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1. The Meaning of the Word ‘Ahruf’
The wordahruf is the plural ofharf. Linguistically, ‘harf’ has a number of meanings,


1) ‘A letter or a word.’ Al-huruf al-abjadiyya, for example, means the letters of the alphabet.

2) ‘The border, the edge of something, the brink.’ For example, Allaah says,
َ ‫ن َِم‬
ِ ّ ‫سا‬‫ل‬
ُ‫ب‬ ْ ‫ُد‬
ََّّ 
‫ َى‬ َ

“And among mankind is he who worships Allaah (as it were) upon a harf (i.e., upon the very
edge, or in doubt)” [22:11]
3) ‘To swerve from the truth, to distort.’ Allaah says concerning the Jews,
ِ‫ع‬ ِ ِ‫ه‬
‫م َن‬
 َ ِ
‫ل‬ َ
“…they have displaced (lit., yuharifuna) words from their right places…” [4:46]
Its exact definition in Qur’aanic sciencs is the subject matter of this chapter, and
cannot be defined at this point. However, a temporary definition maybe given as follows:
ahruf are the various ways that the verses of the Qur’aan are read. Imaam al-Qurtubee
(d. 671
A.H.) said, “Every variation of a word in the Qur’aan is said to be a harf. So, for
when we say the harf of Ibn Mas’ood, it means the way that Ibn Mas’ood used to recite
verse or word.” 380
Most English authors translateahruf as ‘modes’ or ‘dialects.’ However, in this book the
word will be left in Arabic since the meaning is broader than these translated words.
II. The Number of Ahruf of the Qur’aan
The Qur’aan was revealed in seven ahruf. The proof for this is found in many narrations
the Prophet (PBUH), so much so that it reaches the level of mutawaatir. 381 Jalaal ad-
as-Suyootee lists twenty-one Companions who narrated that the Qur’aan was revealed
seven ahruf. 382 Some of these narrations are as follows:
1) Ibn ‘Abbaas reported that the Prophet (PBUH) said, “Jibreel recited the Qur’aan to me
in one harf, and I recited it back to him, but I requested him to increase (the number of
harf) and he continued to increase it for me, until we stopped at seven ahruf.” Ibn
Shihaab az-Zuhree (d. 124 A.H.), one of the narrators of the hadeeth, said, “It has reached

 The 7 Ahruf & 10 Qiraat Of Quran

This will be transcriptions of a couple of videos discussing these 2 topics. Only the relevant
information will be transcripted here. All credit goes to them for their time, research and efforts.

i) Transcript of this video (Time Slice: 01:30-08:22)

First off, let's talk about the different ahruf. What are the different ahruf? You see, the Quraishi -
the Arabs in Arabia at the time did not speak one different dialect of Arabic. They were not a
homogeneous group of people. No, they were different groups of people, there were different
kinds of Arabs at the time. Even then, even now to this day especially there are different kinds of
Arabs and they spoke different kinds of Arabic. For example, one example that we know is that
the Prophet (saw) once encountered a group of people who: instead of saying "al" for example:
"al-kitab" they said "am," like "am-kitab." So for example they would say "rasul amlah" (the
Messenger of God). So, they would say "am" instead of "al." They spoke different dialects of
Arabic, and these different dialects were actually captured in the Quran originally. Originally,
they were captured and these are called the different ahruf. The Quran was revealed in different
ways to accommodate for these different people who spoke different dialects of Arabic, because
it was not standardized at the time. We have a Hadith in:

Sahih Muslim, Book 4, Number 1782:

"'Umar b. Khattab said: I heard Hisham b. Hakim b. Hizam reciting Surah al-Furqan in a style
different from that in which I used to recite it, and in which Allah's Messenger (may peace be
upon him) had taught me to recite it. I was about to dispute with him (on this style) but I delayed
till he had finished that (the recitation). Then I caught hold of his cloak and brought him to the
Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) and said: Messenger of Allah, I heard this man
reciting Surah al-Furqan in a style different from the one in which you taught me to recite. Upon
this the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) told (me) to leave him alone and asked
him to recite. He then recited in the style in which I beard him recite it. The Messenger of Allah
(may peace be upon him) then said: Thus was it sent down. He then told me to recite and I
recited it, and he said: Thus was it sent down. The Qur'an was sent down in seven dialects. So
recite what seems easy therefrom.."

And this is reported in Muslim, so it is an authentic Hadith. So we know that the Quran was
revealed in seven different ways - originally. seven different ahruf - styles of dialects of the
Quran. And this book: "Introduction to the Sciences of the Quran" defines it is:

"...a temporary definition would be given as follows: the ahruf are the various ways that the
verses of the Quran are read. Imam al-Qurtubi said, |very variation of a word in the Quran is said
to be a harf. So, for example, when we say the harf of Ibn Masud, it means the way that Ibn
Masud used to recite that verse or word [1]." (Chapter 10, Page 172).

In other words, there are different ways of reciting the Quran that were given to different people
- different dialects at the time. Each of these is correct. So the question then is: well how come
we don't have ahruf of the Quran? How come we don't have different dialects of the Quran to
this today? Uthman in his wisdom at the time, when he was compiling the Quran into one single
document - one single Mushaf (one single book), burned the other ahruf of the Quran. Burned
them, and he only preserved one of them, which was the one original Quraishi harf of the Quran
- the original Quraishi dialect. He preserved that Quran.

Now you my ask: what is the different Qiraat of the Quran? What are they? The different Qiraat
are: from that one hard of the Quran which Uthman preserved - from that one reading style or
one dialect: come the different Qiraat. The different Qiraat are the different ways that the one
Quraishi harf can be read. The different styles of that one harf. The variations within that one
harf, that one dialect which Uthman preserved. So for example you have:

Surah Duha 93:1-3: Transliteration:

"Waadduha. Waallayli itha saja. Ma wadda AAaka rabbuka wama qala."

That's the standard way that we think of, right? Now, listen to this one:
Surah Duha 93:1-3: Transliteration:
"Waadduheh. Waallayli itha sejeh. Ma wadda AAaka rabbuka wama qaleh."

You see the difference? "Duha - Duheh." There's a difference there. These are the different styles
of reciting the same exact letters. You also have for example:

Surah Fatiha 1:1-3: Transliteration:

"Alhamdu lilla hirabbil Alameen. Ar rahman niraheem. Maliki yawm middeen."

That's how we usually think of it. Now listen to this one:

Surah Fatiha 1:1-3: Transliteration:

"Alhamdu lilla hirabbil Alameeen. Ar rahman niraheeem. Maliki yawm middeeen."

There's other ways too. The thing is the Quran can be recited in different ways. The majority of
the Muslim world settled on the hafs reading - the hafs Qiraat of the Quran - the hafs recitation
style. However, other styles of the Quran still are read, in fact some places exclusively use one
style. North Africa for example for the most part uses warsh style. Other parts exclusively use
the Aduri style. Other parts exclusively use the Qaloon style. So there are different styles of
reciting the Quran. The ahruf are one thing and the Qiraat are another thing. Uthman burned the
different ahruf of the Quran from the one harf that was preserved, come the different Qiraat.
Every single one of these different Qiraat is from the prophet's mouth directly (saw) and it is the
authentic Quran 100%. There are 7 authentic Qiraat and there are 3 that are considered


[1] Ubaydaat, p. 153.

ii) Transcript of this video (Time Slice: 08:10-12:15)

Now, coming to the 5th view which is considered by many to be a really acceptable view. This
was actually first given by Imam Malik. It states that the 7 readings are actually the variation in
recital. They refer to the variations in the recital or the Quran of 7 kinds. So they refer to the 7
kinds of variations in the recital. Although the recitals are more than 7, the variations found in
then evolved around 7 basic points. Imam Malik stated that the 7 readings denoted the 7
variations in the recital of the Quran. These variations are:
1. Variations in numbers such that 1 word is read as singular in 1 recital and plural in the other.

2. Variations in gender - masculine in 1 recital become feminine in the other. For example: "la
yakbal" becomes "la thakbal."

3. Variations in placements of diacritical marks. The kasara, fatha, etc.

4. Variations in verb. So, "ya-rishun" becomes "yuwarishun."

5. Variations in syntax.

6. Variations caused by transposition.

7. Variations of pronunciation or accent. Variations in: Tafkheem, Tarqeeq, Imla, Maad, Kasar,
Izar, Idgham which are actually rendering the sound heavy, soft, inclining it, prolonging it,
shortening it, expressing clearly and assimilating.

Many prominent scholars adhere to this view. However, there is some difference in the
formulation of those variations, because each arrange them individually. Imam Razi's enlistment
is considered most concise, well arranged and firmly established. He says the variations in the
recital of the Quran depend on 7 kinds:

1. Variations in noun. This includes difference in number and gender.

2. Variations in verbs. The same verb is read in the past, present or future tense, or as an

3. Variations in positions of diacritical marks.

4. Variations caused by omissions and additions. There is an extra word in one reading which is
not found in another.

5. Variations of placement of words. A word proceeds in a reading while it follows in another.

6. Variations caused by replacement of words. There is a word in one reading, but quite another
word in the other reading.

7. Variations of accent.

This is a reasonable opinion regarding the 7 readings, and many scholars agree that it refers to
the 7 kinds of difference in reading. In the end, one thing is important to keep in mind that is:
that the Prophet himself did not explain the 7 ahruf and hence one cannot say that 1 particular
view is what the Hadith intended to mean. But the view of Imam Razi appears to be more
correct, as it is applicable to the various forms of recitals current to date. So, we cannot judge
and we cannot say that one view supersedes the other or one view is like the 100% most correct
view. These are opinions of the scholars and their analysis regarding the different opinions.  So
over here, it seems that Imam Razi's opinion is like much more muhkam that compared to the
other opinions. But, however we cannot say that this was exactly what the Prophet meant, so
that's one important thing which we have to keep in mind.

Further readings:

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