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For more information related to this topic, check out

Bob Yandian’s “Creation and Restoration” and “Jurassic Earth.”

In a previous question, (please refer to the archive question: What was here before
Adam?) we showed from the scriptures that God did not create the earth in confusion or
in chaos. (Isaiah 45:18) God is not the author of confusion. (1 Corinthians 14:33)
Genesis 1:2 says the earth became without form and void. We believe this came
because of the fall of Lucifer.

From Ezekiel chapter 28 and from Isaiah chapter 14, we are told Lucifer ruled over the
earth and over Eden, the garden of God. When Lucifer fell, some type of destruction
came. But Genesis 1:1-3 indicates God spoke to the void, His Spirit moved and the earth
as we know it was created.

The Bible gives very little information, but it seems Lucifer ruled over beings prior to his
fall. The Bible gives us no indication of exactly what type of beings they were. The Bible
says Lucifer was corrupted by trade and merchandise (Ezekiel 28:16, 18). Apparently a
race of beings existed that were involved in trade and commerce of some kind. The
demons may have come from this race that existed before Adam because the Bible
indicates demons seek bodies to inhabit and they seem to be disembodied spirits. It
seems clear that demons are not fallen angels since the fallen angels are being held in
chains in the Abyss. (2 Peter 2:4, Jude 1:6) Demons are alive and roaming the earth.

Dinosaurs probably existed during the time Lucifer ruled prior to his fall rather than after
his fall. One common question is, “Were dinosaurs on the Ark?” If there had been the
dinosaurs would have existed during the time period between Adam and Noah and
would have been destroyed in the flood. The problem with this scenario is according to
the dimensions of the Ark mentioned in the Bible, many of the dinosaurs would have
been much too large! We have found fossils of dinosaurs that would not fit into the door
of the Ark. Some of the larger dinosaurs would have taken up so much room none of the
other animals would have fit!

Man has found dinosaur fossils 130 feet long and 60 feet tall! The Ark dimensions were
approximately 450 ft. long, 75 ft wide and only 45 feet tall. Some of those dinosaurs
would definitely have had to duck their heads to get into the door! I am sure God did not
tell any creatures, “So sorry Big Guy! You’re just too big. I guess you’ll just have to die in
the flood!” The Bible says every clean and unclean animal type living at the time of Noah
was present in the Ark. (Genesis 7:2)

Some Christians teach dinosaurs are not real and the fossils man has discovered are
fakes or even worse, God made them to test whether we believe Him or science. We
believe dinosaurs once lived on the face of the earth and their fossils are genuine. There
is no need to try to explain away the dinosaurs and the age of the earth because the
Word of God reveals that the earth predates Adam and Eve and the creation account
(the time from Genesis 1:2 through chapter 2).

This period is not so much a record of original creation as it is reconstruction of creation

after the fall of Lucifer. We believe Genesis 1:1 is original creation and verse 2 and
onward is the reconstruction of the earth. Between verse 1 and verse 2 was the reign
and fall of Lucifer and we believe the time of the dinosaurs. God judged the earth with a
flood and the earth became without form and void. The Bible does not go into great
detail about the time of Adam and Eve or what existed prior to Adam, so we can not be
overly dogmatic on these issues.

Sometimes there appears to be discrepancies between science and the Bible, but don’t
be concerned because science is catching up to the Bible! Every day there are more and
more discoveries proving what the Bible says is true. Every science, from astronomy to
zoology, is making discoveries supporting biblical truths and the fact that God is the
Creator. There are many things we do not understand now, but we can believe in the
One Who does understand! One day He will answer every question. I look forward to
that day, don’t you!

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