Ward To improve access and open up 1.5km Grading, gravelling and 2.5M 2018-2022
road new areas culvert installation

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timeframe
Kanyugi –Mwangi Weru Gakawa Ward To improve access and open up 1.2km Grading, gravelling and 1.8M 2018-2022
road new areas culvert installation
County –Teacher Irungu Gakawa Ward To improve access and open up 1.5km Grading, gravelling and 2.5M 2018-2022
road new areas culvert installation
Muthamia –Deacon Gakawa Ward To improve access and open up 3km Grading, gravelling and 4.5M 2018-2022
Kariuki road new areas culvert installation
Muchangi –Wandeto road Gakawa Ward To improve access and open up 0.5km Grading, gravelling and 0.8M 2018-2022
new areas culvert installation
PCEA Ragati –John Gakawa Ward To improve access and open up 1km Grading, gravelling and 1.5M 2018-2022
Kahuthu road new areas culvert installation
Muriithi Ngetha –Forest Gakawa Ward To improve access and open up 1km Grading, gravelling and 1.5M 2018-2022
road new areas culvert installation
Wathituga –Kaaga Gakawa Ward To improve access and open up 4km Grading, gravelling and 6M 2018-2022
Nursery school-Ngerima new areas culvert installation
Gakawa Health center – Gakawa Ward To improve access and open up 8km Grading, gravelling and 1M 2018-2022
Njaramba-PCEA new areas culvert installation
Munyaka – Baptist
church –U(kamarete)
Joshua –Bright Star Gakawa Ward To improve access and open up 3km Grading, gravelling and 4.5M 2018-2022
Academy- Munyaka new areas culvert installation
PCEA road
Toll –Solid Rock Church Gakawa Ward To improve access and open up 8km Grading, gravelling and 12M 2018-2022
–Gatobu –Gacagi new areas culvert installation
(michiri bridge) road
Kania Tank –Katheri Gakawa Ward To improve access and open up 6km Grading, gravelling and 9M 2018-2022
primary school –Munene new areas culvert installation
–GCC –U road
Loruku farm –Temu road Gakawa Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading, gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
new areas culvert installation
Dr. Njoroge –Mwea Gakawa Ward To improve access and open up 6km Grading, gravelling and 9M 2018-2022
shopping center road new areas culvert installation
Maina Mung’ora – Gakawa Ward To improve access and open up 3km Grading, gravelling and 4.5M 2018-2022
Ndegwa Githua-Baba new areas culvert installation
Shem road
Spot light –Meeme – Gakawa Ward To improve access and open up 3km Grading, gravelling and 4.5M 2018-2022
Kimathi road new areas culvert installation
Maina –Joel –Ngumo Gakawa Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading, gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
road new areas culvert installation
Karima –Joel –Githendu Gakawa Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading, gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
road new areas culvert installation
Kirori –Maina Gatundu Gakawa Ward To improve access and open up 3km Grading, gravelling and 4.5M 2018-2022
new areas culvert installation
Thegu River Ward road Thegu River To improve access and open up 100KM Grading, gravelling and 150M 2018-2022
network Ward new areas culvert installation
Giteru-Kaiga road Thegu River To improve access and open up 1.5km Grading, gravelling and 2.4M 2018-2022
Ward new areas culvert installation
Gachari – Chumaini road Thegu River To improve access and open up 2km Grading, gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
Ward new areas culvert installation
Karundas Catholic Thegu River To improve access and open up 1.2km Grading, gravelling and 2M 2018-2022
church- Nairobi river Ward new areas culvert installation
Karundas Chief’s office – Thegu River To improve access and open up 1.4km Grading, gravelling and 2.4M 2018-2022
Forest road Ward new areas culvert installation
Mama Watoto – Ngeretha Thegu River To improve access and open up 1km Grading, gravelling and 1.5M 2018-2022
road Ward new areas culvert installation
New Center –Chumaini Thegu River To improve access and open up 1km Grading, gravelling and 1.5M 2018-2022
road Ward new areas culvert installation
Karandi –Nairobi river Thegu River To improve access and open up 3km Grading, gravelling and 4.5M 2018-2022
road Ward new areas culvert installation
Full gospel church- Lucy Thegu River To improve access and open up 2.4km Grading, gravelling and 3.4M 2018-2022
Weru road Ward new areas culvert installation
J.J road Thegu River To improve access and open up 2.1km Grading, gravelling and 3.1M 2018-2022
Ward new areas culvert installation
Munyiri Kareko road Thegu River To improve access and open up 1.5km Grading, gravelling and 2.5M 2018-2022
Ward new areas culvert installation

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timeframe
Syphad road Thegu River To improve access and open up 1.5km Grading, gravelling and 2.5M 2018-2022
Ward new areas culvert installation
Peak view –Gichubi road Thegu River To improve access and open up 1.2km Grading, gravelling and 2M 2018-2022
Ward new areas culvert installation
A.I.P.C.A – Gichubi road Thegu River To improve access and open up 1km Grading, gravelling and 1.5M 2018-2022
Ward new areas culvert installation
Wagiti –Ngorongo road Thegu River To improve access and open up 1.2km Grading, gravelling and 2M 2018-2022
Ward new areas culvert installation
Kubai Junction– Nairobi Thegu River To improve access and open up 1.4km Grading, gravelling and 2.4M 2018-2022
river road Ward new areas culvert installation
Dr.Kibunja –Ngatha road Thegu River To improve access and open up 2km Grading, gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
Ward new areas culvert installation
Muiga –Ngatha road Thegu River To improve access and open up 1.3km Grading, gravelling and 1.7M 2018-2022
Ward new areas culvert installation
Nairobi river –Kairu- Thegu River To improve access and open up 1.2km Grading, gravelling and 2M 2018-2022
Gathathini Dam road Ward new areas culvert installation
Ngonde road Thegu River To improve access and open up 1.4km Grading, gravelling and 2.5M 2018-2022
Ward new areas culvert installation
AP camp – Thegu river Thegu River To improve access and open up 1km Grading, gravelling and 1.5M 2018-2022
road Ward new areas culvert installation
Professor –Tagwa road Thegu River To improve access and open up 2.7km Grading, gravelling and 3.6M 2018-2022
Ward new areas culvert installation
Mwangi Gibson road Thegu River To improve access and open up 1.1km Grading, gravelling and 1.7M 2018-2022
Ward new areas culvert installation
Karuru road Thegu River To improve access and open up 1.2km Grading, gravelling and 1.8M 2018-2022
Ward new areas culvert installation
Thegu resort –P.C.E.A Thegu River To improve access and open up 2km Grading, gravelling and 3.5M 2018-2022
Tagwa road Ward new areas culvert installation
Gatuamba secondary Thegu River To improve access and open up 2.5km Grading, gravelling and 3.5M 2018-2022
school – Gatemu road Ward new areas culvert installation
Lusoi Junction – Thegu River To improve access and open up 5km Grading, gravelling and 7.5M 2018-2022
Kamahiuria road Ward new areas culvert installation
Ndiriti Primary school- Thegu River To improve access and open up 2.5km Grading, gravelling and 3.5M 2018-2022
Gatuamba Medical Clinic Ward new areas culvert installation
Warutere Borehole- Thegu River To improve access and open up 1.8km Grading, gravelling and 2.4M 2018-2022
Muguro road Ward new areas culvert installation
Gatuamba center – Thegu River To improve access and open up 1.5km Grading, gravelling and 2.5M 2018-2022
Gatemu road Ward new areas culvert installation
Kuira – Ngumo road Thegu River To improve access and open up 1km Grading, gravelling and 1.5M 2018-2022
Ward new areas culvert installation
Mugi – Slopes Academy Thegu River To improve access and open up 1km Grading, gravelling and 1.5M 2018-2022
road Ward new areas culvert installation
Muturi –Homage- Thegu River To improve access and open up 2km Grading, gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
Kamuri road Ward new areas culvert installation
Ndaya –Forest road Thegu River To improve access and open up 4km Grading, gravelling and 6M 2018-2022
Ward new areas culvert installation
Winfra – More than Thegu River To improve access and open up 2km Grading, gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
Conquers church road Ward new areas culvert installation
Lions Investment – Brade Thegu River To improve access and open up 1km Grading, gravelling and 1.5M 2018-2022
Gate road Ward new areas culvert installation
Miracle Junior –Fantacy Thegu River To improve access and open up 1km Grading, gravelling and 1.5M 2018-2022
road Ward new areas culvert installation
Baraka Estate Roads Thegu River To improve access and open up 2.2km Grading, gravelling and 3.3M 2018-2022
Ward new areas culvert installation
Tropical –Bridge school Thegu River To improve access and open up 1.3km Grading, gravelling and 2.1M 2018-2022
road Ward new areas culvert installation
Kirinyaga Quarry – Thegu River To improve access and open up 2.7km Grading, gravelling and 3.6M 2018-2022
Eng.Kamau road Ward new areas culvert installation
Jerubi - Bridge school Thegu River To improve access and open up 1km Grading, gravelling and 1.5M 2018-2022
road Ward new areas culvert installation
Mt. Kenya Ring road Thegu River To improve access and open up 3km Grading, gravelling and 4.5M 2018-2022
Ward new areas culvert installation
Chaka chemist- Tropical Thegu River To improve access and open up 1km Grading, gravelling and 1.5M 2018-2022
road Ward new areas culvert installation
AIPCA –Chaka primary Thegu River To improve access and open up 1.5km Grading, gravelling and 2.5M 2018-2022
school road Ward new areas culvert installation

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timeframe
Marata –Tropical road Thegu River To improve access and open up 1km Grading, gravelling and 1.5M 2018-2022
Ward new areas culvert installation
AMS –Thungari water Thegu River To improve access and open up 2km Grading, gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
project office road Ward new areas culvert installation
AMS –Everest road Thegu River To improve access and open up 4km Grading, gravelling and 6M 2018-2022
Ward new areas culvert installation
AMS – Sangare Thegu River To improve access and open up 5km Grading, gravelling and 7.5M 2018-2022
Conservancy road Ward new areas culvert installation
Qill club - Sangare Thegu River To improve access and open up 3km Grading, gravelling and 4.5M 2018-2022
Conservancy road Ward new areas culvert installation
Nyange primary school- Thegu River To improve access and open up 2km Grading, gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
Nyanjara road Ward new areas culvert installation
Kabira - Sangare Thegu River To improve access and open up 4km Grading, gravelling and 6M 2018-2022
Conservancy road Ward new areas culvert installation
Karabui –Gathorongai Thegu River To improve access and open up 1.5km Grading, gravelling and 2.5M 2018-2022
river road Ward new areas culvert installation
Reli - Gathorongai river Thegu River To improve access and open up 1.5km Grading, gravelling and 2.5M 2018-2022
road Ward new areas culvert installation
Karandi - Gathorongai Thegu River To improve access and open up 1.5km Grading, gravelling and 2.5M 2018-2022
river road Ward new areas culvert installation
PCEA church - Thegu River To improve access and open up 1.5km Grading, gravelling and 2.5M 2018-2022
Gathorongai river road Ward new areas culvert installation
Gichimu –Gatome road Thegu River To improve access and open up 3km Grading, gravelling and 4.5M 2018-2022
Ward new areas culvert installation
Muraguri –Kiruhi road Thegu River To improve access and open up 2km Grading, gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
Ward new areas culvert installation
Mbonaya –Mureria road Thegu River To improve access and open up 1.5km Grading, gravelling and 2.5M 2018-2022
Ward new areas culvert installation
Waithanje –Kingongo- Thegu River To improve access and open up 2.2km Grading, gravelling and 3.3M 2018-2022
Kibunja road Ward new areas culvert installation
Mariga Karienye – Thegu River To improve access and open up 1km Grading, gravelling and 1.5M 2018-2022
Githaga road Ward new areas culvert installation
Murage – Nderi road Thegu River To improve access and open up 1.6km Grading, gravelling and 2.4M 2018-2022
Ward new areas culvert installation
Kinyanjui – Kanyeki road Thegu River To improve access and open up 1km Grading, gravelling and 1.5M 2018-2022
Ward new areas culvert installation
Karengo – Chege road Thegu River To improve access and open up 1.3km Grading, gravelling and 2M 2018-2022
Ward new areas culvert installation
Githungo primary school Thegu River To improve access and open up 1.5km Grading, gravelling and 2.5M 2018-2022
road Ward new areas culvert installation
Matu – Kiandune River Thegu River To improve access and open up 1.6km Grading, gravelling and 2.5M 2018-2022
road Ward new areas culvert installation
Lusoi primary school – Thegu River To improve access and open up 1.8km Grading, gravelling and 2.7M 2018-2022
Muthunji road Ward new areas culvert installation
Ndururi –Kandune river Thegu River To improve access and open up 1.5km Grading, gravelling and 2.5M 2018-2022
road Ward new areas culvert installation
Theuri –Rendaya road Thegu River To improve access and open up 1.6km Grading, gravelling and 2.5M 2018-2022
Ward new areas culvert installation
Kaguora –Kaminjuki Thegu River To improve access and open up 1.2km Grading, gravelling and 1.8M 2018-2022
road Ward new areas culvert installation
Mastore –Forest road Thegu River To improve access and open up 1.2km Grading, gravelling and 1.8M 2018-2022
Ward new areas culvert installation
Gwa Gakau – Quarry – Thegu River To improve access and open up 1.8km Grading, gravelling and 2.7M 2018-2022
Thegu resort road Ward new areas culvert installation
Kwa Njogo –Mahiga Mahiga Ward To improve access and open up 1.8km Grading, gravelling and 2.7M 2018-2022
Coffee factory –Rukiras new areas culvert installation
Kwa Njogo –Kamoko Mahiga Ward To improve access and open up 1.8km Grading, gravelling and 2.7M 2018-2022
dispensary road new areas culvert installation
Kabage –Mugaa road Mahiga Ward To improve access and open up 1.8km Grading, gravelling and 2.7M 2018-2022
new areas culvert installation
Gathuma –Ngorano road Mahiga Ward To improve access and open up 1.8km Grading, gravelling and 2.7M 2018-2022
new areas culvert installation
Ngorano road Mahiga Ward To improve access and open up 1.8km Grading, gravelling and 2.7M 2018-2022
new areas culvert installation
Wakaruga –Kamanga Mahiga Ward To improve access and open up 1.8km Grading, gravelling and 2.7M 2018-2022
road new areas culvert installation

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timeframe
Kihuri rural roads Mahiga Ward To improve access and open up 1.8km Grading, gravelling and 2.7M 2018-2022
new areas culvert installation
CCM – coffee factory Mahiga Ward To improve access and open up 1.8km Grading, gravelling and 2.7M 2018-2022
new areas culvert installation
Rwatheini road Mahiga Ward To improve access and open up 1.8km Grading, gravelling and 2.7M 2018-2022
new areas culvert installation
Kingorio road Mahiga Ward To improve access and open up 1.8km Grading, gravelling and 2.7M 2018-2022
new areas culvert installation
R 12 road Mahiga Ward To improve access and open up 1.8km Grading, gravelling and 2.7M 2018-2022
new areas culvert installation
Kihuri road Mahiga Ward To improve access and open up 1.8km Grading, gravelling and 2.7M 2018-2022
new areas culvert installation
Kagere –Kenyatta- Mahiga Ward To improve access and open up 1.8km Grading, gravelling and 2.7M 2018-2022
Kimumu road new areas culvert installation
Kagere –ACK road Mahiga Ward To improve access and open up 1.8km Grading, gravelling and 2.7M 2018-2022
new areas culvert installation
Kagere –Elimu church – Mahiga Ward To improve access and open up 1.8km Grading, gravelling and 2.7M 2018-2022
full gospel –Revelation new areas culvert installation
Covenant road
Tarmac – Wathiini road Mahiga Ward To improve access and open up 1.8km Grading, gravelling and 2.7M 2018-2022
new areas culvert installation
Kihururu – Kiawngaru Mahiga Ward To improve access and open up 1.8km Grading, gravelling and 2.7M 2018-2022
road new areas culvert installation
Karibi rural road Mahiga Ward To improve access and open up 1.8km Grading, gravelling and 2.7M 2018-2022
new areas culvert installation
Mwathaini rural road Mahiga Ward To improve access and open up 1.8km Grading, gravelling and 2.7M 2018-2022
new areas culvert installation
Mbari ya Ngumi feeder Mahiga Ward To improve access and open up 1.8km Grading, gravelling and 2.7M 2018-2022
road new areas culvert installation
Kiria feeder road Mahiga Ward To improve access and open up 1.8km Grading, gravelling and 2.7M 2018-2022
new areas culvert installation
Njigari –Kamunyuini- Mahiga Ward To improve access and open up 1.8km Grading, gravelling and 2.7M 2018-2022
Mukuyu-Wanderi road new areas culvert installation
CCM- AIPCA Munyange Mahiga Ward To improve access and open up 1.8km Grading, gravelling and 2.7M 2018-2022
road new areas culvert installation
Kwa Wagaru –Kwa Mahiga Ward To improve access and open up 1.8km Grading, gravelling and 2.7M 2018-2022
Chacheru-Mutune road new areas culvert installation
Karuthiru road Mahiga Ward To improve access and open up 1.8km Grading, gravelling and 2.7M 2018-2022
new areas culvert installation
Kaharo –Giakaru-Gitugi Mahiga Ward To improve access and open up 1.8km Grading, gravelling and 2.7M 2018-2022
road new areas culvert installation
Wamahinyika –Giakabia Mahiga Ward To improve access and open up 1.8km Grading, gravelling and 2.7M 2018-2022
road new areas culvert installation
Gitugi –Giakaru –Kina Mahiga Ward To improve access and open up 1.8km Grading, gravelling and 2.7M 2018-2022
road new areas culvert installation
Kina –Rwatheini road Mahiga Ward To improve access and open up 1.8km Grading, gravelling and 2.7M 2018-2022
new areas culvert installation
Gitugi factory road Mahiga Ward To improve access and open up 1.8km Grading, gravelling and 2.7M 2018-2022
new areas culvert installation
Lower and upper Mahiga Ward To improve access and open up 1.8km Grading, gravelling and 2.7M 2018-2022
Gathiuku feeder road new areas culvert installation
Kairore –Thuti road Mahiga Ward To improve access and open up 1.8km Grading, gravelling and 2.7M 2018-2022
new areas culvert installation
Ndiginda road Mahiga Ward To improve access and open up 1.8km Grading, gravelling and 2.7M 2018-2022
new areas culvert installation
Gititu road Mahiga Ward To improve access and open up 1.8km Grading, gravelling and 2.7M 2018-2022
new areas culvert installation
Mati road Mahiga Ward To improve access and open up 1.8km Grading, gravelling and 2.7M 2018-2022
new areas culvert installation
Karima road network Karima ward To improve access and open up 50km Grading, gravelling and 75M 2018-2022
new areas culvert installation
Irindi primary school – Karima ward To improve access and open up 2.3km Grading, gravelling and 3.5M 2018-2022
Grait road new areas culvert installation
Kairia primary school – Karima ward To improve access and open up 2.3km Grading, gravelling and 3.5M 2018-2022
Eliab’s – Assistant chief’s new areas culvert installation

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timeframe
Kiruga factory –Kagiri’s Karima ward To improve access and open up 2.3km Grading, gravelling and 3.5M 2018-2022
–Kirugurugu road new areas culvert installation
Kiruga police post – Karima ward To improve access and open up 2.3km Grading, gravelling and 3.5M 2018-2022
AIPCA-Gatoto road new areas culvert installation
Matio’s –Kianyaga’s road Karima ward To improve access and open up 2.3km Grading, gravelling and 3.5M 2018-2022
new areas culvert installation
Irindi secondary school – Karima ward To improve access and open up 2.3km Grading, gravelling and 3.5M 2018-2022
Mathaga’s-Gikira river new areas culvert installation
Muhuri’s –Wahome’s- Karima ward To improve access and open up 2.3km Grading, gravelling and 3.5M 2018-2022
Kinonoko’s –Josiah’s new areas culvert installation
Karuga’s –Gichohi Karima ward To improve access and open up 2.3km Grading, gravelling and 3.5M 2018-2022
Kanake- Kiruga CCM new areas culvert installation
Wachiuri –Gikira river Karima ward To improve access and open up 2.3km Grading, gravelling and 3.5M 2018-2022
road new areas culvert installation
Kimungu –Rev. Karima ward To improve access and open up 2.3km Grading, gravelling and 3.5M 2018-2022
Mugambi-Irindi road new areas culvert installation
Kagunduini-Witima-Kiyu Karima ward To improve access and open up 2.3km Grading, gravelling and 3.5M 2018-2022
primary school- Tarmac – new areas culvert installation
Gaikundo road
Kibe Mugo –Murimi – Karima ward To improve access and open up 2.3km Grading, gravelling and 3.5M 2018-2022
Gikira river road new areas culvert installation
Witima Highway – Karima ward To improve access and open up 2.3km Grading, gravelling and 3.5M 2018-2022
Kamoini- Ichamama new areas culvert installation
coffee factory –Kwa
Ngechu road
Kamoini –water pump Karima ward To improve access and open up 2.3km Grading, gravelling and 3.5M 2018-2022
station road new areas culvert installation
Witima shopping center – Karima ward To improve access and open up 2.3km Grading, gravelling and 3.5M 2018-2022
Kahuiya road new areas culvert installation
Witima Chief’s office— Karima ward To improve access and open up 2.3km Grading, gravelling and 3.5M 2018-2022
CCM –ACK road new areas culvert installation
PCEA Witima church – Karima ward To improve access and open up 2.3km Grading, gravelling and 3.5M 2018-2022
Ithanji road new areas culvert installation
Mutiria –Kagumo road Karima ward To improve access and open up 2.3km Grading, gravelling and 3.5M 2018-2022
new areas culvert installation
Kiharo –Kamoini road Karima ward To improve access and open up 2.3km Grading, gravelling and 3.5M 2018-2022
new areas culvert installation
Isaac Gitonga –Harrison Karima ward To improve access and open up 2.3km Grading, gravelling and 3.5M 2018-2022
Gachanja road new areas culvert installation
Gatugi –Mutitu primary Karima ward To improve access and open up 2.3km Grading, gravelling and 3.5M 2018-2022
school –Gerard’s road new areas culvert installation
Wambugu –Ngure- Karima ward To improve access and open up 2.3km Grading, gravelling and 3.5M 2018-2022
Gachara farm road new areas culvert installation
Mbari ya Ngai –Kamuhiu Karima ward To improve access and open up 2.3km Grading, gravelling and 3.5M 2018-2022
–Mwangi Njanga road new areas culvert installation
Gatugi CCM –Sewerage Karima ward To improve access and open up 2.3km Grading, gravelling and 3.5M 2018-2022
road new areas culvert installation
Dump site –Thuti factory Karima ward To improve access and open up 2.3km Grading, gravelling and 3.5M 2018-2022
road new areas culvert installation
Gichuru –Waitiati road Karima ward To improve access and open up 2.3km Grading, gravelling and 3.5M 2018-2022
new areas culvert installation
Wamahia road Mahiga Ward To improve access and open up 2.3km Grading, gravelling and 3.5M 2018-2022
new areas culvert installation-
Kihuri – Mainganiro road Mahiga Ward To improve access and open up 2.3km Grading, gravelling and 3.5M 2018-2022
new areas culvert installation
Mashunjaa road Mahiga Ward To improve access and open up 2.3km Grading, gravelling and 3.5M 2018-2022
new areas culvert installation-
Kiandu Market Roads Wamagana Ward To improve access and open up 2.3km Grading, Gravelling and 3.4M 2018-2022
new areas Drainage
Coffee factory-Kagumo Wamagana Ward To improve access and open up 1Km Grading, Gravelling and 1.5M 2018-2022
Roads new areas Drainage

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timeframe
Mabada-Kariko Road Wamagana Ward To improve access and open up 4Km Grading, Gravelling and 6M 2018-2022
new areas Drainage
Lower Kiambaru/Mairi – Chinga Ward To improve access and open up 11 Km Grading, Gravelling and 18M 2018-2022
Njajara Road new areas installation of Culverts
Kiaga – Ruarai Access Chinga Ward To improve access and open up 15 Km Grading, Gravelling and 22M 2018-2022
Road new areas installation of Culverts
Mitai Chinga Dam Chinga Ward To improve access and open up 12 Km Grading, Gravelling and 18M 2018-2022
Access Road new areas installation of Culverts
Gathabari Kianwe Access Chinga Ward To improve access and open up 18 Km Grading, Gravelling and 27M 2018-2022
Road new areas installation of Culverts
Kariko Giathaimu Access Chinga Ward To improve access and open up 30 Km Grading, Gravelling and 45M 2018-2022
Road new areas installation of Culverts
Kiganjo - Kabura Access Chinga Ward To improve access and open up 15 Km Grading, Gravelling and 22M 2018-2022
Road new areas installation of Culverts
50 KM road network Mukurwe-ini To improve access and open up 50KM Grading, Gravelling and 75M 2018-2022
Central new areas installation of Culverts
Gathukimundu – Muote – Mukurwe-ini To improve access and open up 3 Km Grading, Gravelling and 4.5M 2018-2022
Kaimururi Road Central new areas installation of Culverts
Gachiriro Ministry of Mukurwe-ini To improve access and open up 2 Km Grading, Gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
Works Road Central new areas installation of Culverts
Gaikuru Maganjo Road Mukurwe-ini To improve access and open up 5 Km Grading, Gravelling and 7.5M 2018-2022
Central new areas installation of Culverts
Gaikuru – Kiangoma Mukurwe-ini To improve access and open up 3 Km Grading, Gravelling and 4.5M 2018-2022
Road Central new areas installation of Culverts
Kiroro – Njorogo Road Mukurwe-ini To improve access and open up 2 Km Grading, Gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
Central new areas installation of Culverts
Kiawanjugu Road Mukurwe-ini To improve access and open up 2 Km Grading, Gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
Central new areas installation of Culverts
Muya Kahihu Road Mukurwe-ini To improve access and open up 1 Km Grading, Gravelling and 1.5M 2018-2022
Central new areas installation of Culverts
Gakindu Central Boarder Mukurwe-ini To improve access and open up 5 Km Grading, Gravelling and 7.5M 2018-2022
Road Central new areas installation of Culverts
Maganjo PCEA Road Mukurwe-ini To improve access and open up 1 Km Grading, Gravelling and 1.5M 2018-2022
Central new areas installation of Culverts
Mwireri – Kihate – Mukurwe-ini To improve access and open up 4 Km Grading, Gravelling and 6M 2018-2022
Mununu Road Central new areas installation of Culverts
Kihate - Kirio Road Mukurwe-ini To improve access and open up 2 Km Grading, Gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
Central new areas installation of Culverts
Kariaini Road Mukurwe-ini To improve access and open up 2 Km Grading, Gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
Central new areas installation of Culverts
Mutwewathi Kiaraho Mukurwe-ini To improve access and open up 2 Km Grading, Gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
Road Central new areas installation of Culverts
Ngoru – Kongaru Road Mukurwe-ini To improve access and open up 1 Km Grading, Gravelling and 1.5M 2018-2022
Central new areas installation of Culverts
Huhi Road Mukurwe-ini To improve access and open up 2 Km Grading, Gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
Central new areas installation of Culverts
Mukurwe-ini Boys - Mukurwe-ini To improve access and open up 2 Km Grading, Gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
Main Road Central new areas installation of Culverts
Mbugua – Gathanga-ini – Mukurwe-ini To improve access and open up 4 Km Grading, Gravelling and 6M 2018-2022
Kangwaci Road Central new areas installation of Culverts
Kihingo – Kianjogu Road Mukurwe-ini To improve access and open up 300 m Grading, Gravelling and 0.5M 2018-2022
Central new areas installation of Culverts
ACK Kiuu – Kiuu Mukurwe-ini To improve access and open up 3 Km Grading, Gravelling and 4.5M 2018-2022
Factory- Kabui- Kiuu Central new areas installation of Culverts
Shopping Centre
Karaya - Factory Road Mukurwe-ini To improve access and open up 0.5 Km Grading, Gravelling and 0.8M 2018-2022
Central new areas installation of Culverts
Kigutu – Githanga Road Mukurwe-ini To improve access and open up 0.5 Km Grading, Gravelling and 0.8M 2018-2022
Central new areas installation of Culverts
Kigutu - Ruharu Road Mukurwe-ini To improve access and open up 0.5 Km Grading, Gravelling and 0.8M 2018-2022
Central new areas installation of Culverts
Huhi-ini – Githunguri – Mukurwe-ini To improve access and open up 0.5 Km Grading, Gravelling and 0.8M 2018-2022
Kwa Njunge Road Central new areas installation of Culverts
Kagumo-ini – kahero Mukurwe-ini To improve access and open up 0.4 Km Grading, Gravelling and 0.8M 2018-2022
Road – Kanjiru Road Central new areas installation of Culverts
Githungungu – Joe Mukurwe-ini To improve access and open up 0.4 Km Grading, Gravelling and 0.8M 2018-2022
Kabora home Road Central new areas installation of Culverts

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timeframe
Marandini – Karitu Road Mukurwe-ini To improve access and open up 0.2 Km Grading, Gravelling and 0.3M 2018-2022
Central new areas installation of Culverts
Kinyahwe – Gitumbi Mukurwe-ini To improve access and open up 1.5 Km Grading, Gravelling and 2.5M 2018-2022
Road Central new areas installation of Culverts
Kiboya – Kariuki Huja Mukurwe-ini To improve access and open up 0.15 Km Grading, Gravelling and 0.2M 2018-2022
Road Central new areas installation of Culverts
Ichamara Market Road Mukurwe-ini To improve access and open up 1.2 Km Grading, Gravelling and 1.8M 2018-2022
Central new areas installation of Culverts
Giitwa – Mwangi Joston- Mukurwe-ini To improve access and open up 1.5 Km Grading, Gravelling and 2.5M 2018-2022
Gaichangari – Maria-ini Central new areas installation of Culverts
Giitwa – Kaweru- Kiungu Mukurwe-ini To improve access and open up 1.5 Km Grading, Gravelling and 2.5M 2018-2022
Road Central new areas installation of Culverts
Maria-ini – Matuto Mukurwe-ini To improve access and open up 1 Km Grading, Gravelling and 1.5M 2018-2022
Primary Road Central new areas installation of Culverts
Kibauini- Giitwa – Mukurwe-ini To improve access and open up 3 Culverts Grading, Gravelling and 1.5M 2018-2022
Matuto Baptist Road Central new areas installation of Culverts
Kiria-ini – Kimondo Mukurwe-ini To improve access and open up 0.6 Km Grading, Gravelling and 0.9M 2018-2022
Shopping Centre Road Central new areas installation of Culverts
Kimondo - Kambogo Mukurwe-ini To improve access and open up 0.2 Km Grading, Gravelling and 0.3M 2018-2022
Road Central new areas installation of Culverts
Kimondo – Kiriguini Mukurwe-ini To improve access and open up 2 Km Grading, Gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
Road Central new areas installation of Culverts
Kimondo – PM Home Mukurwe-ini To improve access and open up 0.1 Km Grading, Gravelling and 0.2M 2018-2022
Road Central new areas installation of Culverts
Kimondo - Kiandonga Mukurwe-ini To improve access and open up 0.1 Km Grading, Gravelling and 0.2M 2018-2022
Road Central new areas installation of Culverts
Kiaraho - Thongori Road Mukurwe-ini To improve access and open up 0.5 Km Grading, Gravelling and 0.75M 2018-2022
Central new areas installation of Culverts
Gachagua’s –Stephen Gatitu/ To improve access and open up 0.8 Km Grading, Gravelling and 1.2M 2018-2022
Mwaniki Road Muruguru Ward new areas installation of culverts
Gitonga Gatimu – Gatitu/ To improve access and open up 0.7 Km Grading, Gravelling and 1.1M 2018-2022
Muhugus Road Muruguru Ward new areas installation of culverts
Micha – Githima Road Gatitu/ To improve access and open up 2 Km Grading, Gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
Muruguru Ward new areas installation of culverts
Micha Shopping Centre – Gatitu/ To improve access and open up 1 Km Grading, Gravelling and 1.5M 2018-2022
Fildefia Road Muruguru Ward new areas installation of culverts
Muchemi’s – Waihoro’s Gatitu/ To improve access and open up 0.8 KM Grading, Gravelling and 1.2M 2018-2022
Road Muruguru Ward new areas installation of culverts
Valley View – Muturi’s Gatitu/ To improve access and open up 1.8 Km Grading, Gravelling and 3.6M 2018-2022
Road Muruguru Ward new areas installation of culverts
Kariuki DS –Githoithiro Gatitu/ To improve access and open up 0.6 Km Grading, Gravelling and 0.9M 2018-2022
Road Muruguru Ward new areas installation of culverts
Wambugu – Mwenjangi’s Gatitu/ To improve access and open up 0.6 Km Grading, Gravelling and 0.9M 2018-2022
Road Muruguru Ward new areas installation of culverts
Wambugu Farm – Taiti Gatitu/ To improve access and open up 0.4 Km Grading, Gravelling and 0.6M 2018-2022
Road Muruguru Ward new areas installation of culverts
Memano – Kariuki DS Gatitu/ To improve access and open up 0.5 Km Grading, Gravelling and 0.75M 2018-2022
Road Muruguru Ward new areas installation of culverts
Kiamburi – Kagumo Gatitu/ To improve access and open up 1km Grading, Gravelling and 1.5M 2018-2022
College Road Muruguru Ward new areas installation of culverts
Faragu Wambugu Road Gatitu/ To improve access and open up 1km Grading, Gravelling and 1.5M 2018-2022
Muruguru Ward new areas installation of culverts
Richard Ndegwa – Gatitu/ To improve access and open up 1km Grading, Gravelling and 1.5M 2018-2022
Mathenge Gatonye Road Muruguru Ward new areas installation of culverts
Nderitu Primary – Gatitu/ To improve access and open up 1km Grading, Gravelling and 1.5M 2018-2022
Nderitu Coffee Factory Muruguru Ward new areas installation of culverts
Joyce Kihia Kibungo – Gatitu/ To improve access and open up 1km Grading, Gravelling and 1.5M 2018-2022
Gachika Road Muruguru Ward new areas installation of culverts
Eva Kabuthia – Kibungo Gatitu/ To improve access and open up 1km Grading, Gravelling and 1.5M 2018-2022
Road Muruguru Ward new areas installation of culverts
50 KM network Mukurweini west To improve access and open up 2 km Grading,gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
Ward new areas installation of culverts
Kinyumu Road Mukurweini west To improve access and open up 2 km Grading,gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
Ward new areas installation of culverts

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timeframe
Wangunyu Road Mukurweini west To improve access and open up 2.1 km Grading,gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
Ward new areas installation of culverts
Michira Road Mukurweini west To improve access and open up 2 km Grading,gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
Ward new areas installation of culverts
Gitata Road Mukurweini west To improve access and open up 0.5 Km Grading,gravelling and 0.7M 2018-2022
Ward new areas installation of culverts
Karingaini-Kagunyu Mukurweini west To improve access and open up 2.3 km Grading,gravelling and 3.5M 2018-2022
Road Ward new areas installation of culverts
Kiawanjugu –Rwarai Mukurweini west To improve access and open up 2.5 km Grading,gravelling and 3.5M 2018-2022
Road Ward new areas installation of culverts
Ningaini Road Mukurweini west To improve access and open up 1.5 km Grading,gravelling and 2.5M 2018-2022
Ward new areas installation of culverts
Gathungururu –Kaburu Mukurweini west To improve access and open up 2 km Grading,gravelling and 3.0M 2018-2022
Road Ward new areas installation of culverts
Migiti – Gathimaini Road Mukurweini west To improve access and open up 1 km Grading,gravelling and 1.5M 2018-2022
Ward new areas installation of culverts
Wanjithi –Karikoini Road Mukurweini west To improve access and open up 1.5 km Grading,gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
Ward new areas installation of culverts
Karingaini- Muite Road Mukurweini west To improve access and open up 1.5 km Grading,gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
Ward new areas installation of culverts
Githagarara –Njajara Mukurweini west To improve access and open up 3 km Grading,gravelling and 4.5M 2018-2022
Road Ward new areas installation of culverts
Kiganjo- Karimu Road Mukurweini west To improve access and open up 1.5 km Grading,gravelling and 2.5M 2018-2022
Ward new areas installation of culverts
Gatura- Migombeini Mukurweini west To improve access and open up 2.5km Grading,gravelling and 3.5M 2018-2022
Road Ward new areas installation of culverts
Gatura- Kaheti Road Mukurweini west To improve access and open up 2.5 km Grading,gravelling and 3.5M 2018-2022
Ward new areas installation of culverts
Ikiu Road Mukurweini west To improve access and open up 1 km Grading,gravelling and 1.5M 2018-2022
Ward new areas installation of culverts
Karega-Matiraini- Kahuti Mukurweini west To improve access and open up 2.5km Grading,gravelling and 3.5M 2018-2022
Road Ward new areas installation of culverts
Matiraini- Gathiro Road Mukurweini west To improve access and open up 3km Grading,gravelling and 4.5M 2018-2022
Ward new areas installation of culverts
Kaheti Polytechnic Mbari Mukurweini west To improve access and open up 2km Grading,gravelling and 3.0M 2018-2022
ya Karwe Road Ward new areas installation of culverts
Giakanjo Road Mukurweini west To improve access and open up 1.5 km Grading,gravelling and 2.5M 2018-2022
Ward new areas installation of culverts
Kaheti Ithimaini road Mukurweini west To improve access and open up 1 km Grading,gravelling and 1.5M 2018-2022
Ward new areas installation of culverts
Mbari ya Njue Road Mukurweini west To improve access and open up 1.5 km Grading,gravelling and 2.5M 2018-2022
Ward new areas installation of culverts
Kahiro Mbari ya Ngai Mukurweini west To improve access and open up 1.5km Grading,gravelling and 2.5M 2018-2022
Road Ward new areas installation of culverts
Gathumbi Road Mukurweini west To improve access and open up 1.5 km Grading,gravelling and 2.5M 2018-2022
Ward new areas installation of culverts
Kaheho- Kianyaga Road Mukurweini west To improve access and open up 1.5 km Grading,gravelling and 2.5M 2018-2022
Ward new areas installation of culverts
Kaheti Mukurweini Road Mukurweini west To improve access and open up 5 km Grading,gravelling and 7.5M 2018-2022
Ward new areas installation of culverts
Kabiru Kiawamururu Mukurweini west To improve access and open up 1.5 km Grading,gravelling and 2.5M 2018-2022
Road Ward new areas installation of culverts
Gatangi kiawamururru Mukurweini west To improve access and open up 1.5 km Grading,gravelling and 2.5M 2018-2022
Road Ward new areas installation of culverts
Ichagachuni Jeremiah Mukurweini west To improve access and open up 1.5 km Grading,gravelling and 2.5M 2018-2022
Road Ward new areas installation of culverts
Ichagachuni Wilson Mika Mukurweini west To improve access and open up 1.5 km Grading,gravelling and 2.5M 2018-2022
Road Ward new areas installation of culverts
Kanunga Gaikund Road Mukurweini west To improve access and open up 2 km Grading,gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
Ward new areas installation of culverts
Gakindo –Gachie Mukurweini west To improve access and open up 2km Grading,gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
Ichagachumi Wahundura Ward new areas installation of culverts
Kagarii Mbari ya Gathuri Mukurweini west To improve access and open up 3km Grading,gravelling and 4.5M 2018-2022
Road Ward new areas installation of culverts
Gakindu –Gakingo Road Mukurweini west To improve access and open up 1km Grading,gravelling and 1.5M 2018-2022
Ward new areas installation of culverts

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timeframe
Migimbeini Njirongo Mukurweini west To improve access and open up 0.5km Grading,gravelling and 0.7M 2018-2022
Road Ward new areas installation of culverts
Gichecheni-Thunguri Mukurweini west To improve access and open up 1km Grading,gravelling and 1.5M 2018-2022
Road Ward new areas installation of culverts
Gura- Migombeini Road Mukurweini west To improve access and open up 2km Grading,gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
Ward new areas installation of culverts
Karega –Gichongocho Mukurweini west To improve access and open up 0.5km Grading,gravelling and 0.8M 2018-2022
Road Ward new areas installation of culverts
Tambaya Dispensary Mukurweini west To improve access and open up 1.5km Grading,gravelling and 2.5M 2018-2022
Road Ward new areas installation of culverts
Matiraini Ruhati road Mukurweini west To improve access and open up 1.5km Grading,gravelling and 2.5M 2018-2022
Ward new areas installation of culverts
Gakindo PCEA Kibiru Mukurweini west To improve access and open up 1km Grading,gravelling and 1.5M 2018-2022
Road Ward new areas installation of culverts
Kiawaita Kahiro Road Mukurweini west To improve access and open up 2 km Grading,gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
Ward new areas installation of culverts
Ningaini Mukurweini west To improve access and open up 3 km Grading,gravelling and 4.5M 2018-2022
Maganjo(Kabiku) Road Ward new areas installation of culverts
Gikondi road network Gikondi Ward To improve access and open up 50KM Grading,Murraming and 75M 2018-2022
new areas Culvert installation
Mwati ha Gitundu – Gikondi Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading,Murraming and 3M 2018-2022
Igytha Farm Road new areas Culvert installation
Karia Gachuriri Road Gikondi Ward To improve access and open up 1.6km Grading,Murraming and 2.4M 2018-2022
new areas Culvert installation
Gichamba Ngunyi Gikondi Ward To improve access and open up 0.8 km Grading,Murraming and 1.2M 2018-2022
kiondoro Road new areas Culvert installation
Gathiriti Kibuthu Road Gikondi Ward To improve access and open up 0.7km Grading,Murraming and 1.1M 2018-2022
new areas Culvert installation
Ndegwa kiongo Warui Gikondi Ward To improve access and open up 2 km Grading,Murraming and 3M 2018-2022
Kabatha Road new areas Culvert installation
Mbachi Kanyugi – Gikondi Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading,Murraming and 3M 2018-2022
Gachuiri new areas Culvert installation
Wanyama Kiniu Wangia Gikondi Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading,Murraming and 3M 2018-2022
Primary Road new areas Culvert installation
Maina Kamau – Kiragi Gikondi Ward To improve access and open up 0.9 km Grading,Murraming and 1.5M 2018-2022
Road new areas Culvert installation
Gichahi –Ichumain Road Gikondi Ward To improve access and open up 1km Grading,Murraming and 1.5M 2018-2022
new areas Culvert installation
Kiangurumo Farm Road Gikondi Ward To improve access and open up 1km Grading,Murraming and 1.5M 2018-2022
new areas Culvert installation
Ruhari- Miigwa –Rurii Gikondi Ward To improve access and open up 3km Grading,Murraming and 4.5M 2018-2022
Road new areas Culvert installation
Kainoko- Gichira Road Gikondi Ward To improve access and open up 3km Grading,Murraming and 4.5M 2018-2022
new areas Culvert installation
Gakira Farm Road Gikondi Ward To improve access and open up 0.3km Grading,Murraming and 0.5M 2018-2022
new areas Culvert installation
Kahuro Farm Road Gikondi Ward To improve access and open up 0.5 km Grading,Murraming and 0.8M 2018-2022
new areas Culvert installation
Gakira Kiambui Road Gikondi Ward To improve access and open up 1km Grading,Murraming and 1.5M 2018-2022
new areas Culvert installation
Gitiri gwa Kungu Road Gikondi Ward To improve access and open up 0.5km Grading,Murraming and 0.8M 2018-2022
new areas Culvert installation
Gitiri Itanga Road Gikondi Ward To improve access and open up 1km Grading,Murraming and 1.5M 2018-2022
new areas Culvert installation
Kaharo Kambogo Road Gikondi Ward To improve access and open up 1 km Grading,Murraming and 1.5M 2018-2022
new areas Culvert installation
Kahithe Gathera Road Gikondi Ward To improve access and open up 1km Grading,Murraming and 1.5M 2018-2022
new areas Culvert installation
Kinyogondo Road Gikondi Ward To improve access and open up 1 km Grading,Murraming and 1.5M 2018-2022
new areas Culvert installation
Mbuiri – Weru Farmroad Gikondi Ward To improve access and open up 2 km Grading,Murraming and 3M 2018-2022
new areas Culvert installation
Njoka road from Gathera Gikondi Ward To improve access and open up 10 km Grading,Murraming and 15M 2018-2022
–Muthathara-Kanyiriri- new areas Culvert installation
Mbuiri- Kiamuthanga – Gikondi Ward To improve access and open up 1.2km Grading,Murraming and 1.8M 2018-2022
Warega Road new areas Culvert installation

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timeframe
Kwa esteri – Kagwi Road Gikondi Ward To improve access and open up 1.2km Grading,Murraming and 1.8M 2018-2022
new areas Culvert installation
Kwa Esteri –Kahoro Gikondi Ward To improve access and open up 1.2km Grading,Murraming and 1.8M 2018-2022
Dispensary new areas Culvert installation
Gathiriti Kibuthu Road Gikondi Ward To improve access and open up 0.7km Grading,Murraming and 1.1M 2018-2022
new areas Culvert installation
Wamatu Nduta Road Gikondi Ward To improve access and open up 1km Grading,Murraming and 1.5M 2018-2022
new areas Culvert installation
St.Irene Wamuibara Road Gikondi Ward To improve access and open up 0.5km Grading,Murraming and 0.8M 2018-2022
new areas Culvert installation
Wagichuki John Road Gikondi Ward To improve access and open up 1km Grading,Murraming and 1.5M 2018-2022
new areas Culvert installation
Kabatha- Gacui-Kariuki Gikondi Ward To improve access and open up 2.5 km Grading,Murraming and 3M 2018-2022
Waihoya Road new areas Culvert installation
Icagua –Kihato Road Gikondi Ward To improve access and open up 1km Grading,Murraming and 1.5M 2018-2022
new areas Culvert installation
Thama Nyakahuhu Gikondi Ward To improve access and open up 3km Grading,Murraming and 4.5M 2018-2022
dispensary Road new areas Culvert installation
St. Irene Kariuki Rongo Gikondi Ward To improve access and open up 1km Grading,Murraming and 1.5M 2018-2022
Road new areas Culvert installation
Kiamurathe Gikui Road Gikondi Ward To improve access and open up 1.5km Grading,Murraming and 2.5M 2018-2022
new areas Culvert installation
Nyagaitwa Kihiu Road Gikondi Ward To improve access and open up 1km Grading,Murraming and 1.5M 2018-2022
new areas Culvert installation
Kiangima Road Gikondi Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading,Murraming and 3M 2018-2022
new areas Culvert installation
Wanyongo Road Gikondi Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading,Murraming and 3M 2018-2022
new areas Culvert installation
Karindi Kabucho Gikondi Ward To improve access and open up 3km Grading,Murraming and 3M 2018-2022
Kiamwangi Road new areas Culvert installation
Karini Road Gikondi Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading,Murraming and 3M 2018-2022
new areas Culvert installation
Mbari ya Migwi Road Gikondi Ward To improve access and open up 3km Grading,Murraming and 4.5M 2018-2022
new areas Culvert installation
Chungu Road Gikondi Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading,Murraming and 3M 2018-2022
new areas Culvert installation
Nyakahuho –Kamuchuni Gikondi Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading,Murraming and 3M 2018-2022
Road new areas Culvert installation
Kwa Jemima –Kiandugu Gikondi Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading,Murraming and 3M 2018-2022
Road new areas Culvert installation
Ngorano – Muthuthini Gikondi Ward To improve access and open up 10 km Grading,Murraming and 15M 2018-2022
Road new areas Culvert installation
Gikondi – Igoka Road Gikondi Ward To improve access and open up 1km Grading,Murraming and 1.5M 2018-2022
new areas Culvert installation
Rumathi- Marunge Road Gikondi Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading,Murraming and 3M 2018-2022
new areas Culvert installation
Ezekial – Wambia Road Gikondi Ward To improve access and open up 3km Grading,Murraming and 4.5M 2018-2022
new areas Culvert installation
Gathungu – Nyakahuho Gikondi Ward To improve access and open up 1km Grading,Murraming and 1.5M 2018-2022
Primary Road new areas Culvert installation
Reuben – Gachiri Bridge Gikondi Ward To improve access and open up 1km Grading,Murraming and 1.5M 2018-2022
Road new areas Culvert installation
Karuri wa Njaki Road Gikondi Ward To improve access and open up 1km Grading,Murraming and 1.5M 2018-2022
new areas Culvert installation
Murungo –Kamuchuni Gikondi Ward To improve access and open up 1km Grading,Murraming and 1.5M 2018-2022
Road new areas Culvert installation
Maina Gathinji and Gikondi Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading,Murraming and 3M 2018-2022
Kangaru Muguno - new areas Culvert installation
Gatungo Road
Karindi Primary Round Gikondi Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading,Murraming and 3M 2018-2022
About new areas Culvert installation
Kariuki Kariri Road Gikondi Ward To improve access and open up 1km Grading,Murraming and 1.5M 2018-2022
new areas Culvert installation
Rural-Kigano-Chachi- Gikondi Ward To improve access and open up 1km Grading,Murraming and 1.5M 2018-2022
Karaba Road new areas Culvert installation
Tumbu- Nyumu Road Gikondi Ward To improve access and open up 0.4km Grading,Murraming and 0.6M 2018-2022
new areas Culvert installation

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timeframe
Muraya- Kangarure Road Gikondi Ward To improve access and open up 0.4km Grading,Murraming and 0.6M 2018-2022
new areas Culvert installation
Wahari- Gitu Road Gikondi Ward To improve access and open up 1.5km Grading,Murraming and 2.5M 2018-2022
new areas Culvert installation
Nyaga-Giitwa Road Gikondi Ward To improve access and open up 0.5km Grading,Murraming and 0.8M 2018-2022
new areas Culvert installation
Murimbichi-Thiongo- Gikondi Ward To improve access and open up 1km Grading,Murraming and 1.5M 2018-2022
Ngari-Kihia Road new areas Culvert installation
Muitam-Mwaniki Kababa Gikondi Ward To improve access and open up 0.5km Grading,Murraming and 0.8M 2018-2022
Road new areas Culvert installation
Mbuthia – Kariara Road Gikondi Ward To improve access and open up 0.3km Grading,Murraming and 1.5M 2018-2022
new areas Culvert installation
Waithaka-Ndiani Road Gikondi Ward To improve access and open up 0.5km Grading,Murraming and 0.8M 2018-2022
new areas Culvert installation
Kirahi- Gachie Road Gikondi Ward To improve access and open up 0.6km Grading,Murraming and 0.9M 2018-2022
new areas Culvert installation
Nguura-Nyagichu- Gikondi Ward To improve access and open up 0.6km Grading,Murraming and 0.9M 2018-2022
Kaguaini Road new areas Culvert installation
Kahuho – Kamanda Road Gikondi Ward To improve access and open up 0.8km Grading,Murraming and 1.2M 2018-2022
new areas Culvert installation
Gichuri-Kamanjiri – Gikondi Ward To improve access and open up 0.3km Grading,Murraming and 0.5M 2018-2022
Mukiri Road new areas Culvert installation
Njigua Chache –Main Gikondi Ward To improve access and open up 0.4km Grading,Murraming and 0.6M 2018-2022
connect Muranja new areas Culvert installation
Kibutio Primary school – Gikondi Ward To improve access and open up 4km Grading,Murraming and 6M 2018-2022
muita-Kanyango-Giitwa new areas Culvert installation
bridge road
Gathora Rwara Irathaniro Gikondi Ward To improve access and open up 3km Grading,Murraming and 4.5M 2018-2022
Road new areas Culvert installation
Njagaini road Gikondi Ward To improve access and open up 3km Grading,Murraming and 4.5M 2018-2022
new areas Culvert installation
Kingongi Road Gikondi Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading,Murraming and 3M 2018-2022
new areas Culvert installation
Kaina Road Gikondi Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading,Murraming and 3M 2018-2022
new areas Culvert installation
Kiangombe Road Gikondi Ward To improve access and open up 4km Grading,Murraming and 6M 2018-2022
new areas Culvert installation
Miiriini Road Gikondi Ward To improve access and open up 1.5km Grading,Murraming and 2.5M 2018-2022
new areas Culvert installation
Ruahungu Road Gikondi Ward To improve access and open up 1.5km Grading,Murraming and 2.5M 2018-2022
new areas Culvert installation
Ndimbe Road Gikondi Ward To improve access and open up 1.5km Grading,Murraming and 2.5M 2018-2022
new areas Culvert installation
Gachuri Road Gikondi Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading,Murraming and 3M 2018-2022
new areas Culvert installation
Njukiini Road Gikondi Ward To improve access and open up 1Km Grading,Murraming and 1.5M 2018-2022
new areas Culvert installation
Kiriguini Road Gikondi Ward To improve access and open up 1km Grading,Murraming and 1.5M 2018-2022
new areas Culvert installation
Gatengu Road Gikondi Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading,Murraming and 3M 2018-2022
new areas Culvert installation
Gakenyura Road Gikondi Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading,Murraming and 1.5M 2018-2022
new areas Culvert installation
Solid(Weru) Road Gikondi Ward To improve access and open up 1km Grading,Murraming and 1.5M 2018-2022
new areas Culvert installation
Karima Road Gikondi Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading,Murraming and 3M 2018-2022
new areas Culvert installation
Umbui Road Gikondi Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading,Murraming and 3M 2018-2022
new areas Culvert installation
Kaingore Road Gikondi Ward To improve access and open up 2km Grading,Murraming and 3M 2018-2022
new areas Culvert installation
Kwa Muthungu Road Gikondi Ward To improve access and open up 1km Grading,Murraming and 1.5M 2018-2022
new areas Culvert installation
Karikwe –Karaba – Gikondi Ward To improve access and open up 1.8km Grading,Murraming and 2.4M 2018-2022
Karaba coffee Factory new areas Culvert installation

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timeframe
Karaba police post Road Gikondi Ward To improve access and open up 1.8km Grading,Murraming and 2.4M 2018-2022
new areas Culvert installation
Kanyiriri Road Gikondi Ward To improve access and open up 1.8km Grading,Murraming and 2.4M 2018-2022
new areas Culvert installation
Ndindima Road Gikondi Ward To improve access and open up 1.8km Grading,Murraming and 2.4M 2018-2022
new areas Culvert installation
Githunguri Road Gikondi Ward To improve access and open up 1.8km Grading,Murraming and 2.4M 2018-2022
new areas Culvert installation
Muthagathi Road Gikondi Ward To improve access and open up 1.8km Grading,Murraming and 2.4M 2018-2022
new areas Culvert installation
Kirurumo kia Nyaga Gikondi Ward To improve access and open up 1.8km Grading,Murraming and 2.4M 2018-2022
Road new areas Culvert installation
Gakinda soko Road Gikondi Ward To improve access and open up 1.8km Grading,Murraming and 2.4M 2018-2022
new areas Culvert installation
Kawahu Road Gikondi Ward To improve access and open up 1.8km Grading,Murraming and 2.4M 2018-2022
new areas Culvert installation
Gathera -Mwothathera- Gikondi Ward To improve access and open up 1.8km Grading,Murraming and 2.4M 2018-2022
Kinoruo-Kanyiriri-kabuta new areas Culvert installation
Maragima Electricity Thegu River Improve access to electricity 3 No. Installation 6M 2018-2022
Project Ward Transformers
Thirigitu Electricity Thegu River Improve access to electricity 1 No. Installation 2M 2018-2022
Project Ward Transformer
Lusoi Electricity Project Thegu River Improve access to electricity 4 No. Installation 4M 2018-2022
Ward Transformers
Mbugua Market Mukurwe-ini Improve security and increase Street Lights Installation of Street Lights 3.2M 2018-2022
Electrification Central hours of doing business 0.5 KM
Maganjo Electrification Mukurwe-ini Improve security and increase Street Lights Installation of Street Lights 3.2M 2018-2022
Central hours of doing business 0.6 KM
Ngoru Electrification Mukurwe-ini Improve security and increase Street Lights Installation of Street Lights 3.2M 2018-2022
Central hours of doing business 0.5 KM
Mutwewathi Mukurwe-ini Improve security and increase Street Lights Installation of Street Lights 3.2M 2018-2022
Electrification Central hours of doing business 0.5 KM
Wamutitu Electrification Mukurwe-ini Improve security and increase Street Lights Installation of Street Lights 3.2M 2018-2022
Central hours of doing business 1.5 KM
Githung'ung'u Mukurwe-ini Improve security and increase Street Lights Installation of Street Lights 3.2M 2018-2022
Electrification Central hours of doing business 0.5 KM
Karifonia Electrification Mukurwe-ini Improve security and increase Street Lights Installation of Street Lights 3.2M 2018-2022
Central hours of doing business 1KM
Kiuu Shopping Centre Mukurwe-ini Improve security and increase Street Lights Installation of Street Lights 3.2M 2018-2022
Electrification Central hours of doing business 1KM
Ujamaa Electrification Mukurwe-ini Improve security and increase Street Lights Installation of Street Lights 3.2M 2018-2022
Central hours of doing business 1KM
Thangathi Shopping Mukurwe-ini Improve security and increase Street Lights Installation of Street Lights 3.2M 2018-2022
Centre Electrification Central hours of doing business 1KM
Kihuti Shopping Centre Mukurwe-ini Improve security and increase Street Lights Installation of Street Lights 3.2M 2018-2022
Electrification Central hours of doing business 0.3KM
Kiangondu Electrification Mukurwe-ini Improve security and increase Street Lights Installation of Street Lights 3.2M 2018-2022
Central hours of doing business 0.5KM
Githagara Electrification Mukurwe-ini Improve security and increase Street Lights Installation of Street Lights 3.2M 2018-2022
Central hours of doing business 0.5KM
Kigutu – Gathanga- Mukurwe-ini Improve security and increase Street Lights Installation of Street Lights 1.5M 2018-2022
Kiboya Electrification Central hours of doing business 1.5KM
Kiriro Electrification Mukurwe-ini Improve security and increase 2km Installation of Streetlights 1.5M 2018-2022
Central hours of doing business
Gatura Electrification Mukurweini west Improve security and increase 1km Installation of street lights 2M 2018-2022
Project Ward hours of doing business
Ngooru Shopping Centre Dedan Kimathi Improve security and increase 3.2km Installation of streetlights 1.5M 2018-2022
Street- lighting Ward hours of doing business
Soweto Electricity Naromoru/ Improve security and increase 1 No. High Installation of a high mast 3.2M 2018-2022
Project Kiamathaga hours of doing business mast lighting flood light
Mutitu/Kenneth Bridge Kabaru Ward To improve access and open up 1 No. bridge Installation of a concrete 3M 2018-2022
new areas bridge
Githerere High Mast Wamagana Ward Improve security and increase 1 Flood light Installation of a high mast 3.2M 2018-2022
Flood Lights hours of doing business flood light

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timeframe
Mbaa-ini Polytechnic Wamagana Ward Improve security and increase 1 Flood light Installation of a high mast 3.2M 2018-2022
High Mast Flood Light hours of doing business flood light
Gachatha Coffee Factory Wamagana Ward Improve security and increase 1 Flood light Installation of a high mast 3.2M 2018-2022
High Mast Flood Light hours of doing business flood light
Wamagana DC’s Office Wamagana Ward Improve security and increase 1 Flood light Installation of a high mast 3.2M 2018-2022
High Mast Flood Light hours of doing business flood light
Giakanja High Mast Wamagana Ward Improve security and increase 1 Flood light Installation of a high mast 3.2M 2018-2022
Flood Light hours of doing business flood light
Kagwathi High Mast Wamagana Ward Improve security and increase 1 Flood light Installation of a high mast 3.2M 2018-2022
Flood Light hours of doing business flood light
Gathaithi Tea Buying Wamagana Ward Improve security and increase 1 Flood light Installation of a high mast 3.2M 2018-2022
Centre High Mast Flood hours of doing business flood light
Gathuthi High Mast Wamagana Ward Improve security and increase 1 Flood light Installation of a high mast 3.2M 2018-2022
Flood Light hours of doing business flood light
Gura Electrification Wamagana Ward Improve security and increase 1Transformer Installation of a high mast 3.2M 2018-2022
Project hours of doing business flood light
Kariguini High Mast Wamagana Ward Improve security and increase 1 Flood light Installation of a high mast 3.2M 2018-2022
Flood Light hours of doing business flood light
Kagonye shopping centre Mahiga Ward Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of a high mast 3.2M 2018-2022
electrification project hours of doing business flood light
Mugaa shopping centre Mahiga Ward Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of a high mast 3.2M 2018-2022
electrification project hours of doing business flood light
Kihome shopping centre Mahiga Ward Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of a high mast 3.2M 2018-2022
electrification project hours of doing business flood light
Gitugi Coffee factory Mahiga Ward Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of a high mast 3.2M 2018-2022
electrification project hours of doing business flood light
Kagere shopping centre Mahiga Ward Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of a high mast 3.2M 2018-2022
electrification project hours of doing business flood light
Munyange shopping Mahiga Ward Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of a high mast 3.2MM 2018-2022
centre electrification hours of doing business flood light
Gaturuturu electrification Mahiga Ward Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of a high mast 3.2M 2018-2022
project hours of doing business flood light
Muringa electrification Mahiga Ward Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of a high mast 3.2M 2018-2022
project hours of doing business flood light
Thugunagwo Mahiga Ward Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of a high mast 3.2M 2018-2022
electrification project hours of doing business flood light
Msafiri Market Mahiga Ward Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of a high mast 3.2M 2018-2022
electrification project hours of doing business flood light
Karigu-ini Shopping Wamagana Ward Improve security and increase 2km Installation of a street light 1.5M 2018-2022
Centre hours of doing business
Kwa Joseph Wamagana Ward Improve security and increase 3km Installation of a street light 1.5M 2018-2022
hours of doing business
Gachatha Market Street Wamagana Ward Improve security and increase 1 Line of Installation of a street light 1.5M 2018-2022
lighting hours of doing business Streetlights
Kaiguri Market Street Wamagana Ward Improve security and increase 1 Line of Installation of a street light 1.5M 2018-2022
lighting hours of doing business Streetlights
Wandumbi Electricity Wamagana Ward Improve security and increase 2km Installation of a street light 4.7M 2018-2022
Project hours of doing business and High flood Mast light
Kiawaithanji Shopping Aguthi/GaakiWa Improve access to electricity 2km Installation of a street light 4.7M 2018-2022
Centre rd and High flood Mast light
Ngutik electrification Gakawa Ward Improve access to electricity 1 No. Installation of a transformer 2M 2018-2022
Kiririchua electrification Gakawa Ward Improve access to electricity 1 No. Installation of a transformer 2M 2018-2022
Gachuru electrification Gakawa Ward Improve access to electricity 1 No. Installation of a transformer 2M 2018-2022
Wildwide electrification Gakawa Ward Improve access to electricity 1 No. Installation of a transformer 2M 2018-2022
Kianda electrification Gakawa Ward Improve access to electricity 1 No. Installation of a transformer 2M 2018-2022
Wanguku electrification Gakawa Ward Improve access to electricity 1 No. Installation of a transformer 2M 2018-2022
Kamau inoro Gakawa Ward Improve access to electricity 1 No. Installation of a transformer 2M 2018-2022
electrification project

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timeframe
Wachira electrification Gakawa Ward Improve access to electricity 1 No. Installation of a transformer 2M 2018-2022
Ihwa Electrification Kamakwa/ Improve access to electricity 1 No. Installation of a Transformer 1.5M 2018-2022
Mukaro Ward
Kandara Electrification Kamakwa/ Improve access to electricity 1 No. Installation of a Transformer 1.5M 2018-2022
Mukaro Ward
Kwa Muriithi Mundia Thegu River Improve access to electricity 1 No. Installation of a transformer 2M 2018-2022
electrification project Ward
Njoguini/Kimbo Naromoru/ Improve access to electricity 3 No. Installation of a transformer 2M 2018-2022
Electricity Project Kiamathaga transformer
Madoya electrification Kabaru Ward Improve access to electricity 1 No. Installation of a transformer 2M 2018-2022
project transformer
Michathaini Mahiga Ward Improve access to electricity 1 No. Installation of a transformer 2M 2018-2022
electrification project transformer
Kimumu electrification Mahiga Ward Improve access to electricity 1 No. Installation of a transformer 2M 2018-2022
project transformer
Wamagana Ihithe Tarmac Wamagana Ward Reduce road accidenets 2 Bumps Installation of bumps 3M 2018-2022
Independent Church Mweiga Ward To improve access and open up 1 No. Culvert Installation of Culvert 1M 2018-2022
AIPCA Road new areas
Kiaraho Muchemi Road Aguthi/Gaaki To improve access and open up 1.2Km Installation of Culvert, 1.8M 2018-2022
Ward new areas Grading and Gravelling
Kiaraho/ Karuaho Aguthi/Gaaki To improve access and open up 1.2Km Installation of Culvert, 1.8M 2018-2022
Marungiro/Ngongoro Ward new areas Grading and Gravelling
Nduga Road Iriaini Ward To improve access and open up 2km Installation of culverts 1M 2018-2022
(Othaya) new areas
Kanjikeru culverts Magutu Ward To improve access and open up One culvert Installation of culverts 1M 2018-2022
new areas
Gaikuyu – Magutu Road Magutu Ward To improve access and open up One culvert Installation of culverts 1M 2018-2022
culverts new areas
Kiamigwi Primary Magutu Ward To improve access and open up One culvert Installation of culverts 1M 2018-2022
culverts new areas
Kanjikeru culverts Magutu Ward To improve access and open up One culvert Installation of culverts 1M 2018-2022
new areas
Gaikuyu – Magutu Road Magutu Ward To improve access and open up Two culvert Installation of culverts 1.5M 2018-2022
culverts new areas
Kiamigwi Primary Magutu Ward To improve access and open up Two culvert Installation of culverts 1.5M 2018-2022
culverts new areas
Kiaguthu Road Chinga Ward To improve access and open up Two culvert Installation of Culverts 1.5M 2018-2022
new areas
Kariko Catholic Parish Chinga Ward To improve access and open up Two culvert Installation of Culverts 1.5M 2018-2022
Road new areas
Githima road Mahiga Ward To improve access and open up 2 No. culverts Installation of culverts at 1.5M 2018-2022
new areas Kiriko and Ha Kiundu.
Ngonde forest Thegu River Protect residents from wild 10km Installation of electric fence 12M 2018-2022
Ward animals along the forest
Mere electrification Kabaru Ward Protect residents from wild 10km Installation of electric fence 12M 2018-2022
project animals along the forest
Murichu /Kandara Naromoru/ Improve access to electricity 1 No. Installation of electricity and 3.2M 2018-2022
Electricity Project Kiamathaga high mast flood light
Kamuchuni Gikondi Ward Improve access to electricity 1 No. Installation of high mask 3.2M 2018-2022
Electrification Project flood light
Wangera Electrification Gikondi Ward Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of high mask 3.2M 2018-2022
project hours of doing business flood light
Mutitu Electrification Gikondi Ward Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of high mask 3.2M 2018-2022
Project hours of doing business flood light
Wamachatha Gikondi Ward Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of high mask 3.2M 2018-2022
Electrification Project hours of doing business flood light
Nykahuho Electrification Gikondi Ward Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of high mask 3.2M 2018-2022
Project hours of doing business flood light
Kibutio shopping centre Gikondi Ward Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of high mask 3.2M 2018-2022
hours of doing business flood light
Nduma Shopping Centre Gikondi Ward Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of high mask 3.2M 2018-2022
Electrification Project hours of doing business flood light

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timeframe
Mbiriri electrification Kabaru Ward Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of high mast flood 3.2M 2018-2022
project hours of doing business light
Gathagana electrification Kirimukuyu Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of High mast 3.2M 2018-2022
project Ward hours of doing business flood light
Gachuiro electrification Kirimukuyu Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of High mast 3.2M 2018-2022
project Ward hours of doing business flood light
Kiangoma electrification Kirimukuyu Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of High mast 3.2M 2018-2022
project Ward hours of doing business flood light
Ragati Chief’s Office Karatina Ward Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of High mast 3.2M 2018-2022
electrification project hours of doing business flood light
Kiawarigi electrification Karatina Ward Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of High mast 3.2M 2018-2022
project hours of doing business flood light
Itiati electrification Karatina Ward Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of High mast 3.2M 2018-2022
project hours of doing business flood light
Giathugu electrification Karatina Ward Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of High mast 3.2M 2018-2022
project hours of doing business flood light
Unjiru electrification Karatina Ward Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of High mast 3.2M 2018-2022
project hours of doing business flood light
Githima electrification Karatina Ward Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of High mast 3.2M 2018-2022
project hours of doing business flood light
Jamaica electrification Karatina Ward Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of High mast 3.2M 2018-2022
project hours of doing business flood light
Kiraha electrification Karatina Ward Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of High mast 3.2M 2018-2022
project hours of doing business flood light
Ragati electrification Karatina Ward Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of High mast 3.2M 2018-2022
project hours of doing business flood light
Mathaithi Electrification Karatina Ward Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of High Mast 3.2M 2018-2022
project hours of doing business flood light
Gathumbi Electrification Karatina Ward Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of High Mast 3.2M 2018-2022
project hours of doing business flood light
Ha Gutu Electrification Karatina Ward Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of High Mast 3.2M 2018-2022
hours of doing business flood light
Kihuro Electrification Karatina Ward Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of High Mast 3.2M 2018-2022
project hours of doing business flood light
Unjiru Electrification Karatina Ward Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of High Mast 3.2M 2018-2022
project hours of doing business flood light
Ichuga Electrification Karatina Ward Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of High Mast 3.2M 2018-2022
project hours of doing business flood light
Giakairu Electrification Karatina Ward Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of High Mast 3.2M 2018-2022
project hours of doing business flood light
Saigon Electrification Karatina Ward Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of High Mast 3.2M 2018-2022
project hours of doing business flood light
Gathugu Electrification Karatina Ward Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of High Mast 3.2M 2018-2022
project hours of doing business flood light
Gwa China Karatina Ward Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of High Mast 3.2M 2018-2022
Electrification project hours of doing business flood light
Highland Electrification Karatina Ward Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of High Mast 3.2M 2018-2022
project hours of doing business flood light
Gatugi electrification Karima ward Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of high mast flood 3.2M 2018-2022
project hours of doing business light
Kagunduini coffee Karima ward Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of high mast flood 3.2M 2018-2022
factory electrification hours of doing business light
Kamoini electrification Karima ward Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of high mast flood 3.2M 2018-2022
project hours of doing business light
Kagumo electrification Karima ward Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of high mast flood 3.2M 2018-2022
project hours of doing business light
Witima shopping centre Karima ward Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of high mast flood 3.2M 2018-2022
electrification project hours of doing business light
Equator Village Gakawa Ward Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of high mast flood 3.2M 2018-2022
electrification project hours of doing business lights
Giachuma electrification Gakawa Ward Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of high mast flood 3.2M 2018-2022
project hours of doing business lights
Ngaranga shopping Gakawa Ward Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of high mast flood 3.2M 2018-2022
center electrification hours of doing business lights

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timeframe
Ngandu shopping centre Kirimukuyu Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of high mast 3.2M 2018-2022
electrification Ward hours of doing business floodlight
Blue Valley Rware Ward Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of high mast 3.2M 2018-2022
Electrification Project hours of doing business floodlight
Kingongo Nursery area Rware Ward Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of high mast 3.2M 2018-2022
Electrification Project hours of doing business floodlight
Chania Tropical Nursery Rware Ward Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of high mast 3.2M 2018-2022
electrification Project hours of doing business floodlight
Kimathi area Rware Ward Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of high mast 3.2M 2018-2022
Electrification Project hours of doing business floodlight
Kandara Electrification Rware Ward Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of high mast 3.2M 2018-2022
Project hours of doing business floodlight
Muringato Shopping Kiganjo/Mathari Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of high mast 3.2M 2018-2022
Centre Electrification Ward hours of doing business floodlight
Embassy Shopping Kiganjo/Mathari Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of high mast 3.2M 2018-2022
Centre Electrification Ward hours of doing business floodlight
Kamundu Electrification Rugi Ward Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of High mast 3.2M 2018-2022
Project hours of doing business Floodlight
Kangurwe Electrification Rugi Ward Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of High mast 3.2M 2018-2022
Project hours of doing business Floodlight
Gumba Electrification Rugi Ward Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of High mast 3.2M 2018-2022
Project hours of doing business Floodlight
Ngamwa Electrification Rugi Ward Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of High mast 3.2M 2018-2022
Project hours of doing business Floodlight
Mweru Electrification Rugi Ward Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of High mast 3.2M 2018-2022
Project hours of doing business Floodlight
Kamungare Rugi Ward Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of High mast 3.2M 2018-2022
Electrification Project hours of doing business Floodlight
Giathugi Electrification Rugi Ward Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of High mast 3.2M 2018-2022
Project hours of doing business Floodlight
Kaaini Electrification Rugi Ward Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of High mast 3.2M 2018-2022
Project hours of doing business Floodlight
Mihuti Electrification Rugi Ward Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of High mast 3.2M 2018-2022
Project hours of doing business Floodlight
Muchatha Electrification Rugi Ward Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of High mast 3.2M 2018-2022
Project hours of doing business Floodlight
Mihuti Electrification Rugi Ward Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of High mast 3.2M 2018-2022
Project hours of doing business Floodlight
Ngamwa Electrification Rugi Ward Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of High mast 3.2M 2018-2022
Project hours of doing business Floodlight
Mihuti Electrification Rugi Ward Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of High mast 3.2M 2018-2022
Project hours of doing business Floodlight
Ichamara Market Mukurwe-ini Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of High Mast 3.2M 2018-2022
Electrification Central hours of doing business Floodlight.
Thangathi Market Mukurwe-ini Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of High Mast 3.2M 2018-2022
Electrification Central hours of doing business Floodlight.
Maganjo Market Mukurwe-ini Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of High Mast 3.2M 2018-2022
Electrification Central hours of doing business Floodlight.
Kiuu Market Mukurwe-ini Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of High Mast 3.2M 2018-2022
Electrification Central hours of doing business Floodlight.
Maganjo Electrification Mukurwe-ini Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of High Mast 3.2M 2018-2022
Central hours of doing business Floodlight.
Ngoru Electrification Mukurwe-ini Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of High Mast 3.2M 2018-2022
Central hours of doing business Floodlight.
Mutwewathi Mukurwe-ini Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of High Mast 3.2M 2018-2022
Electrification Central hours of doing business Floodlight.
Mukurwe-ini Stadium Mukurwe-ini Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of High Mast 3.2M 2018-2022
Electrification Central hours of doing business Floodlight.
PCEA Muhito Stage Mukurwe-ini Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of High Mast 3.2M 2018-2022
Electrification Central hours of doing business Floodlight.
Wamutitu Electrification Mukurwe-ini Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of High Mast 3.2M 2018-2022
Central hours of doing business Floodlight.
Ichamara Electrification Mukurwe-ini Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of High Mast 3.2M 2018-2022
Central hours of doing business Floodlight.

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timeframe
Githungungu Mukurwe-ini Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of High Mast 3.2M 2018-2022
Electrification Central hours of doing business Floodlight.
Karifonia Electrification Mukurwe-ini Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of High Mast 3.2M 2018-2022
Central hours of doing business Floodlight.
Kiuu Shopping Centre Mukurwe-ini Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of High Mast 3.2M 2018-2022
Electrification Central hours of doing business Floodlight.
Ujamaa Electrification Mukurwe-ini Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of High Mast 3.2M 2018-2022
Central hours of doing business Floodlight.
Thangathi Shopping Mukurwe-ini Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of High Mast 3.2M 2018-2022
Centre Electrification Central hours of doing business Floodlight.
Kihuti Shopping Centre Mukurwe-ini Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of High Mast 3.2M 2018-2022
Electrification Central hours of doing business Floodlight.
Kiangondu Electrification Mukurwe-ini Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of High Mast 3.2M 2018-2022
Central hours of doing business Floodlight.
Githagara Electrification Mukurwe-ini Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of High Mast 3.2M 2018-2022
Central hours of doing business Floodlight.
Karogoto Shopping Kirimukuyu Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of High Mast 3.2M 2018-2022
Centre Electrification Ward hours of doing business Floodlights
Mashimoni Kirimukuyu Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of High Mast 3.2M 2018-2022
Electrification Ward hours of doing business Floodlights
Giagatika Electrification Kirimukuyu Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of High Mast 3.2M 2018-2022
Ward hours of doing business Floodlights
Kiangoma Electrification Kirimukuyu Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of High Mast 3.2M 2018-2022
Ward hours of doing business Floodlights
Ngurumo Electrification Kirimukuyu Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of High Mast 3.2M 2018-2022
Ward hours of doing business Floodlights
Tumutumu Hospital Kirimukuyu Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of High Mast 3.2M 2018-2022
Electrification Ward hours of doing business Floodlights
Giaituu Electrification Kirimukuyu Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of High Mast 3.2M 2018-2022
Ward hours of doing business Floodlights
Tumutumu Primary Kirimukuyu Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of High Mast 3.2M 2018-2022
Electrification Ward hours of doing business Floodlights
Githima Shopping Centre Kirimukuyu Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of High Mast 3.2M 2018-2022
Electrification Ward hours of doing business Floodlights
Karinga-ini Buying Kirimukuyu Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of High Mast 3.2M 2018-2022
Centre Electrification Ward hours of doing business Floodlights
Ruthagati Market Kirimukuyu Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of High Mast 3.2M 2018-2022
Electrification Ward hours of doing business Floodlights
Kamuyu Village Kamakwa/ Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of High Mast 3.2M 2018-2022
Electrification Mukaro Ward hours of doing business Floodlights
Gitathini Village Kamakwa/ Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of High Mast 3.2M 2018-2022
Electrification Mukaro Ward hours of doing business Floodlights
Gitero Village Kamakwa/ Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of High Mast 3.2M 2018-2022
Electrification Mukaro Ward hours of doing business Floodlights
Kinunga Town Centre Kamakwa/ Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of High Mast 3.2M 2018-2022
Electrification Mukaro Ward hours of doing business Floodlights
Ihwa Village Kamakwa/ Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of High Mast 3.2M 2018-2022
Electrification Mukaro Ward hours of doing business Floodlights
Kaguinduini Shopping Kamakwa/ Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of High Mast 3.2M 2018-2022
Centre Electrification Mukaro Ward hours of doing business Floodlights
Muthuaini Village Kamakwa/ Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of High Mast 3.2M 2018-2022
Electrification Mukaro Ward hours of doing business Floodlights
Kihatha Village Kamakwa/ Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of High Mast 3.2M 2018-2022
Electrification Mukaro Ward hours of doing business Floodlights
Kandara Village Kamakwa/ Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of High Mast 3.2M 2018-2022
Electrification Mukaro Ward hours of doing business Floodlights
Kamuyu Village Kamakwa/ Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of High Mast 3.2M 2018-2022
Electrification Mukaro Ward hours of doing business Floodlights
Gitathini Village Kamakwa/ Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of High Mast 3.2M 2018-2022
Electrification Mukaro Ward hours of doing business Floodlights
Gitero Village Kamakwa/ Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of High Mast 3.2M 2018-2022
Electrification Mukaro Ward hours of doing business Floodlights
Kinunga Town Centre Kamakwa/ Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of High Mast 3.2M 2018-2022
Electrification Mukaro Ward hours of doing business Floodlights
Ihwa Village Kamakwa/ Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of High Mast 3.2M 2018-2022
Electrification Mukaro Ward hours of doing business Floodlights

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timeframe
Kaguinduini Shopping Kamakwa/ Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of High Mast 3.2M 2018-2022
Centre Electrification Mukaro Ward hours of doing business Floodlights
Muthuaini Village Kamakwa/ Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of High Mast 3.2M 2018-2022
Electrification Mukaro Ward hours of doing business Floodlights
Kihatha Village Kamakwa/ Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of High Mast 3.2M 2018-2022
Electrification Mukaro Ward hours of doing business Floodlights
Kandara Village Kamakwa/ Improve security and increase 1 No. Installation of High Mast 3.2M 2018-2022
Electrification Mukaro Ward hours of doing business Floodlights
Matharu Area Karatina Ward Improve security and increase 2km Installation of Street lights 1.5M 2018-2022
electrification project hours of doing business
Giakairu Electrification Karatina Ward Improve security and increase 2km Installation of Street lights 1.5M 2018-2022
project hours of doing business
Gitimani Street lighting Magutu Ward Improve security and increase 2km Installation of Street lights 1.5M 2018-2022
hours of doing business
Giakagina Street lighting Magutu Ward Improve security and increase 2km Installation of Street lights 1.5M 2018-2022
hours of doing business
Itiati/ Kianuteru Street Magutu Ward Improve security and increase 2km Installation of Street lights 1.5M 2018-2022
lighting hours of doing business
Kagoco Street lighting Magutu Ward Improve security and increase 2km Installation of Street lights 1.5M 2018-2022
hours of doing business
Kanjuri Street lighting Magutu Ward Improve security and increase 2km Installation of Street lights 1.5M 2018-2022
hours of doing business
Kihuzi Junction Street Magutu Ward Improve security and increase 2km Installation of Street lights 1.5M 2018-2022
lighting hours of doing business
Ndunani Street lighting Magutu Ward Improve security and increase 2km Installation of Street lights 1.5M 2018-2022
hours of doing business
Gitimani Street lighting Magutu Ward Improve security and increase 2km Installation of Street lights 2M 2018-2022
hours of doing business
Giakagina Street lighting Magutu Ward Improve security and increase 2km Installation of Street lights 2M 2018-2022
hours of doing business
Itiati/ Kianuteru Street Magutu Ward Improve security and increase 2km Installation of Street lights 2M 2018-2022
lighting hours of doing business
Kagoco Street lighting Magutu Ward Improve security and increase 2km Installation of Street lights 2M 2018-2022
hours of doing business
Kanjuri Street lighting Magutu Ward Improve security and increase 2km Installation of Street lights 2M 2018-2022
hours of doing business
Kihuzi Junction Street Magutu Ward Improve security and increase 2km Installation of Street lights 2M 2018-2022
lighting hours of doing business
Ndunani Street lighting Magutu Ward Improve security and increase 2km Installation of Street lights 2M 2018-2022
hours of doing business
Naromoru/Kiamathaga Naromoru/ Improved access and connectivity 100Km Grading,Murraming and 150M 2018-2022
road Network Kiamathaga Culvert installation
Naromoru town street Naromoru/ Improve security and increase 2km Installation of street lights 1.5M 2018-2022
lights Kiamathaga hours of doing business
Ndunyu market –kamoko Mahiga Ward Improve security and increase 2km Installation of street lights 1.5M 2018-2022
health center –Mahiga hours of doing business
girls school –kamoko
factory – chief’s camp
electrification project
Kiawangaru –Kihuru Mahiga Ward Improve security and increase 2km Installation of street lights 1.5M 2018-2022
electrification project hours of doing business
Njigari market Mahiga Ward Improve security and increase 2km Installation of street lights 1.5M 2018-2022
electrification project hours of doing business
Gituiga market Mahiga Ward Improve security and increase 2km Installation of street lights 1.5M 2018-2022
electrification project hours of doing business
Kanini market Mahiga Ward Improve security and increase 2km Installation of street lights 1.5M 2018-2022
electrification project hours of doing business
Kwa Ngechu-Irindi Karima ward Improve security and increase 2km Installation of street lights 1.5M 2018-2022
primary school-Irindi hours of doing business
coffee facory
electrification project
Wakariru electrification Gakawa Ward Improve security and increase 2km Installation of street lights 1.5M 2018-2022
project hours of doing business from chaka town to wakariru

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timeframe
Kandara street lights Naromoru/ Improve access to electricity 2km Installation of street lights 1.5M 2018-2022
Kiamathaga from Naromoru town to
Ward Kandara
Classic – Chiara-ini – Kamakwa/ Improve access to electricity 2km Installation of Streetlights 1.5M 2018-2022
Gitero- Kibaras Mukaro Ward
Kamuyu- Kihatha Kamakwa/ Improve security and increase 2km Installation of Streetlights 1.5M 2018-2022
Electrification Mukaro Ward hours of doing business
Baraka-Kwa Mang’uru – Kamakwa/ Improve security and increase 2km Installation of Streetlights 1.5M 2018-2022
Gitathi-ini Electrification Mukaro Ward hours of doing business
Gitathini Electrification Kamakwa/ Improve security and increase 2km Installation of Streetlights 1.5M 2018-2022
Mukaro Ward hours of doing business
Kagundu-ini Kamakwa/ Improve security and increase 2km Installation of Streetlights 1.5M 2018-2022
Electrification Mukaro Ward hours of doing business
Metropolitan Kamakwa/ Improve security and increase 2km Installation of Streetlights 1.5M 2018-2022
Electrification Mukaro Ward hours of doing business
Manyini Gitathi-ini Road Kamakwa/ Improve security and increase 2km Installation of Streetlights 1.5M 2018-2022
Electrification Mukaro Ward hours of doing business
Kwa Nyawira-Gitathi-ini- Kamakwa/ Improve security and increase 2km Installation of Streetlights 1.5M 2018-2022
Mumbu-ini Mukaro Ward hours of doing business
Kagunduini- Kinunga Kamakwa/ Improve security and increase 2km Installation of Streetlights 1.5M 2018-2022
Road Electrification Mukaro Ward hours of doing business
Ihururu Shopping Centre Dedan Kimathi Improve security and increase 2km Installation of streetlights 1.5M 2018-2022
Street- lighting Ward hours of doing business
Kigogo-ini Shopping Dedan Kimathi Improve security and increase 2km Installation of streetlights 1.5M 2018-2022
Centre Street- lighting Ward hours of doing business
Githakwa Shopping Dedan Kimathi Improve security and increase 2km Installation of streetlights 1.5M 2018-2022
Centre Street- lighting Ward hours of doing business
Kirurumi Shopping Dedan Kimathi Improve security and increase 2km Installation of streetlights 1.5M 2018-2022
Centre Street- lighting Ward hours of doing business
Kahiga-ini Shopping Dedan Kimathi Improve security and increase 2km Installation of streetlights 1.5M 2018-2022
Centre Street- lighting Ward hours of doing business
Njogu-ini Shopping Dedan Kimathi Improve security and increase 2km Installation of streetlights 1.5M 2018-2022
Centre Street- lighting Ward hours of doing business
Gatumbiro Shopping Dedan Kimathi Improve security and increase 2km Installation of streetlights 1.5M 2018-2022
Centre Street- lighting Ward hours of doing business
Kanjora Shopping Centre Dedan Kimathi Improve security and increase 2km Installation of streetlights 1.5M 2018-2022
Street- lighting Ward hours of doing business
Kanyinya Shopping Dedan Kimathi Improve security and increase 2km Installation of streetlights 1.5M 2018-2022
Centre Street- lighting Ward hours of doing business
Kiriti Shopping Centre Dedan Kimathi Improve security and increase 2km Installation of streetlights 1.5M 2018-2022
Street- lighting Ward hours of doing business
Huho-ini Shopping Dedan Kimathi Improve security and increase 2km Installation of streetlights 1.5M 2018-2022
Centre Street- lighting Ward hours of doing business
Kiandere Shopping Dedan Kimathi Improve security and increase 2km Installation of streetlights 1.5M 2018-2022
Centre Street- lighting Ward hours of doing business
Gaithuri Shopping Centre Dedan Kimathi Improve security and increase 2km Installation of streetlights 1.5M 2018-2022
Street- lighting Ward hours of doing business
Miagayu Shopping Dedan Kimathi Improve security and increase 2km Installation of streetlights 1.5M 2018-2022
Centre Street- lighting Ward hours of doing business
Imaculate Hospital Mweiga Ward Improve security and increase 2km Installation of Streetlights 1.5M 2018-2022
Transformer KPLC hours of doing business
Catholic Church
Njeng’u Street lighting Mweiga Ward Improve security and increase 2km Installation of Streetlights 1.5M 2018-2022
hours of doing business
Embassy – Kibungo Mweiga Ward Improve security and increase 2km Installation of Streetlights 1.5M 2018-2022
Street lighting hours of doing business
Treetop Junction Street Mweiga Ward Improve security and increase 2km Installation of Streetlights 2M 2018-2022
lighting hours of doing business
Mwireri Shopping Centre Mweiga Ward Improve security and increase 2km Installation of Streetlights 2M 2018-2022
Street lighting hours of doing business
Amboni Centre Street Mweiga Ward Improve security and increase 2km Installation of Streetlights 2M 2018-2022
Lighting hours of doing business
Bondeni Centre Street Mweiga Ward Improve security and increase 2km Installation of Streetlights 2M 2018-2022
lighting hours of doing business

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timeframe
Mwihoko Shopping Endarasha Improve security and increase 2km Installation of Streetlights 2M 2018-2022
Centre Street lighting Mwiyogo hours of doing business
County Shopping Centre Endarasha Improve security and increase 2km Installation of Streetlights 2M 2018-2022
Street lighting Mwiyogo hours of doing business
Sikai Shopping Centre Endarasha Improve security and increase 2km Installation of Streetlights 2M 2018-2022
Street lighting Mwiyogo hours of doing business
Wendiga Dispensary Endarasha Improve security and increase 2km Installation of Streetlights 2M 2018-2022
Street lighting Mwiyogo hours of doing business
Juakali Shopping Street Endarasha Improve security and increase 2km Installation of Streetlights 2M 2018-2022
lighting Street lighting Mwiyogo hours of doing business
Kigali Shopping Centre Endarasha Improve security and increase 2km Installation of Streetlights 2M 2018-2022
Mwiyogo hours of doing business
Uchumi Shopping centre Endarasha Improve security and increase 2km Installation of Streetlights 2M 2018-2022
Street lighting Mwiyogo hours of doing business
Western Shopping Centre Endarasha Improve security and increase 2km Installation of Streetlights 2M 2018-2022
Street lighting Mwiyogo hours of doing business
Kamune Shopping Centre Endarasha Improve security and increase 2km Installation of Streetlights 2M 2018-2022
Street lighting Mwiyogo hours of doing business
Pura Trading Centre Endarasha Improve security and increase 2km Installation of Streetlights 2M 2018-2022
Street lighting Mwiyogo hours of doing business
Mailo Junction Street Endarasha Improve security and increase 2km Installation of Streetlights 2M 2018-2022
lighting Mwiyogo hours of doing business
Njogu-ini Shopping Endarasha Improve security and increase 2km Installation of Streetlights 2M 2018-2022
Centre Street lighting Mwiyogo hours of doing business
Kiawara (Bodaboda/ Bus Mugunda Ward Improve security and increase 2km Installation of streetlights 2M 2018-2022
Stage) Street lighting hours of doing business
Mugunda Streetlighting Mugunda Ward Improve security and increase 2km Installation of streetlights 2M 2018-2022
Project hours of doing business
Kabati Streetlighting Gatarakwa Ward Improve security and increase 2km Installation of streetlights 2M 2018-2022
Project hours of doing business
Charity Street light Gatarakwa Ward Improve security and increase 2km Installation of streetlights 2M 2018-2022
project hours of doing business
Gitathini Electrification Kamakwa/ Improve security and increase 2km Installation of Streetlights 2M 2018-2022
Mukaro Ward hours of doing business
Kagundu-ini Kamakwa/ Improve security and increase 2km Installation of Streetlights 2M 2018-2022
Electrification Mukaro Ward hours of doing business
Metropolitan Kamakwa/ Improve security and increase 2km Installation of Streetlights 2M 2018-2022
Electrification Mukaro Ward hours of doing business
Manyini Gitathi-ini Road Kamakwa/ Improve security and increase 2km Installation of Streetlights 2M 2018-2022
Electrification Mukaro Ward hours of doing business
Kagunduini- Kinunga Kamakwa/ Improve security and increase 2km Installation of Streetlights 2M 2018-2022
Road Electrification Mukaro Ward hours of doing business
Muruguru Centre – Gatitu/ Improve security and increase 2km Installation of Streetlights 1.5M 2018-2022
Ihigaini Electrification Muruguru Ward hours of doing business
Kwa Murunga – Gatitu/ Improve security and increase 2km Installation of Streetlights 1.5M 2018-2022
Muruguru (Kihethu Muruguru Ward hours of doing business
Road) Electrification
Kwa Kigera Road Gatitu/ Improve security and increase 2km Installation of Streetlights 1.5M 2018-2022
Electrification Muruguru Ward hours of doing business
Githiru Shopping Centre Gatitu/ Improve security and increase 2km Installation of Streetlights 1.5M 2018-2022
Electrification Muruguru Ward hours of doing business
Karuthi Shopping Centre Chinga Ward Improve security and increase 2km Installation of Streetlights 1.5M 2018-2022
Electrification hours of doing business
Mairo A Electrification Chinga Ward Improve security and increase 2km Installation of Streetlights 1.5M 2018-2022
hours of doing business
Mairo B Electrification Chinga Ward Improve security and increase 2km Installation of Streetlights 1.5M 2018-2022
hours of doing business
Mairo Stage (Bara Inya) Chinga Ward Improve security and increase 2km Installation of Streetlights 1.5M 2018-2022
Electrification hours of doing business
Kariki Shopping Centre Chinga Ward Improve security and increase 2km Installation of Streetlights 1.5M 2018-2022
Electrification hours of doing business
Kiamuya Electrification Chinga Ward Improve security and increase 2km Installation of Streetlights 1.5M 2018-2022
hours of doing business
Githanji Shopping Centre Chinga Ward Improve security and increase 2km Installation of Streetlights 1.5M 2018-2022
(Mbiri) Electrification hours of doing business

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timeframe
Githanji TBC Chinga Ward Improve security and increase 2km Installation of Streetlights 1.5M 2018-2022
Electrification hours of doing business
Kiaguthu (Near School) Chinga Ward Improve security and increase 2km Installation of Streetlights 1.5M 2018-2022
Electrification hours of doing business
Gichiche Shopping Chinga Ward Improve security and increase 2km Installation of Streetlights 1.5M 2018-2022
Centre Electrification hours of doing business
Ruirii Shopping Centre Chinga Ward Improve security and increase 2km Installation of Streetlights 1.5M 2018-2022
Electrification hours of doing business
Chinga Boys (Near Gate) Chinga Ward Improve security and increase 2km Installation of Streetlights 1.5M 2018-2022
Electrification hours of doing business
Mumbu-ini Shopping Chinga Ward Improve security and increase 2km Installation of Streetlights 1.5M 2018-2022
Centre Electrification hours of doing business
Kagicha Shopping Centre Chinga Ward Improve security and increase 2km Installation of Streetlights 1.5M 2018-2022
Electrification hours of doing business
Kariko Shopping Centre Chinga Ward Improve security and increase 2km Installation of Streetlights 1.5M 2018-2022
Electrification hours of doing business
Kiinu Shopping Centre Chinga Ward Improve security and increase 2km Installation of Streetlights 1.5M 2018-2022
Electrification hours of doing business
Giathaimu Shopping Chinga Ward Improve security and increase 2km Installation of Streetlights 1.5M 2018-2022
Centre Electrification hours of doing business
Mucharage Primary Chinga Ward Improve security and increase 2km Installation of Streetlights 1.5M 2018-2022
School (Near Kwa hours of doing business
Mbogo) Electrification
Memorial Shopping Chinga Ward Improve security and increase 2km Installation of Streetlights 1.5M 2018-2022
Centre Electrification hours of doing business
Muirungi Sec. School Chinga Ward Improve security and increase 2km Installation of Streetlights 1.5M 2018-2022
Electrification hours of doing business
Ngaru Shopping Centre Chinga Ward Improve security and increase 2km Installation of Streetlights 1.5M 2018-2022
Electrification hours of doing business
Ciagumba Shopping Chinga Ward Improve security and increase 2km Installation of Streetlights 1.5M 2018-2022
Centre Electrification hours of doing business
Kigutu – Gathanga- Mukurwe-ini Improve security and increase 2km Installation of Streetlights 1.5M 2018-2022
Kiboya Electrification Central hours of doing business
Kiamuite - Rurige Mukurwe-ini Improve security and increase 2km Installation of Streetlights 1.5M 2018-2022
Electrification Central hours of doing business
Kimondo - Kiriguini Mukurwe-ini Improve security and increase 2km Installation of Streetlights 1.5M 2018-2022
Electrification Central hours of doing business
Kahero - Ichamara Mukurwe-ini Improve security and increase 2km Installation of Streetlights 1.5M 2018-2022
Electrification Central hours of doing business
Kirio Electrification Mukurwe-ini Improve security and increase 2km Installation of Streetlights 1.5M 2018-2022
Central hours of doing business
Munyiri Road Mukurwe-ini Improve security and increase 2km Installation of Streetlights 1.5M 2018-2022
Central hours of doing business
Kangwachi – Githigaini Mukurwe-ini Improve security and increase 2km Installation of Streetlights 1.5M 2018-2022
Road Electrification Central hours of doing business
Kihingo – Gikumbo Road Mukurwe-ini Improve security and increase 2km Installation of Streetlights 3.2 2018-2022
Electrification Central hours of doing business
Mbugwa Catholic – Mukurwe-ini Improve security and increase 2km Installation of Streetlights 1.5M 2018-2022
Sohiu Road Central hours of doing business
Gitumbi – Giathinwa Mukurwe-ini Improve security and increase 2km Installation of Streetlights 1.5M 2018-2022
Road Electrification Central hours of doing business
Gitura – Mbari ya Mugi Mukurwe-ini Improve security and increase 2km Installation of Streetlights 1.5M 2018-2022
Road Electrification Central hours of doing business
Mweiga town Street Mweiga Ward Improve security and increase 2km Installation of Streetlights at 1.5M 2018-2022
Lighting hours of doing business Amboni Junction, Police
Station, DO’s Office
Kimunyuru trading centre Gatarakwa Ward Improve security and increase 2km Installation of streetlights/ 3.2M 2018-2022
lighting project hours of doing business High mas flood lights
Kiriu Electrification Aguthi/ Gaaki Improve access to electricity 1 Transformer Installation of Transformer 2M 2018-2022
Project Ward
Kiriko Electrification Aguthi/ Gaaki Improve access to electricity 1 Transformer Installation of Transformer 2M 2018-2022
Project Ward
Mikui Electrification Aguthi/ Gaaki Improve access to electricity 1 Transformer Installation of Transformer 2M 2018-2022
Project Ward
Gikumbo Electrification Aguthi/ Gaaki Improve access to electricity 1 Transformer Installation of Transformer 2M 2018-2022
Project Ward

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timeframe
Gichagi(Huhoini) Aguthi/ Gaaki Improve access to electricity 1 Transformer Installation of Transformer 2M 2018-2022
Electrification Project Ward
Gachera (Gititu) Aguthi/ Gaaki Improve access to electricity 1 Transformer Installation of Transformer 2M 2018-2022
Electrification Project Ward
Kambu(Kiaigi) Aguthi/ Gaaki Improve access to electricity 1 Transformer Installation of Transformer 2M 2018-2022
Electrification Project Ward
Kabeche (Ithekahuno) Aguthi/ Gaaki Improve access to electricity 1 Transformer Installation of Transformer 2M 2018-2022
Electrification Project Ward
Kanyeki-ini (Thage-ini) Aguthi/ Gaaki Improve access to electricity 1 Transformer Installation of Transformer 2M 2018-2022
Electrification Project Ward
Irega (mungaria) Aguthi/ Gaaki Improve access to electricity 1 Transformer Installation of Transformer 2M 2018-2022
Electrification Project Ward
Gichira Electrification Aguthi/ Gaaki Improve access to electricity 1 Transformer Installation of Transformer 2M 2018-2022
Project Ward
Heheti Electrification Aguthi/ Gaaki Improve access to electricity 1 Transformer Installation of Transformer 2M 2018-2022
Project Ward
Kiangaina Electrification Aguthi/ Gaaki Improve access to electricity 1 Transformer Installation of Transformer 2M 2018-2022
Project Ward
Lower Gichira near Aguthi/ Gaaki Improve access to electricity 1 Transformer Installation of Transformer 2M 2018-2022
Kimas Matu Ward
Electrification Project
Kandutura Electrification Aguthi/ Gaaki Improve access to electricity 1 Transformer Installation of Transformer 2M 2018-2022
Project Ward
Kirichi Electrification Aguthi/ Gaaki Improve access to electricity 1 Transformer Installation of Transformer 2M 2018-2022
Project Ward
Thungururu Aguthi/ Gaaki Improve access to electricity 1 Transformer Installation of Transformer 2M 2018-2022
Electrification Project Ward
Gachima Electrification Aguthi/ Gaaki Improve access to electricity 1 Transformer Installation of Transformer 2M 2018-2022
Project Ward
Githima Electrification Aguthi/ Gaaki Improve access to electricity 1 Transformer Installation of Transformer 2M 2018-2022
Project Ward
Muhaka-in (Gaaki) Aguthi/ Gaaki Improve access to electricity 1 Transformer Installation of Transformer 2M 2018-2022
Electrification Project Ward
Kiriko (Gaaki) Aguthi/ Gaaki Improve access to electricity 1 Transformer Installation of Transformer 2M 2018-2022
Electrification Project Ward
Githima Electrification Aguthi/ Gaaki Improve access to electricity 1 Transformer Installation of Transformer 2M 2018-2022
Project Ward
Githima Electrification Aguthi/ Gaaki Improve access to electricity 1 Transformer Installation of Transformer 2M 2018-2022
Project Ward
Gikomo Village Mweiga Ward Improve access to electricity 1 Transformer Installation of Transformer 2M 2018-2022
Electrification Project
Amboni Electrification Mweiga Ward Improve access to electricity 1 Transformer Installation of Transformer 2M 2018-2022
Njeng’u Electrification Mweiga Ward Improve access to electricity 1 Transformer Installation of Transformer 2M 2018-2022
Kamatongu Mweiga Ward Improve access to electricity 1 Transformer Installation of Transformer 2M 2018-2022
Electrification Project
Kaheti Mbari ya Muite Mukurweini west Improve access to electricity One Installation of Transformer 2M 2018-2022
Electrification Project Ward Transformer
Kaheti Primary Mukurweini west Improve access to electricity One Installation of Transformer 2M 2018-2022
Electrification Project Ward Transformer
Matiraini Githiru Mukurweini west Improve access to electricity One Installation of Transformer 2M 2018-2022
Electrification Project Ward Transformer
Matiraini Kahiti Mukurweini west Improve access to electricity One Installation of Transformer 2M 2018-2022
Electrification Project Ward Transformer
Migiti Electrification Mukurweini west Improve access to electricity One Installation of Transformer 2M 2018-2022
Project Ward Transformer
Thunguri Electrification Mukurweini west Improve access to electricity One Installation of Transformer 2M 2018-2022
Project Ward Transformer
Kagarii Electrification Mukurweini west Improve access to electricity One Installation of Transformer 2M 2018-2022
Project Ward Transformer
Wanjithi Electrification Mukurweini west Improve access to electricity One Installation of Transformer 2M 2018-2022
Project Ward Transformer
Njanjara Electrification Mukurweini west Improve access to electricity One Installation of Transformer 2M 2018-2022
Project Ward Transformer
Githagara Electrification Mukurweini west Improve access to electricity One Installation of Transformer 2M 2018-2022
Project Ward Transformer

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timeframe
Gathinji Electrification Mukurweini west Improve access to electricity One Installation of Transformer 2M 2018-2022
Project Ward Transformer
Tambaya –Kiganjo Mukurweini west Improve access to electricity One Installation of Transformer 2M 2018-2022
Upgrading Electrifiaction Ward Transformer
Kiawamururu Mukurweini west Improve access to electricity One Installation of Transformer 2M 2018-2022
Electrification Project Ward Transformer
Gura –Migombeini Mukurweini west Improve access to electricity One Installation of Transformer 2M 2018-2022
Electrification Project Ward Transformer
Kaaga electrification Gakawa Ward Improve access to electricity One Installation of transformer and 4M 2018-2022
project Transformer wiring at Mwea/Ngerima;
Gakawa Health center;
Munyaka; Kaaga ECDE; Toll
center and Huku.
Bondeni Electrification Mweiga Ward Improve access to electricity 3 Installation of Transformer at 6M 2018-2022
Project Transformers nyagia, Gichuki and Kang’ara
Gathiuru electrification Gakawa Ward Improve access to electricity 5 No. Installation of transformers at 6M 2018-2022
project transformer Karandi Catholic Church;
Gwa Kabethi;Ragati Dam;
Kwa Muthamia; Toll Area)
Tumbu Githinji Shopping Gikondi Ward Improve security and increase Intallation of transformer 3.2M 2018-2022
centre Eletrification hours of doing business
Ciagumba - Irima Access Chinga Ward To improve road maintenance 12 Km Levelling 18M 2018-2022
Road srvices
Othaya town Bus parks Iriaini Ward To reduce congestion in town 3 No. bus Opening up of 3 new bus 10M 2018-2022
(Othaya) parks parks
Kagwathi Back Road Wamagana Ward To improve road maintenance One Opening, Grading and 3.2M 2018-2022
srvices Transformer gravelling, Tarmacking
Anglican – Family Bank Rware Ward To improve road maintenance 2km Recarpeting 20M 2018-2022
Road srvices
Osman Allu – Baden Rware Ward To improve road maintenance 2km Recarpeting 20M 2018-2022
Powell Road srvices
St Mary’s – Mortuary Rware Ward To improve road maintenance 2km Recarpeting 20M 2018-2022
Road srvices
Baden Powell – Kianda Rware Ward To improve road maintenance 2km Recarpeting 20M 2018-2022
Lower Equity Bank - - Rware Ward To improve road maintenance 2km Recarpeting 20M 2018-2022
Round About Road srvices
Best Lady – I&M Bank Rware Ward To improve road maintenance 2km Recarpeting 20M 2018-2022
Road srvices
Temple Road Rware Ward To improve road maintenance 2km Recarpeting 20M 2018-2022
Muthua Estate roads Karatina Ward To improve road maintenance 4km Re-carpeting 40M 2018-2022
Railway – police station – Karatina Ward To improve road maintenance 2km Re-carpeting 3M 2018-2022
members club – blue srvices
valley road
Karatina bus terminus Karatina Ward To improve road maintenance One bus Recarpeting and drainage 20M 2018-2022
srvices terminus Construction of new stalls
Karatina Town Roads Karatina Ward To improve road maintenance 10km Recarpeting and tarmacking 15M 2018-2022
Ndarukomia Foot bridge Gikondi Ward To enhance access and one bridge Rehabilatation 3M 2018-2022
Kwa Muthungu Gikondi Ward To enhance access and one bridge Rehabilitation 3M 2018-2022
Footbridge connectivity
Ndumbi Foot Bridge Gikondi Ward To enhance access and one bridge Rehabilitation 3M 2018-2022
Kibindu Foot Gikondi Ward To enhance access and one bridge Rehabilitation and upgrading 3M 2018-2022
Bridge(Rwara) connectivity
Wanaoyu Francis Foot Gikondi Ward To enhance access and one bridge Rehabilitation and upgrading 3M 2018-2022
Bridge connectivity
Maina Kariro Foot Bridge Gikondi Ward To enhance access and one bridge Rehabilitation and upgrading 3M 2018-2022
Endarsha Towwn Endarasha Improve security and increase 3km Rehabilitation of Streetlights 0.5M 2018-2022
Mwiyogo hours of doing business

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timeframe
Chania River Foot Bridge Kiganjo/Mathari To enhance access and 1 Bridge Rennovation 3M 2018-2022
Ward connectivity
Kwa ngunu Wamarida Wamagana Ward To enhance access and 1 Bridge Renovation of Bridge 3M 2018-2022
Mweiga Electrification Mweiga Ward Improve access to electricity 5km Rural electrification 1M 2018-2022
Kamatongu Mweiga Ward Improve access to electricity 5km Rural electrification 1M 2018-2022
Electrification Project
Giakaibei Street lighting Magutu Ward Improve access to electricity 2km Servicing 1M 2018-2022
Giakaibei Street lighting Magutu Ward Improve access to electricity 2km Servicing 1M 2018-2022
Gatugi Shopping Centre Karima Improve security and increase 2km Street lighting 1.5M 2018-2022
Electrification Project hours of doing business
Ndimaini Shopping Konyu Ward Improve security and increase 2km Street Lighting 1.5M 2018-2022
centre Electrification hours of doing business
Gatina Shopping Konyu Ward Improve security and increase 2km Street Lighting 1.5M 2018-2022
centreElectrification hours of doing business
Kieni Shopping Konyu Ward Improve security and increase 2km Street Lighting 1.5M 2018-2022
centreElectrification hours of doing business
Kiami Shopping Konyu Ward Improve security and increase 2km Street Lighting 1.5M 2018-2022
centreElectrification hours of doing business
Kiamabara Shopping Konyu Ward Improve security and increase 2km Street Lighting 1.5M 2018-2022
centreElectrification hours of doing business
Gathugu Shopping Konyu Ward Improve security and increase 2km Street Lighting 1.5M 2018-2022
centreElectrification hours of doing business
Gaturiri Shopping Konyu Ward Improve security and increase 2km Street Lighting 1.5M 2018-2022
centreElectrification hours of doing business
Gatwe Shopping Konyu Ward Improve security and increase 2km Street Lighting 1.5M 2018-2022
centreElectrification hours of doing business
Grogan Road Rware Ward Improve security and increase 2km Street Lighting 1.5M 2018-2022
Electrification Project hours of doing business
Parklane Road Rware Ward Improve security and increase 2km Street Lighting 1.5M 2018-2022
Electrification Project hours of doing business
National Bank Road Rware Ward Improve security and increase 2km Street Lighting 1.5M 2018-2022
Electrification Project hours of doing business
Library Road Rware Ward Improve security and increase 2km Street Lighting 1.5M 2018-2022
Electrification Project hours of doing business
St Mary – Muthurwa Rware Ward Improve security and increase 2km Street Lighting 1.5M 2018-2022
Road Electrification hours of doing business
Pembe Tatu Rware Ward Improve security and increase 2km Street Lighting 1.5M 2018-2022
Electrification Project hours of doing business
Summer Industrial Road Rware Ward Improve security and increase 2km Street Lighting 1.5M 2018-2022
Electrification Project hours of doing business
Electrification Project Rware Ward Improve security and increase 2km Street Lighting 1.5M 2018-2022
hours of doing business
Kingongo Estate Rware Ward Improve security and increase 2km Street Lighting 1.5M 2018-2022
Electrification Project hours of doing business
Kangemi Brewery Area Rware Ward Improve security and increase 2km Street Lighting 1.5M 2018-2022
Electrification Project hours of doing business
Kihuyu Shopping Centre Kiganjo/Mathari Improve security and increase 2km Street Lighting 1.5M 2018-2022
Electrification Project Ward hours of doing business
Njengu Shopping Centre Kiganjo/Mathari Improve security and increase 2km Street Lighting 1.5M 2018-2022
Electrification Project Ward hours of doing business
Mwenji Shopping centre Kiganjo/Mathari Improve security and increase 2km Street Lighting 1.5M 2018-2022
electrification project Ward hours of doing business
Kahiga Shopping Kiganjo/Mathari Improve security and increase 2km Street Lighting 1.5M 2018-2022
CentreElectrification Ward hours of doing business

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timeframe
Kiricho Shopping Centre Kiganjo/Mathari Improve security and increase 2km Street Lighting 1.5M 2018-2022
Electrification Project Ward hours of doing business
Skuta Circuit Roads Ruringu Ward Improve security and increase 6km Street Lighting 1.5M 2018-2022
hours of doing business
Kiamariki Nderi Road Ruringu Ward Improve security and increase 3.5km Street Lighting 1.5M 2018-2022
hours of doing business
Red Court Stadium Ruringu Ward Improve security and increase 3km Street Lighting 1.5M 2018-2022
hours of doing business
Kwa Mambo – st Jude Ruringu Ward Improve security and increase 3.5km Street Lighting 1.5M 2018-2022
circuit hours of doing business
Waka Circuit Ruringu Ward Improve security and increase 3km Street Lighting 1.5M 2018-2022
hours of doing business
Muindi – Thuta Road Ruringu Ward Improve security and increase 3km Street Lighting 1.5M 2018-2022
hours of doing business
Gwa Gategwa Road Ruringu Ward Improve security and increase 3km Street Lighting 1.5M 2018-2022
hours of doing business
Nyamari Shopping Iriaini Ward Improve security and increase 3km Streetlighting 1.5M 2018-2022
Centre Electrification (Othaya) hours of doing business
Thungari Shopping Iriaini Ward Improve security and increase 3km Streetlighting 1.5M 2018-2022
Centre Electrification (Othaya) hours of doing business
Kihuri Shopping Centre Iriaini Ward Improve security and increase 3km Streetlighting 1.5M 2018-2022
Electrification Project (Othaya) hours of doing business
Ruruguti Shopping Iriaini Ward Improve security and increase 3km Streetlighting 1.5M 2018-2022
Centre Electrification (Othaya) hours of doing business
Gitundu Shopping Centre Iriaini Ward Improve security and increase 3km Streetlighting 1.5M 2018-2022
Electrification Project (Othaya) hours of doing business
MugaainiShopping Iriaini Ward Improve security and increase 3km Streetlighting 1.5M 2018-2022
Centre Electrification (Othaya) hours of doing business
Michathaini road Mahiga Ward To enhance access and 2.5km Survey and opening up of new 3.5M 2018-2022
connectivity access road
Kangari road Mahiga Ward To enhance access and 2.5km Survey and opening up of new 3.5M 2018-2022
connectivity access road
Kamoko Coffee factory – Mahiga Ward To enhance access and 2.5km Survey and opening up of new 3.5M 2018-2022
Gachange stream – connectivity access road
AIPCA road
Gachagua –Ndiritu Mahiga Ward To enhance access and 2.5km Survey and opening up of new 3.5M 2018-2022
Gacheru – Kanyoro – connectivity access road
Mutuini –Macharia
Lenard road
Muturi Kioro Farm Road Gikondi Ward To enhance access and 0.5km Surveying Grading and 0.8M 2018-2022
Connecting Muranga and connectivity Murraming
Mwihoko- Muthoga – Endarasha To enhance access and 1.5km Surveying, Grading and 2.5M 2018-2022
Githui Road Mwiyogo connectivity Gravelling
Ndungi-Kinyaiti Primary Endarasha To enhance access and 1.5km Surveying, Grading and 2.5M 2018-2022
School Road Mwiyogo connectivity Gravelling
Munene Fish Dam- Ex Endarasha To enhance access and 1.5km Surveying, Grading and 2.5M 2018-2022
willy’s Mwiyogo connectivity Gravelling
Macho Christina Road Endarasha To enhance access and 1.5km Surveying, Grading and 2.5M 2018-2022
Mwiyogo connectivity Gravelling
Ex-Willy’s Road Endarasha To enhance access and 1.5km Surveying, purchase of road 2.5M 2018-2022
Mwiyogo connectivity strip, grading and gravelling
Beavers – Soko Huru Ruringu Ward To enhance access and 2.5 Km Tarmac 40M 2018-2022
Ibaoini – St Jude Road Ruringu Ward To enhance access and 2 Km Tarmac 36M 2018-2022
Sportsgate – Circuit Road Ruringu Ward To enhance access and 3km Tarmac 45M 2018-2022
Meeting Point – Kirori – Ruringu Ward To enhance access and 3km Tarmac 45M 2018-2022
Ruringu Rwa Bunda connectivity
Chorongi Kwa Ndegwa – Ruringu Ward To enhance access and 3km Tarmac 45M 2018-2022
Giachamwenge Road connectivity

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timeframe
Othaya Karuthi Road Iriaini Ward To enhance access and 7km Tarmac 120M 2018-2022
(Othaya) connectivity
Gichira-DO-Hospital Aguthi/Gaaki To enhance access and 1 Km Tarmac 18M 2018-2022
Ward connectivity
Mweiga Town Roads Mweiga Ward To enhance access and 3km Tarmac 4.5m 2018-2022
Mugaini Wa Flora Iriaini Ward To enhance access and 200m; 300m Tarmacking 10m 2018-2022
(Othaya) connectivity tarmac
Kwa Murungu – Gatitu/ To enhance access and 3km Tarmacking 50M 2018-2022
Muruguru National High Muruguru Ward connectivity
School Road
Muthinga/ Ngongoro Aguthi/Gaaki To enhance access and 3Km, 1 Tarmacking and Bridge 6M 2018-2022
D438 Ward connectivity Bridge
Nordin – Graceland – Thegu River To enhance access and 7.5km Tarmacking of the bridge 13.5M 2018-2022
Karundas road Ward connectivity
Munyange –Gitugi road Mahiga Ward To enhance access and 2km Tarmacking of the road 3M 2018-2022
Karatina Polytechnic – Karatina Ward To enhance access and 1KM Upgrading / gravelling 1.5M 2018-2022
Omega Supermarket road connectivity
Skuta (Oil Com) – South Gatitu/ To enhance access and 2km Upgrading. 3M 2018-2022
B Road Muruguru Ward connectivity
South B – Thunguma Gatitu/ To enhance access and 2km Upgrading. 4M 2018-2022
Shopping Centre Road Muruguru Ward connectivity
South B – Kagayu Road Gatitu/ To enhance access and 2km Upgrading. 4M 2018-2022
Muruguru Ward connectivity
Kagayu – Kahuti – Gatitu/ To enhance access and 2km Upgrading. 4M 2018-2022
Quarry Road Muruguru Ward connectivity
Shopping Centre – St. Gatitu/ To enhance access and 2km Upgrading. 4M 2018-2022
John Catholic Church – Muruguru Ward connectivity
Ndunyu Road
Thuku Road (Kangema’s Gatitu/ To enhance access and 2km Upgrading. 4M 2018-2022
– Wami’s Road) Muruguru Ward connectivity
Thuta Makutano Road Gatitu/ To enhance access and 2km Upgrading. 4M 2018-2022
Muruguru Ward connectivity
Mahiga road network Mahiga Ward To enhance access and 50 KM Upgrading. 75M 2018-2022
Chinga road network Chinga Ward To enhance access and 50 KM Upgrading. 75M 2018-2022
Wakahiu- Githima Road Aguthi/GaakiWa To improve access and open up 2.5Km Grading and Gravelling 3.5M 2018-2022
rd new areas
Lilongwe Aguthi/GaakiWa To improve access and open up 3Km Grading and Gravelling 3.5M 2018-2022
rd new areas
Gachatha-Wanjiru Wamagana Ward To improve access and open up 2Km Grading and Gravelling 3.5M 2018-2022
Wangari Road new areas
Kambi Waruruma Road Mahiga Ward To promote access and 3 Km Gravelling, Grading and 4.5M 2018/2022
connectivity Installation of Culverts
Gaturuturu Junction to Mahiga Ward To promote access and 2 Km Grading, Gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
Gitugi(Bitumin FAC) connectivity Installation of Culverts
Waritia Njigari Road Mahiga Ward To promote access and 3 Km Gravelling, Grading and 4.5M 2018/2022
connectivity Installation of Culverts
Gskuyu PCEA Church to Mahiga Ward To promote access and 1 Km Gravelling, Grading and 1.5M 2018/2022
Mwangi James Road connectivity Installation of Culverts
Karurumo road bridge Gatitu Muruguru To enhance access and 1 Construction of a bridge 3M 2018-2022
(KENGEN) connectivity
Thunguma lower – Thuta Gatitu Muruguru To enhance access and 1 Construction of a bridge 3M 2018-2022
bridge connectivity
Kwa Mambo – Mama Ruringu ward To enhance access and 1.5 km Construction of bridges & 3M 2018-2022
Emma bridge connectivity culverts
Kiandumba road Chinga Ward To enhance access and 2 No. culverts 1M 2018-2022
Gathagana along Kirimukuyu To enhance access and 2km Demarcation and surveying of 3M 2018-2022
kirimukuyu and konyu Ward connectivity new roads
Ruthagati - Rathithi road Kirimukuyu To enhance access and 2km Demarcation and surveying of 3M 2018-2022
Ward connectivity new roads
Kanjata - ruthagati road Kirimukuyu To enhance access and 2km Demarcation and surveying of 3M 2018-2022
Ward connectivity new roads

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timeframe
Keruro road (Kengen Gatitu/Muruguru To enhance access and 3 km Grading, gravelling & 4.5M 2018-2022
Muruguru road) Ward connectivity installation of culverts
Chorongi circuit roads Ruringu ward To enhance access and 3 km Grading, gravelling & 4.5M 2018-2022
connectivity installation of culverts
Kiamwathi circuit roads Ruringu ward To enhance access and 4 km Grading, gravelling & 6M 2018-2022
connectivity installation of culverts
Giichamwenge – Gichagi Ruringu ward To enhance access and 4 km Grading, gravelling & 6M 2018-2022
road connectivity installation of culverts
Meeting point – Skuta Ruringu ward To enhance access and 5 km Grading, gravelling & 7.5M 2018-2022
shopping center connectivity installation of culverts
Chorongi – Kwa Ambui Ruringu ward To enhance access and 2 km Grading, gravelling & 3M 2018-2022
road connectivity installation of culverts
Kwa Wanjohi wa bora Kirimukuyu To enhance access and 2km Grading, Gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
road (Gathagana) Ward connectivity culverts
Gathagana Kwa wamui Kirimukuyu To enhance access and 2km Grading, Gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
road Ward connectivity culverts
Mashimoni karaigua road Kirimukuyu To enhance access and 2km Grading, Gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
Ward connectivity culverts
Githubiia road (kaharo) Kirimukuyu To enhance access and 2km Grading, Gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
Ward connectivity culverts
Ruthagati centre to Kirimukuyu To enhance access and 2km Grading, Gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
chakareli road Ward connectivity culverts
Chinga River to Chinga Ward To enhance access and 2km Grading, Gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
Kiagwara junction connectivity culverts
Kiagwara/ Wabacha road Chinga Ward To enhance access and 2km Grading, Gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
connectivity culverts
Mutundu – Mama Chinga Ward To enhance access and 2km Grading, Gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
mugunda road connectivity culverts
Kagicha – Iria access Chinga Ward To enhance access and 2km Grading, Gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
road connectivity culverts
Kihathu/ ihigaini road Gatitu Muruguru To enhance access and 1.2 km Installation of streetlights 1.8M 2018-2022
Kwa Murungu road Gatitu Muruguru To enhance access and 0.8 km Installation of streetlights 0.8M 2018-2022
Gathagana electrification Kirimukuyu Improve security and increase 1 Installation of transformers 3.2M 2018-2022
project Ward hours of doing business
Gachuiro (Karingaini) Kirimukuyu Improve security and increase 1 Installation of transformers 3.2M 2018-2022
electrification project Ward hours of doing business
Kiangoma (Kiangui) Kirimukuyu Improve security and increase 1 Installation of transformers 3.2M 2018-2022
electrification project Ward hours of doing business
Kiangware electrification Chinga Ward Improve security and increase 1 Installation of transformers 3.2M 2018-2022
project hours of doing business
Ngaru – Twani Chinga Ward Improve security and increase 1 Installation of transformers 3.2M 2018-2022
electrification project hours of doing business
Karinditi & Wangoru tea Chinga Ward Improve security and increase 1 Installation of transformers 3.2M 2018-2022
buying center hours of doing business
Gichiche electrification Chinga Ward Improve security and increase 1 Installation of transformers 3.2M 2018-2022
project hours of doing business
Kagongo electrification Chinga Ward Improve security and increase 1 Installation of transformers 3.2M 2018-2022
project hours of doing business
Karuthi new dispensary Chinga Ward Improve security and increase 1 Installation of transformers 3.2M 2018-2022
electrification project hours of doing business
Kariki – Gichiche – Chinga Ward To enhance access and 5km recarpeting 50M 2018-2022
Kagicha – Muirungi – connectivity
Gichiche – Ngaru–
mucharage roads
Gatitu/Muruguru Gatitu/Muruguru Improve security and increase 5km Street lighting 7.5M 2018-2022
Streetlighting Ward hours of doing business
Kwa Mambo – Mama Ruringu ward Improve security and increase 1.5 km streetlighting 1.2M 2018-2022
Emma Street lighting hours of doing business
Giichamwenge circuit Ruringu ward Improve security and increase 2 km streetlighting 1.5M 2018-2022
roads Street lighting hours of doing business
Chorongi Street lighting Ruringu ward Improve security and increase 2 km streetlighting 1.5M 2018-2022
hours of doing business

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timeframe
Kabwe circuit roads Ruringu ward Improve security and increase 2 km streetlighting 1.5M 2018-2022
Street lighting hours of doing business
Kiamwathi road Street Ruringu ward Improve security and increase 4 km streetlighting 3M 2018-2022
lighting hours of doing business
Giakanja – kigwandi road Ruringu ward Improve security and increase 2.5 km streetlighting 2M 2018-2022
Street lighting hours of doing business
Chorongi shopping center Ruringu ward Improve security and increase 2 km streetlighting 1.5M 2018-2022
Street lighting hours of doing business
Chorongi – Kwa Ambui Ruringu ward Improve security and increase 2 km streetlighting 1.5M 2018-2022
road Street lighting hours of doing business
Ngaru – Kiagumba access Chinga Ward To enhance access and 3 km Surveying and gravelling 2.3M 2018-2022
road connectivity
Magomano – Kiagumba Chinga Ward To enhance access and 4 km Surveying and gravelling 3M 2018-2022
access road connectivity
Kagayu - Thunguma road Gatitu/Muruguru To enhance access and 2 km Tarmacking 30M 2018-2022
Ward connectivity
Kiamuiru road Gatitu/Muruguru To enhance access and 2 km Tarmacking 30M 2018-2022
Ward connectivity
Munene Kairu (Kimu) – Chinga Ward To enhance access and 1.5km Tarmacking 23M 2018-2022
Kariko road connectivity
Karuthi – Mairo – Chinga Ward To enhance access and 1.5km Tarmacking 23M 2018-2022
Gathanji – Kiaguthu - connectivity
kagicha road
Kariko – Karega- Chinga Ward To enhance access and 1.5km Tarmacking, bridge 23M 2018-2022
Ruruguti road connectivity
King’uka road Gatitu/Muruguru To enhance access and 1.5km widening 2.3M 2018-2022
Ward connectivity
Gakindu Bus Park Mukurwe-ini To decongest the town 1 Bus Park Construction 10M 2018-2022
West Ward
Muthui-ini- Kinyaiti road Endarasha/ To promote access and 1 Bridge Construction 3M 2018-2022
Mwiyogo Ward connectivity
Unjiru- Kamingiri- Wamagana Ward To promote access and 1 Bridge Construction 3M 2018-2022
Bridge connectivity
Githungo- Nyambo-ini Thegu River To reduce human-wild conflict 1 Fence Construction 30M 2018-2022
Electric Fence Ward
Gikororo – Kahuru foot Iriaini ward To promote access and 1 construction 3M 2018-2022
bridge (Mathira) connectivity
Mukongoro bridge Iriaini ward To promote access and 1 construction 3M 2018-2022
(Mathira) connectivity
Gatura/ Mwanda (Ha Iriaini ward To promote access and 1 construction 3M 2018-2022
Maribe)bridge (Mathira) connectivity
Gatura/ Kangocho Iriaini ward To promote access and 1 construction 3M 2018-2022
(Duncan)bridge (Mathira) connectivity
Kahachu Iriaini ward To promote access and 1 construction 3M 2018-2022
(kahutiini)bridge (Mathira) connectivity
Kinyariti bridge Iriaini ward To promote access and 1 construction 3M 2018-2022
(Mathira) connectivity
Riambugu bridge Iriaini ward To promote access and 1 construction 3M 2018-2022
(Mathira) connectivity
Sewage bridge Iriaini ward To promote access and 1 construction 3M 2018-2022
(Mathira) connectivity
Aguthi /Gaaki Bridges Aguthi Gaaki To promote access and 6 Bridges Construction and equipping 3M 2018-2022
Project Ward connectivity
Riajoni bridge Kiganjo/Mathari To promote access and 1 Construction of bridge 3M 2018-2022
Kihuyo – Nyamiru – Kiganjo/Mathari To promote access and 1 Construction of bridge 3M 2018-2022
Mwenji bridge Ward connectivity
Aguthi/Gaaki Biogas Aguthi Gaaki To promote access and 500 Construction, Installation and 10M 2018-2022
Project Ward connectivity Households Equipping
Gichatha – Kinyota Iriaini ward To promote access and 1 Construction/ rehabilitation 3M 2018-2022
bridge (Mathira) connectivity
Ha njoroge - Kiangundo Iriaini ward To promote access and 1 Construction/ rehabilitation 3M 2018-2022
bridge (Mathira) connectivity
Kingangi’s - Gathure Iriaini ward To promote access and 1 Construction/ rehabilitation 3M 2018-2022
bridge (Mathira) connectivity
Kiawaita-Kirurumu Road Mukurwe-ini To promote access and 2Km Culvert, Grading and 3M 2018-2022
West Ward connectivity Gravelling

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timeframe
Wanjithi-Kaguriini Road Mukurwe-ini To promote access and 1Km Culvert, Grading and 1.5M 2018-2022
West Ward connectivity Gravelling
Gakindu-Dr Kibuku Road Mukurwe-ini To promote access and 1Km Culvert, Grading and 1.5M 2018-2022
West Ward connectivity Gravelling
Gatuanyaga –Feeder Gakawa Ward To promote access and 40Km Culvert, Grading and 60M 2018-2022
roads connectivity gravelling
Githima Sub location Gakawa Ward To promote access and 50Km Culvert, Grading and 75M 2018-2022
Roads connectivity gravelling
Burguret sub location Gakawa Ward To promote access and 50Km Culvert, Grading and 75M 2018-2022
roads connectivity gravelling
Gathiuru Sub location Gakawa Ward To promote access and 30Km Culvert, Grading and 45M 2018-2022
Roads connectivity gravelling
Kaaga Roads Gakawa Ward To promote access and 30Km Culvert, Grading and 45M 2018-2022
connectivity gravelling
Kahurura Roads Gakawa Ward To promote access and 30Km Culvert, Grading and 45M 2018-2022
connectivity gravelling
Equator Roads Gakawa Ward To promote access and 50Km Culvert, Grading and 75M 2018-2022
connectivity gravelling
Upper ngomongo Village Endarasha/Mwiy To promote access and 2km Culvert, Grading and 3M 2018-2022
Service Road ogo Ward connectivity gravelling
Wa Martin – Mwihoko Endarasha/Mwiy To promote access and 2km Culvert, Grading and 3M 2018-2022
Shopping Centre ogo Ward connectivity gravelling
Amboni – Wendiga Endarasha/Mwiy To promote access and 2km Culvert, Grading and 3M 2018-2022
Linkage Road and Bridge ogo Ward connectivity gravelling
Unjiru – Kimaru Road Wamagana Ward To promote access and 0.8Km Culvert, Grading and 1M 2018-2022
connectivity gravelling
Kaiguri- Kiragu Road Wamagana Ward To promote access and 1.3Km Culvert, Grading and 1.8M 2018-2022
connectivity gravelling
Gachatha- Mathenge Wamagana Ward To promote access and 1.2Km Culvert, Grading and 1.7M 2018-2022
Guandaru- Road connectivity gravelling
Gachatha –Kihuro Road Wamagana Ward To promote access and 6Km Culvert, Grading and 9M 2018-2022
connectivity gravelling
Karangia Muhindiini Wamagana Ward To promote access and 2km Culvert, Grading and 3M 2018-2022
Road connectivity gravelling
Kigwandi – Kariguini – Wamagana Ward To promote access and 2km Culvert, Grading and 3M 2018-2022
Kwa joseph connectivity gravelling
Makutano – Kamingiri Wamagana Ward To promote access and 0.8Km Culvert, Grading and 1M 2018-2022
Road connectivity gravelling
Kaiguri – Karamuthi- Wamagana Ward To promote access and 0.8Km Culvert, Grading and 1M 2018-2022
Karuga Road connectivity gravelling
Kaiguri – Muuini- Wamagana Ward To promote access and 0.8Km Culvert, Grading and 1M 2018-2022
Kiamathigi Road connectivity gravelling
Kaiguri – Kihuro Road Wamagana Ward To promote access and 0.8Km Culvert, Grading and 1M 2018-2022
connectivity gravelling
Kariguini Giathathi Road Wamagana Ward To promote access and 0.8Km Culvert, Grading and 1M 2018-2022
connectivity gravelling
Giakanja- Gathima Road Wamagana Ward To promote access and 0.8Km Culvert, Grading and 1M 2018-2022
connectivity gravelling
Kariguini-Kianjogu Wamagana Ward To promote access and 0.8Km Culvert, Grading and 1M 2018-2022
Boundary Road connectivity gravelling
Kianjogu – Wamukima Wamagana Ward To promote access and 0.8Km Culvert, Grading and 1M 2018-2022
Road connectivity gravelling
Mathakwa-ini Wamagana Ward To promote access and 0.8Km Culvert, Grading and 1M 2018-2022
Polytechnic Road connectivity gravelling
Karangia Market Road Wamagana Ward To promote access and 0.8Km Culvert, Grading and 1M 2018-2022
connectivity gravelling
Karangia – Mutitu- Gacii Wamagana Ward To promote access and 0.8Km Culvert, Grading and 1M 2018-2022
Roads connectivity gravelling
Karangia -Gacii Gura Wamagana Ward To promote access and 0.8Km Culvert, Grading and 1M 2018-2022
Roads connectivity gravelling
Hubuini –Mbaaini Road Wamagana Ward To promote access and 1km Culvert, Grading and 1.5M 2018-2022
connectivity gravelling
Gichora-Gura Road Wamagana Ward To promote access and 1km Culvert, Grading and 1.5M 2018-2022
connectivity gravelling
Hubuini- Rwairimaini Wamagana Ward To promote access and 1km Culvert, Grading and 1.5M 2018-2022
connectivity gravelling

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timeframe
Wandumbi Shopping Wamagana Ward To promote access and 1km Culvert, Grading and 1.5M 2018-2022
Centre connectivity gravelling
Giakanja Factory – Wamagana Ward To promote access and 1km Culvert, Grading and 1.5M 2018-2022
Karega Road connectivity gravelling
Wamagana Aguthi Wamagana Ward To promote access and 1km Culvert, Grading and 1.5M 2018-2022
Laundry Road connectivity gravelling
Kamakwa/ Mukaro Kamakwa/ To promote access and 1km Expansion, Grading, 1.5M 2018-2022
Roads Mukaro connectivity Gravelling and Culvert
Nyaribo feeder roads Kiganjo/Mathari To promote access and 20 km Grading & gravelling 30M 2018-2022
Ward connectivity
Kiganjo junction to Kiganjo/Mathari To promote access and 2 km Grading & gravelling 3M 2018-2022
Gikindu Quarry road Ward connectivity
Kiganjo Chiefs Camp – Kiganjo/Mathari To promote access and 2 km Grading & gravelling 3M 2018-2022
Ngatha Quarries road Ward connectivity
Muhoko –Kabebero Road Iria-ini Ward To promote access and 0.1Km Grading and Gravelling 0.2M 2018-2022
(Othaya) connectivity
Ihururio- Karega- Iria-ini Ward To promote access and 1Km Grading and Gravelling 1.5M 2018-2022
Mutalamu –Wilson Kibui (Othaya) connectivity
Karega TBC to Igokos Iria-ini Ward To promote access and 1Km Grading and Gravelling 1.5M 2018-2022
Home Road (Othaya) connectivity
Kianjamba to Njuku Iria-ini Ward To promote access and 0.5Km Grading and Gravelling 0.8M 2018-2022
Wathethu Road (Othaya) connectivity
Thoko-ini to Mikoe Iria-ini Ward To promote access and 1Km Grading and Gravelling 1.5M 2018-2022
Catholic Church (Othaya) connectivity
Thoko-ini to Ndiritu Iria-ini Ward To promote access and 0.5Km Grading and Gravelling 0.8M 2018-2022
Muitas Home-Road (Othaya) connectivity
Kiaiti-Behind Gitundu Iria-ini Ward To promote access and 1Km Grading and Gravelling 1.5M 2018-2022
Catholic Church (Othaya) connectivity
Othaya Pub-Mlika Iria-ini Ward To promote access and 0.5Km Grading and Gravelling 0.8M 2018-2022
Mwizi- Othaya Catholic (Othaya) connectivity
via Amani Estate
Githuthi-ini Tea Buying Iria-ini Ward To promote access and 0.2Km Grading and Gravelling 0.3M 2018-2022
Centre to Mama Wangari (Othaya) connectivity
Kiriini Pry to Nyatha to Iria-ini Ward To promote access and 1Km Grading and Gravelling 1.5M 2018-2022
Othaya Nyeri Highway (Othaya) connectivity
KArega kwa Wanjuki via Iria-ini Ward To promote access and 2Km Grading and Gravelling 3M 2018-2022
Sewerage (Othaya) connectivity
Gikira-Githinjiro Road- Iria-ini Ward To promote access and 1Km Grading and Gravelling 1.5M 2018-2022
Gregorio Kiragu- (Othaya) connectivity
Othaya catholic Road Iria-ini Ward To promote access and 0.1Km Grading and Gravelling 0.2M 2018-2022
(Othaya) connectivity
Thuti TBC to Kwanjogu Iria-ini Ward To promote access and 1 Km Grading and Gravelling 1.5M 2018-2022
Karega (Othaya) connectivity
Waihara Catholic –Tonya Iria-ini Ward To promote access and 2 Km Grading and Gravelling 3M 2018-2022
Home (Othaya) connectivity
Waihara Shopping Centre Iria-ini Ward To promote access and 0.2 Km Grading and Gravelling 0.3M 2018-2022
Behind (Othaya) connectivity
Kiriti to Kihara Iria-ini Ward To promote access and 1 Km Grading and Gravelling 1.5M 2018-2022
Ichung’wa road (Othaya) connectivity
Konyu Kiriti Bridge Iria-ini Ward To promote access and 1 Bridge, Grading and Gravelling 1.5M 2018-2022
(Othaya) connectivity 1Km
Gathumbi wanderi Road Iria-ini Ward To promote access and 1Km Grading and Gravelling 1.5M 2018-2022
(Othaya) connectivity
Behind Gathumbi Iria-ini Ward To promote access and 0.5Km Grading and Gravelling 0.8M 2018-2022
Angrican church (Othaya) connectivity
Muroha Kabui Road Iria-ini Ward To promote access and 2 Km Grading and Gravelling 3M 2018-2022
(Othaya) connectivity
Kiangoma-Muroha Road Iria-ini Ward To promote access and 2 Km Grading and Gravelling 3M 2018-2022
(Othaya) connectivity
Kairuthi Nduyi Road Iria-ini Ward To promote access and 2 Km Grading and Gravelling 3M 2018-2022
(Othaya) connectivity
Behind Gathumbi TBC Iria-ini Ward To promote access and 2 Km Grading and Gravelling 3M 2018-2022
(Othaya) connectivity

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timeframe
Tini to Gathumbi Road Iria-ini Ward To promote access and 1 Km Grading and Gravelling 1.5M 2018-2022
(Othaya) connectivity
Gititu- Nduyi Road Iria-ini Ward To promote access and 1 Km Grading and Gravelling 1.5M 2018-2022
(Othaya) connectivity
Kairuthi-Kabuchi Iria-ini Ward To promote access and 1Km Grading and Gravelling 1.5M 2018-2022
(Othaya) connectivity
Maruguya-Nduri Road Iria-ini Ward To promote access and 1Km Grading and Gravelling 1.5M 2018-2022
(Othaya) connectivity
Waihara Gachararia Road Iria-ini Ward To promote access and 1Km Grading and Gravelling 1.5M 2018-2022
(Othaya) connectivity
Nyakihati From Gichatis Iria-ini Ward To promote access and 1Km Grading and Gravelling 1.5M 2018-2022
Road (Othaya) connectivity
Mahira Waihara Road Iria-ini Ward To promote access and 1Km Grading and Gravelling 1.5M 2018-2022
(Othaya) connectivity
Kagumos to Lawrence Iria-ini Ward To promote access and 1Km Grading and Gravelling 1.5M 2018-2022
Gichohi Waihara Road (Othaya) connectivity
Kirindundu –Gikurwe Iria-ini Ward To promote access and 1Km Grading and Gravelling 1.5M 2018-2022
Road (Othaya) connectivity
Gachie to Cecilia Iria-ini Ward To promote access and 0.5Km Grading and Gravelling 0.8M 2018-2022
Ndirangu Home (Othaya) connectivity
Gathumbi-gituri Road Iria-ini Ward To promote access and 0.5Km Grading and Gravelling 0.8M 2018-2022
(Othaya) connectivity
Road behind Gathumbi Iria-ini Ward To promote access and 1Km Grading and Gravelling 1.5M 2018-2022
Sec (Othaya) connectivity
Iriaini Catholic-Gitwe Iria-ini Ward To promote access and 0.5Km Grading and Gravelling 0.8M 2018-2022
Road (Othaya) connectivity
Wakaigi- Ngoeini Road Iria-ini Ward To promote access and 1 Km Grading and Gravelling 1.5M 2018-2022
(Othaya) connectivity
Munaini -Kanyange Iria-ini Ward To promote access and 1 Km Grading and Gravelling 1.5M 2018-2022
(Othaya) connectivity
Thunguri Ndiara Bridge Iria-ini Ward To promote access and 1 Km and 1 Grading and Gravelling 1.5M 2018-2022
and Road (Othaya) connectivity Bridge
Gatura – Mukongoro road Iriaini ward To promote access and 2 km Grading, gravelling 3M 2018-2022
(Mathira) connectivity &installation of culverts
Gatura – Mwanda Iriaini ward To promote access and 2.5 km Grading, gravelling & 3.5M 2018-2022
(Maribe) road (Mathira) connectivity installation of culverts
Kahuro – Gikororo PCEA Iriaini ward To promote access and 4 km Grading, gravelling & 6M 2018-2022
road (Mathira) connectivity installation of culverts
Miiri – Ndima (githea) Iriaini ward To promote access and 5 km Grading, gravelling & 7.5M 2018-2022
road (Mathira) connectivity installation of culverts
Miiri – Ruturu (Maritha) Iriaini ward To promote access and 4 km Grading, gravelling & 6M 2018-2022
road (Mathira) connectivity installation of culverts
Kianjuu – Ndima Kanini Iriaini ward To promote access and 0.6 km Grading, gravelling & 0.9M 2018-2022
road (Mathira) connectivity installation of culverts
Kahuro – Welcome road Iriaini ward To promote access and 2.5km Grading, gravelling & 3.8M 2018-2022
(Mathira) connectivity installation of culverts
Ngari - Wamuyu road Iriaini ward To promote access and 2 km Grading, gravelling & 3M 2018-2022
(Mathira) connectivity installation of culverts
Karumba – Ngari - Iriaini ward To promote access and 0.6 km Grading, gravelling & 0.9M 2018-2022
Merere road (Mathira) connectivity installation of culverts
Muhuhi T.B.C - Kahachu Iriaini ward To promote access and 0.8km Grading, gravelling & 1.2M 2018-2022
road (Mathira) connectivity installation of culverts
Gikira - Merere road Iriaini ward To promote access and 1.5 km Grading, gravelling & 2.5M 2018-2022
(Mathira) connectivity installation of culverts
Cheru - Kiamwangi road Iriaini ward To promote access and 3 km Grading, gravelling & 4.5M 2018-2022
(Mathira) connectivity installation of culverts
Kiarithaini shopping Iriaini ward To promote access and 3 km Grading, gravelling & 4.5M 2018-2022
center - wamuhunis road (Mathira) connectivity installation of culverts
Muhuhi - Githima road Iriaini ward To promote access and 2 km Grading, gravelling 3M 2018-2022
(Mathira) connectivity &installation of culverts
Riambugu (Gachau) – Iriaini ward To promote access and 2 km Grading, gravelling & 3M 2018-2022
Miano’s road (Mathira) connectivity installation of culverts
Muchoki Muya - MOW Iriaini ward To promote access and 3.5km Grading, gravelling & 5M 2018-2022
road (Mathira) connectivity installation of culverts
Coffee factory - Kinyariti Iriaini ward To promote access and 2 km Grading, gravelling & 3M 2018-2022
road (Mathira) connectivity installation of culverts

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timeframe
Kiarithaini playground - Iriaini ward To promote access and 2km Grading, gravelling & 3M 2018-2022
Kinyariti road (Mathira) connectivity installation of culverts
Kiarithaini – Cheru – Iriaini ward To promote access and 2.5 km Grading, gravelling & 4M 2018-2022
Karatina Hospital road (Mathira) connectivity installation of culverts
Kiaigi - sewage road Iriaini ward To promote access and 1 km Grading, gravelling & 1.5M 2018-2022
(Mathira) connectivity installation of culverts
Kamatatha – Ririge - Iriaini ward To promote access and 2 km Grading, gravelling & 3M 2018-2022
Kahachu road (Mathira) connectivity installation of culverts
Mwanda – Githiru - Iriaini ward To promote access and 3 km Grading, gravelling & 4.5M 2018-2022
Mucheke road (Mathira) connectivity installation of culverts
Maturubari - Kiunyu road Iriaini ward To promote access and 0.5 km Grading, gravelling & 0.8M 2018-2022
(Mathira) connectivity installation of culverts
Mwanda - Rwaithanga Iriaini ward To promote access and 3.4 km Grading, gravelling & 5M 2018-2022
road (Mathira) connectivity installation of culverts
Kianduiga access road Iriaini ward To promote access and 1.2 km Grading, gravelling & 1.8M 2018-2022
(Mathira) connectivity installation of culverts
Mwanda - Ndaroini road Iriaini ward To promote access and 1km Grading, gravelling & 1.5M 2018-2022
(Mathira) connectivity installation of culverts
Ndaroini - Kega road Iriaini ward To promote access and 0.5 km Grading, gravelling 0.8M 2018-2022
(Mathira) connectivity &installation of culverts
Kirimara - Thitu road Iriaini ward To promote access and 0.5 km Grading, gravelling & 0.8M 2018-2022
(Mathira) connectivity installation of culverts
Ndaroini Center - Iriaini ward To promote access and 2.5 km Grading, gravelling & 3.8M 2018-2022
Ndimaini road (Mathira) connectivity installation of culverts
ACK church – Murungu Iriaini ward To promote access and 0.5 km Grading, gravelling & 0.8M 2018-2022
CCM road (Mathira) connectivity installation of culverts
Karumaruma – Gatundu Iriaini ward To promote access and 1.2 km Grading, gravelling & 1.8M 2018-2022
Secondary road (Mathira) connectivity installation of culverts
Ihwagi center (behind Iriaini ward To promote access and 0.5 km Grading, gravelling & 0.8M 2018-2022
shops) - primary road (Mathira) connectivity installation of culverts
Ihwagi PCEA/CCM Iriaini ward To promote access and 2 km Grading, gravelling & 3M 2018-2022
Junction – Kiuri’s road (Mathira) connectivity installation of culverts
IIhwagi – Gachatha (Ndei Iriaini ward To promote access and 1 km Grading, gravelling & 1.5M 2018-2022
Veterinary) road (Mathira) connectivity installation of culverts
Muthuthiini - Kiawaiguru Iriaini ward To promote access and 1 km Grading, gravelling & 1.5M 2018-2022
road (Mathira) connectivity installation of culverts
Githanju – Mururu - Iriaini ward To promote access and 1 km Grading, gravelling & 1.5M 2018-2022
Kiangundo road (Mathira) connectivity installation of culverts
Irumbi - Elidy road Iriaini ward To promote access and 0.5 km Grading, gravelling & 0.8M 2018-2022
(Mathira) connectivity installation of culverts
Ihwagi - Karura road Iriaini ward To promote access and 2 km Grading, gravelling & 3M 2018-2022
(Mathira) connectivity installation of culverts
Ihwagi – Kamugoiri – Iriaini ward To promote access and 2 km Grading, gravelling & 3M 2018-2022
muthuthi - ini road (Mathira) connectivity installation of culverts
Ha muchomba – Kiambaa Iriaini ward To promote access and 3 km Grading, gravelling 4.5M 2018-2022
- Kiarithaini road (Mathira) connectivity &installation of culverts
Kiarithaini AIPCA- Iriaini ward To promote access and 1.5 km Grading, gravelling & 2.3M 2018-2022
Geralds – kiarithaini Pry (Mathira) connectivity installation of culverts
Kiawaiguru TBC - Iriaini ward To promote access and 1 km Grading, gravelling & 1.5M 2018-2022
Muhuhi road (Mathira) connectivity installation of culverts
Habel - Kamugoiri road Iriaini ward To promote access and 0.5 km Grading, gravelling & 0.8M 2018-2022
(Mathira) connectivity installation of culverts
Ha Munyaga – chairman Iriaini ward To promote access and 1km Grading, gravelling & 1.5M 2018-2022
–mathenge Thoithi road (Mathira) connectivity installation of culverts
Muthuthiini - Mwarari Iriaini ward To promote access and 1 km Grading, gravelling & 1.5M 2018-2022
road (Mathira) connectivity installation of culverts
Kiaruhiu – PCEA – Iriaini ward To promote access and 2 km Grading, gravelling & 3M 2018-2022
Police post - Kianjue road (Mathira) connectivity installation of culverts
Kigatha – Gathaithi - Iriaini ward To promote access and 3 km Grading, gravelling & 4.5M 2018-2022
Rwamuthambi road (Mathira) connectivity installation of culverts
Gathaithi - Karandi road Iriaini ward To promote access and 2 km Grading, gravelling & 3M 2018-2022
(Mathira) connectivity installation of culverts
Kimaru - Kiriti road Iriaini ward To promote access and 1.5 km Grading, gravelling & 2.3M 2018-2022
(Mathira) connectivity installation of culverts
King’ang’i - Gathugune Iriaini ward To promote access and 2 km Grading, gravelling & 3M 2018-2022
road (Mathira) connectivity installation of culverts

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timeframe
Gathaithi - Gitundumo Iriaini ward To promote access and 1.5 km Grading, gravelling & 2.3M 2018-2022
road (Mathira) connectivity installation of culverts
Karandi - Kianyaga road Iriaini ward To promote access and 2 km Grading, gravelling & 3M 2018-2022
(Mathira) connectivity installation of culverts
Wamuthondu road Iriaini ward To promote access and 0.8km Grading, gravelling 1M 2018-2022
(Mathira) connectivity &installation of culverts
Canteen - Wangoru road Iriaini ward To promote access and 2 km Grading, gravelling & 3M 2018-2022
(Mathira) connectivity installation of culverts
Kibuchi – Miano Ngari Iriaini ward To promote access and 1 km Grading, gravelling & 1.5M 2018-2022
road (Mathira) connectivity installation of culverts
Kairi – Mwai road Iriaini ward To promote access and 1.5 km Grading, gravelling & 1.5M 2018-2022
(Mathira) connectivity installation of culverts
Kairi - Mathenge road Iriaini ward To promote access and 0.5 km Grading, gravelling & 0.8M 2018-2022
(Mathira) connectivity installation of culverts
Itundu PCEA – CCM - Iriaini ward To promote access and 1.5 km Grading, gravelling & 2.3M 2018-2022
Primary road (Mathira) connectivity installation of culverts
Itundu - Gachuguina road Iriaini ward To promote access and 4 km Grading, gravelling & 6M 2018-2022
(Mathira) connectivity installation of culverts
Mukunga kiosk – nyayo Iriaini ward To promote access and 0.6 km Grading, gravelling & 0.9M 2018-2022
tea zone road (Mathira) connectivity installation of culverts
Kagotha CCM – Iriaini ward To promote access and 2 km Grading, gravelling & 3M 2018-2022
Muraya’s road (Mathira) connectivity installation of culverts
Gatondo shopping center Iriaini ward To promote access and 2 km Grading, gravelling & 3M 2018-2022
around secondary road (Mathira) connectivity installation of culverts
Kigio road (Gatondo Iriaini ward To promote access and 1 km Grading, gravelling & 1.5M 2018-2022
area) (Mathira) connectivity installation of culverts
Muhoro - Ngibuini road Iriaini ward To promote access and 1 km Grading, gravelling & 1.5M 2018-2022
(Mathira) connectivity installation of culverts
Gitangaruri TBC - Iriaini ward To promote access and 1 km Grading, gravelling & 1.5M 2018-2022
Gikandi road (Mathira) connectivity installation of culverts
Kahiga shopping center Kiganjo/Mathari To promote access and 1 km Grading, gravelling 1.5M 2018-2022
Ward connectivity &installation of culverts
Muhoya Academy – Kiganjo/Mathari To promote access and 1 km Grading, gravelling & 1.5M 2018-2022
Nyarugumo road Ward connectivity installation of culverts
Ngangarithi Lane Kamakwa/Mukar To promote access and 3 km Grading, gravelling & 4.5M 2018-2022
7,12,14,17road o Ward connectivity installation of culverts
Rianderui - Giteroroad Kamakwa/Mukar To promote access and 2 km Grading, gravelling & 3M 2018-2022
o Ward connectivity installation of culverts
Kandara feeder roads Kamakwa/Mukar To promote access and 2 km Grading, gravelling & 3M 2018-2022
o Ward connectivity installation of culverts
Mumbu - ini feeder roads Kamakwa/Mukar To promote access and 2 km Grading, gravelling & 3M 2018-2022
o Ward connectivity installation of culverts
Gitathiini villageroad Kamakwa/Mukar To promote access and 2 km Grading, gravelling & 3M 2018-2022
o Ward connectivity installation of culverts
Gitathi-ini Chief – Kamakwa/Mukar To promote access and 3 km Grading, gravelling & 4.5M 2018-2022
Muthua-iniroad o Ward connectivity installation of culverts
Gitathi-ini - Kanoga– Kamakwa/Mukar To promote access and 2 km Grading, gravelling & 3M 2018-2022
Rianderiu - Thogos road o Ward connectivity installation of culverts
Muthua - ini shopping Kamakwa/Mukar To promote access and 3 km Grading, gravelling & 4.5M 2018-2022
center & village road o Ward connectivity installation of culverts
Kamakwa feeder roads Kamakwa/Mukar To promote access and 3 km Grading, gravelling & 4.5M 2018-2022
o Ward connectivity installation of culverts
Kamuyu feeder roads Kamakwa/Mukar To promote access and 3 km Grading, gravelling & 4.5M 2018-2022
o Ward connectivity installation of culverts
Kwa Nyawira estates – Kamakwa/Mukar To promote access and 3 km Grading, gravelling & 4.5M 2018-2022
Gitathi - ini feeder roads o Ward connectivity installation of culverts
Gitero village feeder Kamakwa/Mukar To promote access and 3 km Grading, gravelling 4.5M 2018-2022
roads o Ward connectivity &installation of culverts
Giatiti – Kihatha village Kamakwa/Mukar To promote access and 4 km Grading, gravelling & 6M 2018-2022
feeder roads o Ward connectivity installation of culverts
Ihwa feeder roads Kamakwa/Mukar To promote access and 2 km Grading, gravelling & 3M 2018-2022
o Ward connectivity installation of culverts
Kanunga Shopping Kamakwa/Mukar To promote access and 3 km Grading, gravelling & 4.5M 2018-2022
Centre feeder roads o Ward connectivity installation of culverts
Kagundu-ini Shopping Kamakwa/Mukar To promote access and 1.5 km Grading, gravelling & 2.3M 2018-2022
Center road o Ward connectivity installation of culverts

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timeframe
Kwa Jonah - Muthuaini Kamakwa/Mukar To promote access and 1.5 km Grading, gravelling & 2.3M 2018-2022
feeder roads o Ward connectivity installation of culverts
Karingaini feeder roads Kamakwa/Mukar To promote access and 3 km Grading, gravelling & 4.5M 2018-2022
o Ward connectivity installation of culverts
Kariumba feeder roads Kamakwa/Mukar To promote access and 2 km Grading, gravelling & 3M 2018-2022
o Ward connectivity installation of culverts
Munungaini feeder roads Kamakwa/Mukar To promote access and 2 km Grading, gravelling & 3M 2018-2022
o Ward connectivity installation of culverts
Tetu High feeder roads Kamakwa/Mukar To promote access and 2 km Grading, gravelling & 3M 2018-2022
o Ward connectivity installation of culverts
Gachuiro feeder roads Kamakwa/Mukar To promote access and 2 km Grading, gravelling & 3M 2018-2022
o Ward connectivity installation of culverts
Dedan Kimathi Feeder Dedan Kimathi To promote access and 50km Grading, Gravelling and 75M 2018-2022
Roads Project Ward connectivity Culvert
Njogu- Mary David Thegu River To promote access and 1.5Km Grading, Gravelling and 2.3M 2018-2022
Roads Ward connectivity Culvert
Kareko –Kinyua Road Thegu River To promote access and 1.0Km Grading, Gravelling and 1.5M 2018-2022
Ward connectivity Culvert
Wasoro- Joma Road Thegu River To promote access and 1.2Km Grading, Gravelling and 2M 2018-2022
Ward connectivity Culvert
Wanjohi kamau-Matheri Thegu River To promote access and 1.4km Grading, Gravelling and 2.3M 2018-2022
Road Ward connectivity Culvert
Gichobi- Nursery Road Thegu River To promote access and 1Km Grading, Gravelling and 1.5M 2018-2022
Ward connectivity Culvert
Wasolo- Jane Muriithi Thegu River To promote access and 1Km Grading, Gravelling and 1.5M 2018-2022
Road Ward connectivity Culvert
Waikwa Chaka Ranch Thegu River To promote access and 1.1Km Grading, Gravelling and 1.5M 2018-2022
Road Ward connectivity Culvert
Karuri – Gatere Road Thegu River To promote access and 1.3Km Grading, Gravelling and 1.8M 2018-2022
Ward connectivity Culvert
Catholic Safari Camp Thegu River To promote access and 1.7Km Grading, Gravelling and 1.8M 2018-2022
Road Ward connectivity Culvert
Sewerage- Waringa Road Thegu River To promote access and 2Km Grading, Gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
Ward connectivity Culvert
Mwenjes- Baba John- Thegu River To promote access and 1.2Km Grading, Gravelling and 2M 2018-2022
Mama Kuohas Road Ward connectivity Culvert
Kagai Gachingiri Road Thegu River To promote access and 1Km Grading, Gravelling and 1.5M 2018-2022
Ward connectivity Culvert
Gatei Primary Mwihuri Thegu River To promote access and 0.7Km Grading, Gravelling and 1.9M 2018-2022
Road Ward connectivity Culvert
Nyingi Mwati-Sarafina Thegu River To promote access and 1.2Km Grading, Gravelling and 2M 2018-2022
Road Ward connectivity Culvert
Bagdad - Neema Church Thegu River To promote access and 1.1Km Grading, Gravelling and 2M 2018-2022
Road Ward connectivity Culvert
Muhindi- Christina Road Thegu River To promote access and 1Km Grading, Gravelling and 1.5M 2018-2022
Ward connectivity Culvert
Dishon – Kambura-ini Thegu River To promote access and 2Km Grading, Gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
Road Ward connectivity Culvert
Brook side Village Roads Thegu River To promote access and 3Km Grading, Gravelling and 4.5M 2018-2022
Ward connectivity Culvert
Chaka Market Thegu River To promote access and 3Km Grading, Gravelling and 4.5M 2018-2022
Ward connectivity Culvert
Ngumo Road Thegu River To promote access and 1Km Grading, Gravelling and 1.5M 2018-2022
Ward connectivity Culvert
Muthui –Kinyua Road Thegu River To promote access and 1.5Km Grading, Gravelling and 2.3M 2018-2022
Ward connectivity Culvert
Muchemi-Wahome Muita Thegu River To promote access and 1.2Km Grading, Gravelling and 2M 2018-2022
Road Ward connectivity Culvert
Karanja- Mukora- Thegu River To promote access and 1Km Grading, Gravelling and 1.5M 2018-2022
Mutembei Road Ward connectivity Culvert
Mid Chaka -Maingi Road Thegu River To promote access and 1Km Grading, Gravelling and 1.5M 2018-2022
Ward connectivity Culvert
Giteru – Kaiga Road Thegu River To promote access and 1.5Km Grading, Gravelling and 2.3M 2018-2022
Ward connectivity Culvert
Dr.Muya- Muriuki – Thegu River To promote access and 1.5Km Grading, Gravelling and 2.3M 2018-2022
Mutahi Kagwe Road Ward connectivity Culvert

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timeframe
Dr. Muya-Itangi-Ini Thegu River To promote access and 1.5Km Grading, Gravelling and 2.3M 2018-2022
Gideon Road Ward connectivity Culvert
Arus Kangini Road Thegu River To promote access and 1.5Km Grading, Gravelling and 2.3M 2018-2022
Ward connectivity Culvert
Arus Gate- Mutumia Thegu River To promote access and 1.5Km Grading, Gravelling and 2.3M 2018-2022
Muchoki-Rongai Road Ward connectivity Culvert
King’ong’o – Githumere Thegu River To promote access and 1.5Km Grading, Gravelling and 2.3M 2018-2022
Forest Road Ward connectivity Culvert
Bethel – Someni Road Thegu River To promote access and 1.5Km Grading, Gravelling and 2.3M 2018-2022
Ward connectivity Culvert
Ngang’i –Sindoro Road Thegu River To promote access and 1.5Km Grading, Gravelling and 2.3M 2018-2022
Ward connectivity Culvert
Gatuamba Sec-Rongai Thegu River To promote access and 1.5Km Grading, Gravelling and 2.3M 2018-2022
Road Ward connectivity Culvert
Bone Village Main Road Thegu River To promote access and 1.5Km Grading, Gravelling and 2.3M 2018-2022
Ward connectivity Culvert
Resale shop – Bone road Thegu River To promote access and 1.5Km Grading, Gravelling and 2.3M 2018-2022
Ward connectivity Culvert
Gatumba Centre- Slopes Thegu River To promote access and 1.5Km Grading, Gravelling and 2.3M 2018-2022
Road Ward connectivity Culvert
Ruirii- Forest-Ruthenge Mugunda Ward To promote access and 1.5Km Grading, Gravelling and 2.3M 2018-2022
Road connectivity Culvert
Tanyai- Tabira Road Mugunda Ward To promote access and 1.5Km Grading, Gravelling and 2.3M 2018-2022
connectivity Culvert
Tanyai – Karemeno Road Mugunda Ward To promote access and 1.5Km Grading, Gravelling and 2.3M 2018-2022
connectivity Culvert
Birithi-Rodama- Kioria Mugunda Ward To promote access and 1.5Km Grading, Gravelling and 2.3M 2018-2022
Road connectivity Culvert
Gatarakwa Girls- Mugunda Ward To promote access and 1.5Km Grading, Gravelling and 2.3M 2018-2022
Wanjagis Road connectivity Culvert
Gichuma Road Mugunda Ward To promote access and 1.5Km Grading, Gravelling and 2.3M 2018-2022
connectivity Culvert
Belevue Settlement Mugunda Ward To promote access and 1.5Km Grading, Gravelling and 2.3M 2018-2022
Village Roads connectivity Culvert
Kamiruri- Nairutia Mugunda Ward To promote access and 1.5Km Grading, Gravelling and 2.3M 2018-2022
Boundary Road connectivity Culvert
Mugunda- Mung’etho - Mugunda Ward To promote access and 2Km Grading, Gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
Mugaka Road connectivity Culvert
Barakira- Kimariki Road Mugunda Ward To promote access and 3Km Grading, Gravelling and 4.5M 2018-2022
connectivity Culvert
Kiambogo Baptist-Gaaru Mugunda Ward To promote access and 3Km Grading, Gravelling and 4.5M 2018-2022
Road connectivity Culvert
Ruthange- Gaaru Mugunda Ward To promote access and 4Km Grading, Gravelling and 6M 2018-2022
Shopping Centre Road connectivity Culvert
Lamuria-Muthangira Mugunda Ward To promote access and 4Km Grading, Gravelling and 6M 2018-2022
Road connectivity Culvert
Charity via Kiaragana - Gatarakwa ward To promote access and 10 km Grading, gravelling and 15M 2018-2022
Njoni road connectivity installation of culverts
Elder Munene - Ndiiri Gatarakwa ward To promote access and 3.5 km Grading, gravelling and 5M 2018-2022
connectivity installation of culverts
Mwangi – Irungu Gatarakwa ward To promote access and 0.5 km Grading, gravelling and 0.8M 2018-2022
veterinary road connectivity installation of culverts
Nehemiah road Gatarakwa ward To promote access and 0.5 km Grading, gravelling and 0.8M 2018-2022
connectivity installation of culverts
Mathenge – Misheck road Gatarakwa ward To promote access and 1 km Grading, gravelling and 1.5M 2018-2022
connectivity installation of culverts
Kandara – Gatitu – Naromoru/Kiama To promote access and 2 km Grading, gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
Kabutu roads thaga Ward connectivity installation of culverts
Kahuthu –Brono- Naromoru/Kiama To promote access and 3km Grading, gravelling and 4.5M 2018-2022
Kariokor–Soweto- thaga Ward connectivity installation of culverts
Gathoga road
Lenana – Blue line roads Naromoru/Kiama To promote access and 1.5 km Grading, gravelling and 2.3M 2018-2022
thaga Ward connectivity installation of culverts
Kimbo road Naromoru/Kiama To promote access and 1 km Grading, gravelling and 1.5M 2018-2022
thaga Ward connectivity installation of culverts
Chief - Kimbo road Naromoru/Kiama To promote access and 0.5 km Grading, gravelling and 0.8M 2018-2022
thaga Ward connectivity installation of culverts

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timeframe
Kambi – Muriithi roads Naromoru/Kiama To promote access and 1 km Grading, gravelling and 1.5M 2018-2022
thaga Ward connectivity installation of culverts
Marete - Gikunda road Naromoru/Kiama To promote access and 1 km Grading, gravelling and 1.5M 2018-2022
thaga Ward connectivity installation of culverts
Pettmark – solo road - Naromoru/Kiama To promote access and 1 km Grading, gravelling and 1.5M 2018-2022
Gikunda road thaga Ward connectivity installation of culverts
Wamboo – Kiriru - Magu Naromoru/Kiama To promote access and 1 km Grading, gravelling and 1.5M 2018-2022
road thaga Ward connectivity installation of culverts
Kanani through Mugunyu Naromoru/Kiama To promote access and 2 km Grading, gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
road thaga Ward connectivity installation of culverts
Kimbo through cattle dip Naromoru/Kiama To promote access and 1 km Grading, gravelling and 1.5M 2018-2022
road thaga Ward connectivity installation of culverts
Kiambuthia – Gitinga Naromoru/Kiama To promote access and 2 km Grading, gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
road thaga Ward connectivity installation of culverts
Benja – Nduru - Tigithi Naromoru/Kiama To promote access and 1 km Grading, gravelling and 1.5M 2018-2022
road thaga Ward connectivity installation of culverts
Nduru – Kabe through Naromoru/Kiama To promote access and 2 km Grading, gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
Mbale road thaga Ward connectivity installation of culverts
Nipe Kazi – muthenya Naromoru/Kiama To promote access and 1.5 km Grading, gravelling and 2.3M 2018-2022
through Kihara road thaga Ward connectivity installation of culverts
Karichuta – Kwa Makara Naromoru/Kiama To promote access and 1.5 km Grading, gravelling and 2.3M 2018-2022
road - Quarry thaga Ward connectivity installation of culverts
Karichota – J18 – Naromoru/Kiama To promote access and 1.5 km Grading, gravelling and 2.3M 2018-2022
Kinga’au – Gachungu thaga Ward connectivity installation of culverts
Kandara – Murungaru Naromoru/Kiama To promote access and 3 km Grading, gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
road thaga Ward connectivity installation of culverts
Tigithi – Gatiki/ Muraya Naromoru/Kiama To promote access and 4 km Grading, gravelling and 6M 2018-2022
Kabiru road thaga Ward connectivity installation of culverts
Blue line – Tigithi – Naromoru/Kiama To promote access and 4 km Grading, gravelling and 6M 2018-2022
Nduru road thaga Ward connectivity installation of culverts
Kibunja – Kihara road Naromoru/Kiama To promote access and 2 km Grading, gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
thaga Ward connectivity installation of culverts
Chief Kimaru – Mama Naromoru/Kiama To promote access and 2 km Grading, gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
Mwangi road thaga Ward connectivity installation of culverts
Wachira – Karomo – Naromoru/Kiama To promote access and 2 km Grading, gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
Gitinga road thaga Ward connectivity installation of culverts
Kiambuthia – gitinga Naromoru/Kiama To promote access and 1.5 km Grading, gravelling and 2.3M 2018-2022
roads thaga Ward connectivity installation of culverts
Soweto – Njuki roads Naromoru/Kiama To promote access and 0.5 km Grading, gravelling and 0.8M 2018-2022
thaga Ward connectivity installation of culverts
Cattle dip – forest road Naromoru/Kiama To promote access and 1 km Grading, gravelling and 1.5M 2018-2022
thaga Ward connectivity installation of culverts
Edward Kamundi road Naromoru/Kiama To promote access and 1 km Grading, gravelling and 1.5M 2018-2022
thaga Ward connectivity installation of culverts
Karinde- Thiga road Naromoru/Kiama To promote access and 3 km Grading, gravelling and 4.5M 2018-2022
thaga Ward connectivity installation of culverts
Willa Wandeto road Naromoru/Kiama To promote access and 2 km Grading, gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
thaga Ward connectivity installation of culverts
Kibere- Mama Mundia Naromoru/Kiama To promote access and 1.5 km Grading, gravelling and 2.3M 2018-2022
road thaga Ward connectivity installation of culverts
Embaringo – Bellevue Gatarakwa ward To promote access and 3 km Grading, gravelling, bridge 4.5M 2018-2022
road connectivity construction and installation
of culverts
Kiria – kaarage - Gatarakwa ward To promote access and 5 km Grading, gravelling, bridge 7.5M 2018-2022
Kimunyuru road connectivity construction and installation
of culverts
Njoni – Nguva - Ithatwa Gatarakwa ward To promote access and 3 km Grading, gravelling, bridge 4.5M 2018-2022
road connectivity construction and installation
of culverts
Endarasha Town Roads Endarasha/Mwiy To promote access and 20km Grading, Gravelling, Culvert 30M 2018-2022
ogo Ward connectivity and Tamarking
Muhuhi bridge (Kahuru - Iriaini ward To promote access and 1km Guard rails 1M 2018-2022
Kiamwangi) (Mathira) connectivity
Guandaru – linking Iriaini ward To promote access and 1km Guard rails 1M 2018-2022
ihwagi – Karura road (Mathira) connectivity

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timeframe
Ndaroini – Thengeini Iriaini ward To promote access and 6 No. installation of culverts 3M 2018-2022
junction; Kirimara – (Mathira) connectivity
kiahiti junction;
nicodemus kirima gate;
Thengeini – Kiunyu
junction; Hakarari -
Kiunyu) road
Ngangarithi Highmast Kamakwa/ To promote access and 1 High Mast Installation of High Mast 32M 2018-2022
Flood Lights Mukaro Ward connectivity flood Light Flood Light
Karera Borehole Solar Endarasha/Mwiy To promote access and 1 Solar Panel Installation of Solar Panel and 1M 2018-2022
Panel ogo Ward connectivity lighting
Aguthi Gaaki Solar Street Aguthi Gaaki To promote access and 2500HHs Installation of solar 5M 2018-2022
lighting Project Ward connectivity streetlights
Kairuthi Shopping Centre Iria-ini Ward To promote access and 2km Installation of streetlights 1.5M 2018-2022
Street lighting Project (Othaya) connectivity
Iriaini Shopping Centre Iria-ini Ward To promote access and 2km Installation of streetlights 1.5M 2018-2022
Street lighting Project (Othaya) connectivity
Waihara Shopping Centre Iria-ini Ward To promote access and 2km Installation of streetlights 1.5M 2018-2022
Street lighting Project (Othaya) connectivity
Kabebero Shopping Iria-ini Ward To promote access and 2km Installation of streetlights 1.5M 2018-2022
Centre Street lighting (Othaya) connectivity
Mugaiini Shopping Iria-ini Ward To promote access and 2km Installation of streetlights 1.5M 2018-2022
Centre Street lighting (Othaya) connectivity
Othaya Town Street Iria-ini Ward To promote access and 2km Installation of streetlights 1.5M 2018-2022
lighting Project (Othaya) connectivity
Burguret Shopping Gakawa Ward To promote access and 2km Installation of streetlights 1.5M 2018-2022
Centre Street lighting connectivity
Toll Station Street Gakawa Ward To promote access and 2km Installation of streetlights 1.5M 2018-2022
lighting connectivity
Kwahuku Dispensary Gakawa Ward To promote access and 2km Installation of streetlights 1.5M 2018-2022
Street lighting connectivity
Mlima Kenya Shopping Gakawa Ward To promote access and 2km Installation of streetlights 1.5M 2018-2022
Street lighting connectivity
Nanyuki-Naromoru Gakawa Ward To promote access and 2km Installation of streetlights 1.5M 2018-2022
Streetlights connectivity
Muthuaini- Gathima- Kamakwa/ To promote access and 2km Installation of streetlights 1.5M 2018-2022
Kiaria Mukaro Ward connectivity
Kiondoe From Muthuaini Kamakwa/ To promote access and 2km Installation of streetlights 1.5M 2018-2022
Primary Mukaro Ward connectivity
Gitathiini – Muthuaini Kamakwa/ To promote access and 2km Installation of streetlights 1.5M 2018-2022
Street lighting Mukaro Ward connectivity
Kibaras- Kinunga Kamakwa/ To promote access and 2km Installation of streetlights 1.5M 2018-2022
Mukaro Ward connectivity
Chaka town street Thegu River To promote access and 4Km Installation of streetlights 3M 2018-2022
lighting Ward connectivity
Chaka Kwa Wasolo Thegu River To promote access and 4Km Installation of streetlights 3M 2018-2022
Ward connectivity
Chaka- Milimani Thegu River To promote access and 2.5Km Installation of streetlights 2M 2018-2022
Streetlights Ward connectivity
Chaka Honi River Thegu River To promote access and 1.5Km Installation of streetlights 1.2M 2018-2022
Ward connectivity
New Centre High mast Thegu River To promote access and 1 Flood light Installation of Flood light 3.2M 2018-2022
flood light Ward connectivity
Gatuamba Centre High Thegu River To promote access and 1 Flood light Installation of Flood light 3.2M 2018-2022
mast flood light Ward connectivity
Bone Centre High mast Thegu River To promote access and 1 Flood light Installation of Flood light 3.2M 2018-2022
flood light Ward connectivity
Thung’ari Market High Thegu River To promote access and 1 Flood light Installation of Flood light 3.2M 2018-2022
mast flood light Ward connectivity
Lusoi High mast flood Thegu River To promote access and 1 Flood light Installation of Flood light 3.2M 2018-2022
light Ward connectivity
Mbari ya Mugo Mukurwe-ini To promote access and 1 Transformer Installation of transformer 1.5M 2018-2022
Electrification project Central Ward connectivity
Ndugo A, B, C Mukurwe-ini To promote access and 3Transformer Installation of transformer 4.5M 2018-2022
Electrification project Central Ward connectivity s

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timeframe
Kiang’ondu Mukurwe-ini To promote access and 1 Transformer Installation of transformer 1.5M 2018-2022
Electrification project Central Ward connectivity
Ruthanju Electrification Mukurwe-ini To promote access and 1 Transformer Installation of transformer 1.5M 2018-2022
project Central Ward connectivity
Kabui Village Iria-ini Ward To promote access and 1 Transformer Installation of transformer 1.5M 2018-2022
electrification (Othaya) connectivity
Konyu Village Iria-ini Ward To promote access and 1 Transformer Installation of transformer 1.5M 2018-2022
electrification (Othaya) connectivity
Gatuanyaga Social Hall Gakawa Ward To promote access and 1 Transformer Installation of transformer 1.5M 2018-2022
Transformer connectivity
Land Burguret Junction Gakawa Ward To promote access and 1 Transformer Installation of transformer 1.5M 2018-2022
Transformer connectivity
Mlima Kenya Village Gakawa Ward To promote access and 2 Transformer Installation of transformer 3M 2018-2022
Transformer connectivity
Kandara Transformer Kamakwa/ To promote access and 1 Transformer Installation of transformer 1.5M 2018-2022
Mukaro Ward connectivity
Rongai Sub-location Thegu River To promote access and 1 Transformer Installation of transformer 1.5M 2018-2022
Transformer Ward connectivity
Thirigitu Sub-location Thegu River To promote access and 1 Transformer Installation of transformer 1.5M 2018-2022
Transformer Ward connectivity
Karicheni Sub-location Thegu River To promote access and 1 Transformer Installation of transformer 1.5M 2018-2022
Transformer Ward connectivity
Tagwa B Transformer Thegu River To promote access and 1 Transformer Installation of transformer 1.5M 2018-2022
Ward connectivity
Ihwagi street lights Iriaini ward To promote access and 1 Installation of transformer 1.5M 2018-2022
(Mathira) connectivity
Giakinyua street lights Iriaini ward To promote access and 1 Installation of transformer 1.5M 2018-2022
(Mathira) connectivity
Muhuhi street lights Iriaini ward To promote access and 1 Installation of transformer 1.5M 2018-2022
(Mathira) connectivity
Kahachu street lights Iriaini ward To promote access and 1 Installation of transformer 1.5M 2018-2022
(Mathira) connectivity
Gathugune street lights Iriaini ward To promote access and 1 Installation of transformer 1.5M 2018-2022
(Mathira) connectivity
Kianda Village Gakawa Ward To promote access and 1 Transformer Installation of transformer 1.5M 2018-2022
Transformer connectivity
Kabati transformers Naromoru/Kiama To promote access and 2 Installation of transformers 3M 2018-2022
thaga Ward connectivity
Soweto transformers Naromoru/Kiama To promote access and 2 Installation of transformers 3M 2018-2022
thaga Ward connectivity
Mugunyu transformers Naromoru/Kiama To promote access and 2 Installation of transformers 3M 2018-2022
thaga Ward connectivity
Ithiriro transformers Naromoru/Kiama To promote access and 2 Installation of transformers 3M 2018-2022
thaga Ward connectivity
Gatune transformers Naromoru/Kiama To promote access and 2 Installation of transformers 3M 2018-2022
thaga Ward connectivity
Aguuthi transformers Naromoru/Kiama To promote access and 4 Installation of transformers 6M 2018-2022
thaga Ward connectivity
Tagwa Electric Fence Thegu River To promote access and 10km Renovation 30M 2018-2022
Ward connectivity
Giachuma street lights Naromoru/Kiama To promote access and 1 km Street lighting 1.5M 2018-2022
thaga Ward connectivity
Kariokor street lights Naromoru/Kiama To promote access and 1 km Street lighting 1.5M 2018-2022
thaga Ward connectivity
Ithiriro street lights Naromoru/Kiama To promote access and 1 km Street lighting 1.5M 2018-2022
thaga Ward connectivity
Kibunja/ Mung’etho Naromoru/Kiama To promote access and 1 km Street lighting 1.5M 2018-2022
street lights thaga Ward connectivity
Kiambuthia street lights Naromoru/Kiama To promote access and 1 km Street lighting 1.5M 2018-2022
thaga Ward connectivity
Eden - Narormoru street Naromoru/Kiama To promote access and 1 km Street lighting 1.5M 2018-2022
lights thaga Ward connectivity
Mutumba - Narormoru Naromoru/Kiama To promote access and 1 km Street lighting 1.5M 2018-2022
street lights thaga Ward connectivity
Embassy area street Kiganjo/Mathari To promote access and 1 km Street lighting 1.5M 2018-2022
lights Ward connectivity

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timeframe
Watuka shopping center Gatarakwa ward To promote access and 1km Street lighting/ high mast 1.5M 2018-2022
connectivity flood light
Enbaringo shopping Gatarakwa ward To promote access and 1km Street lighting/ high mast 1.5M 2018-2022
center connectivity flood light
Kang’a shopping center Gatarakwa ward To promote access and 1km Street lighting/ high mast 1.5M 2018-2022
connectivity flood light
Gakanga shopping center Gatarakwa ward To promote access and 1km Street lighting/ high mast 1.5M 2018-2022
connectivity flood light
West land shopping Gatarakwa ward To promote access and 1km Street lighting/ high mast 1.5M 2018-2022
center connectivity flood light
Canteen street lights Iriaini ward To promote access and 1km streetlighting 1.5M 2018-2022
(Mathira) connectivity
Miiri street lights Iriaini ward To promote access and 1km streetlighting 1.5M 2018-2022
(Mathira) connectivity
Gatura street lights Iriaini ward To promote access and 1km streetlighting 1.5M 2018-2022
(Mathira) connectivity
Gikororo street lights Iriaini ward To promote access and 1km streetlighting 1.5M 2018-2022
(Mathira) connectivity
Kiamwangi street lights Iriaini ward To promote access and 1km streetlighting 1.5M 2018-2022
(Mathira) connectivity
Kiarithaini street lights Iriaini ward To promote access and 1km streetlighting 1.5M 2018-2022
(Mathira) connectivity
Gatondo street lights Iriaini ward To promote access and 1km streetlighting 1.5M 2018-2022
(Mathira) connectivity
Kariki street lights Iriaini ward To promote access and 1km streetlighting 1.5M 2018-2022
(Mathira) connectivity
Wangoru street lights Iriaini ward To promote access and 1km streetlighting 1.5M 2018-2022
(Mathira) connectivity
Karandi street lights Iriaini ward To promote access and 1km streetlighting 1.5M 2018-2022
(Mathira) connectivity
Mwanda street lights Iriaini ward To promote access and 1km streetlighting 1.5M 2018-2022
(Mathira) connectivity
Thengeini street lights Iriaini ward To promote access and 1km streetlighting 1.5M 2018-2022
(Mathira) connectivity
Cheru street lights Iriaini ward To promote access and 1km streetlighting 1.5M 2018-2022
(Mathira) connectivity
Itundu street lights Iriaini ward To promote access and 1km Streetlighting & high mast 1.5M 2018-2022
(Mathira) connectivity floodlight
Ndima Kanini street Iriaini ward To promote access and 1km Streetlighting & high mast 1.5M 2018-2022
lights (Mathira) connectivity floodlight
Kahuru street lights Iriaini ward To promote access and 1km Streetlighting & high mast 1.5M 2018-2022
(Mathira) connectivity floodlight
Ndaroini street lights Iriaini ward To promote access and 1km Streetlighting & high mast 1.5M 2018-2022
(Mathira) connectivity floodlight
Ihwagi street lights Iriaini ward To promote access and 1km Streetlighting & high mast 1.5M 2018-2022
(Mathira) connectivity floodlight
Jambo area street lights Iriaini ward To promote access and 1km Streetlighting & high mast 1.5M 2018-2022
(Mathira) connectivity floodlight
Kairuthi-Kamondo Road Iria-ini Ward To promote access and 0.2Km Tarmac 3M 2018-2022
(Othaya) connectivity
Burguret Giachuma Road Gakawa Ward To promote access and 17Km Tarmacking 255M 2018-2022
Kania-Ngerima Road Gakawa Ward To promote access and 14Km Tarmacking 210M 2018-2022
Temu Road Gakawa Ward To promote access and 5Km Tarmacking 75M 2018-2022
Equator Village Gakawa Ward To promote access and 5Km Tarmacking 75M 2018-2022
Gakawa Security – Gakawa Ward To promote access and 5Km Tarmacking 75M 2018-2022
Nyuma ya round Road connectivity
Gakindu Market Roads Mukurwe-ini To promote access and 2km Tarmacking 30M 2018-2022
West Ward connectivity
Tambaya Shopping Mukurwe-ini To promote access and 2km Tarmaking 30M 2018-2022
Centre West Ward connectivity
Kiangundo Iharu Road Magutu Ward To promote access and 2km Grading, Gravelling and 3M 2018/2022
connectivity Installation of Culverts

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timeframe
Gatuthu Kangangi Road Magutu Ward To promote access and 2km Grading, Gravelling and 3M 2018/2022
connectivity Installation of Culverts
Karura Gitimaini Road Magutu Ward To promote access and 2km Grading, Gravelling and 3M 2018/2022
connectivity Installation of Culverts
Kiriaini Riathama Road Magutu Ward To promote access and 2km Grading, Gravelling and 3M 2018/2022
connectivity Installation of Culverts
Githima Road Magutu Ward To promote access and 2km Grading, Gravelling and 3M 2018/2022
connectivity Installation of Culverts
Kiarage Road Magutu Ward To promote access and 2km Grading, Gravelling and 3M 2018/2022
connectivity Installation of Culverts
Riathama – Kamunyuini Magutu Ward To promote access and 2km Grading, Gravelling and 3M 2018/2022
Road connectivity Installation of Culverts
Gathehu Road Magutu Ward To promote access and 2km Grading, Gravelling and 3M 2018/2022
connectivity Installation of Culverts
Kiangera Raod Magutu Ward To promote access and 2km Grading, Gravelling and 3M 2018/2022
connectivity Installation of Culverts
Gikumbo Kindara Road Magutu Ward To promote access and 2km Grading, Gravelling and 3M 2018/2022
connectivity Installation of Culverts
Kiracha Road Magutu Ward To promote access and 2km Grading, Gravelling and 3M 2018/2022
connectivity Installation of Culverts
Gwa Gichana Road Magutu Ward To promote access and 2km Grading, Gravelling and 3M 2018/2022
connectivity Installation of Culverts
Gaturumoini Road Magutu Ward To promote access and 2km Grading, Gravelling and 3M 2018/2022
connectivity Installation of Culverts
Karura PCEA Ward Magutu Ward To promote access and 2km Grading, Gravelling and 3M 2018/2022
connectivity Installation of Culverts
Kiragita Bridge Magutu Ward To promote access and 1 Bridge Grading, Gravelling and 0.5M 2018-2022
connectivity Installation of Culverts
Muthira River Bridge Magutu Ward To promote access and 1 Bridge Grading, Gravelling and 0.5M 2018-2022
connectivity Installation of Culverts
Gakiriri Electric Fence Ruguru Ward To reduce human-wild conflict 1 Fence Construction of electric fence 30M 2018-2022
Kiahuru- Nyana- Gathegu Ruguru Ward To promote access and 3km Grading, Gravelling and 4.5M 2018-2022
Junction connectivity Installation of culvert
Njatheini- Nyana Ruguru Ward To promote access and 4Km Grading, Gravelling and 6M 2018-2022
connectivity Installation of culvert
Kamani- Chieni Road Ruguru Ward To promote access and 1.5km Grading, Gravelling and 2.3M 2018-2022
connectivity Installation of culvert
Gathoniwa Huga-Iruri- Ruguru Ward To promote access and 2km Grading, Gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
Munyu Road connectivity Installation of culvert
Iruru AIPCA-Ngunjiri Ruguru Ward To promote access and 1km Grading, Gravelling and 1.5M 2018-2022
connectivity Installation of culvert
Mukaburu- Iruri- Mugure Ruguru Ward To promote access and 1.5km Grading, Gravelling and 2.3M 2018-2022
Road connectivity Installation of culvert
Karandi Iganjo- Road Ruguru Ward To promote access and 2km Grading, Gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
connectivity Installation of culvert
Kuria Road Ruguru Ward To promote access and 1km Grading, Gravelling and 1.5M 2018-2022
connectivity Installation of culvert
Kararu Road Ruguru Ward To promote access and 1.5km Grading, Gravelling and 2.3M 2018-2022
connectivity Installation of culvert
Kanyiriri Road Ruguru Ward To promote access and 2km Grading, Gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
connectivity Installation of culvert
Githui Junction Road Ruguru Ward To promote access and 1km Grading, Gravelling and 1.5M 2018-2022
connectivity Installation of culvert
Muriuki Kunja –Kamanja Ruguru Ward To promote access and 1.5km Grading, Gravelling and 2.3M 2018-2022
Road connectivity Installation of culvert
Gachau – Gachucha Road Ruguru Ward To promote access and 2km Grading, Gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
connectivity Installation of culvert
John Mwalimu- Ngetha Ruguru Ward To promote access and 1km Grading, Gravelling and 1.5M 2018-2022
Road connectivity Installation of culvert
Gatonye- Kaganya Road Ruguru Ward To promote access and 2.2km Grading, Gravelling and 3.3M 2018-2022
connectivity Installation of culvert
Kamani –Gachau Road Ruguru Ward To promote access and 2.2km Grading, Gravelling and 3.3M 2018-2022
connectivity Installation of culvert
Mirauri – Gachau Road Ruguru Ward To promote access and 2.2km Grading, Gravelling and 3.3M 2018-2022
connectivity Installation of culvert
Ngari – Gathuini Road Ruguru Ward To promote access and 2.2km Grading, Gravelling and 3.3M 2018-2022
connectivity Installation of culvert

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timeframe
Njatheini TBC- Ndogo Ruguru Ward To promote access and 2.2km Grading, Gravelling and 3.3M 2018-2022
connectivity Installation of culvert
Njatheini TBC- Mioro- Ruguru Ward To promote access and 2.2km Grading, Gravelling and 3.3M 2018-2022
Muthera Road connectivity Installation of culvert
Njatheini –Magutu Road Ruguru Ward To promote access and 2.2km Grading, Gravelling and 3.3M 2018-2022
connectivity Installation of culvert
Kabiruiini Machua Road Ruguru Ward To promote access and 2.2km Grading, Gravelling and 3.3M 2018-2022
connectivity Installation of culvert
Gichoru – Karoba Road Ruguru Ward To promote access and 2km Grading, Gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
connectivity Installation of culvert
Gakuo Junction- Catholic Ruguru Ward To promote access and 2km Grading, Gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
Road connectivity Installation of culvert
Dam Kimariga Secondary Ruguru Ward To promote access and 2km Grading, Gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
Road connectivity Installation of culvert
Rware Githambi Road Ruguru Ward To promote access and 2km Grading, Gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
connectivity Installation of culvert
Kiamariga- Slaughter Ruguru Ward To promote access and 2km Grading, Gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
House connectivity Installation of culvert
Kianganango –Gakuo Ruguru Ward To promote access and 2km Grading, Gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
Road connectivity Installation of culvert
Kiamriga –Pefa Church Ruguru Ward To promote access and 2km Grading, Gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
connectivity Installation of culvert
Karatu Road Ruguru Ward To promote access and 2km Grading, Gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
connectivity Installation of culvert
Dujos- Kianganangu to Ruguru Ward To promote access and 2km Grading, Gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
Gakuo Road connectivity Installation of culvert
Kimariga to Daudi Road Ruguru Ward To promote access and 2km Grading, Gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
connectivity Installation of culvert
Rware to Githambiro Ruguru Ward To promote access and 2km Grading, Gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
connectivity Installation of culvert
Police to Muriuki Ruguru Ward To promote access and 2km Grading, Gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
connectivity Installation of culvert
Gichiru – Machira Roads Ruguru Ward To promote access and 2km Grading, Gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
connectivity Installation of culvert
Kago – Assistant Chief- Ruguru Ward To promote access and 2km Grading, Gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
Gathongo Road connectivity Installation of culvert
Broker- Muriithi- Karanja Ruguru Ward To promote access and 2km Grading, Gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
Muchiri Road connectivity Installation of culvert
Munyororo – Kagure Ruguru Ward To promote access and 2km Grading, Gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
Thumbi road connectivity Installation of culvert
Kaburi- Wachira Gaichira Ruguru Ward To promote access and 2km Grading, Gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
Road connectivity Installation of culvert
Njiri-Fundi wa Mathenge Ruguru Ward To promote access and 2km Grading, Gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
Road connectivity Installation of culvert
Gm Kariuki- Manorero Ruguru Ward To promote access and 2km Grading, Gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
Road connectivity Installation of culvert
Muturi –Ngaini Rail Ruguru Ward To promote access and 2km Grading, Gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
Road connectivity Installation of culvert
Bosco – Ngorano HC Ruguru Ward To promote access and 2km Grading, Gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
Road connectivity Installation of culvert
Junction-Life Boy-Chaka Ruguru Ward To promote access and 2km Grading, Gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
Reli Road connectivity Installation of culvert
Pastor Chubiri Road Ruguru Ward To promote access and 2km Grading, Gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
connectivity Installation of culvert
Ngorano Primary-Ngetha Ruguru Ward To promote access and 2km Grading, Gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
Road connectivity Installation of culvert
Karweini – Mwaniki Ruguru Ward To promote access and 2km Grading, Gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
Road connectivity Installation of culvert
Kahiraini-Ngorano Ruguru Ward To promote access and 2km Grading, Gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
Polytechnic connectivity Installation of culvert
Kiahia Mukanyaritho Ruguru Ward To promote access and 2km Grading, Gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
connectivity Installation of culvert
Ngurino – Kimindo- Ruguru Ward To promote access and 2km Grading, Gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
Chieni- Karuruu connectivity Installation of culvert
Gm – Arthur- David- Ruguru Ward To promote access and 2km Grading, Gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
Gatung’ang’a connectivity Installation of culvert

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timeframe
Kwajanta- Cattle Dip Ruguru Ward To promote access and 2km Grading, Gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
connectivity Installation of culvert
Chieni Centre-Wangui- Ruguru Ward To promote access and 2km Grading, Gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
Kibaba connectivity Installation of culvert
Gichagi – Gatung’ang’a Ruguru Ward To promote access and 2km Grading, Gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
Road connectivity Installation of culvert
Maganjo –Secondary Reli Ruguru Ward To promote access and 2km Grading, Gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
connectivity Installation of culvert
Wahome –Gachuhi Road Ruguru Ward To promote access and 2km Grading, Gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
connectivity Installation of culvert
Kanyama – Mweru Road Ruguru Ward To promote access and 2km Grading, Gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
connectivity Installation of culvert
Kahiraini- Gatunai Road Ruguru Ward To promote access and 2km Grading, Gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
connectivity Installation of culvert
Kiangoma Road Ruguru Ward To promote access and 2km Grading, Gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
connectivity Installation of culvert
Gatung’ang’a –Ngorano Ruguru Ward To promote access and 2km Grading, Gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
HC connectivity Installation of culvert
Chieni Karurumo Road Ruguru Ward To promote access and 2km Grading, Gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
connectivity Installation of culvert
Hombe Kiamriga Bridge Ruguru Ward To promote access and 1 Bridge Construction of bridge 0.5M 2018-2022
Hombe- Muranga Bridge Ruguru Ward To promote access and 1 Bridge Construction of bridge 0.5M 2018-2022
Giagachucha Bridge Ruguru Ward To promote access and 1 Bridge Repair of bridge 0.5M 2018-2022
Wagatu Foot bridge Ruguru Ward To promote access and 1 Bridge Repair of bridge 0.5M 2018-2022
Kwa- Magira- Kwa wa Ruguru Ward To promote access and 1 Transformer Installation of transformer 1.5M 2018-2022
booi connectivity
Kariuki Ndegwa Ruguru Ward To promote access and 1 Transformer Installation of transformer 1.5M 2018-2022
Kagiri Ruguru Ward To promote access and 1 Transformer Installation of transformer 1.5M 2018-2022
Kagure Thumbi Ruguru Ward To promote access and 1 Transformer Installation of transformer 1.5M 2018-2022
Kuinduini and Torono Ruguru Ward To promote access and 1 Transformer Installation of transformer 1.5M 2018-2022
Chieni Village Ruguru Ward To promote access and 1 Transformer Installation of transformer 1.5M 2018-2022
Gathiringo Village Ruguru Ward To promote access and 1 Transformer Installation of transformer 1.5M 2018-2022
Njatheini –Mioro Ruguru Ward To promote access and 1 Transformer Installation of transformer 1.5M 2018-2022
Villages connectivity
Kiriko Ruguru Ward To promote access and 1 Transformer Installation of transformer 1.5M 2018-2022
Ngetha Ruguru Ward To promote access and 1 Transformer Installation of transformer 1.5M 2018-2022
Gathumbiro Ruguru Ward To promote access and 1 Transformer Installation of transformer 1.5M 2018-2022
Ngorano Shopping Ruguru Ward To promote access and 1 High mast Installation of streetlights/ 3.2M 2018-2022
Centre connectivity flood light High mast flood light
Karaya Kamuhu road Gikondi Ward To promote access and 0.5 Km Grading, Murraming and 0.8M 2018-2022
connectivity Culvert Installation
Kiuga Road Gikondi Ward To promote access and 0.5 Km Grading, Murraming and 0.8M 2018-2022
connectivity Culvert Installation
Kariuko Wambugu Gikondi Ward To promote access and 2km Grading, Murraming and 3M 2018-2022
wanyua Road connectivity Culvert Installation
Kiamurathe –Gakui- Gikondi Ward To promote access and 2km Grading, Murraming and 3M 2018-2022
Wambugu Gikui Mugo connectivity Culvert Installation
Kamanu-Kiangima Road Gikondi Ward To promote access and 0.5 Km Grading, Murraming and 0.8M 2018-2022
connectivity Culvert Installation
Rwarai-Riagitutu-Kwa Gikondi Ward To promote access and 1 km Grading, Murraming and 1.5M 2018-2022
Wachiuri Road connectivity Culvert Installation
Kwa wangondu-Nyuthe- Gikondi Ward To promote access and 5km Grading, Murraming and 7.5M 2018-2022
Githinji-Maigoya Road connectivity Culvert Installation

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timeframe
Gathera Kanyiriri-Kabutu Gikondi Ward To promote access and 10km Grading, Murraming and 15M 2018-2022
road connectivity Culvert Installation
Kaharo Secondary Gikondi Ward To promote access and 0.2km Grading, Murraming and 0.3M 2018-2022
warega Road connectivity Culvert Installation
Kaharo-Kainoko- Gikondi Ward To promote access and 3km Grading, Murraming and 4.5M 2018-2022
Thukuma Road connectivity Culvert Installation
Gathera-Ichangahu- Gikondi Ward To promote access and 3km Grading, Murraming and 4.5M 2018-2022
Youth Road connectivity Culvert Installation
Mugecha-Gachui-Kariuki Gikondi Ward To promote access and 10km Grading, Murraming and 15M 2018-2022
Waihenya-Mugono road connectivity Culvert Installation
Kabatha-Kogi-Sofia Road Gikondi Ward To promote access and 0.5 Km Grading, Murraming and 0.8M 2018-2022
connectivity Culvert Installation
Kwa Mugo-Wanguru- Gikondi Ward To promote access and 3km Grading, Murraming and 4.5M 2018-2022
Kiariua Road connectivity Culvert Installation
Ichathui-Beti Road Gikondi Ward To promote access and 2km Grading, Murraming and 3M 2018-2022
connectivity Culvert Installation
Wambugu –Kanyi- Gikondi Ward To promote access and 5km Grading, Murraming and 7.5M 2018-2022
Ngorano Road connectivity Culvert Installation
Kirurumo Bridge Gikondi Ward To promote access and 1 No. Bridge construction 0.5M 2018-2022
Mugina Bridge Gikondi Ward To promote access and 1 No. Bridge construction 0.5M 2018-2022
Kanyiriri bridge Gikondi Ward To promote access and 1 No. Bridge construction 0.5M 2018-2022
Kainoko Bridge Gikondi Ward To promote access and 1 No. Bridge construction 0.5M 2018-2022
Ithemuigi bridge Gikondi Ward To promote access and 1 No. Bridge construction 0.5M 2018-2022
Riagitutu bridge Gikondi Ward To promote access and 1 No. Bridge construction 0.5M 2018-2022
Kariuki Waihenya Bridge Gikondi Ward To promote access and 1 No. Bridge construction 0.5M 2018-2022
Rwatheini Gitugi Rd Mahiga Ward To promote access and 5 Km Grading, Gravelling and 7.5M 2018-2022
connectivity Installation of Culverts
Wangere Thaithini Road Mahiga Ward To promote access and 5 Km Grading, Gravelling and 7.5M 2018-2022
connectivity Installation of Culverts
Thaithini Kahuruko Road Mahiga Ward To promote access and 2 Km Grading, Gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
connectivity Installation of Culverts
Thaithini Mioro Road Mahiga Ward To promote access and 1 Km Grading, Gravelling and 1.5M 2018-2022
connectivity Installation of Culverts
Gitugi Market to Factory Mahiga Ward To promote access and 2 Km Grading, Gravelling and 3M 2018-2022
connectivity Installation of Culverts
Councillor Waithanjinji Mahiga Ward To promote access and 3 Km Grading, Gravelling and 4.5M 2018-2022
Road connectivity Installation of Culverts
Gitugi Factory to Mumwe Mahiga Ward To promote access and 3 Km Grading, Gravelling and 4.5M 2018-2022
Road connectivity Installation of Culverts
Mugomoini Mumwe Mahiga Ward To promote access and 3 Km Grading, Gravelling and 4.5M 2018-2022
River Road connectivity Installation of Culverts
Mathenge Technical Mahiga Ward To promote access and 2 Km Grading, Gravelling and 3M 2018/2022
Road connectivity installation of Culverts
Chief Kigoi to Technical Mahiga Ward To promote access and 1 Km Grading, Gravelling and 1.5M 2018/2022
Road connectivity installation of Culverts
Technical to Miirini Road Mahiga Ward To promote access and 2 Km Grading, Gravelling and 3M 2018/2022
connectivity Installation of Culverts
Wahome Ndavi to Mahiga Ward To promote access and 2 Km Grading, Gravelling and 3M 2018/2022
Kihehu Road connectivity Installation of Culverts
Gura Bridge to Ndunyu Mahiga Ward To promote access and 4 Km Grading, Gravelling and 6M 2018/2022
Jeep Track connectivity Installation of Culverts
Ngarariga Road Mahiga Ward To promote access and 4 Km Gravelling, Grading and 6M 2018/2022
connectivity Installation of Culverts
Kirai Kamondo Road Mahiga Ward To promote access and 1 Km Graveling, Grading and 1.5M 2018/2022
connectivity Installation of Culverts
Kagonye Kihome Road Mahiga Ward To promote access and 5 Km Gravelling, Grading and 7.5M 2018/2022
(Bitumin) connectivity Installation of Culverts
Kangonde Road Mahiga Ward To promote access and 2 Km Gravelling, Grading and 3M 2018/2022
connectivity Installation of Culverts

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timeframe
Mati’s Road Mahiga Ward To promote access and 2 Km Gravelling, Grading and 3M 2018/2022
connectivity Installation of Culverts
Msafiri Kailole Road Mahiga Ward To promote access and 4 Km Gravelling, Grading and 6M 2018/2022
connectivity Installation of Culverts
Othaya Hospital Gachami Mahiga Ward To promote access and 4 Km Gravelling, Grading and 6M 2018/2022
Road connectivity Installation of Culverts
Richmond to Mbatia’s Mahiga Ward To promote access and 3 Km Gravelling, Grading and 4.5M 2018/2022
Road connectivity Installation of Culverts
Kwa Wakiuru to Mahiga Ward To promote access and 3 Km Gravelling, Grading and 4.5M 2018/2022
Gichinga’s Road connectivity Installation of Culverts
Munyange Sec. Loop Mahiga Ward To promote access and 2 Km Gravelling, Grading and 3M 2018/2022
road connectivity Installation of Culverts
New Ngorano Road Mahiga Ward To promote access and 3 Km Gravelling, Grading and 4.5M 2018/2022
connectivity Installation of Culverts
Kagonye Primary Road Mahiga Ward To promote access and 3 Km Gravelling, Grading and 4.5M 2018/2022
connectivity Installation of Culverts
Kanini to Forest Road Mahiga Ward To promote access and 1 Km Gravelling, Grading and 1.5M 2018/2022
connectivity Installation of Culverts
Wangwanju Muthoga Mahiga Ward To promote access and 2 Km Gravelling, Grading and 3M 2018/2022
Road connectivity Installation of Culverts
Mahiga Shopping Centres Mahiga Ward To promote access and 2km Street Lighting 1.5M 2018/2022
street lighting connectivity
Kagere Ndunyu Junction Mahiga Ward To promote access and 2km Installation of Street Lighting 1.5M 2018/2022
Street Lghts connectivity
Msafiri Street Lights Mahiga Ward To promote access and 2km Installation of Street Lighting 1.5M 2018/2022
Kimumu Transformer Mahiga Ward To promote access and 1 No. Installation of Transformer 1.5M 2018/2022
Kwa Njogo Transformer Mahiga Ward To promote access and 1 No. Installation of Transformer 1.5M 2018/2022
Gaturuturu Transformer Mahiga Ward To promote access and 1 No. Installation of Transformer 1.5M 2018/2022
Kagonye Transformer Mahiga Ward To promote access and 1 No. Installation of Transformer 1.5M 2018/2022
Kihome Transformer Mahiga Ward To promote access and 1 No. Installation of Transformer 1.5M 2018/2022
Jet Electrification Kabaru Ward To promote access and 1 No. Installation of High Mast 3.2M 2018/2022
connectivity Flood lights
Kwa Joel opposite Karima Ward To promote access and 2km Grading, Gravelling and 3M 2018/2022
Kianjue Tea Buying connectivity Installation of Culverts
Centre Road
Gathamba Tea Buying Karima Ward To promote access and 2km Grading, Gravelling and 3M 2018/2022
Center to Gitandara connectivity Installation of Culverts
Gardens Road
Kwa Ngatia Wambora Karima Ward To promote access and 2km Grading, Gravelling and 3M 2018/2022
Road connectivity Installation of Culverts
Mbari ya Gakabu Karima Ward To promote access and 2km Grading, Gravelling and 3M 2018/2022
(Riumba) Road connectivity Installation of Culverts
Mama Gakiria to Karima Ward To promote access and 2km Grading, Gravelling and 3M 2018/2022
Wagitunguru Road connectivity Installation of Culverts
Kwa Rinjoya and George Karima Ward To promote access and 2km Grading, Gravelling and 3M 2018/2022
to Ngechu Road connectivity Installation of Culverts
Gimpsy to Mugikuyu Karima Ward To promote access and 2km Grading, Gravelling and 3M 2018/2022
Road connectivity Installation of Culverts
Othaya Girls to Karima Ward To promote access and 2km Grading, Gravelling and 3M 2018/2022
Kwangechu Road connectivity Installation of Culverts
Geralds Kinaiyu Road Karima Ward To promote access and 2km Grading, Gravelling and 3M 2018/2022
connectivity Installation of Culverts
Karathi Gachau Wamuna Karima Ward To promote access and 2km Grading, Gravelling and 3M 2018/2022
Road connectivity Installation of Culverts
Nderitu Njui Ichamana Karima Ward To promote access and 2km Grading, Gravelling and 3M 2018/2022
Road connectivity Installation of Culverts
JB Road Karima Ward To promote access and 2km Grading, Gravelling and 3M 2018/2022
connectivity Installation of Culverts
Kinaiyu Mbari Ya Hiti Karima Ward To promote access and 2km Grading, Gravelling and 3M 2018/2022
Road connectivity Installation of Culverts

Project Name Location Objectives Targets Description of Activities Cost Timeframe
Kagucia Home to Gura Karima Ward To promote access and 2km Grading, Gravelling and 3M 2018/2022
River via Wareku Road connectivity Installation of Culverts
Gathingi via Shadrack Karima Ward To promote access and 2km Grading, Gravelling and 3M 2018/2022
Githaiga Road connectivity Installation of Culverts
Gatugi, Kwaa Ngechu Karima Ward To reduces the number of 10 No. bumps Installation of Bumps 1M 2018/2022
Kiruga Road accidents
Gura Tarmac Road Karima Ward To reduces the number of 10 No. bumps Installation of Bumps 1M 2018/2022
Giathenge Street lights Karima Ward To promote access and 1km Installation of Street lights 0.8M 2018/2022
Gwa Karuri Street Lights Karima Ward To promote access and 1km Installation of Street Lighting 0.8M 2018/2022
Kahuruka Gakina Street Karima Ward To promote access and 1km Installation of Street lights 0.8M 2018/2022
Lights connectivity
Mutitu Street Lights Karima Ward To promote access and 1km Installation of Street lights 0.8M 2018/2022
Kianganda Street Lights Karima Ward To promote access and 1km Installation of Street lights 0.8M 2018/2022
Kwa Ngechu Street Karima Ward To promote access and 1km Installation of Street lights 0.8M 2018/2022
Lights connectivity
Kiruga Street Lights Karima Ward To promote access and 1km Installation of Street lights 0.8M 2018/2022
Kairia Street Lights Karima Ward To promote access and 1km Installation of Street lights 0.8M 2018/2022
Giachuma Street Lights Naromoru/Kiama To promote access and 1km Installation of Street lights 0.8M 2018/2022
thaga Ward connectivity
Ichamama Factory Karima Ward To promote access and 1km Installation of Street lights 0.8M 2018/2022
Mwisho wa rami- Aguthi Gaaki To promote access and 2km Grading, Gravelling and 3M 2018/2022
Thageini AIPCA - Ward connectivity Installation of Culverts
Maingirano road
Railway Transport County To ease inter county connectivity Railway Revived rail transportation. 500 M 2018-2022
rehabilitated Service
FT to Karungaru Road Aguthi/ Gaaki To improve access and open up 2 Km Grading and Gravelling 3M 2018-2022
Ward new areas
Road maintenance tools County wide To improve road maintenance 5 Procurement of machinery 30 2018-2022
and equipment services
Procurement of tipper County wide To improve road maintenance 9 Procurement of machinery 63M 2018-2022
lories and water bowsers services
Procurement of vehicles County wide To improve road maintenance 6 Procurement of machinery 25 M 2018-2022
(single and double cabs services
Procurement of graders County wide To improve road maintenance 5 Procurement of machinery 34M 2018-2022
Pad foot and smooth County wide To improve road maintenance 425 Procurement of machinery 76M 2018-2022
drum rollers services
Back hoe and excavators County wide To improve road maintenance 6 Procurement of machinery 100M 2018-2022
Man lift, breadowns, low County wide To improve road maintenance 9 Procurement of machinery 80M 2018-2022
loader and flatbed services
Routine maintenance of County wide Working plant and equipment all machinery Repair and maintenace 150M 2018-2022
plant and equuipment
Solid waste bio-digest Nyeri Town To improve waste Management 1 No. Purchase and equipping 300M 2018-2022


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