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In the catastrophic play, Goethe’s Faust, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe is a

product of German literature and is said to be one of the greatest Western

literature epic poems in history. This play comes from legends that have been
spread throughout Europe during the sixteenth century. Many individuals
affirm that the main character Faust really existed but this play is still fictional.
Faust was an alchemist and was a living magician. In other fictional works of
art, Faust has sold his soul to the devil. However, in “Goethe’s Faust,” is
different because it goes more in depth with literary themes. Some of these
themes consist of politics, culture, philosophy, and most importantly religion.
In this particular play, Faust struggles with being mentally stable and being
corrupted by the devil. Faust is an extremely intelligent man who feels as if he
has surpassed the limitations of knowledge and learning. He feels incomplete
and yearns for a meaningful life. Faust believes that the only way for him to
discover his purpose and find genuine happiness is by seeking answers
through the universe and nature.

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