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Assignment Bearing Capacity Prob. 1 A square footing 2m x 2m, is to be founded at « depth of Im below the surface of a deep stratum of soft saturated clay (unit weight = 20 kN/m’), UU triaxial test established the following soil pa = 0°, cy = 25 kPa. ‘The footing is to support a column load of 300 KN load. Determine the factor of safety against bearing capacity failure using Terzaghi method for the followi ases wrt GWT i) the ground water table is at greater depth. ii) the ground water table is at 2 m below the ground surface iii) the ground water table is at 0.5 m below the surface Prob. 2 ‘A square footing rests on a thick deposit of clayey soil with undrained shear strength, Su=30 kPa. The footing is located 1.5 m below the ground surface to carry a total loud of 1000 KNs The unit weight of the clay is 18 kN/m?. The ground water tabie is at a greater depth, Determine the required footing dimensions using Terzaghi method and FS_3. Prob. 3 ‘A proposed column is to be supported by a 1.5 m wide and 1.0 m deep square footing. The soil beneath the footing is silty sand with €~0, ¢=29" and unit weight of 17.5 KNAn*. The ground water table is at a depth of $ m below the base of the footing, Compute the maximum allowable column load (from super structure) against FS=3 using Terzaghi equation, Prob. 4 ‘A 39 inch wide 24 inch deep continuous footing supports a wall load of | footing is underlain by a fine to medium sand with ¢-0, § 32° and unit wei pet. The ground currently could rise to 4 fi below the ground surf safety against bearing method ip/fi, the of 120 a depth of 10 ft below the ground surface but : during the life of the project. The factor of pacity must be at least 3. Is this design acceptable? use Terzaghi Prob. 5 A proposed cylindrical stecl water tank is to be built on medium plastic clay that has undrained shear sirength of 30 kPa. The tank dia will be 35 m and it will contain 10 m height of water. The empty weight of the tank will be 250, 000 kg. Assuming both the weigh of the empty tank and that of the water are spread evenly along the bottom of the tank. Compute the factor of safety against bearing capacity failure. Is this FS acceptable? If not, how the design could be modified to provide an acceptable FS. You may use Terzaghi method 25 owable total load of 250 KN. |), uy a gross al an angle of 20° to the verticy) f safety of 3. (Use Hersey Prob. 6 fo cal A squate:column foundation has t Joad is inclined at f foundation is 0.75 a. The fo is imeling : depth of foundation is “Bowtie ey ot he width of the founda ‘ weight of Eat hes properties are ¢°0, ¢ 32° and unit w neo below the ground surface in 4 A rectangular footing 10 x 20 ft is founded at 3 A ey sand anit Well OF 115 homogencous cohiesionless soil with soil properties € te mpplied on the Faoing base pel Determine the maximum allowable load that ow, PI inst FS -3. Compare the answer by the following meth i) Terzaghi method i) Meherhof method iii) Hensen method Prob. § . . A foundation 3 m wide and 10 mi long is t0 be founded at 1.25 m in a deep deposit of fanse sand with properties as €-0, 33" and unit weight of 185 kN/m? ; Determine the safe bearing capacity of the foundation for Fo if it is subjected to Fe tne ht oF 250 AN/m at an eccentciy of 0.3 m together with horizontal line load of 75 KNim acting atthe base ofthe foundation, Use Mehe hor method. Prob. A RSer tank foundation has a footing of 6 x 6 m in plan which is to be founded 3 m below the round surface. The footing isto he ett on cobesionless soil with e-0, @°53 and unit weight of 118.5 kNiin The Foundation is subjocted 10 a veri t tea nticty of B10 along one of the ares Deters Stok oie ; . the maximum g Nei 3 hich the footing of the tank can be subjected. Also oe ae a “aFiation below the footing, Use Henscn equaign aa Prob. 10 A rectangular footing 5x8 m founded at 2 m be Feats loud with two vay eccentcity ec a S Subjected to footing has properties as ¢=0, ultimate load the footing can'¢ ‘minimum footing pressure Prob. 11 The net safe bearing capacity failure (FS°3) is 300 KPa. The foot C216 whe : => ae (Neo maytyaa4ths) a —¢ Fru ye? jor = + 2? Sa 2 Esy>2 poe ScD a S18 Ble Se 1S an ue 534.272 fa eS Hs Seep Ys_= Se Dy» (799T8 EL, = Sy: we (4s. Ep. & LS [ay 4 ao cI Seu pDitly SR Ey Sp phe a St do a9 _aere a sD 949 = lo Ins. 3 a 85 Aa sai Kn 229 Hee qyes Set SD oy 2 abe y Far a 4 ie ie reo 3 Qe be KP Pere eddiddddddddddddl n” » e A, 5 Sm Dy me PTT ’ s Fos _ = ’ t+ - {47332 SS4lhR ; : — tbe . . 3-y)) 12be BL ; = 2 1473-30 12h r TiS Go ee p23 Yer7-35 4Y Jo? 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Yy2- 7S SIS jawabyla 0 - ARI INT ¥bq th Ft — so 4 gabe tela ——%, ces ail - . Use5 FOS* aa V32 a 4172713 1, 2042 Hy YW. 4 RvB Dewds 4leo 658 = eI B24Se =| 5" pe yN SS 2) eitt KN? , FoSe3 anf 336 _¥Pa zi P-* eB. Sabet Fet_(eeo . Nis S72 Myo) rhe Xen S4vort Es |-R 4 Sys oD. Oy.2—Shy S143 tthe Sed 4 Oy 9 Th ee c* Aq ADS Dp n_2g bb 4, Sor atk aes Se ET e 6 es S @ ; . e e e Ab \ee\* we oe * —e& “x JOM) ees vhs 2 “2 cya OG ? d= \a—— Qe 35m» Dr > oe Rx dep 2 Se = ST > 4 __ _ Re petet, Nes Sh ya oa a 5 2aug but + 20x 3x21 oS BS x JoxbA xt —— 2 Anus eles Oy Shin SD Sh 8 fq Sng 4 Ds Fo _ Qs ug 4 ee F > FOS 3 — Be IP EN, Pye Dm — 5G Be?) Sa —Slyisn B= 2° G21 | wo ret et? ~o70 e a i Usiag Vance _\\ Pet ee laa e 4-21 Ne Sd 26, Syhiy Naya Seckeey 0 SBN ge re Sd ese Nee 2 ye S A 2/ ty) Ny. aa +S1 [oo e Ses ssfeat te a\-bi + Sty2 1G tang os 1379 = ote el ae 5 .——— s a : [1 Oo 06S es fy. el ? test 3 3 eyo (1 e\ xo aa | \ bq wok Cs we Ao £ De 1.038 scte=l we ao w CS 2s. 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