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LESSON PLAN: # 8 in Unit plan

TEACHER: Ms. Kirby Harripersad SCHOOL: Barrackpore West Secondary DATE: 22.03.21

CLASS/FORM: 4 MS No. in class: 30 TIME: 11.30am No of period(s): 1 Duration: 35 mins

Planning for the lesson

UNIT PLAN: Attached TOPIC: Importance of coastal environments (coral reefs and mangroves).

MAIN CONCEPT: Environment and interconnection. CONCEPT MAP: Attached as a PDF

ESSENTIAL VOCABULARY: See attached glossary.

CURRICULUM INTEGRATION AREAS: English Language will be integrated in the form of oral
communication. The creation of a Venn Diagram includes Mathematics and Social Studies is involved
through the socio-economic benefits of a resource.

 Strategies for:
Planning for inclusiveness: The lesson has been prepared for different types of learners such as visual,
read-write and auditory learners.

Planning for literacy improvement: Students will add to their Geographical Terms Glossary. Students will
be asked to read and write for their presentations.

Planning for Technology Integration: The use of laptop, PowerPoint, Zoom and YouTube content.
Teacher combined resources using Audacity, Windows Movie maker and Screencast-o-matic.

Planning for VAPA integration: Use of pictures for interpretation, music and videos for visual aid.

 Instructional strategies to be used and their rationale:

 Jigsaw- emphasizes cooperative learning by providing students an opportunity to actively help
each other build comprehension.
 Graphic organizer- improves learning via direct instruction, incorporating teacher modelling
and independent practice with feedback.
 Effective questioning- requires student to respond at higher levels and can also play a role in
focusing the student on overarching themes.

All strategies display aspects of the cognitive learning theory as the lesson’s learning is internal
and is a result of student processing and organising new information.

The lesson plan:

PRE-KNOWLEDGE Students were taught about types and conditions needed for optimal reef
growth. Students will bring their experiences of visiting local and other beaches/ reefs. Students
who have visits the islands’ wetlands can share their knowledge on mangroves with the class.
Students should at least have indirect exposure to these environments through media.
Students are aware of coastal protection through discussions on coastal management.

At the end of this lesson, pupils will be able to:

Objectives of the lesson Classification of Domain

1. Create a Venn Diagram showing the Creating Cognitive
importance of coral reefs and mangroves.

2. Display an appreciation for the importance of Characterization by value Affective

coral reefs and mangroves.

SET INDUCTION Time allotted: 2 minutes.

Teacher shows students the following image:

Probing questions:
What do you see?
Do you know the type of plant shown? Have you seen this at the Caroni Bird Sanctuary?
Have you visited the Buccoo Reef in Tobago?
Have you ever thought about why these habitats are important?

SECTION 1- Time allotted: 20 minutes.

Teaching points:

Importance of coral reefs and mangrove forests (Similarities in italics)

Coral reefs Mangroves

 Provide material for beaches  Protects coastline
 Provide coastal protection  Habitat and nurseries for marine
 Habitat and nurseries for marine organisms
organisms  Source of food and jobs
 Source of food and jobs  Tourism related activities
 Tourism related activities  Carbon sink
 Medicinal value  Filters sediments
 Scientific value

Teaching Strategy Student Activity Resources

Jigsaw. Students will work in their PowerPoint Presentation

Teacher will explain the class groups and create a medium PowerPoint- Importance of
will be broken into two of choice for their coral reefs and mangroves
breakout rooms for 8 minutes presentation (Word
where students will examine document, PowerPoint slide)
the content provided. Jigsaw:
Students will then have 3 Group 1 (Coral reefs)
Group 1 will be provided minutes each to share their Coral Reef Resource Form 4 -
with coral reef content and aspect of the topic with the YouTube
Group 2 with mangroves (see class.
attached supplemental
sheets). Group 2 (Mangroves)
Mangrove resource material
Teacher asks students of each
group to pull out information
on the importance of their
type of coastal environment
and present to the other half
of the class.

Graphic Organizer. Students will then participate Graphic Organizer template:

After presentations, teacher in the creation of the Venn
presents the Venn Diagram Diagram supplied by teacher Venn Diagram template,
template for students to Section 1, LO1
complete as a class
(approximately 4 minutes).

SECTIONAL REVIEW and feedback (formative assessment strategies) Time allotted: 2


Teacher: “The aim was to create a Venn Diagram. Let’s take a look at the diagram you created
and justify some of your suggestions.”

Guiding questions:
What made you put X as a common characteristic of the two coastal environments?
Why did you include Y on the mangrove’s side alone?
What makes coral reefs uniquely important?

SECTION 2- Time allotted: 5mins

Teaching points:
Questions to be asked:
- How do these images make you feel and why?
-Did the local pictures make you feel strongly about the role these habitats play in our economy?
If so, why?
-What aspect of loss for these habitats do you think affected you the most and why?

Teaching Strategy Student Activity Resources
Effective Questioning. Students view pictures and Pictures are in PowerPoint
record their emotions upon Presentation provided.
Teacher shows pictures viewing.
depicting destroyed/damaged PowerPoint- Importance of
coral reefs and mangrove coral reefs and mangroves

Teacher asks students For a face to face session,

questions to pull out their teacher can access pictures
feelings about the scenes via:
Picture resource Section 2,
Questions: LO2
- How do these images make
you feel and why?
-Did the local pictures make
you feel strongly about the
role these habitats play in our
economy? If so, why?
-What aspect of loss for these
habitats do you think affected
you the most and why?

SECTIONAL REVIEW and feedback. Time allotted: 2 minutes

Teacher listens to and reads chat with respect to the student’s feelings about the pictures viewed.

Suggested answer:

- These images make me very upset since these coastal environments serve critical roles, not just
with biodiversity, but the benefits directly help humans. The potential benefits and lost forever
with degradation.

CLOSURE– Time allotted: 2 minutes.

Students will choose any question from the list provided and respond based on the session:

Daily Dozen Closure

FINAL EVALUATION – Time allotted: 2 minutes.


Summative assessment: Record yourself with a media of your choice (video, voice note, audio
only) explaining the importance of coral reefs and mangroves to our islands if Trinidad and
Tobago. Ensure to point out the similarities between the two. Post your submission on Google

Reasonable level of achievement

Level of achievement Related objective

100% of students should be able to state the 1
importance of coral reefs and mangroves in the
coastal environment.
80% of students should be able to create a Venn 1
Diagram showing the importance of coral reefs and
mangroves in the coastal environment
100% of students should be able to display and 2
appreciation for the importance of coral reefs and

Table of Specifications

Objectives Level and type Strategy Formative/Summative Marks

of domain
1. Create a Venn Creating/ Jigsaw, graphic Formative N/A
Diagram Cognitive organizing. (Section1).
showing the
importance of Students will use info
coral reefs and from their
mangroves. presentations to create
a Venn diagram from
template provided and
justify their end

Summative N/A
(Section 1).
Students will record
themselves with a
media of choice
(video, voice note,
audio only)
explaining the
importance of coral
reefs and mangroves
to Trinidad and
2. Display and Characterizatio Effective Formative N/A
appreciation for n by value/ questioning. (Section 2).
the importance Affective Students respond to

of coral reefs the following

and mangroves. - How do these
images make you feel
and why?
-Did the local pictures
make you feel
strongly about the
role these habitats
play in our economy?
If so, why?
-What aspect of loss
for these habitats do
you think affected
you the most and

As this is the end of this Unit, students will come prepared to practice past paper questions on
this section of the syllabus for next class.


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