Mock Code Case Scenario

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Cardiac Arrest Mock Code Case Scenario

Scenario Cardiac Arrest

Estimated Scenario Time 10 minutes
Estimated Debriefing Time 20 minutes
Target Group All BLS Certified Staff members

Cognitive Skills Psychomotor Skills

Brief Summary
Mr. Poppy was noted to be lying in bed asleep. On further evaluation you noticed that Mr. Poppy is
cool to touch, and with cyanosis noted to mouth.

Vital Temp: HR: RR: O2 Sat: PCO2: Bld Sugar:

Signs: 95.8 0 0 0 22

Learning Objectives
 Rapid Patient Assessment
 Initiation of cardiac compressions
 Airway management
 Code 99 emergency response activation criteria

Correct Treatment Outline

Event List Meet Objective
Recognizes need to call for help and activate code 99 response  Y
(Activates within 30 seconds recognizing Cardiac Arrest)  N
Checks breathing and pulse  Y
(Minimum 5 seconds and no more than 10 seconds)  N
Initiates cardiac compressions  Y
(100-120 at least 2 inches deep)  N
Gives 2 breathes with a Bag-Valve-mask (BVM)  Y
(over 1 second each, watching chest rise)  N
2nd RN bring code cart & AED  Y
 N
Hooks up BVM to O2 tank and opens regulator to 10-15L O2  Y
 N
Continues cardiac compressions until backup arrives  Y
 N
2nd responder applies Zoll pads correctly  Y
 N
Analysis rhythm using analyze button and follows prompts  Y
(Clears patient if shock advise prior to delivering a shock)  N
Ensures compressions are resumed immediately  Y
 N
Able to operate suction Canister  Y
 N
Recognizes need to place IV access  Y
 N
Recognizes need to perform a blood glucose level  Y
 N
 Y
 N
 Y
 N
 Y
 N
 Y
 N
 Y
 N
Patient Description
Name Simmer Poppy
Weight 204 lbs
Height 6’ 2”
Gender Male
Background Pt. Mr. Poppy was admitted to the unit 1 week ago with c/o fatigue,
History of Present Complaint decreased appetite and depression.

Setting Psychiatric Unit

Patient Information
History: History of depression

Medications: Celexa 40mg daily

Allergies: NKDA


Equipment Checklist:
Equipment That Needs To Be Readily Available for The Scenario
 PPE (gowns, gloves, etc)  
 Stethoscope  
 Reference Material  
  
  
 BP Cuff  
 Thermometer  
 SPO2 Monitor and Probe  
 ECG Monitor/Defib/Pacer  
 Lab Reports  
 Physician Orders  
 Oxygen Source  
 Oxygen Delivery Adjunct  
 Suction  
 IV Start kit  
 Crash Cart  
  
Medications & IV Fluids
  
  
  
  
  

Preparation of the Simulator

Number and Roles of Participants

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