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S T D - A W S A5.23/A5.

23M-ENGL 1 909778 4 206550 9 6 6 8 Ob4

ANSIIAWS A5.2WA5.23M:1997
An American National Standard

Specification for
Low-Alloy Steel
Electrodes and
Fluxes for
Submerged Arc

COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.

Licensed by Information Handling Services
Key Words- Low-alloy steel electrodes,submerged arc ANSIIAWS A5.23/A5.23M:1997
flux, crushed
electrodes, An
filler metal specification, high-strength
steel, low-temperature steel, creep- Approved by
resisting steel, solid electrode,
composite electrode
American National Standards Institute
September 25,1997

Specification for Low-Alloy

Steel Electrodes and Fluxes
for Submerged Arc Welding

Supersedes ANSI/AWS A5.23-90

Prepared by
AWS Committee on Filler Metals

Under the Direction of

AWS Technical Activities Committee

Approved by
AWS Board of Directors

This specification provides requirementsfor the classification of solid and composite low-alloy steel electrodes and
fluxes for submerged arcwelding. Electrode classification is based on chemical compositionof the electrode for solid
electrodes, and chemical compositionof the weld metal for composite electrodes. Flux classification is based on theme-
chanical properties and deposit composition of weld metal produced with the flux and an electrode (solid or composite)
classified herein. Other requirementsinclude sizes, marking, manufacturing, and packaging. The form and usability of
the flux are also included.
The specification makes use of both U.S. Customary Units and the International System of Units (SI). Since these are
not equivalent, each systemmust be used independently ofthe other.

American Welding Soclety

550 N.W.LeJeune Road, Miami, Florida 33126

COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.

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2777 m 07842b5 0509670 7 1 2

Statement on Use of AWS Standards

All standards (codes, specifications, recommended practices, methods, classifications, and guides) of the American
Welding Society are voluntary consensus standards that have been developed in accordance with the rules of the Ameri-
can National Standards Institute. When AWS standards are either incorporated in, or made part of, documents that are
included in federal or state laws and regulations, or the regulations of other governmental bodies, their provisions carry
the full legal authority of the statute. In such cases, any changes in those AWS standards must be approved by the
governmental body having statutory jurisdiction before they can become a part of those laws and regulations. In all
cases, these standards carry the full legal authority of the contract or other document that invokes the AWS standards.
Where this contractual relationship exists, changes in or deviations from requirements of an AWS standard must be by
agreement between the contracting parties.

International Standard Book Number: 0-87171-531-7

American Welding Society,550 N.W. LeJeune Road, Miami, FL 33126

O 1998by American Welding Society. All rights reserved

Printed in the United States of America

Note: The primary purpose of AWS is to serve and benefit its members. To this end, AWS provides a forum for the ex-
change, consideration, and discussion of ideas and proposals that are relevant to the welding industry and the consensus
of which forms the basis for these standards. By providing such a forum, AWS does not assume any duties to which a
user of these standards may be required to adhere. By publishing this standard, the American Welding Society does not
insure anyone using the information it contains against any liability arising from that use. Publication of a standard by
the American Welding Society does not carry with it any right to make, use, or sell any patented items. Users of the
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With regard to technical inquiries made concerning AWS standards, oral opinions on AWS standards may be rendered.
However, such opinions represent only the personal opinions of theparticular individuals giving them. These individuals
do not speak on behalf of AWS, nor do these oral opinions constitute official or unofficial opinions or interpretations of
AWS. In addition, oral opinions are informal and should not be used as a substitute for an official interpretation.
This standard is subject to revision at any time by the AWS Committee on Filler Metals. It must be reviewed every five
years and if not revised, it must be either reapproved or withdrawn. Comments (recommendations, additions, or dele-
tions) and any pertinent data that may be of use in improving this standard are requested and should be addressed to
AWS Headquarters. Such comments will receive careful consideration by the AWS Committee on Filler Metals and the
author of the comments will be informed of the Committee’s response to the comments. Guests are invited to attend all
meetings of the AWS Committee on Filler Metals to express their comments verbally. Procedures for appeal of an
adverse decision concerning all such comments are provided in the Rules of Operation of the Technical Activities
Committee. A copy of these Rules can be obtained from the American Welding Society, 550 N.W. LeJeune Road, Mi-
ami, FL 33126.
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Authorization to photocopy items for internal, personal, or educational classroom use only, or the internal, personal, or
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AWS Committee on Filler Metals
R. A. LaFave, Chair Elliott Company
J. I! Hunt, 1st vice Chair Consultant
D. A. Fink, 2nd Kce Chair The Lincoln Electric Company
H. Woodward, Secretary The American WeldingSociety
*R. L. Bateman Electromanufacturas S.A.
R. S. Brown Carpenter Technology Corporation
J. Caprarola, J,: Consultant
A. Chatterjee Caterpillar, Incorporated
*L. J. Christensen Consultant
R. J. Christoffel Consultant
c. W cox Inco Alloys International, Incorporated
D. D.Crockett The Lincoln Electric Company
+R. A . Daemen Consultant
D. A. DelSignore Consultant
H. W Ebert Exxon Research and Engineering Company
J. G. Feldstein Foster Wheeler EnergyCorporation
S. E. Ferree ESAB Welding andCutting Products
L. Flasche Haynes International, Incorporated
C. E. Fuerstenau Alloy Ring Service
G. Hallstrom, Jr. Hallstrom Consultants
J. A. Henning Westinghouse
R. B. Kadiyala Techalloy Maryland, Incorporated
R J. Konkol Concurrent Technologies Corporation
D. J. Kotecki The Lincoln Electric Company
D. !l Ku American Bureau of Shipping
N.E. Larson Compressed Gas Industries
A. S. Lauremon Consultant
J. S. Lee Chicago Bridge and Iron
G. H. MacShane MAC Associates
M? A. Marttila Chrysler Corporation
R. Menon Stoody Company
M. I: Merlo Select-Arc, Incorporated
A. R. Mertes Arnpco Metal, Incorporated
M. Morin ABB Power Generation
c.L. Null Department of the Navy
J. Payne Consultant
R. L. Peaslee Wall Colmonoy Corporation
E. W Pickering, J,: Consultant
M. A. Quintana The Lincoln Electric Company
*H. E Reid Consultant
*S. D. Reynolds, Jr. Consultant
L. E Roberts Canadian Welding Bureau
l? K. Salvesen Det Norske Veritas
J. M. Sawhill, Jr. Newport News Shipbuilding


COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.

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AWS Committee on Filler Metals (Continued)
A. E Seidler Armco Steel Company
W S. Severance ESAB Welding andCutting Products
*W A. Shopp Editorial Consultant
M. S. Sierdzinski ESAB Welding and Cutting Products
R. G. Sim* The Lincoln Electric Company (Australia)
E. R. Stevens Fisher Controls, Incorporated
*R. U! Straiton Bechtel Corporation
R. A. Swain Euroweld, Ltd.
R. D.Thomas, Jr. R.D. Thomas and Company
K. I? Thornberry J. W. Harris Company, Incorporated
*R. Timerman Conarco, S . A.
*S.Tsutsumi Kobe Steel Limited-Welding Division
L. T. Vernam AlcoTec WireCompany
G. vtanovich Mobil Technology Company
T. R. Warren Ingalls Shipbuilding
H. D.Wehr Arcos Alloys
*E J. Winsor Consultant
K. G. Wold Siemens Power Corporation
J. B. C. Wu Stoody Deloro Stellite, Incorporated

AWS Subcommittee on Carbon and Low-AlloySteel

Electrodes and Fluxesfor Submerged Arc Welding
D. D. Crockett, Chair The Lincoln Electric Company
H. Woodward,Secretary The American Welding Society
G. C, Barnes Consultant
H. A. Beck Harbert’s Products Incorporated
W D.Doty Doty and Associates
H. W Ebert Exxon Research andEngineering Company
D.Y Ku American Bureau of Shipping
G. A. Leclair Consultant
M. T. Merlo Select Arc, Incorporated
D.W Meyer ESAB Welding andCutting Products
M. D. Morin ABB Power Generation
D.M. Parker MAOiWestinghouse
E. W Pickering, JI: Consultant
E A. Rhoades Hobart Brothers Company
L. E Roberts Canadian Welding Bureau
R. A. Swain Euroweld, Limited
*R.D. Thomas,JI: R. D. Thomas and Company
*R. Timerman Conarco S.A.
*S. Tsutsumi Kobe Steel Limited-Welding Division
*W L. Wilcox Consultant


COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.

Licensed by Information Handling Services
(This Foreword is not a part of ANSIIAWS A5.23/A5.23M:1997, Specification for Low-AlloySteel Electrodes and
Fluxes for Submerged Arc Welding,but is included for information purposes only.)
This is the third revision of the document originally issued in 1976. This standardis the first of the A523 specifica-
tions which is a combined specification providing for classification utilizinga system based upon U.S. Customary Units,
or utilizing a system based upon the International System of Units (SI). The measurements are not exact equivalents;
therefore, each system must be used independently of the other, without combining values in any way. In selecting
rational metric units, ANSIIAWS A1.1,Metric Procedure Guide forthe Welding Industry,is used wheresuitable. Tables
and Figures make use of both U.S. Customary and SI Units, which, with the applicationof the specified tolerances, pro-
vides for interchangeability of products in both U.S. Customary and SI Units. Paragraphs, Tables, and Figures which
carry the suffix letter “U” are applicable only to those products classified to the system based upon U.S. Customary
Units under the A5.23specification. Those which carry the suffix letter“M” are applicable only to thoseproducts classi-
fied to the system based upon the International System of Units (SI), under the A5.23Mspecification.
Document Development
ANSI/AWS A5.23-76 Specification for Bare Low-Alloy Steel Electrodes and Fluxes for Submerged Arc Welding
ANSI/AWS A5.23-80 Specification for Low-Alloy Steel Electrodes and Fluxes for Submerged Arc Welding
ANSUAWS A5.23-90 Specification for Low-Alloy Steel Electrodes and Fluxes for Submerged Arc Welding
Comments and suggestions for improvement of this standard are welcome. They should be addressed to the Secre-
tary, AWS Committee on Filler Metals, American Welding Society,550 N.W. LeJeune Road, Miami, FL33126.
The welding terms used in this specification shall be interpreted in accordance with the definitions given in the latest
edition of ANSIIAWS A3.0, Standard Welding Terms and Definitions.
Official interpretations of any of the technical requirementsof this standard may be obtained by sending a request, in
writing, to the Managing Director, Technical Services Division, American Welding Society, 550 N.W. LeJeune Road,
Miami, FL 33126. Aformal reply will be issuedafter it has been reviewedby the appropriate personnelfollowing estab-
lished procedures.

COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.

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Table of Contents
Page No .
Personnel ....................................................................................................................................................................
Foreword ................................................................................................................................................................... v
List of Tables .............................................................................................................................................................. vii
List of Figures ............................................................................................................................................................
1. scope .................................................................................................................................................................... 1
Part A-General Requirements
2. Normative References .......................................................................................................................................... 1
3. Classification ........................................................................................................................................................ 2
4. Acceptance ........................................................................................................................................................... 9
5 Certification ......................................................................................................................................................... 9
6. Units of Measure and Rounding-Off Procedure .................................................................................................. 9
Part B-Tests, Procedures, and Requirements
7. Summary of Tests ................................................................................................................................................. 9
8. Retest .................................................................................................................................................................. 10
9. Weld Test Assemblies ........................................................................................................................................ 10
10. Chemical Analysis ............................................................................................................................................. 13
11. Radiographic Test............................................................................................................................................... 14
12. Tension Test ....................................................................................................................................................... 16
13. Impact Test ......................................................................................................................................................... 16
14. Diffusible Hydrogen Test ................................................................................................................................... 16
Part C-Manufacture,Identification, and Packaging
15 Method of Manufacture ..................................................................................................................................... 19
16. Electrode Requirements ..................................................................................................................................... 19
17. Flux Requirements ............................................................................................................................................. 22
Annex4uide toAWS Specification for Low-Alloy Steel Electrodes and Fluxesfor Submerged Arc Welding
A l . Introduction...................................................................................................................................................... 23
A2. Classification System ...................................................................................................................................... 23
A3. Acceptance ....................................................................................................................................................... 25
A4 Certification ..................................................................................................................................................... 26
A5 Ventilation During Welding ............................................................................................................................. 26
A6 Welding Considerations ................................................................................................................................... 26
A7. Description and Intended Useof Electrodes ................................................................................................... 30
A8 General Safety Considerations ........................................................................................................................ 31
AWS Filler Metal Specifications by Material and WeldingProcess .......................................................................... 35
AWS Filler Metal Specifcations and Related Documents ........................................................................................ 37


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List of Tables
Table Page No.
1 Chemical Composition Requirements for Solid Electrodes .......................................................................... 5
2 Chemical Composition Requirements for Weld Metal .................................................................................. 7
3 Tests Required for Classification ................................................................................................................... 9
4 Base Metal for Test Assemblies ................................................................................................................... 14
5 Preheat, Interpass, and Postweld Heat Treatment Temperatures ................................................................. 15
6U A5.23 Tension TestRequirements ............................................................................................................... 18
6M A5.23M Tension Test Requirements............................................................................................................ 18
7u A5.23 Impact TestRequirements................................................................................................................. 19
7M A5.23M Impact Test Requirements ............................................................................................................. 19
8 Diffusible Hydrogen Requirements ............................................................................................................. 20
9u A523 Standard Electrode Sizes and Tolerances.......................................................................................... 20
9M A5.23M Standard Electrode Sizes and Tolerances ...................................................................................... 20
10 Standard Dimensions and Weights............................................................................................................... 21
Al Comparison of Electrode Designations........................................................................................................ 26

List of Figures
Figure Page No.
1U A5.23 Classification System for U S. Customary Units ................................................................................ 3
1M A5.23M Classification System for the International System of Units (SI) ................................................... 4
2 WeldPad for Chemical Analysis of Weld Metal ......................................................................................... 11
3A Groove WeldTest Assembly ........................................................................................................................ 12
3B Groove Weld Test Welding Parameters........................................................................................................ 13
4 Radiographic Standards for Rounded Indications ....................................................................................... 17


COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.

Licensed by Information Handling Services
Specification for Low-Alloy Steel Electrodes
and Fluxes for Submerged Arc Welding

1. Scope (1) ANSIJAWS Al.1, Metric Practice Guide for the

Welding Industry
This specification prescribes requirements for the
(2) ANSIJAWS A4.3,Standard Methodsfor Determi-
classification of low-alloy steel electrodes (bothsolid
nation of the Diffusible Hydrogen Contentof Martensi-
and composite) and fluxes for submerged arc welding.
tic, Bainitic, and Ferritic Steel Weld Metal Produced by
This document is the first of the A5.23 specifications Arc Welding
which is a combined specification providing for classifi-
cation utilizing a system based upon U.S. Customary (3) ANSIIAWS A5.01, Filler Metal Procurement
Units, or utilizing a system based upon the International Guidelines
System of Units (SI). The measurements are not exact (4) ANSIIAWS A5.1, Specification for Carbon Steel
equivalents; therefore, each system must be used inde- Electrodes for Shielded Metal Arc Welding
pendently of the other, without combining valuesin any (5)ANSIIAWS B4.0, Standard Methoh forMechani-
way. In selecting rational metric units, ANSIJAWS A1.1, cal Testingof Welds
Metric Practice Guide for the Welding Industry, is used
where suitable. Tables andFigures make use of both U.S. 2.2 The following ASTM standards2 are referencedin
Customary Units and SI Units which, with the applica- the mandatory sections of this document:
tion of the specified tolerances, provides for interchange- (1) ASTM A 36JA 36M, Specification for Carbon
ability of products in both U.S. Customary and SI Units. Structural Steel
(1) Paragraphs, tables, and figures which carry the (2) ASTM A 203lA 203M, Specificationfor Pressure
suffix letter “U” are applicable only to those products Vessel Plates,Alloy Steel, Nickel
classified to the system based upon U.S. Customary
(3) ASTM A 204A 204M, Specificationfor Pressure
Units under the A5.23 specification. Vessel Plates,Alloy Steel, Molybdenum
(2) Paragraphs, tables, and figures which carry the
(4) ASTM A 285lA 285M, Specificationfor Pressure
suffix letter “M” are applicable only to those products
classified to the system based upon the International Sys-
Vessel Plates, Carbon Steel, Low- and Intermediate-
Tensile Strength
tem of Units (SI), under the A5.23M specification.
(3) Paragraphs, tables, and figures which do not have ( 5 ) ASTM A 302JA 302M, Specificationfor Pressure
either the suffix letter “U” or the suffix letter “M” are ap- Vessel Plates, AlloySteel, Manganese-Molybdenum and
plicable to those productsclassified under either theU.S. Manganese-Molybdenum-Nickel
Customary Units System or the International System of (6) ASTM A 3871A 387M, Specificationfor Pressure
Units (SI). Vessel Plates, AlloySteel, Chromium-Molybdenum
(7) ASTM A 514lA 514M,Specification for Hìgh-
Part A Yield-Strength, Quenched and Tempered Alloy Steel
General Requirements Plate, Suitablefor Welding

2. Normative References 1. AWS standards may be obtained from the American Welding
Society, 550 N.W. LeJeune Road, Miami, FL 33126.
2.1 The following ANSUAWS’ standards are referenced 2. ASTM standardscanbe obtained from ASTM, 100 Barr
in the mandatory sections of this document: Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959.

COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.

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(8) ASTM A 515lA 515M, Specification for Pressure (1) The mechanical properties of the weld metal ob-
Vessel Plates, Carbon Steel, for Intermediate- and tained with the combination of a particular flux and a
Higher-TemperatureService particular classification of electrode, as specified in
(9) ASTM A 5161A 516M, Specification for Pressure Tables 6U and 7U
Vessel Plates, CarbonSteel, for Moderate- and Lower- (2) The condition of heat treatment in which those
Temperature Service properties are obtained, as specified in 9.4 (and shown in
(10) ASTM A 517lA 517M, Specification for Pressure Figure lu)
Vessel Plates, Alloy Steel, High-Strength, Quenched and (3) The chemical composition of the weld metal ob-
Tempered tained with the combination of a particular flux and
(11) ASTM A 5331A 533M, Specification for Pressure a particular classification of electrode as specified in
Vessel Plates, Alloy Steel, Quenchedand Tempered, Table 2
Manganese-Molybdenum and Manganese-Molybdenum- (4) The chemical composition of the electrode (for
Nickel solid electrodes) as specified in Table 1 or the weld metal
(12) ASTM A 537/A 537M, Specification for Pressure produced with a particular flux (for composite elec-
Vessel Plates, Heat-Treated Carbon-Manganese-Silicon trodes) as specified in Table 2
(13) ASTM A 543fA 543M, Specification for Pressure 3.1M The welding electrodes and fluxes covered by the
Vessel Plates, Alloy Steel, Quenched and Tempered A5.23M specification utilize a classification system
Nickel-Chromium-Molybdenum based upon the International System of Units (SI), ac-
(14) ASTM A 572lA 572N, Specification for High- cording to the following:
Strength Low-Alloy Columbium-Vanadium Structural (1) The mechanical properties of the weld metal ob-
Steel tained with the combination of a particular flux and a
(15) ASTM A 588/A 588M,Specification forHigh- particular classification of electrode, as specified in Ta-
Strength Low-Alloy Structural Steel with 50 ksi bles 6M and 7M
1345 MPa] Minimum yield Point to 4 in. [IO0 mm] Thick (2) The condition of heat treatment in which those
(16) ASTM DS-56, SAE HS-1086, Metals and Alloys properties are obtained, as specified in 9.4 (and shown in
in the Unified Numbering System Figure 1M)
(17) ASTM E 29, Practice for Using Significant (3) The chemical composition of the weld metal ob-
Digits in Test Data to Determine Conformance with tained with the combination of a particular flux and
Specifications a particular classification of electrode as specified in
(18) ASTM E 142, Method for Controlling Quality of Table 2
Radiographic Testing (4) The chemical composition of the electrode (for
(19) ASTME 350, Test Methods for ChemicalAnalysis solid electrodes) as specified in Table 1 or the weld metal
of Carbon Steel, Low Alloy Steel, Silicon Electrical Steel, produced with a particular flux (for composite elec-
Ingot Iron and Wrought Iron trodes) as specified in Table 2
2.3 The following IS0 standards3 are referenced in the
mandatory section of this document. 3.2 Solid electrodes classified under one classification
shall not be classified under any other classification in
(1) IS0 864, Arc WeldingSolid and Tubular Cored
this specification, Composite electrodes may be classi-
Wires Which Deposit Carbon and Carbon Manganese
fied under more than one classification when used with
Steel-Dimensions of Wires, Spools, Rims and Coils.
different fluxes. Fluxes may be classified under any
number of classifications, for weld metal in either or
both the as-welded and postweld heat-treated conditions,
3. Classification using different electrode classifications. Flux-electrode
3.1U The welding electrodes and fluxes covered by the combinations may be classified under A 5 2 3 with U.S.
A5.23 specification utilize a classification system based Customary Units, A5.23M using the International Sys-
upon U.S. Customary Units and are classified according tem of Units(SI), or both. Flux-electrode combinations
to the following: classified under both A5.23 and M.23M must meet all
requirements for classification under each system. The
classification systems are shown in Figures 1U and 1M.
3. 1SO standardsmay be obtained from The American National
Standards Institute (ANSI), 11 West 42nd Street, 13th Floor, 3 3 The electrodes and fluxes classified under this speci-
New York, NY 10036-8002 fication are intended for submerged arc welding, but that

COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.

Licensed by Information Handling Services
- - I Indicates a submerged arc welding flux.

Indicates that the welding flux being classified

is made solely from crushed slagor is a blend
“ S indicates that theflux being
of crushed slag with unused (virgin) flux. Omission of the
classified is unused (virgin)

r Indicates
the tensile
strength (in increments
10of O00weld
with the flux and some specific classification of electrode under the welding conditions speci-
fied in Figure 3.’ h odigits are used for weld metal of 100O00 psi tensile strength and higher.
For example, when the designatoris 8, the tensile requirement 80is O00 to 100 O00 psi. When
the designatoris 11, the tensile requirement is110 O00 to 130 O00 psi (see Table6U).
- Designates the condition of heat treatment in which the tests were conducted:“A” for as-
of the PWHT are speci-
welded and “P” for postweld heat treated. The time and temperature
fied in 9.4 and Table5.

Indicates a temperature in“F at or above which the impact strength the

of weld metal referred
to above meets or exceeds20 ft-lbf. %o digits areused for test temperatures of -100°F or
lower (see Table7U).

Classification of the electrode used in producing the weld metal referred

to above. The letter
“E” in the first position indicates electrode. The letter “C,” when present
in the second posi-
tion, indicates that the electrode is a composite electrode (refer to 2Table
for classifications).
Omission of the “C” indicates that the electrodeis a solid electrode (refer to Table1 for

Indicates the chemical composition of the weld metal obtained with the flux and the elec-
trode. One or more letters and/or digits areused (see Table2).



Optional supplemental diffusible hydrogen designator(see Table 8).

An “N”designator indicates conformanceto special requirements for nuclear applications.

The “ N is used only when footnote cto Table 1 or footnote e to Table2 applies (see Para-
graph 13.4and Annex A2.1 for explanation).

An “R” designator indicates conformanceto reduced residual requirements for step cooling
applications. The“ R is used only when footnote gto Table 1 or Table2 applies.
(a) The combination of these designators constitutes the flux-electrode classification,
(b) These designators are optional and do not constitute
a part of the flux-electrode classification.
F9PO-EB3-B3 is a complete designation for a flux-electrode combination. It refers to a flux that will produce weld metal which, in
the postweld heat treated condition, will have
a tensile strength of90 O00 to 110 O00 psi and Charpy V-notch impact strength of at
least 20 ft4bf at 0°F when produced with an EB3 electrode under the conditions called for in this specification. The absence of an
“S” in thesecond position indicates that the flux being classified
is a virgin flux. The composition of the weld metal willB3 be(see
Table 2).
F9A2-ECMl-Ml is a complete designation for a flux-electrode combination when the trade name of the composite electrode used
in classification tests is indicated as well [see 17.4.1(3)]. The designation refers to a virginflux that will produce weldmetal with
the ECMl electrode which,in the as-welded condition, will have a tensile strength of90O00 to 110 O00 psi and Charpy V-notch
energy of at least 20 ftdbf at -20°F under the conditions calledin for this specification. The composition of the weld metal will be
M l (see Table2).

Figure lU”A5.23 Classification Systemfor U.S. Customary Units

COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.

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S T D - A W S A5123/A5=23M-ENGL L997 = 0784265 0509679 9 4 T


Indicates a submerged arc welding flux.

Indicates that the weldingflux being classified is made solely from crushed slag
or is a blend
of crushed slag with unused (virgin) flux. Omission of the “ S indicates that theflux being
classified is unused (virgin)flux.

Indicates the minimum tensile strength [in increments of 10 Megapascals (MPa)] of weld
metal deposited with theflux and some specific classification of electrode under the welding
conditions specifiedin Figure 3. For example, when this designator is55, the tensile require-
ment is 550 to 700 MPa (see Table 6M).

“A” for as-

Designates the condition of heat treatment in which the tests were conducted:
welded and “P” for postweld heat treated. The time and temperature of the PWHT are speci-
fied in 9.4 and Table5.

Indicates a temperaturein “Cat or above which the impact strength of the weld metal referred
to above meets or exceeds 27J.TWO digits (10) are used for test temperatures of -100°C
Table 7M).

Classification of the electrode used in producing the weld metal referredto above. The letter
“ E in the first position indicates electrode. The letter “C,” when present in the second
tion, indicates that the electrode
is a composite electrode (refer
to Table 2 for classifications).
Omission of the “C” indicates that the electrode is a solid electrode (refer to Table 1 for

flux and the elec-

Indicates the chemical composition of the weld metal obtained with the
trode. One or more letters and/or digits are used (see Table 2).
Optional supplemental diffusible hydrogen designator (see Table

An “N” designator indicates conformance to special requirements for nuclear applications.

The “N” is used only when footnotec to Table 1 or footnote e to Table 2 applies (see Para-
graph 13.4 and Annex A2.1 for explanation.)

An “ R designator indicates conformanceto reduced residual requirements for step cooling

applications. The“ R is used only when footnoteg to Table1or Table 2 applies.

(a) The combinationof these designators constitutes the flux-electrode classification.
@) These designators are optional and do not constitute a part of the flux-electrode classification.

F62P2-EB3-B3is a complete designation for a flux-electrode combination. It refers to aflux that.will produce weld metal which,
the postweld heat treated condition, will have a tensile strength of 620-760 MPa and Charpy V-notch impact strength of at least 275
at -20°C when produced with an EB3 electrode under the conditions called forin this specification. The absence of an “ S in the
second position indicates that the
flux being classifiedis a virgin flux. The composition of the weld metalbewill B3 (seeTable 2).
F69A3-ECM2-M2 is a complete designation for a flux-electrode combination when the trade name of the composite electrode
used in classification tests is indicated as well [see
17.4.1 (3)]. The designation refers to a virgin flux that will produce weld metal
with the ECM2 electrode which,in the as-welded condition, will have a tensile strength “830 of MPa and Charpy V-notch en-
ergy of at least 273 at -30°C under the conditions called for in this specification. The composition of the weld metal will be M2
(see Table 2).

Figure 1M-A5.23M Classification Systemfor the International Systemof Units (SI)

COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.

Licensed by Information Handling Services
Table 1
Chemical Composition Requirementsfor Solid Electrodes
AWS Percentab Weight
Classifi- UNS
cationC NO.^ C Mn si S P Cr Ni Mo Cue V Other

EL12' KO1012 0.04- 0.030

0.25- 0.0300.10 - - - 0.35 - -
0.14 0.60
EM12K' KO1113 0.05- 0.030
0.80- - - - 0.35
0.35 1.25 0.15
EA1 K11222 0.05- 0.20
0.65- 0.025 0.025 - - 0.350.45-
EA2 K11223 0.025
0.95- - - 0.35
0.17 1.35 0.65
EA3 K11423 0.05- 1.65- 0.20 0.025 0.025 - - 0.45- 0.35
EA3K K21451 0.05- 1.60- 0.50- 0.025
0.025 - - 0.35
2.10 0.15
EA4 K11424 0.05- 0.20
1.20- 0.025 0.025 - - 0.35
0.15 1.70 0.65
EB1 K11043 0.10 0.40- 0.05- 0.025 0.025 0.40- - 0.35
0.75 0.30 0.80 0.65
EB2g K11172 0.07- 0.45- 0.05- 0.025 1.00-
0.025 - 0.35
0.15 1.00 0.30 1.75 0.65
EB2H W016 0.45-
0.28- 0.55- 1.00-
0.015 - 0.40- 0.30
0.75 0.65 0.33 .so 0.65
EB3g K31115 0.05- 0.40- 0.05- 2.25-
0.025 - 0.90- 0.35
3.00 0.30 0.15 0.80
EB5 K121870.45-
0.15- - 0.90- 0.30
0.70 0.23 0.60 0.65 1.20
EB6 S50280 0.10 0.35- 0.05- 0.025 0.025 4.50- - 0.35
0.70 0.50 6.50 0.70
EB6H S501800.025
0.25- 0.025 4.80- - 0.35
1.00 0.40 0.50 6.00 0.65
EB8 S50480 0.10 0.30- 0.05- 8.00-
0.025 - 0.35
0.65 0.50 10.50 1.20
EB9 S50482
0.07- 0.010 8.00- 1.00 0.80- 0.10
0.13 10.00

ENil K11040 0.75-

0.12 0.05- 0.35
0.020 0.75-
0.30 1.25
ENil K K11058 0.12 0.80- 0.40- 0.020 0.020 - 0.75- - 0.35
1.40 0.80 1.25

ENi2 K21010 0.12 0.75- 0.05- 0.020

0.020 - 2.10- - 0.35
1.25 0.30 2.90

COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.

Licensed by Information Handling Services
~~ ~ ~~~~

Table 1 (Continued)
AWS Percentqb Weight
Classifi- UNS
cationC Nod C Mn si S NiP Cr Mo Cu' V Other
ENi3 K31310 0.13 0.60- 0.05- 0.020
0.020 0.15 3.10- - 0.35 -
1.20 0.30 3.80
ENi4 K11485 0.12- 0.60- 0.10- 0.015
0.020 - 1.60- 0.10- 0.35 -
0 2.10 0.30 0.19 1.00
ENi5 K11240 0.12 1.20- 0.05- 0.020
0.020 - 0.10-
0.75- 0.35 -
1.60 0.30 0.30 1.25
EF1 IC11160 0.07- 0.90- 0.15- 0.025 0.025 - 0.95- 0.35
0.25- -
0.35 1.70 0.15 0.55
EF2 K21450 1.70-
0.10- 0.20 0.025 0.025 - 0.40-
0.40- 0.35 -
2.40 0.18 0.80 0.65
EF3 K21485 0.10- 1.70- 0.025
0.30 0.025 - 0.70- 0.40- 0.35 -
2.40 0.18 0.65
EF4 K12048 0.16" OhO- 0.030
0.15- 0.025 O.& 0.40- 0.15- 0.35 -
0.23 0.90 0.35 0.30
0.60 0.80
EF5 K41370 0.10- 1.70- 0.20 0.015 0.010 0.25- 0.45-
2.30- 0.50 -
2.20 0.17 0.50 2.80 0.65
EF6 K21135 0.10-
0.07- 0.015 0.015 0.20- 1.75- 0.40- 0.35 -
0.15 1.90 0.30 0.65
0.55 2.25
EM2h K10882 0.10 1.25- 0.20- 0.30
0.015 1.40- 0.25- 0.25 Ti: 0.10
1.80 0.60 2.10 0.55 Zr: 0.10
Al: 0.10

EM3h U1015 0.20-

0.10 0.015 0.010 0.55 1.90- 0.25- 0.25 Ti: 0.10
1.80 0.60 2.60 0.65 Zr:0.10
Al: 0.10
EM4h K21030 0.10 1.40- 0.20- 0.015 0.010 0.60 2.00- 0.30- 0.25 Ti: 0.10
1.80 0.60 0.65 2.80 Zr:0.10
Al: 0.10
EW K11245 0.12 0.35- 0.030
0.20- 0.025 0.50- 0.40- - 0.30- -
0.65 0.35 0.80 0.80 0.80
EG Not Specified
a. The electtode shall be. analyzed for the specific elements for which values areshown in this 'i8ble. If the presenceo f other elements is indicated, in
the courseof this work, the amountof those elementsshall be. determined to ensure thattheir total (excluding iron) does not exceed 0.50 percent.
b. Single values are maximum.
c. The letter "N" when added as a suffix is an optional supplemental designatorindicating that the limits onthe phosphorus. vanadium, andcopper are
as follows:
P = 0.012% max. V = 0.05%max. Cu = 0.08% max.
See A2.1 for explanation and intended use.
d. SAWASTM Unified Numbering System for Metals and Alloys.
e. The copper limit includes any copper coating that may be. applied to the electrode.
f. The EL12 and EM12Kclassifications are identical to those same classifications in ANSI/AWS A5.17/A5.17M, Specificalionfor CarbonSteel Elec-
frodes and Flues for SubmergedAre Welding. They are included in this specification because they are sometimes used with an alloy flux to deposit
some of the weld metals designated in Table 2.
g. The letter "R" when added as a suffix is an optional supplemental designator indicating that the limits onsulfur, phosphorous. copper, arsenic, tin
and antimony are as follows:
S = 0.010%max. P = 0.010% max. Cu = 0.15%max. As = 0.009%max.Sn = 0.005%max.Sb = 0.0052 max.
See A7.1.2 for explanation and intended use.
h. The composition tanges of classificationswith the"EM" prefix are intendedto conform to the rangesfor similar electrodes in the military specifications.

COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.

Licensed by Information Handling Services

STD-AWS A5=23/A5=23I-ENGL 1’3’37 0784265 0509bA2 434


Table 2
Chemical Composition Requirements for Weld Metal
(Both Flux-Solid Electrode and Flux-Composite Electrode Combinations)
UNS Desig-
nationdVeC Number‘ Mn Si S P Cr Ni Other
Mo Cu
Al W17041
0.12 1O
.O 0.80 0.030
0.030 - - 0.40- 0.35 -
A2 W17042
0.12 1.40 0.80 0.030 0.030 - - 0.40- 0.35 -
A3 W10743
0.15 2.10 0.80 0.030
0.030 - - 0.40- 0.35 -
A4 W 17044 O. 15 1.60 0.80 0.030 0.030 - - 0.40- 0.35 -
B1 W51040
0.12 1.60 0.80 0.030
0.030 0.40- - 0.40- 0.35 -
0.65 0.65
B29 W52040
0.05- 1.20 0.80 0.030
0.030 1.00- - 0.40- 0.35 -
0.15 1.50 0.65
B2H W52240 0.10- 1.20 0.80 0.020
0.020 1.00- - 0.40- 0.35 V 0.30
0.25 1s o 0.65
B39 W53040
0.05- 1.20 0.80 0.030
0.030 2.00- - 0.90- 0.35 -
0.15 2.50 1.20
B4 W53340
0.12 1.20 0.80 0.030 0.030 1.75- - 0.40- 0.35 -
2.25 0.65
B5 W51340
0.18 1.20 0.80 0.030
0.030 0.40- - 0.90- 0.35 -
0.65 1.20
B6 W50240
0.12 1.20 0.80 0.030
0.030 4.50- - 0.40- 0.35 -
6.00 0.65
B6H W50140 0.10- 1.20 0.80 0.030
0.030 4.50- - 0.40- 0.35 -
0.25 6.00 0.65
B8 W50440
0.12 1.20 0.80 0.030
0.030 8.00- - 0.80- 0.35 -
10.00 1.20

B9 W50442
0.07- 1.25 0.15- 0.010 0.010 8.00- 1.o0 0.80- 0.10 AI: 0.04
0.13 0.30 9.50 1.20 Nb: 0.03-0.10
N: 0.03-0.07
v 0.154.25
Nil W21040
0.12 1.60h 0.80 0.025 0.030 0.15 0.75- 0.35 0.35 Ti+VtZr: 0.05
Ni2 W22040
0.12 1.60h 0.80 0.030
0.025 - 2.00- - 0.35 -
Ni3 W23040
0.12 1.60 0.80 0.025 0.030 0.15 2.80- - 0.35 -
Ni4 W21250
0.14 1.60 0.80 0.025 0.030 - 1.40- o. 10- 0.35 -
2.10 0.35
Ni5 W21042
0.12 1.60 0.80 0.030
0.025 - 0.70- 0.10- 0.35 -
1.10 0.35

COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.

Licensed by Information Handling Services
Table 2 (Continued)
Weld Percentqb,C
Desig- UNS
nationdSe Number‘ C Mn si S P Cr Ni Mo Cu Other

F1 W21150 0.12 0.70- 0.80 0.030 0.150.030 0.90- 0.35 0.55

1.50 1.70
F2 W20240 0.17 1.25- 0.80 0.030 0.030 - 0.40- 0.40- 0.35
2.25 0.80 0.65
F3 W21140 0.17 1.25- O .80 0.030 0.030 - 0.70- 0.40- 0.35
2.25 1.10 0.65
F4 W20440 0.17 1.60 0.80 0.035 0.030 0.60 0.40- 0.25 0.35 Ti+V+Zr: 0.03

F5 W22540 0.17 1.20- 0.80 0.020 0.650.020 2.W 0.30- 0.50

1.80 2.80 0.80
F6 W22640 O. 14 0.80- 0.80 0.020 0.030 0.65 1.50- 0.60 0.40
1.85 2.25
Ml W21240 0.10 0.60- 0.80 0.030 0.030 0.15 1.25- 0.30 0.35 Ti+V+Zr: 0.03
1.60 2.00
M2 W21340 o.10 0.90- 0.80 0.020 0.350.020 1.40- 0.25- 0.30 Ti+V+Zr: 0.03
1.80 2.10 0.65
M3 W22240 o. 10 0.90- 0.80 0.020
0.020 0.20- 0.30 Ti+V+Zr: 0.03
1.80 2.60 0.70
M4 W22440 0.10 1.30- 0.80 0.020 0.020 0.80 2.W 0.30- 0.30 Ti+V+Zr: 0.03
2.25 2.80 0.80
M5 W21345 0.12 1,60- 0.50 0.015 0.015 0.40 1.40- 0.20- 0.30 Ti: 0.03
2.50 2.10 0.50 v: 0.02
Zr: 0.02
M6 W21346 0.12 1.60- 0.50 0.015
1.40-0.400.015 0.70- 0.30 Ti: 0.03
2.50 2.10 1.o0 v: 0.02
Zr: 0.02
W W20140 o.12 0.50- 0.80 0.0300.40-
0.035 - 0.30- -
1.60 0.70 0.80 0.75
G Not Specified
~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~

a. The weld metal shall be analyzed for the specific elements for which values are shown in this Table. If the presence of other elements is indicated,
in the course of this work, the amountof those elements shallbe determined to ensure that their total (excluding iron) does not exceed0.50 percent.
b. Single values are maximum.
c. As a substitute for lheweld pad in Figure 2, the sample for chemical analysis may be taken from the reduced section of the fractured tension test
specimen (see 12.1) or from a corresponding location (or any location above it)in the weld metal in the groove weld in Figure 3. In case of dispute,
the weld pad shall be the referee method.
d. The electrode designationfor composite electrodes is obtainedby placing an “EC” before the appropriate weld metal designation.
e. The letter”N”when added as a suffix is an optional supplemental designator indicating that thelimits on the phosphorus, vanadium, andcapper are as
P = 0.012%max. V = 0.05%max. Cu = 0.08% max.
See A2.1 for explanation and intended use.
f. SAWASTM Unified Numbering System for Metal and Alloys.
g. The letter ”R” when added as a suffix is an optional supplemental designator indicating that the limits on sulfur, phosphorous, copper, arsenic, tin
and antimony areas follows:
S = 0.010% max. P = 0.010%rnax. Cu 5 0.15% max. As = 0.005% max. Sn = 0.005% max. Sb = 0.005%max.
These reduced residual limits are necessary to meet“X” factor requirements for step cooling applications.
h. Manganese in N i l and Ni2 designated weld metal may be 1.80%maximum when c a h n is restricted to 0.1%

COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.

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S T D - A W S A5-23/A5-23M-ENGL I1997 07d4265 0509bd4 207

is not to prohibit their use with any other process for 6.2 For the purpose of determining conformance with
which they are found suitable. this specification, an observed or calculated value shall
be rounded to the nearest 1000 psi for tensile and yield
strength for A5.23 [to the nearest 10 MPa for tensile and
4. Acceptance yield strength for A5.23Ml and to the nearest unit in the
last right-hand place of figures used in expressing the
Acceptance of the electrodes and fluxes shall be in ac- limiting values for other quantities in accordance with
cordance with the provisions of ANSI/AWS A5.01, the rounding-off method given in ASTM E 29, Practice
Filler Metal Procurement Guidelines (see Annex A3). for Using Significant Digits in Test Data to Determine
Conformance with Specifications.
5. Certification
By affixing the AWS specification and classification
designations to the packaging, or the classification to the Part B
product, the manufacturer certifies that the product meets Tests, Procedures, and Requirements
the requirements of this specification (see Annex A4).

7.Summary of Tests
6. Units of Measure and
Rounding-Off Procedure The tests required for classification of solid elec-
trodes, composite electrodes, and flux-electrode combi-
6.1 This specification makes use of both U.S. Customary nations are specified in Table 3.
Units and the International System of Units (SI). The
measurements are not exact equivalents; therefore, each 7.1 Electrodes
system must be used independently of the other without
combining in any way. The specification with the desig- 7.1.1 Solid Electrodes.Chemical analysis of the elec-
nation A523 uses U.S. Customary Units. The specifica- trode is the only test required for classification of a solid
tion with the designation A5.23M uses SI Units. The electrode under this specification. The chemical analysis
latter are shown in appropriate columns in the Tables or of the rod stock from which the electrode is made may
Figures or are shown within brackets [ ] when used in the also be used, provided the electrode manufacturing pro-
text. Figures in parenthesis ( ), following the U.S. Cus- cess does not alter the chemical composition.
tomary Units, are calculated equivalent SI values for the 7.1.2 Composite Electrodes. Chemical analysis of
specified dimensions. Figures in brackets [ 1, following
weld metal produced with the composite electrode and a
U.S. Customary Units used in the text, are rational SI
particular flux is the only test required for classification
of a composite electrode under this specification.

Table 3
Tests Required for Classification
~ ~~~~~

Analysis Chemical
Radiographic Tension Impact Hydrogen
AWS Classification Electrode
Test Test Test
Weld Metal Test
All Solid Electrodes Required Not Required Not Required Not Required Not Required Not Required
Required Not Required
All Flux-Solid
Not b
All Flux-Composite
Requireda b
a. When the "Zn impact designator (no impact requirement-Tables 7 and 7M) is used, the Impact Test is not required.
b. Diffusible hydrogen test is required only when specified by the purchaser or when the manufacturer puts the diffusible hydrogen designator on the
label (see also A3 and A6.4 in the Annex).

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7.2 Fluxes. The tests specified in Table 3 determine the of composite electrode weld metal may be takenfrom the
chemical composition, the mechanical properties, and groove weld in Figure 3A. Note c to Table 2 allows the
the soundness of the weld metal obtained with a particu- sample for chemical analysis in the case of a composite
lar flux-electrode combination. The base metalfor the electrode to be taken from the reduced section of the
weld test assemblies, the welding and testing procedures fractured tension test specimen or from a corresponding
to be employed, and the results required are given in Sec- location (or any location above it) in the weld metal in
tions 9 through 13. the groove weld in Figure 3A. In case of dispute, the
weld pad shall be the referee method.
7.3 Flux classification is based upon a 5/32-in. [4.0-mm]
electrode size as standard.If this size electrode is not 9.1.3 Classification of Flux-Electrode Combina-
manufactured, the closest size shall be used for classifi- tions. One groove weld test assembly is required for
cation tests. See Note (d) of Figure 3B. each classification of a flux-solid electrode combination
or a flux-composite electrode combination. This is the
groove weld in Figure 3A for mechanical properties and
8. Retest soundness of the weld metal.
A second test assembly, the weld pad in Figure 2, is
If the results of any test fail to meet the requirement, required for chemical analysis of the weld metal. How-
that test shall be repeated twice. The results of both re- ever, Note c to Table 2 allows the sample for chemical
tests shall meet the requirement. Material, specimens, or analysis to be taken from the reducedsection of the frac-
samples for retest may be taken from the original test as- tured tension test specimen or from a corresponding
sembly or sample or from one or two new testassemblies location (or any location above it) in the weld metal in
or samples. For chemical analysis, retest need be only for the groove weld in Figure 3A, thereby avoiding the need
those specific elements that failed to meet the test re- to make the weld pad. In case of dispute, the weld pad
quirement. If the results of one or both retests fail to meet shall be the referee method.
the requirement, the material under test shall be consid-
ered as not meeting the requirements of this specification 9.2 Preparation. Preparation of each weld test assembly
for that classification. shall be as prescribedin 9.3 and 9.4. The base metal for
In the event that, during preparation or after comple- each assembly shall be as required in Table 4 corre-
tion of any test, it is clearly determined that prescribed or sponding to the tests to be conducted and shall meet the
proper procedures were not followed in preparing the requirements of the appropriate ASTM specification
weld test assembly or test specimen(s) or in conducting shown there, or an equivalent specification. Testing of
the test, the test shall be considered invalid, without the assemblies shall be as prescribed in Sections 10
regard to whether the test was actually completed or through 13.
whether test results met, or failed to meet, the require-
9 3 Weld Pad. For composite electrodes or for any flux-
ment. That test shall be repeated, following proper pre-
electrode combination, a weld pad shall be prepared as
scribed procedures. In this case, the requirement for specified in Figure 2, except when the alternative in 9.1.2
doubling the number oftest specimens does not apply.
or 9.1.3 is selected. Base metal of any convenient size, of
the type specified in Table 4, shall be used as the base
metal for the weld pad. The surface of the base metal on
9. Weld Test Assemblies which the filler metal is deposited shall be clean. The pad
shall be welded in the flat position, three passes per
9.1 Requirements for Classification
layer, four layers high, using the flux for which classifi-
9.1.1 Classification of Solid Electrodes. No weld cation of the compositeelectrode or flux-electrode com-
test assembly is required for classification of solid bination is intended. The preheat temperature shall be
electrodes. not less than 60°F [1SoC],and the interpass temperature
shall not exceed 325°F [165"C]. The slag shall be re-
9.1.2 Classification of Composite Electrodes. The moved after each pass. The pad may be quenched in
chemical analysis of weld metal produced with the water between passes but shall be dry before the start of
composite electrode and a particular flux is required for each pass. Testing of this assembly shall be as specified
classification of a composite electrode under this speci- in Section 10, Chemical Analysis.
fication. The weld test assembly, shown in Figure 2, is
used to meet this requirement for the classification of 9.4 Groove Weld for Mechanical Properties and
composite electrodes. Figure 2 is the weld pad test as- Soundness. For classification of a flux-electrode combi-
sembly for chemical analysis of weld metal. As an alter- nation, a test assembly shall be prepared and welded as
native to the weld pad, the sample for chemical analysis specified in Figure 3A, using base metal of theappropri-


COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.

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STD-AWS 13784265 13509bBb O B T

a. Width and thickness of the base metal plate maybe any dimension suitable for the electrode diameter and current inuse.
b. Weld beads shall be depositedwithout oscillation. The welding conditions shallbe in accordancewith the manufactured recommendations.
c. The first and last2 in. [50 mm] of the weld length shall be discarded. The top surface shall be removed, and chemical analysis
ples shall be taken from the underlying metal of the fourth layer of the weld pad.

Figure %Weld Pad for Chemical Analysis of Weld Metal

ate type specified in Table 4, and the preheat and interpass prepared. In the latter case, the single assembly shall be
temperature specified in Table 5. Prior to welding, the as- cut transverse to the weld into two pieces; one of the
sembly may be preset so that the welded joint will be suf- pieces shall be tested in the as-welded condition, and the
ficiently flat to facilitate removal of the test specimens. other piece shall be heat treated prior to testing.
As an alternative, restraint or a combination of restraint Any test assembly to be heat treated shall be heat
and presetting may be used to keep the welded joint treated at the temperature specified in Table 5 for 1 hour
within S degrees of plane, A welded test assembly that is (-0, +15 minutes). The furnace shall be at a temperature
more than 5 degrees out of plane shall be discarded. not higher than 600°F [315"C] when the test assembly is
Straightening of the test assembly is prohibited. Testing placed in it. The heating rate, from that pointto the spec-
of this assembly shall be as specified in Sections 10 ified holding temperature in Table 5 shall not exceed
through 13, with the assembly in either the as-welded or 400°F per hour [22OoCper hour]. When the one-hour
the postweld heat-treated condition, according to the clas- holding time has been completed, the assembly shall be
sification of the weld metal (see Figure1U or Figure 1M). allowed to cool in the furnace to a temperature below
When the tests are to be conducted in each condition 600°F [31S°C] at a rate not exceeding 350°F per hour
(as-welded and postweld heat treated), two such assem- [195"Cper hour]. The assembly may be removed from
blies, or one single assembly of sufficient length to pro- the furnace at any temperature below600°F [315"C] and
vide the specimens required for both conditions, shall be allowed to cool in still air to room temperature.


COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.

Licensed by Information Handling Services


II I l



" /-


(min) Length 12 305
T Thickness 1 2 1/16 25 2 1.5
(min) W Width 5 127
D Center
Specimen 31a 2 1/32
9.5 f 1.o
B Backup Width (min) 2 50
R Root Opening 112 2 1/16 13 f 1.5
(min) Z Discard 1 25
v Backup Thickness:
(min) buttering Without 112 13
Weh buttering
(min) 310 9.5
F (min) ThicknessButtering I /a 3.2

Figure 3A-Groove Weld Test Assembly


COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.

Licensed by Information Handling Services
- ~ -~

S T D - A W S A5.23/A5.23M-ENGL L937 0784265 0509688 952


Weldina Conditions for Solid Electrodesa.b~c

Electrode Sized Electrode Extensiong Travel Speed
Welding Arc
nt mmlsec ipm Voltage Current
mm in. in.
mme (21) Temp.'
(20.5) Typeh
1/16 1.6 250 to 35026 to 29 1I2 to 314 13tO 19 12 5.0
5/64 2.0 300to 400 26 to 29 1I2 to 314 13 to 19 13 5.5
3/32 2.4 350 to450 27 to 30 314 to 1-114 19 to 32 14 6.0
- 2.5 350 to 450 27 to 30 314 to 1-114 19 to 32 14 6.0
7/64 2.8 400to 500 27 to 30 314 to 1-114 19 to 32 14
- 3.0 400 to 500 27 to 30 1 to 1-112 25 to 38 15
A.C. or
3.2 425 to 525
475 to 575
27 to 30
27 to 30
1 to 1-112
1 to 1-112
25 to 38
25 to 38

Refer to
Table 5
3/16 4.8 525 to 625 27 to 30 1 to 1-112 25 to 38 17 7.0
- 5.0 550 to 650 27 to 30 1 to 1-112 25 to 38 17 7.0
7/32 5.6 575 to 675 28 to 31 1-114 to 1-314 32 to44 18 7.5
- 6.0 625 to 725 28 to 31 1-114 to 1-314 32 to 44 19 8.0
114 6.4 700 to 800 28 to 32 1-112 to 2 38 to 50 20 8.5
a. Values specified in inches or ipm applyto A5.23. Values specifiedin mm or mmlsec. applyto A5.23M.
b. These welding conditions are intended for machine or automatic welding with straight progression (no weaving). Welding shall be
performed in the flat position. The first layer shall be producedin either 1 or 2 passes. All other layers shallbe producedin 2 or 3
passes per layer except the last, which shall be producedin 3 or 4 passes. The completed weld be shallat least flush with the surface
of the test plate.
c. Welding conditions for composite electrodes shall be as agreed between purchaser and supplier.
d. Classification is based on the propertiesof weld metal with 5/32 in. (4.0 mm] electrodes or the closest size manufactured,if 5/32 in.
[4.0 mm] is not manufactured. The conditions given above for sizes other than 5/32 in. [4.0 mm] are to be used when classification is
based on those sizes, or when they are required for lot acceptance testing under Metal Procurement Guidelines(unless
other conditions are specified by the purchaser).
e. 4.8 mm, 5.6 mm and 6.4 mm are not includedas standard sizesin IS0 864:1988.
f. Lower currents may be used for the first layer.
g. The electrode extensionis the contact tube-to-work distance. When an electrode manufacturer recommends a contact tube-to-work
distance outside the range shown, that recommendation shall be followed k 114 in. [6.5 mm].
h. In case of dispute, DCEP (direct current electrode positive) shall be used as the referee current.
i. The welding of any pass may begin only when the assemblyis within the interpass temperature range. The point of temperature
measurement shall be at the mid-length of the test assembly, approximately 1 in. (25 mm] from the weld centerline.

Figure 3B"Groove Weld Test Welding Parameters

9.5 Diffusible Hydrogen. In those cases in which an op- the coating shall be removedif its presence affects the re-
tional supplemental diffusible hydrogen designator is to sults of the analysis for other elements. Rod stock may
be added to the flux-electrode classification designation, be analyzed prior to coating for thoseelements not added
four diffusible hydrogen test assemblies shall be pre- in the coating. In this case, the analysis of the elements
pared, welded, and tested as specified in Section 14, Dif- in the electrode coating must be made on the finished
fusible Hydrogen Test. electrode.
10.2 Composite electrodes and all flux-electrode combi-
nations shall be analyzed in the form of weld metal. The
10. Chemical Analysis sample for analysis shall be taken from weld metal ob-
tained with the electrode and the flux with which it is
10.1 For solid electrodes, a sample of the electrode shall classified. The sample shall come from the weld pad in
be prepared for chemical analysis. The rod stock from Figure 2, from the reduced section of the fractured ten-
which the electrode is made may also be used for chemi- sion test specimen (see 12.1)or from a correspondinglo-
cal analysis, provided the electrode manufacturing pro- cation (or any location above it) in the weld metal in the
cess does not alter the chemical composition. Solid groove weld in Figure 3A. In case of dispute, the weld
electrodes, when analyzed for elements that are present pad shall be the referee method.
in a coating (copper flashing, for example), shall be ana- The top surface of the pad described in 9.3 and shown
lyzed without removing the coating. When the electrode in Figure 2 shall be removed and discarded, anda sample
is analyzed for elements other than those in the coating, for analysis shall be obtained from the underlying metal


COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.

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Table 4
Base Metalfor Test Assemblies
Weld BaseASTM
Metal Base
Al, A2, A3, A4 A 204 Grade A K11820
B2 and B2H A 387 Grade11 K11789
B3 A 387 Grade 22 K21590
B4 A 387 Grade 22 U1590
B5 A 387 Grade11 K11789
B6 and B6H A 387 Grade5 S.50200
B8 A 387 Grade 9 s50400
B9 A 387 Grade 91 s50460
Nil A 516 Grade60,65, or 70, A 537 Class
1or 2 K02100, K02403, K02700,or K12437
Ni2 A 537Class 1or 2, or A203 Grade A or B K12437, K21703, or K22103
Ni3 A 203 GradeD or E K31718 or W2018
Ni4 and Ni5 A 537 Class1 or 2, or A 203 Grade A Bor K12437. K21703, or K22103
F1 and F4 of grade K12437, K12521, K12539, K12529,or K12554
A 537Class 1 or 2, or A 533 (any type
in these specifications)
F2 and F3 A 302 GradeC or D,or A 533 TypeB,C, or D K12039, K12054, K12539, K12529, K12554
F5 and F6 A 514or A 517 (any type or grade in these K11511, K11576, K11625, K11630, K11646,
specifications) K11683, K11856, K21604,or K21650
Ml, M2, M3, M4, M5, M6 A 514 orA 517 (any type or grade in these K11511, K11576, K11625, K11630, K11646,
specifications), or A 543 Type BCor K11683, K11856, K21604, K21650,or K42339
W A 572 or 588A (any type or grade in these K02303, KO2304,KO2305, K02306, K11430,
specifications) K12040, K12043, or K11538
G d
a. For any weld metal classification in this specification,ASTM A 36, A 285 Grade C,A 515 Grade70,or A 516 Grade70 may be used. In that case,
the groove faces and the contacting face of the backing shall be buttered, as shown in Figure 3, using a flux-electrodecombination of the same weld
metal composition as that specified for the combination being tested, or using an electrode of the specified composition classified in another AWS
low-alloy steel filler metal specification. Alternately, forthe indicated weld metal classification,the corresponding base metals may be used for
weld test assemblies without buttering. In case of dispute, buttered A 36 steel shall be the referencematerial.
b. Chemically equivalent steels in other U.S. customary grades or in any metric grades, whose properties are expressed in SI Units, may also be used.
c. As classified in ASTM DS-56, SAE HS-1086,Metals andAlloysin the UnifiedNumbering System.
d. For the "G" classification in this specification, ASTM A 36, A 285 Grade C, A 515 Grade 70, or A 516 Grade 70 may be used; however, the groove
faces and the contacting face of the backing shall be buttered, as shown in Figure 3, using either the flux-electrode combination being classified or
using an electrode of matching composition classified in another AWS low-alloy steel filler metal specification.

of the fourth layerof the weld pad by any appropriate 11. Radiographic Test
mechanical means. The sampleshall be free of slag.
The alternatives to the weld pad outlined above and in 11.1The groove weld described in 9.4 and shown in Fig-
9.1.2and 9.1.3 shall beprepared for analysis by any ap- ure 3A shall be radiographed to evaluate the soundness
propriate mechanical means. of the weld metal. In preparation for radiography, the
backing shall beremoved and both surfaces of the weld
103 The sampleshall be analyzed by accepted analytical shall be machined or ground smooth and flush with the
methods. The referee method shall be the procedure in original surfaces of the basemetal. Both surfaces of the
the latest edition of ASTME 350, Test Methods for test assembly, in the area of the weld, shall be smooth
Chemical Analysis of Carbon Steel, Low Alloy Steel, Sili- enough to avoid difficulty ininterpreting the radiograph.
con Electrical Steel, Ingot Iron and Wrought Iron.
11.2 The weld shall be radiographed in accordance with
10.4 The results of the analysis shall meet the require- ASTM E 142, Method for Controlling Quality of Radio-
ments of Table 1 or 2, as applicable, for the classification graphic Testing. The quality level of inspection shall be
of electrode or flux-electrode combination under test. 2-2T.


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= 0784265 0507670 500
~ ~~ ~

STDmAWS A5-23/A5.23M-ENGL L997


Table 5
Preheat, Interpass, and Postweld Heat Treatment Temperaturesa
~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~~~~ ~~

Interpass Temperatureb Postweld

"C ? 15 "F225 "C2 15

Al 300 150 1150 620

A2 300 150 1150 620
A3 300 150 1150 620
A4 300 150 1150 620
B1 300 150 1150 620
B2 300 150 1275 690
B2H 300 150 1275 690
B3 400 205 1275 6W
B4 400 205 1275 690
B5 300 150 1150 620
B6 400 205 1375 745
B6H 400 205 1375 745
B8 400 205 1375 745
B9 400 205 1375 745
Nil 300 150 1150 620
Ni2 300 150 1150 620
Ni3 300 150 1150 620
Ni4 300 150 1150 620
Ni5 300 150 1150 620
F1 300 150 1150 620
F2 300 150 1150 620
F3 300 150 1150 620
F4d 300 150 1050 565
F5d 300 150 1050 565
F6d 300 150 1050 565
Mld 300 150 1125 605
M2d 300 150 1125 605
M3 300 150 1125 605
M4d 300 150 1125 605
M5d 300 150 1125 605
M6* 300 150 1125 605
Wd 300 150 1125 605
G specified not

a. These temperatures are specified for electrodes and fluxes tested and classified under this specification and are not necessarily for production use.
The specific requirements for production welding shall be determined by the user. They may or may not differ from those c a l l e d for here. (Seealso
b. The preheat and interpass temperatures listed here shallbe used for the test assemblies regardless of whether the electrode-flux combination is clas-
sified in the as-welded or postweld heat treated condition. They are required for purposes of uniformityand may or may not be indicative of those
that might be satisfactory for fabrication of any particular weldment. The fabricator shall determine for himself what is required there. (See also
c. Weld metal specimens for flux-electrode combinations classified in the postweld heat treated condition shallbe heat treated for one hour at the tem-
perature shown for that classification.
d. These classifications are normallyused in the as-welded condition.

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S T D - A W S ASm23/A5-23M-ENGL 3997 0784265 0509693 447 D

113 The soundness of the weld metal meets the require- 13. Impact Test
ments ofthis specification if the radiograph shows:
(1) No cracks, no incomplete fusion, and no incom- 13.1 For those classifications for which impact testing is
plete penetration specified in Table 3, five Charpy V-notch impact speci-
(2) No slag inclusions longer than 5/16in. [8 mm] or mens, as specified in the Fracture Toughness Testing of
Welds section of ANSI/AWS B4.0, shall be machined
no groups of slag inclusions in line that have an aggre-
gate length greater than 1 in. [25mm] in a 12 in. r300 from the test assembly shown in Figure 3A.
mm] length, except when the distance between the suc- The Charpy V-notch specimens shall have the
cessive inclusions exceeds 6 times the length of the long- notched surface and the surface to be struck parallel
est inclusion in the group within 0.002 in. [0.05mm]. The other two surfaces shall
be square with the notched or struck surface within f10
(3) No rounded indications in excess of those permit-
minutes of a degree. The notch shall be smoothly cut by
ted by the radiographic standardsin Figure 4
mechanical means andshall be square with the longitudi-
I n evaluating the radiograph, 1 in. [25 mm] of
nal edge of the specimen withinone degree.
the weld on each end of the test assembly shall be
The geometry of the notch shall be measured on at
least one specimen in a set of five specimens. Measure-
113.1 A rounded indication is an indication (on the ment shall be done at minimum 50 times magnification
radiograph) whose length is no more than 3 times its on either a shadowgraph or a metallograph. Thecorrect
width. Rounded indications may be circular, or irregular location of the notch shall be verified by etching before
in shape, and they may have tails. The size of a rounded or after machining.
indication is the largest dimension of the indication, in- For flux-electrode combinations classified in the
cluding any tail that may be present. postweld heat-treated condition, the weld metal shall be
heat treated as shown in Table 5 before final machining
113.2 Indications whose largest dimension does not of the specimens.
exceed 1/64in. [0.4mm] shall be disregarded. Test as-
semblies with indications larger than the large indica- 13.2 The five specimens shall be tested in accordance
tions permitted in the radiographic standards donot meet with the fracture toughness test section of ANSI/AWS
the requirements of this specification. B4.0.The test temperature shall be as specified in Table
7U or Table 7M, as applicable, for the classification
under test.
12. Tension Test 13.3U In evaluating the test results, the lowest and the
highest values obtainedshall be disregarded. Two of the
12.1 One all-weld-metal standard round tensile speci-
remaining three values shall equal, or exceed, the speci-
men, as specified in the Tension Tests section of ANSI/
fied 20 ftalbf energy level. One of the three may be lower,
AWS B4.0,Standard Methods for Mechanical Testing of
but not lower than 15 ft-lbf, and the average of the three
Welds, shall be machined from the groove weld de-
shall not be less than the required 20 ft4bf energy level.
scribed in 9.4and shown in Figure 3A. The tensile speci-
men shall have a nominal diameter of 0.500 in [12.5mm] 133M In evaluating the test results, the lowest and the
and a nominal gage length to diameter ratio of 4:l. highest values obtainedshall be disregarded. Two of the
For flux-electrode combinations classified in the remaining three values shall equal, or exceed, the speci-
postweld heat-treated condition, the weld metal shall be fied 275 energy level. Oneof the three may be lower, but
heat-treated as shown in Table 5 before final machining not lower than 20J,and the average of the three shall not
of the specimen. be less than the required 275 energy level.
12.2 After machining, but before testing, the specimen 13.4 For classifications with the "N" (nuclear) designa-
for all flux-electrode classifications, except those classi- tion, three additional specimens shall be prepared. These
fied in the postweld heat-treated condition, may be aged specimens shall be tested at room temperature. Two of
at temperatures up to 220°F [lOS"C] for up to 48 hours, the three shall equal or exceed 75 ft-lbf [lo2 J], and the
then allowed to cool to room temperature. Refer to A6.5 third shall be not lower than 70 ftelbf [95 J]. The average
for a discussion on the purpose of aging. The specimen of the three shall equal or exceed 75 ft4bf [lo2 J].
shall be tested in the manner described in the tension test
section of ANSI/AWS B4.0, Standard Methods for Me-
chanical Testing of Welds. 14. Diffusible Hydrogen Test
123 The results of the tension testshall meet the require- 14.1 For each flux-electrode combination to be identified
ments specified in Table 6U or Table 6M,as applicable. by a diffusible hydrogen designator, that combination


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STDmAWS A5=23/A5.23M-ENGL L997 111 0 7 8 4 2 6 5 0509692 3 8 3


O e

e o
O o


SIZE PERMllTED IS 1/64 in. [0.4 mm] TO 1/16 in.[1.6 mm]
NUMBER PERMllTED INANY 6 in. [150 mm]OF WELD = 18,
LARGE: 3/64in. [1.2 mm] TO 1/16 in.[1.6 mm] = 3 PERMITTED.
MEDIUM: 1/32 in.[0.8 mm] TO3/64 in. [1.2 mm] = 5 PERMITTED.
SMALL: 1/64 in. [0.4 mm] TO 1/32 in. [OB mm] = 10 PERMITTED.




SIZE PERMllTED IS3/64in. [I .2 mm]TO 1/16 in.[I .6 mm]
NUMBER PERMllTED IN ANY 6 in.[ I50 mm] OF WELD = 8.

e e e


SIZE PERMITED IS 1/32 in. [0.8mm] TO 3/64 in. [1.2mm]


e e
o o
o o
e e
o e
e e
o o
o o o
~~ ~~ ~ ~~


SIZE PERMllTED IS 1/64 in. [0.4 mm] TO 1/32 in. [0.8 mm]

a. The chart whichis most representative of the size of the rounded indications in the radiograph of the test assembly shall be used for
determination of conformance with this specification. Rounded indications smaller than 1/64 in. [0.4 mm] shall be disregarded. The
largest dimension of the indication (including any istail)
the sizeof the indication.
b. These radiographic requirements are for test welds made in the laboratory specificallyfor classification purposes. They are more
restrictive than those usually encountered in general fabrication. They are equivalent to the Grade 1 standards of ANSllAWS A5.1,
Specification for Carbon Steel Electrodes for Shielded Metal Arc Welding.

Figure &Radiographic Standards for Rounded Indications


COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.

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S T D - A W S A5.23/A5.23M-ENGL 1997 0784265 0509693 Z I T

Table 6U
A5.23 Tension Test Requirements
Tensile Elongation'
Flux-Electrode (%I
F7XX-EXX-XX 70 000-95 O00 58 O00 22
F8XX-EXX-XX 80 000-100 O00 68 O00 20
F9XX-EXX-XX 90 m l 1 0 O00 78 O00 17
FlOXX-EXX-XX 100 000-120o00 88 O00 16
FllXX-EXX-XX 110 000-130 O00 98 O00 15'
F12XX-EXX-XX 120 000-140 O00 108 O00 14'
~~ ~~ ~

a. The letter"S" will appear after the"F" as part of the classification designation when theflux being classified isa crushed slag or a blend of crushed
slag with unused (virgin) flux. The letter"C" will appear after the "E"as part of the classification designation when theelectrode being classified is
a composite electrode. The letter"X" used in various places in the classifications in this table stands for, respectively, the condition of heat treat-
ment, the toughnessof the weld metal, the classification of the electrode, and the chemical compositionof the weld metal.See Figure 1 U for acom-
plete explanation of the classification designators.
b. Minimum Requirements. Yield strength at 0.2 percent offset and elongation in 2 in. gage length.
c. Elongation may be reduced by one percentage point for FllXX-EXX-XX, F1 IXX-ECXX-XX, F12XX-ECXX-XX, and F12XX-EXX-XX weld
metals in the upper 25 percent of their tensile strength range.

Table 6M
A5.23M Tension Test Requirements
Tensile Strength Yield Strengthb Elongationb
Classificationa (MW (MW (W
F48XX-EXX-XX 480-660 400 22
FSSXX-EXX-XX 550-700 470 20
F62XX-EXX-XX 620-760 540 17
F69XX-EXX-XX 690430 610 16
F76XX-EXX-XX 760-900 680 15'
F83XX-EXX-XX 830-970 740 14c
a. The letter"S" will appear after the "F"as part of the classification designation when theflux being classified isa crushed slag ora blend of crushed
slag with unused (virgin) flux. The letter"C" will appear after the "E"as part of the classification designation when theelectrode being classifiedis
a composite electrode.The letter "X" used in various places in the classifications in this table stands for, respectively, the condition of'heat treat-
ment, the toughness of the weld metal, the classification of the electrode, and the chemical composition of the weld metal. See Figure1 M for a com-
plete explanation of the classification designators.
b. Minimum Requirements. Yield strength at 0.2 percent offset and elongation in 51 mm gage length.
c. Elongation may be reduced by one percentage point for F76XX-EXX-XX, F76XX-ECXX-XX, F83XX-EXX-XX, and F83XX-ECXX-XX weld
metals in the upper 25 percent of their tensile strength range.

shall be tested in the as-manufactured condition accord- fore testing to the as-manufactured condition. When this
ing to one of the methods given in ANSIIAWS A4.3, is done, the baking time and temperature shall be noted
Standard Methods for Determination of the Diflusible on the test report. The electrode manufacturer, flux man-
Hydrogen Content of Martensitic, Bainitic, and Ferritic ufacturer, or both, should be consulted for their recom-
Steel Weld Metal Produced by Arc Welding.The welding mendation regarding the time and temperature for
procedure shown in Figure 3B for the Groove Weld Test restoring their products to the as-manufactured condi-
shall be used for the diffusible hydrogen test. The travel tion. The diffusible hydrogen designator may be added to
speed, however, may be increased up to a maximum of the classification designation according to the average
28 in/min [12 mm/s]. This adjustment in travel speed is test value as compared to the requirements of Table 8.
permitted in order to establish a weld bead width that is
appropriate for the specimen. The electrode, flux, or 14.2 For purposes of certifying compliance with diffus-
both, may be baked to restore the moisture content be- ible hydrogen requirements, the reference atmospheric


COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.

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Table 7U Table 7M
A5.23 Impact Test Requirementsa* A5.23M Impact Test Requirementsa#
Maximum TestMinimumAverage Maximum Test Minimum Average
Digit “F Energy
Level Temperature
Digit “C Energy Level

2 -20 2 -20
4 -40 3 -30
5 -so 20 ft-lbf
4 -40
27 Joules
6 -60 5 -so
8 -80 6 -60
10 -100 7 -70
15 -150 10 -100
Z No impact requirements Z No impact requirements

Notes: Notes:
a. Based on the results of the impacttests of the weld metal, the manu- a. Based on the results of the impacttests of the weld metal, the manu-
facturer shall insert in the classification the appropriate digitfrom facturer shall insert in the classification the appropriatedigit from
Table 7U,as indicated in Figure 1U. Table 7M,as indicated in Figure 1M.
b. Weld metal from a specific flux-electrode combination that meets b. Weld metal from a specific flux-electrode combination that meets
impact requirements ata given temperature also meets the require- impact requirements at a given temperature also meets the require-
ments atal higher temperaturesin this table(Le., weld metal meeting ments at al higher temperaturesin this table (Le., weld metal meeting
the requirements for digit5 also meets the requirements for digits 4, the requirements for digit5 also meets the requirements for digits4,
2, O, and 2). 3,2, O, and Z).
c. Weld metals with the ”N” suffix shall also have a Charpy V-notch c. Weld metals with the “N” suffix shall also have a Charpy V-notch
energy level of at least75 tl.lbf at room temperature (see 13.4). energy level of at least 102 Joules atroom temperature (see 13.4).

condition shall be an absolute humidity of 10 grains of 15.1 Crushed Slags. Slag formed during the welding
moisture per pound [1.5 grams of moisture perkg] of dry process that is subsequently crushed for use as a welding
air at the time of welding. The actual atmospheric condi- flux is defined as crushed slag. Crushed slag and blends
tions shall be reported alongwith the average diffusible of crushed slag with unused(virgin) flux may be classi-
hydrogen value for the test according to ANSI/AWS fied as a welding flux under this specification. The letter
A4.3. “S” shall be used as a mandatory classification designa-
tor as shown in Figures 1U and 1M when the flux being
1 4 3 When the absolute humidity equals or exceeds the classified is a crushed slagor is a blend of crushed slag
reference condition at the time of preparation of the test
with virgin flux.(See A6.1.5 in the Annex.)
assembly, the test shall be acceptable as demonstrating
compliance with the requirements of this specification,
provided that the actual test results satisfy the diffusible
hydrogen requirements for a givendesignator, as speci-
fied in Table8. 16. Electrode Requirements
14.1 Standard Sizes.Standard sizes for electrodes in the
different packageforms (coils with support, coils without
Part C support, and drums) are shown in Table 9U or Table 9M,
Manu facture,
Identification, as applicable.
and Packaging 16.2 Finish and Uniformity

16.2.1 The electrode shall have a smooth finish which

15. Method of Manufacture is free from slivers, depressions, scratches, scale, seams,
The electrodes and fluxes classified according to this laps (exclusive of the longitudinal joint in composite
specification may be manufactured by any method that electrodes), and foreign matter that would adversely af-
will produce material that meets the requirements of this fect the welding characteristics, the operation of the
specification. welding equipment, or the properties of the weld metal.


COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.

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Table 8
Diffusible Hydrogen Requirementsa
AWS Flux-Electrode Optional Supplemental Average Diffusible Hydrogen,
Combination Classification Diffusible Hydrogen Designatorb MaximumC (rnV100g DepositedMetal)

All H16 16.0

All H8 8.0
All H4 4.0
All H2 2.0
a. Diffusible hydrogen test is required only when specified by the purchaser or when the manufacturer puts the diffusible hydrogen designator on the
label (see also SectionA3 and A6.4 in the Annex).
1U and 1M).
b. This designator is added to the endof the complete flux-electrode classification system (see Figures
c. Flux-electrode combinations meeting requirements for an H2 designator also meet the requirementsfor H4,H8, and H16.
Flux-electrode combinations meeting requirements for an H4 designator also meet the requirements forH8 and H16.
Flux-electrode combinations meeting the requirements for an H8 designator alsomeet the requirements forH16.

Table 9U Table 9M
A5.23 Standard Electrode A5.23M Standard Electrode
Sizes and Tolerancesa Sizes and Tolerancesa
Tolerance (in.) Tolerance (* mm)

(in.) Solid (E) Composite (EC) Diameter
Solid (E) Composite (EC)

1/16 or 0.062
3/32 or 0.094

1/8 or 0.125
5/32 or 0.156
3/16 or 0.188


I 20.04 +0.04, -0.05

7/32 or 0.219 4.8

114 or 0.250 J 5.0
20.006 tO.06,-0.08
a. Other sizes and tolerances may be supplied as agreed between pur-
chaser and supplier. 6.4
a. Other sizes and tolerances may be supplied as agreed between pur-
chaser and supplier.
16.2.2 Each continuous length of electrode shall
be from a single heat or lot of material. Welds, when
present, shall have been made so as not to interfere with
the uniform, uninterrupted feeding of the electrode on as a coating for any classification except one that carries
automatic and semiautomatic equipment. the designator, “N,” (nuclear). Coating of “N”electrodes
with copper or copper-bearing material is prohibited.
16.23 Core ingredients in composite electrodes shall
be distributed with sufficient uniformity throughout the 163 Standard PackageForms
length of the electrode, so as not to adversely affect the
performance of the electrode o r the properties of the 163.1 Standard package forms are coils with support,
coils without support, and drums. Standard package di-
weld metal.
mensions and weights for each form are given in Table
16.2.4 A suitable protective coating may be applied to 10. Package forms, sizes, and weights other than these
any electrode in this specification. Copper may be used shall be as agreed upon between purchaser and supplier.


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Table 10
Standard Dimensions and Weightsatb
Net Weight Inside Diameter Width of Coil, Outside Diameter
Electrode Sizec of Coild of Liner Max. of Coil, Max.

Supportl 1/16-1/4 1 1.6-6.4 I As agreed
As agreed between purchaser and supplier
a. Values specified in “in.” or ”Ibn apply to A5.23. Values specified in “mm” or “kg” apply to A5.23M.
a. Other dimensions and weights may be supplied as agreed between purchaser and supplier.
b. The range is inclusive.
c. Net weights shall not vary more than 210 percent.
d. The diameter of the liner shall e agreed between purchaser and supplier.

16.3.2 The liners in coils with support shall be de- interrupted manner on automatic and semiautomatic
signed and constructed to prevent distortion of the coil equipment.
during normal handling and use and shall be clean and
dry enough tomaintain the cleanliness of the electrode. 16.5 Electrode Identification

16.3.3 Drums shall be designed and constructed to 16.5.1 The product information and the precautionary
information required in 16.7 for marking each package
prevent distortion of the electrode during normal han-
shall appear also on each coil and drum.
dling anduse and shall beclean and dry enough to main-
tain the cleanliness of the electrode. 16.5.2 Coils without support shall have a tag contain-
ing this information securely attachedto the inside end of
16.4 Winding Requirements
the coil.
16.4.1The electrode shall be wound so that kinks,
16.53 Coils with support shall have the information
waves, sharp bends, or wedging are not encountered,
securely affixed in a prominentlocation on the support.
leaving the electrode freeto unwind without restriction.
The outside end of the electrode(the end with which 16.5.4 Drums shall have the information securely af-
welding is to begin) shall be identified so it can be fixed in a prominent location on the side of the drum.
readily located and shall be fastened to avoid unwinding.
16.6 Packaging. Electrodes shall be suitably packaged
16.4.2 The cast and helix of the electrode in coils and to ensure against damage during shipment and storage
drums shallbe such that the electrode will feed in an un- under normal conditions.


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16.7 Marking of Packages 17. Flux Requirements
16.7.1 The following product information(as a mini- 17.1 Form and Particle Size. Flux shall be granular in
mum) shall be legibly marked so as to be visible from the form and shall be capable of flowing freely through the
outside of each unit package: flux feeding tubes, valves, and nozzles of standard sub-
(1) AWS specification and classification (year of issue merged arc welding equipment.Particle size is not speci-
may be excluded) fied here, but, whenit is addressed, it shall be a matter of
(2) Supplier’s name and tradedesignation agreement between the purchaser and the supplier.
(3) In the case of a composite electrode, the trade des-
17.2 Usability. The flux shall permit the production of
ignation of the flux (or fluxes) with which its weld metal
uniform, well-shaped beads that merge smoothly with
composition meetsthe requirements of Table 2
each other and the base metal. Undercut, if any, shall not
(4) Size and net weight be so deep or so widespread that a subsequent weld pass
(5) Lot, control, or heat number will not remove it.
16.7.2 The following precautionary information(as a 173 Packaging
minimum) shall be prominently displayed in legible print
on all packages of welding electrodes, including individ- 17.3.1 Flux shall be suitably packaged to ensure
ual unit packages enclosed withina larger package. against damage during shipment.
17.3.2 Flux, in its original unopened container, shall
WARNING: withstand storage under normal conditions for at least six
PROTECT yourself and others. Read and understandthis months without damageto its welding characteristics or
information. the properties of the weld. Heating of the flux to assure
dryness may be necessary when the very best properties
FUMES and GASES can be hazardousto your health.
(of which the materials are capable) are required. For
ARC RAYS can injure eyes and bum skin. specific recommendations, consult the manufacturer.
17.4 Marking of Packages
Before use, read and understand the manufacturer’s
instructions, Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs), 17.4.1 The following product information (as a mini-
and your employer’s safety practices. mum) shall be legibly marked so as to be visible from the
outside of each unit package.
Keep your headout of the fumes. (1) AWS specification and classification (year of issue
Use enough ventilation, exhaust at the arc, or both, may be excluded).
to keep fumes and gases away from your breathing (2) Supplier’s name and trade designation (in the case
zone and the general area. of crushed slags, thecrusher, not the original producer of
Wear correct eye, ear, and body protection. the flux, is the supplier. See also Annex A6.1.S).
(3) The trade designation of each compositeelectrode
Do not touch live electrical parts. with which the flux manufacturer has classified the flux,
See American National Standard ANSI/ASC 249.1, if applicable.
Safety in Welding, Cutting, and Allied Processes, pub- (4) Net weight.
lished by the American Welding Society,550 N.W. Le- ( 5 ) Lot, control, or heat number.
Jeune Road, Miami, FL,33126; and OSHA Safety and (6) Particle size, if more than one particle size of flux
Health Standards,29 CFR 2910, available from the U.S. of that trade designation is produced.
Government PrintingOffiœ, Washington, DC 20402.
17.4.2 All packages of flux shall be marked as re-
DO NOT REMOVE THIS INFORMATION quired in 16.7.2for the electrodes.


COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.

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Guide to AWS Specification for Low-Alloy Steel
Electrodes and Fluxes for Submerged Arc Welding
(This Annex is not a part of ANSIfAWS A5.23fA5.23M:1997, Specification for Low-Alloy Steel Electrodes and Fluxes
for Submerged Arc Welding, but is included for information purposes only).

Al. Introduction the core material that are also present as oxides, fluo-
rides, etc. of those same elements. Therefore, the chemi-
The purpose of this guide is to correlate the electrode cal analysis of a compositeelectrode may not be directly
and flux classifications with their intended applications comparable to an analysis made on a solid electrode. For
so the specification can be used effectively. Reference to this reason, the user is referred to weld metal composi-
appropriate base metal specifications is made whenever tion (Table 2) with a particular flux, rather than to elec-
that can be done and when it would be helpful. Such ref- trode composition.
erences are intended only as examples rather than com- The letter “N” when added as a suffix is an optional
plete listings of the base metalsfor which each electrode supplemental designator indicating that the electrode is
and flux combination is suitable. intended for certain very special welds in nuclear appli-
cations. These welds are found in the core belt region of
the reactor vessel. This region is subject to intense neu-
A2.Classification System tron radiation, and it is necessary, therefore, that the
phosphorus, vanadium, and copper contents of this weld
A2.1 Classification of Electrodes. The system for identi- metal be limited in order to resist neutron radiation-in-
fying the electrode classificationsin this specification fol- duced embrittlement. It is also necessary that the weld
lows the standard pattern used in other AWS filler metal metal have a high upper-shelf energy level in order to
specifications. The letter “E” (or “EC”for composite elec- withstand some embrittlement, yet remain serviceable
trodes) at the beginning of each classification designation over the years. These electrodes are not required else-
stands for electrode. The remainder of the designation in- where; however, they could be used anywhere that weld
dicates the chemical compositionof the electrode or,in the metal with an exceptionally high upper-shelf energy
case of composite electrodes, the chemical composition of
level is required.
the weld metal obtained with a particular flux. See Figure
1U or Figure lM, as applicable. A2.2 “G” Classification and the Use of “Not Speci-
As examples, consider the following: EL12, EM12K, fied” and “Not Required”
EB3, EM3, and ECB3. The prefix “E” designates an
electrode, as in other specifications. The EB3 and EM3 A2.2.1 This specification includes filler metals classi-
electrodes are solid electrodes whose compositions are fied as EG or ECG. The “G” indicates that the filler
shown as electrode compositions in Table 1. The letter metal is of a general classification. It is “general” be-
“C” in ECB3 indicates that the electrode is a composite cause not all of the particular requirements specified for
electrode. Such electrodes are classified by the composi- each of the other classifications are specified for this
tion of the weld metal produced witha specific flux. The classification.
composition of composite electrodes is not used because The intent, in establishing this classification, is to pro-
the composite electrode may include metallic elements in vide a means by which filler metals that differ in one


COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.

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STDmAWS A5.23/A5.23M-ENGL L997
738 W

respect or another (chemical composition,for example) (2) A request to establish a new filler metal classifica-
from all other classifications (meaning that the composi- tion must be a written request, and it needs to provide
tion of the filler metal - in the case of the example - sufficient detail to permit the Committee on Filler Metals
does not meet the composition specified for any of the or the Subcommittee to determine whether anew classi-
classifications in the specification) can still be classified fication or the modification of an existing classification
according to the specification. The purpose is to allow a is more appropriate, and whether either is necessary to
useful filler Tetal - one that otherwise would have to satisfy the need. The request needs to state the variables
await a revislon of the specification - to be classified and their limits, for such a classification or modification.
immediately, under the existing specification. This The request should contain someindication of the time
means, then, that two filler metals - each bearing the by which completion of the new classification or modifi-
same “G” classification - may be quite different in cation is needed.
some certain respect (chemical composition, again, for (3) The request should be sent to the Secretary, Com-
example). mittee on Filler Metals, at AWS Headquarters. Upon re-
ceipt of the request, the Secretary will do the following:
A2.2.2 The point of difference (although not neces- (a) Assign an identifying number to the request.
sarily the amount of the difference) referred to above will This number will include the date the request was
be readily apparent from the use of the words “notspeci- received.
fied” and “not required” in the specification. The use of (b) Confirm receipt of the request and give the
these words is as follows: identification number to the person who made the
Not Specified is used in those areas of the specifica- request.
tion that refer to the results of some particular test. It (c) Send a copy of the request to the Chair of the
indicates that the requirements for that test are notspeci- Committee on Filler Metals, and the particular Subcom-
fied for that particular classification. mittee involved.
Not Required is used in those areas of the specifi- (d) File the original request.
cation that refer to the test that normally is requiredto be (e) Add the request to the log of outstanding
conducted to classify a filler metal. It indicates that the requests.
test is not required because the requirements (results) (4) All necessary action on each request will be com-
for the test have not been specified for that particular pleted as soon as possible. If more than 12 months lapse,
classification. the Secretary shall inform the requestor of the status of
Restating the case, when a requirement is not speci- the request, with copies tothe Chair of the Committee
fied, it is not necessary toconduct the corresponding test and the Subcommittee. Requests still outstanding after
in order to classify a filler metal to that classification. 18 months shall beconsidered not to have been answered
When a purchaser wants the information provided by in a “timelymanner” and the Secretary shall report these
that test, in order to consider a particular product of that to the Chair of the Committee on Filler Metals for action.
classification for a certain application, the purchaser will ( 5 ) The Secretary shall include a copy of the log of all
have to arrange for that information with the supplier of requests pending and those completedduring the preced-
that product. The purchaser will also have to establish ing year with the agenda for each Committee on Filler
with that supplier just what the testing procedure and the Metals meeting. Any other publication of requests that
acceptance requirements are to be for that test. The pur- have been completed will be at the option of the Ameri-
chaser may want to incorporate that information (via can Welding Society, as deemed appropriate.
ANSIIAWS A5.01, Filler Metal Procurement Guide-
lines) in the purchase order. A2.3 Classification of Fluxes. Fluxes are classified on
the basis of the mechanical properties and the chemical
A2.23 Request for Filler Metal Classification composition of the weld metal they produce with some
(1) When a filler metal cannot be classified according certain classification of electrode, under the specific test
to some classification other than a “G” classification, the conditions called for in Part B of this specification.
manufacturer may request that a classification be estab-
lished for that filler metal. The manufacturer may do A23.1U As examples of A5.23 U.S. Customary Unit
this by following the procedure given here. When the classifications, consider the following:
manufacturer elects to use the “G” classification, the
Committee on Filler Metals recommends that manufac- F7PO-EL12-Al
turer still request that a classification be established for FS8A6-EF6-F6
that filler metal, as long as the filler metal is of commer- FlOPZ-ECB3-B3
cial significance. F9A2-ECMl-Ml


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S T D - A U S A5*23/A5-23M-ENGL 1997 28T


The prefix “F” designates anunused (virgin) flux.The be a number or the letter “Z.” This digit refers to the im-
prefix “FS” designates a flux that is made solely from pact strength of the weld metal. Specifically, it desig-
crushed slag or is a blend of crushed slag with virgin nates, on the Celsius scale, a temperature at (and above)
flux. This is followed by one or twodigits representing which the weld metal meets,or exceeds, the required 275
the minimum tensile strength required of the weld metal Charpy V-notch impact strength (except for the letter
in 10 O00 psi increments. “ Z which indicates that no impact requirement is speci-
When the letter “A” follows the strength designator, it fied-see Table 7M).
indicates that the weld metal was tested (and is classi- These mechanical property designations are followed
fied) in the as-welded condition. When the letter “ P fol- by the designation of theelectrode used in classifying the
lows the strength designator, it indicates that the weld flux (see Tables 1 and 2). The suffix (EB3, ECM2, etc.)
metal was tested (and is classified) after the postweld included after the first hyphen refers to the electrode
heat treatment called for in the specification. The digit(s) classification (solid electrodes from Table1 or composite
that follows the A or P will be anumber or the letter “Z.” electrodes from Table 2) with which the flux will pro-
This digit(s) refers to the impact strength of the weld duce weld metal that meets the specified mechanical
metal. Specifically, it designates, on the Fahrenheit scale, properties when tested as called for in the specification.
a temperatureat (and above) which the weld metal meets The suffix after the second hyphen refers to the weld
or exceeds the required 20 ft. Ibf Charpy V-notch impact metal composition (Table 2) without regard to whether
strength (except for the letter Z, which indicates that no the electrode was solid or composite.
impact requirement is specified -see Table 7U).4 A2.3.2 It should be noted that flux of any specific
These mechanical property designations are followed trade designation may have many classifications. The
by the designation of the electrode used in classifying the number is limited only by the number of different elec-
flux (see Table 1). The suffix included after the first hy- trode classifications and the condition of heat treatment
phen (EL12, ENi3, ECB3, or ECM1) refers to the elec- (as-welded and postweld heat treated) with which the
trode classification (solid electrodes from Table 1 or flux can meet the classification requirements. The mark-
composite electrodes from Table 2) with which the flux ing of the flux package lists at least one, and may list all,
will produce weld metal that meets the specified me- classifications to which the flux conforms. It should also
chanical properties when tested as called for in the speci- be noted that the specific usability (or operating) charac-
fication. The suffix after the second hyphen refers to the teristics of various fluxes of the same classification may
weld metal composition (Table 2) without regard to differ in one respect or another.
whether the electrode was solid or composite. A233 Solid electrodes having the same classification
A23.1M As examples of A5.23M, International Sys- are interchangeable when used witha specific flux; com-
tem of Units (SI) classifications, consider the following: posite electrodes may not be.
A2.4 International Designation System. An interna-
tional system for designating welding filler metals is
under development by the International Institute of
F76A3-ECM2-M2 Welding (IIW) for use in future specifications to be is-
The prefix “F” designates a virgin flux. The prefix sued by the International Standards Organization (ISO).
“FS” designates a flux that is made solely from crushed Table A l shows the proposed designations for steel filler
slag or is a blend of crushed slag withvirgin flux. This metals. In that system, the initial “S” designates a solid
is followed by two digits representing the minimum ten- wire or rod followed by a four-digit number. Composite
sile strength required of the weld metal in 10 O00 MPa wires are designated with an initial “T.”
When the letter “ A or “ P follows the strength desig- A3.Acceptance
nator, it indicates, as it does in the A5.23 classification
Acceptance of all welding materials classified under
system, the weld metal was tested (and is classified) in
this specification is in accordance with ANSUAWS
either the as-welded (A) or postweld heat-treated (P)
A5.01,Filler Metal Procurement Guidelines, as the spec-
condition. The digit(s) that follows the “A” or “P” will
ification states. Any testing a purchaser requires of the
supplier, for material shipped in accordance with this
4. Note that except for digit“4,”the same designatorfor impact specification, should be clearly stated in the purchase
strength in Tables 7U and 7M signify different temperatures. order in accordance with ANSIJAWS A5.01.
For example, “6” in Table 7U signifies a maximum test temper- In the absence of any such statement in the purchase
ature of -6O”F, whereas the same designatorin Table 7M signi- order, the supplier may ship the material with whatever
fies a maximum test temperature of -6O”C, equivalent to -76°F. testing the supplier normally conducts on material of


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S T D - A W S As=23/A5.23H-ENGL 1 9 9 7 07842b5 0509303 L l b
A5.23lA5.23M :I

fication using the same formulation. “Certification” is

Table A l not to be construed to mean that tests of any kind were
Comparison of Electrode Designations necessarily conducted on samples of the specific material
Proposed IS0 Designation’ shipped. Tests on such material may or may not have
been made. The basis for the certification required by the
EL12 SlOOo specification is the classification test of “representative
EM12K Sm10 material” cited above, and the “Manufacturer’s Quality
EA1 S1000-Al Assurance Program” in ANSIIAWS A5.01.
EA2 S2000-A2
EA3K s4020-A3
EA4 S3000” AS. Ventilation During Welding
EB1 s1100-Bo5
EB2 S 1000-B2 A5.1The following are five major factors which govern
EB2H the quantity of fumes to which welders and welding op-
EB3 erators are exposed during welding:
EB6 (1) Dimensions of the space in which welding is done
EB6H (with special regard to the height of the ceiling)
EB8 (2) Number of welders and welding operators work-
S200 EB9 1-B9
ing in that space
ENil S2000-Nl (3) Rate of evolution of fumes, gases, or dust accord-
ENilK S2010-N1
ENi2 ing to the materials and processes involved
ENi3 S2000-N3 (4) The proximity of the welders or welding operators
ENW S2002-NM2 to the fumes as the fumes issue from the welding zone,
and to the gases and dust in the space in which the weld-
EF2 ers or welding operators are working
EF3 (5) The ventilation provided to the space in which the
EF4 welding is done
EF6 A5.2 American National Standard ANSI/ASC 249.1,
EM2 Safety in Welding, Cutting, and Allied Processes (pub-
S3 EM3 lished by the American Welding Society), discusses the
EW ventilation that is required during welding and should be
referred to for details. Attention is particularly drawn to
Based on IIW Doc. XII-D-197-97 the section of that document on ventilation.

that classification, as specified in Schedule F, Table 1, of A6. Welding Considerations

the ANSUAWS A5.01. Testing in accordance with any
other schedule in that Table shall be specifically required A6.15pe of Fluxes. Submerged arc welding fluxes are
by the purchase order. In such cases, acceptance of the granular, fusible mineral compounds of various propor-
material shipped shall be in accordance with those tions manufactured by any of several different methods.
requirements. In addition, some fluxes may contain intimately mixed
metallic ingredients to deoxidize the weld pool or add
alloy elements, or both. Any flux is likely to produce
A4. Certification weld metal of somewhat different composition from that
The act of placing the AWS specification and classifi- of the electrode used with it due to chemical reactions in
cation designations on the packaging enclosing the prod- the arc and sometimes to the presence of metallic ingre-
uct or the classification on the product itself, constitutes dients in the flux. A change in arc voltage duringweld-
the supplier’s (manufacturer’s) certification that the prod- ing will change the quantity of flux interacting with a
uct meets all of the requirements of the specification. given quantity of electrode and may, therefore, change
the composition of the weld metal. This latter change
The only testing requirement implicit in this certifica-
provides a means of describing fluxes as “neutral,” “ac-
tion is that the manufacturer has actually conducted the
tive,” or “alloy.”
tests required by the specification on material that is rep-
resentative of that being shipped, and that the material A6.1.1 Neutral Fluxes. Neutral fluxes are defined as
met the requirements of the specification. Representative those which will not produce any significant change in
material, in this case, is any production run of that classi- the weld metal manganese and silicon content as a result


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m 0784265 0509702 052 W

of a large change in the arc voltage, and thus, the arc silicon increases the strength and hardness of the weld
length. metal but may lower the impact properties. For this rea-
The primary use for neutral fluxes is in multipass son, voltage may need to be more tightly controlled for
welding, especially when the base plate exceeds 1 in. multipass welding with active fluxes than when using
[25 mm] in thickness. neutral fluxes.
The following considerations concerning neutral (2) Some fluxes are more active than others. This
fluxes should be noted: means they offer more resistance tooxides in single-pass
(1) Since neutral fluxes contain little or no deoxidiz- welds thana flux which is less active, but maypose more
ers, they rely on the electrode to provide deoxidation. problems in multipass welding.
Single-pass welds with insufficient deoxidation on
heavily oxidized basemetal may be prone to porosity or A6.1.3 Alloy Fluxes. Alloy fluxes are those which
longitudinal centerline cracking, or both. can be used with carbon steel electrodes to make alloy
(2) While neutral fluxes do maintain the composition weld metal. The alloys for the weld metal are added as
of the weld metal even when thevoltage is changed, it is ingredients in the flux. As with active fluxes, where the
not always true that the composition of the weld metal recovery of manganese and silicon is affected signifi-
deposit is the same as the composition of the electrode cantly by arc voltage, so with alloy fluxes, the recovery
used. Some neutral fluxes break down in the heat of the of alloy elements from the flux is affected significantly
arc and release oxygen, resulting in a lower carbon value by the arc voltage. With alloy fluxes, the manufacturer’s
in the weld metal than the carbon content of the electrode recommendations shouldbe closely followed if desired
itself. Some neutral fluxes contain manganese silicate, alloy weld metal compositions are to be obtained. The
which can decompose in the heat of the arc to add some use as a welding flux of crushed slags generated from
manganese and silicon to the weld metal even though no alloy fluxes is not recommended.
metallic manganese or silicon was added to these par-
ticular fluxes. These changes in composition from the A6.1.4 Wall Neutrality Number. The Wall Neutral-
electrode used to the weld metal obtained are fairly con- ity Number is a convenient relative measure of flux neu-
sistent even when there are large changes in voltage. trality. The Wall Neutrality Number addresses carbon
(3) Even when a neutral flux is used to maintain the steel weld metals with regardto their manganese and sil-
weld metal compositionthrough a range ofwelding volt- icon content. It does not address alloy fluxes. For a flux-
ages, weld properties such as strength level and impact electrode combination to be considered neutral, it should
properties can change becauseof changes in other weld- have a Wall Neutrality Number of 35 or less. The lower
ing parameters such as depth of fusion, heat input, and the Wall Neutrality Number, the more neutralis the flux.
number of passes. Determination of the Wall Neutrality Number (N) can
(4) While a flux may be neutral with respect to man- be done in accordance with the following:
ganese and silicon, it may not be neutral with respect to (1) A weld pad of the type shown in Figure 2 is
active alloy elements, most notably chromium. Some, welded with theflux-electrode combination being tested.
but not all, neutral fluxes tend to reduce the chromium The welding parameters shall be as specified in Figure
content of the weld metalas compared to that of the elec- 3B for the weld test plate for the diameter electrode
trode. An electrode of somewhat higher chromium con- being used.
tent than the intended weld metal may be necessary in (2) A second weld padis welded using thesame param-
such cases. Note that the EB3 chromium range for solid eters, except that the arc voltage is increased by 8 volts.
electrodes in Table 1 is higher than the corresponding
weld metal chromium range in Table2.
(3) The top surface of each ofthe weld pads is ground
or machined smooth to clean metal. Samples sufficient
A6.1.2 Active Fluxes. Active fluxes are those which for analysis are removed by machining. Weld metal is
contain small amounts of manganese, silicon, or both. analyzed only from the top (fourth) layer of the weld
These deoxidizers are added tothe flux to provide im- pad. The samplesare analyzed separately for silicon and
proved resistance to porosity and weld cracking caused manganese.
by contaminants on or in the base metal. (4) The Wall Neutrality Number depends on the total
The primary use for active fluxes is to make single- change in silicon, regardless of whether it increases or
pass welds, especially on oxidized baseplate. decreases, and the total change in manganese, regardless
The following considerations concerning active of whether it increases or decreases. The Wall Neutrality
fluxes should be noted: Number is the absolute value (ignoring positive or nega-
(1) Since active fluxes docontain some deoxidizers, tive signs) and is calculated as follows:
the manganese and silicon in the weld metal will vary
with changes in arc voltage. An increase in manganese or N = 100 (IA%Sil+ IA%Mnl)


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S T D o A W S A5-23/A5.23M-ENGL 1997 0 7 8 4 2 b 5 0 5 0 9 7 0 3 T99


where A% Si is the difference in silicon content of the A6.2 Choice of Electrodes. In choosing an electrode
two pads and A% Mn is the corresponding difference in classification for submerged arc welding of a low-alloy
manganese content. steel, it is important to consider the manganese, silicon,
and alloy content in the electrode; the effect of the flux
A6.1.5 Crushed Slags. Slag formed during the weld- on recovery of manganese,silicon, and alloy elements in
ing process that is subsequently crushed for use as a the weld metal; whether the weld is to be single pass or
welding flux is defined as crushedslag. This is different multipass, and the mechanical properties expected of the
from a recycled flux which was never fused into a slag weld metal.
and can often be collected from a clean surface and re- A certain minimum weld-metal manganese contentis
used without crushing. Crushed slag and blends of necessary to avoid longitudinal centerline cracking. This
crushed slagwith virgin flux may be classified as aweld- minimum depends upon restraint of the joint, upon weld-
ing flux under this specification, but shall not be consid- ing procedure and resulting bead shape, and upon the
ered to be the same asvirgin flux. weld-metal composition. In the event that longitudinal
Although it is possible to crush and reuse submerged centerline cracking is encountered, especially with a
low-manganese electrode (see Table 1) and neutral flux,
arc slag as a welding flux, the crushed slag, regardless of
any addition of virgin flux to it, is a new and chemically a change to a higher manganese electrode, a change to a
different flux. This is because the slag formed during more active flux, or both, may eliminate the problem.
submerged arc welding doesnot have the same chemical Certain fluxes, generally considered to be neutral,
composition or welding characteristics as the virgin flux. tend to remove carbon and manganese to a limited extent
Its composition is affected by the composition of the and to replace these elements with silicon. With such
original flux, chemical reactions which occur due to the fluxes, a silicon-killed electrode is often not necessary
welding arc, the base metal and electrode compositions, though it may be used. Other fluxes add nosilicon and
and the welding parameters. may therefore require the use ofa silicon-killed electrode
for proper wetting and freedom from porosity. The flux
Blends of crushed slagwith the original brand of vir-
manufacturer should be consulted for electrode recom-
gin flux from which it was generated cannot be assumed
mendations suitable for a givenflux,
to conform to the classification of either component,
even when both the crushed slag and virgin flux conform In welding single-pass fillet welds, especially on scaly
base metal, it is important that the flux, electrode, or
to the same classification (except for the“S” designator).
both, provide sufficient deoxidation to avoid unaccept-
It shall be the responsibility of the crusher or fabricator
able porosity. Silicon is a more powerful deoxidizer than
partner, who performsthe blending, to verify that any in-
manganese. In such applications, use of a silicon-killed
tended blend of crushed slag with the original brand of
electrode or of an active flux, or both, may be essential.
virgin flux is in full conformance with the classification
Again, manufacturer’s recommendations should be
requirements of this specification.
As with any flux product, the manufacturer (crusher)
Table 4 lists numerous weld metal classifications and
shall follow a detailed processing procedure with con- corresponding base metalsthat are suitable for use with
trolled input material, preparation, crushing and blending these weld metals for preparing the weld test assembly
which will ensure that a standardquality of output weld- for classification of a flux-electrode combination. This
ing flux product is attained that meets the requirement
gives some indication of electrodes suitable for joining
for the classification designator. these base metals. However,the entries in Table 4 should
not be considered as recommendationsfor joining these
A6.1.5.1 Closed-Loop, CrushedSlags. Slag gen- base metals. Likewise, the absence of a correspondence
erated by a fabricator from a specific brand of flux under in Table 4 between a weld metal classification and a base
controlled welding conditions and crushed for subse- metal should not be considered a recommendation
quent reuse by the same fabricator is defined as closed- against using a particular weld metal to join a particular
loop, crushed slag. base metal. The steel producer,the electrode producer,
Closed-loop, crushed slagsor blends of closed loop and the flux producer may all be able to make appropri-
crushed slag with the original brand of virgin fluxensure ate recommendations and should beconsulted.
better control of input material by virtue of the inherent Composite electrodes are generally designed for a
partnering of the fabricator with the crusher, In some in- specific flux. The flux identification is required (16,7.1)
stances, these partners may be one and the same. If to be marked on the electrode package. Before using a
blending of slag with virgin flux is done, changes in the composite electrode with a flux not indicated on the elec-
original brand of virgin flux or in the blending ratio can trode package markings, the electrode producer should
affect the quality of the final product. be contacted for recommendations. A composite elec-


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trode might be chosen for higher melting rate and less metals be produced and tested under certain specific
depth of fusion at a given current level than would be ob- conditions.
tained under the same conditionswith a solid electrode. Procedures employed in practice may require voltage,
amperage, typeof current, and travel speeds that are con-
A6.3 Mechanical Properties of Submerged Arc siderably different from those required in this specifica-
Welds. Tables 6U and 7U (for the U S . Customary Unit tion. In addition, differences encountered in electrode
Classification System) and Tables 6M and 7M (for the size, electrode composition, electrode extension, joint
International System of Units Classification System) of configuration, preheat temperature, interpass tempera-
this specification list the mechanical properties required ture, and PWHT can have a significant effect on the
of weld metal from flux-electrode classifications (the properties of the joint. Within a given electrode classifi-
electrodes are classified in Tables 1 and 2). The mechan- cation, the electrode composition can vary sufficiently to
ical properties are determined from specimens prepared produce variations in the mechanical properties of the
according to the procedure called for in the specification. weld deposit in both the as-welded and postweld heat
That procedure minimizes dilution from the base metal treated conditions.
and thereby more accurately reflects the properties of PWHT times in excess of the 1 hour used for classifi-
the undiluted weld metal from each flux-electrode cation purposes in this specification (conventionally 20
combination. to 30 hours for verythick sections) may have a major in-
fluence on the strength and toughness of the weld metal.
In use, the electrodes and fluxes are handled sepa- Both can be substantially reduced. The user needs to be
rately, and either of them may be changed without aware of this and of the fact that the mechanical proper-
changing the other. For this reason, a classification sys- ties of low-alloy steel weld metal produced with other
tem with standardized test methods is necessary to relate procedures may differ from the properties required by
the electrodes and fluxes to the properties of the weld Tables 6U and 7U or Tables 6M and 7M of thisspecifica-
metal they produce. Chemical reactions between the tion, as applicable.
molten portion of the electrode and the flux, and dilution
by the base metal all affect the composition of the weld A6.4 Diffusible Hydrogen. The submerged arc welding
metal. Submerged arc welds are not always made with process can be used to provide low-hydrogen weld de-
the multipass procedure required in the specification. posits when care is taken to maintain the flux and elec-
They frequently are made in a single pass, at least within trode in a dry condition. In submerged arc welding with
certain limits on the thickness of the base metal. When a low-alloy steel electrodes and fluxes classified in this
high level of notch toughness is required, multipass specification, weld metal or heat-affected zone cracking
welds may be necessary. associated with diffusible hydrogen tends to become
more of a problem with increasing weld-metal strength,
The specific mechanical propertiesof a weld are a
increasing heat-affected zone hardness, increasing dif-
function of its chemical composition, cooling rate, and
fusible hydrogen content, decreasing preheat and inter-
postweld heat treatment(PWHT). High amperage, single-
pass temperature, and decreasing time at or above the
pass welds have greater depthof fusion and hence, greater interpass temperature duringand after welding. The de-
dilution by the base metal than lower current, multipass tection of hydrogen cracking may be delayed for several
welds. Moreover, large, single-pass welds solidify and hours after cooling dueto the time required for the crack
cool more slowly than the smaller weld beads of a multi- to grow to a size which can be detected by routine in-
pass weld. Furthermore, the succeeding passes of a multi- spection methods. It may appear as transverse weld
pass weld subject the weld metal produced in previous cracks, longitudinal centerline cracks (especially in root
passes to a variety of temperature and cooling cycles that beads), and toe or underbead cracks in the heat-affected
alter the metallurgical structure of different portions of zone.
those beads. For this reason, the properties of a single- Since the available diffusible hydrogen level strongly
pass weld may be somewhat different from those of a influences the tendency towards hydrogen-induced
multipass weld made with thesame electrode and flux. cracking, it may be desirable to measure the diffusible
The weld metal properties in this specification are de- hydrogen content resulting from a particular flux-
termined either in the as-welded condition or after a electrode combination. Accordingly,the use of optional
PWHT (one hour at the temperature called for in Table supplemental designators for diffusible hydrogen is in-
5), or both. Most of the weld metals are suitable for ser- troduced to indicate the maximum average value ob-
vice in either condition, but the specification cannot tained under a clearly defined test condition in ANSI/
cover all of the conditions that such weld metals may en- AWS A4.3, Standard Methods for Determination of the
counter in fabrication and service. For this reason, the Diffusible Hydrogen Content of Martensitic, Bainitic,
classifications in this specification require that the weld and Ferritic Steel Weld Metal Produced by Arc Welding.


COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.

Licensed by Information Handling Services
0784265 0509705 8bL

The user of this information is cautioned that actual properties at various service temperatures. It is usually
fabrication conditions may result in different diffusible desirable for weld metal to match thechemical composi-
hydrogen values from those indicated by the designator. tion and the mechanical properties of the base metal as
The use of a reference atmospheric condition during closely as possible. In fact, many of the electrodes classi-
welding is necessitated because the arc always is imper- fied to this specification have been developed for spe-
fectly shielded. Moisture from the air, distinct from that cific base-metal grades orclasses. If an optimum match
in the electrode or flux, can enter the arcand subse- is not possible, engineering judgmenttogether with weld
quently the weld pool, contributing to the resulting ob- testing may be required to select the most suitable
served diffusible hydrogen. This effect can be minimized electrodes.
by maintaining asuitable depth of flux cover (normally 1 Table 2 provides detailed weld-metal chemical com-
to 1-1/2 in. [25 to 38 mm]) in front of the electrode dur- position requirements. Tables 6U, 6M, 7U and 7M list
ing welding. the mechanical properties of the weld metal in the as-
Nevertheless, some air will mix with the flux cover welded condition or in the postweld heat-treated condi-
and add its moisture to the other sources of diffusible tion when the weldment is subjected to the PWHT re-
hydrogen. quirements in Table 5 . It should be noted that changes in
It is possible for this extra diffusible hydrogen to sig- welding variables or heat treatment can be expected to
nificantly affect the outcome of a diffusible hydrogen affect the mechanicalproperties. However, except for the
test. For this reason, it is appropriate to specify a refer- effects of dilution, the chemical composition canbe ex-
ence atmospheric condition. The reference atmospheric pected to remain reasonably unchanged.
condition of 10 grains of moisture per pound [L5 grams The electrode classification identifies the chemical
of moisture per kilogram] of dry air is equivalent to composition of the electrode. The following paragraphs
10 percent relative humidity at 68°F [20°C]. highlight the differences between these electrodes and
electrode groups and indicate typical applications.
A6.5 Aging of Tensile Specimens. Weld metals may
contain significant quantities of hydrogen for some time A7.1.1 EA1, EA2, EA3, EA3K, and EA4 (C-Mo
after they have been made. Most of this hydrogen gradu- Steel) Electrodes. These electrodes are similarto the
ally escapes over time. This may take several weeks at medium manganese and high-manganese carbon steel
room temperature or several hours at elevated tempera- electrodes classified in ANSIIAWS A5.171A5.17M ex-
tures. As a result of this eventual change in hydrogen cept that 1/2% molybdenum is added. This addition in-
level, ductility of the weld metal increases toward its in- creases the strength of the weld metal, especially at
herent value, while yield, tensile, and impact strengths elevated temperatures, and provides some increase in
remain relatively unchanged. This specification permits corrosion resistance. Typical applications include the
the aging of the tensile specimens at temperatures up to welding of C-Mo steel base metals suchas ASTM A 204
220°F [l0SoC] for up to 48 hours before subjecting them plate and A 335-Pl pipe. Electrodes of this type are par-
to tension testing. The purpose of this treatment is to fa- ticularly useful in developing impact strength on single-
cilitate removal of hydrogen from the test specimen in pass welds such as are used in the manufacture of line
order to minimize discrepancies in testing. Pipe.

Aging treatments aresometimes usedfor low-hydro-

A7.1.2 EB2, EB2H, EB3, EB5, EB6, EB6H, EBS,
gen electrode deposits, especially when testing high-
strength deposits. Note that aging may involve holding
and EB9 (Cr-Mo Steel) Electrodes.These low-hydro-
gen electrodes produce weld metal thatcontains between
test specimens at room temperature for several days or
112% and 9% chromium and between 112% to 1% mo-
holding at a higher temperaturefor a shorter period of
lybdenum. They are designed to produce weld metal for
time. Consequently, users are cautioned to employ ade-
high-temperature service.
quate preheat and interpass temperatures to avoid the
The letter “R” when added as a suffix tothe EB2 or
deleterious effects of hydrogen in production welds.
EB3 designation is an optional supplemental designator
indicating that the electrode will meet the reduced resid-
ual limits necessary to meet “X” factor requirements for
A7. DescriptionandIntendedUse of step coolingapplications.
Electrodes A7.1.2.1 EB9 Electrode. EB9 is a 9%Cr-1% Mo
A7.1 Chemical Composition. The chemical compo- electrode modified with niobium (columbium) and vana-
sition of the weld metal produced is often the primary dium designed to provide improved creep strength,
consideration for electrode selection. Together with ap- toughness, fatigue life, and oxidation and corrosion resis-
propriate heat treatments, each composition can achieve tance at elevated temperatures. Due to the higher ele-
a wide range of corrosion resistance and mechanical vated temperature properties of this alloy, components


COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.

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STD-AWS m 078YZb5 050770b7T8

that are now fabricated from stainless and ferritic steels A7.1.7 EW (Weathering Steel) Electrode. Thiselec-
may be fabricated from a single alloy, eliminating prob- trode has been designed to produce weld metal that
lems associated with dissimilar welds. matches the corrosion resistance and the coloring of the
In addition to the classification requirements in this ASTM weathering-type structural steels. These special
specification, either impact toughness or high-tempera- properties are achieved by the addition of about 1/2%
ture creep strength properties should be determined. Due copper to the weld metal.To meet strength, ductility, and
to the influence of variouslevels of carbon and niobium, notch toughness in the weld metal, some chromium and
specific values and testing must be agreed to by the pur- nickel additions are also made. This electrode is used to
chaser and supplier. weld the typical weathering steel, such as ASTM A 242
and A 588.
A7.1.3 ENil, ENilK, ENi2, and ENi3 (Ni Steel)
Electrodes. Theseelectrodes have been designed to pro- A7.1.8 EG (General Low-Alloy Steel) Electrodes.
duce weld metal with increased strength without being These electrodes are described in A2.2. These electrode
hardenable or with increased notch toughness at temper- classifications may be either modifications of other dis-
atures as low as -100°F (-73°C) or lower. They have been crete classifications or totally new classifications. Pur-
specified with nickel contents which fall into three nomi- chaser and user should obtain from the supplier the
nal levels of 1%Ni,2-1/2% Ni and 3-1/2% Ni. description and intended use for any EG electrode.
With carbon levels of up to 0.12%, strength increases
and weld deposits can meet 80 O00 psi minimum tensile-
strength requirements. However, with lower levels of AS. General Safety Considerations
carbon, low-temperature toughness improves to match
the base-metal properties of nickel steels, such as ASTM A8.1 Burn Protection. Molten metal, sparks, slag, and
A 203 Gr. E, ASTM A 352 LC3 and LC4 classifications. hot work surfaces are produced by welding, cutting, and
Many low-alloy steels require PWHT to stress relieve allied processes. These can cause burns if precautionary
the weld or temper the weld metal and heat-affected zone measures are not used. Workers should wear protective
to achieve increased ductility. It is often acceptable to ex- clothing made of fire-resistant material. Pant cuffs, open
ceed the PWHT holding temperatures shownin Table 5. pockets, or other places onclothing that can catch and re-
However, for many applications, nickel steel weld metal tain molten metal or sparks shouldnot be worn. High-top
can be used without PWHT. If PWHT is to be specified shoes or leather leggings and fire-resistant gloves should
for a nickel steel weldment, the holding temperature be worn. Pant legs should be worn over the outside of
should not exceed the maximum temperature given in high-top shoes. Helmets or hand shields that provide pro-
Table 5 for the classification considered since nickel tection for theface, neck, and ears, and a covering to pro-
steels can beembrittled at higher temperatures. tect the head should be used.In addition, appropriate eye
protection should be used.
A7.1.4 ENi4, ENi5, E F l , EF2, and EF3 (Ni-Mo When welding overhead or in confined spaces, ear
Steel) Electrodes. These electrodes contain between plugs to prevent weld spatter from entering the ear canal
1/2% and 2%nickel and between 1/4%and 1/2% molyb- should be worn in combination with goggles or equiva-
denum. They are typically used for the welding of high- lent to give added eye protection. Clothing should be
strength, low-alloy or microalloyed structural steels kept free of grease and oil. Combustible materials should
where a combination of strength and good notch tough- not be carried in pockets. If any combustible substance
ness is required. has been spilled onclothing, a change to clean, fire-resis-
tant clothing should be made before working with open
A7.1.5 EF4, EF5, and EF6 (Cr-Ni-Mo Steel) Elec-
arcs or flame. Aprons, cape-sleeves, leggings, and shoul-
trodes. These electrodes use a combination of Cr, Ni,
der covers with bibs designed for welding service should
and Mo to develop the strength levels and notch tough-
be used. Where welding or cutting of unusually thick
ness required for a number of high-strength, low-alloy or
base metal is involved, sheet metal shields should be
microalloyed structural steels.
used for extra protection.
A7.1.6 EM2, EM3, and EM4(High-Strength, Low- Mechanization of highly hazardous processesor jobs
Alloy Steel) Electrodes. These electrodes may contain a should be considered. Other personnel in the work area
combination of Cr, Ni, Mo, Ti, Zr and AI. They are in- should be protected by the use of noncombustible
tended to produce high-strength deposits meeting 100 screens or by the use of appropriate protection as de-
O00 psi, 110 O 0 0 psi or 120 O00 psi minimum tensile re- scribed in the previous paragraph. Before leaving a work
quirements to weld steels such as HY80 and HY100. area, hot workpieces should be marked toalert other per-
They are most typically used for weldments not subject sons of this hazard. No attempt should be made to repair
to PWHT. or disconnect electrical equipment when it is under load.


COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.

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S T D - A U S A5*23/A5=23M-ENGL L997 07842bS 0509707 634 m

Disconnection under load produces arcing of the contacts condition. Improper or worn electrical connections may
and may cause burns or shock, or both. (Note: Burns can create conditions that could cause electrical shock or
be caused by touching hot equipment such as electrode short circuits. Worn, damaged, or bare cables should not
holders, tips, and nozzles. Therefore, insulated gloves be used. Open-circuit voltage should be avoided. When
should be worn when these items are handled, unless several welders are working with arcs of different polari-
an adequate cooling period has been allowedbefore ties, or when a number of alternating current machines
touching.) are being used, the open-circuit voltages can be additive.
The following sources arefor more detailed informa- The added voltages increase the severity of the shock
tion on personal protection: hazard.
(1) American National Standards Institute. ANSI 241, In case of electric shock, the power should be turned
Personal Protection-Protective Footwear, American off. If the rescuer must resort to pulling the victim from
National Standard for, New York: American National the live contact, nonconducting materials should be used.
Standards Institute? If the victim is not breathing, cardiopulmonary resuscita-
(2) ANSIIASC 249.1, Safety in Welding, Cutting, and tion (CPR) should be administered as soon as contact
Allied Processes, Miami, Fla.: American Welding with the electrical source is broken. A physician should
Society. be called and CPR continued until breathing has been re-
(3) ANSIIASC 287.1,Practice for Occupational and stored, or until a physician has arrived. Electrical burns
Educational Eye and Face Protection. New York: Amer- are treated as thermal burns; that is, clean, cold (iced)
ican National Standards Institute. compresses should be applied. Contamination should be
(4) Occupational Safety and Health Administration. avoided; the area should be covered with a clean, dry
Code of Federal Regulations, Title 29 Labor, Chapter dressing; and the patient should be transported to medi-
XVII, Part 1910. Washington, D.C.: U. S . Government cal assistance. Recognized safety standards such as
Printing Office? ANSIIASC 249.1, Safety in Welding, Cutting, andAllied
Processes, and the National Electrical Code and NFPA
A8.2 Electrical Hazards. Electric shock can kill. How- No. 70, available from National Fire Protection Associa-
ever, it can be avoided. Live electrical parts should not tion, 1 Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269, should be
be touched. The manufacturer’s instructions and recom- followed.
mended safe practices should be read and understood.
Faulty installation, improper grounding, and incorrect A83 Fumes and Gases. Many welding, cutting, and al-
operation and maintenance of electrical equipment are all lied processes produce fumes and gases which may be
sources of danger. harmful to health. Fumes are solid particles which origi-
All electrical equipment and the workpieces should be nate from welding filler metals and fluxes, the base
grounded. The workpiece lead is not a ground lead. It is metal, and any coatings present on the base metal. Gases
used only to complete the welding circuit. A separate con- are produced during the welding process or may be pro-
nection is required to ground the workpiece. The work- duced by the effects of process radiation on the surround-
piece should not be mistaken for a ground connection. ing environment. Management personnel and welders
The correct cable size should be used, since sustained alike should be aware of the effects of these fumes and
overloading will cause cable failure and result in possible gases. The amount and composition of these fumes and
electrical shock or fire hazard. All electrical connections gases depend upon the composition of the filler metal
should be tight, clean, and dry. Poor connections can and base metal, welding process, current level, arc
overheat and even melt. Further, they can produce dan- length, and other factors.
gerous arcs and sparks. Water, grease, or dirt should not The possible effects of overexposure range from irri-
be allowed to accumulate on plugs, sockets, or electrical tation of eyes, skin, and respiratory system to more se-
units. Moisture can conduct electricity. To prevent shock,
vere complications. Effects may occur immediately or at
the work area, equipment, and clothing should be kept some later time. Fumes can cause symptoms such as nau-
dry at all times. Welders should wear dry gloves and rub-
sea, headaches, dizziness, and metal fume fever. The
ber-soled shoes, or stand on a dry board or insulated plat- possibility of more serious health effects exists when es-
form. Cables and connections should be kept in good
pecially toxic materials are involved. In confined spaces,
the shielding gases and fumes might displace breathing
5. ANSI documents are available from the American National air and cause asphyxiation.
Standards Institute, 11 West 42nd Street, 13th Floor, New York, One’s head should always be kept out of the fumes.
NY10036-8002. Sufficient ventilation, exhaust at the arc, or both, should
6. OSHA documentsareavailablefrom U.S. Government be used to keep fumes and gases from your breathing
Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402. zone and the general area.


COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.

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STD-AWS A5.23/A5*23M-ENGLL77707842b50509708570 -

In some cases, natural air movement will provide (1) One should not look at welding arcs except
enough ventilation. Where ventilation may be question- through welding filter plates which meet the require-
able, air sampling shouldbe used to determine if correc- ments of ANSIIASC 287.1, Practice forOccupational
tive measures shouldbe applied. and Educational Eye and Face Protection, published by
(1) The permissible exposure limits required by American National Standards Institute, 11 West 42nd
OSHA can be found in Code of Federal Regulations, Street, 13th Floor, New York, NY 10036-8002. It should
Title 29, Chapter XVII Part 1910. The OSHA General be noted that transparent welding curtains are not in-
Industry Standards are available from the Superintendent tended as welding filter plates, but rather,are intended to
of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Wash- protect passersby from incidentalexposure.
ington, DC 20402. (2) Exposed skin should be protected with adequate
(2) The recommended threshold limit values for these gloves and clothing as specified in ANSIIASC 249.1,
fumes and gases may be found in Threshold Limit Values Safety in Welding, Cutting, and Allied Processes, pub-
for Chemical Substances and Physical Agents in the lished by American Welding Society, 550 N.W. LeJeune
Workroom Environment, published by the American Road, Miami, FL 33126.
Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (3) Reflections from welding arcs should be avoided,
(ACGIH), 1330 Kemper Meadow Drive, Cincinnati, OH and all personnel should be protected from intense re-
45240. flections. (Note: Paintsusing pigments of substantially
(3) Theresults of an AWS-funded study are available zinc oxide or titanium dioxide have a lower reflectance
in a report entitled, Fumes and Gases in the Welding En- for ultraviolet radiation.)
vironment, available from the American Welding Soci- (4) Screens, curtains, or adequate distance from
ety, 550 N.W. LeJeune Road, Miami, FL 33126. aisles, walkways, etc. should be used to avoid exposing
passersby to welding operations.
A8.4 Radiation. Welding, cutting, and allied operations ( 5 ) Safety glasses with UV-protective side shields
may produce radiant energy (radiation) harmful to have been shown to provide some beneficial protection
health. One should become acquainted withthe effects of from ultraviolet radiation producedby welding arcs.
this radiant energy. Radiant energy may be ionizing
(such as x-rays), or nonionizing (such as ultraviolet, visi- A8.4.3 Ionizing radiation informationsources include:
ble light, or infrared). Radiation can produce a variety of (1) ANSIIAWS F2.1-78, Recommended Safe Prac-
effects such as skin burns and eye damage, dependingon tices for Electron Beam Welding and Cutting, available
the radiant energy’s wavelength and intensity, if exces- from the American Welding Society, 550 N.W. LeJeune
sive exposure occurs. Road, Miami, FL 33126.
(2) Manufacturer’s product information literature.
A8.4.1 Ionizing Radiation. Ionizing radiation is pro-
duced by the electron beam welding process. It is ordi- A8.4.4 The following include nonionizing radiation
narily controlled within acceptance limits by use of information sources:
suitable shielding enclosing the welding area.
(1) American National Standards Institute. ANSI/
ASC 2136.1, Safe Use of Lasers, New York, N.Y.:
A8.4.2 Nonionizing Radiation. The intensity and American National Standards Institute.
wavelengths of nonionizing radiant energy produced de-
(2) -. ANSIIASC 287.1, Practice for Occupa-
pend on many factors, such as the process, welding pa-
tional and Educational Eye and Face Protection. New
rameters, electrode and base-metal composition, fluxes,
York, N.Y.: American National Standards Institute.
and a n y coating or plating on the base metal. Some pro-
cesses, such as resistance welding and cold-pressure (3) -. ANSIIASC 249.1, Safety in Welding, Cut-
welding ordinarily produce negligible quantities of radi- ting, and Allied Processes. (published by AWS) Miami,
ant energy. With the exception of submergedarc welding Fla.: American Welding Society
when used properly, most arc welding and cutting pro- (4)Hinrichs, J. F. “Project Committee on Radiation-
cesses, laser beam welding andtorch welding, cutting, Summary Report.” WeldingJournal, January 1978.
brazing, or soldering can producequantities of nonion- ( 5 ) Moss, C. E. “Optical Radiation Transmission
izing radiation such that precautionary measures are Levels through Transparent Welding Curtains.” Welding
necessary. Journal, March 1979.
Protection from possible harmful effects caused by (6) Moss, C. E., and Murray, W. E. “Optical Radiation
nonionizing radiant energy from weldinginclude the fol- Levels Produced in Gas Welding, Torch Brazing, and
lowing measures: Oxygen Cutting.” Welding Journal, September 1979.


COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.

Licensed by Information Handling Services
(7) Marshall, W. J., Sliney, D.H., et al.
“Optical Radi- Cutting Arcs. Springfield, Va.: National Technical Infor-
ation Levels Produced by Air-Carbon Arc Cutting Pro- mation Service. ADA-033768.
cesses,” Welding Journal, March 1980. (9) Nonionizing radiation protection special study No.
(8) National Technical Information Service. Nonion- 42-0312-77, Evaluation of the Potential Retina Hazards
izing radiation protection special study No. 42-0053-77, from Optical Radiation Generated by Electrical Welding
Evaluation of the Potential Hazards from Actinic Ultra- and Cutting Arcs. Springfield, Va.: National Technical
violet Radiation Generated by Electric Welding and Information Service, ADA-043023.


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STDmAWS A5.23/A5.23fl-ENGL 1777 = 07842b5 0 5 0 9 7 3 0 329


COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.

Licensed by Information Handling Services
S T D o A W S A5m23/A5-23M-ENGL L997 I07842b5 05097LL Ob5
A5.23lA5.23M :1997

AWS Filler Metal Specificationsand Related Documents

AWS Designation Title
FMC Charts
A4.2M/A4.2 Standard Procedures for Calibrating Magnetic Instruments to Measure the Delta Ferrite Content of Austenitic and
Duplex Austenitic-Ferritic Stainless Steel Weld Metal
Steel Weld Metal Produced bv Arc Welding
Filler Guidelines
~ ~~ ~~

A5.1 Specification for Carbon Steel Electrodes for Shielded Metal Arc Welding
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~~ ~ ~~

Rods for Oxyfuel
Aluminum and
Aluminum Alloy
A5.4 Specification
A5.7 Specification
A5.8 Specification
A5.9 Specification
~ ~~ ~~ -
~~ ~~~
and Rods
~~ ~~ ~ ~~

A5.11/A5.11M Specification for Nickel and Nickel-Alloy Welding Electrodes for Shielded Metal Arc Welding
A5.1UA5.12M Specification for Tungsten and Tungsten Alloy Electrodes for Arc Welding and Cutting
A5.15 Specification
Rods for Cast
A5.17/A5.17M Specification for Carbon Steel Electrodes and Fluxes for Submerged Arc Welding
A5.18SpecificationforCarbonSteelElectrodesand Rods for
A5.19 Specification
A5.22 Specification for StainlessSteelElectrodesforFluxCoredArcWeldingandStainlessSteelFluxCoredRodsfor
Gas Tungsten Arc Welding
A5.23/A5.23M Specification for Low-Alloy Steel Electrodes and Fluxes for Submerged Arc Welding
A5.24 Specification for Zirconiumand
~~ ~~ ~ ~-~~~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~

A5.25/A5.25M Specification for Carbon and Low-Alloy Steel Electrodes and Fluxes for Electroslag Welding
A5.26/A5.26MSpecificationforCarbonandLow-AlloySteelElectrodes for ElectrogasWelding
A5.28 SpecificationforLow-AlloySteelElectrodesandRodsforGasShieldedArcWelding
Specification for Low-Alloy
A5.30 Specification
for Inserts

A5.31 Specification for Fluxes for Brazing and Braze Welding

~~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ "

For ordering information, contact the AWS Order Department7 American Welding Society, 550 N.W. LeJeune Road,
Miami, FL 33126. Telephones: (800) 334-9353, (305) 443-9353, ext. 280; FAX (305) 443-7559.


COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.

Licensed by Information Handling Services

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