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SPM Model Test a ; 1 hour and 30 minutes Instructions: This question paper has five parts, which consi : rts, which consist of 40 Fe instructions for every part and the questions carefully, a ane Part Questions 1 to 8 x Read the text carefully in each question. Job Vacancy Post: Neonatal Nurse To care for mummies and bables during the confinement month. Venue: Menara Tropicana Garden Choose the best answer A, B or C. For each question, circle the correct Benefits: Requirements: & Rttroctive pay package e love babies 8 Meals provided "= Pleasant attitude ond always smiling 8 Hostel provided «Alle to work overtime. 8 Free uniform g. & Tronsport allowance ca. c ‘a il your detailed resume to Interested candidates, please email your detailed resume picana@ ep = Closing date: 23 January 2021 : (Only shortlisted candidates will be notified) “a 1 Which of the following statements is true? A Itis a nine-to-five job. B Food and accommodation are provided. C The job requires you to babysit newborns. i 7 i has got a nod of PETALING . 5 — A nine-year-old Malaysian has ; ay ron ena National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) ee ove cia a “jevice that lets astronauts answer the call of nature inventin s i te wit ing off their spacesui : / . a ae led his Spacesuit Lunar Toilet invention during a webinag Bed iy’ wasn last Wednesday, where he explained the mechanics o: ed by ‘ i sie a snugly inside an astronaut‘s ule “ana works around 2 i i iquids, ja Peete pean ‘a vacuum to siphon away shy, Ligeia Fea. nctcoy uts to relieve themselves. snakdeusthetig| ec aaa require electric power to oP’ Y its. * Scanned with CamScanner Ro tion torn 5 4 Ak 2 Which of the following statements is true? has invented the needs kinetic -al power to function, € The device helps astronauts to communicate with others In space. You are invited to join our Charity Carnival! | Date March 2021 (Saturday) Venue MK Desa Aman field Time 10.00 a.m. - 5.00 p.m. Entry Fee : RM1O per person Hbloits Cupcake baking contest 4 Games and music Dancing and singing competitions _ sx Pizza-eating contest % Food and drinks stalls Alll proceeds will be donated to Sweet Home Orphanage. Contact Miss Beena at 011-111 2021 for more details. Come One, Come All! | " 3 Which of the following is true about the notice? A. The carnival is open to all people. B Admission is free for SMK Desa Aman students. € SMK Desa Aman is organising a fund-raising event for the school. The 3Rs of the Environment: wo Reduce the usage we Reuse if possible eo Recycle the wastage The purpose of the advertisement is A totell consumers to use eco-friendly products to reduce pollution, B to urge the public to plant more trees to conserve the environment. C toencourage people to practise 3Rs for a clean and green environment, 6 Scanned with CamScanner Bo english Form 5 SPA Model Test jo you like my new jacket, Reena? Not bad. It looks great on you. Where did you buy it? bought it at Royal Boutique. The price is L reasonable. It's only RM30. Why don't | would love to, but | don't have enough get one for yourself? money with me right now. | Teall That's very kind of you, Julia. I'll give back ks teens iCanllendN.culRM30p the money to you tomorrow. § The conversation between Julia and Reena shows that A Julia is not satisfied with her new jacket. B_Julia suggests Reena to buy the jacket from her. Julia offers Reena some money to buy a new jacket. I EAZY SUPERMARKET 121, Bandar Teknologi Kajang, 43500 Semenyih, Selangor Darul Ehsan. Stationery Bales and children’s clothing Ladies" handbags — 30% Ladies” shoes — 30% Men's T-shirts ~ 50% Men's shoes — 70% Kitchen appliances — 50% Hectrical goods — S0% 6 From the advertisement, we know that Eazy Supermarket A ishaving a year-end sale. B is offering discounts on food and beverages. ; C is encouraging people to shop around for the best bargain. 3 there are still places available on the Japan trip Anyone who is interested to 90, but hasnt’ booked yet se contact the travel agents office by Friday morning. 7 Which of the following statements is true about the notice? i he trip. A Ifyou book before Friday, you can go on t B There will be no places available if you book on Friday morn © Everyone who is going to Japan must go tothe travel agent's office 65 Scanned with CamScanner Rom tnglish tore 8 SPAE Most Test cn To joanne From + anita Subject: Rearrangement to Our Hiking Plan Hi Joanne, This coming Friday, 1 can't go hiking with you because I have to take care of my little brother. I'm available at the weekend but I prefer Saturday. Let me know what suits you best. EM aso oene i. 8 Which of the following is true? A. Anita would prefer to go hiking with Joanne on a weekday. B_ Anita wants to go hiking with Joanne on Saturday and Sunday. € Anita prefers to go hiking with Joanne on Saturday rather than on Sunday. Part2 Questions 9 to 18 Read the text below and choose the best word for each space. For each question, mark the correct letter A, B, CorD on your answer sheet. The Nazca Lines ‘The Nazca Lines (0) __are__ a series of large ancient geoglyphs in the Nazca Desert, in southern Peru. The largest figures are about 370 metre long. The area of the Peruvian desert (9) which the Nazca Lines were drawn is called the Pampa Colorada (Red Plain). It is 15 miles wide and runs some 37 miles parallel to the Andes and the Pacific Ocean. The desert is not sandy, but made (10) dark red surface stones and soil with lighter-coloured subsoil beneath. The lines were created by clearing away the darker upper layer to reveal the lighter subsoil. The (11) believe that the Nazca Lines were created by the Nazca culture about 2.000 years ago. (12) some of the lines can be dated to even earlier than that. There are more than 70 (13) designs, which include straight lines and geometric shapes as well as stylised depictions of animals, humans and plants. The figures include a monkey, a killer whale, a spider, a hummingbird and various flowers and trees. It seems incredible that such simply made drawings have (14) for so many hundreds of years, and some have seen a mysterious element to this. But there is also a (15) explanation: the surface is made of stone, not sand, and the climate of the area is such that there is practically no erosion Also, the region's (16) climate sees almost no rain or wind throughout the year. ‘The Nazca Lines are considered one of archaeology’s greatest (17) because no one knows how or why they were made. Some think they were drawn for astronomical purposes. Others think the lines were used for water-related religious ceremonies. Whatever the reason for the creation of the Nazca Lines in the Peruvian desert, ancient and skilled people collaborated to leave an impressive record for future generations. The Nazca Lines were (18)__a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1994. 66 Scanned with CamScanner _ 0 Ais ®are 9 Ain B on 10 A from B off 11 A geologists B sociologists 42. A Inaddition B Eventually 43 A homogeneous B equivalent 14 A survived B withstood 15 A swift B vague 16 A wet B arid 17 A discoveries B mysteries 18 A acknowledged B considered GBB toglish Form 5 SPM Model Test was D were C at D between c by D of € anthropologists D epidemiologists © However D Besides C distinctive D different © weathered D demolished € natural D artificial € tropical D temperate C creations D treasures C designated D named Part3 Questions 19 to 26 You are going to read an extract from a story. For questions 19 to 26, choose the correct answer (A, B, C orD) and mark the correct letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet. The drover, an ex-squatter, is away with sheep. His wife and children are left here alone. Four ragged, dried-up-looking children are playing about the house. Suddenly, one of them yells ‘Snake! Mother, here’s a snake!” The gaunt, sun-browned bushwoman dashes from the kitchen, snatches her baby from the ground, holds her on her left hip and reaches for astick, “Whereis it?” ‘Here! Gone into the wood-heap"’ yells the eldest boy - a sharp-faced, excited urchin of eleven. ‘stop there, mother! I'll have it. Stand back! I'll have it!” “Tommy, come here, or you'll be bitten. Come here at once when I tell you!” The youngster comes reluctantly, carrying a stick bigger than himself. Then he yells triumphantly, There it goes ~ under the house! and darts away with club uplifted. Atthe same time, the big, black, yellow-eyed dog-of-allbreeds, who has shown the wildest interest in the proceedings, breaks his chain and his nose reaches the crack in the slabs just as the end of its tail disappears Almost at the same moment, the boy's club comes doy and skins the aforesaid nose. Alligator takes small notice ofthis and proceeds to undermine the building; but he is subdued, after a struggle and chained up. They cannot afford to lose him. The drover’s wife makes the children stand together near the dog-house while she watches for the snake. She gets two small dishes of milk and oa sets them down near the wall to tempt it to come out; butan hour goes by, and it does not show itself. Itis near sunset, and a thunderstorm is coming. ‘The children must be brought inside. She will not take them into the house, for she knows the snake is there and may, at any moment, come up through the cracks in the rough, slab floor; so she carries several armfuls of firewood into the kitchen, and then takes the children there. The kitchen has no floor, or, rather, an earthen one ~ called a ‘ground floor’ in the centre of the place. She brings the children in and makes them get on this table. They are two boys and two girls ~ mere babies. She gives them some supper and then, before it gets dark, she goes into the house and snatches up some pillows and bed-clothes ~ expecting to see or lay her hand onthe snake at any minute. She makes a bed on the kitchen table for the children, and sits down beside itto watch all night. She has an eye on the corner anda green sapling lub laid in readiness on the dresser by her side; also her sewing basket and a copy of The Young ‘Ladies’ Journal. She has brought the dog into the room. ‘Tommy turns in under protest, but says he'll lie awake all night and smash that snake; he has his ‘dub with him under the bed-clothes. Near midnight, the children are all asleep and sshe sits there still, sewing and reading by turns. From time to time she glances round the floor and wall-plate and whenever she hears a noise, she Scanned with CamScanner ER tegiah For 8 SPM Mosel Test reaches for the stick. The thunderstorm comes on and the wind, rushing through the cracks in the slab wal, threatens to blow out her candle. She places: it ona sheltered part of the dresser and fixes up newspaper to protect it. At every flash of lightning, the cracks between the slabs gleam like polished silver. The thunder rolls and the rain comes down torrents. Alligator lies at full length on the floor, with his eyes turned towards the partition. She knows, by this, that the snake is there, There are large cracks in that wall, opening under the floor of the dwelling-house. She is not a coward, but recent events have she has not heard from her husband for six months and {s anxious about him. ; He was a drover and started squatting here when they were married. The drought ruined im He had te sacrifice the remnant of his flock and ids to move his family .0 droving again. He inten‘ a Ato the nearest town when he comes back; and in the meantime his brother, who lives along the main road, comes over about once a month with provisions. The wife has still a couple of cows, one horse and a few sheep. The brother-in-law kills one of the latter occasionally, gives her what she needs of it and takes the rest in return for other provisions. shattered her nerves. A little son of her brother in- law was lately bitten by a snake and died. Besides, Based on The Drover’s Wife by Henry Lawson 19 What do we learn about the drover's wife? A She herds cattle for a living. B She is very protective of her children. C She lives in the outback with her three children. D She lives ina pleasant and comfortable environment. 20 Why does the drover's wife order Tommy to go to her at once? A She wants to get the stick from her son. B She wants to catch the snake by herself. C Sheis petrified she will be bitten by the snake. D She is afraid of her son will be bitten by the snake. 21 The word triumphantly in line 18 means A loudly. B furiously. C frantically. D victoriously. 22 What does the drover's wife do after the snake has escaped? A She tries to poison the snake with some milk. B She tries to kill the snake with two dishes of milk. C She tries to tempt the snake out with two dishes of milk. D She tries to keep the snake away with two dishes of milk. 23 Why does the drover’s wife ask her children to sleep in the kitchen? A She wants her children to get a good night's sleep. B She knows that the snake may be hiding in the house, € She wants to cook and look after them at the same time, D She wants to create a warm and cosy sleeping space for them, 24 The drover's wife is feeling distressed because A she fears for her children's safety. B her husband has moved into the nearest town. € her husband has left her alone with the children. D her nephew has died from snakebites and there's no news from her husband, 68 Scanned with CamScanner ____E_E_E_ EE Bos tontish form 25 What do we learn about the drover? A He rears sheep for a living. B The monsoon season has ruined his life € He has left his wife and «1 hildren for good, D Hehas been away for the past six months, 26 How does the drover's brother help the family? A He visits the family once a month with provisions. B He sells the family's livestock to the abattoir € He occasionally buys the family's estock. D He offers financial support to the family, Part4 Questions 27 to 32 You are going to read an article about the Sky Mirror tour, ‘Sx sentences have been removed from the article. Choose from the ‘sentences A to H the one which fits each ich you do not need to use. Mark the correct answer (A ~ H), Get Perfect Reflections at ‘Sky Mirror Just off the Kuala Selangor coastline is a mysterious sondbank or‘slond! in the Straits of Malacca, which is Popularly known os Sky Mirror. But this is no ordinory island. It reflective qualities make it on ‘extremely popular spot for curious visitors. ‘ky Mirror is located near the Chinese fishing village called Kampung Sasaran, 27 Just as its name suggests, this unique beach is able to reflect the image of the sky. This reflective Phenomenon only heppens twice a month. 28[__] During these times, the water levels ae low enough for ‘helsland tobe revealed. at other times, the place i submerged in the water. 29 [| this is because o similar Paturol phenomenon can be observed in Bolivia's Salar De Uyuni, the world’s largest salt fot. 30 You can find plenty of hermit crabs, soldier crabs, bamboo clams, bailer shells, sand dollars and Conches. Remember not to touch them and just let them roam free. If you are lucky enough, you might even be able to catch a glimpse of pink dolphins during your boat trip. 31 This is because the place has become very popular and there is a limited time to experience the ‘minor. Tour packages would usually include speedboot rides to and from the jetty and Sky Mirror, which tokes oughly 30 minutes each way. Sky Mirror offers unique photo opportunitis If you are on a solo trip, you can always ask your "Our guide to help toke your pictures. Adapted from: The Star, March 2020 Scanned with CamScanner SGBo English Form 5 SPA Atodel Test Itis best for tourists to get a tour package if they want to visit Sky Mirror. The phenomenon of Sky Mirror has made it a perfect spot for amazing and creative photographs, ‘Therefore, remember to pack your best camera or camera phones along with you. ‘Sky Mirror attracts tourists and seasoned photographers to Its picturesque views. "oe w > The sandbank itself is home to a great variety of marine life. ™ ‘Sky mirror is also dubbed the Salar De Uyuni of Malaysia, Therefore, itis also sometimes referred to as Sasaran Beach. ° H_ Ithappens during the new moon and the full moon. Part 5 Questions 33 to 40 We interviewed six teenagers about what success means to them. Read the texts below and answer the ques that follow. ions In my opinion, success means leading a Successful lif ich i d fe, wi ivi ‘ h understanding and Pursuing one’s own path without chasing the ae aie en [gon ana ent ie would be kein five, ten and teen year eo es have | Boals and take persistent and consistent action every day so that Van ae eee F > ‘p i. el love forward and preventually achieve my dreams, | srongly believe that n, breaking big dreams inte saci i steps; Wescan create our own success story, Scanned with CamScanner CBO English Form 5 SPM Model Tes C- Dev Anand, 17 years old Ibelieve success is all about hard work and determination. Things don't come easy for me and | understand the fact that success does not happen overnight. I have to really study hard and put my heart and soul into whatever things that I do to achieve success. | know what | want and it doesn't matter whether it's going to come easy or not. What really matters is that I'm going to get it. | believe success is available to anyone. | don't think it is only available to those who are intelligent, rich and gifted with inborn talents. Nothing like that. It's what you are determined to do. Basically, success does not discriminate. It doesn’t have a preference besides hard work and dete ination. D—Helena Yeoh, 15 years old Success for me is about overcoming one’s obstacles in the journey called life. There's a famous quote by Booker Washington which goes, ‘I have learned not to measure a man by his success in life, but by the obstacles he has overcome while trying to succeed.’ For most people, success means the accomplishment of self-defined goals. But I think the real success is the hurdles and obstacles that you have overcome in order to achieve success. Challenges enable you to become a better person. ae Po E — Ahmad Marzuki, 16 mals old) j Success to me means creating an maintaining balance/in my life. It's important to work hard and accomplish your goals, but you must remember to take care of yourself — exercise, eat well, and spend time with friends, family and loved ‘ones, A balanced mind is a fran mind ee F - Savita Kaur, 17 years old ‘I'measure success by my ability to help people. The more people | can help, the more Successfull | consider myself to be. the help may be in the form of getting involved with Charity organisations, helping my neighbours to babysit their children or volunteering at the hospital in my neighbourhood. Scanned with CamScanner EB toys vor 8 SPN Neel Ta Questions 33 to 36 Which paragraph (A - F) describes the following personal meanings of success? Mark your answers on the answer sheet. Statements Paraprapel 33. Success means treating others v 34 Hard work and determination are the key to success. ' 3S Success means striking a balance in life. 36 The key to success is doing things that make you truly happy. Questions 37 to 40 Complete the notes below using information from the texts. Choose no more than one word from the texcs for each answer. What We Understand About Success + We should take small (37) in order to achieve success, * Success does not (38) itis available to anyone. * Success means doing things that you love (39) + Success is not about chasing the (40) of others. ee : Scanned with CamScanner

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