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ND. EDWARD BLAKE'S APARTMENT -— KITCHEN ~~ RIGHT 1 FADE IN ON: A LAPEL PIN. . Yellow, round, depicting the “Have A Nice Day” HAPPY FACE. SMOKE rises before the pin. Ho. Not smoke... steam, AMAR -- Early sixties, though you couldn't tell by his solid, stocky build. The HAPPY-FACE PIN adorns the lepel of a tailored SILK BOUSECOAT. This is EDWARD BLAKE, .but we will come to know him better as THE COMEDIAN. Cable TENDONS flex, in his forearm as he lifts the kettle from the flame. His gray moustache ruffles, blowing the steam off his tea. TWD, EDWARD BLAKE'S APARTMENT —- LIVING ROOM — RIGHT 2 ‘The wide, CURVED WINDOW-WALL of Blake's Penthouse looks out over the park. He lives well, if alone. He puts his feet up. He clicks a remote. An amazing SOUND SYSTEM begins to play a RICH TENOR VOICE at great volume. He closes his eyes. RASH ~— The FRONT DOOR RXFLODES, splintered by « powerful F/G ANGLE: On the INTRUDER‘S FEET entering. Deliberate, slow. Edvard Blake stands. We see his entire face for the first time.’ He is tanned end fit, handsome but for A LONG SCAR ‘that runs from the right corer of his mouth'to his ear, giving him the impression of an impossibly wide smirk. ‘He sees the intruders face -- though we never do -- and nods. EDDIE Figured you'd come here eventually. Moving with ‘sudden, blinding speed, Eddie WEIPS the SAUCER from under his cup, sending it FLYING like a sew-blade. ‘The intruder BATS TF out of the air with an even more dazzling display of casual reflexes, but it buys Eddie time to pull a Teak Indonesian BLOW-GUN from it’s wall-mount. Eddie BLOWS A DART into the LEG of the approaching intruder, who pulls the dart out and flicks it INTO EDDIE’S CHEST. Eddie fights. Not like an old man, but like a seascned, Special-Forcés vet for whom brawling ig a practiced business. But the intruder is much, much faster., Younger. Deadlier- WATCHMEN -- 3rd Draft -- David Hayter 9/26/03 2 struck over his. EXE -- BLoop blurs Eddie's yEsicn. Bis Struck oves Gath WHISTLES through his swelling wind-pipe. saat alis against the curved plate-window, ‘wheezing badly. ‘EDDIE you'll never pull it off. {THE SWIRUDER LOOMS CLOSER, FACE hidden in shadows whispers, he intruder KICKS EDDIE IN THE SOLAR FLEXES. With incredible =- AND THROWS EIM, See CnING THROUGH THE PLATE-WINDOR, enei)y clearing the SUISBTY out over the abyss. Eddie never makes & ‘sound. EXT. CITY STREET -- NIGHT CAMERA PANS: Along a tree-lined Downtown street, 212 45 CHEETA Popeefal after what we've just witnessed.-- so wiy are the yawning streetlight shadows £0 unsettling? RORSCHACH (V-0.) Rorschach's Journal, October 12th, ras, It's getting cold. The ice is closing in. . That's when it starts. wow, ve see a NAN is walking the strect, integrates vice the Mow we he wears 2 FEDORA and TRENCHCOAT- We can’t 50° his ghogowe can't even tell if he’s got one. RORSCHACH (V-0.) (cont'd) Tt didn't used to be like this- dace, heroes walked these streets. 2 humming GIRL approaches from the other direction. | 77° ‘good mood, back from a hot date ‘she goes to nod at the geotoaching stranger, @ gesture of urban camaraderie. put vhen she really looks at him, her face slackers, In Bat wey” shock? Either way, she RURS off scross ‘the street. RORSCHACE (V-0) (cont'd) put they outlawed us. Called us fhe criminals. So we retired; Crew Sta, complacent and soft. And it . G11 just... came to an end. . ANGLE ON: THE HAPPY FACE PIN, now framed by BLOOD which runs ANGLE Om: Oe eh BLOOD SFLOTCH ware the grinning fe°0- oN a Cc tr WANCEMER ~~ 32d Draft —~\Devid, Heyeer 9/26/03 3 RORSCHACH (V.0.) (cont'd) For most of us; anywey- forechach's GLOVED HAND picks it ups eyes the BODY, Horsey msciod chest revealed in his flapping housecoat. * porschach looks up the building». 7) the B/G, wailil ing SIRENS h lof much tine. Rorschach pulle 9, GRAPPLING GON Sree coat, and FIRES the HOOK AAD PETRTY STORIES UP fromere it LATCHES onto Blake's ‘smashed WINDOW-SILL. presing.a BUTTON, Rorschach FLIES 70 ‘QHE THIRTIETA FLOOR, ‘If. EDWARD BLAKE’ APRROMERT -- LIVING ROOM -— NIGHT INGLE ON: THE SHATTERED WINDOW-RDIS ‘CRAWLS. =~ HOWLING WINDS shriek Finally, we can see his within which silent, he investigates; Rorschach notes the BLOW-GUN, re- | mounted on the wall, ar! ed saliva on the mouth~piece. * WT, BLAKE'S APARTMENT -— BEDROOM CLOSET -- NIGHT 5 padie“s clothing hangs in military £ose, Rorschach runs his fingers along the voll se cms. He pauses, presses on the Sanger BAR, which SLIDES BACK to @ RED pressing it, the BACK WALL of the closet SLIDES OPEN, ere tg a SECRET COMPARTMENT. On Che wall is an old FRAMED * Teoto of EIGHT PEOPLE IN COSTUMES. heir hair and photo- PEyie indicate the photo was token in the early 1960°s- wenpons of aii kinds adorn the wale in here. TEAR-GAS, WEARADES, RIFLES, PISTOLS --. if Ot ore ‘you: Eddie's got it. But that! ‘attention. wil ‘hot what. draws Rorschach’ OSH IN ON: THE BACK WALL, leather armor, gloves vacant, grinning face- dead center, is a COSTUME. Black ‘enging over it all like & @ biack leather MASK. Rorschach stares. Stunned. prom the other room, the FRONT DOOR SASHES OPEN. Rorschach TrOSES the secret hatch, and turns. er, BARES APARIMENE ~~ LIVING ROOM -- CONTINUOUS 6 qwo uniformed cops stand in the doorway, gins drawn. : cop 1 watch the door. whe ‘first COP enters the. crime scenes while: the shortei.of The two stands guard in the ball. ‘Cop 1 enters. the bedroom. ANGLE OR: COP 2, stending guard, nervous. Prom the bedroom: COP 1 (0-8-) Clear! Get in here cop 2 turns to enter: the flat-.- ‘and comes face to “face” with RORSCHACH, stending just an ide. The Cop's face goes slack with childish terror. He bea to yell... but Rorschach raises two ‘FINGERS, “! " ‘the fingers JAB INTO THE COP’S WINDPIPE. The cop HIST and ‘he fingecntly as Rorschach brushes past him like & whisper ire, BLAKE'S BUILDING -- HALLWAY -- CONTINUOUS 1 1/11 never know what possessed me fp put thet mask on the first tine: WE. HOLLIS HASON'S APARTMENT -~ NIGHT CLOSE ON: A FRAMED PHOTO -- identical to the one in Eddie CHOSE ONS beet- AS HOLLIS NASON speaks, we TO ‘ACROSS. Blake's FRAMED MEMORABILIA: The first 18 a NEWSPAPER CLIPPING dated AN CLEARS UP WHARFS! at sterted with the villains. Pe outtite, ‘Gange thet thought pant ACROSS? Another FRAMED CLIPPING, dated, 1960: NITE OWL PAN NRO STEMEN ~~ COSTUMED HEROES CONBINTRG Here going co clean up this town!” says costumed crusader.‘ HOLLIS (V-0-) (CONT'D) So a few cops, we decide it might taexed out pretty good. Solved quite a few old grudges. WATCHMEN -- 3rd Draft — David Hayter 9/26/03 5 GOLD STATUE -- of NITE OwL in his Gixties-ore PAN plague below reads: IN GRATITUDE, 1969: ‘+ opens own auto busines: ANGLE ON: HOLLIS MASON -- 70's, though his eye INGLE ich and his face stil] shows the edges Of HOLLIS (CONT'D) chat was the beginning. Of the fads, the pretenders, all the men in suits. For better or worse. ANGLE-OW: DAN DRETBERG -- Late 30'S, handsome though he has Jet himself go the past few years. ‘wis edges have gone soft. DAN For better. EXP. HOLLIS MASON’S APARTMENT -— RIGRT 5 pan to the front door of his run-down apartment xo seeg shop. Dan picks up his PAPER. The ‘NaIRE HOUSE RESETS NUCLEAR CLOCK} “TWELVE HINUSES TO MIDRIGHT* PRESIDENT SAYB~ DAN Is this today's? Hollis nods, eyeing Dan‘s reaction to the Paper HOLLIS You miss it, don’t you? The life. pan looks up, surprised. He pulls on his coat- DAN ‘All thet silliness? No. I was led when they put an end to it. PSeing the Keene Act was the best {hing that ever happened to vs- HOLLIS Well, it‘s a shame, You were @ far better Night Owl than T ever was- DAN hats why I took the name. HOLLIS that’s vhy T gave it to your smartass. 20 an WATCHMEN '-- 3rd Draft -- David Baytex 9426103 6 pen levghs, descending the stairs. fe palls, wp his collar Rgeinst the cold and walks down, an, o)2°% ‘CAMERA, REMAINS on IE, EOMRRD BLAKE'S APARTMENT -— LATER 20 DETECTIVES GALLAGHER (22) & FINE (43), SeAECD Blake's place. Rullagher leans out the penthouse windows freaked. GALLAGHER Sleenan actually saw Rorschach? so it seems. Tough to question & cop with a creased windpipe- GALLAGHER you see the victim's body? Edward Bhexe? Guy was built like a truck- A GUST OF WIND makes bin SLICE HIS FINGER en the glassy xeil. GALLAGHER set -- He’d’ve put up 4 good fight. petective Fine examines a framed PROTO of Blake shaking hends cee ee PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. He ‘Looks PINE (V-0-) let's talk outside. EXT. EDMARD BLAKE'S BUILDING -- NIGHT nn Gallagher and Fine walk into the cold October ‘night. GALLAGHER what. do you think? FINE ‘A rich guy, doing “Diplomatic” Work. What does that mean? GALLAGHER you think Rorachach’s our killer? 1h EAlthy BOMELESS MAN sits against a balideag. Greasy hair ‘Sbecures his face and he is itered between a doorway and & Coser ged BOARD-SIGN reading THE END 1S ‘NEAR. FINE Who else could it be? 13 cy WaAnCHMEN '-- 3rd Draft -- David Hayter. 9/26/03 7 EXT. CITY GTREETS -- NIGHT ~ 2 aN walks: the empty streets to his upscale TOMNEOUSE. He Stops... suddenly alert. His front door ange, slightly ajer- the SMASBED. ‘LOCK has been . ALIGHT burns inside. 13 nes his kitchen. ‘The LIGHT is coming from ‘nd odd, metal scraping amt, DAN'S KITCHEN -- CONTINUOUS uw dt is’clear by Dan‘s stunned reaction thar he would have preferred a burglar. Dan enters the ‘kitchen wary, careful. DAN ‘Rorschach. porschach sits at the table. He pulls bis mask owns tossing Rorechach a'can of BEANS he's just polished off- RORSCHACH. Bello Daniel. I helped myself to some beans. You don't ming? DAN No, of course not. You uh, want me to heat some up for you? pan circles the teble, watching his old, friend. Cautious. cae GD HIS BACK: Dan eilently p/a @ STLVER STEAK KNIFE. RORSCHACH No need. ‘DAN How have you been keeping? ORS CHACH ‘out of prison. go far. Take & ook at this. ne tosses the SMILEY-FACE PIN onto the tavie. Dan picks it bp, rons his fingers over the ‘RED-BROWN SPLOTCH. DAN qhis little stain -- Is-thet bean * juice, ores : waTcHMEN -- 3xd Draft -~ pavid Hayter 9/26/03 8 x COSTUME in a gle! cOTEE the size of a subway OOF Ft Rorschach into the back of his belt, 9st a a "= The dusty oid computers and an Miepley case. in the centers oy ‘OVAL covered by a dusty TARP. DAN yoa haven't been down here in & while. RORSCHACH, either have you. Lot of dust- DAN x guess it doesn’t seem, ‘too, Likely. 1 suet were you doing there? turns. His shifting face Petre! nothing. RORSCHACH My thuredey-night. patrol 16 vv warcmain'-- 3ed Draft -- David Bayter 9/26/03 9 RORSCHACH Maybe onrnaybe someone's Killing off masked heroes- DAN you don't think that paranoid? porechach leans heavily against a display case. TOSt: porechach snaps out of it 16, abruptly turne, and CLAPS % HAND TO DAN'S SHOULDER ‘startling Dan bedly~ anyway. Thought 14 lee You, know, nnyesy. Gneone’s killing masks porschach walks into the GAPING, BLACK MOUTH OF 2 TUNNEL DAN on, yeoh thanks. The tonnes lets Obs {onthe warehouse on Fleet RORSCHACE 1 venenber. Used t6 cone here * 1 reback when we were PATEREES oh yeah... yeah, Those were great Chies, Rorschach. Great Whetever happened to norechach disappears into the inKY plackness- RORSCHACH (0-8-) you quit. PAN DOWN: BEHIND DAN, to reveal that the KNIFE is GONE- awe. DAN’S KITCHEN -— NIGHE 16 qroubled, pan sits at the Kitcmes ‘table, an ADDRESS BOOK open Toe TSTING ~~ ADRIAN VEIDE (Raneses?) ‘EXE, VEIDT ENTERPRISES -~ SUNSET : Ww A mammoth, shining SKYSCRAPED, at the S0th-floor there is © a ey SHAPED HOLE where WATER FALLS. 20 sm, vex? ERTERPRISES — LOOSE + SUREEE 18, A mammoth LOBBY. The decor is Egyptian and marble. | Den approaches A BEAUTIFUL ecoEPTIONIST behind an imposing desk. RECEPTIONIST welcome to Veidt Enterprises: Hv may I assist you? ‘DAR 1 need to see Adrian Veidt- RECEPTIONIST. aim sorry. ME. Veidt may only Pe Tien by advance appointment Right, but I... Te’s uhe-+ Rameses? RECEPTIONIST ve. Bop floor, siz+ pehind the secretary, 8 TAPESTAS ‘RISES INTO ‘THE CEILING, aeeealing @ GOLDEN ELEVATOR. ‘The DOORS open noiselessly- 19 pan BRACES RIMSELF 9 the Elevsroe ROCKETS to the top f100r- Den doors OPEN, letting in © TEOOD ‘of BLAZING SUNLIGHT. wm. ADRIAN VEIDE'S OFFICE -~ con THUOUB 20 pen shields his eyes and enters the ENORMOUS OFFICE. ADRIAN, EIDE ~~ © Sxnasome, in 6 costume OF ‘sculpted ‘and Vea, sends svoically sgétoet cet eocfoot WINDOWS, framed bY eesesey be practically owes SGOTOGRAPHER snaps shots OF padrien Spe sce UMNALTST named DOUG ROTH so your description at “The, World's smertes' adrian trails off, spotting DAN: pan nods’ darkly to him. yarcmmin -- 3rd Draft David Hayter 9/26/03 12. ‘ADRIAN Gentlemen?.—— Let’ r toke five. a wr. ADRIAN VEIDI‘S OFFICE -~ NIGET 2 pan examines an ACTION-FIGURE of Marian 45 (OZYMANDIAS. ADRIAN Rorschach... You saw hin? DAN Yeon, the Light's pretty good in my . 7 kitchen. -— fie said that someone's murdered the Comedian. ADRIAN What?) why? DAN Mell, you're the World's Smartest Men, Adrian. You:tell we. ‘ADRIAN Given the Comedian's Government Sork, I'd assume @ political rR Yilling. ‘The North Koreans maybe —~ DAN. x said the same thing, but. ;- Rorschach suspects a mask-killer- Some old enemy with a grudge. ADRIAN, orschach lives in the past, He's Reremantic —- and a psychotic. The Conedian had plenty of enemies. Qhe man was practically © Nazi. and Laurie. ‘adrian laughs and stends, leading Den back to the elevator. ADRIAN ~ Jon? Tell the Yndestructible man that someone plans to murder him?) T'11 teks Pare of it. Nice to see your Dan~ A 22 INT, GOLDEN ELEVATOR -~ NIGHT ‘ 22 poor closing, Dan pulls the SMILEY-FACE PIN from his pocket. 2B 2h » “aE, SPECERL ZALEMEE QUARTERS ~~ WICH warcumims -- 3rd Draft -- David Hayter 9/26/03 12 * ‘Dan sure. Have a nice day- ext. ROCKEFELLER MILITARY BASE -~ wicer 3B € 1 SPOTLIGHT: flsshes over 8 SIGE, posted on a RAZOR-WIRE FENCE: ROCKEFELLER MILITARY RESEARCH, GeerER. An MiG—toting SENTRY Rohs past A HANGAR lsbelied ‘SPECIAL TALENT QUARTERS - 2 das acnoss: A HUGE ROOK, vinich Contes SS Pavenced MILITARY DEVICES GLASS, névece the REFLECTION of & MAN; ‘GLOWING BRIGHT BLUE~ ‘pan PAST: COMPUTER CIRCUITS FLOMTING in the aix, refitting ot FAN ERseen man’s mental commands ‘Then... they Stop- cuose ON: A BLUE EYE, the iris SPARKLES with internal light, osing as the man sighs deeply: ‘ACK TO: A PHONE. The blue ce Teaches for it, just moments before it RINGS. DR. MANHATTAN (0-5-) adrian. it's been 2 long time DR. MANEATTAN ‘the Comedian. ods. she holds up TWO FINGERS in sign. Sant yG BLUE LINE OF ENERGY APPEARS ceetle DRANS THE LINE BACK 1éke 2 ‘SLINGSHOT. WATCHMEN —- 3rd Draft. +- David, Hayter 9/26/03 13 awe. SPECIAL TALERT QUARTERS ~ BEDROOM —— LATER 26 DR. MANEATIAR’S POV: The Floating Pieces Joe TATE and we see the world 96 208 The Fyosting rons UPON BILLONS OF PARTIES: ‘Using his ‘pleces.- Laurie appeare in the bathrooss wearing @ RED SILK CAMISOLE the looks very good. Jon never Jeers up. she sighs, enters. qhe floating pieces suddenly SNAP ‘TOGETHER, creating what Yooks like @ HAND MIRROR. LAURIE you've invented the mirror- DR. MANHATTAN Watch. ne reaches toward her forehead. She backs away. DR, MANHATTAN x need a brain cell. LAURIE will it hort? DR. MANHATTAN Of course not~ nip hand PASSES THROUGH HER FOREUENS: coming out with a TINY Bis MEDIWEEN his fingers. A celir encased in energy GLOW BETThe cell into the mirror. He holds up the device. DR. MANHATTAN now think of something: che looks at bin, confused. Teds She Jokeorie, in a black leather CosTuME, holding a drink. LAURIE hat's... ten years ag0 —~ ‘he younger Laurie's image turns. We see jother people in The Joes end politicians in SUITS. warcien — ard Draft -~ David feyter 9/26/03: 1 LAURIE wee Bow did you do this? ‘DR. MANHATTAN, é ‘Particles which travel. memory gee ery arly took place. should it ectiuite a few arguments, TO? ‘4 4 LAURIE gon, this is... terrifying: DR. MANHATTAN ye needn't be, if used Properly: aurie is both awed and repelled: she puts the mirror down, = * LAURIE you said Adrian spoke to Dan? DR. MANHATTAN DR. MANHATTAN gata... sending # book, On Dirde, * T believe. put he doesn’t answers prustreted, Laurie exits. Jon locks Bot cor a moment, watching her $97 ‘sediy... knowingly- * Ewe. ROCKEFELLER MILITARY BASE ~ waGEt iaunre on the phone, grateful for human conversation. DAK (V-0-) taurie Jupiter? God, it’s been forever. How's Jon? pai’ HOUSE: Den puts his BOOK. esis an OWL on the cover. * LAURIE can see Flashes of rippling BLUE LIGHT down the hall. ry WAnCHMEN -- 3rd Draft -- Dayid Hayter 9/26/03 15 oy 28 EXT. CITY STREETS -- NIGHT . 28 VARIOUS SHOTS: OF THE CITY. For the first time, we see just: yen different it is from the America we know. Framed by powering DECO SKYSCRAPERS, blimp-style AIRSHIPS silently: ferry commuters to the outer boroughs. with no more sound than & hornet‘s buzz. Wavertise products we've not heard of: Candies, PERFUME ADS | * severt scent called NOSTALGIA, body-building systems -— at the feiean ot most are the words! VEIDT ENTERPRISES. Collar up, — * hat pulled low, RORSCHACH walks the streets. RORSCHACH (V.0.) Rorschach’s Journal, October 13th- Picking over the case, I walked the streets of the city I once loved. The city that had turned on us. A rare jewel turned to cheap glass. A HOOKER approaches him... until she sees his “face”. RORSCHACH (V-0.) (cont'd) 1 was offered.French love, Japanese Jove... But no American love. pmerican love. dust like Coke in green glass bottles... 29 der, SPECIAL TALENT QUARTERS -- BEDROOM -- LATE RIGHT 29 RORSCHACH (V-0.) ‘hey don't make it anymore. haurie Lies in bed, ignoxed as Jon continues to ork. His Elve light ripples over Laurie as if she were underwater, 30 INT. BANQUET BALL -— NIGHT 30 ren years ago. ‘The MEMORY Laurie saw in the mirror. | EDO Teixe talke with a group of men on a dark, secluded BALCONY. EDDIE BLAKE So I told him, “Look pal, T have no idea who killed the Shah — just don't ask me where I was when I , heard about JPR." . e@ the Politicos laugh uproariously and puff their cigars. . aden, WASCHMER -- 3rd Draft -- Devid Bayter = 9/26/03 16 « CIGAR. PUFFING MAK ‘The President'11 love that. You're ‘okey, Bé. Not like Mr. Spock over il there, giving everyone the creeps. she nan gestures at Jou who.aite, at 8 fae Salts only to Te mae SO TRURTE standing behind hin. ‘Angry end drunk: * CIGAR PUFFING MAN (cont'd) Mies Jupiter.-- 3 EDDIE BLAKE It's good to see you, Kid. LAURIE 1 can't sey I feel the same. EDDIE y'know, I just have to look at you, gee your mom. She was a peach- ‘LAURIE pid you tell her that before you tried to rape her? uaurie says this loud. The people nearby 9° silent. CIGAR PUFFING MAN 2 = Miss Jupiter, please -- he man touches her shoulder. Without Lookens Laurie TWISTS The Rand, CRUSHING the cigar in 8 hail of ‘sparks. ‘LAURIE, Before you broke her ribs? Before You choked her? Isn‘t that the way You treat peaches? CIGAR PUFFING MAN 3 Somebody get her boyfriend- ‘LAURIE you bet Ido. What kind of man are You to force a woman into having Zex against her will? . adie looks genuinely pained- a 32 33 vwxicaman -- 3rd Draft —— Devid. Hayter 9/26403 17 see pmcuErELLZn MILIEANT RASH: BESROOM —— ICE 31 a2 ‘young Detective Gallagher carries bis BRIEFCASE from Shs Xotnte stone building. Be arrathes deep, done for the ‘night. exe. CITr STREETS -- RIGET 33 Gallagher walks briskly through the empty streets. Bis footsteps CLACK off the we. suddenly, he STOPS- conere A car of FOOTSTEPS stops Ti ‘STEPS LATER, shadowing A SECO siagher steps forward ‘again, then STOPS: again, the other footsteps, carck to 2 stop. Was that & soft AEhckie... or just the shuddering wind? GALLAGHER woos there? — Whoever you S76 T'm a cop: Gallagher reaches for bis 9s: penind him, RORSCHACH AFFEARS Galena dark alley. GRIPPING Bis west, spinning him Realy survive the night Bloke, ‘Tell me what YOU found. GALLAGHER, piexe? Routine homicides except for you — Rorschach SLAKS Gallagher against the wall, hard: RORSCHACH vet. Did you. Find? wares = ard Draft -- David. Bayver 9/26/03 18 GALLAGHER 1 1 don't = gum youre BITES into Gallagher's find a runner of blood, @ GALEAGHER athe photocopy is of a TORN SCRAP OF PAPER with many, Geste The ETDS, surrounding the words: wthe end of the world.” GALLAGHER, We don't know what it means. porschach nods, pockets it. For, a moment, it seems he will Rot'go., Then, he moves Closes Shifting mask in the cop's et 9°59 voice becomes harsh vith sudden, inexplicable fury- ‘RORSCHACH . tiny aid you take my Life eWay? GALLAGHER vee What do you mean? : norschach cennot hear him now. TAS presthing’ intensifies. RORSCHACH wnat had Lever done, but idclise You? -and when your Blackest, desires YOu? justice rose in your did F not shed blood for you? GRULAGHER you're talking about the Keene Act? You'*S was twelve. years old porschach sighs long, knife ‘getting into the finger joint. RORSCHACH 1 know... 1 know who you 6Fe+ pe SLICES UPWARD, quick, clean Gallagher SHRIERS- 35 pright sunsh- Yaurie’s mother: tame ~~ reclines by the ‘pool. she was onc LAURIE vg vigit without the thixé 1 can ‘not @ Pexp ORs degree? 1'R C ~ SALLY hen pour yourselé 2 Margarita. men Egvthe Atomic Lover? aurie pours herself & Margarita from a pitcher oP SALLY me? Honey, Please: Tove four times. -- ive been in LAURIE, gon's at some funeral ¢ didn't feel Jake attending, $0, be teleported me Like neteiust got throws ‘throwing Up in the ladies room SALLY adie Blake's funeré right? fhe was murdered, renéved from the hearse- 36 AURIE (V-0-) gost... Sometimes you nes V2, La for what they really are- thoughtfully into the grave: a1 WATCEMEN -> 3xd Dreft.--> David Hayter 9/26603 23 ge pédle site ina derelict Saigon bar, mean drunks His’ face, Though not quite young here, is devoid bis tr ‘SCAR. EDDIE you'd think this country’d hed enough goddamn fireworks. DR. MANHATTAN 1 suppose Vietnam Victory Night gust mean something to them. ‘EDDIE Wah, Average Vietnamese don’t give 2 rat's ass who won. Means plenty fo us though. Tf we'd’ve lost this er... I think it might have driven Us crazy, y'know? As a country But we didn’t... Thanks to You, DR. MANEATTAN You sound bitter. EDDIE Me? I think it’s hilerious. ‘LIAO LIN Mr. Bddie? ghey both turn. A pretty VIETNAMESE GIRb stends in the door. ‘EDDIE Fantastic. Just what I need. LIAO LIN ge var is over now. We must talk- ‘EDDIE wothing to'talk about. I'm leaving. LIAO LIN you will... walk away? * EDDIE As fai T can. LIAO LIN put I can not walk away from this. she places a hand delicately on her, sbdanea. Eddie SLANS his Siesp dom. He glares at her, drunk ‘and dapgerous. cy heme, ‘Cause what I'm gonna do. ‘forget you and your horrible, sweaty Little country. ge turns away. Her eyes blase with petrayal and hatred~ LIAO LIN wo. You will remenber. You will Nemenber me and my country forever iso Lin SHASRES a bottle, adie SPINS juee 6 ‘the broken Lino in een BIS FACE, slicing him his jagved ‘SCAR. ‘EDDIE God! You bitch! My fecel He PUSHES HER into the bex and DRAWS BIS PISTOL; the former He Pus stare at each other across the gun parrel. Silence. DR. MANHATTAN Blake... Don't. pang -- The girl SLAMS against the far well. She drops, dead. ‘EDDIE my face. Got to find « medic. DR. MANHATTAN Blake. She wes pregnant. gunned her down- You padie turns on him, spitting fory~ ‘EDDIE ghat's right! Pregnant woman Gunned her down. ‘And you gddie walks off shouting “Medict® Bons: pr. Manhattan turns Baie girl's body and regards 1 appreisingly- FADE TO: gx?. CEMETERY ~- EARLY EVENING 38 pr. Manhattan Looks down on Eddie's grove ‘thoughtfully. 39 re ae waccamen -- 3rd Draft -- Devid Heyter 9/26/03 23 (0-8+) parth to Earth. Ashes to ashes * PAN OVER TO: ADRIAN, listening to pdward Blake's eulogy. yr. CRIMEBUSTERS HEADOUARTERS ~~ wir 39 EDDIE BLAKE (V-0-) ghis is all bullshit. DAN what are you saying, Comedian? pan, £it and trim in fell Night owl regalia, leads = DAN: Potential new "hero-teamt RORSCHACH is 15" ye.old LAURIE, dressed oo+ in LEATHER punk-feshioned Luba. OA younger ADRIAN VEIDE is dressed as OZYMANDIAS~ MINEATTAN, his age unchanged, ‘stands with his girlfriend SANEY, though he casts angeds Tel glances at young Laurie.-- ae gefinitely glances back~ adie Blake, now in his fortisns smokes a cigar, feet on the Capen in his hand reads: ARAB hun DR. MANHATTAN, “AMERICA’S WEAPON OF SATAN" EPI pan, 8 this who} yet I'm saying Dan, is this whole What TPS Wcrimebusters” things 4° AeSSenit. re didn't work tweney, eg Ea eon Year because you want to keep om Playing Cowboys and Indians DAN. Maybe we should agree on no meyeeing at meetings. Looks Seine ragh and I have made Teo) Roreyay on the gang problem PY pooling our efforts. porschach’s voice is quiet, Put not yet its tortured rasp. * RORSCHACH hats true. But something Like Tnat' cme too big. Too unwieldy. ADRIAN surely that’s just an Surer{zational problem. | With the Cigne person leading the srouP cette RA RS warcuims -= 3rd Draft tavia Hayter -*.- | 9/26/9324 it doesn’t take genius to Fee that the world has problems. EDDIE pnd it takes 8 roomful of morons £0 | + think they're small ‘enough for you ' guys to handle. ~— You ‘people Bre Phone. You hear Moloch’ s, ‘back in 8 okena think, “Oh boy! Tete 90 {See Rimi™ You think that matters? of course St does. Justice matter: + EDDIE gostice. Hilarious: Tet me show you 5 He stands, moving to 8 MAP OF awerrca. on it are Dan‘ TxBELS, reading * WACRETEERING, DRUGS. Eadie flicks his LABEG and the MAP GOES UP 16 FLAMES pan = My display--- EDDIE None of you get the joke, do you? We were set up from the ‘beginning. DR: MANEATIAR EDDIE By God, Jon. Who else? Jove Py aims, christians and Liberian Hindus 921 ct chucked in 7 or His Xiivenont over the past 2000 Years: padie’s gaze falls squarely on on EDDIE zxcept now ve got Nokes, Supers” Except nogin sorts of fun things virettate we got the ability, to The oy ourselves, st all J05t * Seeme,.. Amatter of time- . (MORE) y 40 Cu Ozymandias here is gonna be the smartest man on the cinder. DAN _+ Plesse don’t ail leave. This just makes what we do that much more [mpertant! Doesn't anybody see? COOSE OR: ADRIAN, flanes flickering acros® his fece. DAN somebody's got to save the world. MATCH FADE TO: ExT, CEMETERY -+ LATS AFTERROOH 40 [AORIAN, PANRING OVER TO: DAR DREIBERS a5 ve FADE TO: ext. CITE STREETS -- RIGHT a wren yeare ago: A NENSPAFER BOX. The headvines Oths SAY: *LET Ten Yeorg.* Senator Keene proposes emsrgcney vigilantisn THEM DO TNs up TO REVEAL: The streets, 56 ONED with ANGRY biltsovons, waving signs decrying vigilantes: ANGLE OR: AN OVAL AIRSHIP, ite forward windows sculpted 1ike WieMGyes of a great OWL, Dan, in costunéy ‘pilots the ship. DAN {over loudspeakers) EVERVONE, PLEASE CLEAR THE STREETS: TE ANE TRYING TO RETAIN ORDER UNTIE THE POLICE STRIKE 18 OVER. i 40's exe. BLACK SEDAN SCREECHES TO 2 BROT SMILEY-FACE upcaPs SPIN PERFECTLY INTO FRAME. The Comedian exits the Bar, COCKING a large-bore RIFLE. EDDIE Listen you overfed sheep! Get back yisver holes before you get hurt MAN IN CROWD We WANT REGULAR COPS. NO MORE ‘VIGILANTES! Bide with his rifle butt. TARGE MAN takes Eddie BEATS DAN (cont'd) whet are you, an idiot? RON! qhe man scatters into the choking, fog along with the rest of The rows. Eadie rises, rubbing nis neck, chuckling. DAN comedian, this is hole city is erupting! EDDIE waht Y‘seen this? me encke clears enough for Dan £0, 6 message SPRAY- FAINTED on a brick wallt m0 WATCHES THE WATCHMEN: EDDIE (conta) qrve seen that all over. They sive ike us and they don’t trust don't Tere the hell are the others? Jeeee in Washington. Rorschach! = Folding the Lower Bast Side. holdty works on his own these days~ a2 a 4a 45 warcemen -- 3rd Draft —— David Bayter 9/26/03 27 pein looks down the smokYy deserted street. DAN pow long can ve keep this Up? EDDIE ace you kigding? Prom themselves exm. CEMETERY -- EVENING 42 ag the Preacher continues, Pan fingers the SMILEY FACE PIN~ ora have nerey upon 38+ HED" pen pRoPS the pin into Badie’s grave. CAMERA FOLLOWS: A Lone DARK WANs as he walks awey- pxn, CEMETERY GATES -- NIGHT 43 qmhe DARK MAN exits. Behind hime a second SILHOUETTE. nue Of THE HOMELESS HAR with BS eign: THE END IS NEAR~ wr. NOLOCH'S BROWNSTONE —— RIGHT aa he dark man. removes his he and coat. He is olde withered. fe is EDGAR JACOBI- his anger day#, he was known 05 awn. WOLOCH’S KITCHEN -~ west 45 jacobs goes to the REFRIGERATOR. 6 it. ‘Then stops, gacobl stmnere is 8 scravie’ Reg in his FRIDGE. CLOSE ON+ Spiny handwriting -~ 100K BEHIND YOU. ‘oven Jacobi's shoulders porschech’s hat-brim STILTS Tt; forechach lunges and Pins Jacobi's ARH ‘behind his back. cetera IN SR, warcamen -- 3x4 Draft avid Hayter 9/26/03 28 JRCOBL mat are you talking aboutt rma Wet ced business masRANEEt porechach TWISES the man’s SFR beck viciously- RORSCHACH, qie again... 272 bresk FOr orm. JRCOB on God. Please. spent the. Oe opeses in Jail. 11m noe ‘Moloch cigmore. What do yoo wast ‘from me? norechach Lets him 9° gacobi's hollow eyes follow hime RORSCHACE you attended a funeral tedeY- vy? SRCOBT he funeral? 1 don’t Wn9 why I Vent. x just felt T should. 1° Ween thinking about the ‘Comedian —— porechach SLAMS JACOB against the well. gncopr_(cont’d) gACOBI we broke in here? A week ago! He He pis mask off- Be wee drunk. RORSCHACH yoo were enemies for font years: Yo should he visit yoo? JACOBI 1 don’t know! He was upset! 3 Thought he was going t° iL) mee a FLASH 0? N mn wascummn + 324 Draft = David Hayter rien, MOLACH’S BEDROOM ~~ wIGEE EDDIE BLAKE, in costes pot for his mask, Site oe the edge of EDpypits bed. He SWAGe from a bottles ‘distraught. ‘EDDIE what a joke. Just on routine Gheck on the “Reto” ‘commmanity + check Gnk the GovernRen’ forgotten us? They nach . Se run a check 0. Tiving. And there in the files. Just, iscrepancy, but { got the joke- He stares 3/26/03 30 ar ne use drugs I siiegal ~~ 7 don az pulls @ PILL from his €o# Rorschach a __ RORSCHICE, tectril., Phony nedicstets a Lectrstricot pits. Tilegal+ gacost on ¢ ~~ Come Ste = confiscate that. | tom a. mayehange s+ T Bave CORSE RORSCHACE wat kind of cancer? sncoBt ou know the Kind To the ind 2 -- met Beh. tually get ive got- event Sin't the a9 porschach stands atone over Eddie’ ) award Blake BOFD, 1944, Pagevain. mhet'’s whet, happens Se, violent lives ending violemtly- pussu TO: EDDIE BLAKE ‘earning nie DOOR is KICKED TN FLASH TO? crue BURNING MAP OF AMERTCS piaxe: understood: Be ot Baan maoks trying“. hold it 21} megether, treated Jake a joke- punsHES OF: BODIE being eaten in his apartment a9 1 am Pagliacci.” padie. FLIES TOWARD preg on nis edtent +3? to the ground: v.02), (cont'd) good joke. Bvexyboay ‘Jaagh- clearing pm rn waicammt -- 3rd Draft -- David Bayter® 9/26/03 33 Dr, ROCKEFELLER MILITARY BASE CLOSE Of: LAURIE, eyes closed vith pleasure pe. Manhattan's GowinG BLUE HANDS caress her face. LAURIE yam, What tine's your interview? does not see @ THIRD BLUE HAND trace & ‘she kisses it. LAURIE ney, your finger. Tt1e like Tizisng a battery. It’s al] -- she opens her eyes- qmey widen in shock end horror: cor MIDE TO REVEAL: TWO DR. TANHATTANS in bed with her- LAURIE (cont*d) on Godt that's horrible! stop 4! Lourie jumps up. The t¥o Jone stand, confused. DR. MANBATTAN 1 DR. MANHATTAN 2. Please don't be upset f thought you'd enjoy it~ LAURIE (CONT'D) i'm sorry, I -- Yoo startled mec-- ‘anymore. taurie backs into the hall, trying to get 0 grip. ‘LAURIE Please, Jon drop it. 7 overreacted. Fe was just strange to see — teurie can now see into the kitchen where yet a THIRD DR. MANHATTAN is working on an ‘experinent. Her eyes bleze- LAURIE (contd) now long have you been working 4m here? DR. MANEATIAN 2 : paurie, try to ‘understand -~. 52 53 54 WATCHMEN ~- 3xd Draft ~~ David Hayter” 9126703 34 ‘LAURIE understand!? You're working in here at the same tine we're in bedl? DR. MANEATTAN 3 yy work's et an important stage. "Y Seemed unnecessary t0 —— ‘LAURIE, shut up! Just SHUT YOUR MOUTH! taurie WIPS 4 full BEAKER at Jon 3'6 chests It PASSES Laeeiee HIM to SMASH IN THE KITCHEN STNK- ‘feurie storms out. DR. MANHATTAN 1 peurie, please.-- Tf you think Tiere's @ problem with my attitude, t'm prepared to discuss it. As he speaks, tthe smashed BEAKER ond its contents RISE TH 2 ne SPP REASSENBLING perfectly in the Palm ‘of JON 3's hand. 6 OWL-CHAMBER -- NIGHT 52 . Ominous jon that he is purposefully not, 1eoking uP- ‘compelled. He looks up- . cor Wide: Dan is sitting on a crate: before THE DISPLAY CASE. cor WiGHT-OmL COSTUMES empty, hooded eyes stare into him. oom —- the SOUND echoes through the dark chamber poor... BOOM. Something coming for him? Maybe--~ * No. The upstairs door. EXE. DAH DREIBERG’S: ROUSE ~~ NIGET 53 taurie is on the step. Kneeling beside hex, a LOCKSMITH * LeurSas a NEW DOOR LOCK. She turns to Dan, in tears. * LAURIE ‘i 1 left Jon. * Int, DANS KITCHEN -- NIGHT 54 pan pours Laurie a glass of RED WINE- she Swipes her eye r [eERcUT Or DE. HANEATIAN, holding peurie's BRA. staring. soem el world. To him it’s: 1ike and all the LAURIE looks up at Dan through wet Lashes: DAR Listen, I just wish:you'd stop PY saee often. As for tonight, I’m mony calling on Hollis. And hel} —- cor To: DR. MANHATTAN, stepping ‘TROUGH and INTO the empty, CUT Tig suit. fis TIE knots itself- DAN (V.0.) (CORT"D) fe doesn’t care how people dress- pr. Manhattan locks around the empty FOom sadly -- and . DESRPPEARS IM A BURST OF PARTICLES. LAURIE downs her wine, straightens herself ont. ‘LAURIE come on, 1/11 walk you over. 35 EEE. DAW DRETBERG'S HOUSE -— NIGET ghey exit past the LOCKSMITH. He stands. ‘LOCKSMITH qhere y'go. Safe as houses. What happened anyway? Y'get, robbed? pan pays hin. tourie feels the night wind. DAN . i fo, uh -~ A friend called when 7 wesn't expecting him. A SHADOW FALLS OVER HIM. | Be pigem’ surn standing on its ovm before 55 57 warcanen -- 3rd Draft =~ pavid Hayter” 9/26/03 36 ah geez make-Up- Light for mee srt from Jon's SFIR DARKEES S° JON is this dark enough? hat blue is fer too television. a DEEPER BLUE. ~ STAGE MANAGER uh, yooh. feoh, that’s tine: IRTERCUT TO gan. ciTY STREETS —- NIGHT pen and Laurie walk in silence. ghey out through an ALLEE. ANGLE ON: A GARG into the darkness ‘of punks in KROT-TOP ‘of the ailey- wnrcimen’ -- 3x¢ Draft —~ pavia- Baytex: * 9/26/03 37 nets been called many thiog Weapon, Linchpin of OOF security cur go DAN and LAURIE, torning as the gang member? BLOCK THE DAN the of the TOUGHS £14P5 BUTTERFLY KNIFE. Mumrie and Dan exchange & ‘look. Dan ye. Gonsthan Osterman! athe audience AFFLAUDS furiously as Jon takes nis seat. pan and Laurie DIVE IN%, the gang, fighting Like sts heroes they once were- 7e punk’s KNIFE goeS SPINNING AWAY ~ PUSH IN ON: CALVIN TuER'S call-in PHONE+ 4 WATCiMEN —! 3rd Draft: -+ David Hayter. 9/26/03 38 DOUG ROTH (V.0.) Dr. Osterman, my. name is Doug Roth, ‘I'm a reporter for “Nova Express.” 6 I wonder if you remember the name Wally Weaver. In your early dsys, 7 ‘the papers called him “Dr. Manhattan's buddy.” DR. MANBATTAN wally was a good friend. 1 attended his funeral. DOUG ROTH (V.0-) yes. He died of cancer ten years ago, wasn't it? I believe it was quite sudden and painful. ANGLE ON: LAURIE, driving a FIST into a gang member's NOSE. ANGLE dns, FIRING balls of ENERGY with her SLINGSHOT power vais of: A GANG MEMBER, as he cave 6 PISTOL ON HER, DAN Ries THE GUN. His eyes narrow, harden. ANGLE ON: CALVIN MILLER. DOUG ROTH (V.0.) (CONT'D) ow ‘about Edgar Jacobi, aka Moloch? Yen't it true that you encountered him in various battles, conflicts -- anauE ON: DAR, snapping the GUYMAN’S wrist back and up — ANGLE ORimed at the thog’s CHIN. In the last fraction of Barrel "pen SHIFTS the gun two inches left as it FIRES, Secrening the guoman, but leaving him alive. pous ROTH (V-0.) (cont'd) Whatever it is you super-people do. ANGLE ON: DR. MANHATTAN, wary. Where is this going? CALVIN MILLER What‘s your point, caller? ANGLE ON: THE AUDIENCE, where a BLOND HAN with a CELL-PSONE ANGLE OF UG ROTH is IN THE AUDIENCE. His voice DOUBLES, stands from the phone and the stands st the sane tine. Dove ROTH br. Osterman, did you know that My. Jacobi also hes terminal cancer? DR._MANBATTAN Moloch? Wo, I ~~ didn't know..- ° WANCHMEN ““- 3xd Draft --.David Hayter 9/26/03 39 ANGLE O8: AGENT FORBES, in the wings- ‘Getting uncomfortable. ous ROTH ganey Slater: Linked ically fo you in thy seventies eighties. ‘as well Doctors fave given héx six months. qhe AUDIENCE begins to MURMUR. | Calvin Miller notes the Dr- Manhattan’s BLUE ‘Licst on his skin. and backs away~ ganey’ suggesting. + are you agent Forbes weiks onto the ety stands before Jon. [AGENT FORBES qghat‘s itt Interview's over! ANGLE ON: THE ALLEL, littered withthe unconscious BODIES of + INGLE ON ye. Laurie end Den iesn back on the wall, panting. * whe avdience ROARS, angry. Doug Roth yells Over ite DOUG ROTH 1 nave reports of two dozen pest Jesociates, similarly afflicted. ‘h woman in the crowd starids. TINA PRICE pr. Osterman! Tina Pricer Washington Post. Are these allegations’ true? agent Forbes tries to drag Jon, wat, the Agethe stands. Dr. Nanbeetan is © Questions, FLASBING cameras :— audience spills out by reporters, ‘REPORTER pid you give Ms. Slater cancer by sleeping with her? DR. MANHATTAN No. Please let me through. -- uate so 60 How does it £ 21. to kr that ree! now that you ‘pundreds of people? Cc FORBES Mould be safest not to ‘thie line of questioning. -- ‘TINA PRICE pr. Manhattan, how often did you and Miss Slater ~~ ener poss TH o¥ls DR. MANHARIN, os he f4Ne017 swaps. BIS FAST POPAMS THROUGH THE STUDIO. DR. MANHATTAN 1 said LEAVE MB ALONE! * pvery last person BURSTS INTO PARTICLES and D) stands in the TV st SAPPEARS- Jon = * odio, suddenly alone. 1 ge hangs his head. = * ex, ALLEY -- RIGHT” 59 = pan and Laurie exit the goict 0l6Y, trying to play it off. ‘LAURIE, 1 should find a hotel. God Jmagine, us getting mogged- DAN why don’t you cone by Holl{s’s with Why “Choke off the adrenaline. ave had enough hero stuff for fone night, thanks: (walking away) you take care, Dan... It's & tough world out there. Jan. ROCKEFELLER MILITARY BASE —— nIGaT 60 1x young SOLDIER STENCIL PRINS, ‘i RADIATION SYMBOL on the door A young, quarters above the words: - ‘AREA. DR. MANEATTAN (0-S-) vat are you doing? 62 WATCHMEN <+ 34d Draft -- David Hayter. 9/26/03 41 SOLDIER ."” Abhi Dr. Osterman. Ub, T was patoting up this safety notice.-- C A varning. I see. Tt seems T'm Tacepable of: cohabiting yith poopie aither emotionally or physically- Souva best tell Ma. Jupiter and Your superiors thet I am leaving. SOLDIER sir? Leaving? DR. MANEATTAR yes. For Arizona first, I think. And then Mars. ‘SOLDIER a, Mars. 1 get it. Hey, you knows fourre reguler guy after ell — gon BURSTS TRTO PARTICLES. The Kid raises his radio. SOLDIER (cont'd) poly Christ... Sergeant? taurie Lies down on, the chesp hotel bes: Lauryood: from her lip. She sighs, ‘exp. LAURIR'5 DREAK —~ CRIEDUSTERS HALL: —— NICET 62 outside the Crimebusters meetings £2 Owi-sHIP rises out of onteide Crechech skelks off into the. chadows. gon and Janey Wek"ineo # Town Car. Young: Laurie watches Jon from the path. BLAKE (0-5-) taurel? Laurel Jene? startled, Leurie turns. Eddie walks out of the shadows. EDDIE BLAKE (cont'd) you're Sally Jupiter‘’s kid. ‘YOUNG LAURIE waurie. - . she points at him, as if trying to plece the*name. Le pavid Hayter LL‘ axd Draft 9/26/03 42 WATCHMEN 1g fleme. The wi paurie with cool death. e ~~" 63 64 65 66 ywstDe THE LIMO: Laurier pashes two BUTTONS: One the Privacy Window, the. ‘second to crack her. ow xx. ovn window She Prifer mother’s barshe ond tone arifts clearly back: SALLY are there no’ depths you won't sink priving off, Laurie watches padie through the window, sed eer acs wags ssrim PeTiaTt — 63 DR. 4g PARTICLES REFORM in the ‘arizona desert. He waike mp a jongrdeed MUSCAT nS iiey. Nestled behind Welk ted fence is the enetY husk of ct BAR. wr. THE BESTIARY —- NIGEE 6a pr: Menbattan enters the ailapidated bare diuminating dusts corners with is SSgue. over the bar 16° ‘CORK- oth od mementos, PROT! Meilowed cartoons. Be ro from the board. ‘A photo of a YOUNG COUPLE; ghe vonan'e hair suggestied the Jove sixties. The mae te JOR OSTERMAN | DE = ‘Manhattan, when ietfen still only hums qm the photo, be smiles with young ne Jey while the Same may Tagarding it years Leter oo} hostalgic ~~ Wise fas God-given right- rare riage esa masTaw® PLETE TS 6 cotside again, Jon, 100K$ 2D, at the dark, clovd-fillee sky 25 EAT Lit Jonbles overhead. 3o gestures and tl s SEPARATE, revealing 9 ‘ewinkling, red ster- '. emiles- seein & BURST OF PARTI == He is gone. ext. WEWSSTAND —~ HIGHT . 66 wocenen —- 378 praft <= David’ BASE 9/26/03 45 f ‘TAURIE, genus, 1,Dere fed itt When JOD Sees backs YON, stewing this FEET Bee for — Bede hat’s 07 1 2 on ixkeds rad-suited 10 Jesus. RATIONAL ADVISOR, yes, ur, President, ‘Russian forces Yee? pobilizing to the. south. india ‘simoltaneous1Y nd Pakistan are Panieg shov-of-strength noclear condi ‘tests. warcman -- 3a Draft -~ David Beyter™ 9/26/03 47 rR ax HIS FEET; A'HARS EXPLORATION ROVES- AU.S. FLAG is printed on its sider ‘beside the ironic: phrase: of n ger, APARIMENT -- S1X YEARS ROO gon holds Laurie's face in Ts fe table indicate her EX the tolfrom him, shivers through her body. Changing her- ‘LAURIE wnat... what did you 40? DR. MANHATTAN 72. B 1” 15 ooking, up at the store. Leena CHANGING es his FACE ext. ean riars mICLENR TESEING TRCTLIT ~~ OOTIMUCE B unan gon stares up at the gates of the Gila Plats base. xt is May at the 6: ¥ Wally Weaver Der, TRTRINS' a WELT WEAVER, DOS? genial, walks with Jon, ice © ‘warehouse- cont ‘single leed-lined DR: MANBATTAN (V-0-) 1 am-thirty years old. WALLY, aney're doing “intrinsic, vield" Tuckriments in here. _ Lie, what if oxpeyrs some energy field ‘neiding teGEe together apart from gravity. YOUNG JON what's this? radiation . radtire. come on, 1°21 show You feate the real action happens vaLLY mine-lock test vault. $0 2°, re's a safety 6

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