Book of The Dragons (1977)

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DRAGONS By D. H. Casciano & M. Fisher “Areh Villain Brigand Wier Dragon Cave Dragon | Executioner Half Ogre Tilusioner Physician Sand Mirk Seductress Templer Costi Cat Phygillian Birds Contents ARCH VILLAIN Charisma scores of 6 or less by fighters allows arch villain status. Basically, the arch villain is the opposite of the Palladin. Arch Villains obtain the strike from behind advantage of thieves. In addition if their dexterity is greater than 16 they may perform the other actions of thieves with the appropriate bonus. Arch Villains do not suffer the effects of disease but are carriers and by their mere touch may pass on the disease to others. Arch Villains have a 10% higher saving throw against all forms of attack except melee. Arch Villains above 8th level have a 40% chance of attracting (evil spells, undead, and evil enchanted monsters) who will then do their bidding for 3 turns. The evil spells and monsters must be present as the Arch Villain cannot conjure them. Arch Villains with any type of evil sword are immune to magic. Arch Villains are always chaotic-bad and any good act causes them to lose their arch villain status forever. A good act is defined as an act to benefit to another which is not also self-serving to the arch villain. THE BRIGAND The brigand is a human fighter/thief with a strength of at least 16 anda dexterity of at least 14. A brigand may perform functions of both classes simultaneously subject to the following restrictions. . The brigand may not wear plate mail or employ spears, lances or other pole weapons. He may not use magic weapons or perform any magic from scrolis as a normal thief can. The brigand may use silver tipped arrows and daggers. A brigand with exceptional strength (18) may wield a regular sword in each hand thus allowing him to fight two opponents or attach twice per melee turn, but —2 is added to both hit and damage dice. A brigand may not use a double handed sword. A brigand obtains the thief’s advantage when attacking silently from behind (20% better hitting probability and double damage) but if he is wearing chainmail he may not perform the other skills of thieves. When wearing leather armor he can perform all the functions ofa thief except magic, but is still treated as a fighter in combat. The brigand receives double damage from Paladins. The brigand may only advance to an 8th level fighter-and all experience points must be divided between thief and fighter catagories even after 8th level fighter has been reached. Brigands role damage capacity on a6 sided die. WIER DRAGON ier dragon is the smallest but nimblest of all dragons. Wier dratene any not employ weapons or armor but are treated as being armed with a sword and leather armor when meleeing. They also have a bite which is rolled on a four sided die plus 1 for each level obtained over 2nd. Wier dragons may become magic user’ and progress up to the 3rd Jevel but all experience points are divided between the 2 areas, even after 3rd level magic user is obtained. Damage is determined bya 10 sided die, but otherwise wier dragons are treated as fighting men. After level 8 wier dragons may fly as a balrog. CAVE DRAGONS Cave Dragons which include all other species of larger dragons are not really adaptable to player characters. Cave dragons must role a six sided die when trying to pass a single door portal a result of 1 or 2 means the attempt is not successful. THE EXECUTIONER The prime requisite for the executioner is a strength of 15 or more and a dexterity of at least 10. The executioner wears only leather armor (no shield is allowed) and is treated as an assassin without any of the special benefits of the thief or assassin. His special weapon is an enchanted double headed two handed ax which gives him a plus | probability of hits (plus 1 additional for each dexterity point over 16) against man sized or larger opponents. Hits with the ax are rolled ona 10 sided die plus 1 plus | for every strength point over 16. Against smaller than man sized opponents the hit probability is reduced by 2 unless his dexterity is 18 in which case it is only reduced by 1. Advancement levels are the same as for assassins. 3 HALF OGRE Half Ogres are a cross between a human and an ogre. Half Ogres may not have an intelligence, wisdom, dexterity, comliness or charisma of above 5. They may transfer points from these areas to strength and dexterity as long as they do not reduce the area below 5. Half Ogres may not employ metal-armor or shields, nor may they use edged weapons, or magical items. Ogres determine their ability to withstand hits ona 10 sided die plus 5 at first level. In all other ways they are treated as fighting men. THE HUNTER Prime requisites, dexterity 12 or better, and constitution 10 or better. Hunters are very similar to thieves in weapons they may use and they possess the abilities of thieves to: . Temove smail traps . listen for noise » move with great stealth . hide in shadows . climb nearly sheer surfaces . strike silently from behind In addition they possess the ability of dwarfs to detect sloping pas- sages and the ability of elves to find hidden passages. Hunters receive a bonus when using a bow of plus 10% to hit probability and role hits with bows on a six sided die. Hunters are surprised only on a role of 1 in 6 and have the ability to detect the path of passage and to trail any creature that has passed not more than 24 hours before. 4th level hunters may speak with animals, 7th level with plants. DUAN level points dice or fightin cap. accumulated hits Novice 0 1 1 Scout 2,500 2 2 plus 1 Forester 4,000 3 3 Woodsman 6,000 4 3 plus 2 Tracker 8,000 5 4 Erunter 12,000 6 4 plus 1 Master Tracker 20,000 7 4 plus:2 Master Hunter 40,000 8 5 Master Hunter - 9th tev. 60,000 9 5 plus 1 Master - 10 lev. 80,000 10 5 plus 1 Master - 11 lev. 100,000 11 5 plus 2 Master - 12 lev. 140,000 = 12 6 Guild Master 200,000 only one per campaign (possess magical bow plus 20% hit probability and double dam- age, magical dagger plus 10% hit probability). Third level hunters are surprised only 1 in 8, 6 level 1 in 10, 9th level 1 in 20. Scout and above receive plus 1 to hear noise. Forester receives plus 10% to hide in shadows. Tracker plus 20% to move silently, and plus 15 to remove traps. THE ILLUSIONER The illusioner is a human character a magician, but instead of conjuring magic he deals in illusions, An Ilusioner may not wear armor although he may use a bow and arrow and dagger. An illusioner may carry a shield but when casting an illusion both his hands must be free. Intelligence is the prime requisite for an illusioner. Wisdom may be used an an intelligence booster on a 3 for one basis. Illusions are cast the same way as spells. Each time an illusioner tries an illusion he must role for the chance to know a particular illusion (same as % chance to know for spells). Subjects of the illusion have a 2% better chance of escaping the illusion for each intelligence point above 15 and a 5% better chance of escaping the illusion for each wisdom point above 14. When attempting a mass illusion (effective upon all creatures within a 20° radius) the illusion is cast against-the most resistant member of the group the the percent of success reduced by 4 the square of the number of creatures in the group upon which the illusion is cast. Tilusions do not work against the undead. Illusioners are always chaotic. Levels of illusioners are the same as magicians. LEVEL | - May cast illusions over things but an inorganic thing cannot be illusioned to be an organic or vice versa. LEVEL 2- Illusioner may create illusions about himself but may not make inorganic organic or vice versa. LEVEL 3- Illusioner may create illusion of non-existence - for 5 turns. LEVEL 4- Ilusiouer may change organic to inorganic and vice versa. LEVEL 5 - Illusioner may create illusion of Ist level men and monsters. LEVEL 6 - 2nd level, level 7, 3rd level, level 8, 4th level and up. LEVEL 9 - Iilusioner may create illusion of. missile weapons which strike with normal effect if saving throw against illusions (spells) not made. LEVEL 10 - Illusioner may create illusion of hand held weapons. LEVEL 11 - Iilusioner may create illusion of up to 5 weapons at once. LEVEL 14 - Iltusioner may create illusion of 2nd level monster. LEVEL 15- 3rd level, level 16, 4th level; level 17, Sth level and above. LEVEL 16 - Illusioner may create one additional monster illusion per each level attained over 15. Tlusioner gains 1% increase in chance of success for éach level obtained. Illusions below the 9th level cannot attack, although water will drown a person if he steps into the illusion but the water may not actively pursue him. Fifth level illusions have a 10% chance of fighting if attacked and a 90% chance of disappearing if attacked. The probability of fighting is increased by 5% for each level the illusioner has achieved over Sth. Ninth level illusions do not disappear when attacked and may attack on the illusioner’s command. THE PHYSICIAN The prime requisite for the physician is intelligence and dexterity. The combined score in these two catagories must be 24 and neither catagory may be below 10. Physicians may carry a shield and employ one handed weapons and bow and arrows. Physicians role for ability to sustain damage on a 4 sided die but because of. knowledge of anatomy role for damage on a 6 sided die. Physicians speak all three alignment languages and for each intelligence point over 14, may speak an additional language. Physicians may read magic and cast spells from scrolls. (If the spell being cast is more than 5 levels above their level, there is a 50% chance it will backfire.) In addition, a physician may pay a magic user to teach him a spell (a maximum of 3 may be learned). The cost is 2000 gold pieces times the level of the spell. The chance that the physician will successfully learn the spell is 20% times (the physician’s level minus the level’ of the spell). The levels of physicians are the same as magic users. . Trainee (level [) - Binding wounds (takes 2 turns) reduces damage by one point. Student (level 2) - Apply save (reduces damage by one point and takes 24 hours). Intern (level 3) - Can cure disease not caused by spells. Resident (level 4) - Can cure bit of poisonous animal if treatment is started in 2 turns after the bite. Takes one hour. Doctor (level 5) - May learn one spell Sth level or below. Practitioner (level 6) - May cure disease caused by any means. Specialist (level 7) - May cure insanity. Surgeon (level 8) - Treatment immediately removes 3 to 18 damage points. Fellow (level 9) - May learn one spell 9th level or below. Master Healer (level 10) - May bring back character slain by just the minimum number of damage points to kill if treatment within 1 turn of damage being inflicted. Master (level 11) - May bring back character slain by not more than 5 damage points over the number required to kill if treated within 1 turn. Master (level 12) - May ressurect anyone not over | day dead as cleric with wand. Master (level 13) - May resurrect character not over 7 days dead. Master (level 14) - May resurrect character not over 14 days dead. Master (level 15) - May learn one spell level 15 or above. President, College of Physicians (level 16) - Only one per campaign — may learn a total of 6 spells and may speak all languages. Physicians may charge for their services and in fact, if they do not charge someone with the ability to pay, there is a 20% chance that the physicians college will find out and drop them one level. A physician may send an assassin after anyone who has not paid his bill. This does not cost the physician, as the assassin’s fee is paid by the college of physicians and surgeons. The assassin’s level would be equal to the physicians. Physicians administering healing potions etc. cure double damage points. Physicians above the level of specialist may cure paralysis by rolling 16 or better on the die, receive plus 1 for each experience level over 7 obtained. Physician may attempt to cure paralysis only once per character. . 1 SAND MIRKS Sand mirks are perhaps the best thieves and in fact this is the only profession they may follow. Sand mirks receive all the special advan- tages of Dwarven and elfin thieves. Sand mirk’s hide is treated as leather armor. One bite per melee. Sand Mirks have two magical spells: 1. Instill fear in opponents. Humans or animals may be attacked (defense same as armor protection-clerics aid 1 to defense for each level obtained). In fear attack success- “ful, roll 8 sided die, then subtract victims experience level. This is the number of turns that the victim must run di- rectly away from the sand mirk. A zero result means that the sand mirk may not be attacked. Spell effective against all living targets within 5°. 2. Sand mirks may attempt to charm females of any type. Other than above sand mirks can never use magic. THE SEDUCTRESS Combined score Charisma and Comliness must be 30 or higher. Basically a thief but without strike from behind bonus. May not employ armor while seducing. Target saves as per magic minus 1% per each level above one seductress obtains. if seduced target falls hopelessly in love. Twenty percent chance any lie will be believed, increases 2% foreach level obtained to 6th, 5% each level to 10th, 10% each level thereafter. For each intelligence point over 15 and additional language may be spoken. Experience points divided equally between thief and seductress (seductress levels and top same as thieves). b ror each charisma or comliness point above 16 lower saving throw ry 5%, if two or more creatures seduced by the same person, remain within 10’ for more than two turns, roll 6 sided die for each creature, once for each turn, result of 6 and that creature attacks its rival. Seduced creature will not leave seductress for more than 10 turns per game. A seductress may decide to work in all three catagories, seduc- tress, thief and illusioner at the same time and may use all three skills in the same adventure, but experience points are divided between all three groups equally and she may not Progress above level 6 in any catagory. In addition when functioning in all three catagories at the same time she may never wear armor or employ more thana dagger as a weapon. THE TEMPLER The templer belongs to a holy order of fighting knights. The templer is treated as a fighting man and always must use plate mail. He may use any weapon used by a fighting man but the weapons he uses must be ‘‘Holy Weapons’’ made of silver and blessed by a cleric. In addition he must also pay for a cross of silver which is to be imbedded into his shield. In return for this heavy outlay for weapons the templer obtains certain advantages: 1. Plus 1 to hits when fighting the undead. 2. May turn undead as a cleric. 3. May progress simultaneously in both cleric and fighting man fields, but experience points must be divided between. the two areas. 4, The templer may cast the spells of the cleric, but he must remove his armor to do so. The templer is limited in that he may only obtain 14th level fighting man and third Jevel cleric. Ninety five percent of templars are lawful and 5% chaotic. THE WHORE Prime requisite Comliness and charisma must total 24. Treated as magic user but obtains strike from behind advantage of thief as well as thief’s pickpocket advantage. In addition the above skills are en- hanced by an additional 20% probability if the subject is being seduced at the time. For each point of the combined charisma and comliness score over 30 the chance of seducing is increased by 2%. Seduction may be cast against any creature of the same level as the whore, saving throw for human type is roll of less than 12 plus wisdom level over 12, humanoid 14 plus wisdom level over 12, non-human or humanoid 16 plus wisdom level over 16. If seduced victim rust rol! 20 sided die times 2 times times 4 the square of the seductress level. This is the amount in gold which must be paid. If the customer doe not haye the money he must trade his possessions at 4 their purchase value. Whore may roll only once per day against any one character and only once per day against 1 member of party. Darkness adds plus 2 to die roll. Levels same as magic user. Whores may not cast spells other than seduction. Since we have given you these great characters it is only fitting that we should give the dungion master some problems for these new characters. COSTI CAT The costi cat looks exactly like a large common alley cat but fluently speaks law, neutral, and chaotic. Only 10% of what the costi cat says is true and 50% of what it saysis harmful, Any person touching or being touched by the costi cat contracts a repungnant but nonfatal disease which reduces all his capacities by 44. This disease is freely transmitted to any other human by touch. The costi cat has hit dice 4 and attacks withits teeth and claws (each produces ! point of damage). The costi cat reconstitutes itself 4 turns after being killed and will always rejoin the party which killed it as it moves 5’ per turn faster than humans can run. The only way to permanently destroy the costi cat is to burn it and scatter the ashes. PHYGILLIAN BIRDS Phygillian birds are found in pools of stagnent water. They feed on carion. When disturbed or frightened (on six sided die when character passing within 10° Fighter disturbs on roll of 1, 2, or 3, magic user, or cleric 1 or 2. Thief 1. subtract { for dwarf or elf.) Reduce die roll by 1 for each additional 10’ distance the birds are ‘bypassed. 12 When frightened or startled, the Phygillian. birds fly-in: flight at 20° per turn until they return to their'home pon tentacles are poisonous and inflict’! to 4 damage. points I ing. Defense same as against melee; but, prone man gets defense and dwarf or elf gets plus-3 when standing. Ni advantage to prone man for-dexterity or for pron It takes five birds to a line five feet long. Each once per pass. Each bird is one hit-point. Phygillian, ir enter a room without water or will they enter'a cave or the or will continue to fly along the corridors in a random. fashi mined by die role till they return to their home pool.”

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