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4 REAOING b Read the ema il aga in. W here did Jessica ... ?

1 see dancers nevada

a Read the emai l. Check U) rhe places Jessica has been too
2 visir a museu m arizona
3 have a relaxing time new mexico
_______ Arizona
_ _ _ _ _ California california
new mexic 4 take a long wa lk
___ _ _ _ Colorado colorado
california 5 see ani mals
_______ New Mex ico
_ _ _ _ Oklahoma
_ _ _ _ _ Texas 5 LlSTENING
a ".t4d'» Listen ro fou r speakers talki n g about
differenr places they have been too W here did
rhey go? When?
W here? W hen?
Speaker 1 kenya 2010
brazil 2006
Speaker 2
Speaker 3 2011
Speaker 4 thailand 2006

b ,!.t44m Liste n agai n. W ho ... ?

1 did an ext reme sport Speake r O3
2 was in a da ngerou s siruacion Speaker O1
3 raok pa re in a local ce lebra tion Speaker O4
4 wasn'r on vacar ion Speake r O2
From: Jessica
To: Brianna
Subject: Hi from the us Soulhwest!
Dear Brianna,
Thanks for your email telling me all the news from home. I' m Learn these w ord s an d phrases.
glad everyone is well and that you're not missing me too much! recently /'risntlil
We're more than half way through our trip around the US romantic Irou'm,entlkl
Southwest, and we're having a great time. We've stayed in Let's forget ir. /lEts fdr'gEt ¡tI
four states so far, and now we're in Colorado. We spent three
TV series Iti 'vi slrizl
days in San Diego, California where we walked on the 3-mile
long Mission Beach BoardwaJk along the ccean. From San win (a cup or medal) /wml
Diego, we drove to Las Vegas, Nevada where we spent two
days seeing the sights. We even saw a show by Cirque du
Soleil-an amazing live music, dancing, and circus show-in
one of Las Vegas's many theaters. Our next stop was Phoenix,
Arizona, which we found too hot - it was over 100 degrees
Fahrenheit during the day. The best part of our visit was the
Musicallnstrument Museum, which has musical instruments
from all over the world . From Phoenix we drove to Santa Fe,
New Mexico, where we decided to relax and enjoya spa.
The weather was hot in Santa Fe, but not as hot as Phoenix!
We wanted to stay longer, but it was time for us to drive to
Colorado. And now here we are in Denver. Denver is a beautiful
place with a lot of tall, modern buidlings. We've been to the
Denver Zoo today, but unfortunately, it rained-just our luck.
We have one more day in Denver, and then we're going to
drive to Tulsa. We haven't been to Oklahoma or Texas yet ,
so we're looking forward to the last part of our t rip.
1'11 write again when we get to Austin . Until t hen, take care
and give my love to Mom and Dad.

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