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Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.

Ministry of Popular Power for University Education.

Polytechnic University Institute "Santiago Mariño".

Mérida Extension - School of Chemical Engineering.

Languages of English II.

The Oral Communication.


 Ms. Aracelis Torres.


 Arian D. González. G.

 C.I: 28.662.121.

August, 2020.



-The Oral Communication.

 Characteristics of Oral Communication.

 Vices of Oral Expression.

- Oratory.

- Diction and its Importance.

- Oral Exposure Techniques.

 The Speech.
 The Exhibition, its Rules and Techniques.

- The Different Oral Exposure Tools and Their Characteristics.

- Oral Expression Techniques.

- Difference between Oral Communication and Written Communication.



Humans are social beings by nature and, therefore, we have the need to
relate to others. Thus, face-to-face communication is what offers us the advantage
of finding an answer to what we need; requiring two or more people to be physically
close, it does not matter if it is in an open or closed place.

Perhaps it is the use of language that has not made it special among all animal
species. Language and thought are associated and our ability to react makes us a
chosen species.

Human beings communicate by transmitting our feelings, influencing others

and performing specific actions. The social origin of language favors relations
between the different members of the community and is the first agent for cultural
development. We use verbal language and para-languages.

Communication is the action and effect of communicating, that is, the

transmission of signals by means of a code common to the sender and receiver, and
is one of the ways in which people interact with each other. There are different forms
of communication: oral, gestural and written. There are different interpretations for
certain phrases or gestures and different gestural repertoires according to different
cultures, since much of our basic verbal and gestural behavior is learned and differs
in different cultures.

Oral communication is one that is established between two or more people,

with air as the medium of transmission and a language as the code. Every time we
communicate we make use of a language. But a very particular way of using
language is oral communication, which corresponds to the exchange of information
between people without making use of writing, signs, gestures or signals, but only
using the voice to transmit information.

The Oral Communication.

Oral communication is established between two or more people, it has speech

as a means of transmission and a language as a code.

Each technique used to exchange ideas has a very varied field of application,
including: personal, social, professional, political or scientific, among others.
Whatever the time, place or circumstance, communicating is an inevitable process
of the human being.

Oral communication allows individuals to carry out the actions of daily life,
train as a person and integrate into social life.

It includes individuals conversing with each other, be it direct conversation or

telephonic conversation. Speeches, presentations, discussions are all forms of oral
communication. Oral communication is generally recommended when the
communication matter is of temporary kind or where a direct interaction is required.
Face to face communication (meetings, lectures, conferences, interviews, etc.) is
significant so as to build a rapport and trust.

Characteristics of Oral Communication.

Oral communication is the most used communication process in the world. In

another word, the human is motionless without this kind of communication. But here
we talk about formal oral communication which is used for business purposes. Here
we giving some characteristics of oral communication to an oral communication

Oral communication to become successful requires some essential or good

characteristics, those are highlighted as follows:

 Pre-Planned: Before transmitting any message, the speaker must have a

pre-plan to send the message properly to the audience or receiver. Pre-
Planned communication is always fruitful.
 Certainty: The speaker must speak properly while communication with the
audience. The subject matter or speech must be certain in oral
communication to avoid confusion.
 Conciseness: Information should be /Enriched with concrete, logical and
relevant data in case of oral communication. The subject matter should also
be simple to catch the attention of the audience.
 Attractive Presentation: The message in oral communication should be
presented in a nice tone. The Speaking attitude should be catchy to hold
the attention of the receiver.
 Consideration of the Receiver or Audience: During oral communication,
the qualification, knowledge, experience, and motive should be considered
by the speaker. The language should be simple and understandable to the
 Neutrality: The audience or receiver should be silent while the speaker in
delivering his speech. The audience must analyze arid evaluate the
message provided and then he should answer properly. The neutrality of
the audience sustains oral communications.
 Realistic: Unrealistic information or, a message can never hold the
attention of the audience. So, a speaker should provide realistic speech to
the audience.
 Free From Error: If the information in oral communication contains any
error then it makes the audience confused. Moreover, the audience will lose
their confidence in the speaker. So, information must be free from errors in
oral communication.
 Patience: Patience is the key to the success of ineffective communication.
Both the speaker .and the audience must have proper patience while
making oral communication.
 Free From Emotion: Oral communication should be free from emotion.
Because emotion makes the subject matter to be complicated. Therefore,
the audience will make a wrong interpretation of the message techniques
or Way of Oral Communication.
Vices of Oral Expression.

The communicative intention in every conversation is to send a message.

But many times, this message is not interpreted correctly by the issuer because of
the vices of the language.

To avoid them, we must know what they are and what they are, so that we
can avoid them and thus improve our oral expression, and achieve good

Language vices are those forms of construction or use of inappropriate

vocabulary that can hinder the correct interpretation of a message. Involves both
diction and vocabulary, since it includes all the factors that alter the normal flow of

Here is a detailed list of such language vices:

 Amphibology: Double meaning, way of speaking in which more than one

interpretation is given.
 Archaism: Phrase or way of saying antiquated.
 Barbarism: to pronounce or misspell the words.
 Cacophony: Encounter or repetition of the same syllables or letters.
 Foreigners: Turn of a foreign language used in Spanish.
 Haiti: Encounter of vowels followed in pronunciation.
 Idiotism: Way of speaking against the ordinary rules of grammar.
 Impropriety: Lack of ownership in the use of words
 Neologism: Abuse of words.
 Pleonasm: Use of unnecessary words
 Redundancy: Unnecessary repetition of words or concepts.
 Solecism: Lack of syntax.
 Ultra correction: Deformation of a word thinking that this is correct
 Vulgarism: Said or incorrect phrase used by people without culture.
 Dequeismo: Add unnecessary elements of link.

The rationale and practice of persuasive public speaking. It is immediate in its

audience relationships and reactions, but it may also have broad historical
repercussions. The orator may become the voice of political or social history.

An oration involves a speaker; an audience; a background of time, place, and

other conditions; a message; transmission by voice, articulation, and bodily
accompaniments; and may, or may not, have an immediate outcome.

Classically the theoretical basis for the art of oratory, is the art of using words
effectively. Oratory is instrumental and practical, as distinguished from poetic or
literary composition, which traditionally aims at beauty and pleasure. Oratory is of
the marketplace and as such not always concerned with the universal and
permanent. The orator in his purpose and technique is primarily persuasive rather
than informational or entertaining. An attempt is made to change human behavior or
to strengthen convictions and attitudes. The orator would correct wrong positions of
the audience and establish psychological patterns favorable to his own wishes and

Because the orator intuitively expresses the fears, hopes, and attitudes of his
audience, a great oration is to a large extent a reflection of those to whom it is

When applying or forming a being the speaker, these are the mistakes that
we should avoid:

 Begin our intervention when there are still people from the public
speaking or taking a seat.
 Start talking without saying hello and introduce ourselves.
 Do not previously turn off our mobile phone or remind the audience to
do the same.
 Adopt an inappropriate body posture. For example, if we are standing,
we must stay upright and not move too much; if we are sitting, it is not
convenient to back down informally.
 Confess to the audience that we are not comfortable or that our nerves
can break.
 Addressing the auditorium too colloquially or with excessive formality.
 Do not look at those in the face or turn their backs on them. -Speak in
a tone that is too low, too fast or too slow, or not pronounce correctly.
 Lying still, gesturing excessively or greatly limiting our movements
(robot type).
 Repeat gestures or tics because of nervousness (meter and put your
hands in your pockets, walk back and forth, scratch, wink, etc.).
 Do not conclude a phrase or idea that we have started. -Make silent
pauses too long.
 Direct glance at the clock every few minutes.
 Do not smile at any time, giving an unfriendly or pessimistic aspect of
 To deviate from the question wasting time on little useful and
interesting digressions.
 Use excessive crutches or repeat expressions without justification.
 Read a quote very mechanically or without looking up from the paper.
 Use a slide show as the basic text of our intervention instead of support
to complete the oral speech.
 Do not drink water when we have been talking for a while and have a
dry mouth.

Diction and its Importance.

Diction can be defined as style of speaking or writing, determined by the

choice of words by a speaker or a writer. Diction, or choice of words, often separates
good writing from bad writing. It depends on a number of factors. Firstly, the word
has to be right and accurate. Secondly, words should be appropriate to the context
in which they are used. Lastly, the choice of words should be such that the listener
or reader understands easily.

Proper diction, or proper choice of words, is important to get the message

across. On the other hand, the wrong choice of words can easily divert listeners or
readers, which results in misinterpretation of the message intended to be conveyed.

In literature, writers choose words to create and convey a typical mood, tone,
and atmosphere to their readers. A writer’s choice of words, and his selection of
graphic words, not only affect the reader’s attitude, but also conveys the writer’s
feelings toward the literary work. Moreover, poetry is known for its unique diction,
which separates it from prose. Usually, a poetic diction is marked by the use of
figures of speech, rhyming words, and other devices.

Oral Exposure Techniques.

Oral presentation involves speaking in public on a finished topic to the oral

presentation also called a conference or presentation. It consists of explaining a topic
or an idea with the intention of informing.

The exhibition will be made in a clear, simple and orderly way so that it is well

 Choice of subject.
 We will adapt the theme to the age and interests of the listeners.
 The title will be attractive.
 Documentation.
 We must collect information on the chosen topic.
 You cannot explain something that is unknown.
 Organization of information.
 Information without order is not useful.
 You have to put it in order and get what is important.
 Preparation of the script.
 You have to follow a logical order: from the simple to the complicated,
from the least interesting to the most interesting.
 Ideas must be related to each other so that they can be understood.
 Developing.
 If it is oral following the rules: intonation, gestures, vocabulary, etc.

For the realization of a correct oral exposition, the thematic factors that
influence a good oral exposition must be known. Reason why this must be exposed
in the greatest possible order and clarity:

 Preparation of the material

 Preparation of physical facilities
 Psychological preparation
 Audience
 Personal presentation
 Puntuality
 Oral exhibition program
 Make a script
 Talk slow
 Prepare the intervention

Formal factors that influence good oral exposure are also known, which are
essential to know them.

Our personal presentation must be faultless, we must arrive on time and on the
assigned day, our clothing must be formal, as well as our language to use. Let's not

 Adjust to the assigned times.

 Do not read in any case, except a card with keywords.
 That our voice is heard throughout the auditorium.
 Without rushing and with a good intonation.
The Speech.

From the Latin “discursus”, a speech is a message that is delivered publicly.

It is a communicative action whose purpose is to expose or transmit some type of
information and, generally, convince listeners.

It should be noted that, for linguistics, the speech can be oral or written. This
means that some texts can also be considered as speeches.

A speech is the way in which an issuer builds a message and the

characteristics that this message has. A speech is an instance of communication.

In a communicative situation several elements intervene, but the

indispensable thing is the transmission of a message (speech) between a sender
and a receiver using a code (which is usually the language) and through a channel,
which can be oral, written, etc… A speech is given in a certain context, at a specific
time and place, and under certain conditions.

The Exhibition, its Rules and Techniques.

Mastery of the oral presentation technique enhances a series of skills and

abilities, the any to the integral development of the individual.

There are four basic steps to make a good oral presentation, which are the

 Collection of prior information, which means gathering all the necessary data,
to clarify and define the purpose of it.
 Preparation of the support material, in the case of transparencies, you should
not exceed or use a small amount of damage, since it can cause distraction
or boredom in the plenary session.
 Rhetoric, this aspect is of utmost importance, since what is said is often more
significant, what is shown in the supporting material.
 To make it take care of the tone of voice, articulation, gestures, postures and
modulation, aspects that they use together and an aesthetic vision.
Oral exposure techniques, the standards of oral exposure, also depends on the
type of technique detected.

Among the forms of oral communication, the following can be highlighted: the
panel, the debate, the forum, the seminar, the round table, the interview, and the
discussion in small groups.

The Different Oral Exposure Tools and Their Characteristics.

It has a clear purpose.

The objective of an oral presentation can be to explain a process, defend a

point of view, contrast opinions, and relate historical events, among others.

Adapts to the audience.

An exhibition must be specifically prepared for the target audience, so that

the information reaches the public efficiently.

Avoid unnecessary details.

In quality presentations the phrase "less is more" is fulfilled. It is a common

mistake for presenters to try to say too much. As a result, the main message may be

Use well-designed visual aids.

Another characteristic of the oral exhibition is related to visual aids. Poorly

designed and misspelled visuals can damage a speaker's credibility.

Limited time.

This is one of the most important characteristics of oral exposure. When a

presentation is not completed on time, credibility can be lost.
Oral Expression Techniques.

In linguistics, oral expression is the set of techniques that determine the

general guidelines that must be followed to communicate with the crisis, that is, it is
the form of expression without barriers that is thought. Oral expression serves as an
instrument to communicate about processes or objects external to it. It must be taken
into account that oral expression in the conclusions is broader than speech, since it
requires paralinguistic elements to complete its final meaning.

Among the characteristics that must be observed carefully, are the following:

 Voice: The auditory image has a great impact for the audience. Through the
voice, feelings and attitudes can be transmitted.
 Diction: The speaker must have a good command of the language. Such
knowledge involves an adequate command of the pronunciation of the words,
which is necessary for the understanding of the message.
 Structure of the message: It is necessary to plan ahead what to say, but a
good speaker cannot improvise.
 Fluency: Use words continuously
 Volume: Voice intensity.
 Rhythm: Harmony and accentuation.
 Clarity: Express yourself accurately and accurately.
 Coherence: Express yourself logically.
 Emotively: Project feelings according to the theme.

Difference between Oral Communication and Written Communication.

Several differences contrast oral and written communication. Some

differences seem obvious, but there's more to it. Retention, preciseness and
engagement are just a few main differences.

There are so many ways we engage in oral communication. In fact, by you

watching this video, I am communicating orally with you.
Oral communication is really just talking to others. Through oral
communication, you can:

 Share ideas
 Communicate thoughts
 Exchange information
 Give orders
 Persuade people

So, there are many things we can accomplish through oral communication.
The same applies to written communication. It's pretty effective as well but in a
different way.

Obviously, from its name, written communication means communicating to

others through the written word.

This can be done in many ways:

 Email
 Text messaging
 Cards and letters
 Newspaper
 Magazines

And the list goes on and on. Now, you'd think that the major differences
between oral and written communication would be as obvious, but there are
several dissimilarities we will learn next.

Suffice it to say, in business, college and everyday life, we need to have both
oral and written communication to get what we need to get done, well, done! So,
to know which works best for different situations, let's figure out the major

 Preciseness of the message.

 Audience engagement.
 Retention of the information
Words play a crucial role in communication process, to transmit the message
in the way it is intended to be conveyed. When words are used in the process of
communication, it is known as verbal communication. Verbal transfer of information
can be performed, orally or in written form. Oral Communication is the oldest means
of communication, which is most commonly used as a medium for the exchange of
information. It involves gathering or disseminating information through spoken

Written Communication, on the other hand, is a formal means of

communication, wherein message is carefully drafted and formulated in written form.
It is kept as a source of reference or legal record. In this article, we’ve presented all
the important differences between oral and written communication in tabular form.

Through everything we could develop about oral communication, it is

emphasized that this is of great importance since it is one of the main means of
communication, it allows us to express our ideas, feelings, thoughts, emotions and
everything we want to express on a daily basis.

In the verbal communication that is known as Oral Language we relate to the

environment using the sound that we emanate with our voice, from those moments
when we are face to face with the other person, as well as Telephone
Communications, being able to also recognize the voice of who is communicating
with us and having a greater ease of understanding with this person.

The main characteristic of oral communication is the efficiency and simplicity

with which the words flow.

This type of communication allows pauses, hesitations and repetition of words

in the same sentence, it is supported by complementary signs that favor a better
understanding by the receiver, such as the tones of the voice, gestures of the face,
hands and body: we move head to both sides to say no; We raised and lowered our
heads to say yes.

Sounds not only accompany and distinguish one form from another, but also
fulfill a significant function, a phenomenon that does not occur in written language.

Communication is a way of expressing ourselves and making our ideas known

to others, it is a basic instrument for survival since through it human beings are able
to know and express our moods as well as to engage in a conversation of any kind
The human being is a social individual, who in order to subsist needs in addition to
the basic sustenance the possibility of communicating and interacting in his social
group, in this case oral communication is of great importance for his development in


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