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Knights of Gaia Intro This lead them to fight for centuries shaking the

very Universe as they traded blows, but nothing

lasts forever, and Ragnar eventually got an
upper hand upon Andalia, but she had
something she had created from their birth a
realm the could contain Ragnar. She had forced
him into it imprisoning him for all eternity.
This great exert of power to perform a task of
such had caused this energy to weave itself into
the fabric of the universe giving it what is to be
called magic and mana crystals which
contained a certain type of element consisting
of water/ice, fire, earth, lightning, and air. This
lead to the birth of a plethora of creatures such
as Dragons, and many more. The battle between
the celestials had caused tales of them spread
about them and their power.

Knight Sentinels
The Knight Sentinels were a group of people who
are/were considered the heroes of the land.
There were the strongest people in all of Gia.
This group had been the front lines against the
corruption in the universe but after an event
that happened with a tear in the universe
within Unity, the Knight Sentinels were seen last
Legend of the Universe within the city and just before the Knights Wall
Long ago, there were two Celestials that created was formed around the city. This wall is a
the Universe. Constructed by the sources of thousand feet tall and impenetrable. This
energy that constructed the Universe. These happened 5 years ago and since then the world
beings were identified by the power they has had chaos spread throughout it with wars
controlled Brother Darkness Ragnar and Sister being waged and creatures coming out of the
Light Andalia. woodwork to fill the power vacuum.

They created God’s beings that could carry out

the needs of the Universe. Some of the worlds
created are the Material plane where most life is
mixed together, The Abyss the home of the
demons, Hell and its even layers home of the
devils, and many more. Ragnar’s and Andalia’s
creations had lived like most being live creating,
destroying, and starting the cycle over. The
more they created the less influence they had
over their creations.

The two chose to be observers of their creations

very rarely interacting with them maybe once
or twice every million years. The constant
observation had taken its toll on Ragnar; he was
tired of the constant loops of pain, suffering,
and destruction he urned of unification. Andalia
was against this; she wanted the beings to be
their own to be ruled by themselves.
The Knight Sentinels Chid The Forest Knight
Zachery The Prophet Knight

Kush The Music Knight

Advar The Thunder Knight

Celia The Mage Knight

Amaya The Tech Knight

Knight Sentinel Events TimeLine World War - 30th year
Events know out the world that the Knight Sentinels The world had broken out into war over the
had been involved in or solved. There was a lot that assassination of the King of Resash. The Knight
the world does not know about publicly about the Sentinels had to eject themselves from the war
things they did to protect the world. The later ones since they could not choose sides without the
happened more recently.
other threatening to do things like executing
war prisoners or declaring them enemies of that
Twin Spaces - 1st year side even once the war was finished.
The battle of Twin Spaces was a conflict that took
place at the border of Halla and Resash two countries
that were both formed at the same time this was a
Unity Treaty - 40th year
dispute over territory since they had begun to meet After the war going on for ten years and both
each other in the desert which is now known as sides just attacking each other back and forth in
Drocorus. The Sentinels were able to step and handle an unending conflict The Knight Sentinels
the dispute by showing the Yaunti and other races seemed useless to do anything, but Zachary
who have already established a country in the land with the aid of the other Knights were able to
they are fighting over.
get the leaders to unite together for a peace talk.
During this talk, the hearts, minds, and souls of
Hell Invasion - 4th year the Kings, Queens, and Lords were moved by
The Hell Edge Volcano opened up lead by the
Zachary’s words from the first times since
Archdevils to claim the souls of a deal made by one of
the former leaders of Resash which had the Knight ancient times stood the first person half man
Sentinas need to step in to push back the Hell Hoard half machine to be worthy of the title known
and seal back the Volcano, but the threat still remains long ago as Prophet. He was able to broker a
with the portal being able to open if powerful enough treaty between all the countries creating the
people manage to get through the guardians left city within the middle of the world known now
behind as well as the seal. as Unity as a utopia that combines all the great
things about each country. This prompted the
Fey Collision - 20th year creation of Kings Paradise and Kings Haven.
Sir Steve, a powerful Tortle wizard and close friend of
the Knight Sentinels had become infected by an
unknown source of magic which used him as a Twilight Gap - 43rd year
puppet to acquire two unknown artifacts from the This is a battle that took place on the outskirts
past to attempt to unify the Material Plane and the of Unity where the Fallen houses came from the
Feywild, but the Knight Sentinels managed to acquire North and South poles, and Dracorus to attack
the power of Nature Titan which was spread
unity it is unknown why they did it, but it
throughout the Knight Sentinels which they used to
prevent the Feywild from falling into the material caused fallen to be disliked throughout the
plane, but a section of it broke off and fell into the world.
Material Plane which this piece now makes up Kings
Paradise, but did not become significant till the Unity The Wall - 50th year
Treaty. The Last time the Knight Sentinlas had been
seen was when a tear opened up in the sky and
Titan Treaty - 21st year had energy and creatures from a realm never
The Titan Treaty happened a short time after the Fey seen before where many of the people of Unity
Collision with the imbalance being created in the managed to escape, but many did not, and the
universe with there now being technically six nature
Wall was formed around Unity. After this
titans now causing the other Titans to begin to race
and act out throughout the realms causing mass Knights have been looked down upon a lot and
destruction which had the Knight Sentinels have to some people have been outcast from their town
meet with each of the titans in attempts to learn how and cities because of it kind of like the Sokovia
to fix what the Nature Titan had done. This lead to Accords in the Marvel movies.
them having to infuse the nature titan energy into
one of them, but the cost of doing this them to lose
parts of themself which led to Chid The Nature Knight
benign created.
Countries/Areas Dracorus
South Pole The great desert of the world holding creatures
Cold wastelands like an area that has vast of varying size and intelligence. The land is
frozen oceans. There are legends of creatures lawless in a sense. The & Yaunti are the main
that live in this wasteland that are very ancient race that lives here; they run an arena where
and powerful. Very few people come here, but many fight for fun or higher-ranking positions
most of them are Murfolk escaping the Oceanic in their House. The only true place law exists in
Civil War. Dracorus is in the Underground cities their
The Fallen have been known to live in the south being a total of 3 in the country. There are
pole sometimes heading to the countries to raid immensely large underground tunnels that
or to journey to the North Pole. They often kill, connect the cities and other underground
eat, sell, or turn outsiders into slaves. towns.
There is not much that has been known to The largest city being Dracon, home to the
happen here, but there are events rising in the House of Devils and the Arena. Second, being the
recent year. Winter home of the House of Wolves, the main
trading city of Draconus. Third, being the
North Pole Kingdom home to the House of Kings, the
A cold mountainous wasteland. The fallen have smallest of the 3 cities being the main source of
inhabited many of these mountains creating government and; connection to the other
networks between them creating fact areas for countries. Head Kell of the Kings is Grakous.
them to live in. They often kill, eat, sell, or turn The House that maintains the surface of
outsiders into slaves. Drocorus is the House of Exiles consisting of all
fallen Exiled from their houses. They have a few
Kull towns on the surface, but most are destroyed by
This island is filled with very little vegetation or the Trasque or other creatures that roam in the
wildlife but is home to Krill the former versions desert.
of the Hive that refused to participate in the
Sword Logic. They do not interact with other
countries. Anyone who is not Krill that comes to
their lands must have been contacted
personally by the head Knight Crota or Head
Witch Nokris if not they are imprisoned and
executed at least that is what has been assumed.
Meca Hala
Hills region mostly consists of humans and, but A very peaceful place where all races are
also has a large variety of other races. Build up accepted. A snowy, but heavy forest area. Has a
farming lands as their main income source and very mixed population there is no race that is in
trade. Various creatures live up in the a greater size. They have very strict government
mountains. Home to the second largest weapons and violence is banned and if you try
mountain in the world Nevermore. No one and do anything even if it is just getting into an
knows if anyone lives in the area of Nevermore argument you go somewhere and you don’t
because that try goes missing or are found dead. come back.
There are many creatures that live in the Hala hasn’t gone to war since the world war and
mountain range around nevermore most are no one wants to try and fight them again.
specific to that area and are incredibly
dangerous. The top of the Nevermore is seen to Deuchian
be flat and there is a legend that once a race of This country is in a taiga biome and it once
angel-like beings used it to go to and from followed with a tremendous amount of magic.
heaven. There is said to be no one to make it past Until the magic in the area of the country had
the mountain range of Nevermore in thousands become corrupted and infected its inhabitants
of years. In recent years alot of people have been having anyone who is born in this country or
struggling to deal with the creatures from anyone who lives in it long enough to not be able
within the mountains without the aid of the to use magic.
Knight Sentinels. Magic is obtainable to the people in two ways
through technology they had to go into since
Kings Paradise they had little to no magic or through a way
A tropical island that is home to the kings and called mutation.
queens of the countries of the world, The first way is suits or armor called Icons that
high-ranking nobles, exotic traders, and some of allowed them to tap into the magic of the realm
the most dangerous beasts that have lived and the second way is a bit more of a risky one
excluding the poles and Dracorus. that involves taking the imbalanced magic and
There was one race that was inhabiting the land using it to tap into balanced magic having both
was the Pixies who now are native to the within the person causing mutations to them it
Material Plane. There are said to have been has been known those people who do it this way
other creatures to be seat loose on Gai from this, have a higher risk of when coming in contact
but there are very few recordings of any with imbalanced magic. They would get
creatures. imbalanced magic through holes in the world
The main city is Kings Landing, a city that takes that are around the country. These seemed to be
up about ⅓ of the island. King's Landing is two of the best ways.
where people live at directly being a city that However, these two different ways cause two
requires a bit of wealth to live in depending on different people with different ideas to cause a
the area. The city is mainly built on the trade of civil war within the country that was stopped
extremely exotic goods ranging from things by the Knight Sentinels, but since they
from different realms to magic. disappeared the war has slowly started back
Is also home to the world's greatest wizard up.
school White Cap. It is known for the best The war has an impact on everyone having
teaching in all schools of magic even War. The many people being forced on both sides to fight.
Chancellor/Deen is Sir Steve a Tortol wizard and Each side had been attempting to extinguish the
actual founder of the school. other; however, the war had been at a stalemate
with the Innovation and Mutations attacking
each other blow for blow and never defeating
the other.
There has been a group of the Innovation known
as Requiem that is claiming to have learned how
to deal with the imbalanced magic and the
zones filled it being able to change it back.
Cities in Deuchian Baltash
Chimera A large grasslands country. It is heavily known
This city is one controlled by Requiem/Innovation. for the number of various crops it grows to be its
They have a strict no Mutations rule, any Mutation main source of income between countries. They
found within the zone will be executed with no do have a large goblin population that causes
trial. The innovation being primarily technology lots of problems, but in the recent few years, the
makes Chimera the most technologically
goblins have stopped attacking and reading
advanced city. They have adapted weapons made
places and have been seen running away from
of pure magic, losing their reasoning for firearms
or any non-magical-based weapons or tools.
their homes.

Millview Resash
This city was originally a neutral party but was This was originally a lavish forest full of life and
put under Innovation rule after the death of its various creatures but had racist high elves that
leader. Millview is a heavily farming land with ruled over it and still do till this day. Most of the
mines a prime location to gather resources they country has been scarred having a lot of it
often use for trading but has been switched to turned into a stone wasteland that few
purely manufacturing for Innovation. creatures live in this happened during the hell
Kaleck They have constructed massive underground
This city like Millview was originally neutral, but
cave systems allowing them to be known for
ran into issues with the creatures from the
their materials and are one of the few countries
cataclysm and Mutation was too late, but
Innovation came in and saved them. Kalck follows
to have mithril and adamantine.
the rules that the Innovation sets. The safe zone is They operate in a matriarchy but also are
a port zone allowing access to a lot of things from ordered by race in the following order:
the ocean that Sanctuary doesn’t trade. Female High Elf
Female Drow Elf
Sanctuary Female Wood Elf
This city is a fully neutral zone allowing all kinds Female Sea Elf
of people. It is the safest city even though it is the Females of other races
closest to a few areas of imbalancement. They help Male Elves from the ones ^
just about anyone who enters as long as they do Males from other races
not have hostile intentions. Eladrin
Dragons Haven
This city like its name has primarily dragon-like
creatures and it is in an allied relationship with Is the home to the Silverwood the head of the
Mutation. Even though it is called Dragon's heaven Lylly religion. Is a hard advocate against the use
there are only two dragons there, a red and gold of magic. There are primarily humans that live
one. within Denomier.

The Grove Dunsin

This is the primary city for Mutation. This zone is A very peaceful place where all races are
within a large forest filled with large and thicc accepted. A snowy, but heavy forest area. Has a
trees. Mutation lives within the various trees. They very mixed population there is no race that is in
have a rule for any Innovation or people who just a greater size. They have not been really known
use magic in that way within the zone must be out
to interact much with the other countries. It is
of their Icons as long as they remain in the zone;
ruled over by three sisters.
however, if they are in a situation where they are
being attacked or require their Icon they may
wear it until the threat is dealt with or until their
situation is resolved. The consequence of
disobeying this is the removal of your Icon until
you leave the city.
Amanance Pyer House
A large swampy forest similar to the everglades. The Pyer family is one of the founding houses of
There are a lot of druids as well as nature-based Huntera. With the House members primarily
people and creatures. There are no real cities; being fire gensai, aasiamr, tieflings, but can
they are mainly small towns and villages also be other races. Some of the family members
throughout the place. have been known to hold a specific trait that is
On the map the large lake that borders dependent on Mana that causes the house
Denomier has a wild magic island in the middle members who gain this trait to have eyes that
of it. look as if they are engulfed in flame referred to
In recent years there have been weird fires that as Prizor Feniks one of the few Mati Opou in
have started and stopped at random times. existence. The Prizor Feniks are random to
The Ghost Isles
There is not much known about the Ghose Isles
the only people who really know about it are
Sages which are rare to find. Funa House
The Fauna house was made by Chid, but he
Some Organizations That Exist himself did not have any actual children; it is
Heresy Extractors more so people he adopted and showed the ways
A group of elite people who have been of the Nature Titan.
authorized by the god Lylly to be able to use
magic to remove heresy from Denomier and Speakers Groups
other places around the world. Speaker Groups are often associated with the color
They often take in orphans and volunteers into of the cloaks they wear, each being different in
the Heresy Extractors. their practices. All of them operate in an
People who are heresy extractors are often very elder-based system. These people are sometimes
religious and believe in the teaching of Lylly far what Clerics are.
beyond that of the average believer.
Red Cloaks
The High Table Red Cloaks are most often seen during times of
The High Table are the unknown leaders of an war and chaos throughout the world. They are
assassin organization known as the Table. They active participants within the war they take in the
knowledge of different tactics used in war and
are very John Wick-like on how they work.
pass it down through generations. They are often
always armed and are not afraid of conflict. The
High Fly Red Cloaks are sometimes considered to be
High Fly is an airship company that uses white mercenaries that you do not have to pay for. Their
& red mana crystals to produce air crafts. actions towards people are often unjustified. Once
someone becomes a Red Cloak the only way to no
Huntera longer be on is to die. They are often in conflict
Huntera are family houses that have joined with the Green Cloaks.
together to hunt and research creatures around
the world. Blue Cloaks
Blue Cloaks are often pacifists rarely ever coming
Some of the Houses into conflict with others. They are primarily
Canavar House collectors of knowledge and in their travels aid
The Canavar House within the Sunvale holds the those in need. They are often seen as very hopeful
power to use their Mana to transform into a people even in the darkest times and can find the
beast from their birth the type of beast they can light in almost any people and any situation.
transform into differs between each member of
the house. Those who are born in this house are
Beast Skinders; they may share the appearance
of the race of one of their parents, but the Beast
Skinder is dominant.
Green Cloaks Titans
Green Cloaks are often those who stand up and The Titans are creatures of immense power that
protect others. They are often called upon to exist throughout the universe there are only
help in war times or just in people’s time of need. two of each type. If they become more then two
They are not afraid of conflict but will avoid it it creates an imbalance in the universe that has
unless it is required. They are often in conflict drastic effects on everything in existence. Gods
with the Red Cloaks. exist, but the Titans are not gods. People do still
see them as gods, but they are not and they have
Purple Cloaks no set area of where they exist; they often move
Purple Cloaks are often those who are throughout the universe as they are needed or
compassionate and are able to persuade others want to go.
to the peace they often obtain knowledge based
on peace. Types of Titans
Nature Titans
Yellow Cloaks Aberrant Titans
Yellow Cloaks are based on striking fear into Fiend Titans
people and torturing people. They travel the Celestial Titans
world to obtain knowledge on how to better Mana Titans
torture and strike fear into people. If you are Fire Titans
tied down to a table, and a yellow cloak walks Earth Titans
in, even if you were to give information they are Water Titans
trying to get, they would continue to torture to Beast Titans
perfect their art. Storm Titans
Sun Titans
Orange Cloaks Night Titans
Orange Cloaks are greedy for knowledge and to People have been known to be able to gain the
be the only person who has it to the point they powers of titans such as the Knight Sentinels
will kill their group of people they travel with to did, but that only happens when a Titan sees fit
be the only one to gain access to more to do it or when the Titan’s lifespan is coming
knowledge. close to an end. When this happens to people
they become overwritten as time passes and
Pink Cloaks they become stronger with the memories of the
Pink Cloaks often represent love and are usually previous titans and also affect who they are as
groups formed by people capable of great love, a person.
who have lost lovers or have been denied love in Also, all Titans have a role to regulate things
their lives. They go around the world seeking like Warlocks, Sorcerers, and other people who
others and adding those with passion. gain powers from otherworldly entities or from
nonnormal means.
Black Cloaks
Black Cloaks represent death and
emotionlessness. There is little information on
these Cloaks since they are rarely seen. They
have been heard of hunting White Cloaks.

White Cloaks
White Cloaks are representations of life and
light. These Cloaks are as rare as the Black
Cloaks and are often hunted by them. Because
the White Cloaks need to preserve life they are
often pacifists. They have also been rumored to
be able to revive people from death.
Countries Rulers
Meca Amanance
Lady Amaya Radu Lady Nexus

Race: Nature Skinder

Race: Giant Skinder Resash

Queen Mara Stitcher
Prime Minister Jesus

Race: Human

Race: High Elf

Dunsin 3. Kait Selianus
The Four Sisters
1. Viola Selianus

a. Race: Asgardian Vampire

4. Kayla Selianus

a. Race: Asgardian Dragon

2. Kia Selianus

a. Race: Half Beholder

a. Race: Asgardian Werebear

Drocorous Halla
Hellion Fatalis

Race: Half Fallen Half Naga

Anna Prophet

Race: Human

Race: Tal’darim Diviation

Deuchian South Pole
The leader of Requiem/Innovation is known as Zenith Tech Torirk

Race: Human
The head leader of Mutation is known as Kia Music

Race: Half Fallen Half Krill

North Pole

Race: Symic Hybrid

Race: Fallen
Knight System dangerous after each category. They often
People who adventurers and things like that are combine with regional climates creating
often referred to as Knights which the Knight deadlier storms for the more deadly the
Sentinels have mainly implemented into the environment
world with creating schools around the world When the moon hits things with energy it is the
for people so that they could be properly trained equivalent of a meteor swarm pretty much
and not just go out and end up like those kids in disintegrating anything it hits. The Tech Knight
the first episode of Goblin Slayer and also give was able to make defense for cities and large
them more schooling than people would towns against it to prevent them from being hit
normally get.
Knights go by the Ranks of Knighthood to Some need to know for character stuff
dictate degrees of strength of a Knight (listed So for any reason really maybe just because you
from lowest to highest): wanted to go because it seemed cool or
Squire Overall training and getting people from something, but you all are going to be starting
no class to 1st level off in Baltash in the town of Stillfrost a town
Bronze Knight From 1st to 3rd or 4th level south of the city of Geo. In Stillfrost they are
Silver Knight 3 or 4th level to 5th or 6th holding a morning/celebration type of thing of
Sapphire Knight 5th/6th - 7th/8th the Creation and Loss of unity. There are going
Gold Knight 7th/8th - 9th/10th to lots of people from different parts of the
Platinum Knight 9th/10th - 11th/12th country going there and some people going
Diamond Knight 11th - 14th there from cities and towns who are not really
Royal Knight The rank of some the Kings and doing anything about it. It is known that Anna
Queens of Geia Prophet will be there.
In schools people usually only reach Silver or Looking more so for characters who want to be
Sapphire Knight and to reach next ranks it is a knights even though the world does not want
test that the person has to go through in order them.
to reach the next rank the tests being comprised
of mental and physical capabilities. NEED TO KNOW CHARACTER INFO
Most races will work
Yee level 5
Some Other World Info Yee get one feat
There are two moons, one is green and the other Yee get an extra 250 GP
is red. The green one is cracked open by an event Would prefer a more so good-aligned party, but
that happened about two hundred years ago if you have any good ideas I’d be up for it
now causing it occasionally to shoot energy at depending on what it is.
the plane that lands in random places. You get a rare item or two uncommon items
There are storms that can appear that are ones Stats yee get (place them how you want): 16, 14,
that have been infused with mana usually 13, 12, 10, 8
through it starting out as a tornado or
hurricane and accidentally collecting mana
crystals within it creating Wind Flairs. A single
Windflare consisted of a massive, violently
rotating vortex of air that formed rapidly and
with little warning. Within the vortex, large
amounts of electricity built up until it was
discharged in the form of lightning bolts or
continuous, roving arcs. Windflares were highly
dangerous as the wind speeds they produced
were high enough to fling boats and break apart
wooden structures, and the electrical strikes
were powerful enough to take out chunks of
brick buildings and vaporize people. Windflares
had four different categories and gets more

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