Saraswati Multiple Campus: Project Work On Information System in Nabil Bank

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Nabil bank


BBA, 3rd SEMESTER signature: ……………………


I would like to express my gratitude to Saraswati multiple campus Thamel, Kathmandu
for providing this opportunity to prepare the project on an information system used by an
organization. It is a very useful to the management student studying about the
information technology. Moreover I experienced some difficulties during gathering the
information’s on the software but it was a kind of learning experience for me too, I have
put a lot of time, effort on making this report on Nabil banks Information System.

I would thank Mr.Manoj giri for his guidance and inspiring me to work on this report and
the people who have helped me to make this report possible. Last but not the least I
would like to thanks the people working in the Nabil bank to give me detail about the
information system. This would not be possible without their help.

I would be obliged to any suggestions and comments from the reader that can assist for
the improvement of the project in the near future.


This project is on Finacle (INFORMATION SYSTEM) which is used by Nabil bank ltd.
This software is used in commercial banks. This reports light on information system of
the bank, which tells about the software its background, is objectives, advantage, in the
report we can see how the software works what does it does, how is it helping the

This report provides the brief on the organizational structure of the Nabil bank and how
the information is flown through the organization. How this organization has adapted to
the software and how can they rely on the software to complete their works.


Chapter page no

Acknowledgement………………………………………………………………… ii

Abstract ……………………………………………………………………………iii

Table of contents………………………………………………………………….. iv

List of figure……………………………………………………………………….v


Chapter 1 introduction…………………………………………………………… 1

 Background of study…………………………………………………….1
 Introduction………………………………………………………..…….1
 Introduction to Nabil bank…………………………………….…………2
 Introduction to Finacle…………………………………….……………..5
 Objectives of Finacle……………………………………………………..5
 Functions of Finacle………………………………………………………5

Chapter 2 Analysis’s of objectives ………………………………..……………….. 6

 Mission and goals ……………………………………………………….. 6

Chapter 3 Recommendation and conclusion ……………………………………. 7

 Recommendation …………………………………………………..……. 7
 Conclusion ……………………………………………………………….. 8

Chapter 4 Reference ………………………………………………………………. 9

Lists of figure page no
Figure 1 organizational structure of Nabil bank………………………………3

Figure 2 hierarchy of decision making process…………………………………4




This report was made to study about Finacle:

1. Finacle is the core banking software used by commercial banks.

2. How this IS has helps in the day to day in the bank.
3. Use of IS by the bank and their impact in the banking activities.
4. The value that the software has added towards the organization.
5. How the use of software has changed the process of business in the organization?
6. Has the use of the software has changed the structure of the organization.

Information system (IS) is the set of components that work together by creating,
processing, storing, retrieving, and disperse the information that helps in the flowing of
the business decision making process. IS helps the managers and the workers to organize,
analyze, visualize the process, and the creation of the new product this has helped the
organization to work more freely and makes the work easier to do for the employees.
Information systems are guided by asset of policies, principles, procedure and resources.

IS and IT are interrelated/if any one of them is not handled properly, organizations will
not be taking business advantage. In order to use the information system the
organizations business process also must be redesigned. In addition to this organizations
can make benefits for it only when technology is intergraded with business goal and
objectives. To use the information system properly in the organization; the business
people should not only be familiar with the computer and its functionalities they must
have the knowledge to regarding the organizations its management and information


Nabil Bank Limited Had Started Its Operation from 12 July 1984as the first foreign joint
ventures in Nepal, having the objectives to extend international standard modern banking
in the country. Nabil bank has brought major core sector in the Nepalese banking sector
over the last 25 years of its operations. Nabil bank falls under one of the bank becoming
the first choice to all their shareholder, stakeholder costumers, communities and staffs.
They are costumers’ focused result oriented. With more Than 9 banks out of Kathmandu
valley the no of bank has reached toward 37 and is counting for the further more in the

Nabil bank uses Indian made banking software named ”FINACLE”. This helps in the day
To Day operations in the banking, and transactions Nabil bank is renewed for the use of
mass communications in the country which is less sawn from the others banks. Due to
this the costumers can enjoy true freedom of anywhere any time with banking with the
instant funds. Transfer across the cities, collection of the cheque, deposit of the fund,
instant access to account statement and the other exclusive banking service.

It is pioneer to introduce the credit cards in the country. They have been the member of
the master and the visa card since the 1990s Nabil bank is one of the bank having large
no of range of the credit cards in the country including the master and the visa cards in
the country. Being one of the largest commercial bank of the country it provides many
large facilities towards its costumers providing its service since 1984 it is one of the most
trusted banks of the country.

Figure 1: organizational structure of Nabil bank

Board of directors (BOD)

Chief executive officer (CEO)

Senior executive

Senior manager

Legal HRM Information Credit Operation

Manager Marketing

Deputy Manager

Assistant manager

Senior officer

Junior officer

The BOD is the major body of the company it formulate the policies as well as strategies
and provide the guidance to the manager and the information is flown through the CEO
who is responsible in making corporate decisions managing the overall operating
resources of the company. The senior executives are necessary for the cognitive control;
senior manager is responsible for the planning and directing the work group of the
individuals. The information are flown through the departments like the HRM, IT, Credit
management etc. then the work of senior is done by the deputy when the manager is not
available then the assistant manager is there to help the manager to run the operation and
there are senior officer and junior officer through which information is passed to the other
employees in Nabil bank. These all respective posts are responsible in the formulation of
the information inside the bank.

Figure 2:-hierarchy of decision making process


Management level

Operational level

Hierarchy of the decision making in the Nabil bank consists of three levels
strategic, management, and operational level. Strategy level includes the top level
managers like BOD, CEO. The management level indicates the general managers and the
operational indicates the heads of departments. In the decision making top level make
plans and policies. Management level carries out the plans and policies. Operational
levels management is responsible for execution and monitoring of plans.

Finacle is a core banking system software used by the Nabil bank to process the various
tasks and update their databases on the different kind of the work performed by the
business. It is a core banking product develop by the Indian corporation INFOSYS that
provide universal digital banking facility to the banks. Even the enquiry processes like
the costumer’s details, costumer’s accounts, checking the bank balance.

When we visit the bank to deposit our money we see the tailor in the bank using the
application in the computer to manage the detail of the particular account that particular
application is known as Finacle. For e.g. suppose there are two persons one went to Nabil
bank of balaju and the other person went to the Nabil bank of chakrapath they both are
going to with draw from the same bank account having RS 10,000 the first person
withdraw from balaju but the other person cannot withdraw at the same time because of
the software even though the places are different the software checks all the costumers
details transaction balance with the particular place with date and time.

Objectives of the Finacle

1. Helps to work on a single window solution for large, complex and real time
banking needs.
2. Finacle are used by the banks to maintain and operate the virtual accounts of the
costumers in the bank.
3. Saves time and the manpower by making the ledger that the bankers keep
4. Does all the periodic operations such as the interest calculations, recurring
payments in the bank.
5. Finacle helps in the any financial transaction in the bank.

Functions of Finacle

1. Flexible structure: This software has a flexible structure and work from
departments to departments in an organization. Bank may use this Finacle
software selectively and progressively.
2. 24X7 real time processing : Finacle is a fully real time core banking that process
and posts transactions in real time and can run on any 24x7 open branch of the
3. Technologic platforms: this software can be used on several platforms such as
IMB, oracle, Intel; Linux etc. it also supports database options of oracles.
4. Multiple capabilities: Finacle is software working multiply it can work in the
different countries with different language in different currencies.

Chapter 2: Analysis of the objectives
Finacle being the core banking software has helped the Nabil bank very much in
achieving its common goals. Finacle a software developed by INFOSYS in1999 has
helped the commercial banks in pleasing their customers. Nabil bank uses this software
and has been sustaining in the market. The objectives fulfilled by the bank are:-

1. Finacle has helped the bank in the deeper understanding of the costumers needs
and enhanced target cross selling.
2. With an open API framework the bank will allow the implementation of open
banking and easy collaborating.
3. This will help the bank to create and launch new products and help in the loan
management and liquidity management.
4. This forces the manager to facilitate the relationship with the costumer for the

But, yet the IS has to meet the some of the objectives they are:-

1. Need an experienced mentor to guide the employees to use the Finacle software.
2. This software is expensive and has high maintenances of cost that can very
ineffective for the bank that uses it regularly.
3. The UI of the software is not very user friendly and employers may find it
difficult to understand.
4. This software requires more manpower to operate on daily basics.

Mission and goals

The main mission/goals of the Finacle is to make the financing activities and the work
process easier to the organization, it updates the brief about the details of the costumers
which helps in the maintaining the ledger in the bank.

Chapter 3:- Recommendation and Conclusion

Information system (IS) is the set of components that work together by creating,
processing, storing, retrieving, and disperse the information that helps in the flowing of
the business decision making process. In Nabil bank Finacle is used as the main banking
system or IS. These IS helps in the productivity and efficiency of the organization.

I would like to recommend following for the improvements:-

 The bank must train their employees so they can use the software properly rather
than using more man powers by hiring mentors.

IS has become relevance and due to the changing nature of the technology every business
organization uses IS to adapt changes as it changed the working processes of the
organization by making the work simpler, easier, faster to get the output as the result. At
this modern technological era there are less organization that uses IS in their business
process. In order to use the information system the organizations business process also
must be redesigned. To use the information system properly in the organization; the
business people should not only be familiar with the computer and its functionalities they
must have the knowledge to regarding the organizations its management and information
technology. Due to this growing number the technology we won’t know what will happen
in the future.

Chapter 4:- References
1. Loudon, K. C. and Loudon, J. P. (2010). Management Information System-
managing the digital firm (12th edition).
2. Nabil bank
3. Text book of management information sysyem(MIS)

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