Gothic Fiction Is A Genre of Literature That Combines Fiction

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Gothic fiction is a genre of literature that combines fiction, horror and Romanticism with a particular focus

on the mysterious and supernatural aspects. Gothic fiction originated in England during the latter half of
the 18th century. This distinctive genre of literature soon developed into a 19th century phenomenon. The
success of this dominant genre in England is frequently attributed to Mary Shelley. Despite its success
during this time period, gothic fiction ceased to be a dominant genre by the Victorian Era. However, in
many ways it had now begun to enter into its most ingenious phase. This paper will analyze the influence
of Mary Shelley’s novel Frankenstein on Flannery O’Connor’s work, specifically her novel Wise Blood.
Flannery…show more content…
Mary Shelley’s first novel, Frankenstein, was published on January 1, 1818. This novel evidently employs
“undeniably unorthodox subjects” (Poovey 332). In this work, Shelley narrates the tales of Victor
Frankenstein, an idiosyncratic scientist, his grotesque and “wretched” creation and the disastrous events
that befall (Shelley 37). Shelley thoroughly represents the gothic theme of isolation by replicating the guilty
and fearful emotions of Victor Frankenstein. The novel’s claim to tragedy and murder, which is exemplified
throughout every page of the novel, would appear to be the catalyst for Victor Frankenstein’s isolation. Yet
in fact, these disastrous events occur are only the result of Victor’s self-inflicted isolation. Victor severs all
connections to the outside world, including his family, friends and society; causing him to live a life of
torment and isolation. An analysis of Shelley’s “monstrous” character, Victor Frankenstein, affirms how the
development of fearful and defensive characteristics had served as a catalyst for the confinement of a self-
inflicted life of isolation.

In my opinion this famous quotation explains how often the creative

imagination and the Gothic genre are very often linked. For the novel to be
affective within the gothic genre the readers imagination needs to become
engaged and often intertwined with the characters conscious. The term
Gothic fiction refers to a style of writing that usually includes characteristics
of death, horror, and tragedy, as well as romantic elements such as nature,
individuality, and very high emotion – but that leaves space for doubt as we
wonder as to whether these ghosts, gaols and monsters are affective on their
reader. Gothic novels centralise the reactions of their characters to
distressing or troublesome situations. But their heroes and heroines are not
subjected to trials and obstacles merely to exhibit dramatic feeling, another
distinctive feature of the early Gothic novel is its attempt to involve the
reader in a new way. The hidden mysteries and miseries of gothic literature
withholds the reader from understanding the full complexity and range of
emotions within this fiction. There are many questions as to whether Gothic
fiction is just merely another form of literature for us to enjoy or whether is it
an affective genre in horrifying

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