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1 Sugar Project Worksheet


Check How Much Sugar You Have Each Day

A Look and check what you drank yesterday. Then calculate how much sugar you had.

Drink Teaspoons of sugar What I drank yesterday

A bottle of water 0 teaspoons

A 200 ml bottle of fruit juice 5 teaspoons

A 375 ml can of soft drink 8 teaspoons

A 600 ml bottle of sports drink 8 teaspoons

A 500 ml can of energy drink 9 teaspoons

A 250 ml box of chocolate milk 6 teaspoons

A 65 ml bottle of Yakult 2 teaspoons Total

*1 tsp of sugar = 5 grams of sugar

B Answer the following questions. Then share your answers with your classmates.
1. What kinds of drinks did you drink the most?
2. How much sugar did you have?
3. How can you reduce the amount of sugar you have each day?

2 Benjamin Franklin Project Worksheet
in Frank

Make Your Own Virtue List

A Think about the virtues that are important to you in your daily life.
1. Write down which virtues are the most important to you.

e.g. kindness


2. Based on your map, write down your virtues and explain them.

Virtue Explanation

[ Example: Benjamin Franklin’s Virtues ]

Virtue Explanation
Keep yourself and your room clean. Keep your uniform clean. Keep
your school clean. Keep your words clean.

There is a time and place to speak up and a time to listen. You learn
more by listening than speaking.

Be respectful. Give everyone a chance to study or play. Give others a

chance to express themselves. Share.
B Talk about your virtues with a partner and answer the following questions.
1. Why did you choose these virtues?

2. What are your partner’s virtues? Which of his/her virtues do you like best? Why?

3. How can you practice your three virtues in your daily life?

3 Photography Project Worksheet


Manipulate a Picture

A Look at the picture and read conversation below.

Kate! Look at this picture. I changed it. Really? What did

you change?

I added lots of trash, such as used

bottles, cans, and pieces of paper. Also, I
got rid of the clean water. Because of the Oh, why did you
trash, the water has become dirty. change it like that?

I manipulated the picture to show that,

because humans throw away trash so
carelessly nowadays, wildlife habitats are I think your picture
being destroyed. I want to draw people’s has an important
attention to environmental problems. message!
B Look at two pictures below. Choose one picture and manipulate it to deliver a message.
You can draw, erase, or color objects however you want. Then share your picture with
your classmates.

I manipulated

The purpose of this picture is to

I manipulated

The purpose of this picture is to

B Answer the following questions. Then share your answers with your classmates.
1. Which parts of the photo did you change? Why?

2. Do you think your picture looks natural or not? Why?

3. What are the purposes of your classmates’ pictures? Which one of your classmates’ pictures
do you like best?

4 Star Project Worksheet


Make Your Own Constellation

A Look at the constellation and read about its meaning.

• Constellation’s Name: Aquarius

• Meaning: Ganymede, son of Tros, King of Troy, was a handsome young man. One day, Zeus
saw Ganymede and sent his eagle down to earth to bring him back up to Mount Olympus.
On Mount Olympus, Ganymede served water to the gods whenever they needed it. He
also served as cup bearer to Zeus. Zeus honored him for his service. Later, Zeus placed a
constellation called Aquarius, which means water carrier, among the stars.
B There are two pictures. The first picture shows some stars in the space. The second
one is Vincent van Gogh’s Starry Night Over the Rhone . Find a constellation in each
picture. You can also draw any constellations that you know.

Some Constellations
C Create your own constellation and explain its meaning.

• Constellation’s Name:

• Meaning:

D Answer the following questions. Then share your answers with your classmates.
1. Which constellations did you find in B?

2. What constellations did your classmates create? What do they mean?

3. Which constellation do you like the most among your classmates’ constellations? Why?

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