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Marcellino Evan Irianto

XII IPS 2 / 23

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“Should Students be Allowed to Eat During a Class ?”

Several students eat during a class, despite the regulation that says no eating
during a class. Students have been debating wheater or not eating is allowed during
a class. Some students say eating should be allowed because they feel hungry and
want to get their better mood, but the other students say it breaks the class
regulation and distracts their concentration.
There are several reasons why students eat during a class. First, they eat
during a class because they are hungry. Most of them are hungry because they have
not had any breakfast before going to school. School starts very early and lunch time
is very late, that things make the student hungry. Without eating, they will be hungry
and having a hard time to study. Regulations in The Seneca Diaries at Seneca
College, Canada said that they are allowed to eat during a class. Respect is one
thing, but being hungry is a form of physical pain. She said why students should
have to bear physical pain to show someone respect if they are hungry.
Second, they eat during a class because they want to get their better mood.
Other than being hungry, they want to get better feelings to study by eating
something. If students get a better mood they can be more easily to understand the
lesson from their teacher. A nutritionist said eating foods that nourish overall health
and provide key nutrients for mental health fuels the body and mind. A great
example is carbohydrates. Carbohydrates can make people feel happy and have a
good mood.
Not every people agree to eat during a class. First, the other students say it
breaks the class regulation. The class regulation clearly says no eating during a
class because eating during a class is wasting the stutents time to study and
distracting their attention to the teacher, so that things can make the lesson
ineffective. The students should obey that class regulation to make the lesson work
well. Many teachers in the Southern Hemisphere’s School said eating during a class
breaks the regulation because that thing is considered impolite.
Second, the students say eating during a class is distracting their
concentration. Thinking and learning are intensive activities in the class. The
assistant professor at University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Yi-Wei Chang
said the students should totally concentrate on the teacher, not pay attention on the
chewing and swallowing food. Also, while the students are eating, the food may drop
on the book or the floor. It will be a mess if that happens. After eating, the students
probably go to the toilet more frequently and miss some details or important things.
These are all distractions to students learning because of eating during a class.
In conclusion, there is a good and relevant evidence showing that eating
during a class is not a desirable behavior. It will disturb the students concentration,
interrupt the process of the teaching and learning process and is considered impolite
between students and teacher. From the above reasons and evidence, I completely
Marcellino Evan Irianto
XII IPS 2 / 23

agree with my teacher’s decision and with the regulation in the class. So I will always
follow this effective rule in my future.

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