The Races of Greylan and Beyond: Kobolds

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The Races of Greylan and Beyond

Saga is host to multiple races dispersed around the world. This document gives a
brief description of the races commonly found in Greylan (Camimar) and its
surrounding territories.

In the past, Kobolds were the laughing stock of Saga. Nothing but
pests and vermin to be culled from their underground caverns and
tunnels; sometimes menial and discriminated workhands. Today, these
little dragons have erected one of the most advanced empires on the
planet: Greylan.

While Greylan is home to sturdy dragonborn and flamboyant

mariposas (mothfolk), kobolds hold the highest social status; thing
that they are highly aware of. They are clever, ambitious and prideful;
never belittle a kobold, because they are not afraid to confront you
with the courage invested in them by their homeland.

Kobolds are seen as overtly patriotic, and while that might be the case in many instances, it is
detached from the truth. The vast majority of the kobolds of Greylan feel a kinship with one
another, and while they can indeed make enemies with one another, squabbles do not often
transfer to other kobolds and they do not last very long.
History book and some evolutionist theories reaffirm
that the ancient race of dragons evolved (or devolved)
into modern dragonborn. In reality, and as some
mythological books point out, years before the rapture,
a group of evil sorcerers cursed dragon eggs and
changed them, so that new dragons would be born as
humanoids. In time, these turned into the modern

That is of no matter for modern dragonborn. Noticing

the uprising of Greylan, dragonborn moved en masse
to the new country, where draconic ‘cousins’ where the
ones running the show. They found themselves quickly
accustomed to kobold culture and took their place as
regular citizens of Greylan.

Dragonborn are second to kobolds in terms of social class. Most dragonborn

dwell in the hel-jokull, were they have adapted to these climates. As such, they tend
to be white in coloration. Though almost any kind of dragonborn can be found
across Greylan.

In the old days, grungs were tribal hunter-gatherers native to
the Primvar forests. In modern Greylan, however, they are as
integral citizens to the country as anyone else. They have
adapted to kobold culture after long efforts, but some of them
still hold their old meritocratic ways.

While kobold norm dictates that everyone is as useful, some grungs hold to a
sense of success, that, when reached, deems lower-class workers a failure. As such,
some conservationist grungs stick to the idea of success as a way to surpass
everyone. This has led to some grungs being cunning business frogs and

Grungs are also known for their unique physical traits. Aside from being able to
jump really high and being amphibious, they need to be submerged in water every
day at least once and they also secrete a psychedelic poison through their backs.
Some unsavory folk would go as far as to kidnap grungs to harvest their secretions
and sell them as luxury drugs.

They have a Texan accent…………………..

Mariposas (Mothfolk)
To look upon a Mariposa is to be enthralled by the alluring beauty of their insect-
like appearance and their arresting fashion. Mariposas can be compared to
humanoid, four-armed moths. Their long, feathery antennae make them look taller
and imposing while their sometimes ominous, wholly black eyes pierce those of the
people they talk to.

Mariposas culture revolves around fashion and outward appearance; they

identify someone’s value by how they dress and how much they attract other’s
attention. A piece of clothing must convey a message and emotion. Clothing is an
integral part of their communication process, through them they express their
feelings and personalities in a way that better captivates it and convinces others.

Mariposas tend to use long, open robes and coats, kimonos and yukatas, in which
they can sew and tailor colors and patterns to better and more clearly express
sentiment. They lack wings, and without realizing, many end up designing garish
patterns on the back pieces of their outfits.

As a note, Mariposas have a dark disposition to eat silk, but normally it works
like a drug for them. If they eat any kind of silk, it is hard for them to be stopped.
Truly terrible, for Mariposa cocoons are made out of silk.
Oni (Tieflings)
To many, the oni are as unsettling as the hellish island
they call home. Their daring traditions have impressed,
shocked and scared those that have had any kind of
interaction with them. Chaos and motion is part of an oni’s
lifestyle, and for better or for worse, they welcome them.

Onies are always looking to live an experience; to live

dryly is an oddity, a queer lifestyle that shouldn’t be. An oni
feels the call for adventure in small things, from a rowdy
tavern patron that might just start a brawl at any moment
to the challenge of creating the perfect booze that knocks
down silly anyone who drinks it; if it gives fodder for
storytelling, then an oni will try to live it.

While they are not native to Greylan, many can be found in its regions as monster

Ever since and before the rapture, human population has receded dramatically
around the world of saga. Today, humans are considered an endangered species as
very few pockets of humanity remain.

It is unknown as to what caused the fall of humanity’s numbers. Some theories

say that a certain malady negated human’s reproduction abilities. Some others
ascertain it was a case of racism and an unfortunate series of hate-crimes against
humans around Saga, which did indeed happen.

Regardless of the case, seeing a human is a rarity. Though many humans can still
be found in the Clarinholm county of Greylan.

Hobgoblins and Tortles

These two races are known to inhabit the seas south of Greylan. They have a
floating city in the middle of the coldmaw stretch and is known to be the lair of
many criminals and modern pirates.
Hobgoblins are technically religious. But their religion dictates them to acquire
the most amount of money in their lives to buy the tickets to heaven. A moment
they don’t earn money is a moment wasted. It’s not like greed, but religious

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