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ECE645 HW 4

Name ______________________

Answer these questions within the space between the questions OR you may add extra
printed or scanned-handwritten work as long as the work for each problem number is
clearly identified and each solution is contiguous.

Question 1
Explain why the high rate sequence c(t), used in CDMA, must be a member of an orthogonal set
(Hint: First write down the definition of orthogonal set in discrete space, and then consider
multiple users in the same cell).

Question 2: Generate Walsh Code W16 and then verify mathematically that the codes (in rows)
are orthogonal to each other.

Question 3
a) Why we can change the convolution rate from 1/3 to ½ at the FL, implying less number of
protection bits?
b) Would power control bits, 800 bps, punctuation damaged the information bits thus cause
performance degradation?

Question 4
Assume the voice bits are packed into a frame with 20ms. With the vocoder generates 9.6 kbps,
how many voice bits are there in a voice frame?

Question 5
Given 1.25 Mhz, calculate the average throughput for EVDO in the downlink where the cell
transmitter uses 16QAM, 8PSK and QPSK 1/3rd time each to transmit to a single mobile moving
around in the cell.


Question 6:
What’s the difference between EVDO and IS-2000 system in transporting user data over the air?

Question 7:
Explain at least 3 major technologies that make the peak data rate to go to 3.1Mbps in EVDO FL?

Question 8:
EVDO uses16 QAM as its highest order digital modulation scheme. Calculate the peak
throughput for a given spectrum of 10MHz, assuming that the channels can be aggregated, 25%
of time slots are reserved for control signals in addition to the control signals embedded in each
time slot, and the guarding band is 1.25MHz, calculate the peak throughput to carry the user

Question 9
What can be the potential problems in using EVDO system to carry voice in VoIP and what
would be the promising resolutions?
Hint: EVDO is a non-real time system with high data throughput, implying preference of carrying
large packets with various delays.

Question 10
a) Calculate the total throughput in the downlink of a CDMA cell where 64 Walsh Codes are used
to define 64 voice channels and each channel carries 9.6 kbps.
b) Observe the results obtained in Part a), then present your view how EVDO improved the
throughput to 3.1 Mbps down link by using TDM, adaptive modulation and adaptive coding?


Textbook problem(s):
Mischa Schwartz, “Mobile Wireless Communications,” Cambridge University Press 2005.

6-4 Compare TDMA and CDMA schemes, identifying the advantages of each scheme
over the other.

6-5 The CDMA system IS-95 speech encoder operates at a bit rate of 9.6 kbps. Find the
spreading gain if the chip rate is 1.2288 Mchips/sec. How many chips per bit does this
represent? Superimpose a sketch of a sequence of chips on top of a sequence of bits.

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